#(i say as an introvert who in fact does NOT like to Talk-talk lmaO)
grimalkinmessor · 1 month
The parallels between Tsubomi and Reigen drive me so fucking insane you have no idea like—that shit had to be at least SOMEWHAT intentional even if not in a specifically romantic way.
For one, Tsubomi and Reigen are two of the only few people that call Shigeo "Mob" consistently. (Yes Tome also calls him Mob eventually but she starts out calling him Kageyama-kun and likely picks up "Mob-kun" from Inukawa or Reigen later on). We don't know how Reigen started calling Shigeo "Mob", though we can assume that Tsubomi was likely part of the group of kids that originally misread Shigeo's name as Mobbu to begin with so she's less of a mystery on that front. Maybe Reigen saw it written on his backpack or his shirt tag and started calling him that too, or maybe Mob even just told him that that's what everyone else called him and was what he prefered to be called at the time. Either way, it's a little odd that Reigen's one of the only people who use that nickname when we don't really get a reason why beyond "it can also be read like this", especially since Reigen is a grown man with (presumably) full literacy of kanji and would know how to read it.
Then there's the other obvious parallel that's made in the show; how Tsubomi and Reigen treat Mob. How they see his powers. They're not special, they're just a part of him. Nothing to be scared of—even though they kind of,,,,are lmao. The fact that Tsubomi continues to sit in the park even though a literal hurricane is approaching because she thought Mob sounded upset on the phone happens at the same time Reigen goes sprinting full-tilt into said hurricane because Mob is in trouble always stands out to me. It's less obvious than Mob's own words: "She never treated me any differently because of my powers" "Master never treated me any differently..."—but it's still a pretty blatant parallel to me.
Not to mention that both Reigen and Tsubomi's personalities are actually very similar as well! They're both described as people that hide behind a mask, a facade, while still being brutally stubborn. If Tsubomi doesn't want to do something, she's not gonna do it. While Reigen is more laid back because he's used to getting his hands dirty for work (money), he's still very stubborn himself when he doesn't wanna do something. He'll find a way to wriggle out of it and talk circles around you if you let him. Dimple even says that Tsubomi is the type of person who can't be swayed by words or peer pressure. She and Reigen were actually, again, two of the only people brainwashed through airborne Vibes™ instead of through food like everyone else. The biggest difference between them on this is that while Reigen lies fairly blatantly, Tsubomi seems to only lie through omission. Tsubomi is more of an introvert too, compared to Reigen's extrovert (though you could argue that both of them are good with people, with the only difference being that Reigen enjoys being the center of attention while Tsubomi presumably does not).
Plus they're both pretty goofy too once you think about it lmao. They're both prideful and hate to be humiliated, but they also care a lot about their public image and how people perceive them. Every time the scene with Tsubomi and her friends outside cleaning up leaves comes up, her expressions and panic always remind me of Reigen. And then there's Mob, calm and unjudgemental, willing to help her with no questions asked. Mitigating her humiliation, just like he does for Reigen :)
Another thing that always strikes me is how Mezato says, "If you can accept her for who she really is..." followed by Reigen's echo during his confession: "This is who I really am". Mezato essentially tells Mob that Tsubomi isn't who she seems on the outside and that if he wants to be accepted by her, he needs to also be ready to accept her as well. Which, we don't get to see much of Tsubomi's life outside of Mob—wow just like Reigen—so we don't ever really know who she is beyond that outer mask, but we see her slowly opening up to Mob later, as a friend. But the fact that Reigen's own confession mirrors Mezato's words to Mob about him accepting Tsubomi always makes me vibrate in place a little like,,,Confession Arc my beloved 🙏
I don't know man, there's just so much there, it makes my head spin. I could go on and on about it but I better cut myself off because if I don't I'll start crawling on the walls going feral about it because what, what was the point of this if not to make it clear that the relationship between Mob and Reigen is supposed to parallel his relationship with Tsubomi like what do you MEAN—
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gjenkatarot · 1 year
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reminder: my readings are for entertainment purposes only! take a deep breath and choose a pic that you feel drawn to the most! remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. enjoy!
hello, pile one!
♡ you'll come across to your future spouse as a very fun and brave person. the way you dress and present yourself might catch their attention, but they might also be shocked at the fact that you share some interests with them. they will be excited by your energy since it is fresh and new to them. they will be so intrigued by you!
♡ as far as i can tell, your future spouse will also see that you overwork yourself. It's like doing multiple things at the same time. the impression they'll get is that you're very busy and don't have time to sit down and take a deep breath. you might be able to get help with that, though. they will see you tired or exhausted even if you don't mention it. 
♡ you will impress them with your talent and creativity. is this the pile of hopeless romantics? they will perceive you as quiet and introverted. i'm getting charmer by stray kids. not gonna lie, your future spouse will be very charmed by your persona. their eyes will be awestruck by how emotionally and physically you express yourself. it's something about the way you talk! 
♡ because of your independence and being in your own bubble, they'll be intimidated at first.
hello, pile two!
♡ do you have a yellow aura? this pile has such a calm, warm vibe. some of you are giving me beach vibes! 
♡ anyhow, you'll seem to your future spouse like someone who's very positive, loving, and nurturing. i wonder if you guys like kids or are good with them. i think your FS will love your openness, friendliness, and welcoming attitude. childlike energy! they might see you as someone who gets stuff done. i get that some of you motivate people. 
♡ they might see you as someone who has everything they need. someone charismatic, well-liked, and magnetic. I get that they see you as good-looking and aesthetically pleasing to their eye.
♡ at first, your future spouse might think you're stable and don't need people around them. it's just that they'll see you as secure, not needing or wanting anyone else. that'll make them admire you. self-reliant vibes
hello, pile three!
♡ your future spouse will think you're a heartbreaker. you'll intimidate them so much it's hilarious. do you flirt a lot, pile 3? in their eyes, you are a clever, sharp-tongued person with a sharp mind and a clever tongue. you have the power to hurt someone with your words, and your future spouse knows that. nonetheless, the hotness you possess pile three is unmatched. you are a person who is easily liked. your presence in a room is noticed by everyone. you have a magnetic presence.
♡ you might be viewed by your fs as someone who holds back from a lot of things and suppresses them. you want to make a move, but you can't? you'll come across as someone who does things right and doesn't rush into things.
♡ i also think your future spouse might hold back on making judgements about you. like the famous saying, "don't judge a book by its cover"
♡ last but not least, they'll view you as someone who's mysterious and private. someone who doesn't share a lot of personal information. you might scare your future spouse lmao. 
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espresso-ships · 10 days
Can you tell us more abt Laura pretty please
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- @laloverboyy
So basically!!
Her full name is Laura Bernardi.
She kinda started out as an OC and I wanted to have her as a character in my book - but who knows? She might still be in my stories one day HEHEH >:3 So therefore I've made her a background story already, but she's very based on me - with personality, dreams and goals, and family/friends dynamics etc.
When I started watching Better Call Saul I got this though of "LAURA AND NACHO WOULD BE PERFECT TOGETHER-" ...But I was also like: "ME AND NACHO SHOULD BE TOGETHER 👹" So I combined the two and turned Laura into a self-insert LMAO
Now for the story I have for Laura:
She's from Europe and spent her first years in Italy, before she moved to the US together with her dad and big brother Sergio.
They moved in with her grandparents, and she was very close with her grandpa - Valentino. He taught her to read and write and eventually she developed a passion for writing, just like Valentino had. He was basically her best friend, since she hated school and got bullied.
She is very close to her brother Sergio - who's three years older. He is very overprotective of his little sister and is the stereotypical "annoying brother" LOL He is currently living in Denver, where he's opened his own restaurant.
Laura is an artistic person. She enjoys poetry, music and art. It has been so since her childhood. Her interest in writing developed and eventually she started working as a journalist, after studying at university.
In her spare time, she hangs out with friends and family - they're all very important to her. And she makes her own books and poems too. She also likes reading and being outdoors, for example taking photos, going shopping or jogging/hiking.
She sometimes enjoy going to parties too.
