#Also I know she doesnt have 2 braids in this hairstyle but I like how it looks
tumatawa · 5 months
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Magnus loved putting his hair in feminine hairstyles but Camille humiliated him over it so he cut his hair short and styled iy in masculine hairstyles only. It was decades later that Alec accidentally discovered this and encouraged Magnus to style his hair however he wants to
finally, my first ask with a magnus/malec headcanon! Im so happy i could die
(warning: this will contain discussions of psychological/emotional abuse and queerphobia, particularly biphobia)
but no really like ok i have a lot of thoughts about this actually. because like in the show theres this one picture of Magnus ragnor and Catarina together in what looks like the 1840s (im mainly going by the type of photograph here, but also clothing, and jesus christ im already putting so much research into this somebody stop me), so that's when im assuming they were together
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i only have the pic with this writing over it srry
also magnus is almost definitely wearing a corset in here which is driving me insane
anyway, at that time, it was not unusual for men to have long hair even if mens hair was still commonly shorter than women's hair. it was also during that decade that men's fashion in England started to reject frills and colors and become more boring like we know it today (source is the one about fashion above). so when magnus and camille were together, the idea of a man being "too girly" fashion-wise was pretty much being born in western culture. so that brings.... many layers
i tend to think magnus wouldnt really internalise a lot of the "oh you dress like a girl" stuff because 1- i mean hes so comfortable with it, but more importantly 2- he was alive way before these concepts were even born, and he was raised in at least two non-modern-western cultures (indonesian and whatever the fuck kind of culture demons have) where the concept of gender is/was radically different. so he's bound to have a little easier time not believing shit like "oh wearing x is for girls" because hes known different for a long time.
BUT living in an abusive environment and simultaneously a turning point in how gender performance was viewed is bound to fuck you up, too. so i can see camille using that against him, like "cant you see that times are changing? you're gonna lose all respect if you keep dressing like this". we also know that camilles abusive arguments stem a lot from magnus' immortality and the issues he has with it, so this possibly came into play as well - you can't keep up with the times, you're staying behind, soon you'll be an outsider and people will look down on you because of that. so....... yeah, i think camille could have done a big number on him by using that, and his gender presentation as a whole, to make him feel inadequate. i kind of even think that the makeup and the clothing has a little taste of "fuck you camille" yknow, like, hes gonna be who he is and embrace the fact that he doesnt really fit into the western binary. but you can also see ways in which he holds back - for instance, he only wore colorful makeup when he was depressed because of Valentine and in the finale, when he seemed to look actually comfortable in his own skin, happy, and his makeup and accessories were a little bolder and outside the box. so basically - camille using magnus' gender against him and as a way to manipulate him is entirely plausible, and i believe that part of magnus' development in the post-show years are gonna have to do with that, with wearing what he wears less like an armor and more like a form of expression that he has fun with and that feels entirely his. and i think this can present in a lot of ways, like longer hair, less traditional makeup, different clothes. and obviously alec thinks magnus is always the most beautiful person alive and supports his experiments with gender and expression and no one would even dare get nasty about it because if u even think about snickering in magnus' general direction alec will have a blade on ur throat in .2 seconds. also this is giving me some nice images of magnus with braided hair, so what im trying to say is basically bless this ask really.
