#And the writing style wasn't for me either which might have made me dislike the book more
wierdshenanigans · 2 months
Love reading books that give me a lot of mixed feelings about the characters. Don't like reading books that give me mixed feelings about the book itself.
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whiterosechrista · 25 days
So. I'm realizing (with the vent time post kerfuffle) that it'd probably be a good idea for me to give people a basic understanding of who I am and where I come from, so that they can reference it if any of my posts come off odd/offensive/etc. out of context.
Basic Facts
I'm 24 years old, Caucasian, American, biologically female, comfortable with she/her and they/them pronouns. I'm an introvert who doesn't get out often, but I'm not some basement-dwelling Neckbeard-equivalent. I have a strong sense of empathy, which leads me to want to play mediator often (though thankfully I'm aware of my limits and don't act on every want). My likes include anime, storytelling, art, history, SCP, Kpop, science, outer space, and mac n' cheese (among other things). My dislikes include racism, ablism, homophobia, transphobia, and basically anything else involving unreasonable hate.
I grew up as effectively a single child, moving back and forth between houses because my parents were already separated, though not officially divorced. They both loved me, and tried their best to raise me well, but (for reasons I'll touch on later) I definitely bonded more with my mom than my dad. There was one house that at least one of them always lived in consistently, so I think of it as my childhood home.
I was a fairly happy child, I think, though there were some issues with bullying that I can't remember clearly anymore, and it did affect me, though maybe not as much as the school itself; I used to love to draw/paint, and I stopped after I got into school because art class convinced me I wasn't doing it "right."
The teachers (some, at least) didn't like that I learned differently than other kids (e.g. making connections between concepts in Math and English at age ~8), and so made me take one of those "morality tests"; multiple-choice questionnaires about moral decisions like returning a lost wallet (which, btw, I left blank because they hadn't given me enough info about the situation; they decided that meant there was something wrong with me).
(Ironically, this was a Montessori school, which are supposed to be less rigid about teaching styles than standard schools.)
So I transferred to a different Montessori school at age ~10, which had a system where kids would sign their name on their class sheet when they came in, and didn't like that I stopped to say hi to kids in other classes first (for reference, my class was on the second floor, the other kids' were on the ground floor).
Thus, for either this or some other reason, they recommended I go to therapy. My mom, thinking "well, she might have reason to need it", agreed. I spent a while there before the therapist said "this is the most well-adjusted child I've ever seen, please leave so I can tend to people who actually need me."
After about a year of this school, Mom asked if I'd like to try homeschooling, and that's what I've been doing ever since (though technically what we did was unschooling, which is a bit different).
It was after I started homeschooling that I started writing, got really into anime to the point of learning Japanese by watching it, and made my best friends to date.
I've done things like ballet, gymnastics, parkour, circus arts, piano, roller derby, and sang/played at Girls' Rock Camp/Club Boston (though I think the name's changed to be more gender-inclusive). I don't do much of this stuff anymore, though I might get back into it at some point.
Pre-Covid, I was taking drawing classes and Japanese classes (mostly for reading it, since anime didn't teach me that), and back in 2022, I got officially certified to teach English as a second language (though I've yet to find a job, unfortunately).
I'm currently living in an apartment with my mom, sitting around with a sprained back, hoping that it'll heal in time for my best friend to take me on a Duck Boat tour in Boston on June 2nd, and blogging for the first time in my life.
I hope this has helped. It feels like an info-dump, but apparently I can't make anything concise, so here we are.
Feel free to ask/comment/dm me for more details about anything (or just to chat). I might not be comfortable with sharing some things, but most things I should be fine with. Just be respectful about it and we should be good. :)
Edit; just realized I didn't touch on why I bonded more with my mom than my dad. The short version is that mom is open-minded, gentle (though she can definitely be stern), and always asks what I want before doing something, and my dad sort of doesn't always "get it." For instance; the moment I turned 16, he started badgering me about getting my driver's license, even though I barely went anywhere that wasn't in walking distance and anywhere I didn't could be accessed by either public transport or someone else driving me. He also wanted me to do SAT prep and similar things, got stuck in the "Alternative Medicine" rabbithole and somehow still manages to be surprised that my mom won't make me try it without my consent (for reference, this was after I sprained my back; it's not the first time he's wanted me to try Alt Meds and definitely not the first time my mom's refused). So, yeah. He's not a bad guy, and he definitely tries, he's just a bit too stuck in his own world sometimes.
