#'Everybody lives Rose. JUST THIS ONCE! EVERYBODY LIVES!' my heart.
kayzero · 9 months
My Favorite Episode of Doctor Who
tonight i wanted to rant about my FAVORITE Nine episode:
"The Doctor Dances"
Firstly, “Are you my mummy?” rewired my fucking brain, I had that echolalia going for months after the first time i watched it
secondly. it’s So Fucking Smart.
Jack Harkness, don’t much like him to be fair, he’s too flirty, but i suppose i might’ve gotten The Curse of Immortality from him subconsciously. but you could get the twist of the episode with all the clues from the previous episode
same as the Doctor did
here are the facts of the episode:
German Air Raids have poor children scrambling about stealing food—woulda died anyway if a bomb were to hit, yeah? might as well get something out of this horrible situation.
A Child Died during an air raid, Nancy’s brother, to be precise
The Bomb That Wasn’t A Bomb was actually an alien ambulance, and finally,
Something Is Going Around looking for its Mummy, changing anyone it touches or that touches it into a perfect copy
The second that the word ambulance came out of Jack’s mouth, the first time I watched it, I said to my girlfriend at the time (first girlfriend, high school senior while she was a freshman, she actually introduced me to Doctor Who), “How do you think an alien ambulance goes around healing its patience?” And you know what she did? She just smiled and said that she had already seen the episode, so she already knew the answer.
But like.
Actually, the perfect comparison comes to mind—Penny Snapcube banned the smile emoji from her chat halfway through her playthrough of Tears of the Kingdom. It’s a subset of Twitch culture, popularized in Pointcrow’s stream, I could believe.
His exact quote was, “Do not say things like ‘oh I can’t wait for him to X’, or ‘chat, what was his reaction to Y?’ That’s a spoiler too. I now know those things are coming. Just smile instead.”
So now, instead of incidentally spoiling a twist or a secret in a game that a streamer is playing, or when the streamer shows any amount of foresight and like, correctly guesses near a plot point, chat will spam the smile emoji.
But Penny got pissed by her chat doing that Every Time she would say or do anything related to the game, because, in her words, “You responding like that tells me that there’s something involving what I just said coming up in the game.”
so my gf saying “I’ve already seen this episode” not when I asked about the air raids and not when I wondered about the Time Agents and not when I said something about this being Doctor Who’s take on a zombie invasion, never any of those times, but specifically when I mentioned the ambulance?
You know how Netflix does that “hey are you still watching” prompt shit, where the only time you wouldn’t be annoyed is if you fell asleep or started making out with someone? The prompt popped up in between The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances and I clicked off the iPad, stood up, started pacing, and going like
“What’s the easiest way for an alien miracle machine healthcare system to function?”
And eventually I opened Netflix back up and turned The Empty Child back on and skipped ahead to when the doctor (not the Doctor) got a gas mask. At this point my girlfriend clearly gave up and knew I would get it eventually and wanted to go back to cuddling so she skipped back a bit to where the doctor was talking about the sick kid being brought into the hospital.
I think I said something to the effect of “It probably transforms you into a healthy specimen. But how would they know what a healthy human looks like?” And my girlfriend skipped ahead to when the Doctor was saying that something was stupid.
“Oh,” I realized. “They don’t.”
so the machine scans a specimen, heals it up to full, catalogs it as a healthy member of its race, and then shoves it full of nanobots and makes it heal every other member of its race it comes into contact with by transforming it into what it believes is a healthy specimen.
so the machine scans a specimen, heals it up to full, catalogs it as a healthy member of its race, and then shoves it full of nanobots and makes it heal every other member of its race it comes into contact with by transforming it into what it believes is a healthy specimen. except it’s stupid. it thinks a distressed child wearing a gas mask is a perfect human. don’t explain the psychic connection, neither. how come they all surged forward when Jamie found Nancy that first time? how come Jamie went back to his room when the Doctor told those sickbed patients to go to their room? eh. who knows. anyway, i felt like a proper genius when the next episode came on and the Doctor said word for word what i said
(those two skips from the gf probably helped more than a little, but i paid her in cuddles, she received her due recompense, if not the credit at the time)
oh right, the mystery of the mother didn’t get this one the first go round but i think i’d get it today. back then i didn’t know The Mystery Novel Rules—All relevant characters must be introduced in the first act. Or in this case, the first fifteen minutes of the previous episode. So now I would realize that they wouldn’t introduce a new character to serve as the mother, so the Older Sister must actually be a SA Victim and a teenaged mother to her ‘younger brother’.
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
You have to understand that the reason why Nine is my favorite doctor is not because he is grizzled or edgy or a bad boy- it is because he is, fundamentally, kind. He is full of hope and optimism and compassion and he tries to convince himself that he is wrong to do so because the world tries to convince him otherwise (Jabe's death, Dalek, Adam, the Time War, the Slitheen, etc.) And yet at every opportunity he is given he is in awe of the majesty of the universe and the wonder of human kindness and Rose is important because she reinforces this over and over, her ferocious humanity, her relentless empathy, her flirty teasing, her incredible warmth, the fact that she reaches out to a Dalek with kindness.
And it's not just Rose, either- there is Jack and Cathica and Jabe and Lynda with a Y and Harriet Jones and even Mickey and Jackie, they are all so incredible, so flawed and complicated and wonderful and Fantastic.
I love Nine because he is hopeful and kind and a coward, not a killer, any day. I love Nine because of the absolute sheer, healing joy we see as he gets to shout "Just this once, Rose. Just this once. Everybody lives!"
I love Nine because, at his core, he is the Doctor. He is a healer. He is angry and traumatized and carrying the weight of the universe but most of all, his heart, damaged and broken and so full of love for the universe and humanity and one girl in particular that he welcomed the time vortex into himself without a single regret. He regenerated not with tragedy or regret, but with pride and optimism.
I love Nine because "You were fantastic, Rose. And you know what? So was I."
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mangowillow · 2 months
last to know | ch. 2: as always, even now
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pairing: jungkook x (f) reader / kim woosung x (f) reader
summary: you and jeongguk got together at 16 years old, married at 20, and divorced at 21. what was once love ever after turned into nothing but pain and unfulfilled dreams. you keep going despite the pain in your heart that never really went away, until one day, jungkook comes back— to seoul and in your life.
general story tags: divorce au, childhood friends, angst, hurt & eventual comfort, kind of a slow burn, OC is an adopted child in this fic, a lot of flashbacks later on because context is important; and the others that a lot of people seem to dislike: a love triangle and a LOT of miscommunication. look away if this isn't your thing. tags and warnings will be updated as we go along with each chapter!
warnings: mentions of weight loss and a hospital, jeongguk has a panic attack (semi-detailed), problematic parent-child dynamics. let me know if i miss anything and please be kind!
word count: 5.3k
author's note: *peeks into the void* why hello there! let's pretend i didn't disappear off the face of the earth. earlier this year i went to see The Rose live for their dawn to dusk tour and it was so much fun! there's just a lot of things that have happened and continue to do so; please accept my sincerest apologies for being inconsistent! BUT. know that i haven't forgotten about this story. heh.
also a few more things: ♡ to put things into perspective: jeongguk, OC/reader, and woosung are all the same age; that also means they're as old as seokjin and yoongi in this fic. all the other members maintain their age. honorifics may or may not appear at times. if that bothers you, well, can't please everybody! ♡ this fic isn't beta'd nor proofread by anyone. we go rogue, always.
tags for interested readers will be open for as long as this fic is ongoing! let me know in the comments or message me, whatever fits your preference!
fic masterlist
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Woosung plants a big, sloppy kiss on your cheek and giggles.
Looking at him, you ask, “What was that for?”
“Do I need a reason?” Woosung teases as he chews on his jjajangmyeon. You chuckle at his candidness and reach out to wipe the sauce that landed on the corner of his lip. The both of you resorted to sitting on the floor, surrounded by boxes, using one of them as a makeshift table to place the food.
“I’m really happy you got to come today,” you muse, enjoying Woosung’s calming presence as he delicately places a piece of chicken karaage on your noodle bowl before setting his own down. You haven’t seen him for a few days because he needed to get some new music done in preparation for his application to a recording agency as a performer and a producer. You were more than happy to support him in any way you could, including giving him his space to figure things out. It was also who Woosung was— a quiet soul who liked working in solitude. 
You and Woosung are so much alike.
“Why? Did you think I’d forget?” Woosung teases, a smirk playing on his lips. 
“No, I just thought… maybe you needed more time to prepare for your application. That’s important.”
Woosung gently shakes his head, ready to disagree— “Nothing will ever be as important to me as you.”
A slight pink dusted your cheeks. You didn’t expect him to be this cheesy so early in the morning so you smile and cast your eyes back down to your meal. 
“... I do have news for you, babe.” Woosung starts. He turns his body to face you. Giving your hundred percent attention, you cut the noodles with your teeth and place the bowl down. Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you hum at his statement, “What is it?”
Woosung smiles and looks at you lovingly. You feel a bit self-conscious every time he stares at you so intensely and like clockwork, you feel your cheeks heat up. 
“I got the job, sweetheart.”
Hearing the news leave his lips leaves you surprised— your hands fly to your mouth and your eyes start to water. “R-really?” Woosung nods and chuckles through his own teary eyes, you throw yourself at him to give him a tight hug. “Woosung, oh my god— this is— “ you hold him by the shoulders, explore every inch of his face, elation in both of your hearts— “this is great, oh gosh I am so happy for you,” you hug him again. 
You feel Woosung’s body relax instantly in your hold; it has been a journey, walking with Woosung through his own painful moments struggling with his art and passion. Two years ago, he came to Seoul desperately needing a break from life and music after many unsuccessful attempts to make it into the music industry back home in the United States. Although he and his bandmates have put out several songs in the past, they never really gained as much traction with an audience as they had hoped. Going back home to his roots in South Korea also meant leaving his bandmates behind— they have been nothing but supportive of him and his time as they also needed to re-assess their own lives and figure out what they truly wanted. 
Two years ago, Woosung also met you. Both your lives changed ever since.
“Thank you for all your support, ____… you know I wouldn’t have been able to get through all this if it weren’t for you.” Woosung whispers, tightening his hold on your waist. You feel this, you feel everything when it comes to him— so you wrap your arms tighter around him, too. “This is all you, babe. This is all your hard work.”
You both stay that way for a while. Unspoken words are left hanging, as well. You both know well what might become of all this as you always try to communicate. You believe it is what has sustained your relationship for so long. 
Both of you know that Woosung will always belong to music— it’s his dream and the reason why he took so many risks along the way. It was only a matter of when. The possibilities have always been there— should there be a moment where Woosung would return to his career, to his band, to becoming a global star. The fears that come along with those possibilities were also ever-present: what you and Woosung’s future would look like. 
All of these thoughts come rushing to the both of you, but neither of you said anything.
For now, the both of you are happy. And that is enough.
When you parted from each other, you pushed away some of the hair that fell over Woosung’s eyes. “When do you start?”
Woosung takes a deep breath, “As soon as the higher-ups get settled in. I’ve been told they’ve recently landed in Seoul so it shouldn’t be too long now. I’ll be meeting with the owners and one of them is the lead producer. I heard he was a genius, but also a bit scary. They’ve also given me a signing bonus and a potential collaboration with him… that was new… he said they liked my work so much…”
“Wow, that… that sounds so exciting, baby. How are you feeling about all of this?”
“I’m nervous, for the most part,” Woosung murmurs, readjusting the collar of his shirt. It’s been a while since I talked to someone else about music professionally and… this company— I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it. For one, it was built by musicians, too. So I’m hoping they’re not just doing all of it for the business.” 
You smile warmly at Woosung and hold his hands. “You’re going to do great, you know that, right?”
Woosung draws in a breath and nods before meeting your eyes. 
That night, Woosung couldn’t sleep. He watches over you as you dream and when a strand of your hair falls on your face after moving a bit, he tucks it behind your ear. His fingers lightly dance while grazing the side of your face. Woosung sighs as a feeling of anxiety starts to creep into his heart. He loves change, but he cannot help but feel somewhat scared about it anyway. He gets so lost in his thoughts about you that he doesn’t notice you wake up.
“Baby, hey… you’re still awake.”
Your voice brings Woosung back to the present. Seeing your sleepy eyes under the sliver of moonlight that passes through your window makes his heart do a mini somersault— it always does.
“Hmm… I couldn’t sleep,” Woosung says. You scoot closer to him, his arm going under your shoulders to support your body in an embrace. 
“Tell me what’s on your mind,” you whisper, eyes closed, inhaling his scent— him. 
“Just… things. I’m not sure how to articulate them yet…”
You hum, “Then I’ll just stay like this with you to keep you warm… warmth helps you sleep, right?”
Woosung nods, bringing your body closer to his. “Hm… especially your warmth.” Seconds later, he feels you breathe deeper, letting him know that you’re about to let yourself succumb to sleep once more. “I love you.”
When no response came from you, Woosung closed his eyes. Then suddenly, in the stillness of the night, he feels your hand squeeze his ever so lightly.
“I love you, too.”
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“Hyung, I think that’s the salt—” Jimin starts.
Seokjin snorts, stopping with the shaker in his hand mid-air, “What do you mean, Jimin-ah, I think I know the difference between salt and sugar.” He was about to potentially put salt on the croffle in front of him, leaving Jimin feeling both very nervous and distressed.
“Last time, I remember you put the sugar in a different container because a customer accidentally broke the original shaker. The color of the cap was blue, not red. This—” he pointed at the shaker Seokjin was holding, “— is obviously not blue.”
“Yah, that happened last week, but I already switched them out two days ago—” Seokjin tries to argue.
They didn’t notice Woosung enter the cafe until he spoke, “Why don’t you just taste it?”
“Oh hey, Woosung-hyung,” Jimin greets.
“Hey, Jimin. Good to see you,” Woosung replies as Jimin nods, his eyes turning into crescents as soon as he smiles.
Seokjin scoffs once more before greeting Woosung, but he relents and tastes whatever is inside the shaker. When he makes a funny face, Jimin and Woosung chuckle.
