#I love you all so much :DD
So this episode was about teachers committing to and caring about their students, and district people too, and I love that :'). Sometimes all you need is a district person who will keep putting in the effort like that, and I love when it happens for people <33
Anyway! I'm so glad they got the interpreter for Amani, she so deserves it :'D. Everyone does :').
I'm glad Gregory decided to let them stay :') I think he can really help these kids out and be a good place for them :)) :D
Also proud of Tariq for finally calling Nick his name :'D hope they do get close :)
Poor Barbara though xD
And once again proud of Janine for fighting through it to get the ASL interpreter :')) and the way she did it was so iconic xD same for the parents lol, going to a reporter that already doesn't like the district LOL, but yeah I am so happy for them :D
Also I love Jacob and Janine <33
With going out for drinks at the end, I hope Janine doesn't leave them behind :((
Btw the reason for the boys being in Gregory's room being that the Mortons are in couples therapy is hilarious xDD
And lol hopefully it's just like, upkeep, because they just got married xD
Anyway!! I am distrustful of districts but I hope it works out (with the issues obviously) on the show :). And even though I am I know this side of the story needs to be seen as well so it's nice to see, switches it up on me a bit more than usual. Like, makes me a little more uncomfortable and see it a different way more than usual. Which is good :)
Loved the episode!!! I'm so excited for next week :D
And also terrified :')
But I almost definitely won't be able to watch it lol so, I'll see y'all a little bit after that lol
Bye y'all!
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cryptiduni · 3 months
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o crusader crusader crusader! how do you do? ♥️
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-Happy Trans Day of Visibility!🏳️‍⚧️
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pastafossa · 2 months
Not an ask or a request - just wanted to send some love your way. I’m on my third reread of TRT and I’m so excited for new stuff but I’m also loving everything you’ve written so far. Thank you for giving us a window into characters and a world that lives off the page. Hope you are having a wonderful spring.
Love from NYC!!
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Thank you so, so much anon! 😭 I'm so happy you're enjoying it. I love widening the world, delving into all the chaos and adventures going on in this universe just outside of the canon narrative POV. There's just so much to explore, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. I'm just as eager to get back into it, and I feel like I'm getting there, but the patience is still VERY much appreciated. Things were rough for a bit, but spring is definitely feeling like an improvement. <3
Much love back from my cold little city!
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farfromstrange · 4 months
Update & BIG Thank You!
Okay, guys, I finally finished my big group presentation for uni and it went well (I think). Now I just have to wait for my professor to send me my grade. Fingers crossed that I’ll pass the class!
I’m so sorry that I didn’t post for like a full week (again) but I was so busy, and sick, and then my parents came around for my birthday last weekend, and it was all just so chaotic.
But, speaking of my birthday, my friends got me personalized macarons, and half of those had a DD pic on them (and the other half was Harry Styles inspired). I have to share them with you (obviously) because they made me so happy 😭
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I was actually going to bake a DD inspired cake, also, but I didn’t get around to do it, unfortunately. (I just baked a “normal” cake, and that didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. But that’s okay because 21 isn’t that special of a birthday where I’m from, and I’m just glad I got to celebrate it with my family now that I no longer live at home.)
I might have to bake another cake though because I just saw that we hit over 1k followers?? Are you guys crazy?? Thank you so much! I love all of you <3 I mean it!!
Without this community, I probably would have given up on writing a while ago. You’re all so patient with me, you always show me love and support, and it warms my heart to see that we can come together and geek out over the same fictional character(s) that we all love 🤍 I owe you guys so much. This fandom (and Charlie) saved my life. And you guys remind me every day that I shouldn’t give up doing what I love. You help me work on my craft, get better and share it with people. Thank you for your support, your kind words and everything else you’ve done for me over the past year and a half (I think it will be two years in summer, which is crazy).
I have something in mind to thank you in a bit bigger fashion, but for now, take my love and all of my thanks and imagine I’m hugging all of you 🫶🏻 THANK YOU!
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Other than that, I’m working on one of my requests AND the next chapter for Do No Harm. I’ll try to post both tonight, though no promises that I’ll get them both done today.