Her fasion style is classy and simple. She also likes dark academia and grunge clothings (...but also adores pastel colors LOL)
As for her personality: She's both extroverted and introverted, it depends on who she's talking to! She is kind and caring, and good at reading people. Although she's a good person, she's very impulsive and sometimes says/does things without thinking twice. She was diagnosed with ADHD as a teen and also struggles with mental health.
She also loved animals! She has a cat and knows alot about cats and other animals. A bit of a nerd when it comes to cat facts :')
Relationship with Nacho 👀
Nacho and Sergio was best friends in school, so Nacho spent a lot of time in the Bernardi house. He got to know Laura's family, and Sergio got to know Nacho's family. The two families became friends and even had dinners together.
But Sergio and Nacho grew apart during the years. One main reason was Nacho joining the cartelm which he did not approve off. They stopped hanging out around the time Sergio moved to Denver.
After this, Nacho and Laura grew close. They had known each other for quite some years and knew each other well. They supported each other during difficult times and shared happy moments etc.
Laura even worked at A-Z Fine Upholstery (Nacho's dads store) before becoming an journalist! She was a troubled teen and Manuel Varga fixed her a job, and then she became colleagues.
They liked each other, but both were too scared to admit it. So they let each other go, and dated other people, breaking each others hearts over and over without knowing so...
After a bad breakup, Laura realized she still liked Nacho, and he developed feelings for her. They finally confessed to each other, and since then their love has bloomed.
Now, they live together in a house in Albuquerque, but plan on moving to Italy and start over, and live a life away from dangers and drama.
Laura is also planning on proposing to Nacho soon... 🤭
Random pictures
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Laura S/I aestethic 💅
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First drawing: The first drawing I made of Laura! Her design has changed a lot since LOL Second drawing: Latest drawing of her (and my fav art hahah) Third drawing: Sims 4 version of Laura :3
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ALSOOO - This is what Sergio Bernardi looks like!! Had to make one for him too ahshshs (yep, he's an OC now and he's iconic)
That sums it up, I think ahhshss
THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING! <33 And sorry for making this reply so long LOL 😭
My English broke now and it's very late - so I hope this all made sense ahshshhs
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tiredassmage · 8 months
giggling and kicking my feet. oh i lOVE THESE!! thamk you for the tag @eorzeashan! <3
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bothering the man, the myth, the legend, the og~ this will not stop me from wanting to do more blorbo. nor verses of blorbo.
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable
Twenty-some years (and counting) of intelligence work has its moments. While largely still ready for field work at a moment's notice, history with the Castellans and then Valkorian's influence don't play well with his habit of being a workaholic, nor his... equally bad habit of trying to work through headaches and occasional bouts of insomnia.
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
Nebulously, 'Cipher Nine' may or may not be connected to some of his work, but the fact that he's still among the Republic's 'most wanted' does imply a slight lack of proof. Or ability to actually bring him in. (And maybe there's still a part of him that's amused by it and maybe just a smidgen proud about it, okay?) We're also not talking about the implied treason. If the Empire ever caught his, ah. Affiliations. :))
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
The slightly shorter answer is he hasn't. thought about it a lot, but he'd like to, when it crosses his mind. It's the Shelter Dog Rizz (TM) and also that this man has a mentor streak a country mile wide and just doesn't have a lot of opportunities to realize it. Ough, which version of events? xD When this idiot finally retires, there are two daughters whom he will definitely build blanket forts with and "accidentally" teach Huttese swears and insults to because they argued Hyroh didn't know, etc. etc. [Sunasa grows up too fast and will always be his baby girl and Kas is going to be taller than him and completely capable of breaking arms by herself and he's going to worry about both of them. Forever.]
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
Tyr, your complicated family ties. Tyr has no biological siblings, but his adopted sister, Mavis, and him haven't spoken since before his time in the Academy and they were almost always more antagonistic than not. I wouldn't be surprised if they never referred to each other as siblings. They more so just. happened to grow up in the same household.
Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
Again, complicated, lmao. The official story is orphaned and adopted. The actual story is... given up in an effort to protect him from the trappings of life as an intelligence operative. [Sorry, Keeper. You tried.]
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between
♦ disorganized / organized / in-between
♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between
♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
Tyr has. always flirted with the line between respectful and 'with all due respect, which is none' blatancy. He knows he can't outright bite the hands on the leash. Doesn't usually mean he's entirely pleased with complacency.
♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual
I was going to give him cautious, but this man is incredibly ride or die. When he says, I'll do anything for you, try not to test. how far he'll go about that. It's damn pretty far.
♦ patient / impatient / in-between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual
Again, he. flirts with the edge. Depends on who he's around.
♦ leader / follower / in-between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between
♦ traditional / modern / in-between
His taste on how intelligence work should be handled - with field operatives trusted to do their job has historically gotten him in, ah. arguments. He's of an older guard in that way and he knows it and he's not keen to let anyone forget it. But as far as Imperial policy is concerned... Well, that's what a little treason can be good for the soul for. Maybe. You didn't hear that from him.
♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown
Loyal like a fucking dog - to actual ride or die levels. To people more than anything else. And, yes, to that... slightly more idealistic streak in him that's there no matter how much he tries to mask it in realism.
♦ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown
In the spiritual sense? Not particularly. Again, loyal like a dog. Faithful to his found family pack His People to the bitter end.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
(Unfortunately, verified by experience.)
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Something about the persistence of spirits would suggest it, but he's got plenty enough to wrangle with the living. That bridge can be crossed when or if they arrive upon it.
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
free giggle in star wars here
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
In a manner of speaking? While perhaps not a readily apparent trait, Tyr tends to enjoy learning. It's a heart or core of what he'd describe of his work as an intelligence operative: learning about people, places, beliefs as big as how to organize society and as small as that merchant is a rip-off. Ideals are far more important to him than I believe he realizes.
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
A skill in an intelligence toolkit has offered him experience, but he's a bit less experienced in pinpointing exactly what he genuinely likes - experiments he is... rather favorable to exploring.
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict / former addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
I will. almost certainly return to do more blorbos. I love these things kdfnlsadfn
No pressure tags as always/I am so sorry if you have already gotten one and I have not seen it/open invitation to join in if you like etc etc thank you for coming to my TED talk @captainderyn @commander-krios @fatewalker-phoenix
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4ggravation · 3 days
omg you have star tail oc’s??? I absolutely want to hear about them!!!
yes yes!!!! i do!
so, my star rail ocs are a little group of galaxy rangers because i was sick of there only being 2 playable characters from such a fun faction (one of which not even being a real member). i've been calling them the "red herrings" as shorthand, but i don't know how viable a sub-faction would be, especially for the galaxy rangers.
their leader and the one who brought them together is melanie (imaginary, erudition), who i've talked about a little bit before. she isn't a galaxy ranger herself, rather an associate who supplies them with maps, trackers, and the like. basically, they're a guide. no one fully understands how she has the knowledge she does, and the fact that she's basically the only one in her field has given her quite the ego. it's theorized that her knowledge has something to do with the unexplained blue patches on her skin, and they aren't quite wrong. there's a price to fame, after all.
the team itself was formed by melanie to basically be her dickriders (saying the quiet part out loud here lmao, she did not give an actual shit about these people until recently). one of my friends once referred to them as "melanie's pet galaxy rangers" and. yeah.
going in order of who joined the red herrings first, the next up is vilho (physical, abundance), the team's strategist. he's a former silvermane guard who was picked up by melanie because he really needed Someone to get him out of belobog. since then, he's been using what he learned in his time as a guard to guide the team. they're very shy around new people, but they warm up a bit too fast once you spend enough time with them. overly formal and has a deadly fear of stepping on other people's toes. most likely the youngest of the group.
after vilho joined, next was laverne (wind, harmony), who does the team's dirtier work, especially with machines. they were taken in after lots of begging on vilho's end, and were quickly given the most dispensable role in the group by melanie; back then, she still didn't really see them as whole people. very introverted and prefers to watch everything from afar without getting involved. feels deeply indebted to the rest of the red herrings for how they treat them; they're very self-sacrificial and act as the team's support combat-wise because of it.
finally, the last person to join was zhihao (lightning, the hunt), a xianzhou native who butted themself into melanie's circle because they were bored. they aren't even a fully committed galaxy ranger (if anything, they'd be more fitting in the masked fools), but they like the crew, so she stays. melanie has yet to slot them into a role because of their unknowable nature, and zhihao likes it that way. while you'd never guess it based on their looks, his motives are primarily based in entertaining himself. they like holding their status as the eldest of the group over everyone else's heads.
there's also sparky, one of ruan mei's cat creations that melanie pawned off her. initially, the cat served to be a reminder of ruan mei for melanie (because they're obsessed with her i mean what), but now they're a full member of the family. they love cuddling with zhihao.
sparky got their name from "sparks", the group's nickname for a benefactor (read: situationship) of melanie's. she doesn't like using his actual name, preferring how annoyed the title makes him; it's also a precautionary measure, since she thinks her reputation will instantly tank if people find out about who she's fucking around with. (though, if you've seen my posts about them in the past, you may have an idea of who he is.)
