gothcatgirlfriend · 1 year
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yeah i know whose birthday it is. what do you mean wrong blue character
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calamityfortune · 10 months
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[may 30th, 2021]
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blyostie · 11 months
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I really hope more people experience 2064 Read Only Memories, even if it's just to experience peak character design through Turing, the best robot ever
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chadchadster · 1 year
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turing drinks the grimace shake and fucking dies
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zhengzi · 11 months
okay well i just finished 2064 read only memories and it was a pretty fun time.
i’ll share some screenshots of favourite moments
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i was so gay for gus 
he also happens to be dating the guy next to him so he’s canonically gay!
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i legit laughed when Turing did this ashgdfjadgsh
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there’s also a character named starfucker (actual name’s chad btw). and having finished disco elysium, in my mind he’s spiritually related to fuck the world and pissfaggot
he also has a crush on his friend oliver
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Turing could also tell that they were trying to flirt
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this game also has voice acting so i cracked up hearing the little robot say starfucker in their adorable voice
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that’s all the screenshots i was able to get although there was another character called sylvan who i also had the hots for
and in the game’s after epilogue scene, i was able to flirt with crow who said he liked kinbaku and i managed to bring him back to my apartment to have fun with that knowledge so yeah, im also gay for him and im glad the game let me have that at least
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doorplays · 1 year
2022 Roundup of Games
Hello! This is Doors. I haven't written here in a while and now I am going to fix that by writing a bunch about the games I played this year!
By my best count, I played about 28 games this year, with 7 of those being games I didn't finish. I’ve enjoyed them to varying respects though, and now I’m here to talk about 17 of them with as little spoilers as possible!
This roundup of games is not ranked, I just listed them haphazardly. I put up a short review for each game so you have an idea of what you’re getting into, and have a rating for each! Most of these are games I very much enjoyed, and if you find yourself playing them, go ahead and message me! I’d love to hear peoples’ thoughts on these games.
This is also something I want to start doing every year, and the best time to start anything you want to start is, well, now! And thus:
Let’s get to it!
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I'd describe this game as "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater except Tony Hawk was a photographer". You are dropped into various levels and environments and, within a time limit, you have to achieve the objectives set out by the game. This usually consists of you taking pictures depicting specific things and taking a picture at a certain vantage point.
What I like about this game is its environmental storytelling. And well, really, that's the only way this game tells its story. It's all around the levels just waiting for you to see and take pictures of them. You find memorials, posters, people, all instrumental in telling the grim story that the game has.
I enjoyed experimenting with lenses that I unlock as I progress through the game, and experimenting with various filters! I feel like the game captured my imagination enough for me to enjoy it.
Door Rates Umurangi Generation: 4/5
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Supergiant never misses. From Bastion with its gripping story, and Transistor with its lovely aesthetic, to Hades with its frenetic roguelike gameplay, they always know their stuff. They know their style and they flourish in it, unafraid of experimentation.
With Pyre, I'd say that they experimented too much. The gameplay felt a bit clunky for me, though that may be because I stubbornly played on mouse and keyboard instead of controller. The gameplay loop revolves around you undergoing rituals, which are more accurately described as sports games. You play fantasy soccer, essentially!
Despite my gripes with the gameplay, I was so enamored by the story, the art, and the worldbuilding. I've grown to love and care for most, if not all of the characters, and I was really rooting for their success. I even found some antagonists charming and hoped that they find success as well.
In the end, I enjoyed it a lot. Supergiant are really good at making games, and with Hades 2 looming, I'm hoping they produce another knockout game.
Though despite my issue with them experimenting too hard here, I do hope they experiment more with their next games. But that's a subject for another post...
Door Rates Pyre: 4/5
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This game is a sort of choose-your-adventure type game. At the start you get to describe your character's background, their competency, etc. Then when you're shipped out to do the job, you discover that there's more to the job than you expect.
I am always enamored by sci-fi, and am even more enamored by fiction that has something to say about the divine, so when this game mixes the two of them I completely and utterly fucked with it. This shit? Absolutely up my alley.
You can also interact with your workmates here and discover more about them, but I find that the divine part of the game is what really pleases me. I only wish that there was more story to see and read!
