anti-endo-haven · 1 month
anti endos will post anything about their system and proendos will rb it with "no gatekeeping!!! fuck anti endos xx" like actually jump. im not even anti harassment anymore because i know damn well these people would cry about boundaries and dni if an antiendo did that to them..
idk maybe i have problems or wtv but everyone whos like "being mean to people is never okay guys even if they do xyz" sound so self important imo. 😭 so theres no line someone cant cross before you snap? really??? i dont believe it. not directed at you or anyone specific i just really don't understand the culture of taking the moral high ground when the other person doesn't deserve it.
I don’t like harassing others because you never know what they’re going through. Yes, meeting your limits can be detrimental and cause a snap, we’ve gotten close to that before, but we always like to think that we can show that we have kindness in just not interacting with those that want to constantly harass others with different views.
Proendos/endos are always on a line with me, because there’s times where I don’t care, but there’s also times where I want to show that even the kindest response from an anti-endo will make them say that we are the ones “causing others to harm themselves.” No, endos and proendos are. How many endos have you seen in comments harassing systems? Harassing minors to make them believe that they’re something else when they are GENUINELY trying to find a community that helps them and are being roped into endo communities and can’t get out?
But harassing just makes us as low as them to me which is why I’m against it. Losing what I’ve made to stoop as low as them will be a failure on my part as I’m letting them win. I don’t see a point in causing a drama via reblogs to go haywire or comments to continuously try and pin blame on me when I have never once seen anyone try to harm themselves for what I’ve done.
It’s also silly to me that someone can say that when I do so much to help people avoid harming themselves or doing something with irreversible consequences.
Don’t stoop to the level that endos are. Wear your crown and wear it proud. Moral high ground or not, it’s about being able to not push them to have fuel for their unneeded flames.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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episode 8 time, this rewatch has made me realize the title cards' style don't actually alternate every episode. is there a pattern to them or what?
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starting off with nika and martin telling the rest of earth house about miorine starting gund-arm inc and lmfao at nuno just calling that shit out immediately. yeah her ulterior motive is being a giant lesbian
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honestly had kinda forgotten how averse to the idea of working for miorine the whole of earth house was at the beginning
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before the break up arc i thought this frame was going to be important for dealing with prospera especially when later on miorine is shown for being one to keep receipts (ie. the photo she took of the kids who threw the spraycan or whatever at martin's head). but nah i guess she was just recording everything prospera was gonna have to say about gundams etc
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i know prospera's priorities are hella skewed from her own trauma, but i honestly don't blame her for keeping this from suletta for as long as she did. no one on mercury needed to know about this and suletta wasnt in any danger while piloting aerial
i think if anything, it probably shouldve been information to be divulged to her prior to leaving to asticassia, but even then im not sure given suletta's personality early on. like she wouldnt have blabbed about it but it may have always just been more dangerous for her to have that knowledge
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musemetachi again and one of the most iconic prospera shots lmao
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and of course mio isn't buying any of this shit
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important points being made, but like... why didn't she just ask herself lol
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enter the shaddiq plot and it's kinda funny how suletta immediately pins the issue at hand here and why shaddiq is trying to pursue gund-arm. meanwhile miorine can't even fathom that being true
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kinda funny to have miorine of all people telling earth house to look on the bright side after they see how much money theyve got to work with. though i'm pretty sure this is just her early naivety
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miorine rembran, prospera mercury told you to check your privilege
i guess i don't really have much to say on earth house standing their ground against building weapons since lmao its objectively good and all the coming work with earth house allows miorine to not be so prickly and realize there are people out there who will be her genuine friends
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i wonder if by the end of the series guel even realized shaddiq was in love with miorine lol
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literally what even is sarius' deal against gundams
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well, he was right i guess
in rewatching this episode, its hard not to feel so frustrated with shaddiq. like sure, she was likely never going to return your feelings, but could you not have just said something instead of all this posturing and trying to play white knight lol
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something something suletta doesnt even hug her mom in greeting
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i don't think anyone at earth house could have even fathomed the idea that miorine would have found something for them to focus on besides weapons
man, i wish miorine and dr cardo could have met lol
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god this fucking promo video lmao
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i wonder if even if its a tiny miniscule amount, but if prospera holds any sort of respect for miorine choosing to have gund-arm inc focus on what the vanadis institute was originally doing. thats honestly something i wish we'd had gotten at all some point
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mio please
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as soon as suletta starts talking about how much fun shes having, mio just gets the softest look on her face and lays her head against suletta's back and gosh is it cute lmao that is a girl in love
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what did she mean by this lmao
i dont want to know what cheering someone up is code for for maisie
interesting scene set up with the grassley girls to have sabina be the one to speak out their plan if miorine doesnt go along with it easily as well as having maisie call out the fact that shaddiq wouldnt want to do something to hurt miorine (laughing at this latter point imagining all the grassley girls clowning on shaddiq for his thing for miorine)
the stakes are all slowly building up but it still isnt nowhere near 2nd cour stakes. not sure if i'll get to episode 9 today because thats another favorite and just like my episode 7 rewatch, it may end up being 2 posts lol
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gnometa233 · 10 months
Why do you say terfs dni when you've got a ton of their talking points?? Are you just trying to be sneaky in a really obvious way or what
1. Terf's fundamental beliefs are that trans women are men and trans men are women. Obviously, I don't believe that.
2. None of y'all actually know what terf is. Let's spell it out: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Am I trans exclusionary? Nope. You can see that right in my pinned post. Am I a radical feminist? Maybe some people would consider me to be one because I hold the belief that "women are fully fledged human beings with thoughts and dreams", but im actually pretty moderate.
3, the biggest one: A group I fundamentally hate and I can have similar opinions, but that doesn't mean I align with them.
Let's take "queer is a slur." A viewpoint myself and terfs share.
Terfs don't want you to call yourself queer. They hate it because it includes trans people and it's inherently progressive. This inherently harms trans people
I don't care if you call yourself queer. You do you! People find empowerment in different things. My issue with it is the fact that people try to enforce it on me when I express discomfort with it. This is my own personal opinion
In addition, I find that terfs and I agree on many feminist issues, but the problem is that the people they blame are not sustainable or inherently blame trans women. So it goes something like this
Terfs: no one is taking feminism seriously anymore!
Me: fully agree!
Terfs: it's all because of how trans women forced themselves into womanhood!
Me: HUH???
There is 0 correlation between trans women being the reason why feminism isn't talked about as much. Ironically, one of the factors of this IS BECAUSE people associate feminism with terfism, so people don't have any actual feministic talking points besides "women are equal to men." There are plenty of other reasons that other much smarter people have delved into, But terfs would rather blame the hypothetical boogeyman trans person than actually confront society
Here's the thing: groups you disagree with are gonna have goals in common with you. That's life. People you despise are gonna have similar ideologies to you. That's unavoidable. But that doesn't mean you inherently align with them
I actually made a post about this a little while that was similar to this. It was about criticizing shows with lgbtq+ elements, and saying that just because I hate a show, does not mean I should be lumped in with actual fucking bigots. But in short, it boiled down to this:
A bigot says "I don't want these two women to get together because I hate gay people, and i dont want kids to be taught to be gay."
I say "I don't want these two women to get together because their relationship is portrayed as toxic and I dont want kids to be taught that hitting and insulting your partner is romantic."
That is why you HAVE to do research on people's beliefs. You have to dig deeper and actually read about reasoning. Otherwise you're gonna alienate well meaning allies who have a different perspective.
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merwynsartblog · 5 months
Question. What do you mean by "I dealt with some shit online." I have been a little bit curious when i saw that in your pinned post. You do not need to tell if you do not want to.
Its fine dont worry lmao im just gonna warn you its a long ass ramble on what happened. there will be a tldr thing in the bottom since this is gonna be a biggg ass ramble. Tw for accusations on pedo/grooming + manipulation + mentions of the world war 2 causing guy
a lil insight on what happened before this shit happened. (this was on another website) there was a person (we gonna call them oliver tree fan) who was caught drawing nsfw of the ww2 causing guy on a alt acc with someone else. the person who caught them was actually a ex of mine (we gonna call them "M") M vented to me about it since the other person who was on the alt acc used to be a friend of M. I never liked oliver tree fan. they harrassed many of my friends and was just a shitty person in general. i called the oliver tree fan out since the website was pretty small and everything was silent for a lil bit. Then oliver tree fan started harassing M. ANDDDD OOOOO BOY that made me pissed. But i knew Oliver tree fan was trying to start shit so i ignored them and tried to help M. Then oliver tree fan decided to go to my acc later on and said "im gonna block ya now" i was very pissed since it didnt make sense to me and i vague posted about them THIS MADE OLIVER TREE FAN VERRYYYY ANGRY. so what did they do? they made a callout post randomly on me. Basically the callout post was about me being a groomer/predator and how weird it was for me to like characters from shows and how i was manipulative to my friends and i was dating a close friends partner and that i was faking my age bc i didnt look 16 (she had a face pic of mine </3 also yeah this was like. near 2 years ago) I did had faults. i did do stupid shit. im not gonna deny that. i dated a 10 year old when i was 14 i wasnt sexual but it was still fucking wrong. i have cut contact with them a long while ago but around a year ago i did apologize to them. that was a shitty thing to do. i did treated some of my friends very shitty. and i take full fucking blame for that. i apologized to them and we made up. but since. it was a small website. many people believed i was this shitty person and i deserved to go to jail and shit. i panicked to my friends and basically had a big old panic attack that night. oliver tree fan then decided "hey! ill delete the callout if you friend me on discord and talk to me" and i did just that. oliver tree fan basically made me BEG. to have the callout taken down. telling me i was in the wrong i didnt deserve shit. then asked me to delete callouts/screenshots. i did that and then they decided "hey now we friends :D". we also made a deal not to talk shit about eachother AND. not to M. (since around this time M lost someone VERY important in his life in a awful fucking way.) i felt so uncomfy and terrified but i couldnt talk back to them or else i was scared i would get "called out" again. i was added into groupchats that was dissing on my friends and alot of other shit. they kept talking shit to me. to my partner at the time and alot of others. they were very 2 faced and fucking awful to me and many others. i didnt get the worst of it and it was just.. vfnjcnjdcs god fucking awful. many people figured out Oliver tree fan was a shitty mother fucker. and if you see this oliver tree fan (bc i know you stalk me </3) fuck off. legit your a fucking awful person. made me fucking scared for my fucking life for at least 4 months. you made me feel like utter garbage. i really hope you get what you deserve. tldr: Oliver tree fan was a shitty person to me and M (partner at the time now they are a ex of mine) decided to call me out and call me a pedo/groomer manipulator and other shit when i called them out. many people believed Oliver tree fan. they manipulated me into deleting evidence. we made a deal not to talk shit about eachother. ofc they talked shit and treated M and others like shit. then people figured out Oliver tree fan was a shitty person.
