#And I hope that you can have a great day today!
myfriendgoo94 · 3 days
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Heya, today is my birthday. I’m 30 now and I’m cautiously hopeful but also having a bit of an existential crisis. I was never supposed to make it to this age. Something in my brain tells me that this is the beginning of the end of my life, which is obviously bullshit, but those feelings are intense to say the least and easy to let spiral out of control.
BUT!! Here are some facts:
1: my early and mid 20s were garbage. I’m willing to believe plenty of ppl have good times during this time but i didn’t.
2: i know myself better than i ever have, and i even sorta like myself a lil bit. DEFINITELY not every day but more and more often then i ever did before. I’m getting downright comfortable with myself, which is frankly shocking to me.
3: i’m prettier than i’ve ever been before. Even looking at pictures from a year ago i almost don’t recognize myself and that’s a great feeling. The dysphoria is as bad (if not slightly worse) than it’s been in the past, but when i *am* feeling attractive i feel crazy attractive. So that’s a win i think.
4: this has literally been the best year of my entire life. No competition. Like it’s not even *close* lol. I’ve really come into my own with fashion, restarted my love affair with both music and books, became very proud of my ability to cook, and i even managed to get engaged to the love of my life! This one is by far the best.
So, while i’m indeed feeling strange and a lil sad about my 20s being over, i can at least take solace in the above facts. Sry if this was meandering or self-indulgent but i sorta needed to get all of this off my chest tbh.
(ALSO: if you wanna be a sweetheart and get me a present my amazon wishlist is pinned to the top of my page, and if you wanna support me/see me naked my onlyf@nz link is in my bio ☺️)
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livwritesstuff · 2 days
boston pride is today so here have an edited repost from when i walked in the parade last year
Steve is getting boring in his old age (forty-four, almost).
It was inevitable, he supposes when he looks back, and he likes being boring. 
He likes the steady routine of the life he and Eddie (married for seven years, now) have built with their three daughters (four, seven, and nearly ten, a notion Steve is choosing to ignore because there’s no goddamn way Moe nearly has an entire decade under her belt already), and he doesn’t find himself making attempts to mix things up all that often.
Naturally, Eddie is the one to suggest they make the trip into Boston with their daughters for the annual Pride parade, and when he does, Steve isn’t automatically inclined to agree.
Look – Steve knows it’s important for kids to see the world and do new things and all that enriching shit, but maybe he still bears some of the scars from keeping a semi-feral pack of teenagers alive amidst the eldritch hellscape of their hometown, and it’s not like they don’t keep themselves entertained at home – Hazel had finally got the gist of Go-Fish not too long ago and that’s been a whole new ballgame Steve is perfectly content to continue exploring.
In the end, however, the logical side of him (and Eddie’s ever-persistent badgering) wins out, and come mid-June of 2011, they all make the drive into Boston to see the parade.
It doesn’t take Steve long at all to acknowledge that it was a good idea. He hadn’t been to Pride in many years (again – he’s boring in his old age), and he’d forgotten how much fun it is – a true celebration of love and happiness in the face of a lot of fucked up shit and all that. The parade’s pretty good too (definitely a few floats he hopes the girls are too distracted chasing after candy to notice and ask questions about later, but only time will tell), and so is the festival afterwards. It ends up being a really great time for all of them.
Of the whole day, though, Steve’s favorite part is the trip home, a drive that should have only been thirty minutes, but turns into nearly two hours with all the traffic on I-90.
The girls are still riding the sugar rush of an afternoon’s worth of lemonade and fried dough and candy thrown from parade floats (Hazel might be succumbing though, if Steve’s quick glances in the rear-view mirror at the way her eyes are drooping closed are anything to go off of), and it seems as if the day’s contagious joy had followed them into the car. Robbie and Moe have been asking a lot of questions – mostly chatter about what floats were everyone’s favorites and who got the best face paint until Moe, perceptive as she’s always been, hits them with, “What’s Pride for?”
Which turns into, “Why do people think it’s a bad thing?” and that becomes, “So how did you and Papa fall in love?” at which point Eddie, who’d been fielding their daughters' questions so Steve could keep his focus on the stop-and-go highway traffic, launches into a dramatic and involved retelling of how their relationship had begun nearly eighteen years ago.
“So I told him that I liked him and what do you think Papa said?” Eddie eventually asks as he approaches the end of the story.
“What?” the girls ask with eager smiles and wide eyes.
“Nothing,” Eddie says ruthlessly, a wicked grin on his face.
“Alright,” Steve cuts in over the laughter coming from the backseat, “Let’s not be dramatic. I said something...eventually, and it wasn’t even that long later – four hours tops.”
“That’s right,” Eddie concedes, “And then we all lived happily ever after and all that jazz.”
“Good,” Robbie says, “’Cos if you hadn’t, today wouldn’t happen.”
“Hate to break it to you, sweet pea,” Steve replies, “but I’m pretty sure Pride would still happen even if Dad and I weren’t there for it.”
“We wouldn’t be here," Moe corrects him, "All together.”
Steve blinks.
Jesus Christ, these kids are gonna be the death of him. Can’t drive the damn car if his eyes are misting over, can he?
“Yeah,” Eddie says as he reaches over to curve his hand around the back of Steve’s neck, “Yeah, bug, that’s true.”
And thanks goodness for that.
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coco-loco-nut · 9 hours
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
pairing: grid x reader, ex x reader
a/n: i changed the lyrics up a bit bc we don’t simp after guys, they simp after us like the queens we are
masterlist ttpd masterlist
The cameras flash as you step out of your uber, sparkly party dress and a fake smile plastered on your face. You just won at Imola so you can’t skip out on the after party.
“Lights, camera, bitch smile,” you repeat in your head as you walk into the club and make your way to the bar.
“Shots for the winner!” Lando yells, you kinda miss when he was awkward and didn’t know how to be social.
“Great idea, Norris!” you yell back, throwing the shot back. You know there will be cameras on you all night as you party, so you take up your motto. Fake it until you make it.
“Another one!” Yuki cheers. Another shot to drown out your pain.
“Kid, how are you doing?” Lewis pulls you aside, as you hear someone say that you are having the time of your life.
“I can show them lies,” you say through your smile. Your former teammate knows better, he was there when you found out anyway.
“The fucking bastard!” you throw your stuffed animal at the wall from the spot on the floor where you cry. You got a text from an unknown number, well a picture. Your boyfriend clearly in bed with another girl. You delete the text and let yourself cry.
Lewis walks into your room, immediately sitting beside you and holding you as you cry. He’s the only person besides you and the person who sent the picture that knows about that photo.
“He said he’d love me all his life,” you sobbed and Lewis rubs your back.
“He’s dead to us now,” Lewis’ words are a strange comfort, not mourning the short relationship.
“All my fans keep asking when I’m going to win again, as if I didn’t just win today,” you hide your grimace with a smile.
“They are never satisfied, they always want more,” Lewis emphasizes.
“That’s okay, it just means I get to party like it’s my birthday,” you grin, walking back to the bar.
You didn’t handle the breakup like you should’ve, instead of confronting him, you chose to ghost him, change the locks on your doors, and change your number. You were never public, so it wasn’t able to ruin your reputation.
“Ma’am, there is a guy here for you, claiming to be your boyfriend. Should I let him up?” the doorman asks, he’s new so you stop your crying session and answer.
“Boyfriend? I don’t have one, tell him I’m not home and don’t let him in again,” you say, wiping away the tears so you can get ready to go out to a party. Alcohol is your vice of choice to cope with your broken heart.
As you sift through your drawers for a top, you find one of his shirts, crucial evidence that you didn’t imagine the short relationship. After all, you could pass a test on all the sleep deprived and alcohol induced delusions you’ve had since the breakup.
You hold your breath for a second, debating what to do with it. It is a comfy shirt after all, but the fireplace looks so inviting. Lighting a match, you toss it with the shirt into the fireplace, setting the wood and shirt on fire.
The next day you step out at fancy sponsorship event, cameras flashing as you pose on the red carpet. George slides into the spot beside you, taking on his duty as teammate and older brother figure.
“Fake it till you make it,” George reminds you softly, noticing your faltering PR smile.
“I’m a tough kid, I can handle my shit,” you tell him with a smile, mostly reassuring yourself. Your stilettos are killing you already, but you have to walk in them all night so you can’t take them off.
You find yourself in conversation with the sponsor, without Toto or George.
“We hope you keep winning, win more, get more money,” the older man says with a tight smile, trying to be lighthearted but failing.
“I have been hitting that mark lately,” you reply with the same tight lipped smile. Out of the corner of your eye, you see your ex with a new girl on his arm. The same man that said he’d love you for all time. “Excuse me,” you quickly set a hand on his shoulder as a goodbye, escaping to the empty outdoor balcony.
