#...or shall I say 'The Universe'? haha
timeturner-jay · 2 months
For the ask game, how about your favorite Persona 3 character? (This is cheating but I'm curious lol)
Hehe, definitely Minato on my end then, too! ;D
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | secret third thing? | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
And lmao, I'm glad we're in agreement about the things we highlighted for him, too! He deserves all the best things. (Which makes his fate all the more tragic, hahaha ouch. But at the same time... It does feel like the perfect ending to his story, doesn't it? :') )
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You go to the zoo with Ty Lee. Later, you and Jia-Li watch a brutal confrontation between Kaho and an underclassman.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.3k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: big reveal HAHA jia-li is ruon-jian’s sister and kaho is chan’s!! idk if that was what people were expecting or not but i thought it was funny so here we are
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To Zuko,
I suppose that, if you really are set on it, it would not hurt me to think of you as my friend. I hope that you are prepared for what that may entail.
I jest. I do not think I am a particularly difficult person to have as a friend, though you might get a more honest review from Ty Lee or Jia-Li. At least in my own opinion (which one might find to be unfairly high), I am agreeable enough to get along with most people — at least those who are agreeable in return (so, not Kaho).
Ty Lee and I went to the zoo. It was entertaining. I am fond of animals, and I found I enjoyed myself more at the zoo than in the academy. At least the birds sound pretty when they screech! The same cannot be said for my dear classmates, who are of the disposition to speak quite incessantly but without anything of substance or value to contribute.
My classes have been going well. I am already at the top of the year, which is partially due to how much I study and partially due to a different factor. I will not call it memory, because it is nothing that that is personal to me, but it is true that at times I will understand something before our teacher has even taught it. I must have been a very learned Fire Nation soldier, indeed.
I had to watch an Agni Kai. One of the girls in the year below us fought Kaho. Of course, she lost. It is such a brutal custom, you know…though of course I understand the cultural significance, it is not a joy to watch. Certainly, I don’t understand how some of the girls were eating snacks and placing bets on the outcome. Luckily, the girl who went against Kaho is alright. Kaho let her off with only a small burn, but it could’ve been much worse.
In better news, Jia-Li has invited me to spend the next break at her house on Ember Island! So I will go there instead of taking up space at the palace. I am excited — I am not sure if I’ve ever been to the ocean or not. It will be exciting to see it for the first time; or, if not for the first time in my life, then for the first time that I will remember. Of course, I will continue to write to you even on vacation, and Jia-Li has already said that I can borrow her clothes and things, so there should be no strain put upon you. If there were, then I would not even suggest it.
The next time I shall see you in person will be after the term is properly over, then. I look forward to it will hopefully be the Fire Nation lady you want me to be by then.
From, Your friend Ursa
P.S. You should not be surprised by what I am about to say: I still don’t remember anything.
“Wow,” Ty Lee said, chewing on a piece of candy as the two of you walked down a gravel pathway together. “I still can’t believe we got free admission!”
“Apparently, all students do,” you said, holding out your hand. She dropped the small, round, fruit-flavored disks in your palm, and you popped it in your mouth, smiling at the burst of flavor. “Though it makes sense they don’t advertise that.”
The Strategy Mistress was sick, so you all had been given leave to spend the afternoon as you pleased. Ty Lee had offered to take you to the zoo with her, remembering that you had mentioned wanting to go when you had woken up in the palace, and you had jumped at the chance to not be in the suffocating dormitory for a little while.
At the moment, you and her were standing in front of the dragon moose enclosure, watching as they grazed. One of the dragon moose had a calf, and it was a sweet looking animal, somehow adorable in its awkward ugliness. As you watched, it had a spurt of energy, jumping and bucking through the pasture, racing along the fence line and only skidding to a stop when it realized it was being ignored. Its ears drooped as it trotted back to its mother’s side, lowering its head to the grass once again.
“These dragon moose look a little different than the ones that pull the carriages,” Ty Lee said.
“Oh, I know why that is,” you said, eager to prove your competence. “Dragon moose are actually only native to one small part of the Fire Nation. The ones that pull our carriages are the offspring of ones that were domesticated many centuries ago. They’ve been selectively bred to best fit our purposes almost since the day our ancestors first tamed them, so they’ve evolved into very different looking animals. The wild dragon moose, such as these ones, never had that push to evolve and optimize to our needs, so they look the same as they have for all of those centuries.”
“You sure do know a lot, Ursa,” Ty Lee said gamely. “Was that school knowledge, book knowledge, or past knowledge?”
“Book knowledge,” you said. “I don’t know if I was that interested in the convergent evolution of domestic and wild dragon moose in my previous life.”
Ever since the first day of your classes, when you had discovered a mysterious aptitude and innate understanding of the rules of etiquette, you and Ty Lee had come up with three categories: school knowledge, book knowledge, and past knowledge. School knowledge referred to the things that you learned in your lessons, the offhand comments and the droning lectures that you remembered better than anyone else in your year. Book knowledge was the summation of the many pages upon pages you had committed to memory, encompassing everything from the political structures of the Fire Nation to the fauna of the Northern Water Tribe. Finally, past knowledge was the most mysterious and ambiguous category, because it meant the random things you just knew in your mind, even though you had no real reason to.
More things than you were really comfortable with fell into that latter category. It really didn’t feel fair — why was it that you could recall the pillars of etiquette and the different battle formations of the Soldiers of Agni, but not anything about who you had been in the past? Why was your identity, which you wanted to know the most, the only thing you could not remember?
In the middle of the zoo was a large, artificial lake. You and Ty Lee stopped at the fence and leaned over to watch the flying dolphin fish leap through the air before diving back into the water with great splashes. A little ways away from you, a child raced up to the fence and gripped it, staring at the flying dolphin fish in awe. One of the fish noticed him and swam over towards him before slamming its tail against the surface of the lake, bowling the child over in a great deluge of salty brine.
You and Ty Lee exchanged looks, neither of you laughing until you saw the other’s face, whereupon you burst into fits of giggles, unable to hold them in any longer.
“Should we go help him?” you gasped out, wiping away the tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. Ty Lee, who was doubled over at this point, shook her head.
“I think — I think his mother’s got him,” she said breathlessly. True to her word, an adult woman was yelling at the boy as he wailed, still face-down and drenched to the bone.
“He should’ve just stayed with the turtle ducks,” you said, shaking your head and pointing at the small flock floating placidly along, far from the mischievous flying dolphin fish. “They’re so cute!”
“From what I remember, there’s a petting zoo area somewhere in the zoo, if you want to try feeding turtle ducks,” Ty Lee said. “I wasn’t able to see it when I came with Azula and Mai, though, because Azula hates turtle ducks.”
“Hates turtle ducks? How could someone hate them? They’re so sweet and guileless,” you said. “Was she wronged by one as a child?”
“You could say that,” Ty Lee said. She didn’t offer further explanation, but considering you had never even met Princess Azula, you didn’t blame her. Whatever her past with the turtle ducks was, it was the princess’s own secret to keep or share at her own discretion.
It took you a while to find the petting zoo, as they had no signs, so you had to ask people to point you in the correct direction. Unfortunately, most of the people that you asked were other visitors, and by the time you finally found a staff member to take you there, you had all but given up on the prospect of going at all.
“Mostly, the people who come to the petting zoo are kids, or at least have some of their own,” the zookeeper said. Ty Lee scowled at her.
“Some of us are young at heart!” she snapped, earning a snort from you and a bewildered look from the zookeeper, who raised her hands in the air and back away.
“I cannot believe that was your response to her,” you said as you reached the counter where a different zookeeper handed you little bags of food to give to the animals.
“I panicked,” Ty Lee admitted. “But really, she had no reason to be judging us! It’s her own job that relies on visitors like us. Who cares about how old we are?”
“Quite right, Ty Lee, and anyways it can be argued that I have about as much life experience as a child, in one way, so she really has no ground to stand on,” you said.
“I wouldn’t say you’re all too childlike,” Ty Lee said. “You act like most anyone else our age would. Maybe more mature, even, but certainly not less, even though you have no memories.”
“Of course, it isn’t as if the effects of my formative experiences on my psyche have been erased just because I can’t remember them,” you said. “They still shaped my spirit, even if I cannot recall how they did so.”
Unfurling your fingers and offering your hand to one of the dragon moose — which was of the domesticated variety, not one of the wild ones from earlier — you used your other hand to rub its forehead.
“Ew! It slobbered all over me!” Ty Lee said as the dragon moose she was feeding swiped its long tongue over her now-empty palm and then across her cheek, ignoring her attempts to shove it off of her.
“That must mean it likes you,” you said. She stopped trying to shove it away, her expression growing contemplative as the dragon moose used its lips to play with her long braid.
“Aw,” she said. “Now I feel kinda bad for being so mean.”
“I don’t think it’s offended, but maybe you should get your braid out of its mouth before it chews it off,” you said. Ty Lee yelped and yanked her braid out of the dragon moose’s grasp, jumping away to stand behind you.
“As soon as we get back to the academy, I’m going to have to shower,” she said, shuddering.
“You do smell somewhat like dragon moose,” you said, sniffing her delicately and then wrinkling your nose. “Wanna go back to the flying dolphin fish? I’m sure they’d be happy to rinse you off.”
“Very funny!” she said.
“It feels like you don’t think it’s that funny,” you said, snickering. “Which is a shame, because I do.”
“Let’s just go see the turtle ducks. They’re the whole reason we came here,” she said, stomping off.
“You don’t want to visit the hippo cow?” you said, pointing at the enormous beast that was allowing toddlers to clamber over it as it dozed with one eye open.
“I don’t even want to think about how things could go wrong if I go near that,” Ty Lee said. “Turtle ducks are nice and safe and little. As I said, let’s go there.”
These turtle ducks were kept in a pond which had no fence, allowing them to wander about as they pleased, swimming amongst the lilies blooming in the water and hiding in the bulrushes on the part of the bank further from the path.
Crouching, you broke off pieces of lettuce and threw them towards the turtle ducks. They paddled over and began to squabble amongst themselves, racing to snag the treats before their companions.
Ty Lee joined you, and for a little bit, the two of you were quiet, tossing lettuce at the turtle ducks and observing them eat. Only once all of your lettuce had run out did Ty Lee speak again.
“I thought turtle ducks ate bread,” she said.
“They do,” you said. “They love it a lot, which is why people give it to them. But it’s bad for them. Makes their stomachs upset.”
“Then why do they love it?” she said. “If it makes them sick, why do they keep eating it?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “It must taste very nice. Sometimes, it’s like that, I guess. You do things that you know are bad for you because you think that they are good.”
Ty Lee glanced at you out of the corner of her eye. “School knowledge or book knowledge?”
“Neither,” you said. “Past knowledge, I think.”
You couldn’t explain it, but then again, when had you ever been able to explain your past knowledge? Ty Lee exhaled but did not question you, which you were grateful for. You doubted you could’ve explained further, anyways.
“There you are!” Jia-Li hissed when you and Ty Lee walked into the dormitory building together. The light mood of the outing had faded after you had fed the turtle ducks, a pensive melancholy settling over you both in place of the earlier humor as the two of you considered your own respective thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” you said.
“Where have you guys been?” she said.
“We were at the zoo,” Ty Lee said.
“Didn’t I tell you before we left? Did something happen? Oh no, did the Strategy Mistress suddenly feel better and decide to hold class after all?” you said. “We have an exam coming up. If I missed a class, then I’m going to have to double down on my studying.”
“Those are words I never want to hear from your mouth again,” Ty Lee said. “How can you ‘double down’ on your studying when you already spend almost every waking moment doing exactly that? I mean, there’s only so many hours in a day, you know!”
“Never mind all of that!” Jia-Li said. “No, the Strategy Mistress is still sick, so you didn’t miss anything — at least, nothing academic.”
“Good,” you said. “I don’t mind missing anything else. Which I’m assuming we did, considering you look near to fainting, Jia-Li.”
“One of those idiots in the class below us has been spending the entire afternoon antagonizing Kaho! I’m afraid she’s going to blow up, and sooner rather than later,” Jia-Li explained.
“That sounds like something I’d like to be far away from,” you said. “We should’ve stayed at the zoo a bit longer, Ty Lee.”
“Mhm,” Ty Lee said emphatically. “I’d take dragon moose slobber any day!”
“I don’t think this girl realizes what she’s getting into,” Jia-Li said. “See, the thing is, whenever you’re around, Ursa, Kaho’s too busy hating you to get annoyed by anyone else. But since you were gone all afternoon, she’s had nowhere to channel her inner anger.”
You made a face. “So? Are you suggesting that I should’ve stayed around and let her be rude to me or something?”
“Not at all,” Jia-Li reassured you. “It’s more that she’s seemed downright gentle recently — or, I guess, gentler. That’s why that girl thinks she has a chance, but the truth is in terms of Firebending, Kaho is probably the most talented student in the entire academy at the present moment. And when you mix that talent together with an ill temper, it’s a bad combination.”
“Has she challenged her yet?” Ty Lee said.
“Not yet,” Jia-Li said.
“It’s only a matter of time,” Ty Lee said, sighing. “Ugh. This is all so ridiculous! We should all just get along.”
“Let’s just avoid them all for as long as we can and hope everything has smoothed over by the time we go down to eat dinner,” you said. “Ty Lee, you can stay in our room, as long as Jia-Li is okay with it.”
“Of course,” Jia-Li said. “I wouldn’t send you into the dragon’s maw like that.”
“I can handle her if it comes down to it,” Ty Lee said. “And I really need to shower — bad run in with a dragon moose’s tongue, Jia-Li, it’s a bit of a long story. But thanks for offering!”
