keypaa · 2 months
Astrology Observations No.6
with lovely @sc0rpi0suntaurusm00n
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Saggittarius suns, moons and mercurys don't have a social filter, they say what everybody is afraid to say blunt af. Jupiter the optimist makes them confident to say what they mean, feel or think (Sun,Moon,Mercury)
If you have venus in tense aspects with neptune you need to do a reality check of your relationships now and then, because sometimes you will put the people around you on a pedestal and other times you will dislike people because they don't fit into your picture perfect fantasy anymore. Just needs some work.(Neptune is like a siren that wants to sell you a fantasy that isn't there, and when you follow her whistles she gets you. Venus energy wants to receive, get loved and share love. So combining these two energies in a tense aspect like a square or opposition gets messy)
Saturn square north node + the south node are generational breakers. Their upbringing was hard and truly intense
Scorpio mercurys don't mind sounding too direct they will ask you anything if they want to know the answer. Oh I saw that you talked about me on a tuesday girls night with ... around midnight, why did you do this...¿😆
Capricorn suns please let us know how to help you. You go through traumatic sh*t, and after all that you stay humble and act like nothing happened
Jupiter aspecting neptune in a positive way love to create art (all forms of art), it makes them genuinely happy ^^ Neptune has to do with artsy stuff, singing, imagination jupiter expends this energy
Mars in leo want to achieve something (whatever it is) The ego is also ruled by leo, so leo placements feel worthy if they achieve something for themselfes
Pure devine love is something that pisces venuses and moons are capable of giving to human 🫘 But they will also text or call you multiple times if you don't answer (Especially Pisces suns with a pisces venus)
You just want to listen to people who have scorpio mercurys, they always have something interesting to say...They know the secret spots, newest updates overall everything that is hidden honestly
Taurus moons have the ability to become real successful and are some of the warmest people if they let you in :) They like to be confortable and also give this energy out to their beloved ones
Mars in aquarius are known to behave different than the rest of their peers. Nothing that is bad, we need more people who think outside the box and follow different life tracks
If you have your moon (square,opposition) your venus list of your emotional needs and your definition of love and find a solution to combine both, if you not want to hurt the people around you regarding showing them your feelings. Due to this conflict of wanting to show love and not being able to express your feelings as you would like to this technique could possibly help you (:
Taurus venus attract love easily (best example: Ariana Grande MASTER MANIFASTOR)
Leo moons love receiving princess treatment and they know how to get it aswell ;)👑 They are LOUD with their wants and needs
Gemini moons get borderline crazy in their love reationships. One day they LOVE the other they despise you and the cycle begins again (also if you have a gemini venus)
Leo placements are either one of the most timid people you will ever meet or they
want all attention on them
Why did I meet a whole lot of taurus sun boys that struggle with finding real genuine love
Mars in sagittarius are se*ually free people. They like going after their needs and what they feel free to do
Sun (trine,conjunct,sextile) jupiter are confident at their core or they come off as such. It gives the personality an optimistic vibe
Venus in virgo are the most devoted lovers on the world, they will not forget your anniversary (and get real mad if you do), take care of you, pay attention to your dislikes & likes
If you have sun in scorpio degrees your real personality is so hidden from the public. Everybody is going to want to figure out who you are only to discover a new personality trait of yours every now and then
Virgo man get the ick real quick. Why do they hate on women without a reason, boy get that frustration out in a healthy way
Aquarius placements may feel excluded from groups a whole lot but later in their life they find their people and have a good amount of friends around them. Also people who start trends and influence a whole generation (XxxTentacion, Paris Hilton,...)
