#also sorry if this post is a mess but im writing this at 3 am
Thinking about the relationship between Tuvok and Vorik, and how despite following the same set of principles, they still have wildly different personalities. And they both know this. They know they're not compatible in that way and that if not for voyager, neither of them would interact with the other at all. But they also know that they're the only two vulcans still left on this ship.
And I know Tuvok might be able to cope with that given his friendship with Janeway and how close he's gotten with Neelix and well... everyone.
But Vorik? (This is all just projection cuz sadly we don't get to know much about him BUT-) imagine that voyager was his first posting, and he's just out here with little to no experience on humans and without having been able to form proper bonds yet or to fully learn to regulate his emotions, and he's trying so very hard to integrate but he doesn't quite know how.
And how Tuvok sees him and thinks 'ah yes, a child in need of guidance' but then notices how incompatible they are and so whenever the two interact it's just this quiet understanding of biologically, culturally- we are the same, but Respectfully I Do Not Like You
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dandelion-roots · 6 months
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[ID: a pencil and ink drawing of dazai and chuuya from bungou stray dogs. dazai is sitting with one leg bent in front of him and the other bent on the floor. he's shirtless and has stylized top surgery scars and a variety of scars. his coat is draped over one shoulder and he's wearing his white pants and black shoes as well as bandages around his neck and visible arm. his head is tilted to the side and he's blushing and smirking as he looks at chuuya whose head is at dazai's shoulder. chuuya's right hand is holding dazai's hair and his other is holding dazai's forearm from where dazai is holding chuuya's shoulder. chuuya is also blushing and looks annoyed. he's wearing a shirt and black pants. the signature says dandelion-roots. end ID]
✨ a little 2 am trans dazai for your perusal~ ✨
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alonetimelover · 11 months
pairing: harry styles x polish!reader (fem, she/her)
summary: harry plays a show where one of the most important people in his life attends - his fiancée's granny.
submitted by @otaktomotyl, thank you and i hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it!
a/n: i found polish translations on the internet, i hope they're okay.
masterlist ask, comment, come say hi!
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liked by harrysmoustache, harryshoee and 37 201 others
harryupdates HARRY landed in Warsaw. I repeat, HARRY landed in Warsaw.
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harrysmoustache and he's holding yn's hat???
harryshoee yn and harry can finally reunite... 🥹
harrysfan92 do you see his arms???? he looks like a Greek god, god damn
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liked by harryupdates, stylesbabie and 12 301 others
harrysmoustache HAARY AT YN'S COUSIN WEDDING!!!!
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harryupdates you're so fast with those updates, lyla. im gonna lose my job...
stylesbabie yn be aware, he looks good enough to be THE groom. keep him close
⤷ harryslipstick i think that ring on her finger is saying more than anything
harrysmybestie guys, you know we are so close to see HIM at HIS OWN wedding...
⤷ harrysmylife don't
⤷ harrysmoustache why would you say that?!
⤷ outofstyles am i the only one awaiting that day impatiently??? i wanna see him being all nervous and loving and all of the emotions that people feel at the weddings
stylesislife only harry styles could come to my wedding wearing a tanktop that he also wears to his shows
⤷ hArrysbtch the only man i could forgive AND compliment on looking so fucking good
stylesbabie yn's cousin posted a photo from the ceremony, and you can see yn and harry being all snuggle and touchy 😭😭😭 i love them so much
"What do you mean you're not coming up on stage? Harry, my love, what changed during the last two hours?" YN asked into her phone, anxious Harry being on the other side, soundly biting his nails. "And stop biting your nails, you've got a very nice colour on them."
"Is babcia (granny) here?"
"Mum texted they're close to the gate. Jeff, was kind enough to go there and pick them up so they wouldn't get in any trouble."
"Good, good, good. can- can you come backstage? I think I'd like some ted talk before the show," he said quietly, smile growing on his face. "And some kisses, too."
"Give me 10 minutes, I'll find that kind guard and ask him to guide me. I can't remember when to turn right."
"I'll wait for you. I love you."
"I love you."
Harry got up from the couch and started pacing from one wall to the other. His hands were trembling, getting sweaty. He couldn't remember when was the last time he felt this nervous before start of the show. Not wembley or Slane Castle were as nerve wrecking as Warsaw. He knew it perfectly that it wasn't because of the city or the country. Well, it partially was.
It was YN's home show. But also her whole family was just outside the gates or already walking down the hallways to get to their seats (VIP of course, besides YN's younger cousins that wanted the front row, barricade experiance). And probably the most important guests for Harry - YN's grandparents, especially her granny. A sweet 92-year-old lady that started learning english and using an iPhone to be able to talk and contact Harry. A lady who bought his heart with sweet butter biscuits that no one could replicate. A lady that listened and then learned his whole three albums for this day - the day she would finally see him play live.
So he was terrified to disappoint her.
"What if i mess up the lyrics?" he asked YN when she finally came to the greenroom, he had been pacing in.
"Then she will sing it to you."
"But what if she won't like hearing me live? I mean, it's- it's a possibility. What? Why are you giggling. I'm really stressed here, my darling."
"I'm so sorry." She kissed the crown of his head. "It's just that you're afraid of impossibility. There is no way she would laugh at you or be disappointed in you." YN stroke his hair, gently massaging it, bringing Harry peace.
"You sure?"
"I've never been more sure in my life."
"She'll like it." Harry reassured himself aloud.
"Yes, she will. Not only she loves you like her own grandchild, she's also nervous. This morning she facetimed me to help her pick up an outfit. She bought quite a few things after she saw some pictures of your fans on the internet." She laughed, finding it quite adorable.
"Did she?" Harry lifted his head from yn's lap. "Oh, bless her."
They spent the next few minutes in silence, letting Harry's heart to calm down and steady its pace.
"Wait, did you say that you've never been more sure about something in your life?" Harry eventually broke the silence.
"So, you had doubts when I asked you to marry me?"
"Oh god."
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liked by harryupdates, stylesmaaan and 21 491 others
harryloveontour first look at harry at tonight's show in warsaw! it wasn't even the first minute, and he was already seen sending kisses towards yn!
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harrysmylife and it was not only for yn!!! her whole family is with her. even her grandparents.
⤷ stylesbabie omg, they must love him soooo so much
ynandhmyparents they are the sweetest couple i've ever seen, like ever
harrysmoustache is anybody live??? i need to experience this show, i have tissues ready
⤷ hArrysbtch hslotwarsaw is live and it's in such a good quality
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 21 291 others
hslotwarsaw this is harry's reaction to seeing yn dancing with one of the fans during adore you!!!
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harryupdates omg, his reaction was priceless!!!!
hArrysbtch the way this man said "back off, my friend. she is taken. ring and all. no, no, no." he wa ready to jump from that stage to stop that man from hugging yn!
⤷ stylesbabie i mean, did that guy asked yn if that was okay?
⤷ lovingharry he did, you could see it on the videos that people already posted
harrysmoustache he's like "excuse me, man. that is my fiancée. MY fiancée."
harrysmylife oh, this concert just started and i know it's gonna be the best of all times
lately you've been on my mind
honey, ah ah ah
The whole stadium was singing back to him. He could describe the feeling it awoke in him each time. It was similar but never the same. Especially today, everything seemed to touch him deeper, better, and clearer.
"Someone's stealing your girl, Styles"
Harry heard someone in his earpiece, making him stop singing. He played it cool by putting the mic towards the audience simultaneously looking for YN.
It didn't take him long. She was right where she promised to be. The space designed specifically for her family, not enclosed but clearly separated from the main audience. There she was dancing and laughing with some middle-aged guy.
Harry was a jealous person in nature. In particular when it came to his partners. He wasn't proud of it, and he definitely didn't have any way to believe that YN would sprint after every Tom, Dick and Harry. Every day she showed him how in love she was, there could be no way.
But here he was. Jaw clenched, not singing and glaring towards his fiancée.
"Harry, everything alright?" Again the voice in his earpiece.
YN stopped dancing, feeling that unmistakable eyes almost glued to her. Oh, it didn't look good.
"How you doin' Warsaw?!" Harry finally screamed into the microphone. The squeals, screems and whistles gave him all he wanted - distraction.
And when YN smiled at him so lovingly and sweetly, it was enough to carry him till this moment.
"Your sign says 'help me shoot my shot'. Is this person with you?" Harry asked the fan who was holding the very neat and colourful sign. Somehow he didn't recognise him from just a minutes ago.
"She's here."
"Wow! Your voice is so loud, man. But how do you want me to help you when she's here. She's next to you somewhere?"
And then if it would have been possible, Harry's jaw would touch the floor. That guy shamelessly pointed towards YN. Now he remembered.
People screamed so loudly, because everything was shown on the biggest screen behind the stage.
"Well, back off, my friend. She is taken. Ring and all. No, no, no." Harry tried to play it cool by laughing at the end. "And, as far as I'm concerned, we're not lookin' for the third one in the relationship."
Now the stadium was laughing along with the long 'ouuuu'.
"How did you know you'd be close to YN, anyway?"
"Manifesting?" Harry repeated so everyone could know the answer. "Well, you're doing it right, so I suggest betting or playing lottery. And, to be honest most importantly," he pressed. "Not stealing someone else's future wife!"
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 34 201 others
harryupdates harry introducing yn's grandmother at tonight's show.
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hArrysbtch she is the sweetest lady, my god. i love her even though i don't know her 🥹
harrysmoustache "this show is very special to me. here are my future parents in law as well as grandparents. hello, hi!" i still can't comprehend harry being engaged...
harrysmylife "granny, how are you doing? do you need anything? no? you're good? excellent! that's what I wanted to hear. please give it up for granny!" and the way he started clapping both of his hands and the whistling???? and then speaking in polish i think???
⤷ polisharry Yes! He said 'dziękuję, babcia że tu jesteś' which means 'thank you granny for being here
harryfan82 this show is sooo good
outofstyles did anybody see harry constantly looking towards that area, where yn's whole family is?
⤷ harrysmoustache absolutely! i can't imagine how nervous he is, considering it's the first (at least that we know of) time he sings in front of them
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmylife and 33 101 others
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harryupdates he didn't even started it on cue, thank god the audience was so pumped up for it and sang it!
harrysmoustache "no no no no no. we weren't supposed to play it. sarah!" the fear and confusion in his voice was everything. they got him good.
outofstyles "you're gonna pay for it. all of you." this is so funny
stylesbabie the funniest thing is how when he started singing it, he was all touchy and sexy. it was like he forgot about the problem in the moment...
godstyles "granny's terrified" HARRY YOU DIDN'T PUT THE MICROPHONE DOWN, MAN
⤷ harrysmoustache but they showed granny being all smiley during medicine. i think she enjoyed it just like any other song!
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liked by hArrysbtch, stylesbabie and 41 202 others
harryupdates harry smiling while talking to yn's little cousin (yn was translating everything to her and then to harry). she then opened as it was with "harry, I wanna say goodnight to you"
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hArrysbtch i hate kids but that baby was so cute i wish i could squish her cheeks
harrysmoustache he was all smiles and gentle eyes while talking to her, he loves this family so much
styleslove i love when people are so open with their feelings for their partner's family
harrysfan081 so cute
stylesbabie give this man a child already
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liked by harryupdates, stylesmylove and 61 201 others
hslotwarsaw harry after splashing water at yn and her family at the end of the show!
and with this photo, we're ending our 'photo-stream'. thank you all for helping us prepare all of the fan projects and thank you for welcoming harry so warmly in our country! till the next time!