“What can she do against someone like Kaho?” Jia-Li asked you. You shrugged.
“I have no idea, but she is one of Princess Azula’s closest friends, so she must know a thing or two,” you said.
“That’s true,” Jia-Li said. “Let’s stop talking about Kaho and her idiocy now, though. There’s no point in letting her spoil our time together. Did you have fun at the zoo?”
“I did!” you said. “It was nice to see all the animals, and we got to feed some of them at the petting zoo, which was nice. They were all very friendly.”
Jia-Li smiled fondly. “That’s good. I used to love going to the zoo as a kid. My brother and I used to visit together — his favorite exhibit was the flying dolphin fish, but I always liked going to see the koala sheep.”
“Were you and your brother close?” you said, feeling a pang in your stomach. You had no idea if you had a brother or a sister or any siblings at all. What if you did? Would they be missing you right now, or would they have moved on from you already? Would they resemble you, or would you look completely different? Would they have cared for you in your youth, or would you have cared for them in theirs?
“We used to be,” Jia-Li said. “When we were very young, that is. He was my best friend.”
“What happened?” you said.
“We grew up,” she said, undoing the ribbon tying her hair back and beginning to comb through her long locks. “I came here, and he went to the school for boys. Then I suppose we just learnt to have different interests. He preferred hanging out with his other boy friends, and so I was left to find my own entertainment.”
“That’s sad,” you said. She set down the comb and retied her hair.
“It is,” she said. “What I wouldn’t give to go to the zoo with him again, or some other such activity. Actually, I just wish we were children again…but we are grown now, aren’t we? It’s fine. That’s how life is.”
“Is he much older than us?” you said.
“Only by a couple of years,” she said before brightening. “You should come meet him!”
“Uh,” you said. “Where would we do that, exactly? And why?”
“Our next break is soon. My family has a house on Ember Island; you can come stay with us! Unless you have other plans already or something, of course,” she said.
“I don’t have any plans,” you said. “I probably would’ve ended up going to the palace again, but visiting this Ember Island place sounds a little more appealing, in truth. As long as you and your family are alright with it.”
“My family won’t care,” Jia-Li said, waving you off dismissively. “My father will probably be delighted to have the girl sponsored by the royal family staying in his home, and my mother will just be happy that I’m bringing a friend home. As for my brother…nobody cares about his opinion, anyways! If he wants to complain, then he can just run along and stay at his best friend’s house. They’re going to be on Ember Island then, too.”
“Then I would really love to do that,” you said. “Thank you for inviting me, Jia-Li.”
“Sure, you’re a great roommate, so it’s not an issue,” she said. “I was a little sad about having to leave you during break, but now I’m just excited! You’ll love Ember Island, I promise. It’s so beautiful there.”
“I’m excited, too,” you said. “Actually, I was a little scared about the break — I wasn’t sure if I had a place in the palace or not, and either way, there’s something a little intimidating about staying there. It’ll be much more fun to be with you the whole time, in a place that I can feel somewhat wanted.”
“Of course!” Jia-Li said, growing starry-eyed. “And I can take you to the ocean for the first time! Do you know how to swim? Wait, you probably wouldn’t know if you do or don’t. Well, if you don’t, I’ll teach you, and if you do, we can swim together! You can borrow my things, I think we’re probably close in size.”
“Alright,” you said, overwhelmed by the many plans she was already coming with. “I’ll leave all of that to you. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”
“You can count on me,” Jia-Li said, giving you a thumbs up. “I promise it’ll be the best break ever!”
Since Ty Lee had apparently gone to her room after showering, you and Jia-Li decided to make your way to dinner together in the hopes that you’d find her in the dining hall. Both of you were hungry by that point, though, and you unanimously agreed to just eat, even if she wasn’t there.
“I’m surprised,” you said when you walked in and found no traces of Ty Lee anywhere. “She’s normally so timely when it comes to dinner.”
“Yeah, but remember how long it takes her to wash and dry her hair? She probably won’t be down for a while,” Jia-Li reminded you.
“Right, I forgot about that,” you said. Ty Lee took a lot of pride in her personal appearance — rightfully so, of course, given how lovely she was — so her pre and post-shower routines were quite extensive, to say nothing of the actual shower itself. And especially because she had gotten covered in dragon moose saliva at the zoo, Jia-Li was correct to assume that Ty Lee might not be out for quite some time.
“Uh-oh,” Jia-Li said as you two sat down with your dinners. She nodded at the end of the table, where a girl you vaguely remembered being in the year below you was smirking at Kaho, whose jaw muscles were twitching with every word the girl spoke.
“Someone should stop her,” you said, though you made no move to get up, wanting to stay far away from the disaster zone that was about to emerge. Jia-Li hummed in assent, but she obviously had the same idea, remaining firmly put beside you. “It’s like she has a death wish.”
“She’s just trying to prove her superiority,” Jia-Li said. “There’s a clear hierarchy in this school, and right now, Kaho is at the top. She doesn’t like when people come for her spot, but of course, everyone wants to be there, to be number one, so they’re always trying to best her. It’s why she doesn’t like you — you’re beating her in terms of academics, which she hates, because she’s supposed to be the best. At least with you, though, you’re not a bender, so she can console herself with the fact that you’ll never be able to compete with her in any way that matters on that front. This girl, though, is challenging everything that Kaho is. She wants to be the most respected girl in the academy, but to do that, she needs to prove that Kaho isn’t worthy of that place any longer.”
“Can she do it?” you said.
“No,” Jia-Li said bluntly. “Plenty of people have tried. None of them have succeeded, except for Princess Azula, and she’s a special case in that she already was afforded a different status than the rest of us because of her bloodline.”
“Then she’s a fool,” you said.
“There’s more fools in this world than not,” Jia-Li said.
The girl continued to tease Kaho, who was obviously doing her level best to ignore her, not even affording her the dignity of looking at her. One could argue that it was maturity, but you understood it for what it really was: a way to demean her opponent, to prove that the other’s existence was meaningless to her, that she was so insignificant it was as if she truly did not exist in Kaho’s eyes.
“Honestly,” the girl said, voice lilting impishly, “I feel for you, Kaho. I mean, you used to be the top student, and then a girl with amnesia took your spot! It must’ve been embarrassing, losing to someone who doesn’t even have any memories. And to make matters worse, the prince really does seem to favor that girl, and we all know what he thinks of you…”
“What is she talking about?” you whispered under your breath to Jia-Li. “Why is she bringing me into this? What does Prince Zuko have to do with anything?”
“You’d do well to shut up now,” Kaho said, though it was the wrong thing to do, for her reaction was proof that the girl had struck a nerve.
“It’s like I told you,” Jia-Li whispered back. “Kaho is used to being at the top. When we were younger, before everything with the, ah, banishment, she tried very desperately to befriend the royal family. She was never able to endear herself to Princess Azula, but her sights were always on the prince, anyways, so that mattered little to her. It was marriage she sought; the prospect of being Fire Lady was too appealing.”
“I’m assuming she was unsuccessful,” you said. Jia-Li nodded.
“Extremely. It wasn’t even her fault, really; Prince Zuko was always kind, but unattainable for all of us. He had no interest in dallying with girls that went to school with his sister, so Kaho was never able to gain his approval in the way she wanted. Perhaps it might’ve been different if he hadn’t been…you know. They might have grown closer as they grew older simply due to her sheer persistence, but we’ll never know,” she said.
“For being the supposed best of us, you’re not the best at a lot of things,” the girl said. “I mean, I bet you’re not even that good at Firebending!”
Kaho slammed her fist on the table, standing to face the girl and glaring at her.
“Is that the game you want to play?” she said. “Fine. I’ll go along with it. I challenge you to an Agni Kai!”
“I’m assuming that’s not a good outcome,” you said.
“Nope,” Jia-Li said grimly. “Let’s just say that things have gone from bad to worse. Come on.”
“We’re going to watch?” you said.
“It’s all but mandated. I don’t like it, either, but we kind of have to,” Jia-Li said. “Hopefully, it’s over soon. Sometimes, Kaho can be inventive.”
You and Jia-Li stood in the very back of the crowd, though your view was still perfectly unobstructed. You almost wished there was something blocking your vision, though, something in between you and what was surely going to turn out to be a grotesque sight, one way or another.
“Want some?” the girl in front of you said, turning around and proffering a bag of candy to you and Jia-Li.
“No, thank you,” you said, for you were already queasy and knew that sweets would only worsen the effect.
“I’m okay,” Jia-Li said.
“I’m betting on Kaho,” the girl said, grabbing a handful of candy and dropping it all in her mouth. “Wanna join the pool? One of my friends is running it.”
“Like a betting pool?” you said.
“Yup! It’s how I could afford to buy this candy — I won last time,” the girl explained.
“No way,” you said.
“We’re good,” Jia-Li said when the girl looked offended at your short response.
“I can’t believe they’re betting on something like this!” you said.
“It’s common, believe it or not,” Jia-Li said.
“I believe it, sadly, but I wish I didn’t,” you said. “It’s so heartless.”
“That’s just how things are here,” Jia-Li said. You pursed your lips as the fight between the girl and Kaho began, deciding to keep silent, because your words would be wasted when your argument was not even with Jia-Li in the first place.
Even though the girl was no slouch in terms of Firebending, the fight was over almost as soon as it started. Kaho’s power was too much for her opponent, and she seemed bored as she coated her palm in fire and slapped it against the girl’s bicep.
“I got the first burn,” she said, miming a yawn. “So I guess that means I win. Why are you crying like that? Honestly. Just shut up. Why’d you agree to fight me if you couldn’t accept defeat like an adult?”
The skin on the girl’s arm was red and angry, already beginning to blister, but you could tell even without an explanation from Jia-Li that Kaho had been merciful. She could’ve done worse, but she had chosen to let that girl off with a warning. A reminder to never be so daring again.
There was something odd about it all, though. Despite the fact that her opponent was standing across from her, you noticed that it was not the burnt, sobbing girl that Kaho was scowling at so darkly.
It was you.
I’m glad you were able to make it to the zoo. I know you mentioned wanting to go a while back, so it makes me happy to know that that desire of yours was fulfilled. I wish I could’ve been there. Did you get to feed the turtle ducks? I remember doing that when I went, though of course I only visited once, with my mother, and that was a long time ago, so maybe things have changed and they don’t let people do that anymore.
I wish you hadn’t had to see an Agni Kai. They are definitely a darker part of Fire Nation culture. But, then again, for a nation that values honor so greatly, they are just a natural consequence. I hope you haven’t been frightened too terribly. Mai says that Kaho isn’t always so generous with her opponents, so there’s something to be grateful for: at least it was only a small burn. You’re entirely right — it could’ve been worse.
You shouldn’t worry about taking up space at the palace. It would be my our pleasure to host you once again. But Ember Island is a nice place. You will have fun there, I’m sure. The ocean is very, very beautiful. It’s the bluest thing you’ll ever see, and it goes on for what seems to be forever. The Fire Nation is lucky in that our ocean is warm, and the tides are not so vicious — nothing like the poles, where it is so treacherous and cold.
It is nice to know that you are enjoying yourself so thoroughly. That is what I am really concerned with; it matters little to me if you ever become a proper Fire Nation lady or anything along those lines. I would even prefer it if you didn’t. It’s more important that you are happy.
Yours, Zuko
P.S. Perhaps I am not surprised, but I am still disappointed on your behalf.