@sc0rpi0suntaurusm00n part:
Pisces moon - these are the folks who you see drawing in a corner or reading an interesting book, whether it is mixed with fire or air there will always be an ethereal Aura or a mystery to these natives 🫶
Cancer moon - shy individuals quite often. Not ones to initiate contact but definitely enjoys some attention to their needs. Cares about their mother or maternal figure quite deeply. Often times these individuals have a significant relationship with the mother which is part of who they are, single mother raised is quite common and adoption is likely as well from what I have seen. There may also be a misogynistic type in lower vibration natives from what i have seen
Capricorn moon - they may seem like the mysterious yet charismatic type but deep down there is a lot under the surface. These natives being cardinal signs, they can relax into something and then when you least expect it their passion and drive is unstoppable. You never know when they're tumultuous emotional life might break through the surface and send them blazing toward a new goal.
Taurus moon - (I am biased as a Taurus moon myself lol🫣)they may have a soft spot for comfort and stability, and typically the pinnacle of finance, care, and stability (although when mixed with sag it may be expressed quite unconventionally) Taurus moon natives are the least likely to make plans and change them due to "not feeling like it" if they are going to do it, they will. Taurus moons are always sharing their food OR they will never let you touch it - no in- between lol😭
Aquarius sun - Aquarius is very different, what I notice in common is the respect for difference. Often these signs are good with computers lol (maybe just because I have 3rd house aqua). The Aquarius man can be so caring or they can be cold, but they have a soft spot always -whether it is a quirky girl or a Quirky interest. These are often the people who want to be first to do something- the trendsetters... Although some can just be quite on top of trends-i have never seen an Aquarius who wasn't ahead of their pears in something whether fashion electronics or anything new.
Scorpio moon - one of my personal favorites💕, but I'm so biased lol(Scorpio stellium🤫) although these natives are known for having rough lives which is true, these peeps are totally down for a trauma dump sesh, or just a really good rant when you are their close friend. The female Scorpio moons are often friends with more females- might be gay even but too stubborn to act on it. There is always something interesting going on in their emotional world. Either the purest virgin or somewhere between that and a man eater... Scorpio moons do not play around, they are often no bs types whether mixed with air or fire -except for Libra placements sometimes if undeveloped.
Aries moons - omg 🤍 y'all are so passionate with your emotions, like if you are mad you can have a hard time hiding it, but yall are just made to be a ball of passion. There is nothing you do that you do not put your whole heart into, if you don't have your heart in it you won't do it. You can set boundaries a little too rough sometimes for us water signs, but it's okay because you are baddies and need that extra space for chasing passions. PLuS You are always loyal anyways so we don't mind. Aries moon has a really hard time holding a grudge against people, because y'all just want to live and let live. Amazing peoples! especially the girlies whom I have met. The lower vibrations can be super flirty and super flighty tho🫠
Pisces and Aries are actually a really great duo, despite what the horoscope things so often say - pisces and Aries are the most common duo i see i believe this is due to the fact that pisces is at the end of the zodiac and Aries is new to the cycle. Its like opposites but they are also alike which is perfect for a friendship.
Unlike me, a scorpio, since i don't often have libra best friends although libras fall into my 11th house - might be due to my lilith placement being in libra as well...😭
Virgo mercury can be so intentional with their words, and this mixed with virgo mars can make for a really sharp mind but also sharp words in an argument.
- That is part of what makes cancer (sun/moon) and virgo moon a good pair in a relationship, because cancer (sun/moon) is very emotionally intelligent and virgo moon is often good at compartmentalizing emotions and rationally dealing with emotions, and often times cancer (sun/moon) need to learn to balance emotions with reason
Moon quincunx to Mars or mars square moon aspects may cause anger issues in men, specifically cancer moon Sagittarius Mars or Aries Mars. As well as Aquarius moon with Virgo mars.
Pisces placements remind me of the most beautiful expression of emotions. The positive expression of pisces placements can be expressing deep and dark emotions through arts, music, love, and things that are beautiful expressions of feelings. Some pisces placements are old souls having to go through rough experiences in childhood, like experiencing many be lifetimes in one life, it reminds me of what I believe mMitski said best 'I was so young when I behaved 25'
April Mercury Rx in Aries!? Was I the only one or no? - there were so many fights and arguments...as well as exes coming back 🫣 like as a scorpio mercury rx it wasn't that crazy for me but my friends had their exes come back into their lives and there was even a small fight which is very mars..