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
hi!!! congratulations on your milestone ♡ i was wondering if i could get a matchup for genshin impact and honkai star rail?
if possible, i would like to be matched up with a male for genshin, but a female or male for star rail is fine!
my mbti is ifsp and my zodiac is leo! i'm introverted but i love socializing w/ people and i'm definitely a yapper 😭... i talk a lot to people i'm close w/ and usually type in all caps cuz im always hype like dat... i'm also vv optimistic ♡
i'm also the funniest person i know & i think i'm the clown of my friend group... sometimes i say really stupid things and i'm really reckless + impulsive
i have dark brown hair that reaches my chest and i have blonde highlights! i'm 5'0, my skin is on the paler side, and i'm on the thinner side! my aesthetic is soft & pastel and i love, love the color pink!! i think i'm really feminine & i love feminine things
i do sports and i love biology & healthcare! i also love drawing and writing & usually spend my free time doing one or the other... i'm really creative & i like anything related to art (music, literature, etc.) i wld love to be in the medical field & give others hope during tough times!! ♡
i don't really fall in love nowadays (i only like fictional charas lmao) because i'm young and i don't rlly the people my age :( i feel like they're really immature and that's okay!! ik everyone grows at their own pace, but for now, they're js not for me!
i want someone who understands me and who i can be comfortable w. i also want someone who i know isn't with me for the sake of being with me, but because they actually like me for me.
in theory, i really love the "i hate everyone but you" trope, but realistically ik it's toxic AFF and that's not the energy i want irl... but i do want someone who makes it noticable js how much they like me :( im a sucker for eyes and i love the thought of someone looking at me w/ a fond, soft expression that they don't share w/ anyone else makes me really giddy... i want it to be known that i am loved (although subtly) and i want to feel special ♡♡
i'd prefer someone who is kind of a tsundere and someone who isn't really into pda bc i don't like pda myself... also my love language is quality time! i'd rather be loved in private than in public, but things like hand holding is fine :))
anyway thank you so much for doing these matchups and feel free to ignore this one if you have too much on your plate!! you are so deserving of 300, almost 400 followers now, and you are so incredible ♡♡ thank you, again and again!
SWEETIE! HAI!! (∩˃ω˂∩)
Your matchup, go!
Okay okay I know what I might say "but alhaitham won't make me feel loved..."
he might not be vocal with it but he loves you and shows it
He will always keep an eye on you, and sometimes just doze off while looking at you over his book
He prefers to spend time at home, with either cuddling you or just sitting together and doing something, since he's not really into PDA he prefers to keep his love to you for the inside
His love languages are quality time and acts of service
Expect a lot of small things done for you
For example you fell asleep while reading a book, he will put a bookmark on the chapter and cover you in a blanket
Tho all that aside, he does act annoyed with your jokes sometimes but in reality he's very fond of them
After you Tell a joke or such he'll just sit there silently, but you could swear a smile is creeping on his smile.
Similar to alhaitham but very different
Different from alhaitham, she's more calm and less tense
She enjoys your company a lot, and appreciates your optimistic view of the world
Also she likes the fact that you're so experienced in healthcare, she might even provide you with some good situations where you can try it out, if you want ofcourse
Because of her status I'd like to think she doesn't enjoy PDA at all, but what she does enjoy is private time with you, where she can just be herself and show her gratitude to you
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Eren Yeager relationship
Aesthetic, vibes & various
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Right from the get go, I’m just gonna say this; Eren is extremely misunderstood.
Yeah he’s an asshole. Yeah he may be a genocidal, suicidal maniac. But he would never and I repeat, never treat his s/o like shit as often conveyed.
Still a hot ass trope though
Eren loves and cares for his friends with his entire being. Willing to sacrifice literally everything for them. I’m not saying it’s right or justified - but it’s how it is.
Eren in his later years is quiet, brooding and always up in his own head. The only person in this world who could bring back even a spark of that blazing determination behind his eyes, would be you.
Ideal dates
Eren’s ideal date is anything quiet and away from people. He’s pretty introverted post time skip and doesn’t like to be around too many people.
Loves to lavish you with affection in his own little ways while you’re tucked up away from the world.
Stargazing. It’s his favourite thing, lying there with you in a comfortable silence, now and again sharing a deep thought or idea while lacing his fingers within yours or drawing circles on your palm.
If you’re attentive enough; lie on his chest and you’ll hear his heart rate picking up promptly.
Likes to feed you. He adores taking care of you, even if the way he does it somehow seems distant and even huffy.
Very protective of you. Both territorially and for your safety. Will ward off any unwanted attention without a second thought.
Modern AU
Not denying the fact that in a modern AU, there’s a pretty high chance of him being a total fuck boy / pussy hound.
Gamer. Possibly a streamer. Always has music playing through headphones.
Loves ordering weird coffees with the fancy names. The longest to pronounce, the better.
Is a travel guru.
Fingers girls in bathrooms at parties.
Will humble brag about it to his friends too.
But once someone catches his heart it’s a total game changer. That’s where you come in.
Will be pretty fucking confused at first. Love? What the hell is that?
But it wouldn’t take him too long to come around.
Once he does he’s constantly talking about you, buying you things - he’s not used to these feelings and the only way he knows to show that you’re special is to spoil you.
After a while and you’ve both been steady for some time, he’ll see the errors in his last ways and begin to feel guilty before he grows.
Is your pussy okay? Lmao.
Seriously though… Are you okay?
Eren is a beast in bed. Post time skip he’s brimming with confidence. Or maybe he just doesn’t care.
Possibly has memories of people having sex and picked up some stuff from them. God not his dad though. He blocks that out.
Eren is pure filth in bed. Spitting, light choking, hair pulling, spanking… You name it.
He can be tender though. If you ask it of him, letting him know you’re feeling soft today, he’ll respond well to that.
Will fuck you anywhere and everywhere. Walls, public places, the sofa, his car (modern au)
He’d even be down for eating you out in Titan form. (Hold on a minute while I readjust myself…)
Is competitive with himself. Oh he made you cum three times the other night? Well, tonight it’ll be four.
Loves to finger you. Just something about having you in the palm of his hand really gets him going. Not to mention he gets to taste you after.
Ride his face and he’ll be on his knees for you. Pull his hair? God the moan he’ll make is just… 👌
���Look at that pretty pussy stretching for me…”
“I love ruining you with my cum.”
“Good girl. That’s it…”
“mmm baby, fuck.”
“You fuck me so good”
“Ride me. There’s a good girl.”
“Lemme hear that pretty voice moan for me…”
“Does that feel good? Huh? Does my cock make you go crazy?!”
“Your cunt is so greedy… It’s trying to swallow me.”
“God you feel.so good…”
Are things you’ll usually hear during intimate times.
The risk of getting caught. He likes having risky sex in semi public locations. Makes a game of how loud he can get you to moan, knowing someone would probably hear you.