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astrologylunadream · 6 months
How They Want to Spend the Holidays With You 🛷⛄🧣 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Happy holidays!! It's Lunadream🥰 We're getting in the festive spirit with how your person imagines spending the holidays with you.🍫🤍 hope you find your message~✉
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the spending christmas with that special someone, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~♥️
Pile 1🎅🏻
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Pile 2📍
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Pile 3🎧
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Pile 4☕
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🍫♡
Pile 1🎅🏻
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Sign energy: Conflict, Lesson, Cold, Message, Reality, Mercury, Fire, Scorpio, Vertex, North node, 🚷🩹🧎‍♀️🗡
🧣Your person's energy: Alright for your person there are some very distant vibes, I feel like they don't get along with others the best. They have an intimidating way about them that others fear slightly, your person could easily start arguments with people accidentally🙊 They have a lot to learn when it comes to connecting with others through words, and the universe plans for them to learn many lessons most likely the hard way and through trial and error🥺 Virgo, Gemini and Scorpio could be possible placements. I'm getting that your person can be more cold with what they say, definitely don't sugar coat much.🚫🍰 Very straightforward and heavy attitude, which makes them very captivating though.🥴 Your person may have issues facing reality or dealing with matters that affect their future, they have a lot of inner conflict in their heads⚔💭💥 Now I'm totally seeing that this person is very forceful in their approach to communication, they tend to be very intense or blunt. But even though they tell it like it is, they aren't one for over sharing. Like, they have more of a "back off" mentality, and prefer to keep things to themselves. Could be introverted for some of you, I definitely see they aren't fond of many people but a few. For my pile 1's I'm seeing that your person seems to push you away and then pull you back strangely, very hard to read indeed🔍😳
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Vulnerable, Competition, Crown, Comment, Jealousy, Libra, Chiron, Saturn, Juno, 3rd house, ♂️🍁🍋♨️ Okay my pile 1's this person is really possesive over you I just had to mention😭❤ They don't want anyone to take their place with you this year. Canada may be a place they want to spend the holidays with you, definitely dates I'm seeing. Your person imagines stepping foot in the snow with you all dressed in thick clothing, and briefly mentioning proposing to you as either a joke or a little hint🤭💍 I think your person really wants to spend the holidays with you knowing you could be committed to them, they want that deeply♥️ They honestly would hate it if any other potential love interests came in the picture for this time, they are very vulnerable to jealousy and possessiveness over you. They get very bitter and hurt if they feel like 2nd place to someone else I'm hearing. My pile 1's your person is very competitive to win your commitment, so they may imagine doing so during the holidays like finding cute and fun activities to impress you with.💗🤗 Omg like going to christmas cafes, shopping and driving you around to see the christmas lights together.✨ They want to become more successful and stable during this time simply to seem more like dependable/marriage material to you and also so they can buy you lots of gifts!!🥰🛍 I'm also hearing they want to be very hot and attractive for you haha like they're working on their body or appearance maybe as your little christmas present lol♡🎁😳
📮Messages from your person: Thinking of you, You must be desperate, You're mine forever, I'm always supporting you, I worry what people will think of us, I can't stop looking at you, You're too pretty to be sad this christmas, How are you so pretty? (AHH🤧♥️ So sweet oml) Extra cards: Foreign, Finger, Love letter, Explosion, Jawbone
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the santa emoji~🎅🏻 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🥰
Pile 2📍
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Sign energy: Affection, Name, Violate, Care-taker, 9th house, Aquarius, Leo, South node, Uranus, Moon, 😰🧚‍♀️🧩🤚
🧣Your person's energy: Okay so the first thing I noticed is that your person could have a unique name, one that isn't common or spelled differently. They are pretty smart I'm hearing, and their method of learning things is quite odd but effective. This could be aqua moon but over all Aquarius placements, Sagittarius, Leo, and Cancer.😌 Your person is very sweet and kind, they empathize with others often. I feel like they are the kind to cry at the strangest time in a movie like it wasn't even that sad??😂😢 But their emotions work differently than most people's, like their reactions may be delayed or odd reasoning. Your person is so caring though♥️ People may tend to invade their personal space or business I'm getting, but they don't say anything to be nice.🥺 Definitely over empathize with people, I think more so in the past. Also the way they show love may be in strange ways, like they may study you if they find you interesting also being overly friendly buddy-buddy with you haha😂 I feel like that is how they express their love or interest in someone they like. Omg and people buzz around them like flies I'm getting, they may have people oddly involved in them. You may start out as friends with this person or that is the dynamic you would have, like friends who really care for eachother I feel like they really care for you!! Now your person may have put a stop to something that they used to do.. I'm called to say being too nice or letting others use them. People definitely took advantage of your person in the past or it feels that way to them. I think they allow invasive behavior they shouldn't out of pure sympathy for those people, they might be putting a stop to that now or at least trying.✊😊
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Unheard, Cute, Inspiration, Violence, Practical, 10th house, 4th house, Pluto, Venus, Leo, 🎤☔👑🧛‍♂️ Ahh so your person wants to spend the holidays with you doing cute cozy things like decorating and spending quality time together😫😭 This is so cute, they would want to go somewhere nice and fancy but also very pretty!! Like somewhere iconic or recognizable from a movie📽♥️ Think grand and unforgettable. My pile 2's your person definitely wants to do cute stuff with you like making snowmen and all the old fashioned traditions🥰 I feel like they imagine a romance movie between you two like this is so much sweetness. My pile 2's they want to be inspired and unlock their creative side with you, aww I bet they want to write you a card too. Somewhere familiar and cozy like a cabin would be their dream with you, sipping on hot cocoa by the fire.☕🔥 They imagine watching cute vintage christmas movies and cuddling together, and then waiting for the perfect moment when you least expect it so they can hush you quietly and push you down to steal your kiss.💋 Now things would probably get really spicy between you two if it were up to them but we won't get in to all that😅😳 They really want a moment like that with you, somewhere quiet and well thought out. Like they would plan it all so perfectly for you, and they're just waiting to create those soft memories with you.🥺💌♥️ I think they currently feel it isn't achievable in some ways, but if there is ever the chance to do what they have in mind they would take it without hesitation. My pile 2's your person wants to make it real for you😍
📮Messages from your person: You leave me wondering, I left a mark on you, You are not alone, Stay positive, Soon, Calm down, What are you hiding? It's love at first sight. (Pile 2 yess!!💋) Extra cards: Cupid, Note, Star, Head, Top
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the red lollipop emoji~📍(it's actually a pin but y'know it had to match😂)Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💫
Pile 3🎧
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Sign energy: November, Side effects, Home, Less, Nose, Taurus, Gemini, Venus, Lilith, Pluto, ♍🎸🤕🪓
🧣Your person's energy: Okay for my pile 3's your person sure has a lot going for them♡ May be born November or fall, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Virgo or Scorpio placements. Very prominent Taurus energy for this pile!! Your person may have a noticable nose, I feel like they are insecure about their nose but it actually looks really good on them🥺♥️ They have a very clear and soothing voice, but also hot oml🥵 Like they could do ASMR and everyone would be obsessed😭😭 For some of you this person may not have family or a "safe place", they feel lost in some way. I feel they look really good in plaid, they may enjoy rock music or grunge. Listening to music heals them I'm hearing, they find it very pleasing and calming to their chaotic mind.🧠🎸 Your person may be harsh on themselves, also they take a lot of hits in life like they've been through so much.😢 Now my pile 3's your person has such an intense energy about them, it definitely makes them very attractive too. They have a huge effect on people's minds, especially feminines. People get obsessed easily with this person, and they don't even ask for it😫 I'll just say people definitely think your person is hot, they have this dark side to them that is so mysterious and eye catching. People talk about them behind their back and all. But what your person is really looking for is a safe place, something that is home to them.🏠
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Fear, Outfit, Decision, Zoo, Limits, Sun, Eros, Pluto, 2nd house, Fire, 🥳😴😎🦴 Ohh they really want to go christmas shopping with you!! I'm surprised, like they are actually really sweet for my pile 3's🍫 They wanna buy matching outfits for the winter, letting you choose and all. But they do have their limits to what they can and cannot wear so they wouldn't just let you pick out everything for them.😂 They may want to go see winter animals with you like penguins, huskies and snow bears🐧🐺🐻🤍 Spending money on you is something they want to do, because it's truly their choice. I'm definitely seeing that my pile 3's you turn them on like they are actually so attracted to you omg!! They are secretly afraid of this attraction to you because you make them so obsessed.😳 Like just as they are intimidating to others you are intimidating to them😰♥️ Definitely a hot attraction to my pile 3's. They may stop themselves from fantasizing of you otherwise they could fall too deep into it, they really want to have control over you and your experiences this christmas. They wanna visit winter gardens with subtle slow music so you two can dance together, ohhh but they would definitely imagine feeling all over your body with that chance.😫🧤 Omg and they would want to see you in a classy white dress that fits you well, they're wanting neck kisses by the fire~💋 Eating out at a nice candle restaurant with expensive food to celebrate the season, ooh and enjoying a christmas party with you🍷 They have a fear of disappointing you, perhaps you have many expectations when it comes to the holidays each year so they feel it takes a lot to impress you. But trust me when I way they really would put in the effort if they could for you because oml they just want to make you pleased♥️
📮Messages from your person: If it's what you want, I can't stop, We're apart this christmas, I won't let you be with anyone else, Everything is real, I can't control you, It's awful, Tell me your secret wishes. Extra cards: Compliment, Cafe, Self love, Signs, Luck
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the earphones emoji~🎧 (idk why there isn't an earmuffs emoji yet but yeah🙄) Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading😘
Pile 4☕
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Sign energy: Summer, Fluff, Touch, Creativity, Captive, Pluto, Fire, 3rd house, Mercury, Venus, 💔🦚🗻🚨
🧣Your person's energy: There is so much softness to this pile♥️ Okay we have some creative vibes for your person, they have a very artistic mind. This could be someone you met in the summer, or ended the relationship at that time. For others this person may be born in summer☀️ Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Taurus, and Libra Libra placements. Possible mercury-Venus aspects. You are stuck on this person, and they may be stuck on you. Long distance or something is keeping you apart, but over all they are distant with you. My pile 4's for some reason your person is agitated that you are thinking of them, because they want what's best for you. Part of them hopes for you to stop loving them for your sake, but they also don't want to let go.😢 You think of their touch sometimes and it causes you to overthink. (They have a siren's touch)🤯❗ Your person is very magnetic and their love captivates you, but your attraction to them can take you over sometimes. They are cute and gorgeous, but they also make you lovesick I'm hearing.🥺♡ They have a soft touch to them, may be more soft spoken or at least with you. My pile 4's are a little obsessed with this person, but you can't help it!!😫😭 You love the way they speak, like they word things in such a pretty format💕 Your person may have specific feminine's obsessed with their beauty and charms. They have very kissable lips I'm hearing. Often wear outfits that stand out and may enjoy wearing fluffy winter clothing.
🛷How they want to spend the holidays with you: Off, Purpose, Special, Break, Reality, Chiron, 12th house, Aquarius, 6th house, 11th house, 🆕️🤵🍒🦴 Ohh okay so your person is really worried about your hopes this year, they don't want to let you down. But they definitely have something in mind with you♥️ They want to break routine and spend the holidays in an abnormal unique way, I'm definitely seeing that your person wants to facetime with you for christmas.🎄 They wish they could send you cute messages and tell you "happy holidays!"🤗🎉 They want to spend christmas with you even in separation, if only to connect on a soul level to spend this special time with you.✨ It is hard for them to know you miss them, and want to spend the holidays in their presence. They really want your wishes to come true, to be there for you.🥺💝 They want to spend the holidays connecting on a higher level, through spiritual contact can they give you their warmth and love for christmas. Who knows, maybe they may even appear in your winter dreams as a little christmas gift to you~💌 How sweet, They want to do something meaningful for you. Something that will heal you, and keep you going. Spending the holidays at a festive gathering with you, giving you hope and cheer is all they want to do. They want this year to be a fantasy for you, and they imagine making christmas crafts, immersing yourselves into christmas movies, and exploring the winter wonderland together.☃️☁️🤍 I'm melting like a snowman this is so cute.
📮Messages from your person: Things aren't going that way, I don't look at other people, I'm mad at you, I hate that I love you, You should stop, Would a kiss be enough? I love when you get shy, I want to be with you. (Aww😍💕💌) Extra cards: Kabedon, Structure, Mermaid, Phase, Endless
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!♥️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the hot cocoa emoji~☕ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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moonsaver · 3 months
Hiii, it���s @pix3lplays
Not a request but I had a thought I came up with that I thought you might find entertaining.
Universe where Ratio is, in fact, a worm, and reader (his lover) just cannot help but be a little mean because…he’s a WORM.
Reader who’s like, “shall I get you some dirt, worm boy?” because it’s so hard to resist. How is he a worm?? That is so funny…you can’t help but bully him a little…
I’m just saying his ego is QUITE large and he deserves a little humbling…
I love him so much but he needs someone to bully him a little bit.
Hello, Pixel!
Hahaha, oh dear. Ive been giggling at the concept all night now.
Imagine just constantly teasing him about being a worm, threatening to put him out in the wild if he starts talking you down, putting him in a moist enclosure like he's irritated just because he hasn't gotten enough moisture. He's so easy to bully.
But i imagine it's not soon before he flips the script on reader like "I may be a worm, but my intelligence far surpasses yours – what exactly would you say to justify that? Are you no smarter than a worm?" And it catches reader completely off guard because.. this man did not just tell them they're more stupid than a worm. Immediate bickering, back and forth exchanges as reader threatens to replace him with another worm from the compost bin, haha.
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weebsinstash · 10 months
Ohmygod your thoughts on Yandere Miguel give me life
Idk how your blog works so feel free to ignore and delete this ask but I have some thoughts I'd like your take on
So platonic yandere Miguel with a teen reader who's crushing on a villain from her universe (im a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope </3). And villain reciprocates feelings but is obviously evil (i can't fix them I'll love them for it) so Miguel HATES it even more.
And I'm imagining that villain is also a yandere so there's just gonna be so much drama like AHDISHDUSHD
But yes this idea has been bouncing around in my head alot
If you give me permission I shall come in here with more thoughts on this if I get them
Anygays have a nice day or night make sure to stay hydrated!!!
