#300 followers special
aquaticpal · 2 years
For the “close enough” request, how about Skyward Sword Zelink + Melody of Freefall? (I thought it seemed fitting) 🥰
Adorable choice!
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(Sorry for the unplanned hiatus, life's been a lot. Love ya guys 🐼)
300 followers requests
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kazachi69 · 1 year
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WE HIT 300
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tricitymonsters · 1 year
Hii congratulations on the 300 followers 🎉🎉
Question : what are some hobbies/interests that Amir has?
Thank you!!
Amir is what i consider to be a classical romanticist because of his really intense background in academics and general proclivity towards the arts. So in a really broad sense, he loves painting (oil, specifically, but also other mediums as well), his mentor was also a very talented sculptor and while the Skill didn't necessarily transfer, Amir is very interested in the form, like he gets really intense about Bernini. But beyond those, Amir loves art history in general, plays several instruments reasonably well (piano and harp have the longest gamut of real training, but he can sing too), enjoys dancing, performed in several dramas during college so he still adores seeing live performances. He also likes avant garde and eclectic haute couture fashion (obviously), stargazing and poetry reading (especially if he can read some really flowery smut as breathily as humanly possible).
Less Art Major related hobbies include a minor obsession with both tea and coffee, high performance cars (he drives the In Universe version of a Lamborghini Huracan), and motorcycle racing.
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julday4 · 2 years
AIGHT! Time for the 3rd part! Last part, we decided which personality to give to our lil bunny oc and we have decided a.. Romantic personality!
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Look at them go, woah!! But.. they do seem a little bit TOO naked.. Perhaps they need some accessories? Why not!
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So, next up is accessories!! Go to my asks and put in max 2 accessories to give our bun oc some style!
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pokegalla · 10 months
Hooooly crap this is going to be a big thing bro-
So I’ve noticed something pretty cool. And I’ve been working on something special just for it! What could it be? Well…..
It’s this:
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Like holy shit thank you so much for EVERYONE who followed man. I was technically supposed to do this a long time ago but I never expected over 300 FOLLOWERS to tag along- bro- y’all are amazing and I appreciate every like and follow so this is just amazing! I hope to continue writing content for you guys and I hope you guys enjoy my AU content and randomness in general lol.
And will I tag everyone?
Because you all deserve a thank you✨
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that-g3-artist · 11 months
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You guys.
This is insane.
but seriously, thank you <3
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wallpapersdehetalia · 3 months
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300 Followers Event!
Guess what! we did! we reached 300 followers! After, I think nearly 5 years? So both old and new followers, I have created something special for you.
A competition of sorts you could say, or a dtiys.
Mod Star
The Event Rules
You will be given 3 lists of prompts
You must use at least 2 prompts and they can’t be from the same list.
Create anything visual, drawing, edit or other, using these prompts
Alternatively, you can choose 1 of 3 edits I have chosen to ‘re-do/re-draw’ (will be below the page break)
@ this blog and/or tag #wallpapersde300
The submission box is also open
Ends March 23 (aka my birthday lol)
They will be reblogged/posted on here over the course of the event
Prompt 1 - Character
Prompt 2 - Colour
Prompt 3 - Theme
And remember! Have fun!
The 3 images are below.
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
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300 Followers Special
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How they react when they catch you wearing their things : (female version)
Neytiri :
Neytiri loves when you wear her things, let it be her charms, arm bands, tops anything, she relishes in the fact that you have a piece of her with you always.
Whenever she passes by the weavers and sees a piece of garment she likes, her first thought is how good it'll look on you.
She Absolutely adores it when your face lights up with the things she brings home for you, even if it's a simple pebble that reminds her of you, it's coming home.
Her love for you just never fails to amaze you, she never fails to remind you how much you mean to her and gifting you things is an important part of it.
If she's in a bad mood just looking at your face makes her day better, even if it's just for 2 minutes she'd take it, coming back from hunts, there's bound to be a pouch full of gifts for you to wear.
Kiri :
Just like her father she didn't know you wore her things until she found you wearing her top, flaunting them to your friends as well.
You prided in wearing her tops, they were made so beautiful you just couldn't resist yourself before putting them on.
You'd tell everyone who listens about how your mate made it and how beautiful it is, if someone disagrees they better sleep with one eye open that night.
