#''maybe it's this case but i just haven't been able to shake the feeling of DISRESPECT''
lvstrucks · 2 months
request: i love your writing i was wondering if i could make a lando request where jon puts lando on a sex ban/no cum rule until the start of the season for training much to your annoyance and landos trying to follow it but you’re trying your best to get him to give up
ty for requesting x
"It's for my performance, baby." Lando explains, rubbing a hand up and down your leg in an attempt to soften the news he'd just delivered.
"It's just not fair, Lan." you pout. "Did Jon even consider my feelings at all?"
"No," Lando giggles. "He didn't."
Aside from occasionally replacing his set diet meal with a takeaway after a long day, Lando took pride in how dedicated he was to his fitness and training schedule. Unfortunately, Jon's newest training regimen might be the one thing he wouldn't ve able to do. You certainly weren't going to make it easy for him.
"Hey, are you busy?" you asked quietly, popping your head around Lando's gaming room door. He shook his head, pushing one side of his headphones off and gesturing for you to come in.
"Never too busy for you." Lando said with a cheesy grin. You rolled your eyes sitting down on his lap and wrapping your arms around his thick neck.
"This looks nice on you." He murmured, fingers toying with the edge of your (his) latest Quadrant hoodie. There was nothing that got Lando going more than the sight of you in his clothes, except maybe you in his branded clothes.
You kept quiet, opting instead to reply by pressing open-mouthed kisses to his neck and below his ear.
"Y/N," he warned softly, trying to focus back on his game.
"Hmm?" you feigned innocence, continuing without a care in the world.
"We can't, baby. Jon will know. "
"What a pervert, it's not really any of his business when you really think about it." you counter, slipping one hand into his hoodie and raking it over his toned stomach.
Lando whined softly, leaning into your touch briefly before gently tipping you off his lap and putting his headphones back on.
You slam the front door behind you, kicking off your trainers in the hallway. Lando sits on the sofa and looks up, frowning as you sigh and flop down next to him.
"What's up, muppet?" He says, rubbing your knee and you almost flinch away from him.
"I...need you, Lando." you pout. "I'm ovulating and I'm all crazy and you haven't had sex with me in ten days."
Lando sighs too, wrapping his arm around you. "I'm sorry, honey." He says sweetly. "I can help you out though, Jon never said anything about that."
"It's not worth it for you, making your life harder for no reason." you say, shaking your head. "In case you can't help it and then the last ten days will have been for nothing and I might have to fling myself off a cliff."
You hop up from the sofa and as you pad down the hall you say breezily, "I'll just take a shower and sort myself out. Won't be long."
Lando's eyes bug out of his head and as soon as he hears the click of the bathroom door he's up, throwing on his trainers to head out for a last-minute run around Monaco. This next week might just kill him.
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webslingingslasher · 8 days
jbae!! if you're taking requests, can I ask for something with trouble comforting peter? maybe he's had a terrible week and loads of things pile up and he just collapses (maybe he even cries out of frustration cause I'm a sucker for that) and trouble just holds him to her chest and runs her hands through his hair 🥺 only if you want to though!! have a great day ily
*you always ask when peter knows he's in love with trouble...* (cleaning out my drafts)
peter's been m.i.a. all day.
rumor is he skipped class and slept past breakfast... and lunch. the unanswered texts you have string along with the theory. you were talking to peter last night so you don't think he's sick, at least not with a cold.
he'd been pulling back the last few days because he's been so busy. you haven't seen him in three days because of a test or a frat meeting or dinner with his aunt - in your opinion, he's spread a little too thin and you think that caught up to him today.
if peter can cut class and hang out at the frat house so can you. unsure if he's taking another nap. you're not risking a phone call that'll wake him and settle for a quiet entry with slow steps up the stairs before silently opening his door and sliding in.
peter's not asleep; he's awake and staring at his ceiling. he knows you're here but he can't bring himself to make believe happy. so he doesn't.
you softly shut his door and rest your back on it. 'do you have a case of the sads?' peter stays in his starfish position for way too long, you think he's building the courage to speak for the first time today. when he does, it's raspy and riddled with depression.
'i have a case of the sads.' even saying it makes him want to curl into a ball. it's times like this he wishes he was home and still small enough to crawl into his aunt's bed.
you've never seen peter this depleted, all spark in him has fizzled. 'do you want to cuddle?' you don't need to ask what's wrong, you already know. and you're getting the feeling he really just wants silent company.
peter sits up to open the space next to him, he's not moving until you're settled because he's about to rest his entire weight on you. the second you steal his spot, he lays on top and buries his face into you while you warmly accept the pressure.
peter only hides in you like this when he's sick or really tired. you don't say anything while you gently tuck a curl behind his ear, you lightly smile and graze the outer edge with your finger- a small twitch tells you he doesn't like it.
normally, you'd double down. today, he needs nice.
'you have cute ears.' it's barely above a whisper, 'i should see them more often.' peter doesn't respond, you didn't need him to.
it's a peaceful quiet, you think it's nice just being in peter's presence sometimes. you keep dragging your hand up and down his back, you're trying to tell him he's okay with your touch. your other combs through his hair over and over, you think he might be falling asleep and you gladly welcome it.
you're not sure how peter's breathing he's tucked into your chest so tight, but as long as he's able to you won't complain. you start to trace little squares over his skin while slightly zoning out on a bird on his balcony collecting what looks like twigs from the overhanging tree.
your shirt feels like it's clinging to you, peter's washing his hot breath into it. you change your shapes to squiggles. the bird hops around, another twig is scooped up. you glance down at your chest and stop your hands.
it's not just choked breath.
'are you crying?'
the floodgates burst.
peter digs into you, holding you so tight you almost wheeze. his shoulders shake as he sobs into you, your heart shatters as he breaks down. peter's never cried in front of you and it's fucking terrible to see.
you don't know what to do, you just act on instinct and try to wrap your arms around him like he always does to you. it always makes you feel protected and secure, it makes you feel like peter's a safe place and nothing can hurt you in his hold.
'you're okay, petey.' you're saying it for the both of you. 'you're okay.' peter thrashes his head back and forth, he doesn't agree. you steady him and say it again. 'you're okay, i promise you're okay.'
it's a little weak because you don't feel like you're fixing much but it always helps when peter says it.
'i'm here. you're gonna be okay because i'm here.' you hear a trumpet in your mind when peter crawls further up to tuck his head under your chin. it's working, you're doing good.
peter's never cried in front of a girl before. his aunt doesn't count and neither does- he doesn't let his mind go there, he's already spirling hard enough.
but you're warm and soft and really fucking loving and it's making him cry harder because it's all he wanted today and you showed up with an abundance of it.
you're crushed at the sound, if you could suffocate the sad out of him you would've already done it. 'please don't throw yourself into a panic attack.' he wasn't going to, but now that you said it he thinks he's approaching that territory quickly.
you can sense it too. you press him closer and breathe deep, his head sinks with your chest. 'do one with me.' it's weak and followed by a cough.
'one more.' he mimics you, it's better this time. peter does the third on his own, you praise him with a back rub. 'see? you're okay.' the smallest of nods, a short stutter of breath and he's sniffling to hold more in.
'let it out. you broke yourself to get to this point, let it out.' it's another wave but it's not as brutal, it's bordering on the verge of pitiful. 'you're not allowed to do this to yourself anymore, peter. i didn't say anything but next time i will. you can't stretch yourself like this, it isn't healthy.'
'i'm sorry.' he doesn't know if he's sorry for crying or for making you care this much. it's a blanket statement, he thinks. you won't let it be one. 'don't you dare say sorry. there's nothing to be sorry about.'
peter can't fathom why, but he almost spews out an i love you and it terrifies him. he feels it in his chest, there's a level of care and affection you're giving him that he's never had before. if he knew he was dying, he'd do it right here in your arms.
peter's never felt safe in another person's hold before. you'd protect him at all costs, even from himself and you just proved it. he needs to see you, he needs to see the face he calls home. he needs you to smile softly at him like he's your world because he promises this time he'd do the same.
you do exactly what he wishes and he feels a pang to his heart when you lightly wipe under his cheeks. 'are you all cried out? if not i'll bully you into more.' god, he wants to swarm you with a thousand kisses.
'i'm okay now.' he hovers over you, an arm on each side of your head. you accept a tiny kiss where your neck and collarbone meet, it's a delicate marking. 'good, you needed it. you also need to eat, and please tell me you had some water today. i'll make you anything you want, or i'll buy you dinner- anything you want, you deserve good things when you have a case of the sads.'
you don't recognize the look on peter's face but it makes you a little self-conscious, you might be a tad overbearing. 'why are you looking at me like that? am i being a little over the top?'
he's still wearing it. 'not at all.' you feel good about it, you're sticking to your guns about standing up to him if you need to. 'okay, good, because even if you said i was, i wouldn't care. i know you're mr. big strong tough man but i swear you need someone to check you sometimes because you get-'
'i really need to kiss you right now.'
you stop yourself and blink at his words. 'oh.' your cheeks feel warm, you nod one time before peter's pressing his bottom lip to your top one and lowering himself until his chest brushes yours.
it's a different kind of kiss, there's nothing behind it except just wanting to do exactly as he said. a cluster of pecks before he pulls back to look at you, you can't place what he's thinking.
'what?' peter shakes his head before going in for another, after the third time he'd failed to remove himself from you, you stop him. 'i don't care how many times you kiss me, mister. you're not getting anything until i see you eat something.'
funny. your request just makes him want to kiss you more. 
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lunicho · 5 months
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kiss ban - lee sohee
synopsis - sohee's been sick for a while and you haven't been able to come over to help him. so when you finally do he just missed you so much. (2.1k words)
warnings - subby sohee, gn reader, handjob, oral (m receiving), not proofread
a/n - idk if the actual smut part is any good cuz i refuse to read it,, also this is for @kissohee (i'll write u smth better in the future!)
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the dimly lit apartment was quiet and cold, almost eerie as you walked in. you shuffled through the door trying not to drop the bags that you were struggling to bring in with you. it was a pretty cloudy day and none of the curtains had been opened in the stuffy home. you frowned at this, remembering your poor sick and probably cold boyfriend. you dropped the bags off by the wide open door, rushing to push the curtains aside and crack open a widow or two.
“babe? are you awake?” you hustled through the apartment, trying to get to your boyfriend's side as quickly as possible. you nudged the door closed, overlooking the house and taking note of the dishes that need to be done and the counters that need to be wiped down. a quiet groan came from the other room, indicating that your boyfriend was awake.
sohee had been out for a few days, his sickness keeping him in bed for a while. at first he told you he was okay and that you didn't need to come by but him being sick still worried you.
you grabbed your overnight duffel and the bags from the store and headed to sohee's bedroom. you quietly pushed the door open and placed the bags on the end of the bed.
sohee rolled over slowly, his movements sluggish. “hey baby,” you moved to his side, caressing his face as he looked up at you cutely. “you're burning up!” you shouted with a hushed voice, in case sohee had a headache.
he smiled dumbly, his entire body feeling weak, “i'm okay y/n, just some fatigue.” you frowned once again, standing to help sohee sit up.
“anyone can tell you're congested, you have a fever too!” you supported his body in your grasp, sticking a hand down the neck of his shirt to feel how hot his body is.
“i promise i'm okay!” sohee sounded anything but convincing, the rasp not subsiding in his voice. you smiled at his poor attempts to convince you he wasn't sick, his hazy expression giving it away.
“maybe a bath will help, yeah i think a bath will help.” you laid him back down, caressing his face once more as you spoke out loud to yourself.
sohee was really out of it, he's just tired, fatigued, and hot. “if you think i'm so sick then you should kiss me better.” the boy flashed you another dumb smile.
you chuckled along with the shake of your head, “no sohee, i can't get sick too. who will take care of us?” he shrugged his shoulders to the best of his ability, not really caring.
“what if i die? then what? you'll just have to live with the fact that you didn't kiss me one more time.” sohee was gaining back a little energy which had you relieved.
“baby you won't die, i'm not gonna let that happen.” with that you went into the bathroom, starting the water for your boyfriend.
“just one kiss y/n? promise it'll make me feel so much better.” sohee was sat up on his own when you came back into the room, he's really hellbent on this kiss.
“in a few days, i'll kiss you all over that pretty face, promise.” you smile at him, leaning in the place a kiss on his forehead. “thought you were gonna kiss my lips, you played me.” you could hear the frown on his lips.
“sorry baby, you'll just have to get better super quick, lets get you in the bath.” you helped him get up and you walked to the bathroom with him leaning into you the whole time. he snuggled into you, loving the closeness of your bodies.
you're doing everything for sohee, just wanting him to feel better. you even help him out of his clothes, pulling his shirt over his head. “go on, get in. tell me if you need anything, im gonna go wash your sheets and clean the kitchen up. i brought some food for you too so you can eat once you're out.
sohee's heart felt complete, he loved that you took care of him like this. “thank you y/n, i'll get better so fast so we can make out and stuff.” you laughed at this, ruffling sohee’s hair before leaving.
you clean up as quickly as possible, popping into the bathroom every once in a while to check on sohee. the house had warmed up and the dirty counters were no longer driving you crazy.
the bathroom door creaked open and out came sohee in his cozy pajamas. his body didn't look as fatigued anymore. a grin came across your lips when you looked into his pretty eyes, “you feeling okay?”
he nodded and walked towards you, still drying off his hair with the towel in his hand. you instinctively lean into kiss him but noticing him puckering his lips made you snap out of it. you lean back, dodging the kiss.
“not this again! you're really not gonna kiss me?” it hurt his feelings seeing you dodge him but you're serious about not wanting to get sick, you had too much to do.
“i want to so bad, trust me but your voice is all yucky and stuff.” you try to hold in a laugh when you see the offended expression on the boys face. “i'm sorry! i'm seriously gonna make it up to you when you're better, you'll never forget it!”
he whines in response, his toothy smile never leaving his face. you move over to the couch with him, finally sitting, “i cleaned everything for you, the dishes, the counter, and your sheets are clean now. the bedding is just drying right now.” he nods, admiring your features as he listens.
“you're so pretty, love when you take care of me.” he grabs hold of you, pulling you in for a hug. you snuggle into him, noticing that his body wasn't hot anymore.
“you mean you love when i act like your maid?” he scoffs at your joke, “it's a fair trade, who babysits you when you're drunk at parties?” you look up at him and roll your eyes, “you, but that's just because you're a good boyfriend.” he smiles, “and you a good girlfriend, one i would really love to kiss.”
he honestly looks so good right now, his feverish blush not yet leaving his cheeks. he was dressed simply, just some loungewear you picked out for him but he looked good in anything.
you sit up and kiss his cheek, then his forehead, “i still won't kiss your lips.” he rolled his eyes and used his pointer finger and hooked it under your chin, placing a kiss right by your mouth.
you laughed along with him, placing more kisses on his face. you trailed down to his neck, nibbling the skin there. “you look so good right now.” you mutter against his neck when his arms wrap around you, pulling you onto his lap.
sohee sighs contently, hands resting on your hips and lower back. you could feel him getting hard against your clothed warmth. you hum against his neck, sitting back to look at his face, “always so quick to get hard..”
you put your weight down on his lap, feeling his hand tighten on your hip. “wish i could kiss you, i'd swallow all your little noises.” sohee whines at this, his head falling back against the couch. he looked at you through hooded eyes, the feeling of your warmth on him being almost too much.
the rasp in his voice was especially present when he whined, making you caress his face lovingly. you didn't want to do too much to him and make his voice worse or make his head hurt.
“so whiny, my little prince.” you grind your hips down on his length, the strangled noise that he let out making you smile. it never takes much to get sohee going, he's easy to get riled up and even quicker to get begging.
