#ANYWAYS to bed I go byee
Thinking about the relationship between Tuvok and Vorik, and how despite following the same set of principles, they still have wildly different personalities. And they both know this. They know they're not compatible in that way and that if not for voyager, neither of them would interact with the other at all. But they also know that they're the only two vulcans still left on this ship.
And I know Tuvok might be able to cope with that given his friendship with Janeway and how close he's gotten with Neelix and well... everyone.
But Vorik? (This is all just projection cuz sadly we don't get to know much about him BUT-) imagine that voyager was his first posting, and he's just out here with little to no experience on humans and without having been able to form proper bonds yet or to fully learn to regulate his emotions, and he's trying so very hard to integrate but he doesn't quite know how.
And how Tuvok sees him and thinks 'ah yes, a child in need of guidance' but then notices how incompatible they are and so whenever the two interact it's just this quiet understanding of biologically, culturally- we are the same, but Respectfully I Do Not Like You
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mystickii · 2 years
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transminimoffs · 2 years
i do think intrusive thoughts are like. annoying. i will be doing dishes and i’ll pick up a knife and some asshole thought i’d like “what if you stabbed urself in the leg rn” like bro that’s not gonna help me at all. i’m still gonna have to wash these plates
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I would like to request more slasher x reader whos on the period and is just emotionally exhausted and does a fall hug on them and sighs 😞
I actually looked up period aesthetic on Pinterest 🤦‍♀️ (didn't work, I had to instead looked up blood stain aesthetic)
Ps: why the fuck did I think it was a good idea to put blood stains pictures here, and also this might be the last post for this week and the next week, since my exams are only one week away I really need to start focusing on my studies. I love you all, byee :)
Slashers in this are: Michael myers, sinclair brothers, Jason, and lastly, Billy and stu
Relationship: romantic!!
Slashers with exhausted reader on her cycle!
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Michael sat rested on the couch of your living room. Letting himself sink into the soft cushion. This day was particularly satisfactory by far... Except for one thing.
You were ignoring him. You've stayed in your room with food and a bunch of other stuff saying you were on your period, you've explained to him before and stuff. But that didn't give you the right to ignore him. What did he even do anyway?
Deciding thinking about why his s/o's mad at him on their period isn't his thing, he shuts his eyes and prepares to pass out.
The silence and the comfy atmosphere. Not too hot not too cold, slightly slouching to his side now that the drowsiness is getting to him. Until he hears the door open ,your door open. he quickly sits straight waiting for your figure to come into the living room.
Are you mad at him right now? Are you going to yell at him? Did he forget to do something?
He sees you enter the room and make eye contact with him for a few seconds, waiting for you to do Or say something. He becomes a bit alert when you start walking towards him, you don't seem to have a bit of aggression in your manner and you just seem... Tired.
Next thing he knows you're on top of him with your hands around his body. Sighing loudly you don't do anything and he starts hearing you softly snore.
Maybe just these few times you can physically get this close to him. He takes a few breaths before his eyelids start feeling heavy again and he starts to feel less and less energetic.
Subconsciously he puts his hand on your back as the two of you slumber into a deep sleep together.
Sinclair brothers
Bo's not really the best in verbal comfort but he sure is one hell of a good physical one. He sat on the couch reading a newspaper after a long day of being mean. Having a cup of coffee on the small table next to the couch you kinda wanted to laugh. Your overly aggressive boyfriend sitting so quietly and almost innocently on the couch on a Thursday morning is really a contradiction to his usual behaviour. But the inner exhaustion is making you dramatic. Walking over to him he notices you. "What?" He questioned, not a single sound of roughness in them. Hmm, maybe he really was in a good mood today. Taking this as your sign you grab his newspaper and then fall on him dramatically, not forgetting to hug him as you do so. Sighing as you feel the warmth of his body seeping into yours. "What do you think you're doing?" He asks a bit annoyed and a bit more confused. You place the paper on the arm rest on the couch and just continue to rest on him. Bo stays quiet for moments before he wraps his arms around your waist. "Well you could've just told me if you wanted a hug." He chuckles a bit. Let's just hope this isn't cut short.
Vincent Although can't really talk or comfort you verbally, is willing to do anything for you. Acts of service, physical touch, gift giving... Anything. Especially since you're on this painful and tiring process called "a period" He's on his bed reading a book he got from a traveller. Flipping through the pages he hears steps coming towards his room. He memorised your footsteps by now and closed his book but kept his fingers in between where he was reading. He saw you in his sight and tilted his head as to say "is there something you need?". You smiled a bit and went towards him and your body went softly crashing into his. Tightly hugging around his neck and you sigh because honestly hugging him was the most comforting thing ever. Vincent's a bit startled but rubs your back as he realises you're just tired. He kisses the top of your head through his wax mask and he starts blushing and grins when you turn to him and his cheek. He couldn't help but fall for this side of you every single time.
Lester was the best at any kind of affection. So anytime you felt the bit of sadness you immediately went to him. Today or during the cycle was no exception, trotting over to find your lovely dearest boyfriend you needed someone to lay all your love on right now. You finally saw him, Lester who was dropping by for a few days to accompany his brothers was on a couch with Vincent, it seemed they were silently discussing something. Probably they broke the wooden floor and were planning on how to tell Bo without angering him. (Impossible) besides all that, you just wanted to feel your lover's warmth around yours. Lester who noticed you after Vincent did, immediately lights up with a goofy smile. "Hey baby! How are you doing?" You instantly knew he was referring to your cycle, you gave a small smile on your tired face. You walked over to him with your arms extended and fell on him. "Woah!" He relaxes after a few seconds. He strokes your hair as you lay quietly on him. (Vincent third wheeled his way out of the room.)
It were a particularly quiet and peaceful few days camp crystal Lake. Which was a very good thing which meant a longer spending time with your undead boyfriend.
Especially since being on the flow meant more emotional draining. And although your boyfriend wasn't the warmest in body heat, he definitely was the warmest in showing you his love.
He was on a bed just resting because he didn't really have anything else to do. He didn't wanna bother you since you said you were on your period and didn't wanna risk you getting mad at him. (He would be extremely sulky.)
In his train of thoughts he hears footsteps creaking and immediately gets up, did a trespasser come into the cabins without him knowing? He grabs his machete that was on the ground and prepares for any sort of unfamiliar faces, he sees your face and sighs. He drops his machete as he realises he almost hit you with it.
You see him and stare at him for a few moments. He tilts his head and you start walking over to him and jump on him with your arms around his body.
He presses his mask against your head as you sigh. He couldn't express how much he loves you if he were honest. He strokes your head as he thinks so.
Billy n stu
You knew who to go to when you needed some physical affection. Having two people around you was more than enough.
You couldn't bother telling them about the problems and pains of your period since they're both lowkey air heads.. Just one of them is a bit smarter but definitely more sassy with a shit more attitude.
You slowly made your steps over to where you heard bickering, you saw the two of your boyfriends who you could see were talking about a horror movie most likely. You lazily walk to them, damn. They still don't notice you yet.
You decide to just fuck it and throw your body to where they were and Billy made a surprise grunting noise as Stu just yelped.
"Jesus! You fucking scared the shit out of us Y/n!" Billy exclaimed. Stu made a small "yeah!"
You just sighed tiredly. You wrapped your arms around both of them. "Well, we were just about to watch a movie. Wanna join us?" You just nodded as you felt them adjust themselves around your grip.
You relaxed after you felt Stu hug you tightly as Billy started going through the tapes with his legs around yours.
You were starting to relax until they started bickering again. Damn they couldn't shut up could they?
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whatdudtheysay · 1 year
Michael Afton x F!reader
Credit to the makers of the boarders
B- Michael's helping you move into your college dorm room but he finds something he wasn't supposed to..
CW - breeding, vibrator use, marking, fingering, squirting
Not proofread
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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"Andd here's the last box-" Michael grunted, placing it on the floor beside your bed. "What's in these things. Anyway?"
You shrugged. "Just some decorations, clothes and my bedding."