also this is a little unrelated but i mean, Ive seen so many bi men in abusive relationships with straight girls its impossible to me to not think his sexuality had a huge part on her abuse, possibly even more so than gender, considering how the whole gendered clothing thing was kind of still being established during that time, whereas "sodomy" was a crime punishable by death in england until the 1960s. and this got me thinking - for Camille to be so adamant on the fact that people leave Magnus and die and that he needed her because he could be assured that she wouldn't die on him, that must have been a nerve at the time. he probably had lost someone close recently and was having trouble dealing with it. that's further supported by the whole "magnus nearly jumped off a bridge and Camille talked him out of it" thing. so what im saying is, what if Magnus had lost a friend, or even a lover, to the capital penalty? like that's... very plausible. at that time there were no accords, so he could go around meeting mundanes and getting involved as he pleased, and Magnus probably wasnt all that shy about his sexuality (again, he was raised in environments where that wasnt looked down on), so its entirely plausible he lost someone important to him who was a part of the community, maybe even felt like it was his fault - maybe they got caught together or something and magnus had to fake his death cuz immortal, or maybe he just feels like he should have done something but it was too late, we know magnus is the kind of guy who wants to Protect Everyone - so he was probably hurting a lot, feeling helpless, having just lost someone for being pretty much the same as him, and he meets this woman who keeps talking about how inadequate he is and how people always leave him and how shes the only one he can count on not needing to protect or worry about because shes also immortal and powerful, and shes kind of a ticket to at least pretending to fit into what that culture thought was right, and he was depressed and isolated and- look, its just entirely plausible that his sexuality played a huge part in both making him vulnerable to camilles abuse and giving her ways to hurt him and twist the knife. i kind of plan on exploring that if i ever get around to writing that fic about magnus and his sexuality throughout his life so uh stay tuned i guess
anyway im sorry if that was rambly or incoherent or too long im really tired and im kind of travelling rn so not a lot of tumblr time but i really wanted to answer this. thank you so much for sending me this, it made my day!
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on CLC’s “Devil”
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there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its my brand
THE SONG IS A FUNKY JAZZY BOP™ AND A HALF its the kind of song you just literally BOUNCE in your seat and make you sway from side to side THAT CHORUS IS INSTANTLY CATCHY AND ADDICTING TO LISTEN TO i love the guitar and horns and that weird laser whistle sound????? so much throughout the song!!!!!!! theres a part that goes ‘i tried to be so polite’ that elkie and seungyeon sinGS UUUUUUUUUUGGGHH THATS SO SATISFYING TO MY EARS THERES SO MUCH SEUNGHEE I NEARLY CRIED SHE SINGS THE CHORUS TWO (2) TIMES HER TONE IS INCREDIBLE AND WHEN SORN SINGS IT AFTER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- (THE SECOND CHORUS WITH YUJIN IS FANTASTIC TOO) YEEUNS RAP OKAY LISTEN I LOVE HER RAP BREAKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR SONGS AND THIS ONE DID NOT DISAPPOINT THAT INSTRUMENTAL BREAK PUNCHED ME AND THERES MORE YUJIN AND EUNBIN!!!!!!! THEY KILLED THEIR PARTS THEY WERE SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! no im not gonna talk about seunghees breath from the first second we know how i feel
THAT BRIDGE with eunbin and elkie was pretty interesting it stays upbeat and it passes really quickly i dunno why but it felt a little off??? i dunno why??? it just does to me??? i feel like it ends too soon??? just a smidge tho- and it barely makes it to three (3) minutes???? (no is about the same length) but im still BOPPING
sidenote: apparently seunghee mentioned (i dunno where tho) that this song is similar to pepe and that sure is true lmao
THE DANCE remember when i just mentioned how it makes you wanna bounce and sway WELL THATS BC theres a move in the chorus that does just THAT!!!!!! the moment i saw it i copied the move like I GOTTA IN FACT the choreography for the entire chorus is SO fitting like its just lots of hip and shoulder movement BUT it just feels so RIGHT- during yeeuns rap part theres a little bit of a move they did thats similar in their song ME and lowkey i thought that was cool!!
THERES SOMETHING ABOUT that hip move that murders like the way they swivel around first and their hand movement with it and then leading into the side to side just SO SATISFYING TO WATCH especially during the last part in that darker setting!!!!!!!
seunghee starts the dance............................... thanks........ the dancing during eunbin and elkies parts during the bridge was lowkey kinda funny but i found myself following and copying it like sticking my hands out like they did in the video BUT overall it goes with the vibe of the song VERY well!!!!
THE VISUALS the overall video premise reminds me red velvets russian roulette like they are REALLY trying to KILL EACH OTHER IN THIS MV (or at least injure each other) with the soap slipping pushing sorn off that chair dropping that thing on yeeuns head that vacuum literally THROWING DARTS and LIGHTING FIRES and THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL....................... stepping on legos.........
