#And friggin mikey hugs
yenerdybird · 1 year
Garsh darn i just finished this and couldnt wait
i crave validation
*throws this at you
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This boi Aaaaaaaaajdhduekej Took me 11 hours
But look at him ❤️
This is me mostly practicing everything that I've been learnin. Not entirely happy with his design but i love him?! By baby?! Took me 11 hours?!?! Appreciate him?!?
Recently ive been wanting to do art more perfetionly- perfection- wha- what day is it- where am i-
Professionally, yeah that. That word.
This is my start ❤️👍
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daedelweiss · 10 months
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Okay, I could just be seeing things
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But the figure in the center of the spraypaint looks vaguely Donnie shaped. And the way the ink smudges makes it look vaguely like he's wearing his bandana I just like pointing out weird little details dfjfhdskg;fdx.g
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Also Raph seems to be holding someone/something in this scene and I can't tell who/what and I wish I knew
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Also, Mikey being in his old outfit makes me think this is earlier in the timeline
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Stars, I love refound family
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I love this one so much. Disaster twinnies taking a little nappy <3
hehe- i love it when people dissect my work >:D i'll go about them in order~
i can neither confirm or deny that's donnie . 3 . just know that graffiti art is definitely foreshadowing :D
he's fine~ :DDD
you guys will see soon tbh because i'm gonna have to make that raph arc animatic
heh~ again, most of the things that happen in life mission are canon with a twist. i'm surprised not a lot of people noticed his hands :3c and i will neither confirm or deny where in the timeline this is hehe- just that it happens in mikey's arc
ya!!! donnie took a selfie of them :D
honestly that hug frame took forever to finish-
they are my weakness. my bois. i hold them forever
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Hello! Can I plz ask for the ROTTMNT brothers (separately) react to their s/o being cute and innocent? Like they love watching animated movies, become a blushing mess if there's a kissing scene or in real life, love to draw, cook/bake, and dance, also are curious about everything. Oh, and they don't understand dirty jokes and if someone curses they put a hand over their mouth and look flabbergasted. They also are shorter than them and have small hands.
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Oh mi gosh,
You two are the most wholesome couple this side of anywhere.
Literally two peas in a pod.
Disney movies every movie night,
You bake together,
You draw together,
And he loves watching you dance around.
One of your favorite things to do is to walk around the city at night,
Just to see what you'll find.
He loves how easily flustered you are,
He thinks it's just the cutest!
Mikey thinks it's hilarious how shocked you get when someone swears.
You'd think someone just killed your grandmother!
The first time it happened is a treasured memory for the whole family.
Leo had fallen off his skateboard and smacked his face on the ground.
*Le gasp* "Language! Oh my gosh!"
Everyone just kinda looked at you then started laughing.
Mikey loves how much shorter than him you are.
I mean sure, it's only a few inches,
But he likes to rest his head ontop of your's.
Leo loves to make "That's what she said" jokes around you,
Mikey hates it,
He's scared you'll lose your innocence.
But everytime Leo goes, "That's what she said!"
You'll just look at him and say, "That's what who said? Who is 'She'? And why won't anyone tell me for gosh sake??"
"I'll tell you when you're older Cutie Pie."
You and Mikey are literally the sweetest couple, like, ever!
He finds your innocence impressive.
With the excistence of the internet,
He assumed there were no innocent teenagers left.
But you are on a whole new level of innocent.
And he thinks it's adorable.
Donnie does his best to shield you from Leo's jokes,
Because he is not about to let you be ruined by his brothers' crude sense of humor.
So imagine his surprise when you come ask him what one of these jokes mean.
He looks at you,
Then sighs,
You look at him confused as he stands up and grabs his tech bo
*Que screaches of fear*
Donnie loves that you dance too.
You guys have small disco parties every Saturday night.
He also loves how naturally curious you are,
Because it usually leads to him answering your endless questions about a ceratain topic.
But he doesn't mind.
He likes it when you ask him questions.
He also thinks its adorable how easily you get flustered.
Especially when it's over something as little as a movie scene.
He will tease you,
Just to fluster you even more.
And holy truffle mac & cheese,
You're so small!!
He has a habbit of resting his elbow on your head.
Kinda like how he leans on his tech bo.
You'll usually wave him off, and grab his hand instead.
Raph loves your innocent nature.
It just plays into how sweet you are,
And Raph loves him some sugar.