“Told ya, hyung. Tell us I saved your life.”
“I can’t believe this is salt, I knew I already switched it out—”
With possible disaster averted, Jimin doesn’t listen to Seokjin’s monologue anymore, “You’re here early today, hyung. Would you like to order the usual?”
“Actually, I am here to buy a mango parfait… ____’s fridge is crazy cold and the frozen mangoes are, well, too frozen. I might actually break the blender. I also forgot to make her usual overnight oats. We had to move a lot of things very quickly yesterday so she could have a bed to sleep on.”
“I got you, hyung. We just finished making a fresh batch of parfaits. Do you want one, too?” Jimin asks.
“Are there other flavors?”
“Blueberry and strawberry,” Seokjin adds.
“I’ll take one blueberry, then. Thanks.” Woosung gets ready to pay, but Seokjin waves him away. “It’s on the house.”
“You always give us free stuff, Seokjin—” Woosung tries to argue, but Seokjin shakes his head immediately.
“Taking care of my sister is more than enough, Woosung-ah.”
Woosung gives Seokjin a tight smile and nods. Seokjin then asks, albeit softer, “How is she doing lately?”
“She’s doing better,” Woosung reassures. “She has been painting more recently; not just because of her job at the university, but also at home. We’re going to set up her studio today so it should be fun.”
“That’s good to hear, right hyung?” Jimin turns to Seokjin, who nods. Jimin hands Woosung a paper bag with the parfaits. “I put some new desserts we’re experimenting with. Please give them a try.”
Woosung peeks at the paper bag and sees croissants and greenish muffins, presumably matcha-flavored. “Oh wow, thank you Jimin… I won’t take up too much of your time, guys. ____ is still sleeping and I need to clean up the mango disaster I left on her kitchen counter before she wakes up.”
Seokjin chuckles, “You really came all the way here for parfaits when you could have bought these anywhere near ____’s apartment.”
“Ah, but nothing beats your parfaits, Seokjin. A wise man once told me that,” Woosung smiles. He and Seokjin instantly formed a bond the moment they met two years ago, much to your relief. You’ve always been nervous to tell your brother anything remotely new about your love life— and you understand where he is coming from.
“Well whoever that wise man is must be pretty smart,” Seokjin replies. His eyes soften right afterward. “Go. Let’s have a drink sometime, yeah?”
“Sure thing,” Woosung waves goodbye to Seokjin and Jimin.
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Jeongguk walks the hallway of the recording studio, still groggy from sleep. Hands in his pockets, he stood outside Yoongi’s door, staring at his peculiar mat: a cat with its middle finger raised, the words ‘fuck off’ glaring at him. Figures, he thought. A doormat won’t stop him from ringing Yoongi’s doorbell, though.
“Who is it?” he hears Yoongi call out.
“It’s your favorite person in the whole wide world,” Jeongguk says, sarcasm lacing his voice. He pinched the bridge of his nose; a habit he developed in college whenever he felt the exhaustion seep out of him. He hears scuffling from the other side of the door until the sound of the door’s automatic lock rings. Jeongguk sees Yoongi clad in a plaid shirt, ripped jeans, and a gray beanie— his signature style. 
“Dumbass,” Yoongi mutters under his breath before turning his back to return to his equipment. “Good morning to you too,” Jeongguk teases as he closes the door behind him. 
“How are you already set up? It’s barely a day since we arrived!”
Yoongi chooses not to respond. 
“You’re kidding me, right?” Jeongguk asks in disbelief. “Please tell me you at least went home to get your shit sorted? Or maybe sleep like normal human beings do?”
“I did… for a brief moment, maybe?” Yoongi starts.
Jeongguk shakes his head, “You have to stop spreading yourself thin, Yoongi. It’ll be the death of you.”
Yoongi fiddles with a few knobs on the synthesizer before muttering, “That doesn’t seem so bad— spreading myself too thin, that is.”
Jeongguk throws his hands up in surrender and rolls his eyes.
“Have I succeeded in frustrating you to hell and back, yet?” Yoongi smirks while continuing to flit his eyes through the numerous screens in front of him.
Jeongguk was about to say something but then the door alarm clicked. Kim Namjoon’s head peeks out from behind the door.
“I came to say my welcome remarks,” Namjoon says as he lets himself in. Jeongguk’s mouth falls open because he couldn’t believe Namjoon could just easily waltz in without any resistance. What’s even more astounding was that he knew Yoongi’s passcode— while he, on the other hand, had to ring the fucking doorbell.
“Oh, great. So your boyfriend knows your passcode and I don’t?” Jeongguk asks.
“He isn’t my boyfriend,” Yoongi states, matter-of-factly. Jeongguk couldn’t help but glance at Namjoon’s way, who seemed unfazed.
“Right, and I’m Neil Armstrong,” Jeongguk plops down on the couch.
“You’re the CEO, Jeongguk, of course, you should know the passcode… right, Yoongi?” says Namjoon, ever the oblivious one. 
Yoongi continues to do work on his computer, his fingers deftly flying across his keyboard, “Don’t encourage him, Namjoon.”
Namjoon looks back at Jeongguk who has now taken an interest in the plant beside the couch. When they met each other’s eyes, Namjoon just shrugged, his dimples showing. 
“How was your flight, you guys? I hope everything was easy peasy.”
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy,” Jeongguk responds. “Not sure about Yoongi here though. He looked like he was about to puke.”
“Shut up,” Yoongi retaliates.
“I can’t imagine the both of you tolerating each other while in another country. It’s a miracle this production company is still standing upright,” Namjoon says chuckling. 
Namjoon met Jeongguk first in university while they studied in New York. Although Jeongguk was a business student and Namjoon double majored in music theory and composition, they ran into each other at a frat party-— with Jeongguk being drunk off his ass. He was about to fall into the pool full of piss (which the other frat members thought was funny) when Namjoon saved him in the nick of time. 
Apart from Yoongi, Namjoon also served as Jeongguk’s confidant, especially after things went south between you and Jeongguk. When the dust settled and Jeongguk was sober enough to realize the gravity of his mistakes, Namjoon helped Yoongi pick up the pieces of Jeongguk’s brokenness. As with time passing by, Namjoon and Yoongi started to develop into something more, too. Much to Jeongguk’s delight and envy.
However, neither Yoongi nor Namjoon has admitted their feelings to the other. And truth be told, Jeongguk is sick of them dancing around each other.
But he also knows it’s none of his business.
“Hey, Jeongguk, is that family dinner of yours still happening tonight?” Yoongi decides to ask. Also probably to change the subject.
Jeongguk lets out a deep sigh. “Yes, it is.”
“Ouch. Will you be alright?” Namjoon asks out of genuine concern.
“I don’t really have a choice.”
“You always have a choice, Jeongguk-ah,” Yoongi inserts. “You just need to work on making the right ones.”
Jeongguk slacks his jaw and runs his tongue across his lip ring. He doesn’t really have an answer to that.
Because once again, Yoongi was right. Not just about the damn family dinner; Jeongguk also knows his best friend’s words run deeper and imply a whole lot more than just feeling forced to sit down with his parents over steak and champagne.
“See you on the other side, then,” Namjoon says as he pats Jeongguk on the shoulder before leaving the room.
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Jeongguk mulled over bringing flowers to the family dinner but decided against it.
He knows that the house would be filled with them, anyway. And his efforts won’t matter, either.
As he got out of his car, a chauffeur was already by his side ready to take his keys for him. When the car drove off, Jeongguk took a moment to look at the house he hadn’t lived in for years. It feels odd to come home; it feels even odder to feel numb about all of it.
It took Jeongguk a few seconds to ring the doorbell; for god’s sake, it was his house too, he thought. Ringing the doorbell meant he was a stranger— which he felt was appropriate.
He was greeted by a new housekeeper. He gave her a nod before stepping inside. Almost instantly, his mother appeared at the top of the staircase. They look at one another for a moment, before his mother breaks the silence.
“You finally decide to show yourself.”
Jeongguk doesn’t move. Doesn’t respond, either. He was prepared for a stare-off match with his mother, but that was until his father showed up from the kitchen. With a dish towel in hand, Jeongguk’s father smiled at him as he placed a hand on his son’s shoulder.
“It’s so good to see you, son.”
Jeongguk, once more, doesn’t have it in him to respond.
At the dinner table, the silence was so loud, that Jeongguk thought it could break glass.
“Did you settle in fine, Jeongguk?” his father asks.
“Yes, father, I did.”
“You should have chosen a place that was nearer to us, Jeongguk,” his mother chides.
“Honey…” Jeongguk’s father tries to put out a fire that is about to ignite. Jeongguk, on the other hand, was so tired from the flight and emotionally, that he felt a need to retaliate.
Because why not? Whether he speaks up or not wasn’t really up to him. Between him and his mother, he has nothing to lose.
“I don’t know, mother, I chose that place because I wanted to get away from here as much as possible.” Jeongguk remarks. He knows he hit a nerve because his mother downed her champagne rather than respond.
“How is the company going, son? Everything doing alright?” his father asks, trying to mitigate a conflict that neither of them could recover from.
“I guess. Yoongi and I haven’t managed to burn anything so that’s nice,” Jeongguk eats a spoonful of mashed potato. He knows he really needs to shut up and regulate his emotions, but he just can’t help but be sarcastic.
Once more, the silence won. However, Jeongguk’s mother is the type to not back down.
“You should think about getting married soon, Jeongguk—” she starts. Jeongguk feels himself grow cold as if on instinct. 
“—and this time, we want you to marry someone your level,” she finishes. Jeongguk felt his heart twisting so painfully that he didn’t notice how tight he held on to his cutlery.
Jeongguk swallows the once-repressed pain that used to consume him whole. He knows this is futile because he never dares to face his regrets square in the face. Instead, he allows the pain to make him angry. He allows his resentment to consume him in ways he doesn’t know how to handle and in a pained effort to avoid causing further damage, he remains quiet. Unresponsive. Cold. Withdrawn.
But his own mother is even more cold-hearted than he is. She is the one who made him like this.
It’s her fault.
“You need to marry a good woman who can keep up with your social status. Remember you’re not just anyone, Jeongguk. You’re a Jeon. And you have a legacy to uphold,” his mother condescends. 
Tears start to sting Jeongguk’s eyes, but he doesn’t want to let his mother win. So he keeps still.
“I have a few prospects for you, dear. We should set dates for them, don’t you think so? I chose the most refined and educated—” Jeongguk hates how his mother knows how to push his buttons and hurt him.
He knows that his mother knows his ultimate weakness.
And because his mother cannot contain her insecurities and prejudice, she projects it all on her son. But most especially, you— whether you were in the room or not.
Jeongguk’s mother continues her monologue. His father miserably fails to become the referee (he always does). Heat starts to rise Jeongguk’s neck and he swears he could hear his own blood pumping through his ears. What almost immediately follows is the high-pitched ringing that only he can hear. 
Jeongguk starts to feel dizzy; like he’s about to lose control.
But instead of releasing, instead of crying, instead of getting angry— he does none of them. 
He finds himself standing up, his hands dragging the plate full of food to the ground. With all his might, Jeongguk tries to breathe deeply.
“That’s enough, mom.” Jeongguk croaks. A tear escapes his eye. “Please.”
Jeongguk rarely addresses her as “mom”. But in times of vulnerability and helplessness, it’s the term he ends up using.
“As I expected… you are still weak, Jeongguk.” his mother states with absolutely no remorse.
Jeongguk feels like he is about to throw up. To save himself, he drags his legs to leave the dining area. Housekeepers try to help him, but he brushes them aside. Security guards around the house up until the gate tried to support him, but Jeongguk just waved them all off.
He just needed to get away before his vision completely blurred. He needed to get out of this godforsaken house.
It was a miracle that Jeongguk got far away from the house as he had. But in doing so, he felt physically weaker and weaker. His mind isn’t done with him yet as thoughts of you start to resurface. His chest starts to tighten again. He feels cold and afraid and tired.
Jeongguk falls to his knees on the side of the road; he allows his body to go limp and fall to the ground. 
He barely remembers what happened next.
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When Jeongguk opens his eyes, bright, stale lights greet him. 
He hears beeping, faint footsteps, a voice over an intercom.
He feels something brushing his leg so gently that it takes him a while before realizing that someone is standing over him, wiping the edge of his slacks.
Jeongguk squints his eyes to get a better look at the person touching his leg. When he tries to elevate his upper body, the person in front of him feels him moving.
Jeongguk couldn’t believe who he was seeing. His panic attack must still be happening because it was impossible.
It was you.
“Oh… hi,” you start. Jeongguk is at a loss for words so he continues to stare at you.
You immediately feel self-conscious so you start to wrangle the damp cloth you were holding. 
“Are you okay? Hang on, I’ll call the nurse—”
You start to leave, but Jeongguk catches your wrist. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. You look at his hand on your wrist before Jeongguk lets go of it.
“W-what happened?”
“You’re at the hospital… um, I– I got a call from them saying you were here,” you say.
Jeongguk’s eyebrows met. He is still confused as to how or why the hospital would call you. As he looks at you, in the flesh, in front of him, the familiar ache in his chest threatens to overwhelm him again.
You look as beautiful as ever, even more so than the last time he saw you. The last time he did, you were crying to him. He did that to you. That was his fault.
“Are you hurt, anywhere, Jeongguk? I think I need to call your doctor, just give me a second—”
“No… please. I’m okay. I don’t feel any pain.” Except for my broken heart.
“Oh… okay.”
Jeongguk observes you, more particularly your hands. You still have that habit of fiddling with your fingers when you didn’t know what to do, he thinks. 
“H-how did the hospital call you? You didn’t change your number?” Jeongguk is a hundred percent sure his choice of questions was dumb, but he doesn’t have any idea as to why you’re here.
“The hospital told me I was your emergency contact… they uh– they only found your wallet on you and found this,” you explain as you handed him his wallet. Inside was an old piece of paper with your emergency contact number and e-mail address.
