#AA ink soulmate au
azherwind-art · 7 months
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Ink Soulmate au Pt.3
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Here we go indeed
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slayergroupie0128 · 4 years
K-pop Mafia Au Fic Recs
These are my favorites and I hope everyone will love them as much as I do. 💋💋
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ishipallthings · 6 years
Steve/Tony Fic Recs: Soulmates (Part 2)
Here you go guys, more soulmate fics to enjoy!! 
Here’s Part 1 of soulmate recs for your reference :)
Remember to leave kudos and comments for your hard-working authors!
To Strike A Match by 51stCenturyFox:  The marks that appeared on nearly every human one day weren’t very obvious -- a pattern resembling the whorl of a fingerprint and almost as unique, on the inner wrist, tinted the color of coal-black ink. Almost as unique, because everyone was supposed to have a match somewhere on earth, and when the match was found, with a solid press of bared wrist to wrist, mark to mark, the pattern disappeared.
Communication and the Lack Thereof by AetherSprite (AranthianPrincess):
An inconsequential touch during the attack on the Helicarrier is all it takes to send both Steve and Tony's lives spiraling out of control. While one tries to bury the truth, the other will stop at nothing to uncover it. And, while they have their own private battle of wills, a new supervillain is leading the Avengers on a merry chase.
Love is a wish your disgruntled (future) boyfriend makes by shetlandowl (@shetlandowl​): 
Tony wakes up to a world he doesn't recognize, to a life he doesn't want, with someone he really can't stand. How much worse could it possibly get?
In All the World by wallhaditcoming: In a world where Sentinels, people with five heightened senses, bond mentally and spiritually with Guides, people gifted with empathetic powers, Tony Stark has spent thirty-three years overwhelmed by the emotions of those around him and running from his own. 
Sentinel Steve Rogers wakes up sixty years out of his own time and struggles to deal with the massive amount of new sensory input while trying to find his footing in a New York very different from the one he knew. When they finally find each other, how will their bond change them?
Afterheat by Jay Tryfanstone (tryfanstone): Steve's tucked up in bed with the radio and a book, the lights dimmed and the moon shining in through the blinds, when sudden as an air-raid siren he hears an unearthly yowl....
After All by MusicalLuna (@musicalluna): The voice in Tony's head is not his own.
Time Bomb by Winterstar: Soulmates might be the way for the universe to balance itself out, but Steve and Tony aren’t sure about the end result.
Home (Is Wherever I'm With You) by wolfstarheart: Tony Stark's timer was stuck at zero. Tony Stark didn't have a soulmate. At least, that's what he thought. Then Steve woke up.
There Is What I Believe (And Then There Is You) by Pandemic:
Tony knows, when he’s beaten and bloody on the locker room floor watching Steve through the eye not crusted over with blood, that he will never love anyone as fiercely as he does Steve Rogers.
Stand Back, I'm Going To Try Science by Good_News_Everyone:
Soulmates are a rare and cherished thing, a simple touch of hands bringing love that lasts forever. By all the rules of romance, they're meant to wait for each other and to trust in the vagaries of fate to bring them together.
Tony's never been good at waiting, and when he has science on his side, who needs fate? (IM:AA)
Home by america_chavez: Tony then promised himself he would find his soulmate, even if it took him 70 years. He didn’t want to turn out like Howard, unhappy and bitter for the rest of his life. He would find the one meant to be with him. He would find home.AU where everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. (AA)
The Truth of It Is by nightwalker (@onemuseleft): You can't lie to your soulmate, everyone knows that. Tony's always thought it was just hype until he tries to sass Steve and the words freeze in his throat. (616)
Amor Fati by citsiurtlanu: Tony Stark has always known what the words on his wrist are supposed to lead to. What he's never known is who the words are for. 616 soulmate AU.  (616)
love and other lies by laireshi (@laireshi​): “You can lie to me,” Steve notes very carefully.“That doesn't mean I don't lo—” Tony stops himself.
love will tear us apart by laireshi (@laireshi​): Soulmates don't exist.
The Words Don't Matter (We Break Them Anyway Remix) by laireshi:
I remember falling in love with you. I remember waiting for you. I remember the first time I saw you.
Not: I remember what you've done to me, I remember the unforgivable.
colours by laireshi (@laireshi​): Steve draws in charcoal, sometimes thinking of how it would be to see colours. Everyone’s heard the legends, myths, stories; every person who’s found their soulmate has exclaimed in wonder, looking around. But it’s not something that could be described. 
