#2000s male hazel eyes
alexcollix7 · 1 year
Sarah J Maas: plagiarism or inspiration
In this post we are going to discuss the various and stricking similaries between Sarah J Maas series TOG/ACOTAR with original books she admited to consume, as well as the use of direct lines from movies, books and tv shows in her books, and where do we draw the line in what we consider to be inspiration vs plagiarism.
As some people know, SJM is a big fan of Anne Bishop's work, especifically her Black Jewels trilogy. Some people already noticed similarities between the two series (and in her TOG books as well) in terms of storyline, races and characters, but it's not nearly talked about enough.
It's good to make clear that the first book of "the black jewels" was published in 1998 and the last one of the trilogy was published in 2000, over 12 years before acotar and TOG was even launched. So Bishop's work was around a long time before sjm started to publish her books.
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That being said, let's start with the fact that the beginning of her first series TOG is pratically the same as the beginning of the second book of The Black Jewels, Heir to the Shadows, but with a different character:
"After a year of slavery in the Salt Mines of Endovier, Celaena Sardothien was accustomed to being escorted everywhere in shackles and at sword-point. Most of the thousands of slaves in Endovier received similar treatment—though an extra half-dozen guards always walked Celaena to and from the mines. That was expected by Adarlan’s most notorious assassin. What she did not usually expect, however, was a hooded man in black at her side—as there was now" (TOG, 2012)
"Surrounded by guards, Lucivar Yaslana, the half-breed Eyrien Warlord Prince, walked into the courtyard, fully expecting to hear the order for his execution. There was no other reason for a salt mine slave to be brought to this courtyard, and Zuultah, the Queen of Pruul, had good reason to want him dead. Prythian, the High Priestess of Askavi, still wanted him alive, still hoped to turn him to stud. But Prythian wasn't standing in the courtyard with Zuultah." (Heir to the Shadows, 1999).
So, Sarah's first work begins with a paragraph that is already really really similar to the first one in Bishop's second novel.
Now, let's then move on to the part that shocked me the most and made me sure of doing this post: The extreme and undeniable resemblance between the Illyrians with the Eyriens, a race portrayed in Bishop's Black Jewels books, who one of the main characters, Lucivar (coincidentally or not, Sarah's favorite one) is a part of.
The Eyriens are described to be warriors with tanned skin, gold eyes, and "batlike wings". Eyrien males are trained in hunting camps as children, and the females are forbidden to touch weapons. They are often found in a mountainous territory called "Askavi Terreille", and carry prejudice against half-eyriens. Does all that sounds familiar?
The Illyrians are so much like the Eyriens, it's not even funny. They have bat-like wings, the males are trained in camps, live by the mountains, have their own personalized weapons, and the females are usually mistreated and not allowed to fight. And what does Rhysand suffer from them? Prejudice, because he's half illyrian. Even their physical characteristics are the same: golden brown skin, hazel eyes, black hair. What mainly sets on them apart is their names (which still sound pretty similar) and the fact that the illyrians have tattoos.
"He spread his dark, membranous wings, trying to ease the ache in his back." ( Daughter of the blood, page 12)
"Indeed, it was still Rhysand’s face, his powerful male body, but flaring out behind him were massive black membranous wings—like a bat’s, like the Attor’s" (ACOTAR, page 348)
"Still, it was home, and centuries of enslaved exile had left him aching for the smell of clean mountain air, the taste of a sweet, cold stream, the silence of the woods, and, most of all, the mountains where the Eyrien race soare" (Daughter of the blood, page 16)
"The Illyrians … We love our people, and our traditions, but they dwell in clans and camps deep in the mountains of the North" (ACOMAF, page 165)
"He had never felt this weary, this beaten. Not as a half-breed boy in the Eyrien hunting camps, not in the countless courts he'd served in over the centuries since" (Heir to the darkness, page 13)
“When I turned eight, my mother brought me to one of the Illyrian war- camps . To be trained, as all Illyrian males were trained" ( ACOMAF, page 168)
”She kept resisting because Eyrien females traditionally didn’t touch a warrior’s weapons" (Queen of the darkness, page 151).
“Some camps issued decrees that if a female was caught training, she was to be deemed unmarriageable. I can’t fight against things like that, not without slaughtering the leaders of each camp and personally raising each and every one of their offspring.” (ACOMAF, page 434)
”There are reasons why Eyrien males are the warriors— Lucivar said, his eyes skimming over the women as he paced slowly down the line and back again.— We’re bigger, stronger, and we have the temperament for killing. You have other strengths and other skills. Most of the time, that works out well." (Queen of Darkness, page 156)
“The  Illyrians— Rhys smoothly cut in, that light finally returning to his gaze — Are unparalleled warriors, and are rich with stories and traditions. But they are also brutal and backward, particularly in regard to how they treat their females.” (ACOMAF, page 166)
"She wanted to cut the wings off, raise the boy as Dhemlan maybe. But he said no, in his soul the boy was Eyrien, and it would be kinder to kill him in the cradle than to cut his wings" (Daughter Of The Blood, page 138)
“I banned wing-clipping a long, long time ago, but … at the more zealous camps, deep within the mountains, they do it." (ACOMAF, page 434).
"But they’re good boys, and they’ll carry their weight. And they are full-blooded  Eyriens — he added.
— So they don’t carry the stigma of being half-breeds? — Lucivar asked with deadly control." (Queen of the Darkness, page 39)
"He gave Rhys command of a legion of Illyrians who hated him for being a half-breed" (ACOMAF, page 136)
"Then he called in his Ebon-gray Jewels and the wide leather belt that held his hunting knife and his Eyrien war blade" (Heir to the shadows, page 257)
"I went from physical defense to learning to wield an Illyrian blade, the weapon so fine, I’d nearly taken Cassian’s arm off." (ACOMAF, page 367)
Some people can look at this as simple inspiration, but others consider the races to be almost identical. Their prejudices, the place they live, the place where they train and how they train being the same, with only a few minor key points being changed.
In Bishop's work men and women are adressed and divided as "males" and "females". Their society is based the existence of jewels, where the darker someone's jewel is, the more powerful that person becomes.
The jewels are close to what SJM called siphons, used by the illyrians. They are a representation of the powers of members of the blood, serve as containers, and vary in colors. Siphons, however, are literally jewels who filter Illyrians powers, manipulating magic. Members of the blood can have more than one jewel, and illyrians can have more than one siphon.
"An uncut Jewel is a rare thing, little Sister —   Titian said, removing something from the box.    — Wait until you know who you are before you have it set. Then it will be more than a receptacle for the power your body can't hold; it will be a statement of what you are." (Daughter of the blood, page 71)
"He held up his hands, the backs to me so both jewels were on full display.— They’re called  Siphons . They concentrate and focus our power in battle.” (ACOMAF, page 162)
"The Black-Jeweled ring on his right hand glittered with an inner fire." (Daughter of the blood, page 39)
"Siphons atop his scarred hands flickered like rippling blue fire as he reached for the Attor." (ACOMAF, page 262)
" Your fingers clenched around that Jewel. There was a flash of Red light, and the guards were flung backward." ( Daughter of the blood, page 136)
"Cassian lifted his hand into the air. Red light exploded from his Siphon, blasting up and away" (ACOMAF, page 543)
"Her strength was gone. The Jewel hungaround her neck, dark and empty" (Daughter of the blood, page 399)
"Azriel’s blue Siphons were dull, muted. Utterly empty."  (ACOMAF, page 554)
The Blood possess some ability to sense and mask their psychic scent. The conception of "scent" not only acts as a way for them to recognize each other, but also sense their emotions, and seems to be highlighted between couples, with Daemon for using it in order to fantasize or look for Jaenelle. That matches perfectly SJM's universe where the Fae are able to feel each others scents, sensing their emotions through it, it being stronger between mated couples:
"The psychic scent was almost gone, but he recognized it. A dark scent. A powerful, terrifying, wonderful scent. He breathed deeply, and the lifetime hunger in him became intense".(Daughter of the blood, page 178).
"Like the body that housed it, a witch's psychic scent had a muskiness that a Blood male could find as arousing as the body—if not more so" (Daughter of the blood, page 184)
His  scent  drifted to her, darker, muskier than usual. She’d bet all the money she didn’t have that it was the scent of his arousal. (ACOSF, page 235)
"A room where she had slept would still be strong with her psychic scent, even if it had been cleaned"  (Daughter of the blood, page 182)
"Cassian had flown back up to the House. And found the oak door to the stairs open, Nesta’s  scent  lingering." (ACOSF, page 99)
"No psychic scent of emotions for the guards to play with as they put the sobbing man into the old, one-man boat." (Daughter of the blood, page 149)
"He didn’t need to use a psychic probe to know who was on the other side of the door. The scent of her fear was sufficient." (Queen of the darkness, page 120)
"Their faces were vacant. Not a trace of fear in them, or in their scents." (ACOSF, page 344)
"Those of us who have would notice the similarities in your psychic scents and reach the correct conclusion" ( Queen of Darkness, page 114)
"He didn’t believe me. So he grabbed Catrin, because our scents were nearly identical, you see" (ACOSF, page 652)
The basic unit of Blood society and government is a Queen and her Court. To create a Court, she must be at the age of majority and have twelve males who agree to be in her First Circle. Jaenelle creates hers in the second book, who is  denominated as the "dark court". How is Rhysan's court called? The night court. How is his unity of power named? "the inne circle". Rhysand's court is also referred as "the court of dreams", and Jaenelle is called "dreams made flesh".
"He hoped she'd be pleased to have the use of this place. He hoped he'd be invited when she established her own court. He wanted to see whom she selected for her First Circle" (Daughter of the Blood page 92)
"They’re Rhysand’s Inner Circle.The ones I’d heard mentioned that day at the Night Court—who Rhys kept going to meet." (ACOMAF, page 135)
"The living myth— Saetan whispered.— Dreams made flesh— His throat tightened. He closed his eyes." (Heir to the shadows, page 459)
“And what is this court? — I asked, gesturing to them. The most important question.
It was Cassian, eyes clear and bright as his Siphon, who said — The Court of Dreams.”
Remember Lucivar? The main Eyrien character? Well, it doesn't help sjm's case that he's incredibly similar to Cassian:
Because he's an eyrien, Lucivar was raised as a warrior and has bat wings, together with gold eyes and tanned skin. He also has long black hair and is considered to be well-built. Initially his jewels are birthright red, and later they descent into being ebon grey. Just like his father, he is known as having an explosive temper who often lead him to trouble. Thanks to him not being recognized by Saetan initially, Lucivar is seen as a bastard. This is not at all far from how Cassian is written.
Let's also keep in mind: Lucivar is also responsable for recruting and training Eyrien warriors in the Dark Court, later training the women who live in Ebon Askavi (which, as I will show later, is almost identical to the House of Wind).
Cassian's tragetory is marked by him being underlooked as a "bastard" and not being able to control his temper, and that is further developed in acosf. His appereance is carbon-copy of Lucivar (the only difference being that his eyes are hazel), and his siphons are red. He also happens to train illyrian warriors, and later Feyre, Nesta and the other priestesses from the library. Like Lucivar has a brotherly bond with Jaenelle and waits for her to be his queen, Cassian has a brotherly love for Feyre and respects her as his high lady:
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"Unlike the other slaves who couldn't contain their misery or fear, there was no expression in Lucivar's gold eyes" (Daughter of the Blood, page 13)
"Like their High Lord, the males—warriors—were dark-haired, tan-skinned. But unlike Rhys, their eyes were hazel and fixed on me as I at last stepped close" (ACOMAF, page 155)
"She looked so pale against his light-brown skin, and he knew it wasn't simply because she was fair-skinned" (Daughter of the blood, page 19)
"She watched his light brown fingers play against her pale skin" (ACOSF, page 367)
"The man wore a leather vest and the black, skintight trousers favored by Eyrien warriors. His black hair fell to his shoulders, which was unusual for an Eyrien male. [..] A wild joy filled Daemon, even as his heart clogged his throat and tears stung his gold eyes. Lucivar." (Queen of the Darkness, page 45)
"Cassian surveyed Rhys from head to foot, his shoulder-length black hair shifting with the movement" (ACOMAF, page 155)
"Because he was a half-breed bastard, he had no hope of attaining a position of authority within a court, despite the rank of his jewels" (Daughter of the Blood, page 17)
"I can tell you how I hear Eris and Devlon and the others talk and, deep down, I still believe that I am a worthless bastard brute. That it doesn’t matter how many Siphons I have or how many battles I’ve won" (ACOSF, page 434)
"Tears stung Lucivar's eyes. Why, Daemon? What did she do to deserve being hurt like that?  His voice rose. He couldn't stop it. She was the Queen we had dreamed of serving. We had waited for her for so long.  You butchering whore, why did you have to kill her?" (Heir to the shadows, page 31)
"He’d thought about that painting a great deal in the days afterward—how it had made him feel, how close they’d all come to losing their High Lady before they’d ever met her." (ACOSF, page 43)
"Because he was a trained Eyrien warrior and had a temper that was explosive even for a Warlord Prince" (Daughter of the blood, page 16)
"Cassian was lounging in his chair, a glass of wine in his hand, staring at nothing. A brooding warrior-prince, contemplating the death of his enemies." (ACOSF, page 275)
"He could have caught him on the first pass. The young one will have to concede the battle, but it’ll stay in his mind that he put up a good fight. No, Lucivar understands how to train an Eyrien warrior.” (Queen of Darkness, page 103)
"Cassian prayed that the gods were watching over him as Rhys sipped from his tea and said,    
—You’re ready?
