#Apple Vs Tesla
nando161mando · 10 months
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flushthethrone · 2 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 339 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep339! Woooooooh buddy we kick off this weeks with episode with two surprises - 1) our good friend DJ Pocket made a surprise appearance in studio, so you know we’re on that THOUSAND HUNDRED THOUSAND MILLION BILLION TRILLION type vibe and 2) we have a WORLD EXCLUSIVE banger from GRIFF that features ACE CANNONS, DEFCEE & PREMROCK. You’re getting a MEGA early sneak peak of FIRESIDE CHATS 2 that drops in October on INSUBORDINATE RECORDS. And its always RIP the great SCORCESE. Say it again? What’s that now? Yep, that’s right….YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live September 18, 2022 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst - "Morado Extraño" - Cotola
"Seen Team" - Jason Griff ft. Ace Cannons, Defcee & Premrock ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Wolf Blitzer" - Josiah The Gift & TrueCipher ft. Allah Preme
"Long Beach Blvd." - Kxng Crooked & Joell Ortiz (prod. DJ Silk)
"Hold Weight" - Fred The Godson (prod. 38 Spesh)
"Build or Destroy" - Billy NoJokes x Billy Vintage Blass
"Ali Shuffle" - Saiid & Hobbes Duence ft. Asun Eastwood
Talk Break Inst - "Trahicioneros" - Cotola
"Project Near You" - SmooVth ft. Fredro Starr
"1 Day In NY" - Rapper Big Pooh
"Merengue" - Detales x 9th Uno
"Homage" - Pretty Bulli
"Pawnshop Jewelry" - Kxng Crooked & Joell Ortiz ft. MRK SK (prod. Aaganee)
Talk Break Inst - "La Última Cena" - Cotola
"European Bling" - MichaelAngelo ft. Benny The Butcher
"Crash Dummies" - Saipher Soze, Finn & Sibbs Roc
"Lavish Toes" - Bub Styles ft. Whispers
"The Shining" - Vado  (prod. 38 Spesh)
"Black Belt Jones" - Lukah
"Unindulged" - Ka ft. Chuck Strangers
"Tesla Vs. Edison" - Maze Overlay ft. Estee Nack & DJ Dolo76
"Hell Is Overcrowded" - Vic Spencer & August Fanon
"Lucrative Taste" - Vic Spencer & August Fanon
Talk Break Inst - "Crepúsculo" - Cotola
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #Cotola #JasonGriff #AceCannons #Defcee #Premrock #JosiahTheGift #TrueCipher #AllahPreme #KxngCrooked #JoellOrtiz #DJSilk #FredTheGodson #38Spesh #BillyNoJokes #BillyVintageBlass #Saiid #Hobbes #Duence #AsunEastwood #SmooVth #FredroStarr #RapperBigPooh #Detales #9thUno #PrettyBulli #KxngCrooked #JoellOrtiz #MRKSK #Aaganee #MichaelAngelo #BennyTheButcher #SaipherSoze #Finn #SibbsRoc #BubStyles #Whispers #Vado #Lukah #Ka #ChuckStrangers #MazeOverlay #EsteeNack #DJDolo76 #VicSpencer #AugustFanon
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sciencestyled · 1 month
Lab Coats Meet Jazz Hands: The Riotous Science of Drama and Performance
Alright, hold onto your beakers and berets, folks, because we're diving headfirst into the bonkers, no-holds-barred world of science education—spiced up with a dash of drama and performance art! Yes, you heard that right. Imagine your chemistry textbook just got hitched with Broadway. What do you get? An explosive show that’s part Hamilton, part Mr. Wizard, and 100% educational madness. Buckle up, as we explore how putting on a show can turn the typically yawn-inducing science class into a front-row ticket to Learningville, population: you!
First up, let's roll out the red carpet for the unsung hero of learning—role play! Ever wondered how to make the theory of relativity more relatable? Or how to teach the laws of motion without putting the class in a motion-induced coma? Enter stage left: role play. Picture this: students decked out as Sir Isaac Newton and a falling apple, reenacting the legendary noggin’ thunk that birthed gravity insights. It’s a gravity-defying, fruit-smashing performance that’s more viral than a TikTok dance challenge.
And who could forget the drama? Not the “he said, she said” gossip kind, but full-blown theatrical renditions of the great scientific showdowns. Think Darwin vs. Bishop Wilberforce, but with more flair and less feathered hats—though feathered hats are totally welcome. This isn't just a debate; it’s a WWE smackdown with intellectual smack talk. “Survival of the fittest? More like survival of the wittiest!” Cue the imaginary applause and the chuckles from our hyped-up, meme-loving crowd.
Now, let’s talk about those plays. Who wouldn’t love a musical titled “The Periodic Table of Elements”? Each element gets its own solo—a sultry jazz number by Helium, a fiery tango by Oxygen, and a booming rap battle by the Alkali Metals. It’s like “Schoolhouse Rock” for the TikTok generation, where learning your elements means jamming to a playlist that slaps harder than a hydrogen bond.
But wait—there’s more! Imagine historical reenactments of the flashiest scientific discoveries. Picture Marie Curie, not just stirring a pot of radium, but belting out a power ballad about her glowing findings. Or Nikola Tesla, in a dramatic monologue under a storm of sparks, soliloquizing about alternating currents while dodging dramatic (and safe!) lightning bolts. It’s not just science; it’s science with pizzazz, turning complex concepts into must-see TV.
