#(thinking about saying that was what made me think about the episode lol)
funkii4-blog · 9 hours
I need to ramble some more about the locket thing from the new episode to get it out of my brain before I sleep because I have a lot to say (mainly to argue in favor of it having 3’s picture)
So we’ve all seen the scene from the new episode “Mario’s Plane Trip” where SMG4 mentions something about ‘having someone waiting back home’ as he looks into a locket. However the scene is cut off by something else before we can see the picture inside, leaving everyone to debate about what or ideally who the picture was of.
Of course the most popular guess has been that the picture was of none other than SMG3, which would confirm that there is in fact a romance building up between them (as has been hinted a ton within the show, especially in the last year and a half). I agree with this 1000% and wanna list supporting evidence/argue against other guess;
A) The Scene’s Context; This line came up while 4 was having a heart-to-heart with Swag about their respective loved ones, during which Swag mentioned Sonic (whom he’s married to). Since the way the conversation started pointed at a romantic relationship, it’s fair to wonder if 4’s side of the conversation also was headed that direction before the moment was cut short.
B) 4’s Suitcase; At the start of the episode when 4 and Mario were getting their luggage scanned, we got a view into what was in 4’s suitcase. And of course two of the items really stuck out to me: one of 3’s bombs, and the creepy Mickey Mouse sculpture (the same sculpture that 3 suggested as a date gift in CEO Of Rizz). So maybe he gave it to him off screen? Either way it’s interesting to see half of 4’s luggage being items that were owned by 3 at some point.
C) No Joke/Punchline; Another heavy argument as to why this was meant to be a serious foreshadowing moment was that there was no joke to this scene at all before the cutoff. I’ve seen people suggest that the picture could have contained something silly like his computer or some memes, but I don’t think that’s the case because imo they absolutely would have shown the photo and made a punchline out of it. Especially since apparently the exact joke with 4 having a beloved photo of his computer in a locket has been used before (I don’t know the episode and was merely told this happened); if it really had been his computer again I imagine they’d just have reused the joke and shown the picture. But they didn’t show anything & left us wondering instead.
I also am intrigued that they kicked off pride month with an episode like this with such subtle yet strong hints at their relationship, and after 4’s search history even hinted we could get a significant event in the show this month. It of course leaves me super interested to see what the rest of the month will bring. Please glitch finally make it happen lol
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nottapossum · 1 day
What did you think of full moon?
Okay for realz this time.
Trigger warning...
I'm not very nice in this post.
I'm upset. Lol 😆
So if you guys are hard-core Stolas lovers and think stolas can do no wrong...
Please don't read this.
I love stolas.
But he messed up in my opinion.
Here's my nicer review
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1) glad loona is talking again...
Just sayin.
Her not talking much made me feel like we just got introduced to a brand new character.
2) This whole scene made this episode go from no expectations to really high for me. Blitzø being worried that Stolas is growing bored of him...idk I wanted to expand a little on those feelings.
It's blitzø so...yeah.
He doesn't talk about them.
I would have liked if he talked to Fizz about his fears, and maybe Fizz could have been like: "no blitzø, that's silly, stolas loves you."
Then Blitzø can be like: "Nah, they don't care about people like us."
Then Fizz can be like: "Blitzø trust me, they're not all like that. I'm sure Stolas has a good reason for acting like this...give it a chance."
But nah.
We get this.
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...pretty funny ngl.
But still- nothing else!?
Pre emotion is okay guys!
It doesn't just have to just be at the end like barbie in unhappy campers.
Which I felt could have also used more build up.
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3) Like in unhappy campers...I felt this side-plot deal was a huge waste of time. The cherubs didn't even do that much.
I'm not hating on the episode- I'm just saying this could have been 2 separate episodes and it would have been a lot better IMO if they were.
I like the idea of the cherubs and dhorks working together, I hope it'll come back soon, actually! I'm very interested in what they'll do!
But they were a bit too easy to defeat, in my opinion, and Blitzø seemed to be filling screen time with random stuff that was only kinda funny...?
Some of it, really funny. But I was just sitting and waiting for something more to happen.
