#BUT- it was pretty fun to play through- and the series as a whole has given me so damn much
redphienix · 2 years
I love you Kiryu, I love you Akiyama, I love you Saejima, I love you Majima, I love you Shinada, I love you Haruka, I love you story about people becoming better through the relationships they forge, I love you display of both the joys and sorrows of life and delightful display of the human heart, I love you Nugget, I love you zany mini-games, I love you narrative about the strength we give each other and how those bonds change us, I love you Yakuza video game series
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cherrifire · 3 months
Please share your thoughts on the other 5 cutie marks, I'd love to hear!
Hi everypony! I got like 20 asks for the Dogwarts cutie mark lore so I'm here to speak my truth!
Before we start, I would like to write a quick reminder that a pony's cutie mark is not always their "special talent", but can also represent who they are, their personalities, and a possible destiny. Different cutie marks have different meanings and interpretations, but they're not just about representing what you're good at.
That being said, let's start with the cutie mark design I'm proudest of!
Ren's Cutie Mark
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Ren's cutie mark is of a sunrise and looks pretty simple at first glance but there was a lot of thought that went into this one.
First of all, I bet you're wondering why a sunrise? Well, in the show, it is pretty typical for unicorns with great magical abilities to have one relating to space (examples being Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst). And I figured since I wanted Ren to fall into a similar position of potentially becoming an alicorn, I gave him a cutie mark following the same trend. And I chose a sunrise to reflect the way Ren seems to glow when he enters a room. The way he carries himself is very warm and bright it just catches your eye in a similar way the sun would.
Also, Ren wears sunglasses. So a sun-themed cutie mark seemed appropriate.
Additionally, there are a couple of smaller details I want to point out too. Like the sun rays, if you look at them for a moment you'll see they're shaped like little crowns! I of course had to put a crown in thanks to how much Ren likes to play royalty, so I snuck it in there. And then the red spots underneath could both be interpreted as the sun reflected over water or blood. (But of course, this is a kid show AU so there wouldn't be any blood in Ren's destiny, just a fun reference to the red king and his whole thing about blood dyeing the snow red)
Martyn's Cutie Mark
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I explained this one in an earlier ask but I thought I'd explain it again here for anyone who didn't see it!
Martyn's cutie mark is of a chopped log and a small stick.
This one is mostly a play on the name "Littlewood" but has other meanings too. As a character, Martyn tends to travel and explore quite a bit. In the Life Series specifically, he is usually the last one to find a permanent base and even then doesn't spend a lot of time in one place. Always on the move. Additionally, he's more of a wild card compared to other characters, always trying to be as unpredictable as possible.
The smaller detail here is the little swirl on top of the log is the same as the one on his Minecraft skin's shirt.
BigB's Cutie Mark
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Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! BigB's cutie mark is of 3 cookies where one is trying to eat the others. There are also a few sprinkles there made to look like action lines.
We all know BigB loves cookies so of course I had to give him a cutie mark with cookies in it. For this one, I decided to follow the cutie mark trend of "symbol/item important to the pony duplicated 3 times" (examples being Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie) but I added a bit more creativity to it with the top on trying to eat the others to represent just how tasty they are 😋
Additionally, rather than the first cookie trying to eat the others, you could interpret it as opening its mouth to talk. Because BigB can not keep a secret to save his life! In Double Life when he started "secret soulmates" with Grian, he didn't last a day without opening his mouth. He told Ren about it immediately because he felt bad for keeping things from him.
Also worth quickly mentioning: People pointed out in my original post that they don't think BigB would be the element of honesty because of his behaviour in Secret Life. But that's just Secret Life. I think Secret Life to BigB was like that episode of My Little Pony where Discord makes the main 6 act the opposite of their true element. BigB was just going through a weird phase of telling very obvious lies because a book told him to.
Skizz's Cutie Mark
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Skizz's cutie mark is of a lightning bolt from a couple storm clouds hitting the ground.
I think this is the cutie mark with the least thought put into it, unfortunately. There was still though just not as much as the others. The big thing I thought was fun was I made the lightning bolt shaped like an "S" to stand for Skizzleman. But other than that, this cutie mark sort of has the same meaning as Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Quick like lightning, loud, bold, dangerous, and powerful.
Impulse's Cutie Mark
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Impulse's cutie mark is of a lit-up lightbulb.
I absolutely crowded this cutie mark with the letter i. If you look closely, there are 6 of them. Impulse's design also has an i-shaped pattern on the belly if you look closely enough. But that's more of a fun easter egg and doesn't exactly reflect Impulse as a character.