Integrating drama in science education with art isn’t just about making learning fun; it’s about making it stick. When students step into the shoes—or lab coats—of historical figures, they don’t just memorize facts; they live them. They become the apple that conked Newton or the radioactive element that wowed Curie. It’s one thing to read about Galileo’s trial; it’s another to defend the heliocentric theory yourself in front of a classroom turned courtroom, jury of your peer-students presiding.
This educational extravaganza could even hit the road—science roadshows that bring the razzle-dazzle of the lab to schools nationwide. Think of it as Bill Nye meets Broadway. Each show a whirlwind of facts and fun, leaving students not just educated but entertained. Because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that when you mix science with a sprinkle of the arts, the result is a learning cocktail that’s as potent as a freshly poured Petri dish cocktail.
Of course, let’s not sideline the art of comedy in all this. What better way to cement the laws of thermodynamics than with a stand-up routine that heats up as it goes? “You think entropy is just a fancy word? It’s also what happens to my room every week!” And bam—suddenly, thermodynamics isn’t just a chapter in a textbook; it’s a one-liner on your next TikTok lip sync.
In conclusion, if science education wants to keep up with the times, it needs to tap dance its way into the arts. Because let’s face it, a lecture can inform, but a show can enchant. And in this age of information overload, where knowledge is just a click away, we need that magic touch of the arts to transform plain old science class into a spectacular where every lesson is a showstopper.
So, here’s to more drama in the lab and more applause in the classroom. After all, in the world of education, it’s not just about the facts—it’s about the performance. And with a little bit of creativity, even the most complex scientific concepts can be as captivating as a curtain call at a sold-out show. Now, who’s ready to give Newton a run for his money with a rendition of “Fig Newton: The Musical”? Let’s make science so entertaining it deserves its own encore.
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adverbian · 2 months
i'm smashing a few questions from the list together to ask about your fic structuring process! i know you do a lot of research but...outlines? detailed structuring? something looser and then research bits get dropped in if they fit?
Entirely seat of the pants! Research gets dropped in as and when it fits. Usually what happens is, I start writing a scene, and some historical situation I know nothing about comes up as an issue. Then I go “okay, actually, I wonder…”, and then I spend hours going down a rabbit hole of research.
Sometimes, what I find out actually ends up changing the scene, or inspiring new parts of the scene. But I did not generally know that I was going to be looking that up when I started writing. It is an extremely ADHD mode.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Nikola Tesla inventing plasma globes in one more river (and that’s the river of jordan)
The publication details of the first edition of John Donne’s Poems in Songs and Sonnets
Pretty much every reference in That The One Ought To Have of the Other (my thought process there was basically an entire deck of Trivial Pursuit cards: “Which angel was supposed to have inspired St. Matthew to write the Gospel?… Which blues musician was it again who was supposed to have done a deal with the devil?… There’s got to be a good line from Paradise Lost that Crowley can quote here… what happens in contract law when two clauses are in conflict?…”
The apples vs. apricots, flagons vs. raisin-cakes translation issue in Set Me As a Seal Upon Your Heart, which, once I learned enough about it, ended up inspiring the end of that fic
Except for “Bless The Arrows,” which is the first and so far only time I have done any outlining. Mainly because it is the most actual plot I have ever tried to write, and I am trying to keep track of actual historical events to hang the plot on, and I am not good at keeping a sequence of more than like two events in my head. So I have to write them down.
The outlining consists of square brackets that look like this:
[August 6-9 1471, Rome: Papal conclave after the July 26 death of Pope Paul II. Aziraphale oversees the election of Pope Sixtus IV]
[Autumn 1471: Lorenzo de Medici heads a Florentine embassy to Rome to suck up to the new pope. See Martines p 175. Crowley goes to Rome and sees Aziraphale there. There is some sort of poignant scene.]
(Martines p. 175 refers to the book April Blood: Florence and the Plot Against the Medici by Lauro Martines, which I am trying to use to piece together the timeline of historical events.)
Anyway, I am slowly filling in scenes for the various square-bracket notes in the outline, and still very much finding myself looking up things as I go. (Like, what would Aziraphale and Crowley have eaten for dinner in autumn of 1471 in Rome? When was the church of St. Sebastian built in Rome?)
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techtrends24 · 3 months
The Tech Tapestry: Weaving Together Today's Top Stories
The tech world is a tapestry woven with threads of innovation, competition, and sometimes, controversy. Today, on March 7th, 2024, we see this tapestry come alive with a vibrant mix of news stories. From the cutting edge of artificial intelligence (AI) to the shifting ground of social media, let's delve into the stories that are shaping the future.
AI: Powerhouse and Playground
HP Amplify Conference: AI Takes Center Stage: In the heart of Las Vegas, HP's Amplify Conference buzzed with excitement. The focus? The transformative power of AI. From optimizing manufacturing processes to revolutionizing healthcare diagnostics, the conference showcased AI's potential to impact every corner of our lives. Healthcare companies discussed AI-powered tools for early disease detection and personalized treatment plans, while manufacturers explored AI-driven automation and predictive maintenance solutions. This conference serves as a powerful reminder that AI isn't just science fiction anymore; it's actively shaping our present.
