#(why is her head so fucking big hello. i didn't realize until i had them all lined up like this)
tricoufamily · 4 months
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to be fair you have to have a very high iq to like strangerville (also young cahill and. some guy)
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Dad!eddie x pregnant mom!reader who is suffering with severe pregnancy brain and she forgets to do something important and Eddie gets upset with her, raises his voice a little. He just needs a second to cool down so he leaves the house and reader is just distraught with her hormones and when he comes back he doesn’t realize he left her so vulnerable and upset it really wasn’t a big fight so his heart is broken seeing her tears so he needs to make it up to her
LOVE the angst in this. I hope this is what you were hoping for and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting<3
Missed call
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Y/N was just days away from going into labor. She waddled everywhere, constantly in pain, and had a bad case of pregnancy brain. She put soap in the fridge and butter in the shower, and Eddie had a good laugh about it. She spaced constantly on the laundry, piling up. She tried to get out of the fog, but she couldn't.
Eddie was patient and understanding of it. He found it adorable how she'd walk into the room and pout because she couldn't remember why. He tried his best to help her remember things, and help around the house.
Eddie was gone at a meeting as Y/N cleaned the kitchen. Her attention was cut short when the house phone rang, she moved as fast as she could.
"Hello, this is the Munson's, how can I help you?" Eddie's PR manager talked on the other line. Y/N wrote down the important message that had to be delivered to Eddie immediately. Y/N hung up the phone and tucked the piece of paper in her pocket. Eddie didn't get personal calls until lunch, so she had a few hours before she could call.
Eddie slammed the front door as he marched through the house. Y/N easily could tell he was upset as he sat on the couch, angrily throwing his shoes. She grabbed him a beer and sat next to him. He grabbed the beer as she softly played with his hair. He felt his body relaxing as he leaned against the couch.
"what's wrong?" She asked, her fingers massaging his head.
"Tracy bitched me out for missing a meeting for a late night talk show that I had no idea about! I tried to explain that i was unaware of it but she wouldn't give me a chance to fucking speak. " Eddie ranted, going on and on but Y/N felt the guilt in her bones. Her hand reached into her pocket, the piece of paper with the message she never called about.
"Um, babe?" She said quietly, Eddie hummed and looked at her. His hand was on her knee as he waited for her to speak.
"She called the house and told me. I wrote it all down! I just forgot to call you on your break. I'm sorry." Y/N apologized, handing him the crumpled piece of paper.
Eddie knew he shouldn't get upset at her, it was the pregnancy brain. But he missed a huge opportunity because of it.
"DAMMIT Y/N!" He groaned, getting off the couch, and ran his hand over his face. She jumped at his loud voice, sinking into the couch as he paced in front of her.
"WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS NOW?" he screamed, throwing the piece of paper on the floor. Y/N felt tears in her eyes as he shouted. He was shouting around her, not directly in her face but it almost felt like it.
"I'm sorry!" She cried, tears falling down her face as she tried to stand up. She struggled but made it to her feet. Reaching for his hands. She smiled through her tears when he allowed her to hold his hands. Her hands softly held his.
"This would have been a huge opportunity for me, Y/N." He wasn't yelling anymore but she knew he was still mad. His voice was stern and low.
"I know! It slipped my head, and I completely forgot." She explained. Eddie nodded as he took away his hands. She quickly tried to grab them again but he stepped back.
"I just need a second, okay?" He groaned, throwing on his shoes as he grabbed his keys.
"WAIT! Baby don't leave! Just come relax on the couch, I'll go to the room." She pleaded. But he kept walking towards the door.
"I said I need a second. Your pregnancy brain is out of control and it needs to be fixed" He snapped and slammed the door. Y/N covered her mouth as she sobbed. She always fucked everything up because of her pregnancy brain. It was always the little things but now she cost Eddie a huge opportunity in his career.
Eddie sighed as he rubbed his face. The loud bar filled his ears as he tried to calm down. He called a friend to come sit with him, he needed to vent but couldn't stand to watch his wife cry because of him.
"So let me get this straight, your PR manager called your house phone, instead of your personal cell to deliver this huge important message and left it with your wife. The wife that is like two days away from birth is suffering from pregnancy brain, and you yelled at her instead of your PR manager? The manager should have called you in the first place." Steve explained, a frown on his face.
"Son of a bitch," Eddie groaned, smacking his head against the bar counter. "You're right. God, I am like the biggest asshole, and easily the worst husband." The guilt ate him alive. It wasn't her fault, Tracy should have called him directly if it was such a huge deal.
"Go home and apologize, own up to it, and make her feel like she didn't mess up your career."
Eddie slowly walked into the house, the lights off as he looked around. He figured she must have gone to bed, another feeling of guilt knowing she struggled to make it up the stairs.
He sighed and walked into their bedroom, a light on near the bed and her laptop rested on her stomach as she slept.
Eddie stripped off his clothes and crawled into the bed, grabbing her laptop to shut it off. He scrunched his eyebrows as he read the article she was on.
"How to overcome pregnancy brain"
Eddie closed the laptop with a sad sigh, lying down as he wrapped his arm around her. Softly rubbing her swollen stomach as she slept. He kissed her head and whispered apologies in her ear.
He'd wait until the morning to talk it out with her.
Eddie yawned as he walked down the stairs, Y/N was already out of bed when he woke up. He could hear her on the phone, her voice trembling as she cried.
"No Tracy, please! It was all my fault. He didn't miss it or anything. I forgot to tell him. You have to set something new up, like just ca-" Eddie grabbed the phone from her hand and hung it up. Her wet eyes stared at him as she tried to grab the phone.
"EDDIE STOP!" she sobbed, choking on her tears as she tried to grab the phone, but he threw it across the counter.
He wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his chest. He held her tightly and kissed her forehead.
"It's okay, shh," he cooed, swinging them back and forth as he held her. "I'm not mad and I'm sorry for yelling. None of it was your fault, and it was wrong of me to blame you."
"No! I messed it up. I'm just so stupid and forget everything."
"You're not stupid!" He argued, holding her head to make her look at him. "You are having our baby, and you've been carrying her for nine months. You are amazing. Tracy never should have left the message with you and I shouldn't have acted the way I did. You have every right to be spacey. Nothing is wrong with that or you. I love you so much. Please don't cry because of me." He softly wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead.
"I love you too." She said, cuddling into his chest.
"Now how about we take a nice bath and eat pizza" Eddie suggested, knowing that was her favorite routine to do when she was upset.
Eddie laughed as she yanked herself out of his arms and headed for the bathroom.
A few more days until their family had a new member.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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milunalupin · 2 months
— mint to be
remus lupin x reader ★ 1k words
The little bell above the door jingled as the last customer left the bookstore. Remus let out a deep sigh as he looked around at all the picking up and re-sorting he had to do. He went to reach for one of the mint candies by the register he offered to customers, but his hand stopped and brows furrowed as he noticed a few of the candies were missing their wrappers. He picked the bare candies out and tossed them in the bin under the counter before grabbing a new one and popping it in his mouth while he went to get the book cart.
Remus had started working at the bookstore just over a year ago, Mr. Brown being the only shopkeeper in Hogsmeade kind enough to offer him a job with a livable wage. He had always been an avid reader and lover of all literature so it was a match made in heaven. The bookstore was in a quieter corner of the Hogsmeade, standing right across from the town's magical creature research center and rescue. Nothing exciting happened on this side of the village, until he met you.
"Have you got any plans tonight, Remus?"
"No, why do you ask, Sir?"
"Saw your little bird working today, assumed you'd see her once you were done closing up."
Remus' sweater suddenly felt a little too warm, his fingers reaching up to pull at the neckline, as Mr. Brown smirked at him from across the shop. "N-no sir, I'm not."
"You should think about doing that instead of ogling at her all day, eh?" the shopkeeper shook his head and tutted quietly to himself, waving goodbye for the night, leaving his embarrassed employee alone in the bookstore.
Remus was never the most talkative person in the first place, but the moment you walked into Brown's Bookshop, he had suddenly forgotten every word he'd ever read. You had introduced yourself as Mr. Scamander's new apprentice, babbling on about your love for magical creatures, to which Remus could only smile and nod as he tried not to fall in love with you right then and there. You left the shop that day with a few books on your favorite beasts and an admirer.
Remus wishes he had met you back at Hogwarts, where he might've been lucky enough to be partnered with you in a class, or perhaps he would've been brave enough to invite you to one of the parties his friends always hosted. Now he just watches you through the shops windows like a fucking creep. It's not like he didn't want to talk to you, but how could he? Remus sighed at took one more glance out the window before leaving the shop himself, locking up and heading home with a heavy heart.
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You froze as soon as you walked into work this morning, golden wrappers scattered across the floor, your eyes squinting in suspicion. You picked up the wrappers on your way to the backroom where the new Niffler rescue was, shoving them in the pocket of your cardigan.
"Hey little guy." you coed softly, picking up the small fluffy creature, and bringing him to your face. He squirmed in your hands, reaching for the corner of plastic sticking out of your pocket. "Are all these wrappers your doing?"
In a second the Niffler was out of your hands and scurrying out he door. You grabbed your wand as well as a small cage and dashed out the door, eyes scanning the cobblestone streets. "Oh you're going to be in so much trouble!"
You caught a flash of blue fur and ran ahead, apologizing to the Hogsmeade patrons you bumped into on the way. Hurrying into the shop, you failed to notice which fine establishment the little troublemaker had led you into, only realizing as reached the front desk as saw one surprised Remus Lupin.
"Hello there, can I help you with anything?" Rosy cheeks and warm eyes greeted you, his big sweater and fluffy hair making him look exceptionally huggable.
"Remus, hi! Yes, it seems that.." your eyes trailed down from the face you've been not-so-discreetly staring at every time you go to work to the wooden bowl next to the register. It was filled with gold wrapped mints with a 'Please take one!' post it note stuck to the side. You felt hot with embarrassment, making a mental note to not give the Niffler extra treats today. "That little-"
The two of your turned to see the blue devil standing on the book cart with his paws on the side of his head is surprise. You cast 'Accio' on the mini beast and made sure the cage was locked once he was inside.
"So he was the wrapper thief, huh." Remus chuckled, coming around to your side of the counter and bending down to look at the Niffler behind his tiny bars, sticking a finger through the gate to pet the creature.
"I'm so sorry for any disturbances and inconveniences he's caused, I owe you one, Remus." you sent him a tight lipped smile and turned to head back to work to save you from any further embarrassment.
"Actually, you would do me a huge favor favor by coming with me to the Three Broomsticks tonight." he suggested, stuffing his hands in his trouser pockets.
"Really." a surprised laugh left you, your cheeks warming up as he stepped closer to you. "Well, I suppose I could help you out there."
"After I close up I'll come grab you and we'll have a bite and a round of Butterbeers, does that sound alright with you?" his eyebrows went up in question, a shy smile adorning his flushed face.
You agreed and and basically skipped back to work, missing the way Remus fist pumped the air, taking another candy as his reward for finally asking you out.
The niffler tittered in his cage, with you laughing along with him. As you places him back in his enclosure, you could've sworn to Merlin he winked at you.
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minnielvr · 9 months
DIE FOR YOU - chapter 8 : "party"
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y/n received a text from hyunjin saying that he left, so she made her way out of her dorm too.
"y/n be safe!!" yunjin called from behind
"yea and if you go home with hyunjin tell us!" hanni called out and snickered.
y/n scoffed and whispered a little 'fuck off' under her breath. why does everyone thinks she likes him?
y/n soon arrived at the party and was about to text hyunjin until she felt a pair of big hands cover her eyes and ask, "guess who?" she pushed his hands off and said "well hello to you too hyunjin."
the two then walked inside and hyunjin was bombarded by a wave of people, asking him what was he doing here and what his plans were. he realized that he came here for you and didn't want you to be uncomfortable so he told everyone that he was just going to chill.
y/n was standing there awkwardly until hyunjin waved his hand in front of her face.
"helloooo y/nn!! you there?"
"huh uh- yeah sorry i just got zoned out." she lied. y/n did not get zoned out. what actually happened was she locked eyes with jang wonyoung, the campus IT girl. she had everyone wrapped around her finger, except y/n of course. y/n was scared that wonyoung would see her with hyunjin and start some rumors, so she quickly pulled him along.
"lets go get some drinks hyunjin" she pulled him along
"wow i didn't expect you to be that enthusiastic" he smiled
the two made it to the drink table and ended up taking one too many shots. next thing you know they're all over each other, dancing together to the rythm of the music. all was well until wonyoung walked up to the two of them and pushed y/n off him.
that sobered her up real quick. who gave that bitch permission to put her hands on her?
"wonyoung what the fuck?" y/n yelled
"sorry y/n, its just that, my hyunjinnie promised me that he would spend some time with me. and i really miss him." she sighed and gave an innocent look.
that confused y/n even more. are they dating? why didn't hyunjin tell her? why does she care so much?
"uhmmm w-what are you taaalking about....wonyoung" hyunjin was still very drunk and didn't know what was going on.
"awww baby its okay," she moved his bang out of his eyes, "me and you can go have some fun now" she smirked and started taking him to a room.
but y/n wasn't having any of that. it's one thing to interrupt them and make false claims, but now she was about to do something to hyunjin while he was drunk? yea, no way. so y/n blocked the door with her body and looked at wonyoung.
"can't you see he's drunk?" y/n asked
"okay. and?" wonyoung laughed
"if you take him into that room while he's not in his right mind, that would be considered as assault."
a few people standing by heard the commotion and all gasped. they all thought wonyoung was doing something bad. wonyoung took notice of everyones reaction and immediately pushed hyunjin away towards y/n and faced their little audience.
"n-no. guys trust me it's not what you think! i didn't know he was drunk i swear!!" she started to fake cry and ran off.
after that, everyone disappeared, going off to do their own thing.
y/n sighed to herself and looked at hyunjin, he was resting half his body on her, almost passed out.
"now what do we do with you..." she sighed and then managed to drag him outside, she then asked which was his car so she could put him inside the passenger seat.
"hyunjin. hyunjin!!!" y/n called out
"y-yeaaa" he raised his head up from her shoulder.
"which car is yours?" she grabbed his chin and turned it to the front where all the cars were.
"ohhhh you know....the really fast one."
"wowww thats so cool!!! which color though?" y/n decided to play along so he could answer her faster
"rrred." then he pointed at his car.
y/n made hyunjin stand up as much as he could and she lead them over to his car. once they got to it, y/n took a moment to appreciate it. it was a red porshce 911.
"can you give me your keys hyunjin?" y/n put her hand out.
"mmmmmm no!" he laughed
"hyunjin i really need those keys so we can put you in there and get you home" y/n was growing irritated now. he's like a baby.
"but i don't wanna go home....i wanna stay here with you." he said the last part in a whisper while pouting at her.
y/n's breath hitched. why does she have butterflies in her stomach all of a sudden? it's just the alcohol speaking, she told herself. but then again, a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts right? it was all so confusing for her.
"you don't mean that hyunjin. you're drunk. now please give me your keys."
hyunjin gave her his keys reluctantly and let her seat him inside. once she got inside and buckled up, she turned her head to hyunjin to ask the way to his house. but before she could ask, she saw that he fell asleep.
she chuckled to herself and pushed his head towards the window so he wouldn't have a sore neck. but now the problem was, how could she get back to his house? so she texted felix and asked for their address, explaining what happened.
they arrived in front of his house and y/n lightly tapped hyunjins shoulder to wake him up.
"hyunjinnn, we're here. wake up!" she said in a shushed tone
"mmmm not yet." he turned towards her and was about to grab her hand until she saw felix open the door.
"heyyy y/n thanks for dropping him off. i know he's hard to deal with" he started to put hyunjins arm over his own."
"ah its not problem really. anyway i should get going now. bye!" she gave him a little smile and a slight wave.
"wait! you're just going to walk? i mean...its pretty far from here and it's night time..." he stopped her
"oh its no biggie, i'll be quick and i'm sure nothing will happened. have a good night!" and with that, she was off.
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rynwritesstuff · 2 years
Hello, how are you?
Can I please make a request??
Can you please write something with Eddie based on the song Heather? But maybe with a happy ending?
Thank you so much and have an amazing day.
Hello, my dear! I can absolutely do that for you, I hope you enjoy this!!
Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, brief mention of weed
Yours and Eddie's relationship grows from August to December of 1986.
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August 1986 - You didn't know his name when you started your junior year of high school. Frankly, you didn't even know he existed until your older friends started referencing 'The Freak' in conversations.
You were curious immediately, because what the hell? Who could be weird enough, eccentric enough, strange enough to earn a title like that at Hawkins High, one of the most 'cursed' towns in America?
But then . . . Then, Eddie 'The Freak' Munson got up on a lunch table and started speaking, and you were falling immediately. His eyes met yours, and he had paused.
Wow, Eddie thought. That was the only word that raced through his mind as he stared. Wow, wow, wow.
September 1986 - You're minding your own business, walking to your lunch table, when someone comes crashing into you. You drop your tray of food, nearly slipping into the mess, but the tall figure who bumped you quickly grabs your wrist.
You look up, eyebrows furrowed, and you realize. Shit. It's . . . It's him. Eddie fucking Munson just made you drop your lunch tray.
