#-i realised it was gonna be kinda similar
pocket-prosecutor · 2 years
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trying this new thing called "draw tiny Miles at peace and sleeping". it's good for the soul
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fried-manto · 9 months
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Saiou is so sunflower tho
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Why I'm excited for those two to team up?
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I love them to death
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real nonbinary experience tbh
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
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Every friend group should include... (the BBC Wreck version)
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wolves-in-the-world · 10 months
I'm been watching a bunch of Doctor Who while post-illness and generally sleep-deprived, and was anyone going to tell me that Goran Visnjic (aka Moreau) plays Nikola Tesla in this or was I just supposed to find that out by seeing him act the role genuinely and endearingly myself?
he makes a terrific straightman to the show's sci-fi nonsense, towers over everyone but comes across as utterly safe, and he has smile creases around his eyes now. you're welcome.
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floorpancakes · 9 months
recently ive become a mawarin meki childhood friends truther and i cant wait to write a whole bunch of it
they were clearly already friends before tanuki came into the picture but i like the idea that it goes back further and mawarin was the first to reach out and that while these two were the popular ones of the friend group in highschool they were also weird kids once (they're still both pretty weird. nothing about this friendship group is normal)
like mawarin is pretty good at holding in the things that make her different from other people (to the extent she seems like a normal friendly girl that could get along with anybody) but I keep thinking abt the idea of meki being kind of a loner for ages and being shunned by his classmates and stuff. after a point he probably wouldnt care but mawarin seems like the type to reach out even if she knows it could get complicated cause of her bad luck curse/non curse situation. like shes so much of a sunshine character its kind of hard to dim that kind of light. anyway I feel like even if she got deterred by the people around her she WOULD go up and make friends with the weird kid, and WOULD go do that again a second time no matter what (even if the latter is the type of guy who hisses at people).
plus its a good intersection of the traits of like
- meki is noted specifically as having a rough time growing up from being sick, spiritual nonsense and also the whole Situation (which I am choosing to interpret as trans stuff but like in general)
- watanuki being the latecomer to the friend group, and also notably a lot more of a loner rather than the popular type so he was probably adopted into a preexisting friendship at some point
I just like the idea that mawarin has an affinity for bringing weird kids out of their respective shells and that all three of them kinda see themselves in each other as individuals and a group bcs it adds an added layer of sentimentality to what's already been established. and its very found family vibes. I rly like the framework of what's already there in canon but my brain wants to make it even more compelling so it comes uff with stuff like this out of nowhere lol
anyway imagine if mekis mind was already set after the rain incident but himawari comes up to him one day like 'so like theres this kid in our year with no friends and i think he needs somebody cause he keeps eating alone at lunch can we keep him' 😭 like he's some sort of cat in need (he is) (thats exactly what he is)
and doumeki immediately is like yeah go for it (hes already had a life altering experience and at this point without himawari even knowing he's basically ride or die for the guy at first sight)
i like the idea that this like a lot of other things in the story is cyclical idk how to end this thought anyway this probably doesn't make sense im sick and thinking about holic is a good distraction
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trashbatistrash · 1 year
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The lover boys ( Percy, Leo, Jason, Conner, Luke , Frank) overhearing reader talking about them and afterwards realising that reader is THE ONE for them
Mhuaw Mhuaw 💋
⋆⭒˚.⋆ can't have a conversation if it's not all about you! hcs
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content: hcs for leo valdez, frank zhang, luke castellan, percy jackson & jason grace warning: some language but that's it!! author's note: ta daaaaa! i like doing matching stories to one's ive already written!! and love love love how these match the other group hcs i did, probs gonna put it as a part two on the masterlist even tho i kinda isn't, ya know??? whatever it's my blog lmao-
𝜗𝜚 leo valdez
leo had no shame
originally, he had no intentions of eavesdropping
but then he heard you talking as he passed by the window of your cabin and couldn't help but stand nearby
and, boy, was he glad that he did
his smile was a mile wide as he heard you talk so passionately about him
that's right, you've been yapping away about leo for at least an hour
"and you should see the way he looks at me when he makes me laugh. it's just- it's just this wide smile and he can't seem to take his eyes off me."
leo blushed slightly at that comment, completely unaware that you had caught onto that look, the one he only reserved for you
"and he's the sweetest, always looking out for me. oh! and the gifts are never ending and he's the best cuddler i've like ever met. and, so, so funny."
leo was certain he was short circuiting, the wires of his heart fraying and twisting in unnatural ways. in ways that would make his mechanic father disappointed
"you must really love him," one of your siblings mused and leo waited with baited breath, leaning slightly closer to the window to hear you better
"more than i could put into words. i'm...i'm lucky the fates gave him to me - more than lucky."
that was the day leo started working on your engagement ring, determined to never spend another day without you by his side
𝜗𝜚 frank zhang
frank was a good boy, be it either his roman bones or his canadian heritage, he made sure to always follow rules and respect peoples privacy
...except for today
he allowed himself this exception as he stood in one of the many hallways new rome had to offer, leaning against the wall as he heard your voice drift through the corridor
you couldn't have been more than a few yards away, your voice easily carrying to frank's ears
"he gives the best hugs!"