US Army Embraces AI for War Games: The world of war games is taking a futuristic turn as the US Army incorporates generative AI chatbots to simulate real-world interactions with adversaries. These chatbots can negotiate, deceive, and react dynamically in simulated scenarios, potentially offering a more nuanced and realistic training experience for soldiers. However, this innovation also sparks ethical debates. The potential misuse of AI in real-world warfare and the blurring of lines between simulation and reality are crucial discussions that must accompany such advancements.
Legal Battles and Corporate Intrigue
Google vs. Ex-Employee: A Battle over AI Secrets: Behind the innovative facade of big tech, legal battles can simmer. Google is currently embroiled in a lawsuit against a former employee, Linwei Ding. Google accuses Ding of stealing confidential AI research data and potentially sharing it with Chinese companies. This incident throws a spotlight on data security vulnerabilities and the lengths companies go to protect their intellectual property, particularly in the fiercely competitive field of AI.
OpenAI Fends Off Musk's Takeover Bid: The drama surrounding OpenAI, a research company co-founded by Elon Musk, continues. OpenAI recently came forward with allegations that Musk attempted to merge with Tesla, aiming for "full control" over the company. This power struggle exposes the complex dynamics within AI development, where the ideals of open research and collaboration might clash with commercial interests and personal ambitions.
Apple Makes Waves: App Store Shake-Up and Epic Games Fallout
iOS 17.4: Third-Party App Stores Enter the Fold: After years of dominance, Apple's app store might be on the cusp of change. The company's recent iOS 17.4 update, seemingly prompted by the EU's Digital Markets Act, allows for the installation of third-party app stores on iPhones and iPads. This move, a potential boon for user choice and cost-conscious developers, could be a major shift in the digital marketplace.
Apple vs. Epic Games: The Battle Rages On: The long-running legal battle between Apple and Epic Games, creators of the popular game Fortnite, takes a sharp turn. Apple has reportedly terminated Epic Games' developer account, potentially limiting their ability to distribute future games and updates on iOS devices. This escalation intensifies the ongoing fight against Apple's app store practices and the company's control over the iOS ecosystem.
Beyond the Headlines: Social Media Stumbles, AI Companionship Emerges
Instagram and Facebook Outage: A Global Disconnect: For many users worldwide, social media went dark on March 7th, with temporary outages affecting both Instagram and Facebook. While the specific causes remain unclear, this event underscores our dependency on these platforms and the potential disruptions such outages can cause. Our reliance on social media for communication, entertainment, and even business raises critical questions about ensuring platform stability and finding alternative ways to connect when these systems falter.
Rili.ai: Can AI Combat Loneliness? A new social platform called Rili.ai aims to tackle a growing societal issue: loneliness. This platform utilizes AI to provide users with virtual companions who can have conversations, offer emotional support, and potentially combat feelings of isolation. While intriguing, Rili.ai raises questions about the future of social interaction. Can AI truly replicate human connection? And what role can technology play in addressing mental health concerns?
Bonus Bites: From Bezos Back on Top to the Webb Telescope's Peek
Jeff Bezos Regains the Billionaire Throne: In a turn of events, Jeff Bezos has reclaimed the title of the world's richest person from Elon Musk, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. This news highlights the ever-shifting nature of wealth in the tech sector, where fortunes can fluctuate rapidly.
Webb Telescope's Early Glimpse: Hints of the First Stars? The James Webb Space Telescope, humanity's most powerful space observatory, might have stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery. Early data suggests the telescope may have captured faint signals from the very first stars that ever illuminated the universe. This potential revelation could revolutionize our understanding of cosmic evolution and offer a glimpse back to the very beginnings of time.
US Considers Banning TikTok: Following India's lead, the US government is reportedly considering a ban on TikTok, the popular short-form video platform. National security concerns surrounding the Chinese ownership of the platform are driving this potential move. This story highlights the ongoing tensions between national security and the free flow of information in an increasingly interconnected world.
Looking to the Horizon: A Tapestry in Motion
The stories we've explored today paint a vibrant picture of the tech landscape. AI continues to evolve, shaping industries and sparking ethical debates. Legal battles rage over intellectual property and control of the digital marketplace. Social media platforms face challenges and explore innovative solutions. And beyond our planet, the quest for knowledge pushes the boundaries of space exploration.
As we move forward, the tech tapestry will continue to be woven with new threads. It's crucial to stay informed, engage in critical discussions, and ensure that technological advancements benefit humanity as a whole. Here are some key takeaways from today's news:
AI's transformative power is undeniable, but its ethical implications require careful consideration.
The battle for control of data and intellectual property will likely continue to shape the tech industry.
Social media platforms need to prioritize stability and explore solutions to address societal issues like loneliness.
Scientific exploration pushes the boundaries of human knowledge, offering exciting glimpses into the universe's secrets.
The tech world is a dynamic and ever-evolving space. By understanding the stories that make up this complex tapestry, we can be better prepared to navigate its opportunities and challenges in the years to come.