Door Rates That Which Faith Demands: 4.5/5
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I started this game very early in 2022, and let me tell you I did NOT expect it to shoot up to my most played game on Steam. There’s just something about this game that just drags you in easily with its wacky randomness and fun mixups and somewhat cute aesthetic.
You start out choosing one of four possible characters, then in typical roguelike fashion you do run after run as you unlock more guns, more accessories, more characters, and even more areas to explore! It is a very fun game where you can just go pew pew pew at everything.
Door Rates Enter the Gungeon: 4/5
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You are a bird. And you have an urge... to skate. It’s a cute little game with cute little birds! You can change up their feathers, their fashion, and do some neat skateboard tricks. My biggest issue with this game though is that the controls are very clunky. But from the short time I played it I found it very amusing.
Door Rates Skatebird: 3/5
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A friend of mine gifted this to me years ago, and it only took me like... half a decade or so to finally finish it! Heck yeah progress.
Anyway, this game is a nice Metroidvania. I found the aesthetic very nice, dark yet welcoming. I couldn’t have imagined making a world full of bugs work out to be cute! The music is also wonderful and the worldbuilding is great.There’s much to discover and a variety of areas. The story is also great (though I imagine my enjoyment was a bit diminished after I spoiled myself a bit lol). I enjoyed it a lot.
Door Rates Hollow Knight: 4/5
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Another friend recommended this to me, and I instantly fell in love with a concept. Sci-fi archaeology! Learning about dead languages! Good worldbuilding! All of these tick so many boxes for me it’s amazing really
I liked the artstyle too, a mix of 2d and 3d, 3d for the environments and 2d for the character sprites. I adore it, something similar was done too for Paradise Killer, another fave of mine.
I really enjoyed the story of this game and its vibes. I replayed it some more trying to unlock more of the language since language knowledge persists between playthroughs, but my save got deleted at one point and I didn’t continue. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
Door Rates Heaven’s Vault: 5/5
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A simple survival game/roguelike/bullet hell of sorts, and yet it’s so addicting. A friend gifted me this game and it got me in a vicegrip instantly. In this game you go and kill enemies, get experience, and level up to get various weapons and items so that you can kill more enemies. You accomplish achievements so you can unlock more characters. You get more gold so you can upgrade your stats. It’s basically a distillation of “number go up” and how much we enjoy it! Big damage big effects. It’s like rolling up a snowball and watching it get bigger and bigger and eventually it becomes an avalanche and massacres an entire village of ghosts. Sure you crash and burn sometimes but it’s still fun building it up!
The game is very cheap and has recently released an expansion, and is even free on iPhone/Android! Go try ittttt
Door Rates Vampire Survivors: 4/5
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I played Zero Dawn years ago and enjoyed it very much, and I’m glad to report that now that I’ve played the sequel, I still enjoy it a lot! The gameplay feels the same for me, and the graphics are still very breathtaking, though I didn’t have as much opportunity to take pictures here as opposed to in Zero Dawn. I enjoyed the story a lot too. I have nothing much to say about it other than it being a solid sequel, and I look forward to more entries to this series!
Door Rates Horizon Forbidden West: 4.5/5
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This game is by the same people who made VA-11 Hall-A, and is set in the same world and a few years before it. It’s a visual novel with a lot to say about technology, consciousness, and people. I loved the pixel art and I loved the writing! I grew to care for the characters, which was something I did not expect. I recommend this game!
Door Rates 2064: Read Only Memories: 4/5
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I played Return of the Obra Dinn and enjoyed it so much that I thought I should check this game out as well. Both were made by Lucas Pope. And both are pretty cool in their own way! Return of the Obra Dinn had a focused story and a straightforward objective, but Papers Please had you living life as a simple border control officer and it really shows. Day by day the difficulty ramps up as you have to look out for more potential mistakes in peoples’ requirements. And in the meantime you still have to provide for your family.
While all of this is going on, life continues, and there will be world events that surprise you. I love how this game weaves its simple gameplay into a good narrative. It is a very solid game.
Door Rates Papers Please: 4/5
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I started this in 2021 but only finished it early 2022. I haven’t played the original so I’m glad to play this with updated graphics! In fact it’s a huge overhaul even.
It’s lovely to see these characters in high definition. Barrett is fuckin STACKED and it’s lovely to see Jessie and Aerith. Tifa looked lovely in a dress! And it’s nice to see Biggs and Wedge having actual personalities here.