hope this made sense
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littlemissfasd · 6 months
Unedited. (Also published on wattpad)
Florence had been arrested, technically she took the fall for her stupid friends who decided to play a game of armed robbery. They made her sign god knows how many files before they shoved her into a cell, the faint outline of a woman can be seen.
"What are you in here for.." the voice asks, i jump slightly as my back hits the wall.
"Scared the fuck out of me." I mumble.
"Sorry darlin' didn't mean to, so..you gonna answer my question?" She asks taking a step into the light. She had a scar cutting through one eyebrow, her hair was short but half of it was shoved into a bun. She has her name threaded into her jumpsuit 'Ellie williams'
"You first." I challenge, why are you doing this? She could kill me within seconds. I shake those thoughts away and clear my throat.
"Murder. Dont worry..she deserved it." My eyes widen a little, okay really shouldn't joke about her killing me anymore. The smile that was plastered on her face gave out an eerie feeling, like she wasnt even phased at what she had done. "Your turn." She says, this time theres a small smirk on her face.
"Uh armed robbery." I nod slowly, her eyes squint slightly almost saying she doesn't believe it. Cant say i blame her when im wearing a skirt and a low cut shirt.
"So..who'd you kill?" I ask without hesitation. She chuckles slightly before shrugging "someone who deserved it." I nod "Fair enough.." i look around the cell.
Not that there was much to look at, concrete walls, concrete floors, two metal bed frames with paper thin mattresses.
"So.." she starts taking a few steps towards me "you got a girlfriend?" I'm confused by the sudden question, not that my confusion stops me from answering it. Fucking blabbermouth.
"Uh..i dont know? I guess ive never tried." I admit, its true. I am not against the idea it's just i've never been with anyone properly.
"I could show you." She says in a quiet tone, i chuckle slightly. "Oh yeah? How would you do that?" I question.
She looks around, thinking for a second before answering. "I could pin you up against that wall and.." she trails off not finishing her sentence. "And what.." will you ever learn to shut up?!
"Kiss you.." she murmured taking a step towards me, her faces moves towards mine. I swear i can feel her breath on my face. "Why would you do that?" I ask, my eyes flicker slightly but i quickly stop that and focus on her eyes. "Because your pretty."
Was she flirting? Was she just trying to build a relationship so i wouldn't expect her to kill me? I mean i can see the knife hidden in her back pocket.
"So are you but you did just admit to killing someone."
Her fave turns cold as she takes a step back sitting on the end of the metal bed frame. Now you've done it. "What did you say?" She asks coldly. "I said..you told me that you killed someone.." i repeat. She smirks and nods "i mean she deserved it. Its just a little murder." She stood back up with that same sinister smile creeping back onto her face. She creeps towards me once more and i just watch her.
"So what did she do?" I ask, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! Shut up. She shrugs "its a secret. I will tell you though..i enjoyed every single moment of it."
No surprise there.
She smirked at my lack of reaction, bringing a joint to her lips and taking a few puffs of it. "Your are pretty though..wouldn't mind having some fun with you." She comments.
"Im assuming a little fun ends in me in a coffin?" I say, slightly amused.
"Who knows, who knows." Her hands travels up the side of my thigh, she giggles seeing my reaction. "So i have a fifty fifty chance to live or die." Her hand traces around my back finding its way under my shirt "That is very distracting." I whisper.
"I meant what i said..i wouldn't mind having some fun with you."
I roll my eyes "what are you doing ellie." I ask, blankly. She pushes me firmly against the wall, making sure I couldn't get away from her. "What? Are you going to kill me with the knife in your pocket?" I ask, a small smirk appearing on my face.
"Oh so you did see it." She says with almost a proud expression, i nod "im not blind."
"But you are dumb..challenging a murderer." She made a valid point but it wasn't as if i cared. She moved my long hair away from my neck, leaning in and attaching her lips to my skin. My head tilts to the side allowing her better access, i shouldn't do this. But she's so..addictive.
A small breathy moan leaves my mouth as her teeth nips my skin "oh so you do enjoy this." She says, placing the cold blade of the knife to my bare back "never said I didn't." I say, i shiver slightly at the cold but hold no other emotion.
"You play a dangerous game..i know exactly where to put this knife so that you wont make a sound" she says. In a cold tone, holding her serious face.
"So do it." I suggest. Her faces changes, to one i cant explain.
"You really do get off on this huh." Her laugh yet again cold and sinister. "Maybe i just have a knife kink." I say, she nods slowly taking my sentence into consideration.
"I mean maybe. That's definitely a possibility." Her free hand travels up, landing on my neck. "Your knife is considerably blunt, and the tip is damaged." I say, without a second thought. "Correct." Is all she says before slicing through the back of my bra. Her hand drops from my neck and pulls my shirt over my head, i dont try to stop her. My bra hangs by only the straps and she smiles at the sight "lets..remove this. Shall we.?" Using the knife, putting the blade carefully under the strap she pushes it down my arm on both sides.
"Pretty girl." She says kicking my bra across the floor. I shudder feeling the tip of the knife trail across my bare breast.
"You are so..easy." She mumbles. I chuckle "says the one who is literally undressing me." I comment.
"Good point." Her head drops, taking my nipple into her mouth forcing a low gasp to leave my mouth. "This is..wrong." I whisper "Yet you're not stopping me?" She challenges when she releases my nipple from her mouth.
"Look at this pretty skirt." She compliments, unzipping the front of it forcing it to fall to the floor, leaving me in my underwear "oh..you really are enjoying this." She smirks seeing the pool of liquid forming in my underwear. She drops the knife onto the floor, i flinch slightly at the loud noise, she drops to her knees. Kissing up my legs, parting them slightly so she can get to my inner thighs "please." I beg, my hair intertwining my fingers through her hair.
"Sh sh..patience my love." I roll my eyes at her response, her fingers pull my underwear down in a swift movement. Her finger slides through my soaked folds as she looks up at me with a smirk "How long before you kill me?" I ask, she looks amused by the question "i'd say..ten minutes." I swallow but nod "best make it the best 10 minutes of my life then aye?" She says nothing instead she forces two fingers deep inside me causing a loud gasp to leave my mouth.
"God you're so tight." She mumbles, moving her fingers at a slow pace "Ellie.." i moan, my grip on her hair tightens feeling her mouth take my clit inside.
"Oh my god!" I moan, slamming my hand over my mouth remembering inmates can hear us right now. She removes her mouth, grabbing my hand away from my hand "let me hear you, love." She says as an almost warning, i nod not being able to get my words out as her fingers continue to move at a fast pace.
She takes my clit back into her mouth, humming against me forcing vibrations through my body "fuck!" I yell, my hips unintentionally grinding against her face. My release hits hard and suddenly, she takes my juices into her mouth happily.
"Good girl. One more for me." I don't even process what she says before the pace of her fingers continue "oh el~" my eyes roll into the back of my head as her fingers curl inside me, hitting that one spot "im~ im close." I whimper, she nods simply adding her thumb to my clit "oh- to..too much." I pant, she clearly doesn't care and continues to pleasure me. "Fuck! Ellie please" i beg, im not sure what im begging for. Liquid seeps from me down her fingers as a smirk crawls onto her fave as she places her fingers into her mouth.
With her free hand she guides me to her bed, i know whats coming. I cant fight her.
"Times up, pretty girl."
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Man... this kintype is faint so i dont really feel it or talk about it much, but sometimes when i go to read fics and i see those dumb fuckin crossover aus where we get thrown at the Rise bros and they "teach us" how to love eachother, it makes my blood fucking boil.
Especially when they try to pin all the blame on ME for being a little too rough around the edges. You dont fucking know me, and you dont fucking know my brothers--and even if you DID, nobody's having fucking. perfect la-dee-da therapy talks with their family 24/7! Im SOOOO sorry for batting Mikey up the head a few times and not using ~nice words~ while trying to keep donnie on task and telling leo whenever hes being a fucking idiot, i was a little busy TRYING TO MAKE SURE WE WEREN'T GONNA GET OURSELVES KILLED.
And its so fucking rich of these writers to say that the Rise bros are gonna be the ones to teach us how to be gentler with eachother--like they dont have Significantly worse issues than we ever did when you analyse the show blow-by-blow. Yall just didnt notice because it was played for laughs and (admittedly dope) animation.