“please make me feel good, not kissing you hurts bad enough.” there's genuine sadness in his eyes as he speaks, poor thing. you return the expression, nodding at him slowly. .
“how are you feeling though? headache? throat pain?” you want to be sure this isn't going to be torturous, no matter how much he reassures you he's okay, you're still worried.
“the only pain im feeling is in my pants right about now.” he points down, both of you looking towards the bulge in his pants.
you smile, your hips grinding down on him again. sohee sucks in a breath, getting more desperate, “missed you so much, i was dying here by myself.”
you'd missed him too, you weren't able to come and spend everyday with him since you were busy. the moment you got the chance to come over you ran to his side. “sorry i wasn't able to come sooner, it's been a busy week.”
you climb off of his lap, returning to your original spot right beside him. your hand found it's way to sohee's crotch, gently palming him through his pants.
his body shudders when he speaks, “i-it's okay, you're here now, that's all that matters.” he lifted his hips against your hand, wanting you to touch him more. he snakes an arm around your waist as well, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
you curl up next to him, one arm around his shoulder while the other traces the print of his erection. “pull your pants down, let me see your pretty cock.” he's obedient, immediately reacting to the demand.
you run your nails up and down his thighs, watching precum leak from his twitching length. he's so pretty like this, desperate and leaking. you watch in amazement as you grab his length in your hand.
“fits so perfect in my grasp..” it was almost like sohee was crafted perfectly for you. your hand tugs at his length gently, sohee whines out softly, his lip getting caught between his teeth. you pump him in your hand steadily, not wanting to keep him waiting too long. his hand slightly moves under his shirt, his hands gripping his stomach gently, this was a habit you noticed he had.
you lifted your other hand to sohee’s head, feeling his hair as you brushed your fingers through it. he leaned into your touch, loving the feeling of your fingers on his scalp. he shivered lightly when your nails gently scratched in his hair.
you picked up your pace a little, focusing more on the tip of his cock. small whines and mewls fall from the boys lips, his grip tightening on your waist.
you could tell he was getting close from the sound of his moans and the way he gripped you tighter. sohee grunts, his hips stiffening slightly, “w-wanna finish in your mouth.. please..” his voice has a whiny pitch to it, desperation leaking off his tongue.
you drop down to your knees, slowing down your pace on his cock. you stare up at him, smiling when he looks down at you through his eyelashes.
sohee loves your mouth and anything to do with it, he loves kissing you, feeling your tongue in his mouth, and feeling your mouth on his cock.
you lick a long stripe up his length, watching him shudder at the feeling. you take his full length into your mouth, your head bobbing up and down. he moans at this, his hands making their way into his own hair.
he always gets so desperate that he thrusts into your mouth and today was no different. his hips thrusted up into you, his length brushing against the back of your throat.
you stopped moving your head, letting sohee use your mouth so he could make himself cum. “s-so close..” he continued his movements until his cock was twitching, indicating that he was about to cum.
his hips stilled, his orgasm washing over him. you bobbed your head again gently, feeling his cum shoot into your mouth. you swallow his seed, stroking him through the rest of his orgasm, his moans filling your ears.
you look up at him again, your hand still gently stroking his length as you move to sit next to him. “feel better?” sohee's eyes are shut as you speak to him, his breathing still heavy.
he nods, opening his eyes and gazing at you with loving eyes. “good, i'm gonna go check on the sheets so we can cuddle in bed until you get get all the way better.”
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Can we have a Hobie x reader where the reader doesn’t want to kiss him because they have sharp teeth and doesn’t want to cut him or anything
Thank you for requesting, hun! I hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x shy! gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x shy! gn! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Synopsis: 3 times you didn't kiss him properly and the one time you did.
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, blood mention, FLUFF
You've been dating Hobie for quite some time now, went on numerous dates, but there's one thing you haven't done yet, and it's probably the most important part of cementing your relationship, and it's kissing him, for real, not like a quick peck.
It's not like you don't want to, (you really want to) it's just you're too afraid of accidentally cutting him with your sharp canines, you were born with them, the only thing for you to blame is your genetics.
Sure it looks cool, but when it comes to finally showing your affection to someone, you avoid kissing deeply, opting for a quick peck on the cheek or a tight-lipped kiss.
You're grateful for Hobie, he's been oh so patient with you, you haven't told him about your predicament, afraid of his reaction. Maybe you should tell him, as he's dropping you off on your doorstep, fingers looped through your necklace, casually flirting with you.
"The movie was great and all, but it's still a giant advertisement" he caresses the chain, eyes glued to your lips. Your face heats up at the closeness.
"Y-yeah, but I liked the ending, it subverted my expectation" you try to act nonchalantly, but the lilt in your voice betrays you, your knuckles shake as you're clutching on to your bag a little too harshly.
"Mm-hm" Agreeing with you, Hobie notices you take a peek at his lips, your eyes quickly darting back to his forehead, clearly avoiding eye contact. He figures you're too shy to lean in, but you want to, so instead he initiates, slowly leaning towards you, just in case you want to stop him.
You beat him to it, darting your face quickly towards the side of his face, you peck him on the cheek, careful not to graze him with your sharp teeth.
"Goodnight! I'll call you,okay?" You say it too fast, opening your apartment door, stepping through it "only if you want to?" You turn back to him.
Hobie doesn't look too disappointed, he looks at you with endearment, eyes softening at your shyness.
" 'Course" He smirks, raising your bashfulness level up to a hundred "I still owe you that museum date you wanted" Hobie remembers your conversation a few days ago.
Your legs turn to jelly, holding on to the wall for support, "okay" you can only manage a meek reply, oh you're a goner.
"Later, sweets" Hobie winks at you, walking backwards, eyes glued to your form.
"Okay" you softly say, god, how is he this cool? You thought, gripping on to the doorknob for support, you wave goodbye, watching his smirk get bigger.
"Did you see that?!" Hobie jumps down from the stage, post show sweat clings to him. He runs towards you, hugging you, your feet lifting a few inches off the ground. "Love, did you see that?!"
"Yes! You were amazing!" For a second it's just you and Hobie, no crowd screaming for an encore, no nosy stares from strangers. You hug his neck tighter, nuzzling the crook of his neck.
Hobie puts you back down, cupping your jaw, it's now or never, he leans towards your lips, your eyes widening, but you really want to kiss him, he looks so good like this, happy and passionate, it wouldn't hurt to brush your lips against his, right?
You position your lips, closing them tightly so your teeth wouldn't accidentally poke him. Hobie crashes his lips to yours, but he feels you're not as eager as him, so he settles for a quick one.
He clearly doesn't care though, Hobie feels giddy, finally able to kiss you, he thinks you deserve a proper one, maybe when you're as eager as him. He bounces on the balls of his feet, unable to stay still.
You hold on to his waist, feeling dizzy with affection, you just wanna grab his face and kiss him deeply, but alas your insecurity wins this round.
You wipe at the bead of sweat on his forehead, careful of his piercings "you were truly amazing" your eyes are practically shapes like hearts as you look at his proud grin.
You're cooking in your modest kitchen, the savory smell wafting through Hobie's nose, he's been helping with setting up the table, since he insisted on coming in early.
"Where's the bowls at?" he searches your bottom cabinets.
"Here" you point at the top cabinet, conveniently placed just on top of the stove, and above your head.
"Excuse me, lovey" Hobie shields your head with his hand, his big hands covering the top of your head, so that the swinging cabinet doors wouldn't hit you.
"Oh thanks–" you pause, finding his face really close to yours. Oh shit
Warmth clings to your cheeks, breath hitching in your throat. He has no idea the effects he has on you (he definitely does though)
His eyes land on your lips, you squeak out, fumbling with an excuse "ah, gotta turn this over before it burns" quickly turning your head back towards the stove.
Hobie's left confused standing at your side, holding on to your bowls. Do you not want to kiss him or something? This wasn't the first time you turned away from him, do you not fancy him anymore? So what is it?
Instead of asking you these questions, he turns away, feeling dejected.
"Right" he clears his throat. You feel the shift in the air, you read his slumped posture, how his face is hiding (and failing) to hide his true emotion.
You breathe out, you can't continue to tiptoe around him, you need to tell him, especially when you see yourself loving him (in the very near future) call yourself crazy, but you see him loving you too.
You shut off the stove, reaching out towards the sleeve of his jumper. "Hobie, wait"
He turns towards you, questions swimming in his eyes.
You bite the bullet, (hopefully not his lips too) you cup his face gently, staring directly into his eyes, you wait for him to say yes. Hobie doesn't hesitate, he pulls you towards him by your waist, closing the small gap.
You brush your lips against his tentatively, he answers back by placing his lips against yours, unmoving, waiting for your next move. You close your eyes, finally deepening the kiss.
He chuckles softly at your eagerness, your lips move with his, Hobie feels your exposed skin on your hips where your shirt has ridden up, he stops his thumb right on the small of your back making small circles over the soft skin.
You completely lose yourself, Hobie gasps out when a sharp sting hits his lip. You quickly pull away "shit" you watch in horror as he touches his lips, leaving a drop of blood on his finger.
You push yourself off him, "oh fuck, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to"
"That was fuckin' hot" Hobie grabs your waist, pulling you back in.
"But–" you manage to gasp out before he collides his lips to yours. He holds the back of your head, you hold on to his jumper with a grip.
He kisses you most fervently, but you hold back, afraid to hurt him again.
Hobie reluctantly stops, "don't hold back" he whispers against your lips.
"But my teeth, I don't want to hurt you again"
"I can handle a little blood, is that why you avoided kissing me?"
"Yeah" you confess, eyes darting everywhere but his face.
"You're fucking adorable, did you know that?" He holds your chin, getting your attention "can I kiss you again?"
"You're really okay with it?"
"I'm more than okay with it," Hobie chuckles deeply.
You smile, a heavy weight lifting off your shoulders, "kiss?" You sigh out, great, he's given you a taste and now you're addicted. Good thing the cure's right in front of you, and he's more than willing to give it to you.
"Can't say no to that" he leans in, twin smiles on both of your lips.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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Every Inch of You
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: reader is fighting demons (insecurities), very specific descrpitions of body image related insecurities- like the reader is literally picking herself apart in a mirror, hella praise, body worship, fingering, edging, multiple orgasms, creampie, cockwarming, pseudo voyeurism/exhibitionism (he fucks her in front of a mirror idk) I think that's everything
Genre: starts off pretty angsty, we transition to smut and end with fluff!
Summary: Insecurities can be quite rough on you but your boyfriend has no intentions of letting you go through it alone
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You frown at your reflection as you stare at yourself in the mirror. Today has been a rough day. Nothing in particular happened. You went to work, you ran some errands, you did normal daily things, but for some reason you've been in such a weird mood and now you're stuck in a vortex, picking apart yourself apart in the fucking mirror. You really ought to go to the gym more often, or- stop snacking at night, have your pores always been so noticeable? Since when do you have so many stretch marks? You can't see your toes over your stomach- god that's embarrassing. You let out a long sigh as you bite back the tears stinging the back of your eyes. You hate this. It doesn't usually get this bad and the worst part is you know it's not real, you know you're not some hideous monster but it doesn't stop that nasty voice in your head from warping your perception some days and when that happens nothing you say to yourself changes it. But man does it suck, because most of the time you have all the confidence in the world, you've worked very hard on it. Days like this make it feel like you're still some lost little kid desperate to find your place in the world with no sense of self. You should just walk away. If you can't see yourself, you can't pick your appearance apart. But your feet feel glued to the floor, as if they can't remember how to move, as if it's the most impossible task you've ever been given.
"Alright that's enough. You'll lose your mind standing here." You tell yourself, shaking your head in hopes of getting out of this dreary mood. You finally step away from the mirror and head to your closet to put on some clothes post shower. You throw on a hoodie and some shorts and leave your room.
"Babe?!" You hear as you walk down the hall. Sounds like your boyfriend's back.
"Hey love, welcome home." You meet him by the door and he kisses you on the cheek.
"Hope you haven't made dinner yet beautiful because I brought take out." Luke tells you holding up the bag with an excited grin.
"Take out's good. You wanna shower first or dive straight in?" You ask him.
"Would you mind terribly if I showered first?"
"Not at all. Go ahead." You take the food from him and nod your head towards the bathroom.
"I'll be quick!" He kisses you once more and jogs down the hall. You set the food on the living room table and watch TV while waiting for Luke. You hope you're able to keep it together for the few hours you'll be spending with Luke before bed. Considering its a weekday, you don't have to keep the mask up for that long. True to his word, Luke is quick to return, maybe 15 minutes pass by the time he plops down next to you on the couch. "Alright! Let's eat!" He announces, opening the takeout bag. He hands you your food before digging into his own.
"How was work today?" You ask him.
"Fine, tedious. Was mostly doing paperwork today." He shrugs. "How was your day cupcake?"
"Work was work and then I ran some errands. No fun stories here unfortunately. How's everyone?"
"Well, Spencer was giving a guest lecture today so he wasn't around since we didn't have an actual case. Garcia was telling me about some woman that seems to have his attention at the uni though."
"Is Pen keeping tabs on Spencer at the college? He'll literally hate that when he finds out." You frown.
"That's what I told her but you know how she can be. Especially with how sometimes things- go wrong when we meet new people."
"I mean if she's just a coworker, Penelope's getting ahead of herself don't you think? He probably hasn't even made a move on her." You say.
"He hasn't. You're right but it's not like she can be stopped." Luke chuckles.
"Yeah I guess so." You hum.
"Alright, what's wrong, princess?" Luke frowns.
"What do you mean?"
"You've barely touched your food. Did you think I wasn't gonna notice you've only been picking at it? Do you not like it? Do you want to eat something else?"
"No it, it's fine, I just- I'm honestly not all that hungry I guess." You sigh.
"What do you mean you're not all that hungry? What've you eaten today?"
"A bagel for breakfast and a salad for lunch." You shrug. Luke checks the clock in your living room.
"Lunch was 8 hours ago, all you had was a bowl of rabbit food and you expect me to accept that you don't want to eat your favorite food? Come on, spill it baby what's going on with you?"
"Nothing's going on. I dunno I just- feel weird." You mutter, avoiding his gaze. Dating a profiler is so irritating sometimes, can't he just ignore your body language for once?
"Weird how?"
"We don't, have to do this. It's not a big deal babe." You mumble.
"You're not eating y/n it is absolutely a big deal."
"Luke-" you sigh.
"Don't 'Luke' me, what's going on?" He frowns.
"I'd really rather not discuss anything there's no need, seriously."
"Baby, don't shut me out. You can't shut me out. We're in this together, always. You've gotta tell me what's going on in your head." He caresses your cheek gently. You sigh, unable to justify holding out on him when he speaks so softly, with such care.
"I've just been having a bad mental day. Nothing's happened, but I, just feel uncomfortable in my body, and it's hard to deal with let alone talk about." You say, tears burning behind your eyes again.
"Baby," he says, concern contorting his features.
"It's fine, I'll get over it. Today's just been a rough one. It happens. Sometimes my insecurities flare up out of nowhere but that's life, I don't want you to worry." You shake your head.
"Do you know me at all princess?"
"My baby, my darling, the love of my life, my reason for being, is stuck in her own head hating her body, the body I live to worship, the body I can't get enough of and you want me to simply 'not worry about it'? That ain't happening." He stands up.
"Luke." You grumble as he grabs your hands.
"No no no no, no complaining, up you go." He pulls you off the couch and lifts you into his arms.
"Ah! Luke what are you doing?" You ask, throwing your hands around his neck as he princess carries you down the hall.
"Well if that nasty little voice in your head wants to lie to you, I'll simply have to remind you myself of all the reasons ever inch of you is perfect." He says matter-of-factly.
"I do not like the sound of that." You tell him.