Light Degradation. When he’s in a rough mood, he doesn’t mind calling you a few names. Nothing too extreme. And if it’s not your thing, he’ll respect that boundary.
Loves a good ol’ 69. Having you on his face with your ass in view is just… *Chef’s kiss*
Speaking of ass, he loves to bend you over too, allowing himself in nice and deep with a great view and something Juicy to grab.
Afterxare with Eren isn’t anything special unfortunately. He’s another who gets sleepy after sex.
Won’t ignore you though. Often lazy pillow talk is on the cards and telling you how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are.
Will run his fingers across your scalp to soothe you.
Also will kiss any bite marks or finger bruises he’s left behind and ask if you’re okay.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 5/10
Affection 6/10
Sex 10/10
Aftercare 8/10
TLDR; He’s an ass but nowhere near as bad as he’s usually made out to be. Still would make a pretty good boyfriend.
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sohmiya · 11 months
oc tag game
thank you @sussoro for tagging me!! this was so fun 🩷 tagging @wayhavenots @pierceaugust + anyone who wants to do it!! no pressure <3
FAVOURITE OC: emory chan from merry crisis. also because the qiu brainrot is currently taking over my entire being but yeah. despite the pride emory feels in making her dream as a musician happen, she carries the guilt from knowing it’s not exactly what her parents want for her. she’s the typical eldest daughter who acts as a third parent. another favorite is maya quimby from golden. i wrote a whole list of facts about her a while back so idk what else to say but that’s My Girl. she’s so so special to me <3
NEWEST OC: althea solis from take two. she’s vv underdeveloped right now but in the take two universe, she’s an only child. in an au, she has an older sister named athalia <3
OLDEST OC: sutton hart from midnight hours. before she became an iaos hunter, she was a detective in wayhaven. she’s very ambitious and curious. she’s definitely one of those people who have bucket lists and actually plans to do the things on her list. she felt like wayhaven is too small for her dreams so she left and now she’s in new york
MEANEST OC: cloe hoffman from infamous. idk if i should call her mean but she’s bratty and she complains a lot LMAO literally orion’s nightmare. cloe loves the spotlight and isn’t too bothered being part of the drama as long as attention is on her. because bad publicity is still publicity 🤷🏻‍♀️ she hasn’t done much self-reflection so she’s not yet aware that it stems from her parents not giving her enough attention when she was young. i think once she gains enough self-awareness, she’ll realize that it’s actually her thinking “they didn’t notice me when i was a good kid. maybe they’ll notice me now”
SOFTEST OC: piper ellis from midnight hours. another former detective from wayhaven. she’s a huge disney fan. she keeps tickets (plane, concerts, movies, amusement parks, etc) and pins them on a cork board alongside polaroid pictures. she’s introverted, soft spoken and sooo shy. she’s so easily flustered that she makes nikolas look like the biggest flirt 😭 also kirsten adler from golden. she’s sentimental and timid but less introverted than piper. she’s just self-conscious because she knows that one wrong move and the media will twist it into something that can ruin her dad’s image. she talks nonstop once you bring up something she’s extremely passionate about <3
MOST ALOOF/STANDOFFISH OC: lira kinsley from golden. she’s not a snob but she’s tired of people buttering her up for connections. when she’s moody, she straight up tells the person “my dad’s right there.” she’s selective of who she lets in to her social circle
DUMBEST (AFFECTIONATE) OC: riley cromwell from college tennis. she’s not dumb but clown blood flows in her veins <3 she can be unapologetically cringe lololol one dumb thing i’d say she does is barely controlling her junk food intake and justifying it with “i play tennis a lot. it’s fine”
SMARTEST OC: annika munroe from arcadia city. not because she’s a genius whatsoever. she just reads a lot and constantly tries to stay informed. also because she loves it when people argue with her and the looks on their faces when she ends up being right. she used to be one of my wayhaven detectives as well.
OC I’D BE FRIENDS WITH: sutton. but also because i can put her in any if i play and she’ll end up being friends with someone there 😭 she’s loving, nurturing and thoughtful and she’s very expressive about it. i think it’s also due to having dated immortals (first, nate. now, kian. she likes old men ig) that really put into perspective how short her life is and how quickly time passes. she’s trying to learn how to not overextend herself but sometimes she just can’t help it. being affectionate comes naturally for her
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pussymagnetmadara2 · 2 years
I think it's time to set the record straight on some of the Uchiha clan members, especially for itachi fans who are trying to do some mental gym to figure out why Itachi didn't contract his MS because of fucking Izumi Uchiha and pretend that she was his lover... LMAO.
This will hold on 2 points or maybe 3.
Izumi Uchiha is a non-canon character, used in a specific context.
Izumi was only introduced in the anime to try to push the pill on Itachi being a very introverted kid, who couldn't make friends, let alone date anyone romantically. Itachi, had only one canonical friend, Shisui, who was already much older than him. Itachi not having a friend his own age made so much more sense to the character. Itachi is introduced as a kind of autistic person who lived outside the world in his own mind but had to wear a social mask in all circumstances because people liked to remind him of his genius and this potential should not be wasted. And yes he was the kind of guy who would go for a walk alone in the forest to think deeply about the basis of his life here, or try to throw himself off a cliff to figure out why life is so important. When did you in the manga, Itachi take a romantic turn with anyone? Literally nobody. It wasn't like him.
Izumi is a character created from scratch for Itachi Shinden.
I struggle with this section of toxic fandom quite regularly, lights novels are not canon and do not extend the manga canon. The canon of a story only refers to what its original author writes and that's it. The rest is just stories or fanfiction to try to make sense of a secondary character and why do even? Should we have known that Itachi was actually a little marshmallow heart so that it would ease our pain for the actions he committed? Izumi was a young girl born to an anonymous lambda father and an Uchiha mother, that's all we learn at the beginning. After her father's death, Izumi and her mother are allowed to rejoin the clan but still have a hard time being recognized as true clan members. She meets Itachi at school and literally falls under his spell. He's handsome, smart and powerful, and a full-blooded Uchiha, I can't blame her here but she's just one simp among many. Sasuke will have the same success with women years later. She tries to blame herself for Itachi making him a friend by forcing her friendship on him and making him feel guilty for not giving her time while he repeatedly pushes her away, (hey Sakura) while he is majority busy between a genius, used for his out of the ordinary abilities, between the village and the Uchiha clan. He ends up being a little interested in her when he discovers that she has awakened her sharingan… that's literally it. But when I say he is interested in her, I'm not talking romantically, he is just jealous of the fact that he didn't succeed in awakening his sharingan and how did a half Uchiha succeed before him? Is Izumi the real genius here? And yes Itachi was clearly jealous of her and that's all. Finally he managed to awaken them and the interest in her disappeared again. What a jerk. Izumi trying to find comfort in Fugaku is my favorite laughable section… Fugaku being obsessed by the interests of the clan didn't actually notice by himself that Itachi was an asocial kid and it's only after his wife Mikoto's worries that Fugaku also wonders: Itachi needs friends otherwise he'll end up in a bad way. But Itachi had a friend, the good Shisui, but after his death what does he have left? Izumi has always been irrelevant for him. Itachi Shinden has just softened the horrible Itachi's character with the death of Izumi. Wanting to kill her first and soften her death in a genjutsu in order to give her what he could never give her from the beginning was literally not adorable but just horribly cringe.
Yes, but Obito said that Itachi killed his lover.
Yes, in the translated versions of the manga. But on second thought, what did Obito know? Did he know Itachi well enough to say that he had a lover? No. Obito only made presumptions based on nothing. Then, it is possible that Obito lied to Sasuke to make him gain ground in his own manipulation. Finally, Obito stating that Itachi went as far as to kill his lover, never pronounced a name. Who said that it was Izumi? Nobody, not even Obito.
In the anime, Obito is the one who kills Izumi, why would he refer to Izumi as the lover that Itachi killed if he was implying that Izumi was Itachi's lover? Things lead us to think that Obito was talking about Shisui instead or that he was simply lying.
