#Asoiaf predictions
mryoyo000 · 4 months
more TWOW predictions and theories
-Osha gets a degree in library science
-Lady Stoneheart tries French fries
-Stannis tries ice skating
-one of the Children of the Forest tries to involve Bran in a pyramid scheme
-Dany buys jeggings
-Cersei becomes a cryptozoologist
-Arya takes a course in nature photography
-Sam Tarly goes to a wedding and doesn’t enjoy it
-Cersei goes to a wedding but purposefully goes against the dress code
-Jaime buys a frozen pizza
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sunny12th · 1 year
been thinking about the rotting blue heart in the House of the Undying that seemed to nearly kill Dany and the Heart of Winter that made Bran cry. Drogon ate the blue heart, saving Dany, and destroying the HotU as a result. Dany also ate a raw stallion heart to give her son (the stallion who mounts the world, the title that actually belongs to Dany/Drogon) strength.
There's some foreshadowing there, right? Dany and Drogon (plus the other dragons/dragon riders maybe) are gonna eat the Heart of Winter? Dany consuming death itself? life eating death, fire melting ice, etc. Obviously the "Heart of Winter" might not be a literal and physical heart.
Bran eating the Heart of Winter through Summer; Summer literally consuming Winter. We see him eat while in Summer's mind in the books, it's an escape from his own nagging hunger. Hunger is for winter, feasting is for summer.
Eating as a celebration of life. I like this visual better than This Character strikes down the Big Bad with a sword. I also like it more than the three dragons simply burning whatever they see in the Heart of Winter. Eating is a celebration of life; I read a post awhile ago about how grrm puts so much Detail into his descriptions of food because of this. because it's all about celebrating life in the face of death, when you know Winter is Coming anyways.
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kellyvela · 2 years
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ASOIAF Predictions: Jon and Sansa Reunion.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
Can we have characters who dislike Rhaegar and are not afraid to point out his flaws and crimes in next books? Because I am fed up of characters who are continuously romanticizing him.
I’ll be sure to tell GRRM your suggestion the next time I see him.
GRRM promised he wouldn’t add any more POVs in the next books (actually saying he’d be cutting some), so a we’re never going to get a POV of a character who dislikes Rhaegar as much as JonCon likes him. Also, most of the people who knew Rhaegar best are dead, and those still around as you’ve said are Targ supporters so tend to romanticize him. There may be some people close to Elia—Doran, Ashara if she’s still alive—or to Lyanna—Howland Reed, Benjen Stark—that may criticize Rhaegar in defense of the women they cared for. Then there’s Richard Lonmouth, the only one of Rhaegar’s companions we don’t know what happened to (he was friendly with Robert, he might’ve switched sides as a Stormlander) who could show up during Aegon’s Stormlands campaign. There’s also Bran’s tree visions that may show Rhaegar objectively, shedding more light on his motivations. As GRRM said when asked if Arthur Dayne was as true of a knight as he appeared, “Keep reading.”
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shrimp-gender · 1 year
The Starks are always saying "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell"
What if that's not just 'we need to have our family here so we don't lose control of our lands' that might be what the current starks think, but what if it's ancient this saying what if there is something about the Starks being in Winterfell that helps bind the world the way it should be
And the fewer Starks there are Winterfell. The more things start to go to shit. And when there are no Starks in Winterfell, that's when thing's really start to go bad.
For a great house, the Starks are very small when the series starts as a result of the previous war. There are exactly eight people in the world with Stark blood. And only seven are living in Winterfell at the beginning of the story.
Very quickly. That number drops to two. And when it does everything starts to go wrong.
There must be a Stark in Winterfell for the world to run correctly
It's what hold's back the long night
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Okay guys so yall know how Brynden Rivers is grown into that fuckin weirwood?? I haven't gotten to that part in the books yet but I'm assuming that's a three-eyed raven thing. So what if when Bran inevitably becomes the three-eyed raven, he eventually has to plant himself in a weirwood for his powers to fully develop and shit.
The heart tree in Winterfell.