He leaned back in his seat. — I’ve gotten young warriors in line before." (ACOSF, page 43)
There's even a line when Lucivar is training the women in ebon askavi that hits very close to one used when Cassian is training the priestesses:
”If you can become half as proficient with this as she is, you’ll be able to take down any male except an Eyrien warrior —  Falonar said slowly. — And you’ll be able to take down half of them as well.” (Queen of the darkness, page 158)
"Cassian continued to train Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn. The rain didn’t let up, and they were all soaked, but the exertion kept the bite of the cold away.— So this can really down a male in one move? [...] He concentrated on the females in front of him. — This move will knock anyone unconscious if you hit the right spot.” (ACOSF, page 385)
Daemon, his brother, is too very similar to Rhysand. He has the reputation of a sadist, after being tortured and used as slave in the hands of Dorotothea, close to how Rhys was known as a cruel fae who had to serve Amarantha (the way they a called is also pretty much the same, as well, being referred as their "pet" or "whore"). Daemon believes to be destined to Jaenelle, even before meeting her, sometimes feeling her touch, and dreaming or her, just like Rhysand talks about knowing Feyre was his mate, and dreaming of her before they met. He, like Saetan, Jaenelle, and Lucivar, is a black widow: which means he can access people's minds and thoughts, as well as communicate telephatically, exactly how daemanti in acotar have the ability to do.
"His face was a gift of his mysterious heritage, aristocratic and too beautifully shaped to be called merely handsome. He was tall and broad-shouldered. He kept his body well toned and muscular enough to please. His voice was deep and cultured, with a husky, seductive edge to it that made women go all misty-eyed. His gold eyes and thick black hair were typical of all three of Terreille's long-lived races, but his warm, golden-brown skin was a little lighter than the Hayllian aristos—more like the Dhemlan race." (Daughter of the blood, page 24)
"I stepped out of the shelter of my savior’s arm and turned to thank him. Standing before me was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Everything about the stranger radiated sensual grace and ease. High Fae, no doubt. His short black hair gleamed like a raven’s feathers" (ACOTAR, page 193)
"I had no answer to that—to the tenor in his rich, deep voice. So I examined the tattoos on his chest and arms, the glow of his tan skin , so golden now that he was no longer caged inside that mountain." (ACOMAF, page 289)
"Daemon smiled that cold, cruel smile. "Now you know what it's like to get into bed with Hayll's Whore." (Daughter of the blood, page 77)
"Lucien interrupted — What do you know about anything? You’re just Amarantha’s whore.
— Her whore I might be, but not without my reasons.” (ACOTAR, page 239)
"In his soul, he knew her. In his dreams, he saw her. He never envisioned a face. It always blurred if he tried to focus on it. But he could see her dressed in a robe made of dark, transparent spidersilk, a robe that slid from her shoulders as she moved, a robe that opened and closed as she walked, revealing bare, night-cool skin. And there would be a scent in the room that was her, a scent he would wake to, burying his face in her pillow after she was up and attending her own concerns." (Daughter of the Blood, page 27)
“Three years ago, he said quietly,  — I began to have these … dreams [...] The images were foggy, like looking through cloudy glass. They were brief—a flash here and there, every few months. I thought nothing of them, until one of the images was of a hand … This beautiful, human hand. Holding a brush. Painting—flowers on a table.” (ACOMAF, page 504)
“I saw you through your dreams—and I hoarded the images [...] I’d wake up with your scent in my nose, and it would haunt me all day, every step." (ACOMAF, page 505)
"There was a bitter taste in Daemon's mouth. The ashes of dreams. After all, he was Hayll's Whore, a pleasure slave, an amusement for the ladies no matter what their age, a way to pass the time" (Daughter of the blood, page 267)
"And he would be at that table in the town house, roaring with laughter—never again cold and cruel and solemn. Never again anyone’s slave or whore" (ACOMAF, page 497)
"You're my Queen,he thought fiercely. His body ached. She was his Queen. But with her family surrounding them, watching, there was nothing he could say or do to help her" (Daughter of the blood, page 360)
"My equal in every way; she would wear my crown, sit on a throne beside  mine. Never sidelined, never designated to breeding and parties and child-rearing. My queen." (ACOMAF, 598)
"He caught her wrists, holding her off with an ease that made her scream. He hit the Black shields on her inner barriers hard enough to make her work to keep them intact, but they wouldn't keep him out for long." (Daughter of the blood, page 302)
"My innate talents allow me to slip through the mental shields of anyone I wish, with or without that bridge—unless they’re very, very strong, or have trained extensively to keep those shields tight." (ACOMAF, page 59)
At some point Daemon is even called Jaenelle's mate:
"He’s here! Jaenelle’s mate is finally here!  Daemon felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him" (Heir to the shadows, page 117)
His position and title of highlord is parallelled a lot by how Saetan is decribed:
"High Lord of Hell, the Prince of the Darkness, the most powerful and dangerous Warlord Prince in the history of the Blood" (Daughter of the darkness, page 266)
"For what it’s worth, I’m the most powerful  High Lord in Prythian’s history" (ACOMAF, page 145)
Moving on to other similarities, Ebon Askavi, known as the black mountain or "the keep", who is put as a sanctuary, keeping a library containing the history of the blood, matches the form in which the house of wind is developed in sjm's books, with the palace also being embedded into a mountain. The Keep is a safe place where the high lord of hell reserves for the demon dead to rest, same as Rhysand turning the library into a home for the priestesses. And the whole Bryaxis situation? A creature who lives in the pit of the library? Well, Ebon askavi used to be the home of the prince of dragons: Lorn, who guess what? Used to reside beneath it. Finally, Bishop literally describes the palace as the place where "The winds meet".
"Saetan limped across the empty courtyard to the huge, open-metal doors embedded into the mountain itself, rang the bell, and waited to enter the Keep, the Black Mountain, Ebon Askavi, where the Winds meet. It was the repository for the Blood's history as well as a sanctuary for the darkest-Jeweled Blood. It was also the private lair of Witch" (Daughter of the blood, page 59)
"Draca led him through the corridors of  Ebon Askavi  toward a large stairwell that descended into the heart of the mountain." ( Daughter of the blood, page 431)
“Her throat closed at the surge of memories and at the sprawling view—the glimmering ribbon of the Sidra far below, the red-stoned palace built into the side of the flat-topped mountain itself." (ACOSF, page 49).
“I made this library into a refuge for them. Some come to heal, work as acolytes, and then leave; some take the oaths to the Cauldron and Mother to become priestesses and remain here forever" (ACOWAR, page 212)
"She still served the Keep itself, looking after the comfort of the scholars who came to study, of the Queens who needed a dark place to rest" (Daughter of the Blood, page 61)
"—  Who was here before them?
  —  A few cranky old scholars, who cursed me soundly when I relocated them to other libraries in the city. They still get access, but when and where is always approved by the priestesses.” (ACOWAR, page 213)
“There is a creature beneath the library. Do you know it?
Amren shut the book.
— Its name is  Bryaxis.
— What is it.
— You do not want to know, girl.” (ACOWAR, page 452).
"Mother Night, Saetan — Geoffrey said, his breathing ragged.  — The Keep is his lair.
He's been here all the time.
He hadn't expected Lorn to be so big. "(Heir to the shadows, page 476)
As for Amren being a unknown creature who was tuned into a faerie and lived centuries before everyone else? Same thing as Draca. She lived by the time Dragons ruled the world and was later turned into something "human", assisting the high lord of hell:
"When only the Queen and her Prince, Lorn, were left, the Queen bid her Consort farewell [...] When the last scale fell from her, she vanished. Some stories say her body was transformed into some other shape, though it still contained a dragon's soul" (Heir to the shadows, page 375).
  "— Why won’t Amren go in here?
  —  Because she was once a prisoner.
  — Not in that body, I take it.
   A cruel smile.
  — No. Not at all.” (ACOMAF, page 185)
"Spiraling? — Geoffrey thought for a moment and shook his head. — No, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Ask Draca. Compared to her, you're still in the nursery and I'm just a stripling." (Daughter of the blood, page 243)
"In the countless millennia they had existed here in Prythian, Rhys—Rhys with his smirking and sarcasm and bedroom eyes ...And Amren was worse. And older than five thousand years." (ACOMAF, page 145)
"When they had first arrived at the Keep, Lucivar had given him a cryptic warning: Draca is a dragon in human form.The moment he’d seen the Seneschal, he’d understood what Lucivar meant. Her looks, combined with the feel of great age and old, deep power, had fascinated him." (Queen of the darkness, page 252)
"Because even though the short, delicate woman looked like High Fae … as Rhys had warned me, every instinct was roaring to run. To hide. [...] But Amren’s eyes …Her silver eyes were unlike anything I’d ever seen; a glimpse into the creature that I knew in my bones wasn’t High Fae. Or hadn’t been born that way."  (ACOMAF, page 158)
"Draca asked. Her unblinking reptilian eyes revealed nothing" (Daughter of the blood, page 431)
You can also find some of the names of characters and places of Anne Bishop's books in Sarah J Mass ones. For instance: Sarah admited Prythian was a trick on Pryddain from the chronicles of Pryddain but that she couldn't put the original name because it belonged to Phillip Alexander, so she choose Prythian. But one of the high priestesses in Bishop's trilogy is indeed named Prythian.
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"Prythian, Askavi's High Priestess, couldn't leash his temper enough to serve witches he despised" (Daughter of the blood, page 16)
If you look at the titles of some of the TOGs books, you realize they are alike Anne Bishop's as well:
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The thing is: where do we draw the line when it comes to inspiration in books? It's common to have some similarities between author's works, however, to have that many in lines, places, plots, on top of races and characters who are nearly identical to the ones someone created fourteen years before you? I don't know.
I don't appreciate Bishop's work, in fact, I suffered a lot to go through the trilogy, for problems like: explicit sexual violence, mutilation, and worst of all grooming (Daemon meets his so called soulmate when she's a child, and he kisses her when she's 12), which literally made feel sick, but, is clear Bishop came up with a lot of things a long time before SJM did.
Because her series of books came out by the 2000, most of sjm's target audience doesn't know Bishop's work, making it very easy to avoid comparison. This is one of the reasons why this situation becomes a big problem, because most of her fans think SJM work is totally original, and that she came up with 99% of the concepts by herself.
Besides the black jewels, Sarah was said to have taking scenes, plots and quotes from other original productions/books, like the lord of the rings (which she's also a huge fan):
For example, The White Tree of Gondor and Kingsflame.
The White Tree of Gordon only blooms when the rightful ruler sits on the throne. Coming to later bloom in Aragorn's coronation:
"And so the kingdom of Gondor sank into ruin, the line of kings failed, the white tree withered and the rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men."
Kingsflame, however, it’s a magical flower that first bloomed when Brannon arrived, proof that was a good king:
 "since those ancient days, only single blossoms had been spotted, so rare in their appearance that their appearance was deemed a sign that the land had blessed whatever ruler sat on Terrasen’s throne. (KOA 686)"
Similarly, the flower also blooms after Aelin’s Coronation:
Across every mountain, spread across the green canopy of Oakwald, carpeting the entire Plain of Theralis, the kingsflame was blooming. (KOA 984)
We also have the scene when Haldir arrives at helms deep:
"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell.  An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance."
While Manon says this in KOA:
"Long ago the Crochans fought beside Terrasen, to honor the great debt we owed the Fae King Brannon for granting us a homeland."(KOA, page 693)
And don't forget, Aragorn saying:
"My friends, you bow to no one"
While Rhysand says this in ACOWAR:
"You bow to no one, was all he replied"
Don't forget, the conversation between Theoden and Gamling in the Two Towers movie:
"Theoden: Who am I, Gamling?
Gamling : You are our king, sire.
Theoden : And do you trust your king?
Gamling : Your men, my Lord, will follow you to whatever end.
Theoden : To whatever end... "
Followed by this conversation between Rowan and Aelin:
“—To whatever end? — she breathed.
Rowan followed her, as he had his entire life, long before they had ever met, before their souls had sparked into existence. —“To whatever end, Fireheart.”