“The e-mail address is now defunct, but my number is still the same because I had it reactivated when I came back here…”
When I came back here, Jeongguk repeated to himself. 
Jeongguk wanted to ask you a million questions, but his throat feels dry and he is unable to speak. 
“I um, I also called Yoongi. He should be here any minute,” you continue. When Jeongguk looks at you funny, you give him a small smile— the first one you’ve given him since he woke up. “We talk sometimes.”
There is a lot of information that Jeongguk needs to process but his head hurts a lot and he makes a mental note to interrogate his friend later.
You move to grab and open the plastic bag that is on the bedside table. You pull out a pair of black socks. Jeongguk sees you hesitate a bit before speaking again.
“I got these across the street… your socks got wet from the rain.”
“Oh.” Jeongguk feels really dumb.
“May I?” you tentatively ask. “Your feet will get cold if we don’t—and you have the IV on so you won’t be able to use your hands—”
“It’s okay…” Jeongguk’s response startles you. “Thank you.”
You nod and sit by his feet to put on the new socks. Jeongguk feels the tears again but he tries to hold them back as he feels your touch and your warm fingers graze his bare, cold skin. When you’re done putting them on him, you smile to yourself.
“Does that feel better?” you ask.
Jeongguk nods and hums. He took his time to look at you and to his mild surprise, you reciprocated. A sense of stillness seemed to occur like time stopped just so Jeongguk could fully take in the sight of you.
He hurriedly tries his best to memorize all your features—old and new. Your face is smaller, your cheekbones higher; both indicative of you losing a bit of weight since he saw you last. Your eyes are softer, but also more tired. You also grew out your hair. 
To Jeongguk, you are still so beautiful.
And he missed you so much that his heart hurt again at the thought of losing you.
“How are y—” Jeongguk tries to ask, but the door to his hospital room slid open, revealing a disheveled Yoongi.
“Jeongguk, are you okay? What happened?”
Jeongguk notices you quickly moving aside to give Yoongi room. 
“I’m fine, Yoongi. I guess I just passed out and—”
“You had another panic attack, Jeongguk. That’s the second time this week. Have you taken your medication?”
Yoongi’s string of questions had Jeongguk feeling anxious. He just had the unexpected chance of seeing you again but under the most dire circumstances. Surely, it wasn’t the time for you to hear about his mental health issues.
“Yoongi, can we—” Jeongguk tried to save face, but Yoongi was faster. 
Yoongi turns to you and hugs you. “I’m sorry, ____, you must have been so confused.”
“No, not at all, I’m… I’m glad I could be of help,” you reassure. More so for Jeongguk because you know this must be very awkward for him. 
A bit of awkwardness did happen because none of you spoke for a bit. Your phone ringing was the only saving grace.
“Hello? Oh, okay. I’ll be right out,” you answer the other person on the line. Hanging up, you say, “Um… I should get going.”
“Is someone picking you up?” Yoongi asks.
“Yes, Taehyung’s just a few minutes away,” you answer.
Yoongi nods and pulls you in for another hug. He whispers his thanks and you respond by hugging him tighter.
You also approach Jeongguk a little closer. “Take care of yourself, Jeongguk.” You see the pain in his eyes, but you refuse to acknowledge it to yourself, even if Jeongguk’s eyes were brimming with unshed tears and his nose was already pink.
Jeongguk doesn’t want you to go. But again, he has no choice but to let you.
“You too, ____.”
As soon as you close the door, Jeongguk allows his tears to fall.
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As soon as you get into the car, Taehyung asks his questions.
“Why the hell did you just come out of a hospital?”
“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? You’re the only one there? What happened?” You can feel the panic rising in Taehyung as he inspects you, but you just chuckle.
“Yah—you laugh?”
“I’m fine, Taehyung,” you tell him but he doesn’t look convinced. “I really am.”
“Then why were you in there?”
“I saw Jeongguk again, Tae,” you calmly respond.
Taehyung freezes. “You’re joking, right?”
“I’m not,” you answer.
“And you’re… are you okay?”
“I am.”
Taehyung knows you better than that but he gives you a pass because he could also tell you were tired and your short answers mean that you didn’t want to talk just yet.
“Do you want to talk about it over ice cream and fries?”
For a second, you felt tempted, but you just also wanted to go home. “Maybe some other time, Taehyung.”
Taehyung understands immediately and nods. “Should I take you to Woosung hyung or do I take you home?”
You do want to see Woosung because you know he is what you need, but you also don’t want to burden him with a bombshell of an event so you opt to be alone for the night. “Take me home, please.”
“Okay, ____,” Taehyung answers.
The rest of the car ride was a quiet one.
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The short walk in the hallway leading to your home is a heavy one. As you punch in your passcode, you deeply sigh. You want nothing more than to collapse on the bed and ruminate on what just happened over the past few hours.
However, the moment you open the door, a wave of delicious scents welcomes you home. As you take off your shoes, you see a familiar pair. You smile to yourself as you place yours beside it. 
You enter your home further and see Woosung with his back to you, working his way in the kitchen. As if on cue, Woosung turns around and walks toward you. 
“Hey you,” you say with a smile.
“Hi,” Woosung responds, gathering you in his arms and pulling you into a tight embrace. “Did you have a good day, today?”
You feel yourself swallow once before nodding. Woosung, ever the sensitive boyfriend, holds you tighter.
You know you can’t hide from him. So you hold on to him tighter, too.
And you allow yourself to break down and cry.
Woosung feels your body shake and he runs his hand across your back to soothe you. 
He may not know what’s going on right now, but he also knows you will talk to him when you’re ready. So he continues to embrace you; kissing the side of your head after a while.
Woosung whispers against your ear, “You’re safe with me, sweetheart.”
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taglist: @whoa-jo @nays2112 @junecat18 @jk97bam @butterymin @smdnai
tags for interested readers will be open for as long as this fic is ongoing! let me know in the comments or message me, whatever fits your preference!
261 notes · View notes
harmonicakai · 15 days
Be Around Me
Part 1 of the "Love is Embarrassing" series
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Pairing: Gyuvin x Reader, Ricky x Reader (one-sided), Haobin crumbs, Jiwoong x Reader teeny tiny crumbs 
Summary: Gyuvin is the type of guy to get flustered over everything, but little does he know that you secretly think it makes him even cuter.
Tropes: basketball star!gyuvin, journalist!reader, college AU, basketball!zb1, frat!zb1, secret admirer, fluff, slow burn, crack, unrequited love, mutual pining, gyuvin is a LOSER
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: Ricky is annoying lol, mentions of masturbation and sex (mdni!!!)
A/N: y’all will have pry zb1 college basketball au from my cold dead hands!!!!!!!! also for once in my life, y/n is not super insecure we cheered!!
“It's obvious she's so out of reach And I'm finding it hard 'cause She makes me feel, makes me feel Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard” —Try Hard, 5 Seconds of Summer
On the court, Kim Gyuvin is the star player of the Wakefield Roses. With his long limbs, he handles the ball with ease, capturing the hearts of everybody in the crowd every time he grins after scoring a basket.
Off the court, he’s an awkward mess. Combine that with the fact that you, the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, are usually the one covering games for the school news, and he’s a goner.
As if it isn’t hard enough for him to make eye contact with the camera, he also has to make sure he doesn’t stare too hard at your shiny hair or glossy lips. His teammates would never let him live it down if he was caught being an absolute creep on video.
What started out as a little crush has grown into a deep admiration. He reads every article that you put out into the school newspaper, sometimes even cutting out the ones you’ve written about him and his team. Everybody makes fun of him for being too scared to just ask you out.
He’s never been one to flirt with girls, but the way you make conversations so easy during interviews, even when he’s stumbling over his words, makes him feel at ease around you. Still, he wonders how much of it is just your journalist persona versus you actually liking him.
Sharing a double with Ricky means he gets exiled a lot in the name of his roommate getting laid. Sometimes, you come back from getting your morning coffee and catch him sleeping on one of the lounge’s couches.
One morning, when your arms are full of pastries that you intend to hoard in your dorm for the upcoming week, you spot him curled up yet again on your way back to your room. 
Without much thought, you stop to leave a muffin and a little note next to it on the table in front of him, conveniently forgetting to sign your name.
It began with cutesy but vague things, like “breakfast for a champion,” but quickly escalated as soon as Gyuvin started leaving notes back for you. 
After a couple exchanges, he even wrote that you didn’t need to be leaving him food at all and that he just wanted to know who you were. Truthfully, you had a really big crush on Gyuvin, but didn’t everybody?
Despite being a bit camera shy, he was always so sweet before and after your interviews, doing his best to make small talk and smiling his smile that could make anybody swoon. 
Plus, you’ve seen how much more comfortable he is with other people, even the cheerleaders, who are all super pretty. He must just be really nice.
So, you continue to leave the notes unsigned, despite each one growing in flirtation. You like the thrill of being mysterious, but you’re mostly just scared of getting rejected since he’s never given you a reason to think he likes you back.
It isn’t until Ricky catches you one morning, a sly grin on his face when he sees you leaving a whole stack of notes on the table.
When you lock eyes with Gyuvin’s roommate, you know the jig is up. Surely, he’ll tell him it’s been you all along.
“Y/N,” Ricky nods when you approach him, his arms crossed. “I have to say, I had my suspicions.”
“Listen, Ricky, I would prefer if we could keep this between us.”
“Gyuvin’s been going on and on about some secret admirer for weeks now. It’s cruel that you won’t tell him who you are.”
“He’s welcome to stop writing back if he doesn’t want to,” you shrug, although it would probably devastate you if that actually happened.
“Oh, trust me, he wants to. Especially if he found out it was you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that every time he finishes an interview with you, he might always run home and lock himself in our bathroom because you get him so riled up. If you know what I mean.”
Your eyes go wide at the revelation. Ricky is surely just messing with you. “That’s—that’s not funny, Ricky. You shouldn’t joke about those kinds of things.”
“I’m not joking,” he chuckles. “Listen, Zeta Beta Omega is throwing a party tonight and the whole team will be there. You should come.”
“I don’t do parties,” you scoff. “Why would you even want me there?”
“Because maybe after a few drinks, you and Gyuvin won’t be so scared to tell each other how you feel. Then you guys can knock off this silly game and he can stop whining about not knowing who his mystery girl is.”
“And go back to whining about how all his roommate does is kick him out every night so he can fuck whoever he lays his eyes on?”
“Exactly. See, Y/N, you get me,” he practically purrs. “So, you show up looking all pretty and talk to my poor, lovesick roomie, and I won’t spill your little secret. Deal?”
“Ugh, fine, I guess. I can’t believe you’re blackmailing me. Deal.”
“Trust me, it’s for your own good, sweetheart.”
You cringe at the pet name. “Is this how you talk to everybody?”
“Yes. Why? Is it working? Are you going to start leaving me notes too?”
“Enjoy the rest of your morning, Ricky. I’ll see you later,” you say, walking past him. Even if he’s annoying, it’s genuinely impressive how he managed to brush off every insult you threw his way.
“See you, Y/N.” You don’t even have to look back at him to know that he winked as he said that.
Gyuvin knows that staying up all night waiting around for his mystery girl would be an invasion of privacy. At least he thinks the person who keeps leaving him baked goods and notes is a girl. Or maybe he’s just being hopeful that it’s you.
He’s never seen your handwriting before, but he’s been close enough to smell your perfume and he swears he can catch hints of it wafting off the sticky notes.
In fact, he’s started looking forward to Ricky kicking him out of their shared bedroom just because he knows he’ll be waking up to the sweetest surprise when he sleeps in the lounge.
Tonight’s party should be a good distraction from all of the wondering. Maybe, if he’s drunk enough, Ricky will be more embarrassing than alluring and Gyuvin will get to sleep in his own bed. Still, he can’t get this morning’s notes off his mind. 
You’ve left him clues, little doodles of your favorite things. Your coffee order, favorite color, favorite animal, and so on. He’s hoping you’ll be at tonight’s party so he can see if you mention any of the stuff drawn out, but you never show up to these kinds of things.
That was before Ricky got involved. You stood outside the ZBO frat house wearing your worst sneakers and a baby pink minidress, as suggested by one of your suitemates.
If only you didn’t show up by yourself. There were a few familiar faces from class, and of course, the entire basketball team, but nobody you were really friends with. All you could focus on was how sticky the floor was and how much you needed a drink.
“Hi,” you say, finally making your way over to the bartender. It’s the team’s captain, Hanbin. “Just give me whatever tastes the best.”
“One rum punch it is,” he smiles, his whisker dimples making your heart flutter. Why was everybody on the team good looking? “Y/N, right?”
“Yep,” you say, taking the plastic cup from him. “You’re Hanbin. You know, I’ve been meaning to interview you, but you always seem so busy with other things at games.”
“Don’t worry about it. It wouldn’t be nearly as cute as when you interview Gyuvin,” he laughs, eyeing the line of guests waiting for their drinks. “I’ve got a job to do, but I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Thanks for the drink,” you say, holding it up in a sort of cheer before walking away. You take a sip and savor its sweetness, the liquor’s flavor blending in perfectly to the juice. Hanbin’s words stick with you. Were you and Gyuvin cute together?
Sure, he’s so tall that he practically towers over you, but he refuses to ever make eye contact and always keeps his replies so short and polite. Then again, he sure seems to write a lot in the notes that he doesn’t know are going to you.
For a second, you start to consider that you might actually have a chance with him, until you spot him with a beautiful girl touching his arm and whispering something in his ear. Before you can mope for too long, someone is tapping you on the shoulder.
“There you are,” a familiar voice calls over the music. You turn to see Ricky grinning at you, his hair looking almost white under the lights. “You look good.”
“Thanks, I guess,” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest to prevent him from checking you out any further. He glances past you at his roommate.
“Don’t worry about her,” he assures you. You don’t know whether or not to believe him. “Gyuvin has never taken a girl home from these parties, let alone kissed one.”
That’s a relief. “Don’t you have a hook-up to hunt down?” you ask Ricky. He cocks an eyebrow at you, sipping his drink.