SUPER COLORFUL............................ BUT FINISH IT WITH BLACK AND DARKNESS i thought that was interesting LIKE i knew it was coming from the teaser images but i DONT HATE IT the song is called ‘devil’ after all going all dark and lowkey menacing at the end is welcomed here!!!!!! i feel like its supposed to lowkey represent their concepts from debut to now yknow???
I LOVE ALL THE BRIGHT COLORS THO especially the yellows and pinks BUT THEN paired with colors like that blue and green and salmon color or whatever like THAT is just P L E A S I N G™ to my eyes there was ALWAYS a bit of all these colors in nearly ever scene and theres just so mucH BALANCE its pretty refreshing™ if you ask me
THE BATHROOM WITH THE HOT PINK WHERE SEUNGYEON AND YUJIN WERE IN and then made her fall over with the soap and seungyeon acted like she was eating it in the middle of a bathroom
THE ROOM SEUNGHEE AND SORN WERE IN WITH THE YELLOW CHAIR (love putting her in yellow chairs i guess) nearly lighting her on fire seunghees face after makes me laugh lmao
THE DARK GREEN AND ORANGE.............................. Y E S
THAT ALL YELLOW ROOM ELKIE AND EUNBIN WERE IN and it contrasted with elkies bright pink dress and eunbins darker outfit my eyes feel so blessed™
(okay but that chair sorn was on only had one leg i just wanted to mention)
OKAY DENIM ON DENIM YOU DIDNT HAVE TO ATTACK ME LIKE THAT™ AND the construction boots????? really?????? in front of my carton of barbie heads?????? YOU ABOUT TO MAKE ME WORK FROM HOME????? why would you do this if you KNOW HOW I FEEL????? but................... thank you i owe yoU MY LIFE- maybe its just me but at the moment ive been really feeling more brighter things so this.................... is some good food and like i know theyre supposed to be menacing but those black outfits make them look like an all-female biker gang more than anything-
also LEGS™
you usually save the best for last HOWEVER SEUNGHEE a whole WOMAN™ SHE REALLY KILLED ME THIS TIME AROUND i mean is there a time she doesnt kill me lets be real FIRST OF ALL BLACK HAIR BUT ITS STILL THE SAME LENGTH THANK YOU that dark green dress just suits her SO well!!!!!!!!!! also i just love green SO CLASSY™ with the headband and black heels pls- THAT light blue denim on denim with black crop top with the little pony tail...................... at ease i LOVE that look on her so much i dont think yall understand!!!!!!! then the BLACK DRESS!!!!!!!!!! the shoulders out!!!!!!!!!!! the thigh high boots!!!!!!!!!! when she does that dance move with her hips her figure accentuated by her belt.................. at ease x2 (also that one second of a scene where shes smiling over her shoulder in the black outfit i just wanted to mention-)
yujin pls that pink plaid outfit with the pink heels with your purple beret youre sO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN that denim with the crop top jacket???? with the orange and pink twin braids I CANT SHE LOOKED SO GOOD WITH THAT OUTFIT ON AND THEN THE BLACK LEATHER (is it leather) and the little two BUNS ON THE TOP OF HER HEAD!!!!!!!! A LOOK™!!!!!!!!!! i just always always think shes just so cute but also so fierce????? it breaks my neck i dunno how to describe it i just really like her face????