We also have other examples, like treasure island:
"Look at you! Glowing like a solar fire. You're something special, Jim. You're gonna rattle the stars, you are!"  (Treasure Island-2003)
"You could rattle the stars," she whispered. "You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most. "( TOG page 385, chapter 54)
A quite similar phrase to "Queen that was promised" was used in GRRM’s ASOIAF,  where an ancient prophecy talked about a "Prince who was promised",  later it being reveleaded that they expected a boy, but the title was said to fall to Daenarys Targaryen (a queen). This is mentioned in " A dance of dragons" which was published in 2011. This prince is also mentioned as being “the Heir of Fire”.
"Westeros must unite beneath her one true king, the prince that was promised, Lord of Dragonstone and chosen of R'hllor" ( A dance with dragons, 2011)
"Perhaps it had all been for nothing. The Queen Who Was Promised" (KOA, page 121, 2018)
"He is fire made flesh, she thought, and so am I."  (A dance with dragons, page 949, 2011)
"Fire - he reminded her of fire made flesh."  (ACOWAR, 2017)
Harry Potter is added to list, as well:
Dumbledore: Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love. (HP and the deathly hallows, page 705, 1997).
Rhysand: Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all. (ACOTAR, page 418, 2012).
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." (Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban, 2004)
“Light can be found even in the darkest of hells” (ACOWAR, page 577, 2017)
The movie spirit:
Little Creek: Take care of her, Spirit-who-could-not-be-broken (Spirit, 2002)
Nehemia: I name you Elentiya, ‘Spirit That Cannot Be Broken.' (TOG, page 44)
Shadow and Bone:
The quote "like calls to like" explains one of the most important plot points in shadow and bone, the first book was published in 2012, and Sarah was mentioned in Leigh's acknowledgments as the person who gave her first review. She had used "magic calls to magic" before in throne of glass in 2012, yet the book was published in august, while Shadow and Bone came out before, in june. The principle of "like calls to like" in her books was mentioned by the time ACOMAF came out, in 2016, four years later. It was also used to describe attraction to objects of power, which follows Bardugo's concept.
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Shadow and Bone: The grounding principle of the Small Science was “like calls to like" (page 113)
ACOMAF: The box—the Book—was silent. Then it said, Like calls to like  (page 350)
“The Grisha claims the amplifier, but the amplifier claims the Grisha, as well. Once it is done, there can be no other. Like calls to like, and the bond is made.” (page 130)
The movie troy:
"Menelaus : Prince? What prince? What son of a king would accept a man's hospitality, eat his food, drink his wine, embrace him in friendship, and then steal his wife in the middle of the night?
Paris : The sun was shining when your wife left you." (Troy, 2004)
“If you hadn’t stolen my bride away in the night, Rhysand, I would not have been forced to take such drastic measures to get her back.
I said quietly, The sun was shining when I left you.” (ACOWAR, page 396, 2017)
The Land before Time:
"Some things you see with your eyes. Other things you see with your heart." ( The Land before Time 1988)
"Some things you hear with your eyes. Other things you hear with your heart."( Crown of Midgnight, page 168, 2011)
"Shan Yu: How many men does it take to deliver a message?
The other Hun: One.
The Hun proceeds to shoot one of the imperial soldiers with an arrow." (Mulan, 1998)
“But it seems like tonight isn’t really your night, Elide said to the ilken, lifting the hatchet again over a shoulder. The ilken might have been whimpering as she smiled grimly.—Because it only takes one to deliver a message. And your companions are already on their way.
The axe fell.
Flesh and bone and blood spilled onto the stones.” (Empire of Storms, page 455, 2016)
There's more to show about the black jewels, but this posts is already huge, so I'm going to finish by talking a little bit about her new series: Crescent city, which people already pointed out to be similar to another series she also talked about before: The Fever series by Karn Marie Moning, published in 2007. Now, I don't think is the same case as the black jewels, because crescent city does follow a much more different story, but is still have matching characters and main storyline.
Darkfever tells the story of MacKayla, a girl who seemingly had a perfect life. After the murder of her sister, she sees herself obligated to make an alliance with the mysterious Jericho in order find her killer, whilst exploring her sidhe-seer powers. Crescent city, on the other hand, is also about a girl losing people close to her: her best friend and her crush, then deciding to solve their deaths by teaming up with the fallen angel Hunt.
Mackayla is a sidhe seer, a person who can see fae, and ends up in the book series as their queen, while Bryce is half fae. They are both extremely attractive girls, who love to party and take good care of their appereance. Jericho, however, is a handsome, tough supernatural being who resources to Mac in order to find answers, ending up getting involved with her. Lastly, Hunt is a fallen angel, who needs to make sure Bryce cooperates with the investigation, and develops feelings for her.
"My sister's whole body had holes in it, Inspector! Not just her arms! The coroner said they looked like teeth marks! — Not of any person or animal he'd been able to identify, though.— And parts of her were just fora!— I was shaking. I hated the memory. It made me sick to my stomach" (Dark Fever, page 71)
"She knew in her bones it was not a hallucination, what lay on that bed, knew in her bones that what bled out inside her chest was her heart. Danika lay there. In pieces" (Crescent City, page 74)
"Grieving wasn't going to bring her back, and it sure wasn't going to make me feel better about whoever'd killed her walking around alive out there somewhere, happy in their sick little psychotic way, while my sister lay icy and white beneath six feet of dirt" (Dark Fever, page 10)
"Briggs planned to hurt people, and he deserved to be in jail, but—he’d been wrongly accused of the murder.Danika’s killer was still out there" (Crescent City, page 145)
"I think I just finally expelled the last drop of moisture from my body that wasn't absolutely necessary to keep me alive. And rage watered my parched soul. I wanted answers. I wanted justice.I wanted revenge." (Dark fever, page 11)
"She didn’t know where to start.But she’d do it. Find whoever had done this.[...] She ground her teeth. She’d find whoever had done this and make them regret ever being born." (Crescent City, page 164)
Once again, Hunt has the exact same appeareance as Jericho, and their personalities are also pretty much alike.
"He studied me with his predator's gaze, assessing me from head to toe. I studied him back. He didn't just occupy space; he saturated it.The room had been full of books before, now it was full of him. About thirty, six foot two or three, he had dark hair, golden skin, and dark eyes. His features were strong, chiseled." (Dark Fever, page 36)
"An angel who reason and history reminded him was an ally, though every instinct roared the opposite.Predator. Killer. Monster. Hunt Athalar’s angular dark eyes, however, remained fixed on the window. On Bryce Quinlan." (House of earth and blood, page 80)
"Hunt nodded once, his golden-brown face betraying nothing." (House of earth and blood, page 81)
"Then the male leafed through Quinlan’s thin file, his shoulder-length black hair slipping over his unreadable face." (House of earth and blood, page 81)
Darkfever presentd V'lane as a third character, an attractive seelie prince, who rules the Tuatha Dé Dannan, and happens to go after Mackayla as revenge against Jericho. In crescent city, there third main character is Ruhn, Bryce's half brother, and who is he? A crowned prince of the fae. And what is his last name? Danaan.
"Even today, after all that I've seen, I couldn't begin to describe V'lane, prince of the Tuatha Dé Danaan." (Dark Fever, page 134)
"Thinking she’d get a nice, sweaty ride with a Prince of the Fae, she’d be sorely disappointed. He was in no shape for fucking right now." (Crescent city, page 199)
“I got a phone call, Naomi said. From Ruhn fucking Danaan. He’s livid that we didn’t notify Sky and Breath about bringing in the girl." (Crescent city, page 96)
The scene where Hunt goes to watch over Bryce in her apartment follows the exact same patterns of the scene Jericho goes to visit Mackayla in her home:
"A moment later, her phone buzzed on the coffee table. Right as her show began.She didn’t know the number, but she wasn’t at all surprised when she picked up, plopping down onto the cushions, and Hunt growled,
— Open the curtains. I want to watch the show.” (Crescent city, page 84)
"Someone knocking at my door awakened me [...] I glanced at my watch. It was two o'clock in the morning. I was sleepy and grumpy and didn't try to disguise it.
—Who is it?
— Jericho Barrons." (Dark Fever, page 40)
“Open the curtains.
— No, thank you.
— Or you could invite me in and make my job easier.
— Definitely no.
— Because you can do your job just as well from that roof.” (Crescent City; page 184)
"Do you intend to open this door, Ms. Lane, or shall we converse where anyone might attend our business? [...]. If he was willing to trade, I had to open that door. Unless…
— We can trade through the door, I said.
— No
— Why not?
— I am a private person, Ms. Lane. This is not negotiable." (Dark Fever, page 41)
"His dark eyes didn’t so much as blink. Striking—that was the only word Bryce could think of to describe his handsome face, full of powerful lines and sharp cheekbones. — You can make this investigation easy, or you can make it hard.” (Crescent City, page 187)
" When I said nothing, he said softly — If you are not with me, Ms. Lane, you are against me. I have no mercy for my enemies.  
I shrugged." (Dark Fever, page 46)
So, I do believe SJM is the type author whose actions we need to discuss. Even if you see the whole thing with " The black jewels" is just an inspiration, you can't deny the fact there some exact lines of movies and books in her work. Plus: it's not just one quote or just one plot, but many.
If you ever try to read The Black Jewels trilogy you'll notice much more than what I brought in this post, and I do hope more people are able to research it. However, if you have any triggers regarding SA, mutil*tion, abuse, gr*mming, or torture scenes, I strongly recommend you do not read these books. They are not easy to go through, and the same thing goes to Dark Fever, although is a lot lighter.
Now, you can find more about the "Lord of the rings" and "Harry Potter" situation in here:
This is not a post trying to "cancel" sjm or simply attack her without reason. But I do believe we have to talk about her work and the problems with it, especially when it involves the work of other writers. If anyone has any more examples, or articles about this matter, quote this post with them if you can. I couldn't put more because you have a limit for tumblr posts, and it would be way too much. Anyway, thank you sticking here until the end.
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unfortunate-arrow · 8 months
𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐚 | hp next gen character profile
Warnings: Mentions of death, murder, and general associated darkness
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Full Name: Luke Percival Battersea 
Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Luke → Greek, “man from Lucania” ; Percival → French, “one who pierces the valley” ; Battersea → Anglo-Saxon, meaning unknown. 
Date of Birth: July 21, 2000 
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Half-blood 
Nationality: Irish, Scottish 
Residence: Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland (birth to age 4) ; Dublin, Ireland (age 4 to 6 & age 8 to 28) ; Edinburgh, Scotland (age 6) ; London, England (age 6) ; Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland (age 7) ; Wexford, County Wexford, Ireland (age 8) ; Leeds, England (age 8) ; Ballyroan, County Laois, Ireland (age 28 to death)
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Faceclaim: Cameron Chapman
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Height: 5’11”
Build: Lanky and athletic 
Hair: Sandy brown that’s short and usually neat
Eye Color: Hazel
Childhood & Hogwarts: Luke has a small scar by the corner of his right lip as the result of a lightsaber accident. 
Adulthood: None
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None 
Other Distinguishing Marks: None
Clothing Style: Collared shirts ; slacks ; ties ; suit jackets ; sneakers ; plaid shirts ; sweaters ; sweatshirts ; jeans ; joggers ; a trench coat
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Accessories: A wrist watch, the Wexford earldom signet ring
What’s in His Pockets: His wand, his wallet
What’s in His School Bag: Textbooks, parchment, quills, ink ; a notebook ; a few photographs ; his great-great-grandfather’s pocket watch 
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Voiceclaim: Cameron Chapman
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: Supraregional Southern Irish English 
Languages Spoken: English, some Irish 
Languages Understood: English, some Irish, some Latin
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MBTI Type: INTP — the logician  
⤷ Seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Theoretical and abstract, interested more in ideas than in social interaction. Quiet, contained, flexible, and adaptable. Have unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in their area of interest. Skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical. 
Enneagram Type: 5 — the investigator 
⤷ Fives are cerebral, detached and sober. They want to understand the world and protect their privacy and independence so they can live on their own terms. They like to analyze the world, dissect it, go to the bottom of things and feel like they really understood everything there is to understand before they make a move. 
Positive Traits: Practical, organized, responsible, calm, decisive, strong-willed, courageous, curious, analytical, open-minded
Neutral Traits: Quiet, reserved, private, independent, honest, realistic, logical, observant, dutiful, generally objective
Negative Traits: Insensitive, stubborn, judgmental, a tendency to blame himself, extremely private, not the best with emotions, impatient, perfectionist tendencies 
Common Stressors: Exams ; investigating his family’s murders ; people ; schoolwork 
Comforting Things: Kicking a football (⚽️) against a wall ; Star Wars (preferably the original trilogy) ; fencing ; chocolate  
Interests & Hobbies: Football/soccer, flying, model Star Wars ships, fencing, reading, swimming, hurling
Description: Left grief-ridden and adrift after the murder of his family when he was six, Luke learned rather early on that life sucked and that was a defining moment of his life. It was the moment in his life which defined who he would become and why he was like that. He grew withdrawn, quiet, and private after the event, something that was compounded by spending two years being passed around between different guardians. Despite this, though, Luke remained a generally kind, albeit aloof and prickly, person. In addition, Luke grew determined to learn everything about the deaths of his family and his already stubborn tendencies were enhanced. He wasn’t always the best with emotions, often suppressing his own and ignoring what he was feeling. All around, though, Luke is a reserved and intelligent man with an open yet analytical mind.
