#((the 5th friend is cupcake btw!!!!!!!!))
z0mbearz · 7 months
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fnafflez.....my fnafiez........my five friends from freddies......^_^<3
((u can get these as rainbow holo stickers here !! :D))
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iwannaban0nym0us · 2 years
Time for another one of my long rambley posts about my day!
so i had a free block first thing this morning and usually I would sleep in during it but had to move my tutoring from yesterday afternoon to my free since I had a soccer game yesterday (btw we won against a team we have a bit of a rivalry with) but anyway that meant i spent that time working on my stupid history essay which thank fuck i didn’t have to turn in today
And as usual i now need to back up a bit and give y’all a bit of context, so the week before thanksgiving there was a minor queer hate crime (involving the writing of a slur on school property) that occurred so that friday before break there was an assembly about that that involved queer people talking about how the incident affect them and what not, but I opted not to go to that since there was a space for queer people who didn’t want to hear more about it and I already had 20 things running through my brain (one of them being the history essay) so anyway after the assembly that space turned into a processing space about the assembly and queer people could either go to that or their last class (mine being history) I was planning on staying in the processing space but then my ex showed up so me and a friend ended up hiding in the garage and having our own processing space since we both really didn’t want to go to class, I also used that time to get a less dysphoric soccer uniform
Ok fast forward to yesterday night and i’m struggling with my history essay and there’s no way i’ll have it done by the due date (which was like 5 pm today) so I decide to email my teacher and ask for an extension (I like never do that) and I list the reasons: I have a bunch of other school work, school soccer season just started and we have a really busy season, and I missed one of our work periods due to the queer processing space. This morning my teacher replied and was like ‘yeah sure since you missed a work period you can have until Monday at 6pm to finish your essay’
So anyway the one time that I’ve like ever skipped an entire class lead to me getting an extension and I don’t know how to feel about that...
Ok, next class was CAD and that was chill we just worked on our CO2 canister cars, mine is trans colored (: and we were trying to plan if we should use our final sheet of acrylic or save it for after the trial day and my teacher was like “If I give you another sheet of acrylic will it make you less stressed” and then he did, I really like that teacher he’s so chill but also like strict enough that your really should stay on task in class
Next up was lunch which was pretty normal and involved a lot of talking about crushes and tv shows and gay/gender shit which was fun
Next class was Japanese and we’re writing stupid personal essays at least they’re only 500 characters tho, and also that teacher is also really great and gave us plenty of time and we have to submit a couple of drafts so we’ll get plenty of feedback and that’s one of the few classes i’m not stressing about
Last class of the day was history and we just talked about the industrial revolution more also we debated about who’s gonna win the mock conference we’re putting on, the ottomans or the japanese (ottomans obviously, does japan have furniture named after it???)
Now after school this is when the chaos really starts
So yesterday was my best friend’s birthday and so my friend group gathered in an out of the way classroom to celebrate them, also they brought cupcakes and another friend brought really good snickerdoodle cookies, in exchange of the cupcakes we all had to agree to letting my best friend genuinely compliment us and we were allowed to talk back or deny it while they did it their compliment to me was really sweet since we’ve been friends since 5th grade but there was a bit in there where one/both of us were distant since we were dating my/our ex (at different times than each other tho) they talked about how it was really cool to see both of us change and grow (haha trans) and also basically called me a golden retriever but like as a compliment and as in I can make friends with most people and somehow light up a room, anyway get that many gay nerds in a room together without supervision and chaos ensues, along with a lot of sitting on tables
At one point my best friend stepped out of the room to give a compliment to someone who didn’t want it done in front of everyone and another friend was like ‘i wanna write “fuck you” on the board’ and so she tried to jump to do it and I was like ‘no, use a chair, actually way a table is taller’ and then we we’re like ‘A CHAIR ON A TABLE’ and so we did that and then another friend said at uwu so she ended up writing “fuck youwu” it was in the perfect position so that it can’t be seen from where the teacher normal stands in the classroom, after that (while my best friend was still out of the room) we noticed an eraser stuck up on the board near the “fuck youwu” so we had to use our chair table set up to get it down ofc, and then that turned into the baseball with the whiteboard eraser the the x-axis (pvc pipe with tape on it labeled x)