If you would like you can join my spiritual family glad to have you here, and never back down never WhAaAT! Keep your hopes in life up always¡ :)
Luvv muah
7:25 PM
© 2024 the content is subject to the copyright and responsibility of the author
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msmysticfail · 16 days
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“Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals
With Mars in the 8th house, tension is raised to a higher octave. The 8th house person receives the energy of Mars, awakening a tension that cannot be denied. There is no denying of Mars energy, which in one way or another bothers the 8th house (ruled by Pluto), Mars penetrates their psyche, their innermost being. Mars unconsciously touches the depths of the 8th house person, instigates it, Mars is a powerful force entering dangerous territory, it will provoke the 8th house, awakening heavy and uncomfortable feelings in this sector.
We have two cases here: either the two are each other's worst enemies or they are completely obsessed with one another, especially the 8th house person.
Mars is provocative, it's presence attracts the attention of the 8th house, which sees in Mars, initially, someone who causes some insecurity, since it's presence is very strong for the 8th house, which is a quiet house of the water element. Over time, especially after the couple's first kiss, the 8th house will be “activated” permanently, since the 8th house cannot escape the presence of Mars, as it awakens carnal desires in the house person. It's through physical touch between the two that the connection becomes stronger, since Mars is the physical, the body. The desire of the 8th house increases as it touches Mars, which enters deeper and deeper into the psyche of the 8th house person. The Mars person, no matter how strong and determined they may be, cannot resist the 8th house, it's with the 8th house person that the Mars person will experience the most intense peaks of physical pleasure, satisfying all their carnal desires, unconsciously freeing themselves from all the emotional barriers that prevented them from fully surrendering to carnal pleasure.
Things, however, start to get out of hand, especially if the 8th house person has Pluto/8th house contacts in their personal chart. The 8th house wants to dominate the Mars person, reduce some of their “strength”, take away some of their power. Without the Mars person realizing it, the 8th house person will slowly infiltrate their psyche too. Mars becomes addicted to the 8th house, it misses the intensity that  the 8th house person gives to them, what they are capable of awakening in Mars.
Generally, the Mars person “runs" after the 8th house, even when their pride tells them not to, even if they slowly feel that the 8th house person is assuming large proportions in their life, when this happens, the 8th house can feel very pleased, since they love having power over Mars, seeing how they become submissive before them.
Despite the  increasing tension, despite the obsession continuing to grow, and the desire continuing to pulse at full strength, everything is wonderful when Mars and the 8th house meet physically and, possibly, emotionally. This is the wealth of Mars in the 8th house in Synastry, Mars and the 8th house are two magnetic forces, which cannot resist each other, as it's with resistance that conflicts arise. If the relationship is consensual and healthy, then there is no reason to resist: when the two bodies meet, a true treasure is formed. They are physically connected to each other, it is in the exchange of power between the two during sexual connection that unites them so deeply, it's by breaking psychic barriers, penetrating each other deeply, that the two find themselves in their soul. The 8th house, even if they don't admit it, feels the power of Mars, which, in turn, awakens their sexuality in an intense and obsessive way. Mars cannot resist the 8th house person.
The 8th house will probably go crazy about Mars, they will stalk their entire life, they will know every detail, so that they can have even more power over the Mars person. Mars likes the intense nature of the 8th house, it fuels their fire even more, but Mars does not give up their power completely, they probably resist(and even like to resist) the seduction tactics of the 8th house. But in the end the 8th house wins, mainly through the sexual encounter.
There is, however, another problem that can arise: the 8th house can use its sexual power to dominate Mars, using the intimate encounter as a form of manipulation, especially if Mars threatens to leave the relationship, or if the 8th house is jealous. There is a tendency towards possessive physical control, from both parties, but mainly from the 8th house, since it's the house ruled by Pluto and Pluto does not like to share what is his. The 8th house may think that Mars belongs to  them only, especially after the relationship has already been “activated” by physical touch. Mars may run the risk of the 8th house treating them as a possession, as an object that belongs to them, which will certainly irritate Mars, who is already a powerhouse in itself. It's extremely necessary, for their relationship to survive, that the 8th house stops being so possessive and controlling and that Mars talks about everything that bothers them. If the two can work together, this is a relationship that has the potential to be unforgettable and extremely powerful and liberating.