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Wand: Luke’s wand is made of pine wood with a dragon heartstring core and is 10 ¼ inches with an unyielding flexibility. 
⤷ Pine wands always chose an independent, individual master who might be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoyed being used creatively, and unlike some others, would adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insisted that pine wands were able to detect, and perform best for, owners who were destined for long lives, including Garrick Ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand was one of those that were most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Other Magical Abilities: None
Patronus: Fire dwelling salamander 
Patronus Memory: A lightsaber fight with his older brothers, Mark and Scott (shortly before their deaths)
Boggart: The walls move in like the Star Wars trash compactor with the screams of his family echoing around the room 
Riddikulus: The screams become Chewbacca’s cries 
Luke smells like sandalwood, spearmint, pepper, bergamot, and coffee.
Luke smells marinara sauce, chocolate, dog, jasmine, and vanilla. 
Mirror of Erised: Himself with his family 
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House: Gryffindor 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations 
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Outstanding  
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Acceptable
Potions — Exceeds Expectations 
Transfiguration — Outstanding 
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Acceptable 
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations
NEWT Classes:
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Herbology — Exceeds Expectations 
Potions — Exceeds Expectations 
Transfiguration — Outstanding
Extracurriculars: Seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team starting in his third year 
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry ; TBD
Professions: TBD
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Father: Grant Percival Edmund Battersea [deceased, 1947-2006]
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Born in 1947, Grant is the only child of Oliver and Cecilia Battersea. He grew up in a home full of love, with numerous cousins and extended family. Despite being one of the younger cousins, Grant managed to form good relationships with most of his cousins. He was sorted into Ravenclaw upon starting Hogwarts, just like his father had been. He met his future wife, Janet, at Hogwarts… although their first meeting was purely accidental and they didn’t reconnect until after Hogwarts. Grant was fascinated by his family’s history, from the Wexford earldom on the Battersea side to the murder of his great-grandfather on the Kennedy side. It was this fascination that propelled Grant into a career as an auror, although he spent much of his career researching cold cases as they were the things that fascinated. In 1972, he married Janet Bruce and two years later they welcomed their first child, a daughter they named Aileen. His son, Mark, followed three years later in 1977 with Scott coming two years later in 1980 and Isla being born three years after Scott in 1983. Grant was content with his four children and was beyond relieved when his whole family escaped the second wizarding war unharmed, even though they had spent much of the war in hiding. Grant had helped with coordinating safe houses, though, unable to stand by and watch everyone else do things. The biggest shock came when Janet informed him that she was pregnant for a fifth time in late 1999. Their youngest and fifth child, Luke, was welcomed in July of 2000. Despite the shock, Grant enjoyed being a father again. He enjoyed spending time with his youngest. He just never expected that his time with Luke would be cut short. In late 2006, Grant was murdered alongside his wife and four eldest children. The culprit would eventually be identified as the same wizard who had murdered Grant’s great-grandfather, Ferdia Kennedy. 
Luke had a good relationship with his father. They had a fairly close relationship and always got along pretty well. Luke doesn’t have many memories of his father, as he was only six when Grant died. He does often wish that he could talk to and just be with his father. 
Faceclaim: George Clooney 
Mother: Janet Marie Battersea née Bruce [deceased, 1951-2006]
Born in 1951, Janet is the eldest child of Angus and Mary Bruce. She was their only child with magic, and was sorted into Gryffindor upon starting Hogwarts. She accidentally met her husband during their time at Hogwarts but they didn’t reconnect or spend time together until after they had both graduated. Janet worked as a herbalist, with a tilt towards medicinal herbology. In 1972, she married Grant Battersea and two years later, they welcomed their first child, Aileen Cecilia, in 1974. In 1977, they welcomed their second child and first son, Mark with their second son Scott coming two years later in 1980. Their second daughter, Isla was born three years after Scott in 1983. Janet was content with her four children and was greatly relieved when the Battersea family emerged from the second wizarding war unharmed. Janet had surreptitiously supplied the order of the Phoenix with medicinal plants while her husband coordinated safe houses. Of course, nothing seemed to compare the shock of discovering that she was pregnant for a fifth time in 1999. It had been seventeen years since her previous pregnancy and Janet was not expecting to have any more children, but she and Grant welcomed their youngest son, Luke, in July of 2000. Janet was happy with their newest son, though. She just never expected that her time with her youngest would be cut short. In late 2006, Janet was murdered alongside her husband and four eldest children.
Luke had a good relationship with his mother. They had a pretty good relationship, although Luke doesn’t have very many memories of his mother as he was only six when Janet died. Once again, he wishes that he could have had stronger memories of her. 
Sister: Aileen Cecilia Battersea [deceased, 1974-2006]
Born in 1974, Aileen is the eldest child of Grant and Janet Battersea, 26 years older than Luke, and a Ravenclaw. Aileen took her role as the eldest child quite seriously and was always on the serious side. In fact, many would say that she was quite similar in personality to her great-grandfather, Edmund Kennedy. Aileen was both a prefect and headgirl during her tenure at Hogwarts. After Hogwarts, Aileen went on to become a lawyer, fostering her love for doing right. She was engaged when she was murdered in 2006, at the age of 32. However, Aileen died knowing that she had protected her baby brother and had done at least one good thing in her lifetime.
Luke had a good relationship with his oldest sister, although Aileen was the sibling that he spent the least amount of time with. Aileen was the most stunned by the announcement that her parents were pregnant for a fifth time, seventeen years after their youngest child. However, despite her misgivings, Aileen adored Luke and he adored her. 
Brother: Mark Dermot Battersea [deceased, 1977-2006]
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Born in 1977, Mark is the second child of Grant and Janet Battersea, 23 years older than Luke, and a Gryffindor. Mark was always the most athletic of the four eldest Battersea siblings. He loved everything to do with athletics and he joined the Gryffindor quidditch team as soon as he was able to, earning the position of beater. He also fell in love with the Star Wars movies after seeing Return of the Jedi in theaters, something he would share with his baby brother. After Hogwarts, Mark went on to play beater for the Falmouth Falcons. He was murdered at the age of 29, alongside all of his family aside from his baby brother.
Luke was closest to Mark. They had a lot of similar interests, and Mark earned the spot of favorite sibling by introducing Luke to Star Wars. They often engaged in fake lightsaber duels and Mark just adored his baby brother. Luke adored Mark as well. They loved each other dearly and Luke definitely had some hero worship towards Mark.
Faceclaim: Paul Mescal
Brother: Scott Albert Battersea [deceased, 1980-2006]
Born in 1980, Scott is the third child of Grant and Janet Battersea, 20 years older than Luke, and a Hufflepuff. Scott was the most sociable of the four eldest Battersea siblings, joining multiple clubs including frog choir and the dueling club. Attending Hogwarts in the same year as Harry Potter himself meant that Scott’s years at Hogwarts were a bit chaotic and he wasn’t able to engage in things as much as he would have liked. After graduating Hogwarts, Scott became a journalist. He was inspired by what he had witnessed in his seventh year at Hogwarts and he became quite determined to show the world what was going on beneath the surface. He also began to research the murder of his great-great-grandfather. He was murdered at the age of 26, leaving behind a devastated boyfriend.
Luke had a good relationship with Scott, although they weren’t always the closest. Scott often took Luke on tours of Dublin and London and Edinburgh, showing his baby brother the world. Luke adored his big brother, just not as much as he adored Mark. Scott loved his baby brother. 
Sister: Isla Janet Battersea [deceased, 1983-2006]
Born in 1983, Isla is the fourth child of Grant and Janet Battersea, 17 years older than Luke, and a Slytherin. Isla was the quietest of the eldest four Battersea siblings. She preferred to keep to herself and fly under the radar, not drawing any extra attention to herself. Unlike her older siblings, Isla didn’t join any clubs or teams. She kept her head down, listening and observing, filing everything away to showcase in the art that had become her passion. After graduating from Hogwarts, Isla rented a studio space and dedicated her time to the craft of art. She never sold anything in her lifetime and her paintings remained hidden until 15-year-old Luke accidentally discovered her studio. She died at the age of 23.
Luke had a good relationship with his sister, although she remained the most mysterious of his siblings. They didn't spend a ton of time together, although Luke did prove to be Isla's occasional muse. They loved in each other a lot, even though Luke didn’t adore her quite the way he did their older siblings.
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Cousin: Esmanur Zeynep Battersea (@endlessly-cursed)
Luke’s second cousin once removed, Esmanur was the daughter of his second cousin, Bayezeid Battersea and a woman of high standards, who was used to being treated like royalty. She married businessman Mahmud Parsons and had one daughter, Shreya, with him. 
Luke doesn’t have much of a relationship with Esmanur as she doesn’t have much time for anyone besides her daughter and sometimes, her husband. He doesn’t mind, knowing that he doesn’t want someone to replace the family that he had had. 
Faceclaim: Melike Ipek Yalova
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Cousin-in-law: Mahmud Ismail Parsons (@endlessly-cursed)
Mahmud is the husband of Luke’s second cousin once removed, Esmanur Battersea, and the father of Shreya. He is a wealthy business from the city of Kolkata in India, although he spends much of his time traveling between different holdings. It was his decision to become Luke’s guardians, insisting that it would be a way to provide his daughter, Shreya, with a playmate and companion.
Luke doesn’t have much of a relationship with Mahmud, mostly because the older man spends most of his time traveling and isn’t around often. 
Faceclaim: Rahul Kohli 
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Cousin: Shreya Hümasha Battersea-Parsons (@endlessly-cursed)
Born on May 6, 1997, Shreya is Luke’s second cousin twice removed and a Slytherin. Despite being very different personality-wise, they got on alright. They were never close or talked that much, but she was the only one to really take an interest in him and well… Shreya’s family was the first real aspect of stability in his life. Luke’s a fairly prickly fellow, but he understood that she was trying her best. Their relationship was an odd one to begin with, anyways. 
Faceclaim: Maitreyi Ramakrishan
Cousin: Yasemine Neeru Battersea-Parsons (@endlessly-cursed)
Childhood: A black Labrador retriever named Chewie
Adulthood: A chocolate Labrador retriever named Han Solo ; a yellow Labrador retriever named Skywalker
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Love Interest: Sophia Josephine “Sophie” Pembroke
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⤷ Luke first met Sophie Pembroke on the train ride to Hogwarts, but he thought nothing of their first run-in. He was already a ball of nerves and he didn’t have the wherewithal to devote time to trying to make friends. Therefore, it wasn’t until their fifth year that they actually had a conversation. A charged undercurrent of romance seemed to underlie their every interaction and Luke began telling Sophie things that he had never told another person before. Their friendship continued until the end of their sixth year when they finally broke the tension and kissed. From then on, everything was different. Despite Luke’s reserve, he found it surprisingly easy to open up to Sophie. She was everything that he had never allowed himself to want or let in, out of the fear that someone else would leave him in the end. They married in a small spur of the moment ceremony on September 25, 2026.
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Son: Angus John “Gus” Battersea-Pembroke 
Hufflepuff | Twin | b. September 13, 2028
Luke has a good relationship with his son, and he’s probably a tad closer to Gus, solely because they understand each other quite well. Luke is quite proud of his son and they easily get along with minimal arguments or fights. He loves Gus very much and tries to support his son in everything that the boy tries. 
Faceclaim: Grant Feely
Daughter: Kennedy Lucretia Battersea-Pembroke 
Gryffindor | Twin | b. September 13, 2028
Luke has a generally good relationship with his daughter. However, they do have some arguments and fights, especially when Kennedy’s a teenager due to her headstrong nature and Luke’s lean towards protectiveness. Despite this though, Luke is quite proud of his daughter and he wants to support Kennedy in everything that she tries. He loves his daughter very much. 
Faceclaim: Vivien Lyra Blair
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Best Friends:
Cassie Abbott (@smarti-at-smogwarts)
Close Friends: TBD
Friends: TBD
Acquaintances: TBD
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates: TBD, 3 spaces available 
Joaquin Valdez 
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: The cloaked man
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Place of Birth: Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland 
Hometown: Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland and Dublin, Ireland
Luke Percival Battersea, born July 21, 2000, was the youngest child of Grant and Janet Battersea of Enniscorthy, Ireland. His parents were both around the age of 50. He also joined older siblings Aileen (26), Mark (23), Scott (20), and Isla (17)… who really hadn’t been expecting another sibling as Luke was an oops baby. A wanted oops baby, but an oops baby nonetheless. However, his siblings all slowly began warming up to the idea and all four of them indulged Luke.
