#911 ls 4x14
golden-tarlos · 1 year
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tk: *shocked voice* BABE!
carlos: it was delicious
one of my favorite scenes from the last episode and carlos did no wrong, he just wanted a lil snack 🤍
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whatisbraincells · 1 year
the “gasp babe” had the same energy as “gasp judas no”
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
There's something so heartwarming about two 50-something year old men who, multiple times, bring up the fact that they're in-laws, that they're a family and that they're gonna be related because their SONS are about to marry eachother.
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for season 4, fourteenth episode "Tongues Out" which originally aired on April 25, 2023. The episode was written by Bob Goodman and directed by Keith Tripler. Spoilers ahead!
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This episode was wild from beginning to end. The stuff with Owen and Paul going all Scooby Doo Mysteries was pretty fun but it's actually Tommy's plot that takes the cake for me. I'm all about saving the best for last so let's talk about Owen first.
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We pick up where we left off with the whole Owen dating a married woman who may or may not have killed her husband. Owen meets with his soon to be in-law, Gabriel Reyes (Benito Martinez) and is shown Brett Collier's autopsy report. Apparently prior to him freezing to death he was administered a paralyzing neurotoxin. Owen learns that Brett wasn't Kendra's first husband. Her first husband was a man named Logan Daniels. Their marriage was short-lived due to Logan falling over the balcony outside their hotel suite. Kendra insisted she had nothing to do with his death but Logan's parents suspected she killed him. With two husbands dead, it appears that Kendra Harrington (Michaela McManus) may be a black widow. Gabriel tells Owen to watch his back but the latter insists he has ended things with Ms. Harrington. 
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Owen returns to the firehouse and is accosted by Kendra who tells him she is the primary suspect in Brett's death. Owen lets on he knows about her first husband and Kendra says everything he's been told is a lie. She insists what happened to Logan Daniels was a terrible accident which she had nothing to do with. Owen points out that it looks super suspicious that both her husbands are dead under mysterious circumstances. Kendra counters that she had nothing to gain by killing her husband. Owen finally tells her he believes her and encourages her to turn off her phone since the Texas Rangers are trying to get in touch with her. 
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We then get a funny scene that only exists to remind us viewers that Paul is the most perceptive character on the show. When his pudding cup goes missing, Paul believes either Marjan, Mateo, Nancy, TK or Carlos is to blame. Paul accuses Carlos and our resident police officer admits to eating the pudding cup. Paul ends up getting recruited by Captain Strand to investigate the potential murder of Brett Collier in hopes of clearing Kendra's name. What's particularly funny about this is that once again, Carlos - the actual cop on this show - is sidelined in favor of another character with zero law enforcement background. We've seen this happen so many times and it makes me wonder, is Carlos Reyes a shitty cop? We very rarely, if ever, get to see him do police stuff and when we do finally get to see him do some police stuff he usually gets overshadowed by another character, namely Owen. Remember the missing little girl last season? Carlos solved that mystery yet Owen is the one who saves the day. Oh, and then there was the whole swatting situation involving the online gamer which he teamed up with Grace to solve and the result of that is Sergeant Athena Grant (Angela Bassett) making the arrest. I still believe one of the biggest missteps of the show is making Owen Strand a firefighter instead of a cop. Imagine if Owen Strand was chief of police and Carlos was one of his subordinates. TK could still be a firefighter and maybe Judd could be captain of the 126. We could still have our Tarlos romance with the added tension of Owen being Carlos' boss.
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Anywho, I digress. Paul puts his detective skills to good use and we learn that Brett actually administered the neurotoxin himself. It was Brett trying to kill Kendra and not the other way around. His first attempt was disabling the brakes on her vehicle. When that backfired, he tried lacing a bottle of wine with insecticide. Unfortunately since he was working with one arm, he spilled some of the insecticide on his hand which was then absorbed through his skin. He then got in the cryotherapy chamber and froze to death because he was unable to get out of the machine due to being paralyzed. Kendra's name is cleared but she is poisoned when she drinks from the wine bottle Brett gave her for her birthday. Owen performs CPR on her and ends up getting poisoned as well. When he comes to, he is in a hospital room. Kendra, TK, Carlos, and Paul are present at his bedside. Gabriel Reyes drops by to apologize to Owen for being justifiably angry at him. I'm sorry but I don't think Gabriel was wrong about what he said to Owen. Some would argue that Gabriel should've never shared police information with Owen in the first place but I think he was coming from a place of this man is the father of the man my son is marrying and we're going to be family. Owen really nutted up by compromising an ongoing investigation which could have resulted in Gabriel losing his job so I don't think he should've gone easy on Owen. 