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goodmode · 1 year
For the minific ask, D. Subtle kindnesses, and Razor from genshin?
[x] D. Subtle kindnesses.
this one got away from me a bit and turned into a series of people going out of their way to be nice to razor and to each other and also to klee. entirely fluff with some bonus cringe fischl
People are very nice.
They don't have to be, which at first he found confusing. The wolves would warn him of other humans in their own way, teeth flashing and voices growling their disapproval whenever people approached. He knows now that the pack is right to be cautious; he has witnessed humans being unkind to each other. To him, as well.
But for the most part, at least here in Mondstadt where they know him (or at least know of him), Razor finds that people at large tend towards kindness.
Klee brought him a book today. She pulled him towards the tree she likes, the one with the forking branches, and Razor nestled down in the little alcove between the broad roots and Klee tucked herself into his lap and they struggled through the reading of it together.
His Teacher likes it when he tells her he's been practicing. He doesn't like to practice usually, but he doesn't mind practicing with Klee. Klee tells him over and over that she loves-loves-loooves to practice with him, too. When they practice together it doesn't matter that it's a children's book - Klee can't read anything more complicated yet, either, which means reading it with her isn't embarrassing.
They make it halfway through the book when a letter falls out from between the pages. Klee scoops it up and waves it at him with so much excitement she almost hits him in the nose with the envelope, which is purple and smells strongly perfumed.
"Oh! Klee forgot! This is for you, but I forgot to give it to you! Sorry, Razor!"
He thinks this might be why it was tucked into the book instead of into her backpack. People are smart like that for Klee. They do little things for her, like they do for him sometimes. He's glad. If they didn't he would get in trouble for biting people.
"Thank you."
He tears the letter open with his teeth and pulls out the paper inside, shaking it open with the hand not tucked safely around Klee's middle.
"What does it say? Can I read?"
He thought the letter might be from his Teacher (it's purple, and it smells) and he's half right.
Dear Razor,
I discovered one of our dear friends sulking yesterday evening. It seems the two of you had a little spat! You and I know there's nothing I dislike less than to pry…
Razor struggles through the negatives for a moment, until finally reading it out loud. It makes more sense out loud. She does this sometimes: leaves little tricks in her writing for him to puzzle through. It's annoying, but he's getting quicker at figuring them out. (Klee giggles triumphantly when he does. She was struggling, too.) He moves on.
…but I think I'm allowed to be pushy if she's going to mope around in my library and take up my valuable napping time.
Do give her half a chance, Little Wolf.
Much love, Lisa
The writing changes halfway down the page. Then it changes again, from an incomprehensible series of loops and swirls and fanciful curls to a much simpler, more legible style. Razor sniffs at a suspicious-looking burn mark where the switch happens and catches the faint whiff of ozone. Likely the shift was made under duress, then.
In aggrieved address to One's venerated knight and kin in thunder
Dear Razor,
I didn't mean to make you upset. When you got angry at me I thought it was because you didn't like  didn't want  hated the Prinzessin thing  I thought you never wanted me to speak like that again and it made me very upset as well. I didn't actually want to banish you from the realm. I just said that. I say a lot of things.
Miss Lisa told me you can't understand most of the things I say when I speak in the cadence of Immernac like that, and that's why you were getting so frustrated with me. I understand now and I must offer my most sinc I'm very sorry. I wasn't making fun of you.
I'm sorry about the messy letter as well. Miss Lisa is making me keep the crossed out parts and I am very embarrassed. PLEASE get rid of this letter after you've read it!!
Please come back to Mondstadt so I can say sorry in person. I won't get Oz to say it for me and I will buy us lunch at Good Hunter if it might cheer you up.