Like seriously. My family is NOT about to take pointers from the group that 1.) Does not actually know how to consciously, competently work together half the time (it was blind luck for yall 90% of the time and you know it), 2.) Has THAT version of donnie (no offense to the most recent guy, sorry, you didnt do anything, youre cool, this is 100% just a poorly timed coincidence), and 3.) Has THAT version of /me/ (again, no offense to any out there, in some aspects i do admire you, but the fucking entering a berserker state because you were left alone for too long is. Kind of fucking wild!!! Like when you take it seriously, that shit is. WOW). One of yall literally said yourselves, "sometimes we feel more like room mates than brothers", right? My family never even thought to say that shit as a joke--i dunno about you, but i think that says a Lot.
I dont know. Sorry if this comes off too aggressive (lmfaooooooo), this isnt actually targeted at any of the people who are kin with them, yall are great, i actually do like rottmnt a lot as a show--its just... god the newer fans are fuckin irritating sometimes.
Itd be one thing if they acknowledged that all the generations of us are a little messed up, and progressively getting worse, but it feels like there is just nothing but pure vitriol bashingtargeted at 2k12 tmnt lately. Me and my brothers may not have been perfect, but dont fucking turn around and act like the rottmnt guys are any better. Just say you like them more because theyre prettier and more palatable and fuck off.
-- (2k12) Hamato Raphael
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1. Listen guys, not everyone will like you and you also cant like everyone, thats how it is, I also dont like MK but i have no real reason for it, just as i dont like Darren or Marriah, they dont have to be bad people for me to not like them and it doesnt mean im a bad person. But we should all respect each other no matter what.
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1. is great take. And literally they’re coming right to the end of the campaign and just exceeded their goal, those are obvious reasons from some dropped pledges, hell maybe someone accidentally pledged $1000 when they meant to do $100 I don’t fucking know 😂 It’s actually laughable trying to pin the blame for that on me
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jayyadelaidee · 4 months
Unedited 🤺
Florence had been arrested, technically she took the fall for her stupid friends who decided to play a game of armed robbery. They made her sign god knows how many files before they shoved her into a cell, the faint outline of a woman can be seen.
"What are you in here for.." the voice asks, i jump slightly as my back hits the wall.
"Scared the fuck out of me." I mumble.
"Sorry darlin' didn't mean to, so..you gonna answer my question?" She asks taking a step into the light. She had a scar cutting through one eyebrow, her hair was short but half of it was shoved into a bun. She has her name threaded into her jumpsuit ‘Savannah Blake'
"You first." I challenge, why are you doing this? She could kill me within seconds. I shake those thoughts away and clear my throat.
"Murder. Dont worry..she deserved it." My eyes widen a little, okay really shouldn't joke about her killing me anymore. The smile that was plastered on her face gave out an eerie feeling, like she wasnt even phased at what she had done. "Your turn." She says, this time theres a small smirk on her face.
"Uh armed robbery." I nod slowly, her eyes squint slightly almost saying she doesn't believe it. Cant say i blame her when im wearing a skirt and a low cut shirt.
"So..who'd you kill?" I ask without hesitation. She chuckles slightly before shrugging "someone who deserved it." I nod "Fair enough.." i look around the cell.
Not that there was much to look at, concrete walls, concrete floors, two metal bed frames with paper thin mattresses.
"So.." she starts taking a few steps towards me "you got a girlfriend?" I'm confused by the sudden question, not that my confusion stops me from answering it. Fucking blabbermouth.
"Uh..i dont know? I guess ive never tried." I admit, its true. I am not against the idea it's just i've never been with anyone properly.
"I could show you." She says in a quiet tone, i chuckle slightly. "Oh yeah? How would you do that?" I question.
She looks around, thinking for a second before answering. "I could pin you up against that wall and.." she trails off not finishing her sentence. "And what.." will you ever learn to shut up?!
"Kiss you.." she murmured taking a step towards me, her faces moves towards mine. I swear i can feel her breath on my face. "Why would you do that?" I ask, my eyes flicker slightly but i quickly stop that and focus on her eyes. "Because you’re pretty."
Was she flirting? Was she just trying to build a relationship so i wouldn't expect her to kill me? I mean i can see the knife hidden in her back pocket.
"So are you but you did just admit to killing someone."
Her fave turns cold as she takes a step back sitting on the end of the metal bed frame. Now you've done it. "What did you say?" She asks coldly. "I said..you told me that you killed someone.." i repeat. She smirks and nods "i mean she deserved it. Its just a little murder." She stood back up with that same sinister smile creeping back onto her face. She creeps towards me once more and i just watch her.
"So what did she do?" I ask, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! Shut up. She shrugs "its a secret. I will tell you though..i enjoyed every single moment of it."
No surprise there.
She smirked at my lack of reaction, bringing a joint to her lips and taking a few puffs of it. "Your are pretty though..wouldn't mind having some fun with you." She comments.
"Im assuming a little fun ends in me in a coffin?" I say, slightly amused.
"Who knows, who knows." Her hands travels up the side of my thigh, she giggles seeing my reaction. "So i have a fifty fifty chance to live or die." Her hand traces around my back finding its way under my shirt "That is very distracting." I whisper.
"I meant what i said..i wouldn't mind having some fun with you."
I roll my eyes "what are you doing?" I ask, blankly. She pushes me firmly against the wall, making sure I couldn't get away from her. "What? Are you going to kill me with the knife in your pocket?" I ask, a small smirk appearing on my face.
"Oh so you did see it." She says with almost a proud expression, i nod "im not blind."
"But you are dumb..challenging a murderer." She made a valid point but it wasn't as if i cared. She moved my long hair away from my neck, leaning in and attaching her lips to my skin. My head tilts to the side allowing her better access, i shouldn't do this. But she's so..addictive.
A small breathy moan leaves my mouth as her teeth nips my skin "oh so you do enjoy this." She says, placing the cold blade of the knife to my bare back "never said I didn't." I say, i shiver slightly at the cold but hold no other emotion.
"You play a dangerous game..i know exactly where to put this knife so that you wont make a sound" she says. In a cold tone, holding her serious face.
"So do it." I suggest. Her faces changes, to one i cant explain.
"You really do get off on this huh." Her laugh yet again cold and sinister. "Maybe i just have a knife kink." I say, she nods slowly taking my sentence into consideration.
"I mean maybe. That's definitely a possibility." Her free hand travels up, landing on my neck. "Your knife is considerably blunt, and the tip is damaged." I say, without a second thought. "Correct." Is all she says before slicing through the back of my bra. Her hand drops from my neck and pulls my shirt over my head, i dont try to stop her. My bra hangs by only the straps and she smiles at the sight "lets..remove this. Shall we.?" Using the knife, putting the blade carefully under the strap she pushes it down my arm on both sides.
"Pretty girl." She says kicking my bra across the floor. I shudder feeling the tip of the knife trail across my bare breast.
"You are so..easy." She mumbles. I chuckle "says the one who is literally undressing me." I comment.
"Good point." Her head drops, taking my nipple into her mouth forcing a low gasp to leave my mouth. "This is..wrong." I whisper "Yet you're not stopping me?" She challenges when she releases my nipple from her mouth.
"Look at this pretty skirt." She compliments, unzipping the front of it forcing it to fall to the floor, leaving me in my underwear "oh..you really are enjoying this." She smirks seeing the pool of liquid forming in my underwear. She drops the knife onto the floor, i flinch slightly at the loud noise, she drops to her knees. Kissing up my legs, parting them slightly so she can get to my inner thighs "please." I beg, my fingers wrapping around a strand of her hair.
"Sh sh..patience my love." I roll my eyes at her response, her fingers pull my underwear down in a swift movement. Her finger slides through my soaked folds as she looks up at me with a smirk "How long before you kill me?" I ask, she looks amused by the question "i'd say..ten minutes." I swallow but nod "best make it the best 10 minutes of my life then aye?" She says nothing instead she forces two fingers deep inside me causing a loud gasp to leave my mouth.
"God you're so tight." She mumbles, moving her fingers at a slow pace "Fuck.." i moan, my grip on her hair tightens feeling her mouth latch against my clit.
"Oh my god!" I moan, slamming my hand over my mouth remembering inmates can hear us right now. She removes her mouth, grabbing my hand away from my hand "let me hear you, love." She says as an almost warning, i nod not being able to get my words out as her fingers continue to move at a fast pace.
She takes my clit back into her mouth, humming against me forcing vibrations through my body "fuck!" I yell, my hips unintentionally grinding against her face. My release hits hard and suddenly, she takes my juices into her mouth happily.
"Good girl. One more for me." I don't even process what she says  before the pace of her fingers continue "oh fu~" my eyes roll into the back of my head as her fingers curl inside me, hitting that one spot "im~ im close." I whimper, she nods simply adding her thumb to my clit "oh- to..too much." I pant, she clearly doesn't care and continues to pleasure me. "Fuck! please" i beg, im not sure what im begging for. Liquid seeps from me down her fingers as a smirk crawls onto her fave as she places her fingers into her mouth.
With her free hand she guides me to her bed, i know whats coming. I cant fight her.
"Times up, pretty girl."