"And I don't like the sound of you feeling uncomfortable with yourself." Luke shrugs.
"Well that's not-" You stop yourself with a sigh, not even sure what your comeback would be. In your bedroom, Luke carefully lowers you to the ground in front of the mirror with your back facing him.
"I want to help you to see yourself the way that I do." He says softly. He kisses your neck lightly and gently lifts your gaze to meet his in the reflection. "Ask me how I see you." His fingers brush against your thighs as he speaks.
"How do you see me?" You whisper hesitantly. You're not sure you even want to know, but his lips against your throat and his hands on your skin are rather persuasive.
"You, mi amor, are the sun at the center of my universe, if ever I was asked to describe perfection I would simply describe you." Luke slides his hands up under your hoodie caressing your skin.
"Luke." Your brow furrows. This can't possibly be sexy for him, he's only touching your stomach to comfort you, he'd probably prefer it if-
"Relax baby." Luke whispers. You didn't even realize you'd sucked your stomach in against his touch unconsciously, as if you could hide from him your size. You slowly untense your muscles, cringing at the way you fill his large hands. "I'm going to take this off of you, is that alright baby?" He asks.
"Well," can you really handle looking at yourself again?
"You can say no if you want princess, but I need you to stay with me."
"I'm not going anywhere." You say.
"Physically maybe, but I can see your mind wandering off." He kisses your temple. "Don't go."
"You can take it off." You whisper. Luke tugs the hoodie over your head not a moment later, tossing it somewhere in the room, out of sight. He lets out a sigh as his eyes trail over your body through the reflection. You can still feel the heat of his gaze in the mirror and weirdly enough it feels undeserved. He looks at you like that all the time but, tonight you just can't understand what would make him look at you with such want.
"God, you're gorgeous." He sighs placing his hands on your hips again. Luke places kisses on your shoulder. "Your skin is so soft, I can never get enough of touching you, kissing you, holding you." He says. He slides his hands up your sides to cup your breasts. "So perfect, I love the weight of your tits in my hands." His thumbs stroke over your nipples and the light stimulation makes your breath catch in your throat. He twists and tugs at your nipples, enjoying the little whimpers you let out. "You make the prettiest noises when I touch you baby."
"Luke-" you whine, your head lolling against his shoulder.
"Uh uh, head up princess, you've gotta watch. Watch me touch you, worship you, and watch how your body reacts to me, see for yourself how captivating you look." Luke gently shrugs his shoulder to push your head forward. You force your eyes to focus back on your reflections in the mirror, the sight of his hands kneading your breasts with rough fingers toying with your nipples to create hardened peaks only serves to make you squirm more against him. He keeps at it until your breathing is heavy, then one hand slides down, pausing to rub your tummy, "You may not believe me but this, I love this. Growing up it meant you were eating well, taken care of. And I like to think I take good care of you. I want it to show." He says kissing your neck. "Plus it's excellent for cuddles." He winks with a smile that makes you giggle. "I like that sound even more than your little whimpers, but I'm about to get a lot more of those." Luke's hand continues down, pushing your shorts down enough for you to kick them off. His hand caresses your thigh.
"You're teasing." You pout.
"You look cute when you pout." He chuckles. "But I'll be nice." His voice drops as he slips two fingers between your folds. You arch you back against his touch as his digits toy with your cunt. Luke knows your body maybe better than you do and his hand makes quick work of bringing you to the edge. Your head tips back again, instinctively and his movements slow when he catches it. The sudden change drags your gaze to his in the mirror, a silent question in your eyes when you whine. "If you want to cum pretty girl you have to watch yourself do it."
"No buts, keep your eyes open and on the mirror." He says stroking you faster now that your attention is back on your reflection. Again when you feel your orgasm creeping up your spine your head drifts back and again Luke slows his hand almost to a stop.
"No!" You cry out as your release slips away.
"I already told you princess, your eyes have to stay on your reflection." He says waiting for your breathing to calm slightly before his fingers work you again. This time, you manage to keep your head forward, but your eyes still slide closed from the pleasure. Unfortunately for you your boyfriend is very observant and closed eyes still break the rule, so his fingers slow again.
"Fffffffffffffuck me." You grit out, frustrated from his edging game.
"I'll keep doing this until you get it right mi amor. Keep your eyes open." He says beginning again. This time, you steel yourself. You don't think you can handle another denial. The signs of release return quickly with his hands on you and though your lids desperately want to close you keep them open even as they threaten roll back in bliss as you finally cum with a breathy moan. "That's it, so fucking stunning." Luke says as he strokes you through the aftershocks. Your legs are still shaking and your chest is still heaving when Luke lifts you again. "I'm not finished with you yet, but this next bit will be easier in the bathroom. So you have something to hold onto." He says carrying you into the bathroom. He sets you down facing the large mirror over the sink. "I'd do this in the bedroom but you won't be able to see yourself if I fuck you right up against the mirror." Luke says in your ear and the words send a shiver down your spine. "Place your hands on the mirror sweetheart. Let me show you how badly I crave every inch of you." He says with a hand stroking your ass. You lean forward enough for your warm hands to touch the cool glass. Your eyes follow Luke's in the mirror as they trail over your skin hungrily while he frees himself from his sweatpants. He wastes no time sinking into you with a groan and though he gave no warning you moan at the stretch of him filling you. The look on his face as he settles into your heat can only be described as euphoric and it's one you could never get tired of seeing on him. After a moment his eyes peel open again and catch yours in the reflection. He gives you a smirk before his hands tighten against your hips and he sets a rhythm that explains why you needed something to hold onto. His thrusts are harsh and deep and have moans spilling uncontrollably from your lips. Luke's eyes are locked on yours in the mirror as he fucks you. "God you're beautiful, perfect, you've got the- prettiest eyes that sparkle when you laugh, and look so good rolling back when I make you cum." He hums.
"Oh Luke." You moan part of that was sweet, part if it made your walls clench around his dick.
"You're perfectly soft for hugging or cuddling and it doesn't hurt that I have plenty to hold onto when I wanna fuck you stupid." Luke says and if he weren't currently doing just that you might've laughed at his words, but the moaning makes it hard. "If I could spend all my days wrapped in your arms, buried in your heat- you have no idea how quickly I'd do it." You can feel your cheeks heating up from his, mostly, sweet words, so contrasting from the way he's railing you. "God I love you so much." He groans.
"I- I love you too Luke, more than- more than you know." You pant out.
"Fuck I'm close." He grits out. One of his hands wraps around your waist and finds your clit. It doesn't take much, a few well focused circles of your sensitive bundle of nerves and you're shaking as your orgasm hits, your walls clamping down so tightly around Luke's dick it pulls his orgasm from him too. His hips stop flush against yours as hot spurts flood your inner walls. You practically slump against the bathroom counter as the waves of your release die down. You're not quite sure how he manages but Luke turns you around and lifts you in his arms again somehow without fully pulling out of you. He walks you both over to the bed and lays down with you on top of him, soft dick still buried in your heat. Luke lifts your head from his chest to get your attention.
"I love every part of you with all that I am." He says.
"Thank you. I love you too." You say softly.
"I know insecurities are no easy battle but, yours is a body the Greeks would build statues for. It pains me that you see yourself as less than idolized."
"I'll admit it's much harder to feel that way when you react like this."
"Well I'll just have to make a habit of it then." He kisses your forehead.
"I- can't say I'm opposed to that suggestion." You hum.
"And where we on food? Did your appetite come back any?" He asks, hand stroking soothingly down your back.
"Yeah but- I'm too tired to move." You mumble into his chest and he laughs.
"Don't worry I won't make you get up now. I'm sure after a nap your body will convince you to get up and eat, until then let's just lay here."
"Perfect that's exactly what I planned to do." You sigh as you snuggle closer to him. Maybe your insecurities will beat your ass every once in a while, but you smile knowing Luke will be there to fight them with you and that is more than enough for you.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
headcanon that actually sanji's eyes are each of a different color (like, blue and soft brown kind of very yellowish. heterochromia is beautiful like that) and after the time skip, when he changes his hairstyle, nobody actually notices because after 2 years of not seeing each other of course they wouldn't remember his eye color. and he actually prefers it this way because he can't deal with them laughing about it now.
but then, one night, when usopp and him are on night guard together for the first time in ages (they're both pining idiots and lost the chance to confess when sabaody happened) usopp won't stop staring at him, focused on his eye, specifically. sanji takes a drag of his cigarette and he feels himself getting more nervous by the second. "is the smoke bothering you or-"
"no!" usopp replies a bit too fast, blushing and instantly bringing his hand to the back of his neck, looking around to avoid sanji's face for a while. "i was just thinking..." he takes a deep breath, and goes back to looking at sanji. the cook won't stop thinking about how long the sniper's hair is and the way it gently falls over his shoulders as he speaks. he doesn't even notice usopp's lovesick stare when he speaks. "your eyes. i liked the blue one. reminds me of the sea."
sanji's heartbeat stops for a second there, and he almost chokes on the smoke but covers it with a dry laugh. "so this one isn't pretty enough for your liking, then?" he tries to sound sarcastic and prays for usopp not to notice the way his voice falters with fear.
usopp's eyes are wide open. "of course it is! it's- it's pretty. really... pretty." the sniper feels his body shaking as he tries to fix what he said. they're both acting stupid, blushing and trying not to seem too focused on the other. but it's not like neither of them can hold back from staring at each other. silence comes, and somehow usopp has the courage to smile. "it's just like sand. or gold."
"that's the best metaphor you can come up with, longnose?" he says this as if he wasn't on the verge of tears.
the sniper shrugs his shoulders. "why would you cover one? together they'd be, you know, like the beach. sand, gold, the sea... it's- um- cool."
sanji raises his eyebrow at that, and scoffs as he takes another drag of his cigarette. he doesn't want to finish it that early, or he won't have anything to do with his hands later. "i wouldn't hear the end of it if i did."
"but they're beautiful!" usopp insists. they've been sitting closer and closer.
something inside of sanji breaks after hearing that word, looking up at the night sky for a moment with a bittersweet smile. "well, men aren't supposed to be be-"
"why not?" that catches him off guard. usopp's decisive eyes meet his. the sniper's hand is shaking, but he still makes an effort to touch sanji's hair ever so slightly, thinking twice about it. their faces are so close sanji refuses to smoke in case he burns usopp. "can i?"
sanji looks around for a few seconds, and thinks about refusing. about denying him the chance to see his face completely. to witness what he truly looks like. but he nods, anyway. "you tell somebody about this and i murder you. they haven't noticed yet."
usopp hums at that, a tiny, excited smile showing up on his lips. "because they don't pay attention to you. only an idiot wouldn't be able to notice."
"maybe you pay too much attention to me." and it kind of sounds like 'i don't deserve that you do'.
but usopp finally moves his hair to the side, and the way his breathing twitches says 'you deserve everything. you're everything' and the sniper kind of hopes he hears it. usopp takes a deep breath, letting his other hand travel to sanji's face so he can hold it better. the cook grabs him by the wrist but keeps it there.
they're both shaking.
sanji lets out an embarrassed laugh, something that usopp has never heard coming from him. "not that cool when you see both at the same time, huh? the eyebrows are also-"
"you're gorgeous."
before any of them can panic at usopp's sudden comment, sanji's grip on his wrist tightens. usopp notices, looking down at his lips for a second, going back at his eyes again.
they keep looking at each other for a while, realizing that usopp is kind of almost on top of sanji at this point, and that neither of them wants the other to move away. they just want- need each other closer.
sanji is so overwhelmed by his words he isn't sure of what to say, so he just slides his hand to grab usopp's tightly. beautiful. gorgeous. it's breaking him. it's too much. and yet, he wants more.
"can you- say it again?"
"you're beautiful." he breathes out. "gorgeous. the prettiest person i've ever-"
"oh, shut up!" sanji can't help but laugh at the exaggeration, but usopp is completely serious.
oh, fuck, he's being completely serious. because the sniper is now too close to him, and he isn't smiling anymore. "can i draw you someday?"
and perhaps it's the butt of the cigarette burning his fingertips, but he feels brave enough to lean into usopp. "can you kiss me first?" and it comes out instinctively.
the way the sniper jumps a bit, surprised at his words is endearing enough for the cook to smile right away. "what? yes? yes. of course. yes. yea-"
it's sanji who kisses him.
and he thinks, while all the ashes fall completely on the deck, that he'll keep covering one of his eyes. not because he doesn't think they're beautiful enough to be seen. not because he's ashamed.
he just doesn't want usopp to get used to them. he wants him to draw him and kiss him and hold him like this forever, every time he sees both of his eyes and eyebrows, like the first time. forever. and besides, the sniper is right. the others didn't even notice. perhaps they will after a few more days of being together, but for now?
maybe sanji really, really likes the fact that usopp is the only one that pays this much attention to him.
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thezombieprostitute · 2 months
Hi dear! If you're doing sleepy prompts, can I please get 12. “No offense, but you look like you haven’t slept in days” with Curtis? 💜💜
You know what? I'm gonna revisit Biker Curtis for this one. I'm sure this isn't going to go how you were thinking in any way, but it technically is answering your prompt.
Word Count: ~2.2k
A/N: Reader is Tall and Plus Size female.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Language, Stalkerish behavior
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Ever since you and your friends left Snowpiercer last week you swear you've felt like you've been watched. You could never identify any one actually following you, but you felt like you were on edge every time you stepped foot outside.
Despite Mason's bad interaction with one of the bikers it was agreed to try the place again. After all, one bad drunk doesn't mean the entire gang is mad. Especially after Curtis stepped in, pulling rank. The fact that a decent person was clearly in charge really helped boost the place in your friend group's eyes. Plus, you really did like the burgers.
As you arrive you feel relaxed for the first time all week. Maybe it's the fact that you're with your friends, maybe the place discourages creeps. Either way, you're happy to be able to breathe. 
Apparently your group is memorable, given how Tanya lights up when she sees you. 
“You still designated driver,” she asks you. 
“Yup,” you nod. “Now and forever.”
“Then not only is your soda on the house but so is your burger.”
“Tanya, that's too much,” you exclaim. “Andrew’s work deserves to be paid for. Those burgers are divine!”
“Don't you worry about that, Sweetie,” she shakes her head. “Also, ladies,” she addresses your group, “the owner wanted me to tell you your appetizers are all half off as an apology for what happened last week.”
You blink a few times as your friends cheer and start ordering. With your orders placed and the first round of drinks in hand you all settle in at the same table as last week. 
As the chatting and catching up starts Mason looks at you and says, “No offense, but you look like you haven't slept in days.”
“None taken,” you assure. “Just been feeling on edge all week. Like I'm being watched.”
“And you haven't seen anyone?”
“Nope. But I have been making sure to change up my routes and routines, just to be safe.”
The conversation, food and drinks continued for a while, your friends soon in high spirits, when the bikers came in. You were happy to have just sat down with the next round of drinks when they came in. You didn't have to dance around the crowd this time. 
And you got to lock eyes with Curtis when he came in. 
His deep blue eyes had definitely shown up in a few daydreams of yours. The memory of his calloused hand and gruff voice as well. You doubt he's thought any more about you since last week. You give him a smile before turning your attention back to your friends. 
Curtis is grateful that Edgar is the only person close enough to notice the hitch in his breathing when you smiled at him. He had plans in case you didn't return but here you are. And you remember him fondly enough to smile at him. He tries to return the smile and hope it looks okay. He’s not used to smiling in general but for you he’ll make the effort. Your smile doesn’t fade as you turn back to your friends so, hopefully, that meant you liked what you saw. 