"I'm so sorry," he apologizes before glancing back. A group of jocks are laughing behind him, and he glares at them. You put the pieces together immediately: They pushed him.
"It's fine, no worries," you say to Eddie as he looks at you again. You offer him a smile. "No harm done."
He hums.
"What's your name?" he asks. You tell him, and he holds out his hand.
"Eddie," he introduces himself. You nod.
"I kn--" You cut yourself off, nodding instead. "Nice to meet you, Eddie."
October 1986 - You're in the passenger seat of Eddie's beat up van, and he's blasting music as he drives you around. You shiver. Fall in Indiana is no joke, and when Eddie looks over at you with that big, dopey smile on his face, he notices your trembling.
"There's a sweater in the back," he tells you. You laugh.
"Why is there a sweater in your car?" you ask. "You don't wear sweaters."
"For when the cute person in my van needs it," Eddie says. Your smile widens, and you reach back to grab it. You unbuckle your seatbelt in order to pull it on, then re-buckle.
Eddie glances at you again.
"Looks better on you than it ever did on me, sweetheart," he says, and you're almost taken aback. He sounds so serious, so genuine, and . . . Wow, you're swooning.
Once the two of you are done driving around and laughing and Eddie takes you home, you tug off his sweater.
"Thanks for tonight, Eds," you say, smiling. He nods, then takes his sweater from your hands.
"Sure. Anytime."
November 1986 - Chrissy Cunningham is the queen of Hawkins High: She's smart, kind, athletic, beautiful . . .
And Eddie keeps staring at her. You finally look too, and when you do, your stomach drops. She's wearing it. His sweater. The one from the back of the van.
You glance at Eddie. He's still staring at her with that look in those pretty brown eyes of his, and you can practically feel your heart breaking. You thought . . . You thought Eddie was yours. You thought you were special.
You swallow the lump in your throat and head off to use the restroom.
December 1986 - He's called you three times, now, and each time you answer, you hang up within a minute. You have no desire to speak to Eddie right now, not when he chose Chrissy over you. Not when he betrayed your trust.
And the worst part?
He doesn't even know why you're upset. He appears to be concerned about you, all worried and offering to come get you and drive around even though there's snow on the ground.
You're in tears when you finally agree.
"Are you . . . Crying?" Eddie asks.
"You are."
You say nothing. Eddie sighs.
"I'll be right there, sweetheart."
Eddie drives faster than he ever has before, and when you open your door and immediately turn away from him, he shuts the front door behind him and reaches out to you.
"Hey. Talk to me--"
"Do you like Chrissy?" you snap.
"Do I-- what? Cunningham? No, no, why would you--?"
"I saw the way you were looking at her last week, Eddie. I'm not stupid."
Oh, no. Oh no, no, no, you've got this all wrong, Eddie realizes.
"I was trying to get advice from her," he says. "That's why we were--"
"That's why she was wearing your sweater?"
"She got cold while we were on the way to the mall."
"Ha!" you say sarcastically.
"I was trying to buy you this," Eddie says, and he pulls a small charm bracelet from his pocket. "And I needed her advice. She owed me since I hooked her up with some weed a few months back."
Your breath catches.
You bite the inside of your cheek.
"Eddie, I--"
"I know how it looked. I'm sorry. I, um . . . I don't like her like that. I like someone else."
You take the hint, this time, and after Eddie puts the bracelet on you, he puts his hands on your hips and pulls you closer.
"I like you," he says softly. "Only you. Always."
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vegalocity · 2 years
So while i wrote this for @monkiekid-shipweeks' Pride event, i actually came up with the AU idea a little bit ago, i saw that Soulmate AUs were one of the prompts and I was like 'perfect timing' and whipped this up real quick
Why yes this entire Pride Week is me just throwing my rarepairs in your guys' faces mwah ha ha ha ha
Wong Zhihao was terrified, he was suspended what felt like at least a full story in the air, tied up with spider webbing far stronger than his wiry muscles could pull at and unable to do much more than wriggle as he desparately tried to get some traction.
Damn that woman- that 'Spider Queen'. He'd thought she was just a lost stranger looking for a certain shop in the marketplace, they'd small talked as he lead her to the stand and he had to curse his own obliviousness because he hadn't realized until it was far too late that she had a million questions about his profession and his general thoughts on the work he did, and he'd known nothing about her.
Bare minimum that had been rude, but that didn't even matter now because he was HUNG UP IN A SPIDER WEB because the lost woman had been the FUCKING SPIDER QUEEN.
“-Honestly I don't know why she's even keeping him alive, it's been so long since we've had fresh human in the stew. The stuff from the Night Deli just doesn't taste as good...”
“You know how the Queen is Hunts, she probably has a plan of some kind and Mister Scientist up there is some part of it.”
He staunchly looked away from the two spider demons. Staring up into the darkness of the greyscale world that had been his only real basis for observance for the past thirty four years and trying to not panic too hard.
He knew demons liked their prey afraid and Zhihao wasn't going to indulge that.
“You're right Goliath!” the fake cheer in the Queen's voice was somehow MORE chilling than the fact that she had seemingly appeared from thin air behind him and Zhihao startled, yelped, and on reflex tried to squirm away. The web bounced him back and forth with his motions leaving him inable to actually do anything else, and much to his humiliation he could hear the two spiders below begin to laugh.
There was a slicing noice and Zhihao let out another small yelp when he fell a few feet. The silk of the web being slowly undone to lower him to the ground.
“Everyone say hello to our New Employee!” the Queen eventually snatched him by his scruff before he could fall the rest of the way down and with a lurch of his gut and a light thump, Zhihao found himself being thrown to the ground and mostly undone from his cocoon like prison.
Not fully, his arms were still strapped to his sides, but he could at least move a little more than just wiggle about. Zhihao was terrified. The black and white world around him glowed strangely with lights from places he didn't think lights would be-
“Say 'Hi' Scientist~” he felt a hand grip into his hair and force his head upwards as the Queen bade him to look at the two other spiders.
The big guy drew his eye first.
“In a weird way he's kinda cute! Look at that messy hair! He's like a puppy!” the big guy cooed.
“Pssh, yeah if you think wiry nerds are 'cute'...” the smaller one scoffed, and Zhihao's eyes drifted to him-
Zhihao's gut froze, and he watched as the smaller spider's expression dropped as they met gaze.
His eyes were green. All four of them. He didn't know how he'd known the specific word but it had sprung into his mind immediately when he'd-
when he'd seen the color.
And starting from that met gaze the world hazed into much the same.
Green eyes. Purple skin.
Silver hair.
The different minutia of shades and hues would need more practice, but the basic idea of color so seamlessly slid into place now that-
now that he could SEE color.
The Big Guy and the Queen continued the conversation, seemingly not aware of the change in captive and hunter both. And Zhihao felt his gut clench in dispair.
One of his captors was his soulmate.
That was just his luck.
Huntsman had stormed off the second he possibly could get away with so he could be alone.
And you know... have a breakdown in peace. A Human. Not just any human, but their captive. Someone he had just been wondering aloud why they weren't just DEVOURING.
Soulmates they were- they were SPECIAL. They were said to be the person whom understood you the easiest and the best out of anyone. They were- they were supposed to be a person's true love.
Goliath was still in search of his, he was sure they were out there somewhere, and Huntsman had always tried to put his out of his mind. They weren't exactly hatchlings anymore. Fantasizing about true love and all that that entailed would get in the way of work. And besides, when the city was theirs all three of them would have suitors lining up to cozy into the Spider Clan one way or another.
But now there was this.
Now Huntsman could look at his hand in the dim glow of the caves, and his first thought was 'so this is purple' and know the experience was because of some- some human.
The human his Queen delivered to them and said that he was only NOT dinner because he was important, though Huntsman wasn't actually paying attention to whatever she was saying.
There had been shocked cedar brown eyes peering up at him and they'd had all of his own utterly spellbound.
But he had to convince the Queen to not do away with him once his usefulness ran out. He- He'd tell her if he had to but-
But you don't just ignore true love when its hand delivered to you.
He didn't even know his name...
But he wanted to find out.
Syntax could always see in color.
For as long as he could remember, at least.
He knew the stories, intellectually at least. That all children are born to a world of black and white; that only when they lock eyes with their Soulmate for the first time, did the world fade to color. He knew them. And apparently he was an exception.
It wasn't like a person's Soulmate was their True Love or anything, the world was a bit more complicated than that, but it meant that- it meant that that person was the one whom would understand you the best. And by that metric most people did see Soulmate in a romantic context, as 'most people would want to be with the person that understands them best' or something.
Not like he had to care. Because he always COULD see in color. The green glow of the monitors, the purple of his skin, the eerie blue glow of the Lady Bone Demon when she'd just been 'the Mystery Girl'... Colors. Every single one of them. So obviously, Syntax didn't HAVE a Soulmate. Which was fine. Such things would be getting in the way of his work anyway.
He didn't mind.
He didn't.
He'd mentioned it offhandedly a little after they'd been saved, they'd been camped out in an abandoned warehouse and Syntax had been scavenging to try and set up a proper temporary security system for them. Goliath had brought up the whole idea, and he'd mentioned it when his opinion was asked on that matter. Not going into the specifics, per se, but that he didn't have a soulmate, and he was fine. He had work to do, no use paying too much thought into something that he'd never have.
Not that he was being rude, but he WAS busy, and didn't super have the brainpower to spare paying too much attention to this whole thing. So he said it and didn't think much about it. Goliath looked sad when he looked up at him, the Queen was looking away, and Huntsman had his back to him, but he saw him go rigid. So he assured Goliath that he wasn't sad about it or anything. He'd come to terms with it. Some people were just... born to be bachelors.
He'd turned back to his work and heard Huntsman stalk off, and, after a moment's pause, the Queen follow after him.
Goliath's gaze was drilling a hole into his back.
“Something wrong?”
“No uh- I was just... I was just wondering..” his large friend(? Coworker?) fidgeted around and rubbed the back of his head. “Are you Sure? How do- How do you know? I mean... You've said yourself you don't remember most of your life when you were human...” The topic grated on him far more than any talk of Soulmates did. That WAS something that bothered him quite a lot about himself actually, that he knew close to nothing about himself before that time. He tried to tell himself it didn't matter, The others tried to assure him it didn't matter. He was theirs now so what did it matter who he was before. So it was actually a little weird now that he thought about it, that Goliath was suddenly asking him over something like that. He raised a brow at the big guy.
“I mean I suppose it's POSSIBLE that I had one while I was still human and lost that memory when I became a spider...” he huffed, and... honestly the idea hadn't ocurred to him. “I mean... it feels a little far fetched though, doesn't it? It's not THAT weird for someone to not have a soulmate, and if I had one...”
If he'd had someone whom could be so close to him, know him as well as they knew themselves... If he didn't have to put everything through a filter of 'sounding normal' and just... being understood...
“I don't think that's something that can be forgotten... right? Once you know who your soulmate is that's not something you can un-know...”
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pickledpascal · 1 year
Love’s Train
Chapter Four: 2020: A Semblance of Normalcy
Warnings: existential crisis, sneaking out.
A/N: pandemic doesn’t exist, fuck that
Word Count: 1.4k
Love’s Train Masterlist
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Two years passed and Quinn was slowly starting to become a normal girl again. Besides the fact that her best friend was a yellow and black robot that could transform into a Camaro and, well, she certainly didn't look like a normal government official. At twenty-one, her arms were covered in various tattoos and her hair was dyed blue at the tips. She had a handle on all the Congress stuff after a while. As it all calmed, she wasn't needed as much, so it was the perfect opportunity for her to apply to colleges. She still wanted that degree, hoping she'd get a cool job with inventing. 
Who could pass up accepting the woman who spoke for the Autobots in their college? 
Which meant Quinn had her choice among what felt like hundreds of different colleges but her parents wanted her to be somewhere close. Preferably in-state. So she did. The college she chose was a two hour drive away from the five acre piece of land her parents owned. Far enough for Quinn to feel independent but close enough that she could drive back for a weekend if she wanted. 
To celebrate Quinn going to college, her parents threw a party. They invited friends and family from all over. Not that Quinn ever really met them but she appreciated the gesture. 
She made her way outside the two-story home, through the porch door and sighed as she stared at the setting sun. Most of the party-goers were inside, getting drunk and laughing with friends. Quinn looked back inside for a moment, catching a glimpse of her brother clinking a beer with someone. She let out a light laugh. 
Seeing Jake drunk was always fun to watch. Especially when he wanted to challenge Quinn to a beer pong game. He'd somehow win yet be leagues drunker than Quinn. 
A horn honking grabbed Quinn's attention. She realized it was Bee when his car door opened. Skipping her own party? What was more Quinn Harlow than that? She glanced back at her house before she stepped down from the porch and quickly got in Bee's driver's seat. The car moved as soon as Quinn got in, traveling down the dirt road that was shaded by tall trees.
"Where we going Bee?" Quinn asked, cocking her head as she looked around. She'd played in these woods when she was younger, even went camping with her family since it wasn't too far from the house.
Bee didn't respond, just the sound of his engine purring and his tires moving against dirt. That wasn't like him….
Soon, Bee stopped. He opened the driver's side door to signal Quinn to get out which she did. She looked at Bumblebee with narrowed eyes before she caught sight of that blue truck with red flames driving towards her. It stopped until it was just a few inches away from her then Quinn could see Optimus transforming into his Bot form. Gears, parts, lights, and tires rolling into place until Quinn could properly see the thirty foot tall bot. He kneeled down to be face to face with Quinn. Even then, she had to tilt her head up to look at him.
"Hello, Quinn Harlow." A deep voice rang out from in between his metallic lips, one she didn't expect but it fit. "I must commend you for all the things you've done for our race." Optimus hummed, blue optics taking in Quinn's form. Almost as if he was studying it.
It seemed all Autobots had blue optics, a detail Quinn would come to know very well.
Quinn was speechless. She'd seen Bee transform all the time but this… it was different. Optimus was a prime. The peak form of a Cybertronian. Perhaps that's why he was so goddamn big. 
The human coughed slightly and shrugged. "I, um, it's nothing." Quinn quickly said as she felt something start to prickle at her forearm. She tried to ignore it best she could. Whatever it was, it wasn't as important as meeting Optimus.
"It's not nothing." Optimus huffed out a laugh, a noise Quinn wasn't sure Optimus was capable of but it seemed he was full of surprises. "Every time you walk into that white building, you risk being ridiculed and endangered. I'm glad to call you a friend." He nodded, holding up his hand to Quinn's.
Quinn's eyes flicked from Optimus' face to the hand in front of her. It was probably as big as her entire body and she was six feet tall, above average for girls. "Um, you too." She smiled, awkwardly taking one of his fingers in her hand and shaking it. 
Optimus lowered his head a bit to be more level with Quinn and took his hand away. "I must also congratulate you on being admitted into college. As I understand these past few years have… as you say, thrown a wrench in your plans." He was certainly much more composed than his Autobot brothers. He spoke eloquently and clearly.
If only little Quinn could see her now. Conversing with that blue and red truck who led the Autobots.
"Th-Thanks." Quinn stammered slightly. Seeing Optimus close up was intimidating yet weirdly… attractive. She could see the little details of the metal plates that made up his face. "I mean, helping friends is more important than anything, right?" Quinn glanced back at Bumblebee who had transformed into his Bot form and sat at the stump of a tree.
"If only other humans could be as gracious as you." Optimus smiled lightly, a bit of a bitter tone in his voice. Not at Quinn. She could tell that already. 
As Bee dropped Quinn back off at her house, she immediately made her way up to her room. That prickling on her arm was starting to bother her to no end. Like an itch she couldn't scratch. Quinn threw off the jacket she wore and rolled up her sleeve to see if anything was stuck on her skin or anything. 
There was nothing. No little bug that had managed to crawl its way into her sleeve, no raised red rash. Nothing. Well, except…. 
In the Cybertronian language, a deep blue mark appeared on the expanse of Quinn's forearm. While she couldn't read what it meant, she could tell what it was. Her soul mark appeared.
Right as she met the leader of the Autobots.
"Holy fuck." Quinn blinked, eyes wide as she slowly lowered herself onto her bed.
Of course she just had to be soulmates with Optimus fucking Prime. An alien robot. To be fair, she loved Bumblebee. But that was platonic. Like a brother and sister. But to be in love with a Cybertronian? As a human? It was hard to wrap her head around. Could they even… no, she didn't need to think about that. 
Quinn ran her hands through her hair. It was bittersweet. After all this time of wanting any sort of soul mark and she finally had it. But her soulmate wasn't human. She didn't think it was possible. But perhaps Cybertronians were more human than she had originally thought. Quinn took a few deep breaths, shaking her head from her thoughts. 
It's not like Optimus had a mark. He wouldn't have to know, especially if he didn't know about humans having soul marks to begin with. So it would be easy to hide. 
"It's okay, Quinn. You have a mark now, you're alright." Quinn whispered, trying to calm herself. 
Her thoughts about Optimus, being desperate to meet him, feeling almost betrayed when he crossed paths with her, it started to make sense. Quinn pursed her lips before she looked at her mark again. She'd saved a space for it among all the tattoos she got, still holding out hope. At least it looked at home among all the ink around it. 