“Oh, Y/N. I keep my girls on speed dial,” he chuckles. You cringe at his playboy persona and for once in his life, Ricky is embarrassed. He shuts his mouth, hoping you can’t see him blush.
“Wow,” you say, tilting your head at him. “Don’t tell me young and rich, tall and handsome Shen Ricky can actually feel shame. I really wish I had a cameraman with me right now.”
“Like I said, it works on most people,” he attempts to reason. “You’re just immune to my charms, I guess.”
“Guess so,” you smirk, downing the rest of your drink. You glance behind your shoulder to see Gyuvin still talking to that girl, then back at Ricky, who’s deep in thought.
“Do you want to meet the rest of the team?” he asks, surprising you. You give a slight nod, and that’s all he needs to see before grabbing your wrist and pulling you through the crowd.
At first, Ricky lingers as you make small talk with Matthew, Taerae, and Gunwook, and explains to you that Yujin is actually at home because he’s still in high school. You feel like a horrible journalist—have you been so preoccupied with Gyuvin that you didn’t notice there was a literal child on the team?
By now, Ricky’s abandoned you to go find something, or someone, more entertaining. He’s dropped you off with Jiwoong, the oldest player, who is as aloof as he is annoyingly handsome. The way he eyes you makes your stomach do cartwheels, and you’ve had enough to drink that you can’t see the harm in flirting with a cute boy.
He’s spewing some bullshit about meditating when you cut him off. “I like your hair,” you blurt out, catching him off guard. He turns and smiles at you for the first time since you started talking.
“You do?” he asks, running a hand through it. “I think it’s a little long. I might get a haircut soon.”
“Keep it like that,” you say, not taking your eyes off of him. “It looks good.”
Jiwoong is grinning now, but he remembers that you’re Gyuvin’s crush, and it would be totally wrong to kiss you no matter how badly he wants to. He eyes the crowd, searching for someone to save him from the tension. 
“Hao!” he says, grabbing a boy passing by and pulling him into the conversation. He looks familiar, but he’s certainly no basketball player. “Y/N, this is Zhang Hao. He’s our equipment manager. I’m gonna run to the bathroom.”
“Hi, Y/N,” Hao says, clearly caught off guard. “You’re the one who does the interviews, right?”
“That’s me,” you confirm. Jiwoong’s departure right when you thought he was going to kiss you was beyond bizarre. “I didn’t realize how many people knew me.”
“You’re basically a celebrity to the team,” Hao laughs. “They all think you’re pretty.”
“Makes sense,” you smile, sipping on your third drink of the night. “I am, in fact, very pretty.”
“Agreed. So, which one do you have your eye on?” he asks, leaning in to hear you better. “Or should I guess?”
“Go ahead and guess,” you say, eager to know what he thinks.
Hao takes a second to gather his thoughts. “Well, it’s clear that you’re into Gyuvin based on the way you giggle at his seriously unfunny jokes, but you were also just eye fucking Jiwoong. Then again, wasn’t Ricky dragging you around earlier by the hand?”
“By the wrist,” you correct him. “And yes, I do like Gyuvin. But he’s been talking to some other girl the whole night.”
“He only has eyes for you,” Hao says immediately. This is the second time you’ve heard this tonight, but the first where it’s coming from a trustworthy source.
“And you?” you ask in return, shifting the conversation onto him. “Which one do you have a crush on?”
Hao’s eyes widen. “I–I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not—I don’t—”
“Hao,” you cut him off. “You’ve glanced at Hanbin at least six times since this conversation started.”
He swallows, knowing he’s been caught. “It’s that obvious, isn’t it?”
“Yes. Why don’t you go talk to him?”
“We talk all the time,” Hao mutters, looking down at his shoes. “I’m basically his personal assistant.”
“Do you talk about anything other than basketball?”
“Do you even like basketball?”
“Hao,” you say, gripping him by the shoulders and turning him towards the drink station. “Go over there and get your man.”
As if it weren’t enough of a shock to Gyuvin that you actually showed up to a ZBO party, he’s had to spend all night watching you chat up the entire team except for him. 
They’ve no doubt let it slip to you that he has the biggest crush on you on campus, maybe even the entire world. But he’s way too nice to tell one of his classmates, who attends every game just to hold up a sign with his name on it, that he isn’t interested. 
That’s how he ended up nursing his drink with a tight lipped smile, listening to what’s-her-name ramble on about things that would be more interesting to probably anybody else, all while keeping an eye on you as you bounce around the party.
Your interaction with Jiwoong made him jealous beyond belief, and he makes a mental note that while he’s made his crush on you very clear to his teammates, you’re technically not his and free to flirt with whoever you want.
He watches as you grasp Hao and shake him, muttering some words of encouragement before sending him over to the bar. Finally, you’re alone again. It’s now or never.
“I have to go walk my dog,” Gyuvin lies, not even bothering to let the poor girl react before making his way over to you. You’re wearing pink, his secret admirer’s favorite color. Surely, it’s not just a coincidence. 
“Y/N,” he says a little too loud, startling you. You jump, accidentally knocking yourself into him. Both of your drinks go flying and suddenly, you’re covered in sticky red liquid. 
At this point, Gyuvin might as well just die alone. How did he manage to only spill his drink on you and not himself? He peers down at you, guilt written all over his face, as you take in what’s just happened.
“Here,” he says, reaching into his hoodie’s pocket and pulling out wadded tissues. “They’re clean, I promise. I have, uh, I’ve got allergies, so I carry around a ton.” 
He unfolds one and gently pats the liquid off of you without so much of a second thought. Your silence makes him panic even more, and he’s so focused on drying you off that he doesn’t even notice he’s basically rubbing the tissue on your cleavage.
Gyuvin freezes once he finally notices where his hand is, immediately pulling away and putting a good distance between the two of you. “I am so sorry. Holy shit, I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m not a pervert! Please don’t think I’m a pervert.”
“Gyuvin,” you finally say, your voice just as sweet as always. He’s pacing as much as he can with everybody packed in so tightly, his long legs taking tiny steps. “It’s okay. I don’t think you’re a pervert.”
He stops and looks down at you. “Really? You’re not just saying that?”
“Really,” you reassure him. “Although I might think you’re a klutz. Who knew Wakefield’s star basketball player was so clumsy off the court?”
“Technically, you bumped into me,” he asserts, his smile returning. “But you’re also the one who got soaked, so let’s just call things even.”
“Deal,” you agree. Sure, it’s fun when boys are obviously flirting with you, but the way Gyuvin has no clue what he’s doing is just so charming. It feels natural when you’re with him, a nice departure from the overused pickup lines and generic compliments that are usually thrown your way.
Gyuvin takes in your stained dress, the red punch seeping into the pink fabric like blood. You look straight out of a horror movie. 
“Here,” he says, shrugging off his varsity jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders before taking in the sight of you. “Wow. You look so…”
“Silly?” you answer, the expanse of material wrapped around you like a tent. 
“Cute. You look so cute.” Gyuvin meets your eyes for a split second before looking away again, his ears now feeling even hotter than when he saw you with Jiwoong. “I can get you a new shirt, if you want. My room isn’t far from here.”
“You want me to go with you to your room?” you giggle, enjoying how flustered you make him. Hearing his teammates talk about how much he likes you has taken a weight off your shoulders, and you don’t know how you ever thought he wasn’t into you before.
“No! Well, yes, but only if you want to. And I’m not using this as an excuse to bring you back to my room. I just know you like pink and I have this one pink shirt that shrunk in the wash and I think you’d look really good in it. Plus, I can start a load of laundry and get your dress all clean.”
This is the most you’ve ever heard him talk, his voice a few pitches higher than usual when he’s rambling. Plus, if he knows how much you like pink, he must be following your clues. “Let’s go to your room, then.” 
While Gyuvin’s side of the room is much neater than you expected, Ricky’s side looks weirdly perfect. Not a single thing is out of place, with every item labeled or color coordinated. You’re shocked that two basketball players can manage to keep such a small room so tidy.
“Sorry, it’s kind of a mess,” Gyuvin apologizes, moving to make his bed. “You can sit here.” 
“If this is what you think is messy, you don’t want to see my room,” you say, taking in all of the decorations. Usually, when you’re in a guy’s room, it’s all navy blue and manly movie posters, but Gyuvin’s walls are so colorful and covered in photos of his family and friends. 
One piece of paper catches your eye—the very first article you wrote about the basketball team. You scan his wall, catching more and more newspaper clippings, all penned by you. Gyuvin’s too busy putting things away and rustling through his drawers to notice you staring at them in awe.
“Here we go,” he calls out, turning and holding up a shrunken pink t-shirt and a pair of sweats. His grin fades as soon as he catches you reading one of your own articles, which have been on his wall for so long that he’s forgotten they’re even there. “Oh. Uh, please don’t think I’m a creep.”
“It’s not creepy. It’s sweet. They’re all about you, anyway,” you say, turning to take the shirt from him. It has a picture of a silly looking greyhound on the front of it.
“Right,” Gyuvin says, shrugging off the interaction. He pulls himself onto the bed next to you, sitting cross legged and making sure to leave a gap between you and him. “That’s my dog, Eumppappa.” 
“Eumppappa is an amazing name,” you muse, turning to smile at him. Your faces end up being so close that Gyuvin thinks his heart has stopped beating. In his attempt to scoot back, he ends up tumbling off of his bed.
“Fuck,” he says as he lands on the ground. You peer down from the lofted bed at his long limbs sprawled across the rug. If you didn’t think he was a complete loser before, you probably do now.
“Are you okay?” you call out, watching as he sits up and rubs his head.
“I’m good,” Gyuvin assures you, taking a breather before getting to his feet and heading towards the door. “I’m going to step out and let you change. Let me know when you’re decent.”
“Will do,” you smile, giving him a thumbs up. You strip your clothes off, throwing on the t-shirt and sweats and pulling the drawstring until you know they won’t fall off of you. “You can come back in, Gyuvin!”
He stumbles in, practically waiting with his body pressed against the door for the moment he could see you again. God, could you really not tell how much he liked you before tonight?
Gyuvin eyes you drowning in his clothes and he knows that he’d move earth and heaven if it meant that you’re who he got to wake up to for the rest of his life. 
“I’ll go throw this in the washer and then we can head back to the party,” he stammers, snapping out of his daydream and grabbing your dress. Your smile is so pretty right now, even after all of his awkwardness, that it takes everything in him not to get hard just looking at you.
By the time he gets back from the laundry room, you’ve decided you don’t want to go back to the party, especially not dressed like this.
“Oh,” Gyuvin says, disappointed that his time with you has been cut short by his clumsiness. “Do you want me to walk you back to your place?”
“I live down the hall,” you remind him. You hope he doesn’t realize you could’ve just as easily grabbed your own change of clothes.
“Right,” he grimaces. He knows that. He’s always trying to time leaving his room perfectly so that he runs into you on the way to class.
Just like whenever you interview Gyuvin, there’s an awkward silence, except this time it can’t be edited out. He’s back to looking everywhere in the room except at you.
“It’s not even midnight,” you say, glancing at your phone’s lockscreen. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“Like, together?” Gyuvin asks in disbelief. You nod, an amused smirk on your face. “Duh, of course you meant together. Yeah, sure, let’s watch a movie.”
Moments later, you’re sitting in the dark with Gyuvin, your legs pulled close to your chest as you watch Amélie projected onto the wall above Ricky’s bed. 
Every once in a while, Gyuvin lets himself relax, his arm or his leg brushing against you by accident. After spending half of the film pulling away out of fear that he’s bothering you, he finally settles for having his fingers barely touching yours. 
“You know,” he starts, his eyes still locked on the movie. “I kind of have my own mystery going on right now.”
“Really?” you say, feigning shock. “About what?”
“Someone keeps leaving me notes when I sleep in the lounge. Sometimes treats, but mostly notes. They don’t sign their name, but today they left me some little doodles as clues and I’ve been trying to figure them out.”
The way you’re reacting makes his stomach turn. How could it be you when you have a look on your face that says you have no clue what he’s talking about?
“Well, I’ve been meaning to work on my investigative journalism. What if I helped you track your secret admirer down?”
If you aren’t going to fall for him, he’ll at least settle for being friends. “That’d be awesome, Y/N.” 
Suddenly, Ricky comes crashing into the dorm room, his lips attached to some girl’s face. He pulls away from her for a second, barely registering that you’re even there, before pulling out his wallet and throwing a couple hundred dollar bills at Gyuvin. “Get out. Now.”
Before you can protest, Ricky’s already unbuttoning his shirt, and you’ll gladly evacuate if it means you don’t have to watch whatever freaky shit is about to go down.
“I didn’t know he pays you to sleep in the lounge,” you laugh, your arms full of Gyuvin’s comforter as you walk down the hall. “With that kind of money, he could just buy an apartment.”
“He could,” Gyuvin starts, holding his pillow in one hand and the stack of notes—your notes—in the other. “But then he wouldn’t get the true college experience. Plus, he only throws money at me when it’s a last minute thing.”
“How much was that, anyway? Like $300?” you ask. He stops and takes out his wallet.
“$400. Pretty standard,” he shrugs, counting the bills. Your eyes widen at the total.
“Are you going to share?” you pout. “I got kicked out too.”
“You can have it,” he says, handing you the money, his brain short circuiting at the way you bat your eyelashes at him. You marvel at the crisp bills. “This is just another Friday night for me.”
“Okay, young and rich, tall and handsome Kim Gyuvin. Thanks for buying my dinner for the rest of the semester!” You don’t know this, but if you asked him to, Gyuvin would buy you whatever you wanted.
Before you can get down to helping him figure out the doodles, or throwing him off your trail, the two of you are fast asleep. Instead of the lounge’s couch, Gyuvin curls up on the oversized bean bag on your bedroom floor. It’s much too small for his frame to actually be comfortable, but he somehow feels more content just being around you.