Like I said- it's fine. It's a good episode, I'm sure I'll be rewatching this at least six times this week alone.
It's just not how I personally would have done it. And that's okay. I don't have a TV show. I don't know how this stuff works!
My opinion on this means literally nothing.
I'm a random person who writes fanfiction. I'm no one!
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4) I think Stolas's apology was pretty good, actually!
I think he did a good job talking about his mistakes and being open and honest...you know...at first.
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5) Blitzø was not wrong and Stolas deserved what he got from this interaction.
I'm sorry, Stolas lovers - I love stolas! He's my favorite bird prince! I want him and Blitzø to be happy! I think theyre great!
But you can't deny that Stolas was wrong to hold Blitzø to all of that. (I'll get to Blitzø in a second, hold on!) Stolas made lots of comments belittling Blitzø and his kind, made sex an obligation, and would often talk about sex when it was clear Blitzø wasn't into it.
"It's always about sex." *bird noises*
Stolas. Sweetie. Baby. Honey. My precious little idiot. You made it that way! Of course Blitzø thought that you were just being playful! You're always doing that!
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And after Blitzø realizes that Stolas is serious, he's so quick to turn to being passive-aggressive!
I got so annoyed! I hate the passive nonsense!
Bro!!! Let Blitzø think about it! Give him a second before getting so upset! You could have still worked this out! Like- christ on a stick!
Stolas thinks he's desperately in love with Blitzø...but...well. he doesn't know him that well, and he doesn't open himself up to Blitzø either.
So Blitzø can't know how he feels either!
All he knows is that he doesn't want it to end!
I'm not fully blaming Stolas though...
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Side note, how sad and hopeless Blitzø was feeling...the "I'll do better, I'll do anything, please don't do this."
Even after giving him the crystal! Homagawz!
He did not get to talk a lot in this...but to immediately dismiss everything Stolas said when he was trying to be sincere- bro! Deal with your emotions better! I know you're upset, but jeezus christ super star!
Instead of being like: "Stolas, wait let's talk-"
He's all angy like: "Nah bish, let's fight bro!"
Nah! Calm down, Buckzo! Take a chill pill.
He did kinda bring this on himself.
Mocking Stolas for being honest?! Come on!
That's just hurtful! Even If unintentional!
I think they both deserved what they got in this episode.
Blitzø I think is receiving Karma from what he's done in every other relationship in his life.
He's always pushing everyone away, and this time, it's stolas doing it to him.
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7) But at least Blitzø was willing to hash it out instead of ghosting!!
Da fuck stolas! That was not the right move at all!
"I love you...oh you don't feel the same? You dont belive me? Bye then."
Da fuck!? Ya bird brain!
You both need to apologize now!
Apology tour better just be an hour of these two saying their sorry ohhhrrrr so help me! (I'm joking.)
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8) Did someone else like Stolas hurt Blitzø before?
The way he was saying "you rich assholes do this every time."
Every time!?!
How many times has this happened to you!?
But what did you guys think?
Agree? Disagree?
That's fine.
Let's talk nicely and not murder me, okay? Lol 😆
I've had me way too many emotions today- guysss!!!
I'm gonna go write and pretend I'm not angry and crying at the same time. Lol ✍️
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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whyawonderwhatudo · 2 days
Okay so I HAVE to talk about the newest ep of Helluva boss, Full Moon.
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
I really loved the episode but damn did that last scene hurt! Going into the ep I kinda had the idea that the whole episode would feature around stolas and blitzø, so you can imagine my surprise when we saw the Cherubs!
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Ngl, they always seemed holier than thou (pun intended) but its so interesting to me to see how 2 of the cherubs would justify their 'sins' and want for revenge, when angels are all supposed to be about love and forgiveness. Kinda hope Colin has some kind of redemption, the other 2 cherubs treated him awfully.
Loved how badass Luna was this episode tho! Was so worried they'd actually attack Blitzø only for Luna and M&M's to beat them back to the human world.
Also we love Fizz and Blitz' friendship!!
Okay but that whole conversation between Blitzø and Stolas was heartbreaking. It was so clear how apprehensive Stolas was while waiting, twiddling his thumbs and sitting on the bed, and he's been prepping himself for this talk all day.