If Optimus didn't know already then Quinn certainly wouldn't tell him. Not right away. Maybe down the line, when they actually start to know each other. That night was only a meeting to finally see each other for the first time. The human fighting for Cybertronian rights and the leader of the Autobots would have to meet eventually.
Funny how their paths were so acutely intertwined. 
Quinn let out a breath. College was just around the corner, that would give her time. Time to breathe, to get her thoughts together, to figure out what the hell she was gonna do. 
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Tal'Dorei Travelouge: Season 2 Episodes 4-6: Creed: The True Threat to All of Tal'Dorei
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Hello all you happy people! It's week 2 of Tal'Dorei Travelouge, my weekly look at Legend of Vox Machina season 2 as it comes out and this was both popular enough last week and not as much time out of my schedule as I thought despite being utterly swamped. So we're back for this week as we get something close to a beholder, Vax makes a bargin with death because surely those always end well, Keyleth passes through fire, and Scalan sings for a Sphinx and lets us know creed exists in this universe. All this and more under the cut, full spoilers for this weeks episodes.
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Those Who Walk Away: So we start with the second half of a two parter.. and while I expected the secret origin of Trinket at some point, saved by Vex by trappers and thus bonded to her for life. What I didn't expect was for it to gut me so much, as not only does Vax have to mercy kill his mother but he watched. That poor baby bear. Anyways this week we more suprises as when they rejoin the party with us.. never finding out what happened in that hallway apparently, Kashaw reveals ressurection magic STILL EXISTS.
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I assumed it'd just be sidestepped completely, with any near deaths just being severe injurys, but it's nice to have as , without spoiling when how or why, there are some pretty sizeable death scenes i'd love to see adapted i've heard of one genuinely dramatic, crushing and leading to a fairly brutal payback.. and the other being entirely stupid in the best way possible. That said they impliment it well, in a way that's less dragon ball z "DEATH DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE YOU GET A FREE SUNDAE", and instead "It's possible but VERY unlikely it'll work and takes expert skill to pull off", throwing in the fact that our main healer PIke.. has never done one and only does this one with Kash's help. There's also the fact this one.. very nearly dosen't work until we get a line i'd heard of thanks to some fan art.. and that is utterly awesome "Take me instead you raven bitch". In one act Vax sacrfices himself. And i'd like to , thanks to said world of critical roll book, if I may, share the real world story for this as it's utterly fascenating. So when Liam O'Brian did this.. he had NO expectation Vax would live. None. He wanted to save his close friends character, and figured "Well this is done, i'll roll my next character, it's a big sacrifice but it's worth it". Matt... didn't let him off so easy and instead had her take it in another way: Vax becomes the Matron of Raven's champion. As you can probably guess little good can come from this in the long run but in the short I do like that it gives Vax some new heads up: it gives him visions of the calamity allowing him to figure out where the sphinx is.... and he now has instinctual knoweldge of said events.. he dosen't know how he just does. That dosen't come into play until our third.
This also means he has to do a test.. and at a bad time as Zahara decides to go full on antagonist and dump a legally distinct from a beyonder creature on them, nearly killing everyone, all because she assumes the take should have the Deathwalker's Ward.. despite it MANIFESTING on Vax's chest.
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Kash naturally nopes out of this and eventually helps, but it's a very tense, very awesome fight as one by one our heroes fall, and it's left to Vax. Vax's trial is also neat as he fights Perve On ina battle.. only to realize it's one of those "don't fight it" tests, to accept death so to speak. So as a result Vax gets a fuckton of neat new abilities I love> one is a nod to the stream: in said stream Vax had some kickass boots that were horribly broken as Matt didn't think about the fact they basically gave him super speed when he ported them over from Pathfinder. IT's one of the things I loved about finding out more of the show from the book: Even with an expertly crafted world Matt is just as prone to mistkaes. Purvan's name was another one of those. He may still be a genius who fucking crafts entire battlefields with expert percision... but he can still goof up.
So to compromise, the ablities are now part of the deathwalker's ward instead, which makes more sense and thus makes vax a combo of the flash and spiderman, able to dart around, easily dodge the creature, then throw a knife in it's goddamn eye. Just like the green goblin and his famous catchphrase "OH GOD THERE'S A KNIFE IN MY EYE WHY IS THERE A KNIFE IN MY EYE".
Kash and Zahara leave the party, and it's clear Vax feels dammned by this.. and while I didn't notice it at first, his personality changes a lot after this: he's no longer as happy go lucky, snarky ... he knows something's wrong with him, he's bound to death and he can't escape it, and he almost lost one of the two people he can't afford to loose. It's easy to see why he shifts but it's heartning to see a guy who while dour was at least happy so miserable and serious. He also punches Percy in the gut for trying to apologize. Granted it's realistically done: Vax simply says not now and CLEARLY isn't in the mood to accept it and Percy at least means well: he's clearly not trying to justify it he just.. feels terrible he nearly got the woman he loves killed and wants to apologize. It's clear the party isn't in a great place and it's not going to get much better.. well for most of them anyway. It also brings up something I like about this season so far: the character focus. Last season had a few arcs for everyone: Keyleth got a better grip on her anxiety, PIke came to terms with who she is, and Vex realized what a bitch she'd been to keyleth... but Percy was the clear center: the briarwoods were his mission, his purpose and letting go of his vengeance was his cross to bear. This isn't a bad thing: Percy is a great character and everyone still had plenty to do, and they were ultimately limited by the story itself: the first major arc they needed to do was Percy's so he got the lions share of the focus. It was also only two stories really with the pilot being more setup and the rest being the long war between our heroes and the briarwoods and between percy and his desire for vengance.
In contrast season 2 is a bit more episodic: there's still a clear main story in the conclave and the vestige hunt, but each adventure is it's own thing for the most part. Even though the first two episodes are back to back in how the story is they feel like two entirley diffrent stories that build up to the larger one. only the Sunken Tomb and Those Who Walk Away has felt like one huge episode, and that was fair given everything that happened.
And honestly.. I like it. It reminds me of when Final Space did a similar thing with it's second season. The one big story approach isn't terrible, it works for plenty of shows, but to me having little stories within the bigger one allows for more character and world stuff between the bigger plot moments and lets the subplots breathe: we got ample build up to where the twins are now, and plenty of background lurking of Grog and his growing dependance on Craven edge, who continiues to hunger. It allows the season to really build while letting everyone shine. So far we've had major arcs for Grog, Vax, Vex to an extent , Pike tagging along for grog's, and now ...it's keyleth's turn
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Pass Through Fire: Pass Through Fire is a great example of this, as while it's an okay episode overall, it really does add to the season. It also shows me the team learned form last season as in hindsight, like I said, the focus was pretty percy shaped, with just enough else for it to not be a problem. So it's clear the team made sure with this season and it's wider scope everyone gets a chance to really get fleshed out.
In this case Keyleth deals with the fact her mom never came back from her armante, and allows it to explain why said Armante.. wasn't at all important to season 1 besides a passing mention: Keyleth has been actively avoiding finishing it as she's scared of both leadership and ending up like her mom. It adds layers to her anxiety, which was already relatable enough to me being someone who also suffers from it: part of it is just being afraid she's not good enough, something I painfully feel all the time. We also get Scalan singing while he thinks Grog is taking a dump and Grog trying to hide his talking new murder friend sword from everyone. It's not deathly important but Il ike the building tension: the sword wants blood and he dosen't care who he gets it from. Which wasn't a problem with Sylas: if his sword got hungry he could just go stab a dude and share a meal with what I now assume was his best friend. Like .. they went on picnics and stuff. He sang at Silas and Delilah's vow renewal. They were tight.
Point is it's nice to see her get this focus and to bring up a valid condrum, as while she considers visting the fire ashari since their close, it goes from a passing curosity they don't have time for.. to a deadly danger they dont' have time for as the volcano their in errupts. And it normally dosen't do that. It also nicely shows how badly Vax is rattled by events as he's so focused on the mission he snaps at Keyleth they don't have time and she storms off.. well Mighty Hawks off
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And the rest all give him a what the hell and go to save her. The ensuring fight is decent, though the visuals can get chaotic. Long story short someone opened a portal to hell and Keyleth's dad needs her help closing it. He's of the air ashari, a group of nomads of various races, mostly elves, who help people, each one coresponding to an element. And if your wondering "That kinda sounds avatar the last airbender".. your exactly correct as Marisha was a fan of the show, had just watched through it and wanted to do something like that. It also nicely built in a reason for her character to gradually get stronger.
We also get Kim and Allura and the reunion feels off: i mean the gang being happy tos ee them alive, if baffled is nice.. but they really never bonded or antyhing the way they did with their stream counterparts, so it feels like their just writing them the way that's easier. It does make some sense as the group did save Tal'Dorei. As for how their alive Allura teleported them in time, they investigated this, and as it turns out it's their fault: like in the stream Allura was also part of an adventuring party once with Kima, and they fought Thordak. There's even a nice easter egg of one of the party being a dragonkin, as sir not appearing in this cartoon Tiberius Stormwind, played by Orion Akaba, was an early party member and also kind of a prick, but WAS close to allura, so ti's a nice nod to that and shows that despite how the parting wasn't the best even if it was likely for the best the gang hasn't forgotten where they started.
Point is Keyleth has to as you'd guess overcome her difficulties to pass through fire, that's the title, and gain control of the fire elment, sealing the portal, kiling the fire drakes and saving the day. I don't have a ton to say about this one: Keyleth's character growth is really nice, her new outfit is lovely, and of course i'm always going to support some Vaxleth ship tease and kima and allura kissing, with both planning to head to whitestone.. though we get some foreshadowing as the elven city seemingly.. vanished. And given we're going to the feyrealm next week, there was a sudden vanishing and the twins dad is a known asshole they have some issues to unpack with... yeah I can see exactly where this is going.
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Into Rimecleft: This was easily the week's best , and that's not downtalking the rest: Pass Through Fire was fine and Those Who Walk Away was truly excellent. Neither are bad.. this episode was just esepcially good as it went. The starting nightmare helped: Prime Video picked THIS as the preview clip some reason despite not only showing Vex survivies, which isn't a huge twist but still maybe don't tell people who don't know critical roll that, but a fairly brutal scene. Still said scene is effective showing that Grog, despite badly clinging to craven edge, is deeply afraid of what Craven Edge means for him and sees where it could go and the image of PIke reaching out to him wondering why he killed her is TERRIFYING. We then get a nice tonal shift as we go from the deeply terrifying opening, to Pike genuinely trying to get grog to open up.. to one of the funniest jokes in the series as while Pike TRIES to get Scalan's help on this his response is to do his best creed impression and say "Dosen't every man play with his sword a little?" I fucking lost it and I kick myself for not repeating it a few times like Purvan. IT's pure comedy gold, and I didn't expect Sam to pull an OSW, but here we are and it was brillant. I want a full version of that song. I also want to know of Creed exists in Emon. LIke.. Scanlan is basically Eminem, long story, so it's probable but i'ts rife with terriffying implications, like that the infection has spread to alternate planes of existance, that Scanlan might one day form creed, that maybe the dragons shoudln't be the thing Vox Machina wipes out first. Just saying Dragons come and go but creed will linger like a wet fart for a decade unless they stamp that shit out NOW.
Anyways onto the important stuff: Percy gave Vex his jacket. Damn that was cute... not only her taking it but him blushing. percy fucking blushed. I didn't know he was capable. He's so pale and british but it happened. It happened and i'm glad. The real treat of the episode though is Tony Plana as Kami.... i'm using Scalan's nickname on the ground there is no way in whatever Tal'Dorei has that functions as hell that I will be able to spell that correctly multiple times. Plana is one of those actors you see in a lot of stuff but generally not starring, though he's voice acting royalty for starring in a game i'll likely cover at some point, Grim Fandango. At any rate he's gold here as he offers vox machina your usual challenge: defeat 70 death gorgons, survivie the labyrinth of misery or wound Kami once... which no one has ever pulled off. Yeah unsuprisingly our heroes pick the last one, aka the dumbest option.. well okay everyone but grog picks that one. Though what I like is while ti's an obvious trap.. it's also a nice show of how off his game Vax is: While he can be impulsive, normally he's one of the group's cheif strategiests, alongside his sister and percy. But here he's just like "I THINK ONE OF US CAN SCORE A DAMN HIT". The line sounds like him but the actions aren't.
So unsuprisingly it's quickly down to Scanlan, and what he'd do to solve it was blindingly obvious to me: he'd never been wounded, you can't hit him.. but he never said the wound had to be physical. And he just so happens to have a mate he hadn't seen in centuries. What makes this show, this character and this moment special though.. is the how. Scalan singing a song is obvious, he's a bard.. but him singing a fucking power ballad, along with a projection of osisya, and the entire sequence being as stunning as it is heartbreaking, that is what makes this show magic. I also love the heart to heart after, wtih Scanlan admitting he knows romance well enough, but has never actually been in love.. something I painfully relate to, as I do just chasing and chasing it. Kamoji's advice really hit
As a result the rest of Vox Machina are restored, and have a hearty group "the fuck" when they find Scanlan has a new pal. But eh it gets Scanlan a neat new sword, mythcarver and the location of the next two vestiges: one is in the feywild, which Keyleth might be able to get to, so it's no problem. The other.. is in westrunn. And while our heroes didn't know it till now, we've been seeing it ocasionally as Umbrasyl has conquered it and gotten the help of the local goliaths... including Grog's own Uncle.. and what I like is while Pike chalks up his reluctance to face him when he finds out his gauntlets are a vestige as his behavior.. we can tell it's NOT Craven Ed. I won't spoil whu for those who haven't seen the campaign or like me seen campaign spoilers, as we'll likely dive headlong into Grog and PIke's backstory next week. For now instead.. it's time for something series original. See part of that westrunn footage.. was giving Dr. Ripley a bit more of an active roll as she has some sort of magic Jareth ball that allows her to see what's going on.. and thus uses that as leverage with Umbrasyl, getting him to go after vox machina. As such our heroes meet the final boss of the season early and Kamy does his best to help. .but ultimately it's not enough. It' sa great battle.. but our heroes simply aren't ready as they have all of one vestige after Umbrasyl steals Mythcarver and while Kamy does his best.. he's simply not up to dragon level and has a very tragic death saving Scanlan. The entire fight is just brutal and hopeless, with Grog being the only one to put up a fight.. and it's not a good thing as Craven Edge fully posseses him to give him the
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But also casues one of the most brutal scenes of the series as Grog FUCKING STABS PIKE FOR REAL, something I was not prepared for..l nor I was the twist of the party getting scattered: Keyleth, The Twins and Percy end up in the Feywild and Scalan, Pike, Grog and Fucking Asshole Sword Man end up in Westrunn i'm guessing, hence forth known as Team Double Date and Team Stabbed in the Gut. What will happen to these valient teams/ We'll find out next week. Thanks for reading.
P.S. I think I forgot to mention it but NEIN NEIN! I'm super excited about this deal as it not only means seasons 4 and 5 are in the bag, but spinoffs a plenty are all but assured, as is The Legend of Bells Hells in a few years when that's finished.
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vialidez · 10 days
la la lost you ; part 1
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shes everywhere. wherever you go, you will always see her, since she's one of the biggest kpop group member rn. and it's hard for you, you know that.
you always believe yourself that you've stopped loving her, but fuck that shit. deep down you know you still love her, but remembering how she treated you, you just want to throw up.
you regret taking this job, not because you don't enjoy your job as a music producer, you hate it because now you have to meet her. no jokes, but your music career is something, you even made songs for a lot of hollywood singers. you also built a cafe, which you used as your escape place.
haerin, someone who dumped you right before graduation day. you remember that day very well, when she pulled you into class after your last school bell rang, and gave you all the words that you think can kill you if you continued to remember them. and she left before you spoke, leaving you all alone. and you still asking until now, what do you mean to her? why did she do that? whats the reason?
and here you go, walking quickly towards this big building, ready to meet haerin and the other members. you breathing so fast, your heart is pounding, and time feels so fast.
"sorry I'm late, the road is busy," you said as you opened the door, your gaze looked down, you could see 5 legs that were sitting neatly. fuck youre not ready.
“ah yes y/n, welcome. how are you?" the manager asked, you slowly raised your head, looking ahead. you were silent for a moment, but you erased all your thoughts.
"good, im doing very good" you answered with a smile, as you put your bags on the table, while the five girls just followed your movements.
"so? have you made the beat?”
“of course i have, i’ve prepared everythi—” you fell silent as you faced the girls who were also looking at you, you forgot to introduce yourself.
“uhm, hello I forgot to introduce myself. my name is kim y/n, from now on I will be your music producer. I hope we can work well" you said with a smile, you saw when the girls were also enthusiastic, except her.
"nice to meet you kim y/n, i’m hanni, this is minji, this is hyein, this is danielle, and this is haerin " hanni said after standing up and shaking y/n's hand enthusiastically.
“yes, I'm happy too. so, do you want to listen to the song first? so you have a picture before we practice"
"yes of course!" they said enthusiastically, again except for haerin, she tried to avert her gaze.