SEUNGYEON BETTER LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE WITH THAT PINK AND GOLD TOP WITH THE BLACK SKIRT STUNTING WITH HER BEAUTIFUL TAN SKIN she looks so so SO GOOD with the short hair BUT LIKE i love that hairstyle in general so thats to the SURPRISE OF NO ONE shes wearing a darker blue denim but i cant understand the shirt??? is it a jacket wrapped around like a shirt??? so the black outfit with the leather shorts and then she threw the jacket at the camera like the Baddie™ she is................ thanks-
must you be so beautiful sorn??? the braids with the clips in the dark denim with the black crop top i cANT- THIS HAIR COLOR IS STUNNING ON HER I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE THAT COLOR BUT IT LOOKS SO GOOD SHE IS SO FINE™ DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT YELLOW FIT WITH THE PLAID YELLOW BERET HOW COULD SHE LOOK SO GOOD WITH SO MUCH YELLOW ON????? that black outfit with the single bun on the top of her head and her hair is like super straight and the boots to her knees im SO-
yeeun you always kept your bob pls keep iT FOREVER- the one piece dark blue denim with that big green clip in your hair YOU MAY BE FIERCE BUT JUST LIKE YUJIN YOURE CUTE™ that red dress with the black heels and then they gave???? you extensions???? for your high pony tail with the black bow??? its cute but i mean i feel like that wasnt needed??? it wouldve looked great with just her short hair i dunno fashion FINALLY the last black outfit with the black hat and one glove and black boots that outfit HITS like pls punch me
DOES ELKIE JUST............... HAVE TO look like a princess?????? like she just always looks like a princess i cant explain it!!!!!!!!! SHE JUST FEELS SO PRINCESS-LIKE honestly i feel like its bc whenever they kinda make her hair wavy or something like that it just makes her more classy looking??? the denim two piece and her skirt is actually half light and half dark blue honestly thats a Look™ its cute!!! that hot pink dress with the one sleeve im HERE FOR IT!!!!!! PLS SHE LOOKS SO CLASSY!!!!! the black outfit is just a black dress BUT the black combat boots and her silver accessories like literally kill me with that hammer youre so stunning™-
so we agree that eunbin took that pink wig from jisoo right?? from ddu-du ddu-du?? jk but IM SO GLAD TO SEE HER MORE IN THIS MUSIC VIDEO!!!!!!!!!! WITH MORE LINES!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY the light blue was fitted rather loosely but it still looked SO BOMB ON HER and her hair was so straight and that really made that whole Look™ that black dress with her kinda messy hair with combat boots while she was vacuuming elkies hair is an ABSOLUTE LEWK™ I LIKE IT A LOT!!!!! but seriously something about that pink bob is like............... im not sure if i like it??? i think i do??? the grey hat and fringe really pulls that whole look together honestly
tldr: *chefs kiss*
LIKE this was their style and sound of music i believe in the beginning and its nice to hear it again in a new way!!!! its fun and the instrumental even after listening to it so many times im still dancing along with it!!!!!!! i slept late as hell (bc yknow i had to watch this mv) and had to wake up hella early but I AM PUMPED FOR THE REST OF MY DAY!!!!! i mean like no which also barely hits three (3) minutes but im sure just like with no im not gonna mind that duration
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coolspacequips · 5 years
How do you draw natural hair???? I can't find a solid reference that isn't just "draw individual strands" or "make blocks and nothing else"
omg thats a tricky question, tbh, anon!!! and also tbh this answer got longer than i expected... i dont rly have the Art Language to rly teach anything v well so uhh i just threw a bunch of stuff in here
ive never made a tutorial, and i dont rly have the time to do one atm, but HERE is a pretty decent one i see floating around from time to time, and HERE is one that loosely goes over some dos/donts of drawing black features, and mentions hair as well. theres a particular one i think is rly good that i cant find, unfortunately, but oh well
the first guide i linked gives a pretty neat rundown of a few things to keep in mind, namely:
texture types
just like w straight hair, the first thing to consider is the hairline and HOW the hair falls, which may seem intimidating bc of the natural beautiful voluminousness of black hair, but rly isnt as hard as it seems. 