You can feel the walls closing in as you slide to the ground, taking deep breaths of the fresh air. You barely notice when George sits beside you, rubbing your back.
“He doesn’t have a right to make you cry, or show up here,” George says quietly after a minute. He and Toto know how miserable you are, and this isn’t helping.
“He’s so obsessed with me, and I can’t keep avoiding him, it’s draining,” you wipe the tears from your cheeks.
“You just need to show him how well you are doing without him, even if to you it’s fake. But in my opinion, you are. You have been driving better, and winning on the track. You’ve helped us land three new sponsors, and the only people who know how miserable you are is Toto and I,” George starts to tangent before stopping himself.
“You know you are good when you can do it with a broken heart,” you chuckle, feeling a little better. George pats your knee before standing up.
“I’ll be inside, come in when you are ready,” he says, stepping inside. You pull out your phone and make sure you look like you haven’t been crying. With a newfound boost of confidence, thanks to George, you step in looking better than you have in a while.
“Try and come for my job,” you say to yourself with a bit of a smile.
“Ah, there she is! This is my driver, Y/n L/n. Y/n, this is a sponsorship representative from Monster,” Toto says, pulling you into the conversation. From his body language, you know he is concerned about you, but you make sure he knows you are okay. And you do, because you take home yet another grand prix that weekend, feeling better than you have all season.
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unboundprompts · 2 days
Hi J! How are you today? :)
I was wondering, have you done any fake dating tropes? If not, would you be interested in doing something for that? Whether you decide to do this one or not, I hope you have an amazing day/night :D
Hi!! Thank you and I hope you have a great day too!
Fake Dating Trope Prompts
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
"The only reason I am agreeing to do this, is because you're my friend, okay? And after all of this is over with, you owe me big time."
She pressed a hand to her lips, feeling where his lips had just left hers and trying to hold onto the warmth that she had felt. For all of this to be fake, that definitely felt real.
He should not, would not, and cannot fall in love with them. Absolutely not. They made an entirely platonic agreement. That wasn't going to change just because he might have started to catch feelings.
Everything about their relationship was fake and it was tearing her apart.
"I can't tell what's real anymore!" He confessed, tears pricking at his eyes. "Is anything you say to me true?"
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bloodyjuls-blog · 11 hours
We are okay with you here
So guys this is the part 5, could consider it like an ending but maybe I'll do a sneak peak ⚠️
So here we go...
It is y/n's tenth day in the ICU and we are waiting for the results of the MRI to see if her brain injuries have a good diagnosis.
"Miss Alexia good morning" says the doctor entering the room. "I have good news y/n shows movement in her brain and we believe that in the next few hours she will be able to wake up with this we will reduce the possible injuries of being sedated" doctor says looking at his notebook.
"Thank you very much doctor, I'm super happy" she says hopefully. "Listen love, everything is going great, open your eyes soon, my life, I need you" says Alexia with a tear in her eye looking at you.
Leah and AnaMari enter the room with food for Alexia "Here Ale, you haven't had breakfast" says Leah handing her the bagel bag with the cup of tea. "Thank you so much guiri really, for everything you have been here with her and me and you too Ana" says giving them a hug Alexia. "You're welcome girl, as a family already? " Leah says to which Alexia says "Of course".
"Any news?" Ana says towards Alexia. "Yes, the doctor came in and said the results have come back good but time for everything and she will probably have the sedation removed today" Alexia says contentedly. "that sounds perfect, we hope to see y/n soon fighting like always" says Leah stroking the hair left out of y/n's bandage.
A few hours go by
"Love, these days have been hard but I ratify that I will be with you and the girls too all the way, I can't wait for you to wake up so I can give you some kisses and give you a cuddle of the kind we like" Alexia said holding her hand. Y/n moves her hand a little to which Alexia notices and sees how y/n is trying to move. "Honey what are you going to hurt yourself for baby, I'm going to hold you" alexia says as she takes both of y/n's hands between hers. She watches as y/n struggles to remove the tube that passes between her mouth. "I know it hurts but the doctor is coming and will take that off, don't cry my love" Alexia tells her as she notices the tears falling from y/n's face and goes over to give her a little kiss.
"But well what do we have here?" doctor said entering at the room and greeting cheerfully. "Our fighter eh" he says looking at y/n. "Good afternoon miss y/n, we are going to proceed to remove your endotracheal tube and put you on an oxygen mask" says the doctor looking at y/n who is a little agitated. "Baby stay still so they can remove that annoying thing" says Ale while stroking her girlfriend's head and holding her hands.
Okay Alexia, please hold y/n's hands tightly because it will probably be uncomfortable when we are removing the tube" says the doctor looking at Alexia and y/n.
Moments later you already find yourself breathing with an oxygen mask and trying to adjust around although very sleepy too. "Ready Miss Alexia and y/n, now it remains to wait for evolution, a doctor will be passing by every 4 hours to supervise that everything is going well" doctor said more relieved.
"Hello my love, you don't know how happy I am to see you awake" says Alexia looking at her girlfriend while kissing her hands and cheeks. "Hiya" says y/n wincing. "What's wrong love, are you in pain? Shall I call the doctor? "* She looks at her worriedly. "My leg hurts a little and my back" she says in tears. "Give me a moment baby I'll call the doctor, but you're going to be fine" she turns to head for the door to which his girlfriend says "don't go, please stay I'm afraid (said mumbled)" with her weak little hand she grabs Alexia's hand. "I'm not leaving my life, I'm just going to call the doctor we will be alright" she walks over and kisses her forehead and leaves to call a doctor or nurse.
After the doctor passes he prescribes her a painkiller that makes her drowsy and while that happens Alexia goes downstairs to get a snack and to let everyone knows that y/n is awake.
What Alexia didn't know was that the doctor had come back and told y/n the bad news.
"The extent of your injuries are very serious and that generates the thought that you are not going to play again at a professional level, the blows you had and the internal injuries were very serious, and I don't have the heart to tell you lies or give you an encouraging report about your career, I may be telling you that yes and give you a time to expect and maybe in a year or two you're back on the courts but with pain in every moment of your exercise. And your well being is what you should put first. You have a good support system, your girlfriend, your sister and your guiris have come and taken care of you" says the doctor when he sees you crying.
End of flashback
Alexia goes upstairs and the doctor continues talking to y/n. "What's up doc everything ok?" says Alexia quizzically. "Here chatting with the lady and telling her not to play soccer" Alexia's shocked look leaves Ana and Leah in shock. Since they had come back to see their friend.
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deerlino · 3 days
ah, hello! i’ve just stumbled across your blog, and your writing is so, so adorable. if possible, may i please request a little academic rivalry with seungmin? where the reader and seungmin are both ranked in the top 2 and atrociously competitive in class but all soft and mushy outside of class? last thing—i’m not sure if you’re doing this, but if so, may i please be your 🖋️ anon? thank you!
a study in rivalry.
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kim seungmin x gn!reader / you and seungmin are like two peas in a pod when it comes to academic competition. you’re both top dogs in the class rankings and will go to great lengths to outdo each other. but once the bell rings, it’s all softness and mush between you two.
additional tags / fluff, secret relationship, academic rivalry, school setting, (competitive) banter, soft!seungmin, silly and sappy, study date (kinda) — 1.2k words in total.
content warnings / one subtle innuendo (suggestive) joke-comment, lots of smooches
authors note @ 🖋️ anon / my first request on here, and i'm grinning ear to ear! 🥺 this was a blast, seriously. i'm all about that academic rivals trope—it's one of my absolute faves. got so caught up in writing that it ended up way longer than my usual stuff, hitting 1.2k words! so, to my lovely anon, big thanks for the awesome request! <3 and, of course you can be my “🖋️ anon”. i'd be over the moon! hope you adore it as much as i loved writing it! <3
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You’re the first to arrive in the classroom, as usual. You’ve always been the type to get to school early, not because you’re diligent, but because you relish those few moments of peace before the day’s chaos begins. Besides, it gives you a chance to mentally prepare for your daily battle: Seungmin.
Seungmin. The name alone was enough to make your blood boil in class. He was the only one standing between you and that coveted number one spot in the academic rankings. Calm, composed, and infuriatingly good at everything. Yet, outside the confines of the classroom, he was your boyfriend, your secret, your soft spot.
You sit in your usual spot, right at the front, flipping through your notes, pretending to be engrossed in your study when, really, you’re just waiting for him to show up.
And right on cue, he strolls in, looking way too relaxed for someone who's about to go head-to-head with you. He slides into his seat beside you, leaning back as if he owns the place. He doesn't even look at you, just starts unpacking his bag.