When my best friend finally came back I was just standing on the chair on the table and so i decided to jump down, and when I did the chair slid of the table mid jump so that was really fun (I was fine and so was everyone else) next the friend who was being complimented showed off their many legged cat that had a questionable leg in a questionable position, they wanted to show me the actual drawing since the tie they drew after wasn’t in the photo so they brought me into the other class room to see it and when we got back everyone was like ‘it was so quiet for a minute there’ and we were like ‘oh fuck off /j’
And then we had our next great idea, chair on table on table, and so ofc we had to do it after we got it all stacked up i volunteered to get up on it and my head was brushing up against the ceiling when I was standing up on the chair, a bit  later one of my friends sat on the bottom table and so the rest of us decided we need to make stack of people sitting on this, so that friend stayed there, another friend sat under the table, the person who wrote “fuck youwu” on the board laid under the chair and I sat on the chair, after we got a photo of our master piece we all started to get down, the person on the floor got out first but as me and the one laying under the chair started to get down the table on top slipped out and everything went down, somehow we all managed to avoid getting hurt and I think I might have even landed on my feet
Not long after that I had to leave for robotics, at robotics I spent the whole time helping a more senior member teacher newer members how to use the router, which was actually pretty fun and a good practice since it’s been a while since I’ve used the router myself
After that I went to my school’s play which was so fun, everyone did so good and I’m friends with like half of the performers, the play was clue btw, and everyone was matched so well with their character, it was really funny and like the actors really gave it their all and it was just really great, also funny thing about the actors matching their characters—my ex played prof. plum who’s basically a stuck up prick who thinks he’s better than everyone else so it was funny to watch them in that role and it kinda felt like they were finally showing their true colors (aka being an asshole openly rather than secretly and manipulatively)
I think the worst part about seeing the play that my ex was in was actually the part after the show because ofc I was complimenting everyone since I know them all and I’m friends with like half of them so avoiding my ex while talking to everyone else they preformed with was kinda hard, it was also really weird because the last 2 theater performances i went to they were the first person i ran to, also fuck me because seeing them in that purple suit and in their element kinda reminded me why i fell for them, anyway I also saw their parents while avoiding them and congratulating everyone else so that was awkward, but apparently I’m on ok terms with their parents since they asked me how I was doing and told me to say hi to my parents for them
anyway yeah i think thats my whole day
Also a kinda unrelated note but yesterday i made a comment to a semi-close friend about being done with dating for a while thanks to my ex and she was like ‘I don’t even know what went down but I’m on your side’ and like she’s not the first person to tell me that like I’ve had classmates who I’m not at all close with tell me they’re on my side/they’re proud of me for ending the relationship/’do we need to be mad at your ex now?’ and like idk it feels good to know I’m not the asshole here because like ofc my friends are gonna say I’m not the asshole but like yeah my ex isn’t the nicest to a lot of people, like if they’re not friends with someone they’re neutral at best towards them and they’re really closed in on themself so idk I guess I’m the one who gets the support 
I think the reason I’m friends with like everyone is because I manage to be both weird and normal at the same time, like I’m a jock and a robotics kid and I’m gay also I’m like a weird ass extrovert so I feel the most comfortable around the “weird” kids and I can make friends with quieter folks who most people might ignore but I’m also happy to talk to the “normaler” kids also like reaching out to queer folks, knowing robotics + soccer people and then having dated a theater kid means that I know a lot of people
*sigh* why do my posts like this always get so long and take like an hour to write
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 3: Time to meet Group B! (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello fellow humans! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I recap and talk about this show called The Masked Singer if you wanna stick around for that. So, this time around, we get to meet the other group, Group B, who we might not see again for 2 weeks, since we are going to see group A perform again this upcoming week with a new wildcard, Pepper. Anyways, let’s get started with the recap:
Group B was introduced and they consisted of Dalmatian 🐶, Queen of Hearts 🫀, Mallard 🦆, Cupcake 🧁, and Banana Split 🍌🍦. They performed, and one was eliminated unfortunately, let’s start with that…
So the contestant that was eliminated/revealed first in Group B was:
Dalmatian 🐶