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danishkhan786 · 5 months
apple car news
tesla matrix headlights vs old
In the ever-evolving world of automotive technology, Tesla continues to be a trailblazer with innovations that redefine the driving experience. One such innovation that has gained significant attention is the Tesla Matrix Headlights, a cutting-edge lighting system that stands in stark contrast to traditional headlights. In this article, we will delve into the distinctive features of Tesla Matrix Headlights and compare them with their older counterparts to shed light on why these advanced headlights are gaining popularity.
Matrix Headlights Switched With Older LED’s On Newer Builds Of Tesla Model 3 - Vehiclesuggest
The Evolution of Automotive Lighting
Gone are the days when headlights were a simple arrangement of bulbs encased in reflective housings. Tesla's Matrix Headlights represent a quantum leap in automotive lighting technology. These adaptive headlights use an array of individual LEDs that can be controlled independently, allowing for precision in directing light beams. This dynamic control ensures optimal visibility without dazzling oncoming drivers, a common issue with traditional headlights.
Adaptive Intelligence for Enhanced Safety
One of the standout features of Tesla Matrix Headlights is their adaptive intelligence. These headlights use sensors to detect the surrounding environment and adjust the light pattern accordingly. For example, when navigating a curve or corner, the Matrix Headlights can selectively dim certain LEDs to avoid blinding other drivers while maintaining optimal illumination for the driver. This adaptability contributes to improved safety for both the Tesla driver and others on the road.
Energy Efficiency and Longevity
Tesla Matrix Headlights also bring energy efficiency to the forefront. Unlike traditional halogen or even some LED headlights, the Matrix system only activates the necessary LEDs, reducing power consumption. This not only enhances the overall energy efficiency of the vehicle but also contributes to a longer lifespan for the headlights, translating to potential cost savings for Tesla owners over time.
The Old Guard: Traditional Headlights
In contrast, traditional headlights have a simpler design. They typically use halogen or xenon bulbs, providing a fixed beam pattern without the adaptability of Matrix Headlights. While these traditional options have served drivers well for years, they lack the intelligent features that make Tesla Matrix Headlights stand out.
Choosing the Future of Illumination
When considering the switch to Tesla Matrix Headlights, drivers must weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks. While the initial cost may be higher, the long-term advantages, including enhanced safety, energy efficiency, and adaptability, make a compelling case for this cutting-edge technology.
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Click here to get more information :- https://www.vehiclesuggest.com/matrix-headlights-switched-with-older-leds-newer-builds-tesla-model-3/
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victorianicole988 · 6 months
Nvidia Stock Hits Record High Ahead of Earnings as AI Focus Returns with OpenAI Executive Departure
Nvidia is slated to report its fiscal third quarter results after the market close on Tuesday, with Wall Street eagerly awaiting an update on the fundamentals behind the artificial intelligence hype. The chipmaker's stock hit a record high of $504.09 per share on Monday, with AI back in investor focus amid Sam Altman's departure from ChatGPT-maker OpenAI for Microsoft. With Nvidia positioned as the face of the 2023 AI story, expectations remain high for the chip juggernaut. Here's what Wall Street expects for Nvidia's third quarter results, per Bloomberg data compiled by Yahoo Finance compared to last year: - Revenue: $5.93 billion expected vs. $5.93 billion last year - Adjusted EPS: $0.58 expected vs. $0.58 last year - Data Center Revenue: $3.83 billion expected vs. $3.83 billion last year - Gaming Revenue: $1.57 billion expected vs. $1.57 billion last year Investors will also look for the company's revenue outlook, with the Street expecting fourth quarter guidance around $6.52 billion. The company has delivered its biggest guidance surprises for investors on the topline in 2023. In August, Nvidia posted second quarter results that topped Wall Street's expectations for revenue and EPS, while providing guidance above the high end of estimates which sent shares to record highs. Back in May, one analyst called the company's forecast "epic guidance." But after the August report, shares have been volatile over the past few months as investors began to question Nvidia's valuation, and updated challenges around chip export restrictions cast doubt on assumptions around end market size. The company said in an SEC filing after announcing the new curbs that it does not expect an impact in the immediate term. Stifel analyst Ruben Roy, in a Yahoo Finance Live interview, said he expects similar commentary from Nvidia on Tuesday. "Our sense is there's still tremendous amount of demand globally. So certainly in the U.S., the large cloud service providers...we think will continue to be a huge opportunity for Nvidia. Even outside of the U.S. in areas like Europe, Japan, Korea, etc - there's a lot of AI activity taking place... We still think Nvidia's the best way to play that growth," Roy said. A key member of the 'Magnificent Seven' cohort of stocks powering the market this year alongside Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta and Tesla - Nvidia has risen over 70% collectively with those names so far in 2022, while the other 493 stocks in the S&P 500 are up just 6%. "This continues to be Nvidia's world," Evercore ISI Senior Managing Director Julian Emanuel warned on Sunday, telling investors to brace for "fireworks" in the stock no matter which way it trades following earnings.
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whooshingnoise · 6 months
The November Podcast Update
Happy Spotify Wrapped Day to all who celebrate! Alas, I do not. I am once again asking Apple to do an end-of-year wrap-up on podcasts.
I'm on season 73 of "Business Wars." I keep listening, and they just keep. Making. Them. I think I'll take a break, and listen to "Flipping the Bird." Which is ironic, because when I last wrote this update, I was listening to the Tesla vs. Ford episodes, and talked about how much I dislike EM. But here we are.