Gameplay was snappy enough and I have no complaints about it. And I enjoyed enough how the story was told. I’m looking forward to part two!
Door Rates Final Fantasy VII Remake: 4/5
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I like this game.
It’s a sci-fi RPG. You arrive at the space station named Erlin’s Eye, where many people have made a home of. You learn of its history, its people, and most importantly, how to survive in this place. While it presents itself as sci-fi, it tells a familiar tale of trying to survive in a new frontier.
The way it plays is that every in-game day, you get a certain number of dice, already pre-rolled. You have to manage these dice in order that you get to use them succeed in the tasks you need to succeed in. In a sense, it’s a mix of RPG and resource management, which is very interesting to me.
I enjoyed the story and the characters. It is a surprisingly familiar story that resonates, and the gameplay is chill enough, along with the music. It has my Seal of Approval
Door Rates Citizen Sleeper: 4.5/5
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The same friend who recommended me Heaven’s Vault told me of this game. I got it on the Xbox Game Pass and fell in love with the aesthetic. Each frame looks like an art piece you can hang in a museum!! It reminds me of like. The Bayeaux Tapestry. Idk why that specifically came to mind but. Yes.
In this game you play as journeyman artist Andreas Maler. You are contracted by the Kiersau Abbey in the village of Tassing to make art. Through Andreas’s eyes you get to know the village’s history, mingling with the village folk, breaking bread with them even!
This game... this game is not just about history, not just about choices, this game is also about you living with your choices. Andreas’s regrets, successes, and the butterfly effect of his presence on the people of Tassing are told with great import. If you play this game, I urge you not to savescum or make a new save when things don’t go your way.
It’s one of my top games of 2022. Go play it!
Door Rates Pentiment: 5/5
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I’ve been playing this game ever since it came out, and it continues to be a treat. It was only in 2022 though that I actually played the Expeditions. And it is very nice to see how fellow explorers just help people along through them by making bases, planting markers, and just putting up some messages! I’ve enjoyed this game for years because of its variety and beauty, but it’s only now that I felt how rich its community is. I look forward to exploring it more in the coming years!
Door Rates No Man’s Sky: 4.5/5
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2022 was the year I wrangled together a static, which is essentially an 8-person group dedicated to clearing certain content in FFXIV. We were out here trying to clear the new Savage Raids, Pandaemonium Tiers 1 to 4. It was my first time being a sort of raid leader, and it was honestly an interesting experience! It was rough at times, but I nonetheless formed lasting friendships and strengthened some current ones. And it was very enjoyable suffering playing together with friends :)
As time went on though, I had to drop my subscription because of IRL responsibilities. But this game will always be important to me because of the friendships I have made and continue to make.
Door Rates Final Fantasy XIV: 5/5
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I have a love/hate relationship with this game.
On one hand, the game itself. Magic: the Gathering. It’s honestly enjoyable! My favorite format is Historic Brawl and I enjoy brewing decks for different commanders and just playing out matches conveniently!
On the other hand the economy SUCKS and it does a lot of things to make you feel that FOMO feeling.
I’m honestly waffling between uninstalling it and not uninstalling it and I probably should uninstall it? But I have to admit I do still enjoy the game...
Either way: Magic the Gathering is a great game. MTG Arena? It’s a good way to play the game, but it’d take you a while to collect the cards you want, so jury’s out on that one.
Door Rates MTG Arena: 2.5/5
That’s a lot of games!!! I played some others but I didn’t have the time to include them here, but I enjoyed most of them all the same.
I enjoy the unique experience of playing games because you are not just... reading the story, you aren’t just watching an event or anything. You are an active participant in these experiences! May it be a story-rich game, a game with fun mechanics, or even a game as simple as Wordle, you are more in charge of your experience. And I find that cool!
I’m gonna try and continue to write more reviews as I play games! I’ll make this my New Year’s Resolution sure let’s go with that. Take care dear readers!
