prettyboysmlm · 1 year
not ace attorney making me cry at midnight
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beatcroc · 1 year
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there's no way the bathroom at peppino's pizza is actually that big but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . hey ummm anyway.... i care them...... anyway there's a lil ramble on my take on fake pep's like psyche or whatever in tags on the og post if ur into that kinda thing :y
hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette] [peppino]<- u are here [gustavo] [gerome] [noisette again]
#ramble after realtags yeag. shoutout to serrangelic btw suggesting the silhouettes thing bc i would have Died otherwise#pizza tower#peppino spaghetti#fake peppino#gustavo and brick#arting#pizzaposting#so anyway i think fake peppino has like. a general awareness that he is supposed to Be Peppino and that he was Made to do that#and likewise he does generally try to...do that. the thing he does NOT realize is hes like really goddamn bad at it#not to be mean but like...c'mon. they are pretty distinctly different kinds of guys even beyond the physiology yknow.#he's neither on-brand nor fooling anyone dsjdsjjkgfsd. BUT!#since the rest of the cast generally likes him [at least as I play it] he thinks hes doing just fine#he's like 'oh they r happy with me so i must be getting a good grade in being peppino :)'#so getting told that 'yeah you actually really suck at that but that was never the reason people liked you'#and told that by og model peppino no less--yknow THE guy he's supposed to be living up to#who's already a bit intimidating for that and who ALSO totally wrecked him TWICE in the tower#making him acutely familiar with just how formidable the guy is and how much there IS to live up to....#it's a Moment for sure. not really a sad or hurt one though. just... contemplative.#thinking abt people liking him for being the guy he's already naturally been being even though that guy is Not Peppino#i don't think he's gonna be super broken up about realizing he has a bad grade in peppino given everything else hes got now#nor do i really think he cares enough to go like reinvent himself or whatever after the fact#he seems to b pretty clearly having fun with it already so i think he just keeps doing that#and in some cases he still has the pre-installed peppino traits/instincts like to cooka da pizza. and that's fine#is this projection. yes. but if youve been following me awhile you know most of my character writing is ghdhfdgf#gonna kinda expand on all this in the gerome one which is...one after next. itll be a bit but man.#anyway peppino will never admit to anyone and especially not himself that he's gotten a little attached to the guy. hee hoo#pep tends to be kinda surly but he certainly has his ways of showing he cares. all of which are on display here#''that thing is not my son'' says man currently watching thing's antics with the 'bemused dad' arms crossed pose. yeah ok buddy.#gus is totally onto him already but hes not gonna say anything.#if u read all this ur prize is not having to go decode fp's rot13. his lines are ''meant to be you...?'' and ''wrong question.''
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sugaldean · 1 month
When you see the d20 cast being ""annoyed"" at each other or fucking scream at each other for some decisions they took
It is not an invitation to us the audience to bash the cast. They are friends who know each other and respect each other boundaries
We are thousands of people potentially screaming the exact same thing at them. On loop. They don't know us. And we don't know them
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Every time I see people reduce Franziska von Karma to "haha bitchy immature lady with a whip" I get viscerally angry.
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sereinreality · 4 months
i went back to rewatch the law vs vergo fight and now knowing law’s story it makes everything feel so personal.
- both doffy and vergo keep using childish demeaning terms for law (calling him a kid or “squirt”)
- vergo is insistent that law uses “-san” for him
- doffy taunts him by saying “do you remember what happened last time? you pissed vergo off and then what happened? it must have been traumatic. you probably can’t forget it. you must be afraid of vergo.”
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leolaroot · 1 year
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no YOU need to clean YOUR mirror
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sassy-stupid · 9 months
Seeing some people really hate on authors and call their writing shitty just cuz they would've done things differently is... really funny actually. Don't we preach that in general we can write however we want? Why would that only be for us?
Just say you don't like the writing and make your fanfiction to fix it. That's how we do. There's no reason to hate on the person who literally created your faves.
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oh my god, i love your MH time travel idea. did you have any other ideas for it??
(Referring to this!)
Warning, this may be… Incomprehensible. I just have a lot of ideas and they aren’t fully fleshed out so I’m just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. Hope you like a wall full of spaghetti, Anon!
- While going back in time reverses the physical effects that Operator Sickness had, they all still carry the trauma of its effects and what happened during it, so while only Tim is experiencing symptoms (though currently managing them with his medication), they aren’t completely off scot-free.
- I imagine it takes them a minute to realize exactly how many people woke up with memories of the previous timeline. I feel like Brian would want to tell someone and that someone would end up being Tim and then they’d both realize they remembered and compare notes
- I HC Seth and Sarah as roommates so they immediately find out as well. Amy and Jessica too. Pretty much the only person that thinks they’re in this alone at first is Jay but fortunately that doesn’t last too long because maybe Brian starts trying to subtly figure out if anyone else has any memories by asking questions only someone who knew would know, and finally Tim, Jay, Brian, Seth, and Sarah all realize they’re on the same page.