He doesn't see it for himself, not until he meets Iron Man.
polychrome (the world revolves around an axis remix) by magicasen (@einheriar​): 
Tony doesn't see colors until he meets Captain America.
Slipping off the Page into Your Hands by Sineala (@sineala):
Soulmates have their first words to each other written on their wrists. This should make it easy. For Steve and Tony, it is anything but. Steve's problem is that the future he has awoken into is nothing he was ever expecting: he has a soulmate now. Who might be a robot. And if his soulmate is Iron Man, how can he be so attracted to Tony Stark? It should be impossible. Tony's problem is that he is Iron Man, his soulmate is a man whom he in no way deserves, and he is going to fight everything in his heart and do his best to make sure Steve never, ever finds out the whole truth. 
Follow in Your Footsteps by Sineala (@sineala​): When Tony is twelve, his soulmate's name appears on his wrist. Unfortunately, it's hard to find out anything at all about Steve Rogers.
It turns out there's a reason for that. (616)
Nothing Else but Miracles (An Ancient Secrets and New-born Dreams Remix) by Muccamukk (@muccamukk): 
In the rough and tumble of the Lower East Side, the only constants in Steve's life are the solid black letters of the name on his wrist. Because even with the law and society against them, his world falling apart piece by piece, and his search for his soulmate taking him to stranger and wilder places, Steve has faith that finding Tony Stark is only a matter of time. (616)
Do It Over by Sineala (@sineala​): The last words your soulmate says to you are written on your skin, and you won't know who they are until they die. 
The thing is, Steve and Tony die a lot. (616)
Never Too Late for Love by Sineala (@sineala​): 
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one.
Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in.
And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark. (Ults)
multiverse steve/tony soulmate au by @theappleppielifestyle:
Tony goes over the data eight times before he lets himself think it, and then goes over the data another four times to get the courage to tell Steve about it.
Over and over, in too many forms to count, Tony watches versions of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers fall for each other. It doesn’t end well sometimes, it doesn’t start well almost all the time, and no matter the version there’s always an abundance of screaming arguments, but there’s- there’s always love between them, always overwhelming and always happening, no matter the circumstances.
your words are the last words you say to your soulmate by @theappleppielifestyle: 
It’s always seemed cruel, to Steve: the fact they’d only know someone was their soulmate at the very last second, if at all. 
'fuck off' in block capitals as their words by @theappleppielifestyle:
Tony is minding his own damn business when a blond bombshell walks into the coffee shop and starts ordering just as Tony’s finishing his latte.
From the back he doesn’t seem like much, bean-pole skinny, dangerously skinny, the kind of thin that makes Tony distantly think about the guy being malnourished. His hair is messy, his clothes are cheap and wrinkled-
Then the guy turns around with his weirdly big hands around a takeaway coffee and Tony thinks whoa, eyes.
the voice in your head is your soulmate’s by @theappleppielifestyle:
Tony is forty-three, tired, in a business meeting and bored out of his mind when a voice vertebrates through his head, panic and shock griefgriefgrief bleeding through: I had a date.
matching soulmate marks by @theappleppielifestyle:
When Tony sees it, he drops his damn coffee.
Steve jumps at the noise, whirling around and frowning when he sees it’s just Tony with a broken mug on the floor, coffee spilling in all directions.
soulmate au where first skin contact burns by @theappleppielifestyle:
Tony’s never understood it: the first touch of a soulmate would burn the both of you. He understands, conceptually, that it’s the permanence of it- burns turn to scaring, it means that their touch is seared into your skin forever, but Tony never got why it had to be a burn, let alone one deep enough to scar permanently.
heterochromia soulmate au by @theappleppielifestyle: 
A lot of people have blue eyes.
His mother tells him this, hand too tight on his shoulder as Tony watches his father storm back down to his workshop.
seeing the world in black/white soulmate au by @theappleppielifestyle:
The first colours Steve ever sees are the Iron Man colours, glossy red and gold, and Steve hears himself gasp, hears Iron Man’s modulated voice say, “Oh.”
Iron Man’s gauntlets shake as he takes off his helmet, and Steve blinks hard and the he’s looking into brown eyes, somehow more startling than the bright colours of the Iron Man suit.
soulmates are seen as a curse by @theappleppielifestyle:
He had asked his Ma once, before her hair had started falling out, why it was considered a bad thing, and she had hesitated, her gaze falling on the ever-covered name on his arm.