i think ppl are often intimidated by learning to draw curly hair out of this feeling that they have to render each strand/curl and flyaway, but when ur doing art youre trying to CONVEY something, not render a picture perfect image. you can translate the curl, volume, and texture of hair without fully rendering it, the same way that u can translate the swish and fall of straight hair without having to draw every single strand, but ya, you cant rly draw ‘blocks’ with no nuance or defining features and hope to communicate the same thing
it might be useful to kind of envision it as drawing layers. like, the way that you wear layers of lace and crinoline to give size and volume to a skirt. this applies for rly picturing most styles, but w curly hair in particular its a good way to imagine how/why the volume builds the way it does
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this is just a scribble to illustrate my point lol, but u wanna get the shape and stuff down!! when its shorter, it sticks up into those cute, curly afros and bobs, and when its long it gets heavy and the curls tend to droop down more. btw, shrinkage refers 2 the way that ur hair shrinks up from the curls themselves, so keep that in mind when it comes to the hair length that youre drawing, also! if the girl i drew had wet hair, itd probs go to the middle/bottom of her shoulder blades, despite being shoulder length when curled
ur best tool is reference! look at pictures of black hair in different styles. its like, the most versatile hair in the world, u can curl it and shape it and braid it, hell, afro textured hair can be sculpted into just about anything, broaden ur scope of what you think black hair can be!!! and dont just draw sleek 4c ringlet curls and call it a day!! also, get more comfortable drawing the shape of a bald head, dont hide behind hair. itll help you draw all hair and features better, but especially will help w faded styles, braids, and of course shaved heads
reference doesnt have to just be pictures, tho, bc it can be hard to know where to start. look at how other BLACK artists draw black hair, and take note!! focus on what they thought needed to be included to get the point across, what silhouette the hairstyles have, where they draw curls, where they draw parts in the hair, how they highlight and what shapes they make. give braids and locs a try-- its not as hard as it might seem, but it takes practice to get it right!!
if u have a more realistic style, its def worth getting further into the nitty gritty of just how all of those curls come together, im just talking more about the shape and how it translates in a p basic way, especially since i have a more cartoony style afiowejaioej im also still learning!! 
im sure u have all seen asieybarbie’s stuff floating around on tumblr thru the years, and she is one of my Big Inspirations when it comes to drawing varied black hair AND skintones (which she has a tutorial about lol), and HERE is a little sketchpage she posted once that has a small variety of both. some are more rendered, while some are big blocks of color broken up by highlights and loose curls on the edges to define the shape of the hair, and note w the locs how u can see her scalp between the parts in her hair
if u have a simple or comic style u can still convey black hair, either as a block of shape w defining features, or by drawing out the texture of the curls and strands, like this
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(first two are old, finished comics lol, and hey look 2 black wlw!!!!! tiger tiger is something ive been working my way thru, but is recent, ongoing, and cute and funny and inspiring lmao. notably tho none of these are black artists :c ive been out of the web comics game for a minute and tiger tiger is the first one ive read in a while lmao)
***its girlswithslingshots.com, made a typo!! 
also when i think mainstream comics, the first character w natural hair that comes to mind is my wife gwendolyn from saga who i couldnt not mention
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on the left her curls are more rendered, its cover art, notice how the light hits the curls and the way that they curls end, which is simplified to the right image a lot of the time in the main body of the comic!