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punkk-draws · 2 years
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its been a while since ive drawn them :]
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Fragments of a Cybernetic Mind: Chapter 7 - The Silence of the Electric Sheep
Summary Half a year has passed since the events of Christmas of 2064. The world is slowly adjusting to sentient ROMs. But Turing is distracted from their task as ROM-kind’s leader and ambassador by another obligation they carry. They want to deliver Leon Dekker’s last words to his daughter. But first, they’ll have to find her, which doesn’t prove easy. They ask their journalist friend for help, who seems less than thrilled.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 (final) Epilogue
Content Notes: suicide mention, panic attack, trauma, guilt issues
I wake up screaming on the couch. Something hot and wet running down my face. I bring my hands up to see it isn’t blood but tears. I am tearing at my hair, scratching my arms.
Someone is calling my name.
I look up and see Turing standing in front of me. “You seem to be having a panic attack. Should I call an ambulance?”
I shake my head. Tears running down my face. I smell ozone, hear the buzzing of the servers, taste blood, more clearly than I could in the dream. I get up, open the balcony door. Humid summer air streaming in, cold on my sweat-covered skin. The sky is steel-gray with the approaching day, clouds red on the underside like they’ve been splashed with blood.
“I can’t do this anymore,” I say. “I’m out.”
Turing stares at me, face screen screaming confusion.
“If you don’t get his memories out of my home by tomorrow, I will trash every single disk myself,” I announce.
“That’s okay.” Their voice sounds uncertain. “I... I can store them with TOMCAT or – “
“Don’t you dare bring them to TOMCAT!” I shout. “He killed their sister, Turing! He killed me! I mean – he wanted – I, I – fuck , I can’t do this anymore.” I sink to the floor, back against the wall, face buried in my hands.
For a moment, they don’t say anything. “Do you want to talk about it?”
I stare at them. Anger is brewing up in me. Anger I tried to suppress those past few weeks. Not anger at my manuscript, or at Lexi, or even at the man who kills me every night. “Just give up on it, Turing!” I scream at them, standing up from the floor. “We won’t find his family in his memories! And even if we did, we shouldn’t. His family wants nothing to do with him anymore, and for good reason. If he wanted to apologize to his daughter, he could have done that while he was still alive, or walking around at least. But he didn’t. And you know why? Because he knew she was better off without him. Better off thinking he died before she was born.”
“But don’t you think she deserves the truth?” Turing is getting loud now as well. “You were the one who told me the truth is important! That’s what all of this was ever about.” They look petulant, almost angry. Good. That means I won’t have to feel bad for shouting at them.
“Well, what’s the truth? The truth is that her father died. What they put in this android wasn’t him. He said that himself.”
“But his last words were – “
“Why do you care so much about his last wishes? Why can’t you just let this go?”
“You might be able to do that, but I can’t!”
“Why not?”
“Because you weren’t the one who killed him!”
Their words tear me out of my fury, all the accusations forgotten for a moment, as I stare at them. They avoid my gaze, looking away. It’s so silent we can hear the autocabs speeding by outside, the only sound in the flat for a while.
“I know...”, Turing says quietly, “that he technically wasn’t alive at that point. But that doesn’t change the way I feel about what happened. I... I killed him. I don’t have dreams, but something inside my code makes me replay his death through my transistors over and over again.”
“And you think fulfilling his last wish will make that stop,” I say. “Make the electric lambs stop screaming.”
They nod. 
“And the fact that he was grateful for his death isn’t enough to do that?” I ask.
“Strangely enough, it only makes it worse,” they admit.
I think of Crow’s story. The suicidal android. I nod. Sigh. Run my hands through my hair, matted with sweat, not blood. “I’ll help you,” I say. “But, Turing, I can’t look at his memories anymore. You can keep them here and look through them, but I can’t help you with that. If we’re doing this, I have to get out there to find the information.”
“You sound like you already have an idea where to find it,” Turing observes.
I nod. “I say we pay Aunt Melody a visit.”
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mihotose · 1 year
ok i expected being asked my name. i expected being asked my pronouns. i did not expect being asked what diet i have
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gothcatgirlfriend · 1 year
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these are old, sketchy doodles, but i really liked how they came out. it was a good exercise in drawing expressive faces and poses on turing. unfortunately these are also inspired by their lowest points... i'm so sorry turing
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calamityfortune · 10 months
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the during
[april 22nd, 2022]
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
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2064: Read Only Memories
by MidBoss
Genre: Adventure, Visual Novel
Pitch: In the year 2064, a struggling journalist is approached by the world's first sentient robot to locate a missing person.