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And so has Blitzø, but he's come with the expectation of their transaction, and added with the addition of what Luna had said about him getting bored and no longer wanting to continue, of course he's scared when Stolas asks for the book back.
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Stolas was so determined to make sure Blitzø understood how he felt, no longer wanting to make Blitzø feel obligated to sleep with him to get something out of it when he said 'Please don't say it like that.' Stolas probably felt this was the right choice more than ever when Blitzø said he'd do anything. And then look how sweet stolas looked when he was giving him the crystal.
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This made me so sad because Stolas was so clear, in his feelings and intentions. Even with the crystal, Blitzø asked whether he wasn't good enough anymore or not, showing he does care. He was looking forward to his night with stolas, having preparing for it and doing a whole shopping trip. They both care, but because Blitzø could never believe Stolas actually loved him, he thought Stolas was joking.
It was so hard to watch when Blitzø started to mess around, thinking it was some kind of role play saying 'I love you' and all that, you could see the hurt on Stolas' face.
To be fair to Blitzø, he did need a moment to comprehend it was an actual confession, to truly see Stolas' feelings because it was such a contradiction to what he thought, but Stolas was so clear, of course he would take the joking as rejection, as Blitzø couldn't understand what he was really saying, until it was too late.
We can understand why Blitzø may have lashed out, thinking the way he does, but his words, his name calling of Stolas was so heartbreaking, you could hear Stolas' Heart and hope shatter when he said 'I think so highly of you Blitzø. I had no idea you thought so low of me.'
The miscommunication....
It's only after he can hear Stolas crying does Blitzø really get the memmo, he sees how he's messed up, but of course Stolas was so hurt, he wouldn't want to see Blitzø after that.
This was just so in character for them, to me at least. Stolas said everything right, but Blitzø took too long to understand his emotions, he lashed out and only after he lashed out did he understand what he did. By that point it was too late and Stolas sent him away....
I knew this breakup was coming, but I did NOT think it would hurt this much. Poor stolas..
Thanks for reading my ramblings lol, feel free to add to this with your own thoughts and opinions!
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 days
spins in a swivel chair
Guys it's fucking time.
HELLUVA BOSS SEASON 2 EPISODE ... 8?? 9?? Idk I forgot lmao
Boy do I have some things to say
Alright let's get into it.
I'ma start with what I think the episode did right.
Animation, as usual, is awesome, props to all the animators y'all did WONDERFULLY, esp in that beginning duet.
I like that they did a full on stolitz episode with no major sub plots. Yeah there were the cherubs but they were still pretty closely tied to the main plot so.. yeah lmao.
Blitz is a character I've always related too and damnit this episode made it worse lmao.
If there's one thing I will always give helluva boss props for it's blitz's character consistency while still adding more layers to him. I also really liked how in this episode we see a more.. soft side?? To blitz?? Not soft but like - a more caring side ig lmao.
Also in this episode we get a real taste of found family like the show wanted us to see before and not just a desperate man trying to force himself into the lives of people who do not want him.
Also blitz in a different outfit always makes me feral because damn this man slays more than I ever could. Also back to the character consistency part, blitz's love for horses still being a little detail about him makes me happy like yes I love it when shows give characters interests without shoving it in your face.
The rest of IMP being wingmen (in their own, weird way) also is fun lol.
Also the cherubs and the DORKS working together is so fun i love the returning villains and I hope we get more of them lol. Also the cherubs being traumatized by the lust ring was ... Kinda funny. Honestly this episode was... kinda funny-?? It's still sex humor as usual but yk.
Also fizzy in rainbow pants let's fucking go.
And I'm glad the eyes on blitzø's gloves are being used and not just pointless clutter in his design. Because now they have the asmoduan crystal like let's go.
Also having a stolitz episode WITHOUT via or Stella even being brought up is SO refreshing. I liked how it was just about stolas' raw emotion, and care for blitz.
And HOLY SHIt. Ok. The end scene of blitz yelling at stolas' for "throwing him away", and once blitz REALIZES stolas' actually CARED about him, he tries to run after him, but it's too late. He's fucked up.