- Imagine their shock and suspicion when they realize Alex is not. Further suspicion that only grows when Amy and Jessica show up meaning Alex is the only one who doesn’t remember. Maybe they try and test him to see if he’s faking it and if he’ll slip up.
- He doesn’t. Alex really doesn’t remember anything.
- There are… Lots of things to work out. Not just with where to go next but there’s still some animosity within the group and especially regarding the members of ToTheArk. Influenced by an otherworldly being or not, it’s still something they need to resolve. Not to mention, Amy points out that Alex was influenced too, an argument that keeps being brought up because nobody really knows what to think. Alex killed people, but how much of that was Alex and how much of it was something else entirely?
- Meanwhile, Alex just really wanted to work on his film but while he can location scout and work on the script all he wants, without actors, it’s not really gonna go anywhere, and his actors keep finding excuses to put it off.
- Alex has no idea what’s going on with everyone because Tim and Jay are polite at best and usually tense around him, Jessica keeps looking at him like she doesn’t know what to think, Brian can’t seem to make up his mind, Seth and Sarah flat out refuse to be in a room alone with him, even Amy is acting distant. He feels like he’s missing something but he doesn’t know what and nobody is telling him. All the conversations he catches sound like nonsense too so he’s pretty much completely in the dark too.
- Since Alex is out and about location scouting, he ends up catching the early stages of Operator Sickness. The next time he gets into a coughing fit in front of any of them, they freak out and Alex doesn’t get why.
- The arguments get worse. They can’t tell if Alex is doomed to repeat the cycle and if they need to take him out in order to prevent it, or if they can make sure he doesn’t turn out the same this time
- Being around Alex makes them all conflicted. Because this Alex is the Alex that they became friends with in the first place and they missed this version of him a lot but it’s one thing to miss it and another thing to get it back, especially considering a good chunk of them last remember dying because of him before waking up in the past. They don’t know if they can trust him, or if they’ll just get hurt all over again if they get attached
- Their distance from Alex causes a lot of internal issues for Alex himself. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out he’s the odd man out here, and the problem they have. He just doesn’t understand why and it’s frustrating but whenever he gets frustrated, it just drives them all further away and makes it worse. He doesn’t know what to do.
- Then maybe (still deciding on when), one day, Alex wakes up. And he remembers everything and understands better than ever. He doesn’t blame them. He didn’t help them at all in the end. But maybe he can now.
- In order to stop the sickness, it’s best to cut it off at the source. Alex doesn’t know what he can do against a monster like that but since it no longer has such a tight hold over him, he can do something this time. He has to do something. And if he dies trying? Then at the very least, it can’t use him against them anymore.
- While Alex does try to stand up to the Operator, it goes rather poorly. Fortunately, someone finds him unconscious somewhere (maybe Brian), drags him back to one of their apartments, and they have a talk when he wakes up. They’re still not the most comfortable around him but suffice to say, Alex regaining his memories and immediately choosing to attempt to fight the Operator proves that he’s not gonna repeat the same mistakes twice, solving that matter at the very least.
- Cue a whole lot of healing while attempting to figure out a way to get rid of a creature beyond their understanding
That’s about what I got! Again, just spitballed ideas, definitely needs some more fine tuning but it’s a start. Hope you enjoyed!