I guess I've folded in "If Books Could Kill." But again, November was pretty busy. I haven't been listening to much of anything.
Listening Now: Business Wars
Finished: Transmissions: The Definitive Story of Joy Division/New Order; Dolly Parton’s America; Elizabeth the First; The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill; The DropOut; Parks; Believe in Magic; Think Twice: Michael Jackson; The Prince Mixtape
Regular Listening: The Thirty28; Wedway Radio; You Must Remember This; Learning Vibes; Maintenance Phase; My Brother, My Brother, and Me; Business Wars; Fated Mates; The Indicator
Upcoming: “Ongoing History of New Music;” “What Went Wrong;” “If Books Could Kill;” “Song Exploder;” “American Scandal;” “Flipping the Bird: Elon vs. Twitter;” “The Secret History of Hollywood;” “Sawbones;”
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fragile-practice · 7 months
The Robots Rise and Sandworm Strikes Back
Week in Review: Nov 6th - 12th
Welcome or welcome back! Plenty of interesting topics this week, which led to this growing longer. AI continues to dominate tech news cycles, instability on the web continues, and digital privacy is basically non-existent is most of the world.
Enjoy, and handle with care.
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Nvidia Trains Custom Ai to Assist Chip Designers – Hackaday; Donald Papp
Nvidia has developed a custom AI system called DAPPER that can help chip designers optimize their layouts and improve performance.
The system was able to achieve a 40% improvement in power for performance.
iPhone 16 Likely to Get Exclusive AI Features in iOS 18 – MacRumors; Tim Hardwick
Apple is reportedly working on advanced face recognition, emotion detection, scene understanding, and natural language generation.
Note: More than any other tech company, Apple has been strictly avoiding talking about AI applications but has been cramming neural engines into all their chips faster than anyone. My prediction is that there is a major AI product to be released in the next year or so. Apple may think a revamped AI is essential to using the Vision Pro.
With the power of AI, you can be mediocre, too – TechCrunch; Haje Jan Kamps
Haje argues that AI is likely to lower the standards and expectations of quality of content.
Note: It is probably more complicated. AI is well suited to for certain tasks, and those likely will be ceded and widely understood to almost always be AI-generated. I think Haje’s argument holds up for pushing generative models to do ‘creative’ things.
AI is about to completely change how you use computers  - GateNotes; Bill Gates
Bill Gates predicts that AI will enable more natural and intuitive computer interfaces, such as voice, gesture, and eye tracking.
Gates suggests AI might also augment human memory, learning, and decision-making.
Las Vegas Sphere reports $98.4 million loss; CFO quits – Las Vegas Sun; Ray Brewer
Note: Realistically, how long can this place function? What happens when panels start burning out?
The AI Debate Is Happening in a Cocoon – The Atlantic; Amba Kak and Sarah Myers West
Kak and West argue that the AI debate is disconnected from the realities and perspectives of most of the world’s population.
Flipping Processor Design On Its Head – Semiconductor Engineering; Ann Mutschler
Mutschler discusses a new processor design approach called bottom-up design, which aims to optimize the processor for specific tasks and domains, such as image processing, natural language processing, and cryptography.
Bottom-up design should lead to higher performance, lower power consumption, and reduced complexity compared to the traditional top-down design.
Tesla plans to build its $25,000 electric car at Gigafactory Berlin – Electrek; Fred Lambert
Tesla’s “Model 2” will be Tesla’s cheapest and most affordable model, targeting the mass market but also featuring Tesla’s latest technologies like the 4680 battery cells, structural battery pack, and full self-driving system.
Samsung Introduces ‘Gauss’: A New AI-Language Model to Challenge the ChatGPT Reign – Marktechpost; Asif Razzaq
Samsung claims Gauss outperforms ChatGPT in accuracy, diversity, and coherence.
Note: I’m considering developing a set of test prompts to try to benchmark chatbots as they come up and get updates. Chime in if you’d be interested in seeing something like that, or have ideas for prompts that would test a certain aspect of the AI.
MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro Buyer's Guide – MacRumors; Hartley Chalton
Note: 15in M2 MacBook Air with 16gb of unified memory is probably the best computer for 90% of people, in my opinion. Personally - for the $300 premium- it would be hard not to splurge for the 14in M3 Pro. Apple pricing schemes are both evil and effective.
Quantum computing next (very) cold war? US House reps want to blow billions to outrun China – The Register; Tobias Mann
The US House of Representatives aims to boost the US’s leadership and competitiveness in quantum computing by allocating $10 billion over 10 years to fund research.
China-U.S. AI Arms Race Heats Up as Chinese Startup Unveils Powerful New AI – Motherboard; Maxwell Stachan
Chinese AI startup 01.AI released a large language model called Yi-34B that claims to outperform Meta’s LLaMA
01.AI is led by Kai-Fu Lee, a former Google executive and a prominent AI expert who advocates for China’s AI leadership
Beijing prepares for imminent rise of humanoid robots – The Register; Laura Dobberstein
Beijing issues guidelines on the development of humanoid robots, with the goal of mass-producing them by 2025 and having a reliable supply chain by 2027.