“The thing about soulmates is it can either go very, very well or very, very badly,” she had said eventually, her hands on his shoulders. “It can- Steve, big things happen, with soulmates. World-changing things, always. Together, soulmates can- they either break the world, or build it better than it ever was. But people are so used to the first that they daren’t hope for the latter, we’ve had too many-”
soulmates switch bodies for a day by @theappleppielifestyle:
Tony wakes up to the sound of someone banging on the door, and he’s halfway through groaning ‘fuck off’ when he realizes his voice isn’t his voice and it’s his birthday, he’s eighteen today, and that means he’s switched with his soulmate when they’re eighteen-
He bolts upright in bed, and a weirdly familiar voice on the other side of the door yells, “COME ON AND OPEN UP, I HAVE FIVE BUCKS ON WHETHER YOU’RE A BEAUTIFUL DAME OR NOT,” and Tony spares a look down his soulmate’s body, which, wow, thin, and very male, Howard will not be pleased- before going and opening the door.
soulmates have numbers counting down on their wrists by @theappleppielifestyle: 
Tony’s number has been zero, has always been a zero and has never changed from that. A lot of people have zeroes from birth, but red numbers usually appear sometime during their childhood, the numbers blinking hotly into existence meaning their soulmate has been born.
handwriting on your skin soulmate au by @lightshadowverisimilitude:
Tony had been writing on his skin his entire life. Sure, most people wrote on themselves occasionally, just to see if someone would write back. Tony had started doing it mostly to tick Dad off, but he’d found that it was a surprisingly good medium for record-keeping. 
When he was seven, he’d taken a sharpie to the inside of his left forearm and wrote Are you there?
“you have a black stain where your soulmate is supposed to touch you for the first time and it turns to millions of colors once they do” au by @goodmorningbeloved: 
There are hand-shaped marks inked into Tony’s waist, pinky-to-thumb with a brush of the palms. He doesn’t realize the implications of this until his first time with someone, and it’s messy and imperfect and unmemorable but they get him on all fours and grip his waist for leverage. 
The contact sends a jolt of panic through Tony, and he’s shoving them off and scrambling to the bathroom before his partner can blink.
Growth by @lackofcooperation: Pepper’s tattoo is on her hip. Well, the one that isn’t faded yet. There are five dull, grey ones scattered across her body, seemingly random and different in shape and size, but what do they matter? They’re done.  It’s over. 
The only one she looks at these days are the sunglasses on her hip. They’re big. Obnoxiously big and shiny and she knows who they’re for, of course she knows.
If anyone wants a rec list, hit me up in my inbox! Previous rec lists are here.  
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azherwind-art · 3 months
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Ink Soulmate au Pt.7
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Phoenix is handling this very well, also if u want to already read next part consider checking out patreon for early access!
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azherwind-art · 2 months
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Ink Soulmate au Pt.8
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Phoenix has this under control, clearly!
Also if you want to read ahead you can go to patreon!
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azherwind-art · 4 months
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Ink Soulmate au Pt.6
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Someone is having a realization
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azherwind-art · 7 months
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Ink Soulmate au Pt.4
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Phoenix was jus trying to tell a little story
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azherwind-art · 14 days
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Ink Soulmate AU Pt.9
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He's handling this well for sure If you want to read the next episode ahead consider checking Patreon!
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azherwind-art · 6 months
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It's always fun to draw them, soulmate au is still ongoing!
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azherwind-art · 7 months
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Soulmate Ink au pt.4 is now on patreon! I'm having fun with this one but I also wonder a lot how does it feel, like I'm trying a bit less of comedy, the format is more square and page like...
Anyway! Consider checking it out if you feel like it
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azherwind-art · 3 months
Quick question about your soulmate au : Is Gregory still alive and if so what else has changed from the original AA timeline?
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Von Karma is still around and kicking but since his case against Gregory some of his reputation is still on the decline despite his perfect record, he is also very annoyed at the notorious talent Gregory's son has showed and pushes Franziska to be better Without Mile's influence around her to ease her she will grow up to be more serious and ruthless than before with a harboring resentment against Miles because of Von Karma (The feeling is not mutual whatsoever) Miles's assigned prosecutor is Paine for the upcoming case
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azherwind-art · 3 months
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The whole way the soulmate things work will be discussed further in the story as the people involved do put into question how it works, and society has created a whole set of meanings and interpretations of importance with the subject For example Larry is a stern believer of soulmates and finds it poetic and romantic while Edgeworth is way more skeptical and dismissive about it There is a veil of mysticism on how it works over all, it's also why the characters in Phoenix's play are extra "meant to be" cus the protagonists get their ink connection since they are very young
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