Also ty for the Ask, I love rambling about funny little AUs and it gives me all the more reason to :)
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shane madej really is the funniest guy ever for having his claim to fame be cohosting a show about true crime/the supernatural when he a. does not like true crime and b. does not believe in anything supernatural
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zoanzon · 1 year
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I had a day, y’all
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
Top 5 Rodrigos
1. Ettore Bastianini because of course
2. Mario Sereni
3. Paolo Silveri
4. Mariusz Kwiecień and Etienne Dupuis*
5. Tito Gobbi
#*to be entirely fair. I don't think (especially in Mariusz's case) the role suits them vocally especially in the heavier parts#(though Mariusz gets a big gold star for his amazing showstopping etc trills + singing that last phrase in the quartett in falsetto)#if i were to *only listen* to the opera id probably skip them. BUT.#both of them have put their entire goddamn pussy into delivering us the gayest and suave and heartwrenching Rodrigo#and i could (and have) look(ed) at them playing him for hours on end and never get bored and every time have my heart broken in pieces#so they absolutely belong on this list. bless them. i will never not lament over the fact that Mariusz quit singing and withdrew from that#roh don carlo that was supposed to have fabiano and furlanetto (and i think even rachvelishvili) in the cast too. but it was 2020#so it wouldn't have taken place anyway since. oh well.#Sereni and Silveri have two of the most beautiful baritone voices I've ever heard and honestly they fit Posa so well. Sereni especially.#he acts so well with his voice. he's so passive-aggresively suave with eboli in the letter trio and so energetic and agitated in restate.#i really really love his rodrigo. the recording also features Corelli (whom i love to the moon and back but i wanna strangle him when#he goes for the high C at the end of his moments with Rodrigo instead of going down with him and finishing on the same note together)#and Hines who is an amazing Filippo. and one of the very best Ebolis Ive ever heard. Irene Dalis. she's THE star of this recording honestly#and it would be one of the greatest Don Carlo recordings ever if not for the Elisabetta who sucks so much like honestly. eww.#and Gobbi. Im not his greatest fan in general but he clearly wants to fuck Rodrigo and it shows in his singing so. A+#also his Rodrigo is so overwhelmingly gentle and so elegant and makes me wanna ashsjsdk i really just want to kiss his forehead and hug him#Bastianini I don't need to explain ofc#don carlo#ask
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yoohyeon · 1 year
#i was litterally loosing sleep over this bitch#she has covid and so is her son and she may have give it to my grandma before she tested positive#so does*#so they cancelled the day 😌#i mean I’m honestly really sad that I can see my grand mother cause I haven’t seen her in a year and half#exactly cause my aunt is always there and I fucking hate her#my dad said we are suppose to go on the first instead so I’m still not save for this goddamn meeting but at least I’m safe for another week😭#i wished my grandma was okay so we spent the day with her and not my aunt and I don’t have to see her again but yeah whatever I guess 😔#also my grandma already had covid once so I’m sure she’s gonna be okay I’m not so worried at least#i felt sick all week just to imagine myself there in the same room as her#her being all happy and act like she such a great person that never did anything wrong just cause my dad talk to her again#and my dad only talk to her cause their parents were sick most of this year and my grandpa sadly passed away#he would talk to her if it wasn’t the case#i was so mad the other day when my dad told me he buy her gifts for Christmas too cause she did so much for grandpa when he died#my dad did a lot too like maybe she helped but does he remember how disgusting she been all this year especially to me#at least my fave holiday is safe for now I don’t care about new year I’m already traumatized by the first and second of January cause of her#wether she’s there or not she already ruined for me 3 years ago#thé 31st is what is important to me cause I’m having fun with people that actually like me unlike her#I wish my dad and my grandma realized how she hurt me and how much seeing her again hurts me to the point I’m not even visiting my grandma#but they never will and will think I’m exaggerating….#I don’t get how Christmas always been my fave holiday and now I feel nothing so many people ruined it for me#I’m so goddamn sad#at least I’ll see my brother and we gonna have fun like the last 2 Christmas :(#and I’m seeing my fave family members on the 25th on my mom side well some of them#and I’m so damn sad I don’t see half of them but better than nothing I guess 🙃#last I’m sorry for not coming for days and get depress HFJDBDJD#i Needed to get this out of my chest and I’m tired to talk about that to my bestie she heard it enough :’)))#alex.txt#tw death mention
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astrxealis · 2 years
the way that ffxiv music can reduce me to tears in a matter of. seconds
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rosymorns · 2 years
today i have been giving ted talks in my room about how people who say they dont like country music are Phucking Stupit. 