He nodded, laying on your bed while groaning.
You smiled and sat beside him.
"Thanks for the help today....I can pay you back by getting us some food?"
Michael nodded, still tired from all the work he did today.
You laughed lightly before getting up and grabbing his car keys from the side table.
"I'm taking your car, byee!"
Before he could respond, you were already out of the door. Michael took a deep breath, looking around your room and then at the large window. The moon was already rising. He didn't think time had gone by that fast.
Michael got up, looking at the messy boxes around your room. Out of kindness, he got up and grabbed the box cutter on your dresser and knelt beside a box. He may as well lessen your work load and he figured it'd take a while for you to pick up the food, especially at this time.
He cut open a few boxes, taking out clothes and storing them in dressers, moving onto decorating your shelves and bookcase with the potted plants and clutter you had bought, even deciding to place the bedding on your mattress and duvet, unboxing your 'special pink pillows' as you called them.
Once everything was stored, he caught a glimpse of one last box, sighing heavily before cutting it open. He expected more clothes or some framed pictures. Instead he saw lace. Lace underwear and bras.
This part had completely flown over his head. He contemplated for a few seconds. Would you be mad that he saw them? Would you forget about it yourself?
He was about to shut the box before he saw a pink velvet box in the corner, covered by some more underwear. Michael's curiosity got the better of him and he ended up pushing past your underwear, picking up the box, placing the one with your underwear on the box. He examined the box, it was a plain mauve with a black ribbon covering the lid.
He opened it, his eyes widening when he saw what looked like a vibrator. He picked it up, placing the box on the bed whilst he looked at it. He shouldn't have been this surprised. You were still young and obviously had needs he hadn't really thought of, especially since you were a relatively shy girl.
Experimentally, he clicked the power button, watching as it whirled to life, vibrating against his palm.
He was basically in a trance. His thoughts turning a lot more lewd as he imagined how you got off to it.
"Alright! I'm back." You announced, suddenly coming to your dorm again.
The door slamming shut was the only thing that broke the silence. Your eyes moved from the box on the floor to the still working vibrator in Michael's hand.
Blood rushed to your face, dropping the bag with the food you picked up.
You both stared at each other for another minute before you lunged towards Michael, desperately trying to get the toy off of him.
"ah- hey! Y/n, wait!" He stammered, trying to get you to calm down, holding the toy above his head.
"Why'd you take it out!" You whined, your eyes watering with embarrassment. "At least turn it off-"
You clambered on top of Michael, causing both of you to fall against your bed. Michael generously held onto the power button, making the toy turn off.
You reached for it against but Michael rolled it over to the end of the bed, holding your hips in place so you couldn't go after it.
It was only after that did you both notice the position you were in, as well as you noticing the bulge pressing against your crotch, making you even more embarrassed.
"Sheesh, calm down. It's not a big deal." Michael reassured.
You felt more than ashamed. Michael held onto you, sitting up, your hands moving to his chest to stabilise you.
A small silence passed, both of you still looking at each other.
An idea flashed over Michael, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"How about you show me how you use it, hm?"
You almost mentally shut down, your mind going hazy.
"No way-"
You pushed against him, trying to create distance which was almost impossible because of his hands that wrapped around your waist.
"Why not? You still acting shy?"
He pushed you off of him, not giving you a chance to even get comfortable before he was towering over you.
Your heart raced. Michael was your best friend. If you crossed this line again your friendship would be at stake.
His lips latched onto the side of your neck, sucking whilst his hands fondled your breasts.
"Mmnh- Michael wait," you sighed, trying not to submit to his touches.
He moved away from you, eyes locking with yours.
"You wanna stop?"
You bit your bottom lip, eyes moving to the evident bulge in his pants.
"No, I'm just worried," you murmured. "I don't wanna ruin our friendship."
Michael leaned down again, kissing your neck softly.
"Just relax, ok?"
You nodded and winced slightly at the feeling of his teeth sinking into your shoulder.
Michael's hand moved to your shirt, pulling it up with your bra, his fingers tweaking your nipples. Your back arched, a small whine coming from your swollen lips.
He moved away from your neck, pulling your clothes off properly and throwing them somewhere in your room, moving to tug your jeans off.
Once the obstructing material was off, he discarded his own. Pulling off his shirt and taking off his sweatpants.
You raked your hands over his built body, biting the inside of your cheek.
Michael groped your breast with more ease, his other hand moving to tease your clit through the soft material of your panties, making you whimper with need.
"Michaell don't tease me, Please-" you moaned, rolling your hips up to meet his fingers.
"Why not, you're so cute when you're needy." He grinned, applying pressure that had your nerves screaming.
Your small whimpers and begs fell deaf on his ears as he continued teasing you. He dipped his hand down, stopping at the wet patch on your underwear.
"Looks like you're getting warmed up." Michael hummed, his hand dragging your panties down.
You helped him, kicking them off. He spread your legs, looking in awe at how your pussy clenched around nothing, dripping with need. He moved to the side, grabbing the vibrator he had pushed to the side.
The thought of edging you further crossed his mind but he saw how badly you needed it. And quite frankly, he didn't think he'd be able to hold back either.
His fingers sunk into your wet heat, making you twitch with need, your hips rolling up to meet his deep thrusts.
Choked moans filled the air, your hair sticking to you due to the sweat coating your body. Michael's fingers were driving you insane, your fingers clinging to the sheets with need.
You knew you were done for once Michael turned the vibrator on, pressing it firmly against your clit.
"No, no, no!! Michael, pleasee -" you moaned, trying to move away from the toy, Michael applying more pressure as a result.
"cmon, y/n." Michael cooed, his fingers slipping out of your wet heat, moving to hook in the band of his underwear, pulling them down to reveal his hard dick, precum leaking from the tip.
You whimpered at the length of Michael, thinking about the deep spots he'd be able to hit in just a few moments.
"You ready, hm?" He asked, turning the power of the vibrator higher with your lack of response.
You suddenly nodded, back arching as your orgasm crept up your leg. Michael reduced the power, making you whine and pout. Luckily, it was all cut short once Michael pushed his tip against you, only giving you a somewhat warning before he bottomed out, forcing a gasp out of you.
"Michael - pleasee-" you moaned, eyes almost rolling back when he began to mercilessly pound into you, the vibrator being a cherry on top, feeding deliciously into your seemingly endless pleasure.
"Fuckk, can't help it, y/n. You're hugging me so fuckin' tight -" Michael groaned, increasing the pressure against your clit.
Your hands grabbed at your newly placed sheets, trying to grab hold of your consciousness as Michael spared you no mercy on your poor cunt, trying to control your jolts when Michael suddenly changed the setting.
"Michael -" you whined, brows knitting together. "Gonna cum, but I feel weird-" you panted, a weird racey feeling rapidly building in your stomach.
"Shit-" Michael moaned, moving the vibrator away and replacing it with his fingers, drawing hard circles against your clit. "Give it to me, y/n."
You couldn't help it anymore. You came around him, hard. Your orgasm squirting against Michael's pelvis, his hips continuing to fuck into you. Your walls fluttered and hugged Michael tightly, Michael's hips stuttering slightly before he jolted against you, releasing his seed into you.
You rested against your sheets tiredly, trying to wrap your head around what had just happened.
"fuck, y/n...." Michael sighed, looking down at the mess you'd both created, slowly pulling out of you, watching how his cum poured out.
"let's get you cleaned up first." Michael advised.
You nodded, slowly getting up.
You knew you'd have to sort this whole thing out later but now, you decided to just let Michael take care of you.