“So what you trying to do to me
It's like we can't stop, we're enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you,
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you”
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lilastromama · 1 year
What i love about different zodiac signs/placements 🍷
[updated version] 🪴
scorpio moon/8th house moon: i love the depth that comes with these individuals, especially the moon placement. conversations are always gonna turn into deeper topics. they dont need "🥦 💨" to turn up talking about aliens, and im here for it - much love to them <3
leo sun: being able to uplift peoples mood. I love, love, lovee people with bright and "loud" personalities. Of course this doesnt apply to everyone (and thats a good thing!) - but too many leos ive met have been a breath of fresh air, i give them that :*
taurus rising: their ability to understand. Idk about you, but taurus risings don't just have the coziest aura i've ever seen, but are also often the most understanding, compassionate beings. I feel safe around them, theyre a comfy placement of mine
gemini sun: their switchy personality 👀 i am a gemini myself so i might not be the most reliable source for this, but i see the good in always changing minds. Ofc it can get exhausting, but questioning things on a regular basis doesnt sound too bad to me. Always updatet and convinced !
pisces venus: the way they love. idk but i know my pisces venus people be so nurturing, its healing. They speak your love language effortlessly, and make sure you FEEL loved, not "know" youre loved. i'm a fan <3
12th house stellium: their scary intuition. no matter if it comes in dreams, through visions, through whatever one of their senses: they KNOW. i need more friends as connected/sensitive as you.
libra sun/moon/rising: their sense for aesthetic. i just have noticed that libras in general know how to present themselves/things in general. If they have a social media page, most likely their feed is well sorted out, their pictures have that special something to them, and their stories would be beautifully creative. They have that in them i tell u. And their STYLE. Even if they dont actually wear that style bc they're broke, best believe they still know how to dress
This is just a little something i did, will be doing more parts, including more placements 🌶
Stay safe and hydrated 🦯
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b-eli-er · 2 months
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ce picrew c'est très cool non ? [trans: this picrew is very cool no?]
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polldermodel · 2 months
geloof je daadwerkelijk in astrologie? ja/sommige dingen/nee, maar ik vind het wel leuk/nee, en ik vind het niet leuk of het boeit me niet
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astrovaidya-blog · 1 year
What are the astrological results for Mars in 12th house?
When Mars is located in the 12th house of a person's birth chart, it can influence various areas of their life, including their energy levels, assertiveness, hidden desires, and spirituality. As always, it's important to consider the overall context of the birth chart and individual circumstances for a more accurate interpretation. Here are some general characteristics associated with Mars in 12th house:
Energy and Drive: Mars represents energy, passion, and assertiveness. In the 12th house, Mars can indicate a more hidden or internalized expression of these qualities. Individuals with this placement may have a strong internal drive and determination, but they may not always assert themselves outwardly. They might find it challenging to direct their energy towards concrete goals.
Subconscious Motivations: Mars in the 12th house can bring about unconscious motivations and desires. There may be hidden or repressed anger, aggression, or ambition. It's essential to explore and understand these subconscious patterns to channel Mars' energy more constructively.
Spiritual Pursuits: This placement can give rise to a spiritual inclination and a desire for solitude and introspection. The individual may find peace and fulfillment through practices like meditation, yoga, or other spiritual disciplines. Mars in the 12th house can contribute to an individual's journey of self-discovery and self-realization.
Sacrifice and Selflessness: Individuals with Mars in the 12th house may exhibit a selfless and sacrificial nature. They may willingly put others' needs before their own and may feel compelled to serve or help others. It's important to maintain healthy boundaries and avoid becoming a martyr in relationships or situations.