The engineering challenges were divided into three components: the brain, the cerebellum, and the limbs
The brain will use large AI models for environmental perception, behavioral control, human-machine interactions and cloud and edge integration
The cerebellum will control the robotic movements through an algorithm library and network control system architecture, with industry-specific simulation and training.
The limbs will rely on classic robotics, such as dexterous hands, lightweight materials, high-precision sensing, bionic transmission mechanisms, long-lasting batteries, and energy management solutions.
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The Shifting Web
Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg details Tumblr’s future after re-org – Tech Crunch; Sarah Perez
Tumblr's plans post-reorganization emphasizes community-building and user engagement.
Hope to revitalize the platform with content creation tools.
iOS 17.2 hints at Apple moving towards letting users sideload apps from outside the App Store – 9 to 5 Mac; Fillipe Esposito
Note: Apple must see the writing on the wall given the current regulatory environment. Will they wait for a court order or try to be preemptive? I’d wager they wait.
Tumblr is downscaling after failing to ‘turn around’ the site – The Verge; Adi Robertson
Note: I love the changes Tumblr has made recently, but it is difficult to imagine a major resurgence. If ActivityPub really takes off, it could be the interface of choice for many people, given how well it handles diverse types of content.
How The Hell Did We Let $20 Skins Become A Thing? — Kotaku; Zacl Zwiezen
Note: Gamers have shown the ability to be, opinionated, coordinated, and exert influence (often problematically). For whatever reason, there are blind spots for microtransactions and gambling mechanics. It never should have been able to get this bad.
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Surveillance & Digital Privacy
Russian Hackers Sandworm Cause Power Outage in Ukraine Amidst Missile Strikes – The Hacker News – Newsroom
Sandworm caused a power outage in Ukraine during missile strikes.
Note: The extent to which Sandworm has maintained access despite previous attacks and the rapidly changing Ukrainian grid is remarkable. Highly recommend Andy Greenberg’s book on Sandworm to anyone interested in Cyber warfare.
Meta, YouTube face criminal spying complaints in Ireland – The Register; Thomas Claburn
Note: Well done, Alexander Hanff. Hopefully this gets litigated, and others can replicate the suit in other jurisdictions.
It's perfectly legal for cars to harvest your texts, call logs – The Register; Brandon Vihliarolo
The automotive industry needs privacy-focused regulations.
Bad eIDAS: Europe ready to intercept, spy on your encrypted HTTPS connections – The Register; Thomas Claburn
Note: Good to remember that the EU doesn’t have it all figured out, despite their recent efforts.
The Government Surveillance Reform Act Would Rein in Some of the Worst Abuses of Section 702 - Brendan Gilligan; Electronic Frontier Foundation
Note: One can hope.
New Jupyter Infostealer Version Emerges with Sophisticated Stealth Tactics – The Hacker News; Newsroom
Jupyter Infostealer, also known as Polazert, SolarMarker, and Yellow Cockatoo, uses manipulated search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and malvertising to trick users into downloading it from dubious websites.
The malware leverages PowerShell command modifications and signatures of private keys to appear as a legitimately signed file and aims to establish a persistent foothold on compromised systems.
The new version presents various certificates to lend a veneer of legitimacy, only to activate the infection chain upon launch.
Substack   Medium   Mastodon   Tumblr   The Bad Place
Handle with care.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
Hotter Producer InflationPlease click here for a chart of SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY  which represents the benchmark stock market index S&P 500 (SPX).Note the following: The chart shows that the stock market moved up above the top band of the top support zone. The move up was driven primarily by market mechanics. Bulls are confident that market mechanics will drive the stock market to the mini resistance zone shown on the chart. Bulls have data to back up their belief. About two thirds of the market rise this year is due to market mechanics. Market mechanics tend to become extra powerful in November and December. Bulls are also pointing to the historical data that shows that the year end chase is to the upside in a year when the stock market has been up more than 10% going into the last quarter. Of course, prudent investors need to take into account the current conditions that are unique to this year. All investors should strive to develop deep knowledge of market mechanics to gain a big edge. Due to the high value, Wall Street professionals keep the details of market mechanics close to their chest. The best way to learn about market mechanics is to listen to the podcasts in Arora Ambassador Club. Producer Price Index came hotter than expected. Here are the details: Headline PPI came at 0.5% vs. 0.3% consensus. Core PPI came at 0.3% vs. 0.2% consensus. Wall Street has been positioned for better than expected PPI and CPI. Today PPI has dashed bulls’ hopes, but they are hanging tough, trusting that market mechanics will drive the stock market higher irrespective of the data. CPI will be released tomorrow at 8:30am ET. The latest consensus is 0.3% for both the headline and core. San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly commented that the neutral rate may now be at 3%. Stock market bulls are still hoping for a neutral rate of less than 2%. The Fed minutes will be released at 2pm ET. There is plenty of Fed speak ahead including Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic, Fed Governor Christopher Waller, and Boston Fed President Susan Collin. In The Arora Report analysis, the stock market is expecting dovish Fed minutes and dovish Fed speak. Hawkish Fed minutes or any hawkish Fed speak may cause the stock market to move down. The consensus in the market is that Israel will crush Hamas in Gaza as long as there is no northern front. The market has also concluded that there will be no northern front. However, prudent investors should stay alert to what is happening in the north. Rockets have been fired by Hezbollah from the north. Hezbollah is closely aligned with Iran. Exxon Mobil Corp XOM buying Pioneer Natural Resources Co PXD for $58B is generating positive sentiment. As an actionable item, the sum total of the foregoing is in the protection band, which strikes the optimum balance between various