*Tyler the creator voice* ok ok ok ok ok
so, I was thinking of something earlier, and, I forgot to grab a screenshot of it, but, extremely incredibly minor ATSV spoiler, when Miles is being shown the holograms of the Spiderverse, another series of canon events that is shown is every Spider having some sort of Symbiote experience (as in Venom, which, I have to admit, I'm uh, not extremely knowledgeable on Spiderman lore, I've been out of the game with this series since like grade school, I used to be big on DC and TMNT and hero shit, so, yeah)
Reader is just crushing on like, some evil Eddie Brock or some bad boy with a Symbiote, and dedicated/obsessive Papá Miguel instantly recognizes when your moods and behaviors start to change, more rebellious, more moody, you're becoming a bit more assertive, but not always in the good way, you're hurting people, maybe even stealing and other petty crimes. He presses you on who you've been hanging out with because APPARENTLY you've been sneaking off your watch so you can't inherently be tracked or spied on or contacted
Some drama ass shit like, Miguel has been trying to reach you because you both have some sort of really sentimental or important date coming up, maybe the anniversary of when he first met you or your birthday or his birthday where you both were supposed to do something nice together, something that's been planned and talked about for ages, and then, this rebellion stuff begins and, the date comes and you completely ghost him, he can't find you, contact you, he's frustrated and angry but also worried because what if you're hurt? What if his baby girl is HURT 🥺 SURELY that's the ONLY reason you wouldnt show up and break your poor stressed beloved daddy's heart liks this 🥺 and he finally finds you and you're totally fine, it's just like "haha sorry 'dad' I was getting railed by my evil big tall hunky villain boyfriend and also I have a Symbiote now, look at my spooky black costume, im evil now :)" and here's Miguel like "NOOO PRINCESA 😭😱✝️", but, technically he's only able to interfere in certain ways, like, maybe he can pressure you to break up with this guy but your Symbiote is canon and whether you defeat it and get rid of it or somehow master it and befriend it like say Ghost Spider, that isn't up to him, he can only pressure you but he can't MAKE you do anything, at least, not directly
You're running around having your rebellious Evil Girl Autumn and he's trying to, you know, steer you back onto the path of righteousness and all that and the harder he tries to control you the angrier you're getting until you're even losing your temper and throwing things at him or eventually physically attacking him (to which he's forced to overpower you which, you two have sparred before but this is different and it breaks his heart). You throw your watch at him and tell him to go fuck himself, that you hate him, that you never want to see him again, but you're crying and he takes this as a sign you aren't serious (which, you aren't, not 100% completely, you kinda lowkey ARE having a huge temper tantrum and rebellious phase and being a criminal brat, but, like.... spiderverse babyyyy we got Spider powers, shit has no consequences, or so it feels like to you at the time, and the Symbiote is maybe questionably evil and corrupting your thoughts)
Oh I just realized you said teen reader and here I am talking about getting railed 💀 maybe the villain is a teen too or just a few years older than you but either way like. Miguel doesn't want his sweet innocent pure virginal baby girl having sex! With anyone! Especially before marriage! (Although i was hearing he's kind of a slut in the comics?) He ever finds that shit out it's like, A CRISIS EVENT. He's like that one stereotype of brothers/fathers who hate seeing their sister/daughter date because that's the baby the raised/grew up with. Picture having an argument with him and you're just trying to piss him off and like, it's true but in anger you say "OH YEAH? oh YEAH??? Well, well, you know how you hate Hobie Brown so much?! We've been dating JUST TO MUTUALLY SPITE YOU, and you know what, i actually like him, and he likes me! Maybe we'll hook up for real! Maybe I'll FUCK HIM, DAD :) maybe we'll HAVE A BABY TOGETHER, DAD :)"
Like girlie nooooo you're getting put into The Biggest Time-Out The Multiverse Has Ever Seen. You think getting locked up in a room would be bad, NO, because at least you'd have some vague sense of privacy and personal space. You're now on 24/7 Daughter Duty, with him literally all the time except for, bathing and that stuff. He's dragging you around, making you accompany him, controlling what you're allowed to do, really an extended prolonged punishment. Hss making you sit in his office or whatever while he works and you'll be absolutely fucking bored out of your mind because you're basically given nothing to do, have no phone, no tasks really. He's not outright hurting or abuse you but it's a kind of psychological burden for you, but from his perspective he's just, basically guarding you like a dedicated father, protecting his baby from tarnishing her reputation, her body, and otherwise when he isn't there. CLEARLY he has a lot more fathering to give you than he originally thought
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
want to hear your thoughts on jimmy and joel. all your thoughts. all of them. across universes.
You ask you shall receive. I love them a lot
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I can see them as a ship (and no Joel white knight can come at me when those two frequently engage in questionable exchanges) but mostly I see them as best friends with a brotherly bond. Joel is kinda similar to Martyn to me when thinking of Jimmy, where he's always been there and taken him for who he is and just fucked around, carefree. He's a mean bean but his banter doesn't give off maliciousness, to me he hasn't ever seemed as overstepping and making Jimmy genuinely upset
Unfortunately ESMP2 happened and it really pains me how much Joel drove the "toy Jimmy" bit into the ground, resulting in all the seriousness that Jimmy wasn't ever offered. Maybe Jimmy wouldn't have become as much of a joke as he was were it not for Joel. Maybe it would have all hurt a bit less if Joel hadn't built massive walls around Tumble Town. This does pain me always, but you know what, at least "bullying Jimmy" is not his shtick that he needs to rely on throughout various SMPs as much as it feels like certain other people do. He decided to lean into it this once wirh some thought that wasn't just "haha Jimmy sux!!" but unfortunately it devolved and absolutely everyone went along with his bit. But as far as Joel goes, from a brotherly sort of friendship perspective especially, this kind of teasing and banter is more excusable than it would be within a romantic ship etc, but regardless it still pains me lol
Aside from that though, they're buds... Joel I don't think could ever comfort Jimmy in any decent way just because of being the rabid creature that he is, even if he were to know of and understand Jimmy's horrors (to the best of his ability). But what matters is that he cares... He doesn't ever express this outwardly but he cares and that makes me happy and enjoy them as a duo. Things like how in Limited Life he really wanted to help Jimmy get some time to stay in the game longer and his downward red life spiral pretty much beginning with Jimmy's death. How in Secret Life he expresses confidence in Jimmy having his back, and how in spite of his anguish after Lizzie's death, he doesn't say anything to ruin Jimmy's fun upon him not being the first one out. Even when Jimmy's not there, all he says is "Jimmy's gloating about it, which is a weird thing to gloat about? But we have to give him every little win, don't we"
Also in 3rd Life, Jimmy kind of jokingly (I guess??) left a sign on Joel's property that just said "I miss you - Love from Solidarity" and I never stop thinking about it. It pains me a lot, especially when that came before the FH ordeal kicked into proper gear. It honestly reads like one last effort to get away from something awful that he's anticipating, for someone to help? Something something canary, he's sensing the danger. But Joel is stupid lol and I can't blame him for not paying that sign any mind. Anyway this is a stretch I just. I never stop thinking about it.........this reads like a cry for help..........
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It genuinely surprises me when I think back to the traffic series' and realize how little Joel has made fun of Jimmy. Sure he laughs, with him it's more excusable because of their friendship, and yet somehow he doesn't make a fool of or comment on Jimmy's reputation as much as some others do. He doesn't seem to think Jimmy to be notably incompetent like some of the others do. Can't say too much on other SMPs because I've seen very little of them but the vibes seem to be more or less same. I love them a lot anon, I love them a lot... Joel, for a change, is someone Jimmy deserves (because he deserves someone who cares) and is fortunate to have, if only it weren't for all the unrelenting horrors that Joel can't really help with in any case. Pensive
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bluerose5 · 4 months
Zevran & Astarion Banter Pt. 20/?
The ending of this one, though. 💀
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Astarion: Did I hear right? You claim that you are from another universe.
Zevran: I do not just "claim" it, my toothy friend. I know it. I am not from this Faerûn of yours or any of your other realms.
Astarion: So you say...
Zevran: You need not believe me for it to be true.
Astarion: Fair enough. My opinion hardly matters if that's the case, but then surely you wouldn't mind sharing more about this so-called Thedas of yours, would you?
Zevran: Not at all! If you don't mind listening to me lament about how I miss my homeland.
Astarion: I guess that is to be expected. What was your country called again? Antiva?
Zevran, already wistful: Ah, yes, beautiful Antiva!
Astarion: Tell me about it.
Zevran: Where should I even start? I come from the glorious Antiva City, the nation's capital, home to our royal palace! A flourishing, coastal city. Truly, I could talk about it all day, but it is more so something you have to experience for yourself to appreciate in full. A deadly yet beautiful place, much like its residents, I suppose.
Astarion, staring pointedly at him: You don't say.
Zevran: Heh. I once told my friend —the Warden— how there's this saying that it rains often in Antiva, but the flowers are always in bloom. Trade is our bread and butter. We deal in everything from leathers and silks to coffee and wine. You're just as likely to happen across someone being assassinated at a party as you are to find some whore plowing their trade in a back alley.
Astarion: Ha! Well, when you put it like that, perhaps you will feel a little at home in Baldur's Gate.
Zevran: We shall see! I am nothing, if not optimistic!
Astarion: Anything else noteworthy you feel like sharing?
Zevran: Hmm... Let's see, let's see. Aha! Now that you mention it, there is this one quirk about Thedas in general that appears to be much different than here.
Astarion: Really? And that is?
Zevran: That anyone with even a hint of magical ability is to be locked up and imprisoned in what we call "Circles" to protect everyone else from the danger that magic poses. That's what is said to justify the system in place, at least.
Astarion: ...
Zevran: ...
Astarion: Haha! Very funny. You really had me going for a second there.
Zevran: *raises an eyebrow at him*
Astarion: Uh, Zevran, why are you not laughing at the blatantly funny joke? This definitely can't be real, right?
[Zevran walks off without a word, whistling all too innocently.]
Astarion: Right?! Zevran! Oh, wait until Gale hears about this! He's going to lose his shit.
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the-moon-files · 1 day
Aaaaa, hi!! I'm the anon who sent in the fairly recent ask with the Guide!Reader ideas (martial artist mention, Dehydrated Ganon, strength possibilities, Ganon not being able to escape from Guide!Reader's voice, etc)! I'm really glad that you liked my ideas so much!! 😊 I was so pleasantly surprised to see you expand on my discombobulated thoughts, haha! Thank you so much! ^w^ I loved reading them!!
I said that I made memes for the Guide!Reader/Space Orc concept, and now I shall deliver them >:D Firstly, I'm super sorry that I took so long to share these with you!! Life decided to kick me in the shins for a hot second 😭 And secondly, I made a LOT of images for this one,, Fair warning, this is going to take up a lot of space 😭 orz
But anyway!! Here are the text memes first:
Guide!Reader: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Wars: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Guide!Reader: Not when you’re playing with Zelda, it’s not. She’s out here putting in words like “ephemeral” while I’m putting in “dog.”
Guide!Reader: *pointing out Magic Powder* Legend, look, it’s the good kush!
Legend: …This is the Rupee Store, how good can it be?
Ravio: Hi, welcome! Are you part of our Super Savers Shoppers Club?
Guide!Reader: No, I’m not.
Ravio: :D :) :| Oh.
Legend, looking into a banged-up Water Temple: …It’s trash.
Time, whenever Guide!Reader uses modern slang: We need IRL subtitles. What are you even saying.
Guide!Reader: My Furby died in my arms when I was a child.
Hyrule, has no clue what a Furby is: I’m so sorry for your loss.
Guide!Reader: It wasn’t a loss. I had never felt more like a god.
The Chain: *getting told off by Time*
Guide!Reader in the back: …
Guide!Reader: *starts playing the ukulele* 👁👄👁 🎸
Time: 🧍
Four, talking about Guide!Reader: So, I’m interested in someone…
Dot: :D Oooh! What do they look like?
Four: *slow realisation*
Four: I don’t know
Dot: Wh
Dot: What do you mean you don’t know?
Guide!Reader/Ganon, about hearing Guide!Reader every dang game: The universe has a sense of humour, and I respect the commitment to the bit, but girl please.
Guide!Reader, to Link once they reunite with the Chain: Now… *puts hand on his shoulder* We’re back on our bullsh*t.
Guide!Reader and Wild, meeting Sidon for the first time:
Guide!Reader: …Would.
Wild: Would what?
Wild: (Name)? Would what?
Wind: When you become famous you’re called a legend because your leg ends.
Guide!Reader: What? 
Wind: Your leg. It ends.
Guide!Reader: I’m not a linguist, but I think you’ve got it wrong.
Wind: Are you saying your leg doesn’t end?
Guide!Reader: I mean, at some point it does, yes.
Wind: Then what’s the problem?
The Chain, waking up at dawn to get ready:
Guide!Reader and Sky, just trying to process being alive:
Guide!Reader/Time: You need to get out of bed faster than this.
Sky, struggling: I’m giving it all he’s got, boss
Guide!Reader at Ganon: Your anger amuses me. Please don’t find inner peace. Please.
Guide!Reader, playing through LoZ game: *at an annoying NPC* Let me ask you a very fair question. What do you do successfully? Quickly. :|
Link, trying not to laugh:
Hyrule, probably: I hate it when a recipe tells me to add two cups of onions. They don’t come in cups. They come in onions.
Guide!Reader, head in hands: Please
Hyrule/Twilight, looking at two NPCs: Are they lovers?
Guide!Reader, who knows the lore: Worse.
The Chain, enjoying Guide!Reader’s affections:
Legend: 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
Legend, defending himself from the “You like him” allegations from Wind: 🤸🤸🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
And now, onto the images- I hope you don't think the sheer amount of these memes is too excessive or anything!! 😭 /gen
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Aaa and that's all the memes I've got! I hope you like them,,! orz
I'm also still pretty new to Tumblr, so I'm sorry if the format looks a bit weird,,
Oh, but also?? That last point you mentioned in your most recent post about the cultural differences between humans and Hylians on physical affection/touch?? I am VERY excited to see that,, 👀 👉👈 
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BRO u got all the energy, and the dynamics i was pushing ilysm 🥺🫶
like the Hyrule = beloved agenda ive been pushing, bc i need more underrep links content, the way u carried the ganon eternally getting haunted by guide reader voice?? 10/10 ahdsfkhadl
AND WIND’S CONSTANT ENERGY OF A YOUNGER BROTHER LOOKIN U DEAD IN THE EYE LIKE “u kiss the homie (singular not even plural) goodnight?? Brother, that’s GAEY.”
u have no idea what this means to me, the impact, the understanding u have to have of my bs to make these, and how many posts youve read of mine?? im so sorry for ur loss w/my rough writing lmao
thats how you know youve made it tbh is if someone makes memes of smth u made, anyway day brightened, complexion clear, depression medicated, by this post
Peace out my beloved <3,
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cho-aaacho · 8 months
(Flufftober 2023) Dancing Together
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Main Masterlist I Archive of Our Own
Flufftober 2023 Masterlist l Prompts List
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Tags : Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Ballroom Dancing, Waltzing, Old Friends, Flufftober 2023, Reader is genderless.