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Now let's talk about Tommy's storyline. Tommy Vega is still seeing Pastor Trevor Parks (DB Woodside) and regularly attends a bible study he leads along with her daughters and Grace Ryder. When Grace overhears a few gossipy church ladies insinuating Tommy and Trevor are doing something inappropriate, she tells her friend. Tommy is pretty chill about it and when Grace asks if she and Trevor have been intimate, she doesn't exactly give an answer. Now this is the part I found a wee bit unbelievable. Tommy and Grace are besties. Tommy is Grace's girl and vice-versa. These two have weathered a lot of storms together. Grace and Judd's accident. Tommy losing Charles and then hooking up with his brother, Julius. I would like to think that if there's anyone on the planet Tommy can be candid with regardly her romantic and sex life, it's Grace Ryder. I get the point the episode is trying to make. Regardless of what Tommy and Trevor are doing behind closed doors, it's no one's business. Yes, he may be a minister, a man of God, but he's still a man and therefore subject to the same follies as any other man. However, it's odd that Grace doesn't know more details about Tommy and Trevor's romance. 
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Unfortunately, Trevor isn't as chill about the idle gossip as Tommy is and he worries about his reputation. Trevor reveals the reason he left his last church and relocated to Austin, TX with his daughter. His ex-wife cheated on him with the choir director. The elders at the church removed him from his pastoral position because they believed him unfit to preside over their congregation since he couldn't even control his own marriage, How humiliating! And disgusting! Church people, I swear! As someone who grew up in the church, the Baptist church, something like this happening totally tracks with things I've seen. The worst part is that I totally get where Trevor is coming from. I just hate that Tommy's the collateral damage. Gina Torres does an amazing job in the scene where Trevor breaks up with Tommy. You could really feel how utterly heartbroken she was. This is the second heartbreak Tommy has endured since we met her in season two.
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The best moment of the episode is when Tommy arrives at church looking like the Dark Phoenix in a stunning red pantsuit. Tommy walks down the center aisle drawing the attention of the entire congregation and commandeers the pulpit. She reads a scripture about gossipers and delivers a scathing speech to those who have judged her. 
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Tommy: "Keep thou tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile. Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy. The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart, him I will not endure. Which is what I think is God's way of saying, 'If you can't say anything nice, keep your damn mouth shut'."
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Cue me clutching my imaginary pearls! Tommy went off on those two old ladies and the best part of all is she called them by name. That's what I'm talking about, Tommy Vega! Tommy talks about how there is so much tragedy and meanness in the world and everyday she is fighting it. She says those things should be left outside the moment they all walk through the church doors. She then says that she shouldn't have to deal with negativity at church but if negativity comes her way, she will deal with it. She will not be shamed and she will not be driven from church. It should be noted that Grace, Judd and Trevor's daughter, Melody, are all in support of what Tommy is saying as well as most of the other churchgoers. When she finishes, she tells Trevor he can have the pulpit back and he kisses her. This is his way of letting her and the rest of the congregation know that he loves her. The congregation breaks out in applause and we have the end of our episode. 
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I really liked this episode. I thought both plots were great. It was nice getting to see Paul shine a bit more. I also love any occasion where we get to see the Tommy and Grace friendship. I found Owen endearing in this episode. Sometimes I have mixed feelings when Owen goes into detective mode but the writers made a great decision when they put Paul in the mix. I still think that moments like this render Carlos useless. We're four seasons into this show and at this point Carlos is there to be TK's fiance and someone who plays Settlers of Catan with the rest of the JV squad. I sort of got the impression that we'd see Carlos exploring becoming a detective this season after the amazing detective work he did last season but we've gotten nothing on that front. I like Carlos as a character. He provides some much-needed Latinx and gay representation to this show. However, what's the point of having him as a police officer when we rarely get to see him save the day. What makes things even worse is that his 9-1-1 counterpart, Athena Grant, is always saving the day. Anywho, enough about that. The episode was pretty great and it's definitely one worth rewatching. We only have a few episodes left this season so I'm pretty excited to see how things end. Until next time ...
