#(Thanks But No Thanks for all the hassle)
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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buglaur · 6 months
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shots from messing with my reshade and decorating the pub
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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cowboys are ok I guess @castercassette
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okkennymay · 1 year
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This time around I thought I would make a comic relaying the events after the last time I posted, because my gosh is it easier to explain with pretty pictures than upsetting words >vO I prefer to make jokes about my situation than anything, ‘cause honestly it’s a solid way of dealing with it and I take so many medications as it is, why not add laughter to it I say! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Despite my condition’s best efforts I still managed to organise and complete a commission with someone through emails! Thank you @waezi2 you were so patient as I arose from my grave every other day to get things done (❁´◡`❁) Fighting my body and winning to complete it was the victory I needed! The sheer satisfaction I get from a commission well received by someone is like pure nectar to me~ Sweet sustenance I just can’t get enough of! The money don’t hurt either, Disability Support Pensions do not go far in this economy 👀 This is as close as I can get to having a job and I wont let C.V.S (Cyclic vomiting Syndrome) or Chrohns take that from me! 
I’m raring to dive into more if anyone’s interested ♪(´▽`) I’m just about to post a new “commissions sheet” to broadcast that very fact >vO I do love having something to draw between Ectober pages~
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This post made me realize that with the Walking Alone episode, I can recreate what Aya probably looked like during the new chapter...
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...and maybe the next chapter...
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But most importantly, what she'll hopefully look like many chapters down the road from now :)
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monochromatiica · 2 years
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hey why have you had the splatoon demo open for 2 hours but you haven’t played a match yet-hatsune squidku
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dylanconrique · 4 months
actual visual representation of me decaying in bed all day due to those bts pics of lucy in the hospital.
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oooocleo · 7 months
Hi there! I'm a new follower and saw you mention your trip to MCM -- are you going to have an artist alley stall or are you just going for fun?
Have a lovely day! ✨️🖤
im tabling! potentially the only time ill ever be doing that in the UK bc boy. is it more complicated than EU cons now 🤡
ill be at table B-20 w/ lots of prints! and ill probably only be able to accept paypal payments lol........... but please come chat if ur there!!
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moldspace · 1 year
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The Fellows Are Here and they are Good
(the most fun part was the effort in finding where the hell stickers and enamel pins belong in the goods nomenclature list when doing custos declaration... just Ordering Into EU From Overseas things haha)
glad they arrived safe and sound! and i feel u on customs declarations. the absolute worst. i have to do tariffs on my end when shipping and i'm only 50% sure i'm classifying things correctly haha
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 5 months
I am opening my mouth like a baby bird for the barebones offline version of the rpgsolo stuff .. excited to see :3
i hope you enjoy it when it goes up, anon!! my main issue so far is trying to figure out how tf to format the percentage tables over text on a tumblr post. i could just post screenshots of it, because as it is it formats terribly onto here, but it's critical for it to be screen-reader accessible. i might go ahead and put it in a pastebin to link along with the screenshots; i'd like to get it down in multiple formats and mirrors in case something happens to one version, i Do Not Trust hosting sites these days, but i think that's probably a good start.
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echthr0s · 6 months
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*record scratch* "yep. that's me. you're probably wondering how I got here..."
well. I got here thanks to unexpected Patron of the Eldritch Arts @antoncrane who plucked it out of my Steam wishlist out of nowhere and also the grace of the computer gods who let me run it without my dear machine exploding (I should really give Azathoth more credit, he's a good machine. ain't much he can't do)
this is Ioannu the tiefling. here's the clearer shot from the CC
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I don't know much about this world so it was really hard to make a character (usually I have more to go on and can sketch out a clearer character concept), but we're just gonna see where this takes us
first impression: mindflayers pwn so fkn hard that's it that's all you need to know
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antifragi1e · 1 year
am i allowed to be upset
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warlordfelwinter · 10 months
improbably, our entire cthulhu party survived the raid on the cult ritual. more or less intact.
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cosmicrhetoric · 10 months
its so weird that you can just buy a lehenga off asos now but it feels correct that you'd be paying the same amount of money as you would in an indian store but it will show up with 99% less tulle and crinoline and sample size blouse measurements that fit no one except maybe a little mouse
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fuyuesu · 2 years
probably not normal for me to break down crying and spiralling over the thought of having to get a job huh
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athanasia-ia · 1 year
Until I figure out what is wrong with my Discord app, I will post this here: the two starters I owe will be posted on Saturday! Plotting resumes (looking @ u especially gemini @yongguk-ia) when the damn app works again orz
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