Hidden Actions or Aggression: Mars in the 12th house can indicate a tendency to act impulsively or aggressively in secret or behind the scenes. It's essential to be mindful of hidden anger or frustration and to find healthy outlets for these emotions.
Healing and Compassion: Mars in the 12th house can also channel its energy towards healing and compassion. These individuals may be drawn to helping others, especially those who are suffering or marginalized. They can bring a courageous and assertive energy to support others in their journey towards healing and transformation.
Remember that these are general interpretations, and the overall dynamics of the birth chart can modify the effects of Mars in the 12th house. It's advisable to consult with a professional astrologer for a more personalized and detailed analysis.
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francepittoresque · 7 months
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6 novembre 1656 : mort de l’astronome, astrologue et mathématicien Jean-Baptiste Morin ➽ http://bit.ly/Jean-Baptiste-Morin Astrologue le plus réputé de France ayant côtoyé Richelieu et Mazarin, Jean-Baptiste Morin, qui soutenait farouchement l’immobilité de la terre, fut également le plus malheureux des hommes, la dernière décennie de sa vie étant émaillée de polémiques déshonorantes, de trahisons et d’ambitions déçues
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un-mare-di-stelle · 11 months
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keypaa · 3 months
Astrology Observations No.5 🧛🏻‍♀️💋🖤👻
(+ a bit creepy stuff)
I use the whole sign system
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Uranus opposition Ascendant & strangers talking to you all of a sudden in unexpected ways and places
Mars in 8th house get attacked by spirits often (sleep paralysis, seeing shadows, feeling presences) in many places you go to
!Sensitive topic¡
Astroid Medusa (149) in strong aspects (usually squares) with the north node/southnode + pluto indicate r*pe. I saw it in two of my friends chart. The north node can be seen as destiny. Even if you don't have this aspect and still went through this i love you you are never alone ❣︎
Scorpio ascendants attract a whole bunch of creeps trust your gut and keep it safe people always pay attention to what you are doing you just need to look closer
Lilith in the 10th house and females being annoyed of their presence in the work place. Usually also attract a whole bunch of jealousy in school, uni or at work. Michele Avil that was murdered by her best friend because of jealousy had this placement
Moon in Scorpio hate not having control they know how to (atleast try) to get someone to do something. Positive note good investigators who would make great psychologists, detectives and so on
So well if you have a bunch of 1st house, 8th house or 12th house placements in planets like venus, mars, moon or lilith you are more prone to attract stalkers atleast once in your life KEEP IT SAFE and I mean it¡! And by stalkers I also mean people who do a whole bunch of research on you and your life or keep following you obsessively on social media.
Don't leak unnecessary information about you and try to not go to quite places alone where no one could find you if something would happen.
Lilith in leo are feared by females loved by men
Venus in 10th house don't tell anyone about your love life trust me even tho people always find things to say and spread rumors about. You will publicly be known for what is happening in your love life.
Moon in aries need to be feared, if introverted it takes long to see their anger but most aries moons show ther anger explosively nevertheless they cool down rather quickly, loyal to their loved ones tho
Don't fuxk with leo venus friends they take care of them like a lion mother, dedicated
Venus in capricorn always have enemys
Masculines with libra placements always fall for people who don't love them the same way/or for absolutely toxic & crazzzy people
Lilith in the 22nd degree are necrophilists. Just look at Richard Ramirez chart, he loved s*x with the dead.