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themadvigilantist · 2 years
just a thought...
yall mean to tell me thor's crush on valkyrie because she was a valkyrie and valkyrie constantly going in your face - im not into you romantically thor, im into hulk and alcohol. we can be platonic friends and hey thanks for making me king of new asgard bestie - was supposed to translate as "omg THOR X VALKYRIE IS GONNA BE IN THE NEXT ONE AS A COUPLE" because i rewatched thor ragnarok by myself and i still didn't come to that conclusion.
and yall mad that it went to 'sassy black friend stereotype' again instead of interacial [specifically yt main x poc] dating because of ????
i mean, she wasn't sassy, she was thank fucking christ sober for the most part but other than that, i expected at least jane and valkyrie but then again disney and marvel changing it because they are known as both anti-lgbt and have a glaringly obvious past with their racism that still is bleeding through to this day - disney looked at thor: ragnarok and looked at taika and tessa and straight up just went
Disney: 'dont fucking bring jeff goldblum back we hated it. that lil plot b shift towards a comedic murder-y klutz loki to nearing-valkyrie vs hela centric? dont fucking do that either. keep loki dead, keep valkyrie to the sidebar as she should be. bring jane, reference cancer but dont bring back darcy because ppl really liked thor and darcy and her going mew mew, no. and we wont tell you how the vfx suffered for korg because of our shit working conditions to these artists so you can look like assholes for laughing because we hate communication that requires us to realize our own decisions in trying to rush art only harmed us because kids are disinterested in our stuff due to behind the scenes in our studios because kids and most of the adults arent falling in line for our distraction tactics no more due to our homophobia and microaggresive-macroaggresive racism-colorism.'
and knowing that disney owns fox and fx (where what we do in the shadows is shown) really solidifies that taika/writers accomodated to disneys crap demands in his thor films in order to keep one or two of his shows running on one of their networks.
like you can say this isnt true and lean heavily on blaming taika but, alex hirsch really exposed them for doing exactly this on his own show and trying to absolve a megalomanic company for having that much reach is such a massive blind oversight that makes matt murdock being able to see disney's bias in technicolor in comparison to that choice of blame the writers and only blame disney for the vfx opinion. when you should be blaming disney for all of it. all the things you hate about the treatment of loki (the show AND THE CHARACTER) - disney chose that. the whole treatment of black/poc characters treated a ["quirk"] best friend filler to a yt character(s) - disney chose that. that little MINISCULE lgbt rep in korg's parents, america chavez enamel pin and her parents, lefou dancing with the guy that enjoyed the dress the wardrobe gave him in beauty and the beast, loki's uh... 'coming out' and valkyrie's flashback that are all just... what 15 seconds in total? - disney chose that.
there was never 'oh xyz slipped that by them' disney saw it and shoved it to near obscurity that rivaled the power set of the silence from doctor who.
in the words of schoymoho's stranger things remix of eddie munson played by joseph quinn:
chrissy wake up. i dont like this. time to wake up.
unrelated but related: i know why they trying this because tatiana maslany is a known advocate for lgbt, women, trans, and poc rights, a well-known protester against those that refuse to give those human rights - but also is known in orphan black AND HORROR FILMS - so seeing her standing outside their house like [a goddamn weeping angel or michael myers in the backyard equipped with a motion-sensored security light] welding some blunt instrument that you hope isnt a projectile weapon in rollerblades would terrify anyone. and if they fixed the vfx for she hulk, it would just confirm they are drop dead terrified she'd arrive in their home bulk as all hell and had to forced vfx artists to slim cgi she hulk down quickly and give her that jessica rabbit hair to calm their nerves.
tell me im wrong on that last one. pls.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
It just always feels so good and overwhelming to have fat cock inside of your tiny pussy 🥺
Also ilysm <33 hry ?
KITTEN! how are youuu~? i’m doing just fine, thank you for asking ^^
also... wish i could relate but do i get dick? no, none. ASHAHSHSA
OK QUICK REACTION (aka cherry word vomits) LEGO
warnings; dom!skz x gn!reader, dacryphilia, explicit sexual scenes, slight impact play, moaning, sex (well no fucking shit), orgasm,,, uh what more,,
before starting lemme just say this; as a collective THEY LOVE IT, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM LOVES IT but sure... some more than others 
nah mate you got him whipped 
just imagine holding him close and rubbing your face against his muscles while he’s just going at it OH LORD-
he already likes being in control
and when you show that you are weak in the presence of this dominant aura it just boosts that aura tenfolds.
i dont think he’d go as far as to see you cry but like tear up yk?
your toes curling as you try to move away from his touch, him already beginning on your fourth orgasm that night
you try to hold on to anything which is most likely his broad shoulders (oop drooling a bit)
which he does... a lot 
but he would always ask if you felt comfortable and would remind you to use the safeword because caring dom shit 
whine his name and BYE- he cums
would ask you to say it louder
“let everyone hear how good im making my baby feel”
SKSKASK all of you guys are going to say that i’m stereotyping minho
he likes it to a certain extent
if you belong to the more extremely squirmy people chances are he would get kinda annoyed having to hold you down LMAO
nononono honey... this man is corruption kink in human form
crying >>>>> moaning
he’d be all cocky about it
“only i can make you feel like that baby?” 
he has a whole ass folder on his phone that’s just pictures of you being completely wrecked 
he uses them to jerk off 110%
it can really be any kind of pictures but his favorite is the one where you have both cum and tears running down your face
somebody take the internet away from me 
awh binnie baby likes it v v much 
it let’s him know how much you are enjoying it which is more important then getting his own pleasure
oof service top binnie?? ok stop cherry dont LMAO
weak for your whining 100%
especially if it’s all like,, high pitched and cute I CANT-
ngl it gets him even hornier 
you’re feeding his horny monster by holding onto him, scratching his back and leaving all kinds of marks. 
just gonna say it; he likes seeing you desperate
“binnie~ i need you inside of m-me..”
say that and HE A GONER
BECAUSE HE LIKES SEEING OTHERS WANT HIM (i know all your secrets dont even try to hide it you smug hot mf)
because of his buff arms he would have no problem pinning you down if you squirmed around too much 
his sturdy arms in contrast with your quivering body OH GAWD
“you want me? beg then” 
and you can’t simply ask 
you need to whine it
just desperate ;)))
the whole fucking rubbing your face and hair against him; in love
it doesnt even have to be against him
against the bed or against a pillow is enough to keep him going
your hair all disheveled when you look at him :((
“do i fuck you that good, baby?” he cooed at you, your head burried in a multitude of pillows. you nod, your hair in your face as your whole body jerks forward from his powerful thrust
we all know that this boy is vocal 
so you would have to be EVEN LOUDER to get him off
which you were
god you know the dance lives??
when he’s all sweaty and is heaving for air?
head empty. only that
yeah... he would like a clingy s/o
because then he can go around and be proud of himself that he made you cry in bed LMAO
he wouldnt tell it to anyone, seeing it more as a personal achievement HASHASH
a sucker of you being squirmy
gives him more reason to use force when pinning you down 
showing himself off a lil...
blushing mess if you compliment him on his muscles tho... 
you know that video where felix bites a banana with the peel still on and jisung goes all “SPIT IT OUT YOU FUCK” 
yeah thats what happens when you start crying from how hard he’s going
he thinks he fucked up real bad
no dude you just hitting it too good (HASHASH bye im yeeting myself off a cliff)
crying in bed makes him scared but do you know what really gets him?
he loves how they go from small murmurs to full out long whines that are all uneven
some incoherent words mixed into them together with his name
he also loves how they sound mixed with his moans and growls
i feel like he’s very moved by sound
the mf that would record your moans no cap
i feel like he would be the one to rub his head against you??
yk missonary (wow cherry has nothing else to come with LMAO) he drops his head when he’s close to cumming, shaking his head slightly against your shoulder, his soft hair tickling you
he would be the one tearing up when he’s close
BECAUSE you feel too good wrapped around his aching dick :((
can we really blame him? 
he loves it
more than he should
all of it; the crying, the rubbing against him, the whining, the hair in your face LIkE OOF
why? because it gives him a sense of being in control 
he has you under his control which IS RARE FOR HIM
OK he subs for you a lot and then he does the same thing, probably even more than you do
yk the whole rubbing his hair against your chest as he’s whining at the top of his lungs
which is perfect because then its a give and take situation
happy sexy times
where the both of you are enjoying it waaay to much
imagine him pounding you in missionary right.... and both of you cry!?!?!
two overwhelmed babies :(((
Puppyboy is all for it 
let me just say,,, he has a corruption kink SAHSSAHS 
“cherry he’s so neat and tidy, how could he possibly have a corruption kink?”
but god forbid nighttime because then you are nothing but a drooling and crying mess, holding onto him for dear life as he mercilessly pounds into you 
i swear this dude is all about drastic changes like duality is in his DNA
and i feel like he likes people that have that same charm??!?
you’re riding him, tired and fucked out of your mind, eventually leaning down to his chest and nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, crying from overstimulation
AND THIS MF lifts you up slightly and starts thrusting up into you 
thats it. 
i love him AHSHASH
it would take a while for him to get used to you crying in bed 
first time it happened he got scared, stopped and hugged you, apologizing like a thousand times
you all like “...it was just getting good?”
he doesn’t understand shit at first???
“b-but why are you crying then? tell me the truth y/n”
“but i am?” 
after you explained that it just happens to you he’d nod and continue
after a while... he starts liking it
and if you one time don’t cry he’d be confused again, this time saying;
“did you not l-like it?” 
“dork, of course i did” you say ruffling his hair and he feels relieved hearing you say that 
ah cutie :(((
ALSO the whining and the squirming; total sucker for that LMAO 
OK IMMA SLEEP NOW holy shit my back is scoliosis central rn and im so damn nervous for my exam tomorrow AAAAAAH fuck fuck fuck 
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yaomomvs · 3 years
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seijoh x manager!reader
in which aoba johsai vbc just wants you to take their hand, just as the many times they have reached for yours when they needed it
pls i’m sorry i just wrote this for comfort, in having a terrible week and so, i just really need my seijoh boys to comfort me even if it’s just in my head and just so you know, and as i’ve been trying to convince myself, things always get better
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tuesday, [15:56 pm]
“nice kill yahaba senpai!” kindaichi congratulates his upperclassman.
his voice makes you react, it scared you. still holding your pen and the notebook you always carry around even on normal practice days, your hand threatens you in the most scary way possible.
fuck no, just... breathe.
you are quick to leave aside the notes, and so, you look around to the boys, who just after the coach’s whistle sounds they are quick to approach your spot.
you take the water bottles as quickly as you can.
