musicalchaos07 · 3 months
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Little Zuko and little Azula love Lu Ten. They love Lu Ten so much, they successfully smuggled themselves into Lu Ten's baggage when Lu Ten left to go fight.
Lu Ten, meanwhile, finds out that his little cousins snuck along for the ride way too late.
He knows they're gonna lose the fight.
He isn't about to let a couple of little kids die like that, murdered by Ba Sing Se soldiers too hyped up by war.
He may have been prepared to put his own life on the line, but he's not sacrificing Zuko or Azula's. But he also knows that if he flees the field with them, then Ozai will absolutely use that as an excuse to "punish" his own children.
Lu Ten does not want to know what that punishment entails. He is, in fact, more terrified by whatever it may be than the literal war raging outside his tent.
He swallows his pride for his country, his love for his father, and his dreams of being a successful general.
He grabs the kids, fakes his death, and runs.
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lonesomecupid · 28 days
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currently crying
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jichanxo · 2 months
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Help me, Lord, from these fantasies in my head / They ain't ever been safe ones
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lucy-ghoul · 2 months
can't believe a show based on a videogame (usually games adaptations are notoriously bad, which isn't the case here tho) gave me the beauty and the beast/twisted mirrors/enemies to traveling companions/ruthless antihero+optmistic but still badass heroine who takes none of his shit/age gap but make it sexy dynamic of my dreams. as much as i love maximus and i think he deserves the best writing ever because 1. he's a clever deconstruction of the aspiring Knight bro who's actually a bit of a loser and, as much as lucy, sees the world in black&white at first and then doesn't get what he thought he wanted but what he needs (or at least i hope he'll eventually get it), and 2. he's a cutie and i want an epic love story for him too, it's very funny how they tried to give us a puppy kind of romance and the tumblr girlies still fixated on the "toxic ~she bites his finger off and he cuts hers off and sews it on his hand in what we'll pretend it's a symbolic marriage rings exchange or whatever~ asshole who used to be a nice guy/good girl™ with a lot of spunk and hidden anger but unshakeable morals" kind of relationship.
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cocoacake · 1 year
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playing ishin for the story?? shinsengumi who???? sorry i only know taking care of my daughter 😌🌸
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watcherintheweyr · 1 month
desperately need people to understand that alicent is a victim but she’s also an abuser and a perpetrator
that she actively makes choices to harm other women because of jealousy and envy and the greed deep in her bones because submitting to suffering didn’t get her what those women fight to grasp for themselves.
she is absolutely a victim, in show.
that doesn’t change that she abused rhaenyra and her children, her own son, most likely helaena given how she flinches every time her mother touches her, and is actively weaponizing the patriarchy of westeros against other women- rhaenyra primarily, but also mysaria and dyana.
she isn’t the moral, righteous force of good that even she thinks she is, she’s a wounded woman directing all of the rot, pain, and fury inside her at the wrong people and forces.
#anti team green stans#anti team green#anti alicent hightower stans#i don’t wanna say it’s anti alicent bc honestly it’s more ‘accept her for who she is bc she’s so much more complex and interesting when you#but i made this bc someone genuinely tried to say that the reason people hate her is that they don’t see her as a victim#most rational people know show!alicent is a victim#it’s the point that’s she’s an abuser as well#that makes them dislike her#that she’s a hypocrite and a traitor#i don’t even like young alicent bc i don’t at all think she was a good friend to rhaenyra#‘it’s not your place to question the plots of lords and men’ to the named heir#dismisses rhaenyra’s hopes and idealism entirely out of hand#is baffled that rhaenyra is more worried for her fathers happiness and mother’s wellbeing than her position#she knew as early as ep 3 that otto was conspiring against rhaenyra and never told anyone#condemns ‘targaryen customs’ only to wed her daughter to her son even younger than she was when otto dangled her before viserys#acts entitled to rhaenyras secrets whilst condemning and judgemental even though she did not give rhaenyra that same courtesy#made no attempt at apology for the insensitive comment of aegon’s birth#though rhaenyra DID try to apologize for the ‘imprisoned in a castle’ line and tried to comfort her#uses her power as queen to push past the space rhaenyra is trying to create because she feels heartbroken and betrayed#rhaenyra took part in alicent’s culture with prayer at alicent’s urging because she cared about alicent and alicent was trying to help her#alicent is never once shown to return that favor instead condemning it for ‘queerness’ and growing to later#erase and remove all targaryen and valyrian heraldry from the red keep to replace with her own#like alicent is a victim and i DO have empathy for her. but i don’t like her and never will#especially not after the way her stans behave#she deserved better than otto’s machinations and viserys’…. viserysness#but that can also be true whilst i condemn her actions and behaviors
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jazz-kitty · 1 month
Hello... would it be possible to ask for some more crumbles of a woman with horrible hobbies... flora grevillea has done everything wrong ever and that's why she deserves the world...