"bear hugs?" your friend laughed and frank's lips twitched upwards at the comment
"shut up! he's sweet, too! so, so sweet! and gentle. for a son of mars, he holds me so softly."
frank stood a little taller at the comments, pride filling his body in a way it never had before
sure, lots of people have told him similar things, but something about it coming from you left the boy reeling with pride
"cmon, be honest. is he, ya know, the one?" your friend whispered but frank still heard it
he paled at the connotation, his fingers crossed as he counted the seconds in between your response.
"honestly? he's the other half of my soul. we're tied together and he's not getting rid of me anytime soon."
that afternoon, frank signed up for a wedding magazine subscription, wanting to keep up to date on the wedding scene, as he figured it would become very important to him and you in the near future
𝜗𝜚 luke castellan
luke had taken a break from practice with his sword, laying on the ground all sweaty and grimy
his water bottle had long since been emptied but he was far too tired to get up and refill it
after a few minutes of rest, he'd finally decided the water would be worth the pain of his taunt muscles
as he made his way to the water fountain, he paused as his eyes caught sight of you and a wood nymph talking
he smirked to himself, moving closer with the full intentions of stealing a kiss but he paused as your words started to reach his ears
he then hid behind a tree, only peeking out every now and then when he knew you weren't looking
"gods, i've never met a guy so romantic. did i tell you that he stole all of my favorite bags of chips from the camp store? and you wanna know why? mind you, this is a direct quote, he said 'because no one but my girl deserves these chips to grace her lips.' like...bro."
the wood nymph cooed, the flowers in her hair brightening in color at the romantic thoughts
in fact, the red tulips were matching the shade of luke's cheeks pretty well
and that's quite the feat as the boy wasn't a big blusher
"and watching him train will always leave me drooling. you hear that olivia rodrigo leaked song, prison for life?? like, that's literally him!! he's so protective but in a good way, ya know??"
luke shook his head despite knowing the fact you couldn't see him
you've brought that song up so many times since you heard it, telling luke that it always reminded you of him
and luke would never admit it, but he listened to the song on his own time
and he couldn't help but agree with you
he'd kill for you and you didn't even need to ask him to
he'd just do it because you were worth any consequence he'd face after
"so, you love him?" the wood nymph questioned eagerly
and luke was just as eager to hear the answer
"...i'd kill for him, too. i'd do anything to keep him close, hurt anyone. hell, i'd tear down olympus for that boy."
and that you would, eventually.
all with a shiny ring on your finger, put there by the boy who'd lost his way
and you were more than happy to get lost with him, too, as long as it meant his hand in yours
𝜗𝜚 percy jackson
percy knew better than to listen to rumors
especially from sea flora and fauna
but, when the shark swam up to him with naiads in tow, percy couldn't help but listen
"lord! lord! you'll never believe what we just heard!" the shark cried, swimming circles around percy in his excitement
"go on," percy encouraged, briefly passing his hand over the shark's fin before the shark was mentally gasping in a big breath to do a long ramble
"okay okay okay! so, your lady in waiting had been talking with a few of the river naiads up stream. and she was talking about you, my lord!"
percy was silently waiting for the new information to come
he was well aware of the fact that you struggled to have conversations that didn't revolve around him
and he would know as he struggled with a similar issue when it came to you
"and she was talking about your hair and your eyes and your smile! oh, and she also mentioned that she thought you were the funniest boy she'd ever met, my lord! then she was talking about how good you looked in some shirt the other day-"
"wait, wait, which shirt??? did she say, like, a color or something??" percy cut in, leaning forwards as this information was important to him
"umm, i think she said navy blue?"
"yes! alright, go on," percy cheered, making a mental note to wear that shirt more
anything to keep her eyes on him
not that he had to try super hard but still
"and she talked about rings! ones made of diamonds or something!! oh, and your mother being at some ceremony and something about father's giving away their daughters?? and white dresses. does she like white dresses? the story get's a little confusing here, i'll admit, my lord."
percy could have drown right then and there from excitement
you were talking about weddings while talking about percy
he took that as a good sign
and he'd go home later that summer and shyly ask his mother to walk him through the process of getting married
for, uh, unrelated reasons, of course
𝜗𝜚 jason grace
jason was a nervous fella, not one to eavesdrop or listen to conversations that didn't involve him
nonetheless, he couldn't seem to pull himself from the cracked doorway
every alarm was ringing in his roman mind, telling him that it was wrong and that he shouldn't be listening in on your conversation
but you were saying such lovely things!