Lizzi ✨
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
Watching the Brawn docu has me wanting to reach through the screen to choke out Christian and Montezemolo
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#like i feel like obv theyre probably being dramatic for the sake of the docu#but at the same point it rly feels like they still hold a grudge#and im not one of those people who decrys the rb19 as being illegal or whatever#but my god for someone's car who gets accused of being illegal a lot christian youre sure talking a load of shit#like ik hes talking abt his standpoint from back then but atp in his career after all hes been thru#should he not be admiring them?????#as i said in my other tags:#wah wah angry bcs another team found a loophole in the loophole sport???#i love tho brundle is like talking abt how he loves how teams exploit and bypass the rulebook#like to be the rulebook is like...you read it in depth so you can see what you can get away with#and obv the other teams will be annoyed but at the same time i feel like id be lowkey congratulatory like wow nice loophole!!#and also the rb5 was pretty good imo and just needed time and got bludgeoned by the brawn#meanwhile the ferrari of this ssn is basically like the ferrari of well this season#like ferrari and mclaren in 2009 basically had thw same situation as this yr#start out shit and then developed enough along the season to get podiums and wins#like rbr somewhat has a point bcs imo theyd def be the top team if not for brawn's double diffuser#so i get that yknow. but ferrari was just straight up trash and cant put up w the fact that they made a shit car#also 2009 KERS is SOOOOOOO much more broken and unfair than the DD imo!!!#like ex. Fisi totally should have won Spa but Kimi got him literally just bcs of KERS#but god yeah anyways these fucking politics ny god....the one thing max moseley did right was to accept the Brawn hahaha#why am i getting pissed at 14 year old drama LMFAO#fuck i am so happy for Brawn i think it would truly be the most unfair thing in the entire sport if they had screwed them over#i reallt just think the other teams were eternally salty because they voted to get Brawn into the sport#and then get pissy when Brawn is actually fucking fantastic#like they just expected them to be trash and then got pissed when they werent backmarkers its so dumb#ANYWAYS THEYRE NOW TALKING ABOUT CHINA 2009 MY FUCKING BELOVED SEBMARKSON!!!!!!!!#^ but speaking of that. so funny that christian was a total whiny bitch at the FIA meeting btwn Malaysia and China#talking abt how unfsir the decision was and then WENT ON TO WIN THE VERY NEXT RACE LIKE BRUH STFFUUUUUU#catie.rambling.txt
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murdleandmarot · 16 days
⭐ if ur doing that mutual bingo
Hi hello!!! :DDD!!!!
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You’re a new arrival on my dash but I love ya already <3333
Your art style is so cute and you’re so kind and enthusiastic!!! Seeing you draw so many cats OCs is so inspiring and warms my heart. We really did create a whole community of jellicles. I’m glad that cats the musical has claimed another soul, and I’m happy to have you with us 🫡🫡🫶🫶
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damagedrot · 5 months
" like - THANKS. " she said easily enough crossing through the path he opened for her. ducking under his arm to make her way into the house. HER EYES PASSING BY HIS INFANT'S, " hey little dude. " she offered to the kiddo. not quite sure if she'd get a response, her mind more focused elsewhere anyways.
@jokethur . /. continued.
" your house is . . . wowzers. " it was half hearted, but she wasn't the best at complimenting someone else's home. her aunt's was a upscale Gotham abode. made for two. kept together by hired maids, && unfamiliar faces. coming through the home as frequently to conduct business with her uncle. her aunt was scarcely made to be there. but Lucy never really needed adult supervision. especially tonight.
hair, still bubblegum pink, with jaded pieces poking out here and there. she was good at adjusting, and easily found the kitchen after wrestling past their pets, " pizza - totally needed it. " she grabbed herself a slice. preferring the cold cheesy bread with pepperoni to microwaving it.
her eyes ducked down as her imaginary boyfriend entered the room. his glasses left on his nose even as he pushed them back over his eyes. Freddy had always been pretty introverted, but he was oogling her quietly the moment she first cut her hair, && applied that hair dye. saying that she looked like a celebrity, or an anime girl. she never understood his references, but he had trailed with her the whole way to Arthur's , " you think he has netflix? " Freddy asked.
" you think my aunt's --- gonna be pissed? " Lucy said instead. eyes looking around the room. Mapping out all the crooks and crannies, " she didn't see me leave. " she said that out louder for Arthur to hear.