Ok I've sung my praises, let's go into my criticisms.
Honestly? I don't have TOO many. I still have some, I always do, but this episode.. was honestly really enjoyable.
Sure the sex stuff is.. pretty annoying and gets old fast but it's helluva boss what can ya do, really?
I feel like, now this is a whole show critique, not just the episode, but I feel like we are going to fast. We are told it's been a ton of time from the last time stolas and blitz did their monthly activities so ueah.
I feel like the emotional convo was a LITTLE stiff in the beginning, but yall? Brandon rogers make blitz sound so genuinely angry and sad, so I feel like it brought us back.
I'm Dotty, and I shouldn't be genuinely invested in this telenovela ass show
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tophsazulas · 2 days
Hiya, Poorni ❤️! Could you write a meta on Donna and how her relationship with Eric became incredibly unbalanced after season 2, please? (The GIF I found for this ask still ticks me off.)
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I am so ready for this! @tzaharasykes' own meta just sparked something in me lmao.
In season 1-2, I have zero issues with them as a couple. Two best friends falling in love and navigating a beautiful relationship together. They're not perfect, but it’s a very real relationship.
Season 3 is where it gets messy. On one hand, they had these moments where they’re a legit power couple
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(Ice Shack will forever be a fave)
But there’s also moments like this:
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And her saying she could have anyone in response sounds like “Shelly could have anyone. Why would she choose you?”
Now maybe that could mean “she could have anyone. Why would she choose someone in a relationship?” But the end of the episode proves otherwise.
And when Eric’s rightfully upset, here’s Donna’s response:
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I’m sorry (not), but that is so condescending. Like how full of yourself can you be to believe that you’re the only one who finds your boyfriend attractive?
And then Donna literally let’s Jackie get into her head. Jackie, who literally has never had a healthy relationship in her life, get into her head about Eric supposedly cheating.
Instead of asking to in private, what does she do? She makes a fucking scene right after. Not only that, but she doesn’t even apologize.
Not only does she not apologize, but she doesn’t even think Eric is hot enough to get any girl he wants and literally says the words “I know you’re hot because you’re with me”. Which sounds like Donna taking credit and acting like she “made” him.
Then, there’s her ditching Eric at the concert for Ted Nugent, and isn’t even sorry?? Like she could’ve TOLD Eric she wouldn’t be there and he wouldn’t have been mad. But she left him there all alone, didn’t tell him, AND isn’t even sorry about it?? Eric honey, that is a red flag.
I think I’ll just have this be a season by season because if I cram it all in one, I don’t even think it’ll process right lol.
But typing all of this made me feel better, so tysm <3
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essektheylyss · 2 years
no more "fix-it fics". enough "everybody lives au". everybody DIES au. I could make it (canon) WORSE.
#this joke brought to you hilariously not by recent events but in fact rediscovering my old ffn fics from high school#they exist and are easily findable lol#and boyyyy have i not only really not change. but i have MELLOWED on the angst.#if you think my fics are rough now...#literally wrote MULTIPLE fics for a romance-oriented procedural where one or both of the leads died and someone else had to deal with that#hilarious. like. this was 'i know they're gonna get out of this tight spot canon left them in last episode. but what if they didn't. :3'#like say what you will about some of my sadder content but the characters aren't getting MURDERED#also went out of my way to write the cockblock rival LI sympathetically in one scenario#like this character was universally reviled. MEANT TO BE in fact. and several comments were just 'icb you made him impossible to hate'#me at all times: have you considered. this character is not evil. just trying their best and not favored by the narrative but like. fine.#and also do you want to talk about GRIEF?#would love to study my high school self like a bug. who was she. fuck if i remember lmfao#ANYWAY this is genuinely so funny#also damn ffn reviewers were brutal about update times lol#also were not shy about 'WOW this is so ooc' (they were wrong. to be clear. they were mad about a ship thing)#the writing was 'eh' but the specific aspect of the characterization they were mad about was not lol#but also uwu over some of the comments i was looking through last night#some of them were like 'wow someone said this about tiefling fic last week!'