“You ready to lose today?” he asks, still not making eye contact. The nerve.
“Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing,” you shoot back, finally glancing at him. He meets your gaze, and for a moment, you forget where you are. His eyes do that thing where they crinkle at the edges, and damn if it doesn't make your heart skip a beat.
Class starts, and the war begins. It’s all silent competition; who can raise their hand faster, who can answer the questions more thoroughly, who can earn that approving nod from the teacher. It’s exhausting, but you live for it. You’ve always been competitive, and Seungmin just amplifies it.
The first bell rings, signaling the start of class. As you and Seungmin sit side by side, the usual tension between you simmers just beneath the surface. The teacher begins the lecture, and it doesn’t take long for the competition to kick off.
“Can anyone tell me the significance of this equation?” the teacher asks, writing a complex formula on the board.
You shoot your hand up, barely beating Seungmin by a fraction of a second. “It demonstrates the relationship between the variables in a nonlinear system,” you say confidently.
The teacher nods approvingly. “Correct.”
Seungmin scoffs quietly beside you, whispering just loud enough for you to hear, “Show-off.”
You kick him lightly under the table. “Jealous much?”
He smirks, leaning closer. “Of your answer? Please. I just let you have that one.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the smile tugging at your lips. The next question comes, and this time, Seungmin beats you to it. He answers flawlessly, and you narrow your eyes at him, mouthing, “Lucky guess.”
He winks at you, the smugness radiating off him. “Skill, not luck,” he whispers back.
The class continues like this, each of you trying to outdo the other. The teacher, used to your antics, doesn’t even bother to hide her amusement anymore. When the bell finally rings, signaling the end of class, you’re both mentally drained but still riding the high of your rivalry.
As everyone files out, you stay back, taking your time gathering your things. Seungmin lingers too. The moment the last student leaves, he drops the act. He steps closer, pulling you into a tight hug, his head resting on your shoulder.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” you murmur into his ear, arms wrapping around him.
“Me? You’re the ridiculous one. Who spends that much time studying for a pop quiz?” He pulls back, looking down at you with that stupidly charming smile.
“You, apparently,” you retort, poking him in the chest. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you studying late last night.”
His face reddens, just a bit. “Caught me,” he admits with a chuckle. “But only because I knew you’d be doing the same.”
You both leave the classroom, walking down the hallway hand in hand. The contrast between the two of you in class and out of class is ridiculous. In class, it's all fire and competition, but out here, you’re soft and mushy, completely wrapped up in each other.
Seungmin's eyes spark with mischief as he glances around, ensuring no one’s watching before he tugs you into a secluded corner. He presses you against the wall, his touch sending a thrill down your spine as he leans in to steal a quick, teasing kiss.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” he asks, his breath warm against your skin, his lips hovering just inches from yours.
You can't help but grin at his playful demeanor. "Well, I was thinking we could go back to my place and... study," you reply with a suggestive wiggle of your eyebrows.
Seungmin's own eyebrows shoot up in amusement. "Oh, really? I do love a good study session," he says, his tone dripping with innuendo.
You playfully swat his chest. "I mean it this time, mister. No distractions," you say, trying to sound stern but failing to suppress your laughter.
He chuckles, leaning in to whisper in your ear, "We'll see about that."
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Back at your place, you and Seungmin sit at your desk, textbooks and notes spread out in front of you. Or at least, that was the plan. Instead, you find yourselves engaged in a different kind of studying, one that involves stolen glances, whispered confessions, and tender touches.
Seungmin leans close, his voice low and husky as he murmurs, “You’re supposed to be studying, you know.”
You feign innocence, batting your eyelashes at him. “But I am studying... the art of distraction,” you reply with a mischievous grin, tracing circles on his arm.
He shakes his head, his lips quirking up into a smile. “You’re incorrigible,” he says, leaning in to steal a soft kiss.
You giggle, feeling your heart flutter at his affectionate gesture. “Only for you,” you tease, leaning in to steal another kiss.
He captures your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss, his hand gently cradling your cheek. “Lucky me,” he whispers against your lips, his eyes shining with adoration.
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Hours pass in a blur of laughter, banter, and stolen kisses, the textbooks long forgotten in favor of each other's company. As the sun sets outside, casting a warm glow through the window, you find yourselves curled up on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms.
Seungmin’s fingers trace lazy patterns on your back as you lean against his chest, content and at peace in his embrace. It’s moments like these that you treasure the most, when it’s just the two of you, lost in your own little world.
“You know,” Seungmin says softly, breaking the comfortable silence, “I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.”
You look up at him, your heart swelling with love. “Me neither,” you say, reaching up to cup his cheek.
He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I love you,” he murmurs against your skin, his words filled with sincerity.
You smile, feeling a warm rush of affection wash over you. “I love you too,” you whisper back, snuggling closer to him.
And in that moment, as the world outside fades away and it’s just you and Seungmin, you know that you wouldn’t change a thing.
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© deerlino (est. 070624) ༯ heyo, did you enjoy this piece? if you did, maybe you could reblog, drop a comment, or shoot me an ask to let me know your thoughts. also, feel free to check out my other stuff! thanks a bunch for the support! <3
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alphajocklover · 2 days
I’ve always been a nerdy guy and did theater in high school. But I always wished I could be a big hot jock. Do you think you could send me back and make me a huge muscular horny wrestler jock or something?
You want me to send you back? As in, take you back in time, or as in deage you back to highschool age? I’m going to be honest, I really hope you’re just asking me to deage you, because time travel can get so fucking complicated. Plus, being a teenager today is a lot better than being a teenager in the past. Obviously not everything is better than it was before. There's been an increase in school violence overtime, and well I can’t prove it, I swear to god that they give kids more homework every year. But if you went to the past you wouldn’t have the internet or social media, and I have a feeling those are going to come in handy later. So, let's just deage you. 
You might notice you’re not actually that much younger. You were 22 before, right? Well I know you probably wanted to be deaged into a freshman and experience all of highschool as a hunk, but as a rule I don’t transform anyone under 18, and that includes deaging someone to be under 18. 18 is the lowest I’ll go. Plus, everyone knows senior year is the best year of high school. There's less stress, more fun, and unless you’re a major loser you’re automatically cooler than anyone in the grades below you. And you, the new you, are anything but a loser. See, while I won’t deage you past 18, I can still change your past. In this new reality I’m creating for you, you’re not a theater kid. You’ve never been anything close to a theater kid. You’re not even just a wrestling jock. You’re a fucking wrestling prodigy. You’ve been huge, incredibly huge, ever since you were a kid. No ones quite sure how it happened. One day you just started to shoot up and out, and never seemed to stop. Your middle school wrestling coach noticed your potential, and ever since you’ve been dedicated to wrestling. As time has gone on you’ve only gotten larger and larger. Most kids who go through an early growth spurt end up small, but not you. Every year you get taller, hairier, and beefier. Every year you get fucking better, and you’re well aware of it.
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Now, you’re an 18 year old stud, the big man on campus. You dominate the ring, and everywhere else you go. You’re the kind of guy who gets anything you want by virtue of your being. The kind of guy who has been worshiped by the school, students and teachers alike, because of your athletic prowess. The kind of guy who fucks a twink in the locker room after every wrestling practice. You’re exactly the manly, horny, wrestling jock you used to fantasize about being. The kind of guy who would never have paid attention to someone like the old you, because he’s just that worthless in comparison.
I hope you enjoy your new life. I set up an instagram account for you to show off your amazing self. I figured you’d do great on instagram, and from the amount of likes your first post is getting, I can safely say I was right. Enjoy your new life. Soon you’ll outgrow this small town and highschool and go on to rule your college with a manly iron fist. I can’t wait to watch. **Hey guys! Been a bit! Got really busy but don't worry, I'm keeping at it with this blog. Hope you guys like it!**
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geotjwrs · 22 hours
Can you do Jenna x Male reader where they both finally got a day off and they go on a date?
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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Y/N woke up to the gentle sound of Jenna’s steady breathing beside him. The sunlight was just beginning to filter through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand: 7:30 AM. It was a rare occasion that they both had a day off together, and Y/N wanted to make the most of it.
Gently, he slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Jenna. He padded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, hoping to surprise her with her favorite meal. As he whisked the pancake batter, he couldn’t help but smile, thinking about the day ahead.
“Morning,” came a sleepy voice from the doorway.
Y/N turned to see Jenna, wrapped in a cozy blanket, her hair tousled from sleep. She looked adorably sleepy, rubbing her eyes as she approached him.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Y/N greeted, pulling her into a warm hug. “I was going to bring breakfast to you in bed.”