"he treats me like im gold, like im something to be valued and taken care of. gods, he's so good to me."
it was like a little benchmark report on how he was as a boyfriend
and you know this guy loves reports and numbers and spreadsheets lmao
pros and cons list's best friend
but at the moment, you were struggling to list even a single con
"and he's such a gentleman. i don't think i've touched a door handle the whole time that we've been dating. or opened my car door, let alone drove."
jason smirked, pride oozing from him at the comments
he worked hard to make sure that you never saw another cloudy day in your life and he couldn't help but be a little proud that you took notice of those things
"what would you do if he asked you to marry him right now?" your sibling asked, with a wiggle of their eyebrows and a taunt in their voice
jason's muscles tightened at the comment and they jolted to run off, but his need to know kept him right where he was
"i'd say yes without a second of hesitation. i'm sure we've been married in past lives and we will be in future ones. so why delay the inevitable?"
jason was shocked, a rare feeling for the son of jupiter
but, once he recovered, he went running to piper, desperately asking her what the best way to find out your ring size would be
and not for just any finger, if you know what i mean.
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chisatowo · 2 years
Envisions project sekai splat toon au. Salmonid Mafuyu. Thats all the ideas I have ok bye
#rat rambles#splat posting#sekai posting#ok I lied I do have more ideas bc of course I di#uhhhh mafuyu is specifically an ex steel eel whos parents heavily involved themselves in her upbringing leaving her feeling very isolated#from the rest of salmonid society and after realising she wasnt willing to die for these ppl and having an idebtity crisis abt it she ran#away to the surface#well by ran I mean snuck out on a grizco boat or chopper idk#in my hcs steel eels are typically mostly salmonids who largely grew up with some kind of tail deformity or injury and as such had to find#creative ways to survive (usually through technology as such giving them the fin dexterity to operate the steel eels)#that being said I dont rly have a proper reason for chosing steel eel for mafuyu I just wamted her to be one of the machine opering ones#and didnt wanna make her a scrapper stinger or god forbid a flyfish#amd I also didnt wanna make her too big either so steel eel it is ih#*ig#anyways the tenmas are seaweed rui is a catfish mizuki is an octoling with a similar condition to the blue inkling guy so their humanoid#form didnt develop fully and still is fully ink colored#I was gonna say emu could be the token inkling but I actually think it could be fun to make her a jellyfish#ena is a hammerhead shark and while idk what kinda fish I know I want shizuki and shiho to be one of those guys who are just like an actual#fish but bigger#also my gut says anenome nene but that might just be because of harmony dusjhsjdj#aaand thats abt it for my ideas idk if Ill think of stuff for everyone Im just brainstorming for funsies djsksus#wait lemme check the bdnori sploon au doc real quick hold on#ok yeah I was remembering corrwctlu I didnt have anything for yukina guess akito doesnt get smth afterall djskhsj#anyways enoufg project sekai posting I need tk shower
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azulaaaaaaah · 2 months
rating every zuko ship (cause that mf is shipped with everyone)
CLICKBAIT!!! this isn’t every zuko ship just the main ones i immediately lied lol. idk if any of these are hot takes or not but please don’t crucify me (might do a part 2 where it’s azula ships)
Jinko - Zuko/Jin
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awwww it’s cute (for what it is)
and what it is was one singular date that was never really mentioned again
i really appreciate how jin is so unperturbed by zuko’s awkward angst and just genuinely likes him
howevvver she’s kinda one dimensional (as she’s only in like an episode) and i just don’t see this going anywhere longterm
less a ship, more a vehicle for zuko’s character development lol
Jetko- Zuko/Jet
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jet being zuko’s first gay encounter is canon in my eyes
don’t ship them however cause i hate jet with the fire of a thousands suns
similar issues to jin as well where their interactions are extremely limited so personally have no clue how this could be a long term thing
Maiko- Zuko/Mai
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i am so impartial on this ship it’s not even funny.
i get that it’s canon. i get that izumi looks suspiciously like mai so it’s endgame. i just don’t see HOW?? it feels as if the writers realised zutara was becoming popular and were like ‘OH SHIT WE GOTTA DEFUSE THIS SITUATION SOMEHOW’
their relationship is basically just mai being a cold asshole and zuko being an angry asshole and there’s no change or development between EITHER OF THEM
however when they’re cute they’re cute !!!!
‘i love zuko more than i fear you’ COLDEST LINE EVER
however again it’s like - you had a crush on him as a kid. he was BANISHED. you dated for like a month as teens. you argued the whole time. he left again- and shortly after you saved him from prison, but then you were imprisoned partly due to his actions. you get back together again, he becomes the ruler of a country, and then you’re surprised it’s isolating him/making him even more of an asshole???
on the other hand we as a society need to admit that zuko is weirdly possessive of her (ig that’s a positive if ur a booktok romance girlie but im not). like if i was mai i wouldn’t put up with that toxic shit either
at the end of the day, i honestly don’t care that they’re canon lol- but i think they’d probably best as a bitchy best friend duo
Zukaang - Zuko/Aang
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not round here partner. not round here
my first issue is the age gap is objectively extremely weird if examined in canon. leaving it at that
i get that this is grumpy x sunshine in a way the other ships aren’t to me- but we’ve only ever seen these two characters interact with each other when there’s (again) A WEIRD AGE GAP
they are bros in the least homosexual way possible
the cherry on top of this situation is: isn’t aang the reincarnation of his great grandpa? isn’t that giving slight, uh, inc*st vibes??? imagine if people shipped korra and jinora isn’t that just WEIRD???