The first six years of Luke’s life were stable and happy. In many ways, he was essentially an only child being raised by much older parents and could sometimes get away with a lot. His siblings all indulged him and did things with him that their parents would not have liked. The most important thing that his siblings did was when his big brother, Mark, let him watch Star Wars: A New Hope when he was four. From that moment on, Luke was pretty much obsessed with Star Wars, one of the few things that would always give him a sense of happiness and comfort.
However, everything changed one October night in 2006. The whole family had gathered for a small dinner and celebration when the windows blew inwards and a cloaked man appeared. At his parents’ urging, Luke’s eldest sister, Aileen, shut him into a closet with the urging to be quiet and stay put until someone came to get him. That was the last time that Luke saw his parents and siblings. He was found in the closet by aurors, who quickly pieced together that this was the missing Battersea son. Luke was shielded from the scene of his family’s murders and placed into the custody of his aging and widowed maternal grandfather, Angus Bruce. 
Nearing ninety, Angus did the best he could with his grieving and orphaned grandson. One of the first things that Angus did was get his grandson a Labrador retriever puppy. Luke named the black lab Chewie, after the Wookiee Chewbacca. Unfortunately, Angus suffered a debilitating stroke and three weeks later, he suffered a second fatal stroke. After that, Luke was placed with Battersea relatives, descendants of his grandfather’s brother, Louis, in London, England for six weeks. Unfortunately, it turned out that one of his cousins was severely allergic to pet dander and thus, Luke was moved to another relative shortly before his seventh birthday. 
This time, he was placed in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland with his grandmother’s younger brother, Alfie. Alfie had a strong sense of duty and family, so he had no problem taking in his grandnephew. Alfie, despite having handed out the majority of his possessions to his own children, decided to give Cecelia’s grandson their father’s pocket watch. Luke was shocked to be given the pocket watch and held it close, knowing that there was a history tied to the watch’s owners. Unfortunately, Luke’s time with Alfie was cut short when Alfie found himself falling into a chronic illness. Despite his best efforts, Alfie made the difficult decision to explain to Luke that they couldn’t keep living together. It wasn’t fair to the eight-year-old, who deserved someone who could keep up with him.
After Alfie, Luke was placed with more Battersea descendants, still from his grandfather’s brother, Louis’s family, in Wexford, where the Battersea earldom had once included. Luke spent six months in Wexford, before those Batterseas had to move for their matriarch's career. Next, Luke found himself in Leeds, England with some of his Bruce relatives. They didn’t know what to do with the grieving and angry eight-year-old (and his dog). Within three months they asked for Luke to be placed with someone else. This would, thankfully, be the final placement. Mahmud Parsons and his wife, Esmanur Battersea-Parsons had arranged to take Luke in, despite the distant relationship with Luke being the second cousin of Esmanur’s father and descendants of Luke’s grandfather’s brother, Niall. They had a daughter, Shreya, who was three years older than Luke and made the effort to get to know him. Luke took nearly a year to get fully comfortable with living with the Battersea-Parsons. He kept waiting for the other foot to drop and for something to happen where they decided that they couldn’t do it anymore. Luckily, that never happened and Luke slowly became more and more comfortable.  
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Luke was sorted into Gryffindor. He took a while to grow comfortable at Hogwarts, even though he was used to being by himself. It was just that he didn’t have his beloved dog, Chewie, with him and Chewie had been with Luke since his family died. In his third year, Luke made the Gryffindor quidditch team as their new seeker. That same year, Luke also began researching his family’s murders in earnest. It became a somewhat all-consuming search, but after nearly failing multiple assignments, Luke realized that he couldn’t let his search completely consume all his attention. 
In his fifth year, Luke formed a friendship with Sophie Pembroke which quickly gained underlying layers of romance. They danced around the romance aspect for nearly a year, even though everyone else knew that Luke Battersea and Sophie Pembroke were in love. They didn’t start dating until the end of their sixth year. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Luke continued his research into his family’s murders and discovered the connection between their deaths and the death of his great-great-grandfather. He also began to notice similarities in a variety of murders from the 1880s to the 2000s. It all led up to a confrontation between Luke and the cloaked man who had murdered Ferdia Kennedy back in 1891. The cloaked man was killed and a century-long conspiracy was discovered, one that ran deeper than Voldemort or anyone who had come before him.
After finding the truth, Luke didn't know what to do with himself. He put more and more of himself into his relationship with Sophie and with selling Isla Battersea paintings. His career is still TBD
Luke married Sophie on September 25, 2026 in a small ministry ceremony, with her family in attendance and a few of their closest friends. They had two children, twins, together. Their children, Angus John “Gus” and Kennedy Lucretia were born on September 13, 2028.
Old Age:
Luke retired at the age of 102. After his retirement, he spent time helping Sophie pass on her wand making shop and traveling. He spent time with his grandchildren as well.
Luke passed away at the age of 116, in 2116. He died peacefully in his sleep and left behind two children, five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and two great-great grandchildren. 
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Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Manicotti with cheesy garlic bread 
Favorite Drink: Cinnamon hot chocolate with whipped cream 
Favorite Weather: Sunny and autumn
Favorite Season: Autumn 
Favorite Book: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Favorite Music: U2, Bastille
Favorite Movie: The Empire Strikes Back
Dislikes: Crowds ; bullies ; seafood ; broccoli ; wet clothes ; Star Trek
Luke is the great-grandson of Simon Battersea, the last earl of Wexford, and Edmund Kennedy, a former head of the treasury department. Simon’s youngest son, Oliver, married Edmund’s youngest daughter, Cecilia, making them Luke’s paternal grandparents. 
Luke first watched the original Star Wars trilogy at the age of 4, courtesy of his big brother, Mark. From that point on, he would run around the house, whacking things with a plastic lightsaber. He also snuck out of Hogwarts to go and see The Force Awakens in December of 2015. 
Important Links:
tag: #Luke Battersea
More information on Luke’s children, Gus and Kennedy
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smythedotcom · 6 days
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want to know more? well, ur in the right place ↓ 
name: sebastian anton smythe
nicknames: seb, bash, cunt (both affectionate & derogatory)
pronouns: he/him
gender: cis male
birthday/zodiac: twenty two, july 25th - making me a gemini making me a leo.
birthplace: westerville, oh
relationship status: single
sexuality: gay aromantic
occupation: i don't do that <3
sports/clubs: warbler and co-captain of the dalton lacrosse team
major/minor: a junior majoring in arts management
languages: english, french, a little japanese.
social media handles: @smythedotcom on everything
height: 5'10
build: slim athletic
eye color: hazel
hair color: light brown
piercings: ear lobes
tattoos: the words 'tell me i'm your national anthem' from lana del rey's national anthem on my lower back. my favorite song,
other distinguishing features: a shit-eating smirk and oodles of charisma!
style: i'm always giving preppy, y2k-inspired, abercrombie & fitch.
traits: confident,  persuasive, determined, egotistical, closed-off, opportunistic.
likes: trashy early 2000’s clothes & music, starting twitter drama, reading people their horoscopes from teen magazines, iced oat lattes, one-upping people, explaining the lore of degrassi; the next generation (i was diagnosed with ADHD, and my insane degrassi knowledge is the lingering remains of a six year long hyperfixation. i've now put all of his pent-up energy into glee), showing off my backflip to people.
dislikes: fake-deep music and poetry, desaturated colors, snitches, boring romantic period pieces (where's the sex????), people who underestimate me, the texture of velvet, being told that i'm 'too much', staying in on a friday night.
fears: elevators & loneliness
skills: piano, music, the remains of the gymnastics classes i took in middle school, drinking everyone under the table.
quirks: i'm a self-confessed cheek biter. the amount of times i've nearly taken a chunk out of the inside of my own face, just call me hannibal lecter.
hobbies: rewatching degrassi, taking online 'which ___ are you' buzzfeed quizzes, taking gym selfies while not doing a whole lot at the gym beyond a treadmill strut, scheming & deviously planning
music tastes: just listen to it yourself here
myers-briggs: entp
kinsey scale: 6. gay as you like.
strengths: my leadership, my extremely attractive body and face - great for seduction, and also that backflip i mentioned before.
weaknesses: not so good at person-to-person communication.
do you know me? let's connect.
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yuriririnnie · 7 months
Someone Great pt. 2
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A/N: Here's part 2! I posted this feeling like a huge boulder was lifted off my chest. I don’t think I ever had closure with this one ex of mine. I just loved him way too much. Ngl, I literally cried while writing this so I hope you guys don’t. 
PAIRING | Kim Sunoo x reader
WC | 1.1k
GENRE | fluff, angst, slice of life
WARNINGS | explicit language, angst angst angst!! :((
SYNOPSIS | I was told that I was going to love six boys in my life before I meet the one I'm going to love forever.
You know how you get into this solid group or circle of friends and there will always be that one guy you’re meant to be so close with because you are so similar in personality, taste, interests, and extroverted energy? This was Kim Sunoo. 
He was every 90’s to the early-2000’s young adult chick flick trope. He was my friends-to-lovers, childhood friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, on again-off again, best friend’s brother, will-they-won’t-they, soulmate, everything!
Sunoo was the second guy I fell in love with and thought that I would really end up marrying because we were together almost my entire high school and half of my college life (a whopping total of six whole years—on and off) because we belonged to the same circle of friends and did almost everything together as teenagers. We started officially dating on a February 15th and I could have sworn he was the one because looking at my “fortune paper,” it had the number 15 on it. I even showed this to him and it instantly became our lucky number.
He was, as people say, the male version of me. I shared anything and everything with him because it was as if I were just dating myself. We hung out at school every day because we took the same classes, spent lunch together, did the same after-school activities, and he even sent me home after all these. 
Sunoo was soft, but also boisterous and loud. He was sassy, but also sweet. He was beautiful, but also handsome at the same time. He stood tall, had pale skin with freckles that further accentuated his youthful glow. He had the most amazing hazel eyes, the most beautiful hands, and had a smile. God that smile that reached all the way up to his eyes and they sparkled like sunlight reflecting a calm ocean. 
When I was 16, I too was at my peak teenage years and was popular among boys and girls alike. He and I were the perfect couple in high school. I had a colorful youth because of his company. 
Ours was the epitome of what a platonic relationship looked like but we still did officially date and did boyfriend-girlfriend stuff because during those years we knew how much we really did love each other romantically. His kisses were different from Jay’s. His lips never carried the summer heat, but the coolness of his breath often gave me a sense of familiarity. It was a friendly reminder that I was indeed, so comfortably in love with my best friend. It didn’t always have to feel like a fire that ignited a flame that represented young love. I never felt more like myself than when I was with Sunoo. I can still remember how I rolled down my windows while he and I drove out of town just to have coffee on the highlands. We would blast the cheesiest songs on the radio and he would sing to each and every one of them loudly and sometimes even purposely out of tune. We had a lot of videos and pictures together because back then we wanted a keepsake of all the things that we did while we dated, something to look back at when we meet our future selves. Yes, we were that serious about each other. It was unbelievably cheesy, but it was what made Sunoo, Sunoo. 
Before graduating high school, Sunoo and I broke up. It was a mutual decision and one that we thought was practical because he and I were about to enter different universities. He eventually (and for a while) met a new set of friends, as I did too. We lived different lives for a bit before meeting again (by fate) at a high school gathering. 
The one thing I remember most about our relationship was that we were always on and off. We were together during our junior year up until senior year, broke up and got back together during my sophomore year in college. We dated the second time up until junior year in college, broke up again and only met up and got back into dating the third time after my first year of working. It was complicated back then, but now that I think about it, it was pretty simple. We just couldn’t permanently say goodbye to each other. 
Sunoo and I just clicked every single time we met again despite the time and distance that interrupted our relationship. He and I were just THAT compatible. The first time we got back together (which was in the middle of college), we started being more romantic to each other and planned out our futures. This time, we included each other in our plans. 
But of course, the universe had other plans. 
Sunoo wanted to marry early. He was just the type to be sure with the one he’s dating and was really eager to build a life immediately with the person he’s with. I thought that in every single aspect we were so compatible EXCEPT for this. I was nearly only approaching my mid-twenties, and I had no plans or even thought about marriage. I even brought up to him the fact that maybe I don’t even want to marry in the future. 
One day, I picked him up at the airport after he got back from a business trip. Our relationship was already a bit rocky at that point, and the weeks that led up to this day felt like a constant struggle of walking on eggshells trying not to trigger one from breaking up with the other. It was one of the most depressing periods of my life because not only was I just about to get to know myself more and discover or figure out what I really wanted to do in life, but I also had to face the decision as to whether or not I’d be accepting my boyfriend’s “proposal.” He often talked about marriage and we would always end up fighting. It was like a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment.
The day we broke up is still, up to this day, one of the most dreadful days I ever had to experience. 