Conclusion: The lights novels are so flat that even the anime which is more than 40% filler doesn't even come to the same conclusion. What to do? READ THE MANGA.
ps: sorry for the grammatical typos or else, im not an english native speaker.
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kazuyummy · 10 months
hello hello!! how are you? i hope your doing well!! if its still open, may  join yor matchup event?
fandom: haikyuu!!
matchup: spontaneous, creative, open-minded, weird (lol)
drabble: 🍊 - imagine, maybe a more fluffy imagine would be nice!! extra fluff for the soul <33
misc: genre is romance!! i dont mind being paired with anyone <33
ahhh of course my dear!!
i had to think about this for a bit, but i would match you up with KENMA KOZUME. despite seeming like the most introverted person in the fandom at times, he shows need for his creative expression and interaction through streaming, so he appreciates your bursts of inspiration and how you seem to view the world differently compared to others. you're enigmatic to him and he's unusually drawn to your charisma and quirks. despite his independent nature, he's affectionate and at times clingy with you. he can be overly logical and analytical with his thinking - not to say you're not a rational thinker by any means - but when he's caught up in the facts, you're showing him what's possible.
a fluffy imagine for you under the cut!!
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kenma is no stranger to kuroo calling in favours from him, asking him to do collabs with the jva and its players
"ok, but this one is different, kenma - it'll guarantee a huge boost in your viewership. 'cause what kind of person can't resist puppies?"
he'll sigh but secretly look forward to it - and he forgets any hangups about this event he's had when you catch his eye
right now, you're helping the dogs get comfortable with their players - he catches snippets of you assessing each of their personalities to see which dog would be most like them
"she's cute, eh?" kuroo nudges him on the shoulder, "i know i didn't give you the full brief - she runs a rescue agency and does photoshoots and other projects with the dogs to get them adopted. kind of cool, no?"
he watches you giggle as a golden retriever licks hinata's face, bokuto howls with a husky who has shockingly similar hair colour to him, and atsumu is giving treats to a shiba inu
"ah, kodzuken, right? you're just in time. i watched your honkai stream the other day, actually. i asked kuroo for you personally, y'know?"
he can only nod when you finally approach, blush across his face despite having other people talking about his online work to him. he's saved though, when a small dog with curly white hair toddles up to him.
"oh, udon! y'know, she's actually mine, an older dog who didn't get adopted, so i decided to keep her! she's honestly like a cat, though - smart, 'cause she's part poodle, but clingy because she's also a maltese!"
he leans down to pet the dog, who is cautious but receptive, and you continue gushing,
"she's never actually approached anyone before! she doesn't really like people, and she's pretty lazy. maybe it's 'cause she was watching your stream with me?"
he's always preferred cats-- hell, his friends compare him to one all the time-- but for the rest of the day you've got him following you around like he's one of the puppies you take care of
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i hope you like dogs lmao... if not, we can just imagine it's kittens 😅 i didn't get fully into the fluff but i couldn't help but write this concept - ofc you and him get to know each other after this when he musters up the courage to ask for your number! tysm for your request love!! <3
anyone can request a matchup here 💫
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
(I somehow forgot if I already sent you this exact ask earlier today, so if I did feel free to ignore this one lol)
So there's not actually much to the crush situation but I'll still, in my usual style, ramble about it lol.
I think I mentioned to you once or twice about one guy from uni who has long hair and I find really pretty. I hung out with him and a mutual friend of ours once during and after an exam that we had to wait a long time for.
I've basically tentatively started calling him my crush in my head lol. Even though it's a pretty superficial one, which isn't what I usually do since I tend to only develop crushes on people I know well. But it is fun to have a more superficial one once in a while too yk.
Our friendgroups overlap a bit and so I talk to him sometimes in group settings and stuff. He seems like a good guy tbh, the way I would describe him is like good humoured? like quick to smile or laugh at people's jokes if that makes sense? friendly but also quiet and introverted at the same time? Yeah, that kind of vibe.
It's not anything that deep though and knowing myself it won't ever be since I can't make a move on someone to save my life lol. The fear of rejection is so real and it doesn't help that I've felt my social anxiety spiking since I started uni 😬😬😬
Most likely he'll just stay one of those pretty people you just stare at wistfully sometimes lmao. Although I'm not trying to count anything out and I'm open to all possibilities.
(Also I know I keep using the word pretty a million times but it's literally my favourite word in the English language for some reason and I love using it)
Oh yeah, and apparently he's started smoking now which is just a fun fact I found out about yesterday lmao. Can't say I'm a fan of smoking, but I am a fan of people doing whatever the hell they want, so no judgement from me lol.
That's basically the tea, which is lukewarm at best. I hope your day's going/went well and I'm sending you hugs and love as always 💞💞💞
HELLO OMG, apologies, i'm the worst but i'm ready to talk about crushes now :')
oh yes, i remember the maneskin guy :D ahhh, demiromantic/demisexuals ftw !! i understand that crushes can be fun, and i definitely think you should enjoy it as long as it's enjoyable lmao but should he end up breaking your heart in any way, i'll be ready with torches. just so you know :)
also i love how good humoured, quick to smile, friendly but quiet and introverted reminds me of another man... seems like you have a type, don't you? 👀 lol but no these are the best kind of people; i think it'd be nice for you to maintain this friendship, even if it remains just that. bc these days it's truly hard to find friends, especially those who actually care about being your friend? does that make sense? so i'm glad you've been enjoying it; if it develops into something more, i'll be super happy (don't forget us, though >:(), but don't worry about first moves for now !! <3
awh, and your opinion about his smoking habit is so refreshing!! i love all the tea, gimme all of it, even if it's lukewarm lmaooo. also, i'm assuming you're back from your trip? i hope you had the best time and are doing well, love. don't let uni stress you out too much !! love you, always 💕
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brassknucklespeirs · 2 years
Hiiii babe :) I love your writing, so obviously I'm gonna roll up asking for a ship if it's not too much trouble hehe
I'm 5'4'' with dark hair and kind of an athletic build bc ya girl does go to the gym super early when insomnia hits. I used to be super outgoing when I was younger, but now I'm pretty introverted and tend to be in my head a lot (which is probably why I spend so much time writing, despite the fact that my manuscript was rejected multiple times lol) Being outside in any capacity is my jam, whether it's gardening, hiking, or just sitting in the fields, so I really get nerfed by SAD when the weather cools down. I also have adhd, so it's hard for me to focus on school and stuff, especially atm with a huge hyperfixation like this one, and I think I'm incapable of functioning without coffee. Fun fact: I've never dated anyone, and at this point my standards from BOB fics are so high that I don't think I could lmao 🥴
Thank you in advance lovely, I love your writing and hope you have a great day 😘🕊️
I like how you ask me “if it’s not too much trouble” as if I’m going to be able to say no to you honey…of course ill do you a ship!
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I ship you with Wild Bill (and don’t worry this isn’t just cause of yah name, I’ve seen this ship since I first chatted to you, and now I get to vocalise it hehe)
- Now Bill is of course one cheeky bugger, and he loves flirty with anything with two legs and a pair of boobs right? Wrong; originally when he meets you, you’re a little put off at the fact he seems to shut his mouth for once when he’s in your presence, and it annoys you to no end because you’ve heard him flirting with other girl and you WANT IT. So of course you kinda believe he don’t like yah when in fact he really really does. Now because you’re a bit put off by his flirting you kinda pull back from him a little and tend to stick more with babe who’s just the sweetest little thing around, so now Bill thinks yah don’t like him either. HOWEVER, our little wild Bill couldn’t help himself one day when he see Babe just a little too close for comfort to you and omfg he just goes off at him, like gently cause it’s Babe but still pretty ragey. He tells him “ain’t no one around here suppose to be touching her but me, so clear out” Your face kinda goes bright pink and you just have no clue what’s going on, your brain is about to spontaneously combust and god if yah heart bet any faster it’d punch a hole in your chest.
- After that little show, you both realise that you’re into each other more than you’d both led on thank goodness. You are often not seen with Bill trailing behind you like a bit of a lost puppy (but he’ll tell you he’s a big puppy you know like a German Shepard or a Rottweiler, something big and manly and territorial yah know).