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So this episode was about teachers committing to and caring about their students, and district people too, and I love that :'). Sometimes all you need is a district person who will keep putting in the effort like that, and I love when it happens for people <33
Anyway! I'm so glad they got the interpreter for Amani, she so deserves it :'D. Everyone does :').
I'm glad Gregory decided to let them stay :') I think he can really help these kids out and be a good place for them :)) :D
Also proud of Tariq for finally calling Nick his name :'D hope they do get close :)
Poor Barbara though xD
And once again proud of Janine for fighting through it to get the ASL interpreter :')) and the way she did it was so iconic xD same for the parents lol, going to a reporter that already doesn't like the district LOL, but yeah I am so happy for them :D
Also I love Jacob and Janine <33
With going out for drinks at the end, I hope Janine doesn't leave them behind :((
Btw the reason for the boys being in Gregory's room being that the Mortons are in couples therapy is hilarious xDD
And lol hopefully it's just like, upkeep, because they just got married xD
Anyway!! I am distrustful of districts but I hope it works out (with the issues obviously) on the show :). And even though I am I know this side of the story needs to be seen as well so it's nice to see, switches it up on me a bit more than usual. Like, makes me a little more uncomfortable and see it a different way more than usual. Which is good :)
Loved the episode!!! I'm so excited for next week :D
And also terrified :')
But I almost definitely won't be able to watch it lol so, I'll see y'all a little bit after that lol
Bye y'all!
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wayward-wren · 2 months
Classic Who explores ideas, New Who explores morals
classic who is like 'i see this trend, lets explore what might happen if that trend continues and let the audience figure out what it's talking about and come to their own conclusions.'
new who is like 'this trend is BAD and i'm going to PREACH A SPEECH about why it's going to RUIN EVERYTHING' and it's so much more exhausting
#wren rambles#doctor who#this brought on by me watching orphan 55#which had SUCH a fun concept#and then absolutely FACEPLANTED with the doctor moralizing at the end#like yes doctor who has ALWAYS explored topical and political issues#but never is there a definitive I Am Telling You This Is Right message#whereas now I just had to sit here and watch 13 preaching at me?#ughghg#explore the idea but don't shove it down my throat#classic who had an episode (Ice Warriors) exploring climate change as one aspect of the story#talking about how all the plants were removed and that messed with the atmosphere etc.#but that was just a SMALL PART of the whole episode and it was never outright condemned (it was made clear it was BAD and the root problems#but that was never the BIG ISSUE the Doctor Lectured His Companions about) (not that victoria or jamie could do anything lol)#plus this feeds into my issues with 13's run (which started during 12's somewhat but less so)#where the Doctor is painted as the Narratively Right one#where when she says something that's what the narrative wants you to BELIEVE#which coming from Two and Three's run is WILD#because Two is chaotic and murderous when he thinks he's right#and he's manipulative and deceptive at times#and Three is selfish and pouty and rude#and don't get me wrong Thirteen has her issues and I lvoe them#HOWEVER. she's pretty much always RIGHT she's the Word Of God when it comes to moral things#and this more than anything is my biggest issues with Modern Who#mostly 12 and 13's eras#so i hope we move out of that somewhat in the new era but i'm not super holding up hopes (especially after star beast)#maybe one day i'll write a proper full article about it but GOSH#i don't watch this show to be preached at. I watch it for a fun/tragic scifi romp and also to see interesting ideas explored#and reflect the climate of the world and how society influences media#explore the idea of climate change turning the world into a post apocalypse! that's such a fun idea and topical!