“okay, i think yall are getting along, i'll sit down. you guys go practice" the manager sat down, and you started setting up your laptop and starting the music.
they seemed to be enjoying it, your gaze often met haerin's gaze. you heart feels trembling, whether because of joy or sadness. but you try to ignore it and remain professional.
“wow! that's so good, how can you make such good music!” danielle said, and you just chuckled. they were very cheerful, and you felt comfortable.
“of course he can, i heard that you often compose songs for big artists?" hyein asked with sparkling eyes, and you just nodded with a smile.
“hey, don't keep asking questions, we should start practicing" said minji.
they spent the rest of the day practicing, you also helped them practice and determine their voices. for this month, you will definitely spend your time with them.
it was starting to get dark, and you were already walking towards the exit of the building. your hand was ready to take the cigarette box from your pocket, when suddenly you heard someone calling your name.
“y/n-shi!" you immediately looked behind you, with the cigarette box that had been taken out. oh?
you just stood there watching her run towards you. and you hate this, you really hate this, you shouldn't feel this way, this is wrong. you didn't answer her call, so you didn't realize when she was already standing in front of you.
"here, you left your bag" she said while handing you your bag, and you accepted it.
"o-oh, thank you, haerin-shi" you said a little stuttered, because this was the first time you and her talking in person just the two of you, after 2 years.
“you…smoked again?” she said while looking at your hands, you also looked at your hands. you know she really hates cigarettes, you used to smoke, but after you two started dating, she always nagged you. so you decided to quit smoking.
"ah, yeah...it's been a while"
"oh and, i heard you own a cafe 2 blocks from this building, right?" haerin said, you knew she was trying to change the topic because you answered her question in that tone.
"how do you know?" you asked confused, you're rarely there, you only go there when you're really busy on your mind.
"i often go there and i did ask some questions, and the staff there are the ones who give—"
“haerin!" both of your attention was diverted when someone called the girl's name. sunghoon, of course.
you're not blind, you know the news about those two. it hurts, but what can you do? damn it, you feel that pain again. because now you see them directly in front of your eyes.
"uhm y/n, i'll go first. see you tomorrow" and with that haerin came to sunghoon, and disappeared somewhere.
you just sighed, you walked out of the building. You take out your cigarette and burn it. you sucked it in as you walked towards your car. with every exhale as if you were trying to get rid of the pain, but you couldn't. until the cigarettes is finished, you get into your car. you leaned your head on the steering wheel, and sighed again. you were just never ready to see her love someone else. thats all.
“HOLD UP, WAIT WTF….SO YOU’RE TELLING ME, NOW YOU WORK WITH YOUR EX? WITH HAERIN? WITH NEWJEANS?” you just rolled your eyes lazily hearing your best friend's exaggerated reaction.
"hey, shut your voice, everyone can hear you!" yeonjun said while slapping jihoon's lips lightly. you just stay silent while smoking your cigarette.
"what can i do? they offer good money”
“you fucking bitch, you think we're stupid? you ‘re paid more expensively by those hollywood artists, why do you want to accept this one?" hyunjin asked.
you dont even understand, why you accepted this job, you accepted it without realizing it, "listen, I actually don't understand either. but I hope with this job, we can at least be frie—" your words were cut off.
"after what she has done to you?" asahi asked. you were all silent.
for the first time the cafe was this quiet.
its in the middle of the night, you gathered in your cafe, deciding to gather at your hiding place, the rooftop. with the cigarette that you each hold. this is where your idol friends can become humans, and do as they please. the cold air prickled your skin, and you just let out a breath.
“yeah, after all that”
“you're crazy, you know that y/n. I just don't want you to be hurt again," said Jihoon, he put out his cigarette which had crossed the line and needs to be put it out.
“we all are"
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dykeminecraft · 7 months
hello i have. this fucker for y'all
(it's phoenix & indigo, w indigo mostly sitting back & flicking popcorn at phoenix's head)
They woke up slowly, groaning. They felt sore all over, nerves still firing weakly from the cold. They could remember being cold, and being cold for a while (would explain the leftover pain), but not much else. Had Handler been there...?
They pulled on a fresh set of clothes, trying to mull it over. They'd been sleeping fine lately, especially because the main office had them on reserve until they were sure the telekinesis implant wasn't damaged. They'd been making sure to eat, and drink...They weren't having trouble with being in their own head too much, because they'd been keeping on top of training and keeping in shape.
So, then, what had all that been about? They'd gotten up onto the roof, realized it was colder than they expected, and then they'd just started...thinking.
(Getting in a box and running in circles, like Mom used to put it. Not going anywhere, not getting anything done. Just going in circles.)
Their head must have gotten cold on the roof, given the screaming headache they had. They grimaced, and then went back to getting a sandwich. They could probably go to the training center once they got to the office. Handler wanted to see how they were doing, and besides, it was good exercise.
(Is that a good idea? Controlling hand-to-hand is difficult at best.)
They finished lacing their boots, wiping the crumbs from the corner of their mouth. It could be fun. It'd been a while since they'd done any sort of sparring for practice - it was usually against people who were trying to kill them.
(The high-ranking ones always look scared. Their memory doesn't suck, which helps. Good survival instincts, give em that.)
They got out the door and started walking to the office. They could-
"What the hell do you want? Why are you following me? Hey, I don't-"
They turned their head to look at a young person backed against a wall, holding their hands up in front of their chest. Three other people had gathered up as well, and they looked strong enough to snap the kid like a twig.
(Great. Another potential situation for Handler to fuss over a black eye.)
They picked up a pebble and threw it at the center one's feet, landing it just in front of her. Her head flicked up toward them, although the others kept their eyes mostly on the kid.
"And who the hell do you think you are?"
They walked toward the group, keeping their hands shoved in their pockets. Big guy at the back had a knife...they could see the middle one holding something, but most of it was behind her legs. They wound their hand around to grab the kid by the back of the collar and hauled them up, gently tossing them onto the concrete. The kid, thankfully, took the hint and ran off. The one closest to them scowled.
"Oh, I get it. You're probably the brat's older-"
His sentence was cut off by a grunt, followed by a low groan and what sounded like teeth grinding. They pulled their arm back to rest, and the girl rushed at them. There was a loud bang. Warning shot. The girl looked like she was maybe nineteen, the gun was for show. So was the knife on the big guy. Real weapons being used as props. It might've worked on someone else, but getting shot at was a regular occurrence, so it didn't mean much more than someone whiffing a knife swing.
Their foot snapped up, and the gun flew through the air for a moment before clattering to the ground. The girl put her hand to her stomach and put an arm over it, guarding it, and then ran off.
The big guy took a step forward, and then paused. One of his friends on the ground gasping for air-
(-need to moderate how hard the swings are, these are teenagers, a full-send punch would be lethal-)
-and his other friend had run off with a broken hand. If he was rational, he'd fuck off.
(These are teenagers. Not enough to get wound up over. They're just stupid bullies that got unlucky with their timing. Footsteps-)
They swung around, and their shin stopped just short of the small one's head. He had a knife, too, although it was bigger.
(Not bullies. A mugging. Still got unlucky. Still stupid bullies.)
They swung their foot down and then grabbed his collar, lifting and throwing him into the big guy. They both dropped their knives, and they used telekinesis to snag them, holding them loosely.
"Gotta say. You really have a shitty eye for targets of your little grift."
They saw the one on the ground move, and brought their foot (gently, we don't want to shatter the damn thing) down on his hand before he could grab the gun. He grimaced and tried to yank it back, but their foot was planted firmly enough that his hand wasn't going anywhere.
"As I was saying. If you're going to mug people, you need to pick your targets better. Don't be stupid."
They used one foot to kick the gun off in another direction, and then lifted the foot that had been pinning the guy's hand. They scooped the gun up and turned around, continuing the walk to the office.
"What...what the hell are you? We're not exactly pushovers, you know..."
They shrugged. Depended on who you asked, they guessed.
(hi to explain the order of attacks bc Phoenix is really out of it here and not thinking super hard: -first guy: punch to the gut that got Really pulled so it wouldn't cause any serious damage, it just winded him a bit
-the one w the gun: they kicked their hand. this was also a weak kick on purpose but also it was weaker than it would have been anyway bc they didn't have great footing when they started
-the small one: almost got a full tilt roundhouse kick. whoops. thankfully they were feeling speedy bc of the adrenaline from hearing someone come up behind them. so they threw him instead)
0 notes
msookyspooky · 2 years
For some reason, my phone won't let me screen shot, so, I'll just type it!!
Going into the living room, my friend, Ray Chambers, is sitting on the couch. He stuffs a handful of popcorn into his mouth, not taking his eyes off of the television. I also notice that the laundry - that I told him to fold forty minutes ago - wasn't done.
"Randy," I say, stepping in front of the television, blocking his view of the movie, "you were suppose to fold these!"
"Sorry," he says, "I got held up?"
I roll my eyes before sitting down with him. "Ms. Layne isn't going to pay us for nothing."
"Isn't that just what babysitting is? And do we really need the money? I mean, we both are twenty-two and both have jobs. We're not sixteen anymore."
"Thank god for that," I say. I'm about to scold him some more when I realize something. "Why are you wearing that shirt?" I motion toward his white t-shirt stained with fake blood.
"I had to work a double-shift and didn't have anything else to wear!"
Again, I roll my eyes. "That's disgusting...you're disgusting."
"It's not my fault that Westview shithead got me!"
"I guess..." I say. "One of them did also got me right in my eye."
Ray laughs. "Yeah, after you punched the QB and said suck it in, bitch! Which was hilarious, by the way."
I'm about to respond when the phone starts ringing. Going over to the phone, I start to pick it up to answer it but I sense Ray is going to start to be a loud mouth, so, I send him a shut the hell up look before finally answering the phone.
"Hello? Layne residence."
"Hey!" The voice says.
I instantly recognize the voice of my friend Laurie Becker, who would have been across the street but was currently house sitting for her parents.
"Hey Laurie! What's up?"
"Oh, nothing, just hanging."
"What's up? You seem...off."
A chuckle comes from the other side of the receiver.
"Yeah, I guess you can say that. I don't know...I feel like i'm being watched."
"Really? How come?"
"I just feel like somebody is watching me."
"Or something."
"Mari! Seriously!?"
I let out a laugh. "Don't get your leggings in a bunch, i'm just teasing! But seriously, maybe you can invite someone over? I mean, you are a woman that's alone in a big house that is practically in the middle of no where."
"Awesome. Thank you so much for your observation, genius. I'm sure it's nothing. Anyway, have you got any more calls from Peter?"
"Nope. Not since Monday. A whole four days." I instinctively put my hand over my semi-faded bruise that was on my neck.
"Wow really? I-"
Laurie is then cut off and all I can hear are struggling noises before the line goes dead.
I don't think much of it until the next day, when i'm walking with my friends, Ray, Julie Taylor, Olivia Rudd, and Beth Marsh, to school and see cops all over.
I go up to the closest random girl I can find and ask, "what the fuck is going on?"
"You don't know?" She asks.
I shake my head.
"Laurie Becker was found dead last night."
OMFG I LOVE THIS!! It's like Scream meets Fear Street and I absolutely love how realistic the dialogue is! (I have to write for others as work and the amount of ppl that have such boring dialogue for teens and young adults is shocking) But this? It's perfect for how friends talk to each other or would handle a murderer situation. Even Scream made Sidney extremely bland even in the beginning (Which I sometimes have to do for self inserts) but this I could clearly picture everything you were describing
You should really continue!!!!!!!
0 notes
solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
HEY BAE. i just wanna say that your Elephant in the room series are PERFECT! i just fucking love it. And for request could i ask for hurt comfort, either platonic or romantic, it doesnt matter. So, Alfie Solomons is a big and scary man that just happens to have a little, talktive and pretty girrl that follows him around, she is a thief of jewels that works with him and is very bubbly and talktive and people are usually annoyed by her talktiveness, so one day someone is rude to her or something and Alfie gets mad at them for direspecting her and he is like "Why didn't you punched them dove?" and she is like "If i punched everyone that cursed at me my knucles would be broken beyond repair" or something and Alfie is like "Dumb bitches". Im sure you already noticed this is very much self indulgent lmao but also yikes
“Fifty-fifty” — (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader)
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SUMMARY — Alfie Solomons didn't tolerate thieves. Unless of course said thieves would act on his behalf and bring him London's finest jewels.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Hello!!! I really hope this was what you were looking for and I captured your idea like you wanted, I must say this was super entertaining to write! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
WORD COUNT — 1,090
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The first time you met Alfie Solomons was also the first time—and the last—when you tried to steal anything around his bakery. To be honest, you weren’t particularly careful that day, but you never suspected Alfie to have as many men guarding the place as he had. You’ve heard so much about the Camden boss that it became an ambition of sorts to see if you could steal from him. That ambition, you soon realized, would lead you to some particularly treacherous waters soon enough...
You were too cocky and it led to his men spotting you around the yard in two minutes flat. At first you were sure you could escape them—until one of them grabbed you by the scruff of the neck and held you in place. Yes, you were quick and nimble, but that unfortunately also meant you had little to no physical strength.
“The fuck you doin’ here?!” he barked and squeezed your arm so hard you yelped.
It caused you to drop whatever you hadn’t managed to store inside your pockets.
“Fuckin’ thief!” the other man spat in your direction.
“Let me go!” you shouted and managed to kick one of the man in the knee, causing him to scream in surprise and the other twisting your arm so hard you thought it would break.
You fought tooth and nail to break yourself free, but the men wouldn’t leave you alone until finally the loud bang of a shot fired straight above their heads brought them back to reality.
“The fuck’s this?!” Alfie shouted and you grunted when one of the men pushed you away straight into a muddy puddle.
“Boss, the… the boy was stealin’,” the man said and you spat at his boots.
“I’m–!” You were ready to contest the notion of the “he”, but finally decided against it as the boss of Camden Town himself pointed a gun to your head.
“Get up,” Alfie ordered and you froze.
You looked at him, then at his men who still surrounded you from every angle. There was no way you could escape them.
Finally, the decision was made for you as Alfie grabbed you by the arm and lifted you up as if you weighed nothing, then practically dragged you into the dark depths of his bakery. You did not dare to scream.
It was only when he shut the door to his office and put his gun away when you finally managed to regain your composure.
“You gonna touch me now, old man, that it?” you barked in his direction and he laughed, he honest to God laughed, before shaking his head and grunting something in what you were sure were at least three foreign languages forced together into one incomprehensible chain of profanities.
“Fuck off,” you scoffed and looked around the office again. “And by the way! I’m a girl. Just in case you had any ideas, yeah?” You took off your dirty cap to reveal your hair and noticed that this time Alfie paid attention.
“Yeah, I know.” He sat down behind his cluttered desk and pointed at your trousers. “Ya got nothin’ valuable in those pockets except for that, yeah? But you go babblin’ ‘bout ya bein’ a girl an’ all to those men an’ you expect me to believe you don’t know they had their own ideas, luv?”
“Fuck you!”
“Yeah, don’t think so. You come to my house, right, my fuckin’ place of business, you steal from me, yeah, then ya get into a fight an’ you expect me to respect your fairer sex? You’re fuckin’ ridiculous, ‘s what you are, luv, but don’t go blubberin’ ‘bout these streets ‘bout how you’re a woman in fuckin’ trousers, yeah, ‘cause now ya know what they do to girls who–”
“Yeah, I know,” you interrupted that peculiar chain of thought and then immediately stood up when Alfie got up from his seat.
“Yeah, sit down.” He waved his hand at you dismissively and then did perhaps the thing you least expected.
He poured you a cup of tea.
“Now, luv, as it happens… I am a man of business, right, but also a man of a particular affinity for anythin’ precious that as I think nature intended, yeah, should be better off by partin’ with the very confinement of the suffocatin’ ownership it–”
“You want me to steal for you.”
“Hm.” You nodded, pretending to think about it. “But I get sixty percent.”
Alfie scoffed, but this time he actually smiled before reaching his final conclusion:
“Fuck off.”
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Some time has passed since that very first chance encounter–during which you somehow managed to score a fine deal of a fifty-fifty share that you had your suspicions was not a frequent occurrence with a man like Alfie.
Since then, you became his top girl–both to procure what Alfie deemed too petty to steal himself, as well as to get the current, the straight-from-the-oven-crispy-fresh-and-still-hot word of the street.
“Now, I ain’t a street lad no more, Y/N, right–” Alfie told you one day, interrupting his inspection of the fresh batch of precious stones you managed to snag from some very unfortunate merchant, “–but I know what that’s like, luv, an’ I got ya, as long as you get me… Ah, bloody hell, now that is some prime quality, lass…” Alfie put down the eye loupe and hummed over the pair of diamond earrings he was inspecting. “Where did ya get these?”
“Nowhere,” you answered, grinning. “How much?”
Alfie laughed at that and shook his head.
“Nah, that ain’t gonna be worth much on the market…”
You made a face and he pretended to be angry with you, a facade you were now an expert in reading right through.
“Alfie, I need to pay my rent.”
“Nah, so do I, luv, so do I, don’t I?” He scratched his beard and pretended to think about it. “Thirty-seventy, right? That’s the best I can do for now, ‘cause–”
“Aye, don’t interrupt me, yeah? Just ‘cause we know each other don’t mean ya can get cocky, darlin’…”
You shook your head and pretended to swipe the earrings, only for Alfie to take them from you with surprisingly fast reflexes.