Jenna smiled, resting her head on his chest. “I smelled the pancakes and couldn’t resist. What do you have planned for today?”
Y/N kissed the top of her head. “You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”
They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast together, chatting about anything and everything. Jenna’s laughter filled the room as Y/N recounted a funny story from his childhood, and he felt a warmth spread through him, knowing that today was going to be special.
Just as Y/N was about to take a bite of his pancake, he was interrupted by a sudden hiccup. Jenna looked up, surprised, then burst out laughing.
“Did you just hiccup?” she asked, giggling.
Y/N nodded, trying to speak, but was cut off by another hiccup. Jenna’s laughter grew louder each time he tried to talk.
“This is—” Hiccup. “—so embarrassing,” Y/N managed to say between hiccups.
Jenna was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. “You sound like a cartoon character!”
Y/N joined in the laughter, even as he continued to hiccup. “I can’t—” Hiccup. “—help it!”
They tried to resume their conversation, but Y/N’s hiccups kept interrupting him. Every attempt to speak was met with another hiccup, sending Jenna into another fit of giggles. Eventually, Jenna herself got the hiccups, causing even more laughter.
“Great,” Jenna said, hiccuping. “Now we—” Hiccup. “—both have them!”
Y/N couldn’t stop laughing. “This is—” Hiccup. “—ridiculous!”
Their breakfast turned into a hilarious back-and-forth of hiccups and laughter, and by the time their hiccups subsided, they were both out of breath and smiling.
After breakfast, they got dressed for the day. Y/N wore his favorite casual outfit, while Jenna chose a comfortable yet stylish ensemble. They grabbed their things and headed out, Y/N driving them to their first destination: an amusement park.
As they arrived, Jenna’s eyes lit up with excitement. “An amusement park? You know me so well!”
Y/N grinned, taking her hand. “I thought it would be fun. Ready to relive our childhoods?”
They started with the Ferris wheel, wanting to take in the view of the entire park. As they reached the top, Jenna leaned against Y/N, sighing contentedly.
“This is amazing,” she said softly.
Y/N kissed her forehead. “Anything for you.”
Next, they hit the roller coasters. The first one they chose was a classic wooden coaster, which looked both thrilling and a bit rickety.
As they climbed the first big hill, Jenna squeezed Y/N’s hand tightly. “I can’t believe we’re doing this!” she yelled over the clatter of the ride.
“Just wait till the drop!” Y/N shouted back, grinning.
When they reached the top, the roller coaster paused for a brief, heart-stopping moment. Jenna’s eyes widened, and she let out a squeal as they plunged down the steep track. The wind whipped through their hair, and their screams mixed with laughter. Y/N looked over at Jenna, her face lit up with pure joy, and his heart swelled.
After the ride, they stumbled off, still laughing. “That was insane!” Jenna exclaimed, breathless.
“Want to go again?” Y/N teased.
Jenna nodded eagerly. “Absolutely!”
They rode several more coasters, each one more exhilarating than the last. At one point, Jenna dared Y/N to raise his hands for the entire ride, which resulted in even more hilarious moments as they tried to outdo each other.
They played games at the arcade, where Y/N won a large stuffed bear for Jenna, who hugged it tightly.
“Look at you, the carnival king,” Jenna teased.
“Anything to see you smile,” Y/N replied, his heart swelling with joy at her happiness.
They wandered the park, enjoying the various attractions and indulging in carnival food. Jenna insisted on getting a caricature done of them, and they laughed at the exaggerated drawing of their features.
As the afternoon wore on, they decided to take a break and sat on a bench, sharing a giant pretzel. Jenna rested her head on Y/N’s shoulder, a peaceful silence settling between them.
“This has been perfect,” Jenna said, breaking the silence. “Thank you for planning this.”
“I wanted today to be special,” Y/N replied, squeezing her hand. “You deserve it.”
As the sun began to set, they made their way to the beachside, where Y/N had arranged a cozy picnic. They spread out a blanket on the sand and enjoyed the simple meal, watching the waves gently lap at the shore.
“You really outdid yourself,” Jenna said, leaning back on her elbows and looking up at the sky, which was now painted in shades of pink and orange.
“I wanted today to be perfect for you,” Y/N replied, reaching out to hold her hand.
As darkness fell, they built a small bonfire and sat close, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores. They talked late into the night, the fire crackling and the stars twinkling above them.
Eventually, they made their way back to the car and drove home, tired but happy. Jenna was quiet during the drive, lost in thought about the wonderful day they had shared. As they pulled into their driveway, she turned to Y/N with a smile.
“Thank you for today,” she said. “It was everything I needed and more.”
Y/N pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, too. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather spend a day like this with.”
Inside, they settled onto the couch, exhausted but happy. Jenna rested her head on Y/N’s shoulder, and they sat in comfortable silence, reflecting on the perfect day they had shared.
“Let’s make a promise,” Jenna said softly. “No matter how busy life gets, let’s always find time for days like this.”
“Deal,” Y/N agreed, kissing the top of her head. “We’ll always make time for each other.”
And with that promise, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, content in the knowledge that their love would always find a way to shine through, no matter what.
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cordycepsfem · 1 day
So my girlfriend and I went to our local Pride event today, one that I’ve written about previously here.
I did not want to go. This is because I am new-task-avoidant, and Pride was on one day of my usually tightly-hoarded weekend. But she asked that I go and meet some of her friends from her volunteering group so I said sure.
Meeting her friends was great - they’re fun and welcoming people from a variety of backgrounds, and I’m glad we did that. I hope we can spend time with them again soon.
Then we go out to the actual festival part. It is loud. There are people everywhere. This is unsurprising because it is a pride event in a major city. As people we are not fond of loud, crowded events… but we made the effort to get here so we’re going to go through it.
So we start walking.
As we make our way through the crowds I realize that the two of us are some of the more conservative-looking individuals there. We’re in T-shirts, shorts, baseball caps, functional shoes. There are many, many people in what we on here are all familiar with as “queer” costuming - it’s loud, it’s ugly, and it’s adorned with pins and stickers demanding attention. Many people have giant flags around their necks.
We see booths with obviously female individuals selling merchandise emblazoned with “f*ggot” doing a robust business. Lots of apparel and accessories that scream “I have an identity and I’m here to make it your problem!!” One booth has a pin showing a mastectomy-scarred chest reading “the no-titty committee” which causes me to let out a sad noise, because sure enough I’ve seen at least ten individuals with bare chests and some awful mastectomy scars wandering around. Some have glitter or fancy tape adoring their scars. Others have very obvious “dog ears” which look sloppy and painful.
(Note: I am not saying that having scars is awful. I am saying that the way the incisions were made was imprecise, leaving scars that are larger and that look worse as compared to, like, an actually good surgeon performing a regulated procedure with a standardized course, and not a “gender medicine professional.” This is obviously my own bias from doing research and from seeing others “in the wild” and should only be taken as my opinion. I have plenty of scars; the surgical ones all look clean and well-executed. These did not.)
We keep walking. There were at least two furry booths. Lots of people in puppy masks. Plenty of trans-focused groups.
We buy a few things at some of the more relevant booths and I stop to talk to one group about a job. My girlfriend says she’s ready to go, so we cut around the rest of the park and head for a nearby bookstore.
As we’re walking she takes my hand. “That pride wasn’t for us.”
“I don’t know who it was for, but it wasn’t for us.”
I said “I told you so” in the kindest of voices but it was really just sad. This event and so many others happening this month are no longer for actual LGBT people. They are a celebration of the commodification of “queer” identity. Were there some booths there with people doing good work for those in our communities? Yes, without a doubt. But was there a bigger contingent of people there to give a “fuck you” to the world? Yep.
The first Pride events were to show straight people that LGBT people were not sexual deviants. Now the sexual deviants have booths at the Pride events.
I would just like a lesbian event. Just women. I’m willing to start it and run it. Girlfriend was so excited to go to Pride, and I think she left more disappointed than anything else. There are no longer a lot of “normies” at Pride. They have to be somewhere, so where?
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lovelyjj · 2 days
hii i love your fics! could we get more of bodyguard!jj and him thinking she’s spoiled but then she proves him wrong and they become like actual really good friends! (i hope that makes sense!) have a great day or night!! xxx 💝💝
Bodyguard part 2
part 1
bodyguard!jj maybank x kook!reader
a/n: hope this is ok! i love bodyguard!jj so i’m happy you asked for more!
my ask box is always open, fill free to send me your thoughts!
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Having a bodyguard was an experience. It was like having a companion everywhere you go except JJ wasn’t your companion. He was more like an employee, you were his client. Nothing more.