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
A/n - this was really rushed so, so sorry for the short ending ❪⠀ᥫ᭡⠀❫
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midnight-black2 · 21 days
now that it's farleigh's week in your event (yay!!) could i request prompt #10 for him?
i really can't imagine farleigh in a serious committed relationship, so i guess having a fuckbuddy's as close as he can get lmao; maybe reader was initially brought into the cattons' as venetia's friend but they really hit it off with farleigh and they both decided to be friends with benefits bc neither of them could be bothered with an actual partner?
i'll let you decide if they're actually chill with this arrangement or if there are some unsaid feelings between them, ty for your time byee <3
pairing : farleigh start x reader
synopsis : what the req says
disclaimers : smut with a (kinda) plot, handjob (m!receiving), sub!farleigh, dom!reader, gn!reader, choking (m!recieving), slight degradation if you squint, praise, reader can have a dick or strap
note : based off of billie eilish's "my strange addiction." fun fact : i'm going to her concert when she goes on tour later in the year !! also thanks for the compliment ! anyways, enjoy !
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you were addictive, insatiable, really. he couldn't get enough of you, and he had never felt like that before. he had sworn any fuck-buddy off--actually, he had sworn love itself off. there was no way he could be in a relationship for longer than two weeks and not get tired of it. but you? you made him second guess that. a at
it was an agreement that was mutual from both parties. you two had quite literally held an oath that you would never fall in love, ever. none of that sappy stupid shit. you guys simply just got too bored too easily. but, but...no. but nothing. that was how it was, and farleigh knew it. so he was content. he was content with you fucking him stupid, experimenting with him, and if he was really lucky, exhibiting some sort of aftercare. he was content, more than.
"does that feel good, farleigh? you like it when i do that?" you teased, as you squeezed the hand wrapped around his throat a bit. not too tight, but tight enough the restrict his breathing slightly. he nodded, letting out a choked moan. you were simply getting him off, your hand wrapped around his cock going at a merciless pace.
"god, look at you. already fucked dumb, hm? a little pathetic, baby," you said, smirking. he whined, bucking his hips into your hand.
"s-sorry, shit, m'sorry," he apologized, before throwing his head back in pleasure. it went on like that until he came, crying out weakly. and then? you guys exited the room as if nothing even happened. like he didn't just make a mess of a bed that wasn't even his. like you didn't just wash his cum off your hands. but sure, nothing happened.
you fled to venetia, where she was playing tennis with felix. they took a quick break, and she called you over.
"goodness, where were you? we were looking for you two," she said, dramatically.
"oh yeah, sure you were," you replied, with a playful eye roll.
"we were," felix butted in, tilting his head to the side.
"really? looks to me like you guys were playing tennis," you said, quirking a brow.
"well eventually we got tired of looking," venetia said, smiling.
"but seriously, where were you guys?" asked felix, as he looked between you guys. you and farleigh exchanged a glance, and he tried to suppress a smirk.
"three guesses," you guys said in unison. both felix and venetia rolled their eyes.
"smoking," venetia suggested, shrugging.
"talking shit," felix said, looking at her. "or..."
"or...?" she questioned.
"or you guys were fucking," felix said, and you laughed.
"you have no evidence to support that claim," you said, simply. farleigh snickered. truthfully, everyone knew about you and farleigh. the tension was always there, but nobody chose to speak on it. everyone also knew that maybe you guys were more than just friends with benefits.
there were other times that made farleigh especially second guess himself. the times where you weren't so mean. when you talked him through it, fucking him softly and with care. that always made his heart beat faster (it also made his orgasm come faster too).
"that's it, farleigh. you're doing so well for me," you said, softly. he whimpered as you fucked him. easy goes, in and out. he was calling out your name deliciously.
"f-fuck, oh my god Y/N," he moaned. "i-i can't."
"i know, baby. just cum for me this one last time, okay?" he nodded, wanting to be good for you. wanting to please you as much as possible. after a little longer of bringing him near his high, he came with a silent moan. a few tears fell down his cheek, but you were quick to wipe them away.
"there you go, you're so good, farleigh," you said, gently cupping his cheek.
yeah...all in all, farleigh was pretty fucked. he had feelings for you, no denying it. but for now, he would be happy with what he had.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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onismdaydream · 27 days
Hey, me again!♡🎀
Sure has been a while, but I'm sure you get how busy life can get ><!☹️
Anyway, it'd like 2 am when I'm writing this.. I was about to go to bed but I just CANNOT get the thought of like.. literally just Yuji being physically unable to NOT moan and whine when you give him a hand/blow job 😔🎀!!
IM SORRYYYY!!!!🙏♡ I feel like I have been saying this since like forever.. but it's soo true! 🎀 I swear, first time you ever wrap your pretty little hand/mouth around him.. it's OVER. Like- he is struggling so hard not to finish right then and there, so when you start moving.. it's like the best torture he's ever had!
He would totally try to hide his cute moans and whines by like biting his lip or cover his mouth with his hand. But that definitely won't help at all. At some point he just breaks, and he can't fix it. So it's just a bunch of whines, moans, and whimpers falling from his mouth.
He would totally be so insecure abt it, mostly bc he feels like he should be more dominant? If that makes sense. (It's his first time don't judge😔🎀!) But I just find it sooo hot. Just men being loud in general is SO 🤭!🧎‍♀️🎀!!!
Also, once he realizes that ur totally Into it, and not judging him... He sometimes let's a small little high pitched whine or whimper, especially when he's close..
Anyway it'd like SUPPERRRR late , and my vision is just so blurry.. so sorry for any bad spelling.. BYEE!!🎀🎀
I'm totally just thirsting over Yuji rn..
-your horniest Yuji lover!♡🎀
(Night lovely!!)
but yes!!! yuji is soo vocal in bed, and especially if his mouth isn't occupied (he loves kissing any part of your body), so when you have your mouth around him??? he is just whining and babbling about how good you feel. he is definitely one to praise you, telling you that you're doing such a good job, baby, just like that, oh fuuuck —do that again, please, baby, please
and if it's his first time, he's trying so hard to stay composed. biting his lip, biting his hand, anything to keep the noises in. he doesn't want to disappoint you :((( but the first little moan leaves his lips and you react so well to it?? you encourage him, asking him if he likes that and if it feels good and soon enough, he's putty in your hands.
i think he'd be such a pretty crier when you overstim him, too!! he has so much stamina and can go for multiple rounds, but he's sooooo sensitive!! his cockhead all red and leaky from his previous orgasms but even through the tears and the shaky whispers and whines, his hips are still bucking into your hands <3
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wekiamo · 1 year
fell harder pt 2
skeet ulrich x fem!reader
a/n: here goes part 2! this is a lil longer than my fics usually are, i hope thats not a problem! have fun reading 🤍 BTW SKEET IN THIS GIF BYEE that man is something else
pt. 3 & masterlist
warnings: swearing, fluff
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you didn’t get to sleep a lot at night. maybe it’s the anxiety you’re feeling, knowing that today you were going to meet almost everyone you were going to see very often from now on. it’s not a big deal for you, the only big deal is that in “everyone”, skeet ulrich is included.
you fear you’re gonna get nervous and say something weird, act weird making him dislike you. if that was anyone else, it would be okay. but imagine skeet ulrich disliking you? that’s what you think for almost 5 minutes after getting up from bed, while looking at yourself in the mirror.
you figure out you have to convince yourself that he’s a normal person just like you, and that there’s nothing to be scared about.
“yeah, it’s not a big deal. so what if he doesn’t like me?” you tell youself, before opening your fridge and grabbing an apple. you continue talking “i shouldn’t care about what he thinks of me. he’s a human like anyone else, so i’m gonna act like i always do. that’s it!” you sound more convinced than you thought you would be, and that makes a smile grow in your face.
you jump happily around the house, until you get to the couch and throw yourself on it. you turn on the TV and you start watching some kids show, too busy biting your apple to change the channel.
it’s silly, but you find yourself not wanting to change it, so you just keep watching it until you’re done with your apple. you turn off the TV, and start feeling sleepy.
you close your eyes slowly, and then you fall asleep.
“damn, that was the best nap i’ve took in such a long time” you say, before checking what time is it.
it’s 4 pm. you remember you didn’t ask dave what time you’re supposed to show up to dinner, then you make your way to your room to get your phone.