He's more than happy to participate in your hobbies,
Especially if it means you're trying to teach him something new.
You just look so cute when you're concetrating!
Like Donnie,
He does his best to keep you from Leo's awful jokes,
And like you,
He isn't very fond of swearing.
He'll act just as flabberghasted as you if one of his brothers were to swear.
Like, ExCuSE mE??
WaTcH YoUr MouTh YoUnG MaN!
Now when it comes to how much smaller you are than him,
It really depends on the day for how he feels about it.
On the one hand,
You are so tiny and adorable and he could just hug you for hours like holy crap.
Then on the other hand,
He is terrified he'll hurt you.
Human skin is just so friggin fragile,
And he doesn't want to be the reason you're in pain.
Just make sure your sweet self reassures him,
He'll get over it pretty quick with your help.
Oh my god, this boy teases you endlessly.
His favorite thing ever is to make you all flustered and stuff.
Whenever you two watch movies together he'll always pick some cheesy romance flick,
Just so he can watch you hide your face in your shirt whenever something romantic happens.
Leo loves baking with you.
Even if he's only allowed to watch.
(He set the kitchen on fire the last time he tried to actually help and in turn was perma banned from cooking.)
He likes trying all the sweet treats you bake up for everyone.
He also enjoys making jokes he knows you won't understand,
Because you look so cute when you're confused,
Your face gets all scrunched up while you try to figure out the joke,
And to him it's the cutest thing in the world.
Leo likes it when you freak out over swearing,
He thinks its funny.
You'll fan yourself with your hand all taken aback.
And your voice goes up an octave when you adress it,
"PARdon me?"
"I said fuck, (Name)."
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roninhunt0987 · 1 year
Suzuki's B-day 2023
Suzuki's B-day 2023
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 Suzuki's b-day fic.. X3 enjoy.. =3 also Frisky and co meeting Suzuki for the first time.. =3 enjoy once more folks
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-Kato/prower residence-
-insert emerald princess extended by Kiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEvkDfT3EzA -
everyone: -lights turns on and surprises suzuki- XD SURPRISE HAPPY B-DAY SUZUKI!!
Suzuki: X3 aw guys hehe
Sugar and Multi: ^^
Lil geni: -hugs- X3 happy b-day auntie
Suzuki: X3 thanks -sees Multi- X3 hey Multi -sees frisky and co- ^^ oh who they??
Multi: X3 hehe I promised mom there to introduce my gang
Frisky: -bows- pleased to meet ya Suzuki my names Frisky
Suzuki: well met the others told me a lil bit about ya though.. O.o I was sorta expecting to be a lil taller but ya
Frisky: ^^; heh I know
Cody: ^^ my names Cody
Zack: ^^ Zack is my name
the others: -introduced themselves also-
Suzuki: well met I was told that ya related to sonic and co by blood
Talon: believe it or not ya
Raiden: X3 ya -hugging Whisper-
Whisper: X3 hehe
Trisha: -comes in Yuna's old outfit and staff and proceeds to dance to the music and such as she always dances to this while twirling the celestial weapon Nirvana-
Suzuki: -joins and such- ^^
Mikey: -as the DJ for today-
Raph: -bobbing his head to the music-
Leo and Donnie: -smiles watching both gals dance their hearts out-
Frisky: -smirks and joins in as he breakdances to it-
Suzuki: -smiles as she dances to it-
Eggman: -bumps into Suzuki-
Eggman: oops
Trisha: ohh eggman -smirks as she powers up anima into her and then proceeds to give suzuki one hell of a show and does the pain attack-
Eggman: -staggered- OW!!
Trisha: -proceeds to use all the black mage spells-
Suzuki: -smiles as she is watching trisha kick eggman's ass-
Trisha: -boosts her overdrive meter and such and lets up a shield-
Eggman: YOU LITTLE!! -attacks-
Trisha: -0 damage-
Eggman: WHA!!! -attacks again-
Trisha: -dodges-
Eggman: OI!!
Trisha: -smirks and does one more pain attack-
Eggman: -staggered- OUGHG!!!!
Trisha: -focuses as her eyes glows with anima's fury and activates her overdrive and rushes and punches slowly and then rapidly goes into overdrive and proceeds to punch the hell outta eggman-
Trisha: -lets out a shrill and blasts Eggman with one huge obliteration blast as this meme sounds off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHrUJjS8qJU - SKI BIDI BOP MM DADA!! BLAM!!