and idk ive said too much already, but hopefully that helps!! im just kind of rambling at this point lol, but research and reference and practice are rly the best thing, and looking at other art of respectfully portrayed black characters
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newjerseyburbie · 7 years
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Adventures of a Burbie seeking braids The suburban salon for black women is a combination of social time and also a place where you're having some pampering. Hair and nails are a Saturday chore and stays on the calendar. I have 2 salons I frequent: 1) in my hood which is inexpensive but I can NEVER get an appointment with the head stylist. 2) in the city near my job. I can go at lunch and be back to work without using up my Saturday at the salon. Next month I have an event so I needed an in between hairstyle and opted for a crochet knit style which will last me just in time for my late Feb event. I've done crochet knit before and I like it - it's neat, quick and stylish. What I hate is the salons are always dirty and unconventional when it comes to the sterility of their washing hair. Nevertheless I like braids and I've begun my quest to find a salon that DOESNT gross me out. I've passed by this salon everyday for the past couple of months and observed the steady flow of traffic. Since i was not a fan of the braiding salon in my town I decide to give this one a try. Research: I did a google search and bingo! - 4.8/5 stars!!! 10 reviews. Good sign. I call the women and her English is good so we communicate well about what I want to do. She charges $80 for crochet knit and my stylist in the burbs charges $150. This is a big savings! I'm ready to give it a try - what could possibly go wrong........FAMOUS LAST WOOOOOORRRRRRDDDDDSSSSSS! 1st Red Flag - I sit in her chair, she looks at my head (I'm rocking a custom wig is one of my faves and has a dope cut). She taps my head, smiles and looks at me. I smile back and say "what?" She says "take this off please?" I said "it's sewn in? Don't you remember I told you this when I came in here and we talked yesterday." She had a confused look on her face then says "OH" and proceeds to look for the razor. Then all of a sudden there's some sort of switch and I got the apprentice taking my wig out my head. And she DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH! 2nd SIGN: I notice the apprentice is doing a lot of cutting in the center and not the perimeter..... I say to her "are you cutting around the perimeter? She says "eh?" Boss lady says "what??" With a nice smile... turns out the apprentice was cutting the tracks out of my $500custom wig and if I didn't say something - smh...... 3rd SIGN: the Apprentice walks over to the mug, grabs it, goes into the closet room ( which I can't see inside of) comes out with the pitcher full and proceeds to put the water into the electric kettle on the floor and turns it on. OHDAHORROR!!!! This is not going well for me so far! 4th SIGN: Ok so now it's time to remind her that I want to color my hair (btw I brought all my own products). Coolah? She asks I said yes. She asked AGAIN. I said yes AGAIN! They start talking to each other.... then Apprentice goes to the closet and starts making lots of noise. I see a bunch of shower towels of all colors get hung up on the entry door of the close - she then motions me to come inside. I'm scrrrrd! I tip toe over bend and peep in the room first. There's a professional sink and a chair just like at a normal salon!!!! But the room is dark and narrow and there's this huge mop inside that looks Like a monster leaning by the doorway........ if it's sounding like a horror story know that it was feeling that way..... I give her my color, the other lady comes over and they start talking again in their native tongue. NEXT!!! I hear the apprentice putting on gloves, but not those flat clear plastic gloves that stylists use- nah nah nah! She put on the big pink dishwashing gloves!!!!! What the helll. I first thought of getting up and running because I'm in full view of the mop in front of me and of course I'm thinking my head is getting colored with the mop gloves. Then she walk out of the room and throws away the box that the gloves came in. Whew!!!!! I think...... so the color was completed, she washed and Shampooed pretty well, then she blow dried with a technique I was impressed with. Very little hair breakage - ok now..... the braiding has begun, the knitting has now being done by the owner - and she didn't stop at all even when her 4 visitors and 5 phone calls were coming at her. The result was good. I can't complain about that but this was an adventure! I know you're all wondering why the hell I stayed. 1) it was Saturday afternoon at 2pm. If I left that salon with my head 1/2 done I wouldn't be able to get my hair done till Tuesday. How do I go to work with an undone coif???! 2) I'm the girl that sees a train coming my way and just takes two steps to the side VS. leaving so I can see the outcome? Please don't Judge. I've always believed that experiences make life more interesting. Yes I can say to myself never go to a cheap braiding salon again without washing and prepping beforehand... but rather my mind keeps asking why? Why can't I get a good price for braids without having to sacrifice quality? My quest continues. I will keep searching until every strand of my hair is gone!!!! (THAT was just a joke, but for real though I'm about getting a bargain- gotta pay tuition for College in another 10 years)!!
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naturalysammie · 6 years
First of all, can we please slow clap for my rhyming title!! It took some backspacing to get here (Haha)
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Anyway, it’s been about 3 and a half weeks (25 days to be more precise) since I’ve ditched most memories of my loose hair and joined team protective styling! Faux locs are my favorite hairstyle of all times! I hadn’t posted about my winter hair on the blog yet! Yes, I went off to a part of this country where the internet doesnt play fair – but for all this while I’ve been referring people to Shingie (the owner of the salon who sponsored my hair for this post) or the salons numbers for information about my hair style and sometimes I’d be overwhelmed with #adulting I forgot to answer all your questions. Anyways, I’m giving you the full story now and answering some of your questions, better late than never! I got my hair done at Afrokink Hair Salon in Avondale, Harare, and we came up with a cute bob with some black and brown dimension.