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Performance Commentary: ok, so I wasn’t super surprised by this elimination honestly, I expected it since he was the weakest vocally of this group. He sang Beautiful by Snoop Dogg ft Pharrell Williams and I gotta give him props for actually singing when most rappers just decide to only rap and not sing at all on this show. However, he did sound a bit like they put way too much of that auto tune stuff on his voice so it sounded like a robot him singing, which kinda made him the weakest link. However, his rapping was awesome (duh because that’s what he does professionally… and btw not spoiling who he is with that comment because when you hear the performance, you’ll know 100% it’s a rapper)
And he was revealed to be…
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Omg I knew it!! Thank you Twitter for helping me out, y’all are the best. I thought at first it might have been Chance the Rapper but then people started saying Tyga and I was like hmmm lemme see the clues, yup makes sense, well great segue (segway) Ana because imma show you some of the clues you might have missed:
Scream Poster= he was in the Scream series
Cat Doll= play on words because his name is Tyga (like Tiger… man these producers are really into puns, it’s kinda clever tho)
Was discovered by a big player= in 2007, he started doing mixtapes and he was discovered by Travie McCoy who offered him a record deal
Now, that we have that out of the way, let’s get into our remaining contestants (big warning: this group has left me all types of confused when it comes to guesses so I apologize if my arguments aren’t perfect with some of these):
1. Cupcake 🧁
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Performance: This performance is so confusing to me. Idk if this is a man or woman, sometimes I think woman with deep voice and other times I am like no that’s a man. So I don’t know about this one, it’s a very good performance of Heat Wave by Martha and the Vandellas but I need to hear more because I am confused. I am in between a specific man or a specific woman but I am not sure so unfortunately for this one I don’t have a guess
Sorry y’all no guess for this one :(… hopefully, next time they perform I will have a better idea*
*(I will say the guess I am leaning towards that a few people have said *just in case the cupcake leaves next* is Ruth Pointer from the Pointer Sisters because there were supposed to be multiple cupcakes and not just one, and in the PKG, cupcake said they were used to being in a group)
2. Banana Split 🍌🍦
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Performance: They were 1000% my favorite performance of the night even though only Split/Ice Cream sang A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman. She is amazing, I absolutely love her, she has that iconic Broadway sound that I absolutely adore. Just her singing this makes me so confident on who she is omg I’m stoked!
Having said that, I am so positive, like way too certain none of y’all will convince me otherwise like Todrick level confidence they are…
Katherine McPhee and David Foster
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Ok, so you guys are probably like “Ana, how can you be so sure if the damn banana didn’t even sing a note, he just played the piano?!” Well, my friends, you have a point, but I know who she is and honestly I don’t even care if I am wrong ab him (I won’t know for sure until he sings a note) but HER I am absolutely positive….and they are a married couple and the banana has heart eyes so in my head it makes sense with the clues too, but before I go to the clues, I have a funny story on how I know who Ms. Katherine McPhee is… so like I was watching this performance and was like omg her voice Sound so familiar! Where have I heard her before?! This is driving me nuts… And then I saw people on YouTube saying that it’s them and I was like wait Katherine McPhee that name sounds so familiar. Then I looked her up and I found out that I knew who she was because I randomly watched a show on Netflix called Country Comfort (which side note: LeAnn Rimes or the Sun from Season 4 guest starred on that show and LeAnn’s husband stars in it… so connection there?), which to explain the show briefly it’s literally the Nanny but with country music and in Tennessee instead of NY. Anyways, she sang a lot on that show and it clicked, I was like BINGO OMG THAT IS HER IT CANNOT BE ANYONE ELSE (similar to how I felt about Todrick being the bull when I saw that damn sneak peak performance). Anyway ya, that was unnecessarily long, now onto the clues:
She left school to move to the city= she attended Boston Conservatory for 3 semesters and left to move to LA to try out for TV pilots
Thought she got her big break, but it wasn’t it= she got an MTV soap opera plot but it never made it to air
Collaborator who sticks with me through sweet and sour= they have known each other ever since she was on the 5th season of American Idol in 2006 and their collaboration is that he is a music producer and she sings (on American Idol, he would play the piano while she sang… does this sound familiar to you guys yet? Ringing any bells? If not, rewatch the performance Banana Split did)
3. Queen of Hearts 🫀
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Performance: She sang Born This Way by Lady Gaga and I already knew she was going to be good, but this was like Black Swan all over again. This beginning song wasn’t the best for her voice, but she had fun and she did the damn thing. Closest Lady Gaga singing impression I’ve seen, but I am positive it ain’t Lady Gaga. Also, she slayed that ending.