" and . . . it's a look? " mentioning her hair. hands coming up to touch the strands. wrapping a small portion around her finger.
". yeah - you need to fix it. " freddy playfully jabbed at her. chuckling into his ninetendo switch.
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thedevotionaltour · 2 months
thinking about daredevil yellow again im not. going to make it Guys.
#static.soundz#crying screaming and hitting the ground. so good. it made me cry really bad#bc whenever i think about jack n matt it always makes me think of me n my dad for various reasons#when matt said i couldnt feel his heartbeat inside me anymore. no words.#i rambled about it on my main but dd is very much intwined in an interesting and special way with my own heavy grief about my dad#and matt was a very important character to me during that time of my life for the exact same reason.#it's why i take a lot of very heavy issue when things try to make it so his dad died in his childhood as opposed to college#bc a) think it takes away a lot of the important nature of their relationship and b) my own personal projection#bc all grief at any stage is highly personal and unique and particular#but it really does feel like. matt is really just starting to become an adult (depending whether he dies when matt's in under or post grad)#(bc i can never remember which) but he's not quite a mega established one. there's still that lingering of childhood#so even though he's grown. it just hurts in a very particular way. they saw you grow up. but they didnt really see you become an adult.#they did not see the person you're going to be. that you are. that you're becoming. it feels like such a bizarre unfair moment in time.#bc why now? why not when i was younger? why not when i was truly an adult adult who is expecting to lose you now?#why at this moment and no other time?#but thinking about matt going i wish i told my dad how much i loved him.#more than anything when he goes 'i love you dad. did you hear? i love you.'#it made me cry like a fucking bitch. honest to god tearing up when i type about it. it wrenches my heart it twists it and it makes me wanna#drop to my knees and just weep and weep and weep. they are everything to me.#i have intertwined a lot of matt's grief with mine in a way that makes him so so so important to me. because as stupid as it fucking sounds#that comic and him as a character are everything to me. so genuinely. they were a lifeline my freshman year#when i was so depressed all i could do was read comics. or listen to music#i could do nothing else. i did. clearly. i did work and assignments. but dd was everything to me alongside dm#im sorry i am being an actual like nutbag in my tags im sorry i just have a lot of feelings. this story is everything to me ever ok? ok.
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Y'all I'm losing it
Oh my gosh I'm freaking out
I'm not okay
What the heck
(edit starts here)
Ope a guy with his hand
That's not good o.o
Not really matching your message sir xD
Oh goshh o.o 😳😬
Me when I saw the promo again a little while later: OH MY GOSH HOW DID I FORGET THAT BIT
Gosh. Wow
(end of edit)
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I'm not okay
I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH!!! OH MY GOSH. This is the anti feeling to last night when I watched tgd and the end killed me for an entirely different reason THE GAYS ARE WINNNINGGGGGG!!!! I'm not okay. Anyway IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Genuinely though all the plots throughout were really good and there were a TON of good moments. Plus the crossover with The Bachelor was GREAT lol. I need to go back and watch those first two minutes but I will update the post slfjdfhs. Now, I'm going to make a quick celebration post and maybe rewatch that clip if possible, and then I'll be back because I can't possibly put off this review xD. Oh my gosh I'm having so many thoughts.
OKAY AAHHH HI ME FROM THE NEXT DAY I was literally freaking out so much (and still am) that I couldn't do it and I kept procrastinating and then I fell asleep lol xD. I have continued to procrastinate (and I had things to do) but!! Here I am :)).
First though, I'm going to go back to the promo bit and add the second half because apparently I completely forgot about it, and I have since watched it a couple of times xD.
Okay!! Now, let's talk about some other bits of the episode xdd.
The Bachelor crossover was so fun!!! I've never seen The Bachelor lol but it was a great story, great call xD. And everyone freaking out SLFKGHDKS!! Maddie and Josh fighting over the call to Chimney giving them spoilers to Eddie siccing the girls on Buck to Bobby and Hen going 👁️👄👁️. And that poor girl xdd. Also the "Do I have to?" "I wouldn't" just killed me xDD. Glad she's okay though :)). Sucks she'll never have her chance lol. But hey, she got to talk to him :)!! Wild xD. Anyway, I think was a super fun thing to throw in there for the 100th episode :DD. It's also interesting to see a reality show crossover with a fiction show xD. Had a fun time with it!!
