#(okay apparently i'm liveblogging this one in the comments)
innerchorus · 3 months
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(I haven't read it yet but what else could that be about?)
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hils79 · 8 months
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 40 (and bonus episode)
God, okay, here we go. I'm so anxious. I remember how Heroes ended and how much it broke me
I've come this far though so I guess let's do this even if it's going to hurt. I have a packet of tissues on standby just in case it all goes horribly wrong as I fear it will
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Well, we're off to a good start. Li Lianhua is practicing his martial arts and imagining Di Feisheng is there with him. I'm definitely not crying less than 5 minutes in
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It's okay though because Fang Duobing is there to take care of him and make sure he keeps warm 😭
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Okay, I suspected he rigged the mechanisms to be easily seen and destroyed because Fang Duobing mentioned it but I didn't realise the whole thing was him trying to take down Jiao Liqiao from the inside. I feel bad(ish) for him now
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Oh shit! Well, it wouldn't be Mysterious Lotus Casebook without one final (I hope) dramatic poisoning
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I love that he just calls him Xiaobao in front of everyone now. Everyone clearly knows they're together.
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God, he's about to do something stupid isn't he? I'm having Word of Honor flashbacks. GDI even I didn't clock that he was deliberately sending Fang Duobing away so he could do this
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Oh fuck
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I am sobbing
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I do not understand these two at all. First of all I thought she left him when she ended their engagement (that I thought was a marriage - that whole wedding that wasn't a wedding was confusing), then I assumed she must have left him when she took the sect leader job from him. Apparently after all that they're still together??? But maybe they're breaking up for real this time?
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I suppose Xiao Zijin is going to blame Li Lianhua for this too
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I knew he was going to get free and leave before Fang Duobing got back 😭
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FFS I was already crying and now Huli Jing is crying so I'm crying even more. I knew this was going to be sad but FUCK
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He just rescued a trapped bird like a fucking Disney prince
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I knew the 'recipe book' was going to be all his martial arts notes
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FFS Xiao Zijin let it go! I swear to god if he kills Li Lianhua because Li Lianhua is half blind and ready to die I am throwing my laptop out the window
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Oh, I think he was talking to his sword
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Well fuck.
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Oh, he landed in the boat. Maybe he's okay? Let me have my denial!
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It feels like forever ago but I think this dude was telling the story of Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng in the first episode. If he was that's a nice touch that we've circled back around and he's now telling stories about Li Lianhua
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I have to laugh because the alternative is crying even more. But I love all these randos know that Di Feisheng is in love with Li Lianhua and they're acting like him not showing up at the beach is like jilting him at the altar (even though they're already married)
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His stoic but clearly sad face 😭
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Well he's still alive. At the moment at least.
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I know he's talking about fighting, but he probably also talking about their relationship
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I want to hug him
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I'm fine 😭
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Onto the bonus episode. This is either going to be hopeful or painful and I honestly have no idea which way it's going to go
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Painful so far!
Well, that was very ambiguous so I'm choosing to believe they found him at the beach and are living happily ever after 😋
I did really enjoy that despite the pain. Thanks to everyone who has been yelling along with me in the comments and notes while I've been watching. This is why I enjoy liveblogging dramas
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maifandom · 10 months
Fifteen Years Later...
15 years ago today, ATLA's finale aired. In commemoration, I dredged up my initial reaction to the finale, which I posted in the shipping thread of ye olde AvatarSpirit.net's forum. Consequently it's very shipping-focused and includes a billion portmanteaus. But it's the closest thing I have to a liveblog for ATLA, and I love nostalgia.
A little context, first. I found Avatar through Zutara fanart at the end of 2007 and caught up on all the existing episodes in probably January 2008? Disappointed that Kataang was so obvious, I turned to Sokka ships and decided I liked Tokka best. I lurked in the fandom for a few months, joined the forum shortly before everyone found out that the Boiling Rock was going to get a DVD release on May 6, two months before it actually aired on TV. I spent a lot of downtime debating the merits of Tokka and making predictions about the show based on random commercials and then the finale trailer. On the shipping side of things, my reaction was kinda negative. I was increasingly disappointed leading up to the finale. Don't worry, it gets better.