“Hey Y/n, meet us at 7. I can pick you up if you want to” 2:20 pm
“smart guy” you think “it’d be cool if he picked me up. meeting someone for the first time in their car would be a… would be definitely a new experience”
“hey, sorry for taking too long, i took a nap” 4:07 pm
“but yes! imma send you my address rq hold on” 4:07 pm
you send him your adress.
you’re hungry.
it’s time for Topanga’s Burgers - your favorite place in the world. well, not really but thats what you call it. actually, it’s just your favorite place to eat burgers. its really near your house and that makes you love it even more. you have befriended literally all the workers there. you love the fact they’re all kind and they really like what they’re doing, you really appreciate it. it makes you remember of how amazing would it be if you had a job you’d love doing. and your last job was definitely not something you loved doing, in fact, it was the complete opposite. you quit it not too long ago and you were living with your savings and your mom’s salary. she lives with you, but she’s on vacation now. anyways, Topanga’s Burgers definitely gives you motivation to keep working hard to get where you want.
you take a bath, put on some clothes you like, do your personal hygiene, and you leave your house.
“y/n!!” a worker greets you with a big smile on her face, leaving the cashier area to come and give you a hug.
“keisha! hey, how have you been?” you hug her back tightly, happy to see her again.
keisha is a 40 years old cheerful and awesome woman. she’s probably one of the most fun friends you have. she also gives you amazing advice about literally anything you ask her about. she’s the best
“i’ve been worried about you. it’s been 3 days you’re not even coming to greet us anymore!” she says, with a genuine look of worry in her eyes. that statement of hers make it pretty obvious you come here a lot.
“yes, and i’m sorry! but i got some pretty good news”
“save it just for a minute” she says, and turns around to call the rest of the workers to hear the news you have “guys, come here! y/n’s back with good news”
everyone in the burger shop starts looking, but you don’t really care. it doesn’t embarrass you anymore.
you greet everyone coming your way as they make a circle and adjust to it, to hear the news.
“come closer” you say, and they do.
“you know when i auditioned for scream 7, right? so… i did it”
“YOU GOT THE ROLE?” keisha screamed, as some other workers gasp.
“I DID” you reply with a big smile and a happy nod, as they start jumping and screaming in excitement as you do too.
“you’re not so useless, are you?” tom joked, and everyone laughed including you.
“but seriously now, who’s going to be working with you?” tom asked in a curious tone
“there’s someone special. really special”
“hurry and give us a hint” said angelica, a funny old woman who works as a cleaning lady.
“okay, okay, you’ll have to get it right. it’s this really hot middle-aged man who you all know i always had a crush on”
“no way. skeet ulrich? he’s going to be in scream 7 too?”
“yes ma’am!”
“guys, didn’t scream end in the third movie?” linda asked.
“shut up linda, let her speak” the old woman shushed her daughter, making everyone let out a laugh
“and i’m going to meet him. today”
“wait the shootings are already starting?” tom asked you.
“no, it’s just that the cast is going to have dinner together today. and i’m going to meet SKEET ULRICH”
“tell us more. where’s it gonna be?”
“i’ll tell you all after you take my order, ‘cause im like really hungry… please?”
keisha comes running to the cashier area, to get your order. there’s another man there too in all black with a black cap too, kind of covering his face - he's probably waiting for a while now since the workers were all in a circle screaming and jumping few seconds ago.
you watch keisha greet the guy and take his order, walking to the cashier area to stand right beside him.
as she’s there taking notes of his order, he looks at you and pushes his cap up, while you turn your head to see him. you’re now able to see his face.
“oh my fucking god” you think.
“hi, i’m skeet. what a funny coincidence! we’re filming scream 7 together, right?” he greets you with a handshake and a grin, as you turn your body to him and not just your head
keisha gasps. she starts laughing at your face as she goes to prepare his order.
there’s no fucking way. skeet ulrich is right in front of you and 100% heard you saying he’s hot and you have a crush on him. your cheeks turn red.
“hello” you say stuttering a bit “i’m y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to meet you” your hands still in his. his touch is warm and you find yourself not wanting to drop it. but you did, before it makes the situation awkward.
it’s not like you love him. it’s just that you’ve had a crush on him for the last 15 years. not a big deal… right?
you remember your own words.
i shouldn’t care about what he thinks of me. he’s a human like anyone else, so i’m gonna act like i always do.
“that’s it” you finish your sentence once again, but this time not out loud.
“so…” he starts
“here’s your order, sir. sorry for the wait, again”
“it’s okay, don’t worry about it. i was called hot, you know”
he really heard you. “shit”, you think to yourself
keisha laughs. you eye her, looking done and she covers her mouth to stop laughing.
“i’ll wait for you”
“nice. he wants to sit with me. how awkward is that going to be?” you think, but you stop quickly “no. it’s not going to be awkward. once again, he’s just a normal guy who’s talking to me! nothing more than that”
“like always, please”
keisha nods, still with a smile in her face stopping herself from laughing again. she goes to the kitchen and start preparing your order.
“listen, i’m sorry. can you pretend you didn’t hear me? please?”
“right ma’am. you didn’t lie, though. i am indeed hot”
“hey!” you reply, chuckling.
“sorry, sorry. but you laughed”
you start talking to him, waiting for keisha to come with your order. she’s usually really fast with your order, but today it’s taking a little too long.
she’s definitely doing it on purpose for you to keep talking to him.
you’re really enjoying it, though. he’s a nice guy and you’re a nice girl, a perfect match. you seem to get along really well. you notice something quickly - his moves are gentle and not too fast. you’re the complete opposite, but you love it when people move calmly like this, it comforts you, you have no idea why.
keisha gives you your order as you thank her and gives her a smile.
“let’s go ma’am” he smirks at you, guiding you to a table.
“you come here often?” he asks, obviously making fun of you
“take a guess” you say and you both giggle.
“is it going to be your first time?” he asks
“playing a part in a movie”
“ah yes. i’ve never been part of a movie before. i’m really nervous about it to be honest. i’m not sure if i’ll be able to do my best”
“don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. all you’re going to do is pretend to be someone for a while”
“are you sure that’s all?”
“well, i told myself that exact same thing for every role i played and it went great”
“i’m talking to billy loomis right now, so i guess i’ll have to trust you.”
“yes, i’m a middle aged hot man, you should trust me”
you both laugh and he starts again “jokes aside, i’ll always be on set. if you need some advice, just call me and i’ll help you, ok?“
“thank you skeet. i really appreciate it”
you kept talking to him until you were both done eating.
somehow, this guy makes you feel comfortable around him. maybe it’s just your daddy issues, but you doubt it. this man has something in him that feels just right.
“we gotta go now. we have dinner with the cast, remember?”
“am i gonna have to see you again?” you joke as you get up and he does too, and he gasps ironically
“the middle-aged man here did not like it!”
“oh stop it” you say walking beside him to the exit and he chuckles softly.
“you want a ride home, kid?” skeet asks you, as he turns to you.
“no thanks, i live near here. you can go”
“okay then, see you later tonight!” he waves tilting his head and smiling softly as he enters his car. you wave back.
“do you want me to pick you up for dinner?”
oh god. you wanted to say yes, but what about dave? wouldn’t he be upset?
“i’m sorry skeet, dave’s already going to pick me up” you say, with sort of a sad tone, trying not to upset skeet.
“it’s alright. dave, huh?” he smirks at you
“do not.” you reply quickly, raising your eyebrowns and lowering your head
“okay, okay” he laughs “see ya!”
you smile in response.
in 3 seconds, you’re going to process everything that just happened.
“no way” you say out loud.
someone touched your shoulders behind you, making you jump with the unexpected touch, relaxing right after you see it’s angelica
“little girl you better tell me everything” she said with her hands still on your shoulders.
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fangirl-writes · 8 months
Sick Day
JJ Maybank x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Sickness, fever.
Hi!! I've seen you account recently and I was thinking maybe you could write jj maybank x reader when the reader is always so guffy and childish, like they always jump from excitement and love weird things. So reader is sick like have really bad fever and is weary weak, almost fainted because of that and jj take kare of them and maybe lullaby them to sleep by singing them and rocking them please.