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visenyaism · 9 months
probably actually worth noting that one of Viserys, a king who famously stood for nothing and whose greatest flaw was inaction and refusing to use his power to do anything’s only consistent uses of his monarchical power was to occasionally kick Daemon in the teeth using the full force of the state when Viserys got sick of him, seemingly not to actually banish his brother but so that he could get to call him back. so that viserys could look at the door and see daemon curled up on the threshold again like a loyal dog. what was up with that
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mummer · 6 months
would you mind sharing some of your twow predictions/hopes? i'm trying to cope with a lack of twow 🤒
oh man where would i even begin. im gonna do straight up hard predictions and not allow myself to be very self indulgent here is what i think will happen unironically
melisandre does not intentionally resurrect jon bc that makes no sense for her character. i dont think she'll be the one to do it at all but if she does it will be an accident and also a brain shattering experience for her
jon is considered king beyond the wall (not king in the north.... yet) but you already knew that
jon spends more time beyond the wall actually. i am keeping this concept vague
night lamp is definitely real and stannis takes winterfell at some point but he wont survive the book
sam's oldtown chapters become unexpected fandom sleeper faves like theon's in dance
the rosby heir is olyvar frey
dany does not come to westeros before her final chapter and never even encounters jon. slave revolt in volantis yayyyyyy!!!!!
there is still no R+L=J reveal
loras ends up fine but drastically scarred
elia sand and aegon have a forbidden romance
pyp and grenn die offpage (i predict this so that i can be pleasantly surprised when they show up)
danny flint is revealed to be coldhands shut up actually
gerris drinkwater is surprisingly important to the plot
brienne and jaime both survive the encounter with LSH and survive the whole book i saw this in my mind
barristan either dies really early on or he eventually defects to join aegon because he thinks he's the more rightful heir. the ol treason for blood
the faceless men turn out to just be another branch of the iron bank who are doing assassinations for money more than obscure religious/political reasons. this blackpills arya enough for her to return home
sansa encounters jeyne again and this is what provokes her to move against littlefinger
theon...... joins the night's watch..... question mark
there's a gay sex scene but no one likes it
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horizon-verizon · 29 days
Rhaenyra weakly asking Daemon if he accept her as his queen and ruler… Daemon refusing to respond... I get now why Matt Smith said that Daemon is only loyal to his dragon (not even loyal to his own children, insane), it was significant.
I believe HotD will justify this as her response to him going behind her back and flouting her authority to have B&C in the same vein as him not going to her while she was birthing Visenya, when he shouted at her during the other first black council meeting, him choking her, etc. that this will be her finally confronting him abt all that...
Goes to show how, unlike how some people argued that the choke scene was somehow an extension of their sex together, their "kinky eroticism" or something along those lines, that scene in particular really is & has always been abt Daemon disrespecting and domestically abusing Rhaenyra since episode 10. Because honestly, how much sense does it make for Rhaenyra to be full on questioning his loyalty to her NOW of all times, when they have been married for 6 whole goddamn years (10 in the orig canon)? How we see Daemon's tenderness to her in episode 8 & 7? Her paranoia isn't supposed to really manifest that bad until we get towards the END of the war!!! At least after the Ulf the White/Hugh the Hammer betrayals!
Which is why as much as I love Matt Smith and him as Daemon, I gave 3 shits abt show!Daemyra after that scene beyond their most harmonic moments, like the wedding and their first time having sex/the talk right before/the brothel scene and the necklace Milly wore. Some HotD Daemyra artwork.
Daemon taking his time to answer could be either his getting frustrated with her doubt bc of the last few episodes where he shows such OR he's doing as he did with Laena and just more focused on his own goals and putting Rhaenyra second/last. Either way, it reflects really badly on Rhaenyra's character and thinking skills...which could come from grief and her doubt fostered by Viserys and her life with Alicent at court. Like real bad. As well as on HotD's writing.
Or as others noted, it could just be a trailer thing where they extend the bit for longer than its already too long period for our stress. Still, the pause was there...
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rhaenin-time · 2 months
I'm telling you by the time Season 2 airs we're going to have people swearing that Arrax accidently flew into Vhagar's mouth.
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mryoyo000 · 2 months
It is once again time to recline and ponder the many gifts of Queen Selyse Florent. Over the course of five books, what other character has had such an illustrious career so full of achievement or lived a life so dazzling and rewarding? As the fiscal year draws to a close we can see that so much of Westeros owes thanks to Selyse and House Florent for keeping it real and being classy and lots of other stuff. You may think the Tyrells are smart and competent but that’s just fraudulent fraud from Highgarden.
I want to post of a few key passages that best demonstrate why Selyse Florent, mother of foxes, is so well-suited to the title of Queen.
”Yes,” Lady Selyse agreed. “Patches’s helm. It suits you well, old man. Put it on again, I command you.” And I will serve you to the last, my sweet queen, Cressen thought, for suddenly he saw the way. “Thank you, Your Grace,” he intoned, bowing low. “I never realized until now how much I needed your discerning and fashionable eye. This helm enhances my style very much and I never would have had the confidence to express myself without you.”