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harryupdates you did amazing job!
hArrysbtch yn's granny got so happy at the moment harry decided to threaten her with a bottle
stylesbabie granny had a water gun and threatened harry back with it!!!!! it was soo cute, he run away laughing
harrysfan88 best show so far
harrysmylife "this one of the loudest show i can remember. and i know why. my fiancée's whole family is here. and believe me, they can make so much noise it's impressive!" my friend stood next ro them and confirmed, they were so loud during the whole set list!!
harryshands i can't imagine better way for harry to cope with this amount of pressure. he delivered one of the best performances in his life - sound and entertain wise. truly amazing
"Harry, my sweet boy."
Harry turned 180° from the conversation he was having with Jeff to see the face of the lady with the heavy accent he knew so well.
"Babcia! (granny)" he exclaimed, jogging towards her and ambracing in a tight hug. "How I've missed you."
"You saw me yesterday, you."
"I know." He pulled away, still having his arm around granny. "But it's already been almost 24 hours. A long time, don't you think?"
Granny shook her head with a smile and placed her head on Harry's chest. She was rather exhausted from all the lights, noise, dancing and standing up for almost three hours.
"You wanna sit down, granny?" YN asked, squeezing her grandmothers arm in a way showing her she was nearby.
"Oh, yes. My legs aren't 20 years old as much as I would like them to be."
The three of them sat down on the green couch and talked about the show. Granny was impressed with all the fans having the time of their life, but specifically the ones that seemed to take in the show on their own terms.
"There were those two girls just hugging the whole time and singing softly all the songs. It was so lovely," granny explained.
"It's funny how they were two of very little to not use their phone during the show," commented someone in the room.
And before harry got the chance to defend people taking photos and recording, granny sat up straight.
"Well, in the 60s, my father took me to see The Beetles and I wish i had a camera then. It was such a magical moment that I would want it to be not only engraved in my mind but also on paper. I took so many photos of you, Harry. I need you to print them so I can show them to my friends on the next bingo evening."
YN nodded her head with a smile, not only planning to print the photos but putting the whole concert that harry recorded on the CD. Granny loved watching that type of thing on her telly.
"Harry," granny spoke up after a few moments. "I do have a question however."
"Ask away, granny."
"That song, medicine. What is it about?"
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ksywoo · 2 months
8:30 pm / l.sm
pairing: lee seokmin x reader pronouns: not specified word count: 1.6k genre: established relationship, fluff, suggestive, a little bit of angst but not really warnings: kissy kissy fic hehe, dk gets a little handsy where reader is insecure about their body but he reassures them, also.. tummy/waist kisses <3 note: me posting a fic for the first time in over a year and it's mostly just kissing ... hey guys .. also im embarassed when i write things like this so im gonna go hide al;skdjf sorry if its cringe or garbage BYEEE
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You felt the bed dip towards your feet, but you didn't look up to greet the boy, still upset about your argument from earlier. You continued reading, not acknowledging his presence. 
Seokmin crawled towards you slowly, as if trying to go unnoticed, and slid under your arms and buried his face in your neck so you were unwillingly half hugging him. His body rested between your legs and his arms around your torso, trying to be as close as possible. 
When you felt his lips against your neck, you got his attention. “Seokmin.” Your voice was even and stern, telling him you weren't messing around. 
He froze as if you wouldn't know he was there if he just didn't move a muscle or make a single sound. 
“Bold of you to do that after what just happened,” you pointed out.  
He propped himself up on his elbows by your hips and lifted his head so your faces were inches from each other. He was frowning, and looked guilty. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I really really am.” 
You sighed, leaning forward to kiss his lips briefly, trying to express that you still loved him even though he pissed you off. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you mumbled with a small smile, already feeling the last remnants of your anger fade away. 
“I’m serious,” his frown deepened. “I’m really sorry. 
You leaned over to set your book on the nightstand. “I know.” You held his face with both of your hands while he continued to apologize. 
“How do I make you not hate me anymore?” he asked between the kisses you were giving him. 
“Seokmin,” you chuckled. “I don't hate you. Never have, never will.” 
“But you're mad at me.” 
“I’m not mad.” 
“But I’m a horrible boyfriend who never spends time with you.” 
“You aren't a horrible boyfriend. It’s not your fault you're so busy with work, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I should take it out on, like, your managers or something because they're giving you guys extra work, but not you.”
“But it’s my fault for not always making time for you when I’m not working though.” 
One of your hands stayed on his face, thumb stroking his cheek, while the other went to his back to pull him a little closer. You could feel his muscle through his shirt and it made you wonder if he was tired from dancing all day, building that muscle. 
“You’re here now though, aren't you?” 
He nodded but still frowned, so you kissed the pout off his lips. 
“I’m sorry for making you feel like you weren’t being good to me. I was never mad at you, just frustrated at the situation. I shouldn’t have yelled at you earlier. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He nodded again. “Does that mean you aren't going to be stern with me again if I kiss you?” 
You laughed and he took that as a good sign, leaning up to kiss you long and sweet, no more of those short pecks you were giving him before. 
The thing about Seokmin was he was the sweetest boy in the world and his kisses were just as sweet and innocent when he wanted them to be. The other side of him was more rare and reserved for the privacy of your bedrooms, and gave you just as many butterflies as his regular kisses. 
He lifted himself up to sit right next to you, immediately tugging on your waist gently. “Come here,” he requested. You complied, shifting to sit on his lap with your knees on either side of his legs. 
You reconnected your lips, letting out a shaky breath as you felt his hands lightly trail up your legs and gently squeeze your thighs. His fingers lit paths of fire as he fiddled with the hem of your shorts, softly brushing against your skin and you wondered if he even knew that he was doing it, or if he was unintentionally muddling your brain with his touches. 
Shifting slightly, you ran your fingers through his hair and gently tugged as your mouth wandered away from his and made its way to his cheek, pressing one small kiss to the freckle by his nose, then to his jaw, and below his ear. 
With your bodies pressed together, you could feel his breathing become unsteady as your lips met his neck. He wiggled under you, trying to not make any embarrassing sounds that would make you laugh and ruin the moment. 
You started kissing one spot low on his neck that you knew could be covered by some of the shirts he owned, when one of his hands slid to your waist, pulling you even closer and squeezing a specific part of your body that made you pause. 
Seokmin hummed at your hesitance, turning his head to try to look at you while finding his voice. Your face was still in his neck, lips just barely hovering over his skin. “What?” he asked after a few moments of you not moving. “Did I do something?” 
“Nothing,” you mumbled unconvincingly, lips brushing against him like feathers before kissing him again. You reached behind you and took the hand on your waist by the wrist, pulling it off you and back onto your leg. 
“You want me to only touch your thighs?” he tried teasing, but sounded so in love it was hard to take it in a dirty way, even as he started squeezing them again. 
You hummed against his neck but when he moved to hold your waist again, you pulled away, repeating your action of moving his hands before you kissed his mouth. 
Seokmin pulled away more determinedly and frowned at you. “Seriously, what’s wrong? What am I doing?” 
You tried brushing it off, distracting him by kissing him again but he dodged the kiss and put both of his hands on your shoulders. 
“Tell me. Are you hurt or something?” he asked genuinely, looking down and lifting the bottom of your shirt to see if you had a bruise or cut that he was irritating, but you pushed his hands away, pulling your shirt back down. 
He looked like a kicked puppy. The way he could change from being completely dazed while kissing you to fully alert and concerned about your health at the drop of a hat always left you stunned. How was he already able to think coherently? 
He called your name softly and you blinked a few times. “What?” 
“Why do you not want me to touch your side? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No, I just… don’t like my waist... and hips or whatever…” you trailed off, mumbling more with each word, hands slipping off his shoulders but still holding onto his arms. 
Seokmin looked so offended and hurt that you almost thought you said something negative about his body. “You don’t?” 
You pursed your lips and shook your head slightly. “It’s not a big deal. Just one of those weeks where insecurities amplify, you know?” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?” you asked with a small laugh, moving some of his bangs out of his eyes. 
“Because you don't like your body like I do.”
“You're not going to tell me I’m stupid?” 
“Of course not. It’s not stupid to be insecure, you can’t control it.”
“What would you know about that, Mr. Perfect?” you teased, poking his muscley stomach through his shirt. 
He frowned. “Hey, I’m insecure about things too. I just don't think about them when I’m with you because you make me feel so handsome.”
“You are so handsome,” you confirmed, kissing his nose as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
He scrunched his face but broke out into a grin. “I love you,” he said honestly. “You’re perfect the way you are. Even if you change, you’ll still be perfect.” 
“You’re so cheesy,” you groaned, making him laugh and capture your lips. 
“Can I do something?” he asked innocently, making you narrow your eyes skeptically. 
He pulled you off his lap, repositioning back to how you were first laying, you propped up on pillows and him laying between your legs. Except this time, he was laying farther down, hands holding him up to hover over your stomach. 
“Can I?” 
“Can you what?” you asked nervously. 
“Kiss you,” he answered sweetly, as if there wasn't a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
You knew what he meant. And it made your heart skip a few beats thinking about how sweet he was all the time. You nodded and he gave you one last reassuring kiss to your lips before going back to your stomach, lifting up the hem of your shirt just enough to place a kiss on your belly. 
He glanced up at you, keeping his lips on your skin, and you're pretty sure you died right there at how beautiful he was. Your hands went to his hair to play with the soft strands as he slowly trailed kisses to your side, where you inhaled sharply with worries and insecurities. Your self-deprecating thoughts slowly faded away as he rubbed part of your waist before placing a soft kiss, repeating the action on both sides all over. 
Maybe some of his kisses were a little harsher with a little more teeth, leaving small colored reminders of how much he loved you, but despite still not liking every part of your body, you did love how much Seokmin tried to make you love yourself. He wasn't a cure for being insecure, but he did help you forget. 
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silly-circus · 25 days
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★SillyString’s story/background★
(Way long overdue lmao and long I’m so sorry guys, also made some edits because I wanted to word some things better)
I want to start off by saying she is me, me is she(Im not sure if I made it clear or not so apologies I’m kinda dumb🫰). I say “her” in my posts instead of “me” because idk it feels right since I make her look differently than I actually do. Even so, we share the same name and I do the clown look all the time when I go out to places that I get an excuse to🧍‍♂️so really it is just me but anyway,,, time to begin! This is my first time actually writing this out so I’m sorry if it’s formatted and explained terribly
First off, Silly String is my persona’s clown name. She came up with it herself, everything else was Pennywise’s idea. She was originally a human, and still looks like one and has the appetite of one(when she changed Pennywise assumed she would want to eat people. He was wrong.) She lived in texas(yee-honk) before moving to Maine literally because she thought “why not?” and ended up in good old Derry. Her life growing up wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best. She was always into odd and strange things, or things that most would find creepy(clowns. Love clowns. They’re so cool) so she was kinda outcasted from others at a young age but soon people learned to just let her live in peace which of course she was happy about. She did manage to make some friends, solidarity. After moving, she continued pursuing freelance photography and painting, but her full time job is as a barista in a local coffee shop(wow, how interesting💀).