Also English isn't my mother language so please forgive me for any mistakes love you.
Feel free to ignore me if you want to byee
Notes: JJ would absolutely listen to Arctic Monkeys don't @ me.
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"But JJ," you whined as he carried you into your house.
"No buts, Y/N, you can't put other shit above yourself. You're sick and you're going to be sick until you get better."
You pouted, burying your head in his shoulder. "But what if you get sick?"
"Don't worry about that, I literally never get sick. It's like some superpower I have," he replied, walking towards your bedroom. "One time John B. got the flu, like shit from both ends bad flu, and I spent the whole day with him anyway and never got sick."
"But you're gonna miss a pogue day off..."
"I think I'm willing to sacrifice one day just for you,"
A blush spread across your cheeks and you said, "...thanks."
You'd woken up feeling like shit, with a fever and an aching body, but you were never one to let anything bring you down so you popped some Tylenol and went on your way.
But the pogues knew something was wrong right away because you were usually the life of the party, bouncing uncontrollably all the way down the dock and talking animatedly about whatever it was that had piqued your interest that day.
But not today.
Today you were relatively silent, refusing a beer and a puff of JJ's blunt.
You'd had off days before, they all did, so none of them pushed you to tell them what was up.
Until you stood up too fast and nearly fainted.
Thankfully, JJ intercepted your body before it could hit the water and laid you down on the floor of the boat. Everyone fanned your face and Kie pressed a cool water bottle to your forehead.
"Y/N, you're burning up," she said. "I think you have a fever."
"What?" JJ said. "Seriously?"
You couldn't help but cry a little bit at the statement, the concern in everyone's eyes making you feel worse.
Which JJ could tell. "Come on, I'm taking you home."
"What? No-" you sat up quickly - too quickly- and had to catch yourself before you fell back. "Seriously, don't let me ruin your day, I can walk home."
"Y/N, you can barely sit up, let JJ take you home," Pope said.
"No, come on, he probably doesn't want to be around me anyway. You'd much rather stay here and drink and smoke with the pogues, right?"
JJ was silent for a moment, narrowing his eyes at you before he leaned over, grabbed your wrist and hip, threw you over his shoulder and hopped up onto the deck with ease.
"JJ!" You protested, but he'd trapped you. You had no escape in this position.
"See you guys later," JJ said, throwing a peace sign to his friends with his free hand before continuing his trek towards your house.
"JJ!" You tried again, pounding against his back. "Put me down!"
He swung you around, making you shout, but he didn't put you down, simply holding you bridal style instead.
You must've turned green because he winced. "Sorry."
Eyes squeezed shut, you said, "It's fine. You should really put me down though."
A few minutes of bickering later and well-
"Here we are," JJ said, setting you down carefully on your bed.
Having resigned yourself to sickness at this point, you immediately crawled under the covers and groaned.
JJ chuckled, running a hand over your forehead. "You really are burning up. I'm gonna go get you some water."
"I'll be right back," He said, smiling at you as you looked up at him.
He pulled a water bottle from the fridge and the bottle of Tylenol from the cabinet before heading back to your room.
Your eyes were still open when he came back.
"Nothing," you replied, smiling weakly. "Just never saw you as the nurse type."
"Never had any sexy dreams about me in a nurse's uniform?" he joked.
"You wish."
Instead of replying, JJ set down the water and Tylenol on your bedside table and picked up the thermometer that was already there.
"You had a fever before and you still came?"
You groaned. "Don't lecture me."
He didn't but he still stuck the thermometer in your mouth.
"101, wow," he said. "You are sick. And you definitely need to sleep."
You tossed your head against your pillow. How were you supposed to sleep in the middle of the afternoon with the sun shining right in your window?
Then an idea struck you.
JJ looked up from where he was surveying the thermometer and noticed your gaze. "...What?"
You made grabby hands at him. "Cuddle me?"
He shook his head. "You're sick."
"What happened to all that bravado about not ever getting sick?"
"I mean you need to sleep."
"I'll sleep better if you're with me," you replied.
He rolled his eyes but joined you in your bed anyway. "If you wanted me in your bed, you didn't have to get sick to do it."
"Shut up," you mumbled, tucking yourself into his arms with your head against his chest. "You know you've always wanted to be here, too."
He hoped his heart wasn't hammering too hard with you so close. "Maybe so."
You sighed, face scrunched up as you tried to will yourself to sleep.
JJ bit his lip.
His mother always used to sing him lullabies when he was sick as a kid. Course that was before she left.
Still, maybe he could turn that painful memory into a good one.
He started humming softly, just loud enough for you to hear, and raking his fingers through your hair.
"You call the shots babe, I just wanna be yours," he sang softly.
Sure he wasn't the most musically gifted person, but he could hold a tune and the way you snuggled further into him told him you were enjoying the serenade.
"Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours."
Forgetting the other words, he returned to humming.
You were so beautiful, lying in his arms, half-asleep. Even sick, you were one of the most beautiful people JJ had ever seen.
"I just wanna be yours," he sang one last time, assuming you'd be asleep by now.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and went to get up but you tightened your hold.
"Don't leave," You whispered sleepily, almost slurring. "I wanna be yours, too..."
A little stunned, JJ slunk back into his former position, holding you close. "Really?"
You hummed, nodding.
JJ absolutely got your fever the next day but he'd claim it was worth it to hear you sing the same song back at him and to kiss you whenever he wanted.
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crazyco0tz · 8 months
{cuddles with xdinary heroes}
Warnings: nothing
Walking into his studio wanting attention and nothing else but he was hard at work so this was gunna be tricky
Walking over to his chair and leaning down to kiss his cheek “my baby hard a work hm?” You smirk “y-yeah I was composing a remix” he says without removing his eyes from the screen “ why don’t you take a break hm?? Cuddles n kisses??” He stop to look over at you while thinking of the options  you’ve given, “hm why not just for a few minutes” you jump slightly at his agreement “I’ll make it worth it! Cmon let’s go lay down” grabbing his hand your drag him with you while he blushed
You guys were watching a movie and it was getting a little lonely, for some reason he’s laying on the other side of the sofa?! “Hey why are you all the day over there babe?” He looks up at you with tired eyes “ I didn’t want to fall asleep on you..” you scoff “why not I don’t mind, come here let’s cuddle~”
He crawls slowly over to your lap then sprawls out onto you like a cat which you found cute, looking down at him as u start to pet his hair watching his eyes droop closed
He was a cuddly person anyways so after a long day he comes back home just to flip on top of your and beg you to play with his hair
Opening your bed room he sprints fully at the bed and leaps on next to you, but that didn’t last long before he rolls onto you “well hello to you to sweetheart” you giggle “play with my hair..please” wasting no time you wrap your fingers in his hair while u sling your other arm over him, faintly hearing small “Mmm” from him before he falls alseep.
Rarely do you guys spoon, but when you do your always the big spoon since he needs the comfort after a long day, and it gave you easy access to his tummy
He lovesss tummy messages while being cuddled it makes his fall right asleep on you, so when you slid your hand up to rest it on his stomach he was already snoring.
Ahh baby cuddles facing you but he hides his face by pushing up against your chest which you giggle at
“Aw your such a cutie yk that??” You tease, shaking him a bit “s-stop.” You pull him closer to pepper his forhead with kissed, and you can tell by the head running off of him how much he’s blushing right now.
He has been hyper all day and in one last attemp to calm him down you ask to cuddle “joo do you wanna cuddle with me for a while hm?” “YES?? I love it when you hold me! :)”
Jumping into your arms with his gaming controller In hand “no put that down we are gunna try to sleep~” he sighs dramaticly “fineee but only cuz I like you!” You smile “so cute baby”
This was quick ik just wanted to try another group out!!
Byee sweeties
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ghostfanwriter · 1 year
✨❤️‍🔥 Frustrations ❤️‍🔥✨
✨ Pairing: Joel Miller x Afab!Reader
❤️‍🔥 Synopsis: Where Joel gets home stressed and needs your help to release some steam.