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lonestardust · 1 year
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Reyes side-eyeing Strand. S4E14.
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
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beansschool · 1 year
Thought tonight was the Robert episode and got too excited rip.
Don't get me wrong, fascinated by this Kendra storyline and I'm always here for Tommy content but like I am a sucker for family bonding ok
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katefaith18 · 3 years
Eddie Diaz × Evan "Buck" Buckley
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"Cause you've got me and you know
That I've got you and I know
If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to hold ya
And if the sky falls from Heaven above
Oh, I know I had the best time fallin' into love
We've been livin' on a fault line
And for a while, you were all mine
I've spent a lifetime givin' you my heart
I swear that I'll be yours forever, 'til forever falls apart
'Til forever falls apart"
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Personally i really am not interested in a Bobby relapse storyline. Give him something different, please. But i fear i‘m not that lucky. My absolute horror scenario is Bobby gets suspended because of the relapse and Owen Strand takes over for as long as Bobbly is gone. Why Owen you asked? Because LS could get canceled.
Hey Nonnie
Thanks so much for the laugh - you horror scenario is never going to happen so you can definitely rest easy on that front. LS isn't going to be cancelled and even if it were, they wouldn't move Owen over to 911 OG - never going to happen in a million years!
The thing with the possible relapse storyline is that it is reflective of real life - sobriety is a hard fought battle that has to be fought every single day of the life of anyone who struggle with addiction of any kind. its not something that ever goes away, so exploring that through Bobby is actually very powerful!
There are lots of options for how they could explore any relapse as well - it could be that Bobby doesn't relapse, but struggles with his demons in a far more full on way than we've seen up to now, or he could struggle to not relapse. It could be that the actual relapse itself is brief and its more about the journey after a relapse. This time he will also have a big family behind him and to help him - bigger than he did after the plane crash in S1 and definitely bigger than he had in St Paul.
He has Athena and the kids first and foremost and Athena is not going to let him go down - she will be by his side doing all she can to support him and fighting with him. there is actually a potentially incredibly interesting story to tell for Athena as well. Then there is Hen and Chim and Buck and Eddie - all of who will be there for him in their own ways - providing the same support for him that he has provided them.
Not to mention that Bobbys spiral may very well coincide with a Buck spiral and playing them off against each other could be very interesting - especially because Buck sees Bobby as a father figure and there are so many similarities between then that I think we are only just starting to realise - and that I think will become more obvious in 5x18 with the falling engine rescue because I very much see it as a parallel to Bucks crane rescue from 4x14!
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
I haven’t seen anyone else mention the mri and I am!! So nervous!! If they give Bobby cancer or some shit after his arc in s1 thinking he was dying and then seasons of recovery from his headspace I’m actually going to riot
believe me, anon, i'm also very concerned about the mri asjdfhd something about it felt quite pointed? like the way they mentioned his leg hurting and how bobby insisted he didn't need it until may argued back. i would really hope they wouldn't go down the route of cancer or anything like that just because 911 is ultimately a show about hope and redemption so i can't imagine them having bobby suffer to a great extent (like if they did it at all i'd imagine it as something similar to owen's storyline in s1 of LS)
tbh what my mind went to was him getting shot in 4x14 because like. that happened askdjfh and with all the parallels between bobby and eddie this season and how the shooting was ultimately the beginning of eddie's unravelling it would be interesting if something about it causes issues for bobby now??? because bobby getting shot was very much secondary in comparison to eddie and almost a non-entity?? so if it suddenly came back to haunt bobby in a subtler way (like internal damage or something that could've been impacted by the ceiling collapse) than it did eddie, it could offer some incredible parallels
whatever happens though, i firmly believe he'll be okay at the end of it all!! hopefully we're just overreacting lmao 💗
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whatisbraincells · 1 year
Owen Strand: I am involved in a crime investigation
Owen Strand: I will be…
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
SNEAK PEEK [HD]: Someone Ate Paul's Chocolate Pudding | 911: LONE STAR S4 E14 - “Tongues Out”
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
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RAFAEL SILVA with director Keith Tripler on the set of 911: LONE STAR S4 E14 - “Tongues Out”
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
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