My expectations: I've played about five minutes of 2064, and I could not tell you why I haven't played more. It made a good impression in those five minute. There was a lot of positive buzz when it was first released, and everything I heard sounded right up my alley. I once met one of the game's programmers, and though we've since drifted apart, his wife and I called each other friends when 2064 came out. Why haven't I played this yet? Why am I still typing about how much I want to play it when I could just...play it? Right now? Here we go!
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Look, Use, Speak, Inventory. These are the available commands as you point and click hotspots throughout 2064: Read Only Memories. Classic adventure game, right? Not quite. They weren’t kidding about that “read only” thing. The first room is packed with incidental objects to poke, each with its own playful text, asking why you’re speaking to a sheet of paper or trying to pour sour milk on a dying plant. In the first minute, I caught references to The Simpsons, Homestar Runner, and Deadly Premonition, which is excessive, but it communicates something: This is a dense game, and we want you to play with it.
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Well, it’s dense, but it’s hardly a game. Across roughly seven hours, I spent maybe 15 minutes solving puzzles. There’s no exploration; you’re constantly told precisely where to go and what to do next. You can choose between nice and rude dialogue options, but I don’t know how much that changes, and I don’t care. The writing isn’t bad, but it is in desperate need of an editor.
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And it ends with a maze, followed by a shooting gallery with poor controls, and then a fake maze/shooting gallery with a scripted outcome. Twenty-sixty-bore.
+ Impeccable presentation. + Has its heart in the right place, taking shots at corporations, corrupt politicians, American healthcare, cops, and bigots. I have never seen a game offer so many pronoun choices, including the option to write your own. It even let me be vegan! I feel seen! + Incredible amount of voice acting, and most of it is quite good. I especially got a kick out of James Stephanie Sterling as the cheerful leader of a detestable hate group
– So many words. Why is everything monologue? A decent editor would cut out 3/4 of this script. – It looks like a game. It controls like a game. It has the structure of a game. ("We need to get information from this person, but they won't talk until we give them what they need.") This ain't a game. It's a filibuster. – Everything here has been said elsewhere. What's unique or meaningful about this vision of the future? – Frequently stops everything for a reminder that the game doesn't autosave instead of just...autosaving?
#JakeReviewsTwitch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews...
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chadchadster · 1 year
i just got violently thrown back into my 2064 obsession
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zhengzi · 11 months
update from my gaming marathon
played through gorogoa (my most recent purchase) today and it has very gorgeous art but very short unfortunately so i was able to complete it quick. puzzles weren’t too difficult but i did consult a walkthrough a few times when i got slightly stuck on some bits
continued my play of 2064 read only memories and honestly im surprised that game does not have a bigger fanbase, its worldbuilding and themes center trans and disabled experiences with gene splicing technology allowing for FURRIES
anyway, guess i’ll continue posting about 2064rom because it needs a bigger fanbase. it’s really well written and i got emotional just now at a very major plot reveal ;-;
also i met Gus and i love him now and im mad that there’s no option for me to flirt with him
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synthesizedremains · 1 year
multiple bad things have happened after that elimination it’s a fucking curse
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lightningbuster · 2 years
genuinely surprised 2064 read only memories isn’t more popular. 2064rom, a game with really good societal metaphors that sidesteps the sapient robots-serving-humans issue (though it is addressed, its dealt with maturely) and goes for the ‘people are changing their bodies with gene splicing’ angle, though not in a ‘are you even human’ kind of examination, but through the lens of being trans, being disabled, being in need of a life-saving medical procedure, of being treated AS subhuman by those who want technology to move backwards to a time where they could stay in control of how others lived and died, removing the tools that gave the people below them the choice for themselves. its distinctly a game about people who desperately just want to live in a world that seems to only want to grind them into dust, but theres an undeniable hope throughout the entire narrative— its not “the world sucks now, isn’t that terrible”, its “the world sucks now, and it will suck worse, but you can do something to make it better.” so much good stuff about gender and disability, about wanting to live as yourself but being limited and restricted by the world you’re in, and either falling into despair and desperation, or getting up. getting up again and again and again, because you’ve got people just like you to pull you back up when you fall. so you get up. and you work to make the world better.
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