Brackets indicate present day edits or comments.
[Begin finale reaction]
OH MAN, WHERE TO START? [...] I guess I'll start from the beginning.
Zumo! ♥
Harutara, ahahahaha.
Nylappa! ♥♥♥ (Ahahaha.)
Irko reunion! ;_; Oh man, I cried. xD
Maiko reunion. xD Seriously, Zuko's eyes. Zudorko. ♥
Okay, I guess it's time for Sutokka stuff, right?
Sukka... were practically glued together. Seriously. And I'm sorry, much as I try to be unbiased, I just really didn't like it. D: There were moments. Mere moments, like back before I had a particular bias. I don't truly dislike it, but when it's so constant and final it's hard to ignore.
It made Tokka moments hard to come by. Or in fact, many other character interactions. Sokka was seriously obsessed. @_@
Did anyone else notice the only time we got Tokka moments was when they were separated from Suki? Dx Aside from the Tokka hand-leading seconds previous. I dunno. I suppose I should be thankful that they made a point of including Tokka. But much as I ADORE this scene:
[Image - probably Sokka covering Toph from debris]
*Insert fangirl scream that gets cut off*
...well it didn't really lead to anything else. ;_;
See, I wanted angst! And drama! And depth! And at least someone acknowledging it. ANYONE.
Frankly, I hated the apparent Toph x everyone-ness. [Zuko, The Duke, and...?] I'm fine with those ships. In fact, I ship more than one of them. But when they're all there? That just says Toph is fickle or childish, to me. D:
I would have liked it better if Tokka was never a romantic ship. Or if we were shown Toph was boy-crazy from the beginning -- with Taang, or some random one-shot character. Why did they save it all for the finale?
But I don't think that's necessarily what's happening. (Reminder to self: don't listen to every conclusion the fandom comes to. >.>) In which case, we still have Tokka disappearing as if it never happened, and Toph doesn't care one iota.
Apparently I came in at just the right time to stew in all the Tokkaness, come to all these conclusions, and then have pretty much everything I ever thought about Tokka or Sutokka be completely undermined. :P
I get the sense that M & B were looking over my shoulder at the things I listed that I didn't want to happen with Tokka, and thought it was a recommendation. :P
However, much as I must seem to be ranting, I'm far more apathetic than angry. Some of that fan depression I had after I watched EIP -- I got this sense I lost my favorite characters, because what I thought was there no longer was. D: [Particularly the way Sokka is characterized, since he's my favorite.]
So, oddly enough, the Sutokka plotline was probably the one I was least interested in, except in with glimmers of hope that those characters I loved might come back. (And they did. Some.)
But, oh man, you should have heard my breathing when Toph got in her metal armor. :P Sutokka got some of the best action EVER.
Wait a second. Pretty much EVERY moment in the finale that had action in it was better than everything else in the whole series. Where can I begin?
[I rambled about staying on topic.]
Except... Crazula? Seriously, I can't say enough how astdirl,dtbmortsnehjAMAZING Crazula was. AZULA, where did you GO? ;_;
And the Kazuko [platonic Zutara] was better. :D
Okay, I'm still not done.
Yeah, it's okay. (Best in EIP.) [Eh???]
Remember the Kataang commercial?
"I won't let him fight alone?" :P
I find it highly ironic that Katara was on ANOTHER CONTINENT THE WHOLE TIME.
Heh. Oh, well. I'll just pretend there's a little extra Kataang in there more along the lines of EIP. ^_^ And then I might be able to say I officially like Kataang, or something.
[End finale reaction]
Years later, I'm rather bemused by some of my thoughts. My disappointment in Tokka makes sense, since they would be so awesome. :P During ATLA, I assumed that shipping details were done very purposefully and would lead somewhere, even if it was just a character arc. After watching LOK, I came to understand better how the writers used shipping more for fun, especially with secondary characters. Part of the magic of shipping or just being in a fandom in general is the fans' imagination. I've been (more or less) happy to continue Tokka using my imagination. I can even imagine contradictory scenarios - angsty, happily ever after, silly, serious - so it really doesn't matter what happened in canon after ATLA.