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(Flufftober 2023 Day 5)
In the depths of Albert's mind, memories swirled like a tempestuous romance. A cascade of white crystals gives an enchanting shimmer to his blond hair. The rays of moonlight gently caressed his back, their light dancing together with his gorgeous presence.
His suit and tie, gorgeous blond hair, masculine scent, and pierced azure eyes make him seem like a young prince from a timeless fairytale. Oh, anyone could fall easily for his charm.
Albert turned his gaze to the ballroom, where regal red and gold unfolded before him. Their backdrop fits the room so well. As he scanned the room, his eyes wandered into some couples cutely waltzing on the polished marble floor, and the harmony of romance filled the air. He couldn't help but shake his head, pretending to not care about these situations.
Albert had received a VIP invitation from Spencer, saying it was his wedding anniversary. After all, Albert is Spencer's favorite student from their university days, and as the genius behind groundbreaking scientific projects, Albert couldn't decline the invitation.
Although he hates being surrounded by strangers, he forces himself to dive straight into the party without thinking.
He sipped his wine and propped his chin on his palm. Feeling a massive wave of boredom. It was only him at his table; he was unfamiliar with the other guests. The only figure he could recognize was the Prime Minister.
"Hey, long time no see! You're Wesker, right?"
He turned his gaze to the voice, unveiling you standing before him. Your radiating smile is just like sunshine in the early morning, and it fills his void, comforting him with your warmth.
He took a moment, almost dozing off, attempting to piece together the puzzle of memories about you. As you awaited Albert's response, you closed the gap and took a seat beside him.
You jokingly nudge him with your elbow. "I can't believe I've met our golden student of the university at this party. Since you were the smartest student, I half-expected you to invade other planets. Haha."
"Oh, if only I were an astronaut. Sadly, I'm a scientist," he chuckled in a teasing manner, his tongue gliding over his lips, trying to recall the wine's exquisite taste.
"You've never changed," he began, his fingers gently tapping the table like a secret code. His gaze swept over you before returning to the ballroom. "You're the nicest classmate I've ever met."
Your laughter bubbled up nervously, a pink blush crossing over your cheek. "Really? I often think of myself as a bit annoying."
"No, you're not annoying," he reassured, smiling.
The ballroom was now a sea of couples; the eternal melody of romantic melodies emanated from the atmosphere. Albert watched in disbelief, silently regretting his bad comments about them. He was secretly eager to join the dance.
"Since you are the only familiar face in this room, May I ask you a favor?" He asked calmly, and his hands embraced yours. "Would you want to waltz with me in the ballroom?"
You widened your eyes as your cheek turned pink again. You pictured him close, his arm circling your waist, moving gracefully to the symphony's muse—an image confined to your dreams.
"But I'm not a waltzing expert, Wesker."
He smiled gently. "It's alright, I can guide you."
"Shall we?" He inquired with a lovely gesture, extending his hand to you and squeezing them gently. Your fingertips brushed his, feeling their warmth and softness.
He led you to the ballroom, his azure eyes pierced into yours as he swayed gently from side to side. You nestled your head on his shoulder, trying to match the rhythm of his steps. You longed to be closer, to gaze into his azure orbs better, to sniff his scent, and to feel his breath against your skin.
"You're simply beautiful," he whispered, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. "Promise me you'll stay like this until the party's end, would you?"
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mybelde · 1 year
44: i only want you ♤
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25 March, Friday, 4.25pm
Location: Teyvat University's Foyer
Usually, Fridays would be everyone's favourite day, as it marks the end of the hectic week, and the start of the weekend. But unfortunately, that day was going very wrong for Aether.
It was raining heavily that day, and unfortunately for the blond boy, he had forgotten to bring his umbrella. He had considered walking back home in the rain, but he came to realise that he had left his keys at home.
The only other person who had the same pair of keys was his sister, Lumine. So, reluctantly, he whipped out his phone to text her.
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"I swear if she leaves me on read one more time-"
25 March, Friday, 4.43pm
The blond boy was sitting patiently, waiting for his mysterious saviour to come and rescue him from the rain. He wondered who Lumine had asked to give him her keys, and why she didn't want to say who it was.
That was when it clicked in his head.
She probably asked you.
Before he could do anything, he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards him.
Aether turned around to find himself face to face with you. You looked as if you were out of breath, did you run all the way here?
"Sorry if you had to wait long, Aether. I came as quick as I could."
Aether just looked at you with worry. What if you jad gotten hurt while running? The floors were kind of slippery from the rain.
"You didn't have to run, yn. I don't mind waiting. And you didn't have to go out your way to pass me Lumine's keys and an umbrella-"
"Well, I only did this because it was for you, Aether."
You interrupted him mid-sentence, and watched as his breath hitched, and he looked away in embarassment.
"Besides.... my classes just ended as well, so... I might as well crash your place, if you don't mind that is-"
"I-I don't mind at all!"
You smiled, and held out your hand towards him.
"So.... shall we get going?"
He stared at you blankly for a few seconds, before he burst out in laughter.
"I'm seriously getting deja vu here..." He said, as he took your hand in return.
The walk in the rain was a quiet one. Quiet, but not awkward. In fact, it was rather calming. The whole time, Aether was still holding your hand, and carried the umbrella to cover both of your heads.
And being the gentleman he is, he helped you carry your bag as well, even though you told him you could manage your own bag.
"Seriously though, you don't have to carry my bag Aether."
"But I want to haha." He replied, with a smile on his face.
Just like his sister, he too was stubborn sometimes, and you knew you couldn't win against him.
You sighed in defeat as he chuckled.
You had to get back at him.
That's when an idea struck you.
Maybe.... you should tease him a little.
"Well, it's not like you're my boyfriend or anything... So why should you be carrying my bag?"
As soon as those words came out of your mouth, the blond boy stopped dead in his track and turned to look at you.
This time, you were the one laughing.
"You look cute when you're confused, you know." You watched him look away in embarassment once again, but you could see his ears turning slightly red.
"Awww, don't be shy Aether! I'm just telling the truth~"
"So then... are you saying we're just friends now...?"
Aether turned to look at you, his eyes locking with yours.
"You said that I wasn't your boyfriend... doesn't that mean you're implying that we're just friends?"
"Well... aren't we just friends now? After all, we broke up, remember?"
Aether was stunned for a moment, regret plastered all over his face.
Ok, maybe it wasn't right to tease him about that..
"I'm sorry."
He's apologising..?
"I'm a fool for breaking up with you. I just thought it was the right thing for me to do, after all, I was the one who got in between you and Lumine's friendship and-"
He stopped mid-sentence, figuring out what to say.
"No. The reason why I broke up with you was because I wanted to run away from the whole situation, because I didn't want to cause you guys any problem."
"It was me...... being a coward."
He took a brief pause to look at you, before he continued.
"I thought we could go back to how we were before, just as friends. But..... the more time I spent without you, the more I realised..... I missed you. I wanted to be by your side. Not just as a friend, but as your boyfriend."
"...... You're an idiot you know. Who in their right mind would you think that breaking up would be the best decision?"
"I don't know okay- I thought it would do something! But yeah, I guess I really am an idiot. But I'm an idiot who loves you and would do anything for you to forgive me. For being an idiot."
You didn't know what made you shiver. The words thst came out from Aether's mouth, or the cold air from the rain.
Either way, you had already forgiven him. Somewhat.
You too wanted to get back together.
You didn't want to give in to him so quickly.
"Hmmm, I don't know if we should get back together right away though, let's just be friends for now, alright?"
Aether was so confused and you couldn't help but feel satisfied to see his reaction.
However, the confusion soon disappeared from his face, and it was replaced with a knowing smile.
You watched as he took a step towards you, and he started leaning in closer to you.
As if he was about to kiss you.
And out of instinct, you closed your eyes, and waited.
Waited for his lips to touch yours.
However, that didn't happen.
Instead, he just leaned in and whispered in your ear,
"If you wanted to be just friends for now, then why are you waiting for me to kiss you?"
His statement caught you off guard, and you moved away from him, your face starting to heat up.
Damn, he really trolled you so hard.
You were at a loss of words, and you saw how Aether was trying to hold his laughter in.
Two can play that game, you thought.
You grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer to your face, your lips finally touching his.
Aether was momentarily stunned, but he dropped everything he was carrying, including the umbrella, to kiss you back.
You didn't care about the rain pouring on the both of you.
You didn't care about how your things were getting wet from the rain.
You were just glad that you could finally kiss Aether, be with Aether, with no worries about anyone disapproving your relationship.
Without hiding it from anyone.
You pulled away after a while to look at him. He was already smiling at you.
So you smiled back.
"So... does that mean we're together again?"
"I never even wanted to break up with you in the first place, dumbass."
"Yup... I know I'm a dumbass.... But..... Lumine's okay with us dating, right?"
"Don't worry, she finally gave me her blessings to date you."
"Good, because I only want you."
"I only want you too."
"You're definitely gonna have to grovel though. It was stupid of you to break up with me just so that me and Lumine can mend our friendship. Like literally, what the fuck were you thinking?"
"Do what exactly??? 💀"
"Yeah I probably will have to grovel to win your forgiveness..."
"Glad you know."
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never kiss in the rain guys, unless you want to be sick the next day then sure go ahead 💀
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linaselandbasil · 3 months
HAHA, nerds! (Working title)
Bloodweave, university au, need I say more?
This fic was based off of This and This. @freakertron Here you go dearest, I wrote your fic. Have fun reading bestie!
Also @verawhisk I hope you like it as well.
Here is an AO3 link if you prefer that, mwah! Kisses to yall!
Oh to be a scholar right after finals, Gale was positively delighted, as he was just finished with his last one a few days ago. He's been celebrating it in bed.... With his cat... WAIT NOT LIKE THA-
He's sleeping, OK? He's been pulling all nighters out of his ass left and right, he needed this!
The tressym was happy to make biscuits on his back until about 8 am, but shes craving breakfast. She started kneading right on Gales scalp, making sure to dig her claws straight through is skull. All he did was groan and swat her away. "Don't you think you should be getting some sun, Mr Dekarios?" Tara said, "And perhaps, whilst getting this much needed sun, don't you also think you ought to get me some breakfast?"
"Oh, how right you are. But... A tiny bit more couldn't hurt..." He pulled his blanket over his head and continued to sleep.
"But Mr. Dekarios!" She gently slapped the idiot adult baby man with her teeny tiny cat paws. "That's it, I'm telling your mother!"
He sighed and rolled out of bed. "I'm a grown man."
"Sure you are, go take a shower." Gale solemnly went to the bathroom and pulled his shirt off. "Don't forget to shave."
He turned the water on. "I'll shave you, if you're not going to cease the notion." He didn't want to shower. He was nice and warm in bed a few minutes ago and now he's icky and gross and feeling cold in the bathroom. The water will be either too cold or too hot, when he gets out he'll be wet and cold, he'll have to chose a different shirt, the shirt will be cold when he puts it on-
"I can see that you're not in the-"
"Pardon me. I was lost in thought!" He got in. Water too hot. Wizard very sad.
"You know, I was thinking that you could go to your comic store. As a treat. Hadn't seen you bringing one of those booklets back."
"Good idea." He got out of the shower as soon as possible. He got dressed in his usual, the robe of neurodivergency, disintegrating sneakers of soft step and the shirt of getting no bitches.
He went to the kitchen area (a mini fridge with a portable induction stove on top next to a cabinet) and made Tara some omelet. He cleaned up while the tressym was eating and definitely burning her mouth with the egg.
"Well, Tara... I shall be heading out. Bid me luck that I don't run into anyone who I don't like to talk to."
"Have fun Mr. Dekarios!"
The bell rang, signaling to everyone in the store that another person graces the tiny shop with his presence. 'Wow, this place is completely different... How long has it been?'
"Can I help you?" Asked the clerkic- clerik- I mean the clerk. Not a cleric! A tall brooding goth woman, but like, without the goth. She had a rubriks cube in her hands.
"No, I'm alright, I just hadn't been here in a while, must have been months. The layout is... different."
"Yeah, like a week after I started working here a woman came in and literally sneezed fire and half the shelves were destroyed, owner renovated with the insurance money."
"Gee... Alright, I shall get going, lots to browse, you see!"
"Have fun." She turned around and continued to turn and ponder her cube.
Gale began exploring the new isles. There weren't many, but the wares were intriguing. He turned a corner to the tabletop section, intending to browse dice, but in the corner of his eye he saw someone. He looks awful familiar... Oh he knows exactly who that is, it's Astarion, semi famous online... ahem, entertainer.
The guy turned around and jumped in terror as he just noticed Gale looking straight at him from a mere meter away. He's not much to behold as of now, baggy tee, probably pajama pants, crocs, he even had remnants of a clay mask clinging to his cinder hair. "Can I help you?" He asked.
"No, it's nothing.... Just... The manga."
"Oh I'm in the way? Of course I am, how could it not be that it's just the two of us and we coincidentally want to see the same thing in the whole shop. God's help me, I hate Fridays!"
"It's Thursday!" Yelled the clerk.
"Thank you for your input, Sharty, I really needed this one last bit of humiliation to start my day!"
She laughed. "You're welcome."
"My name is Astarion," He did a sassy flick of the hair, struck a pose, probably unintentionally, he's just yassy like that. "Pleasure to meet you."
"Hi, I'm Gale... Of Waterdeep. Nice to meet you too!"