Eggman: -gets blasted outside- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! -crashes into wario's car bounces off and lands on cabbage cart and a cabbage hits him bounces and smashes into a melon cart and then the melon hits him and bounces on frisky's car and then bounces on Toxic's car and then finally as the music ends landing on Stupid Mario's go cart as all the vehicles got flattened blows up with the melon and cabbages carts caught in the blast- BLAM!!!
Trisha: -victory pose-
Shao Khan: hahahahahahahaha... ULTIMATE BRUTALITY!!!
Trisha: -not amused as Shao Khan is cramping on her victory and then grabs him and Judo throws him outside-
Shao Khan: -faceplants outside as the flames from the remaining vehicle put on fire and dies- X_x
Frisky and Toxic: OH NO MY LAMBO!!!
Cabbages guy: OH NO MY CABBAGES!!
Eggman: ow my overies...
Frisky: -walks up to Eggman and growls as he goes into his demon form- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Eggman: oh crud
-moments later after all that craziness-
Suzuki: -eating cake and has her presents and sharing her cake with Lil geni-
Lil geni: X3 hehe
Leo: .w. so where did frisky send eggman at??
Raph: .w. who knows
Donnie: -shrugs-
Mikey: uhh ya gonna share some of that
Lil Geni: -does a raspberry on Mikey- XP pfft
Mikey: O_o is that a no??
Suzuki: .3. yes
Mikey: O_o okay I'll get my own slice then -sees that eggman at the cake- what the-
Suzuki: -angry and such cuz she was gonna take the rest of the cake home at the lair to give to splinter- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Eggman: O_o oh no
Leo: .w. ya dead jim
-King Kai's planet(abridged version after king kai got his planet back after the series was over and etc-
TFS King Kai: -abridged version- ahhh nothing but peace and quiet and-
Eggman: -spawns-
George Tekai: :3 ohhhh myyyy
Eggman: .w. hey dude take a chill pill or something old man
Eggman: AAAAAAAAA -splashes into water- SPLASH!!!
TFS Frieza: O_o
TFS Cell: .w. aw crapbaskets.. well good thing he can respawn
Eggman: I hate mondays...
TFS Frieza: .w. its wednesday ya fat idiot
Eggman: WHATEVER!!!
Scene: -small fart noise blacking out-
TFS Nappa: .3. the end
@otakuneko-lotus X3 happy early birthday lil sis this fic is for ya as i said as planned for you.. =3 enjoy
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turtimagines · 7 years
✨Say there's an au where the turtles got to go to high school. They're at a typical high school party and they've been talked into playing seven minutes in heaven. Now the one they get paired up with is their crush. How do they handle it?
Never in my life have I played this game and I don’t think I want to.
He’s a gentleman, and doesn’t make a move unless you say it’s ok, or else he’ll just stand there with you and make conversation.  He doesn’t make it awkward, but rather enjoyable because he’s charming and funny.  It really does feel like seven minutes in heaven.
He was forced into this game, just an fyi, but you have no idea how friggin awkward and uncomfortable he is.  You’d think he’d make a move, but he just stands there and chuckles and is just… being unbearably cute right now.  That last minute, you give him a little kiss and it makes him more comfortable.  He then asks to give one in return before the both of you leave.
He can barely put out any words.  Why him?  Why now? With his crush? Why WhY why wHY WHY!!!
Yes he gets a moment with his crush, but he wishes it wasn’t in this way!  He’s so uncomfortable, so fidgety and soooosososo dreading coming to this party; he’ll never hear the end of it from his brothers’.  He’ll try to start up a conversation with you, trying to make it less weird, but it’s really hard when this beautiful person is standing right in front of him.  
This guy brings up a conversation so quickly in there, he even starts talking before you get in there.  It’s not awkward, it’s not uncomfortable, but actually nice and pleasing to be in there with him.  He might ask to give you a little kiss or a hug before the two of you leave the closet, but that’s about it.  Yes, you’re his crush, and yes he loves you a little more than anyone else, but he wants you to feel comfortable.  The other stuff will just have to come naturally. 