Sorry again, Amy
By the time Razor realises he perhaps shouldn't be reading this out loud with Klee, it's much too late. They finish the letter together, amid much giggling from Klee, and by the end Razor feels himself smiling.
"Fischl's a weird girl," Klee declares brightly. She twists in his lap to peer up at him with wide eyes. "I didn't know you two fell out with each other! Are you gonna go back now, Razor?"
Razor hums softly, pretending to think it over.
"Don't think I'm banished any more," he decides. This is a nice way of saying that the memory of snarling at Fischl from on top of an Adventurer’s Guild table doesn't feel quite so much like raw shame now. Yes, he thinks he can go back.
"Good!" Klee claps her hands. She whispers conspiratorially, as if there's anyone out here in Wolvendom to listen: "Can Klee come to Good Hunter? Miss Sara will give you free desserts if she sees you're with me!"
Razor had been feeling fairly sour before Klee showed up. The world is mostly made up of people being nice to each other, though, and a lot of news of this tends to travel to him through Klee, one way or another. He should probably pass it forward.
Huffing a sigh, Razor lets his chin rest on the top of her head and holds the letter out in front of her.
"Yes. But we can finish the book first." Klee makes a high-pitched squeaky noise that he has learned to identify as a delighted laugh. "Then you burn this writing. I think Am- I think Night Sky Princess wants it secret. Then we take Wolfhooks with us, for Knights of Favonius."
He snatches the letter higher when she grabs for it, and pats her shoulder with his other hand.
"Careful!" he insists, and then lets her take it.
Klee only singes his hair a little bit. This too is kind.
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readingoals · 11 months
Mid Year Book Freakout (2023)
I wasn't tagged to do it but I did this last year so thot I might as well do it again this year lmao.
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It's a little bit of a cop out maybe, but I think the best book I've read this year is Pride and Prejudice. It's about the hundredth time I've read it and it was my top book from last year, so it feels like cheating to say it. But it's also an edition that Lauren annotated for me so reading it was an entirely new experience too because of all her notes!
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This one's easy because it's the only sequel I've read this year, and that is A Clash Of Kings by George R.R. Martin! I really love the ASOIAF series and I'm so enjoying this re-read.
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This is tough because I've re-read a few books this year but I think I have to say Sylvester by Georgette Heyer. It's been years since I first read it but I'm so glad I revisited it. I had the best time reading it again and annotating it.
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Just like last year, mystery is my most read genre so far. I've been continuing to make my way through all of Agatha Christie's books - one per month - as well as some extra mysteries on the side, so it's really not a surprise.
Aside from mystery, my next most read genres are historical and, much more surprisingly, romance, with three books each.
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Oh, so many. But the ones at the top of my list are The Villa by Rachel Hawkins, The Cloisters by Katy Hays, Our Hideous Progeny by C.E. McGill, and The Adventure Zone: Eleventh Hour graphic novel by The McElroys.
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For the first time in a long time I actually do know about and am looking forward to a couple of releases. I have Hopeless Aromantic: An Affirmative Guide to Aromanticism by Samantha Rendle on pre-order. It'll be released at the end of this month. And then I think Everyone On This Train Is A Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson is due to be released later this year too.
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The Maidens by Alex Michaelides was a huge disappointment. I'd heard so many good things but I just hated it so much.
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I think the biggest surprise so far has been Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie. Mostly because it started off a little slow and I thought it'd be one of her more ~okay~ mysteries, but it ended up being quite exciting and interesting and fun.
Either that or Victoria Frankenstein's Monster Cock by Broken Arrow because reading Frankenstein inspired erotica was not on my personal 2023 bingo card and it ended up being actually not bad.
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I think I have to say my fave new (to me) author is Tirzah Price who wrote Pride and Premeditation (and the other Jane Austen Murder Mystery books). Partly because Pride and Premed was such a fun read and really well done. But also partly just because process of elimination leaves her as the only real option.
I've only read from 6 authors I'd previously not read from so far, and of those I hated 1, I disliked 2, and enjoyed 2 but not enough.
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I think I have to go with Sylvester, Phoebe and Tom from Sylvester by Georgette Heyer. I just really loved their dynamic and they were so frickin fun to read about.