You couldn’t deny how attractive JJ was. Even though he was rude to you. He had this aura about him that drew you in. He was so muscular and beautiful it made you lightheaded.
The day was bright and sunny. You thought it would be a good idea to go to the boardwalk. It was relaxing and fun down by the beach. But it was also hot. You thought that today calls for some ice cream.
JJ watched as you went up to the cashier and asked for strawberry ice cream. You then turned to JJ and asked if he wanted anything. He declined but thought it was sweet that you asked him. He also noticed how polite you were to the cashier.
JJ was impressed with your behavior. He was beginning to see your true colors. Maybe you weren’t so spoiled after all. “You two make a cute couple,” the cashier said handing you your ice cream on a cone.
“Oh we’re not together,” you blushed.
“Yeah i’m her bodyguard not her boyfriend,” JJ grumbled.
You took your ice cream and was on your marry way, walking down the boardwalk with JJ. You were feeling the ocean air and soaking up the sun. JJ thought you looked beautiful. Your hair was cascading down your back and your cheeks were flushed. You wore a sun dress that showed off your legs and made JJ feel something in his chest.
After you finished your ice cream and walked around for a while it was starting to get late. The sun was starting to set and you sat down on the sand to watch the sunset. You could hear the waves crashing and see the sky become painted in pink and orange.
It was lovely. JJ was unusually quiet. It made you think he was lost in thought.
“Penny for your thoughts,” you broke the silence by speaking.
JJ dipped his hand in the sand, grabbed a handful and then watched it slide through this fingers and back into the sand.
“What? Oh nothing, I’m just watching the sky,” JJ shrugged.
“Come on you can trust me,” you gave him a small smile. You don’t know why you were so interested, JJ wasn’t usually kind to you but you wanted to know his story.
JJ wanted to tell you what was on his mind but he didn’t want ruin the relationship you had. Strictly bodyguard and client nothing more.
“Just drop it okay?” JJ snapped.
“Ok fine,” you crossed your arms and looked away.
JJ was coming over to your house because you needed a ride. Your parents let him in and he made his way to your room. He knocked on the door and herd you say “come in” so he entered.
“What are you doing?” JJ asked. He saw trash bags filled with clothes he assumed. He was confused as to why they littered your bedroom floor.
“I’m donating some of my clothes,” you said with smile.
“Oh wow that’s nice of you,” JJ was shocked. He thought that was very considerate of you. Maybe you weren’t so spoiled after all.
You got in JJ’s car as he packed the trunk with all your trash bags filled with clothes. As JJ drove to the donation center he couldn’t help but see you in a different light.
“That’s the last of them,” you told the donation center worker, handing him the last bag.
“Thank you so much for your donation!”
“Where to now?” JJ asked.
“Hmm I don’t know I don’t have any other plans for today.”
“How bout I take you somewhere?” JJ suggested.
You were intrigued so you went along with it. JJ took you to the hawks nest. You were surprised. The two of you climbed to the top and sat at the ledge.
“Ya know you’ve really impressed me lately princess.” JJ started the conversation.
The name was something JJ came up with because you were a kook princess. JJ didn’t know however, how it made you feel. It made your stomach do a flip and your heartbeat quicken.
“How so?” you responded.
“You’re not who I thought you were.” JJ explained.
“Huh well you’d be surprised what happens when you get to know someone.”
“Yeah I guess.”
“Can I ask you something?” you raised the question.
“Sure,” JJ replied.
“Why were you so mean to me when you first became my bodyguard?”
“Can I get a different question?” JJ asked.
“No, i think i deserve an explanation.”
“You want the truth? Well honestly I thought you were some spoiled rich kid that didn’t care about anybody except yourself. I didn’t want work for some stuck up kook.”
“Right so you were being a judgmental asshole.” You laughed.
JJ laughed with you. He agreed. You were right and he desperately wanted to redeem himself.
“Look i’m sorry for how I treated you. I would like to put that behind us. Is there any way you could forgive me?” JJ apologized.
“Yeah I guess so. Only if you buy me an ice cream sometime,” you replied.
Ever since the hawks nest JJ was nice to you. It was kinda of surprising. You didn’t expect him to change his attitude so fast. You thought maybe just maybe you could get along and be friends.
Today you were going to the country club. JJ of course was tagging along for your protection. You were happy because you were finally getting along with your bodyguard.
The two of you were having lunch at the country club. It was a cool and crisp day. You commented saying it was a beautiful day and JJ agreed.
“All you’re getting is a salad?” JJ questioned.
“You don’t want anything else?”
“How about dessert?” JJ smiled.
You laughed. “You got me there.”
“Before dessert how about we have some drinks on me?” You suggested.
“I don’t drink on the job.” JJ replied.
“Oh right. More for me then!”
You ordered a mimosa. You and JJ kept on chatting about anything and everything. You were more talkative than normal because you kept ordering all kinds of drinks under the sun.
JJ was getting worried you were drinking too much.
“How about we get you home princess.”
“Nooooooo. I wanna stay!”
“I think it’s time to call it quits.”
Now JJ couldn’t take you home because he didn’t want your parents to see you like this.
And he couldn’t take you to his house for obvious reasons, so he settled for the beach. He hoped you would sober up there.
JJ took your hand after you paid for lunch, and guided you away to the beach. He sat you down in the sand.
“I wanna swiimmmm.” You slurred.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” JJ voiced.
Much to JJ’s dismay, you stood up a little wobbly and started taking off your clothes. JJ did his best to not look at your body but it was hard. You were breathtaking.
JJ grabbed you by the waist and hauled you over his shoulder. He picked up your discarded shirt and shorts and started to walk to his car.
“Come on princess, time to go.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t like it.”
“But you’re the kook princess are you not?”
You let out a huff in defeat.
“Please put me down!”
“Not til i know you’re not going to run into the water.”
“I won’t I promise!”
JJ took you home. He figured your parents were asleep. So as long as you were quiet it shouldn’t be a big deal.
JJ guided you to your room and had you sit on the bed.
“You got to be careful Y/N,” JJ scolded.
“Yeah yeah,” you waved him off.
JJ tucked you in and told you to go to sleep.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
When you woke up the next morning last nights events were a little hazy. You remember JJ was looking out for you the whole time. You thought to yourself how lucky you were to have such a great and caring friend.
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part 3 coming soon ;)
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ravenstargames · 21 hours
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #12 | 06.09.24
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And it's time! 💜 Another month, another devlog, and this one comes with great news!
First of all, we FINALLY settled everything with our studio's bank account, which means we can start sending the necessary documentation to Steam so the demo can be approved. Beta testing has almost ended and all that's left is a bit more of anxious revisions and getting the paperwork together.
We will announce the demo release date very very soon; as soon as we can announce our Steam page! We are hoping that can be settled this upcoming week, but let's see what happens. As the finishing line approaches, we have less to show mainly because we are saving some juicy things for our Kickstarter Pre-Release, so bear with us for a minute! ; v ;
Also, let's be real—paperwork is boring. No one wants to read about me fist-fighting Steam or the Spanish government.
So let's jump into it! 💜
PD: I have a lot of asks left to reply to, so let me apologize for being a bit on the slower side! T_T
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This month, for mermay, we got a wonderful shrimp prince! 🧡
Seriously, though; he's supposed to be a lionfish, but the shrimp joke was too funny. Just look at this shrimpy beauty! 🦐
When it comes to the sprites, Raquel wants to add some touches to a few expressions, but she's now focusing on getting our merch art ready. We are so so excited to be able to show it! :')
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🎉🎉All the backgrounds have been finished!🎉🎉
Well, all the assets have been finished, should I say! Everything is animated, programmed, and ready to go.
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Programming wise, the beta testing process has been going great. Special thanks to Allie, our editor, and Lem (@crescencestudio) for offering their help in beta testing the demo! Also, A.J, Narjs, and Ela, our other beta testers that have given us invaluable feedback! 💜 I think we are almost finished; we are still waiting for one of our VAs to deliver their lines, and I want to give another round of testing to the mac version of the game.
The mobile version will most likely come later than the PC one, as it's stated in our masterpost! 💜 I'll start working on it as soon as the remaining voicelines are incorporated and the betatesting for the PC version is completely finished.
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This month we started to reveal our amazing cast! 💜 So far you've met Amon (Brian Vaughn), Envy (Aaron Moy), Xal (Francfil Pontañeles) and our Mysterious Seer (Callum Sanders). Everyone has been wonderful to work with, and we can't wait for you to meet them all in game!
We are also starting work on our teaser trailer; if we are lucky, we'll be able to work with a wonderful artist!