Ever since last week, Curtis knew you were going to be his queen. For him that meant you’d be his partner, his equal, and deserving of the respect of your people. He’s seen you as a responsible, caring, yet fun-loving person. This past week his intel has told him you’re also incredibly alert, cautious and intelligent. A few of his men noted you could tell you were being followed and the entire week no pattern of behavior could be established. You were as smart and capable as you were caring and responsible. 
You were everything he could ever want in a queen. But as much as he wanted to make you his, he knew you weren’t likely to respond well to him declaring his desire. He had to play it slower than he liked. Thankfully some reliable intel was collected on you and he’d be able to use that to make you his. Your smile made him hopeful you were interested.
Edgar poked his ribs, “you gonna be okay, there?”
Curtis shook his head, “yeah. Yeah. Just glad she’s here.”
“Well, you did say she was the one. Clearly fate is agreeing with you,” Edgar smiles before heading to the bar to order Curtis’s usual for him.
Curtis tries his best to look at you without being obvious about it. He’s not used to being so nervous but you’re special, important, and he doesn’t want to scare you off. Social skills weren’t his forte but for you he’ll put in the effort. 
It takes several minutes but he finally sees you get up to go back to the bar. He waits a few beats before heading up there as well. He stands next to you as you order the next round for your drinks. Your height means he doesn’t have to try to make himself smaller to appear less intimidating, another social skill he wasn’t good at. Curtis knew how to keep his head down but he could never keep himself small. With you he’ll never have to. 
Tanya takes your order and turns to him, “and you want your usual, Curtis?”
“Yes, please,” he nods. You turn to face him, smiling, and he swears your smile is the prettiest he’s ever seen. 
“It’s good to see you again, Curtis,” you croon. “Thank you, again, for your help last week.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles, “like I said. Shouldn’t have had to help.”
“And yet, when it was needed, you helped. So thank you.” You see him blush and you swear this incredibly handsome man is only more attractive with a tinge of pink in his cheeks. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about Egg-head tonight,” Curtis informs you, sending a glare over to the man in question. You follow Curtis’s gaze and see Egg-head shrink down into his seat. Looking back at you Curtis continues, “all the guys know you and yours are not to be pestered, no matter how drunk.”
“That’s incredibly kind of you,” you marvel. “Between you and yours keeping us safe and the owner giving us discounts on the great food, I think we’ll have to make this place our go-to.” Curtis’s eyes widen so you quickly offer, “unless it’s too much work for you. If it’s too much of a pain to keep an eye on us, we can find a different spot.”
“No, no,” Curtis stammers. “I’m just…this place isn’t usually a regular spot for anyone but bikers.”
“Will that be a problem? Are we going to have to get our own bikes or anything?”
“No,” he chuckles to cover for the shakiness in his breath at the image of you in his leather jacket. “There’s no prerequisite for becoming a regular here. Except for being nice to the staff. Right, Tanya?”
“Damn right, Curtis,” she asserts as she hands you the next round of drinks and a refill on the nachos. “So you’ve got nothing to worry about, Sweetheart. Andrew gets more compliments on his food every time you visit than an entire gang of bikers gives him in a month!”
“In my defense, it’s very good food,” you chuckle. “And while you saw my friends kinda drunk last time, you haven’t seen them go all night. You could easily say we’re too much and never let us back in.”
Tanya snorts, “if I can put up with an entire gang of bikers with this one’s help,” she points to Curtis, “I can take care of your group of gal pals with your help.”
“Oh, you’re the adult of the group as well,” you ask Curtis.
“Part and parcel with being in charge,” he nods.
“Well it’s good to know you’ll be clear headed in case any trouble comes up,” you beam. “Thanks for everything, Tanya! The way they’re going through nachos I’ll likely be back in about 10 minutes.” 
Tanya laughs as you walk back to your table, food and drinks in hand. She watches Curtis watching you move gracefully between groups to get to your table, using your height to your advantage to keep the food from bumping into others. “So when are you making your move,” she asks him.
“I…I’m working on it,” he grumbles, grabbing his drink before heading back to his table. 
Edgar watched the whole thing and congratulates Curtis on doing so well, “she was smiling, chuckling, I think she’s into you!”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my brother,” Curtis argues.
“It’s because you’re my brother that I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true,” he counters. “But I couldn’t hear anything over the noise. What all did you talk about?”
“She and her friends are thinking of making this place their regular spot,” Curtis tells him.
“Thank fuck,” Edgar responds. “Does that mean we can call off the guys? Let her get some peace and quiet from being followed around?”
Curtis sighs and ponders. “Okay, pull them back. I’ll figure out a way to casually run into her before their next visit. In the meantime, make sure Gilliam knows his gift went a long way to keeping her around and Tanya deserves a raise or a bonus.”
“I’m pretty sure Tanya’s ‘bonus’ is having another sober adult around to help her.”
“She’s got a kid,” Curtis chides. “She needs monetary compensation more than anything.”
“Fair, fair,” Edgar placates. “Are you gonna be able to keep everyone in line while you’re watching her, though? You’ve been pretty focused on watching your giantess’s every move.”
“She’s not a giant,” Curtis hisses. 
“Fine, but you do pay a lot more attention to her than you do to your people when we’re here. That’s something that’s not going to go unnoticed by some of the more unruly members.”
Curtis nods in agreement, “lucky I’ve got you and a few other officers to help keep them in line. Anyone acts out, breaks the rules, gets made an example of. I may be a little distracted but that doesn’t mean I’m not in charge.”
“Sure thing, Boss. In the meantime, I think your gia….um, your…your girl is talking about you with her friends.”
Curtis barely manages to control the urge to look in your direction, “what makes you say that?”
“They’re all taking turns looking at you and giggling while she keeps looking embarrassed,” Edgar smiles. “I think you’ve got their approval.”
“I hope so. It’ll be an important part of getting and keeping her.”
“You’re really set on her, even though you barely know her?”
“I don’t know how to explain it, Edgar. Sometimes you see someone and you know they’re going to affect your life. The fact that it’s backed up by her having all the traits I’m looking for? And then some? The fact that I truly believe she could hold her own against any of our gang? You know I’m not one for sentimentality but it feels like fate to me.”
“If it’s fate, why don’t you just go and tell her what’s going on now?”
“Fate gives you the chance, the opportunity. You can still fuck it up.”
Edgar nods, “I still think you should just go ask her out. Sometimes a direct approach is best. Especially when she keeps glancing your way.”
“Fuck,” Curtis whispers, painfully steeling himself from immediately looking towards you. Edgar laughs at the reaction. Curtis glares at Edgar, “if this goes south, scares her away, I’m blaming you.”
“I’ll accept the blame if it’ll save everyone time and energy into your attempts at flirting,” he chuckles.
Curtis takes a few breaths to steady himself. You’re walking back to the bar, empties in hand, when he gets up to follow you. A few of his gang give him an encouraging pat on the back as he walks past them. The gang knows Curtis is a great president for their group; prefers negotiation but won’t hesitate to fight, insists others get medical attention first, makes sure they’re all taken care of. But they know flirting has never been in his skill-set so they’re happy to encourage him. 
He stands next to you at the bar as you thank Tanya and tell Andrew how much the food was enjoyed and he smiles. Sensing his presence you turn and smile wider at him. He feels unusually shy but he has to do this. “Would you, maybe, want to go out sometime? When we’re not taking care of everyone else? Just the two of us?” 
He swears he sees a sparkle in your eyes as you consider.
“I have to ask,” you start, “if I were to say ‘no’ would that mean we couldn’t come back?”
“No,” Curtis shakes his head. “There’d be no animosity, no reduced protection, nothing like that. If you’re not interested, you’re not interested.”
You hold out your hand, “can I put my number on your phone?”
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Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would! Also tagging @krirebr just in case Ask notifications are wonky.
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kurosstuff · 21 days
✨ Dragon Sera x GN Monster Hunter reader with these prompts:
6.) Accidentally wandering into dangerous territory during a mating season. Getting "hunted" by a monster who redeemed you as a suitable mate
"Slow down~? Little ___(human/monster type) you walked in during mating season ~ not stopping till your filled~"
4.) "Stop fucking moving~ just gonna claim you as my mate~ make you rightfully mine~"
Have a good day/night and Thanks!
OO~ interesting combos~;)
Also sorry I haven't been feeling to well- and busy with life-
Warning(s): feral Sera, BUT- not? Idk, mating season, knotting, ifk just- smut, not so nice sera at first(blame it on the season/hj), afab reader, blood/violence
Dragon! Sera x monster hunter!reader: "my mate"
Being a monster hunter meant you were strong. Resourceful. Able to detect things easily. BUT. That's not always the case. Given how your a recently appointed monster hunter. On your first mission. To scout out an area. How animals, people and even other monsters have gone missing.
You shuddered at the thought. Of how terrifying that thought is. Walking around, more, you grumbled softly, knowing one person you could ask if you could find hrr. Sera. A kind dragon lady you met years ago- you weren't sure how you befriended her. Especially given her higher rank status- that of a Queen in human terms. Even more surpised with how rarely she let a human see her.
But during this time. She'd run off. Hiding somewhere. You assumed she was hibernating - maybe like a bear? In a way-?
Grumbling, the more you walked, the less you noticed the towering figure stalking you closely. Watching your every move
A roar was heard, turning you went to grab your sword to defend yourself as the very beast you hunted for came charging. Claws outstretched as you paled. You were too late. You didn't notice the monster close to wrapped up in your thoughts - tearing up, you didn't expect your last moments would be like this
But it wasn't at all surpise. After all you are a Monster Hunter.
A deep snarl echoed loudly behind you. Before you could look- fhe very monster any other hunter went after fell- bloodied unmoving. Your now with an even more dangerous monster behind you. From the sudden abrupt shade from the sun.
It's tall. Towering over you, easily shielding you from the sun. The monster that was once cocky- eager to fight now, shaking bowing in submission to whatever. Whoever is behind you. A deep, loud echoing snarl sounded right above you. Glancing up, you couldn't help but flinch'
That- can't be Sera. Sera has a kind smile always no matter the situations. But here she was. Snarling down, baring her fangs, snarling at the creature that wanted to eat you. You've never seen her this mad. This irrated. Not since.. you swallowed tense, hoping your movements didn't cause her rage to turn to you. A clawed hand of hers landed on your armored shoulder. A deep snarl escaped her once more, never leaving the monsters gaze.
"They. Are. MY. Human."
She finally spoke. Snarling out her tail swishing as if she herself was offended from what the monster attempted. What they clearly wanted from you. You tensed up more- but you couldn't help but flush. Hers? You're hers? With a blink of your eyes, you don't even know what happened. But now- the demon laid in its blood her free clawed hand bloodied dripping od their injury as they shook sobbing, attempting to beg for Seras' forgiveness. For her help
But Sera is anything bur forgiving.
Turning she ushered you away- you weren't even sure what was going on. Where you were being taken. Million thoughts running through your head until you blinked. Finally realizing- your jn her cave. Infront of her nest.
A deep snarl escaped her as she towered over you once more. Almost like some wild feral beast rather than the calm, kind woman you're used to. Shakily with a smile, you waved awkwardly. "s-sera~ hi~ are you.. ok?" Careful to not alarm her as she watched you.
Before she began to move. Towards you. Getting closer and closer yet you couldn't will yourself tp move. Was she hungry? No. Even if she was shed never hurt you- she told you herself. But that look in her eyes. That must be hunger. But if she willingly came to you in such a state.
What was she hungry for?
"You" she spoke with a start. Watching you carefully her tail flickering impatient. Which that- was also Odd. Sera is the most patient woman you've ever met. She has waited a month for your very response on forming a friendship with her. But now- she isn't. Like you were supposed to be aware. But your not
"I want you." She cut you off from the clear question you were about to ask."I want to breed you. Claim you. God's above, I wanted you from the very second I saw you." Gently ever so carefully, she cradled your face, panting heavily. That's when you realized. The clear signs.
The warnings.
It's mating season-
"Sera- i- are you-" with a nod she pushed against your front- the huge tent in her outfit pushed against your stomach as a clear sign
"I dreamed of this, my darling human." She spoke soft like she always does for you "I am on my rut. I can not be as gentle as I wanted our first to be." She hummed rubbing your cheeks softly "I can control myself right now. So I ask. Will you give me the honor of mating you? Claiming you?' She spoke softly- twitching against you as a soft purr escaped her
"You may refuse. I will never force you to spend this with me" she spoke up, seeing your confusion. Your inner debates "I will be honored with either way. I can control myself until you give an answer, but my darling, " she cooed, dragging your chin to face up at her "If you said yes. I would absolutely devore you. Unable to contain myself. I would be unruling- the effects of the season would put me in a way I never wished to be with you.. rough" she cooed smiling watching your flushed face
And to her normal standards she did wait. Making no moves whatsoever as hee crotch grew tighter. Feeling her dick twitch against your stomach as she easily ignored her impulses as she patiently waited your response
"Yes i.. I want you" you whispered, agreeing to her request. Not even needing to long to give the answer- after all. This is your Sera. You trusted her.
Didnt take long for her to get you in her arms. Eagerly pushing you onto her nest- she didn't even wait for you to strip your armor. Quickly, she leaned down. "Wait-!" You started before she growled shredding your metal armor as if to her it was paper. But it wasn't. She was purely showing you her strength. How easy it is to shred through the metal designed to protect humans from her. But it wasn't to scare you. It was to woe you. Showing how eager she was to breed you.
To have you as hers. That she can't even contain her excitement- from how you spread your legs without any hesitation for her- shredding her own clothes showing how hard her long- thick cock was for you- "gonna make do with my promise-" she snarled a deep purr of excitement came out as she lined herself up with your entrance- rubbing her tip on your entrance "Don't worry- I'll be slow~" slowly pushing into you- eagerly praising you- showering you in kisses- drying your tears with her lips in her wake.
"Doing good~ so good~"
The glimpse of the normal Sera. As if ahe slipped through the cracks of.. this Version. Of her on her rut. You smiled tearfully as she easily- slipped into you fully fitting herself all the way inside- how she managed from her sheer length and size? Was a mystery to you.
With a laugh, she shoved herself fully into you, pounding roughly biting any skin she could get too snarling. "Slow down~? Little human~ you walked in during mating season ~ not stopping till your filled~" she cooed in your ear, her unrelenting pace getting faster as she tail thumped excitedly at the thought of filling you up - claiming her prize "filled with me. My seed~ dripping of my cum~" she snarled out purring loudly
Not like you wanted to know - not with her finally inside. Slowly, she moved inside you, groaning loudly. A low moan escaped you both as she slowly tried to get you used to the feeling of her all the way in. Claiming you in all ways. "Fuck~" you choked out, clawing at the nest. So far gone, she quickly pounded into you "wait~ wait, sera!" You choked gasping under her, tearing up "s-slow- slow down~ "Not - not used to -" you choked, being cut off by her lips roughly kissing you
Yelping, you whined, arching your back off the ground, your pleas for her to slow down fell on deaf ears as you clawed her back crying out her name making her coo amazed leaning back to watch you fall apart on her cock. Staring at your shredded armor how it held little together- outshun from the markings she left on your skin.
"Can't even talk~?" She teased- it was so unlike her. How cruel she's being- how she practically hunted you. And now roughly mating you- choking out a moan rubbing her neck hearing the familiar purrs you gasped loudly around her
"Y-your ruts hitting you hard huh?" Shakily pulling her down kissing her- which she eagerly met. Claiming your lips biting them roughly yet mindful of her fangs. "G-go ahead~ take what you need ok~?"
That was all she needed to hold you rougher as if to stop you from moving your hips up into her' to claim you how she wanted to. How she eagerly pleased with you.
"Stop fucking moving~ just gonna claim you as my mate~ make you rightfully mine~" she snarled out panting over your grabbing your legs bending you so she could pound deeper into you rougher "fuck~ been dreaming of this~" she confessed watching your every move. How you arched your back cumming around her cock again qnd again how she fucked you dragged out rounds upon rounds. Not once making you milk her.