“oh y/n-san, i know we are irresistible but you can’t just slack off admiring us!” makki teases you laughing.
“if our dear manager is admiring someone is obviously me” oikawa says, before taking a sip of his bottle, slightly making you blush even more.
“i don’t think she likes idiots who still watch youtube conspiracy videos at 3am”
“weren’t you the one with a secret obsession for romance manga, iwaizumi?” it’s mattsun time to expose his friend. iwai mi doesn’t hesitate and he runs directly to matsukawa, while kunimi brings out his phone to start recording the chaos in the gym.
you don’t listen.
your head hurts, and then, you once again feel this weird thing in you stomach. you have been feeling like this for the past week, and you try to ignore it . but sometimes, you just want the world to stop.
you can’-
“y/n senpai?” watari calls your name, and you notice his furrowed brows looking at you, worried. you blink and correct your posture. you had just zooned out. “is everything ok?”
“ah yes watari kun!” you force your self to sound relaxed because you feel the sudden gaze of the entire team “i was just thinking in a smart way to insult oikawa, but i’m worried he won’t understand tho”
“hey! you said i was your favorite”
you fake laugh once again assuring everyone that you were just fine. the day goes on, and somehow is becomes more difficult to just stay down not worrying about anything.
and they notice.
you don’t walk home with the guys today. instead you run to the bus not before excusing yourself with an ‘urgent family thing’
“just please don’t let makki eat so much ramen today!” you giggle as you run to the bus “i’m not in the mood to dealing with diarrea!”
“that was a secret between us darling!” the pink haired guy screams cheeks blushing.
and maybe you were just too distracted, but before you face them away some of them notice how quick your smile fades.
“you know guys” yahaba is quick to say “call me crazy but, why did she lie?”
wednesday, [10:22 am]
when was the last time you actually enjoyed school? not practice, but school itself. seeing numbers everyday in the board that you don’t understand is frustrating. your throat hurts, there’s has been a not there since the begging of the day.
swallow it, y/n, dammit
you decided to take this class, don’t blame the world, blame yourself. isn’t it supposed to be simple? why isn’t it being simple? is that... 
"Square root of 57 is equal to Xo, miss" 
it is not like it’s a race, you want to say. why was the teacher obsessed with speed?, it’s unfair. your time is not the same as that of others. 
you drop the pencil and you recline in your chair, why couldn’t you do operations and analysis as fast as they could? you take a look around and the eyes of others look frightening. you see ambition, you see security, you see admiration.
the bell rings and you just want to run, and well in a way you end up doing it. leaving your homeroom, you tell your friends that for today you want to be alone, the halls of aoba johsai are big, for your fortune or misfortune. you go to the vending machine and when your drink falls, the minimum noise makes you startle, lately it’s like that, small noises or actions affect you way too much.
and iwaizumi notices it.
you don’t make a single move, it’s just the cold drink resting on your hands. and before iwaizumi could stop mattsun, he was already putting his hand on your shoulder.
the orange juice spills and once again fear takes hold of you.
you see them both, you’re not stupid and you know hajime stares at you weirdly, and now mattsun, you hide your fear it a bit worse than yesterday, but you do anyways.
"someday, Matsukawa-san, YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ME! and what will you do without me?" you try to say cheerful, wanting to take away the suspicion, for a moment it works.
"flunk history, that leads me to..." 
"no, sweeheart, i won’t give you my homework" 
you walk and both guys follow you, one faster than another, very naive of the situation. "I begin to believe you hate me," says Mattsun, as the three sit on a bench near the school cafeteria casually encountering kunimi who quickly joins you, patting the folds of your skirt as you sit down, you rest on the table and admire his needy expression and as the tantrum of mattsun grows.
minutes go by, your chest pain grows, but somehow you know how to let it go.
 with your hands supporting your face, lunch passes between you and kunimi, you try to talk, you really try. 
but still, your eyes just glow, and kunimi notices how it’s not the glow you always have.
thursday [12:03]
your head is spinning, you can feel the cold sweat. will this be the time? why do you feel so small? why can’t you say it?
it’s familiar, you recognize this feeling, an ocean, you’re floating, you know you can swim, but, you’re in the middle of nowhere, you look down. Out of nowhere the intimidating depth of the ocean is beneath you. And then, you sink. You feel like you’re drowning, you feel like you’re fighting the tide, but you just can’t do it.
i just need...
no, it’s not time yet, it’s still training. the boys... you’re the one who should take care of them, you’re the one who has to be be fine. they had no time to lose, they had a goal and for the moment that was the most important thing.
On that bench, your gaze is absent, you know it is so.
and through the window that overlooks your classroom, oikawa notices it too
“y/n...” he mumbled.
of course he’d noticed. at first it was not so clear, but now he remembers.
when kindaichi pinned your dark circles to him, while admiring you by fitting volleyballs in a way not of your own.
makki watches oikawa from your side, you don’t even know the pink-haired guy is there, unaware that he’s sitting next to you. but he notices. he’s been noticing for days that your eyes are threatening to close in the middle of class.
hanamaki catches your attention and instantly that mask you’ve been wearing for weeks appears again.
"hanamaki, i’m fine"
it doesn’t convince them. they both look out the window and nod.
oikawa notices, and god, he wished he had no reason to.
friday [14:00 pm]
please just... breathe.
you’re fed up. the feeling of guilt and discomfort is still there, can’t you be calm? people don’t need to know, but why do you want to shout it?
the dressing room is alone, the girls from the soccer team are out and it’s your only chance.
the team needs you, hold on a little.
your footsteps are heard in the hallway once again, a symphony you’re tired of listening to.
your chest hurts, your heart is aching, but you just need a little more. hands are shaking, the cold in your body, you need to stop.
you have to make them stop.
but when you walk into the gym, even with your eyes down, all you feel is warm. and it’s because, the boys were standing, aligned begging for you.
no, they beg for your sake.
and everything stops.
one hand from him on your neck, and one hand around your shoulders.
because oikawa, without warning, now has you in his arms.
and then, only then, you break.
tears don’t take long to come out, along with desperate sobs. your legs fail and out of nowhere, you and oikawa are on your knees.
with an alarmed look, the whole club runs towards both, surrounding you as sensibly as possible.
"i’m sorry, i’m sorry I’M SORRY" is heard from you, between hiccups.
“love, listen...” iwaizumi approaches you,somehow he managed to catch up with you, somehow he managed to hold your hand.
"i promise i didn’t want to, but i can’t, i can’t anymore, why can’t i? i try and i try and i keep trying but it’s never enough! IM TIRED OF SEEING SOMETHING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO PROCESS IT LIKE THE OTHERS. I’M TIREDD OF NEVER FULFILLING WHAT I SHOULD”
yahaba’s heart aches, and just as most of the team, is shocked.
your hands, oh your adorable hands, those hands that bandage his in the middle of an important game, he sees them shaking horribly between iwaizumi’s.
watari is quick to place your hair gently behind your ear, a kunimi covers you with his jacket.
“I LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND I DONT RECOGNIZE MYSELF” you lower your voice, its cracked now “oikawa I don’t recognize myself, I want to be me again" you whisper, and a knot appears in the captain’s throat, and he puts a hand on your cheek "please... just let me be me again" your throat burns, your eyes get redder.
the gym goes silent, your words still echoing in everyone’s head.
“why didn’t you-“
“i just couldn’t” you blame yourself cutting oikawa off “look at us! we are waisting time on me when we should be- i’m the one who has to- im you support not-“
“hey hey, love...” iwaizumi whispers his voice is filled with sweetness, letting you sit correctly and softly rubbing his thumb in your hands “how many times have you been there for us? y/n your hand is always there”
“that’s true” kyotani says, finally saying something, emotions overwhelmed him a lot, but he genuinely wanted to help you.
“there’s something about you, there’s light” kindaichi follows up.
“no matter where, or how bad we are, somehow you always are helping us stand up” mattsun also tries to carefully approach you, he wants nothing more for you to feel safe.
and oikawa’s arms were still around you. he never stopped.
“we have reached your hand so many times, so now it’s time for you to please take ours” oikawa holds you face, and you see the sincerity and kindness behind his brown eyes, it feels like home.
mattsun does a sign asking the coach for a day off, both of them smile tenderly at you and give the green flag. iwa and makki are next to hold you carefully helping you stand up. they help you stop shaking but it’s mad dog the one who wipes your tears away with a tissue watari handled him. still not knowing if he did it the right way. you still feel kunimi’s scent. you still see kindaichi holding your school bag making sure nothing is missing. yahaba is the one bringing you water. and oikawa still refuses to let you go.
all of them feel like home.
“thank you”
and that’s how you know everything is going to feel fine.
because this club was yours and you were theirs.
this was home.