I don't think Toph was boy crazy, but I do think Sokka will forever care about her well-being. Nowadays Sokka, Suki, and Toph's side plot might be my favorite plotline in the last two episodes, but it's really hard to choose. The Agni Kai is beautiful, the Old Masters are powerful, and Aang's battle against Ozai is intense and important.
My original thoughts on Kataang are really weird to me now. I think I finally warmed up to them a couple years later. I'm not sure what I thought was so good about them in EIP - maybe the fact they actually talked a bit about their relationship? But watching Aang kiss her prematurely is so cringy to me now, and like many I would have liked some sort of interaction before they kissed in the final moments. But I can enjoy it now!
I might dredge up more old posts from the days of great debates, or try to find my first impressions of a few more episodes. (I know I've always loved the Boiling Rock.) Let me know if that's of interest!
In other news, Kataang week is next week, and I am plotting to participate for once.
Now... back to drawing!
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Little details in The Phantom Of The Opera movie that I love so much cause I just watched it for the first time in years again and I will be mentioning my point of view now vs when I was a kid. Also this is in honor of it closing on Broadway today, it's truly an amazing musical
My mom had watched this musical since she was a kid and it's a favorite of hers so this is also one I watched with her and we shared things we liked throughout it :)
Just so everyone knows, as a kid I didn't understand anything bad about what the phantom was doing but I knew he was treated horribly and I sympathized with him a lot.
Warning: this is a very long post. I just started liveblogging at one point and never went back.
This was emobviously entirely intentional but the color coming back as it lights up in fire is truly one of the best things that could have ever been done with a movie and I will NEVER get over it. Best part of those flash forwards
Lot 666. The freaking chandelier falling. I'm just. Yeah. That's cool.
My mom saw a performance of this off Broadway but still in a big theater and they did light a fire and raise a chandelier for it and she mentions that anytime we talk about this musical. It was truly an amazing experience for her
THE TRUMPETSSSSSSS. I'm such a band nerd but I am gonna try and convince my band director to let us perform this cause we have a copy in the music library (also happy birthday to my band director cause it probably won't still be his birthday when this is posted but it is as I'm writing this)
She says she thinks of her as a daughter and yet she's aware of everything and lets it happen...
My mom said she didn't like Raoul until the movie and as a kid I didn't care for him (as I said, I cared for the phantom) but rewatching it now they're kinda cute with how excited they are when they recognize each other. More comments on them later, probably.
Because it's my current binging show and I'm emotionally attached, I have to mention- the actress playing Christine is truly incredible because I'm watching her in Shameless rn and it's truly amazing seeing her in both of these
I mentioned this with my mom but I am really into color theory and white usually represents purity and innocence, which is why I find it interesting how his MASK is literally the color meaning innocene and then later on in the film he has a black mask when even Christine knows he is not the wonderful angel she though he was, and he doesn't get back his mask of innocence And the mask is even taken off. Which also, there is a beauty when reading into color symbolism how black represents evil and death and he has a black mask when going after so many people to kill and then she removes his mask and she has sympathy for him. Because while he is truly terrible for all he's done, he is a damaged creature that has never been shown love and she pities him. Doesn't change or make anything he has done okay but if there was much thought behind that, I love it.
Watched a Cinema Therapy episode on this (HIGHLY suggest checking them out, they're amazing!!! You can find them on YouTube!) But they mention how his lyrics are all very possessive and her love song with Raoul is all about sharing. I love it.
Time to acknowledge the elephant in the room cause the casting of Gerard Butler is very controversial apparently but my mom told me she read an article saying that they chose him because he was an untrained singer, as the phantom was meant to be. I understand both sides of the arguments on his casting, because while yes the authenticity of the character making it more realistic with singing ability, he was meant to be this amazing singer who literally sang like an angel so getting a trained actor may have been better but idk. I still love it
Sir get your hands off her you literally watched her grow up while you were an adult already.