crosscurrents. Please scroll down to see the protection band. Magnificent Seven Money FlowsIn the early trade, money flows are positive in Apple Inc AAPL, Amazon.com, Inc. AMZN, Alphabet Inc Class C GOOG, Meta Platforms Inc META, Microsoft Corp MSFT, NVIDIA Corp NVDA, and Tesla Inc TSLA.In the early trade, money flows are mixed in SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust and Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 QQQ.Momo Crowd And Smart Money In StocksThe momo crowd is buying stock in the early trade. Smart money is 🔒 in the early trade. To see the locked content, please click here to start a free trial.GoldThe momo crowd is buying gold in the early trade. Smart money is 🔒 in the early trade.For longer-term, please see gold and silver ratings.The most popular ETF for gold is SPDR Gold Trust GLD. The most popular ETF for silver is iShares Silver Trust SLV. OilThe momo crowd is selling oil in the early trade. Smart money is 🔒 oil in the early trade.For longer-term, please see oil ratings.The most popular ETF for oil is United States Oil ETF USO.BitcoinBitcoin BTC/USD is range bound.MarketsOur very, very short-term early stock market indicator is 🔒. This indicator,
with a great track record, is popular among long term investors to stay in tune with the market and among short term traders to independently undertake quick trades.Protection Band And What To Do NowIt is important for investors to look ahead and not in the rearview mirror.Consider continuing to hold good, very long term, existing positions. Based on individual risk preference, consider holding 🔒 in cash or Treasury bills or allocated to short-term tactical trades; and short to medium-term hedges of 🔒, and short term hedges of 🔒. This is a good way to protect yourself and participate in the upside at the same time.You can determine your protection bands by adding cash to hedges. The high band of the protection is appropriate for those who are older or conservative. The low band of the protection is appropriate for those who are younger or aggressive. If you do not hedge, the total cash level should be more than stated above but significantly less than cash plus hedges.It is worth reminding that you cannot take advantage of new upcoming opportunities if you are not holding enough cash. When adjusting hedge levels, consider adjusting partial stop quantities for stock positions (non ETF); consider using wider stops on remaining quantities and also allowing more room for high beta stocks. High beta stocks are the ones that move more than the market.Traditional 60/40 PortfolioProbability based risk reward adjusted for inflation does not favor long duration strategic bond allocation at this time.Those who want to stick to traditional 60% allocation to stocks and 40% to bonds may consider focusing on only high quality bonds and bonds of five year duration or less. Those willing to bring sophistication to their investing may consider using bond ETFs as tactical positions and not strategic positions at this time.The Arora Report is known for its accurate calls. The Arora Report correctly called the 2008 financial crash, the start of a mega bull market in 2009, the COVID crash, the post-COVID bull market, and the 2022 bear market.  Please click here to sign up for a free forever Generate Wealth Newsletter.
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descubraoespiritosanto · 11 months
Steve Jobs vs. Elon Musk dois ícones da inovação mundial
Desde a ascensão da indústria de tecnologia, a figura dos visionários tem desempenhado um papel crucial no avanço da inovação. Dois nomes que se destacam nesse cenário são Steve Jobs, co-fundador da Apple, e Elon Musk, CEO da Tesla e SpaceX. Líderes inspiradores e revolucionários da tecnologia Ambos são conhecidos por suas contribuições revolucionárias para […] O post Steve Jobs vs. Elon Musk…
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: They Thought It Was Hail. It Was Something WAY Weirder. || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfM-EJMFE48 || For 18 FREE meals with HelloFresh plus free shipping, use code JOESCOTT18 at https://bit.ly/3TIKVSt! Over a period of 6 weeks in 1994, the small town of Oakville, Washington was hit with a bizarre string of storms that rained weird gelatinous blobs all over the town. It was all just a funny sidenote - and then people started getting sick. This is the weird and still unsolved mystery of the Oakville Blobs. Want to support the channel? Here's how: Patreon: https://ift.tt/Cx527tW Channel Memberships: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-2YHgc363EdcusLIBbgxzg/join T-Shirts & Merch: https://ift.tt/TLoC4cu Check out my 2nd channel, Joe Scott TMI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqi721JsXlf0wq3Z_cNA_Ew And my podcast channel, Conversations With Joe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJzc7TiJ2nnuyJkUpOZ8RKA You can listen to my podcast, Conversations With Joe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Spotify 👉 https://ift.tt/7iG2FTk Apple Podcasts 👉 https://ift.tt/xQytH4b Google Podcasts 👉 https://bit.ly/3qZCo1V Interested in getting a Tesla or going solar? Use my referral link and get discounts and perks: https://ts.la/joe74700 Follow me at all my places! Instagram: https://ift.tt/Jq0mMOr TikTok: https://ift.tt/RuyC3Hb Facebook: https://ift.tt/wEo2IB3 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/answerswithjoe LINKS LINKS LINKS - https://ift.tt/IlvLXRq https://ift.tt/DATO0SJ https://ift.tt/N7BOgJ4 https://ift.tt/f2384dx https://ift.tt/r5lXHoa https://ift.tt/dr43PDw https://ift.tt/lEVkFqW https://ift.tt/TAzf6g5 https://ift.tt/PXi4WUD https://ift.tt/wSRTBjX TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Intro 1:15 - Oakville Blobs: A Strange Rain 3:37 - Missing Samples 4:05 - Star Jelly 4:54 - Jellyfish 5:29 - Human Waste 6:32 - Secret Military Experiments 7:59 - Fact Vs Fiction 9:51 - Sponsor - Hello Fresh
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mariuskalander · 1 year
RT @worldranking_: iPhone Revenue Vs. Top Tech Companies Amazon: $513.9 B Apple: $394.3 B Google:$ 282.8 B iPhone: $205.5 B → → 📱 Microsoft: $204 B Meta: $116.6 B Dell: $99.4 B Tesla: $81.4 B Intel: $63 B HP: $62.9 B IBM: $60.5 B
— Mario Calandra (@MariusKalander) Apr 1, 2023
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techtrends24 · 3 months
Tech Roundup: AI Innovation, Legal Battles, and Social Media Shifts
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The tech landscape is constantly evolving, and today is no different. From legal battles between tech giants to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), there's a lot to unpack. Let's delve into the top tech news stories dominating headlines on March 7th, 2024.