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bredforloyalty · 1 year
s11 and what i've seen of s12 have been so interesting to me..... something changed but i can't articulate what and why and how my taste and my preferences and my expectations affect the way i think about these later seasons
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something something about how the rings not just symbolised Yuuri and Victor's bond and was not just an omamori for them something something Victor was the first person Yuuri wanted to hold on to and share his dreams with and depend on after fighting for so long ALONE something something the rings symbolising this exact same thing something something about how Yuuri's arc still is wonderful even when he didn't win the gold because he finally learnt to actually depend on people, share his dreams and aims with them and not fight alone which is something he struggles with for the whole show
#yuri on ice ///#I am not sure about how to intrepret the whole of yuuri's arc but that's purely because I've watched the show only once#It always felt a bit off to me when the whole winning gold was a bit rushed in the last episode#And of course you could blame that on the pacing and you could say that there was flaws in the writing/the writers got confused#I've seen multiple posts about it and while I personally disagree I do think it is a valid interpretation#But I want to work with what DID happen in canon so I can be at peace with the episode lol#I choose to intrepret his arc as being one where he learns to not beat himself up over his failures (In lack of a better way to phrase it)#His anxiety plays a huge factor in it too though#One could argue that maybe winning gold would've given him that final push in believing that he is in fact extraordinary and not just#A dime a dozen skater (and I think that would have been wonderful too!)#And yeah they could have made him win gold AND have him not retire! But I don't think what we got in canon is inherently bad writing#(I mean excluding the scoring which from what I hear was inaccurate? But it doesn't bother me because Idk anything about scoring lmao)#Or maybe it's because this is a lesson I personally am struggling to learn and accept - that regardless of whether you win or not you#can and should strive to be better and better without losing hope#also a bit related to this but to me the emotional climax in the finale was actually Yuuri's free skate and him breaking the record#It was what further cemented my#thoughts about Yuuri's arc being about him and his need to be satisfied with his skating regardless of winning or losing#also fyi the takes I talked about aren't inherently ones I came across lol I just was thinking of various counter points#The whole reason I am writing this si because I want to understand this whole thing myself gdishsjshdh so writing it down seems like a good#thing#n rambles#Also hopefully this post doesn't show up in tags djsbdjbdjd
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isadora-greenhall · 1 year
This was inevitable. From the moment Scary met Willy this was going to happen
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vaugarde · 2 years
so sad watching someone go through each episode of a multi season show and they just get more and more exhausted as the seasons just get worse
#both about drake's mlp liveblog and about the 7 hour spongebob ranking LOL#i forgot how many episodes of spongebob were just plain mean-spirited and i fully agree with him when i say that like#*when he says#they're not problematic or the worst episodes of all time and ''its just a comedy'' but then the mean spirited stuff isnt funny#its just not fun to watch. like black comedy can be really good but like it has to actually be enjoyable#mlp thankfully doesnt have that same mean spirited issue or anything like i think i likelater seasons more than most ppl#bc i got into the show finally when the movie came out. so im used to alicorn twilight and baby flurry heart and. kinda starlight.#but like the tone absolutely just gets weirder as it goes imo. like watching season 1 i can see why ppl prefer it#bc its very charming and later seasons kinda lose that. like ''the magic of friendship'' stops being like a metaphor#and there was sorta less focus on cute lessons about ''listen to your friends when they reach out! ask for help!'' that made the elements wo#work#and friendship somehow becomes like this magical unspeakable force thats barely studied and only ponies understand for real#so they have to teach other people what friendship is so they can also be magical. and how having friends just redeems u immediately#idk if im describing it right but it just feels weird. like in the movie w twilights dramaticline like#''friendship didnt fail me... i failed friendship.'' like that wouldve sounded more natural if she said ''my friends'' instead#idk its not a huge deal but it takes away from the charm for me bc it feels less like power of friendship and more ''this is so mystical''#echoed voice#id say i think this is me also with pokeani but like. idk i feel like thats kinda different inthat its not seasonal rot#its just that theres so so much of the same formula and not every small arc they do isa banger#the casts also shift now and then so it doesnt feel like characters other than ash haveto forget things all the time to function
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trashlie · 2 years
Meaning in Falls in ILY (spoilers for ep 200)
The last post I want to make about the recent ILY posts is something that came up on reddit. I’m going to copy and paste my response lol because it’s something I spent too long mulling over, and even if it ends up meaning nothing, sometimes it’s just nice to have all these thoughts in one place, isn’t it?
Someone over on reddit posed the following question in the FP discussion post for episode 200: 
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[img: reddit user snaakeguy asked  so much of this story has these important life altering moments centered around falling. the formal, nol jumping into the pool, this. i wonder what the significance behind that is.]