Zuki - Zuko/Suki
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is this my most controversial take ???
i am a sucker for bodyguard x royal family dynamics guys
and the fact that this is girlboss x malewife is even BETTER
suki seems the most competent at handling his pissy ass in a way the other people on this list aren’t
like she’s real. she’s not sugarcoating his situation, BUT SHES COMPASSIONATE !!
i don’t like throuples typically but suzukki is even eliter than this, which removes the whole ‘going against the bro code’ element that arises from them being together
also i feel like if you haven’t read the comics this doesnt make sense At All so please do
-2 points for the lack of tangible reason to ship them lol
Zutara - Zuko/Katara
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okay this one makes the most logistical sense to me within canon (solely examined as a zuko ship not overall)
it really seems as if they were gonna make this canon and swerved circa book 2
something about this makes me uncomfortable though. (despite the age gap which again a little weird)
something about katara potentially becoming the fire lady is so… icky. she’s a waterbender. the fire nation tried to systematically erase her kind. her mother is killed by the fire nation because they think she’s a waterbender. and katara…. what, becomes part of the royal family? it just seems wrong, and like something she wouldn’t be into
also i feel like their arguments would be a little too NUCLEAR. there’s like, a 50% chance of divorce
she deserves a better ending than that is all i’m saying
to paraphrase the hunger games: katara has plenty of fire herself. SHE NEEDS THAT DANDELION IN THE SPRING MAN
(i’m a kataang truther)
Zukka - Zuko/Sokka
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my zuko related otp!!!
bros to lovers guys, where zuko falls first but sokka falls HARDER !!!
ik this will never be canon and im happy with that. i know there’s not even a whisper of romance between them in the show, but i just think it’s c u t e .
sokka (like suki) is very likely to call zuko out on his shit, but less likely to lose his own shit (like katara)
this in my heart of hearts is 10/10 however is still problematic in a similar way to zutara
his mother is killed by the fire nation and he (presumably) becomes consort ?
however though, i would still say it’s not as ruhroh as zutara bc firstly, sokka isn’t a waterbender, and secondly, ‘consort’ is a lot more open to interpretation than i think fire lady is. in my opinion a consort ≠ a fire lady, just like irl a consort ≠ a queen. it kinda means he can still be ambassador to the southern water tribe/a leader of his own people, while just so happening to be married to the fire lord.
overall i can’t help but stan a friends to lover ship cmOn now
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princessbrunette · 3 months
hmmmm this oral fixation thing is giving me !! thoughts !! maybe with jombee or rafe u find urself biting on a flower or literally anything n he just instinctively shoves his fingers in ur mouth like “hey no, spit that out” :(( but u oblige anyways bc his fingers act as a substitute hehe <3 💭
this makes me giggle because they’d go about it kinda similar but kinda different ??
♡₊˚ 👜・₊ ♛ ₊˚⊹♡
you’ve always been curious, a bit peculiar, acted on impulse — so it’s no surprise to john b when he finds you squatting outside the chateau stuffing a flower into your mouth. “hey, no— we don’t do that.” he’s quick to jog right up to you, squatting at your side and prying your mouth open like you’re really a dog, his fingers scraping along your tongue to make sure he’s got everything out. you let him, sticking your tongue out as he pulls off a rogue petal. “whats with all the chewing on random stuff, bub? are you nervous again?” he coo’s gently and you sense the slight exasperation in his voice. you nod, making no move to explain as he gets a little more comfortable sat beside you in the grass, pulling you against him.
“uh-huh. that’s okay. i got something better.” he eases his two longest fingers back into your mouth with you now leaning against him and you relax a little, biting and sucking on his fingers. “you’re funny, pup.” he shakes his head, a light chuckle leaving him.
rafe however knows when you’re about to stick something you shouldn’t in your mouth. he watches you, watches the thought cross your mind before you let the idea win — quickly shoving it into your mouth without realising he’s looking. he grabs you quickly by the scruff of the neck, clasping a hand under your chin. “spit it out, kid. now.” you do as he says and he shakes his head, tossing it away and wiping his hand. “you—you cannot do that, okay?”
“i want to put something in my mouth. im anxious.” you explain, fists clenched by your side. rafe sighs, scratching at his cheek as he ponders a solution, always the problem solver.
“alright, inside.” he nods towards the house before marching towards it expecting you to follow. you do, loyally so— and he grips you gently and pulls you onto the couch. “you’re all… wound up over nothing. gonna sit your ass down and watch a movie, yeah?”
he loops a heavy arm around your neck to pull you against his chest, navigating the remote with the other hand.
“but i wanna—” your whiny complaint is cut off by him shoving his fingers into your mouth, stuffing it completely which makes you fall into silence, give or take a few hiccups and occasional wet gags.
“yeah, just take that n’shut up for a little. okay?”