The way that she met Pennywise was kinda stupid. All she was doing was taking photos of the local wildlife and next thing you know a kid is running by before she notices a fucking weird ass clown creature from hell charging straight towards her(she still snapped a photo before running). He does catch up to her and jumps her. How she managed to not get away, but the kid did, don’t ask me. She survived, her camera unfortunately did not(he gets her a new one eventually guys trust).
since then, they kept bumping into each other. He does try to kill her again but she kept managing to escape him(pissed him off more and more each time) but soon enough he starts to chill out and basically decides to learn more about her. The more she realized he was going to not continuously try eat her every time he visited she would start asking him questions about who he was as an entity and where he came from. It does start out as a weird friendship where he would mess with her at work or appear out of literally no where to hang around. He does start to enjoy her company and watching her do normal, human things since her doing it made it seem entertaining. After a while of slowly getting closer and closer they become loving parters yay(she was still human at this time).
Fast forward and they get “married” which they really call their “eternal binding.” Basically what it means is that she became a part of him. As in if he dies, she dies. She unfortunately didn’t gain any cool shape shifting and such, she just gets to live and thrive as long as he does. When it first happened she was having a hard time with it simply because she’s going to outlive everyone she knows and will continue to, but over time she made her peace with it and saw it as a privilege to watch the world change around her and of course stay with her beloved.
Also the year they met was set in the 1980s, or honestly it could be any time after that or something I don’t know yall get creative I’m just going with the flow.
That is it :) sorry again this is long, and I hope every one has a good day/night(it’s 3 am why do I do this to myself). I also hope you guys continue to follow along with me on their lover clown journey :D
AND- little sneak peek of an upcoming piece I’m working on for Mermay 😙
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
please note that this is a pre-s2 masterpost; new one can be found here.
contrary to popular belief i am actually capable of writing up genuine theories about s2, but they are still wonderfully feral and unhinged in both tone and nature, so voila welcome to ✨rhi's crackpot speculation/meta masterpost✨ featuring some very special guests that are way more insightful and clever than me
note: contains spoilers
d-day edit: lmao let's sort this shitpit out🍲
old post-s2/s3-relevant metas etc but they didn't make it to the final cut of the new masterpost:
BIT NERVOUS about this being linked but fuck it, i didn't like the first two eps INITIALLY but in my defence i learnt the error of my ways and consider it to have been prime's fault
thoughts on s3 in the immediate aftermath
i heard you calling from across the ether for some whump material so i wrote some
also i meta-girlbossed a bit too close to the sun with recontextualising the lion/adam/eve parallels in s1e1 now that we know what we know about aziraphale and crowley pre-fall
someone shared their opinion about the playlists with me then i blacked out and when i came to there was meta
i got big feelings™ about the argument clip in that aziraphale is honestly just a nice man doing his fucking best (not a prediction but just a wee rant)
s2 live commentaries bc im sorry reading these back is GOLD:
episode 1/2 (lumped together bc i went to a screening) (also neil liked this and i feel exposed the poor guy had to read this??? over all the other somewhat intelligent stuff on my blog??? this is what he went for???? man's WILD ✨)
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6 (lmao)
and then basically anything else, mostly all pre-s2 so have a read and laugh at me, it's ok honest
this one made me tear up a bit because i live on a diet of bagels and aziraphale/crowley biblical whump material LMAO AM I APOLLO????
(as amended) the one where my entire theory on aziraphale and crowley's angst for s2 is predicted based on the length of his ridiculous (see: delicious) sideburns
an earlier musing on the plot of like the first three episodes (fuck it let's be real i'm just blueprinting a fanfic in this post)
by all accounts crowley is not, in fact, james bond
the second coming gets fucked up bc gabriel is a pussy ass bitch
✨✨SDCC/NYC✨✨ people pls read this and talk to me about it bc I'm losing it everyone else just shh and read silently for a minute ill get to you in a sec okay id still love to know what happened at the sdcc screening but i went to my own one in the uk and what i saw has done nothing to dissuade me from this theory im sorry
lol haven't updated this post in a hot minute but this is the SMOOCHY prediction
i told y'all crowley was getting hit by the cozzy livs and now my boy has to work in a pub, liz truss i hope ur happy
if i must suffer then you must suffer also thems the rules
✨✨live feed of my breakdown over the episode titles✨✨
a wee romantic shitpost about ep5 but im adding it in here for posterity bc if this does happen im going to simply decease
this was birthed from the above but with ep2(?) spoiler context
i have a sinking feeling that crowley may be a double agent and honestly that's not very james bond of him
segue from the above, someone really cleverly came up with the thought after the wanted posters that crowley is involved in hell descending on the bookshop to get gabriel and was rewarded with duke of hell (hence the art of him on a throne) and i latched on like a fucking barnacle
I cry
(also as amended lmao) my rhetoric on how unequipped aziraphale is to handle intense gay panic god bless this mess this lil funky dude
i have now done so many speculation posts about the 40s that it feels like groundhog day but if prime insist on feeding me 40s content then that's their own damn fault (but this one is the most recent and where I'm currently at so read this one first)
(older) a tinfoil hat inspection of anything related to ww2!husbands, magician aziraphale, and the Dinner of '41
(older again) extended-Dinner of '41 analysis in the context of s1e3
once upon a time aziraphale and crowley fucked up the ineffable plan by not getting together in 1941 and god wasn't happy about it and everything went tits up, the end
a simple humble commentary on how the trailer was put together and a warning to not trust a single thing prime tells us
okay it's not s2 related but i had a bit of wine and a small heartbreak over their first meeting in the beginning and now any other method of therapy is redundant
and last but certainly not least (not for the moment anyway, there's a few more feet to descend before we truly scrape the bottom of the unholy barrel that is my psyche) we encounter the deranged, manic, unbalanced and frankly disturbed commentary i birthed in response to The Spoiler
enjoy, my boos ✨
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frownyalfred · 5 months
hi res,, im a huge, huge fan of your fics and i've been scrolling through your tumblr for the last hours/day while falling in and out of a weird stomach pain that is totally ruining my winter break! i also don't really know how tumblr works but i had to express my love for you, I feel so much better reading your stuff 😍 your tumblr posts are also amazing, thank you so so much for all your contributions to this fandom AND to ao3/fandom culture in general!! (wow that was a lot of exclamation marks, i swear i know how to end a sentence with other punctuation 😃 namely emojis 😃😃)
I had a question about your opinions on some ships, IF YOU'RE AMENABLE, feel free to ignore; i know you're a super busy person and this is going to be a long message, I'm overwhelmed looking at it myself 😅
Firstly, shipping the batkids together??? I've seen a few fics like that, especially the robins (e.g. dick/jason, jason/tim??) but I generally avoid them bc they make me feel uncomfy personally, even if they're not characterized as brothers/sisters in that particular fic - cuz i cant kid myself into thinking that i'll ever see them as anything but siblings 🥹
then there's also the stephanie/tim thing?? my understanding of stephanie's dynamic in the batfamily is limited since i got into the dc fandom mainly through fic, but i'm under the impression that some canons have that, and stephanie is not totally considered part of the batfamily (as in bruce's daughter). while other times it's tim/kon, and I'm very supportive of the increasing inclusion of queer representation in the "dc canon", but i guess it's just that the batkids all feel like children, like babies even 🥺🥺
yea so that was a pretty long winded explanation for a quick question😭 my bad
and finally, my otp, ghostbat 🥹🥰 i've never really seen you post anything about them, it is definitely a much rarer ship, but i'd love to know your opinion 💙 i would absolutely recommend taking a look into it if you haven't already, their dynamic is so unique (imo) and heart-wrenching! i havent found that much content about them, so if there are any suggestions for content for them, i will take literally anything 🥺
yeah so thanks for looking through all of this mess, i love you and your beautiful brain so much, sending positive vibes and well wishes your way <3
Hi anon! Thank you so much, and sorry you're not feeling well. Some quick answers to your questions below:
People do ship the batkids together, in a variety of related/not related scenarios. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Some people like it. Some people get very squicked by it. All reactions are valid. I am a big proponent of ship and let ship -- people are going to write what they're going to write. If you don't like to read that, hit the back button. Like you said, you have already identified that you don't like it, and now you avoid it. That's awesome!
Tim/Steph vs Tim/Kon can also be a touchy subject in fandom. Steph's inclusion in the batfamily depends on the fanon and/or canon. People have strong opinions about this. My reaction is always, teens have relationships. Messy relationships. Tim and Steph and Tim and Kon can all happen and it doesn't make anyone more or less deserving of love or a relationship. They're kids figuring themselves out -- it makes sense that it's messy.
I like ghostbat! I will admit I'm not as familiar with the ship as I could be. I mostly consume secondhand info here on tumblr. @allgremlinart's blog is a great place to start if you haven't already.
Hope that helps! Feel better soon, anon.
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aerequets · 1 year
sugar, spice, and everything nice
rating: G
genre: fluff, humor
synopsis: After the fifth time Loid turned around to see Yuri feigning immense interest in their coffee table, he sighed, long-suffering and in disbelief of what he was about to say. “...do you want to come see what I’m making?”
a/n: this is the first fic i'm posting that was not written in one sitting past midnight :D milestones yall! also i think the first fic which isn't twiyor centric? anyways i know some people love yuri and many, many people loathe him. i'm more on the neutral end, where i acknowledge he's a funky guy and if i ignore the weirder aspects of his love for yor and pretend its just intense attachment issues due to trauma etc then i think he's swell. i didn't really know how to write him since in the series itself he's used more as a plot device than anything else, and loid's view on him reflects that, so hopefully this doesn't feel too weird. also ending fics is hard im sorry 🙏🙏
anyways i've talked enough, one last thank you for everyone who leaves reviews and kudos, i don't get to respond to them but i do read them all and appreciate the love <3 enjoy
“Yooor!” Yuri sang as he shoved the door to the Forger residence open, bouquet of flowers in hand. “I got off work early so I decided to come… and…”
His voice petered out as he took a better look inside the apartment he’d just forcibly entered. The chihuahua girl and her polar bear of a dog were in the living room with some noxious cartoon blaring on the TV set. That damned Forger was in the kitchen, messing around with something that definitely didn’t smell good whatsoever. Most importantly, there was a glaring, offensive lack of Yor!
“Where is Yor?” He asked, accusingly pointing a finger at Loid who finally looked up from his work. “What did you do to her?!”
Loid’s eye twitched. What made Yuri assume he could just barge in whenever he wanted and find Yor waiting for him? “She got called out for a late night shift.”
“Don’t lie to me, you—” Yuri’s other senses finally caught up and he begrudgingly confirmed that whatever Forger was messing around with did smell good. Really good. And vaguely familiar? He sniffed the air deeply, trying to figure it out.