Taglist: @orangesodafoam @theresawtf @nerezza123 @gyvnexe @xiurmy-everything @wollycobbl3-blr @cloudgyubi @yunnie-11 @wheatrice
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room13 · 11 months
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Tangerine x F!Reader
Warnings: +18 smut, dirty talk, fluff
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Tangerine came back home from a job the previous night, and the minute he and Lemon got off the airport and into his brother’s car the only place Tan could ever think of going to was your flat, and so he did. Lemon left him at your building’s front door and at that moment Tangerine felt like he could finally breathe again. The first thing he did once he entered your flat in the early hours of the morning was to go straight to the bathroom for a much-needed shower. Even though in his tired state he could simply just lie in bed and call it a night, he knew how much you hated when people laid in bed with street clothes or unshowered, so without thinking twice he entered your bathroom and took the warmest shower his body could handle. The last thing he remembered before sleep took over him was going to your bed - in all of his naked glory - and cuddling you tightly in his arms.
After a stressful 12-hour shift at work, the only thing you wanted the most was to get home and sleep. Fuck your 4th anniversary, fuck celebrations, and fuck everybody! Your new boss was a complete asshole and was getting incredibly difficult to find the motivation to get up every morning and face a job that used to be your biggest dream - which undoubtedly now was nothing but a nightmare.
“Fucking asshole! Can’t tell the difference between a needle and a toothpick, and now he wants to tell me how I’m supposed to do my job? Yeah, right. When you’re able to do your fucking job properly then you come talk to me, you little fucker” You murmured to yourself as you turned around to lock the front door.
The sweet scent of the roses was still absent to you as well as the imposing figure of the British man who now stood behind your frame with a dishcloth tossed over his shoulder.
“I can take care of him for you, poppet. It would only take me a bullet”
The thick accent made you jump in fright, and with your hand pressed against your chest, you slowly turned around to face your handsome boyfriend “Jesus Christ, Tan. Don’t sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack”
“I’m sorry, love” He chuckled and pulled you in for a tight hug. Tangerine’s lips engulfed yours in a deep, loving kiss and soon enough you giggled at the feeling of his mustache tickling your upper lip.
“Do you want me to shoot him in the parking lot?” Tan asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Oh my god, no” You laughed before swatting his chest playfully when he asked “A beat down then? I can send him to the ICU so you can go there and turn off the machines” He smiled wickedly when your eyes widened in shock.
“Tan!” You reprimanded as he shrugged “What? It’s a good option!”
“Okay, that’s enough” You held back a faint chuckle as you pecked his lips “I appreciate the thought, even though it’s wicked and murderous. You k-“ You stopped mid-sentence once you caught a glimpse of the scenario behind your boyfriend.
The candlelit room and dozens of roses spread throughout the entire house was not something you’ve ever thought Tangerine would do. He doesn’t consider himself a ‘romantic man’ and made that very clear from the beginning of your relationship, but every time that man did something for you, you never failed to be amazed by how much of a hopeless romantic he is.
“Oh baby, this is beautiful! You did all of this for me? Tan, you’re so sweet” You caressed his cheek and laid a soft kiss on his exposed chest.
“Well, ya know, I was waiting for you to come home then I got a bit bored and did this” He waved his hands around the perfectly decorated living room “It’s nothing, really” Tangerine shrugged “It’s not a celebration or anything like that”
“So you’re telling me you didn’t do this because it’s our anniversary?” You squint your eyes playfully before pulling him closer to you by the waistband of his gray joggers.
“Is that today? Oh, who would’ve thought? I guess it’s just a mad coincidence, innit?” Tangerine shrugged again as his fingers began to massage the sore muscles of your neck.
“So you just bought dozens of roses for no reason?” You moaned softly at the perfect pressure he was applying to your tensed muscles.
“They were on sale” Tan teased with a playful smirk “I love when you moan for me” His growl was low and possessive against your lips and his hands instantly left your neck to take two handfuls of your ass.
“Yeah? Like this?” You moaned again, while Tan’s teeth tugged on your plumped bottom lip. His hands began to roam through your body, taking handfuls of your curves and exploring the body he has missed so much the last couple of weeks “Exactly like that, poppet. Fuck, you make me so hard for you”.
Your hands wandered down Tangerine’s body, feeling his chiseled torso beneath your fingertips. His hands traveled up your sides until they stopped at the back of your head, gripping two handfuls of hair, tugging at the scalp, and making you moan against his full lips.
“Fuck me, Tan. Make me your obedient little whore” Your whisper came out soft and sweet, lowly professing your lust as if it was a dark secret.
Tangerine’s growl earned a small giggle from you, that was easily replaced with a surprised gasp once your back hit the concrete wall behind you.
“Oh poppet, poppet” He tsked his tongue in disapproval “That naughty mouth of yours is going to put you in big trouble, little girl” Tangerine’s hand began to roam through your curves, pushing your uniform pants down your thighs and tapping your leg for you to kick the fabric away from your feet.
Your lips innocently smiled at him but your eyes held that teasing gleam that made Tangerine’s cock stir in his pants. “I was only asking for something simple” You begin, thumbs hooking on the waistband of your black cotton panties and dragging them down your thighs.
“And what are you asking for, love?” Tangerine smirked, eager to hear the dirty words spilling out of your mouth.
The pads of your middle and ring finger settled on your clit, drawing lazy circles on the bundle of nerves. Your free hand pulled Tangerine towards you until he was close enough for you to palm his hard cock through the sweatpants.
“I want this inside me, fucking me hard and deep enough for me to feel you here” You quickly touched your lower belly before closing your fist around Tangerine’s erection through the fabric, the firm pressure of your grip making him groan loudly “Fuck, poppet. That fucking mouth”
“Just think about it, Tan” You teased with a grin, “Think of how good your cock is going to feel slipping into something tight and warm”
Tangerine growls, quickly pushing his sweats down his muscular thighs and gripping his uncut length to rub it against your wet folds.
“I don’t want to think about it, love. I want to feel it” Tangerine pushed you up against the wall, firmly holding you against the concrete and tapping your thighs for you to lock them around his waist. He aimed his tip against your entrance, slowly teasing until he thrust into you with one swift motion.
“Oh fuck, yes. Jesus, you’re so fucking wet” Tangerine grunted against your lips, already settling a long and deep rhythm to his rapid thrusts. He made sure to let you feel his every inch coming in and out of you.
“Such a tight cunt, poppet” He nibbled on your bottom lip, “I love fucking you”
“Fuck yes! I’m fucking addicted to it” Tangerine’s thumb began to circle your clit, instantly making you melt against the wall.
“Look how good that cunt takes me. Takes the whole fucking thing. So warm, wet, and tight for me” He grunted, momentarily speeding the rhythm of his thrusts.
“I have a surprise for you” You giggled before moaning “Put your hand further back” You instructed and so Tangerine did.
His hand left your bundle of nerves to travel back towards your ass. Tangerine’s fingers slipped inside your spread ass cheeks and he growled upon feeling the tangerine shaped cool metal.
“Oh poppet, I’m gonna fucking ruin you tonight”
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brianmayfanatic39 · 4 months
Maybe its cause I'm still sleepy and very hungry, but sometimes I feel like most fanfic authors dont get Nine. Yeah, he can be sarcastic and sassy and he sure has a temper, but above all things, his main motivation for most things isnt anger. Its guilt. I can think of a dozen examples off the top of my head.
("I couldn't save your world, I couldn't save any of them", the thing with the Gelth, sending Rose away during Parting of the Ways, saving Rose at the risk of letting the last Dalek in existense loose on the US, "You survived too" "Not by choice")
He starts off Series One as someone who wants to right his wrongs at all costs, even at the expense of his own life. We literally see that during Rose and Nine's first meeting. He starts off Series One as somebody who wants to remain distant. RTD once said that why he wears his leather jacket, as if to say to the world, "Don't touch me".
And by the end of his run, he has filled his hearts with love. He invites Mickey to come along, he flirts with Jack, he rediscovers his love for humans, he has hope again.
(Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives)
His final moments are acts of love. He takes the energy of the time vortex for Rose, even though that means he won't be with her ever again. He tries his best to reassure her as he begins regenerating. By the end of Series One, Nine dies, not with fear or regrets, but at peace, with a smile on his face. Kind of reminds me of Twelve's final words.
"Doctor, I let you go."
As tragic as it was for Chris Eccleston to leave the role so soon, he left behind a damn near perfect character arc with the Ninth Doctor, from "Run" to "And you know what? So was I"
And a good chunck of the fics I've seen reduce him to "The Angry Doctor". Which is funny because Ten, to me, is the textbook definition of Barely Restrained Anger. But that neither here nor there.
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twstjam · 1 year
And if I were someone else (would this be easier?) - Part 1
If you woke and I was gone From the house that we made our home Would it bend you, break you, overtake your heart Like it did my own? (Easier by the Crane Wives)
Ship(s): Friends to Lovers Malleyuu
Word count: 3k
Summary: Your fae friend Tsunotarou had cursed the King. If you want to live, you're going to have to kill him.
Or: Actually, this one is pretty straightforward I think.
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Tsunotarou is fae.
You'd known this the moment you set eyes on his pale face. The sparkling magical lights lingering around him had made your unexpected company visible to you even in the inky darkness of the abandoned manor's grounds. Despite what he evidently was, you didn't turn him away.
Curious about his presence, you had greeted him like anyone would a stranger. You knew of course the conflict currently going on between the humans and the fae, but you also couldn't imagine that just saying "hi" to someone could hurt anyone.
"Hi." led into "Who are you?" , which then turned into "Good evening." s, and then "How are you?" s, followed by "Did you know that gargoyles have a function as drainage spouts?"
You probably should've stopped before things got to that point, but the world didn't end the day after so you didn't see any reason to. In fact, you only saw more reason to keep meeting up with Tsunotarou. As a fae, he had interesting views you were unused to hearing and seemed equally intrigued by yours as a human. He was also significantly much more intelligent than you, but instead of looking down on you, he eagerly taught you anything you didn't know. His knowledge was all book-smarts though, and when it came to something like social cues, he was suddenly the oblivious one.
Despite how objectively terrifying he should be as a tall figure draped in all black that seemed to manifest out of the shadows, you found yourself being endeared to him more and more with each night. You always ended up returning home with a big smile and a skip in your step. Even with your line of work restricting you to the grounds of the Rosehearts estate, Tsunotarou helped the world feel just a bit bigger with his unique mind and boundless knowledge.
But of course, as everybody knows; nothing lasts forever. You shouldn't have been foolish enough to think this would be an exception to that rule.
Tensions between humans and fae inevitably rose and with it your responsibilities in helping manage the Rosehearts estate. Things became busier and more hectic than ever, pulling you away from being able to enjoy leisure time and with it, nights with Tsunotarou.
That wasn't the only thing that slipped from you, though. At some point during all the chaos, wagons of rations caught fire— blue fire. In your overexerted state, you'd gotten too distracted to keep watch on Grim. Being beheaded by Riddle became the least of your worries when your menace of a monster cat was subdued and caged at the king's orders.
A part of you wanted to leave him to his fate. He got  what was coming to him. But the softer and undeniably bigger part of you twinged painfully at the thought of standing back and doing nothing to try and save your friend.
Curse you and your bleeding heart.
So you'd requested to meet the King. Though the mere thought made you want to hurl, once you were before him you got on your knees and touched your forehead to the carpet that no doubt cost more than everything you've ever owned combined.
And then you took the blame.
There, on your hands and knees before the king, you spun an impassioned plea from the heart, strung together with all the fancy sophisticated jargon you could possibly dig out of your brain.
The King wasn't swayed.
But of course, he was swayed by something a king like him could never miss nor pass on: opportunity.
Even from afar as you entered the grand room you were able to notice it. Sickly pale skin, bloodshot eyes, sunken cheeks, and glowing green veins beneath the King's skin that were most definitely unnatural. All of it stemmed from a bandage wound around one of his arms, stained an unnerving black and glowing green.
You'd heard about it of course—Everyone had. It was the sole reason for the drastic increase in tension between human and fae relations after all;
A fae had cursed the King.
And just like how he wasn't willing to forgive Grim's transgressions so easily, the King was hellbent on hunting down that fae. And so came his demand—and at his words your heart had sunk with realisation.
"Kill the horned creature. Avenge me... and you and your pet shall be pardoned."
Your fae friend Tsunotarou had cursed the King. If you want to live, you're going to have to kill him.
The King's words rewound in your mind—Over and over and over, like a broken record. Your eyes look ahead of you, but you don't realise you've reached the old ruins until your feet come to a stop on their own. After your audience with the King, you had returned home to the Rosehearts estate and pondered your options. Though you hadn't enlightened them on your new dilemma, even Ace and Deuce had left you alone when you'd asked them to, so you really must have looked like you'd seen Death himself when you showed up at the estate again.
You had a choice to make—Tsunotarou's life, or yours and Grim's. After what felt like hours of holeing yourself up in your room and thinking restlessly, you finally gave in. The King's terms had begun to repeat in your mind then, as if to remind you of the betrayal you've been ordered to commit despite it having been branded into your brain alongside the faded smile of an old friend from the dark.
The shadows of the mansion's garden welcome you with its fingers of overgrown weeds and branches that form ominous reaching shadows in the moonlight. The familiarity brought a strange sort of comfort, but the King's voice in your head chased it away as soon as it came. The light of both the moon and your lantern help guide you to the worn pavilion of crumbling stone where you and Tsunotarou have spent countless nights talking about anything and everything.
The lack of green lights around the area is apparent as you swivel around to find them. You can't help feeling a bit disappointed even though the rational part of you knows that even Tsunotarou wouldn't come and wait for you after so many times of being stood up. You hope he isn't too mad at you.
You set your lantern down on the bench so that you can cup your hands around your mouth and call out.
The name you call him by is a nickname. He'd seemed amused by you not knowing his true identity in an unexpectedly endearing, childish way, so you'd indulged him. At this point though, it's hard to imagine him having any name other than "Tsunotarou", but still, using it now leaves the taste of bile in your mouth each time you force it out of your throat.
"Tsunotarou!" you yell hoarsely. " Tsuno —"
"You return."