My thoughts were this:
(spoilers for ep 200)
At the risk of overthinking it, too, I think we can separate it further into the difference between a fall and a jump, right? A fall is an event completely out of out control vs a jump being a choice. In general, things crash and burn in life all all time, and we're left to deal with the ramifications of them. That can range from things not working out to unexpected deaths, plans that get indefinitely shelved. I THINK in ILY the falls (simply) create (narrative) parallels, but I'm not against the idea of there being meaning in them, either. But we do know that Nol's fall vs dive foil each other - his fall was an "opportunity" to give in that he lost when he instead chose to help Shinae; his jump embraced that feeling but he was met with renewed vigor and rebirth. You can take it further, too, in that the fall could have been the death of Yeonggi (and maybe a less metaphorical death), but his chosen jump WAS the death of Yeonggi, one he made of his own volition.
We've seen both fall and jump paralleled with Shinae's, and that sense of peace and calm. She goes from shocked to a horrifying sense of peace, like she's welcoming what's coming. In fact, the way this is interspersed with those AWFUL girls and their "She deserved it" "You shouldn't feel bad" comments leans into what she was telling Nol - that she was punished for daring to believe she can change her fortune or stray from her path. In that moment, young Shinae concluded she cannot change this trajectory, that she does not deserve what she was seeking. Interestingly, where Shinae embraces that moment of peace, Nol denies himself it, says he doesn't deserve it.
[A sidebar here to add on to this thought above: at the time of the formal, when Nol falls and decides he doesn’t deserve this peace yet, it’s because there is something yet in the past that Nol blames himself for, and because he has not yet reached the absolution he believes he must seek. For him to give up in that moment would be unfair, because his mindset is that he deserves all punishment that comes his way, and that there is no point in fighting it. For the amount of mental strife he’s in, peace would be a gift, and thus it’s an unwelcome opportunity. Shinae had not yet reached that conclusion - that comes after. In this moment, she’s willing to embrace it because she’s not yet saddled with the concept of undeserving, hasn’t yet decided that maybe life is punishing her simply for existing. Until now, she had still tried to defy it. This is, instead, the moment Shinae concludes there is no reason for her to try to fight what she believes is her destiny.]
Though we don't know Shinae's thoughts during her pool fall, given her addled state and that we were pointedly in no one's head, even though this is not a chosen jump like Nol's, she DOES end up at the railing because she WANTED to jump into the pool. Obviously this is different than Nol's circumstances but I still find it interesting - Shinae wants to "follow her dreams", Nol wants to feel what it's like to fly. I don't think they're equally comparable in that way, but the RESULT is. Nol jumps and leaves Yeonggi behind, rebirthed as Nolan, embracing his identity. Shinae falls and leaves behind.... I wouldn't call it INNOCENCE exactly but it DOES ride on the back of learning she was taken advantage of, manipulated, and trapped into this position (AND Sangchul tried to PHYSICALLY take advantage of her). She had tried so hard to be the good girl that was asked of her, to take care of her father, to stay off the streets. In desperation she asked for a favor and was tricked. She's done being a "good girl" - she tries to fight back, she refuses to back down and let people walk over her. Prior in the story, Shinae lets people say whatever they will about her, because what does it matter. Later, we get to see her square up against Sangchul. Maybe in the past she may have kept quiet and let him imply she's the Hirahara family's bicycle but in the present we get to see her get in his face and yell at him lmaoooooooo. I think this probably extends further, too, in conjunction with this flashback arc. Shinae prior would likely have let Nol run away, accepted that this is how it goes, no one ever stays, this is what life decided you deserve, that she doesn’t matter, but instead she makes repeated efforts to reach out to him. EVEN THOUGH she went through something similar with Alyssa she still decides to make an effort so she's left with no regrets.
So even tho Shinae's pool fall is not a jump by choice, I think it still represents a sense of "rebirth" - rebranding yourself, embracing something you hadn't prior. In a way, they both come out of this choosing themselves. Shinae chooses to defend herself, to fight for herself; Nol chooses to stop being Yeonggi and to be Nolan, to give up his mask and embrace his real self.