Maddie and Chim!! They were so funny at the beginning xD. Her sending the 118 was wild lol. Also I loved her face to him later when he was talking about how cool Tommy was right after Buck was complaining about him (😏😏) xDD. They're idiots your honor lol <33. Anyway, Chimney slayed on the calls today 🥰. Especially figuring out the head trauma for that poor woman! Nice job my guy :)). Also, I didn't notice it until I saw subtitles later but "I'm your basketball beard" AUGHWUOGIH!!!! XDD SLFJDGLKDS HE'S SO WILD FOR THAT O.O. Anyway he did genuinely slay, loved him supporting Buck lol :)). I'm sure there was some brother in law bonding in there xD. Maddie slayed on calls too!! I really loved her conversations with Buck though :D :)). The brunch one was sweet and kind of silly, plus the "Is it circled with a heart?" line was SO GOOD LOL SLFJDHS XDD. Idiot <33 (Buck more than anything but it's all affectionate I promise). Also I really loved Maddie's reaction to Buck talking about maybe accidentally purposefully injuring Eddie. It completely makes sense for her character and I'm really glad it was in there, it added some great depth <33. Though the storyline itself has depth!! Especially after the ending lol. Anyway, poor Maddie with her story about the Sarah's :(( xd. That sucks :'(. I do kind of know how it is (not quiiite as close) and it really can be awful xd. Dyeing your hair is a wild step xD. Plus SLFKGJDS "I would've changed both names" oh my gosh XDDD 💀. Also nice on her for calling Buck out for acting like a teenage girl lol. Anyway, love her, and Chimney <33.
Hen and Ravi!! We didn't see much of either of them this episode but they were great :DD. Poor Ravi xD. Bro had no clue what was going on with anything ever lol. He didn't even know who Tommy was! After all the drama he caused!! Poor guy's out of the loop (well for the drama he would cause, is what I meant) lol. They both slayed this episode though :DD!! Hen was great on the house invasion call and the Bachelor call :)). Love them <333.
Bobby, Athena, and Harry!! AYYY Harry :DD!! Welcome back man 🥰. Seeing him greet Athena and Bobby was so nice :'D. It's nice to have him back :')). Sucks to have a change in actors (Marcanthonee will be missed!!) but I'm sure he's gonna be great :)). Elijah, I believe his name is? Welcome aboard dude :DD! Anyway, his return isn't under the best of circumstances o.o. Love Bobby knowing, or being suspicious yk, and called Michael (they are my besties your honor 🥰🥰, I love them <33). Also really glad he told Athena immediately and didn't turn to hide it or anything 😬 :)). Anyway, glad he was so supportive <33. That whole thing was wild though o.o 😬😬😳. It really sucks so much that that happened :((. Harry didn't deserve that, and he was totally valid in his anger and wanting to respond. I don't think he should've beaten the guy up, but I get it. It sucks that he was to be a representative but that's how it is :'((. Hopefully it'll change one day. Also his conversation with Athena about it all and whether she cares more about being a cop or his mom OOUFGH O.O. That bit hit HARD 😬😭. He did have a bit of a point, but I'm glad he apologized <33. And that Athena was more understanding the second time. On a lighter note, her waking up him by pouring a bucket of water on him was amazing LOL xD. Anyway, seeing his reaction to the video hurt so much :((( 😭😭😭💔. It really is awful to see yourself angry. I only tend it see it in writing and it still sucks and is hard xdd. But HALLELUJAH YAYY he's not being charged, at least with prison time that is :')). And he's sticking around :DD!! I'm sure it'll be difficult with Athena monitoring his community service and such but I think it'll be really fun storyline wise :)). Also Athena having to tell that mom that she shot her son 😭😭😭💔💔🥺🥺. That was so awful, I'm so sorry honey <33? And that poor lady 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔. Her acting was amazing <333. It's such an awful situation and I hope she manages to be as okay as she can be :'((. Pooe guy <33 he seemed great :'( :'). Anyway, love them all (the three I said lol) <33 🥰🥰.
It's time.
Well time to talk about the rest of it besides that one part of the ending lol.