Anya looked up from her cartoons. “Are you acting like a dog, Unkie?”
“I’m not the dog here!”
Loid debated with himself as Yuri stood in the doorway, neither coming in nor leaving. The polite, Loid-Forgerly thing to do would be to invite him inside to wait for Yor to come back. That was what upstanding gentlemen, good members of society—far from the blacklists of the SSS— acted like; gracious, affable.
The thing was, he didn’t really want to.
He watched Yuri argue with Anya about dogs (“there’s an actual dog, and then you, chihuahua girl. I am a normal person!”) and groaned. Come on. What would Yor think if she heard Yuri came by and I turned him away? It would be no good if he displeased her. He had to do this for the sake of Strix.
“Would you like to come in?” He called from his spot in the kitchen, none too welcomingly.
(Doing it for the mission didn’t mean he had to be happy about it.)
Yuri was torn from his impassioned argument with a literal first grader. “Tch… I guess since I’ve brought flowers, I might as well put them in water,” he muttered. “No other reason!”
He came in. He split the gargantuan bouquet up into six different vases. He made some comments about how Anya’s cartoon was impossible according to the laws of physics. Then he just stood in the living room, trying—and failing—to act like he wasn’t peering at Loid’s activity in the kitchen, still loudly sniffing the air. Really, even if Loid didn’t have senses sharpened to a knife’s point, it would be difficult not to notice Yuri. To make matters worse, every time he turned back, Yuri would suddenly whip around and act like he definitely wasn’t loitering, the way they did in bad sitcoms. Is this the way the SSS carry out their own covert operations? he wondered.
Aside from Anya’s cartoon playing in the background, it was painfully quiet, the only sounds coming from Loid's activity in the kitchen. It seemed like Yuri wasn’t going to strike up a conversation, and Loid wasn’t inclined to, either. But then why is he just standing there?
 After the fifth time Loid turned around to see Yuri feigning immense interest in their coffee table, he sighed, long-suffering and in disbelief of what he was about to say. “...do you want to come see what I’m making?” 
 Yuri squinted at him like he was affronted at the mere notion. “Hmph. I guess I could.” The speed with which he made his way to the kitchen offset his haughty tone. He glanced down into the various bowls Loid had set out on the counter, one filled with sliced apples, another with some uncracked eggs, and a third with flour, sugar, and spices laid out, but not yet combined. 
 “Apples,” Yuri said, almost dumbstruck. He forgot to keep the scowl on his face as he picked up an aniseed from the third bowl and brought it to his nose. It seemed like he finally found what he’d been sniffing around for. “You’re making apple cake?”  
 “Close,” Loid said, surprised by Yuri’s flip in demeanor. “Apple streusel pie. Do you make apple cake?”
 “Not me. But… this smell is…” Yuri mumbled, smelling the anise. “I don’t really remember, but this thingy smells familiar to me.”
 “It’s star anise. And people often say that smells are stronger links to memories than visuals,” Loid offered. “Maybe it’s something you used to have.” 
 Yuri’s eyes widened. “Oh. Now that I think about it…” He held the aniseed up to the light. “I think Mom put this in apple cake once, on Sis’ birthday.” He cut a glance to Loid. “Apples are her favorite.”
 Loid knew—that was why he was making apple streusel. But he was more astonished at the fact that Yuri brought up an old memory to him at all. Right now, with Yuri looking at the aniseed with an almost wondrous expression, it struck Loid how much of a kid Yuri was. 
 Yuri was only twenty years old. When Twilight was twenty years old, he was still new to WISE, training hard and getting his ego beaten down even harder. He’d thought he knew everything there was to know back then.  
 Could he blame Yuri for thinking the same way? 
 For the first time, Loid found himself regarding Yuri with something that wasn’t annoyance. Sure, the guy was more attached to Yor than superglue, but again, could he be blamed? He was a kid clinging onto the only thing left from his childhood. 
 Yuri turned to him with a grim expression. “I think I should take over this baking project of yours.”
 Any feelings of tenderness were dashed in an instant. “What?”
 “Apples are Yor’s favorite, and I know her best, so I should make the apple cake.”
“Apple streusel. ”
 Loid resisted the urge to physically kick Yuri out of the kitchen. Don’t tussle with an SSS officer. Don’t tussle with your wife’s brother. Don’t tussle with a kid! “Are you forgetting the last time you came and destroyed the kitchen?”
 “You may have won then, but I won’t back down from this fight,” Yuri hissed. Loid gaped, a headache building in his temples. Since when was this a fight?
“Is this round two?!” Anya’s voice suddenly piped. The two of them turned to see her standing by the counter, looking strangely excited. She’d abandoned her cartoons to stretch up onto her tiptoes to see the counter. “Papa versus Unkie?”
“We aren’t doing that,” Loid said at the same time Yuri declared “I’m going to wipe the floor with him.” They turned and glared at each other.
Bond trotted up to Anya and nudged her with his nose. She paused, turned to the dog, and then brightened up.
“I just thought of a way better idea,” she announced. “Let’s all bake for Mama together!”
“What?!” The evening was spiraling way out of control. All Loid had wanted was to make some apple streusel for Yor since she was working late so often and deserved a treat (because if she got too tired or fed up, it would reflect badly on their fake marriage). Now he was meant to bake with her hyperactive brother and his equally hyperactive daughter—two people with an entire lack of abandon in the kitchen?
“No way,” Yuri sniffed, and for once Loid wholeheartedly agreed—until he continued, “I'm gonna make such a good apple streusel Yor will forget why she ever married you."
“This is not your kitchen,” Loid said, patience evaporated. “You aren't making anything, not here at least.”
“What, are you scared?”
“I'm not going to argue with you about this—”
Anya sighed loudly and tutted as if she were an exasperated adult. “Mama will be happiest,” she said slowly, “if we all make it.”
That got both men to pause. Well, thought Loid, I am making this to cheer her up in the first place. Anya's not wrong…
Agh. If it makes Sis happier, then shouldn't I…?
Anya smiled in satisfaction. In the snippet of the future she read from Bond's mind, it seemed like everyone was getting along and Mama was smiling really wide, so Papa and Unkie had to stop fighting in order for that to happen. As fun as round two sounded, that future seemed better.
(Also, in that version of the future, everyone was too distracted and happy to notice Anya sneaking extra dessert. Double win!)
“Yay! What do I do?” Anya asked, eagerly hopping up on a stool. “Can I put the crumblies on top?”
“It's not time for that yet,” Loid replied. “Though you can help me make the topping if you want. Er, Yuri, if you want to get started on the custard, you can crack the eggs…”
“Right, eggs,” Yuri repeated before picking one up and smashing it into the bowl, shell splintering. Loid and Anya jumped.
“Not like that!” Loid cried.
“Even I learned how to crack eggs,” Anya unhelpfully supplied, leading Yuri's face to glow red. Loid felt a tinge of pity (he knew how Anya's words could burn firsthand) and cautiously asked, “Did you ever learn to crack an egg, Yuri?”
“It was fine to do it this way before Yor ate your food,” he mumbled in response. Loid was silent for a few seconds before turning to the fridge and pulling a fresh egg out. “This is how you do it.” He demonstrated over the bowl, noting how Yuri carefully tracked the movement. “Tap gently enough to make a crack in the shell. Then pull it apart like you're opening it. Yor learned this way too.” He threw the empty shells away before adding, “Not everything has to stay the way it was before, you know.”
A muscle in Yuri's jaw jumped, but he said nothing and instead set to cracking the other eggs, a little clumsy but decidedly better. Loid then got Anya to whisk the powders together ( “Gently,” he insisted, since it seemed Anya had some sort of floury vendetta) and he cut the butter in for the streusel topping. Yuri began haltingly asking for instructions on what to do next, which Loid was glad to provide.
Time passed like this, with Loid and Yuri slowly warming up to each other via baking. During the process of whisking, mixing, pouring and arranging apples, it seemed like Yuri forgot to be thorny with Loid, and Loid forgot to be cross at Yuri's presence. Anya, too, quickly forgot why she was helping at all and went back to watching cartoons, in wait for when the streusel would be ready for her to eat.
It was when a warm, cinnamon-sugary smell was filling the apartment and Loid and Yuri were cleaning up that the front door opened. Yor trudged in, tired and sore from the night's assignment and ready to collapse into bed. She froze upon seeing six fresh vases and a very familiar pair of shoes in the doorway.
The TV was playing one of Anya's cartoons, but the living room was void. Yor, weary and blood still pumping, immediately assumed the worst. Oh, no. What if Yuri came and got in a fight with Loid? What if he found out we're fake married?! Where's Anya? And—
She, too, had to pause and finally breathe in the mouthwatering scent hanging in the air. There was just something about it…
Abandoning all caution, Yor slipped inside, keeping her steps light just in case something really was wrong. But it smelled too good for there to be any real damage—was that sound logic, or was she just hungry? In any case, she made sure not to draw attention to herself as she poked her head into the kitchen. 
“And for pots that have a lot of gunk in them, you can just boil a bit of water with soap and vinegar  and wait till it foams. Makes it easier to clean,” Loid was telling Yuri. “Yor taught me that, actually—oi, Anya, don't open the oven yet.”
“Makes sense.” Yuri was scribbling something down in a notepad, punching down on the dots and lines. “I'll triple-star that one since it's a tip from Sis.”
“Is it ready yet?” Anya was alternating between excitedly jumping in front of the oven and plastering her face up against the glass. Bond, too, was sat next to Anya with his tail furiously thumping on the ground. “It smells sooo good!”
“It'll be just a minute. Come on, back up from there, both of you.”
Yor was so shocked at what she was seeing that she dropped her purse, alerting everyone of her presence. They all gawked at each other; Anya and Bond were the first to react, scrambling up from their spots. 
“Mama! You're back!” Anya exclaimed, hugging her mother's knees. Bond barked and Yor pet his head absentmindedly, still trying to process what she was seeing. 
“I am,” she said faintly. “Yuri…? When did you get here?” 
“Sis!” Yuri said, also snapping out of his stupor. He sheepishly tucked his notepad away. “Um, a bit ago, I guess. I came to visit you, but you were out, and…"
“Did you guys bake together?” Yor asked, daring to hope. Yuri and Loid exchanged a glance before Loid smiled.
“He's a quick learner.”
"Loi-Loi is an okay teacher, I guess,” Yuri reluctantly added. “We made apple streusel. Do you remember Mom's apple cake?”
Yor inhaled, closing her eyes. The memory was fuzzy, but distinctly sweet, as if the taste of the cake remained. “Yeah. This smells really similar.”
“Yuri had the idea of adding cloves and cardamom,” Loid said. “It worked out quite nicely.”
“Yeah, it was my idea,” Yuri said proudly. Loid rolled his eyes but said nothing more on the subject. No wonder it smelled so familiar, Yor thought. She could hardly believe Yuri even remember the apple cake. Or that he'd shared enough about it with Loid that they were able to replicate some of it in the streusel.
Something warm and sweet  was filling up in Yor's chest. Was it the sugar in the air? She breathed it in, cheeks apple red and sore from how widely she was beaming, previous tiredness all but forgotten. She hadn't realized how much she'd subconsciously wanted Yuri to warm up to her family before. Her family. His family now, too. It didn't have to be just the two of them. 