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breezeemetoo · 7 years
Kitchen Fiasco (MCxJake)
Author’s Note:. This is my submission to this week’s #ChoicesCreates Carnival. This is also my first non The Freshman story so I’m a bit out of my element and I apologize in advance. A big shout out to @hollyashton for all her hard work and to @choicesmyway for hosting this week. And as always to @gplaychoices. She knows why.😀
Summarry: Jake is trying to make breakfast with their son but problems arise. This week’s prompt is Kitchen. Enjoy
You can hear strange noises circling around you. You try to focus and decipher what you’re hearing but it’s like trying to listen under water. You are making progress towards the top of your subconscious but you are slowed, dragging yourself through molasses. You finally see the barrier between sleep and consciousness when-
You painfully open your eyes. It feels like a thousand needles piercing your brain. You try to look at the digital clock on the nightstand but the red neon numbers are blurred, like looking through a warped mirror. You lean closer to get a better look. You can feel the muscles in your neck scream at you to stop, popping and grinding in protest. Your eyes finally focus and you notice an empty bottle blocking the clock. You recognize the familiar black and gold label around the bottle. Jose Quervo, Jake’s favorite. “We’ve got to stop this late night drinking,” you say to an empty room. Thank goodness it’s Saturday. Memories of last night come flooding back to your muddled mind. The taste of tequila on his tongue. His lips kissing and teeth biting your neck, drawing little trickles of blood in a couple places. Your nails digging into his back. You smile despite the growing pain in your head.
There’s that noise again. You finally recognize the sound as the smoke detector. Each wail of the detector sends a pounding through your head like a jackhammer crushing concrete. A wave of nausea hits your stomach, worsening the pain in your temples. “Jake!” you try to yell. Your mouth is dry, your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. Between each wail of the detector you can hear Jake’s familiar chuckle and Mikey’s high pitched giggling. You wonder what the hell is going on out there.
“Damn it Jake,” you mutter to yourself. Slowly you swing your legs over and pull yourself off the bed. Mercifully the shrill wail from the smoke detector suddenly stops. The naseau you were feeling earlier is gone but your headache is still there. All you have on are your white lace panties and Jake’s dogtags. “Where are my friggin clothes,” you ask yourself. You find your black leggings on the television and your white tank top on the other side of the room near the closet. After gathering all your clothes and carefully getting dressed you check yourself in the full length mirror. Your hair is sticking up in every direction. You smile and think back to last night again. Jake pinning you down on the bed pulling your leggings down and throwing them behind him. He rips your tank top over head, greedily biting your hard nipples and tossing the top to the side. You wrap your arms around his neck and he effortlessly lifts you up as you straddle his hips. He pins you against the wall forcing his tongue in your mouth, his dogtags making clinking sounds around your neck.
The pounding in your head snaps you back to your bedroom. You open the door and you are mmediately greeted by smoke, like a faint fog slowly rolling down the hallway. You also notice a burning smell. The aroma of scorched butter and milk envelops the room. The pungent odor hits your nose and makes your stomach roll. The smell reminds you of childhood cooking fiascos. That explains the god awful noise from the smoke detector earlier. You shake your head and make your way down the hall, pushing smoke to the side with a wave of your hand. You reach the empty living room and make your way to the kitchen. You can hear them laughing. Pans are banging around and you can faintly z’s hear water running from the kitchen sink.
Bright sunshine is pouring through the kitchen window. You feel the warmth from the rays hit your face. You squint and rub your eyes, setting off lights like fireworks behind your closed eyelids. When you open them the first thing you notice is Mike, running around the kitchen in his Winnie the Pooh pajamas. His little belly is showing under the top, he’s growing so fast. You find it hard to believe he’s six years old already. You think back to the day he was born, holding your newborn in your arms at the hospital. You’re sore and tired and glowing​. Jake enters your hospital room and stops in his tracks, a small groan releases from his throat and tears developing in his deep blue eyes. He comes to your side and kisses the top of your head. “My son,” he gasps, looking down, stroking the newborn’s cheek.
Mike brings your attention back to the kitchen. “Fire fire! Daddy puts out the fire!” Mike is yelling with a big smile on his face, running around the island in the middle of the kitchen. It’s amazing how much he looks like his father. He has Jake’s ocean blue eyes and strong chin line. Mike is going to be a heartbreaker just like his dad.
Jake is standing in front of the stove, one hand holding a pan filled with black chunks of something you assume is scrambled eggs. His long hair has fallen in his face. He’s wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. “We got this buddy. Everything is under control,” Jake responds to his son, a smile on his face but an unsure and uneasy look in his eyes. You love that look. Jake will always be you and Mike’s protector but seeing his vulnerable side makes him real. More human.