Buck and Eddie, and Tommy!! BROOK this was so wild o.o xD. The jealousy was painful 😭, but I also kinda loved it, it was hilarious xD. It really sucks that Buck was feeling left out, and I do think they were kind of leaving him out, but I don't think it was at all intentional. Eddie invited him to basketball several times, and the other things were things he and Tommy already had plans for. He even seemed excited when he thought Buck was going to come to the fight with them (which that bit HURT by the way lol 💀)!! He did seem kinda shady asking Buck to watch Chris but I'm sure it was an accident xDD. He's just an idiot your honor lol <33. I do wish he was a little more obvious about not blaming Buck when he got injured, but like, he was in a whole lot of pain with a possibly broken ankle xD. It's understandable lol and I don't blame him. I also don't think Tommy was trying to exclude Buck! H was happy to see Buck throughout the episode, he gave him a tour, planned to give him flying lessons!! It was just a really unfortunate situation and Buck wasn't communicating (as he admitted at the end lol). Poor Buck though through all of it 😭😭💔🥺. I know it was kind of on him for not communicating but it just sucks being left out :((, I totally get it. You don't wanna say anything and be told you're overreacting or for people to think it's weird, and you don't wanna be possessive or anything, but it sucks and you miss them :((. I know how it feels xD xd. Still, I'm really glad he was getting aware of it, and he listened to the help from Maddie lol <3.
I think the conversation at the end was a really good way of wrapping it all up. Seeing everyone's side (Eddie's opinion given by Tommy but honestly he wasn't really as involved in the problem lol), and having everyone apologize. Also then them hyping each other up :')). I do find it interesting to see and outside perspective to the 118! We're so used to the family that is the 118 and the 126 that we don't really think about the fact that it's probably not like that for most people xdd. It wasn't even really like that when Tommy was there. And it makes sense for him to be jealous over it!! It's completely understandable and a really cool perspective to see :)). Although I will agree with Buck lol, he's pretty cool on his own lol.
Now, seeing as I was freaking out and forgot half the previous lines, I'm going to say what I thought/my reactions to a few specific lines and everything as it started to ramp up xD.
By the way, I have watched this scene (or at least parts of it) like. 20 times now. And some of it I'm still trying to remember as I freak out once again right now lol xD. So keep that in mind lol.
When they were talking about the mouths static was hilarious xD. In all fairness, it wasn't great lol.
And then the Muay Thai (I think that's how it's spelled?), the after flying lessons bit and "Not in the same day"??? AAAAHHHHHHHHH!! That's where I started to really get stressed and suspicious and in shock xDD. I was like um. what was that. XD.
And then. Buck admitting he was trying to get TOMMY'S attention o.o. I genuinely wasn't expecting it but looking back on the episode it all makes sense yk o.o. Honestly I don't think even Buck really realized that was it until during that conversation, especially given his tone shift. And the Tommy's face afterward 😭. Bro is surprised xD. And I'm going to be completely honest, I thought Buck was saying "I didn't mean my best friend" there and not "I did maim best friend" until like the tenth time I watched it o.o xDD. The first one was wild, a self denial of Buddie because he's oblivious xDD. The second one makes more sense but is equally as wild o.o lol. He's realizing that just before he says it xD. And maim is dramatic but he did injure Eddie 😬🥺. Anyway, the next bit.
You know.
The moment.
"My sister says there's better ways to get someone's atten-" AND HE K I S S E D HIM!!!!! WHEN. I. TELL. YOU. I. LOST. MY. MINDDDD!!!!
It was so wild oh my gosh. You can look at my liveblog for more freaking out about that xD (and probably later in this post lol. And also in anything I've reblogged about it xD). I can still barely believe it's real. That it happened xd. I realized a little while ago that I have no idea what I'd do if Buddie actually got together, and I felt some of that feeling here. We thought for SO LONG,l we wouldn't have it, had kind of lost hope, and then BOOM!!!! I know I had hope for this episode but it wasn't SERIOUS, not really!! Hope but "I expect it.not to happen, no matter how hard I hope xdd". And we may not have gotten Buddie BUT WE DID GET BISEXUAL BUCK!!!!!!! I'm genuinely still so happy about that oh my gosh. I meant to make a post earlier but I was grinning in the hallway at school xD.