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  Let’s backtrack first to my previous faux locs, which really gave a bohemian flair. I loved this look and thought it was perfect for the Goddess locs trend then, and especially loved the wavy tendrils on the ends, but I wanted a bob this time as well as hair that would be more authentic in giving the illusion of real locs. Faux locs don’t always have to be long, I absolutely love the cute mid length styles or better still, the bob. You can play with color, ombre as well as add jewelry and beads. I really wanted to be sure to use braid extensions I aint allergic to therefore Marley braids were my hair of choice. If you remember well, it turned out I’m allergic to the kanekalon hair I used then.
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I also wanted to prep my hair prior to protective styling it because it lacked a proper wash day in a while, so when I went to the salon and they said to give my hair an oil treatment, relief didnt even cut it because I was thinking, natural hair blogger and all, how dare I come out with hair that hasn’t been washed in 2 weeks. Princess was my stylist, and she shampooed my hair, did a shea butter – mafura butter treatment coupled with steaming to enhance conditioning! and blow drying at low heat. My hair was singing hymns, I tell you!
Once done washing my hair, she began to wind the braid on. I’d already sent in a picture of the bob I envisioned before my appointment so she knew where to go with the winding to bring out the locs. Unfortunately, on winding the Marley braids on my hair, the braid extensions were as long as my actual hair (long hair hecks) and she therefore had to take some length off to make the bob flourish. If you’ve got long hair and you eyeing this faux locs bob, I recommend the winding be done on unstretched hair in its curly state, rather than blown out. I know it’s hard to believe because y’all know I’m chasing length but nothing was going to stop me from getting the hairstyle I wanted!
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    I used 3 packets of Marley braid to achieve this look and during my first days in this style the burnt ends tugged on each other but they weren’t difficult to pull apart. I had no trouble sleeping at all – she really was meticulous with my roots not to pull them tight! I was really happy with the service I got too, since this salon experience, I’ve definitely found myself reconsidering on the reasons I wouldn’t go to hairdressers or salons to get my hair done before. I’m making sure to maintain my scalp and my hair underneath by lightly spritzing my hair and massaging some hair butter on my scalp daily.
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Here are a couple pictures of  the process and the end result. I’m sad I’ll have to be unravelling my locs in a few more weeks but the beauty of high end hair like these Marley braids is I get to keep them for my next use either to add volume to my low bun or to enhance volume for an updo. I would have loved to keep these in forever, but I’m already planning my next hair adventure 😀
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I received a complimentary hairstyle from Afrokink Hair Salon, but all thoughts and opinions are my own!