AI in the Spotlight:
HP's Amplify Conference: AI took center stage at HP's Amplify conference in Las Vegas. The focus was on how AI can revolutionize various industries, from healthcare and manufacturing to customer service and product development. We can expect to see more innovative applications of AI emerge in the coming months.
US Army's War Games with AI Chatbots: A fascinating development comes from the US army, which is reportedly experimenting with generative AI chatbots in war games. These chatbots can simulate real-world interactions with adversaries, potentially enhancing military training and strategy development. However, ethical considerations surrounding AI use in warfare remain a critical discussion point.
Legal Battles and Corporate Intrigue:
Google vs. Ex-Employee over AI Secrets: Google is embroiled in a legal battle with a former employee, Linwei Ding. Google accuses Ding of stealing confidential AI research data and sharing it with Chinese companies. This incident highlights the growing importance of data security and intellectual property protection in the age of AI.
OpenAI Fires Back at Elon Musk: The feud between Elon Musk and OpenAI, a research company he co-founded, escalates. OpenAI claims Musk attempted to merge with Tesla, seeking "full control" of the company. This power struggle sheds light on the complex dynamics within AI development and its relationship with commercial interests.
Apple and iOS Updates:
iOS 17.4 Released with Third-Party App Store Support: Apple rolled out the iOS 17.4 update, introducing a significant change in compliance with the EU's Digital Markets Act. This update allows third-party app stores on iPhones and iPads, potentially impacting Apple's app store dominance. It's a move towards greater user choice and potential cost savings for developers.
Apple Terminates Epic Games' Developer Account: Adding fuel to the ongoing legal battle between Apple and Fortnite creator Epic Games, Apple has reportedly terminated the developer account of Epic Games. This move could limit Epic's ability to distribute future games and updates on iOS devices.
Social Media and Beyond:
Instagram and Facebook Outage: Many users worldwide reported outages on Instagram and Facebook, causing temporary disruptions in social media activity. While the specific causes are yet to be determined, this event underscores our growing reliance on these platforms and the potential impact of technical difficulties.
Rili.ai: AI-powered Social Network for Loneliness? A new platform called Rili.ai aims to combat loneliness through AI-powered social interactions. Users can connect with virtual companions who engage in conversation and offer emotional support. The rise of such platforms raises interesting questions about the future of social interaction and the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI companionship.
Other Tech Tidbits:
Jeff Bezos Reclaims World's Richest Title: In a shift of fortunes, Jeff Bezos surpassed Elon Musk to become the world's richest person once again, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. This news highlights the volatility of wealth accumulation in the tech sector.
Webb Telescope's Potential Discovery: The James Webb Space Telescope may have spotted evidence of the very first stars to ever light up the universe. This groundbreaking discovery could revolutionize our understanding of cosmic evolution.
US Mulls Banning TikTok: Following India's example, the US government might be considering a ban on TikTok. This potential move stems from growing national security concerns surrounding the popular short-form video platform owned by a Chinese company.
Looking Ahead:
These are just some of the top tech news stories shaping the landscape today. As we move forward, we can expect continued advancements in AI, evolving legal battles surrounding its development and use, and potential changes to the social media landscape. Additionally, the Webb Telescope's discoveries promise to broaden our understanding of the universe. This is an exciting time for technology, but it's crucial to stay informed and engage in critical discussions about its impact on society.
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newzzwired · 1 year
Tesla vs. Apple: One Is Cheaper and Grows Faster Than the Other
Tesla vs. Apple: One Is Cheaper and Grows Faster Than the Other
In this video, I will talk about Tesla (TSLA 2.40%) and Apple (AAPL 0.01%) and explain why I’m choosing the former going into 2023, especially now that the stock has become cheaper than Apple’s.  For the full insights, watch the video, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below. *Stock prices used were from the trading day of Dec. 27, 2022. The video was published on Dec. 28,…
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tahariya · 1 year
For example, tech fans are definitely going to be Tesla’s target audience, but only a fraction of them are actually going to buy one of their cars.
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