The difference in perspective between Christine and what the reality was being shown is something that makes me appreciate it being a movie. There being rats and it being dark and damp as the reality vs Christine seeing it all lit up and beautiful and mysterious.
Nah man cause Christine is my favorite voice in this but I AM OBSESSED WITH RAOUL'S VOICE HOLY HELL
Nah man if I had literally seconds notice to play an unplanned song in band I'd lose my shit
The cinematography in this is just so beautiful oh my gosh
Okay more on the color theory a little bit with the masks. The masquerade scene- my mom told me the live performance was quite colorful during this but it was more black and white in this and it's interesting to me that they choose now to have the both black and white here. Because Christine sees through The Phantom mostly, but still believes him to be some angel in some form, and until she goes to the cemetery he will stay that way. The mask he enters with here, while still white was shaped much like a skull. Still the purity, but the death behind it that she now knows. It's also covering his whole face now.
He falls down into a firey pit. They're really not hiding the symbolism I just love pointing out the details
I hate people. I completely understand why he killed the guy and why she got him away. (I just don't like that she continues with it)
The song at the Graveyard is just. Yeah.
The red lighting is yet again making me think of color theory however I just can't get over their singing together in this song holy shit.
Raoul I care for you a lot buddy but why share your plan when you know the man lives there and hears everything
They're covering their ears for his opera.
Yet again gonna mention the literal fire they have on the stage. Hell, but also passion and the danger.
Her straps of her dress are up before he shows up. One strap has fallen to her shoulder when he shows up and as she realizes it's him, both fall down. His play is titled "Don Juan" after the famous man who dedicated his life to seducing all women he could. Also this is Gerard Butler's best song vocal wise in my opinion
SHE LIFTS HER SLEEVES BACK UP THEN HE SINGS THE LINE "beyond the point of no return" AND THEN SHE LOOKS AT RAOUL AND HE REALIZES. Is this anything? Possibly not but it's 1 am at this moment
Her sleeves go back down when she turns back to him and sings the same lines as him.
Holy fuck their voices in this song too.
Raoul I'm so sorry my guy I saw those tears in your eyes.
She was acting along with everything he wanted but as he sang the song she thought was secret with her lover, she moved and started to tear up. Then she takes off his mask.
They fall down through the flames. I've already mentioned it but just... I love it
Okay idk if people will agree and I know there wasn't this much information on her in the Broadway performance but she stopped her daughter from going with them and brought Raoul down there. She has been shown to know his traps and the way out of them, where he hides and where he stays. She wouldn't let her daughter go, and stops, then sends him to go on alone and he ends up falling into a trap. She's shown that she is loyal to the phantom so far, who's to say she wouldn't try to sabotage Raoul?
I love how she isn't sympathetic at first, she was ANGRY and rightfully so. She sees a way out later and shows him compassion and love that he has never known
The fact that she mouths "I love you" to Raoul before she acts that way with the phantom.
He's shown love for the first time and it breaks him.
Okay further providing evidence of my theory that the surrogate mother (I forget her name ngl) wasn't so good- she was shown earlier to know the way that Christine was always taken there and that's the way the other people come in (as far as I could tell she wasn't with them) but she led Raoul the way that there was a trap door...
Going back to the white mask being the mask of the purity and innocence... the monkey was shown with him when he was a child. Not that exact one, I don't think, but a monkey was there and the white mask of purity (the way he was as a child) being left with it and him looking at it earlier on with no mask at all, after she shows him love and says that his face is not the monstrous side of him. Idk, I just loved that.
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khaotunqs · 2 years
I mean... If you're enabling me to talk to you, I'll do it :)
So BE was my first ever K-Drama, so I'm not too sure what fascinates me about it is bc the storytelling is influenced by a culture I don't understand and what is specific to BE.
One of those things is that my ear isn't used to the language, so I'm very sure I'm missing a lot of the subtleties that can't be conveied in translation and it's driving me crazy. I have come to understand through Tumblr posts the name suffix -ah is apparently very important.