“We got this Daddy,” Mike agrees with his father, a smirk on his little face. Looking at your son is like looking at a young Jake. They even share the same facial expressions.
You watch Jake toss the burnt eggs into the trash can next to the refrigerator and place the scorched pan under the running hot water. The pan hisses and smokes on contact, reminding you of a steam locomotive. Neither one has noticed you standing there watching them. He reaches down and ruffles his son’s light brown hair. “Well big guy. I guess we start over, huh,?” he asks Mike, his Louisiana drawl a little thicker this morning.
Mike looks up at his father. You can see the love and admiration the little boy has for his dad. Jake is his hero and he can do nothing wrong in Mikey’s eyes. “Yep Daddy we have to start over. Mommy’s going to be hungry,” he responds to Jake. “Mommy’s going to be mad we dirtied her kitchen too, ,though,” he smirks at his dad. It’s amazing how they look alike. It melts your heart watching them together.
Jake picks up Mike easily with his muscular arms, hugging him tight and kissing him several times on the forehead. Mike squeels with pleasure after every kiss. He gently places his son on the island, his little legs swinging back and forth on the edge like a pendulum. “You better sit up here and make sure Daddy’s doing it right this time,” Jake smiles, pushing Mike’s growing hair out of his face.
Mike smiles wide at Jake, his eyes as big as saucers. “I have to help you because I’m a big boy, right Daddy?” he asks.
“Not a big boy. You’re a big man!” Jake answers, chuckling and giving his son a high five.
You can’t help but laugh at this exchange, giving away your presence to them. They both look over at you, humorous startled looks on their faces. You stand in the middle of the entrance way trying to look angry. “What in the world is going on here?” you ask, looking from Mike to Jake then back to Mike, your arms folded over your chest. You try to look mad but you’re growing smile gives you away.
Mikey smiles when he sees you, jumping up and down on the counter. “Mommy! Daddy’s making you breakfast in bed. I’m watching so he doesn’t make any more fires. Right Daddy?“he asks Jake, a small smile growing on his face.
“Right son,” Jake responds. He looks over at you, his cheeks just slightly red. You enjoy seeing the rare occasions when he gets flustered.
You throw your head back and laugh, forgetting about your headache as you walk towards Mike. You lean down and kiss him twice on the lips. “And you are doing a great job Mike,” you tell him. He smiles and kisses you back.
Jake walks over to you both, snaking an arm around your waist. You lean into him, placing your head on his chest. He kisses the top of your head and laces his hand with yours. “Hey Princess. We were going to surprise you with breakfast. Guess we woke you up huh?” he says to you, a sheepish grin on his face.
You turn around to face him, unlocking your hand from his and throwing your arms around his neck. You stretch on your tippy toes and kiss his lips deep. He moves his hands around your waste. “I’m sure the whole neighborhood is up now after this kitchen fiasco,” you playfully tease Jake, running your hands through his hair and rubbing his nose with yours.
He chuckles and kisses your forehead while playing with his dogtags that are still around your neck. “You know me Princess. I like to make my presence known,” he responds, his lips curving into a mischievous smirk.
“That you do, Top Gun. And you’re damn good at it too,” you tease, rubbing the back of his neck with your hands. You unwrap your arms from around his neck and pull him into you, your arms now around his thin waste.
He leans forward, placing his forehead against yours. His dark blue eyes turn serious and thoughtful. “I’m sorry I woke you up Princess. I know you needed to sleep a little longer, especially after last night,” he apologizes to you, kissing your neck softly.
“I know babe and it’s cool. I can keep up with you,” you answer him. You smile slyly and place the dogtags back around his neck. He smiles and kisses you deeply on the lips, running his hands thru your messed up hair.
Mike starts to fidgit on the counter, looking over at you and Jake. “I’m hungry. Are we doing breakfast or what?“he asks both of you, his little hands on his hips, his father’s smirk on his face.
You both chuckle together. Jake unwraps you from his arms so you can go to your son. You walk over and stand next to Mike. “Since it’s early and and I don’t feel like cooking for myself, what do you say we go to McDonald’s for breakfast,"you say, kissing Mike on the cheek.
"McDonald’s McDonald’s!!” Mike yells, grinning from ear to ear and bouncing up and down on the counter.