According to Ian Altosaar the 22nd degree is about murder and I combined this information with liliths nature, hidden desire. 👻Ps: Most necrophilists are men not always but almost all the time https://ijop.net/index.php/mlu/article/download/734/688/1339 or on Wikipedia (not so reliable source but says that about 92% are men)
Virgo placements get underratedly sexualised a whole lot. The biggest p*rn star right now has virgo placements. Also virgo liliths can be se*ualised
Pisces moons had a time of their life where they cried a lot or still are very emotional (nothing bad). Other than that they can be dangerously manipulative if they want to and feel every slight difference in someones behavior
Aquarius ascendants and loving colorful clothing
Juno (3) in aries and rooting for ambitious people that behave masculine in a loving manner (romantically)
Juno (3) in aquarius want a partner that sticks out from the masses
Mercury in sagittarius have a special voice
Pholus (astroid) shows you what transformed you the most in your life:
1st hous/Aries: You yourself/sports caused a transformation in your life
2st house/Taurus: Your financial situation changed you
3rd house/Gemini: The area where you live in (hood) affected you, or off topic your car/drivers license
4rd house/Cancer: Your home life, emotions or femininity
5th house/Leo: Creative skills of yours or recognition transformed you
6th house/Virgo: Routine or your health/hygiene plays/played a crucial role in your life
7th house/Libra: Your love life/ or glow up affected your life view
8th house/Scorpio: Deaths, paranormal stuff, operations, accidents and your sexuality transformed your way of dealing with life
9th house/ Saggitarius: Other cultures, traveling and your ancestors trigger something in you
10th house/Capricorn: Your work, work environment and accomplishments changed you
11th house/Aquarius: Humanitarian topics, technology and friends started your transformation journey
12th house/Pisces: Religion, spirituality & plastic surgerys may have affected your journey of developing your sense of self
Luvvv muah
3:18 PM
© 2024 the content is subject to the copyright and responsibility of the author
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msmysticfail · 4 months
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Aries: Mars Taurus: Venus Gemini: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Virgo: Mercury Libra: Venus Scorpio: Pluto, Mars Sagittarius: Jupiter Capricorn: Saturn Aquarius: Uranus, Saturn Pisces: Neptune, Jupiter
Houses (basics)
1st: my physical body 2nd: what I value 3rd: how I think 4th: what I need to feel safe 5th: how i have fun 6th: my daily routine 7th: my romantic connections 8th: my money 9th: where i like to go to explore 10th: my career 11th: my groups 12th: my alone time
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Hello guys , this is my first astrology analysis / observation . I hope you guys like it . I am interested in astrology since I was 12 .
Lets begin :)))
1. Shout out to the people who have pluto in their 8th house 😭😭
2. People with venus in their tenth house could fall in love with their boss
3. Jupiter in second house has luck with finances
Trigger warning ‼️‼️‼️
4. Pluto in 4th house went to physical or sexuall violence trough out their childhood
5. People with scorpio / mars in their 11th house could stalk you
6.People with uranus in their third house could be rebellious against their teachers or in elemantary school in general
Trigger warning ‼️‼️‼️ ( ED)
7. pluto/chiron in second house could be an placement for an eating disorder
8. Sun/ Jupiter aspects or sun/jupiter in 11th house gives me influencer vibes since this house is also about social networks
9. Mars in 12th house could have nasty dreams 😭😭😭 y’all you know what I mean💀
10. Never hurt someone who has saturn in capricorn …
11. I just have the feeling that people with mars in third house are very good at oral s*x 🤠
12.People with Saturn/pluto in their 6th house have mostly physical or psychological disorders / issues
13.Neptun in 10th house could be a great placement for hackers or hitmans
14. Sun in 3th house loves to socialize
15. People with moon in their 1th house are ao sensitive like bro c’mon 🦘( me asf )
Thats was with my observation , I hope you guys liked it , much love <333
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mythicdeeds · 2 years
Fire Signs in their Ruler Planets ☀️
♈ Aries Mars people have the most enthusiasm of all the signs as well as unlimited resources of energy. Every time they socialise they bring the best to the table in order to make themselves noticed.
♌ Leo Sun people are kind, helpful, can be lazy but easily excitable. The moment they put their mind to something they work hard in order to achieve it. They are at their best when they have a group of friends with whom to share their every experience.
♐ Sagittarius Jupiter is one of the luckiest placements to have They tend to have luck shine upon them most often when they are open-minded and expressing their freedom, rather than being boxed into one plan for too long. They could have success in travel, education, media or international business.