♡₊˚ 👜・₊ ♛ ₊˚⊹♡
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 months
I really want the show to go into more detail about Husk's backstory as an overlord, partly because I feel like it's something the fandom is kinda glossing over and partly because it's lowkey one of the biggest obstacles that a Husk/Angel relationship would have into overcome.
'Loser Baby' emphasises the similarities between Angel and Husk's situations, but it also (probably deliberately, since Husk is the one leading it) brushes aside one of the most major differences between them.
Namely that when Husk tells Angel that he's not the only one who sold his soul, he's not just singing about himself.
Husk sold his soul to Alastor, yeah (or lost it at least, which amounts to the same thing), but he also traded in souls. He was that “psychopathic freak”, and was operating fro long enough to achieve Overlord status.
And, honestly? Having your soul owned by Husker back in the day probably sucked.
The one benefit of soul contracts for the person selling their soul is that they seem to get a fair amount of say in how the contract is written.
Angel's contract, for example, apparently has a clause stating that he's only under Valentino's jurisdiction when he's in the studio. (Which, btw, puts a whole other spin on why Val is so pissed when he moves out of studio accommodation and into the Hotel.) And Val is apparently bound to that. Even though he's pissed off and actively wants to put Angel in his place, he can't make any moves against him in the club.
Equally, since most overlords seem to be associated with a specific location/industry, you can generally choose who your working for and therefore roughly what kind of stuff you're gonna be doing.
In practice there seems to be a lot of manipulation and coercion going on on the part of the Overlords making these contracts— they're not fair by any means— but the sinners signing them are theoretically at least guaranteed the right to a (somewhat) informed choice and some control over the deals they make.
Having an Overlord who uses human souls to pay his gambling debts, however, completely undermines all that.
Imagine going into work for your job running the roulette games at the casino only to be told that the boss played a bad hand in a game with Valentino, and so you're a sex worker now.
Or being traded to someone who has you fighting turf wars for them, and realising that your contract doesn't have any clauses to protect your personal safety because you only signed up to be a bartender.
Or selling your soul for a job near your home and family so you can guarantee their protection, only to be traded to someone whose territory is on the other side of the pentagram.
Husk is a victim of his own addiction, yeah, which is one of the reasons why Angel relates to him. But his backstory implies that there must be a significant number of people out there who were also victims of Husk's addiction, and may not be as sympathetic. Dude basically owned other people as property (… we have a word for that) and then literally played games with their lives.
And like, I'm not saying he hasn't changed. He seems more empathetic on the show than his backstory would imply, and apart from anything else, he's had a pretty clear object lesson about what it's like to be on the receiving end of that sort of thing. (Ngl, I'm pretty sure one of the reasons Alastor keeps him around is because he's the type to find the irony amusing.)
But like, he's in this place where he can relate to Angel Dust's situation, while at the same time probably also being able to relate to Valentino and Alastor's perspectives (although I doubt he was quite as bad as Val to work for).
And I'm curious as to what would happen, later in the series, if the gang met someone who had sold their soul to Husk at one point. Someone who would also be able to relate to Angel's situation, but with Husk as their version of Valentino.
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cheeseceli · 5 months
When your parents don't like them
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader (individually)
Genre: reverse hurt/comfort? Angst? A little bit of fluff perhaps; reaction
Description: their reaction to not having the approval of your parents in their first meeting (established relationship)
Warnings: not proofread; a lot of overthinking and self doubt in most of the scenarios; the length of each story is not favouritsm!! It's just that some scenarios required more details than others
A/n: I should have posted this one a long time ago... Oh well. And I am literally the mix of Han and Lee Know, this would 100% happen to me if I were in their shoes
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Bang Chan
‌Parents always love him, so why didn't yours?
‌He believes he took it for granted
‌But he was so sure your family would love him
‌Rethinks everything he said and did
‌And thinks about what he could've done
‌He'll be up all night because of it, you better believe me
"Maybe it's the outfit I was wearing?"
"Chan, for God's sake, go to sleep."
"Seriously though, do you think my clothes weren't appropriate?"
"There was nothing wrong with how you looked baby."
"... So maybe I didn't introduce myself properly?"
Lee Know
‌ He knew he had to talk
‌ But it turns out he was too scared
‌And your parents just aggravated his problem
‌ He'd give only short answers and would only speak when spoken with
‌ Because of that your parents didn't see him as a really charismatic guy
‌ But I swear he was trying his best
"I swear it wasn't as bad as it seemed."
"It was horrible. I doubt any of your parents even know what my voice sounds like."
"You were nervous. I'm sure they'll understand. If you'd like I can talk to them about it."
"Please, don't. The last thing I want is for your parents to think that besides being awkward I'm a coward as well."
"They don't think either of those things. You'll see, you guys just need to know each other a little bit more. They'll love you."
Even with his worried expression, he gave you a small smile "I hope so".
‌ You warned him he was getting too close
‌ He was holding your hand, caressing your thigh, hugging you too tight, kissing you a lot...
‌ All the time
‌ And yes, you both were dating for a while now
‌ But your parents didn't really appreciate the attitude
‌ And truly, he thought that by doing that he was showing how much he treasured and loved you
‌ Sadly your parents didn't understand his actions like he planned
"But what was I supposed to do? Stay away from you?"