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Love & Sunshine
Miss Sam
  Yes Girl, Faux Locs are my fav and Afrokink Hair Salon is the plug! First of all, can we please slow clap for my rhyming title!! It took some backspacing to get here (Haha)
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Red Velvet’s “Zimzalabim”
hey yall im not a HUGE reveluv or anything but im invested enough SO due to ZERO demand and at the request of NO ONE i have THINGS TO SAY FOR THIS SONG-
oh and no read more for these things so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG THE BEGINNING TOTALLY SOUNDS LIKE ANOTHER SONG like ive totally heard that before!!!!!!!! (after sleeping i find out im thinking of ELECTRIC SHOCK BY FX) the instrumental had potential and i personally liked all the bells and buzzing however................. the ‘zimzalabim’ part i need to get used to i think it sounds like a chant or something and i felt more afraid than anything to be honest when i heard it (tho i love a good deeper voice) but i guess since its similar to saying ‘abracadabra’ it goes with the mysteriousness of magic tricks?? like it sounds haunting
so rappers irene and yeri decided to show themselves WHICH LIKE i totally forgot that they did rap??? for their songs??? but for this song it was actually good and it fit so i welcome it
the bridge saved this song for me it was a good break from how erratic the rest of it was but it still had Power™ bc joy seulgi and wendy POURED THEIR WHOLE HEARTS into those lyrics and then the gentle parts in between that irene was doing was nice
THE DANCE I- THAT DANCE BREAK (although unexpected but whats new with this group-) SCALPED ME???? like the dance matched for the most part tho theres something about the dance during the ‘zimzalabim’ chanting that doesnt feel right to me and i think it should be different but i dunno what should change BUT THAT BREAK and the middle part with seulgi was actually cool and the ending dance was nice to watch
(i also liked the part where they were dancing loosely in the elevator or wherever they were but that has nothing to do with the official choreography i just wanted to say-)
THE VISUALS WE LOVE CGI for me the amusement park ride sets and animations were EVERYTHING to me but then like first room they dance in and the elevator and the red room and random floating objects.............. i mean do they make sense??? N O but i liked the roller coasters (i liked the one where yeri was the one in the back and the rest of the members were sitting down on the ride) and the room full of mirrors and the teacups
(this is the part where i describe the individual scenes and sets but.............. i dont like them enough to talk about them like that)
too long didnt read its a MESS™ but THE BUDGET IS H I G H
i was reading tags in one post and someone said their styling goes with the concept bc thEYRE DRESSED LIKE CLOWNS I-
irene your hairstyles were................... not good... the only good one was the pony tail you had in the mirror room then the green outfit from your teaser photos are only kINDA okay but you were literally wearing brightly colored knee high socks for like most of your outfits and the colors they were didnt match or coordinate at all with the rest of your fit (the yellow one is on thin ice)
SEULGIS BOB HAIRCUT WAS THERE FOR LIKE TWO SECONDS YOU CANT GIVE ME THOSE TEASERS BUT GIVE HER LONG HAIR FOR THE MAJORITY OF THIS VIDEO IM PRESSED her abs saved that first outfit like that was TOO MUCH and to be honest i dont mind the fit with the purple shorts im kinda okay with it shes literally wearing a dog collar tho and THEN we were given her in just the most simple outfit out of this whole video: the black suit which you CANT mess up so i have nothing to add to that
wendy......................... youre wearing a tote bag like i CANNOT let that go im sorry like literally none of outfits were okay two outfits that was ‘okay’ were the ones you were wearing on 1. the roller coaster and 2. the moon but i doubt theyll dress simply for their stages (in fact all of their best clothes were in the smaller parts they werent dancing in.....) your pretty ass face and hairstyle was the only thing that saved you from these looks bc damn-
IM SO SORRY JOY WHOEVER DID THAT TO YOUR HEAD like how could that to Sexy Dynamite™ herself................ the one she was wearing in the red room hurt my eyes the least and it didnt have those god awful braids like her hair is so long and it looks nICE AND IT WOULDVE BEEN FINE IF THEY LEFT IT ALONE like thank you queen for giving us face and you really gave us the Smize™ we know and love
NOT👏ENOUGH👏YERI👏 like that was so Rude™ and it hurts more bc i thought her outfits were the most tolerable out of all of them and thats saying a lot!!!! how could you?????? and her ending scenes like???? GIVE ME MORE OF MISS KATY KIM THANKS
long story short: they served but im still starving
LIKE this is ON BRAND RED VELVET tho!!! its kinda weird and A Lot™ but its still catchy! like i genuinely enjoyed seulgis and wendys parts and yknow what we love a gooD NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA and yknow what the raps were fine! a different route couldve been taken with the fashion and they didnt have to do that to them but i SLIGHTLY (like this 👌much) forgive it bc it does lowkey match the song DONT LIE TO ME-
and apparently the b-sides are actually BOPS (ive only heard ‘sunny side up’ and i like that one) so i need to get around to that and maybe itll make up for ‘zimzalabim’ really wonder how sakura feels
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