After all? How could it be fair for her to chase after her sweet release when her beloved mate deserves such a thing first?
And like any good mate. Sera wanted to make sure you were drunk off her cock first- glancing down watching how your slick- your cum made her shine more imprinting on her skin making it getting harder to pull out
"Think you can take my knot?" She cooed out watching you drunkenly nod a completely sobbing mess under her making her smirk smug. Gently pinching your sides pounding faster into you with a deep snarl hearing you beg for her- her instincts telling her to properly breed you-
To claim you as hers- licking her lips, watching you holding the nest under you, she hummed, "Brace yourself~" she growled our nuzzling your bitten bloodied neck from her- before finally pushing deep inside you- easily slipping her knot in before releasing- painting your insides with her cum- snarling loudly feeling how you squeezed around her tighter as If truly wanting to milk her dry-
Groaning her tail twitched, wagging slightly in content, kissing your tearfully face all over purring "that's a good mate~" she praised "taking my knot so well~" chirping loudly above you as she carefully laid on you smiling gently at how you slumped exhausted from the long round with her.
"Allow me to care for you after~? I'll clean you then.. I'll mate you again~" she cooed rubbing the marks she doesn't even remember making on your skin. "I'll be gentle~ soft. A soft slow love making~ a gentle mating session" she cooed out happily.
With a whine you sighed- that's the Sera you knew. The soft and gentle woman she was known for. Swallowing you nodded to tired to speak. Knowing- it's gonna be a very long night ahead of you
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luneariaa · 5 months
my first time ever writing for higuruma, and i'm not too satisfied w/ this + higu seemed ooc as well, i'm sorry :") trying to practice writing him more in the future! 💜🌻
. dividers by @/cafekitsune !! 🌻
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And one more maple leaf fell to the hard ground. You bend over to pick it up, and examine it more closely with a small smile upon your features.
Just a day left before the year changes. You stood there underneath the shady tree, as if you were contemplating with your pool of thoughts. You aren't ready to leave this year behind, yet you're just glad and grateful that you're able to experience this moment of time and place.
"Ah, the leaf looks rather nice." Higuruma breaks the brief silence between the both of you, not knowing what other words to say at the same time. "And it's almost time for a new year too."
You simply gave him a warm look and a nod, then returned your attention to the leaf that was still in your fingers.
Higuruma returned the look that you gave him as a sudden question occurs to him, which feels completely natural on its' own.
"Have you thought of any wishes for the upcoming year yet?" He feels curious all of a sudden; also wanting to try to initiate any conversation with you as possible.
"Mm nope!" You shook your head, "Not yet at least."
"How about you?"
Higuruma hums for a bit; now standing not too far from where you are, but still keeping a reasonable distance between you two. "Well, if I'm being honest, I haven't really given it much thought as well."
"But if I really had to pick one, it might be something like, trying to spend more time with the people that I actually care about."
He stops just about there, not knowing what to say next. But also leaving you some room for whatever you wanted to say.
"Ah, that's nice then!" You nodded with an understanding look, before sending him a smile once again.
"So like, does that mean you're going to find any potential partner for the upcoming year?"
He snorts a bit in a lighthearted manner, obviously didn't mind your question. "I guess I've been so focused on my work that I really haven't thought about having any relationship.."
"It's almost frightening how fast the years have gone by, and how little time that I actually had for myself."
"Working, solving cases, paperworks.. I sometimes find myself thinking about how nice it would be to have someone to come home to at the end of the day."
"And yet when the evening arrives, I'm usually already way too exhausted." He shrugs with signs of acceptance in his expression. "Maybe I'm just not meant to be with anyone."
"Don't say that-- it's not true." You shook your head with a small sigh, partly disagreeing with his words. "Although I would agree with you; it's really nice to have someone that's actually waiting for you at the end of the day."
He nodded, fixing his attention on the existing lake being displayed ahead of you two. Just by the mere thought causes him to feel the temporary loneliness lingering within him, but quickly tries to brush off his thoughts.
It's seemingly pointless to ponder on such stuff, especially right now.
"I do wish the same for you though."
Higuruma gives you a light chuckle before adding up to the previous statement, "And who knows; maybe it'll be a tall, handsome man of your dreams."
You grinned widely at his rather corny remark while shaking your head amusingly. "Hmm.." With your eyes narrowing slightly in a mischievous manner, you shift your gaze to him.
“I suppose you got a point."
He merely nodded while looking everywhere else but you. You wonder what's running through his mind right now.
"But to be frank, I did found the one. I just didn't know if she would return the same feelings as I do for her, y'know."
And as he tells you, a small smile appears on his face. He wasn't looking at you when you did, so you kept on staring with a rather curious look.
You try not to get your hopes up, and you gotta admit that your heart did sting when he said those words.
You just needed a direct confirmation in a way, that is if he wanted to do so. You can't even tell what your own mind is blabbering about right now.
"I never knew when the moment would be right, even though I've been friends with her for quite some time now."
"But then again, who would love someone as busy as me?" It came off as more of a realization himself if anything. And even though the said person didn't have the same feelings as he did-- he'll be fine with it, and he won't stop loving her no matter what.
It took a while, but you eventually came out with a reply. "You're wrong," and this made him turn his gaze back to yours once more.
"How about this--" you began to suggest an idea to him, "--why don't you just try to go for it? It's better to confess as soon as you can than never."
God, you didn't even know why you would say anything as such if it only leads to your impending mental destruction, yet you still did it anyway.
But as long as he's happy; then you're happy for him as well. It's just how it works.
“You really think I should?"
His dark-coloured eyes focused on you alone, as if to try to let your words sink into his mind. The attorney let the idea weigh down a bit. "Won't that be too sudden?"
"I mean, if you really have feelings for her, then I guess you should." You encouragingly nod at him, trying not to act nosy on who he's actually referring to. It could hurt you more when you know that someone, especially when it's not you.
And of course, your words made him rethink the possible decision that he might finally make after all this time; trying to get into his own finalised conclusion.
“I guess I'll have to try."
"Do wish me luck then."
"Good luck!" You beamed at him-- or at least, tried to, and thought he would leave elsewhere afterward. But no, he remained in his previous spot as he seemed to be contemplating something more.
"You know, the woman I liked-- she's just amazing." Higuruma smiles to himself, much to your slight confusion as to why he would tell you such a thing. Not that you minded much, you suppose.
"Compassionate, honest, beautiful. I can just go on for hours talking about her."
When he realises your answers become way less and not even bother to look at him in the eye, he pushes himself to ask you something further.
"I'm curious though."
"Out of everything that I told you so far, did anyone cross your mind at least?" You somehow missed the mischievous glint that was present within that moment, temporarily distracted by some people who passed by the other side of the lake.
"I don't know..?" You paused for a second, "Was it Sakiko?"
A random guess, but worth a shot. The attorney has his eyes widened slightly and unexpectedly, before his lips cracking more into an amused grin.
"Sakiko? No, not her." He tells you that with a voice full of confidence, and with your even more perplexed expression, along with eye contact helps him more.
"I was honestly talking about you the entire time."
Now, it's your turn to be baffled-- eyes widening slightly at his unexpected statement. "I-I'm sorry?"
This isn't what you're expecting at all, and suddenly you feel dumb for your own thoughts from before. Higuruma lets his stare linger upon your form for much longer; a smile still present.
"I know this might sound sudden--"
"-- But yes, I was actually referring to you." The attorney confirms all of your suspicions with ease. Higuruma has nothing much to fear, not anymore.
"Oh, well-- I didn't expect that actually." With the clear of your throat, you tried your best to keep your composure despite your flustered expression at the realisation slowly unravelling itself before you.
"I really thought you meant someone else.."
Higuruma chuckles once again, finding your current state rather endearing. If anything, he adores it.
Slowly, but surely, he takes a few steps closer to you, cupping your cheek tenderly with one of his hands. You stayed frozen at your spot, still trying to process the whole situation that's unfolding at the very moment.
"I'm merely being honest when I said all of those words."
"That's just like, a few of them. Because if I were to try to list every trait of yours that I genuinely adore--" He gazes into your eyes; a look that's filled with genuine warmth and a look that seems to be piercing straight into your soul, yet comfortingly so. "-- it would be endless."
Your face is just straight-up heating at this point, while your heart is beating wildly against your ribcage upon the proximity that you both shared. You would've melted if you could.
It's just so sweet. He's trying to take his time to properly confess to you.
"Do you have any idea how badly I've wanted to tell you those words?" His voice, barely a whisper, continued on with a soft caress on your cheek.
"But I was afraid back then."
"I didn't want to ruin anything-- our friendship, that we have built together."
“But you somehow gave me the strength to do so. I needed it so much."
Finally regaining your own composure and processing his words, you gazed at him still, with an affectionate look of your own. The way you smiled up at him-- God, he feels like he falls in love with you all over again.
"I'm actually glad that you did."
"So now, I don't have to hide my feelings for you too." And it oddly sounds easier admitting out those words right now; the words flowing out of your mouth ever so naturally as possible than before.
“Really?" He chuckled lightly, still holding onto you. "You've been waiting for me too?"
The leaves from the tree continued to fall toward you both, but none of you bothered to pay any attention to it-- and so did the passersby from afar.
With newfound enthusiasm, you nodded with a grin that’s now plastered on your features beautifully. The feeling of utter relief is so real for the both of you-- and the feeling just blooms even more when he wraps both of his strong arms around your form, and places his forehead against yours.
He looks extremely content, and it's such a pleasing sight to see because he's been so preoccupied with his work ( and thoughts of you ) as per usual these days so often.
But knowing that he won't have to spend the upcoming new year alone without a partner anymore-- with the woman he loves so dearly, it's all worth it in the end.
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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maraschinomerry · 1 year
Hi! Ive really enjoyed your Lockwood and Co fic’s so far, especially how you incorporate gn-readers! As for a prompt to give: A George Karin X GN Reader fic where George works himself sick on researching a case and no one else really notices he’s sick other than Reader, and Reader makes him stop and takes care of him for the night. A quote to go along with this maybe: “No one ever cared about me like you.” There’s really not enough George fics out there, so thank you for rectifying that!
Chicken Soup
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Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader
Content: literally just 99% fluff, the other 1% is reader misunderstanding when George tries to confess his feelings
A/N: this fic takes me to less than 1000 words off having posted 30,000 words in 4 weeks 🤯 will have to see if I can post another later!
Word count: 2.1k
Taglist: @neewtmas @marinalor @ettadear
George looked tired.
He usually looked at least a little worn out, so you weren't overly surprised, but this time it was more distinctive. Plus, his exhaustion was always paradoxically frantic, brought about by rushing to prepare for a case that needed solving yesterday, but this time Lockwood had specifically said nobody was going anywhere near the site until you and George were confident there was no more research to be done. You'd hoped that would mean George would take his time, but it seemed his brain had forgotten how to function in any way that wasn't cramming 3 days' worth of research into 3 hours.
"Let's call it a day," you prompted. The two of you had been glued to your seats around a stack of papers in the Archives all day and your back was getting horrendously stiff. George couldn't be faring much better, hunched so far over his book he practically disappeared into his orange plaid shirt.
"You head back, I just need a bit longer to finish off," he replied, not even glancing up. Under normal circumstances, you'd be able to use his frustration at the impossible deadline to lure him away, but what on earth were you supposed to say when it was self-inflicted?
"Are you sure? Lockwood did say to take as long as we need, so it can wait until morning."
George looked up then, only to shake his head. You knew what he was thinking: by tomorrow, the book he needed could have been borrowed by someone else; by tomorrow, Kipps' crew could have swanned in and solved the whole case; by tomorrow, there may not be anyone at the site left to employ them. You sighed.
"Sorry, I know it's a pain. Will you be okay getting home alone?" Trust him to be worrying about you when you were worrying about him. You assured him you'd be fine, and promised to have a cup of tea ready when he got home.
"You're the best," he said with a weary smile. Secretly he didn't want you to leave, he enjoyed your company, but it was unfair to make you stay just because he wanted to. As you walked away, you heard him sniff, which built into a sneeze. Hmm.
Less than ten minutes after you returned to Portland Row, the heavens opened. Rain hammered against the front door like it was begging to be let in, and wind whistled through every corner it could find from the attic downwards. 
You, Lucy and Lockwood sat around the dining table, soaking in every ounce of the warmth that seeped from the oven while dinner cooked (a steak pie you'd made when you got back, to distract yourself from the anxious knot in your stomach).
"How did it go at the Archives?" Lucy asked over a steaming cup of coffee.
"We're making progress, but I'm worried George is overworking himself."
Lockwood gave a wry chuckle. "Trust me, if George has a limit, I haven't seen him hit it in all the time I've known him."
That wasn't overly convincing - having bursts of intense hard work followed by a couple of days to recover was one thing, but working flat out for this long was another, especially when you knew from hearing the way the house shifted that he hadn't been sleeping.
"He was sneezing when I left," you pointed out. If Lockwood knew him so well, he'd know he wasn't much of a sneezer, even in the height of pollen season.
"This case dates back decades," Lucy countered. "Imagine how much dust is on some of those files." Just thinking about it made her nose crinkle. You could only hope they were both right.
A long-cold cup of tea and the remaining quarter of the pie awaited George when he returned, the last embers of daylight being snuffed out by the heavy rainclouds above. The second the key rattled in the front door, you sprang from where you'd been falling asleep on the Thinking Cloth and clicked the kettle on.
"You didn't wait up for me, did you?" George croaked from the kitchen doorway. Something had happened to his voice in the hours since you'd left him.
"I promised you tea!" As you turned in mock outrage you noticed something else wrong. He was shivering and pale. Instinctively, you stepped closer, brushing a hand across the droplets on his shoulders and spotting more in his hair. Had he walked home in this weather? No. There wasn't enough water for that. This was just from the cab to the door. He wasn't shivering from the cold. You suddenly remembered the sneeze earlier.
George was ill.
This was a disaster, and it was all your fault. You should have forced him to come home with you. Should have noticed sooner and never let him out today in the first place.
"Oh Georgie," you murmured, almost as much to yourself as him. "Give me one minute with that tea and then you need to get to bed."
"I'm f-fine," he stammered around chattering teeth. "It's nothing."
As if he'd been summoned as backup, Lockwood sauntered in on his way to the basement. "Glad to see you missed the rain," he joked. George gave another sneeze, a spray of said rain flying from his curls with the force of it. "Bathroom's free if you want a bath to warm up." Misguided as Lockwood was in his reason for the advice, it wasn't a bad idea actually.
"I'm just heading up," you shot him a grateful look before George could object, "I can set it running." Lockwood grinned and disappeared. Today was not one of his observant days, it seemed.
"I can run my own bath," George grumbled, still in the doorway, but his cheeks flushed a little and he made no move to stop you. Probably because his hands were shaking so much he would have struggled to even turn the taps. You took his freshly brewed tea in one hand and his arm in the other and guided him to the library to cosy up until the bath was ready.
Half an hour later, you were debating whether to go and make sure George hadn't fallen asleep in the tub when he emerged. His dark curls were damp yet fluffy from the towel, a slight glow had returned to his skin and he was dressed in the clean pyjamas you'd looked out for him. He frowned at you as best his tired muscles would allow, pondering the fact you'd clearly spent the entire time sitting on the bottom step outside the bathroom. Before he could comment, however, the warmth of the bath began to wear off and the tremble returned to his bones. You reached behind you and sheepishly held out a fuzzy forest green bundle.
"I, um… I couldn't find any of your jumpers, I think they're all in the wash, so you can borrow this one. It should fit."