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maschotch · 2 years
which team member do you think would make the most intriguing unsub?
you are simultaneously my favorite anon for asking this question and also my least favorite for forcing me to choose
ok but genuinely i dont want to discount someone just because i can easily imagine someone else as an unsub.. like hotch and elle i’ve thought about so much but maybe some of the others would be cool too. SO im gonna be annoying and not answer your question askjdhga im gonna write up the basics on how i would see them all as unsubs and if you want you can ask for more detail
emily i think is almost as close as elle and hotch are to slipping into unsub territory. but unlike their mental breaks, emily would do it for funsies. she fits into doyle’s world so easily, and although being an arms dealer isn’t exactly exciting enough for her, she’d definitely be in similar circles. high class international muscle. too versatile to be an assassin and caring too little to be a hitman, she has a finger in every pie and is capable of manipulating all ranges of people. she works to further her own self interest, whatever that happens to be at the time, and her fluctuating desires makes her unpredictable to law enforcement and fellow criminals who may try to subdue her. she can’t be pinned down
i think reid would be constantly oscillating between calculated and impulsive. no doubt he’d be one of the hardest to catch, if only because, when he puts his mind to it, he’s capable of concealing a crime almost perfectly. he knows better than to reveal an obvious pattern with his victims so he typically chooses people randomly, or people who make easy targets. he’s meticulous and thoughtful, but i dont think he has the control that some of the others have. he may not admit his inability to repress his compulsions, but the combination of morbid fascination and captivating delusions lead him to be more erratic and juvenile than he believes.
morgan would be a vigilante unsub, but he wouldn’t let it overwhelm him the way some of the others might. he may even continue working at the bau, discreetly eliminating and disposing child abusers on the side. he doesn’t let anything show on the outside: he has no guilty conscience to worry about and he’s used to keeping aspects of his life hidden from the others anyway. alternatively he could quietly resign from the fbi and take up some other job that allows him the freedom to continue his true work. it never becomes an obsession or an uncontrollable urge. he has complete composure because he really just views it as taske to be fulfilled. no more than that.
jj i think would be more along the lines of typical unsubs we’ve seen before. some combination of the “in heat” guy (killing because she craves the freedom her victims have) or the “fate lady (killing because she’s jealous or blames them for something). she’s repressing so much of who she is for so long that she just snaps. she would be surprisingly vicious, but remorseful after every murder. she tries to keep it together at first and continue her life normally, as if she didn’t have these frenzied episodes, but she slowly devolves over time until she’s either caught or makes it all the way to a spree.
is it boring if i just say rossi would be a mob boss? i think he’d do well in the world of organized crime and he already has the connections (and the money) to succeed rapidly. we know he’s had ties in the past. i’m sure he’d find a way to get back in the game if he ever decides that life has gotten too boring.
i want someone to fuck gideon up i want hannibal lector to come and twist this man’s already distorted psyche and turn him into a killing machine. not a machine: an artist. his mental state is already pretty fragile, i’m sure it wouldn’t take much to manipulate him into committing monstrous acts. he’d be consumed by guilt the whole time, but may still marvel in the beauty that can come from breaking open a ribcage and spreading the organs out like wings.
elle would be another vigilante unsub. i think it would start slow, right after leaving the bau. she happens to encounter a survivor or the grieving family of a victim and have all those memories and anger come flooding back… how easy it was to just kill lloyd and how good it felt… after killing the first one post bau and seeing how grateful the survivor/family was, she’s now completely convinced that she’s doing the right thing. she uses their suffering to fuel her fury and continues standing up for those who cant fight for themselves. to her it’s justice, and there’s no convincing her otherwise
hotch would also be a vigilante unsub, but while elle uses her connection with the people who’ve been hurt, hotch uses his hatred for those he thinks deserves punishment. this is a guy who’s been controlling himself his whole life, carefully maintaining his temper and only occasionally letting that darkness shine through. so when he releases the dam, years of pent up rage results in violent, brutal kills. unlike elle, who kills as she happens to come across, hotch actively seeks out his victims—not dissimilar to the job he has now. he jumps around from city to city following killers and executing them ruthlessly before moving onto the next. his warped sense of justice and years of self-discipline making him ruthless, relentless, and remorseless.
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
Hello omegeee I'm so happy when I found your request open T____T. Can I request for Chuuya x female s/o fic angst to fluff or slight/implied nfsw in the end(if its okay to you , if not it fine hihi) where S/o is a civilian and got hostage, hurt, or kidnap what ever u like and then chuuya found out and gone rage mode and save her after that he tells her that he blame himself for getting her in trouble or hurt. Omege I know it's too much u can change few things. Thank youuu in advance. Sending virtual hearts and hugs
thank you for ur request <3 i rlly enjoyed writing this one, hope you like it :)
i'll protect you | chuuya x fem!reader
word count - 1211
warnings - some angst, abit of violence, swearing, implied nsfw at the end
genre - angst, fluff
it was a nice and warm day outside, and you had decided to go out. after it raining for the last 3 days, you needed some air. chuuya left to work early and you were going to walk around yokohama and maybe do some shopping. you were feeling good about yourself, wearing a nice outfit and just listening to music as you walked.
you were walking by an alleyway, when someone grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards them, causing you to fall into the alley. you looked up to see a young looking guy in a hoodie. before you were able to ask him who he was and what he wanted, two more guys ran up behind you. the guy in the hoodie kneeled down to your level and grabbed your face with his hands.
"don't say a word, and we won't hurt you" he said.
you were scared, you have no idea what would happen to you. you tried to think of a way to get away but you were cornered in this dead-end alleyway, with 2 guys blocking your way out. you thought that maybe if you tried to run really fast, you could have made it and ran away. as you were about to stand up and make a run for it, one of the guys grabbed your wrists and tied them together from the back.
you were scared to yell, what would they do to you? if only chuuya was here.. you thought.
soon enough, you heard a car pull up on the street which the alley was looking out on. they put tape over your mouth, making sure you don't yell, and dragged you inside the car. the drive was awful, you had no idea what was going on, you were trying to struggle against the ropes but it only resulted in one of the guys, slapping you, hard, right on your cheek. it hurt, you felt a stinging sensation and began to cry.
soon, you were brought into a house, quite secluded, in a small forest. you were placed into a room, and locked in there, with no phone or bag.
meanwhile, chuuya was pretty much done for the day, it was around 6 pm and he had nothing else to do for mori that day so he decided he would call you to check if you were home, or if you were out so he could meet you wherever you were.
the kidnappers had taken your phone. you heard it ring and tried to struggle or make any sort of noise, but of course, no one would have helped you.
"ah its the fucking bastard calling" you heard one of the guys speak to the others.
"watch him get all sad and worried about her"
"he killed my older brother, so this is what he fucking gets. soon, his precious little girlfriend will be as good as gone to him"
"do you think he'll find us here?"
"nah man, we're in the middle of a fucking forest, how would he find us here"
they all began to laugh. these were distant conversations you were hearing coming from your kidnappers, meanwhile, you had tears flowing from your eyes, and you were consumed by fear. why did they take you? why YOU?
when you weren't replying to chuuya, he began to panic, he knew you always had your ringer on, so why couldn't you answer? what had happened? where were you?
oh wait. he remembered that he had your location on his phone. you shared your location with each other so you could always know if either of you were in trouble. he opened the location app and it showed that you were in a forest, not far from where he was.
when he got there, he heard men's voices, but no sign of yours. he felt rage building up inside him. he was gonna beat the fuck out of whoever laid a hand on you. he kicked the door down, only to see 3 guys standing around a table.
"where the fuck is y/n" he said, sounding angrier than ever.
the guys began to laugh.
"follow me" he said, leading chuuya to the room which you were tied up in.
he opened the door to reveal you tied up, crying, unable to speak due to the tape on your mouth.
"fuckers" he muttered under his breath right before one of the guys tried to hit him with what looked like a bat.
chuuya instantly knocked the guy unconscious.
"dont you ever fucking think of laying a hand on my girl ever again" he said as he easily took out one more guy.
the last one was left, pointing a gun at chuuya. this made chuuya laugh.
"you really think you're scaring me?" chuuya said, laughing.
"you fucking killed my brother, and you're going to pay" said the man, as he shot twice at chuuya, only to find out that, it didn't hit him.
"what the fuck?" he said, trying to shoot again.
"gravity manipulation" chuuya said calmly, as he kicked the bullets right back to the guy who shot him.
he then ran back into the room that you were in to untie you and take the tape off your mouth.
"babe im so sorry" he said apologetically as you threw yourself into his arms, burying your face into his neck.
he hugged you tightly as he heard your sobs, letting you cry into his shoulder.
"baby, did they hurt you?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.
"n-no but they did slap me" you replied in between sobs. you instantly felt chuuya tense up.
"those fuckers" he muttered.
"i'm so sorry baby, i should have come earlier" he added.
"n-no please chuuya, i-its not your fault, please can we go home" you said, trying to calm him down.
"yeah let's get you home" he replied and walked out of the house.
when you got home, chuuya let you clean yourself off and change while he brought you a glass of water and something to eat. after you showered, you saw chuuya waiting for you on the bed. he was sitting up against the pillows, waiting for you to crawl into his arms. and when you did, he hugged you tightly, made sure you knew that you were safe with him.
"i'm sorry love" he said as he gently rubbed your back, feeling you melt in his arms.
"please don't apologize, there's nothing you could have done earlier, i'm just glad to be back in your arms" you said, still trembling a little from earlier. you began to trace little patterns on his bare chest with your finger.
"i'll make sure it never happens again baby, i'll protect you better from now on" he said.
"you're so adorable when you talk to me like that" you said, giggling.
chuuya tilted your chin upwards and kissed you to shut you up before you said anything else.
"don't go running that pretty little mouth now baby, we can save that for later mkay?" he said while moving so that he was right on top of you.
the moment he pinned your hands above your head, you knew what you had coming for you, and you knew, you were going to have one hell of a night.