✨ Setting: Jackson
❤️‍🔥 Features: 🔞 Slight somnophilia, Joel being rough and caring at the same time, p in v unprotected sex, creampie, honestly just smut with a bit of context during it and some fluff after.
✨ Word count: Around 2k.
❤️‍🔥 About this: This came to me when I was stressed, so... Projecting maybe? Anyway, it features the same Jackson couple from this work. There's more with them on my blog 🫶🏻
✨ Author's note: Yes, I was planning on releasing Dirty Hands next, but... I'm struggling. So enjoy this while I work on that, love you, byee 💖
Good reading ❤️‍🔥
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At this point you can't tell if he's fucking you heartlessly or heartfully.
So much anger and so much passion mixed together inside of him, making him push himself inside you each time harder and faster, dropping his full weight on top of you, almost merging your skin with his and the mattress.
Even your dreams are consumed by him, even on them he's your favorite thing. Your favorite thing when you're awake, your favorite thing when you're sleeping.
You can almost feel his arms around you, his weight crushing you, his hot breath on your neck, his beard scratching your collarbone, his cold lips on your skin, his hand squeezing your hip, right where your thigh connects to it.
His voice, so deep and low, calling for you.
"Need you, baby." The sound too real to be just part of a dream, waking you up from your slumber.
You jump at the feeling of someone on top of you.
"Shh, it's okay, baby. It's me." He coos.
Your eyes soften when they adjust to the dark room and find his, his hand comes to cup your cheek.
"Need you, amor. Need to feel you." He says, his hot breath hitting your skin, burning your face. He lets go of more of his weight, making you moan.
You turn on your back, allowing him to deepen his exploration, kissing and biting on your skin as his hands grab and squeeze your sides and your ass.
He pulls the old dress you're sleeping in out of you, grunting and smiling when he sees you're not wearing anything underneath.
"Always so ready for me, all for me." He says, his lips coming to your breasts, taking your nipple in his mouth while his hand kneads the other one; deep and slow, almost to pain.
He kisses his way back to your neck, and his hand goes between your legs.
"Hm, all ready for me, baby. So fucking good for me all the time." He pants on your neck, his cock throbbing inside his pants.
Your hands leave his back and his hair and go to his pants, slowly unbuckling his belt as he almost french kisses your jawline.
He stands up by the bed and finishes his pants and removes his shirt, looking back down at you, your eyes glistening at the sight.
His broad chest and shoulders, his strong arms, that hold you so passionately all night long. His big, so thick dick, that makes you feel so many things you didn't even think were possible.
His thighs, that you love to sit on, that you love when he fucking taps on, calling for you. His big hands, that squeeze and hold you so carefully. His fingers, that stretch you so well, preparing you for whatever he wants to do, whatever he needs to do.
His fluffy, disheveled hair, his greying beard, his cold and skilled lips, his beautifully sculpted nose. His dark and deep brown eyes, always so soft for you.
He bends down on top of you, kissing tenderly a tear that's running down your cheeks.
"Already crying and I haven't even started, baby." He says, climbing back on top of you, his warm skin melting into yours, his weight crushing you, making you moan, craving more of him.
All of him.
You dig your nails on his back and your teeth right between his neck and shoulder, your legs already tangling around his back, fully opening yourself for him, wanting him to take whatever he needs from you.
You grab him, moaning at how hard and warm he is, rolling your thumb around his urethra, his arousal leaking on your fingers. He grunts, pulling your hair and biting your neck, right on top of your vein.
"This is not gonna be for you, baby. Need you to know that." He says, kissing your cheek.
"You know it will." You say, rolling your palm around his tip. "Just wanna make you feel better." You say, guiding him to your entrance.
"My good fucking girl. Gonna take me so fucking well, aren't you, baby? Gonna help me forget about this fucking day." He says, smiling and thrusting inside you, slow and deep, going all the way in and staying in there for a while. You only moan and clench around him in response.
"You know I love you, don't you, amor? Would never hurt you. Need you to remember this right now, 'cause what I'm gonna do to you may make you forget about it." He whispers over your lips, his hand coming to your cheek, his thumb stroking the skin under your eye.
"I know. I love you, Joel. I'm ready for you, for whatever you need me for." You reply, rolling your hips under him, feeling how he moves inside you.
"I love you." He kisses your forehead, pulling almost all the way out of you before bottoming out, grabbing your arms, pulling them above your head as he connected his forehead to yours. His thrusts already intense and relentless.
His free hand holds your waist, squeezing the skin there as you roll your hips, doing your best to meet his thrusts, making room for him inside yourself somehow.
"That's it, baby. Fucking take it for me." He grunts and groans, your pussy giving him extra attention.
You're making sure to purposefully clench around him and push, trying to provide him as much friction and texture as you can, all while feeling like you're drowning, like you're just head above the water.
At this point you can't tell if he's fucking you heartlessly or heartfully.
So much anger and so much passion mixed together inside of him, making him push himself inside you each time harder and faster, dropping his full weight on top of you, almost merging your skin with his and the mattress. His thrusts so deep and intense he almost doesn't come out of you before pushing back in, his dick hard, warm and throbbing inside you.
You can't even breath, his weight on top of you combined with his mouth on your throat and his pouding making it hard to exhale, to do anything that isn't repeat his name like a prayer, like a beg, a promise.
A prayer for him to know how much you want this, how happy you are that he chose you. Out of everyone in Jackson, he chose you to keep him happy, to help him in moments like this. To take care of him.
A beg for him to not stop, for him to go even deeper, harder, faster, to squeeze your waist even more, for you to remember about this every time you move the next day. For him to let you help him.
A promise that you'll always be with him, that he's the only one you think about, the only one you want, the only one you need. The only one you'd let do this to you.
The only one you know you can trust enough for it.
"So fucking good, baby. Taking me so fucking well, all I fucking want." He pants, his voice shaky. He lets go of your hands, and you cup his cheeks and pull his hair bringing him close to you, kissing him.
Sloppy and needy, full of teeth and bites.
The only kiss you can offer each another right now.
"You like it when I use you like this, don't you, angel? Show me how much you like to help me like this." He says when you pull away.
You do it, somehow finding room between you to to roll your fingers over your clit, feeling your orgasm build as soon as you start.
He pulls your legs up against your chest, grunting, once again keeping you spread for him with his crushing weight. The new angle combined with your movements on your clit make you cum, moaning his name over and over again, your body trying to pull away from the overwhelming sensations as he holds you close to him.
He grunts as you squeeze him, your pussy gushing around him. It makes it all harder and easier for him, how much tighter at the same time as how much wetter you get.
"There you go, fucking enjoying this, aren't you, amor? Huh? You like fucking taking me like this, so fucking good for me." He coos, and you have no choice but to get fully lost on him. Indulging in how he crushes, and squeezes and fucks you with so much need, so much hunger.
Even more than usual.
His thrusts become sloppier, even harder and faster somehow. His mouth, buried on your neck and hair, letting moans and groans escape, his dick throbbing even more inside you.
"Joel, I want you inside me. Wanna feel you running out of me, wanna feel you fuck it inside me." You say between moans and whines, your nails digging into his shoulders.
He lifts himself higher, looking into your eyes, his own eyes heavy, dark and soft. His brows low and his mouth open, his chest fighting to grasp some air.
"Please, Joel." You moan, begging him to do it as he connects his lips to yours.
"Gonna fill you up so nice, baby. Pour all this inside you, never gonna fucking leave this pussy again." He pants, his forehead touching yours, his hips on a punishing pace, giving you everything he has.
All the frustration, all the passion, all the need.
He grabs your hand, putting it between you two again.
"Gimme another one, baby, c'mon. Wanna feel you squeeze me when I fill you up." He pants, your circles fast and needy, your body ready to give him everything and take all he has to offer you.
The view of him on top of you, the way his hips collide with yours, his hands sinking down on the mattress, his size stretching you, the anticipation to feel him inside you.