Ok, so I am not too sure about this guess but after a bit of research and voice matching, I think it might be…
Jewel (the singer, not an actual jewel)
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Again I say, with a bit of research, I feel like she’s the closest guess I can give you guys especially matching the singing voices, but let’s look at the clues:
Grew up in a house that lacked warmth= she grew up in Alaska (born in Utah)
Tin man from Wizard of Oz= she played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True in 1995
Hilary Swank photo= Swank has a dog named Jewel (when I read this I laughed, wow Masked Singer really?! 😂😂)
4. Mallard 🦆
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Performance: This performance was not my cup of tea tbh, it was real deep country which is not my jam at all. The song title says it all: Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) by Big & Rich. Like it was great no lie, but like I just don’t really enjoy that kinda music so it wasn’t for me.
Again, this one is a shot in the dark guess but I am gonna stick with it and it is the one I am leaning towards voice wise:
Willie Robinson (yes the guy from Duck Dynasty)
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Ok, so again hear me out, this might sound stupid (and half of me thinks it is) but it kinda makes sense in a strange way especially looking at the clues:
Surrounded by dollar bills= Duck Dynasty merch raised a ton of bills
Photo of Chris Pratt= they worked together and became friends filming Jurassic World in 2014
Platinum Album= Has a certified platinum album “Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas” (I can’t believe this one, I was pretty surprised)
Anyways, that’s it! I can’t wait to see Group A next week.. again yeah but with Pepper this time so woohoo another Wildcard. I just hope we can see more of Group B too because it feels like too much of Group A is being seen. Anyways, see y’all next week with the recap for tomorrow’s episode! Bye guys! Remember to do all the social media things! Like, comment, follow me for more, all of that 👋🏼
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thegrimreaper145 · 5 years
So you know how you gotta do those surveys at school?
I had to redo mines for some reason..but anyway that doesn’t a matter onwards with the story!
So I got done finishing this test I already did,I was pissed off because I didn’t want to do it again but I had to because there was a glitch in our system at school. After I finished that test I had to to the survey again (c" ತ,_ತ) so I got to the question about me doing drugs and once again I said no because I don’t do them shits..SO TELL ME WHY I GOT THE SAME QUESTION AGAIN 😂
People:are you sure you aren’t doing drugs
People:are you sure you aren’t? 🤔
People:are you drinking?
People:are you sure?
Like I was dead inside, I think the people who did that survey are addicted to drugs or they think I’m a drug dealer 😂
I told my teacher this and me,her,and my friend was fucking laughing out asses off but not to loud because we were in the library 📚. But hey at least I got candy after doing the survey so I can’t complain 🤷‍♀️
So I couldn’t stop laughing when we left. I had to go to my math teacher and tell her this,now my math teacher is chill and cool man. So this lady I know (I will be changing her name to cupcake.) so I told her what happened along with my math teacher and they started to laughing.then cupcake said who did my hair and I told her my cousins mom she did it for my birthday.and my math teacher didn’t know it was my birthday when it happened but that’s because they don’t to that thing anymore where they tell who’s birthday it is today. So she was like why didn’t you tell me. And I said something but I forgot and cupcake said I was a high schooler now. (I’m in the 8th grade btw)(but I’m on my way to high school tho ÚwÙ) I’m going to Banneker high school and I told her how my friend goes there.i had a crush on him because when I was new at elementary school he walked me home...I never told him my feelings but ye..we don’t talk anymore..BUT ANYWHO! Cupcake said oooo that must be her crush to my math teacher I smiled and told them I did have a crush on him and then cupcake said I’ll be at prom with him with my dress and I started to giggle.and then she said I could do this dance she pretended she was lifting her dress up to her knee and started dancing I can’t remember the dance move but I started laughing and my math teacher was like no she can’t do that while laughing. And I realize I gotta go to my 5th period because I was already late because I had to do that test and survey so I told them I had to go but I had to get my book bag from out of the teachers room thing but it was locked so my math teacher unlocked it and I got my book bag,told them bye,and when on my way.
And that’s it 😎 today was a good day
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