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jangofctts · 3 years
I just think kami would want to show you everything and everywhere he loves and I also think that at the end of him showing you his favourite spots he’d sneak you into his ship and it’s cramped and you’re pressed too close but he is living! Because it gives him the excuse to touch you and your just trying to say I it’s bc it’s so small in here but then he starts kissing your neck and he runs his hands up your thighs and when you turn to look at him he kisses you and it gets too hot and your clothing can’t come off fast enough so he just shoved your panties aside and your shirt up so he can grab what he wants.... god he’s so hard bc it’s like his dream to fuck you in his shop and when he finally slips his cock into you he moans so fucking loud because he has to hold himself back so hard I-
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ct-8966 kamikaze (kami) // fem!reader
warnings: a wee bit smutty. also im comPleTEly ignoring the blueprints of a MA/AT shIP so please dont yell at me ewkkejwh
“Kami, we’re not supposed to be down here,” you whisper. Your heart squeezes like a fist when the he looks over your shoulder and flashes you a cheeky grin. He reaches for your hand that you readily give and tugs you closer to his crouched from behind the pile of cargo crates. You despise the way your cheeks heat from the mere brush of his shoulder against yours, warm and free from his armor.   
“Wouldn’t be fun if we were,” Kami shoots back. “C’mon, I just repainted her.”
Your grumbling protests are quickly silenced as he leaps up, dragging you by the hand across the hangar in a wild sprint. 
The ship does look nice. The fresh coat of paint takes away from the various blaster marks and the seemingly permanent dirt stains ingrained into the platting.   
“Do you like it?” Kami asks, tugging you closer until you’re both standing on the deck. He’s painted the interior too, a wash of teal, geometric lines and the basic shape of a rising sun over the hatch that sections off the front of the ship. 
“It’s alright, I guess,” you tease. “I’m surprised you didn't paint me as one of those pin up girls.”
A burst of laughter rings through the space. “Blanche would kill me. ‘Sides--we all know Bruiser would wanna take that job.”
You roll your eyes and continue the spur of the moment tour, eager to see whatever Kami deems worthy enough to show you. Another insight into he is as a person and not just that chaotic front of a cocky pilot--
But of course nothing ever goes as planned with him.     
“Damn,” he grumbles as the heavy footfalls of the night shift patrol echo near the ship. “Up we go.”
“Wait!” You hiss as Kami shoves you towards the ladder. “We cant both fit.” 
“You callin’ me thick?” He asks, attempting to mask his smile. It doesn't work.  
“Enormously thickheaded, you buffoon.”
Just as you say it, the white wash of flashlights run over the neighboring ships and fuck--you’re so fired. “We don’t have a choice. Move that voluptuous behind and we’ll have a fighting chance.” 
You bite your tongue, saving your retort for later and storm up the ladder, Kami close behind. Your suspicions are confirmed--the tiny platform right before the cockpit is far too small. Big enough that if Kami spooned you, you might be able to squeeze in two bodies and well--the pilot does just that. What the fuck. 
Kami tucks his foot in and above the ledge just as the reach of the flashlight crawls over the insides of his ship. You don’t care that Kami clutches you to his chest, arms locked around your shoulders as both of your hearts hammer wildly inside of your chests like a million feathered wings. The light lazily bounces around then disappears. You don’t realize you've been holding your breath until the footsteps fade away--your lungs deflate with a long sigh. 
The low reverberation of Kami’s chuckle beside your ear sends a shiver down your spine. Kriff--he’s tucked in close. Near enough that each time he breathes the warmth of his soft exhales disturb the fine hairs on your temple, tickling lightly over your skin. You clench your jaw. 
You squirm, cursing internally when the hem of your shirt rides up your side--it’s too fucking cramped in here. And dark. Kami’s hand is nothing but polite resting on the swell of your shoulder and stars, maybe it’s an accident when he moves it to your hip--calloused thumb resting right over your waistband. You bite your tongue and force yourself not to shiver when he sweeps the digit up...and then down...skimming that strip of much too sensitive skin on your side. 
“This is my favorite place,” Kami murmurs, his lightly chapped lips catching on the ridge of your ear. 
You squeeze your eyes shut and bite your lip, convincing yourself that the light circles he’s rubbing into your skin isn't pushing you towards madness. “What--spooning me?”
You feel Kami’s laugh vibrate through his broad chest, the tip of his nose nuzzling into the dip where your jaw meets your throat. “Pfft--you wish. I’d cuddle a clanker before you.” 
Kami’s shoulders lift with a shrug. “Maybe.” His hand inches higher, sliding your shirt to your ribs, the touch still light--tentative and allowing you that space to tell him to fuck off, leave it how it is and stay friends. Just friends. As if this past year was not spent orbiting around each other in a dance of witty banter, playful jabs and those lingering looks that are found in the lull of conversation. You always thought he had such nice eyes--crystalized honey abandoned in a glass jar as the first rays of dawn feather over it and turn it golden.   
When the plush shape of his lips tenderly touch your neck you shudder--a singular match that roars to life and alights your chest with heat. “Kamikaze.”     
He sucks in a shaky breath, removes his hand from your side and cups your chin. He shifts as much as he can in the limited space, almost draping himself above you so that the angle isn't as sharp when you look at him. 
There’s just enough light to see the muted tints of his red hair and the teal of his tattoos. He smiles and, Kriff, he's gorgeous. “Kiss me.”  
You don’t need to be told twice. You tangle your fingers into his short hair and yank him into a desperate kiss, both of you groaning in satisfaction. Maker, this feels so right--tangled in his arms as he’s gripping onto you so tightly, as if he’s terrified that you’d slip through his fingers. That this could be a dream and hell--it very well may be one, but you know a dream could never feel like this. 
He tilts his head and deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue past the seem of your lips and licking deep into your mouth--greedily seizing anything you’re willing to give. You blame the amount of space for how heated it gets, pressed so close with the risk of his body molding to yours as your lips lock with frenzied hunger. Making up for lost time you think--  
When you both apart for air, chests heaving with exertion, Kami mumbles your name and plants a chaste kiss right between your brows.  
Goosebumps follow in his wake as Kami’s fingers dance over you tummy. He Then takes your hand in his and guides it between his legs, a growing hardness glaringly obvious contained within his blacks.“’M thick in other places too, y’know...”
You grin. “Prove it.”
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Tom Holland x black reader getting caught fucking in his childhood bed and his parents making reader and Tom talk about it in a family meeting 💀💀
Summary: que?
Warnings: smut and an awkward situation. Cringy smut of course, yelling ar new borns- LaNgUaGe
T.H| I’m Sorry You Said What?
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You and tom rode in the car, bumping to something random on the radio as you both made your way back to his old home. Youve been there before but it was nice to come back after a while.
“Y/n?” “What?” You asked looking at him. “I love you” “ewwwww” you stuck out your tongue, he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips while you giggled.
“Im sorryyyyyy” “no your rude” tom shook his head unbuckling himself. “It was a simple joke! Its not my fault you couldnt take it!” He glared at you “you suck” “you swallow” “you choke” “i- i do” you admit making him laugh “ i wont lie” you shrugged and hopped out the car, closing the door behind you.
You both walked to the door and he held on your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. He knocked and was met immediately with his father with a bib on. “Whats the bib for?” “Im trying to online teach kids how to eat neatly” “they must be newborns for that-“ you bud in.
“Exactly- its to mad in there” “they dont even know theyre moving how do you expect them to know how to raise a fork” nikki asked making you all laugh as dom shrugged but opened the door more inviting you both in. Tom stepped in after you both and you shared hugs before he pulled you into his room. “Thomas is this your room?” “Yes” “why is there a one direction poster?” “I love Niall Horan” he shrugged and shut the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed at him in confusion “I would take you as more of a zayn fan” “well there goes something new, and I know about your obsession with Harry styles already, do NOT rub it in” he demanded making you giggle, you took off your shoes and laid in his bed, which was comfy, not firm like yours used to be, but as long as you had a roof over your head everything was goddamn fine🙄.
Thomas decided to lay down next to you and you still looked around “I’m supprised you don’t have twilight in here” you giggled “shut up” he chuckled and laid his head in your breast, you played with his hair and tugged it a bit making him let out a small groan “Thomas don’t-“ “you tugged my hair!” “This is your childhood room for heaven sakes” “let’s make more memories then!” He suggested. “You get on my nerves’ you smacked your lips as he reached up to kiss your neck and slowly make his way to your sweet spot. “I want youuuu” he sung.
“But I dontttt” “yes you doooo” “okay maybeeee” “I’m gonna take off your clothessss” “go aheadddd”you moaned a little bit from his nibble on your sweet spot as he trailed his hands down your stomach giving you goosebumps. Your turned your head to meet his lips, “did I ever tell you how amazing you look today?” “No”
“Well-“ he cut himself off, you just love to ruin the mood all the time. “Ay don’t blame me if anything you did because were in your childhood bed right now” “I’m gonna fuck you and that’ll make you be quiet, won’t it?” You just sighed at his words, but letting the blood flow south.
“Actually it won’t, I’d make you scream and let everyone hear- (this is your family for heaven sakes😭)” he mumbled, playing with the hem of your underwear and you let out a low moan. “Yeah i know youd like that, naughty girl (😭😭 i cant)”
He gently rubbed your pearl over your paintes while you unbuckled his pants, palming him through his jeans feeling his hard. He let out a groan and pressed harder on your clit making you whine and buck your hips onto his hands.
Tom groaned by the buzzkill of his father, but let out laughs in your neck. “Just make it quick tom” you whispered against his forehead kissing it, he nodded and got up, walking to the door and you stood to, taking off your pants while he made sure it was locked, when he looked back he saw you struggling and tripping over your shoes making him chucke before walking over and making yiu stand straight, right before pinning you to the wall.
He took your hands and yanked them over your head making you clench your legs together. “Open up” he demaned softly, putting his knee in between your legs and opening them before looking at you. “Your so beautiful baby girl” he kissed you, biting your lip. “Dont move your hands? Hear me?”
“But it will start to hurt” you pleaded but he only tsked at you and told you to follow his orders before pulling down his pants and boxers a bit to pull himself out, you both still had clothes on, well you didnt have your jeans on (which is so fuckin unfair) and your shoes but he kept his on.