#i see it on tiktok all the goddamn time where people will hear a song like forever and ever amen and be like#'ohhh this is the one kind of country music that is good :)' NO YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!!#look the theory that 9/11 ruined country music has been popularized and i agree with it. but people didn't like country music BEFORE 9/11.#it's been seen as poor people/white trash/stupid/redneck music since before it was called country music in-fact.#if you're my age or older you probably remember when you'd ask someone what kind of music they liked and if they sucked they'd answer:#'everything but rap and country'#like 'i have no personality but i want to draw a firm line between me and black people and poor/rural white people who are lesser than me'#and i mean it was never really the case that people actually hated rap. i associate that most strongly w like 2008#and most of the top 100 songs of 2008 were *songs by rappers* that everyone knew all the words to.#it was not about actually disliking the music it was about the social capital that your music taste gave you.#you really don't hear anyone under the age of 50 proudly proclaiming they don't like 'rap' these days. but COUNTRY?#im not saying racism Is All Fixed by ANY means but especially since 2016 the hatred white liberals have for poor/rural white folks is. well.#and my own daddy's a prime example. he'll swear up and down that he hates country music because it's what trump supporters listen 2#but he loves patsy cline. like she's not the queen of country.#WHATEVER. read rednecks queers and country music by nadine hubbs.#carly.txt
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some-other-number · 2 days
gonna be honest not only do I begin to not trust anyone engaging with that post like that but I don't even think y'all understood the post concerned about potential collateral damage of revolutionary action and hospitals. you sound incredibly merciless and tunnel-visioned. which makes me think you're in no position to lead a revolt yet alone a country
#redboots speaks#I don't know about y'all anymore but I don't think any hospital anywhere should be put under that sort of nightmare#it's beginning to sound like an eye for an eye and that quite frankly will just continue a cycle of violence instead of#making anything better.#are y'all also forgetting especially in your comparisons that I will not mention by name in case this accidentally gets picked up in the ta#that it's not so much the revolutionaries that will be doing the damage but the state forces that will oppose any uprising?#is the actions of the ongoing genocide not a model shared? do you think that a violent movement will not garner that response?#y'all disgust me. that you think it'd be ok to ignore concern and dismiss anyone who isn't 100% for a plan that's running headfirst#into a goddamn brick wall. not to mention how y'all seem to speedrun the jacobin terror#even though disabled people are treated like dirt you still won't allow the thought of us mattering. we're just collateral for y'all#to cast aside into the fire. any effort to not make things worse is too much for y'all to consider#also none of you know what liberal means. using that as an insult on someone that is not a liberal cheapens that as an insult#and makes you look like a chud. as y'all like to say! deeply unserious#yeah I'm pissed. there is a risk that an improperly planned revolutionary action could result in a chain reaction#and I will not be able to get my medication and I will die slowly over the course of maybe six months. I don't know.#I'm already slowly starting to die because I've had to go without it and I am in severe amounts of distress because of what's happening#and y'all don't even think it's a risk worth taking seriously! how can i trust any one of you to actually care for people like me#I'm being selfish i know but goddamn it's better than borderline eugenicist rhetoric. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
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thistlecrimes · 6 months
Things I've learned from getting covid for the first time in 2023
I wear an N95 in public spaces and I've managed to dodge it for a long time, but I finally got covid for the first time (to my knowledge) in mid-late November 2023. It was a weird experience especially because I feel like it used to be something everyone was talking about and sharing info on, so getting it for the first time now (when people generally seem averse to talking about covid) I found I needed to seek out a lot of info because I wasn't sure what to do. I put so much effort into prevention, I knew less about what to do when you have it. I'm experiencing a rebound right now so I'm currently isolating. So, I'm making a post in the hopes that if you get covid (it's pretty goddamn hard to avoid right now) this info will be helpful for you. It's a couple things I already knew and several things I learned. One part of it is based on my experience in Minnesota but some other states may have similar programs.
The World Health Organization states you should isolate for 10 days from first having symptoms plus 3 days after the end of symptoms.
At the time of my writing this post, in Minnesota, we have a test to treat program where you can call, report the result of your rapid test (no photo necessary) and be prescribed paxlovid over the phone to pick up from your pharmacy or have delivered to you. It is free and you do not need to have insurance. I found it by googling "Minnesota Test to Treat Covid"
Paxlovid decreases the risk of hospitalization and death, but it's also been shown to decrease the risk of Long Covid. Long Covid can occur even from mild or asymptomatic infections.
Covid rebound commonly occurs 2-8 days after apparent recovery. While many people associate Paxlovid with covid rebound, researchers say there is no strong evidence that Paxlovid causes covid rebound, and rebounds occur in infections that were not treated with Paxlovid as well. I knew rebounds could happen but did not know it could take 8 days. I had mine on day 7 and was completely surprised by it.
If you start experiencing new symptoms or test positive again, the CDC states that you should start your isolation period again at day zero. Covid rebound is still contagious. Personally I'd suggest wearing a high quality respirator around folks for an additional 8-9 days after you start to test negative in case of a rebound.
Positive results on a rapid test can be very faint, but even a very faint line is positive result. Make sure to look at your rapid test result under strong lighting. Also, false negatives are not uncommon. If you have symptoms but test negative taking multiple tests and trying different brands if you have them are not bad ideas. My ihealth tests picked up my covid, my binax now tests did not.
EDIT: I'd highly suggest spending time with friends online if you can, I previously had a link to the NAMI warmline directory in this post but I've since been informed that NAMI is very much funded by pharmaceutical companies and lobbies for policies that take autonomy away from disabled folks, so I've taken that off of here! Sorry, I had no idea, the People's CDC listed them as a resource so I just assumed they were legit! Feel free to reply/reblog this with other warmlines/support resources if you know of them! And please reblog this version!
I know that there is so much we can't control as individuals right now, and that's frightening. All we can do is try our best to reduce harm and to care for each other. I hope this info will be able to help folks.
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