Runners up would be Jon and Rick from Bachelor Kisses by Nick Earls purely because they were such dumbass dickheads.
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At first I was going to say nothing I'd read so far this year had made me cry but then I remembered that I re-read Daisy Jones and the Six. Even though I knew what was coming the ending still got me.
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Bachelor Kisses by Nick Earls. It's set close to where I live, I find the characters and story so funny, and I love Earls' writing style. Re-reading it was an absolute joy.
But also Ace and Aro Journeys just cause it was nice to read something that related so directly to me.
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There's a couple of books that stand out I think. Number 1 has to be the illustrated edition of A Clash Of Kings. I already owned AGOT and I'm excited to eventually have the whole series in a matching set.
I guess The Villa would also be up there - I love the colours, how bright it is. And then also the hardcover Penguin Classics edition of Frankenstein which was one I'd wanted for ages.
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There are only a couple that I absolutely have to read. The copy of Frankenstein that Lauren annotated for me is top of the list. And then also Pride and Prometheus by John Kessel - I said I was going to read it all the way back in March and then didn't, so I'd love to actually pick it up.
I also want to prioritize reading my backlog books. I'm trying to read 5 of them this year and so far I've only read one (although I'm also currently reading one now), so I definitely want to pick up a few more in the second half of the year.
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kileyrose-2003 · 4 years
Rebecca character headcanons: How they react to seeing without a towel infront of them by accident after a shower
A/N: Hello lovelies! This is for my dear friend @merci-bitch I'm still working on all of your request. Most of them are being started from square one. So bare with me as I make it through them. Coming back fully is a work in progress for me. I'm going through a bit of a rough patch right now. It's all going to be okay in the end though. Just got to take everything one step at a time. I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Warning: Implied/slight sexual content, slightly NSFW
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This a common occurence with Rose
She hates shoes and I do headcanon she also dislikes clothes
She's very airy and bohemian in her style
Wears a lot of silk and cotton
She doesn't like feeling weighed down by fabric and material
It's very rare she actually wears a pair of form fitting pants when she's home
And even then, they're very stretchy
There are a couple of scene in Doctor Sleep where Stephen King explicitly writes she has no top on
Or no clothes in general
Especially around Crow.
She's a beautiful woman and she knows it
She even walks around The Bluebell Campground when she gets out the shower with only a bath sheet on
There is nothing sacred in The True Knot
They've heard and seen it all by now
So a person covered by only a bath sheet, doesn't bother them
You personally would never do it intentionally
And if you do accidentally expose yourself or run around improperly dressed, it's an accident or in the most dire of situations
At this point you're still freshly turned and holding onto rube morals still
At least as much as you can being in The True Knot
On this particular occasion where you dropped the towel, it was Rose's turn to go grocery shopping
She gave you the option to come but you chose to stay behind
You slept in til about noon and you were in desperate need of a shower
And a cup of tea
She made you scream the night before
So after a little relaxation you took your shower
You're the fun one in the relationship
So if you like to sing, you sing in there. If you like to dance, you danced.
Point being you lost track of time
The cold water beading down on your skin was a harsh reminder of that
You stepped out, dried yourself
Dropped the bath towel
Went to pick out some clothes
The curtains were shut so it wasn't like anyone could see inside the trailer
Or at least you thought so
Until you heard the clicking of the door knob
You froze, panic running through your body
There was Rose, paperbags filled with groceries in her arms
At first the two of you stood there looking at each other with blank faces
Somewhere in the midst of your shock, you can hear Crow standing outside the trailer politely leaving the other bags on the steps
And you become even more mortified
But eventually Rose began to smile
"Well, that's a greeting in half isn't it."
You're immediately embarrassed by the remark which makes Rose grin even more
"No, no, no. No shame. It's not like it's the first time I've seen you in this setting, right?"
You stumble on your words even more
And you can tell Rose is genuinely enjoying it
You don't know what to do
What to say
Part of you is humiliated
But before you can conjure any words, her lips crash down upon yours, fingers running through your hair.