Joo Won is my favorite especially in all his sniffling, screaming, crying glory and I was shocked to find out the actor is actually younger than the character. Like he's not what I would call mature in the series, but at the same time I 100% thought the actor could be even older. Dong Sik is so good too, when he smiles and laughs I'm just as lovestruck as Joo Won, but i didn't miss whole passages of dialogue looking at him like I did with Joo Won, I was gasping and telling my Laptop 'he's so pretty, beautiful, oh my god' multiple times.
I usually don't like crime series, it's just never interested me, so I avoid them, but i never had that feeling with BE. Like it wasn't about the crime if that makes sense. I felt like it was about the relationships, how each character would shape the happenings, who valued what and broke their secrets when. The scene where Dong Sik is like 'does it even matter who killed them' replays in my mind on an endless loop. Because it doesn't. It feels utterly irrelevant and that is fantastic!
Also honorable mention to the scene where Joo Won first grabs Dong Sik by his collar. I think my squeak at that was way too loud. He forgot his aversion for touch and reached out aaaaaah I'm still so giddy when I think about it
Okay I think I'm done ... For now. Though I have told my friend she should liveblog to me while she watches so maybe I'll return screaming if she tells me smth I can't comment on to her bc it'd be spoilers.
*kicking my feet and twirling my hair*
unintelligible rambling under the cut. no thoughts, just vibes.
i'd watched a few kdramas before BE, and i've enjoyed them to varying degrees but this one has me in a chokehold. i'm not super familiar with sk culture, and i'm veeerrrrry slooooowly learning the language, so i'm sure i'm missing a lot of the nuances but i think the story is told in such a way that it's kind of universal.
(i've been told that the -ah [or -ya] suffix is reserved for people one considers good friends, but i could have that wrong. i took dong sik calling him 'joo won-ah' to mean that he's important to him, and that he cares about him. growth.)
i adore joo won and all his issues, my poor little meow meow. and he's so SO PRETTY (i recommend watching more stuff with yeo jin goo--he's honestly one of the best actors i've ever seen, and he's only 24.) and dong sik.........he. fuck. i love dong sik so much (maybe too much but so be it). he's funny and flirty and everyone loves him, but he's also solitary and sad and haunted by his demons. i don't know if i kin any characters, but i feel super connected to lee dong sik. he's burdened with so much, and he wears his bright smile and sense of humor like armor. *shakes fist* i love him. and of course, he is really really REALLY hot.
i love crime series; i usually prefer them to series with overtly romantic themes, so BE was right up my street. and yeah, i totally agree--the crime part is important, but it's secondary to the characters, the way they're developed, and relationships that are happening throughout the series. i love when women write and direct characters.
and jwds. JWDS has changed my life, full stop.
that scene you mentioned when joo won grabs his collar is so!!!
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the intense hold, the way joo won's eyes quickly flick down dong sik's face, how close they are to each other. *vibrates* hnnngh it's so delicious. had me flailing on the couch the first time i watched it.
and The Scene at han ki hwan's house after the climax of the show (YOU KNOW THE ONE) fucking UNMADE me. stripped me down to my essence. changed the trajectory of my life. ugh. the tears! the tenderness! these men are in love with each other, your honor!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hope your friend screams her thoughts at you as she watches it. it's so fun to get other people's views and takeaways.
i didn't have any points to make or anything intelligent (or intelligible) to say. i just enjoy flailing with other people about this show that's changed my life.
i'm so happy you've watched it and enjoyed it! 💕
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
fuck it, i'm gonna be liveblogging the Loki/Matt Murdock/Tony Stark fic i found below the cut as i read it bc i need the Loki/Matt content but also i need to clown on it
so like Matt has only been Tony's lawyer (why did he get hired as Tony's lawyer? He's Tony Stark he probably has a fucking luxury fleet of lawyers) for like five minutes and he has already completely thrown any and all professional conduct out of the window by agreeing to fuck Tony.