Neither of them reached out to shake hands for their own private reasons. It's alright though. Though Astarions hands were kept off of Gale, his eyes were not. They wandered all over that gorgeous, soft looking hair, his adorable cheeks, oh that neck, delicious.
"Astarion, you're flustering the customer! I'll have you escorted if you're not careful." Shart said.
"Oh am I? Apologies. Well, forgive me for my unkempt appearance, darling, maybe some days later I can fluster you a bit whilst we're both better dressed? Hmm?"
Gale looked as if he were dipped headfirst into furnace red dye. All fired up under his skin, burning hot from.... who knew what. "Sure why not?"
"My... ummm, Father is holding a party this weekend, why not join me there?" Shart uttered a 'lady of sorrows' under her nose.
"What sort of party?" Gale was undeniably terrified, but if Tara found out he refused... There would be blood. She thinks he isolates himself too much.
"Do you know where the Szarr palace is?"
"Of course, that place is....." Said Gale as he looked into Astarions eyes, they're even prettier in real life.
"Infamous. That's where the party will be."
"Oh. Well, I'd like to go."
The elf smiled even sweeter before saying: "Wonderful, may I give you my number?"
"Of course." Gale dug his phone out of his pocket and watched while the pale elf put his contact in as 'Astarion, wine glass emoji-sparkle emoji-nail polish emoji'
"Well, it was wonderful meeting you, but if I go now, you'll begin longing to meet me sooner, so I shall take my leave!"
Shart grunted. "Criiiinge!"
Astarion scoffed and walked to the counter. "Ring me out, peasant!" Gale could only watch them in awe, this must be the friendship of the century. She put the cube down and scanned his items. Gale couldn't see what they were, but it's not like he was trying to peep or anything. Totally not.
The man left, giving the woman one last scornful look and walking away from the door all sassy whilst putting on a pair of round sunglasses.
Gale picked himself a good looking manga, don't ask me what it is I'm not a weeb. He meekly walked up to the counter and looked at his hands the entire time 'Sharty' was scanning it. He paid with his card and turned to leave.
"Wait." The clerk said. "Be careful at the party, very very careful."
"That's quite the ominous warning."
".... Have a nice day and come back again!"
"Bye.... Your name is not Shart is it?"
"No. It's Shadowheart."
"Understood. Goodbye Shadowheart!" He practically ran back to his dorm. He has a date! Someone actually wants to take him on a date! Tara is going to be so excited!!!
He jaunted through the door into his dorm where his roommate was already petting Tara.
"You won't believe it..."
"You'd be surprised how easily I believe anything." Said Wyll.
"I have a date!" Gale plopped down on the couch. They have no TV, so Wyll was reading a book. How in character for him.
"Not with another professor I hope?" Tara stretched, covering all of the available space between the two men, they're not quite 5 feet apart for obvious reasons.
"No, he's... I ran into him at the comic shop. I don't think he's a professor. How was your exam?"
"Could have been better, but it was OK."
"Good!" Gale exclaimed happily.
"I don't know how you do it, never seen you get a bad grade."
"It's a neat trick called sleeping with the professor!"
"All of them? Good gods."
"I'm joking, obviously, I study a lot, that's it."
Some silence, Wyll was not reading, he courteously closed the book with his finger between the pages he was reading to signal to Gale that he was giving his undivided attention. "So... are you going to tell me about this date of yours?"
"Well, he looks like that YouTuber I always watch."
"Okay. What's his name?"
"A pretty name."
"Yeah, but it's all pretty new, let's not swoon over him just yet."
"Yeah... I'll get back to reading, they're just about to kiss, I've read 2 books waiting for this to happen."
"Have fun!" Gale got his phone out and immediately felt his finger gravitate towards contacts and tap on Astarions name. He texted the pretty elf: Hey, Gale of Waterdeep here. Date night still stands?
The awnser was not immediate, he had to go on reddit to distract himself from his nerves for the whole 23 minutes and 5 seconds this diva had him wait.
"Of course, gorgeous. Wear something nice, I'll pick you up Saturday at 8 pm."
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phoeebsbuffay · 9 months
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Imagine “Star Wars: “special editions” songs V.
• When We Were Young.
Imagine you are friends with Anakin Skywalker since childhood. However, once you two are now grown ups following different paths, a new sentiment arises. Part I
Warnings 1: *long post*; drama; angst.
Warnings 2: alternative universe; no younglings are killed here.
Warnings 3: There’s gonna be a part 2 haha
Warnings 4: based on Adele’s two albums “21” & “25”
No minors.
It is dark. Only stars and the bright two moons guide you in this deadly silence as you walk in a fast pace. Your cape hides your features, part of you accuses you of madness for letting your heart burst like this.
This is the end.
You hear steps. Quickly, you try to run. But you are stolen away and what happens next is a struggle to survival.
Funny, you’ve never thought a group of rebels would do this to you. But here you are. Do they know you at all?
“You can take my name, but you shall never have my heart”, you cry out.
You are under torture. For him, whoever he is now, you’d gladly embrace death. But this is too dramatic. Suddenly it gets cold. One metallic breathing gives away his presence.
There is someone over you, trying to steal away your breath, clearly ignoring what’s to come. You smirk.
“Where I go, he goes”, you gasp. “What I see, he sees. I know I’ll never be me without his security of his loving arms keeping me from harm.”
“…And we’ll stand. As I vowed you that day, Y/Nickname”, his voice comes softly in the back of your mind, but only you can hear.
That is how he saves you. That is how the distressed damsel is back to where she belongs: to the arms of the Black Jedi, now known as Lord Vader.
So the sky falls.
How it starts… (I)
You are a child, daughter of a powerful nobleman of Tatooine. But because you are a girl, you are despised by the family. Despite the rejection that would grow into you as a fear of abandonment, you take the opportunity to live life as you wish.
Hence why you come to the part of Tatooine where it’s a complete mess, where the elite rarely—if never—dares to go. This is the context that draws you to Anakin.
A poor boy who is the same age as you and, like you, are enslaved to other people’s way of living—despite the evident differences in your status. Regardless, you bump into him.
“I’m sorry!”, you say louder than you wish. “I-I didn’t mean to.”
The boy of sandy hair and tempest blue eyes stares at you with tilted head wondering why a girl in fanciful robes would be so easily startled and not acting in a self entitlement manner.
Clearly you think you are disguising, Anakin thinks to himself, rather amused.
“No need to apologize, it’s all good”, he smirks at you. “I’m Anakin Skywalker, by the way. Who are you again?”
You are presenting yourself when an older male dressed in grey robes comes at you, eyebrows lightly furrowed.
“Anakin”, he says to the boy you’ve just met. “Who is this young woman you’ve been talking to?”
You can tell he’s been disturbed by this so you are about to excuse yourself—you know when you are being a burden and, frankly, you barely wish to be somebody else’s.
As if capturing your thoughts, the older male softens to you. But before he speaks, Anakin, impulsive as he naturally inclines himself to, promptly holds your hand and says:
“You are not going anywhere, Y/N. You are my friend.”
You giggle softly, albeit embarrassed.
“Why, thank you, Mr Anakin. You are most kind.”
The other one is disconcerted about perceiving young Anakin’s inclination to possessiveness.
“I am rarely kind”, Anakin keeps the conversation, taking the opportunity to show himself. “Which means how I like you.”
You blush lightly. It’s when the older male chuckles and says:
“Well, Anakin. Arrogance is not the best way to welcome new friends”, towards you he speaks now. “Young lady, may I know by what name do you attend to and where are your parents?”
“The name is Y/N Y/LN”, you tell them nonchalantly. “My parents are too occupied to be reminded of my existence. Please sire, I ask you not to report me to them.”
“Master Qui Gon Jinn”, Anakin suddenly comes up with this new idea. “Why don’t you bring her with us? We could train together. I’m going to be a Jedi, you know.”
Delicately, the said Jedi Master explains to Anakin you have no Force: therefore you cannot join them. You don’t understand very well what’s been said, but you appreciate nonetheless the warm attitude Anakin’s been having towards you.
If, however, Master Qui-Gon Jinn attempts to prevent a deeper bond to form, his efforts have no avail. Soon, you have a better reason to make longer the escapes from that prison of yours.
Until the day Anakin is ready to leave, you two architect a plan for you to secretly join him. It’s when Obi-Wan discovers and tells Qui-Gon about it.
But the end is far from catastrophic, as you and him fear. You are now brought under the cares of Padmé Amidala, future queen of Naboo.
Late teenager days.
Next time you see him, you are both leaving adolescence. It’s been five years since he last saw you in Naboo, serving as the Queen’s lady-in-waiting.
Now you and Anakin are eighteen years old: a handsome man he’d turn out to be as you became a full developed beautiful woman. He is now a Knight Jedi, ready to prepare his path to become the next Master of the Jedi Order and you, the confident friend to the Queen.
For a long while you’ve been committed writing to each other, very rarely coming to see one another. But now Anakin is about to see you again for he’s been assigned to guard Queen Padmé.
And when you two finally meet…in a rainy day, to be precise, you are dressed in silvery robes, a heavy make up hiding the delicacy of your features, praying to be as discreet as possible. But you are not counting with the handsome man Anakin is now.
Your best friend, responsible for your liberty, smiles widely when acknowledging you. Indeed, how could Anakin forget you? He’s been dreaming of your sweet words, remembering when you two bonded as children…
No, Anakin kept the memories of you very alive. And now he takes delight in seeing you, although he is taken aback by your handsomeness. Noticing his admiration, though, Obi-Wan clears his throat.
“Now, now, Anakin. We are discussing here the protocols the Senate delegated us to the said mission concerning Naboo…”
Anakin has the decency to blush. But whilst his attention has diverted to the seriousness of the subject, you, however, seem to get lost at the man your childhood friend has grown into.
You cannot look away from his sandy hair, the tempest that forms in his blue eyes matching the bluntness in his speech, which makes your lips twitch in a light smirk…
Here he is, the Anakin I’ve always known…
You lower your gaze for just as this thought runs to your mind he seems to have captured it, so you spot some amusement behind his eyes that earns you some light blush.
“Very well”, you hear the Queen’s voice, thus breaking the spell his presence had put in you. “We welcome you in our retinue young Skywalker. We are very pleased to see you amongst us once again.”
“It is a pleasure as always, Your Grace”, says Anakin, gallantly—or arrogantly, judging by how some other ladies are rolling their eyes. “Duty always calls and I shall not disappoint my queen.”
“Anakin is too good with words, if you ask me”, so snorts Obi-Wan lightly. “Be careful, will you? By that I mean to say you should be mindful of your duties…”
You try to hold back your giggle. Anakin sees you and, already seeing what’s the reason for it, he cannot help another smirk. However, no one seems to notice this subtle admiration between one another—except perhaps Obi-Wan, who seems to choose to ignore what’s happening right under his nose.
This is how it begins. This is how the spark is ignited.
A few days later, he is right behind you—not only following like a puppet dog, but if he can be excused, protecting the Queen like he vowed to. Except his eyes are never far from yours.
“Tell me, Anakin. Do you dance?”, Queen Amidala asks in a tone that makes no effort in hiding her amusement.
“Uh?”, he is distracted by your beauty. Anakin soon clears his throat. “I am a warrior, a peacekeeper. Not the best dancer, my lady.”
But the queen sees what you and Anakin might not promptly see it. She side smirks, pretending to occupy herself with sewing when she says:
“Why, if I were you, I would dance to keep peace. Do you know Lady Y/N is my best lady where dance is concerned?”
Anakin’s mind is finally captured by her web. As your eyes go wide and a blush colors your cheeks, his eyes glint with amusement.
“I do not. In this case…”
“I give you my permission, yes. Don’t be shy, Lady Y/N. Go on.”
You blush violently, much to Anakin’s delight. As he takes hold of your hand, he is surprised to find you cold.
“Are you well, Y/Nickname? What’s the need of being shy to me?”
As you two begin to dance, it feels as if there’s only you in the room.
“It’s not about that, Ani. I don’t like enjoying everyone’s attention…” as you raise your eyes, you are surprised to find those blue irises staring at you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I was merely noticing… You are a woman, Y/N.”
You chuckle lightly.
“Haven’t you noticed that before?”
Anakin smiles and you feel like the sun is shining over you. He can hear you thought, so as much as this pleases him, it makes him blush. He diverts the gaze away, only for one moment.
“Let me protest that. This isn’t what I’ve meant to say.”
“Then what is?”, you giggle lightly as you look at his eyes, your bodies seemingly following the rhythm of the music without your knowledge.
“That you’ve grown fine as wine”, says he smugly, very satisfied for seeing you blush.
Today you both are in the gardens. He’s taken you to stroll all the whilst Senator Clovis is openly courting the Queen. As her favoured lady, you stand safely behind her, although she is far ahead than you and Anakin.
His arm is now tangled against yours, enjoying close proximity. You’ve been spending these joyful days speaking nonsenses, sharing jokes and perhaps something else.
Anakin can read your thoughts: he knows the depth of your feelings for him; the desires that rise without your acknowledgment, the struggle with reason that uprises your heart.
He feels the same. But somehow… He has no idea how to profess it.
“What’s like to be a Jedi?”, you ask him, unaware of how he’s been quietly studying you. “Must be busy for I haven’t received a letter of yours for a good while.”
Smiling at your tone of accusation, Anakin says:
“Well, it does keep me occupied. I’ve been under heavy training and, if you ask my opinion,been looking forward to get a proper mission.”
You sigh, indicating your concern.
“What? I was born for this and you know it”, he gently grips your arm. “There is no need to worry over me, angel. I know what I am capable of.”