OKAY I'm back for a third time lol, later in the day xD. Had a lot to do but now I'm here!
Anyway AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I barely even registered the sus stuff they were saying beforehand because I was in such shock, and the same goes for afterwards xD. I was just SCREEEAMING!!
But!! Some of these being my thoughts having watched it 20 times, and some of them being what I thought at the time, THE MOUTH STATIC COMMENT 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺 XD. Also we love Tommy asking if it was okay 🥺🥺🥺❤️🥰 :'). Anyway, it's the way Buck is just absolutely speechless. The only thing he has is the mouth static comment and that's it xD. All he had laid out lol. It's so cute to see him flustered and speechless :')). Also the fact that some of it comes from this revelation he just had (not just being a bi disaster, but discovering he's a bi disaster) is so good <333. And I just- YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! HE'S F R E E!!! AT 8 ON SATURDAY SURE BUT HE'S F R E E 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰🥰😎!!! ACCIDENTAL SUNGLASSES BUT WE'RE KEEPING IT. LIKE THE WAY HE SAID IT AUGOAUHUGIH HE. IS FREE!!
I'm so not okay over that <33
Anyway I love that Tommy does all the talking lol, he knows Buck can't and is short circuiting but he still has a conversation with him xD :).
I mean I know you all do but you know lol.
Also Tommy telling Buck to call Eddie xD. Yeeeah, honestly seems like a good time to call and talk to him if he's on pain pills lol. Buck might have trouble speaking though, given he's still having a queer crisis xD. Kinda crisis, kinda discovery. Skipped some of that stage lol.
Buck's final look of the episode just destroys me :')). He's so baffled and happy your honor <33.
Now here's someone I'll say that I've been thinking of about the whole thing. Buck's tone changed, his vibe changed, something in his eyes changed, during that scene. Around the flying lessons bit xD. You can tell. I think he felt it, he just wasn't exactly sure what it was. And whatever he thought it was was probably terrifying (assuming he guessed correctly or knew lol). I think, if Tommy hadn't done something, he would've just let it go, let the moment pass. And, especially if he's done the same thing before, I think he would've pushed it away enough that he stopped thinking about it. I don't know if he has ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. But it makes me think of a Buck who had Moments, who Wondered, and then dismissed them immediately because there was no way, he Couldn't. Or it was something he couldn't quite place. So he left it alone and forgot about it.
Idk. All I know is I don't think he would've made a move if Tommy hadn't lol, even if he was feeling the vibes xD.
Anyway, I've been genuinely so ill over all of this for literal days now. It's just past midnight on Friday for me lol. I'm just going so insane over it.
Today a question of the day in one of my classes was "What's a moment from tv/movies/musicals that impacted you?", you know something wild or epic or emotional or whatever, that impacted you. And, though it's far from the first time it's happened to me, I said this. Buck realizing he was bisexual. I don't think some people realize (though surely most of us on Tumblr do): This is a masculine, main character (honestly the main character) on an extremely popular mainstream television show, that after 7 seasons realized he was bisexual, and he's not a trope. It is profoundly impactful. Still definitely give credit where it's due to shows that have been doing it since the beginning (Lone Star, for example), but this is huge. They finally CAN do it. And I'm so happy for them, and proud of Buck :')).
Also quick note I just love how much Oliver is committed to and knows his character. The fact that he withdrew media wise because he agreed with us?? Wild. But he genuinely loves Buck so much, probably more than any of us, and he fights so hard to do him right <33. I'm so proud of, but more importantly, happy for him :')). He's been waiting so long for this and he totally deserves it, he absolutely slayed it <33. His acting was AMAZING, as always. I mean it's always great but this was just top both xD :'D. Anyway, thank you Oliver <3.
And thank you to everyone else on the show who worked to make this happen!!! And everyone in the fandom who fought for this!
I still genuinely can't believe it xd. It's just- amazing <3.
Also, quick think on Buddie: I do still want Buddie long-term. But I think Buck and Tommy could be cute, and no matter what I'm just excited to see where it goes for now :)). I actually kind of think it's better that Buck doesn't date Eddie first, for him and for us (a likelihood of them staying together). He needs to discover/explore/understand this new part of himself, and that might require branching out a bit :). Plus it's just good for him to get to be out there and live how he wants to, not worrying about endgame right now. I think Buddie will happen one day, but for now I am absolutely happy with this <333. I think it's gonna be great, and I am so excited :D.