George took hold of it and unfolded what turned out to be the softest hoodie he'd ever felt in his life. He wriggled into it, his one working nostril breathing in the way the smell of you lingered in the fabric. It was so comfy that he found himself burrowing into it, bringing it up under his chin and tucking his hands into the sleeves.
You caught yourself staring at him, marvelling over how he could look so adorable in such an unfortunate situation, and gave him a soft smile. "Better?"
He nodded and mumbled out a "thanks" which ended up somewhat drowned in the hoodie as he shuffled away. Halfway through his bedroom door, he stopped and turned back to you. "What's that?"
You went to see what he was referring to, hands on his shoulders to support yourself as you pressed close on tiptoes to peer past him. Suddenly very aware of how close you were, you focused your attention on the flask on his bedside table.
"Oh. It's chicken soup. I wasn't sure if you'd want it just yet, so I used a flask which should keep it warm for the next few hours."
If you hadn't been aware of how much you were in George's personal space before, you certainly were now as he practically melted against you.
"That's so thoughtful." He sounded shocked. Not at you being thoughtful towards him, at anyone being so. Unsure of what to say, you gave his shoulders a supportive squeeze and then used them to steer him towards his bed.
His room was a little chilly, so you checked that his window was properly closed before drawing the curtains. George, energy almost completely drained, flopped onto the bed. You helped him tuck his legs under the duvet,  bringing it up around his chest. He sniffled again, and without a word you nudged the box of tissues you'd found and set out for him. His eyes grew wide and incredulous, suddenly scrunching shut with another bout of sneezing.
"Do you need anything else?"
The sneezing paused. "I think I left my book in the library…"
"Georgie, no." Your voice became stern even as you used his nickname affectionately. "No more research until you're feeling better." He began to protest. "Think about it. The more you rest, the sooner you'll recover and the quicker you can get back to it." He couldn't argue with logic, and you both knew it.
You ended up fetching him a glass of water, some paracetamol and a couple of contraband biscuits. When you returned, you found him sipping the soup, and his face lit up at your last offering.
"You're too nice," he sighed, insisting on splitting the first biscuit with you. "I love you."
You almost choked on your half of the biscuit, bursting into a coughing fit you'd expect from the actual ill person in the room. George immediately rose from the pillows to pat your back as you tried to remember how to breathe. "Are you okay?" His hand stopped patting as your coughing subsided but it didn't leave your back, instead rubbing gentle circles.
"I…" you spluttered, finally dislodging the rogue crumb. "Do you really mean that?"
"Of course I do! No one ever cared about me like you."
His words were kind, tender, yet your heart still sank. He'd just said it because you were looking after him. You couldn't believe you'd actually thought for a moment that he loved you. There was nothing more you wanted than for the ground to swallow you up, but when George kept talking you stayed and listened. "Lockwood and Lucy do so much for me, don't get me wrong, and my parents did their best, but I'd be lost without you. I mean, all this…" he gestured around at the flask, the hoodie, you still sitting on his bed,  "nobody else even noticed there was anything wrong. But you did. You see me, and I love you for it."
Tears welled in your eyes. You blinked them away, refusing to obscure your view of the beautiful boy beside you. His hand stilled on your back, twitching away, afraid he'd said the wrong thing. You leaned into his side, strengthening the touch. "I love you too."
His eyelids fluttered, a mixture of exhaustion and adoration. His free hand linked with yours. "Remind me to kiss you once I'm better."
"Why can't you kiss me now?"
"Because I'll make you ill, if I haven't already!"
"I'll take that risk." You leaned in.
"Nooo," he whined, a hand on your chest to keep you at a distance, "I'd feel bad. But lucky for you, I have a fantastic doctor, so I'll be better in no time."
"Oh yes, I hear they're exceptional and very committed. Now lie down."
George did as he was told, gasping at the rush of cold air as the duvet was lifted behind him. You eased yourself into the bed, legs tangling in his and pulling you closer until his back leant against your chest and your face was buried in his hair.
"What did I just say?!"
You shushed him. "It's fine, if I catch it you can look after me." You pressed a kiss to his temple as you reached over to click the lamp off. He groaned in the darkness.
"You're impossible."
"You love me, though."
His hand found yours again, bringing your arm to wrap round his stomach. Your fingers traced the warm, soft skin underneath the hem of your hoodie. He sighed contentedly, the rise and fall of your chest behind him lulling him closer to sleep. "I do."
You sneezed.
Damn it.
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pomplalamoose · 6 months
DILF Luke headcanons / story draft pt. 4
🌿modern day AU🌿
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A/N: you know, I actually have a collection of ideas and notes I keep wanting to integrate into my Dilf Luke posts and yet I completely ignored it AGAIN in order to go off the rails with something else (this has been going on for several posts) anywaysssss I hope you have fun, mwuah <33
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5
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• as it turns out Luke isn't as unaffected by the night you spent together as he unintentionally makes you believe 
• and how could he ever be?
• he might be able to pretend like nothing happened but inwardly has to deal with a lot of conflicting feelings
• first and foremost he's afraid he scared you away with his intense behavior and stern orders, his loud voice and the demand you stay with him
• after all you haven't been over to visit his child ever since, maybe you fear to be around him?
• he could never judge you for it either, you, who always are so gentle and timid around him
• he simply overdid it this time, overstepped a line and it's in your right to act accordingly
• thinking back on it now he's only able to shake his head at himself and at the way he treated you 
• in the heat of the moment it all seemed so strangely justified, every action he took only with your best interest and well being in mind
• but since a little time has passed he sees that a calmer, more conventional approach probably wouldn't have you avoiding him presently
• left to his own devices he's helplessly replaying how he dragged you into the bathroom and made you strip in front of him, even intervening by ripping off your clothes himself when you took too long for his liking 
• he completely disregarded how you might have felt in the moment, that quite possibly you did not want to undress in front of your best friend's father 
• let alone be undressed by him
• it would've been better to drive you home afterwards too, what went on in his mind to deny you?
• you are an adult, he doesn't own you, who did he think he was to forbid you from leaving?
• Luke doesn't know, of course, that the complete opposite is the case
• you very much wish for him to acknowledge his actions that night 
• and neither are you actively avoiding him, your friend is making you stay away for research purposes 
• "let him stew for a while", they said, "and we'll see how long it takes him to ask for your whereabouts again"
• your friend still isn't exactly thrilled about the situation, but it definitely piqued their interest 
• they want to know what's going on
• why is their father playing hot and cold with you?
• they are not amused he's towing you along like this, they really expected better from him
• meanwhile Luke is doing his best to deny that, if he'd listen closely to himself, he'd have to admit what else upsets him so badly 
• to him, even worse than his brashness is the secret knowledge that he enjoyed himself 
• very much 
• finally, he felt, could he rake control, do what needed to be done 
• and you followed him so nicely too, looking at him for guidance, never questioning, never contradicting anything he said
• your blind, even naive obedience touched him deeply
• he felt so needed
• oh and the way you looked at him; if he had a say you'd never be allowed to look at any other man ever again
• he wishes for your eyes to be only on him
• only for him
• but to confront all of this would also mean confessing to himself how he, in turn, looks at you
• how he thinks of you
• the feeling isn't unknown, nothing new, but still comes as a surprise after all this time
• so he's not ready yet to admit how much he wants you all to himself 
• and how could he?
• you're his child's best friend, it's not his place to swoop in and take you away
• he knows how much you mean to them
• and yet he can't help himself despite how ashamed he is 
• again and again he touches himself to the thought of you
• to all the things he could do to you and make you do in return 
• the thoughts come so easily and just won't stop, never leaving him alone 
• would you follow his orders as eagerly as you did so far?
• or would you take on a different approach, maybe turn into a little brat? 
• someone he'd need to teach a lesson to first?
• of course for that you'd need to learn how to be less shy in his vicinity first, could he make that work?
• mmh, he's not sure how he likes you better anyways 
• maybe you'd be open for a little game?
• though no matter in which direction his imagination takes him, always it returns to the picture you made on the floor in front of him, tears running over your soft cheeks, a pleading look in your eyes
• he could do without the tears, but, truth to be told, you are remarkably pretty when you cry 
• so they stay and all that changes are your surroundings
• he wants you to be comfortable of course, you're not supposed to shiver in the cold or sit on hard stone floor 
• you'd be much better off kneeling on a nice cushion in the living room, or on the plush carpet in his office 
• meanwhile his child is watching him like a hawk, intentionally not bringing you up in conversation even once 
• sooner or later he just HAS to do something, mention something, ask even the littlest of questions
• so their theory, at least 
• and they are right, they know their father well after all
• Luke folds after not even two weeks to comment on your prolonged absence from their house 
• he's so busy playing it cool he doesn't realize the way his kid can barely suppress a giggle 
• "and what did you say???", you immediately want to know when they tell you about it the next day
• "nothing", says your friend and laughs at your face "I want him going wild"
• a few days later he asks whether you fell ill after getting caught in the storm 
• like seriously, is everything okay?
• don't they want to go check on you, make sure nothing's wrong?
• are you struggling mentally again?
• did you guys have a falling out?
• are you on vacation?
• your friend keeps a successful poker face through it all, again and again telling him in a noncholant way how busy you are
• and why is he asking about you so much anyways?
• it's not like you're coming over to visit HIM...right?
• Luke retreats at that immediately and it takes him a while to come out of his shell again
• though only barely does he keep himself from grabbing and shaking the answers out of his child 
• "he's sooooo dramatic" your friend tells you "one could think he's a teenager with how he's acting"
• soon they start contemplating and scheming on what they could say about you to unsettle him a bit
• at this point you beg them to stop interfering, to stop putting themselves between the fronts like this 
• it's okay, you assure them, you can let their father go
• but they're not having it
• this isn't about playing matchmaker 
• you are their friend and they'll make sure you're getting treated right even if they have to go up against their dad for it 
• he's a grown man and he needs to start acting like it!
• your protests fall on deaf ears 
• "No, you listen to ME. I refuse to stand by and watch while my dad is playing hard to get. He's either going to tell you to your face he's not interested or, if that's the case, admit he feels drawn to you! He didn't have a problem with that all the many other times it happened."
• you can't deny they have a point and since they know him better than you do, what else is there left to say?
• the next you hear of them is when you receive a quick text with no context whatsoever 
• "listen I think I overdid it a little bit"
• you blankly blink at your phone, no idea what's going on, though you have the sinking feeling it's somehow related to their father 
• the next messages is just as unnerving but proves you right 
• "yeah uhhh sorry about that but he's coming to pick you up"
• "no way", is your immediate thought just before you get a call that makes you nearly drop your phone
• of course it's Luke, of course 
• where did he get your number?
• and what in the hell did your friend tell him?
• you pick up and before you can even finish saying hello he demands to know where you are
• judging by the sounds in the background he's already in the car and most definitely not in a good mood
• accordingly quick comes your answer and your heart unclenches with relief when his voice somewhat softens 
• "be a good girl and wait for me outside then"
• you're so caught off guard it takes you a while to pack your things and search for your jacket and when you step out into the cold he's already waiting for you, leaning against his car
• judging by the way he's dressed he's either coming straight from work or originally planned to go there before God knows what made him change his plans 
• he doesn't look amused and as your heart speeds up so do your steps 
• so eager to make up for the time lost, you nearly bumb into him as you struggle to come to a stop before him 
• if he's annoyed he doesn't show it and nevertheless opens the passenger side's door for you, waiting patiently for you to climb in 
• you're horribly embarrassed when you spot your reflection in the rearview mirror 
• your hair is tousled beyond repair, your cheeks a flaming red from running 
• desperately holding on to your bag like it's an anchor you watch as he slides in beside you 
• but instead of starting the motor and driving off, he turns to properly look at you, his right hand holding on to your head rest 
• you swear you can feel yourself shrinking into the seat as his eyes bore into yours 
• shyly you greet him 
• you don't know what else to do
• a brief smile flits across his face before it grows stern again 
• "who is it?"
• "just tell me and I'll take care of it"
• to say you're confused would be an understatement but as he continues, it slowly dawns on you 
• your friend made up a toxic relationship for you to be in 
• and their father is furious 
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shewrites444 · 1 year
ghost [xavier plympton x reader]
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[ inspired from ahs 1984, and of course written by me. super cheesy smut fic since i wrote this over a year ago and it has been sitting in my drafts, but why not post it for my ahs lovers. enjoy! ]
word count - 2.4k
[summary: the reader is a counselor at the former camp redwood, now camp meadow, and meets a very friendly, yet also flirtatious ghost during her first night.]
[warnings: dirty talk, oral, unprotected sex]
regardless of how much my mom and i argued, i continued to deny her stupid reasons to not work at camp meadow the summer. the second massacre of 1984 was not even in the current century, so i knew not to overreact about any possible harm coming my way. i loved a good thrill anyway, so maybe some stupid kids pretending to be the night stalker or mr. jingles would be the most enjoyable portion of the long week anyway.
after finally convincing my friend [y/f/n] to come with me, i was felt my decision was for the best. the drive was a few hours long and once we arrived, we were able to meet our fellow counselors and the head counselor, who seemed nice enough, and not very strict whatsoever.
"i'm going to try my hardest to make this week enjoyable for not only the kids, but the counselors as well." miss thompson smiled at us, nodding her head with respect towards the young group. "i know this place has a lot of bad memories, but with a new name, new cabins, and much more, we can make newer, better memories. if you guys have any concerns or questions, please let me know. i'm available anytime."
[y/f/n] nods, then raises her hand, which miss thompson acknowledges immediately. "what about showers? we haven't gone over that yet."
miss thompson told us we had to shower before midnight, to make sure we had hot water the next morning for the kids, in case they needed a bath or anything of the sort.
after taking turns one by one, i was last in line for my shower. i decided to wait until it was dark, so i didn't have any concerns about my friends coming to prank me with stupid, useless scares. they were all tired, cuddled up in their bunks and ready to prepare for the next morning, which would be extremely busy with the amount of kids the head counselor said we were expecting.
i grab my towel and a change of clothes, along with my razor, and made my way towards the showers. i set everything down before stripping off my baggy, light washed jeans and plain black crop top, then turn the water on, waiting until it's hot enough to step into.
i close my eyes, humming quietly to myself as i wet my hair, reaching over to grab the shampoo bottle. i squirt it into my hand, then sigh upon realizing it's all out.
"just fucking fantastic." i scoff, setting the bottle down and just deciding to shave instead. i grab the bar of soap and lather my right leg up, grabbing the razor and sliding it against my skin.
while doing so, i feel a cold gust of wind against my heated, wet skin, looking up with confusion as it suddenly stops. i shake my head, ignoring the situation and going back to my legs. after shaving, i set the razor down and glance to the shower next to me, seeing there was no shampoo in there, either. i really preferred to wash my hair tonight, knowing that it would be funky the next day, since we were expected to take the kids in canoes and swimming.
"looking for this?" i hear a low masculine voice, making me jump and squeak in surprise, turning around to see a blonde boy, dressed in a pair of white khakis and a teal sweatshirt, with a pair of white high-top converse. he had one silver cross earring, which hung on his right ear and shook as he stepped closer, holding a small shampoo bottle in his hand.
i blink numerous times, trying to fathom the fact that the boy was really there. he looked like he belonged in a different universe, or era, to say the least. i step closer and grab it from him, squeezing it in my hands to assure what was happening was actually real. i realize that if this is real, i'm bare ass naked in front of this random guy.
i snatch the towel from the sink, holding it over my body as my cheeks begin to heaten, and not just from the hot water. "who the fuck are you? and why the fuck are you in here while i'm showering?!"
he ran his fingers through his blonde highlights, laughing to himself, as if the situation was amusing. "well, i actually live here. i heard you and your buddies talking about the massacres that took place here earlier today. kinda disappointed you don't recognize me."
i wrap the towel around myself, stepping closer to him, and crossing my arms in complete confusion. "i'm sorry, but i don't think anyone just casually lives at camp meadow. this is like, a summer camp. i don't think it's legal to live here unless you own the camp, and the person who owns this place is a woman. so, i ask again, who are you, and why in the hell should i recognize you?"