It was around 5 in the afternoon. The sun was just setting, the clouds were gray (as if to say that they were only representing all of my pent up feelings), and the sky was a mixture of blue, orange, and pink. Had it not been for the terrible lump inside my throat, I wouldn’t have picked this beautiful day to break up with the one person I loved the most. 
I remember holding his hand. They were so soft and so familiar that it made my heart wrench. I cried so fucking hard, I couldn’t even turn my feelings into words. But BECAUSE we knew literally EVERYTHING about each other from being together for so long, he just knew. He knew that I couldn’t take it anymore. He knew that despite my lack of words, he knew exactly how I felt. 
Because he felt it all too. He cried at the sight of me crumbling right before him. The hazel eyes that once held hope, faith, loyalty, happiness, and love turned into eyes of sadness, frustration, anger, resentment, and heartbreak. But he felt it all because he knew me so well. We were best friends and have been together for so long. 
He knew when I was upset, sick, overwhelmed, and embarrassed. He knew every nook and cranny of me in and out. He knew whenever I felt cold without me shivering. He knew when I was hungry at whatever time of the day. He knew how many moles I had on my face, my legs, and my back. He memorized me and my every step, my every touch, my every sound, and my every taste. He has seen me stripped naked to my very core, knows all of my deepest, darkest secrets, and has learned me so much so to the point where there are things I’ve yet to discover about myself, but these are the very same things about me he has already known almost his entire life. 
Sunoo was everything to me. He carved and shaped my entire perception of love and turned it into a box where only he could fit in it. I was so terrified of losing him, so afraid of the authority I’ve given him to shatter my entire outlook on love. I was only left to pick up the pieces.
It was the longest 2-hour drive of my life. I didn’t think I would ever have to say goodbye to my soulmate, but I did. 
He got married to the next person he started dating not long after. I have never been happier for him because even if he was mine for a while, he finally found HIS soulmate.   
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sionstyx · 2 years
YOUNITE ideal type
!!WARNING!! this is completely my opinion NONE OF THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED, don't take this too seriously, this isn't for delulus, and don't get mad if you don't fit their types and ideal age. there are also repetitive words 
this will all be in lowercase, age order, and fem reader (idk how to put it into a male pov). 
okay, now that, that's out of the way enjoy!!
eunho (maybe 1999-2002, 2003 at push)
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age: i see eunho with someone mainly older and a bit younger than him, only because i see him getting babied in the relationship but also looking after someone younger than him. 
appearance: i feel like would like someone shorter than him 100% because like he's around 5'6-5'7 although i see him with someone taller than him as well, i think he would like someone with mouse brown hair, and eyes matching the hair. 
personality: he's a shy boy at heart so i think he would love it if he had someone who could make him come out of his shell and gain more confidence when talking etc. 
steve (2000-2005 *once legal*) 
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age: i see steve with someone older than him as well as younger than him, i feel like he would love a noona to look up to but at the same time he loves being called oppa (trust me i would know hehe) so i'm 100% he would love someone younger than him as much as someone older than him. 
appearance: i see him with someone who looks and dresses elegantly, with long hair, black or brown, i see him going after a waisan (idk that's the vibe i get from him) i see him with someone tall maybe around 170-174cm tall but not too tall for him, he would LOVE hazel eyes and or green eyes or both i dont know and honestly i think he would love a girl with glasses. 
personality: i think he would love to help you study so someone who likes to do work, read, is creative, can sing/dance/rap, etc., i see him with someone very kind + caring to everyone, puts others first, VERY understanding and considerate, think about what their friends think and what they want, always have time for everyone to include them into their day to day life, gives good advice to everyone, and always knows what to say, etc. 
hyunseung: (2002-2005 *once legal*)
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age: i see hyunseung with someone the same age as him or younger than him, i feel him babying someone in the relationship. 
appearance: i see him with some shorter than him but still tall, he wouldn't care about appearance he would care about personality. 
personality: he would like someone who would look after him, someone who's funny and smart, someone good at dancing because he's the main dancer lol, honestly he would like someone similar to steve's ideal personality.
eunsang (2001-2004, 2005 at push *once legal*) 
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age: i personally think that eunsang with someone a little older than him but mostly younger than him seeing like with x1 he was a part of the maknae line, i think once he opens up to you he would be like a child, so you two will get along great, and or he would baby you in the relationship if you're younger. 
appearance: i see him with someone shorter than him but still tall maybe around 169cm+, i see him with someone with black or brown (dark coloured hair) and hazel/light brown eyes, maybe the same colour as the hair, but he wouldn't care about appearance.
personality: i think he would love someone like sehyun (dey), someone that doesn't try to be funny, just is themselves, creative, talented, say what they want, dress how they want etc. 
hyungseok (2003-2004, 2005 at push *once legal*)
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age: i think he would LOVE to baby someone, i mean like look at him with sion, he babies sion, so that's why i see him with someone younger than him.
appearance: he would want a tallllllllllllllllllll s/o like i'm talking 170cm+ bc hello he's a giant baby and he needs a giant s/o, he wouldn't care about appearance not gonna lie. 
personality: fun, funny, smart, he would love someone who knows how to play chess, and likes to read, he seems like the guy that likes nerds/really smart people, but also people who can be smart and fun at the same time and that's about all for the personality. 
woono (2003-2005 *once legal* (altho a 2-year gap isn't bad)
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age: i think he would want someone the same age or a little bit younger than him, i don't know why that's just what vibes i get from him.  
appearance: someone the same height as him or a bit shorter than him to be honest, idk about appearance to be honest...
personality: savage, like him. that's all... he would want someone who would be a mean girl with him and tease the other members, he would want someone who would tease him as well at times. 
dey (2003-2005 idk) 
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age: he would want a friendship relationship like friends but dating you know? i don't know how to word it but he wants a goofy relationship like a friendship. 
appearance: tall. i see him with someone tall idc if you dont agree i see him with someone 169-170cm+ he wouldn't care about appearance much. 
personality: he's shy and reserved around new people, so i think he would like someone like himself and or more open than he is but still shy at the same time, he seems like he's really goofy and funny so he wants someone who gets his humour as well as funny and goofy themselves, i see him with someone that can help him write lyrics, go to the studio with him, dance with him etc kinda his job with him but helping him as well. i think he would want someone who can count on to help him and ofc you can count on him to help you. 
kyungmun (2003 (younger than him) - 2005) 
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age:  same as woono, but he wants to baby them and tease them, so that's why i thought younger so he has a lower chance of him getting in trouble. lol imagine
appearance: tall i mean kyungmun is 180cm tall so it just makes sense for them to be tall, i see him with someone who wears glasses
personality: he would want someone funny and silly, so he can be silly and funny with you, but also smart and responsible at the same time. 
sion (2003-2005) 
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age: he wants to be a baby of a baby (a baby looking after another baby) 
appearance: someone reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy adorable hints the baby looking after another baby that's all just someone really cute. 
personality: he would like someone who can easily get along with him and not just him but the members as well, he would want you and the members to feel comfortable with each other. 
remember this is my opinion!! see you in the next post!
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evancitron · 2 years
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[TIMOTHEE CHALAMET, 22, CIS MALE, HE/HIM] Is that EVAN CITRON? A SENIOR originally from MANCHESTER, VERMONT, he decided to come to Ogden College to study COMPUTER SCIENCE AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE on an ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. He's THE NERD on campus, but even he could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
pinterest · background · wanted connections
BIRTHDAY: march 17, 2000
HOMETOWN: manchester, vermont
NATIONALITY / ETHNICITY: american/ashkenazi jewish + white
MAJOR(S): computer science, comparative literature
EXTRACURRICULARS: Senior Class Board Member, Quiz Bowl, Book Club
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
some background info here [will be adding periodically!]
FACE CLAIM: timothee chalamet
HEIGHT: 6'0"
EYE COLOR: hazel
STYLE: comfort over style, always, with basics preferred - plain t-shirts and jeans, sweaters, button downs. although it's a pretty classic style, it's never quite as kempt as he might like it to be, thanks to lack of sleep and busy schedule.
ZODIAC: pisces sun, virgo moon, virgo rising, pisces venus
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful neutral
POSITIVE TRAITS: creative, intelligent, passionate, diligent, meticulous planner,
NEGATIVE TRAITS: neurotic, secretive, inflexible, self-critical, fanciful, perfectionist, sensitive, people pleaser
FEARS: insignificance, burning out, being judged for being himself
HABITS: looking at the clock at 4am to realize he's been up all night researching something, scribbling/doodling, nail biting, mimicking other people's body language, asking "does that make sense?", being passive aggressive
[aesthetics] noise cancelling headphones, sour patch kids, mismatched socks, the smell of libraries, nervous laughs, a pen running out of ink, dew drops, crossed arms, potluck dinners, flowers dried between book pages, boxes full of mementos from mundane moments, train tickets and receipt paper, quiet family dinners, bent glasses frames, shaky hands
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91062854-ka · 2 years
Selina Lopez (Voiced by Martina Dimitrova)
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Biographical information
Aliases: Ying
Lover girl (by Toph Beifong)
Love, Honey (by Zuko)
Nationality: Bulgarian
Ethnicity: White
15-16 in Avatar: The Last Airbender
17-18 in The Promise trilogy
18-19 in The Search trilogy
Born: 2000
Physical description
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Blonde
Skin color: Fair
Personal information
Gender: Female
Love interest: Zuko
Pearlie, Ralphie, Team Avatar (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Appa, Momo, Toph Beifong and Zuko), King Bumi, Suki, Kyoshi Warriors, Haru, Tyro, Shyu, Ginger, Jet (in the future), Bato, Jeong-Jeong, Teo and his father, Pakku, Yagoda, Yue, Chong and the nomads, Mai (in the future), Ty Lee (in the future), Swampbenders, The Earth King, more...
Zuko (formerly in the future), Zhao, Fire Nation (formerly in the future), Pirate Captain and his crew, Jet (formerly in the future), General Fong, Ozai, Azula, Mai (formerly in the future), Ty Lee (formerly in the future), Rough Rhinos, Wan Shi Tong, Long Feng, the Dai Li, Combustion Man, Hama, more...
Weapon of choice: Water
Fighting styles:
Waterbending (Northern and Southern styles), bloodbending (only used if necessary)
Political information
Acrobatics student (formerly)
Fire Lady (in the future)
Master Acrobat
Master healer
Waterbending master
Co-founder of the United Republic of Nations (in the future)
Lady (in the future)
High School Acrobatics club (formerly)
Team Avatar
Southern Water Tribe (honorary)
Fire Nation (in the future)
Fire Nation Royal Family (in the future)
• Selina is 5'7" (170 cm).
• Selina's zodiac sign is Cancer; the element of her sign is water so it might be the reason why Selina is a waterbender when she arrives to the Avatar world.
• Despite just getting her waterbending after arriving to the Avatar world, Selina is more powerful than Katara due to watching both the last airbender and the legend of korra, and being a fast visual learner.
• Selina's favorite song in Avatar is Secret Tunnel.
• Selina learns how to bloodbend after she was captured with Iroh, she starts learning by practicing on the elephant rats during the full moon and later learns how to bloodbend without the full moon.
• Selina was self-taught on how to redirect lightning after she remembered what Iroh said when she watched the show after she arrived the Avatar world.
• Selina has two loyal and trained dogs, a female Alaskan Malamute named Pearlie and a male Siberian Husky named Ralphie. She soon later gets a loyal female fire ferret named Ginger.
• Selina likes Acrobatics and has been doing it since she was 3 years old, and she uses it to avoid and dodge her enemies' attacks in the Avatar world.
• Selina learns some fighting moves from the Kyoshi Warriors, because of this, she kept the fans she was given and use them in case she can't use her bending.
• Selina and her parents moved to the United States after her birth in Bulgaria, she and her parents lives in Anaheim, California.
• Selina started to learn how to read and write Chinese after she arrived in the Avatar world. 
• Selina used to wear skirts when she was younger, but overtime she prefers to wear pants or shorts, so wearing skirts may feel a little weird for her after she arrives to the Avatar, but overtime she got used to wearing skirts again.
• After the hundred year war and following the events of North and South, Hakoda asked Selina to let him adopt her since Sokka and Katara told him she had no where to go and has no family, to which Selina happily agreed and became his adopted daughter and Sokka and Katara became her new brother and sister as they happily welcome their new sister with open arms.
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mortalprinceoflies · 4 months
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Name: Luke Blackburn
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polysexual
Fc: Jeremy Jordan
Appearance: 5’10”, fit but has a dad bod (and he’s proud of it!), short dark hair, hazel eyes (they shift between light brown/green/red depending on his mood, but he almost never notices), big smile, multiple ear piercings, style varies between “that one cool teacher” and early 2000’s grunge/punk.
Personality: Clever, excellent storyteller, good listener as long as he’s not stuck in his own head, sarcastic/quick witted, makes dad jokes specifically to embarrass his two older daughters and make his youngest laugh out loud, can’t go through daily life without music in the background, will burst into song whenever he feels like it, petty but specifically in a merciful way, puts on a brave face for his daughters and students but has a lot of trauma, definitely a theater kid, protective, has a vengeful streak.