"Ideally, yes"
Changbin pouted, not even realising it "but I'm your boyfriend"
"They are not used to this fact just yet. Don't worry though, they still have a lot of time to like you. Just wait and see"
‌ Similar to Chan, Hyunjin didn't expect to be rejected by your parents
‌of course, he wasn't expecting to make the fall in love immediately, but he knew he had some charms
‌and he actually put a lot of effort into impressing them so when it doesn't work he's like
‌genuinely sad
‌And he's scared your relationship might change now that he doesn't have your family approval right away.
"So... About the dinner"
"They are always like this, don't worry"
"How come?"
"I knew they were gonna play hard to get. But don't you stress over it, sooner or later they will realise there is no need to act like it"
"So I can still convince them into not hating me?"
"Why would they hate you? You were really boyfriend material if you ask me"
He laughed, a little bit more relieved "They were kinda... aggressive back there, y'know?"
"Ugh, sorry about that. I swear things will get better"
"You're not mad?"
"Of course not. Why would I be?"
"I thought you'd get sad or something like that since the meeting didn't go that well"
"I'm a bit sad, yeah. But it's not your fault. You did your best. Besides, it won't last that long. It's kinda hard to hate on the Hwang Hyunjin for too long"
He laughed again, openly this time as he replied "I hope you are right"
‌The problem wasn't exactly what he did
‌The problem was that he didn't do anything
‌Literally anything
‌ He'd excuse himself to go to the bathroom to avoid any questions
‌He barely moved besides that
‌After a while your dad even forgot he was there
‌And Han wished he could disappear
"I'm so, so sorry"
"Ji, it's okay"
"I was gonna answer your mother, I swear. But she was looking at me with daggers in her eyes"
"You were just fine"
"Fine? Y/n, your dad sighed in relief after I left the room. They must see me as a loser"
"I'm sure they don't. Besides, you still have a lot of time left to win them over. I know they'll love you"
‌Your parents loved him actually
‌They just don't think he is fit to be your boyfriend
‌They think that his angel face and sweet personality wouldn't give you enough security throughout your life
‌And Felix wants to prove himself to your parents so badly now
‌He will use his deep voice privilege to try to prove his point
‌He will go to the gym with Changbin until he's "intimidating" enough
‌And he won't fail on reminding them how he has over 60 medals on taekwondo
"How do I look?"
"Great, as always"
"But do I look intimidating? Scary?"
"But not too scary. I need to look threatening to others but reliable to you"
"You look like someone my parents will like"
"They already like me, but not enough to like our relationship"
"They will though. Soon enough they will appreciate everything that comes along with you, trust me."
Felix smiled and nodded, feeling a certain comfort into your words as you headed to the door
"Just for the record, you do look threatening but reliable"
"Oh thank you. I was going crazy over this"
‌If your parents don't like Seungmin then the problem is on them
‌just kidding
‌Seriously though, I can't imagine why they wouldn't like him
‌And neither can Seungmin himself
‌So he truly thinks that everything was a misunderstanding and that it's only a matter of time until your whole family falls in love with him
‌He will face it like a challenge
"What about we invite your parents to our apartment this weekend?"
"We just saw them less than an hour ago"
"I think we should see them again"
"Did you like them that much?"
"They seem cool. But they also seem to hate me. I need to change their minds"
"What? They didn't hate you at all"
"Your father's glare would disagree. But that doesn't matter that much because by the end of this week they will love me"
"You seem certain"
"Of course I am. I can't have them hating me for the rest of our lives, can I?"
"They don't hate you. They are just... hard to please"
"I'll change this" he faced you with a confident smile "I give you my word"
‌Kinda clueless
‌Totally clueless actually
‌He can't understand what he did wrong but apparently he did something awful considering your parents disliked him that much
‌Will try to find ways to apologise
‌Will gift them and try to keep a conversation even when you're not around
"Does your mother like flowers? She does, right? Every mother does"
"What are you doing?"
"You said that she invited us to lunch this Friday. I don't want to go see her with empty hands again. Maybe that's what made her hate me so much the first time"
"She doesn't care about those things, Innie"
"No? Then why doesn't she like me?"
"She's just hard to satisfy, you know. But I bet she'll like you in no time. She just needs to get to know you better"
"You keep saying that but I don't know, I feel like that won't happen any time soon. I really want her to approve me"
He had that hopeless expression again, that one that really wanted to change the situation but didn't know how to. You really hated seeing him disappointed on himself.
"Lilies" you said
"Those are my mother's favourites. Lilies"
"Oh my God, thank you" he got up and kissed the top of your head lightly, before going to the door of your shared apartment "I'll be right back"
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Flushed cheeks - Yang Jungwon
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A/N : Hi, so I had a lot of similar asks so I decided to combine them into 1 fic. I hope you enjoy it! reminder that I am accepting emoji anons and if anyone wants to be moots, I'll never reject anyone :)) Thankyou for all of the love y'all are showing to my posts, I appreciate you all! <333
Pairing : Bf!Jungwon X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Kissing, making out, dry humping, thigh riding, boner, teasing, cumming in pants. Jw is kinda subby, reader is kinda dom.