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sunniiastrology · 1 year
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Astrology observations 🎼
volume I
🎶 venus in 1st house people are great lovers- attentive and kind, always noticing the little things
🎶 musically 🎺 inclined: taurus, gemini, aries, leo, scorpio, cancer
🎶 artistically 🎨 inclined: virgo, pisces, libra, sagittarius, aquarius, capricorn
🎶 scorpio risings, sigh. i can never tell that you are. i’ve met so many, but i’ve never guessed that their ascendant is scorpio, not once.
🎶 the opposite goes for gemini ascendants. i can tell every single damn time .. you little tricksters 😭
🎶 virgo, aries and geminis are literally the finest beings on earth. nearly every gemini i’ve met has hurt me (not an observation just me) but GOD. they are so so fine 😣
🎶 don’t get any earth sign mad. please start running 🏃‍♀️ they’re out to get u bro 😦
🎶 aquarius suns are usually seen as lonely, cold, or rude, but they’re softies on the inside. trust me 🫢
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astrovaidya-blog · 11 months
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
Astrology provides perceptions into the compatibility between distinct zodiac signs, illuminating the possible benefits and difficulties of particular relationships. This time we are reading about Aries and Capricorn compatibility. The conflicting traits of the fiery Aries and the grounded Capricorn might result in a partnership that is vibrant and complimentary. 
Although each sign has its personality and way of living, their differences may frequently be used to their advantage to create a solid and harmonious Aries and Capricorn compatibility.
Aries people, those born between March 21 and April 19, are known for their tenacity, spontaneity, and intense zeal for life. They are renowned for being fearless, forceful, and willing to take chances. Aries people are born leaders who are willing to start new initiatives and pave the path. Their infectious passion and vigor can motivate people around them to go beyond their comfort zones. They can boost the Aries and Capricorn compatibility.
The Capricorn sign, which spans the dates of December 22 and January 19, however, in the Aries and Capricorn compatibility is characterized by its sense of ambition, realism, and discipline. They frequently have long-term objectives in mind and employ patience and tenacity to go up the success ladder. For their dependability, accountability, and commitment to their jobs, Capricorns are renowned. They have a structured outlook on life and possess strong resource management skills.
Aries and Capricorns are a dynamic duo when they embrace their unique qualities and learn from each other. By combining passion and stability, vision and strategy, they have the potential to achieve great things together. The key lies in recognizing and appreciating the strengths they bring to the table and finding harmony in their contrasting approaches. Ultimately, Aries and Capricorn can build a fulfilling and enduring partnership based on mutual respect, love, and shared goals.
What Affects Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
In the Aries and Capricorn compatibility we read that due to their disparate outlooks on life, Aries and Capricorn may appear to be an unlikely combination at first. Their variances, though, can provide a potent combination that brings out the best in both signs. Their capacity to value and benefit from one another's strengths is the key.
Their common ambition and tenacity are one of the key characteristics that draw Aries and Capricorn together. Their desire to excel in their respective industries motivates both signs. With their audacious ideas and steadfast confidence, Aries may enthrall Capricorn, while Capricorn can offer Aries the helpful support and direction they need to channel their energy successfully. With their combined vision and strategic planning, Aries and Capricorn can lay a strong foundation for success.
The leadership philosophies of Aries and Capricorn can also be complementary. Aries appreciates being in command of things and does well in leadership roles. On the other hand, Capricorn is a born manager, able to plan and assign duties well. Aries may bring the energy and vigor to a partnership, while Capricorn can bring the steadiness and realism required for transformation.
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility as Lovers
Aries and Capricorn can forge a passionate and dynamic relationship when it comes to love. Aries keeps the passion alive by bringing energy, spontaneity, and a fiery intensity to the partnership. Aries may find great value in the stability, devotion, and sense of security that Capricorn brings because of its steadfast nature.
While Capricorn approaches relationships with care and a desire for a long-term commitment, Aries tends to be spontaneous and adventurous in love which affects the Aries and Capricorn compatibility. Aries can urge Capricorn to embrace spontaneity while Capricorn teaches Aries the value of devotion and patience to balance their differences.