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We are sorry this devlog is a bit on the boring side—what's left for us is deal with the hell that is founding a studio and publishing a game. Taxes, build distributions, taxes, taxes, paperwork, reading lots of scary stuff...At the end of the day, we are just four little cryptids trying to stay afloat. I'm very proud of how far we've come, but now that things are getting very serious, I can't help but to shake in my boots a little! T^T
Our demo release date announcement is very, very close. We haven't said anything about it yet because we want to be certain everything is in order and as perfect as possible for the release. We know that's impossible (I mean, being first-timers, stuff is prone to happen), but we want to work as hard as we can to avoid oopsies.
And that's it, folks! We hope we can keep coming at you with good news, and we are very excited (and terrified) of what's to come. Thank you so so much for your support, for sending us asks, for your lovely comments, and for being interested in our game.
As always, please take care, stay hydrated and healthy, remember to eat and take breaks, and make sure to give yourself some love today! 💜
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turcott3 · 10 hours
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the set up
cole caufield x fem! reader
warnings?: alcohol, cursing, kissing, smut, unprotected sex, public sex
“truth.” you spoke aloud. you were at emma’s bachelorette party, one day before the rehearsal and you were all drunk playing truth or dare like teenagers.
“i know you have a crush on one of the players, who is it?” she asks inquisitively.
“well i’ve always had a little crush on caufield.” you reply with a shrug and a light smile on your face.
“oh really?” emma giggles.
“yeah, i mean he’s just so happy all the time and he’s really handsome, how could i not like him?” you reply taking another sip of your drink.
“i mean yall would be cute honestly.” she continues, texting someone quickly on her phone.
“who ya texting?” steph asks her next to you.
“just brendan, making sure he’s not blackout drunk, you know.” she laughs, knowing the boys were also having their party today.
“oh also, i’ll have your bridesmaid and groomsmen pairings done in the morning.” emma speaks up shutting her phone off. the rest of the night was spent partying, thinking in the back of your mind that you had just admitted your crush on cole to your best friend.
“hello?” you groaned into the phone, a call from emma waking you up.
“did you see my text?”
“no i just woke up, i need ibuprofen before i stare at a bright screen.” you laugh lightly.
“oh did i wake you? i’m so sorry.”
“no no it’s fine, i needed to get up, ill read it in a sec.” you reply.
“okay thanks, see you in a few hours y/n!” she says.
“bye love.” you reply, ending the call and getting up, digging for your pills. you popped two before opening your phone back up to read her text. as you ran across your name you almost choked on your drink.
“cole?” you question starkly, eventually leading to a sigh.
“of course i’m with him.” you groan, now feeling pressure to look flawless to maybe impress him. you knew that you’d found him attractive for a while but you had zero clue how he felt toward you.
after many hours of getting ready and making sure your rehearsal dress was perfectly wrinkle-less, you finally were able to leave your hotel room and make your way to the rehearsal venue.
“y/n!” emma yells as you step through the door, running up to hug you.
“hope you enjoy your pairing, yall two are sitting over there for dinner.” she winks pulling away.
“you’re stressing me girl.” you laugh nervously, sitting at the small two top table by yourself. much to your demise, you didn’t get much time to prepare as cole walked into the room a mere 5 minutes later, finding his way to his seat.
“how’ve you been? i haven’t seen you in a while.” cole asks smiling.
“oh i’ve been great, how about you?” you ask, picking at your manicure.
“better now that i’m here.” he replies, turning to face the couple as they were about to speak, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“hey guys so, before we get to eating dinner i just wanted to go over like the order of how everything’s gonna go just so we’re all prepared for tomorrow. and i won’t be mad that it’s not perfect, it’s not supposed to be. but if we don’t have any fun whatsoever, then we’ve failed our mission of being ‘the gallaghers’ so let’s hope we can do that at least.” emma spoke loudly amongst the room. she spoke for a few minutes just running through the order of how everyone is gonna walk out, you and cole being the third “couple”.
“and one last thing, i’m not making you guys sit at separate tables, i sat you with your pairing just because i didn’t like how it looked on the seating chart so, basically you’re attached at the hip all night. sorry.” she laughs, you knew she was particular in not wanting the wedding to be old school and formal.
“you think you got that all down?” you ask, trying to make it seem like you weren’t anxious, and it was starting to work. your nerves were beginning to ease as your anxiety seemed to remember that cole wouldn’t hurt a fly.
“i think i do. and we’re about to practice so that’ll be the test.”
“i’m nervous for tomorrow though.”
“whys that?” he asks, taking a bite of the plate that was sat in front of him.
“what if i like trip on my dress or like sneeze. i’m just scared ill ruin it.” you admit.
“it’ll be fine, you’re just over thinking it.” he replies and you nod knowing he’s right.
“that reception is gonna make it worth it though.” you giggle.
“oh absolutely, that’s gonna be the best part.” he replies
“and you’ll dance with me right?” he asks, with a hopeful smile on his face.
“oh um,” you pause finishing the sip you were about to take, “yeah of course i will.”
“great, i was hoping you would.”
you’d spent a vast majority of the night getting to know cole, which you loved doing. he’s an easy going guy who’s very sweet and respectful, which you adored. you went to bed tonight pondering on what the day would bring the two of you. you could feel the flirting between the two of you all evening.
the next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed. you went over the details of the wedding in your head over and over until you didn’t miss a word. you grabbed onto your garment and makeup bag and fled the room, rushing to be by your best friends side as she got ready for her big day.
“so you nervous?” you ask.
“girl no, i already know im saying yes.” she laughs as she sits in the chair being dolled up by her make up artist.
“oh that’s good.” you replied unpacking your things beginning to get yourself ready with the girls. the time came quickly. it seemed like minutes passed by between the time you finished your hair to the time you were stood with the guy you’ve had a crush on for a year.
“you okay? you’re fidgety.” cole asks quietly.
“oh uh, yeah i’m okay. just nervous.” you say, his hand then softly rubbing up and down your back.
“don’t be nervous, you’re gonna be great. if you trip ill catch you. i’m here.” he replies reassuringly as you flash him a weak smile.
“thank you.”
“of course, and you look beautiful by the way.” he says before locking arms with you, prepared to walk down the aisle. you made it down without any trips and appreciated cole going the extra mile to help you up a couple of stairs. you all stood on your respective sides, admiring the couple between you, sharing occasional glances with cole from across the altar. selfishly, you couldn’t stop thinking about him and how kind he was to you just moments prior.
the reception started about 30 minutes ago and you’re already 3 wine glasses deep with cole. you’d been dancing for a while and finally made your way back to the table, still littered with the others. you both had grown to be decently drunk and were getting touchy with cole, which is something you wouldn’t DARE to have done about 45 minutes ago.
“cole is need to pee, will you come with me and hold my dress?” you ask, sporting proud puppy dog eyes.
“yes, come on.” he replies standing up reaching his hand out to you, you found your way to the, luckily, single stall restroom. you locked the door quickly and turn to face him.
“i actually don’t have to pee.”
“i know.”
“you do?”
“yes, you’ve been making it obvious.” he giggles.
“what do you mean obvio-“ you start and are cut off by his lips harshly on yours, but in a way you enjoy. it was a quick change in environment, the fun had subsided and all you wanted to know was how he felt buried deep inside you. you felt yourself grow wet at his hands grazing down your back and onto your ass. his lips trailed to your neck, nipping and sucking on the skin before returning back to your lips after a long moment.
“i don’t wanna ruin your make u-“ he starts.
“shut up and fuck me caufield.” you reply interrupting him, a skill you’d both acquired in the last two minutes. cutting him off. a look of shock briefly flashes across his face before a smirk takes over.
“are you sure?” he asks, his hands placed on your waist.
“what do you mean? did you not hear me?”
“no i mean are you sure you wanna do it here?”
“yes, i want you right fucking now cole, and maybe again later when you’re staying in my room with me.” you reply and he smirks, turning you around and bending you over the sink. he assists you in pulling the short train on youryour long skirt over your ass, pushing your soaked lace thong to the side.
“so wet already?” he asks dragging a quick finger through your soaked core.
“mhm.” you reply biting your lip. you looked down at his pants in the mirror as he quickly unbuttoned his dress pants, rubbing himself hard very quickly. you bit your lip as you watched him line his hard cock up with your entrance.
“nuh uh, eyes up here.” he says using his hand to push your chin back up, locking eyes with him as he ran his leaning tip through your wet folds.
“cole we have to be fast.” you complain, as if you weren’t enjoying the teasing. a sigh of relief left your mouth as he buried himself deep inside you, his tip brushing your g-spot instantly, your eyes rolling back.