You smile, sensing he might be looking for some praise. As your eyes meet again, you say:
“I know that. I’ve never had any question of your abilities, Anakin. But excuse me for worrying about my best friend”, and it’s when you whisper. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You are not going to lose me, Y/Nickname”, he whispers softly, taking your hand to his lips as he stops you so you can see he means it. In truth Anakin knows you mirror each other’s feeling. But speaking those words to you only make it better. “This I promise.”
The moment you smile, Anakin knows. And maybe the time to admit the obviousness has finally come, but not yet. The Queen summons you and Anakin. A grave look is set on her face so this means you two must set apart.
For now…
• “Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized”•
It’s been two years before you see him again. It drives you mad: to realize you are getting older and with such little time to see him.
You attempt to escape the questions posed by the Queen, now Senator; but there is an inevitable sadness as everytime you see husband and wife together.
You start to wonder whether wouldn’t be better to tell Anakin how you felt, for now time seems to steal him away from you.
However… Time is not that cruel to you. So before you notice, he comes to find you. Like he usually does.
“I knew I would find you here at the gardens”, his voice comes like a whisper to you, husky yes, but softly too.
When you turn abruptly, you find a matured man right before your eyes. Anakin Skywalker stands dressed in black robes, posing that same old smug pose but with a sweet smile and caring blue eyes that make you melt.
“Ani…” Your lips spread and before you know, you are running to his arms.
This time he is not letting go of you. To your surprise, as his arms involve you in a hug, his lips welcome you and…you don’t hesitate in kissing him in return.
It’s sloppy at first, marked by surprised. But as one adjusts to the other, it’s perfectly synced. Your tongue is subdued by his and you take delight at the moment.
The moment where you and Anakin are no more friends, but something far better than this. It continues so as his kiss is so alluring, as if he’s seeking the intensity there is in you. And you correspond gladly, giving him the intensity there has always been caged.
Your hands hesitantly move to his curls—they are now dropping over his shoulder, wrapping them around your finger as you share a passionate kiss. And this kiss awakes something in you, but there’s no time to discover it for he parts it from you—much to your dismay.
Seeing your emotions so clearly stamped in your face, Anakin smiles—specially aware of your sentiments.
“I had to take a breath, I had to contemplate you for a moment”, he explains to you, hands cupping your cheeks. “I missed you, Y/N.”
You lean against him, so pleased for that moment finally have happened.
“And I, you”, you rest your forehead against his, your body nearly locked to his. “What took you so long?”
It’s when you sense his heavy sigh, the subtle change in his demeanor: Anakin tries to keep it away from you, he has no wishes in updating you about politics.
The reason why both of you avoid such topic is mostly because that’s what you live everyday, so you need a break. Today is not different. But how can he avoid it?
As you hesitantly step back due to his silence, you suddenly become aware of the shadow that’s been cast at him. Very gently you place your hands to cup his face, stroking his scar as he leans against you, eyes closed.
“You know you can trust in me, Ani”, you encourage him softly. “There’s no need to keep it away from me.”
“I do not wish to have you involved in this”, says he, conflicted.
It heavies your heart to see the eclipse occurring right under your eyes. You do your best to deal with it, though. Lifting his chin, you run a hand over his hair all the whilst leaning the other over his chest. You wait until his blue eyes find your y/c ones.
“I want to be involved in this. This is not a burden for you to carry yourself, my darling.”
“I don’t know what to do.” He mumbles, still hesitant about sharing whatever troubles him with you.
“Follow your heart”, you tell him. “I’ll be here.”
As if to reassure him, you smile, aware of the sudden meaning your next words might carry:
“I’ll be here for you. No matter what.”
And that is how you seal your fate…
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lonely-vault-boy · 1 year
How I think GI characters would react to their rarity
Wanderer: Tsk naturally.
Faruzan: The audacity to place one as esteemed as Madame Faruzan in the less tier! They will be hearing from my lawyer!
Layla: Hm? oh, ok.
Nahida: While I do understand thar my status as archon allows me some degree of prestige, I don't think organizing anybody into categories of who is better or lesser is very wise. We all have our own hidden strength, like a shark living deep below calm waters!
Nilou: O-oh, really? Well, I'm honored that the archons find me worthy of such a rank, but all I'm really doing is expressing myself through my dance. I'm no god or anything...
Cyno: Ranking others in such a way demonstrates a level of self-consciousness. Regardless, it seems as though my reputation proceeds me.
Candace: Honestly, I don't mind. Hopefully this will mean there are less eyes looking to target Aaru Village.
Dori: Hehe, sometimes you need to be discreet to work beneath the eyes of the Akedemia!
Tighnari: Well perhaps if researchers kept away from poisonous mushrooms, they could achieve a 5-star rating too.
Collei: This just means I'll have to work even harder! Perhaps if I patrol more on my own, and really focus on those new words I've been learning...huh?! Amber is a 4-star too? But...how?
Heizou: Surely you've learned better than to judge a book by it's cover, right partner?
Shinobu: I don't mind. I just hope Itto won't let this go to his head.
Yelan: [Yelan was unable to be located for an interview]
Ayato: Should I act surprised?
Miko: Honestly, I'm just hurt you could think otherwise. Have I not made a strong-enough impression?
Shenhe: 5-star...rating? Sorry, what does this mean?
Yun Jin: It's nice to see that my friends and I are all the same. It would be uncomfortable if one of us weren't.
Itto: Well DUH! Anyone with half a brain could've told you that! Even THE SHOGUN HERSELF wouldn't dare challenge me!! NO ONE dares mess with Arataki "5-star" Itto!!
Gorou: No surprise that Her Excellency is of a higher ranking than me. Oh, but hopefully that crafty fox won't use this against me...\
Thoma: Haha, I'm not offended, don't worry. I'm just a simple housekeeper anyway.
Kokomi: I'm really not all that. Winning the war was a group effort.
Raiden Shogun: As is expected of the Archon of Eternity.
Ei: 5-star...? Are those words supposed to mean something to me? I guess I'll just have to ask Miko about it...
Sara: That idiot oni? On the same tier as Her Almighty Excellence, the Raiden Shogun? In what universe?
Yoimiya: Well I'm flattered, but this doesn't have to change anything. I'm not better or worse than anybody else just because of some silly rating!
Sayu: Zzzzzz...
Ayaka: I am honored to hold such a position, truly. I just wish...ah, my apologies. It would not be appropriate of a lady of my stature to be ungrateful.
Kazuha: For all that a 5-star rating may mean to you, for me, it is a reminder that, despite the power we may hold, we cannot stop the inevitable.
Eula: They dare to make such an attempt to compliment me?! Vengeance will be mine! And you said Amber is only a 4-star? Ridiculous. I shall go check on her at once.
Yanfei: Granny says inner strength is more important than pleasing others. I think that applies here too. On a side note though, I was recently contacted by a Professor from Sumeru who seemed to disagree.
Rosaria: Does this mean I don't have to do as much work?
Hu Tao: Aya, why do you seem so surprised? Do you really have that little faith in me? I wonder what rank my friends were given though...I guess I should just go scare- er, ask them!
Xiao: Adepti have no need for such fickle ratings. If I am protecting the people of Liyue, that is enough for me.
Ganyu: R-really? But you said Lady Ningguang is a 4-star? Oh no...
Albedo: Is there some sort of difference between these "stars"? Perhaps I should do some tests...
Zhongli: How odd, considering I am just a normal citizen of Liyue. Regardless, I suggest that you take this so-called rating with a grain of salt, so to speak.
Xinyan: You mean Yun Jin and I are the same! Haha, nice! You think this means her mom will be okay with us hanging out so often?
Tartaglia: Ok. What, were you expecting a bigger reaction from me? Come now traveler, you know I don't care about such things. A warrior cannot be picky about those matters, and he knows better than to judge others based on them. You'd do well not to underestimate your allies and enemies alike, comrade.
Diona: Hmph, and I bet that Diluc is a 5-star, huh? How predictable.
Klee: So...does this mean Kaeya can't tease me anymore now that I'm higher than him? Oh, and Master Jean and I are the same, right? So that means I can do what I want! Like...hmm, I know! How about extra dessert before dinner!
Venti: Ehe, ye of little faith. Did you doubt me?
Keqing: Well, perhaps if those I work with were more focused and skeptical of the archons, they could be 5-stars too.
Mona: Speaking of stars...traveler, I noticed something odd while scrying. I was hoping you might have some insight.
Qiqi: What...is a 5-star? Also, what were we talking about again?
Diluc: I don't trust these ratings one bit. And wait a moment, is there a harbinger on this list?
Jean: Things like this don't matter. Everyone is able to contribute in their own way, we're all equal. Only fools and children would think otherwise. Um, did you hear that? Oh no, excuse me traveler, I think I smell smoke...
Sucrose: O-oh ok. This needs some researching though.
Chongyun: My auntie is a 5-star? Hopefully this means she'll open up to others about their shared experiences.
Noelle: Of course. This just means I'll have to work even harder to serve the people of Mondstadt!
Bennett: Haha, just my luck, right? I don't mind though, I've been called worse.
Fischl: One dares to refer to their all-seeing leader in such a way? I- I shall have their heads for this! No, I'll show them that I...I...maybe...maybe they are right about me?
Ningguang: Bold choice of words to call someone who can end their entire career. And to put me on the same level as that...Captain.
Xingqiu: Believing oneself to be better than one's peers can lead to discord. It is a good thing we are all the same here.
Beidou: Ha! Ningguang will riot when she hears about this!
Xiangling: Hehe, I don't mind. If anything, I'm glad all four of my closest friends are the same!
Razor: 4...is more than 3? Razor happy.
Barbara: Maybe someday I can be as noble and helpful as my big sister...
Lisa: well, of course, cutie. I'm just a humble librarian.
Kaeya: Haha, don't seem so surprised, traveler. After all, I'm just a normal guy.
Amber: I'll still do my upmost to help you!
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My Girl
Adam Warlock x Star Lord!Sister Reader
Prompt: You and Adam enjoy a quiet moment as parents with your baby. (Lots of fluff and some romance)
Words: 867
A/N: Hello! Today I wanted to write something short and sweet so have some dad!Adam and mom!Reader. I just wanted to add real quick that you don’t need to have read any of my other one shots to know what is going on. They basically can be as read as stand alone. The daughter is named Aydith after Adam’s mom, Ayesha, and Peter Quill’s (and the reader’s) mom, Meredith. Hence the name haha! Here is the LINK to all the one shots in the series if you’d like to check them out! Requests are open! Thank you all so much! I hope you enjoy! Also I may do one for Father’s Day but I am not sure. It is started though. -Jen
                                                  My Girl
Out of context, telling someone that the man you loved had fallen head over heels for another girl would’ve surely sounded downright horrible. But that was far from the truth. In fact, you couldn’t be more over the moon about it. The moment your daughter had come into the world, the moment Adam’s eyes landed on his child, it was as if nothing else mattered. You both were his universe--you, the moon, and she, the sun. Adam had fallen in love again, but so had you. 
“Why thank you, I shall treasure this dearly.” 
You leaned against the door frame, your mouth curved into a small smile as you watched Adam cheerfully accept the wooden spoon your ten month old daughter, Aydith, held out to him in earnest. You were exactly sure where the two of them had managed to collect such an odd assortment of things, but you were happy they were enjoying themselves. Her nose crinkled up as she giggled, her chubby fist holding a twig towards him. Groot’s? 
“It is very lovely. Finer than any branch on Sovereign. Perhaps we should display it in the house. Isn’t that right, Mama?” Adam looked over to you, motioning to the stick. “What say you? Is this not the most impressive piece of wood you’ve ever seen?” 
“Positively stunning.” You chuckled, making your way over to their side. Aydith squealed as you leaned down to kiss Adam before turning your attention on her. “You have quite a collection here, sunshine. Must be that pinch of Ravanger in you.” You tickled her, the baby breaking out into a fit of giggles. “Where did this come from?” 
“Oh, just here and there. Anything that really piqued our interest--or, rather, hers. She has quite the taste for things.” Adam explained, both of you watching Aydith as she retrieved a purple shell from her pile. Must’ve been something Phyla had given her. “Not too sure what we will do with all of it once we’re done.” 
Your daughter waved the shell in the air, blowing tiny spit bubbles as she let it fall. Without hesitation, you watch as she began to float into the air. Even though you’d had weeks to get used to this new found power of hers, your heart still leaped out of your chest each time. Adam, however, didn’t even blink as he casually reached up and brought her back down, settling her in his lap. Aydith frowned. 
“You know I’m not against Rocket making those gravity boots he offered to design for us for her.” Adam said, holding onto the little girl as she wiggled in his grasp. “I know it would bring you a lot of comfort knowing she was on the ground.” 
“I know.” You sighed softly. “But I don’t want us to treat her powers like they are a burden or something.” Even though the thought had crossed your mind more than once. “I just…I just want her to be safe, that’s all.” 
Both of you fell silent for a moment. Eventually, Aydith seemed to lose interest in trying to fly, earning her the right to freedom from her father’s lap. She crawled her way over to her pile, plopping down before it with a smile. You felt Adam’s hand rest on yours, and you interlock your fingers. Looking over at him, you noticed the way he gazed at you with his golden eyes. A stare you knew that one day would gross your daughter out because her parents had that ‘yucky lovey dovey’ look on your faces.
“What?” You felt the heat rising to your cheeks as you fought to keep a straight face. 
“Just admiring your beauty.” Adam admitted, obviously amused with your reaction. “Have I ever told you how absolutely radiant you are, Y/N?” 