- the men often poke fun at the replacements to go and talk to you, the pretty little lady in the corner, as to create some entertainment for the night. When flirted with by random guys you can often be seen sitting wide eyed and a little put out by the idea of this guy not being Bill. NOW, when Billy boy sees his dame looking uncomfortable, it’s where the entertainment for the men begins. He makes sure he’s finished his pint of beer before he slams it down extremely aggressively on the counter and stands up, straightening his shoulder back while an arrogant smirk pulls to his lips. You see him coming over this replacement’s shoulder and kinda roll your eyes at what you know is about to happens. He strolls up and places a hand with splayed fingers on his chest, giving him a bit of a shove away from you, stepping in front of you to create distance between yah. He mutters threateningly some pretty interesting things to this dude, telling him to stop bothering his lady and that she doesn’t wanna have to deal with seeing his ugly mug in front of her. The replacement usually freaks the hell out and will nod their head furiously before sprinting off, the men watching all laughing in success. HOWEVER, In the event that the replacement thinks he’s just god gift to the world, and to you more specifically, Bill is left seething in pure rage, especially if this guy tries to even look or talk to you again while he’s standing right bloody there in front of him. He’ll find something else pretty jarring to say to the dude that’ll make him think twice about talking to you ever again before the dude will storm off angrily. None of this really bothers you at all, it’s pretty common so you just sit there sipping away at your drinking waiting for the dick measuring competition to be over.
- He very much enjoys your shorter height, often teasing you about it cause he loves seeing the way your features scrunches up into a little grumpy face. He’ll usually give a little chuckle before placing his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you to him and place a big kiss on your forehead. He’ll say something like “I’m just playing with you doll, it’s the perfect height for me to do this.”
- Bill thinks that you are just the most amazingly put together woman ever; body, mind and soul. He would bloody worship the ground you walked on, coming back to the following you round like a lost puppy. Even though you don’t often ask for much he’s still right there waiting for you to mention even something small like “I’m thirsty” and he’ll be off in a cloud of dust and back in seconds with a bottle for you, anything that his woman wants, his woman will get. And he will be the only one that gets to do anything for her, the only one.
- He truly does think that you’re some kind of goddess with the way you look. He’s constantly got to touch you just to make sure you’re actually real, often resorting to running his fingers through your hair, something he’s gotten very attached to doing. If you’re sitting next to him at dinner, at the pub, in barracks etc etc, anytime you’re right there, he will have one of his hands resting in your hair just playing with the strands of it. He loves your freaking hair.
- HENCE WHY, first thing in the morning you will without a doubt wake up to the smell of coffee. When you open your eyes, there will be a freshly brewed cuppa sitting right next to you waiting for you. You often get confused when you feel bill still snoring away behind you, but you soon come to realise he’s figured out when you usually wake up and halls himself out of bed to make you a fresh cup of Joe before placing it beside you and jumping back into bed, usually falling back asleep within minutes. You reach out to take a sip and hun in contentment as it’s brewed exactly how you like it. You feel Bill’s arm round your waist loosen as you sit up against the headboard to drink it, only for his grip to tighten back round your hips or thighs, a place hell often rest his head so you can run your fingers through his hair while you drink you coffee. If you’re the kind of person who needs a second coffee before you can function fully (like me, I’m that person) then he’ll jump out of bed with you, pulling you in for a full, passionate kiss good morning with the muttering of “good morning baby, my goddess, the light of my life, do you want another coffee? There some more waiting for you in the kitchen.” This man just knows you so freaking well that sometimes its got you thinking like how the hell did I get so lucky. Meanwhile he’ll be looking at you all adoringly, heart eyes for sure, gazing up and down your body as he takes in every single part of you before wondering the same god damn thing.
- One of Bill’s favourite things about you is that you are strong, no matter what you’ve been through, you’re still out there kicking, taking on the world even if you’re doing it quietly. He admires you so deeply for that, often catching himself in a bit of a love sick starry eyed moment when he thinks about it for too long while looking at you. If he gets caught he’ll play it off with some reasonably risqué pick up line that you usually end up just laughing at. On those times when you don’t laugh and you’re taking it seriously…Oof fun adult playtimes for you
- Bill has become pretty good at picking up on when you’re zoning out, when you’re brain just takes you away from the world with other thoughts about random little things. Sometimes he’ll just sit with you and let it happen for a while, but in other times when he needs your attention he’ll crouch in front of you and grasp your face, gently patting it. He’ll whisper something like “come back to me baby, I need you here with me now” and god if it doesn’t just make you wanna swoon. The fact that he takes such care with you when he knows your mind isn’t where you feel it should be, wow just wow. There are also those other days where it isn’t about zoning out per say, it’s more like you have a billion and one things zooming through your skull, wanting to be done right then and there and you have to get them done. You’ll talk in random bits of gibberish or slightly slurred English and he’ll struggle to understand what the hell you’re on about. Those are the days where he’ll stay out of the way, and let you do what you need to do for the sake of your head. Of course he won’t let you run yourself into the ground, hence why he sits and watches instead of just leaving you be full stop. He knows that if you really did need him, he’d be sitting right there ready to help. Another thing he does when you’re getting jittery is he’ll give you his hand to play with, you can intertwine and loosen your fingers around his or trace the lines of his palms or simply touch the skin of his hand and it brings you a great sense of calm as you have something to fidget with.
- Following on from this, Bill has also picked up on those days where you just don’t have the energy to talk. He’ll curl you up in a little ball in his arms and just hold you to him, often whispering away in your ear about his own day so you don’t feel you need to say anything. He’ll try his best to just find a smile or a scrunch of the outer corners of your eyes to tell him whether you’re really up for him being so close, but more often then not you love to just sit and listen to him, slowly recharging your battery. He knows that you aren’t always going to be able to tune in to what he’s talking about but that’s okay to him, usually why he choose the most random of thoughts to speak about. On those days where you really really don’t have the energy, even for him, he’ll respect that you need your space and will leave you to your own devices for a while, though in all honesty he really doesn’t want to leave you. He knows at this point that it won’t be long before you have enough energy for him at least but that he has to give you that time.
- Our little Wild Bill is so supportive of his woman and her studies, hence why he’s taken up the mantle of housewife, he even gets his Ma to teach him how to cook properly so you can take the time to study, or at least the time to think about studying as sometimes it takes a little more of a push to get started some days, trust me I get it. He will waltz into the room with breakfast, lunch AND dinner, sometimes even a dessert, and he relishes in the look of amazement on your face every time. He literally never would ah e thought he’d EVER be caught doing this kind of thing and yet here he was, apron tied around his waist, a little splash of sauce on his forehead, waiting for you to take the first bite. He gets so much satisfaction from watching you enjoy the food, knowing that he’s the one who does this for you and he’s the one who gets to enjoy it.
- Bill figured out pretty quickly that you love the outdoors. He’d taken great notice of the way your eyes would light up at the sight of the sun and the way your gaze trailed over the scenery before you. Gosh, he especially noticed it after running Curahee one day and you’d paused at the top of the hill for a moment to take it all in, something he’d originally been so confused about. Now he understands it though, hence why he often takes you for walks or picnics. He loves to watch as you run around, using up all your built up energy to just live and breathe with nature. When it turns to the winter months he knows you struggle with the cold. He makes it his mission to make you as comfortable as possible with him. He makes sure you’re all rugged up, tucked in tightly with a few blankets, fire going, and of course him pressed firmly against your back with his arms around your waist, keeping you as cosy as possible. He knows you miss being able to spend lots of time outside without catching a cold or just generally freezing your ass off so he likes to try and find other ways to entertain you such as baking with you (often doesn’t turn out too great but that’s alright to him as long as your smiling, with flour staining your skin and clothes), playing board games, reading and in your case writing (which he will often find prompts to give you so you have something to write about and then he’ll ask you to read it back to him, something you’ll get a little flushed about but he loves listening to the sound of your voice as you read it to him).