So while I think falls/jumps are being used to maintain these parallels, I think we CAN read into them a bit, with what CHANGES in direct response to that fall. Is it a coincidence that the "rebirths" involves pools? (And it's not like a pool immediately equates to that, either; Nol's pool fall FOILS Shinae's, where hers parallels his pool jump. Where Nol is ready to let peace embrace him, he has to take up the Yeonggi mask once more to save Shinae. Like Shinae's school fall, this fall leaves him trapped in a fate he believes inescapable, a personal prison. In fact, Nol wears his Yeonggi persona like a prison in the same way Shinae builds up her walls and locks herself away. Tho he has people around him, he's not honest with them and is just as much isolated as Shinae is). There's something to read into regarding the intention vs lack of, tho it definitely does not hold up 100% regarding Shinae. I guess it's ultimately: what does the impact reveal? Embracing the believed inevitable vs those moments of "clarity" (ironic word choice since Shinae literally cannot recall parts of her night, but enough to realize she does not want to lie down and be taken advantage of).
I hope we won't see any more jumps/falls to test out if this is true tho lol. Maybe just, yknow, the metaphorical kind (perhaps a fall from grace, fall from power vs a leap of faith, jumping into something new, jumping at an opportunity.)
(And because I'm me and ADHD has me all over the place, I wonder if it's SUPER overthinking to compare Nol climbing up to the rooftop with falling/jumping lol. I think yes, but I'm still going to muse about the intentional choice to pull himself from his pit of despair and maybe allow himself a reprieve, rather than trying to jump to one only to realize it might not be what he actually wants. Choosing to join Shinae on the rooftop is just as intentional as choosing to jump from the balcony into the pool, and in a way they might be seen as part of each other. Nol needed to make that jump and free himself in order to face Shinae the way he did; that was him letting go of control, freeing himself from what was keeping him a prisoner (Yeonggi, himself) and joining Shinae is the intentional choice to take control and make his own choices for himself. I do believe lol this is very much overthinking and that it wasn’t intentionally written to be an extension of the pool jump, but I do like how the actions go together.)
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ei-mugi · 1 year
i enjoyed getting heated over something silly for fun but im just now seeing some past distress ppl had over the poll on the blog & i feel a little bad haha i dont actually have any problem with ii or its fans like ive said i was one myself in the past
#being familiar with both ships though i still do prefer wataei#my 'complaints' were in the context of knowing about both of them and the shock of these 2 interests ever intersecting#i dooooooooo have a lot of opinions on ii as a show but none of them are like. 'you shouldnt like object shows cuz theyre dumb'#i got enough of that said 2 me by other people at the time#fan still sucks tho. worst character. microphone best character she deserved the win#when they go back to finishing season 2 in a decade's time they BETTER make the pickle/taco reunion happen in the next episode#the poll prompted me to watch like an episode of season 3 just to see what was up w it#and it was like fine. i watched episode 9. but i cant say it still holds my interest like it used to#especially not since s3 is an au and none of the plotlines are continued there#lol i remember when s2e12 p2 came out there was so much controversy#cuz paintbrush was eliminated that episode but it was also when they came out as nonbinary#i hope they make transgirl lightbulb canon still. that would be cool#paintbulb may not be my otp but they are t4t#all in all the thing about the osc (object show community) is that honestly its just a really sweet place over all#like its really lovely for so many kids to have a community where theyre encouraged to be creative and stuff#duh a lot of the shows arent gonna be good theyre being made by kids. but thats whats great about it#i like laughing over some stuff but i always feel the need to like say stuff like this cuz i think it sucks that people make fun of#stuff kids like to do so much esp as an autistic kid who was always made fun of for everything i liked#cringe culture definitely seeped into my bones a bit but i try to combat it
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samanthamulder · 2 years
I need to fall back in love with the x files. that would fix me I think 🤧
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mercymaker · 2 years
me, trying to stay as objective as i possibly can (considering the contractual obligations and circumstances atm) in the greens vs the blacks conflict, seeing alicent rock up in full christian authoritarian cult lady gear the next episode
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