“Ah—are you crying?!” Yor's eyes had gotten a little shiny, which naturally led to Yuri bursting out bawling. “I missed you toooo!”
The oven dinged and Loid pulled out the streusel as Yor joined them in the kitchen. As the adults got to chatting, Anya snuck around and victoriously stabbed a forkful of the piping dessert, blowing on it vigorously before chomping down. She grinned around her fork. 
Victory was sweet. 
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theolddivorcedzukka · 8 months
I am asking about your zukka mitski playlist because my interest has been peaked !!
hi anon i am aware that this ask was sent on july 1st and your interest is no longer piqued so oops and sorry :(
here is the playlist link in case u still want to listen to it and ill talk about it a bit under the read more!!
hiiii so the funny thing about this playlist is that it was from before i even started posting about divorced zukka but i still had the headcanon of zuko and sokka dating when younger, breaking up, and then getting back together as middle aged adults. the playlist follows that exact same sequence cause im too lazy to write the fic so this is my way of writing the divorced zukka fic
ok so im not gonna explain the whole thing but I'll try to be a bit brief about what the songs talk about without getting into Why cause i know i'll be here for hours if i do so
1-3: sokka's section. it is set in canon and the vibe here is "i need to be strong, i need to be brave and tough like my father, like a real man, i have depression, i need to be the warrior, i do all the protecting but who is going to save me, i'm just asking for a kiss, one day i am going to die, etc"
4-9: zuko's section. set in canon up till "working for the knife" which is about him being firelord which suuuuucks. ehh you get the gist of it he is flawed, he is fucked up, he doesn't know what he wants, he is the forest fire, he is watching himself burn, he just needs something that will fill him up, etc and then he is crowned firelord and he gets worse but in a different way
10-11: classic sokka and zuko parallelism. hungry to be something they cannot be, thinking that that thing is what they should want, that that is what they are really hungry for. Wrong
12-13: set in the boiling rock. both would be from sokka's perspective and first love late spring is there because of how zuko holds sokka back from doing this reckless thing alone and end up killing himself "one word from you and i would jump off of this ledge im on baby. tell me don't so i can crawl back in" and heat lightning is about sokka surrendering and giving in to accepting that he needs help, he can't do this alone and so he allows zuko and co to carry this load with him and work together to get out of tbr
14-15: zuko and sokka start dating years after the war. "come into the water" is basically "come here, let's take this risk together. we both know it could be a mess but we don't really care about that right now, tell me you want me to do this and i'll come into the water with you" and for a while, it is all good. sokka and zuko start falling in love, they start taking care of each other, thinking that they can heal like this together and it'll all be good. there is still some issues in there like sokka's protectiveness that can end up hurting him "while you sleep, i'll be scared. so by the time you wake, ill be brave" but during that period in their relationship, they feel like nothing can get to them as long as they're together in their safe space.
16-18: the problems arise. they both knew that this had to be secret because of zuko's position, homosexuality being illegal in the fire nation, the assassination attempts that could worsen if the truth came out, and both their reputations but it's hard keeping it secret when they wish they could be like this not only behind locked doors. as well as that, sokka feels inferior here in the fire nation and it's not just the way the court talks about and at him and the way he's treated because of the fire nation's racism, it's that feeling that in a way he is betraying the water tribe, his family, his mother, everyone. what is he doing here in a nation that caused him and everyone so much harm? and he can separate how he feels about zuko from how he feels about the fire nation but it feels wrong sometimes, they feel like the same person sometimes.
18: this could also be seen as the proposal gone wrong or what leads up to it. they both aren't talking things through with full honesty, they try to avoid conflict cause their relationship is their one good thing at the moment. "sorry i can't take your touch, it's not that i don't want you" is basically sokka refusing the proposal to me. those aren't his words, they both just burst out at each other and make it all a mess. and sokka wants zuko but he can't sacrifice himself to spend his whole life there in a nation that he just doesn't feel right in, which might be one of sokka's few "im doing this for me" moments, and so this ends their relationship. huzzah.
19: breakup song. thinking that's where you loved me. me too zukka
20-21: classic zuko self-deprecation momence. "when you leave me, i should die. i deserve it, don't i?" and "i don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory, im not the boy i ought to be" etc
22: sokka's lament. "i know i ended it but why won't you chase after me?" i know that this is what i must do but why won't you come back and try to change my mind? what if you just don't care anymore? why didn't you stop me even if we both know that we can't change this?
23: "you're my best friend now i have no one to tell how i lost my best friend" no comment
24: aghhhh this love is a star it's so gone now it's so over
25: we are so back!!!! as reluctant friends. this is zuko and sokka's first formal reunion together where they actually sit down together and awkwardly talk and pretend they don't have feelings. they are both lying when they say they haven't told anyone ofc they have. in my mind, this is when zuko has izumi now and they're catching up and trying to be friends again
26-27: that doesn't fucking work, they don't want to be friends. they always want each other when they think they're finally fine, they're both foolish to bet on this "whatever it is" when they know they're bound to lose. they want each other but they can't have each other, they hold the cards, they have a chance but taking that risk could ruin everything
28: oh my gooood fuck it let's hook up for old time's sake but also we both know that this shit won't go anymore but let's take this chance only for today (becomes a frequent thing every time sokka visits)
29: sokka has a realization and finds out that zuko still does have feelings. he wanted him but he couldn't reach sokka again, he's been keeping all of him in his memory to try to keep that love and now Sokka knows. oh shit wtf what now?
30: zuko and sokka have a talk. they have a small moment. maybe there is slow dancing involved. it really was foolish of us to think that we could stay the same. it would be so wonderful to go back to when we were younger, that short time was beautiful while it lasted. we both know that there is love in here but it can't happen again. im sorry
31: SIKE!!!! WE ARE SO BACK FR THIS TIME. you are the one i want, you're the one i've got, i'm not wasting this one lifetime without you. i will be the one you need, the way i can't be without you
32: zukka undivorced arc baby zukka back together. i know i've kissed you before but i didn't do it right, i haven't kissed you the way i should. let me kiss you like it used to be, not hurried or desperate, let me do it right and let me try again and again and again until we get it right. maybe there is no way to get it right and perfect but they still kiss so it's a perfect excuse
33: zuko and sokka retire, zuko ends the monarchy, they run off to the water tribe together just like they planned from the beginning. they could be anywhere but it doesn't matter where, they just want to be still with each other
34: *sokka voice* yue i just had a weird prophetic dream so if i die, look after zuko for me
35: sokka death scene amv. zuko loses sokka forever this time and there's no coming back now. he doesn't know how to be strong anymore if sokka isn't here to see him
36: zuko death scene amv. go get your stupid death on a rocking chair all calm and peaceful, old man
37: end credits
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hello!! do you guys know if there’s a good way to find out if we’re a really low communication or possibly monocon system VS if there’s just a mental barrier between front and headspace? im not sure if this is a good description but we don’t notice super distinct shifts but rather at any given moment to find out who’s fronting we go through a list of all our names and see which ones cause anxiety and which ones fit ok. our communication is abysmal and it feels like there’s a “wall” between whoever is at front and the rest of the system. do we just try and accept plurality until someone from the other side of the “wall” shows up? or are there ways to try and make everything run smoother? sorry this is kind of a lot!!! thank you! — las creaturas sys
this may be a bit more complex than we (a nonprofessional) can really help with. it may take some work with a therapist or even just some time spent focusing on self-reflection and discovering yourself in order to find these answers.
that being said, here’s some stuff we can say with confidence (more or less…):
1. all there is to being plural is being or existing as more than one. if you feel like you share others in your mind, that’s all it really takes to be plural. if the plural framework helps you and is useful for you, you’re welcome to use it, even if you have absolutely no contact with other members of your system.
2. the way that you describe figuring out who’s fronting reminds us of an article we read a while back by a did system. here it is -
maybe the way this system functions can provide a bit of insight into your own system, even if you don’t suspect having did or a dissociative disorder.
3. as far as we understand, headspaces are imagined places created by visualizing something in your mind. we wrote a post about headspaces here:
not all systems actively had to create their headspaces, but for the majority of them, this is true. our own headspace was created through conscious choices made by members of our system. however, our host also struggles to access our headspace. we’re not quite sure why this is. as far as we know, dissociative barriers work by blocking off traumatized alters and trauma memories from the alters who handle day-to-day functioning. we’re not sure if being blocked or cut off from the headspace is a dissociative barrier thing.
4. when first discovering a system, establishing contact with other alters can be ridiculously difficult. especially if you have high dissociative barriers, or system members who are heavily in denial or can’t accept that they’re part of a system. however, we firmly believe that with practice and patience, internal communication can improve with time! our system used to be a huge mess in this regard, but at this point we can communicate with each other decently. it’s still a work in progress, but after 2 years of parts work in therapy and lots and lots of time spent focusing on trying to get in touch with each other, we’re in a much better place and find communication much easier to manage.
we have a post with some basics on establishing contact with headmates. it’s designed for folks with dissociative disorders (as that is our experience), but it may be useful for any kind of system. here it is:
…and that’s pretty much all we can say here. if you’re questioning whether or not you’re monoconscious, perhaps try scrolling though @monoconsciouscultureis to see what sort of experiences systems often submit there, and find out if their experiences align with yours. other than that, we don’t really know what else to say that might be useful.
sorry if this post is all over the place or doesn’t make much sense. we’re wishing you luck with figuring this out. remember, with practice, patience, and persistence, you probably can achieve better communication or at least a better understanding within your system. sending you our best!