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Matchup for @adreamofleftoveromens​ 💕
ok so i literally love your match-ups so so freakin much!! i decided to get one and uhm sorry if the format’s wrong but here i am!      
i usually go by ria (nickname) online, so let’s stick to that lmao-
height: 162.8 cm or 5'4.50ish
skintone: pretty tanned (well wheat-ish? Idk what it’s called)
eye colour: dark brown babyyy ✨✨(i wear dark red glasses btw)
gender: afab but demigirlflux is more what i identify with.
body type: not really skinny-skinny but chubby either. i’m in between the hourglass and rectangle body type. i’ve been told that i look 2-3 years older than i actually am which is something i’m sortaa insecure about. and well i have body dysmorphia as well as body dysphoria.
style: oversized hoodie sweatshirts or graphic tees with black jeans. i wear three rings on a daily basis (two on my right and one on my left). i don’t really like skirts/dresses that much not because they’re ‘girly’, it’s more of like i don’t really like how the look on me and they don’t really make me feel very comfortable in my own body.
preferred pronouns: they/she/xe
sexuality: demiromantic and omnisexual (still figuring out my preference lol)
zodiac signs: sun: aquarius, moon: libra, rising: gemini
personality type: intp-t and chaotic neutral. personality-wise i’ve been described as sorta mean, sassy, blunt but also comforting, caring, curious and a bit dirty-minded (ok maybe a lot). i’m a bit of a naturally flirty person but if the person who i’m flirting / reciprocates, i basically keel over and die- like that’s something i cannot control at all. i’ve also been described as rather homebodied. i’m rather reckless, impulsive and short-tempered. i’m very very awkward in person, and have social anxiety. i love talking though, i mean if i know/trust you please expect your ear to be talked off if you even remotely bring up a topic I love. I can’t really approach people and be like “hi hello be my friend”, just extremely introverted. my love languages are quality time/acts of service (giving) and quality time/words of affirmation (receiving). i’m technically the definition of a gifted kid burnout but i’m working on getting better and finally getting academic validation again. i’m pretty angsty and pessimistic and have some pretty bad trust and attachment issues. i’m not really comfortable w/ being vulnerable with any of my friends (excepting my best friend; i love her to absolute bits) cause i’m afraid of being judged and called weird. i end up underestimating myself a lot which leads to low self-esteem. i’m a nightowl which leads to me being extremely sleep deprived. 
my likes: i listen to music at least a good 5 hours a day. my favorite genres would be rock/pop-punk/metal. i really really reallyy love reading so so much. my favorite genres are usually mystery/classics/crime. i love researching about greek mythology. i liked cooking a lot especially spaghetti. i love watching horror and slasher movies. i play badminton and basketball and i’m pretty good at it. i listen to true crime podcasts a lot, usually about unsolved crimes or serial killers. i love nature and animals; both literally deserve to be treated better than they are. i really like history, chemistry and biology a lot. i really love anime but i mean that’s pretty obvious lol. i really like collecting stones, old coins, expired credit cards, etc etc. idk why but i like arguing, well not actual arguing with shouting and crying but playful banter and little insults here and there.
sooo that’s all i can think of for now and please tell me if you need more info. thanks in advance 
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I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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Cheeky, a bit selfish, malicious, annoying, brutal, impulsive. Yes, it’s him. Especially in the eyes of older people and those who do not like him.
It’s exactly him. And he does not hide the fact that people consider him just such a man.
He often says something that can make you blush, scared or pissed off. That’s his nature. He just likes to be like this because a few people like it as it is. You can laugh with him and do anything. There is definitely someone who likes him and hates them.
He is very talkative and smiling to his friends. People he doesn’t like the first time will be ignored. That is, people who are strangers will be ignored, and people he genuinely dislikes will be treated as they deserve. No respect, no smile, no nice atmosphere. He’s just gonna be mean.
Honestly, I don’t know him as a person who approaches every person and asks if they will be friends. Basically, he won’t want to talk to anyone he has met only once and they won’t meet again. If there is a person with him who he will see more often, he will obviously want to get to know each other and start a conversation.
From birth, he is considered a prodigy, and that is the fault of a great ego in his mind. God complexes, but he’s not going to be mean to his loved ones. They just raised him that way. To make him feel the best.
In his life, he trusted a completely small number of people. Therefore, his trust does not fade away, and continues until the end. No matter what might have happened. Since he trusted someone, he would not stop. It is the same with attachment to someone.
He is a weirdo. In the eyes of many people, he is exactly like that, and you cannot change their mind. He’s just the way he is to them and that’s it. Therefore, Gojo has become used to such criticism.
He hates feeling vulnerable. He feels it especially when he is betraying or losing someone very close to him.
When you are one of his loved ones, you will only feel happiness.
• Spending time together and doing everything together. Just you two. Upcoming moments that no one can interrupt you. Do whatever you want. No annoying and mean people around.
• Conversation. Conversation. And another conversation. You can talk for hours. It does not bind how long and about what. You’re just talking!
• He will do anything to make you feel good at all times. He will keep you moment, always say something good and nice. He kept your spirits up. He never hurts and never judges you.
• Despite his ego, he never considered himself less important than him. U never wanted to think like that. Why would he hurt you? You are the most important person to him, so why would he reject you and make you feel bad.
No matter if you try or not, you will still be wonderful to him, one of a kind.
• He doesn’t sleep much because he doesn’t need it that much. Even though he loves to lie in bed and sleep. That you only did not feel worse, he’ll make you sleep. If not at night, then during the day. He will just keep you in bed pressed against him until you fall asleep.
• “baby, you feed me?” If you cook and enjoy it, you can immediately expect to lie “romantic” on the couch or sit at the table while feeding each other.
Every moment you eat spaghetti, he is looking for the moment when you can even accidentally take the same piece of pasta in your mouth and kiss. Funny attempts, but it’s cute.
• Scare you when you watch a horror movie… It can be cruel or funny. It depends on what he will do and at what point. It’s a Gojo …
• Playing a murderer… It’s a game of tag at home for him. Only when he catches you, he goes to the bedroom, tosses you on the bed, and lies on you.
“You know if I catch you, you won’t get away from me, do you ~? Do not hide~ I won’t crush you or choke you while hugging you~♡. I’ll just catch you, hug you and kiss you until you’re done! You can’t even bribe me with a cake!”
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
I wanna write about them now, but I'm still nervous of making them out of character..
Current mood is, I wanna draw AND write. :/
(this ended up being WAY longer than i thought it would so bear with me)
i know all about that, so allow me to share a quote with you from my favorite book. It's said twice, but the first part is a little long, and potentially spoils some things with what's in between the dialogue pieces so
Page 334, Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
"You ready?" Julian asked, a curious look on his devastatingly handsome face. "No," Yadriel confessed, his voice tight. Julian grinned. "Do it anyways."
A special shoutout to my best friend, @dinosrawr, for finding the pages for me, introducing me to that book in the first place, as well as being the reason i bring this quote up in the first place!
i can't remember what I was stressing over. some art project, probably. worrying i wouldn't be good enough at it/it would be bad/etc etc etc
they hit me with the "do it anyways" line, and something about it was just. enough. to kick me in gear. and while SURE, it meant something extra because we both had read the book, it's something I try to remind myself of when I'm stressing over if something will be "enough".
Do it anyways.
And if it comes out "bad"? It comes out "wrong"? If they're not Perfectly In Character? (and i KNOW how dismissive this sounds and so i apologise for that) It's not the end of the world.
Painters can get paint all over them. Ceramicists can get covered in clay (trust me!! i at least have a degree in that one!!!) In my 2d drawing classes I'd come home covered in charcoal.
Writers seem to be held to a weird high standard. like. Get messy. Write something bad. Write something self indulgent.