“Yeah, fourty-sixty, luv, my final offer.”
“I should hope so, Mr. Solomons, otherwise I’d have to go out to those dreadful streets of Camden and then who knows what could happen, ‘cause you know what they do to girls who–”
“Fifty-fifty it is, sweetheart.”
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Mom!Reader x Childe
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HELLO yes I am back on the momson agenda that I plan to use to infect you all with momson brainrot, thank you. Today’s edition: snarky ginger son
//tw: mother-son incest, mentions of childhood crushing/perversion, Childe cucks his own dad, yes I am also bringing back "Childe cucks men he doesn't like" agenda thank you
Childe was a clingy kid, in the beginning, back before his abyss experience, when he was softer and more needy. You had lots of kids, but he was the one that always helped you with things, always was sweet to you, said Mommy was his favorite person in the whole wide world and that he didn't need anything but you to be happy. You don't play favorites, of course... but he was always just a bit special to you, you had a bond with him that you didn't with the others. He thinks so, too. You've consumed all his thoughts, ever since... well, forever.
As he got older, of course, he changed and got more playful, more cocky. One of the stereotypical son things he would absolutely do is be the kid that goes out of his way to terrify his poor mom over his own safety, you know, the kind to climb onto some high dangerous spot and call out like "hey mom look at me!" just to watch her turn her head to look at him and have a heart attack, fake an injury and pretend they're bleeding just to watch her squeal and freak out, only to break the act by laughing. And more serious things like fakes getting into legal trouble/arrested, pretends he got into a fight, and so on, the boy just loves giving you heart palpitations for no reason. He thinks your reactions are cute, honestly. He likes seeing you fuss and fret over his safety and well-being.
Which is why you think it's a joke when he does some odd things. You find your clothes in his room and assume he just stole them as a prank. Or when he's just being creepy and touchy and you think he's just trying to fuck with you (well, he is, in a different sense of the word, but anyway). When he's always seeming to pry into things most children don't - wanting to know every detail of your day, know where you were every second, know who you spoke to.
See, he's very self aware, and from a young age. It's not a sudden realization of attraction like with the Kaeya/Diluc sons, no, he's known exactly how he feels as long as he can remember, and he grows up very aware of it, and even more aware that he can never, ever, ever act on or voice the feeling, that doing so would not have a good outcome. What would happen? He sometimes wonders about it. He likes to play out a fantasy in his head, whenever he's jerking off into your clothes, where you actually are ok with it, where you reciprocate it, but... after he comes down from the high, he knows full well that that would never happen. No, in reality he knows you'd be disgusted, horrified.  It irritates him. But he feels no guilt, he's far too narcissistic to think he's ever in the wrong. Society, humanity, you, everyone -- they're the ones who are in the wrong on this matter. He can't conceive anything less. Sure, maybe it's a little weird, but it's not that bad, society makes way too big of a deal out of these things, when really, what people do is no one's business but their own, he thinks.
So yes, he does some odd things, but every kid does some odd things, you'd know, he has several siblings after all. It's not until your son disappears for several days -- the worst few days of your life, days you spent so anguished and panicked you were sick, didn't eat, didn't sleep -- it's not until after that that things really, truly change. He comes back a very different person. It breaks your heart to see your once soft, quiet, sweet son now so prone to violence, so argumentative, how he seems to enjoy conflict, and, most personally upsetting, a massive increase in disrespect towards you. It's like he doesn't listen to anything you say anymore -- sure, he does what you ask, but there's this subtle smile, a condescending tone -- sure, Mother -- in a way that you can't help but feel like is almost mocking you, looking down on you.
And it really is -- through his abyss experience, he came to realize something very, very important you see. It's that you're weak. And in this life, this world, the weak exist to serve the strong, to be used by them. To be owned by them.
He came to the epiphany, the realization, that really is so obvious, that he just never thought about before -- that respecting one's mother is a social construct, not bound by logic like most dynamics of power.  Leaders are respected and feared, because they are strong, they're powerful. They have a reason they're respected. You? You're respected because of gratefulness for what you've done, because it's what's normal, socially ingrained in the culture, but in reality your authority over him is built on the shakiest of foundations, it's a fragile thing and only there because he allows it. If he decided to not allow it, well, you couldn't do anything to stop him. It's his choice to allow you to pretend you have real, valid authority.
And he starts to think about that quite a bit, especially at times that you're mad at him, those times after you've nagged him or expressed anger and he slinks off to his room to jerk off into whatever he's stolen from you this time, entranced by your anger, because he can't help but think of how audacious it really is for you to be angry -- for you to assert power over him, a being that you have no right asserting power over. It becomes resentment, he can't let go of his realization of how ridiculous it is that society at large insists that he sees you as an authority, as above him, when in reality you're so weak, smaller, breakable, domitable. The absurdity of it all manifests and he finds himself irritated whenever you give a command, whenever you get mad. He begins to feel insulted by your assertions of authority, even though you're not too demanding at all, and are usually very sweet about it -- nonetheless, in his arrogance, he just starts to become irritated by anything less than a submission. Why are you commanding him around? Actually... Why even ask nicely, when it's still on the assumption he'll do what you say? You should beg for what you want. And what right do you have to get mad? You're like a tiny little dog biting the heels of a dog far bigger, far stronger than itself, he thinks.
In other words, you're asking for it.
His fantasies change. You’re no longer accepting, you don’t return his feelings, no, he begins to enjoy the fact that he knows you don’t. It becomes long, detailed fantasies of exactly how nice it would be to take out the frustration. To put you in your place. To show you why you have no right to act as an authority. He likes to think of how you’d struggle, he cums to the thought of how you’d cry. You're still a mom, of course, in the sense that he likes you to be. He wants to keep the things he likes and get rid of the things he doesn't. Mom should always be sweet and kind, the mom that makes him food and greets him when he comes home and treats his wounds and fusses over him when he gets hurt, that gives him hugs and frets over his needs, that says sweet things and is affectionate. He likes those things. The mom that tells him what to do and holds authority... not so much. He'll take the parts he likes and throw the other parts away, thank you very much. Some people would say that that duality of a mother is innate, that you can't separate them. He'd disagree. Anything is possible with enough brute force.
And you've noticed the disrespect, of course, and that's why, when your husband finally suggests sending him off to set him straight, you reluctantly agree it's the best thing for him.
Ah... that. The one big, glaring issue. You see, at this point in time... His father is very much well and alive and in the way. The man is the bane of his existence. He has the worst literal Oedipus complex, where it’s not just the attraction to you, but a resulting hatred for his father. It makes him fucking seethe watching you go about your day getting so handsy and comfortable, and it's been that way since he was a kid, it's bothered him as long as he can remember. As such, even as a kid he's cleverly scheming to get dad out of the way. He comes to you in the middle of the night pretending he couldn't sleep when he really could, he just wants to sleep in between you two so that way he can be closer to Mommy. Whenever you two have a moment alone, he comes barging in with this or that to interrupt you. As he gets older and smarter, he even begins to set traps to get his father injured so that hopefully he's... out of commission in bed (and hey, maybe if he's lucky it'll kill him!). It's actually kind of hard NOT to notice he has these weird moments of bitterness and pouting or even angry outbursts sometimes, but you just never manage to connect them to the fact that they always occur whenever you've shown some sort of affection to your husband, or him to you.
And he doesn't throw a fit or make a scene or anything, when you send him to the Fatui. He accepts the decision. Because he knows that if he acts now, it'll just end badly. No, he bides his time. He's usually not a very patient man, but if he really, truly wants something, he can be the most patient, scheming person alive. He waits. Waits a good long time, years even. You see, he can't risk anything going wrong with his plan, and if he were to straight up violently murder his father (not that he has any problem doing so, from a personal standpoint), he might be found out, and that would significantly disrupt his plans of making a momwife out of you. Can't take the risk. Sure, the thought of you being happy back at home and fucking his dad makes him so mad he could kill, but he just takes that out on whatever he's fighting at the moment and tries not to think about it. In reality, that’s part of the reason he’s such an excellent warrior -- for a long time now, he’s been mentally projecting the image of his father onto his opponents. It fuels his violence. He figures that, eventually, an opportunity will come, something will happen that will provide an opening, and then he'll make a move. That's the whole reason he started writing home so much in the first place, why he started asking specific details on his father's health. You think it's because he cares for his father and wants to have correspondence with his sister, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth.
Once he finds out his father has been feeling a bit unwell... well, there's the opening he needs. Next time he comes home, he knows what he has to do. Dear old Dad has been very, very sick, so now? No one will be too surprised when he dies. But not immediately, no. He has to get his revenge first. See, his father has made him suffer all these years, every day he's had to live with knowing his father gets to fuck you... it's only fair he return the favor.
He makes sure all the siblings are preoccupied or gone for the night, it's just you, him, and his father. It's rather sweet. You enjoy one last normal night together, as a family, before he tells you he has a surprise for you two... in your own bedroom. There's something a bit odd about his tone, his face, grinning so strongly, almost giddy with excitement, but you shrug it off and go nonetheless. You barely make it a few steps into the room before you get picked up and thrown -- you land on the bed, thankfully, but it still knocks the wind out of you, so that by the time you scramble up and become oriented, you're just in time to see him physically forcing his very confused and increasingly panicked father -- who tried to confront him after seeing him manhandle you, but was easily overpowered -- down, cuffing him to a chair, to the wall -- he clearly planned this, if he brought cuffs with him. You ask him what the hell he thinks he's doing, and he simply responds that, well, if he tied him down completely, it wouldn't be as fun to watch him struggle, of course.
And you panic, uncertain of the meaning of it all, but you know you don't like whatever is happening here, and you bolt for the door -- not that you make it, of course, easily grabbed by the collar of your shirt and yanked back. It's not until that shirt is pulled up over your head and thrown to the floor that it sort of clicks. The years of odd behaviors, touchiness, the sudden change and aggression towards you. But now? You can only realize how helpless you are. You can't do anything, he's got one wrist in each hand with a grip of muscle from years of training. It's not as if you don't fight, rather, that your struggling is meaningless, doesn't even have an impact, you're too easily overpowered, it's so easy to put you on your hands and knees, to grab a fistful of your hair and keep your head slammed into the mattress for a few moments while you're mounted.
You don't really... experience what happens next. It doesn't feel real. It feels distant, like you're merely watching the events from outside your body, looking at a picture detached from yourself, you hear your own noises as if it were someone else making them. You're just vaguely aware of the sensation of penetration, the slight burn, until suddenly the intensity of pleasure brings you back to earth, if only for a moment, before again settling into a dissociative state as your brain takes in nothing but sensation. He fucks you from behind on your hands and knees, making sure you're facing his poor father all the while, hand in your hair and pulling you back onto him over and over again -- it stretches you out unlike anything you've ever felt in your life. Maybe that's why you hear yourself making those sounds, sounds you wish you'd stop making, desperate little cries and squeals of pain and pleasure. You can't bring yourself to think much, your mind is still lost, it's the only way you can cope with reality, really, a natural reaction, the only way to process what's happening. You try to keep your eyes shut. It could have been a few minutes, maybe a few hours, you don't remember, only the occasional orgasm that brings you out of it, until it finally comes crashing down when you suddenly feel an absence, a gaping hollowness from where your body had been carved into when he pulls out, and you watch him twist his father's neck in one swift motion. The cracking sound is one that plays over and over in your mind for years to come. You really remember nothing after that. Maybe you passed out, maybe you stayed awake a while longer. You never did find out what happened to the body, at this point you've assumed he threw it out to wild animals.
When you wake up, you could almost forget it all. It almost seems as though nothing happened, a horrible dream, the room is bright and your bed is empty, but your husband often wakes up early, so it's not unusual. You can hear your kids, all of them, from another room. Maybe it really was a dream? It's not until you sit up and feel the burning ache that you become certain it wasn't. Stumble out of the room, disheveled and pained, where the rest of your family is -- minus one.
And your son looks and speaks to you like everything is normal. Smiling like always. Says he's glad you woke up, you sure slept in a long time. Don't worry, you look cute, even all disheveled like that. But he quickly sends the other kids away and pulls you back to the room you came from, saying something in that smiley, fake-happy voice about how he'll help you fix yourself up. And by fix, he means fuck. It's only natural, he hasn't gotten to really have an intimate moment yet, you know? This time you don't have an audience when he throws you down on the bed again, climbs on top of you.
And you reflexively lash out, of course, that's expected, you start to hyperventilate, blubbering incoherently as shock and panic settles in, but he just holds you still, tells you to relax. You don't relax, though. No, you choose to be bad, you thrash around and jerk your arms back and call him a murderer. You say mean things about how he's sick in the head and tell him not to touch you, to get away from you. Ah, you're still in that defiant mood. It's not nice, you know, quite hypocritical, since you've always told him he needs to be nice, but now you refuse to do that yourself. His father never had the balls to put you in your place, he guesses. Thankfully he does.
It's all happening too fast, too quickly for you to process - you're still reeling, still processing that your husband is dead and your son killed him, that your son fucked you, and is about to fuck you again - and you don't know why. That's all you can ask. It comes out in just a soft little sob. Why?
It's the one thing that makes him pause. Why? Because you're his mom and he loves you, of course. Why else?
That's all the explanation you get. It's all the explanation you'll ever get, no matter how many times you ask. Because he loves you. That's all.
That's how it becomes routine. He tells you after that first time alone together that he knows you're smart enough to not try anything, right? Your husband mysteriously disappears... You can blame it on him all you want, but the first person authorities suspect at any murder is the spouse. Really, they'd probably think you're crazy, or that you did it. They'd never believe you. You know that, don't you? Besides, he did it for you, you know. Because it was what you needed. And what he was owed. Dad was in the way, he got in between you two, he had to go. That's just how it is. You realize early on that's he's right, that you are truly, genuinely trapped. No one would believe you, and even if they did... Despite it all, you couldn't. You still love him, he's your son, you can't bring yourself to hate him. How could you ruin his life? Sure, he ruined yours, and yet... You suppose it's what they call motherly instinct. You can't harm him like that.
And he trusts you to be smart even when he has to leave. He pleads and works with superiors to get sent away less often, but even when he's gone, he sends you little reminders of him. You feel sick every time you go to get the mail.
And you're there with open arms - and open legs, even if he has to force it - every time he does come home. He looks forward to your little reunions. He always did, whenever you'd make food and make a celebration out of his returns, but it's better now, now that he gets to look forward to all the lovemaking, as he calls it. He gets food AND pussy now, nice.
He fucks you with a ferocity you could only expect from him, a roughness that matches the way he fights. It's desperate and eager, filled with the urgency and rushed nature of a young man of his age, far more forceful and fast paced than you're used to. He recovers quickly, it's more than you can take, getting bent over and railed over and over throughout a single day, you often lose count.
And the thing about his anger is that not only is he rough letting out the accumulated frustration, but he enjoys the roughness, he can get mean and mocking about it all. He's just so irritated that his brain basically says fuck it (literally) and takes a sort of sadistic pleasure out of Mommy's utter disgust and shock about the whole thing. How does it feel knowing your son is fucking you? You must feel so dirty getting off to having his cock inside you, don't you? You probably feel so much shame and humiliation every time you spasm and cum and clamp down on him, every time you feel warm cum fill your insides.
And don't blame him for any of it. It's your fault. You were the one who tempted him all these years, you're the one who was bossy and demanding when you should have been sweet and submissive to him, you were begging for him to fix the problem, really. To make you the best mom you can be. His father could never do that. His father could never fuck you like he does, and unfortunately, you know he's right.
And his favorite threat is to mention that, hey, you're still young enough to be fertile Mom, what happens if your son knocks you up, hmm? What would you do then? He likes pulling that one, because he can feel your muscles reflexively clench as you jolt with horror (it feels great, really), the way you try to squirm away, the whimpers, it's all too good. The way you beg for him not to cum inside, even though by this point you should know he will anyway. He swears one day, he'll knock you up, just you wait.
As for your other kids... they don't know much. He comforted you after the mysterious disappearance of your husband, everyone knows that, everyone tells you how lucky you are to have a loyal son that supported you throughout such a dark time. The siblings know you two seem closer. The older ones realize that he goes into your room at night. They hear weird noises sometimes. But they don't think much of it, why would they? It's not like the reality is thought that would ever occur as a possibility to most normal people. No, they won't help you, and you can't bring yourself to drag them into this -- besides, you don't know exactly how unhinged he is, and in the back of your mind, you're afraid he could hurt them in some way.
You're still more of a mother, of course, than a wife, he likes you being a mom. He likes it when you're sweet and nurturing and helpful... now he just has the means to make sure you behave that way whenever he wants. You get to be a good mom... all of the time. You have to be. Or else. The "or else" is something you don't like to think about. Early on, when you didn't know the extent of how far he'd go, you tested the boundaries, which was a mistake, you defied him, you were bitter, and you pulled the or else what? You immediately regretted the outburst when you saw his smile drop, you apologized and whimpered you were sorry when he dragged you over to the bed, but he didn't seem to care. And of all the things he could punish you with, it was so like him to choose the most humiliating, putting you over his knee, spanking you over and over until you sobbed and squirmed and your poor ass was sore and reddened for days. The pain was one thing, the humiliation far worse, and that very humiliation made even more unbearable by the knowledge of who was doing it. You learned not to defy him that day, although sometimes you forget your place and have to be reminded in the same way.