Also, Matt is making it really obvious that he can tell when Tony's lying and that he has heightened senses and that is so phenomenally out of character for him to just let people know that. Canonically Matt is obsessive about protecting his identity and hiding his powers, he wouldn't reveal to a random lay that he could tell they were aroused from across the room especially if the random lay was Tony "couldn't keep the secret about Iron Man for even five minutes" Stark.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm tony apparently "subtly" indicated to his fucking AI to record him and Matt fucking, as in, like, Matt doesn't know that Tony recorded them fucking???? gross! i hope this is gonna come up in the plot in some way and not just be a really fucking creepy tidbit for someone to add like it was a fun sexy detail!
and now Tony's making the AI read Matt's recent text messages. this is why i didn't want to read a goddamn tony fanfic! I hate this bitch!
this fic just described Foggy Nelson as "neither overly attractive nor unattractive" BITCH HE IS THE HOTTEST GODDAMN DUDE IN THE ENTIRE MCU AND I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THAT!!!!!
Foggy just looked at him for a moment, coolly assessing before he rolled his eyes with a groan, “Oh, God, he slept with you. He is the worst lawyer.”
Thank u, Foggy, I love u, Foggy. Hate that this implies it's totally in character for Matt tho.
Matt has a mystery contact he's using for help that he implies is more insane than he is, and i genuinely don't know if he's talking about Frank Castle or himself. It's one of those two options if he's a friend of Matt's and insane. Even though he had the non-insane and definitely better option of Luke Cage. Maybe don't send someone who can get stabbed to go up against the thousand year old stabby god?
matt is spending way too much time fucking his client and not enough time actually doing his job.
Tony pulling out the "love you, babe" after like, what, three days of knowing matt murdock?? this dude is such a fucking mess i hate.
oh don't you love it when you click on a fic that was rated "mature" by the author but definitely shoulda been rated explicit? Once you start to describe the sex acts happening that's an explicit, dude! Even if it's just sucking dick!
"Matt chose not to answer that" there is literally a penis in his mouth
it's worth noting Loki has not shown up yet, i'm just slogging through this Matt/Tony content i have zero interest in.
oh, Loki has finally made it into the plot! All i had to do was complain about his absence.
Okay it has been confirmed that Matt's "guy" that is "more insane than Matt" is just Daredevil, so.... Matt.
okay but actually how would Daredevil have been able to capture Loki on his own? Loki def had to have let himself get captured.
....Matt is negotiating Tony and Loki fucking as a compromise to get Loki to stop committing crimes. I mean okay he is a lawyer but this is absolutely absurd.
[Tony] found his voice to ask, “Isn’t this incredibly weird for you as a Christian?”
“Isn’t it weirder for you, as an atheist?” Matt shot back.
“Fairly certain it’s the most weird for me.” Loki arched an unimpressed brow.
ok i will hand it to this fic it can be intentionally funny. also wow tumblr is being a cunt and not letting me highlight three paragraphs at once, just make one damn indent line, you cheap hack.
“Who’d have thought, Daredevil’s a Dom.” Loki commented from behind them.
I take that previous statement back this line is so bad it retroactively stole all of the chuckles i had from anything before this line.
Okay I actually take back that previous statement about taking back that previous statement because after that very cringey line Matt responds by being wildly over-submissive towards Loki so the fic is funny again.
Okay seriously why did the author think this fic was a mature rating and not an explicit????
They're brining sub/dom dynamics into this but imo all three of these characters would be the sub. There is not a goddamn dom among them. Like i get that Loki tries to be super dominant in non-sexual situations, but in sexual situations he is absolutely a sub. Matt likes to get his shit absolutely wrecked by someone stronger. Tony is a goddamn pillow princess. This trio with sub/dom dynamics just seems incredibly out of character for them.
okay I said that Matt was being comically submissive but wow he just keep increasing the submission and I'm kinda reeling at it. like a "he's doing WHAT?" kinda feeling.
had to double check the tags and the author really fucking tagged this "probably deserves the M rating now" DID YOU START THIS FIC WITH A TEEN RAITING!?!? HONEY. THE M RATING IS WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE STARTED WITH AND THEN BUMPED UP TO EXPLICIT.
this isn't the sort of Loki + Matt interaction i was hoping for.
oh right matt's doing this all while still (mostly) dressed as daredevil
matt just referred to Loki as a god (and not in like a "i was told to" sub kinda way,) how much more outta character is this gonna get?