Just in my purah/robbie fics alone? -Age of Calamity Epic??? I'm adding so much stuff it's self indulgent and i KNOW I have moments where I'm going to be going against the "balls to the wall confident"-type Purah is. I'm gonna say that she has insecurities. Insecurities that maybe her character wouldn't even actually ever have in a million years. But the fic will make ME happy, and if someone else happens to enjoy the fic as well?? excellent. -Autumn In Goldcliff?? this fic started kind of as a joke, because it's literally using the Hallmark Christmas Movie Formula. That being said, you better BELIEVE they will be 10 kinds of OOC. I'm still excited to write it. -From The Ashes?? oh my god. this is my "all three sheikah end up deaged" AU. you better BELIEVE i'm throwing all kinds of self indulgence in here. -Long Story Short? Big City Hallmark. In this one. Robbie is a country boy from a teeny tiny farming town. Purah is the new CEO of the company that oversaw his parent's farm, and she lives in the Big City. We're romanticizing the Big City in this one bc i'm so tIRED of how hallmark romanticizes small towns (lived in one growing up- not as glamorous as hallmark makes u think) -Untitled College AU? nothing but self indulgence baeby -Press Restart?? this was one of my very first purobbie fics i outlined. in this one, robbie ends up deaging himself as well, post calamity being sealed, and Grante ends up reuniting the two. -Untitled ANGST: Angst Angst Baby -Lick The Frog?? (tentative title) this is a sex pollen fic. I don't need to say any more than that to tell u how self indulgent that is. -Untitled Mindswap Fic??? This one is literally just a JOKE to MYSELF. I lAUGH when I work on this one. This fic is for nobody but myself. -Untitled What Could Have Been fic?? title alone is self-indulgent, and i literally cOULDNT handle the angst so i'm working on two separate "alternate endings" for this fic. -Untitled "5 Times She Almost Saw His Eyes and The 1st Time She Actually Did"- you inspired this one, anon. -Untitled P&R showing off their fossil monstrosities to Impa: a direct quote from Impa, [about Arctozolt] "You ruined a perfectly good pokemon is what you did!! Look at him!! You gave him hypothermia!!" Clearly, I'm only barely taking that fic serious because I would rather have FUN
So like. TL;DR
Be self indulgent. Write the fic YOU wanna write.
To end this with another "quote" that I try to remind myself when I'm stressing over the quality of my work:
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“From failure you learn, from success… not so much.”
It's all so much easier said than done, and there's PLENTY of days I have where I can't even get myself to take any of my own advice.
But I believe in you, anon <3
If nothing else, I'm here to support you work <3
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voidpacifist · 2 years
(this turned into an essay about the fandom and how they write viktor lmao oops)
disclaimer I'm able bodied and I definitely don't speak for anyone who is disabled, this is just an observation of other able bodied arcane fans. if there's at all something I'm glossing over please tell me!
something I've noticed (since my very recent entry into the arcane fandom) is how quick people fall into the habit of diminishing viktor into certain archetypes, usually stemming from ableism that treats his character like an infant, or some other characterization that overshadows the rest of his personality.
particularly in fanfiction, it's not uncommon for me to read fanfic or something and then see a post later that spits back out a lot of ideas written into said fics. a lot of it is just the whole "abled savior" thing which is gear grinding enough but then there's also people who portray his character as this insecure person who is in constant need of reassurance and here's the thing. viktor may be an insecure person, but it's not insecurity that stems from his disability. it's in other people, because other people, in his experience, aren't trustworthy.
let me say that again. he isn't insecure because he's disabled – he's insecure in the way that other people are/will be with him because of their perceptions. let me elaborate.
I was watching that series on youtube of the "therapist reacts to arcane characters," and she pointed out that viktor experiences a degree of social anxiety, starting in his childhood, structured by how he interacted with people from a young age. and from a young age, viktor, already outcast due to being from zaun, is further ostracized because kids are judgemental little shits. they refuse to befriend him because he can't physically do things like dive into the lake or play tag.
but he can build toys. and he doesn't verbally extend the olive branch to sky on the rocks but he does show her his boat. he still wants her to accept his gesture of, "let's be friends, I made this kickass toy." whether or not he's the most outgoing person about interacting with the other kids isn't necessarily an insecurity thing in and of itself. he's naturally more reserved, but a lot of people in the fandom attribute that to the fact that one of his legs doesn't work right, rather than the fact that he naturally leans towards introversion rather than extroversion.
and while it's clear to see that he's more of an introvert, it doesn't mean he's not also snarky as hell, or afraid to speak his mind. he's a passionate character with very firm convictions. whether or not he's constantly verbalizing that doesn't mean those traits aren't plain to see. he's a much more rounded character than just "disabled genius who's afraid of talking to people." sure, he's not the face of hextech, nor is he eager about giving a speech to hundreds of people in episode 4, but we also saw him poke fun at jayce only an episode prior about how he signs all of his notes. man is absolutely not stale just because he isn't necessarily the first person to stick his neck out. and him not always sticking his neck out shouldn't automatically be associated with his disability.
because guess what! being disabled isn't a curse! we never see him think less of himself just because he can't walk unassisted. that doesn't mean it won't come with its own frustrations but that also doesn't mean that any of us should automatically hop skip and jump to the conclusion that all of his woes are because of what he can't physically do.
summary: people can be introverts/reserved without it being because of a societally perceived flaw or because of anything in and of themselves. if the mindset is that viktor's insecurity stems from his character being disabled, it's an ableist mindset. I'd love to see more fics focus on other aspects of him that are independent from his body's downfalls. not every bit of his personality comes from that, and it's weird to me to see him treated like that, in and out of fanfic
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hyvcklvr · 2 years
NCT Dream as Boyfriends~
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Hello everybody~
After recieving a lot of support on WayV as boyfriends and NCT 127 as boyfriends, I got a few requests for making a Dream version too, and so here it is, I hope you like it 💚
Mark and Haechan are included in the NCT 127 version.
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Renjun: Renjun is a fairly quiet person- well, most of the time, unless he gets angry. But even though he may be short tempered, he never shows it to his s/o, and controls himself. He will probably be one to get really flustered during the first few weeks of the relationship, but as time passes, he will find himself getting more comfortable. Once he does, he will probably be very sweet and caring, and he will make sure to be open, and make sure that his s/o will feel open with him. Cute<3
Jeno: Ok so underrated opinion but Jeno is a calm person most of the time. He keeps his temper on check, and is a chill person. I feel like in a relationship he will be the same, his first priority will be the comfort of his s/o. He will make sure his s/o feels comfortable in the relationship, and is not afraid to open up to him about stuff. I also feel like he'll be into cute couple activities jsjsjsjsj don't ask me why I just do. Probably a very touchy person, but will never overstep his boundaries, which is cute :((
Jaemin: Jaemin is really a sweetheart, and we all know it. Even though he gets a little.... Hyper we can say, sometimes, he's the sweetest person ever, and his s/o's happiness is his first priority :(( He's really caring, as we so often have seen, and would love pampering and cheering his s/o up. Also from all the numerous kind of NCT dream and Jaemin content that I have watched, I have learnt that this man, loves cuddling. Adorbs<33
Chenle: Chenle might be talkative and loud, but he is also an introvert, a side of him which isn't seen much. But we have seen Chenle getting shy, well sometimes. He will probably bea little shy in a relationship, but as time passes he will get comfortable. His speciality would be breaking the ice and cheering you up with his teasing, we've all seen him tease the dream members, especially Jisung, and I find it so adorable ajsnjsksndsjjsj. He is probably also a very clingy boy, and would love cuddling with his s/o. Adorable :((
Jisung: Jisung is an introvert, it's a known fact. He tends to get shy around people, and he will probably be the "awkward, shy yet cute" kind of boyfriend. It will take him time to adjust into a relationship, but once he does, he'll be just fine. He will also probably get really shy when complimented, and won't that be just adorable?? Also remember when Haechan and Jeno revealed that when Jisung gets drunk he starts kissing people (spoiler alert I'm gonna upload something related to this soon lmao-) like please I legit wanted to cry because of how adorable that is. Even though he may not seem like a person who likes skinship, he would love holding hands with his s/o<3
Thats it for this post, I hope you liked it! Thank you for being patient throughout my break, I'll be sure to update as much as possible 💚
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