So in the end, you resign yourself to it. There's no getting out, there's no solution other than to lay back and take it. You learn to submit, you learn to accept his love. And hey, that's good. That was the whole intention, after all.
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julemmaes · 3 years
Rowaelin Month, Day Ten
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A/N: I'd planned on posting them in order, but you get what you get. Idk when the other prompts will come tbf. I hope soon. Anyway, I managed to write over 6k words today and I'm pretty fucking proud.
This is just fluff over fluff, so yep enjoy!!
Word count: 3,047
Rowan was unbelievably late as he sped through the streets of Orynth.
So late that the school had called not only him, but also the front desk of the place where he worked when he hadn't answered the call on his personal phone. Sorscha, his assistant, had entered his office with an embarrassed smile on her lips, as if she didn't want to tell him that he had forgotten for the umpteenth time to pick up his daughter from school.
Lorcan had joined him, for some strange reason, but Rowan had stopped bothering when it came to his best friend. He'd been trying to figure out how he reasoned for years and had come to the conclusion that there was no logical sense in the actions of the man sitting next to him, who was currently singing at the top of his lungs to one of the songs on the Frozen CD - which much to the chagrin of both of them, had gotten stuck in his car radio months before, forcing them into hours of torture.
He would never deny that the songs were all quite catchy, but after the sixteenth time Rowan had had to listen to Let It Go at maximum volume, his positive opinion of the film had begun to waver.
As they pulled into the school parking lot, Rowan noticed with deep regret that the only cars still there were those of the teachers and school staff.
They both got out of the car, Rowan walking quickly towards the entrance while Lorcan dragged behind him.
He greeted the caretakers sitting at the entrance, who returned a big smile. A smile that grew even wider when his large, imposing friend entered a few moments later. He stopped to talk to the old ladies and Rowan walked down the corridor he knew led to Robyn's classroom.
He could hear muffled voices from inside the teachers' room on the left and the one he knew belonged to Miss Galathynius coming from the right. He looked out over the classroom, spotting the two people sitting at a desk.
As soon as his daughter saw him, her eyes widened and a huge smile flashed across her face.
No words. No "hello, daddy!" or "I missed you!" from the little girl.
Her teacher turned as she leapt out of her chair and ran towards him, hugging his legs and looking up at him. Rowan smiled at her in turn, running a hand over her hair that was shot in every direction.
"Hello, little bird," he murmured to her. The child's smile widened even more if that was possible.
The woman a few feet away from them pulled herself upright, crossing her arms over her chest and offering a sincere smile to the child, who hid behind his thighs.
Rowan was about to tell her that Robyn was shy with everyone like this, ready to defend his daughter's behaviour as he was used to doing in front of every adult, but he was beaten to the punch.
"It's good to see you, Mr Whitethorn," she said, extending a hand. Rowan shook it without hesitation. "Actually, I just wanted to write you a letter regarding Robyn," she continued, never taking her eyes off the little girl. "Nothing serious," she hastened to reassure him when Rowan grimaced, "quite the contrary. Robyn is remarkably good. One of the best in the class, though I shouldn't offer that information so bluntly."
Miss Galathynius winked at him, but he couldn't process what he'd just been told.
"Sorry, could you-"
The little hands clamped around his trousers tightened a fraction more and Rowan looked down, trying to figure out what was bothering his daughter, but then something happened that he hadn't even dared to dream about in recent times.
"You're here!"
The little girl broke off and ran away from him in less than the blink of an eye.
Rowan turned just in time to see Lorcan grab Robyn in mid-air, spinning her around as he brought her to his chest and showered her with kisses. The loud, incessant laughter that erupted from her seemed too much coming from that fragile little body, but he never tired of hearing it.
"Why hello baby!" said Lorcan laughing in turn, starting to tickle her until she begun to rebel and he was forced to let her slide to the floor. Robyn was still laughing at the top of her lungs and nearly fell to the ground as she squealed left and right, letting herself be pushed around by the closest thing to an uncle she had ever had.
When Rowan turned back to the woman, she was wide-eyed and her lips slightly parted as she watched the massive man dressed completely in black and the menacing face turn into a completely different person the second he had seen Robyn.
He chuckled, "I know, it's not every day you get to see a little girl be so comfortable with a brute like that."
Lorcan, who was listening to everything, looked him straight in the eye and without stopping smiling and playing with the little girl, mouthed to him to fuck off.
"Well, yeah. You caught me a little off guard." she confessed, still shocked to hear how Robyn was having a full conversation with Lorcan. They couldn't hear anything of what she was actually saying, but even just the fact she was talking to someone seemed to have Aelin unsettled.
She returned her attention to Rowan and let out a breath that sounded more like a giggle, "I've never heard her laugh before."
He nodded, blushing a little at the teacher's surprised but relieved tone.
"I'm sure the dean warned you about the problem she has," he said in a low voice. He grimaced at her poor choice of words, "I mean, not problem, but the difficulty she finds in interacting with people she doesn't know."
Liar, he told himself. Robyn hadn't spoken to anyone but him and Lorcan since the day Lyria had died. It wasn't a difficulty, but a response to the trauma that prevented her from speaking to anyone who wasn't part of her immediate family.
"I know, I know. We've been looking for solutions together." she informed him. "I give her a white board every morning. Come on, I'll show you." she turned to the desk they were sitting at earlier and raised the magnetic board, on which a few words were scribbled on. "I'll write here what she might need. Yes. No. I need to go to the bathroom. I'm thirsty. I'm hungry." she read, listing the various options. Rowan gaped. "We've only just started going over the alphabet for a second time, so she can't really read or write yet, as I imagine you know, but the little drawings next to each sentence help her."
She continued talking, but he couldn't quite follow.
The woman in front of him - aside from being breathtakingly beautiful - had done as much as she could to help her child with communication.
"Mr. Whitethorn-"
"Rowan. Please, call me Rowan." he said, clearing his throat once he realized how hoarse it sounded to his ears. Lorcan walked up to them at that point, still holding Robyn in his arms and positioned himself next to him, letting their shoulders touch in a comforting way.
"Call me Aelin, then," she smiled at them both. Then she made a small grimace, turning to Rowan, "I wanted to ask if it bothered you, that I sought a solution like that. Maybe I put her in distress, embarrassed her. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I wanted to solve this on my own. I really wanted to discuss it with you, with your husband too, to avoid misunderstandings. Maybe we could arrange a meeting."
He was about to tell her that she had given him the exact opposite of annoyance, that he had been more than pleased that she had helped Robyn this way, when her words finally registered.
Lorcan, beside him, had opened his mouth wide and his lips were slowly bending into a mischievous smile.
Rowan furrowed his brow, "I'm sorry, what?"
Aelin's smile seemed to falter. "A meeting? With you? To talk about how to handle the situation," then she shifted her gaze to Lorcan, "You're more than welcome to join as well. I didn't know Robyn had two dads, I apologise for assuming Robyn had a mum and dad. That was very rude of me-"
"I love this," Lorcan whispered, laughing in shock. He turned to Rowan with eyes that sparkled with amusement, "I would definitely be the top."
Rowan looked at him with an expression of complete shock on his face, "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Robyn gasped, opening her eyes wide and bringing a hand to her mouth, pointing then to Rowan's.
"Yeah, sorry, love. I shouldn't have said the bad word." he apologised, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. He turned back to Miss Galathynius, "I'm sorry to have to disappoint you, but we're not married."
"No need to lie, sweetie. I'm sure Aelin," he gave her a knowing look, "doesn't mind at all about our relationship status."
Aelin nodded, "Well, yes. That doesn't change anything. Mr..." she turned to Lorcan, searching for a name.
"Mr. Salvaterre can still attend. The fact that you are not yet married is no reason why you cannot both be present at the meeting. You don't have to worry, we are a very tolerant school and if anyone bothers you, you can come directly to me."
A sound of sheer glee escaped Lorcan.
Aelin continued, "I mean it. I was pleased to see both of you today. I was also pleased to see Robyn smiling so much." she concluded, looking the little one in the face.
Rowan took a deep breath, bracing himself, "No, I meant, we're not a couple. We're not gay. He's her uncle."
The woman's blonde eyebrows shot up and a second later she turned almost as red as the dress Robyn was wearing as Lorcan shook his head muttering something very much like 'you're no fun', which made Robyn giggle.
"Why did you even get off the car?" he asked him exasperated.
Lorcan shrugged, "Because I missed my little bean, you monster." he replied, clutching Robyn to his chest. The little girl clutched Lorcan's shirt in her chubby little hands and Rowan huffed, shaking his head.
Aelin brought her hands to her face, leaning against the desk behind her. She shook her head, her face still hidden, "Oh, god. I'm so sorry."
Lorcan let out a dry laugh, "Don't worry about it. It was fun while it lasted." then he turned to Rowan again, who was still trying to recover from the idea of being involved in a relationship with his friend, "You're really no fun."
"Yeah, no fun dad." repeated Robyn.
Silence fell over the class. Rowan looked at her with wide eyes and blinked once, twice. Robyn was staring at him with a sweet scowl that mimicked so much that of the man who was still holding her, but Rowan couldn't get over the fact that his daughter had spoken while Aelin was still beside them.
He was about to talk, noticing how Robyn had started squirming in Lorcan's arms, when there was a knock at the door.
They both turned, Aelin peering over Rowan's shoulder, and saw the figure of a petite girl with black hair and eyes standing in the doorway, watching them with her head slightly bent to the side. She had a tag on her t-shirt that was too colourful to belong to someone who didn't work in a school with children, so he guessed she was a teacher herself. Besides, Rowan felt like he'd seen her elsewhere. Probably every day when he picked Robyn up from school, he said to himself.
"I know you're not supposed to eavesdrop but I stopped by earlier and heard you were a couple of dads," she said by way of introduction. "I just wanted to reassure you that the school is an extremely safe place. I'm the one who did most of the interviews with the parents," that's where they had met then, "and one of the questions that is asked is just about the tolerance of the people who will be attending the school."
Aelin watched her, remaining silent the whole time and putting on an amused smile, nodded, "That's what I was telling them. How tolerant the school is. They make such a cute couple, don't you think, Elide?"
Rowan turned to her, arching an eyebrow, silently asking her what she was doing. The woman, as if she could truly understand what he was trying to convey to her, nodded her head towards Lorcan, who Rowan only then noticed was standing weirdly, his eyes fixed on the woman in the doorway.
He grinned, deciding to take his revenge right away. "Oh, yes. Thank you so much for the reassurance," Rowan began to play along as well. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lorcan turn towards him, dropping Robyn to the floor, who made a disapproving noise at being dumped so suddenly. "We are happy to know that this school is a safe place for our daughter. And for us."
Elide offered him a blinding smile, "Good. I'm happy to hear that you are pleased so far. And I am happy that Aelin is the one who is taking your daughter's class. She's the best one here."
Rowan didn't know her yet, but he knew the thing Elide had just said could only be true.
"Well," she said again, giving them an apologetic smile, "I really must go now, but if you need anything, you can find all my contact details on the website. Have a nice day!"
Aelin and Rowan said their goodbyes, thanking her. Lorcan took a while to recover, but when he realised he was staring into empty space he ran towards the door, almost stepping on little Robyn, who was moved by Aelin.
"We are very much not gay, miss!" he shouted into the hallway. Aelin, now beside him and with a hand on Robyn's shoulder, cackled. With Lorcan's infinite luck, someone walked by just then and gave him a stern look. "Oh, shut up ma'am. I'm an ally. The best ally."
Rowan shook his head as Lorcan launched himself in pursuit of the poor teacher and burst out laughing when he heard him shout, "I'm not homophobic! I'm willing to suck someone's cock if I have to prove it to you!"
Aelin opened her mouth wide before bursting out laughing in turn.
Robyn, seeing both adults so happy, giggled too and Rowan bent down to pick her up. The little girl laid her full head of white-light hair on his shoulder and closed her eyes.
She was tired and Rowan really needed to get her home to sleep.
He glanced at Aelin and reduced his lips to a thin line, "I'm sorry about the commotion, I'll try not to bring him into the building again. Even if it means tying him to the seat."
The soft laugh she gave made something tighten in his chest. He frowned.
Aelin didn't seem to notice the effect she had on him, "Don't worry, Elide is crazy about fools like him. If he says the right things, we might start seeing each other outside of school too."
Rowan nodded, now too caught up in the thought of having to take Robyn home to focus on anything else.
They agreed on when to hold the parent-teacher meeting and then he grabbed Robyn's backpack, walking towards the exit.
He was thoughtless as he reached into his pocket for his keys and balanced everything else - including the girl - on his other arm, but when Robyn's hand brushed his cheek, he looked down and his eyes met their twins. Green against green.
"What is it?"
The little girl's voice never stopped making him smile. Each time was like the first time she had said dada.
"I really like her."
Rowan frowned, "Who?"
"Miss Aelin." she whispered, almost as if she was afraid they might hear her.
He smiled at her, "Yeah? You like her?"
"She's nice to me."
Rowan had to put her down as he opened the door and let her get into the back seats by herself.
"I'm glad she's treating you well, love," he let her know, buckling her in.
He hoped she'd tell him more about her new teacher, but like any kid her age, the topic of conversation couldn't last for more than four lines apiece, "Where's Uncle Lorcan?"
Rowan snorted, "No idea, little bird."
Robyn nodded, "Elide is pretty too."
And as if those words had summoned him, Lorcan appeared beside the car, making them both scream. He entered the car in a heartbeat and turned to his daughter, who was still settling into the seat. "Do you know Miss Lochan?"
But before she could answer him, Rowan had entered the car in turn and smacked the back of his head, which made the Robyn giggle, "You're not using my daughter as your wingman. Now stop it and buckle up."
Lorcan gave him a gentle push, before doing as he was told and for once he was happy he'd convinced him to do something.
Or at least, Rowan thought he had convinced him.
"What if I left you a note to deliver to Miss Lochan, Rob? Would you be up for it?"
Rowan knew, even without looking at her, that she was nodding emphatically.
Keeping his eyes on the road, he murmured, "Could you stop calling my daughter Rob, please? You'll give her an existential crisis."
Lorcan clicked his tongue against his palate, "Rowan, I'm not giving her a damn thing. We live in this new world, okay? Your daughter could be called Simon and still be a beautiful princess. Grow up and educate yourself before you talk shit."
"Aaaah!" shouted Robyn, "Bad word!"
Rowan sighed and shook his head, but still he was smiling.
This was his life. Had been for the past two years.
And he wouldn't change it for the world.
tog tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just dm me or send me an ask)
@maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @hellasblessed @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @letstakethedawn @terrible-and-proud @post-it-notes33 @booksstorm @nalgenewhore @queen-of-demons-and-hell @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan @cupcakey00 @bri-loves-sunflowers @queen-of-glass @thewayshedreamed @the-regal-warrior @fangirlprincess09 @januarystears @rowaelinismyotp @starbornsinger @bookstantrash @thegreyj @feysand-loml @autumnbabylon @a-court-of-milkandhoney @highqueenofelfhame @story-scribbler @mariamuses @rhysandswingspan @tanvee1231
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
Silver spoon
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Pairing: ukai Ikkei x f!reader
Tags: made this a Mafia au just so he would have a reason to have a gun, nurse!reader, actual age agp, gilf, gun play, gun fucking (?), idk giving his gun sum sloppy toppy, oral sex, creampie
Summary: how to be a beneficiary 
wc: 3.5k
@keishinslove , come get ur mans, ; ), @fawn-daydreams thanks so much for the pic! @dreamsandabyss
18 + Minors dni
“Look, someone has to have it...” he spoke into the phone, leaning back as you did with him. The feeling of his warm body against yours putting you to sleep, resting your head on his chest as you curled up into him. 
His smirk widened as he ran his hand down your sides, enjoying your company as you grew more comfortable in his lap, the feeling of cold hard metal touching your skin as you adjusted yourself on his legs, seeing it peek from below his waistband, handle hanging out of his belt reminded you of what he was, breaking you out of your daydream.
Looking up at him as your hands rested on his chest and neck, pulling away from his stroking his scuff and fingers untangling themselves from his golden chain. Getting off his thighs seeing as this call was going to last long, legs growing numb, jestering with your hands that you were going to the kitchen, responding with a subtle nod as he watched you leave.
Hearing his voice get sterner, sending chills down your spine as his tone changed completely. “Send guards up there to get him…. and hold him until they arrive.” Seeing that he got confirmation, as his head tilted back, a sigh escaping lips as he rubbed his eyes. Eyebrows furrowing, not knowing if you should have left him there alone, just putting it in the back of your head that you left some time for him to cool down.
Walking down the staircase headed towards the kitchen, almost still getting lost in this villa as you remember him telling the first time you came here ‘it was down the staircase and to the left’. Stopping to look at the big picture of him hung up on the wall followed by many others, looking like a victorian portrait encased in the glass frames made you realize how big of a name they really were, generations following you down the hall as you continued moving down the steps.