Countless times. In every single language. Verbally and physically. Sometimes you wondered if that was all Adam could ever say. Just like a broken record. And by Gods would you be lying if you said you didn’t love it. 
“I don’t know.” You feigned innocently, shrugging your shoulders. “My memory can be quite vague at times. I could use some reminding…” 
Adam smirked before leaning over to kiss you. Heat began to pool in your stomach when his lips touched yours. It was so easy to get lost in the moment, savoring the intimacy you both craved. It was the blown up, plastic ball that hit your knee that caused you to break apart. Your daughter was staring at you both, her head slightly cocked to the side. 
“Later.” You murmured, your grin sly. “When she goes down for her nap.”
“Is that a promise, Y/N?” Adam whispered, lust in his eyes. 
“A guarantee.” You pressed your index finger to his lips. “It’ll be worth it.” 
Aydith let out a shrill cry as if demanding that all attention be redirected at her. You chuckled softly, still holding onto Adam’s hand as you scooted closer to the baby. Adam’s love for you was Aydith. What had come of it all. Seeing her, watching her, your daughter’s existence screamed it. You smiled, feeling Adam’s fingers tighten as your child played before you. She was the sun.
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rotgospels · 8 months
can I ask what your thoughts on hell are? I'm drawn to Christian Universalism but Jesus definitely does seem to talk about hell so idk if the scriptural evidence is there. Sorry if this is a weird question and feel free to ignore but I'm in a weird faith spot rn and don't have anyone to discuss with irl haha
Christ does mention hell, and the Apostles Creed also tells us that he descended into it. There are issues with any interpretation on what hell is (a place?, a state of being?, etc) and what it means, but the point of the cross is that we have been saved and restored to right relationship with God already. The kingdom of God has broken through this world and pulled us kicking and screaming out of hell. Hans Urs Von Balthasar believes that when Christ descended as he did in death, that he did so in order to free those who had been punished ("And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself" - John 12:32). His theology is not universalist though. He accepts that there is a possibility that all can be saved, but there is equally a possibility that we will all be damned. Ultimately, we will never know until the time comes. What we can know however is that God desires "that none should perish," and that "all men would come to repentance" as Peter wrote. On this basis, most Church fathers reject the notion that God invented hell, which means that we did in our resistance and rejection of God's love for us.
One of my favourite quotes is from St. Silouan, who heard through divine revelation the words "keep your mind in hell and despair not." Its an idea the philosopher Gillian Rose expands upon, writing that "to live, to love, is to be failed; [but] to forgive, to have failed, to be forgiven, for ever and ever" is the counsel of despair that keeps our minds in hell. It's a sort of dark night of the soul - to embrace, or step into the darkness and absence of God's painful love, his violent grace (As T.S. Eliot says "I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you / which shall be the darkness of God.") Hell is a choice. But it is never a choice that should cause us to desperately and forcefully evangelise in order to "save" our loved ones from hellfire. That's not at all what the choice to remain in hell is; the choice to accept God's otherworldly and burning love. It's about acknowledging our chains on earth, keeping our eyes open to suffering, and allowing God be our freedom. We each make our way through the world, through hell, as Christ does, in order to arrive at resurrection.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 4 months
Oh God. David Heard There's Room Service In Hell!!
Tumblr media
Once again, I am testing my drawing ability by NOT doing any of the MANY illustrations I need, but I would've been sad if I couldn't finish an illustration. And look! I made it! I CAN DRAW! (And collage, obvs not my suitcase or BG, but all Public Domain)!! Well, my stylus needs a new battery, BUT, IN THEORY, I CAN DRAW! It's low res like all my test images, and I don't think I'm gonna put Vivziepop out of business anytime soon, but I'm fond of it.
That's why I'm so sad that it'll NEVER EVER HAPPEN. As a storyteller (albeit an obscure one) let me elucidate...
Strictly in terms of narrative viability, David hails from an incompatible universe. For an Invisible, he's middling. The Compelling Voice he's so fond of seems to be standard-issue, he's just more of an asshole about using it. In Tin Soldier and Soldier On, he's not all that hard to beat. Some people even have a natural immunity! He's only a threat in the first place because nobody knows what he can do.
But the minute he rolls up to the Hazbin Hotel, not only does nobody know what he can do, nobody has that natural immunity, and it would be hard as hell (haha) to beat him with their combat-friendly magic system. David isn't doing that Capcom-esque "freeze the enemy for a few seconds while they're looking at it" hypnosis. He's issuing unbreakable commands. If you're not deaf, the only way to beat him is to forget what he said. And that seems like it would be difficult, if not impossible, for most of the cast. Alastor certainly won't stoop to inflicting head trauma or hypnosis or amnesiac-levels of liquor on himself.
And that MIGHT not be a problem, except as soon as Dave meets Al he's gonna go from zero to nemesis in about three seconds flat. "Hmm, let's see. Neat freak, carefully-curated personality, perma-smile, never a moment's weakness... That's a pathetic little traumatized man-baby and I'm going to pull him out of his shell if I need to use a crab fork!" And, canonically, Alastor is also willing to make enemies that quickly. David has a sense of humour and no sense of self preservation, combat tentacles and veiled threats ain't gonna do it. Round one, David's gonna mop the floor with the Radio Demon.
...And by that, I mean he'd stuff Alastor into one of Niffty's frilliest little outfits and literally make him mop the floor, and even Charlie encouraging him to be a better person wouldn't get him to quit. Also, he'd be ignoring her and bending over backwards to get Angel's attention.
"Oh, listen. The man is over one hundred years old with zero interest in one-night stands or whirlwind romances. Prohibition isn't a thing anymore, drinking and dancing just doesn't cut it. Give him a chance to develop a fetish for something a little bit taboo..."
"I̸̠̤̐̄̄ ̸͕̝͙̌A̸̪̅M̴̭̰̙̎̓ ̶͓̻̐̉L̷̹͕̍I̷̯͗T̷̫̄Ȩ̶̾̋R̴̝̥͒A̷͔̩͋̃̕Ļ̵͗͜L̶̘̈́Y̵͇̓͗̂ ̴̼̪̘͠Ā̷̠̽̆ ̶͍͓̊̉C̷̣͕̺͆̃͝A̵͙̾̅N̶̥̬̮̄N̴̤̯̬̒̉̚I̴̩̜̍B̷͈̪̩̄À̴̝̦L̶̪͂͛͗!̶̟̆"
"That's not a fun night out. It's barely even a meal, what with the garbage they're feeding people these days. I imagine everyone tastes like a fucking 'Cool Ranch Dorito.'" [while making quote marks with both hands] "Isn't he from Louisiana? They invented spicy! Tell me, my deer fellow, is the cross-dressing and domination lighting up any dials?"
"Ì̴̗ ̶̧̫͓͋W̵͜͝Í̸̗͋L̴͔͆̊̌L̴̨̜͚͂ ̸͈̤́Ḱ̵̳̩͜Í̷̘̾L̶̨̫̬̉͋̌Ļ̵̱̗͐͊ ̴̧̣͊̄̈́Y̴̛͖̺͓̓̐O̶̢̦̍̀U̷̠̞͇̎ ̷̨̛̮̭I̷̙̜̽N̸̘̣͙̆ ̵̞͑͝Y̷̰̭̽O̷̟̘̹̓Ủ̶̢̏R̷͉͑̄̀ ̷̧̧̤̎Ŝ̶̱͈̃L̵̰͋Ȅ̸̜̗̙̊̍E̷͇̦̒P̷͈̝̅̆͌.̴̡͈̅͑̓͜"
"My good man, I have unlimited access to drugs and a fun new activity, WHY WOULD I SLEEP? What shall we try next? Do you have any drugs, Angel? Oh, of course you do! Do you think he's more of an upper or a downer person? I think a few muscle relaxants might loosen up that permanent rictus of social anxiety, but God only knows. You must be smoking a crate of cigarettes a day! Do you even brush? Your teeth, I mean. Do you suppose those lovely people at Lourdes make a mouthwash...?"
And Charlie would say, clasping her little hands, "Okay! What if we make some popcorn and talk about our childhood traumas? Yaaaay!"
But David would, inevitably, pass out. Most likely after binging and doing untold damage with Angel. And Alastor would kill him... And that's where we have the biggest fucking plot problem of all. Alastor's go-to method of disposal is tearing people to pieces while broadcasting it on the radio. And it seems like their screaming continues for quite some time, perhaps eternally.
I have expressed this in song form, because I have a weird brain and I couldn't resist.
Wait, wait, nevermind the eternal torment. Can these little hellions hear me? Test, test, is this thing on? Pardon me, could you quiet down a bit? I have a few things I’d like to… Will you stop screaming? Ugh. EVERYBODY SHUT UP AND LISTEN RIGHT NOW! That’s better. I have a little message for my executive producer. Well! I say! Colour me startled, you fulfilled your vow Think you’ve won? But I’ve barely begun! I’m always looking for new fans to wow Can you hear me NOW? [aside] Will you screamers sing backup if I command it? Can I get a little harmony? (We… can’t help ourselves?) I am eternal, and guess who’s just boosted my signal So I can reach all of you lovely new people? (We can’t help ourselves!) It’s your own Radio Demon! What was he thinking? (We can’t help ourselves!) What was he drinking? Ha! His dial must be twisted! Now I’m serenading the damned for my infinite span All according to plan! Am I a madman or a genius? I’m a pianist! Take that, FCC I’m a wonder, your saviour Please excuse my rude behaviour, (but the demon sure done fucked up!) Think he did me a favour? Silence my vocals? A failure! I’m louder and I’m certainly braver So crank the signal to the noise, and enjoy my compelling voice It’s nice to have all these new toys, (but our deer friend is annoyed) A Spirit of Radio beats a demon blow for blow This Invisible is crackling on the air! Well, one does like to believe Though you’re stuck, I’m almost free! That’s what you think! Your weak signal can’t compare Though you’ve had a little fun Your broadcast is done, and it’s time for your payback I’m in control Too bad you atomized my soul! … Not this attention-starved, brandy-addled, overgrown twink Guilty! What could be more absurd? A plagiarist bird Tweety-pie can’t even sing, his theft is pitchy You call that bitchy? I’m afraid that’s not entertainment! You're looking for a new twist? Then let’s remix the arrangement! Is Al as stiff as he projects? What sorts of kinks do you suspect? I’ve seen lacy details with my very eyes! He lies! And if I Tiked a Tok or two Well, there’s nothing he can do! A V̷̰͖̉̂͝İ̶̙D̵̛̻̮̙͛̕E̴̼̱̕Ŏ̷͆ͅ?̷̗͎̞̏̅! If I did, you can’t delete it That's the truth! When I find you in here, Ÿ̴͕̚Õ̸̠̝̕Ů̵̩̹Ŕ̸͔ ̸̬̋̂̔͜T̸̮̙͌̕Ő̵͔͕̑̄R̵̩̣̅͌̌͜M̷̝̹̾̏Ĕ̶̦͕̟Ň̶̮͊Ṱ̷̲̈̔̈ ̵̡̹̟̑Ẅ̷̝́͝I̷͉͋ͅL̴͎̞̎L̶̯͓͑ ̵̬͐͐͝Ḅ̸͚̬̅Ẹ̴̎̿͠ ̴̻͉̲̐̈́͠N̵̖̟̤͑̽E̴͙͎͘V̸̡͕̦̾̕Ė̵̝͈̀Ŕ̴̺-̸̡̱̇̾̉E̴̠̣̊̐̋Ń̵͔̬̝̑D̴̡̬͙̓İ̴͔͋͊N̸̞̙͐̒Ĝ̷̼̺̐͆.̸̤̭́̐̅.̸̰̓͝.̷̤̬̌ #MaidioDemon is trending! Y̴̼̿͆O̶̟͇͊̏͜Ǔ̸͈ ̴̨̫͘I̷̡͓̜̍̈́̽N̸̜̩̉̄͝S̵͚͈̭̅̓Ĩ̸̢̯͇͘Ṗ̶̩̭̦I̴̱͑D̷̨͖̚ͅ,̴̥͕̌̈̾ ̸̛̳̈́Ṭ̶̢̠͒Ė̸̱̼̕C̸̙̥̈́H̵͓̠̔̀N̷̖͝Ǒ̶̬Ć̶͔̃͘Ř̶͙͍͠Ä̴̟́̊T̴̳̉̊͜I̶̞̓͝C̵̢̨̲͐̇̎.̵̼̏͋.̷͎̆ͅ.̸̘̜̒ Darling, please, you’re lost in static One thing’s clear! You must be wishing that you took the L, you poor deer Say farewell. I’m very grateful that you gave me Hell Oh, this will be swell! [Vivziepop, distantly:] Fuck!
"Stayed Gone" is a patter song and I can't keep up with it as I read it, but I think the lyrical parts scan, at least. A-heh. Please excuse my hubris, but it's doubtful anyone will see this.
Of course, I would never torment someone with arguably GNC-phobic revenge porn, but that guy IS NOT ME. Your only hope for dealing with David is if Vaggie decides he's more of a threat than an amusement and straight up kills him, and that's not a plot, that's a cul-de-sac. So this little not-a-fic is all you'll get from me about this unsustainable situation.
...Alright, I might put Alastor in a maid outfit if anyone cares, but I really should be illustrating. I have precisely 13 to do before I can post more story! Unless I decide to post it anyway!
All apologies to Vivziepop, whom I've name-checked as one of a few creators I'd sell out or saw off my leg to work with. But - although I am tempting fate - prrrobably no one will see this. I'm just doin' a little practice and amusing myself.
Right, Tumblr?
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