"i'm xavier!" he yells in frustration, seeming offended i didn't know this infamous name. "xavier plympton. i was one of the few who were killed here in the '84 massacre. you haven't read up on the conspiracy there's ghosts here? you're looking at one from the 80's." he winks, watching as my eyes widen in shock.
"there's no way." i shake my head, looking at him from head to toe, completely flabbergasted by his unrealistic explanation. "ghosts can't just live here on earth forever, right? i thought you guys would at least go to heaven or hell, or something. not that i believe in that shit, but you'd at least go somewhere other than here."
xavier shrugged, taking a step closer to me, reaching his hand to my bare, wet shoulder. he smiled, sighing as he felt my skin. "i wish i felt like this again. being a ghost sucks sometimes. i feel so empty, so inhuman. i haven't felt someone so warm, so human, in years."
i pull back, pushing his hand off of me. "okay, um, xavier plympton. sorry to disappoint, but you probably won't be feeling this human ever again. now if you'll excuse me, i really need to wash my hair. thank you for the shampoo, but i seriously need you to leave."
he sighed, crossing his arms and lightly tapping his foot in annoyance at my resistance. "come on, [y/n]. i'm the whole reason you can even wash your hair. one more touch please, maybe on your face or something? it makes me feel normal again!" he whines, making a pouty face towards me.
"how do you know my name, weirdo?" i ask, looking at him with annoyance and a bit of confusion. "and no, you can't touch my face. if anything, that's the farthest from feeling normal. that's just being a creep."
xavier walked closer to me, "i do my research. i have nothing else to do around here, so why not eavesdrop on the new counselors before they're here forever like the rest of us, hm?"
my eyes widen as i walk back, hitting the shower water with my back, and feeling the towel begin to get soaked. i gulp, trying to scan him for any potential weapon. "well, if you kill me, then you won't be able to like.. touch my shoulder or whatever.. i thought you wanted to feel what it was like to be human, remember?"
he laughed, reaching to tug the side of the towel, biting his lip and looking up to meet our eyes. "i wouldn't hurt you or let anyone else do so, [y/n]. you're not like everyone else around here. you seem different, like you aren't afraid of a fucking stick breaking when you walk at night like those other pussy counselors. i mean, you came out here at almost midnight and showered all alone, so it's like you were practically begging me to touch more then just your shoulder.."
i blush, crossing my arms to make his fingers break from the fabric, breathing in and out rather heavily, as i felt my stomach turn at his words. "what would ever make you think i'd want you to touch me? maybe that's your brain, just because you've only had ghost pussy for like twenty years."
"maybe, instead, it's because you excite me." xavier snaps back with a flick of his pink tongue. he grabs the towel, slowly pulling it back off of me, then tossing it to the wooden floor. he grabs the shampoo, squirting some into his palm before lathering it up, gesturing for me to turn around. he sinks his fingers into my hair, beginning to wash it with soft, relaxing strokes from his fingertips. i close my eyes, practically melting at his touch and feeling my legs quickly drench with pleasure as he begins to kiss down my wet neck and soon to my bare shoulders.
this goes on for a few minutes, when he then helps to wash the shampoo out of my hair, and turns me back towards him. i watch him strip of his clothing, except for his light blue boxers, which showed off his stiff, hard length, poking directly towards my wet pussy.
i chew my lip, looking down at his length, before locking our lust-filled eyes. he moves closer to press his lips against my cheek, then smiles seductively.
"if i'm going to fuck you, i'd like to do so in a place more, comfortable. for the both of us, of course." he explains, taking my hand and pulling me away from the water. i look to him, raising a brow, and watching as he hands me the towel.
i follow him outside, as he walks towards an empty cabin, several down from the one i was staying in. i let him sit me down on the bed, where i pull the towel off of myself and set it on the dresser. i lay on my back, spreading my legs in his direction as he pulls his boxers down. he looks at me with a grin, chuckling as he walks over to shut my legs, making my sit up with complete confusion.
"thought we were going to have sex, xavier. not play games, right?" i chirp, looking at the blonde as he sticks two fingers in his mouth, then pins me back down, sliding them to my clit, answering my own question. so no sex yet, only some foreplay so far, which was absolutely fine by me.
he came off as a man who wanted to skip the foreplay, but the second he pumped his fingers inside of me, i was thankfully my interpretation was wrong. i gasp, letting out a loud moan as he began to finger me, curling his digits inside of me with each thrust, in and out.
xavier leaned down to latch his lips to my nipple, sucking softly for a minute before pulling his head up. he looks down at me, pleased with my moans, while he reads my lustful expression.
"the minute i saw you walk into this camp, i knew you'd been needing a good dicking, [y/n]. the way you looked at those other counselors when they were introduced to you.. you've been wanting someone inside of you for awhile now, and who better then me, hm?" he talked into my ear, his hot breath against my skin as he worked his magic inside of me. "i could fuck you so hard tonight you'd never wanna leave camp, baby. you'd be begging for my cock from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. i can already feel how good your pussy is, so i may be begging you for the same later.."
i glance up at him, then down to his hand, as he rapidly finger fucks my insides. i'm dripping at his touch, my juices sinking between my ass cheeks and his fingers, visibly noticeable as he pulls out of me, moving his index and middle fingers to my throbbing clit.
as he rubs, i moan loudly, my eyes shut while he motions himself in front of me. he kneels on the bed, using his free hand to line up his length with my pussy. he pushes himself in slowly, as a way to warn me of what's to come. he was big, and it was now very obvious as he had already filled a substantial portion of my insides with not even half his cock. i nod with reassurance, allowing him to push himself into me, so deep his balls were pressing against my folds.
xavier begins to thrust, pulling his hand away from my clit and taking a hold of my own hand, lacing his fingers with mine. he smushes our lips together, the kiss entrancing the both of us as we become one through a sinful, yet so beautifully pleasurable act.
"you feel so good, [y/n]... dead or alive, this is the best pussy i've ever had in my life.. i never want to stop fucking you, baby.." xavier compliments me, giving me a wink as he raises himself back up. he keeps our hands together, thrusting himself inside as he lets out small moans, and continues to speak his sexual, dirty words to me.
he looks down at me, watching as my tits bounce with each one of his rapid, fast-paced movements. "how do you like this cock, sweetheart? so thick and long for you, hmm? you make me hurt with lust, babygirl. you make me want to cum deep inside you."
"please, xavier. please cum inside me.." i moan, nodding as i look up at him, my mouth hung open as he rocks my body in the bed. "that's all i want right now, for you to fill me up so good.. i need you so bad.. i need you to fill my pussy.. fuck.."
"and that i fucking shall." xavier pushes inside of me with one last deep thrust, filling my walls with his warm, thick seed. he pulls out, a small portion of white trailing from his head and to my pussy lips.
i sit up, panting as i pull myself off the bed, leaning down onto my weak, shaking knees. i place my lips on the tip, sucking the excess down my throat. he shivers at my touch, moving one hand to cup my cheek and insist i stand back up.
"maybe tomorrow night you can reward me with head, baby. you've got a big day soon." he pecks my lips, handing me the towel off the floor. "so why don't you go clean up, again, and i'll see you soon."
i smirk, nodding as i wrap the towel around my top. "xavier, please join me. maybe i'll wash your hair this time." i wink, watching him pull his boxers up.
he laughed, shaking his head. "i hate to reject the offer, sweetheart, but i need my beauty sleep, too. go get some sleep, because tomorrow night will be far longer than tonight's."
i turn around, my cheeks burning as i open the cabin door and shut it behind me, walking back to the showers. i couldn't believe i had just let a ghost fuck me, and that ghost being the xavier plympton. maybe i'd have to stick around camp meadow for longer than this week after all.
[ a/n - i did want to mention i will be writing much more in a few weeks - finals and college/work in general has been consuming a lot of my time lately, but i am hoping to find some inspiration for new fics soon! ]
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seoliee · 5 months
Driving Fear Into Your Heart
Word Count: 2.7k words
Pairing: X x Reader
TW: Cursing, Kidnapping, Stabbing, Yandere Tendencies (Pls read smth else if not comfortable)
A/N: I said this was inspired by X's halloween theme skin, but idk this maybe how I perceived it instead? Anyhow, lemme know y'all thoughts <3
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In a dark and hollow forest somewhere near the city. Where only fragments of moonlight shone through the small crevices of the tall trees branches and its leaves. It was eerily silent, until swaying locks of hair pass through the bushes in a haste.
A girl ran barefooted, cracking sounds of dried leaves filled her hearing, leaving a trail behind. Her complexion was pale, fear stricken and distressed. Her body felt sore and drained, it was only sheer adrenaline that made her push through.
Her feet were starting to hurt, forming small cuts and bruises on the sole. She has to stop running at some point, but she can't. Not when she's running for her life.
~*4 days ago*~
She was in the cafeteria, sitting along with her friend at their usual booth and chatting about ramdom stuff. Just like the usual. She was attentively listening when her childhood friend X, came into view along with his own fair share of group.
She found herself falling out of the conversation and instead decided to watch him from a distance. Only did her friend's voice broke her out of the trance with a small nudge.
"Don't stare at him too much or he'll melt." Her friend says teasingly, chuckling at her obvious crush at the lab nerd.
"I-I wasn't staring!" She quickly rebukes her claim, though her blood red cheeks and ear were contradicting it.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Anyway.." Her friend's tone suddenly became serious, which made her get a bit confused as her friend seldom becomes serious during their conversations. "Have you heard about the kidnappings that's happening near the university recently?"
She shakes her head. She's been too absorbed on finishing her research paper these past few days that she blocked out any kind of gossips or news that would distract her from concentrating. She even went as far as to cancel all her plans of hanging out with X.
"There were a total of three missing cases reported and all of them were  students of different universities near our campus."
"The authorities haven't gotten a single clue whether it's a solo or a group operation. Either way, the kidnappers are still out there so do be careful."
Her warning sent a chill down her spine, terrified that such happenings were happening near them. Those poor students, she hopes that they were at least safe and alive.
She sent her friend a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand in a comforting way. "Don't worry. I always walk home with X anyway. You should be careful too."
"Oh, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm going on a date with y'know who later..." Her friend managed to light up the mood immediately by redirecting into another topic that she knew, she would interested in.
"What?? Since when? Tell me the fucking details!" She exclaims hysterically, practically slapping her hands down on the table earning a few strange looks from the people around them. She couldn't care less though.
Alas, the final bell rang throughout the halls signaling the end of the day. Tired groans from her fellow students and a few hastily gathers up their things, wanting to leave immediately.
As for her, she's delighted to walk home with him again after for so long only to be met with disappoinment.
"Sorry, (Y/n). I promised the guys I would hang out with them afterschool so I won't be able to walk you home." X says apologetically, a troubled smile grazing his handsome features.
He could see how your bright and grinning gorgeous face warps into a look of disappointment, making him feel guilty. "I can cancel it though. I'd rather be with you anyway."
The disappointment in her face quickly turns into a sheepish smile as she shook her head for a no. "No, it's alright. I can walk home with my friend instead." She obviously can't make him cancel his plans just for her satisfaction. After all, he has a life of his own.
"You sure? I could really—"
"Hey, X! You coming or what?!" One of his friends yells from a far, having an impatient look while the others grin at him in a teasing manner as they watch the scene unfold.
"Be there in a sec!" He yells back in response, looking over his shoulders with his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He looked back at her in disbelief. "Sorry about that. I gotta go. Remember to text me once you got home, okay?"
"I will." She chuckles, fondly grinning as light pink hue flows to her cheeks. This made X's heart softened, huffing a tiny chuckle as he brush a stray hair behind her ear.
"Be safe, my little lamb."
She watches as he ran up to his friends, some of them teasing him for the little moment they had. She's glad to know he found good friends despite his peculiar personality, he meant well.
After getting off the bus, the way to her apartment was already a bit dark and somewhat silent than usual at her on time arrival at dawn. Though, that's to be expected as she's staying in a peaceful neighborhood which she should be thankful for.
The soles of her shoes clicks on the pavement on each step she makes, the soft cold breeze of air moving past her ear as chills ran down her spine. Her surroundings were dark, the only light present were from the flickering street lights and the moon above her, which she thinks added to her paranoia.
She doesn't know if it's because she isn't used to walking home alone or is there someone watching her? She swore she could feel eyes from everywhere around her.
As she turned to a corner, footsteps sudden came to light from behind. She didn't thought anything of it, as it could be a passerby or a neighbor. Thankfully, she's near to her home so she briskly walked and much to her surprise, the person behind her began to speed up.
This set off alarm bells in her head, once she could see the light from her porch. She began to ran and screamed for help. However, all hope is lost once she felt a sharp pain struck behind her head as darkness engulf her sight.
A horrible stench whapped into her nose, as consciousness slowly seeped back into her figure. She pry her eyes open, blinking away the drowsiness as her vision clears up and able to take in her surroundings.
She's sat in the corner of a crusty room, the wallpapers were ripped and moldy. The pipes above her were leaking with merky water which where the awful stench came from. The windows in the room were boarded, as nothing but the gush of wind and crickets were heard from the outside.
She tried to move, but found it difficult as her wrists were tightly bounded together from behind to a pipe. She found it quite hard to breath because of the tight cloth on her lips. Panic fills her body as she heard heavy footsteps, and an unknown man had entered the room.
She glares at him, which made him smirk at her feistiness. He bends down to her eye level, and pats her head. "You're a pretty one, aren't you?"
His breath fans to her face, which made her feel nauseous and wants to puke at the horrible smell of alcohol and poor oral hygiene coming from him. He took off the cloth that's covering her mouth and traced his disgusting thumb across her bottom lip.
She didn't hesitate to bite down on his finger, hard enough to make him scream and recoil his hand away as blood rushes out of the bite. The man was furious and smashed the bottle of alcohol in his hand and points the severed half towards her.
"Don't fuck with me, woman. I can—" He was cut off when he heard a buzz coming from his phone. He clicked his tongue and immediately answers the phone, proceeding to leave the room.
Once he's out of sight, all the energy seeped out of her body as hot tears rushes down her cheeks. Tears trickle down to her knees, as she kept her mouth close to silent her ugly sobs. Her chest felt so tight, she's scared, deeply scared. She didn't think something like this could happen to her. Not when after being warned by her friend.
Then, she saw a faint glimmer from her peripheral vision. She looks up and saw a piece of broken glass from the bottle near her. She uses her foot to reach towards the shard and manages to push it to her side and tries her best to grab it.
Once she successfully got it, she began to slowly cut the rope, but found it to be quite thick and tough for the nibble blade.
It took her roughly 3 days before she could finally cut the rope because she was constantly interrupted by people coming in and sometimes watching over her. She felt drained as she refused to eat anything they gave her, but it didn't matter because she'll be out of her in no time.
She pushed her body up, and slowly walked up to the door, careful not to make any noise. She turns the knob and opens a small gap to peek. It was silent and there was only one man outside, and he was sleeping soundly, practically snoring.
She gently swing the door open, careful to not make it creek as she steps out of the room. She held in her breath as she began to take light steps behind the sleeping man. She sucked in her breath as the man began to turn in his sleep, rendering her still as she kept her eyes on him. Once she deemed it was safe, she continues her way to the door.
She steps out into the cold night, as a smile finally crept to her lips, tasting her freedom. Only for panic to once again surge as one of the men guarding outside saw her and calls to her, alerting the others.