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of course........ flora is my fav character........ she's incredible
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mangotelevision · 2 months
In my mcd season 3 rewrite I have a scene planned out where the gang gets caught and imprisoned like they always do and they have to fight their way to freedom in like a gladiatorial combat sort of thing. In the end katelyn unknowingly kills her brother because it's been so long and she doesn't recognize him. Kacey at the end thought his mother killed him because Katelyn looks so much like Elizabeth. Katelyn doesn't know she killed Kasey until weeks later
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whenuwishuponastar · 5 months
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I just crave protection for my ball of perfection <3
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[ID: a piece of digital art depicting Luz, Willow, Amity and Vee from the owl house at Luz's quinceñera. The piece takes place outside the owl house at night with the characters all dancing. Willow's dress is blue with yellow and pink flowers as decoration. Luz's outfit is based on the good witch azura with a white and purple colour scheme. Amity wears a pink dress shirt and a dark blue skirt with transparent fabric both on the skirt and acting as the sleeves. Vee wears a yellow dress with white trim on the bottom. Light glyphs float in the air, the dancefloor lights the scene from below, and Hooty extends across the background. End ID]
on today's episode of "pieces I put way too much work into realistically!". Since it's unlikely we'll get a quinceñera for Luz at this stage of the show, I wanted to draw a cute scene of it, which slowly turned into posing and lighting practice
(Small disclaimer: I'm not a part of a culture that does quinceñeras! I hope that there's no glaringly inaccurate details here. As far as I know there isn't hard and fast rules for the dresses or dance floor? so hopefully everything here is plausible. Feel free to let me know if there's any egregious errors here. There's some doodles under the cut that are slightly more detailed, so same goes for those)
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[ID: black and white digital doodles of owl house characters at Luz's quinceñera. The first doodle shows luz, Gus, Hunter and king, and is labeled "Gus, king & hunter = chambelands". The next shows willow, Vee, and Lilith with Luz and is labeled "Lilith, Willow and Vee = damas". There's a doodle of amity where's she's labeled "escort". There's a small full body doodle of Luz in a suit labeled "she gets a costume change!". The last doodle is Luz and hunter dancing together, labeled "Luz + hunter sibling dance". The background is purple. End ID]
#the owl house#toh#luz noceda#EDIT: I FORGOT THE FUCKING TAGS#willow park#amity blight#vee noceda#sigh. i won't tag anyone under the cut#lumity#okay that's good#feel like the id might not be up to scratch? if anyone has any suggestions I'll edit it!#same if the small text proves inaccessible#i know some screen readers pick it up and others don't but that no matter what it's hard for visually impaired people to read#if it proves troublesome i won't do it again#anyway in case you're wondering where eda is (bc realistically she should be here)- i like to think she'd get her own role in the ceremony?#not sure where though because I'm not sure which roles are/can be performed by family vs family friends vs a priest/professional#and thus i don't know what would be fitting for eda#i also know that father/daughter dances are traditional at quinceñeras and I've seen a few suggestions for who luz might dance with#since obviously her father's passed away#while the idea of dell (as her surrogate grampa) or one of her friends dads filling in is sweet#part of me thinks luz would go very non traditional and dance with eda? as a parent figure alternate to her mother?#i don't know if that's like. totally out of whack for a quinceñera/where the line between non-traditional and inaccurate is#since the tradition has obviously evolved a lot over the years and I'm just an outside observer#if anyone has hcs or suggestions feel free to let me know#(tho you'd probably prefer to discuss them with fans who have a bit more knowledge on the subject/are actually latino)#i should do more reading on this I'm just swamped rn (I. should really do some research for art class soon)#uhh i think that's everything i had to add??? yeah m#just reiterating the disclaimer uptop. please tell me if I've been silly or insensitive i do not want to be either
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send-me-a-puffalope · 6 months
Thinking about Vanessa and Cassidy being the Afton siblings (twins?) in the movies. Both loathing their father but can’t help but mirror his behavior.
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Vanessa threatening to shoot Mike when she’s terrified, Cassidy putting Abby in danger to lure his father back to the restaurant. To make themselves look bigger, they imitate the man that made them feel small through violence.
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skoulsons · 1 year
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Thinking about winter and their physical affection and now literally none of these happen under happy circumstances.
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blu3b1rd · 2 months
I have had this au on the mind again, obviously, so here's a piece. He's trying his best as a single father with a daughter who's had a 20 year rebellious phase.
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she takes after her dad very much in this au.
Also i shouldn't need to say it but this au presents these two as adopted family, so there is no shipping or whatever. And I will not tolerate any reblogs/comments that imply it.
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kuroshika · 7 months
oh my god what the fuck.
sorry, can’t let things die. more abigail hobbs posting. (sort of inspired by @bloodaria and their post this morning? it’s referenced at least)
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look at these three gifs. i know that the will and abigail one wasn’t actually real, but LOOK AT THE BODY LANGUAGE.
abigail is struggling against garret. she’s fighting for her life. she knew he was going to kill her. she had always known that. from the moment she had started helping her father target girls, from the moment she realized just how similar they were to her, she knew she was going to die. the way garret tries to cut her throat is quick and meant to finish the job quickly. despite being the one to kill her, garret didn’t want her to be in pain. he wanted her to go quickly.
the way will ‘kills’ her is the exact same way. he’s holding abigail the exact same way that garret was, down to pinning the same arm to her body and the way his cut is quick and broad - his arm swings the same way garret’s did, uninhibited by gunshots. will knew he was going to end up killing her and she wanted her to go the same way garret had wanted her to.
but hannibal’s method is completely different. his is slow, precise. methodical. he doesn’t restrain her and she doesn’t fight him off. he digs the blade in and he drags it across her scar - he doesn’t slit her throat, or go for any artery, he reopens the wound. it’s breaking the teacup that has come back together.
it’s slow because it’s a punishment. it’s not a mercy killing, it’s not getting rid of abigail so that the fbi don’t get to her. abigail didn’t think for a second that hannibal would kill her. she trusted him, more than she trusted her own father and more than will thought she trusted him. she handed him the knife to finish the job - the same way she had broken her tea cup when she had that drugged tea with hannibal, she’s breaking the teacup herself. just under hannibal’s influence.
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freshlybakedfandoms · 5 months
thinking abt an au where clarisse goes on the quest w/ percy bc of the whole "you will be betrayed by one who calls you friend" (he picks annabeth and clarisse bc he doesn't think he'd ever be friends with either of them) and has to confront her father when she finds out he stole the master bolt. hm.
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