🐢 kip and 🌸 margo
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josephtrohman · 10 months
Do you have any Joetrick recs?
kicking my feet twirling my hair blinking my big wet eyes at you holding u gently in my arms so on and so forth...i Am still working on a real full fics recs page but it's like a bigger job than i expected so idk when i'll be done it ...anyways maybe one day but for now here are my favest faves :^) sorry it's a lot and i kind of said too much BGDJKGBDHJGB, CLEARLY im very passionate (also no matter what i do the formatting keeps getting messed up lmfao sorry.)
combinatorics by heyginger. patrick is in luvvv with joe when joe starts online dating during tour, and basically tension and feelings and etc etc ensue. the first time i read it i was like running around my house and squealing out loud and everything bc it's just that perfect, and it really only gets better upon re-reading bc you pick up on little things you didn't notice the first time! the tension and the misunderstandings are, at times, painful and you really feel everything patrick is going through, but it really keeps you on your toes! i feel like the characterization is perfect in this and i just can't get enough. also this is the fic i read to my partner (if you are a true josephtrohman fan and saw the post HAHAHAH), he really enjoyed it and is interested in me reading more of my favs to him bc of it, so it even has the normie stamp of approval ;)
hedonism by rosiedoesfic. patrick is in a toxic relationship with pete, but patrick and joe begin an affair and it leads to a mess of feelings and fighting and etc etc. it's angsty and it hurts and everything like that but god it's also sooo brilliantly written. rosie has this amazing gift of writing the voices so realistically, including and especially the complexities of joe's inner monologue! i mean not that i know joe’s inner monologue irl obviously but it feels so realistic…this fic a punch in the gut to read, and obviously i prefer when fob are like Friends rather than fighting but this fic is insanely beautiful that i can look past that preference of mine lol. one of the fics i've re-read the most because it's been a fave for a long time. so so so heart-achingly GOOD.
thnks fr th knckers by rosiedoesfic. a pair of panties gets thrown on stage at a show, and the floodgates open essentially, with patrick at the centre of it, grappling with finding it hot and also thinking it's weird basically. because of this internal dilemma, the tension (sorry i don't have a better word it's always tension lol) is like soooo perfect, like patrick fighting it but he can't UGHGHBG. it's a little naughty obviously but with some real plot and this is probably the singular fic i've reread the most throughout my life!!! i'm not even normally into panty kink stuff (not a problem with it, it's just something that's never been like a big turn on for me or anything) but this fic is AMAZING.
above are my three favest faves EVER and i go absolutely nutso for them, as you can tell!! i kind of cycle through the three of those for which one i call my all time favourite depending on my mood <3 if you only are interested in reading some of these, PLEASE PLEASE read the above three!!! i could go on forever and ever about them and just really leave this reclist there at those three, but just cuz i loveeee to talk about fic i'll touch on some others
in general, you really can't go wrong with any of rosie's fics!! i've read literally every single joetrick fic she's ever written and all of them are amazing, seriously very much our joetrick queen (hi rosie if you're reading this <3). some specific highlights for me in her catalogue include fairytale of new york (a really neat holidays fic with a hint of magic, i just re-read it the other day even tho it's july and it's so so so good) and technology (another fic written for the same prompt as combinatorics, all about online dating and catching feelings!! ughhhh amazing). i also would be remiss to NOT mention the world's not waiting which has an almost legendary status in joetrick/fob world, and rightfully so bc it's SOOO good and sweeps you away and then you blink and your whole day was spent just reading this fanfic lol...and it's been on a bit of pause BUT rosie has promised she's planning on resuming when she has time so better get to reading it so you're ready whenever there's the next update anon ;)
heyginger's got some other great ones too but there are only i think like 2 other joetrick fics on heyginger's page (both are shorter but SOOOO GOOD - bdsm and good fortune. since they're shorter i'll let the fics speak for themself!)
ok ok now for a couple outside of just gushing about rosie and heyginger BGDHBGHJDB. im going to keep the descriptions etc to a more minimum cuz im losing steam but. yeah ;)
my heart goes with you by likeasugarcube. prom fic with amazing smut, this is one of the first joetrick fics i remember reading as a teen and i always keep coming back to it!
intensity by likethepaint. perfect lil fic about patrick's temper, or rather, patrick's intensity, and stuff basically, and no further spoilers :) but really good!
there is no natural religion by carleton97. short and a lil smutty, and i'll leave it at that :)
brace yourself and find a safe place by distortedmya. amazing fic about joe coming out as an adult, and it's soooo sweet <3
summer of like by heartofthesunrise. yes it may be the petekey title but it more focusses on j+p with some petekey drama off to the side that ends early on actually if i remember correctly. so dang sweet and the way the writing places you in the ambiance is kind of magical (i first read it in the winter and reading it truly felt like it was summer!)
sorry if this is a lot. i didn't expect to pop off but hi. the way this is me holding back a bit too, im crazy and you all know it GDBHBDHJBGDJBJ. clearly im passionate about this topic and i hope you enjoy my recs!!!!! and dont find me too annoying dear anon hahahahah
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scrollypoly · 10 months
hi! for the past month i’ve been seeing people say BEN is a child and i think that part of it is linked to the fact that they think of Benjamin Lawman being BEN? but it’s so annoying to read these type of stuff because i understand not everyone read the whole arg story but stop spreading things that aren’t true </3 it’s such an interesting story too! another note do you prefer BEN’s canon or fanon design? :3 i love both but his canon design is so nostalgic i can’t let it go at all omg!! i’ve also been wondering, do you think Ben’s avatar was the statue? i was thinking about what if BEN took over it early on, before Benjamin did making BEN inhabiting it since the start?
Sorry this was such a ramble i practically make no sense omg but i need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It </3
"I need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It" LITERALLY SAME OMG
Ok this is going under a cut becus . . . Its ben and BEN and if u didnt know i am Obnoxious about these two. Im gonna try to keep it organized a bit, so ill talk about the canon stuff first and then ill talk my personal headcanons and my fic so le's go!
In terms of the age and child thing, yeah i 100% believe you are correct. Ive been p open on my stance with the whole "is ben a child?" thing, and i think a lot of the heat with it comes down to current fandom purity culture and the pro/anti thing. So, lemme try to like. Boil down a complicated situation into smth easy to read. ahem
Ben Lawman and BEN are completely different entities guys, and for those that do not know the arg story, the Ben you know is not human nor a child.
You know BEN, BEN is the one in the story who terrorizes jadusable and spreads himself on the internet as a virus. That BEN is a program, a mess of code, an AI, however you want to interpret it. Personally i interpret it as a series of protocols running in a machine, like a self learning AI, but ive seen lots of cool interpretations of BEN. So . . . What does BEN specifically? Its an anagram for the Behavioral Event Network. If you dont wanna call it BEN cuz it gets confusing with actual kid Ben, do what i do. I call mine Evie :) ive seen some call it Netty, my bf calls his two izzi and clever (@benilos btw hes also got crazy ben stuff). Just go ham! Have fun! Remember when fandoms were about having fun and not accusing each other of pedo shit and call each other horrible things for just writing black-to-grey characters and stories??
Anyways ive gone off in enough peoples tags like this, for those that dont know the canon dont be spouting the age discourse. You look stupid as hell. And for those that are gonna spout it, please dont cherry pick through the canon. Use both characters, use the other moon children, actually please do because I want more rosa content so bad, im down so bad :'(
Or just. Heres a thought. If someone has him as an adult or writes him in adult situations, maybe dont assume that they interpret him as a kid and call the writer a pedo? (Literally has happened to me, yall are fucking weird)
Plug for the jadusable wiki with all the canon lore:
Okay now my stuff 🥰
Yes i use more of the canon design and heavily use the canon story, i participated in arc 3 of the arg and it left deep grooves in my brain, i can never go back to fanon Ben. I say, as i put a more fanon appearance on my Ben 🤭
My Evie is full canon design, green hair, red eyes, creepy ass grin. I actually based it very heavily on my desktop wallpaper, which we actually figured out was a picture of @hauntedtotem (also amazing ben artist plz check them out) that they edited and posted. Sorry friend, it looked way too cool, ig youre in my fic canon now 🙇
And my Ben Lawman bleaches his hair and goes from the canon Ben to fanon Ben because of it. Hes got the pale pretty green eyes and glasses and hes a total nerd and i smooch him on the daily so he knows hes loved ♡
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These is the ref pic i made for the two of them. So yeah! Kinda both!
As for bens situation in the actual arg, yes i do think he was in the elegy statue, we actually do see him for the first time in the arg buried in the games code and trapped in that statue. I do think he was in there from the beginning, i personally think BEN was not limited to the models it could inhabit. Personally i would place it as skull kid and hms, but it also feels disingenuous to me to say it was in one model the whole first arc.
The arg events do happen in my canon, before my fic (like right before, it picks up after the arg left off technically), but the events are skewed a bit because i had a hard time deciphering what happened and i wanted my fic timeline to fit more with the characters i had made. Cuz my evie isnt as chaotic evil as canon BEN, its very logical and has a path of logic and reason you can follow for every action it does. It was also originally meant to be very pleasant and corteous and beneficial to the people it housed so, yes its pretty different from canon.
Ill do a quick run through of the arg events in my personal headcanon and fic here.
Kelbris starts coding BEN (Evie) for the Eternity Project. Initially, Evie was meant to be an afterlife director. People that died would be digitized into code that would be moved into Evie's servers, where it would keep them happy and occupied as the Behavioral Event Network (notice and log behavior, create events for residents). Like a community organizer kind of, think the Good Place.
While Evie is in development, Ben Rosa and Matt are friends and have yet to join the cult. Rosa and Matt are siblings, and Ben is the kid who lives catty corner on the street. They walk to school together and play at recess and all that jazz.
Kelbris quickly learns that the Eternity Project isn't as goody two-shoes as he thought. This was in like, the 90s, before digital corporations were really established. After seeing the greed and corruption in the company, he goes rogue, takes the source code for Evie, and jumps ship. He keeps working on Evie at home, anthropomorphizing it and kind of seeing it like the son he never had. This is where it actually gets the name BEN, as thats what Kel calls it. He also begins working on a body for it, so it can live independently. Its light, cuz Kels old, made of crystalline structures and hollow steel beams. A hard light projection would make its appearance.
Since Kel has basically locked himself up in his house and isolated working on Evie, he goes a leetle bit crazy. He has hallucinations of his deceased wife (you know he was doing all this just to give her a good home, you KNOW IT) and eventually starts writing kind of poetry, kind of none-minded rambles about her in a forum online. He gets a following, some of which that interpret these divine words as a goddess, one Kel has called Luna. The Moon Children start to form as Evie finishes development.
Matt sees this literature and starts talking about how this Goddess could save them like it saved the man online, whos username is only Father. He gets sucked into the cult and drags Ben and Rosa with him. Ben doesn't see the harm and joins pretty easily with his best friend, but Rosa is the older sibling and sees the red flags and is more resistant to joining.
As Kelbris finishes Evie, he wakes it up for the first time and says hello to the son he made from scratch. Evie is bright, curious and naive like a child, but heavily knowledgeable about its protocols and the information it knows about the world. Kelbris tests its function by killing himself, and ascends into the code, finishing off the hardware by becoming its firewall. Evie is alone for many years.
The abuse Ben's father slings onto his mother is slowly being directed towards him as he gets older. Ben is not the "good little girl" his father sees him as, and his mother does all she can to protect them both. Matt and Rosa constantly refuge him, and Matt specifically is constantly being a guard dog for him. If he wasn't just 13, he'd probably go at Ben's dad himself.
Because of his homelife and the conflict he has with himself, Ben takes the first ascension. He thinks when he drowns himself, he will meet Luna and she will give him another life free of pain and fear and full of happiness and freedom. Instead, he dies a cold, dark death, and wakes up in the white endless void of the Event Network.
Evie has not known another living human since Kelbris, but it does know its protocols to support and keep the deceased happy. It makes fast friends with Ben, devoting itself to him. Ben actually finally takes the name "Ben" from it. Together they recreate the inside of Evie's hivemind into their own paradise.
Slowly the other Moon Children ascend. First Matt, wracked with guilt for what happened to Ben. Then Nekko, from a different branch of the cult. These three figured out that the Moon Children cult was all a farce, and that what Kelbris had started, the Eternity Project had found and twisted. Next to ascend was Dusk, then Insidiae, and finally Rosa.
This all leads into the first arc, shortly after Rosa ascended, Evie in the outisde world stumbled upon the Operator. The Operator attacks it and seals its coding into the game that it carried, a personal item of Ben's. The game eventually finds it's way to a garage sale, and Alex picks it up.