She didn't think twice and ran into the dark woods. She didn't mind if twigs poked the sole of her feet, nor if she stepped on pointed pebbles. She just ran wherever she could, taking sharp turns to confuse her captors.
She could hear their voices getting farther, but she knows she shouldn't celebrate yet as the woods were hollow and wasn't sure if she's heading towards civilization or deeper in.
Her speed slow down as her adrenaline began to dissipate, she's breathless and looks around for any source of life. Much to her surprise, a hand had grabbed her wrist and instinctively she swipped her hand forcefully and elbows whoever it is.
The person grunts and moans in pain, the voice was oddly familiar. The person lights up their phone to their face, and soon she was able to make out who he was.
"You pack a mean elbow, little lamb." X smiles, chuckling despite the stinging pain on his nose. "Makes me think you didn't actually needed me."
His face quickly transforms into a scowl, looking back once he heard numerous of voices barking behind them. Without another word, he took her wrist and guided her out of the woods.
She saw his motorcycle parked by the side of the road, she hopped on and X quickly stepped onto the pedal as they drove away.
Her hands tightly hugged the small of his waist, leaning her head against his broad back as she tries to catch her breath. Her feet were in pain as well as her whole body. She couldn't stop shaking, as she cried on his back.
She felt his hand comfortably brush against hers, which sent butterflies inside her stomach flutter in ease.
"How.. did you find me?" She asks, keeping her head close to his back and listens to his faint heartbeat.
"I finally managed to track your gps using my phone and followed its location." He replies, keeping his voice low and words consise. "Sorry it took me a while. I had to first know your ips before managing to connect. Thank god, your phone is in working order too or I won't be able to track you."
His words flew into her ear, but she couldn't make sense of it as her energy began to lower that's she finding it difficult to keep her eyes open. "Thank you, X."
"No worries. After all, you know I'm always here for you." She could hear the usual smile in his voice. She finally lets herself rest and is unable to hear his next words.
"And I'm all that you need, and no one else matters, my little lamb."
A sickening and sadistic smile curls up to his lips, chuckling lowly.
X dumps a bucket full of cold water down on the unconscious person tied up to a chair infront of him. The man, jolts awake and flickers his eyes up at X.
"Good, good. You're finally awake. Did you slept well?" X muses, keeping the usual permanent smile on his face.
The man didn't bother to answer, starting to wiggle his way out of the chair in panic. X was displeased by this, but made no action and instead clicked his tongue.
The man finally stopped trying, his energy running low. "You bastard! Why are you doing this, X?! Let me go!"
The man's voice was irritating to X's ears, but he was glad to respond to his question in a simple and conventional manner.
X had walked up to the nearby switch and flicks it. Light began to shine on the wall littered with pictures. Pictures of (Y/n). His cheeks reddens as he took a step closer to the wall, his eyes flickering at each picture he took throughout the years in complete secrecy.
"Don't you think she's beautiful?" X asks the man, which confuses him and found the revelation quite disturbing.
"You asked why I'm doing this and it's because of her." X says, turning towards him once more. He took a step closer to a nearby table, his hand brushing against each tool on it. "I am merely protecting her from the filth swarming around her and trying to take what's mine..."
X grips the handle of a sharp and bloodied knife in his hand, taking slow steps towards the now frantic man who's eyes are filled with terror as he tries to reason with him.
X stops infront of him, bending down to his eye level. He moves his face closer to him, keeping his heterochromatic eyes into the man's terrified and shaking ones, a sadistic smile slowly forming on his lips. "This wouldn't have happened if you just kept your distance from her and not end up in the same predicament like the others..."
X had driven the knife into the man's throat, and pulls it back out. He watches as the man gurgle in his own blood rushing out of his mouth. He continues his attack until he was satisfied.
He only stopped a buzz emits in his pocket that came from his phone. With his bloodied hand, he tapped the screen and answers the caller.
"You got her? That's good news!" X muses, as he nods at the following sentences from the person in the other line.
His eyes flickers down to the mutilated and lifeless man in front of him, blood pours down onto the ground and pools around his shoes. He clicked his tongue, thinking he made quite a mess this time.
"Yeah yeah, I got it. Remember, don't touch her. Unless, you got a death wish." X warns before ending the call. He began to walk towards the wall swapped with photos of you, filling his heart with love and feeling of ease.
"Sorry, my little lamb. You just have to learn the hard way this time." X took a certain picture from the wall, looking down on it with a soft eyes and smile. It was a picture of them back when they were still children.
"And this time, with driving fear into your heart. You'll realize that I'm the only you'll ever need and trust after I come and save you."
I think I flunked this lol.
Thanks for reading though <3
Happy holidays everyone!!!
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bolithesenate · 2 months
The origin of Sifo's hair loopies?
"Jo, what are you doing?," Sifo tried to peer at her busy fingers doing... something with a section of hair at the side of his forehead.
"Hush, hold still." She sent him a cautionary jab over the Force, concentrated solely on her little project. "I just learned how to do this, so don't fuck this up."
What 'this' was got revealed to Sifo-Dyas about half an hour later as he peered curiously into a reflective bit of a spoon (due to grievous lack of mirrors in the Archives). He tilted his head, shaking it a bit, the movement sending Jocasta's hairdresserial masterworks (?) swaying.
"And what are they?," he asked again, looking at his very proud looking friend.
"It's a Knight-braid," Jocasta said proudly, "I learned about them when I visited Jedha. Apparently they fell out of fashion already back in Grandmaster Sunrider's time, but there's still records of how to do them."
Sifo looked back into the spoon. Shook the braids some more. "Knight braids, huh," he murmured, "I've never heard of those. You sure that was a real thing that existed?"
She shrugged, already going back to her half-finished kaf she'd gotten before their little pause mid mission-prep. It must have been ice cold by now, Sifo would never understand how she could still drink it like that.
"Does it matter if they did?," she quipped back, before downing the contents of the cup. "They're cute and they suit you. Way better than that stupid beard Yan has been growing out."
Oh, so this was about the beard.
Sifo should have known.
"Maybe if it grows long enough you can braid that too?," he couldn't help but tease her, "You know, get some old traditions up and going again? Maybe start a new trend while you're at it?"
All he got was a look that could have shock-frozen Mustafar twice over. "Do not," she mocked throwing the kf cup at him, "even joke about that, Sifo. I'd rather personally shave down Master Tyvokka before touching that... thing."
Sifo laughed, fingers already reaching to play with the new braids. They were fun. "Oh, don't act like that. You can't fault him for trying to hide his babyface. There's been talks of him getting offered a Council Seat, you know. He's been stressing out over it all month."
"And his solutions to that was to grow a beard over it?" Jocasta sounded dubious. "I don't know. Sounds like a case for the mind healer to me."
"Oh shut it," he flicked her though the Force, "I think it looks stately."
"Of course you do." Her defiant murmur was barely audible, buried behind the datapad she'd pulled out. "Suckup."
"Not everyone is on a crusade against all facial hair like you are," Sifo singsonged happily, ignoring her dramatic mood (it was mostly an act anyways). "A bit of self expression won't do our dear Yan any harm."
Jocasta's face darkened further. "Not him maybe, but just see how you'll feel about it when it gives you beard-burn. That shit sucks."
Sifo snickered. "Advice taken."
"I'm serious, Sy."
"And I'll keep it in mind, Jo." He scooted over to her, flinging one of the newly installed braids against her cheek. "Plus, you've given me the weapons to defend myself now, haven't you?"
With an annoyed groan, Jocasta simply reached out, quick as lightning, and grabbed Sy's entire face, pushing him away. "Stop that you little kriffer," she complained, "I'm already regretting this, just so you know."
Sifo let himself be pushed away. Then he waited a few moments, before immediately diving back in, tackling his smaller friend in a hug. "Nahh," he said happily, rubing his face against her side, "You love me. You love the braids. Show me how to do them myself?"
"You're gonna keep them?," she asked, peering down on him. It was evident that she was flattered by the idea. Flattered that he'd liked them.
Sifo grinned up at her. "Of course. As I said, I gotta be able to beat back Yan's beard-attacks, don't I."
"Hmm." She looked off, clearly fighting down a smile. "I'll see what I can do."
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mercurygray · 1 month
A kind anonymous friend here responding to your latest prompt ask!
How about Molly and Rosie with “Stars”? I have become a complete sucker for this pairing and would love to see where else you would take them! (sorry Tab 😏)
Eee, thank you, Kind Anonymous Friend! I am so glad you are on this bus with me. (Sorry, Tab.)
In his dream someone was screaming.
Or maybe it had been something - air rushing over an open port as the plane went into a dive, whistling into the approximation of a human voice in agony. The sound had been endless, and the only thing that had brought him out of it was waking up, Molly bodily shaking his shoulders.
Slowly he returned to himself in the dark. Outside the window it was still night - or terribly early morning - and Molly was in his bed, looking over at him with concern in her eyes.
"I'm sorry. I haven't - haven't had one of those in a while." They'd been quieter, once - his dreams. There'd been a while, when he'd first started, where he simply couldn't sleep, but that had passed, and then there had been nothing until the end of the war, and suddenly everything had started...catching up.
"What are you apologizing for? I don't know a single person who doesn't."
He stared. "You don't."
"You just haven't seen mine," Molly said with a patient enigma of a smile. A long pause. "Do you want to talk about it, or no?"
Rosie swallowed, unsure he wanted to return to the dream. "Not really."
She nodded, eyes understanding. "Smoke?"
He shook his head, and she set the pack back down on the nightstand, thinking for a moment before lying back down on her pillow and patting her chest, right above her heart, as clear an invitation as any. His laugh came out in a little huff and he laid his head down on her chest just as she'd suggested, arms folded to slot better into her side, one of her hands joining his while her other began to pet his hair, her arm a pleasant weight. His ear was pressed to the warmth of her skin and the thin strap of her slip, and just beneath all of it her heart beat slowly on, the oldest human lullaby.
It was somehow easier to contemplate telling her when he couldn't see her face. "We interrogated Goring today."
"Oh?" The single syllable was full of interest - a quiet prompt for more. They had a somewhat unspoken rule not to talk about work, but this felt - different, somehow. Connected.
He swallowed and gathered his thoughts, his fingers still loose in hers, seeing the man's face as they'd laid question after question on the former Air Marshal, sitting in state in his gray uniform jacket, the utter calm of a man who believes himself to be right. "It just…brought a lot of things back, I guess."
Her hand was still in his hair, petting. "I'm sure it would. For anyone."
Outside his window the sky was all ink-black and star spangles, the city around them darker than a city should have been. The hotel where they had him staying was in the older part of town - not that there was much left of old or new. No streetlights here - precious few cars, and the looming threat of blackouts around every corner. Just the intermittent glow from windows, and after that little more between the whole city and the true depth of night.
"You know, they wouldn't ever let us fly at night. They were afraid we wouldn't be able to see the targets. If it was night you weren't flying, so night was…safe. And now it's -" he paused, took a breath, returned to her heartbeat. "Now it's not, either." Now there's screaming in the dark.
She lifted her head up and pressed a kiss into his hair. "On the ground, night means you don't know where the enemy and you don't know where your friends are, either," Molly submitted, still quiet, still stroking. "I used to hate it. Now I think about how it means you'll be with me." Rosie smiled against her skin. "Go back to sleep," she said. "I'll take first watch."
"In case anyone comes for our foxhole?" He asked, just to feel the laugh ripple in her chest.
"Yeah, that."
Rosie closed his eyes, smiling again when she started humming, the music tying him together with her, and he drifted back to sleep thinking of stars, and directions home.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
May I give Pebble a flower?
[Flöwer :))]
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Last night, you got him to stay for ten whole minutes.
It wasn't easy, by any means. Usually, as soon as your eyes met, the abnormal monster would tremble and make an uneasy groan before taking off into the sky. You'd say it's scary, if it hadn't happened so many times already.
You still remember the first time you saw him. It was probably around midnight, maybe one in the morning, dead hours. Restless, you had slipped a robe on and went to catch some air on your backyard. Except, when you glanced up with the intent of observing the stars, what you saw instead was something much closer. A looming, broad and two-headed figure perched on your roof, beady red eye fixed on you. The entity was seemingly as in shock as you were, which is ridiculous to say, but you know now that must have been the case- He was motionless, the two of you gawking at each other like statues.
What a curious thing he is.
Bathed by the soft glow of your light pole, you could try to make sense of the male. Stone, a gargoyle with an odd blueish tint, featuring two pointed tails and a pair of paper bags covering its heads. The right one has a hole torn in it from where that ruby glow emanates. He... Has a collar around his neck, and even though you can clearly tell something is engraved in that silver tag, you haven't been able to get close enough to read it.
That first night, he took off the moment you screamed at the top of your lungs, after making his own startled bleat that is. The encounter remained in your mind however, making you wonder if that mutated gargoyle was actually someone's pet. But surely, that can't be. He's no animal, his figure is so very humanoid. Observation has taught you better. No animal would comb its hand over the flowers of your garden with the knowledge that it had to be gentle so as to not ruin them. No animal would tap its claws on the bulbs of your light post just to hear the pleasant tink tink tink they make when they hit each other.
And no animal would have a conversation with you.
Granted, they're very one-sided conversations, which he either nods or shakes his heads at, sometimes offering vague noises that don't quite classify as words. But he clearly understands what you're saying! It took forever just to get him to stick around after a whispered "Goodnight".
He's no pet.
This time, you're determined to keep him around for just a bit longer. Because, weirdly enough, you've grown oddly attached to the gargoyle that perches on your roof every other night. You don't know what makes him keep coming back. It might be food nearby, it might be a particularly good spot to observe the sky- But you like to think he finds you just as charming as you find him. Wishful thinking, maybe.
Nonetheless, you have a plan, one whose core you hold pinched between index and thumb. A blue daisy. You smile to yourself, waiting for the telltale woosh of wings flapping and the loud thump of taloned feet finding purchase on the tiles.
" Hi... " You whisper after slowly walking outside, keeping yourself a fair distance away for his comfort. You'll never know why he fears you.
The gargoyle tenses, wings rising on his back, though he relaxes again eventually and warbles something quietly.
" I have something for you. You look like you enjoy flowers. " The monster tilts his head, blinking.
Eyes fixed on his, you make sure to take each step forward at a snail's pace, observing for any sign of aggression or terror. The entity squats straighter, grip on the tiles tightening, but makes no effort to flee. It's enough to have a smile steadily spreading on your cheeks. You never really thought you'd be the one feeling like a predator here, but it's definitely how you think of yourself as you stalk forward.
Once you're close enough to hear his slightly labored breathing, see puffs of hot air flow from beneath those odd paper bags -Things you've stopped questioning- You sedatedly raise your arm. The pretty daisy faces him delicately.
Slow seconds pass, a minute probably. Two? You're not counting. Moths fly past you both. He's studying your figure the same way a corralled chicken gazes at a wolf.
Finally, with a trembling hand, he reaches forward, hunching, stony claws scraping your knuckles in the brief moment it takes for him to pluck the flower off your grasp. It was all you needed.
Engraved lovingly into that rounded, shiny tag.
Taking a step back, you offer him a gentle smile.
" It's a pleasure to meet you, Pebble. "
The monster, previously studying the daisy, jumps a bit- Offering you a trepidation-filled glance full of confusion, until he remembers the nametag on his collar, tugging at it.
His free hand tugs his paper bags down harder, tails swishing as he apparently flusters.
A calmer silence settles after that, with you sitting by a stray chair, content to enjoy his mute company for a while.
It must have only been a handful of minutes before he moves again.
You don't bother looking, assuming he's about to depart for the night. Only to gasp when the monster lands on the ground, sitting next to you by the small backyard table with the daisy being twirled between bulky fingers.
Neither of you dare utter a word. And you don't need to.
This is more than enough.
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