She is loving every single moment of this.
Especially your flustered expression afterwards
Needless to say you're not going to be needing clothes for quite a while now
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Like Rose this is probably a more common occurence on Riza's part
Except with Riza, its not a matter of she hates clothes
She just likes to tease
In this scenario, Riza was out on business
She had to negotiate a new contract with an arms dealer and she wasn't supposed to be back for a few days so you had the house to yourself
As I mentioned before Riza hates anything deemed "domestic"
So you took it upon yourself to tidy up while she was gone
After a day of cleaning, you desperately needed the shower
You took longer than you normally would of, humming to yourself as you washed up
You didn't hear the clicking of the bedroom door opening mid way through
You dried off and stepped out of the shower, still singing to yourself. Not bothering to cover up with the towel.
And as you step out of the bathroom there is Riza
Comfortably lounged out on your bed, clad in a bathrobe with her martini glass in hand
She has been waiting to see the day that she could pull this off and now she can
"Hello, darling."
Her tone is sweet but clearly hints at a seductive nature
You nearly fall onto the floor, next expecting her to be there.
She laughs at you clearly entertained by not only the expression on your face but also your attire
"You're too cute, Y/n."
As she begins to approach you, she stands as tall as she can. Trying to intimidate you with her height.
"You really are such a precious thing, aren't you? So petite and most importantly, all mine."
She presses gentle kisses up and down your neck that leave you in shock
Riza knows she's seducing you every step of the way and she is loving it
She leads your hands down to the tie on her silk robe and squeezes your hand in hers
"Do you want to see what things you do to me?"
I think everyone can fill in the rest of the picture here
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Even though Kathleen is a bit of a flirt and sometimes a tease, there are clear boundaries between the two of you
In every relationship there is a need for privacy and respect
If you have neither of those, the relationship won't work
So between the two of you, you respect the other one's need for privacy
Kathleen would never do anything to make you uncomfortable intentionally, and you are the same way towards her
Even though you share a room, you have a knock before you enter policy
Sure you've seen each other naked before, but it's what makes the two of you most comfortable
So her seeing you naked in this situation, was honestly a complete accident
You and Kathleen work different shifts
She teaches theatre during the day and you teach music at nights
You normally do your hair, makeup, etc. while Kathleen is out the house that way you can see her for a few minutes before heading your own way
You showered about an hour after she left
After you dried off, you had no hesitation to just rip the towel off
After all, it shouldn't be a big deal
You have curtains in your apartment , the front door is locked, etc.
You walk into your bedroom softly humming to yourself and much to your surprise there's Kathleen
Rummaging through your shared bedroom trying to find her wallet
The two of you immediately let out a yell and yiy try to make an attempt to cover yourself with anything in sight
"What the hell are you doing?"
"What the hell am I doing?! I thought you were at work."
"I was at work but I had Augustus cover for me so I can run home. I can't find my damn wallet!"
You both were so embarrassed and your faces were evidence of that
It's something you both laugh about now but at the moment, it was not so funny.
After throwing on a bath robe and twenty minutes of searching, you eventually found the wallet and Kathleen was ready to go
She wrapped her arms around you at the front door
"Well that was quite the experience. Wouldn't you say so, darling?"
The smirk on her face is evidence she's well over the incident
But you can't help but tease
"Don't act like you didn't like it." You loop your arms around her neck. "I seen the way that you looked at me without that towel on before we had a moment to process."
The way she purses her lips makes your heart pound from the residual anxiety
But she eventually kisses you on the lips
The kiss last a while and leaves you out of breath
But it's a nice farewell that leaves a smile on your face
She might show you how much she loves you later on a day off after a drink or two
It's the little moments like this that make your relationship special
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Like I've mentioned before, Jenny is very clingy to who she deems as "hers"
So when it comes to your relationship, she has no sense of privacy or space at times
You could be in the middle of taking a shower and all the sudden
"You know, this is my favorite outfit."