You startle at the sudden deep timbre of Tsunotarou's voice. You swerve around and sure enough, your fae friend stands there, tall and proud and dressed in robes of night as always. His black hair shimmers like silk in the moonlight and his reptilian green eyes pierce you as he looks down at you impassively, face glowing an ominous green as the glitter of magic lingers in the air. Even in all his tall, sculpted, flawless fae glory, Tsunotarou wouldn't be complete without the long horns that curve proudly atop his head like an onyx crown.
"So. How is life with the humans?" His tone is as stony as his gaze, giving off the impression that he holds complete disinterest and was merely being polite. You can tell though that he's upset by the slight downturn of his lips that hint at the beginnings of a pout.
Fondness suddenly swells in your chest and an unwelcome smile tugs on the corners of your own lips. You resist it and refocus on the matter at hand.
"I came to warn you," you begin, straight to the point. "The king's after you, Tsunotarou, because of what you did to him. He won't stop until you're dead."
You watch his face closely for his reaction. It doesn't change much in response except for the slight raise of his eyebrows.
"I see." He sounds more thoughtful now. He's even looking at you instead of through you, and whatever goes through his head softens his gaze to something that you're more familiar with. "This was something I foresaw when I cursed him. Regardless, it was inevitable that that foul man would search for a reason to slay me like a common beast, and yet..."
His expression eases into something warm, changing completely from its stoic countenance into something you might call affectionate. Tsunotarou steps forward and reaches for your hand. You allow him to hold it and the tension in your body unwinds, unbidden, at his touch.
"...you still came to warn me of the potential threat." His smooth, thin fingers rub over yours carefully, as if he is feeling the exact construction of your fingers down to the flesh and bone. An amused chuckle, a sound not unlike the darkest of chocolates, escapes his smiling lips. "My dearest child of man... I assure you that I am in no danger. Do not despair. I will ensure your journey here wasn't for naught."
You blink up at him dumbly. His smile lifting further contributes to your confusion.
"I..." Stunned as you are, it takes you a bit longer to string words together. As you struggle, Tsunotarou gently guides you to sit down next to him on the bench as if the past few minutes didn't just happen. As if the past few weeks didn't just happen, when you'd stopped seeing him without a word despite being his friend. "...You're not mad at me?"
"Mad?" Despite the question, Tsunotarou doesn't sound surprised, the easy smile remaining on his face. "Whatever for?"
His expression stays unexpectedly at ease, but it occurs to you then that, for whatever reason, your friend has a tendency of (badly) hiding his hurt feelings behind a facade of contentment for politeness . You once again feel that immense guilt weighing in your chest.
"You don't have to act like you're not upset," you sigh, gaze looking downward shamefully. "It's alright. I want you to be upfront with me. I don't blame you if you're mad. I'm sorry I stopped talking to you and didn't tell you anything, I—"
You cut yourself off with a squeak when Tsunotarou's hand on your back suddenly pushes you towards him, giving you a faceful of his built chest.
"Hush now," he tuts, fingers threading through your hair while the other rubs your back as if he was soothing a fussy child. "As I have said, please do not despair. There is no reason to. I admit that I was... disappointed in your constant absences, but I understand that you have many responsibilities as I do, so I forgive you."
Tsunotarou's embrace is unyielding and borderline suffocating, but you smack his chest (to which he is completely unfazed by) and he lets you up to breathe and also look up at him in disbelief.
"You do...?"
You'd thought you'd be happy to hear those words from him, but instead dread further eats a cavity inside your chest to be filled with heavy, unwavering guilt.
Tsunotarou's smile is tooth-rotting, soft and sweet like cotton candy, completely oblivious to your inner turmoil as he ghosts the backs of his fingers over your cheek.
"But of course," Tsunotarou hums as he eases back on the bench. He pulls you along with him and this time you find yourself half-sprawled on top of him. "We are friends, are we not? And friends forgive each other."
His words are genuine. Innocent. The fondness in his eyes even more so. Nothing about the fae sitting beside you indicates he was a horned monster you were meant to kill.
You don't meet his eyes as you swallow and force yourself to relax against him, to which he makes a pleased sound and rests his head atop yours.
"Yeah. Friends."
The two of you remain sitting in the pavilion together in that position, your head tucked beneath his as he holds you and talks the night away like he always does. The days you spent apart fade into nonexistence, and things return to how they were before.
Or at least, it was easy to imagine they do.
Tsunotarou's dark robes are silky soft beneath your fingers. His hands' motions combined with how comfortable you feel against him and listening to him speak would be enough to lull you to sleep if your mind was calmer.
Tsunotarou clears his throat and you startle out of your thoughts.
"Ah, I apologize," he says with a slight rasp to his voice. "I appear to be losing my voice. Heh. I hadn't realized how much I've spoken."
He carefully runs his fingers through the tangles in your hair. When you look up at him, your gaze is caught by his hooded one. You feel yourself go pale. Not out of fear—You don't think you could ever be afraid of him, even if you've seen proof that he can easily decimate you—but a sick feeling that twists your gut at the unrestrained affection on his face.
"Time seems to fly by even faster when I'm with you," his voice is quieter, the softest puffs of breath from his lips fanning over your own.
You sit up. Tsunotarou leans after you as you pull away. Your fingers fumble with the satchel you'd brought before pulling out a waterskin.
"I brought some water. Here."
The contents of the waterskin slosh quietly as you present it to Tsunotarou. The fae blinks, his hooded eyes widening  as if stunned by your offer.
"Ah." He recovers quickly, his smile creeping back onto his face. "Thank you. You're quite vigilant."
Your fingers are stiff as Tsunotarou accepts the waterskin. You smile, strained, as he uncorks it and takes a swig.
"Hm," you hear him hum, brows furrowing slightly. His eyes linger on the receptacle so briefly that you think you might have imagined it. His smile is the same as ever as he returns the waterskin to you.
You don't resist when he pulls you close again completely unprompted. He shifts slightly so he's able to comfortably lower his head onto your shoulder. One of his horns bumps the side of your head and his pale cheek squishes against yours.
Tsunotarou's touch is as careful as ever as he embraces you, his long sleeves draping over both of you like a blanket as he huddles in close. With a lump in your throat, you hover your arms awkwardly, unsure where to place them before reaching up and tentatively trailing a hand down the side of his face. His eyes droop closed. You can hear your racing heartbeat in your ears.
Your friend's weight grows heavier against you. He turns his head ever so slightly and his face is buried into your neck. You tense at the indentation of his fangs behind his lips resting right against your pulse.
You wait for something that doesn't come. Instead, Tsunotarou sighs, heavy and slow—content—and completely eases against you.
A beat passes. Another. Tsunotarou doesn't move.
"Tsu—Tsunotarou...?" you whisper shakily. You shove his shoulder. "Tsunotarou!"
He doesn't respond.
The cavity in your chest widens further. You feel hollow as you lift the fae off your shoulder and he's limp in your hold.
His head is a bit heavy, no doubt from his horns, but you manage to lift him up enough to respositon him so that he's instead lying on his side. You rest his head in your lap. An apology is caught in the tightness of your throat, instead spoken silently through fingers lightly brushing dark hair out of a peaceful, sleeping face.
Your fingers linger on Tsunotarou's face and you quickly pull away before you indulge yourself too much. Instead, you reach into your satchel again for the iron dagger you'd brought. It glints in the moonlight and you can't help but feel like it's taunting you.
If it could speak, you imagine that it'd be calling you a coward. It doesn't say anything though, and instead the only sounds that accompany you are your own rapid heartbeat, Tsunotarou's level breathing, and the squeaking of bats hiding in the night.
Another apology goes unspoken, instead coming out as a choked sob. Your fingers tremble around the hilt of the dagger as you raise it high with the blade pointing down. You resolutely do not look at Tsunotarou slumbering in your lap, blissfully unaware of your betrayal, but the effort proves to be useless.
Your hands shake. You scream. You bring the dagger down and it skids the side of the bench's seat as you fold over Tsunotarou in your lap, your shoulders shaking with unshed sobs.
Bats screech and take off into the night sky, but all you can hear is your own deep breaths as you try to calm your racing heart.
"I'm sorry," you whisper breathlessly into your friend's chest, who remains unaware of what his trust had led to— almost led to. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry—"
The dagger falls to the dirt with a thud, deceptively harmless. Tears finally flow from your eyes as you hold your friend and weep quietly. You're no doubt ruining his fine silk robes, but it's hard to care when you've come to terms with the fact that you'd just attempted to kill your friend to save your own skin.
What were you thinking? How could you have even considered killing Tsunotarou, who, despite very well having the ability to, (the King's ailment being clear evidence of this) never laid a hand on you or attempted to hurt you? How could you have been at the receiving end of his earnest smile and affectionate gaze and still almost gone through with the King's horrific demands?
You feel overwhelmingly ashamed of yourself. You cry harder into Tsunotarou's still sleeping body, uselessly rambling apologies between your sobs.
Your tears don't ease up, especially not when you realize that you're fully resigned to accepting the King's full punishment and that, as a price, this is the last night you'll have with Tsunotarou.
Come dawn, Malleus wakes up alone.
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skulls-soul · 2 months
Have a bowuigi/Booigi writing prompt based off of this TikTok 
Just imagine, when Luigi first finds out that he has feelings for a certain villain he’s absolutely freaking out because there’s no way in all of the stars in the universe Could he ever tell anybody this, especially the villain themselves?
Bowser is in love with Princess peach or/and king boo absolutely despise him
Imagine when Luigi first finds out or is diagnosed with hantaki it’s during the summer time so the pain is bad, tho not the worse it can be it’s difficult to conceal especially in the beginning
At some point he get used to the pain and when fall or winter came around it became a lot more manageable. Now don’t get him wrong coughing up flowers is never not gonna hurt, but after so long, it becomes more of an inconvenience.
imagine when Mario finds out, he’s utterly baffled at him by Luigi‘s refusal to Express who his feelings are for and how anyone could not like his brother back like come on!…it’s luigi!! Anyone would be lucky to have him!!
Imagine if every spring Mario is yelling and demanding to know who his crush is (just for a small chat with them), and why they haven’t confessed or anything like that, and Luigi is just  hacking up a floral storm
I haven’t even gotten to the part in where Bowser’s or king boo finally find out about Luigis condition!!!
For the sake of happy endings, and because it’s my favorite scenario, let’s say Bowser/king boo already have predestined feelings for luigi
I imagine that if Bowser finds out he gets furious, because who the hell would dare reject one of his crushes (note Bowser has a crush on both Peach and luigi)
I can imagine him just violently, trying to shake the information out of Luigi on who he has feelings for.  everybody’s confused in Way Bowser’s is so concerned and so upset, and Bowser tries playing it off as being a hopeless, romantic nobody buys it and so Bowser reluctant Lee costs up two different colored petals one pink with the tip yellow and the other mostly white with tip being green
~Oooh the drama~
When king boo finds out, I imagine that it’s during a paird racing competition
Luigi and king boo end up being paired, while during an intermission, king boo, can hear Luigi coughing violently into a trashcan. Once Luigi steps away, king boo glances inside only to find an entire purple rose inside speckled in red (this is around springtime, so luigi not having a fun time) 
KB is just baffled and is utterly panicked because the man that he’s been trying to win over is in love with someone that doesn’t recuperate his feelings (that’s not how it works) and now he’s  upset because his arch nemesis/love of his life I didn’t tell him
KB confronts Luigi with this, and Luigi, tries his best to ignore them by focusing on the race Especially when he’s the one on the weel
Until he isn’t
Will he confesses?
Or will he live his life in pain
Will he risk heart break?
Who knows?
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 3 months
Broadcasting Live from Amity Arena...
“Hey everybody, it’s me, Ruby Rose! So, um, I’ve only done this once before, so- wait, is this thing even on?! Am I talking to myself? It is on? Okay, great, thanks Yang… eeep! That means I’m talking to like, a zillion people! Okay, deep breaths Rubes, you can do this…
“So, um, most of you have probably heard the news by now: Rooster Teeth, our home for our whole lives, is shutting down. We’re really sad about it, too. Especially because of all of our great friends at CRWBY who just lost their jobs. They’ve put so much imagination and hard work and love into bringing us to you, some of them have practically grown up with us! So before you worry about us Huntresses, worry about them… Weiss has enough stashed away to keep me in cookies for like, ever, but… they’re the ones who have to eat and pay bills and stuff. So think about them, be nice to them, and thank them for everything they’ve given the world, okay?
“As for us? Me and Weiss and Blake and Yang and everyone else? Well, obviously, we don’t know what’s next! There’s a pretty good chance that we’ll find a new home, we’re pretty popular… Weiss is always telling me I’m the cutest dolt ever, and have you seen how adorable Blake’s ears are? Maybe we’ll get to keep on the same adventure we’ve been having, maybe we’ll start something entirely new… maybe even a little bit of both! So, optimistic and excited about that! Eeep, I hope my voice doesn’t change!
“But, y’know, that might not happen. Maybe this really is our retirement notice, and if it is… that’s okay too. We’ve been on so many adventures over the past 10 years- wow, 10 years! We’ve seen and done some crazy cool things! We’ve made new friends along the way (hey Jess! Glad to have you!), we’ve found love (Yang! Blake! Could you stop traumatizing Weiss and keep your mouths off each other’s faces for like, five minutes!), and a whole bunch of other stuff. We’ve been true to ourselves, telling an amazing story that’s meant so much to so many of you, and that’s all that our dad ever wanted for us.
“And it’s not like we’re really going anywhere! Even if we get to retire to a beach on Menagerie- YANG IT IS NOT A TOPLESS BEACH!- we’ll still be in your hearts! We’d love to keep telling your stories… and as long as someone keeps us in their imagination, we’ll always be down to go on another adventure with you! So… I guess I’m saying, thank YOU so much for everything we’ve shared, hope for the best, and we love you all!”
Yours Forever,
Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and the Gang (even Cinder & Neo!)