“oh fuck.” you whimper, realizing you are in a very public place and have to make sure you keep your voice down. you mentally acknowledge the fact that you have no choice but to be fast in this moment, wanting to get the job done quickly. in thinking, you fucked yourself back onto him, colliding in the middle.
“god fuck-“ he grunts, placing his hands firmly on your ass cheeks, thrusting quickly, letting the fabric of your dress muffle the sound of your skin clapping.
“you’re so tight y/n.” he says, almost speeding up his already decent pace.
“oh my god cole, that’s it right there.” you whisper, tears forming in your eyes as you collapsed further over the sink. gently, he wrapped his arm around your chest pulling you up, deepening the angle of his thrusts, hitting your g-spot right on the head with each thrust.
“fucking god, i’m gonna cum.” you whine, a tear slipping from your eye.
“come on baby, cum for me. i will too yeah?” he asks with eyebrows raised in the mirror and you nod as the knot unravels in your stomach, shockwaves shooting through your body rapidly as he filled you to the brim with his milky climax, fucking you all the way through both of your highs.
“i can’t believe we just did that.” you sighed out, catching your breath.
“me either.” he chuckles behind you, pulling out slowly.
“oh fuck, here, stay right there.” he says observing the mess he made between your legs. he grabs a few sheets of toilet paper, carefully wiping you clean, tossing them in the toilet and pulling your panties back over your core.
“my eyes.” you groan looking in the mirror.
“let me see.” he replies and you turn around. he licks his fingers to fix the smudges under your eyes and around your lips, dabbing the sweat off your forehead with a paper towel.
“do i look okay?” you ask, pulling the dress back down.
“just as gorgeous as before.” he replies, readjusting his pants, making sure everything’s in straight.
“okay you ready?” he asks holding onto the door knob.
“wait hold on, can i ask you something?”
“yeah of course.”
“will you come stay with me tonight? like in my room?” you ask boldly, the buzz beginning to wear off.
“if that’s okay, yes of course i will.”
“it’s more then okay.” you smile lightly, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a firm kiss to his lips.
“good, then i can fuck you right.” he mumbles on your lips, kissing you again.
“woah fuck y/n i’m sorry.” he says as you pull away.
“what what’s wrong?” you reply nervously and he turns you by your hips to the mirror, using his hand to turn your head to the side, exposing the dark hickey he left on your neck.
“honestly, it’s fine, really.”
“are you sure?”
“yes cole it’s fine, and besides you’ll be littered in them tomorrow morning.” you wink, kissing him one last time as you turn the doorknob. he grabs your short dress train of the floor, carrying it as you walked out of the bathroom. you hear a chuckle a few feet away from you, realizing nick was standing there and definitely watched the two of you enter the bathroom.
“emma!” you shout as cole lets go of your dress, taking your hand as you jogged over toward her.
“we’ve been looking for you.” emma replies with a smirk on her face.
“oh uh, i just had to go to the bathroom and there was a line.”
“yep mhm, a line.” she laughs, turning your chin to the side, high fiving her husband.
“what?” you ask.
“bitch, what do you mean what? yall just fucked in true bathroom at my wedding and now you’re holding hands. oh brendan we have outdone ourselves.”
“girl, i put you with him so that THIS would happen. nick was our spy, great help.”
“you wanted us to fuck at your we-“
“well that isn’t EXACTLY what we had in mind, i was thinking like a kiss during a slow dance on the floor but this? this is fucking gold.” she laughs hugging you, as you stood confused as ever.
“so this was a set up?” you scoff.
“well, yes.” brendon pokes in.
“thanks gally.” cole laughs, a soft hand wrapping around your hip.
“now yall go have fun.” emma says waving the two of you off.
“what a night.” you sigh, collapsing into your bed, cole right beside you.
“yes for real, we really got set up.”
“i’m not mad about it.” you reply.
“me either, i’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while.”
“why didn’t you, i’ve had a crush on you for like a year.” you laugh.
“yeah well, now we fucked in a bathroom at a wedding, i’d say that is quite the stride.” he smiles widely at you.
“i’m fucking exhausted. i would totally love to stay up and fuck all night but i feel like maybe we should sleep it off and then maybeeeeeeee fuck all morning?” you giggle.
“whatever you want baby.” he smiles, his thumb grazing over your cheek lightly, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips
“god you make it so hard not to just wanna fuck you like a damn bunny right fucking now.” you say and he busts out laughing.
“let’s go to sleep, come on love.” he says tucking the two of you under the covers.
“we can fuck like bunnies in the morning okay?”
“okay.” you pout, poking your bottom lip out.
“goodnight pretty girl.” he says softly.
“good night pretty boy.” you smile as he presses a light kiss to your nose.
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zvdvdlvr · 13 hours
— Revenge Sex
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🏵️ — synopsis. James cheated. Remus is pissed off with some of James’s recent decisions. To get back at James (and because he likes you), Remus has sex with you.
🏵️ — warnings. Badly written smut. Weird plot. Pet names (pretty girl, darling). James is an absolute douche in this.
🏵️ — author’s note. I AM DOGSHIT AT WRITING SMUT. Wrote this on a whim. God bless. Hope this is okay.
   It had been twelve days since you last saw James with his lips locked to some Huffleslut.
   Twelve days of incessant badgering, pleading, apologies, and words words words. All in-person, all irritating.
   Of course, today was no different. It had started with James ambushed you by slinging his arm over your shoulder when you stepped out of your house entrance. You shoved him away and kept walking with your friends to the Great Hall.
   “Y/n! Wait up!” James called. You groaned in annoyance and walked faster with determination. He was the one that cheated! Why did he continue to follow you around?
   His hand closed on your shoulder and he bent over to catch his breath. “Y/n, please just listen to what I have to say-“
   You whipped around, anger evident in your eyes. “No, James Fleamont Potter. You listen to me. You cheated, not me. Clearly I wasn’t a good girlfriend and wanted to throw away a relationship for someone who just wanted to sleep with the popular guy. I don’t care. And before you start that ‘Oh! But y/n, I love you!’” You upped the pitch of your voice and brought your hands up. “That’s obviously a lie. If you loved me, you wouldn’t have even considered looking at that no-good, yellow-wearing, dirty rotten Hufflepuff slut! So just leave me the fuck alone!” You took a step back, pleasantly surprised when James didn’t move. “Thank you.”
   You felt bad for not feeling guilty, but… you didn’t cheat. He did.
— 🏵️
   “Hi. Don’t get up. Please.”
   You looked up. In front of you stood the infamous Remus Lupin. Confusion painted your face: what on Earth could he possibly want? “I… okay? What do you want?”
   Remus sighed and scratched his head. His face screwed up in pain from reach up for his head. You knew why. After two and a half years of dating someone, you get to know their friends well. Honestly, Remus was probably one of the best friends you’d ever had. You both got along well and he wasn’t two faced. “This is gonna sound really weird, but… I want to get back at James.”
   You pressed your tongue to the roof of your mouth and nodded. Pulling it back with a ‘click’, you tilted your head. “Why are you telling me this, Remus? I want nothing to do with him.”
   “That’s the thing,” Remus went on. “He’s been a real prick lately to everyone and has been lashing out. Saying things, doing things. I’m tired of it, Sirius is tired of it- Merlin, Peter barely talks to us anymore since James… y’know…”
   “So… you want me to…?”
   “Sleep with me.”
   Your mouth dropped open. Your face went slack and you stared at the man in front of you. There wasn’t anything that would make you not want to sleep with him. He was actually extremely good looking. Girls complained abut the scars, but you thought they suited him, made him stand out, and give him that ‘don’t mess with me’ energy. “Uh.” Blubbering like an idiot in front of James’s hot friend wasn’t a very comforting thought.
   “You can say no. I understand why you wouldn’t,” Remus shrugged. “I wanted to really lay it on him and stuff but if you don’t want-“
   “Fuck yes,” your muttered. “Sure. Anything. I don’t care.”
   Swallowing, Remus examined you closely. “Really? I don’t want you to feel pressure or anything.”
   “Remus, I want to. Now that you mention it, I kinda want to get some revenge on Potter,” you trailed off. “What better revenge then with his best looking mate?”
   Remus scoffed. “‘Best looking’ is far fetched, but I’ll take it. When do you want to…?”
   “Does now work?”
   A small laugh escaped Remus’s laugh at your coy expression. Your head was tilted dangerously and the corner of your lip was raised just so. Remus would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of you in un-platonic ways while you were dating James, but wouldn’t dare saying anything. Now that James went and fucked up, what better way to get James back and indulge himself in you then now? “My dorm or yours?”