And there's Jenny with her head either peaking in the shower or standing in the shower with you
It's a bit annoying and it's caused a few arguments between the two of you but you won't let it ruin your relationship
So this her seeing you naked thing, is somewhat common
On the occasion you accidentally dropped the towel, you thought she was downstairs rehearsing for her next show
She had a tour planned for the following week around Europe so you figured mine as well you do something nice to her before she goes on the road
You purposely picked out nice clothes
Spread them out all nice on the bed
You stepped out of the shower
Dried yourself off
Dropped the towel and as you're midway through walking to the bedroom
"Darling, I'm-"
You freeze up
And Jenny just stared at you
You can see her cheeks turn red and muttered a small "I'm sorry."
But she isn't
And her face shows it
Her lips are hinting at a slight smile
Smugness gleaming in those piercing eyes
"Could you stop staring at me like that?"
"Like what?"
And she knows damn well how she's staring at you
Her eyes wandering all over the place
"Like you're hypnotized."
"Well if I'm hypnotized by you tell me, how do I fix it?"
I think we all know how this ends
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Rebecca is a very non judgmental person and has a good sense of humor
She's not the type that would make a huge deal about accidentally seeing you naked after a shower
Especially if it was within a time frame you didn't expect her to be home
Because she does travel alot for work
She'd be a little embarrassed at first
"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!"
Her cheeks would be cherry red and immediately reaching out to hand you your towel
And she'd step out to give you a moment to get dressed
Trying to make small talk to get both your minds off the incident
But afterwards it doesn't cross either of your minds
She's back to her normal self, hanging all over you every second she can and snogging
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If I already didn't want to hug Dinah, her reaction to this makes me want to hug her even more
Dinah is big on privacy
Even in your relationship, she likes to keep some things to herself
She will cuddle with you
She will kiss you
She will hug you
But she will not get undressed infront of you
And she absolutely would not want to see you naked
Under any circumstance
Her seeing you nude is something she is just not ready for
It's nothing against you
But she still needs time to heal and she doesn't know if she's ready for that next level in your relationship
And you respect that completely
The day she seen you naked was a complete accident
Dinah was busy doing errands and such while you were soaking in the bath after a long day of cleaning, so you figured she wouldn't be home anytime soon
Your body was fiercely sore. It hurt to even wrap a towel around it.
So what was the harm in not putting on a towel
As you were half way to your room, you heard the door the padding of feet softly across the floor and you froze
"Y/n, I'm back. My apologies, I-"
Yours and Dinah's eyes interlock and she nearly lets out a scream
She was petrified and looked near the verge of tears
Whether it was out of shock or embarrassment you can't tell
But it hurt so much inside to see her like that
You open your mouth to say something but before you even have the chance to say anything she's running outside
You debate on going after her right away but what good would it do?
She was already scared as it is and it's not like you can take the chances of walking outside nude
So you throw on a dress and shawl as quickly as you could and go to find her
When you do, she has her face buried in her hands but she's not crying which brings some relief
It was an accident obviously so she immediately forgives you but it's an incident that still sticks in your head for the next couple of days
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Ilsa is similar to Rebecca in this situation except the shock factor hits her harder
She was off on a mission for the past couple of weeks and you were missing her terribly
Ilsa was supposed to be home earlier during the day but something came up
So you figured you'd take the time to make her a nice dinner and make yourself up
You didn't even hear her walk through the front door when she got home
You had the stereo on as you were making dinner and never bothered to shut it off
You dried off quickly in the bathroom and left the towel on the counter as you stepped out
You walked into your room expecting to be alone but there was Ilsa, clad in her favorite sweats and t shirt
Her eyes lock with yours and for a second it's intense, almost as if she's mad at you
If you weren't so locked up, you would of been running to find the nearest item of clothing and Ilsa must of seen it
Her expression quickly faded into an almost hinted smile and she blushed
"Hell-I am so sorry."
"No, no. It's fine. I made dinner if you want it. Do you mind to-"
"No, not at all."
You notice her eyes lingering as she leaves you alone to get dressed and you can't help but feel slightly humiliated
But by the time you're out of the room and dressed, she's over it and is all over you
Kissing your face all over and holding you close
The time you get alone is rare, but you both cherish it
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