Word Count : 786 Words
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You grinded your hips harder into him as your boyfriend moaned into your mouth, a simple kiss had became a hot, intense make out session.
His cheeks were a crimson red, just like his swollen lips, his hair was messy due to you tangling your hands in it, and his chest rising and falling due to his heavy breathing.
He was completely at your mercy. Cute.
You started off by telling him you wanted to ride his thigh, which he agreed to with a little nod and flushed cheeks. You started off by kissing him, just to calm down his nerves but he just couldn't get enough of your lips.
With your lips connected, he sat on the couch, pulling you with him as you started grinding on his thigh. You were still in your underwear, not bothering to take them off.
With every movement of your clothed cunt on his thigh, the wetter you became, and in his case, the tighter his pants became. He couldn't stop moaning, especially when he noticed the wet patch on your underwear.
You took advantage of his moaning, slipping your tongue into his opened mouth. He grabbed your hips, desperately moving your hips quicker on his thighs.
"Fuck Won, you're so hard baby" you pointed out, making him close his eyes in embarrassment.
"I know, I'm sorry" he looks down in shame, not being able to look at you in the eyes.
"Sorry for what baby? Getting an erection? That's so hot" you reassure, leaning down to kiss his neck, making him involuntary buck his hips up into nothing.
"P-please Y/n, it hurts" he whines, his grip on your hips tightening. You decided to tease him just a little more, taking your sweet time kissing his neck and gently biting the flesh beneath his ears, making him go crazy.
At this point there were almost tears pricking his eyes, he felt too helpless beneath you, you could only control his pleasure and you were doing nothing to help him.
He took matters into his own hands, lifting you with strong hands so that you were straddling him, and not just his thigh. You wrapped your hands around his neck and smirked.
"You're that desperate huh?" you pout falsely at him, running a hand in his hair and ruffling it. "You're adorable, sweetie" you coo, riling him up.
He slides you forward and back on his lap, making you grind on him. Every time you grind against his bulge, he lets out a little whimper, and his eyebrows furrow in pleasure.
"There we go, you like that?" you ask him, grinding harder against him, making his hips twitch.
"Y-yeah, feels good" he lets out, strangled.
You would rub your clothed cunt against his bulge but then stop your movements just to kiss him and his neck, making him whine and beg for you to move again. He loved when you dry humped (?) him, for him it felt like sex, but clothed. Clothed sex.
With every drag of your soaked panties along his clothed hard dick, the closer he got. "F-fuck, y/n, please, p-please" at this point he barely knew what he was saying, lost in the pleasure, chasing his high.
With his eyes halfway open, he could see you smirk at him, before you leaned in to kiss him, this time your hips kept moving, and so did his.
He bucked up into you, afraid of losing the contact, grinding back up into your clothed pussy. He was so, so close.
"I'm gon-gonna cum!" he warns quickly, throwing his head back and shutting his eyes when you approved. He let out a loud moan, being too lost in pleasure to care.
That's until he felt how wet his pants were when he actually realised that he came in his pants. Sure, he knew he never took them off, but for a second he forgot about the fact that he was literally gonna cum with his clothes still on.
His face turned red, including his ears as he looked down at the mess he made. You noticed and cupped his face, making him look at you. "You're so cute Wonnie, look at what you did" your hand palmed his wet crotch to emphasize, making him whimper in overstimulation. "It's okay baby, no need to be embarrassed" you reassure, watching as he visibly relaxes his stiff figure.
"Y-you didn't cum?" he asks, pouting "I could-"
"No baby, it's fine, you don't have to, I enjoyed it anyway" you explain, caressing his hair. You lean in and kiss his pout away, smiling into the kiss.
He sighs "I love you Y/n"
"Love you too Wonnie" you reply, pinching his cheeks.
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Hellooo, Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions for what I should do when I hit 1k followers, please send me a request (I need ideas lmao) thanks. Have a good day/night and remember that ily <3333
If you enjoyed this post, you can support this blog by tipping me here! Anything is genuinely appreciated :)
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seungisms · 1 year
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff and general dumbassery
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: himbo!changbin, himbo!jisung, tiktok pranks and danni's shitty attempt at comedy
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: ngl i made felix shorter than the rest cause i just know his ass would'nt fall for this shit, my guy would probably be the one to do this prank on u 😭 similar to my last tiktok prank reaction, check it out here! reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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your stupid tiktok pranks are the bane of this mans existence
such a boomer
stares at you like (ಠ_ಠ) as you��re trying to push him into your room to hide
he already has to deal with seven other idiots causing him emotional distress on a daily basis and yet here you are joining in?