One last scream:
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It was sooo good, and not just The Moment. All the calls were cool and interesting, including the crossover, which was fun. Everyone's individual storylines were good, and even through a lot of silly moments, packed and stuffed with emotion :'). Plus all the little throwbacks to episode 1, and the series in general, were great and really awesome :'DD. Also, just thinking about the impact of the kiss being in the 100th episode <33. Wow. So insane (me) <33. Anyway, Buck and Tommy was wild but they were cute, I'm glad Buck and Eddie are doing better. I'm also glad everything got worked out between Athena and Harry <33. The situation sucks but I think we made the best out of it :')). I loved the Buck and Maddie interactions and moments this episode, they were great <33. I wish we got a few more team moments, or full family moments, for the 100th episode, but that's a small thing :) ❤️. I still THOROUGHLY enjoyed it and I thought it was just absolutely amazing.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was super great. There were a bunch of fun storylines, which I don't want to forget about in light of the last scene. I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 4: Buck, Bothered, and Bewildered
It was so amazing. I'm so excited but so nervous for the next episode! I'm sure it'll work out fine but it looks wild. I'll be back here next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 5: You Don't Know Me
See you next week!!
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
It’s the last few entries of Dracula��� Listen, without spoiling anything, Dracula Daily has given me a whole new appreciation for these characters and I will be bawling very soon. So. You know.
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mizzyislost · 1 year
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guess who i got for christmas!!!!
(more photos under cut-)
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mischievous activities
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gay baby jail
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exploring the wilderness!!
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fren :) (thanks to my friend who made me a custom baby pure vessel plushie!!!)
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resisting the urge for violence
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on display!!
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even more frens!!!
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my collection of fictional character plushies grows ever larger <3333
(also thanks to my other friend who made me a custom bill cipher plushie!!)
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pastafossa · 2 years
PAAAAAASTAAAAAAAAA I love you thank you you have literally saved my life multiple times w your writing and your impeccable snark and sense of humor :)))) sending so much love <3333 I need an opinion tho- should I get the tumblr app—
All my love back, anon! 😭I'm so, so happy to know me and my writing could help! Writing TRT and getting to interact with ya'll over it has certainly helped me through some rough stuff, so any of that love I'm able to repay counts as a win in my book!
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As for the tumblr app - obviously I have it! It's a wonky, cursed, broken thing. It eats tags and glitches out, and I swear at it just as often as I praise it, BUT it really is nice to have and I love being able to hang on tumblr and chat with everyone. I love how easy it is to see all my friend's posts instead of having to dig past a fucked algorithm for it. I love the fic and the gifs and the art and shitposts, and I've made a ton of friends both in the DD fandom and outside it since I started posting here for The Red Thread. I've definitely had more positive experiences here than negative, although I get anyone who doesn't feel like wading through chaos and the dumpster fires to get to the good stuff.
I'd say if you're interested, give it a try! Even if you wind up not sticking with it, you might make some friends beyond tumblr. I know I'm in a bunch of DD and fandom discord groups (that I'm itching to get back to once reno is not devouring my life) thanks to my friends here.
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smile-files · 1 year
forgot my 5:00 zoom therapy appointment </3 noooooooooooo
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what movie did u watch over and over as w kid? for me it was Peter Pan or The Little Mermaid
theres like only 3 songs init and all of them fucking SLAP
actually have audio of me rewatching it cause i found it for free on the internet archive~ + doodles i drew the same night, i wanna make a youtube video about it someday
I also loved fantasia 2000, finding nemo, and wally
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Listen. If you had told me in August I would be hyperfocused on Assassin's Creed, Daredevil, CoD, and DBH by January, I would have shoved you. And the fact that I am MORE INTO THESE THINGS THEN I EVER HAVE BEEN!! WHen three of these are re-hyperfixations, and I am just. FUlly, FULLY obsessed with them. And DBH was just last night,fuck. TO be fair I had a long af night. I was up til 3. reading dbh fic (but the fic was not the reason I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep so I fic, you see).
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