You pick up Mike off of the counter and give him a hug and sloppy kisses on his cheeks. He laughs wildly. “McDonald’s it is. Let’s go get you ready,” you advise Mike, hugging him again.
As he pulls away from his hug Mike touches the side of your neck. “Mommy you’re bleeding. Did you cut yourself shaving?” he asks you, a concerned look on his face.
Your brow furrows as you touch the side of your neck. You touch your neck and find a couple of small punctures. You also notice a crusty substance. You scape a little of it with your fingernail. You look closely and see a red substance: dried blood. Jake left his mark on you again. You smile and kiss your son on the lips. “Yea guess I did sweetheart. Let’s go get ready to go,” you respond.
As you leave the kitchen you look back at Jake, giving him your we’ll talk later look with a playful smirk on your face. He looks back at you and shrugs, chuckling with a mischievous smile growing on his face.
“I love you Princess,” Jake says, adjusting his dogtags around his neck.
“I love you too Top Gun,” you respond back.
“I love you too Top Gun,” Mikey adds, a huge smile on his face.
You laugh and kiss his forehead as you head down the hall to Mike’s room, leaving Jake to finish cleaning up his mess in the kitchen. You remind yourself to wash the blood off your neck as you enter Mike’s bedroom, forgetting about your headache and looking forward to speaking the day with your family.
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roninhunt0987 · 3 years
M.E.G.A Chronicles 3 Special: The Search For Suzuki's Parents
M.E.G.A Chronicles 3 Special: The Search For Suzuki's Parents
By: Roninhunt0987
the search for Suzuki The Cat's parents and introducing Suzuki's biological parents for the very first time... :3 enjoy the special folks
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-Kato/Prower residence-
Suzuki: -sitting down on the couch barepawed and in Her pajamas as its the anniversary of when she was adopted by Master Splinter and her brothers wondering if her biological parents is still alive-
Leo: -here for a week with his brothers and master splinter since its snowing in New York of having a snowstorm and such and worried about Suzuki-
Raph: -sees Jared come downstairs in his winter gear- huh?? hey why ya in your winter gear?? Mikey: something up??
Donnie: ? Gen'ichi: hu?? Master Splinter: Jared-san what is it up??
Jared: I had a dream... felt so real.... like someone calling me for help I need to investigate this stat..
Raph: be careful out there
Jared: right.. -heads on out- Donnie: hey try not to get into too much trouble
Jared: heh... aren't I always -heads on out-
Donnie: .w. sigh... why does he always say that
Title: M.e.g.a Chronicles 3 special: The Search For Suzuki's parents
By: Roninhunt0987
- -
-Tokyo, Japan-
Jared: -just warped in via electric warp as he has gear on along with protection as his HUD goes active as he walks into the abandoned Village where Suzuki used to live to find some clues- hmmmm... -walks and goes into the main hut as scans for clue and sees foot prints and checks and sees its very fresh- someone's been here -uses his scanner to scan the footprints and sees it belongs to Suzuki's parent which means they been here and continues to walk in some small woods and of course walks and sees fresh robots destroyed which belongs to Omelette and Classic Eggman-
Robots: X-x
Jared: wait... this is where I was called for help -walks and sees a halofeed left behind and sees it belongs to Suzuki's parents as he has a look see and eyes widens as he takes off his mask- Suzuki's parents are alive... but where are they taken to I wonder... -sees the final part of the feed that its at Classic Eggman and Omelette's HQ somewhere in Megaville city- I see... they were searching for Suzuki and getting prepared for it well.. time to pay those morons a visit -warps out-
-at the enemy base- Orbot and Cubot: -watching detail of eggbots bringing Suzuki's parents=
Classic Eggman: heh you two are so hard to find eh
Omelette: :3 Sharpklaw The Cat: -spits at em- your time will come when someone comes to our rescue scumbag
Aki The Cat: -scared not to mention having an injured arm-
Classic Eggman: now then to-
Alarms: -goes off- Omelette: oh now what
Flashbang: -thrown in-
Classic Eggman and Omelette: oh sh-
Flashbang: BLAM!!! Classic Eggman and Omelette: WHAT THE HELL!!! -gets knocked out cold- Eggbots: -gets blown up from heavy machine guns- Orbot and Cubot: -knocked cold-
Sharpklaw: uggh -laying on the floor with Aki- wha,.
Aki: ugggh... hu??