breaks into a sweat as soon as the word ‘boyfriend’ leaves your lips
literally like ???? idk if you knew this but,,, I’M your boyfriend 
will dig his feet into the carpet as you’re trying to push him through the door and won’t move until you explain yourself >:(
you just think he looks sososo cute confused and frustrated so you crack pretty quickly 
after u explain he just does that disappointed dad sigh™️ and walks away 
if u weren’t such a cutie he would’ve ditched ur ass by now istg
so close to snapping 
can’t deal with ur shit anymore
(he loves you really)
(but fr he’s on his last straw, you stress him out)
literally just chilling on one of his rare days off scrolling through his phone when you strike
now ur all up in his face like ‘bro u need to hide! my boyfriend is on his way!!’
legit just stares you out for a minute straight before just
‘get tf away from me 😃’
and you can tell he’s not gonna fall for another one of ur stupid pranks but u also can’t give up now cause u made a bet with felix so
‘no i’m serious! he’s like two minutes away, hide!!’
will continue sitting there
trust me he thinks ur really cute but he also wishes you’d just stfu once in awhile
if you continue on with your little prank he’ll just turn around and say ‘nah, i kinda wanna meet this guy now’
there’s no winning with his stubborn ass trust me
was asleep
so peaceful
then suddenly a wild girlfriend (you) appears
you felt kinda bad for disturbing him cause !! he looked so cute !! all pouty and sleepy
but still tiktok pranks reign superior than ur boyfriends sleep
so fking confused and doesn’t know what tf is going on
his fight or flight kicks in as soon as ur panicked whisper of ‘quick! my boyfriend is on his way, you need to hide!’ hits his ears
tucks and rolls right underneath that bed
will peek out from under the bed and be like ‘this good? 👍’ pls
himbo!changbin for the win
will hide for a good half hour before he realises 
i’m the boyfriend
bitches about it for at l e a s t two weeks
gets so worked up about it lmao
will be in the middle of a nice ~peaceful~ snack 
before being rudely interrupted
just stares u in the face with that real bitchy eye squint he loves to do
‘oh u think ur funny’
and you almost give up on the prank cause he’s just giving you the side eye while munching on his snack
loves to make you feel dumb 
he gets so annoyed over it but the more you insist on him to hide the more he actually starts to believe it
deep down he knows it’s a joke but also gets jealous over this non-existent side piece you have <3
‘okay fine, ill hide. but only cause ur cute.’
hides all grumpy in the storage cupboard with his snack
all you can hear are angry chewing noises
(ex: soobin)
another one to bring this up in future and bitch over it
whenever you ask him to help you with smith he’ll just be like
‘oh why don’t you get your boyfriend to help you’ and walks away
petty af but we been knew
but he’s pretty so you let him have it
so :o
listens very intently as you explain that your boyfriend is on his way and immediately goes into panic mode
‘okay i have a plan’
freaks out and drags you into the empty space below your stairs while shushing you
1/3 bimboracha 
‘he won’t find us here’
doesn’t understand why ur laughing ??? this is serious ???
9/10 chance he doesn’t know what’s actually going on
another one that takes way too long to figure out that he’s your boyfriend 
so close to organising an intervention against ur tiktok pranks
will make a 20 minute powerpoint on why tiktok should be banned in the dorms and will make you sit through the whole thing
idk just don’t do this to him, his dramatic ass wouldn’t be able to handle it
lee felix tiktok king™️
already knows what you’re trying to do before you even do istg
he’s ten steps ahead of you at all times with this tiktok shit
catches you looking at him out of the corner of your eye all morning and giggling and kinda had an idea of what you were planning
also he saw ur tiktok likes
this isn’t a cute little prank anymore this is a competition
on guard as soon as you strike and ready to shut that shit down
‘felix, quick hide in my closet! my boyfriend is gonna be here soon!!’
literally just goes
‘i’m ur boyfriend stupid’
and that’s that
there’s no fooling him
you planned to strike while he was asleep cause that’s the only time ur sure he won’t just immediately dismiss you and be like ‘tf are you on?’
swats you away a good three times as you try to shake him awake
does that grumpy teenager thing where he pulls the covers over his head and just hopes you’ll leave
if he can’t see u then u can’t see him
groans as soon as he hear that stupid tiktok line leave your mouth
just goes
‘okay?? i’m asleep anyway??? literally just hang out with him in the living room and go away???’
does not give a shit
you really wanna get him though
so you invite hyunjin over
and as soon as he hears another guys voice coming from the living room you bet ur ass he’s practically throwing himself down those stairs
just stares at you and hyunjin 
so fking out of breath
grumpily walks back up those stairs and you s w e a r  you heard him mumble ‘bitch’ under his breath 😭
but also will do whatever you say cause he’s whipped af
human personification of that one hamster meme when you come rushing up to him freaking out about how your boyfriend was on his way over
panics with u
he doesn’t like seeing you stressed :( 
but in the middle of ur ranting he’s like
‘okay wait i can just hide in there- wait, boyfrIEND?! BUT I’M UR BOYFRIEND!!!1!!!!!11!!’
literally doesn’t know what to do when you just shush him
stays hiding in there until you take pity on him and tell him to come out
does his little walk of shame out and just stands there for a good five minutes staring at you
has never felt betrayal like it
has trust issues now
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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