”Joffrey shall die,” Queen Selyse declared, serene in her confidence. Davis saw that her confidence was well-earned, with her regal poise and her flawless hair. He suddenly felt ashamed for being such a hater and decided that from now on, he would obey her without question.
Queen Selyse pursed her lips. “Lord Snow, as Lady Val is a stranger to our ways, please send her to me, that I might instruct her in the duties of a noble lady toward her lord husband.” That will go splendidly, I know. Jon knew that Val looked up to Queen Selyse and was always hoping to have her be a mentor figure. “As you wish,” he said, “though if I might speak freely—” “No, I think not. Now you may sashay away.” Jon Snow bent his knee, bowed his head, withdrew. He knew that Selyse shouldn’t be disturbed because she was about to go give away free cars to a bunch of her fans.
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fromtheseventhhell · 7 months
"The Starks are going to hate Dany because her father killed their grandfather and uncle"
The Starks thinking about Rickard and Brandon:
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nymerias-heart · 4 months
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Arianne Martell
His voice broke when he said that. "Where are the dragons?" he asked. "Where is Daenerys?" and Arianne knew that he was really saying, "Where is my son?"
Princess Arianne seeing dragons for the first time before finding out about her brothers death.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 1 year
How do you think ACOK/AGOT Theon Greyjoy would have gotten along politically and personally with his uncle Rodrik “the Reader”, as well as cousin Ser Harras Harlaw? For me, Theon’s relationship with his mothers family is one of the more notable missed opportunities for interesting personal dynamics (also, if the Theon Latecomer theory comes to pass, R’hllor help us all if poor Alannys never gets to hold her baby boy one more time)
I agree with you in that I’m very interested in the Harlaws, as despite their limited page time they’ve proven to be varied characters, from bookish Rodrik to stern knight Harras to ambitious Hotho to proud and stubborn Gwynesse and tragic Alannys. Usually characters in these minor houses get one trait for all, especially the ironborn; it’s the bigger houses that get this sort of variety and nuance. Plus they breed a shaggy pony that I’m guessing (due to the resemblance between the Iron Islands and Scottish isles) is analogous to the Shetland pony.
Harras and Theon probably did have a personal relationship before the latter had to leave Pyke, and I don’t think it was a positive one; “As a boy Harlaw had been fast friends with Balon's eldest son, Rodrik” (AFFC The Reaver) but Theon “remembered Rodrik's drunken cuffs” and told Patrek that he was horrible enough he doesn’t care Jason killed him (ACOK Theon I). Anyone who was fast friends with Rodrik is likely not going to be someone Theon has warm thoughts of. What little we know of Harras has him a great warrior, loyal, has an ancient Valyrian steel sword, serious, merciful enough (Euron had all the Hewetts killed while Harras just imprisoned the Grimms)…most of which would bore Theon, some of which would remind him of Ned Stark whom he feared due to their history (and he and Harras must’ve had some history too). Basically I don’t think they’d be personally friends. However, if Theon became his liege, I think Harras would support him (certainly over the Greyjoy uncles) and would reave where he was ordered.
Rodrik Harlaw, I think Theon would feel similarly to how Asha does in early AFFC, resentful of his cautioning him about fighting a war the ironborn can’t win, but unlike Asha probably thinks less of him for constantly reading books (Luwin at least admits to never liking him); and he thinks Victarion is an old man who’d just take his orders, so he’d likely think even less of Rodrik and his advice. However, Rodrik would still support him out of necessity and try to advise him, though wouldn’t personally reave.
Don’t worry, Theon is going back to those islands and meeting Alannys. It’s all part of his subverted Hero’s Journey, in which he returns to his home a greatly changed person due to the trials in the unknown world, now with the ability to grant boons to his deeply damaged community, aka Alannys (who’s the only person happy to see him for non-political reasons). I say this with hope, because even though GRRM has expressed dislike for the Hero’s Journey Monomyth, even he can’t resist the idea of his main characters going back to the place they’re born (the possible confirmation of seeing Casterly, show!Daenerys on Dragonstone, of course all Starks will be at Winterfell)
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shrimp-gender · 1 year
I think if Bran returns from beyond the Wall and it's not a guarantee that he will he will still renounce his claim to Winterfell. This will be several years down the road and he will tell them that Rickon is safe. Rickon will be brought back safe. Sansa will be his regent as he comes of age and Osha will get the Dreadfort because you got to get rid of those Boltons
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louisxleprince · 3 months
me trying to figure out the pacing of this show based off the assumption that ep 4 is rook’s rest
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