Jared: -removes his mask and smiles- Suzuki's parents I assume
Sharpklaw: hu?? wait ya know our daughter?? Aki: Suzuki's alive how-
Jared: she's been alive for a while in fact she has been raised by a rat name Splinter along with 4 turtles and a kitsune... I heard ya call for help... i'm here to rescue you
Sharpklaw: thanks for the rescue uhh...
Jared: Jared... Jared Amadeus Prower at your service sir
Aki: thank you young man... please.. can ya take us to our daughter
Jared: -smiles- can do follow me -gets going as he gets on out of here-
Sharpklaw and Aki: -follows-
-moments later-
Classic Eggman: ugggh... what the hell -gets up to see the entire base got blown up and surprising still alive as he gets out of the crushed rubble-
Omelette: ._.;;;;; -looks to classic eggman-
Vice: .w.;;;
Nicron: .w. -points at the wall still standing that says Deadpool wuz here with a drawn pic of deadpool flipping the bird- ._. I really hate that freak
Deadpool: -pops in- SURPRISE MOTHERF**KER!!! -kicks Nicron in the nuts- KICKCRACK!! Nicron: OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHH!!!! -on the floor- Deadpool: XD enjoy rebuilding -runs off while doing the woop woop woop thing-
Classic Eggman: =w= I hate that deadpool
-at the house-
Suzuki: -channel flipping-
-insert Different World by Alan Walker Feat. Sofia Carson, K-391 and Corsak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-PJmmvyP10 -
Jared: -walks in and smiles-
Suzuki: hu??
Sharpklaw The Cat and Aki The Cat: -walks in and smiles-
Suzuki: -tears up- DAD... MOM!! -runs and hugs and starts to cry as she hugs them-
Appalo: -smiles and watches this moment-
Appalia Hamato, Haru Hamato and Penny Foxwolf Hamato: -smiles-
Splinter: -smiles-
Leo and Donnie: -smiles-
Mikey: -smiles-
Sharpklaw and Aki The Cat: -hugging their daughter-
Suzuki: -hugging-
Raph: -sheds a tear-
Gen'ichi: heh
Suzuki: I saw that big guy
Raph: uhm uhh... just something in my eye uh... okay so I am not made of stone... heh
Gen'ichi: -chuckles-
Suzuki: -smiles- everyone... this is my biological parents... Sharpklaw and Aki...
Aki The Cat: -looks to Splinter- thank you so much for raising our daughter now we can live together as one
Splinter: agreed
Suzuki: -hugs Jared- Thank you so much for finding my parents... I knew they were alive somehow... how did ya find them
Jared: well in a nutshell Classic Eggman and Omelette was involved somehow so I knew they had something to do with this... at the end I had deadpool deal with them by blowing their base his way
Suzuki: XD hehe typical deadpool
Sharpklaw: who??
Jared: an associtate of ours who happens to mess with the bad guys
Deadpool: -pops in- XD also very hilarious too -looks to the viewers- :3 right guys
Raph: .w. who are ya talking to?? Deadpool: uhh nothing in particular so yea hehe welp off to get some mexican food -gets going as he smashes wario's car and plants it on stupid mario of using stupid mario's baseball bat-
Wario: -walks over and sees his car smashed- WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FRIGGIN CAR!!!
Stupid Mario: hu?? -gets his baseball bat-
Wario: WHY YOU!!!
Stupid Mario: AHHHH!!!
Wario: -starts smash his face in with a crowbar-
Sharpklaw: -blinks- uhhhhh
Aki The Cat: who on earth is that
Jared and Suzuki: -facepalm- stupid mario...
Sharpklaw: hey wait a minute I know him now he's the jerk that ate my food when ya mother and I were trying to find you
Jared and Suzuki: -facepalm- oh brother
Raph: .w. man he really doesn't know how to leave things well along huh??
Jared: .w. nope
Raph: ._.;;;;
Mikey: X3 hey lets play some X-box Jared and Suzuki: ^^ okay
Mikey: hehe -starts it-
X-box 360: -starts up but gets a red ring of death-
-scene pans outside the house-
Mikey: ahhhh Shell!!!
Scene: -does a small fart noise of blacking out-
TFS Nappa: :3 the end... Hey Vegeta
Vegeta: what?? TFS Nappa: -plays Little birdie legs from Battlefield friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSaZq0kbZZw -
TFS Vegeta: -facepalm- goddammit nappa...
@otakuneko-lotus  to read
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