Evie does not like Alex. Matt does not like Evie. Matt gets Evie to lash out at Alex for prodding into its code, its too naive to think that Matt would want to see it or any of them hurt. When Alex stumbles upon the Father, he awakens and swallows Alex down into the game. After his disappearance, the game gets picked up and passed around again.
Because of Alex's actions, at least Evie can now branch out a bit from the game. Though it doesnt "escape" into the internet, it learns that it can now access it and uses that freedom to try and steer the game around into places it wants.
Matt gets fed up with Evie. The fact that its the leader, how close it is with Ben, he just doesn't agree with it. So much so, in fact, that he tries to kill it. Cue arc 3 events, Sarah picks up the game in the aftermath of this. Evie is traumatized from the events and snaps a bit, locks everyone down into code or immovable models and tries to hunt Matt down. It goes rouge, and because of this, the Father wakes up.
Sarah's actions in arc 3 eventually hard reset the game. Matt gets sealed away, the Father also takes Sarah, and Evie gets reset as well, though its less like a clean slate and more like snapping back awake. Its personality changes and it has major trust issues. Its more muted, hyper observant of everything around it, and murderously overprotective of the Moon Children it keeps within itself.
And this leads into my fic 🤗
I have some doodles of my other Moon Children, but not all of them unfortunately. Cant figure out how tf i want Insidiae to look 🤭 Plz dont judge my constantly shifting art style 🙏🙏
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Dusk is bigender btw, i gotta put a little more trans rep in there lol
I think ill stop here, this is already a long ass post. But thank you for sending this, as you can see, i am Perfectly Normal about this arg ( ;) ) and can be trusted with information about it
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cathalbravecog · 9 months
long ramble, haven't had one of these in a while! if you read this, have fun. it's headcanons/thoughts on some stuff. i don't talk about my thoughts on story stuff publicly much anymore especially because 1) i'm shy 2) trust issues 3) bad rsd 4) i forgot the last point
i was writing for oNCE yesterday (some headcanon stuff, for myself, won't be posting that unless i change the wording of some of it to make more sense because i ramble a lot and it's a mess. like i am doing right now. also that turned into being mostly about hr in the end because i am ill. now hopefully this motivation will get me to write my mary and archie stuff.)
and when i went to bed i was thinking about some stuff in toontown, mostly the cogs - and how things work. these are things i ponder on very often and have talked about with my friends many time, throwing ideas back and forth and my headcanons for how things work.
though, there's one thing i really wonder about, and that's where cogs come from in ttcc exactly. in 'that' way though of course to keep things on the same rating as the game is i won't discuss anything explicit so don't worry. (besides they're robots and also are sexless to me, anything related to gender is purely cosmetic to them. you are usually assigned a certain expression when built though, but can change that later on. that's how i explain trans cogs.)
i think about how there are canonical families and children, and that they have "built" dates and places where they've been built. it's obvious as they're robots, they're not born they're built and made.
it's a bit difficult to explore with the limited info we have, which is kind of both an hassle to work with, but also beautiful because you can let your creativity go and make up your own headcanons, without things being set in too much canon. it's also difficult due to how different the suit culture is to us humans and also what we see from the toons which is by nature more familiar to us.
we also do not know much about suitopia, or other possible places where cogs live.
(i, personally, imagine suitopia as essentially a big country where most if not all cogs live. it has it's own regions, cities... all that. where as c.o.g.s. inc has built itself to be essentially it's own small country/community, if that makes sense. though cogs don't always only mention suitopia, at least once 'the whole world' is used. this is irrelevant tho so i won't discuss that but it's still a 'core' headcanon i have - as other things i may hc rely on this personal interpretation / headcanon.
but be aware i do not know everything is canon and can discuss things outside my realm of HCs and interpretations, but if i go deeper into like, let's say, analyzing a cog and imagining their backstory, instantly assume i'm using all these things. sorry for the side ramble, i want to make things clear for possible future reference.)
i wish it will be expanded upon slightly in the future, even a slightest crumb of what it's like out there and i can have a field day with it. i do enjoy the vagueness tho, again, as i've said we do not need to have all the information out there and it's not necessary to the main stories that are being told but MAN my brain itches for MORE. i demand EXPLANATIONS. and so i make up my own lol and i love that i can do that /gen (there's some stuff i do have an issue with that it was not explained better, but again, fixed that with hcs. talking abt atticus but im not getting into that rn)
there also may be things i am missing - i have known of ttcc's existence since it's early days, but i wasn't there for it and missed being there in person for any lore until i started playing for real in early 2023 and became a part of the community. like, there ARE things i have missed AND small details i am missing. that's one criticism i have about some info being more difficult to access now, but the main stuff is on the wiki an all luckily.
anyways that ramble out of the way... how the heck are cogs made? there's a few ways, that seem contradictory in some ways at first but i just see it as different methods.
we know cogs can change their appearances (their shell) and be "upgraded". we know cogs can even choose to be just their skelecogs (Atticus) and i suppose every other skelecog we see.) we know cogs have families and have their own kids. (cathal and bobby jr come to mind, and also belle's own kids and grandkids. not to mention, we have siblings too - thomas and robert. and their whole family drama DOES involve their unseen parents.) we know many cogs, mostly the managers, come into the company as their are - but also new parts are built, at least for the employee cogs in sellbot hq. (recently re-read the dialogue which confirmed this - literally as you're building your sellbot suit.)
we know cogs are more than just some working machines and do have deeper lives and desires and even relationships, though all instances of a parent/child relationship in ttcc have only one parent. makes sense after all they don't reproduce sexually to put it that way, again they're built and they're robots.)
it's easy to conclude, that, cogs are just built. which is true. but it just makes me wonder. we know they age. we have at least 1 cog who is a literal child, and bobby, in human years at least, looks no older than like, 8 years old. (we also don't know how cogs age. we also know cog's don't die like that, due to the whole deal with atticus. i will talk about this one day i have so many thoughts on it)
we know they grow up and even have schools - they're not programmed with everything. they earn experience as they live life and even have?? education systems? like they're more like people than we thought. (ttcc does make cogs more easily sympathized with and gives us INDIVIDUAL cogs and not just... 'The Cogs'. cogs are the focus of ttcc so of course they're developed more and are more 'human' despite being machines.)
so clearly, there's cogs like bobby. who are built young and eventually grow up. we have not seen a cog growing up yet, at least i don't think. but i wonder how that works. through cartoon logic, do they just grow up? their skelecog and perhaps their shell, too? or do they periodically get upgraded to be larger - wouldn't it make sense to built a cog as, well, an adult already? to program all these things? there may be more limits to this than we think, but also just... cultural things possibly.
the only cog CHILD (not just the child of someone - cathal's an adult. also, redd mention, but redd's adopted so he doesn't count) we ever see is bobby and, he is the child of robert, who is known to be very short. we don't know if bobby's going to grow up, or if this height is what he's just going to be like. we have one image where he's way smaller than robert, and other, more recent ones, where they're a similar heights. is that just art inconsistency due to the nature of all the (amazing) artwork being, well, volounteer work and that not everything is (or has to be) perfect? or did bobby really grow up. i'm talking about the wallet picture and the comics featuring bobby, by the way.
though, as things are, i'm sort of assuming that bobby's going to grow up or be upgraded in some way to "grow up"? i don't think we need an clear explanation for that, and in a universe like this 'cartoon logic' would be enough, but it's still something to think about.
like...how do cogs go about having kids, anyways? all instances we see are visually similar as well. cathal has the same gear for his neck as allan's body does, and they have the same head lightbulbs and wires. bobby jr and robert are both furniture.
i've always assumed that it's like in robots (the movie, that i havent watched in years which would be helpful for all this, probably.) if you decide to have a child just for the experience of raising a child, to have a legacy, or due to a bond with a partner - you literally just build one. perhaps not in the same way as in the movie - in here it definitely requires more paperwork and blueprints. but again, it's interesting to think about! hey company i want a CHILD. i look like this build them like me thanks here's some blueprints. (this also explains the amount of single parents. though belle has to have been married/is married as her honorific is listed as mrs. hey fun fact, non native english speaker here. i didnt know 'mrs' means a lady is married until like this year. i've been on this earth for 19 years.)
like the concept of family is possibly just more social there than anything. duh... can't exactly have the same oil and wires inside of you as Robots .
anyways, so that explains kids... but what about the others? some cogs don't have any families mentioned but it's not hard to assume they come from families with parents and siblings as well. what about the employee cogs? who are quite literally very disposable in a way?
we do have to take into account that after all, employee cogs we see just on and about on the streets are mostly a game mechanic, and there are some individual cogs who ARE cogs who would typically be employees cogs. (jennifer comes to mind first, she's a micromanager but also a secretary and counts as a manager. same goes for judy and so forth.)
and y'know, the game won't have a personality and backstory for each random flunky on the streets you fight. but with often they get destroyed and repaired and that there's just... so many of them! of the same model and appearance... makes you think. is that why they were made? are they truly more robotic than the others, more devoid of 'humanity'? or were they different cogs, perhaps more lower class, who's appearances were changed entirely to fit into more easily fixable and replaceable shell forms? something that's less expensive for the company and for them? i swear i am missing some details on this, but that's for me to re read the wiki and cogs ink for on my own later. (i need to have full info n everything and if i dont bring up that i know one small detail i will explode bc someone will bring it up and make me feel dumb and that's the rsd part and it's often physically painful!)
very hard to tell, i'm sort of content with my thoughts on how cogs have kids, but i hope we ever get a bit more clarity on employee cogs - though it is a bit problematic as these are the guys you beat up on the daily who don't have individual personalities.
like i'm just rambling as i go here man, it was gonna be cohesive but i'm just spitting thoughts here now. like, we have 3 seperate skelecog types - all cogs come with a skelecog like we have a skeleton so that also comes into play. it can be adjusted in ways, most notably the head and also in size. though we do have a 4 arm cog. jason please i love you /p we need more jason content. it's wacky, it's tacky - it's toontown!
fun stuff to think about but i just deep fried my brain. tdlr i guess.
how cogs made. how cogs have kids. how cogs work in general. very swag very cool. guzma cathal spades spamtongender goes on 1568854 different tangents while saying they wont aka your swagesty your adhd symptoms are showing
that's it fellas enjoy 2k words of incomprehensible rambles that i am happy to finally get out! you see the way i explain things is precisely why i almost never do it publicly and i need practice shortening things.
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mistressheroine · 5 months
author interview
Thank you for the tags @gneebee & @im-immortal
Happy New Year everyone!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
The Walking Dead - Beth Greene/Daryl Dixon
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Keep Me
A Stolen Moment
La Dame Blanche
I'll Be Home For Christmas
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes, and I try my best to respond to every comment I get. I massively appreciate all the support and feedback I get so I try my best to acknowledge that.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Something was definitely the angstiest thing I've written so far, although I do have a second part for La Dame Blanche in my notes that would probably beat it...