Kiri feels so much more confident when you're around her, you're her energy source, a word of compliment from her sends her into a blushing fit, she's absolutely smitten for you and you know it.
You never seem to stop boasting how pretty she is or how talented she is, people can bleed through their ears for all you care, she's the only one you have eyes for and the only one you compliment non stop.
Ronal :
You were always fascinated by her tsahik headdress, and when you saw it laying on the table unattended, you knew this was your chance.
Standing in front of the mirror, you traced the ridges of the shell, the small knife attached to it falling right at the base of your throat, the beads on the intricate threading in your hair standing out, it was the most beautiful thing for you.
Ronal smiled at the sight of you wearing her headdress, her heart swelled at how much admiration you held for her in your eyes, of course her being the tsahik made her stay out for most of the time but you couldn't love her any less
She walked forward startling you as she snuggled her chin on your neck, looking back at you in the mirror "you look lor, ma' yawnetu" you blush at her words.
You quickly move to remove it but she stops you, patting you hand, leaning forward to kiss your cheek she says "keep it on, you look better in this" with a smirk she's out your mauri, leaving you behind in a puddle.
Tsireya :
You both wear each other's things, at least one thing of the other is on either of you, like a sense of each other's presence forever with you.
She loves to make jewelry specifically for you and match them with hers, like the beads, shells or the trinkets she adds in them.
At every event you have to match with it, there's no other way, she needs to show everyone you're hers so this is her way.
You aren't mad either, what more could you ask? You liked to show her off to everyone you meet as well so it was a win-win situation.
She absolutely adores when you wear her creations, all her works are completed when you wear it for her, there's nothing she could ask for more than this
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A/n : I'm sorry i didn't include tuk, i wanted this to be just romantic, but woah woah woah 300? Really, damn i was almost jumping when i saw it lmao, I'm so glad three hundred of you people are liking my stuff, thank you so much y'all, I'm sorry the next post will be a lot late because my new iPad is on its way, but if i can I'll post from my phone ☺️ again thank you so MUCH, bless you all 😘💚
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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mossy-paws · 3 months
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yanderelmk · 11 months
I'm Working On A Dating Sim!
Hellooooo everybody! I am here to make a very special announcement: I am now collaborating with Puppit to work on Lovely Little Levity, a Lego Monkie Kid dating simulator! I will be beginning work as an editor and assistant writer and I am very excited to be part of the team!! Want to ask questions or see updates? Check here on the blog Puppit and I co-run!:
Consider this my early 300 Followers surprise, my friends! :3
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Hit 300 followers a little while back. Didn't expect to so I'm a bit shorthanded. Please accept this malfunctioning Hresvelgr as a small token of thanks
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aquaticpal · 2 years
Purah in Psychic Surge
Time for some science! This palette is not easy.
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300 followers requests
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need matt cameron to play drums on my ass cheeks
okay THIS is a new thought. I'm gonna have to draw this some day.
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tricitymonsters · 1 year
Not a question just wanted to say congrats!!🎉🎉🎉 it's been a good While since I was able to play tri city monsters cause all I had was a shitty chromebook but now that I have a proper laptop I'm excited to get to read through again!!! The writing and art are awesome and I hope you have a good new year💕
THANK YOU SO MUCH. 2023 is gonna be TCM's year dude I'm so hyped to go further after developing Mori's and Amir's chapters last year. I love writing these characters and I hope to keep bringing you the good stuff >:9
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hallowkinght · 8 months
You beautiful Ghosties.
We did it!! 300 followers and a promise is a promise!! Photos will be donr and realeased soon!
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diakaoniii · 2 years
— shuu sakamaki
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“Do your parents know that they raised an ungrateful bitch? Shamelessly wagging your tail at another guy like a whore…”
These were the words he spoke as he ran his sharp knife along the length of your body, starting at your breast and ending at your thigh. Despite the delighted tone in his voice, his ocean blue eyes appeared lifeless and vacant. You could sense the raw, blazing rage that was overflowing inside of him.
The fact that he caught you chatting with Reiji undoubtedly angered him. But you did nothing wrong, and you didn't try to deceive him. Then why was he treating you in such a manner?
“Maybe I should fuck you in front of my brothers, what do you say? I don't think a lewd woman like you would be ashamed of that.”
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