Everything comes together to push you over the edge.
You scream his name as your back arches and your pussy convulses violently around him. His already exhausted body gives in and he cums too, collapsing on top of you, barely leaving your pussy before thrusting hard back in, groans, grunts and moans leaving his lips.
"Jesus, fuck. God." He pants, his voice broken and tired, his mouth buried on your hair, your neck.
Nothing but honesty, passion and need pouring from him, from his cock. It all fills you up, warm and thick. It makes you happy at the same time it makes you wish you could have it, taste, drink it.
Show him how much you like it.
Both your highs end and he just lays on top of you. His legs too unreliable right now.
"Fuck — thank you, amor. Always so fucking good for me." He says as he kisses your neck. "Best one I've had. Fucking only one I think about, only one I need." He pants as he pulls himself out of you, letting only a drop come out of you before pushing it back inside, grunting.
"I'm always here for you, Joel. I love you." You say, your voice weak and tired.
He pulls fully out, watching himself leak out of you and onto the sheets. He grunts at the view.
You moan at the feeling, smiling and wishing you could feel it everyday.
His gaze comes to your face. He is mesmerized by you, by what he can do to you.
By how you're always smiling by the end of it. Always promising you'd do it all over again.
"Come here." You call him to lay on your chest, and he does, laying down and wrapping his arms around you. You caress his hair, feeling him soften and relax on top of you. "I'm here for you, you know that." You whisper, kissing his forehead.
You two love each other, and in the most vulnerable moments like this is when you get to fully see it.
Just how much you need each other.
Hope you liked it, it fulfilled my urge to have Joel Miller be a little less stressed, poor thing.
More from me here 💖
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Helloooossss. I am once again in your inbox to bother and corrupt you with my brainrot.
So we know how Gaming has just the most golden retriever bf energy. How would he react if his s/o was to get hurt by some treasure hoarders or something?
Okay byee love yaa. Take care. Don't forget to drink water.
Fandom: Genshin Impact Characters: Gaming Warnings: Vague description of attack, mentions of blood. Comments: *sips water* Thank you so much for sending my first genshin request! I love you too, I hope you enjoy your boy!
Gaming is an incredibly protective boyfriend. It's just who he is. Protecting those he loves is one of the many ways he shows affection. You could even call it overprotective, if you can handle yourself in a fight, but he's not trying to protect you because he thinks you're weak; it's just that he would rather take any injuries himself than put you in danger. If you're not a fighter, though, his protectiveness would increase even further, because he's desperate to protect you from any and all harm.
I don't think you would get hurt if the two of you are together. He's too good at fighting for that, and he's so quick on his feet that even if you're seriously outnumbered, he can fend off just about anything to keep you safe.
When you're on your own, though, you've managed to get hurt. We'll say you were walking to meet him, and you get ambushed by treasure hoarders, and they hurt you during the ensuing fight, before you eventually managed to get away, and you arrive at your meeting spot bruised and bleeding from the cut(s).
Gaming sees red. Blood red, specifically. That's right, his number one concern is you. He immediately asks what happened, a note of panic in his voice that isn't normally there. He'll tend to your injuries with a small medical kit he carries with him (you can never be too careful in his line of work). He doesn't care if it's just a small cut or if you're covered in wounds, you're bleeding and he's going to bandage you up. Don't even try and convince him that it's not that bad, or that you can do it yourself. If you try to resist him, he'll give you those big puppy dog eyes until you surrender.
You're probably expecting a lecture about not going on walks alone or being more careful, but it never comes. He's nothing but gentle as he patches you up, softly apologizing for hurting you any time you so much as inhale more sharply than normal. He's so concentrated on his work, too, and you can't help but notice how adorable he is when he's focused.
Once you're all fixed up, what he does next depends on how badly you were hurt. If it's bad, he'll take you back to the city, carrying you if necessary. His first priority is getting you to safety. Nothing else matters until you're okay!
If you're alright after being bandaged up, you'd better believe those treasure hoarders aren't getting away! He asks you which way they went, and he's gonna chase them down and make them pay for harming you. Gaming doesn't often get angry, despite having something of a hot temper, but if someone he cares about is hurt? You betcha he's mad.
If he takes you back to the city, he'll likely take you by Bubu Pharmacy or a local doctor to have you checked out, and then he's taking you home - yours or his, whichever is closest. He'll get you settled on the couch or bed with soft pillows and blankets, and he immediately makes you some delightful tea and some tasty snacks. He'll sit with you and talk about anything and everything to try and cheer you up, telling you tales of his various adventures.
He's more gentle than usual with you over the next few days, especially if you got hurt badly. He makes sure you're taking good care of your wounds so they can heal, and he spends more time at home with you than he normally would, just to help out if you need him. But hey, you're not complaining - the workaholic needs a break anyway, and you enjoy his company. Expect lots of cuddles, though he'll be careful not to touch any of your injuries. He'll also be more than happy to fetch anything you could possibly need, day or night, be it painkillers or take out or anything in between.
He's just so sweet okay. He pampers you like he would if you were sick and he basically acts like a big puppy that wants to cheer its owner up. He tells so many dumb jokes and funny stories that recovering is almost fun with him around!
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denny-artsss · 2 months
I would like to give a fanfic suggestion, if you haven't already, Gangle arriving at the circus for the first time and I heard that was Jax who suggested Gangle's name.
Imma turn it into a scenario cause I'm already working on fanfic
*Gangle arrives at the circus, having a full-blown panic attack and grabbing the first person she sees by the shoulders and shakes them agresivly, that person is Jax*
Jax: *grabs her hands startled and pins them down* SLOW DOWN I DONT UNDERSTAND A WORD YOURE SAYING!
Gangle: *Complete gibberish while panicking and asking for an exit*
Gangle: m-member?... Performers?
Jax: yep, welcome to hell ribbons.
Gangle: ribbons? Why are you calling me that?
Jax: *shoves her in front of a mirror as she falls with a thud and looks up at it*
Gangle: *histerical screaming*
Jax: Caine, does he have a off button?
Gangle: *looks at him offended* IM A WOMAN-
Jax: Well, how am I supposed to know.
Caine: she does not have an off button, Jax! But she surely needs a name- Let's see... *thinks*
Jax: *chuckles and runs his hand through her ribbons* Gangle
Gangle: do I have no saying in this?- *slaps Jax's hand off her*
Caine: NO YOU DO NOT! *throws confetti in the air* Now, Jax, how about you show your new friend here her new room, and her new friends!!!
Jax: *sighs* fine. That clown over there is Kaufmo.
*kaufmo waves and smiles*
Jax: Those two are queenie and her gambit. And that loser over there is Ragatha. She is currently freaking out over the centipede I said I threw in her hair.
Jax: *laughs to himself and whispers to Gangle* There's no centipede.
Gangle: ah huh- um... lovley- now... maybe show me the- um the-
Jax: exit? There is none. Let's go to your stupid room. *grabs her hand and drags her along*
*they both walk in the hallway*
Gangle: um- I'm sorry- why are all those pictures crossed?
Jax: *smirks* they messed with me, and I executed them.
Gangle: *starts shaking* Okay, then.
Jax: *kicks her door open* ta-da! Your very own room in this insane asylum! My my, aren't you a lucky lady.
Gangle: Your irony is not helping my mental breakdown-
Jax: it's helping make it worse! *pats her back*
Gangle: *sits on her bed and zones out*
Jax: *jumps in her bed, sending her flying on the floor*
Gangle: *stands up and looks at him annoyed* your name is Jax right?... man... you must've picked that awful name for me because someone picked this awful name for you... poor thing...
Jax: *eyes widen* I choose my own name- You don't like the name I gave you?
Gangle: i mean- it is kinda mocking but- I guess it could be worse-
Jax: *laughs* if there was something worse, your name wouldn't be Gangle.
Gangle: can you please leave my room? I have a busy schedule of crying in my pillow- once I figure out how to cry.