Finally seeing the walls of windows and the bar you felt relieved, walking up to the fridge and opening it, seeing every drink but water. Grabbing some type of lemonade as you leaned against the marble counter while you took a sip, tasting the unknown alcohol in it as it hit the back of your throat, quickly coughing while smacking your chest a few times to calm it down. Tears filling your eyes as you shakily set the glass down.
“Sorry about that. Should've probably just drank it all yesterday.” 
You turned your blurry eyes to see his grandson, an almost spitting image of him when he was younger, noticing him handing you some water that you wanted in the first place.
“What a surprise...” you choked out, lifting the bottle to your mouth, throat finally feeling some ease.
The two of you had an almost sibling-like relationship, starting from the moment he met you after you patched his friend up in an alleyway, not even questing or caring why, moving on with your day like nothing happened.
Guessing you were on your way home from work, seeing you in scrubs, and after running into you again he swore it was fate. Persuading you to join them as you easily said yes, knowing you wouldn't say no the salary and the ‘benefits’ that came along with it, just wanting to finally relax with your student loans paid off.
But the last thing he would've expected after all of this, was you, with his grandad. Essentially getting yourself stuck in this kind of life, knowing that you'd never be able to leave as soon as they found out you were 'with’ him. But you obviously had a smart head on you, letting you do whatever your heart wanted as he supported you. Grabbing another drink from the bar, this time knowing it was alcohol as you two joked around for a minute.
A smile appearing on your face when you heard steps walking towards you, seeing ikkei appear from the corner of the hallway as keishin turned his head and guessed right, looking at you already skip over to him like a puppy following its owner.
Greeting you while he let you cling onto him, arms wrapped around his as he lifted his hand saying hello to his grandson. All his attention on your pretty little smile as his thumb traced your cheek, bringing up your hand to his lips, placing his lips on it gently as you were acting like you've never been touched before, giggling shyly into his arm as he chuckled out.
Keishin gagging at the sight before him, “Why don't you just retire already,” not wanting to see this cringy shit anymore, but deep down just wanting him to be safe and content, never seeing him smile this hard in his life. Knowing he's never felt this way before, his ex wife being set up by an arranged marriage, she wasn't bad but he definitely didn't love her along with her complaining, but luckily a quick swipe of his card shut her up, finally divorcing after all theses years.
“My dad isn't still too young to take over, you know?”  
“No.” he stated, stepping outside to light his cigar, resting his back against the wall as he took a puff. “Great men are taught, not born.” He uttered out, choking on the smoke as he brought it back up to his lips. He was dependable, not regretting having his son at a young age, but swearing to never push this life on his son and grandson until he was gone.
“Yeah, he's stubborn.” keishin uttered under his breath, running his hands through his hair as he grabbed his drink and keys, walking towards the door while waving a quick goodbye to you.
“How the hell is someone younger than me gonna be my step grandma, can’t get someone your own age to date you?” he chuckled out in awe. But at the end of the day he was on your side, family was family, defending you like your own personal bodyguard. Hearing something along the lines of “She’s some old man’s sugar baby.” almost daily until he ‘took care of it’ a few months ago.
“You're just mad, that an old man like me gets more than you.” ikkei laughed, coughing out the rest of the smoke while coming up behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist already pulling you back to his office as you gladly let him.
“Ok, shitty old man.” keshin replied, closing the door behind him. He knew it wasn't because of the money or the power, because there were many other men on his level trying to win your attention. Thinking there must be something going on in your head to be with him, and there was.
The first man to ever make you feel some type of way, to make you blush. Was it practical, no. Putting it to the back of your head that he would be long gone by the time you were even close to his age.
But the way he made you feel so light and free around him after only being here for a while. Looking into your eyes as you fixed him up, making you genuinely laugh as he didn't want you to stress over him, surprising him that you were just naturally calm.
You two fell for each other quickly, not even lasting a week before you two fucked. Hearts appearing in your eyes around him; not caring about having your own family, just becoming part of his as he always kept his promises. 
“You wanna go out later.” he said loosely wrapping his hand around your waist, pulling you back into his lap. “m’sorry i haven't had time for you lately.” Looking up at his gray hair, eyes moving down to his body still this toned after all these years, aging like the finest wine.
“No.” you mumbled out, fingers running down his chest, getting caught up in his chain again. “Just wanna…..stay with you.” A shy smirk appearing on your face as the words left your lips.
Leaning into your shoulder, lips touching your neck as he whispered into your ear, scruff tickling your jaw as you let out a slight smile.“Stay with me, hmm? And what does that entail...?” 
Already getting off his thighs, standing in front of him as you ran your hands up your body, his joining you as he wrapped them around your waist pulling you closer to him, chin resting on your stomach while his hands gently rested on your hips. “No one has ever managed to capture my attention like you have.” he said, hands lingering on you.
He had no shame in admitting it, his words plaguing your head, “I always tell the truth, no matter how hard it is.” Looking up to your flustered face, no one could ever make you feel as loved and appreciated as him.
“Ok old man.” you giggled out, taking your time stripping in front of him. Resting your hand on his shoulder for support as you slowly slid your skirt down, hugging your ass just right as you felt his soft, intense gaze never once leaving you. Eyeing you up as you fumbled with your buttons, hands meeting yours taking it off for you, being bare as the day you were born.
“You getting on your knees pretty girl?”
Nodding while letting out a quiet, shy “yeah” at the words that left his mouth. Lowering yourself onto the ground, trying to replace your timidness that only came around him. Hands resting on his knees working their way up his thighs, his stress already disappearing as your fingers played with his zipper, eyes locking with yours as you pulled it down.
The nervousness leaving you as his warm hand rested on your cheek, whimpering in need as your gaze fell on the hard cold metal that was standing before his cock. Resting on his abdomen, cunt growing wetter at the thought of the previous events, wanting it in your mouth, fucked down your throat.
Reading your mind, already loosening his pants enough to set it free. Pointer finger resting on the side as he parted your lips, immediately giving way. Tongue sticking out lewdly, spit and drool already falling off the tip of it, his other hand angling it down toward your mouth. “You trust me, don’t you Baby?”
Moaning out another muffled “yeah” at the weight of the barrel resting on your tongue, pushing it deeper down your mouth, the whines getting caught at the back of your throat. Body growing tingly, cunt leaking onto the floor as he gently bobbed your head head back and forth until you got the hang of it.
“That’s it, baby. Fuck... your sweet little mouth taking it all.” Whimpering at his words, eyes fluttering open at him, meeting his gaze as your vision grew blurry. Hands reaching for his cock, working there way up his thighs until you felt his bulge, groaning at the touch. Wanting to make him feel as good as you.
Letting your spit make a mess on his fingers as he slowly pushed the glock farther down until you choked on the muzzle. Pulling it out at the lewd sound of your wet gasp, catching your breath, looking at your lashes still wet, lips covered in drool. Dragging the spit covered barrel down, sliding between your tits pressing it against your nipples, shivering at the cold feeling. 
“You gonna let me fuck your throat, sweetheart?”
Nodding quickly, letting out a strained “mhmm” as you moved your fingers around the base of his cock. Adjusting himself as he stroked it a few times before letting you take control. A moan leaving his mouth as you tilted your head to kiss his tip, parting your lips without his help as you flicked your tongue against it, your shiny lips making a mess already.
“Fuck angel, such a good girl. Open up that little mouth more for me sweetheart.” His hand came behind your neck, the firm grip leaving your mouth open as he pulled himself out, admiring the sight below him as the praise made you listen to his silent command. Soft wet smacks from him slapping the head of his cock against your tongue, looking so lewd, like the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life.
“… goddamn baby. Fuck…”
His scratchy voice letting out another moan as he leaned back onto the headrest of the couch. Your trembling hands gripping onto his thighs, nails leaving imprints as he continued to abuse your throat. The office was quiet besides the filthy wet sounds of you choking around him.
Opening your lids and gazing up at him, pupils so wide and eyes so red. Looking the prettiest you could, so needy and compliant, letting him use your throat as he pleased. “That’s it, angel… oh, fuck…m’gonna-”
Tears freely down your cheeks as you gagged, little strings of saliva dripping from your chin, body on fire as his thrusts got rougher, fucking up into your mouth as his hands gripped tighter around your neck holding you in place.
Sealing your lips around him, sucking in more as his hips stalled, grabbing your head with both of his hands. And with a long groan, music to your ears, shoving your face all the way down into his crotch, balls resting on your chin as you felt him release in your mouth, so hot and thick. Doing as you were told, always wanting to be his good girl, someone he could always rely on, someone he could always use when needed.
“You okay?” He asked, stroking your cheek as dizzily shook your head up and down. Reaching his hand forward, tipping your jaw upward to see you better. Cunt throbbing as his eyes met yours, clenching and releasing around nothing while he dragged his thumb across your swollen lips. 
“Words, sweetheart.” His voice was soft and stern, ordering you around gently as you did you best to choke it out.
“Let me see.” Parting your lips, with his ring covered finger, mouth opening to show him that his cum was still there. Smiling as he let go, muttering out “good girl.”, mouth closing as he let you swallow, the salty taste making you wince under your breath while he pet the side of your face down to your neck. 
“You sure angel? ….You know i don't like lying.” he said, resting his hand on your cunt, fingers dipping in shallowly as you almost went limp in his hold, Knees locking just in time, so focused on keeping your composure that you didn't see him smirking at your state. His finger curling inside you, as you tried to hold back your whimper, body unconsciously rocking back and forth into his hand.
Finally snapping, trying to be on your best behavior best you couldn't help it anymore, knowing what he was doing to you. “Please,” you whined out. “Want you to fuck me like you always do, want you to fuck me so good.” No shame left in your body as you started taking action, nails clawing into his bicep, your eyes half lidded trying to hold back the tears forming.
Letting out a whine muttered by your teeth sinking into your lips when his hand pulls away, lingering there not for long as he easily hikes your leg up over his waist, aligning his cock to your dripping cunt, rubbing it over your folds, teasing you, wanting to make his sweet angel beg. 
“i-ikkei, please” you lead, gripping his arms, as pushed into you slowly. Cooing at you for being so patient with him. Head dropping onto his shoulder as a broken noise escaped your lips, legs tightening around his waist, clenching around him.
Pushing the rest of himself inside you, hissing as you swallow him up in your warmth. “Fuck sweetheart, you always… feel so, -fuck, so goddamn good,”
“Relax baby,” he groaned out, head thrown back. “Little cunt’s so tight, gonna get my will instead of my kids if you keep it up.” Your smile barely forming before it gets cut off, moaning at the painful feeling of his cock stretching you out.
“Such a... fuck, such a good little girl for me,” He praises, hot breath on your neck as you clench even tighter at his words, the feeling of bhim so deep inside of you, nudging your cervix making your head spin. “So pretty,  I'd do anything for you, you know that?”
“m’close.” you whimpered. His love confessions making you lose your mind completely, nails digging into his chest, slightly groaning at the sting.. “Please, p-please please,” you begged through a sob, tears swelling up in your eyes. Placing his lips on yours before you can gasp out begs anymore. Trying to whimper out his name before he fucks you roughly with a thrust that hits your g spot, making you cum all over him, sticky wetness enclosing the both of you as it dripped down his balls and onto the sofa. 
“There you go baby,” he muttered against your lips, but you’re too far gone to even pay attention. Working his cock inside of you, gently pushing up into your cunt as your shaking body twitches in his hold, eyes rolling to the back of your head from your orgasm, still trying to come down from your high. “You know I always got you.”
He pulls out of you slowly when you have calmed down but you weren’t done. “w-wanna make you cum.” your croaky voice pouted out.
“Hm? You already did sweetheart.” Shaky legs positioning yourself on top of him, resting your hands on his shoulders. “no...want you to cum in me.”
Watching as you spread open you cunt, placing his tip on your entrance. Looking down at him with a heavy lust in your eyes, not wasting any time sliding back into you. “You’re so greedy.” He says into your ear, a roughness to his voice. Back arching as his arm wraps around your waist, leaning back to give him a view of himself bottoming out in you. The feeling of the fullness already has you cumming again. “...So fucking perfect.” 
Rubbing your clit with his fingers as his lips attached to your nipple, locking you in his hold, your body trembling from the overstimulation. Cock repeatedly ramming into your g spot as your cunt is being lovingly abused. “Fuck” He mutters out, words getting trapped into your skin, fingers pinching your swollen clit, letting out a loud sob as tears break free. 
“Fuck baby, I’m close.” He said, breath growing sporadic as his hips start stuttering. Chasing after his high, fingers slapping your clit as you squealed.
“C-, cum in me, please. You gotta, p-please!” You cry out, pushing him over the edge. Breaking free of your tits, mouth letting out deep groans as he is spilling his load into you, coming for the third around him. Body freezing up, seeing black and stars, walls clamping around him even tighter, wanting to milk him dry for everything he's got. 
Not even realizing that he's holding you into him, balls resting on you cunt as he's still inside of you, knowing you'd throw a fit if he pulled out. Body slump and tired as he presses a light kiss on the top of your head, large hands soothing your body as they worked their way up and down your back.
“I-, I love you,” you choked out, resting your head into his shoulder. His heart softening as he kissed your lips softly, sighing as he leaned back with you in his arms. Gently humming to ease you into sleep, not caring how he was gonna take care of this later. ”I love you too, baby.” He whispered into your ear, looking around his office full of money and countless items worth millions, but none made his heart race like you could, not even close.
“...I love you, more than you'll ever know.” 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Million Dollar Man | Chapter Five
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summary: Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
Content warnings: sugar daddy!spencer, age gaps (14 years), daddy kink, blow jobs, handcuffs, thigh fucking, public sex, exhibitionism, edging, vibrators, dirty talk, dom spencer
word count: 4.6K
a/n: updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays
Chapter Five | Masterlist
He’s ripped from a peaceful slumber by his work phone ringing on the night table. Y/N asleep on his chest, he tries to reach for it without waking her, successfully he answers with a groggy whisper, “hello?”
“Morning sleepy head?” Emily laughs, “it’s 10 am, Reid, why are you whispering?”
“I’m with my girlfriend, she’s still asleep,” he realizes he’s never told the team flat out that he was seeing someone, they all guessed but none of them had really asked.
“Oh,” Emily seems just as shocked that he said it. “We have a local case, I need you here for the geo profile and then you can go back to your mandated break.”
“I’ll be in, in 30,” he replies before hanging up.
“Can I come?” She whispers against him, obviously awake from all the commotion.
“Sure,” he shrugs, “if you don’t mind seeing and hearing about whatever horrific thing happened this time.”
“I don’t,” she sits up and stretches, “come on Mulder, we’ve got a case to crack.”
He laughs, “sure thing Scully.”
He’s nervous in the elevator on the way up to the BAU, Y/N on the other hand is so excited she’s practically vibrating. She’s dressed for the part, with her little visitor's badge and Spencer’s hand held tightly in her own, she basically drags him towards the bullpen when the doors open.
“Spence!” Luke calls for him, Tara and Matt turn around with big smiles to see him. “Who’s this?”
“Uh,” Spencer swallows sharply, “this is my girlfriend, Y/N this is Luke, Matt and Tara.”
She lets go of his hand to shake theirs, he watches as they all smile and introduce themselves to her, causing the rest of the team to notice the new person in the room and rush over. They have a lot of questions, they’re all very surprised she’s as young as he was when he started at the bureau and that he’s actually bringing her around.
When he finds out what’s going on, he’s really glad he brought her in. There’s been a few bomb threats in D.C, one of which is the building across from Y/N’s apartment. They’re trying to keep hysteria to a minimum, he knows he wouldn’t have been able to tell her if he didn’t bring her, he also knows he would have broken protocol to get her out of there.
She sits at his desk while he works, looking through all his things for a while before Spencer hears a familiar voice in the bullpen. Penelope was called in for backup, making eye contact with Y/N as soon as she walked in and cheering. “Oh! You’re here!”
Spencer leaves the briefing room, abandoning the geo-profile to introduce Penelope to the girl she helped him find, he runs down the stairs and wraps his arms around her.
“Spencer,” she relaxes into his embrace and holds him close, “I’ve missed you so much.”
When Spencer pulls away, the smile on his face is remarkable, “Penelope, this is Y/N,” he says her name and Penelope automatically knows who she is.
He told her right after he bought her whole Wishlist, Penelope has known about her the longest and yet she’s never been able to meet her. She turns to Y/N with a smile, “are you a hugger?”
Y/N stands and wraps her arms around her, “I think I owe you a very big thank you,” she whispers in Penelope’s ear.
“For what?”
“Teaching grandpa over here how to use the internet,” she teases him, “and for your helpful tips, he was the nicest one I met on there.”
“You’re very welcome,” Penelope pulls back with another smile, holding Y/N’s face in her hands, “and thank you.”
Y/N pulls her into another hug and now everyone is watching, Spencer knows he’s going to be bombarded with questions eventually but for now, Y/N is going with Penelope to her office and Spencer has a map to look at while he stresses himself out.
Matt, Tara and Emily head to the scene to join JJ, Rossi and Will, leaving Luke with Spencer in the briefing room.