He took his hands and pressed his chest against your to keep you in place before he lifted your legs around his hips and used a single hand to pull your panties to the side. He spit in the tip of his fingers before runnjng them through your folds “oh- your already soaked” he said before coning cocky “i didnt even do anything yet” “please fuck me already” you begged and he smiled, watching as he slipped himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
He started to fill himself in you while you struggled to keep your hands in place. He groaned pumping in you, fucking you against the wall, he hooked his hands under your knees and pushed them closer to the walls to open you up. “Fuck tommy” you gasped, your head leaning back against the wall and he took the chance to lick and suck on your sweet spot, to hot in the moment to remember where he is.
“Fuck y/n your so tight- shit-“ he felt you clench, he started to harder but slow, the sound bouncing off the wall as you swallowed your moans. “Shit- tommy” your back arched off the wall, your arms to tired and heavy so they went around his shoulders and your head in his neck. “You tired baby?“
“UMMMMM” nikki said, both of your heads whipping around. “MOM-“ she slammed the door closed before anything else could happen.
“Dinner is in 15 minutes- uhhhh dont be late. Make sure to clean up” she said leaning up against the door “and please dont ya know-“ she nervously chuckled “finish” “IT WASNT LIKE THAT I SWEAR”
“Thomas it’s obvious” you glared at him, when he pulled out of you a sigh left your lips. “I swear i locked the door” he said putting himself back, watching you as you got yourself together. “Does it really matter now?” He only shrugged in response.
Toms cheeks were scarlet while you tried to get yourself to stop shaking so much. “It cant be that bad, right?” You held onto his arm for strength. “I mean it should all be fine cuz like- they did it to have me!” “Yeahyeahyeah” you nodded, kinda getting confident. “Lets just go” you pulled his arm to the dinning room, meeting a pair of 2 eyes starring at you both.
You all just sat there in silence, all of your movements halt as you made eye contact with nikki and tom made eye contact with his dad. “Dont be shy now, its only dinner” nikki said, placing the plates infront of the seat.
You looked at tom and he did a small nod walking right behind you to sit in the seats right next to each other.
“If you couldnt already tell we are having- erm spaghetti” she smiled trying to ease the tension but it was to thick.
After everyone took a couple bites you sipped the water. “Would you care to explain what happened-“ you choked on the water at doms words, the water shooting out of your nose while everyone looked at you. “I drank it to fast- haha” you faked a laugh, cleaning yourself up with the napkin.
“I didnt know you could do that....” tom said before looking at his dad. “We uhhh had ya know” tom looked away, feeling his ears start to burn up. “Ya know???” Nikki comments.
“You knowwwww like uhmmm” “clearly child” dom said glarring at him. “Who had the idea?” “I think we both know who”
You lifted your arms up in defense “it wasnt me” tom smaced his lips at you and you looked at him shrugging “it wasnt!” “You told me to make it quick!-“
“THOMAS” “whaaaat?! Its true!” “You still started it!”
Nikki and don watched the fued between as you to continued to complain and fight. “You were clearly being to loud thats why we got caught!-“
“Actually i heard thuds against the wall soooo” nikki spaced off as you glarred at him. “Who was making to much noise?” You lifted an eyebrow before he rolled his eyes and turned his chair a bit to not look at you.
“Did you use protection?” Dom asked. “Uhhh no” tom said. “Why not?” Nikki butted in. He only shrugged. “You need to use protection” “no we dont”
Nikki tapped behind her ear “what did you say?” “We will use protection” tom changed his mind. “Aha and how did you get that mark on your neck” nikki turned to you.
“I-uh burned my neck with the curling iron!” “Your hair isnt in curls” you bit your lip at her words “yeah welp i gave up after and dumped my hair in water” dom tried to read toms face and body language “it looks like a bruise, how high was the temperature?” Nikki asked, slightly concerned. “I have no idea”
“Just- why here?” Tom starred at nikki “i dont know i was just caught in the moment~” “dont you only say that when your a virgin doing it-“ “y/n we are supposed to be a team!” “Im just saying!”
“Before you both argue again.....” nikki said stopping the pot from boiling. “I just want to say that i hope your both happy and no longer sexually aroused”
“Nikki!” “What?! I have to say that Dominic!” “No you didnt, but if you dont mind i have to be leaving now, i have to teach the babies how to read” dom stood and took his plate to the kitchen, soon everyone done with their meal as you sat in silence washing dishes with nikki.
“Are you planning on making me a grandma?” She whispered, handing you the wet dish. “No not really” you sighef, drying the dish. “That sucks” “yep”
“But like why not!” “Toms busy with work and all do i dont want him to feel to responsible” “i have to agree on that one, barely wants to wipe his ass” “nikki!” You whisper yelled as she giggled, passing you anothet plate as you put the old one back.
“I know how it feels- dom cant keep his hands off of me” she winked as your eyes widened at her. “What! Im old not dead y/n” “you are not old nikki and plus i dont wanna know that!” “Hey im just letting you know” she shrugged.
“Dad she isnt pregnant and wont be anytime soon” “just bring me the babies! I will teach them how to cook, clean, eat-“ “thats our job dad”
“Well its better then these babies- WHO WONT STOP CHEWING ON THE BOOK-“
“OH GOD PLEASE STOP CRYINGGG BLOODY HELL” dom said, snatching the ipad. “But please dont have sex in my house, thomas” dom glared at him while tom aggressively nodded his head.
“THATS A NO NO WORD- STOP SAYING THAT” dom yelled again, stressing himself out. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Nikki yelled from the kitchen, walking infront of you into the livingroom.
“Dont you even” he pointed at the new born through the ipad.
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adowbaldwin · 3 years
Baldwins secret - 22
Sienna folded her arms over her chest trying her hardest not to look into those fucking eyes that made her melt. Heavily focoused on the vase behind him she continued her harsh stance "I dont care for your apologies, ass nut we are done" she spat back tightly
He knew, she knew, the fucking chair leg on the table knew it was a lie but she kept going. She wasnt a little wallflower to be spoken down too
"Come on Si" she sucked in a breathe as he pushed her against the kitchen counter "you dont mean that"
"I wont tolerate the way you spoke to me" a small flicker of hurt crossed her face and he knew then sweet talk was not going to cut it "i understand this is awkward for you, me being here with your daughters in the house you shared with Antonia but it is what it is and there was no reason for you to go off at me the way you did over the phone. I wont accept it"
He sighed stepping back from her "can we please put a pin in it until tomorrow and we can talk properly? Please?"
She swallowed hard "Fine" she picked up the bowl of frissè salad and assortment of breads and made her way to the door "get the spam, apparantly Diana wants it on her sourdough crackers"
He looked at the odd tin, pulled and face and followed after his Sienna trailing behind like a kicked puppy.
"There you two are" Diana chirped happily "i thought you lost my spam"
Matthew groaned, his wifes endeavour to eat Rome out of house and home accomplished "Not to pass judgement Mon Coeur, but meat in a tin?" He pulled the same face as Baldwin had moments ago
She pulled the metal pull top, the smell wafting delightfully "mm because its perfection"
"It was made for War not dining in Rome" Boudicca grumbled "all these fine Roman meats and you choose that" she shook her head in distaste "Porchetta, Prosciutto shame on you, shame!"
Diana poked her tongue out "I want spam i will eat spam" blue sparks singed the table cloth "and i will not be taking food advice from a vampire whose favourite snack is a field mouse"
Diana ate the whole tin, half a box of crackers and was currently having Matthew feed her bits of camembert
"Sienna tell me more about you" Boudicca smiled warmly at her "how long have you known Diana?"
"years now, i came with my cousin for her to see Yale University but Diana ended up convincing me to transfer from Cambridge" nerves were not usually an issue for Sienna, but having your lovers daughter grill you on your life when she doesnt know you are fucking her father, is utterly nerve wracking
"So you are into history then?" She carried on her line of fire
"I am, to be completely transparent ive not a clue what i want to do with my life, always thought i would know but 28 and i still cannot decide on a field to work in" she shrugged "teaching, curator, grave robber. Who knows"
"Well we always need extra hands at the orphanage" Flo piped up "you could teach some history"
Sienna felt the nerves creep up, voice tight "I uhm - well"
"HEY" Diana launched a breadstick at her "You have another year left with me atleast you dare think about it!"
Sienna laughed, picked the crumbs out of her head and threw it back "dont behave as if im not moving on once you drop. Ill be around so much youll be forcing me into the job"
Matthew felt his soul leave his body "Oh no - no" he felt panicked "you two and three children? Absolutely not"
"Dont be so dramatic Matthew" Sarah rolled her eyes, cutting salami for Philip "what is the worst that could happen?" She knowingly smirked
"Am i the only one whom remembers the staircase sledding indicent?" He scoffed
"HEY" Sienna yelled in defence "the idea of sledding down stairs in a quilt is flawless, i blame shoddy workman ship for the banister breaking!"
Marcus took a laughing sharp intake of breathe "Oof he wont forget that easily Sienna"
Too much laughter, all the carbs and the children were done. Becca fell asleep dribling over Phoebe and Philip tucked neatly into the crook of Marcus shoulder listen to his tale about soldiers.
Baldwin checked his watch, pulled his phone free and furrowed his brows "have you heard from Augusta? She has been gone an awful while"
Flo shook her head "No, im sure she is just working Jack to the bone" she laughed "Probably started off painting the nursery and ended up re-tiling the kitchen"
It could impecible or terrible timing, but just as Baldwin was about to text his daughter, concern for her evident when she came into the dining area with Jack at her side.
Holding hands.
Scents mixed.
Listen closely, that sound you hear? Its the steam coming from Baldwins ears.
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