   You accepted Remus’s outstretched hand and stepped closer to him. Hand pressing into the soft fabric of his shirt. “Might not make it to a dorm,” you mused, letting your hand trail down. “Mine. Girls like to gossip. Guarantee that Potter’ll hear the news before you even finish.”
   Remus’s jaw twitched at your touch, feeling his muscles flutter under your hand. “Lead the way,” he rasped, hand wrapping around yours.
   Remus barely had time to close the door before you pulled his face down to yours, capturing his lips with yours. You scrambled to unbutton his trousers as he fumbled to undo your bra clasp. When both items were gone and your shirts were shed, Remus picked you up and let your hands grab his face as he made his way to the delightfully large bed. Perks of being a prefect, apparently.
   You yelped when Remus dropped you on the bed. He turned his attention to your pants, pulling them off and tossing them away. He smiled at the wet patch on your cotton underwear. “Who turned you on that much, y/n?”
   “You, you fucker,” you replied snarkily.
   Remus’s brows quirked. “I am a fucker, aren’t I? ‘M gonna be fuckin’ a girl this pretty. Not something I’m embarrassed about,” he said. You would have replied if he hadn’t dropped to his knees and pulled you towards the edge of the bed like a feather. Remus rubbed a thumb from the top of your clothed cunt to the end of the stain of arousal in your underwear. You twitched. “Like that, pretty girl?”
   “I was promised a fuck, Remus Lupin,” you complained, failing to hide the breathlessly and need in your voice. You can’t remember the last time James did more than buty his dick in you for more than three minutes.
   Remus pressed featherlight kisses to the cloth covering your soaked cunt. “Don’t get snippy. You’ll get what you were promised,” he grumbled.
   You ground your molars together to avoid sqealing when Remus pried away your underwear and drove his tongue into your pussy. With nothing but the bed to grasp, you threaded your hands into Remus’s hair. He groaned at the feeling and sent leg twitching vibrations through you. “Fuck Remus,” you spat.
   The dickhead just hummed. He moved his hands so you were pressed down by his left arm. Remus’s right pointer finger came to tease the entrance of your pussy, his tongue tracing your clit. As anticipated, you jerked at the stimulation. Remus watched you body shudder as he slipped his finger inside you, taking care to memorize how you looked from this angle. His finger curled and you jerked, a ragged moan drawn from your lips.
   Remus fingered you good, you thought through a clouded mind. His fingers where long enough to find where you needed him without much time, and he seemed more than ready to give you what you needed. 
   “So good, Remus,” you moaned out, back arching into his mouth. “Fuck! Right there Rem, please,” you pleaded mindlessly, eyes screwed shut. Remus slipped a second finger into you, chuckling lowly at your breathless gasp.
   It wasn’t long before you came on Remus’s face. Your cunt fluttered around Remus’s fingers and your hands gripped his hair hard. You came with a loud moan that sounded better than Remus imagined. Your voice trailed off and your breath hitched as Remus let you ride out your orgasm, drinking everything you gave him.
   When you laid slack on the bed, Remus pulled his fingers out of you with a lewd squelch. He licked them while you watched his lust filled eyes take in your naked form. “You taste amazing,” Remus said, pulling his cum soaked boxers off of his throbbing boner. “Can’t believe anyone would ever think of leaving you, pretty girl.”
   Remus crawled on top of you, turning your head to press his lips to yours in an oddly intimate kiss. He tastes like you. “You ready for my dick, pretty? Or are you too tired?”
   You scoffed at Remus’s last question. “Don’t insult me like that, Lupin,” you muttered. You wrapped a leg around his back and looked between the two of you. “Fuck me already.”
   Remus adjusted his hips, hesitant to bury his aching cock into you- raw. “Do you want me to wear a condom?”
   “I have potions,” you answered, bucking your hips, teasing the head of Remus’s cock. “Don’t make me beg.”
   “I’d actually love to see you beg, pretty girl,” Remus mused, sinking down into your needy pussy. He dropped his forhead into your shoulder as you let out a strangled moan at the penetration. “You’re so tight, y/n,” Remus rasped. “Squeezin’ me like I was made for you.”
   Your hands came to grip his shoulder, biting down your mewls. “Please Rem,” you begged, sucking bruises into his skin. “Please.”
   Remus started moving his hips. He knew he wouldn’t last long but the way your chest shuddered and how tight you were squeezing him, you probably wouldn’t last long either. “So tight, darling,” he grunted, snapping his hips roughly into you.
   Your mouth fell open as you wrapped your legs around his waist, doing anything to to be as close to him as possible. “I need it, Remmy, please,” you sobbed, bringing him down to swallow your screams with feverishly hot kisses.
   Of course, Remus complied. The lewd sound of your cunt swallowing Remus’s cock mixed with the sounds of your mewls and muffled moans was a beautiful mixture of sounds Remus tried to commit to memory. You gripped him like a vice, digging your nails into his skin with each thrust. “That’s a good girl,” Remus grunted as his pelvis met yours. You shook under him, eyes searching his. “Takin’ everything I’m giving you… so good for me,” Remus babbled.
   You nodded, pressing your nose into Remus’s skin- anything to be consumed by him. “Please, Remus, I’m gonna cum. I need to cum, I need-“
   “I know, pretty girl. I know. Cum around my cock, yeah? Be a good girl for me and cum,” he growled, burying himself deep inside you. You came with a loud moan, burying your sobbing face into Remus’s shoulder. His hot seed flooded your pussy, filling you with him. You whimpered and tightened your legs around him.
   “Holy Merlin,” you whispered, thighs twitching as cum ran down your thighs.
   “Remus is fine,” the lycanthrope replied wittily.
   Your chuckled and let your head fall back on the bed as you caught your breath. “Shut up and take care of me,” you chuckled. “Please.”
   Remus’s eyes softened. “Since you asked so nicely.”
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yourpalmickeymouse · 23 hours
Shoutout to my best friend Donald Duck...
Because today is his...
🎉🥳!!!BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳🎉
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I'm already on my way to Duckburg to spend the day with my favorite feathered friend, but I thought it would be fun to talk about him on here.
Donald is truly one of the best friends you could ever have. He's been with me through thick and thin and is someone I could always rely on. We've been on so many great adventures and made so many precious memories. I kinda feel like I've known him for like 90 years or something, ha ha.
What I always loved about Donald is just how fun things get whenever we're together. Donald tends to be a bit of prankster which usually gets him into trouble, but usually makes things interestin'. Things are never boring when Donald is around. I always feel like I can bring out my more playful side with him.
But I think the thing I admire most about him is his resilience and dedication to his family. The world constantly seems like it has it out for Donald at times and yet he always manages to pull through. It truly feels like nothin' can knock him down. And the fact that he deals with all of this, while also takin' care of his family. He's done such a wonderful job raisin' Huey, Dewey, and Louie that I am just in awe.
He's such an inspiration to me and I hope he knows how much I care about him.
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- M.M
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every1sno1fangirl · 2 days
Happy Hifuumo Friday everyone!
I procrastinated this week's trip because I didn't have a working AC for most of the week. And when it did work I didn't want to leave...
Also, I suspect that today was not a good day to have gone out for me health-wise.
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I won't go into too much detail (TMI) but I had a crohn's complication in the morning and I feel lightheaded and tired now when there's no good reason for me to be.
I guess that solves the question of whether I was going to attend a Pride event this weekend, eh?
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You don't need to worry though. I'll be just fine. I always am!
I've gone through much worse too. I'll just lay down a lot tomorrow and take it easy. On the off chance that I have to though, I won't go on a trip next week.
So sorry if there's no Hifuumo Friday then!
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I took double the amount of photos I usually do on this trip just in case. It was purely accidental though.
Even if it is a coincidence, it's still nice to have that backlog.
Anyhow, I went to the library near my house again!
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The rose garden right next door was in full bloom still too. It was really beautiful. And I wasn't even the only person taking pictures in it either—though the other person was a mom with her small child, who I don't think even noticed me.
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The actual library was pretty great though. If you don't have a library card you should definitely get one. I have two new books to read and I'm really looking forward to writing about them when I can.
I love you all, I hope you have a good day/night!
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wildpeachfarm · 2 days
oh wait. i’m sorry, you probably don’t want to answer that (i just saw one of your asks on my dash saying youre done talking abt it) so i hope you had a wonderful pride. that your day was lovely. and the you felt amazing and happy and tomorrow is another great day for you 💛🏳️‍🌈
No worries Nonnie thank you so much for coming back and saying that though I really appreciate it!! And thank you so much, I hope tomorrow is even more fun! We booked an extra night at our hotel so we can go out drinking again tomorrow and so I hope it’s a good time :D🫶💖
You guys can have a pic of my fit from today ^^
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