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cindersfireplace · 4 months
4town Valentine's Day 💘
Jesse, Taeyoung, Aaron T, and Aaron Z walk through the hallway to their hotel room after taking a stroll around the neighborhood:
Taeyoung: There's nothing like bird watching on a calm afternoon.
Aaron T: I'm just glad there was an ice cream truck. That was one of the best chocolate cones I've ever had. Thanks for helping me chase it down Z.
Aaron Z: *walks behind him exhausted* Anything for you buddy 😊
Jesse: You good Z?
Aaron Z: *gasping * Yeah when I catch my breath next week I'll be able to function again 😮‍💨
Jesse: I wish Robaire came with us. It's good to get outside once in a while.
Taeyoung: I'm sure he has his reasons.
*Jesse opens the hotel room door*
Jesse: Yeah probab- sweet cheese and crackers! What's all this!?
*The room is decorated with heart, banners, balloons, pillows, roses, and LOTS of candles*
Robaire: Welcome home my friends! I thought I would put up some decorations for Valentine's Day. *Sigh* Love is in the air.
Aaron Z: I didn't know love smelt like *sniffs* vanilla and *picks up a candle* … Late winter breeze. Whatever the heck that smells like.
Jesse: We were gone for like an hour? How?
Robaire: I'm very efficient when I'm passionate about something.
Taeyoung: So that's why Jess is always yelling at you to do your taxes.
Aaron Z: Were you not efficient enough to get any cookies or candy?
Robaire: That will be for the gift exchange.
Aaron T: Why can't we just buy cards?
Robaire: Because first of all the 4town best friend Valentine's super special gift yearly extravaganza exchange -
Aaron Z: I still say we should shorten the name.
Robaire: -is a time to appreciate each other's gifts and is a testament to how well we know each other. I love giving gifts and I put a lot of thought into them.
Jesse: And I very much still appreciate those custom ‘Art Dad’ oven mitts, but shouldn't we be focusing on our gig that day? The 4townies are so excited to see us perform One True Love live for the first time next week, and after the show I want to go to bed.
Robaire: Then go right to bed on another day of the year but you have to be there for the opening of gifts. Besides we've already drawn names for it so no going back now.
Jesse: Fiiiine if I must.
Robaire: That's the spirit.
Jesse: Uh I think a spirit is what we'll be if all of these candles stay lit. This is most definitely a fire hazard. I'm only agreeing if I get to put half of them out.
Robaire: Fiiiine. If I must.
Aaron T: We've known each other for a while shopping for each other should be easier. Right Z?
Aaron Z: Totally….
*Skip to the day before Valentine's Day at the mall*
Aaron Z: …Not.
Jesse: Come on Z it'll be fine.
Aaron Z: Not when I'm shopping for Robaire it won't. I don't know what to buy and he's definitely gonna try to one up us with his amazing gift.
Jesse: Does anything else in this world motivate you quite like your need to be better than Robaire?
Aaron Z: Absolutely, this is just a continuous priority of mine.
Jesse: So no then. Got it.
Aaron Z: I will search through every isle of this mall if it kills me. I will be victorious.
Jesse: Or you could breathe and let it go…and he's gone. Valentine's is gonna be fun.
*The next day*
Taeyoung: That must have been our best performance yet! Everybody was so excited, and despite my mild fear of heights trying to convince me otherwise, the rising heart platforms weren't so bad after all.
Robaire: Told you it would be incredible!
Jesse: Anyways now that that's over we can open gifts now.
Aaron T: Yeah guys the sooner we get this over with the sooner old man Jesse can take his nap.
Jesse: I'm not ol-
Aaron Z (whispering to Aaron T) You just want to get candy from your gift don't you?
Aaron T (whispering back): Shhhh I just care about Jesse's health…and my blood sugar.
Robaire: Anyways, who wants to go first?
Taeyoung: Me! I got T! Here you go! *Shoves present box into his hands*
Aaron T: YESSS! *Opens package* *gasp* It's a book of skateboard tricks! These are some of the most advanced out there and….a box of chocolate. Thankyou *hugs Taeyoung and whispers* This is why your my favorite.
Taeyoung: No problem at all.
Aaron T: So I guess it's my turn to give and I got Jesse *gives him a very messily wrapped package with 50 bows on it*
Jesse: Geez this looks interesting *opens the box* *gasp* ITS THE SUPER SMOOTH 3000! I've been trying to find this blender for months! My fruit smoothies will be so much better now! Thank you *lifts Aaron T off the ground in a hug*
Aaron T: Your *cough cough* welcome. Could you please put me down now?
Jesse: *Drops Aaron T* I'm next and I got Taeyoung. So here you go?
Taeyoung: *Carefully takes the box from his hand and opens it* Woah! Bird watching goggles! They even have little doves on them! Thanks Jess. I'm gonna have so much fun taking these to the park.
Jesse: I'm so glad you like them. They were some of the best I could find.
Aaron Z: I guess Robaire and I are last. You can go first Ro 😊
Robaire: No, I insist. You go first 😁
Aaron Z: Well this day means the most to you so you should go 😊
Robaire: And I like to share that joy with my friends so you should go 😁
Aaron Z: You.
Robaire: You.
Aaron Z: YOU.
Robaire: YOU!
*While these two keep going back and forth Taeyoung and Aaron T give each other a look and then open the presents themselves (whilst Jesse has too little sleep in him to deal with this)*
Taeyoung: Wow Robaire this is a really nice Destiny ‘s Child record.
Robaire: That's the exact one we listened to when we first met 🫢
Aaron T: Dang Z you got this cool basketball trophy. It even says ‘best basketball player I know ‘. Nice Sentiment.
Aaron Z: That was one of the first things I told you that I dreamed of receiving 😯
*They hold the gifts in their hands for a moment appreciating them*
Aaron Z: *clearly struggling* Th-th-th-
Robaire: Are you trying to say thank you?
Aaron Z: Nah I'm trying to say ‘That's all folks’. Yes I'm trying to say thankyou. Anyways thank you … for … this.
Robaire: Then I guess I want to say thank you too…I guess.
Jesse: Awww this is too sweet.
Aaron T: Maybe it wasn't about who got the best present after all?
Robaire: Mhm. Even though we all know it was me.
Aaron Z: Wh- if anything it was me!
Robaire: No you didn't!
Aaron Z: I got you the record that you sorry self was too BROKE for when we first met!
Robaire: I got you a CUSTOM TROPHY 🏆! Do you know how much that is in this economy?!
Aaron Z: But did I ask-
Robaire: But my-
Aaron Z: No but Robaire answer the question. Answer the question! Did I ask though? Did I?
Robaire: No but you can't just throw that in my face when I'm trying to be nice.
Aaron Z: Clearly not nice enough to admit I'm better…
*Senseless arguing continues in the background*
Jesse: T! They were this 🤏🏻 close to having a nice moment.
Aaron T: Sorry, I was just trying to bring some positivity.
Taeyoung: I'm positively sure they will be arguing for a while so I'm just gonna go now.
Jesse: Agreed. *yawn* 🥱 I'm going to sleep.
Aaron T: And I shall consume all this chocolate within the hour. I love Valentine's Day!
*Later that night Aaron Z and Robaire go to bed setting their gifts down on their night stands smiling at them and then turning the lights out to sleep*
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hargrove-mayfields · 9 months
I just had an idea of Billy talking to all of Steve’s squishmallows while Steve was out with Robin and I wanted to share that with you (he particularly loves Steve’s octopus)
This inspired me so much I had to write a little piece for ya!! ❤️❤️
Billy woke up alone.
It was totally planned, Steve and Robin were going to go on a shopping expedition for a vintage toy that Dustin really wanted for his birthday- he just forgot until about twenty minutes after the sun rose and disturbed his beauty sleep.
His brain works that way, always foggy and forgetting important things. Thankfully he didn’t panic, and thought rationally about why Steve wasn’t in bed. It could be any number of things, ranging from a stomach ache waking him up, to running errands for his mom. Whatever it was, something that hadn’t crossed Billy’s mind was that he would abandon him.
Maybe a few years ago that would have been his default, but he knows Steve, and he knows he loves him. They’re two parts of the same whole.
And, once Billy puzzles out why Steve is gone, he’s perfectly content to spend his morning cozied up in the middle of the bed, blankets and pillows and stuffies keeping him warm.
His favorite are the squishmallows, and of them, he especially likes Norbu, the orange octopus. He’ll never admit it to anybody but Steve, but he still likes to play with toys and things. It makes his heart feel good, and heals some part of his inner child.
This morning, Norbu was knocked to the floor. Billy notices right away, even before he’d figured out where his boyfriend was, and talked to the plushie like it was his baby.
“Oh no, poor buddy. I’m sorry.”
He’d picked them up and put them back in the pile, in the spot just against the headboard, “There. All better.”
Billy relaxes now that his best inanimate friend is rescued, stretching out and getting comfy among the squishes, most of which actually belong to his boyfriend, “Anybody got any plans today? I’m thinking of surprising Steve.”
Maybe it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it comforts him okay? He cuddles close to a hug-me husky dog, long past the point of feeling silly for basically talking to himself.
“I know I’m not a very good cook, but Steve has been working really hard to get better in the kitchen and I wanna try to do good for him. Maybe like, make one of his Bubbe’s recipes.”
Billy rolls onto his front, still talking away to the squishy pillows now in front of him, “I don’t know. That might end up being disrespectful. I could always bake him a cake?”
Maybe this morning isn’t so much for fun as it is to get all the thoughts out of his brain and into the world, where they can either weigh on his existence or not. It helps to not internalize everything and get overwhelmed by all the could-be’s.
“Steve loves my cakes, but they’re bad for his sugar. And for lunch. Gah, I just don’t know. What do you think, Malu?” He asks the soft gray dog squish, obviously not expecting any kind of response.
More than anything, he just wants there to be some evidence that he’s tried to do something good for Steve, even if he gets all anxious about his own brain and stays in bed all day.
But there doesn’t need to be a reason to just stay in bed with some comfy toys. A fact Billy is definitely still trying to come to terms with. Really though, why should he be ashamed of just living his best life at like, nine in the morning?
He verbalizes this too, for his own sake.
“I mean, I guess I don’t actually have to do anything. Steve will probably be worn out when he gets back. I could just cuddle him or something.”
This early, and with his eyes still all heavy and with bags under them, that sounds like the best thing for Billy. Yeah, he’ll take his own advice.
For now, he waits patiently, hugging their shared custody Bluey hug-me, “Sleep tight, everybody…”
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joprompts · 3 months
the great gatsby (2023 musical) starters. part one. *starters from the musical. slightly edited for rp purposes. adjust as necessary.
each night we're shooting for the moon.
you fight and return only to learn that you have lost her.
impossible, old sport.
i thought you disappeared, thought you were gone. buried you in my heart but as i moved on, i had this feeling as i was falling, the sound across the bay was the sound of you calling.
where's the party and can you take me there?
you're like the eyes of god.
she is late so i'm off to go scream in a jar!
run, runaway, let's drive until morning!
i am not okay.
we so-and-so's are so sophisticated!
though, i'm not showing, the baby's growing.
we'll go back to that kiss.
drown me in the bay!
soon, she'll walk through my door so what's an hour more? she wants to make me wait? well, dammit, i can wait!
how can she be gone? she's still everywhere.
he'll love this baby as his own.
all the years that we missed will blow away in the breeze.
save me, too.
for better or worse. for rich or for poor. my husband has delivered on the rich part, but the better, i'm not sure.
you know that there is no forgetting her.
soon, we three will be a million miles away.
only heaven knows what i might do. if i save you, will you save me too?
everybody is a tiny bit shady.
you know that i love you, did i saw i love you? i love you!
can you stop for a moment and just take in the view? no, darling, i'm looking at you!
you remind me of an absolute rose.
one mile down with seven to go.
soon, this will all be done. two lives will turn into one. we have a date with fate.
for better or worse, my vows have been made.
it was under a willow tree, i kissed the nicest girl i've met and time stood still.
it's so simple, that it's funny!
do you know what i did when my baby was born? you don't because no one was there.
i learned it is not what feels the best, it is what will hurt the least.
now you know why it's time to leave the valley of ashes.
no one understands how she can save me.
a lot of married men can't be trusted.
they say you can't relieve the past, but you know what i see? finally the past is catching up to me.
let's go before i change my mind!
where is my share of the heavens? my sliver of the silver sky?
i've been domesticated.
i should go right now!
so certain my soldier had been lost and with him half my heart.
i went to war for her. braved foreign shore for her.
will she see i've made my world in the image of her dreams?
you're a lighthouse.
"it's a girl," the nurse said and i broke.
come one-way road, no matter what!
the best thing a girl can be in this world is a beautiful, little fool.
once again, trouble in paradise.
do you know what i did when my baby was born?
the light's still green and we've only begun!
is this the latest thing, the latest thrill?
you have the eyes of god. who's gonna be his hands?
i have waited five years and today is the day.
someday soon, i'll have us all related.
no, you make a fool of me!
let my girl be a fool to whom it won't occur but the choices she makes in this life are never hers.
i kissed her and knew i'd ever stray.
we'll drive through the night, back to [location] and i'll marry you there, on your father's front lawn.
he wore a secondhand suit on our wedding day!
the reason i'm brave and the reason i'm broke.
had a past to rectify, made that nickel multiply.
it's a blessing and a curse.
forgive me for being his end.