Jax: hm... *brings his face close to hers and squints his eyes, rubbing his finger on the side of her face*
Gangle: *nervously looks at him confused* what are you doi-
Jax: Aha! *grabs her mask and pulls it off* there. Now, you can let it all out. You'll have a lot to leave out anyway. *throws the mask on her desk as it breaks*
Gangle: *looks at the broken comedy mask in horror*
Jax: well... you have fun with your...um... crying. I'll go get something to eat. I'm starving. Cya later buh byee *pats her head and exits the room, leaving her in the dark*
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stragefields · 6 months
gepard comes home from a exhausting work day and you surprise him with something he didn‘t expect…
tw: fluff, shower, massages ?
characters: gepard
you stir in your sleep as you hear the slight crack of the door opening revealing your husband gepard.
he looks so exhausted again, his body still tense and the bangs under his eyes clearly visible. you just hate seeing him like that but you know he was born to be in this job and you support him living his dream. maybe you could help him out.
standing up from the couch in the living room, walking towards him and embrace him in a hug which he gives willingly in.
„how was work my love?“ you ask him softly while softly massaging his scalp.
„mhm could be better, you know i really want to protect belobog and-“ „i know you‘re trying your best and thats okay. i‘m so proud of you you know“ you interrupt him by putting a finger at his beautiful mouth. „how about i help you to relax geppi?“
„sorry y/n but i‘m far too exhausted riggt now for sex“ he says while softly shoving your hand away from his mouth. „i wasn‘t talking about this kind of relaxing. come with me.“ you say quietly as you walk with your hand intertwined with his towards the bathroom.
„i was talking about a shower. i thought you need that right after-“ you don‘t come to finish your sentence because gepards soft but unexpected kiss hits you offguard. „thank you my love, that’s just what i need. you‘re joining me, aren‘t you?“ he sends you a questioning gaze.
instead of answering you just nod and start to take down his work clothes followed by your night gown and taking gepard into the shower.
he visibly relaxes as you turn the hot water on, leaning his head back and flexing his back muscles, very aware that you‘re watching him.
after a few minutes you turn your gaze around to look for the shampoo. quickly finding it you go back to gepard pouring some of the liquid into your hands and then softly starting scratching gepards scalp. shortly after he stiffens but then relaxing at your comforting touch. then he turns to you softly smiling at you and moving towards you, sneaking his arms around your waist and leaning into you, closing his eyes.
„you tired“ you ask while continuing to massage the shampoo in his hair when he just hums in response.
after washing the shampoo out you tell gepard to turn around that you can massage his back.
poor gepard is completely disoriented after opening his eyes bit he just looks too cute with the long lashes and the wet strands.
you start working at his neck around his broad shoulders and down his shoulderblades. while you have hands full he seem to enjoy you gift of affection.
when you two finished showering you snuggled yourself in comfortably clothes and laying in the enormous bed of yours while hugging each other and slowly drifting off to sleep.
this was literally so long in my brain that i just had to write it down in one sitting and i think i‘m officially a gepard girly now.
maybe i‘ll write about some other hsr characters in the future but i don‘t have that much background knowledge since i just started playing the game and i‘m just like trailblazer level 18 but yeah.
anyways i hope that you guys have a great day, byee
reposts, comments, follows and other ways of support are appreciated
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boomtastics · 1 year
Is this how you challenge me!?
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Character(s) | Savanaclaw
Type | Headcannons + Drabble
Oh no! You left your stuff animal at his room before you left for a trip!
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Leona kingscholar !
What is that?
Why is there a bunny pillow thing on his bed?
Well atleast it soft that's what
And it smells like you...
! A cute ping comes from his phone, normally he would ignore it but it was the special one. "Hey leooooo, sooooooo funny story I accidentally left my son in ur room so could you like be a good dad and take care of him? THANKS BYEE MWAH MWAH LOVE U <3"
........You're fucking stupid.
Hes ONLY taking care of this stupid rabbit cuz it's yours that the ONLY reason. Sure hun
Ruggie Bucchi !
Oh! His beautiful bed and he's finally laying in it at a normal time! What the fuck.
Well atleast it's soft and easy to snuggle with while you're away
A catchy but annoying jingle comes from his NON EXISTENT ass. Answering the call, before he could talk he was shouted at by the other person. "HI RUGS SO I LEFT MY KID IN YOUR ROOM AND I CANT PICK THEM UP CUZ YOU KNOW I'M AWAY AND- JADE SHUT THE FUCK UP. Anyway could you just watch over them? Ok thanks you're the best!!! Bye love you!!!". As the ended he just stared into space.
You better be paying him.
Jack Howl !
working hard to keep them mucles 💪!
Going back to his room cuz he forgot a change of clothes 😱
..what is that? He doesn't remember his siblings getting it for him?
It's covered in your scent... must be yours then
Grabing his phone and going to his contact, finding you was easy; Like it was mucle memory.
"Hey, did you leave your plush in my room?" It didn't take long for you to text back.
"MY SON'S IN UR ROOM??? I've literally been looking for him everywhere! I thought some1 took him or he was sold! Could u take care of him? He's in ur room anyways"
Yeah sure, why should he be ashamed? It's yours and you asked him to take care of him. He's just being a good partner
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AHAHA did this on a time crunch ty savana 4 only having 3 main members 🙏
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markkiforsure · 10 months
Coming Home (Poly!BillyxReaderXStu)
(Sup, so this is my first story on Tumblr so please give me a break if it sucks. I recently had this idea of the reader leaving after Billy and Stu break up with them for 'unknown' reasons but the reader returns to Woodsboro after Casey Becker is killed. Anyways, here's what I've been able to come up with so far and sorry for any spelling errors.)
Warnings: Transphobia, Drugs, Alcohol, Gore/Blood, Murder, Mentions of Sexual stuff
The sun beat against the boiling concrete. It was the summer before their Sophomore year of high school and things had been moving rather slowly since the end of the last school year.
Ding Dong! Bang Bang!
"Coming!" A woman dressed in a white suit opened the door and smiled.
"Billy! Stu! Welcome! She's just up stairs in her room. I'm sure you boys know where that is already." The woman stepped aside, her overly large gold necklace clinking with her movement.
Billy eyed the almost empty living room suspiciously but Stu took no notice of it as he darted up the stairs towards Y/n's room.
"Y/n! We're here!" Stu yelled as he came barreling through the door. Y/n chuckled as they jumped to their feet and ran to hug him.
"Where's my hug?" Came Billy's voice from behind them. Y/n giggled and let go of Stu before wrapping their arms around Billy's waist.
"Right here." Y/n spoke as Billy smiled and closed the door behind the three of them. Stu flung himself onto Y/n's bed while Billy sat down on the edge of the bed. Y/n sat down and began to play with Stu's hair, a smile on both of their faces.
"I'm glad you guys came. I actually have something to tell you guys." Stu sat up and fidgeted nervously while glancing at Billy. Billy simply looked down as he spoke.
"Actually, we have something to tell you as well." Y/n frowned slightly as this and signaled for the two boys to continue. Billy spoke first.
"You see... we... I don't know how to... you have to understand..." Stu seemed to have burst at Billy's rambling.
"We want to break up with you." There was stunned silence as Stu's words sunk in. The boys' eyes flitted from the ground to Y/n's face. Slowly but surely the words Stu had spoken dragged Y/n's face down.
"I see...... well... then I guess what I had to say won't matter much." The boys looked up as Y/n spoke.
"What were you going to tell us?" Billy asked with hesitant curiosity.
"I'm moving to LA." Billy and Stu felt a stab to their hearts as those words washed away any plans they had previously made.
"You can't be serious. You're moving?" Y/n nodded and Stu feel silent once more. Suddenly, Billy stood with his face tilted towards the ground.
"Well, that settles it. We're done." Y/n's eyes filled with hurt as Billy exited the room with those final words. Stu glanced between Y/n and door Billy had walked through before sighing and following Billy out of the house.
Y/n was left alone in their room. Shattered and stained with tears.
(This is all I felt like writing today. So, I'll get back with a part 2 later. Byee!)
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