Occupation: high school guidance councilor (verse dependent)
Talents: singing, acting, playing violin and piano, getting people to open up to him.
Abilities (when he recovers his memories and magic): Fire manipulation, illusion, glowing eyes, transformation into his angel form (blond hair, red eyes, black wings, glowing skin, fiery halo made of eyes, goat/ram horns), vocal hypnosis. He’s not as strong as he was as Satan, not by a long shot, and he can’t wield contract magic, nor does he gain immortality. He can also learn various spells and rituals, if he chooses to.
Likes: Music, peaches, soul food and authentic Mexican food, motorcycles and classic muscle cars, musical theater, spending time with his family, tattoos, tongue piercings, horror comedies, football (he and Riley play whenever they get a chance.)
Dislikes: Organized religion, hypocrisy, grits, pineapple, fishing (he doesn’t have the patience), clubbing, golf, politics.
Family: Mother (Lydia Blackburn née Cromwell), Father (Richard Blackburn), Wife (Delaney Blackburn née Roberts), Daughters (Riley - born July 4, 2004, Morgan - born February 14, 2006, Jayden - born October 31, 2009)
Birthday: July 13, 1984
Background: Nearly forty years ago, during the height of the Satanic Panic, Lucifer and Lilith had yet another falling out. Of course, their relationship had never been the best; he was stubborn and controlling, she was ambitious and bitter, and they’d reached a point some decades ago where even phenomenal sex and the hint of a light at the end of the tunnel weren’t enough to keep them together. To say that the divorce wasn’t going well would be the understatement of the century. Lilith wanted many things that Lucifer wasn’t willing to give up, chiefest among them being half of Hell to rule as her own. She claimed to want to focus on rehabilitating sinners rather than torturing them. Lucifer, paranoid and corrupted as he was, was not only convinced that she was lying, but also that there was no need for rehabilitation in the first place. Sinners went to hell to face endless repentance. It’s what they deserved! What he deserved. They argued back and forth, each screaming and throwing things in an effort to prove they were right. What he didn’t know was that Lilith had already been gathering power behind his back. She had worshippers. Faith. And she was ready and willing to use it against him.
Thus, Luke Blackburn was born to a wealthy couple in Macon, Georgia (US) in 1984 as a healthy human baby boy, and Lilith took over as the Queen of Hell.
As a child, Luke was restless, but well taken care of. He showed an interest in art and music at a young age, though his parents only permitted him to learn to play the violin and the piano in a vain attempt to keep his talents refined. It didn’t stop him from taking an interest in country/western, folk, Rock’n’Roll, and heavy metal. He learned to play songs that they didn’t approve of, and took great pleasure in doing so, even joining a folk metal band in his teen years.
The older he got, the more rebellious Luke grew, denouncing his Baptist upbringing all together. He and his bandmates would regularly go out of their way to organize and run charitable fundraising concerts around the same time as the local churches would, benefitting everyone from homeless vets to at risk youth to local shelters and food pantries. This led to them simultaneously becoming local celebrities and social pariahs, as church leaders labeled them an evil satanic cult. There was a small media shitstorm. Mob mentality took hold. The unfortunate passing of the band’s guitarist in a road rage accident led to them finally dissolving, and Luke has carried guilt over it ever since, even though it wasn’t his fault.
He was seventeen and still trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life when his mother finally saw how much he was struggling. She tried to connect with him, to help him, but he pulled away, convinced that she was just trying to get him to go back to church. It took several tries for her to make even the smallest crack in the barriers he’d put up, but when she showed up at one of the shelters he was volunteering at and started working, those barriers began to crumble. They began talking more, carpooling, coordinating. Coexisting. When she told him that she hadn’t been to a church service since his friend’s funeral, he was shocked, immediately asking why. She said it felt hollow to worship a god who would condemn a young man for being different, especially when he’d done so much good for others, and that she couldn’t stand how the worshippers of such a god talked about the people around them. As if they were below or lesser than. She confessed that she’d been struggling with her faith for a long time beforehand, but only recently realized why.
Luke and his mother continued to grow closer after that. She was the first person he told about his sexuality when he was 18, and she accepted him with open arms. His father did, too, at her insistence. When he expressed an interest in studying to become a councilor of some kind, his parents were supportive, paying for him to go to a top university. When he got a girl pregnant at 20, they were disappointed, but more than willing to help out when he said he’d take full responsibility. His eldest daughter, Riley, was born just before his 21st birthday, and while he never married her mother, he was a very dedicated co-parent. He met his future wife shortly after that, a spunky law student named Delaney who knew she wanted him almost immediately. Her boyfriend at the time was also into him, and the two would regularly invite him over for threesomes, but he rarely had the time or energy to accept due to school and parental duties. It wasn’t until Delaney made an effort to connect with baby Riley that Luke realized that he could see himself spending the rest of his life with her. He proposed on a brisk spring morning. She eagerly accepted, having broken up with her boyfriend only a month prior, and even insisted that they get married over Spring Break at a courthouse. He was a bit taken aback by her overenthusiasm, but she was earnest when she told him that she wanted to build a life with him and Riley.
His parents were not thrilled with the suddenness of the wedding, but agreed to go along with it as long as they were allowed to host a larger ceremony later on in the summer or early fall. Luke and Delaney happily made the compromise. By the time the ceremony rolled around, Delaney was already pregnant with their first daughter, Morgan, who was born the following Valentine’s Day. After that, the couple made the decision not to have any more kids until after both of them were out of school and working steady jobs.
Things were rocky for a while, but they made it work, becoming quite the formidable team. Delaney graduated first, and was almost instantly offered a position at Luke’s father’s law firm, which she graciously accepted. Luke graduated that fall, having finished his degree early, and took a guidance councilor position at the high school he graduated from. He and his wife coordinated their schedules so that at least one of them was always home with the girls, which was challenging but doable. Things were looking up for the Blackburn family. Mostly. It was around this time that Luke began having horrific nightmares of hellfire and brimstone, of tortured faces that seemed both far too familiar and totally unrecognizable. He began losing sleep, which Delaney recognized quickly and confronted him about. When he told her about his fucked up dreams, she held him, tried to comfort him, encouraged him to seek therapy, which he resisted at first, but eventually agreed to. It helped him more than he thought it would, causing him to open up about past traumas that he’d previously kept locked away. Things got better again, slowly but surely.
Jayden was a surprise, but definitely a pleasant one! She was born on Halloween, a holiday baby like her sisters before her, and instantly captivated Riley and Morgan. Her whole family adored her, and still does! Even now, in the thick of their teen years, with Riley off at college, the three sisters are thick as thieves. Morgan is a junior in high school, and she does her best to protect and help Jayden through her freshman year. Luke legitimately couldn’t be prouder!
He and Delaney opened up their marriage recently, after having a lengthy conversation with their daughters about what that means. They still love each other passionately, and are very committed to their partnership and the family they’ve built, but they both have an interest in experimenting with other partners and possibly adding a third person to their relationship.
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truly-quirkless · 4 months
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Me being a tired, shippy fuck- I'mma go to bed nighttttttt!
The gentle sound of rain filled the bedroom as Yagi ran his hands through short, coarse brown strands. He still couldn't sleep...he'd taken one of those dissolvable tablets earlier- it had taken almost no time at all to melt on his tongue, thank God- but it didn't seem to be kicking in. He laid there, his hands slowly roaming Fin's scalp as the smaller human laid, curled up into his side.
They'd been so insistent that they could stay up all night...and then they'd started getting ready for bed at 2000. And then they'd crawled in. And turned on one of those ambience videos they used to help them sleep...and he'd joined them...and it had felt like no time at all between Fin's soft murmurs and when they had shifted in their sleep, their nose digging slightly into his night-time t-shirt.
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"....why do you stay with me...?" His voice was a bit louder than a mere whisper. He'd learned better than to whisper when Fin was sleeping. The brunet was odd, in so many ways- but the little ones...those were the ones he found were worth remembering. The fact they could sleep through the loudest bangs, but awoke to the softest mutterings. "....you could be happy....so much happier..."
The hand resting on his side clenched slightly, fingers digging into the fabric. Under the covers, Fin shifted- muttering something about 'pudding boats'. He chuckled quietly, his eyes flashing for the briefest moment.
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"...so that's why, huh....pudding boats..." He knew they weren't awake, but the response...made him grin. So nonsensical...
Such were dreams.
In the dark hours of the night, on nights like this one...when his beloved was resting so close to him, feeling their every breath...knowing they felt safe enough to rest beside him,- knowing they chose him- and he chose them...
Life nearly felt like a dream.
Sappy, yes-- but nonetheless true.
He ran his hands through their hair again. Making sure they were there- making sure this was all real.
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"....cause....---you're my everything, 'Toshi..." He flinched. The male went stock-still as Fin's head rose, tired hazel eyes flickering upwards. They looked murky- as if they were peering up at him from the bottom of a lake. "...no one else..." Their head fell back to the sheets, passed out once more as he stared for a few moments.
You're my everything.
Some of his fans probably thought that- those who saw his Strong Form, everything he could be...but Fin-- they saw everything he actually was...and yet, they'd accepted him wholeheartedly from the start.
He bent down, pressing his lips to their hair for the briefest of moments.
"....and you, mine...." It would still be some time before Yagi slept...but at least now, when he drifted off- it was with a soft warmth in his heart.
Absolutely sappy...
Absolutely nonsensical...
And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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demonsclub · 11 months
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Name: Tyler O’Neill.
Nicknames: Ty, Hacker Boy, Cobie, Ace, King of the Road 
Age:  22
Date of Birth: October 30th, 2000  
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight.  
Profession: Majoring in Computer Engineering
Pinterest: Here 
Hair: Dark and tousled.
Eyes: Hazel.  
Skin: Tan.
Tattoos/scars: He has a rune on the side of his neck, it was his first tattoo, and just an act of rebellion. The second tattoo he got was a broken compass on his forearm with the word “home” written underneath. Then he got small birds flying across his ribs which was meant to symbolize the desire of “flight” and wanting to get away. His  fourth tattoo is the italian proverb, “Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio,“  which means a wolf cannot change its nature. His fifth tattoo is his favorite. It’s a full moon on his triceps, he got the tattoo with Brooke Maddox, who he was falling in love with at the time. It was meant to commemorate their night together, spent under the moonlight, acting like teenage lunatics. After they “broke up” and went their own way, Tyler added a little wolf howling beneath it. The idea behind the howling wolf was to say he still thinks of her and wishes they could be together again. Wolves mate for life. As for scars, he has a lot on his hands from fighting, a few on his abs, back, and chest, and a distinctive scar over his eyebrow which was split open from a car accident when he was fifteen and running from the cops.
Parents: Tyler was raised in foster care and has no idea who his real parents are. They’ve always been a mystery to him and are one of the many reasons why he’s so emotionally damaged.
Siblings: He has weird deja vu memories of having a sister in the orphanage, or maybe they’re just dreams, or maybe she was just a friend of his. He’s not sure.
Grandparents: His grandfather Eli O’Neill is still alive and the head honcho of a gang. He came into Tyler’s life when he was seventeen and offered him a position in the gang, and although Tyler accepted it at the time, he’s since disbanded from them.
Pets: He has a pet snake named Venom.
Abilities: Tyler is a natural-born athlete. For years, he belonged to a boxing club, played lacrosse and football, and used to make a killing in illegal street races. His greatest ability though is his skills behind a computer. He can hack into anything, and uses the popularity of technology to his advantage. He’ll often sell his tech-savvy services for a price.  
Hobbies: He enjoys skiing and snowboarding in France, playing pool at the Billiards Club, racing cars, experimenting with drugs, starting fights, and he’s currently designing a new slasher VR game.
Most Positive Trait: Although he’s troubled, Tyler has a very mature side to him with more life experience than most people his age. Therefore, he’s very experienced and has a lot of wisdom to share.  
Worst Negative: He often resorts to self-destruction. He pushes people away, can be very private and standoffish, sarcastic and mean. He’d rather a person hate him than love him because he’s more comfortable with that. It’s better for him not to get his hopes up. Trusting people has always been a mistake.
Colors: Black
Smells: Gasoline, coffee, fresh-cut grass, fireplaces, the woods
Foods: Double cheeseburgers, salted fries, Quiche Lorraine
Drinks: Black coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, vitamin water
Smokes: He smokes cigarettes and pot. 
Alcohol: Vodka. There’s a cocktail he frequents called the Mind-Eraser which is vodka, club soda and coffee liqueur. He enjoys cold beer too. He’s always been too poor to care about labels.  
Drugs: He’s tried almost every drug out there, but prefers ecstasy and pot.