However, because of Capricorn's desire for order and Aries' drive for independence, disputes could occur and harm Aries and Capricorn compatibility. The independence of Aries could collide with Capricorn's demand for routine and security. Finding a middle ground and preserving a peaceful partnership depend heavily on open and honest communication.
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility as Friends
According to the Aries and Capricorn compatibility, Aries and Capricorn can become loyal and strong friends. Aries' passion, vigor, and love for life can motivate Capricorn to venture beyond their comfort zone and open themselves up to new opportunities. Capricorn, on the other hand, acts as a stabilizing force, lending Aries' endeavors sound counsel and assistance.
In collective circumstances, Aries' inherent leadership traits and Capricorn's managerial prowess can make a powerful team. Successful collaborations and accomplishments can result from the bringing people together skills of Aries and the organizational skills of Capricorn. With Aries encouraging Capricorn to accept spontaneity and Capricorn reminding Aries of the need for discipline and long-term preparation, they may both learn from one another.
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility as Business Partners
The two signs of Aries and Capricorn make a powerful combination when working together in business. The imaginative ideas and enterprising zeal of Aries are combined with the pragmatism, tenacity, and focus of Capricorn. While Capricorn provides the strategic planning and flawless execution necessary for success, Aries delivers the vision and zeal.
Capricorn's cautious nature can work well with Aries' willingness to take chances and original thinking, resulting in a balanced decision-making process. While Capricorn can offer the stability and structure required to support long-term growth, Aries can pressure Capricorn to embrace change and adjust to new market trends.
However, the impatience of Aries and the meticulousness of Capricorn could lead to disagreements. While Capricorn might find Aries' impulsiveness disturbing, Aries might find Capricorn's decision-making process frustrating. They must develop open lines of communication and respect one another's abilities and communication preferences.
In short, whether as lovers, friends, or business partners, Aries and Capricorn compatibility can help them to create a dynamic and complimentary combination. Capricorn's steadiness, pragmatism, and long-term perspective counteract Aries' fervor, excitement, and capacity for initiative. 
They can lay a solid basis for their relationship's success and growth by valuing and learning from each other's abilities. The secret to preserving peace and overcoming any difficulties that may develop is open communication, compromise, and respect for one another.
In conclusion, the Aries and Capricorn compatibility is a fascinating blend of passion, stability, and complementary strengths. While these two signs may have different approaches to life, their differences can create a powerful synergy when embraced and understood. Whether as lovers, friends, or business partners, Aries and Capricorn have the potential to form a dynamic duo.
In matters of love, Aries brings excitement and intensity, while Capricorn offers stability and loyalty. Together, they can balance each other's needs for adventure and commitment. As friends, they can provide support and inspiration to one another, with Aries igniting enthusiasm and Capricorn providing practical advice. In a business partnership, Aries' vision and Capricorn's strategy can lead to successful collaborations.
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carmenm00n · 1 year
How will this Sagittarius Full Moon affect your sign.
♡ ˖ ☁️ aries : something positive will happen and you might get a deja vu.
♡ ˖ ☁️ leo : you’ll be inspired for art, you’re going to start a new business or a new romance.
♡ ˖ ☁️ sagittarius : new opportunities arr coming for you.
♡ ˖ ☁️ taurus : you want to do things but you have to think deeply about it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ virgo : you’re going to meet someone or you met someone and you shouldn’t trust them.
♡ ˖ ☁️ capricorn : something might upset you or make you really sad.
♡ ˖ ☁️ gemini : you’ll have a deep reflexion and you’ll have to be careful, try to avoid conflicts.
♡ ˖ ☁️ libra : after a success, the universe is testing you again, move forward!
♡ ˖ ☁️ aquarius : someone you're close to will try to irritate you, so don't hide from it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ cancer : there are loopholes that can be closed, so put your pride aside.
♡ ˖ ☁️ scorpio : the difficulties you encounter will have a reason.
♡ ˖ ☁️ pisces : unpleasant events may happen.
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