Tony being a creep who records sexual encounters w/o consent never came up again like it really was meant to be a fun sexy little detail to the fic.
okay i finished the fic and i think ultimately where it fails for me (other than the complete lack of emotional interaction and previously mentioned mischaracterizations) is with Matt being so casual about sex. He's just NOT the character for a porn w/o plot unless you're writing like a religious shame kink. He's a practicing catholic, and while i know he does fuck outta wedlock he was never shown to often and i can only imagine his guilt-ridden ass would be off to confession the very next day.
And that's just about sex with women. Matt grew up catholic in the 90's. I genuinely don't believe he'd be able to even kiss a man and not have some internal crisis over it. If Matt's not gonna have a deep conversation with Father Paul about it I don't think it makes sense to happen.
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hils79 · 8 months
Hils Watches Moonlight Chicken - Ep 5
I forgot this drama is only 8 episodes long so I'm over halfway through now. Wild. I'll be finished in a couple of days. Feels so quick after a 40 episode cdrama
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So we're seeing what Alan and Wen were like before they broke up. I'm starting to have a theory about how this is going to end...
Also, it's weird seeing Mix kiss someone who isn't Earth. I've only seen the two of them together in dramas
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Damn that fight scene was brutal but holy shit First and Mix are good actors. I was so focused on what was happening I forgot about the food that's in front of me
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Thank god for Gong, who is apparently the only sensible person in this drama
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Okay, here's my theory now that we're under the read more tag. I'm worried that the plot of this movie (two people who fall in love but don't end up together because of other factors) is what is going to happen to Jim and Wen. GMM typically doesn't make bittersweet BL dramas but this one is bit more mature than the others. I am bracing myself just in case this movie is foreshadowing.
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That's about the highest level of praise you can get from a teenage boy
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It's always Engineering or Architecture
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Wen's just had a 'oh my kind of step-nephew is in love with a boy' moment. He looks so fond.
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They don't live in a small town or anything. I don't think it's unreasonable for Jim to ask for someone who didn't show up at his restaurant and yell at him to deal with his loan application.
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Yes, let's have a very thinly veiled conversation in which Wen is compared to a pen
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It's just occurred to me that I've seen First play a high school student (The Eclipse), a college student (Not Me) and now a bank manager who I assume is meant to be in his late 20s or early 30s. All of these dramas were filmed in the last 2 years. That's some range!
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Come on dude, don't be a total dick. You had better send off his loan application and not just toss it in the bin.
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Okay, that's interesting given my comment above. Why DID Jim go to Alan's bank? Is he hoping to get turned down?
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It's like he was reading my liveblog and is now answering all of my comments :D
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Gong is my new favourite. He's so done with all Wen and Alan's nonsense
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He is so right and he should say it
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Well, let's see. We were having a nice romantic Christmas moment, then your ex-boyfriend who you still live with and share a bed with showed up. He yelled at you, then he yelled me, then he yelled you some more and shoved you over. Oh, yeah, and this dude is also in charge of whether I can borrow the money I need to save my business.
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Okay, if this was closer to the end I'd be more worried that they were going to go with the bittersweet movie ending but given that there's another 3 episodes after this one maybe it'll be okay?
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Alan really does like talking in metaphors. Wen was a pen, now Jim is chicken
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I was saying today I am enjoying that for the most part characters in this actually use their words instead of just leaping to conclusions and making assumptions. Not always, but way more than most dramas. I'm glad Wen and Alan have finally had the mature conversation that they needed to have for both of them to move on
I still think Alan is going to end up with Gaipa but given that they haven't even met yet that may just be wishful thinking.
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A good progressive boy
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Bold of you to assume you can just move in with Jim
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