Been Arrested: He’s spent two years in juvie for stealing a car when he was fifteen which led to a police chase and then resisting arrest. He was arrested again a few months after for hacking into government files. And then in and out of jail for fighting, street racing, and public intoxication.
Friends/Best Friend: Tyler doesn’t have many “real” friends. He never let himself get too close to people. However he has met plenty of acquaintances throughout his time in foster care and juvie and all the schools he attended throughout his adolescence. Therefore he has managed to make a few lasting connections. One of them being his best friend, she was a social butterfly who accepted him for all his flaws and mistakes. She was an inspiration for him to change and though he hasn’t changed, she has stuck by him through thick and thin. 
Family: Tyler doesn’t know much about his family. According to him he doesn’t have any. But he does faintly remember a girl from the orphanage who he thought might’ve been his sister. Then there’s his uncle Eli who’s the leader of a gang. Eli will remain a NPC but if someone wants to play gang members who are eager to pull Tyler back into the crime world that would be fun. 
Exes: Tyler has tons of exes but his most memorable one is the one he had in high school. He dated Lakewood’s hottest, meanest, most popular girl for two years before they broke up for good. They were always off and on and cheating on each other and playing vicious games to see who cared less. The games ended when Tyler cheated on her with her best friend Brooke Maddox and no one holds a vendetta quite like her. 
Rivals: Tyler has made quite an amount of enemies throughout his lifetime. He’s always running his mouth, getting into fights, hustling people out of their money, and sleeping with other people’s girlfriends. He’s always involved in something shady whether its gambling, illegal street racing, underground fight clubs, and drugs. Therefore meeting and making enemies with other shitheads is just part of the deal. 
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Preston Oliver
February 2, 2006
American actor
Griffin [Secrets of Sulphur Springs: 2021-2022]
Riley [Chicago Fire: 2019]
hazel eyes
playable: child, teenager
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alyxsrpfaces · 2 years
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Lucas Jade Zumann
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Name: Ilan Galkoff
Birthday: August 6th, 2003
Nationality: British (of Jewish descent)
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everyoneneedsaface · 4 years
Jack Pililaau
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Born: 2000
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Hawaiian, German, Irish
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ravenadottir · 3 years
original characters: ❝dicky❞
who are they? gary mentioned dicky, by this name, in the game, proceeding to say he was a mate from home. when i started writing for gary i decided to make them best mates. they fit in together pretty well and i wanted a reason to make their dynamics of constantly mess with each other. what can i say, i’m a sucker for prickly boys!
where can i find them? “in your eyes” on ao3: chapter one
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❝character’s details❞
🔨 name: adrian “dicky” harris
🔨 birthday: january 5th, 1996
🔨 astrological sign: capricorn
🔨 hometown: chatham
🔨 gender: male
🔨 sexuality: straight
🔨 languages: english//spanish
🔨 religion: agnostic
🔨 ethnicity: biracial // hispanic + caucasian
🔨occupation: woodworker
🔨 height: 5′10′’//1,77
🔨 body type: toned
🔨 facial hair? “it can get ugly if i’m too busy, but i look good no matter what, so...”
🔨 hair texture//color: wavy, 2c // dark brown
🔨 eye color: hazel
🔨 style: usually t-shirts + jeans + sneakers combo for work // combat boots + wool coats in the winter, shirts and jeans to go out.
🔨 music: 80′s and 90′s hard rock // early 2000′s punk
🔨 movie genres: suspense // comedies // “terrible”
🔨 dogs or cats? dogs
🔨favorite food: “anything nan prepares is fucking amazing, but her roast dinner is to kill for, not gonna lie.”
🔨 tv shows: peaky blinders, umbrella academy, brooklyn 99 “i have a huge crush on detective rosa diaz, bruv...”
🔨 vices//coping: smoking // sex // pot
🔨 to relax: pub // woodworking “especially deisgning something that doesn’t need to exist, then working on it.”
🔨 sports: football
🔨 his type: “if she hates injustice, that’s a start. good taste, good ass, smart and open minded.”
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❝brief history❞
🔨 adrian and gary met back when they were both 7 years old. gary was a very lonely kid, and so was dicky, but for very, very different reasons.
🔨 after gary’s dad walked away, and his nan took over his role, dicky started staying more and more in her house, sharing toys and games with her grandson.
🔨 they grew up together, going to the same schools, playing the same sports, and eventually, becoming almost brothers.
🔨 dicky was heartbroken when gary decided to get his forklift license, when they were 17, but was still supportive, and never told him what he truly wanted to do when leaving school.
🔨 today, he’s a woodworker, which always makes gary joke about it, and he’s employed in a family shop, downtown chatham, trying to gather the money to invest and build his own business.
🔨he loves designing weird things, and with gary’s experience in robotics, they got to build robodog, a cooler for the beers they drink on sundays while watching rugby at nan’s house.
🔨dicky is single, mostly out of spite. it’s hard for him to be interested in someone, and even more to stay with them, for various reasons. but more on that later.
🔨 he and gary currently share the house they rent, close to gary’s job.
🔨 one thing that annoys gary so much is the fact that nan keeps giving dicky new plants, and he insists on putting them everywhere that can get in the way, especially if that’s gonna annoy his housemate.
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vito basso
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spahhzy · 3 years
A Better Tomorrow-Chapter 1. Secure the keys.
Finally time to start this story.
It was a nice house, a nice little two story red brick home down nestled somewhere in the country side. A bed of flowers out front that led to a staircase out on to one of the dirt roads.
The sun that would gleam down on it gave it such a holy aesthetici too it but it is in the night, when the moon is full that you are able to truly appreciate its beauty.
Small candle lights lit up the window giving it the cozy warm feeling from the inside.
All was quiet in this little house except for one room.
"Do you have to go?" A small child's voice asked from inside this room the voice sounded sad.
"Yes...I do" came an older male voice as a sniffle could be heard.
"I know it's going to hurt now but what I do...I'm doing fo-" the older man started but was cut off.
"A better tomorrow yeah" came the child too which earned a chuckle from older man.
"Come...I'll read you your favorite story hm?" He asked and the sadness that laced the child's voice was gone. Replaced only with excitement.
"You mean the one about the eight warriors who defeated the grimm in the Great War!?" The child asked to which the older man hummed in agreement.
A creaking of a bed could be heard before boots clanked the hard wood floor.
" It began long ago...on the battlefields of the Great War..."
"If the first step doesn't happen, neither does the journey"-Craig D. Lounsbrough
Winter stared at the small strike team before her. Nothing was said in the bullhead as it flew towards the outskirts of Ansel.
-Bullhead, Journeying towards Ansel
She looked to her right to see a red head girl staring intently at a photograph, peeking over her shoulder it was a photo of six people.
A girl with black hair with red tips, silver eyes shined brightly she was smiling riding on the back the man in the photo, followed up by a blonde girl with lilacs eyes, she too was smiling as she held onto the man's left hand, she was flanked by another black haired girl with hazel eyes a bow was ties in her hair a small smile was featured on her face as well and she was close by the male rounded up by a girl with white hair, her sister, she was to the right of the male clutching his right hand a smile present on her face as well.
Finally their was the red head herself ...before finally in the center giving a big hug to everyone she could.
The man in the center had blond hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes, he gave a gentle smile to the camera as he looked content and happy.
Everyone was smiling in that photo but it was his smile that shined the most.
"When did you take that photo penny?"
The girl now revealed to as Penny looked at Winter with a sad smile.
"Before Salem attacked mantle it was a very brief moment of peace for all of us..." Penny said her voice full of sadness as she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I miss them Winter...so very much" as she turned to her general whomst gave her a look of sympathy.
"Me too Penny...but we accomplish this then we could possibly get answers" She told her to which brings some comfort to the younger red head to nod.
The Bullhead shook as Winter looked to the team.
"Its time to go over the briefing once more" said one of the soldiers said as Winter nodded.
"Right alright squad...our mission is of the utmost importance!" She told them as she stood up from her seat.
"We succeed here then we succeed for mankind!" All the soldiers nodded.
"Now the mission is to infiltrate, locate and retrieve this artifact"
She pressed a button and up popped up the Relic of Creation.
"Our Intel confirms this relic is too be located at the heart of Ansel...located at this location pricesly"
Another image this time it was a three story home.
"It is the old Arc Chateau"
A soldier raised his hand.
"Wasn't this area destroyed during the event now coined 'Destruction of Ansel'? " He looked to the rest of the squad.
"Our last reports said that it was all scorched and now only the grimm inhabit the area" he said to which Winter nodded.
"Yes you are true right since the queens attack on Ansel the grimm have been their ever since" She confirmed to him.
"So why bother with 'infiltrate' if the area is all but a breeding ground" the solider argued.
"Because me and agent Penny here will be leading a diversion to spring forth the grimm, while you, strike team, will grab the relic" Winter told them which caused chatter amongst the soldiers.
"That's a suicide mission General if what the Intel reports theirs about 2000 grimm in the surrounding area ALONE!" the soldier spoke to Winter who remained unfazed at the numbers.
"We don't know how many more are at the center guarding the staff!"
"It doesn't matter" said the voice next to Winter.
Penny looked at them all confidence radiating clearly in her eyes.
"We will succeed...we must...we must" She said to them to which got the soldiers to chatter once more.
"Gents we got the Maiden and former Maiden on our side...we can do this" a older soldier spoke out as he looked towards Winter.
"When do we jump ma'am"
Winter smirked
"One hour"
Far away in a castle shrouded in darkness the queen of grimm was in a particularly good mood as she could be seen hummimg a song while looking into her crystal ball.
Tyrian while happy to see his mistress in such a joyful mood couldn't help but wonder why?
"Uh mistress not that I don't like that you are happy but why are you happy" he asked her to which she didn't acknowledge but only continued to hum the same song.
"I mean I haven't seen you this happy since when we rescued the bo-"
That shut him up quickly as Salem looked up from her crystal ball at him.
"Yes mistress?" He asked obediently.
"Take a Bullhead to Ansel it seems we have...unwelcomed guests coming" She told him to which Tyrian growled at such rudeness! who would dare!?
"And do what when I find these rude fiends?" He asked to which Salem flashed a smile at him.
Baffled, he asked.
"Nothing Mistress?" He asked not understanding.
" that is correct...some one will be handling our little guests himself" She told him which only further confused him as he let the information sit and sit and sit.
Before suddenly realization hit his face and an twisted smile made its way to his face as he lept out of his chair in joy.
"Right away mistress!" He said before running out to do his task set before him.
Salem smiled as she looked back into the crystal ball.
A terrifying roar filled the skies as up in the clouds a dragon whose size rivaled that of Beacon academy and whose scales were the darkest of night, it's red eyes glowed blood red as it traveled at break neck speeds.
As the monster sped through the blue sky a figure could be seen riding on its back.
The figure stroked the dragons sides before the dragon let out another roar before going even faster.
After the briefing was over, every one was going over the final preparations.
Strike team will be dropped four hundred kilometers away from Ansel right outside the dubbed 'exclusion' zone and will proceed to Ansel on foot.
Meanwhile once within two hundred kilometers General Winter and Agent Penny will leave the ship, Winter will cause a distraction in the air and Penny will provide the assault on the ground.
The two will reconvene where the old Arc Chateau used to be and defend thst position.
Strike team would be on-site and should be looking for the package.
The Intel states the old building was destroyed from the blast but ever since the grimm begun inhabiting they had started rebuilding it for its own end.
The package is located on the third floor second room to the left. That room if what the data shows used to belong to occupant one Jaune Arc.
Previous data collected shows that the staff could act as a power source so extrema caution is advised upon removing the relic.
It is not know how many or what kind of grimm exactly could be here but precaution is needed.
"Captain may I speak?" Asked a soldier to which the Captain nodded.
"What do we do if...he were to show up" Asked the soldier to which the rest of the group just looked at him.
"Listen gents imma say this once and only once do NOT let him get within arms reach of you" He told them grimly.
"If he so much as gets within hands reach of you do whatever you can to separate yourself from him...if you don't your dead" he said to which earned some gulps from the soldiers.
"The reports said that monster can literally use our own aura against us...i-is that true?" Said the soldier asked to which the captain just stared at him before putting a hand on his shoulder.
"All the more reason to keep a distance aye?" Before walking past him towards the hangar door.
"Squad this is it...this is where we fight to secure hope!" Which elicited a cheer from the group.
A buzzer sounded and all of a sudden the doors open as air rushed in.
The captain looked to Winter whomst nodded as he gave her a salute before jumping out of the Bullhead the rest of his squad following suit.
Winter looked behind her as she saw Penny looking at the photo once more before giving it a kiss five times and tucking it away.
"You ready Penny?" She asked as she held out her hand to which Penny gave a bright smile.
"I am one hundred percent combat ready!"
She grabbed Winters hand.
"Genreal you are clear for drop!"
Penny and Winter nodded to each other and looked out to the sea of clouds before them before them.
"See you on the battlefield" Penny said and Winter nodded before finally the two took a great leap forward.
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