“Can I ask?”
Spencer nods, “go ahead.”
“How did you meet her? Was she one of your students?”
He doesn’t know how to answer, not because he’s ashamed of it or of her, rather because he doesn’t know if she’ll want people to really know. “Penelope helped me get online to meet people, I made an account on a sugar daddy website thinking it would be easier to pay someone who doesn’t know me to hang out rather than try and make a new friend.”
“That’s smart,” Luke nods along as he listens. “She seems really cool.”
“She’s the best,” he smiles. “She’s really smart and talented, she’s an author actually, her books coming out in January.”
“I’ll have to get a copy,” Luke smiles right back.
“Her publisher and I have actually planned a big birthday party slash final draft party, if you and the team want to come and have drinks and get to know her more, that would be really nice,” Spencer offers, knowing it’s about time they all celebrated something together.
“I’d love to come, and I’ll bring Penelope,” Luke’s just as excited as he is.
“I’m a little surprised you didn’t know already, being with Penelope and everything?”
He shrugs, “we don’t talk about work or really gossip about the team now that she’s not working here, it makes her a little sad that she left but she’s doing a lot better just coming in occasionally.”
“I didn’t think I’d like my months off at first, either, but now I’m also debating leaving,” he knows it's a lie. He’s already written his letter of recognition, he’s just waiting for the go-ahead from Y/N that they’re moving to California.
“16 years is a really long time to be doing this job,” he agrees, “I’m sure if you wanted to leave the bureau would offer you your full retirement package early, given everything you’ve been through for this country.”
Spencer nods, “don’t let this job take your spark, you’re very wonderful, Luke, and I’d hate to see you lose it for the greater good.”
“My greater good is just down the hall,” he smirks, “I make the world a better place for the woman I love, she’s the reason I get up every day and come to work because I can’t wait to get home to her safely.”
Luke has always loved Penelope, it’s been very obvious, and yet she didn’t want really anything to do with him until Derek advised her to be nice. She was so busy thinking about all her other babies leaving the nest after Derek that she didn’t take the time to consider bringing in Luke to the nest for warmth and love as well.
“When are you asking her to marry you?”
Luke turns bashful, a slight blush on his cheeks as he stares at the table, “Christmas, it’s her favourite time of the year.”
“Have you talked to Derek?” Spencer only worries slightly, after what happened with Kevin he doesn’t want to see it happen to Luke.
“Nope, I’ve talked to her brothers though, we’re going to California again this year for Christmas and they all said they’d love to have me in the family,” Luke smiles, “the Garcias are my favourite.”
Spencer isn’t normally a hugger but he walks around the table and wraps Luke up, “I’m asking Y/N in a week.”
“No way?”
He nods, “she’s the greatest good I’m ever going to get.”
“Amen, brother.”
Penelope’s job was incredible, she was in awe as she watched her tap away at her keyboard and answer a million and one questions. She reminded her of Ned from Kim Possible and she knew if she said that to anyone she’d give away just how young she is.
She’s gotten a lot of looks, she knows people are talking about it and yet she doesn’t really care. There isn’t any malice behind the stares and the whispers, they all seem genuinely surprised that Spencer has a girlfriend over the fact she’s in her 20’s.
There’s a single dull moment and she turns to Y/N, “can I please have the juicy details, please,” she begs and it makes her feel giddy.
She’s never really had any girlfriends like this, and she certainly didn’t have anyone to tell about Spencer. “He’s the love of my life, I’m completely serious.”
Penelope squealed, “that’s all I’ve ever wanted for him, ugh this is so exciting! Are you guys serious? How long has it been?”
She nods, “not long, uh he got me this necklace a week or two ago and we’ve been moving pretty slow for his sake. In the last 10 months he’s become my bestie and I’ve convinced him to move in and he sleeps in my bed now and I love waking up beside him… he’s a real gentleman.”
“That’s good, he’s never been able to take the scenic route in life… I know you’re only here cause he trusts you and if he trusts you that means you know everything and if you know ever—“
“Yeah,” she cuts her off, “I know about all of it and everyone who’s hurt him and how he’s hurt himself but what’s more important is that it doesn’t phase me, he’s just a person trying to deal with the life he’s been given, we all are.”
Penelope wraps her up in a gentle hug, “he’s always needed someone like you.”
It makes her heartbreak just a tiny bit thinking about how as long he didn’t have anyone. Sure, he was surrounded by his friends at work and loved enough that they all brought him back home but he was never cared for the way she would have done it. There’s a weird maternal instinct that comes over her with Spencer and she knows exactly why, all she knows is she wants to love him and care for him for the rest of his life.
If she lives to be 100, she hopes he lives to be 116, because there isn’t a day she wants to spend on this earth where Spencer Reid isn’t alive and beside her.
She’s not going to cry in Penelope’s arms after just meeting her so she pulls back with a smile, “but what kind of juicy details are we talking? Cause I can’t embarrass him too bad…”
Penelope’s laugh is evil as she rubs her hands together, “a little birdie whose name rhymes with shmerek said he knows how to use that mouth for more than just talking…”
It makes her laugh almost a little too hard and she starts to feel her face heat up, she simply nods, “yeah, we haven’t gone all the way but from what’s happened so far, I can agree.”
Penelope turns in her rolling chair and laughs, “ugh that’s so great, I’m glad you’re having a good time— I mean I always thought Spencer would be good in bed after all the chats we’ve had about kinks and shit, he’s really educated, obviously, but I always knew that it would translate from paper to real-life very easily.”
“Oh totally,” she nods feverishly, “we talked about that before actually, virginity is simply a construct used to control women and make them feel pure or dirty, to feel like they can take something from a woman and yet virgins are so sexual and in tune with their needs and wants that they typically are good or at least know what to do from whatever porn they’ve consumed when it comes down to it. How the more in tune with someone's sexuality that they are the better they are in bed because they apply what they want to their partner and almost get off more on the fact someone is enjoying them than the fact they’re being pleasured.”
Penelope shakes her head with a loving smile, “you listen when he talks, you love every part of him and you’re beautiful… he really hit the jackpot.”
She brushes it off with a laugh, “I got pretty lucky with him too.”
Her phone rings before she can agree, answering with a cheerful tone, Spencer is on the other end, “do you have my beautiful girlfriend with you still?”
“Present,” she answers for herself, “are you still here, dad-Spence?”
She bites her lip and closes her eyes, fuck.
“Yeah, uh, I am, we think we got the actual building with the bomb, they’ve sent the team down there to clear it and check it out.”
“I’ll head back to the bullpen, then,” she stands and heads to the door, not wanting to face Penelope after almost calling him daddy right in front of her.
“Hey,” she calls to Y/N, “don’t be embarrassed. I get it, believe me, I’ve answered some calls in here with the dirtiest remarks to the completely wrong people. But, I’ll see you later?”
She smiles, “yeah, I’d love to see you again.”
In the bullpen, Spencer’s by his desk all alone. His teams cleared out and now it was just the office staff wandering around. She wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head on his back, “ready to go home?”
“Uh, not yet…” he turns to look at her, “I don’t want to bring you back to D.C unless the case is closed.” He looks nervous and she understands it perfectly.
“Okie Dokie, she smiles, leaning in for a hug to get close to his ear, “can we fuck in a storage closet to pass the time?”
He laughs but he takes her hand and he pretends to take her on a tour, he leads her down the hall and towards the filing room where he knows no one will be. “No one has really used this room in ages, since we went digital, and Penelope had all this stuff put online anyway.”
“So you can bend me over that table and rail me next time we come back?”
“Or?” She hears his playful tone and smirks to herself, letting him manhandle her hands behind her back as he bends her over a table, “I could fuck these big beautiful thighs of yours?”
“So only you can get off? Please,” She scoffs at him, wanting to piss him off to see where it gets her, wiggling her ass back against him as she does so.
He unbuttons her pants and drags them down her legs to leave her in just her thong, taking a handful of her ass and squeezing before laying a hard slap against her, she gasps at the feeling but also at the fact it was so loud.
“They’re going to hear you?!” She whispers with a disappointed tone.
“Isn’t that what you said you wanted? You wanted everyone to know only daddy can take care of you?” He uses her own words against her and she whines. “That’s what I thought.”
“No, but seriously,” she turns her head to look at him, “check my pocket.”
He does exactly that, finding one of her little bullet vibes in the front pocket of her jeans, “you planned this?”
“I knew we’d be having some kind of sex somewhere in this building,” she smirks. “Also my safe word is red but keep going.”
“Alrighty, then,” she can hear the smirk on his face as he thinks it over.
He takes his handcuffs out of his back pocket and cuffs her, “you know, it’s public indecency looking like this in here, technically it’s a federal offence and it’s my duty as a federal officer to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
She swallows sharply, pushing back against his groin and gasping when her bare asscheek meets the cold metal of his gun in his holster. Sometimes she forgot he was a real FBI agent, sometimes it didn’t feel real to her because he was just her nerdy boyfriend and he never had any of his "cop props" with him… suddenly they weren’t just accessories to her anymore, he was actually a cop who just bent her over a table and cuffed her and now he’s going to fuck her "big beautiful thighs" as he called them.
“What’s the sentence, agent?” She plays along because damn he’s hot like this.
He presses his chest to her back as he leans in close to her ear, “It’s doctor, and you know that.”
He turns on the vibrator and rests it inside her underwear, right against her clit at the lowest setting, her thighs twitch at the feeling and all she wishes is that she had something to hold on to.
She whines again when she hears his belt buckle dangle and his zipper open, he grips his cock at the base and drags the head between her cheeks before slipping between her things with a sigh, “and it’s taking my time, you’re just going to have to, rather impatiently, deal with it.”
“Yes, doctor,” she closes her eyes and waits for the feeling of his cock between her legs but he doesn’t push in.
He places his feet on either side of hers so that she can't open her legs any further and finally, finally breaches her thighs. He groans at the drag of his cock against her skin as the vibrations from her panties continue to make her legs quake. She lets out a shaky breath and reaches for his shirt as he presses against her once more. Grabbing his tie instead, she pulls on it and he gasps for air.
“Sorry,” she mumbles with a smirk, not sorry at all for slightly choking him as she continues to hold his tie.
He swats her hands away from his tie and grips the cuffs to separate her hands, pushing them further up her back until it’s almost uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable thing about this was the fact he wasn’t inside of her, she felt so empty as she clenched around nothing. The stimulation on her clit was nice, the feeling of him taking her from behind is ungodly and yet he’s not in her. It’s the worst punishment in the whole world.
It was nowhere near enough to get her off and he knew that she wanted so much more that she wasn’t going to get, whining as he kept his thrusts at the same slow pace. It was agonizing, she squeezed her legs together more to tease him but he ended up liking it. There was nothing she could do for more, she was just going to have to let him take her, and that thought was what brought her closer.
“Please?” She begged, sounding just as desperate as she thought she would and not giving a single fuck.
“Please what?” He snaps his hips against her just a bit harder with each thrust.
She gasps again before biting her lip to hold back a moan, “finish in my mouth?” She begs once more, “please?”
He pulls off of her and yanks her off the table, turning her around, she drops to her knees without being told and opens her mouth immediately. He grips her by her hair and guides her towards his cock, slipping it past her lips and right down her throat.
He groans at the feeling, she closes her eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling of his heavy cock in her mouth. Taking him more forcefully than ever before, he’s too caught up in the moment to realize he might be a little too rough but she also doesn’t mind. Breathing through her nose to stay calm she takes him as far as she can, pressing her nose to his pubes he can feel how hot her breath is as she struggles to breathe.
“Such a good girl,” he pulls her off so she can breathe for a moment, “you want my cum so bad don’t you?”
“Yes please, daddy,” she replies with a rasp in her voice that makes it obvious where he’s been.
She takes him in her mouth once more, sucking earnestly to get him closer and closer to the edge. He’s whining, pulling her hair and doing everything in his power not to thrust against her face, even though she’s okay with it.
She knows when he’s close because his cock always twitches in the same spot, it’s a tell-tale sign that he’s going to cum in a second. She applies more suction, running her tongue along the underside before taking him all the way once more just in time for him to cum right down her throat with each swallow.
He’s not quiet, anyone walking past the door will hear him panting and gasping, muttering good girl under his breath, he’s more fucked out by this blow job than she’s ever made him before. She can’t help but smirk as he pulls away and leaves her there on her knees, covered in spit and drool and unable to wipe her own mouth due to the fact she’s still fucking handcuffed.
She rests against his shoe, pressing the vibrator against her clit a little more, she twitches at how good it feels but it’s still not enough to get her off, and a part of her doesn’t want to.
He pulls her up to her feet and sits her down on the table he was just pretending to fuck her against. He attempts to spread her legs and get between them but she stops him, “leave the vibe where it is and let’s just go home?”
“You want to walk out of this building with a vibrator in your panties, and say goodbye to my co-workers and friends knowing you could cum anytime?”
She smirks, “yes, but I won't cum cause this pathetic toy isn’t as good at you.”
He clicks the button to turn it up a speed and she gasps, pushing against the feeling and moaning into it, “I’d like to see you try that.”
He takes her on the rest of the “tour” with that vibrator in her panties, she’s getting more and more flustered the more they look around. Eventually, he shows her the library, getting her alone in the back corner where he can talk to her without the risk of people knowing what’s going on.
“I can’t,” she whines as he presses her against the shelves, “please?”
“Please what?”
“Turn it off, daddy, I can’t take it anymore,” she grips his suit jacket tightly as she looks up at him with the eyes he can’t say no to.
“Mmm,” he hums, reaching into her pants to free her from the stimulation, she relaxes finally. “What do you think you deserve now?”
“Don’t wanna cum till we’re at home,” she whispers, “but you’ll have to make it quick because we have a flight to catch at 8.”
“Fuck,” he whispers like he forgot. “I hope we can get back into the apartment in time.”
“The bomb was in the basement of the building beside yours,” he admits and the whole facade fades, “that’s why I’m not taking you home yet.”
“That’s why you wanted to fuck me,” she whispers with a giggle. “You could have at least told me this was a ‘you almost died’ rush for you.”
“I didn’t want to say it like that,” he admits and a depression washes through his blood, he feels the low settle as he drops, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she takes his face in her hands and makes him look her in the eyes, “I love you, I’m glad we’re both safe. Everything in there is replaceable, you and me aren’t. This is a really good thing, Spencer.”
He nods, doing what she’s told him so many times she wants him to do, telling her his thoughts so that he’s no longer haunted alone, “when I told my friend Derek about you, he said dating a younger woman means I’ll never have to worry about you dying of old age before me. That’s one of his fears being the same age as Savannah, but I’ve lost so many people I never even thought about getting old with you I’ve just wanted to keep this version of you safe and with me forever.”
“Penelope said she always wished you’d find someone like me, and my only thought was If I live to be 100, I hope you live to be 116 because there isn’t a day I want to spend on this earth where Spencer Reid isn’t alive and beside me,” he whispers with a smile, “but now I’m thinking if you live to be 100, I don’t want to go past 84.”
“You can’t say that,” he whispers, tears bubbling in his eyes, “what if I die tomorrow? I need to know you’re going to be fine and not end your wonderful existence because I’m not here anymore. You’re too wonderful to put all your worth on me.”
She doesn’t want to cry, she already looks like she’s been fucked and now she’s a mess, she pulls him into a kiss so he’ll stop talking and they can just be together, it was hard enough for her thinking he was going to die eventually, let alone him hypothesizing dying tomorrow.
She rests her forehead against his, “we always do this.”
“It’s like orgasms open the emotions or something,” she snuffles which turns into a laugh, “do you think our kids are going to find it weird that you’re so much older than me?”
Everything takes him for a loop, “uh,” he struggles to find the words, pulling back and looking at her as her face drops, “I um—
“You don’t want kids anymore?” She looks genuinely saddened and he doesn’t know how to answer.
“I do,” he nods, “just—“
“Not with me?” She puts the words in his mouth.
“With you, just not yet,” he holds her by the shoulders, “I need more time with you before we have a kid, I need to love life and be in a good place and somewhere where I can focus all my attention on them, and I can’t yet.”
“I want a baby by 30,” she whispers before pressing her lips together awkwardly, “46 isn’t too old to be a dad, I’ve seen men become fathers at 80.”
He laughs as the anxiety leaves him, “a little California surfer baby wouldn’t be too bad.”
“Well, we fuck like rabbits, we might get there sooner than you planned,” she nudges him, “you’re a wonderful boyfriend, and if you don’t mind, I’d like for you to stay my boyfriend for a little longer? I’m not ready to be a wife or a mom and change my name when I just got it put on a published book.”
“I’ll change mine to yours,” he replies like it's nothing, “or keep yours and we’ll hyphenate the kid's names.”
“It’s plural now?” She teases him once more.
“Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you,” he assures her, “forever.”
“You’d pluck a star from the sky for me wouldn’t you, Doctor Y/L/N?”
He laughs at how it sounds but he kinda likes it. Her word choice is even funnier to him, however, because he’s actually gone out of his way to pluck a star for her. She has no idea, but her last present is a big one.
She struggled to get her own name on a book for so long, now there’s a star named after her, in the sky for everyone to see for the rest of time.
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Sugar daddy fic
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