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Want Your Midnights probably 😉
8. do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully I haven't had any hate directed my way since I started posting earlier this year but I know it happens.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I want Your Midnights was my first attempt at writing smut and I gotta say I'm so proud of how it turned out. Writing smut always made me really nervous but once I got started it was actually so much fun and it's defintely something I plan to do again.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
No, and I don't have any plans to.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, although it sounds like it coulld be fun!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
Beth & Daryl - I am literally never getting over them.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a lot of ideas jotted down, snippets of fic ideas or scenes rather than stuff in my WIPs. I do intend to get around to them all eventually. I did have a whole Beth Lives idea that I came up with a while ago about her going back to the farm but I think it's more likely that the idea is going to get incorporated into Keep Me at some point rather than it growing into it's own story.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Oh wow, I don't know. I'm not very good at critquing myself. Hopefully keeping them as much in character as I can?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Right now I feel like action sequences (I'm trying to write some action sequences for the latest chapter of Keep Me) - creating the right vibe for them and building the suspense. I also think sometimes I'm in danger of repeating the same words a lot when describing something. Having the confidence to trust myself once I've written something out as well, I do look to @im-immortal for a lot of reassurance and I massive appreciate her taking the time to read the stuff I send to her 😊
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did a bit of this in La Dame Blanche but I don't think I'd ever be confident enough to use more than a few words at a time. Google translate is notroious for messing stuff up and I wouldn't want to do it if I wasn't confident that I was getting it right.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Alias on FF.net - I post one very short fic there once and then Something was originally posted over there back in 2014 but I didn't write anything from then until earlier on this year.
20. favourite fic you've written?
Keep Me has my heart right now because it's the biggest thing I've ever attempted, but writing I Want Your Midnights was so much fun and really made me feel more confident as a writer.
A lot of you have been tagged already so sorry if I'm tagging you again but anyone who wants to join in please do! @burningupasun @boltthrutheheart @sasusc @fairybellworld
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somnas-writes · 11 months
Okay sorry if this is weird lol but in your "the bodyguards should have been friends" post you mentioned a fix-it fic and I am very intrigued- Is there anything about it you want to talk about?
Yeah!! I have a lot I want to write about (even though I haven’t finished the show, I’m already brain rotted)
The Theerapanyakun boys dynamic is one thing I plan to change/mess around with.
They would be genuinely unstoppable if they teamed up, but their dads (derogatory) are hellbent on keeping them isolated and in survival mode
They are all incredibly emotionally unavailable as well (they got HELLA trauma)
There’s five of them and I think each combination would have really different interactions/bonds
Khun, Kinn, and Kim are pit again Vegas and Macau their entire lives (major vs minor family feud, Korn and Gun being SHIT DADS)
They’re hostile because that’s what they were taught.
My plan/outline has them going through really big emotional break throughs (they get put in Situations and are forced to Confront their issues)
And as a result they band together
I also just want them to have good family relationships cause they deserve it
They bodyguards get to be Friends
I get that they had certain relationships and dynamics because it helped drive the plot
But holy hell imagine how uncomfortable that workplace setting was
Like big and Ken specifically hated Porsche. He hates them too, but it was an incredibly unhelpful thing
They all had their own duos (arm-pol, big-ken, Porsche-Pete), but as a group they could’ve had an great dynamic
Especially since they work for the same guys!! They get how crazy the work they do is, and they all know how these guys behave
They don’t even have to be besties (they aren’t for most of my rewrite) but for the sake of working smoothly they need to at least be casual and comfortable
I’m making Big work through his little crush on Kinn too
he and Porsche get to discuss what it’s like pursuing Kinn. it is something they should talk about, Kinn is a shared aspect of their life and having that grudge of “my crush chose him, not me.” Is just soooo petty and not healthy
Also Ken isn’t the traitor because I like him, he’s funky
Porsche and Chay are Good Siblings
I hate how they kept each other in the dark about huge things in their life
I understand (both as a younger sibling and as an older sibling) wanting to protect your family and not see them hurt. But it’s part of life!! Stuff hurts and it happens
They have a pretty special dynamic, with Porsche basically raising Chay
I wish we could’ve seen them being close siblings more in the series, I love the little montages we got of them together
But I think it’s missing that key part of them being unabashedly Honest and Real
Especially since Porsche choosing to become a bodyguard impacted a lot of Chays life. The one constant and stable figure of his life disappeared overnight and he had no way of contacting him
Porchay was alone during one of the most vital times of his adolescence. Porsche was isolated during a big change in his
In the rewrite, I want them to be more open about what they’re experiencing
They’re also just more ‘sibling like’, they go to annoy each other for fun, they work together against people because they’re a team.
One specific scenario I’ve been thinking about is Chay seeking out his brother to just be with him. (The scenario I’ve been envisioning is Chay walking into Kinn and Porsches room just to stare at him, dance Gangnam Style, turn off the lights and leave. I want Kinn to be absolutely baffled and Porsche to be Just So Done)
They’re siblings!!! It’s so fun to bother your siblings
Korn and Gun DIE
Im the second biggest Korn-Anti (Kim is first)
They’re Bad Parents and Shit People
They tear people apart just for their benefit and I’m Over It
I want these mfs DEAD AND BURIED
Kim deserves to stand at his dads grave, talk shit and walk away
I want their kids to heal!!! They deserve to be happy, even if 3/5 of them are Gigantic Meanies
And some silly little details for fun!!
Porchay is a Kpop stan, I’m a Kpop stan so I’m projecting (he makes Porsche watch music videos with him and they learned a dance together once)
Porsche (pre-mafia) was involved in a variety of activities (street racing, dance battles, catering, modeled once or twice)
Porsche can do street dancing, learned when he was like 11 and it became his go to dance style
Porsche and Chay have matching tasers (Kuromi and My Melody respectively)
They bond over sad music (Olivia Rodrigo, Lana Del Ray, Taylor Swift and Mitski)
Chay likes Sanrio
Chay gets his own ‘stage name’ (its Serpent, he wanted a cool sounding one like Phoenix)
Macau shows up more, no particular reason I just miss him
Jom and Tem show up more towards the beginning (they’re Porsches ride or dies)
Big also speaks English (while Ken is Aussie, he’s got a bit of a English accent)
Kinn really likes snoopy (he has a snoopy blanket from Khun that he hides)
Khun makes the bodyguards (main 6) dress up as the sailor scouts at some point. They all fight over who gets to be Sailor Moon (Ken won and actually ate it up)
A lot more name calling and cursing, I’m talking fun ones!! Porsche calls Ken and big lots of names when they’re rivals. (‘Mean girls’, ‘Dick riders’, at one point ‘Jack and Jill’)
Kim is into lots of alt-rock, pop-punk, and alt-indie American bands
his music as WIK is nothing like any of that. It’s just Jeff saturs discography (in my mind I’m mixing in other solo artists, mainly eric nam and RM) [i have a lot of brain rot regarding music]
Kinn is a LOSER (/pos, affectionate) he deserves it
The bodyguards get drunk together and make a tier list on which Theerapanyakun boy is the most likely to get canceled and why (ignoring mafia activities) [i might make this a post later lmao]
While they’re getting drunk Porsche falls and eats shit, big loses it and cries from laughing (that’s their little break through moment in their friendship)
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innocent-cat · 1 year
looking through the overwatch tag, and i saw one of your hc posts. you're really good! i was wondering, would you be willing to do a scenario of reader & Sigma listening to the song 'Milky Way' by GGK (from Carole and Tuesday) together? i feel like that's a perfect song for him. your choice on the details. thank you :)
AWW THANK YOU<3 it means a lot to know I'm doing well. ilysm./p
I'm literally down for writing anything as long as it isn't gross and or illegal. Still no sleep :') also, i really hope you were expecting romantic because thats what im doing ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
Sigma x Reader
Head canons
Warnings - None
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"Constellations within the milky way.", Sigma x Reader
(Obviously had to add the song they were talking about. Super cute!! I am also very secretly hoping this is the right one)
(A/N, I was so tired that I started doing head canons instead of a scenario im so sorry anon(Thats what you call anonymous users right??))
Now, Sigma being a very romantic kind of man, he LOVES messing around with gravity to dance and twirl you around. In fact, the two of you had a stargazing dome that you would slow dance, talk, and just, have a heart to heart after being away from each other every once in a while.
Tonight was a very exceptionally cleared night sky. The scene sent you starstruck, gazing into the dark milky sky stirred and sprinkled with glowing clusters decoratively.
You felt bad for anyone who couldn't see the view tonight. It was absolutely stunning. You dragged yourself into Sigma's research room, knocking and waiting for a response.
"Come in, my love."
Oh how he could melt you with just a name. What more in life could you need? With practically a personal bodyguard, a stargazing dome, and a beautiful home, there wasn't much that could top it. Even if there was, you would never swap it.
You enter the surprisingly neat room, and approach the man you were hoping to converse with directly.
"Have you seen how gorgeous the stars are tonight? We should watch them soon, before an opportunity like this is missed." Sigma's attention leaves what ever he's writing or tinkering with, and diverts his full attention to you as you speak. "You'd like to dance tonight? I'd love to join you. How about we go right now?"
You smiled, looking at eye level to the sitting scientist.
He pushes himself up and stands, offering you a hand to guide you into the stargazing dome.
The two of you floated towards the domed room. He thinks it's endearing to change the center of gravity for you and it totally is.
Restoring the gravity between the two of you, you walk around the room. Your fingers rim the walls of books beckoning for you to read, calling your interest.
Your shoes clicking against the stone tiled floors, guiding yourself to the stained oak railing of the steps up and down from the wall of books.
The room was your own personal haven, and it was gorgeous. Stained oak accenting the rest of the room. Pillars spiked up and down as supporting beams.
You can feel Sigma's eyes burning into your head curiously. You didn't blame him. You'd want to know what's happening right away too.
"So. Thisss is a new song I found within an old music shop. Reminded me of you, and I thought you'd love it."
You flash the record inside of it's sleeve to Sigma, absorbing the soft gaze he graced you with.
Lifting the needle of the record player, you slip the record titled 'Milky way' on the sleeve of it's unique disc under the needle and onto the disc platter.
You softly set the record to replay, as you always did. Usually, when you and Sigma danced, it was never a song with words, so you hoped that you would still receive the same night as you had gotten multiple nights before.
Comfort in patterns, and tonight, you just really wanted to gaze to the stars in the arms of Sigma. Who could really blame you? Such a sweet, romantic man. Anyone would be swooned by him if they looked past the harsh shelling he had.
Oh how you loved that man.(play music!!!!)
Setting the needle correctly, you tread towards Sigma as it begins playing. He offers his hand to you, and you softly and slowly take it.
Keeping you afloat with him, he treated you as if the finest, most delicate porcelain doll he had ever grazed his eyes on.
He spins you like angel who had blessed him with eternal bliss and harmony, spinning you from and towards him.
The two of you come in closer, and slow dance. Heart to heat.
Stepping side by side within anti-gravity, your head rested on his chest, allowing him to hold you like he was ready to protect you with his life if that was what it truly took to have you happy and have your love close with him.
Readjusting yourself to look up, Sigma does the same. He continues side stepping to the song with you, gazing the constellations and stunning supernova. He rubs patterns into your back, whispering to you how much you mattered to him.
You wouldn't trade this moment for the world.
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