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Might do a version with other singers
Alex I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere / Screaming “who could ever leave me, darling" but who could stay? / I once believed love would be black and white, but it's golden / They all wanna be ya, but are you still the same soul I met under the bleachers? / They say home is where the heart is, but that's not where mine lives / I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that my dreams aren't rare / They see right through me, I see right through me / And I screamed for whatever it's worth, “I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? / Karma is the guy on the screen, coming straight home to me Claremont-Diaz
Henry With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief / Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? / I know better, but I still feel you all around / You are not like the regulars, the masquerade revelers, drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten / To you I can admit, than I’m just too soft for all of it / I’m the one who burned us / I looked around in a blood-soaked gown, and I saw something they can't take away / All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting / And they’ll tell you now you’re the lucky one Fox
June Something different bloomed, writing in my room / He was sunshine, I was midnight rain / Lord, what will become of me once I've lost my novelty? / It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you / Could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves? / You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless / I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush / I jump from the train, I ride off alone / I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this Claremont-Diaz
Nora I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say / I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost / What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine / Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room? / Baby, we're the new romantics. The best people in life are free / You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to / And I got that red lip classic thing that you like / Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend / I’m so sick of running as fast as I can Holleran
Pez When I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer / Swear to be overdramatic and true / He got that boyish look that I like in a man / You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back / I'll be summer sun for you forever / And when you find everything you looked for, I hope your life will lead you back to my door / He smiles, it’s like the radio / I love each freckle on your face / What if I told you none of it was accidental? And the first night that you saw me nothing was gonna stop me Okonjo
Bea What a shame she went mad / I should've asked you how to be, asked you to write it down for me / I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror / Got the radio on, my old blue jeans / And by the way, I’m going out tonight / Karma’s gonna track you down, step by step, from town to town / Everything you lose is a step you take / If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing / All your closets of backlogged dreams, and how you left them all to me Fox
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victorckk · 2 months
Oops I realized I never posted my uhh redesign of Sweetbrier or the design for the new OC I made,, or a lot of art recently in general
Anyway these two are boyfriends and villains because I say so
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Sweetbrier’s name for his Nelvana variant is Aiglantin. It’s actually another name for the Sweet briar rose. His color scheme is color picked from different parts of the rose as well.
His true form is a rose monster. He just chose a human form to make himself appear more approachable if that makes sense. Also because he finds humans to be interesting.
A lot of the flowers in his sanctuary are sought after by various villains, but mainly by No Heart. He uses the flowers for his spells. But Aiglantin is delulu and thinks that it’s ‘part of something more’ like the gay lil flower man that he is.
His name isn’t like the usual villain names that the other Care Bear villains have, but when I first created him as Sweetbrier, his villain name was supposed to be Thorn Heart. The Sweet briar is often associated with emotional wounds, so that could definitely tie into his overall character.
The general idea behind his backstory is that despite being a literal monster, the mountain he lives on once had a village at the bottom. Occasionally, people would travel to the top to his sanctuary to pick the flowers for weddings, reunions, etc. But one person tried to pick him from the sanctuary, resulting in Aiglantin revealing himself.
He and the person grew close and became friends over the years, with Aiglantin eventually developing some sort of feelings towards them, but the visits stopped after a while. That was until Aiglantin had seen the human coming up to his sanctuary one day after a few years, only to reveal that they were there to pick flowers for their wedding.
It resulted in Aiglantin taking on a human form, attending the wedding as a ‘guest’, and afterwards deciding that his sanctuary would no longer be used for the mere entertainment of humans. He was heartbroken; an emotion that he never felt before, and that he believed was just something that humans made up.
The village ended up being destroyed and buried by vines and other plants, at Aiglantin’s command. Even to this day, the village remains buried, and Aiglantin acts as if it never even existed. Any mention of the village results in said mentioner being turned into a topiary.
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This dude is named Valentino because I felt like it fit him. He’s a vampire of some sort? I mean… he’s similar to a vampire in some ways.
Only differences are that he can transform into a fruit bat, prefers fruits over literally everything else, and his reflection shows up in magic mirrors. He doesn’t have to eat at all, actually. He only chooses to because he loves the taste of fruit. His favorite fruit is pineapple (relatable)
He also has a huge crush on Aiglantin and thinks that it’s a secret but literally EVERYBODY knows. He gets jealous of Aiglantin and No Heart’s dependency on each other’s magical abilities, but that’s a story for another day.
Valentino’s backstory is still a work in progress, but the idea behind his is that he was originally the ruler of Gloomy Gulch, only to be driven out by No Heart. He ended up in Aiglantin’s sanctuary, and was caught eating some of the fruits in there. He was about to be driven out of there as well, but Aiglantin offered for Valentino to stay. As long as Valentino helped out around there, basically becoming something similar to a henchman.
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Ft. some gay doodles
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I should make a ref sheet for UTMSweetbrier tbh
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unpopularvivian · 2 months
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 179:
The Crayon Song But Diesel Fucking Ruins It:
*Intro music plays as Rosie nervously stands there*
Rosie: 🎵 Hello kids! I'm the color red! And I brought my friends to you teach about them! 🎵
Rosie: 🎵 They're the colors of all the things you see. And red is me, the color of awesome things! 🎵
Rosie: 🎵 Like hearts, and roses and Mars! But most importantly... 🎵
Rosie: 🎵 Love! 🎵
Diesel. behind Rosie: Blood.
Rosie: 🎵 Love. 🎵
Diesel: BLOOD.
Rosie: Love...
Diesel: BLOOD.
Rosie: Love.....
Diesel: BLOOD.
Other characters: Hooray!
James: 🎵 Hi! I'm orange like mac and cheese! Let's name other orange things now if you please. 🎵
James: 🎵 You got pumpkins and tigers and the desert sand! 🎵
James: 🎵 Monarch butterflies! 🎵
Diesel: Prescription bottles.
James: *Silently pissed* 🎵 Are your orange friends...🎵
James: 🎵 La, la, la, la, la, la, cheese! 🎵
Diesel: Pills.
Other characters: Hooray!
James: What are you doing!?!?!?
Diesel: What I was born to do.
Daisy: 🎵 As you probably guessed, yellow's pretty fun! 🎵
Diesel: Jaundice!
Daisy: 🎵 You can find it on a bus.🎵
Diesel: Jaundice!!!
Daisy 🎵 Or the rays from the sun! 🎵
Diesel: Jaundice!!!!!
Daisy: 🎵 If you ask me, yellow's pretty fun! 🎵
Diesel: Liver failure!!!!
Daisy: *Annoyed* 🎵 If you like yellow and sour, then try a lemon! 🎵
Diesel and Daisy: JAUNDICE!!!!!!
Daisy: DANG IT!!!!
Henry: 🎵 I once ate a bug that was the color green. 🎵
Henry: 🎵 But the ER said it was a poisonous thing. 🎵
Henry: 🎵 That explains why I threw up green. 🎵
Henry: 🎵 And inside that green there were: 🎵
Henry: 🎵 CHUNKS 🎵
Henry: 🎵 OF 🎵
Henry: 🎵 GREEN!!!!! 🎵
Henry: 🎵 I bet you wish you hadn't listened to green!!!!! 🎵
Henry: Hooray!!!!
Thomas: Why didn't you change that one?
Diesel: I liked that verse.
Thomas: 🎵 The ocean is a place where many- 🎵
Diesel: Nightmares live.
Thomas: 🎵 Creatures live... It's a deep blue sea- 🎵
Thomas: 🎵 And it's mysterious... 🎵
Diesel: And it'll kill you to death!
Diesel: 🎵 Especially if you are Titanic! 🎵
Diesel: So let that sink in, pun intended. :)
Henry: Hooray!!!
Edward: *Pushes Diesel out of the way* Don't blow this for us man!!!! Come on!!!
Edward: *Exhales* 🎵 Purple is the color of many pretty things from a lilac- 🎵
*Edward screams as he get tased by Diesel while the others stand and gasp in shock. *
Thomas: Dude!!!!!
*James quickly pulls Edward's unconscious body away from the stage.*
*Diesel then points his taser to everybody.*
Henry: Hooray!!!!
Paxton: 🎵 I guess it's my turn... There are brown things like dirt... 🎵
Paxton: I-Uh. Can't remember the words...
Paxton: Please don't hurt...Me...
Diesel: >:)
*Paxton gets tased by Diesel as everybody, including Edward who's awake now, look at him in fear and surprise. *
*Rosie drags Paxton into the corner as the others are frozen in fear.*
Henry: Hooray!!!!
Duck: *Tries grabbing the taser out of Diesel's hands* WHITE THINGS INCLUDE!!!!
Diesel: *Dodges Duck* All broken bones!
Duck: *Charges towards Diesel* AND DOVES AND PAPER!!!!
Diesel: *Dodges Duck again* And rabies' foam!
Duck: *Gets chased by Diesel with the taser* There's IIIIVVVOOORRRYYY!!!!!!
Diesel: Worth a lot of money! If you want to buy some, then email me!
Henry: Hooray!!!!
Diesel: *Gives Henry a death stare*
Henry: Hooray! Hooray, hooray....
Diesel: Black is the color emptiness. I feel it in my soul cus I'm an emotional mess...
Edward: RAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
*Edward runs and jumps into the air, kicking Diesel in the face thus, knocking him out.*
Rosie: BACK TO NORMAL!!!!!
Everybody: Yayyyyy!!!!!!!! (Yayyyy.....)
Toby: 🎵 I'm the last crayon in the box you see! 🎵
Toby: 🎵 And the color that they assigned to me: 🎵
Toby: *Furiously points at his costume* IS THIS!!!!!!
*The audience laughs and cheers loudly before clapping happily*
Toby: *Serious* Just think about that! For one moment.
Edward: *Pats Toby's shoulder to try to make him feel better*
Toby: *Slaps Edward's hand* Get your hand off of me!!!!
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xbalayage · 9 months
Would you indulge me and write a fic about Licht being separated from the reader for a while and then finally getting to be reunited? Maybe from his POV if you're interested in doing it that way :3 I look forward to anything you come up with though!!! Let the fic guide you to however angsty, fluffy or spicy it seems to be going.
Hehe, thank you for the request Ghoul! It's been a while since I've tried my hand at POV, and my first fic of actually trying Licht so I hope it doesn't disappoint! <3
"I Missed You."
WC: 1055
The ball of light that was your love, which settles and radiates high in the sky left the day you did too. Only blankets of gray rested in its place. And as if the sky could sense my pain, it cries for you too.
The rain falls heavier with your absence, as if it means to remind and taunt me that you're no longer here. I've been trying to keep a level head, distract myself in a means of ways to pass the time. But it's hard. It didn't used to be this hard to distract and distance myself, yet, ever since I've had a taste of your warmth, the world freezes over around me.
In everything that's beautiful, I see you.
Everything reminds me of you.
The Rhodolite roses even seem to wilt ever so slightly, reflecting through their wet petals the sadness I felt as well.
Your absence grew stifling, the air that once was filled with your sweet laughter and voice, now leaves a bitter taste, wrapping its hand of anxiety around my throat in its wake. It's hard to get a good breath in, wanting for me to choke on my own sorrow.
The winds howled louder and the trees danced with, their intangible play displayed for an audience to witness, yet I was the only one that sat amongst the seats. I decided to just lay down in the field by the garden, a spot we'd inhabit often for tea parties, and I find my heart aching even more. The rain numbed my skin, a similar feeling to needles embroidering their designs of loneliness into the flesh; fresh, painful, yet beautiful. I closed my eyes and laid like that for a while; even though my hair laid stuck to my forehead and the clothes clung tight to my body, I was enraptured by the storm.
Because this was the closest it felt to being with you. I don't know how much longer I can take without seeing your smile.
I remembered your voice when you said you liked my singing and if, and only if that could wear easy on my heavy heart, I'll sing to the thought of you. Maybe you'll be able to hear my singing from where you are, the bitter howls of a lone wolf meshing into the crescendo of the heavy walls of rain.
I hope you'll be back soon.
This is agonizing.
I would never admit to it, but the faction found me moping in the rain half an hour later when they hadn't seen me since you've left. I claimed that the rain just seemed relaxing and there was nothing more to that. They can see right through my facade; I'd become more easier to read in the time we've been together. You've made me a better person, a person who doesn't know what to do with himself once you leave.
After convincing me that you'd be sad if I caught a cold while away, that you couldn't be here to remedy it, was the ultimate force of reasoning that got me to finally get up and follow them inside.
Yves, who could light up a room just like you could, pestered me for hours refusing to leave my side, handing towels, snacks and warm tea in his wake, sitting me in front of a fireplace to warm up. Leon and Jin started suggesting finding ways to pass the time but it was met on deaf ears as I started to zone everybody out, only focusing on the way the flames flickered and firewood crackle.
If I focused hard enough, staring into one spot of the soul of the living flame, the beauty of it was captivating and much more. I could forget for just a minute, for just a moment, that you're not here beside me enjoying the bask of warmth and glow it emitted onto my warm features. My eyes fluttered shut, the whole world fell silent.
Time escaped me.
Fingers brushed through my hair in a soothing manner, a gentle humming invited itself into my ears as conscienceness started to envelope me back from the land of dreams. I didn't even remember falling asleep. How much time had passed?
Soft lips pressed on my eyelids gingerly, one after the other and suddenly, my heart fell into my stomach. Could it really...? Eyes as red as roses opened, I had no longer been sitting upright but laid upon a warm lap, still engulfed by the light of the fireplace. The humming had ceased and my line of sight was welcomed to the image of her.
"...I think I've lost it."
My gaze shifted away. Maybe I've caught a fever or something and my mind is just playing tricks on me, there's no way in all my wanting that you could possibly be here now. When sudden giggles broke the silence and tender hands laid upon my cheeks to turn my head back to the source that I thought was you, did it finally click once I heard your voice.
"Geez, I was barely gone a day, don't tell me you missed me that much?"
...It really was you. From spending almost every waking second together, a day apart felt like an eternity. Like my heart no longer laid caged inside my chest, a half of myself was missing; ever since being engulfed in your radiance, my heart no longer only belonged to me. Your touch was the reassurance I needed that I was still alive.
In a quick motion, I sat up, desperate to dive deep into the scent of your hair and wrap my arms around your love, pulling you closer into my chest. I can't believe how overwhelming it felt, how many emotions suddenly started to flood through me at the mere realization that the person I adored was finally with me again. My cheeks started to heat up, a smile etched itself till my cheeks hurt.
"You were gone too long, I missed you."
And with your presence finally here, nothing but love filled my senses. I took only a moment but my eyes drifted towards the window with you tucked in my embrace and I realized something.
The weather reflected my mood or we were one of the same, because even the skies had finally stopped crying.
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