There are a couple of reasons I chose a lightbulb for Impulse, the first and probably most obvious is that he's a redstone guy! He's a technical guy who likes to work smarter, not harder. So I figured the My Little Pony equivalent would be a light bulb/electricity. The second reason for the lightbulb is that it's usually used as a visual representation when characters have that "eureka!" moment in cartoons. When someone has a brilliant idea a little lightbulb turns on above their head. So since Impulse is the ideas guy, I figured a lightbulb would work for his cutie mark.
Etho's Cutie Mark
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Etho's cutie mark is of a snowflake with a missing branch.
I promise there is more to this cutie mark than just "Canada is cold" even if that's part of the reason I wanted to give him a winter-themed cutie mark. While it is fun to make a nod to Etho being Canadian, I thought a winter-themed cutie mark would be fun to represent how he sometimes presents himself. Cold and a bit mysterious. I think deep down once you get to know him, those attributes melt away, but for people who have never met him, he may be intimidating that way.
I'll be honest, I don't watch a lot of Etho content, but I do have a few friends who identify as Etho girlies so I did my research. I was told in his Minecraft Let's Play World, that he has a snowflake build somewhere. I believe they said it was an iron golem farm? (Please correct me if I'm wrong) but I thought that was perfect for the cutie mark. And if you're wondering why there's a branch missing, it's because one of my friends said he was incapable of finishing builds sometimes so I thought that would be fun to include.
Alright. Rant over. To celebrate, here are a few pony doodles so I can put this post in my art tag.
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
I suddenly woke up stupid early on my day off with multiple weird random aches and pains and a revelation about the Leverage chess metaphors.
They’re all wrong.
Look, I obviously adore the white knight/black king motif, and it works really well for that very specific discussion of Nate’s shift in morality and position at the opening of the series. But the show as well as I and other fans have then tried to take that equation and apply it to other jobs and to the crew as a whole. This is fun and awesome, but I believe you’re going to get it wrong every time if you start from the white knight/black king line. 
Because in all other situations, Nate is not the king.
Couple important things about kings in chess: 1. They don’t move much. They can only move one space at a time, and for most of the game they stay in their own little box, well guarded by other pieces. This is because 2. When the king is checkmated (threatened with capture and no possible escape), it’s game over. There is no more hope. This is the sole requirement for losing the game. No matter who else is in play, if the king is down, you lose.
This is NOT how Nate operates. Yeah, he makes the plans, but he doesn’t just hide in the office while everybody else carries them out. He’s almost always right up in there playing the most obnoxious guy you’ve ever met or smashing windows or something. And if Nate gets captured, it’s not game over, in fact, it often isn’t even a PROBLEM. Let’s look at a few times that happens, just for fun: - In The King George Job, Nate’s getting beat up and Eliot slightly panics and is about to run to help, when Sophie says “NOPE, don’t do that, I can fix this without blowing our cover” and saunters in at her leisure. The jig isn’t up and she’s not even particularly concerned about him getting punched. I love it. - In the Maltese Falcon Job, Nate sacrifices himself to save the team. This is a classic thing to do in chess and chess metaphors, but, I cannot stress this enough, you cannot sacrifice your king. That’s just called LOSING. -In The Long Goodbye Job of course the whole con is structured around Nate getting caught. I guess this one kind of makes sense because the whole point is to look like they HAVE completely lost, but then at the end it appears that Nate’s going to secret prison and everyone else is escaping WITH the black book, so they STILL would be losing Nate but winning the job. 
So if Nate isn’t the king, who is?
Let’s look at our points about kings again:
1. Doesn’t move as far or as quickly: Yes, Hardison ALSO gets out there and participates in the cons, everybody does. But Hardison does stay in the background more often, because that’s where his power is. He does the behind the scenes tech stuff and the remote stuff, he can wreck your shop without showing up through the power of the internet. He also does the forgeries of identities and objects, which are also done in his own space. At the same time, he has less physical power and less range -- you don’t want him in a fistfight, or a gunfight, and his grifts are notorious for being a little. . . uh. . . interesting. So he has limited physical range and power but at the same time. . . .
2. The game is over if you lose him. That far-reaching behind the scenes power is absolutely vital for 90% of the jobs. He does the massive amounts of research and hacking legwork needed just to START a job, even before you get to actually completing the job. You are pretty much dead in the water without Hardison. But that’s just from a practical standpoint. Losing Hardison is also a crisis from an emotional standpoint. He’s our moral compass and our sweet baby brother and when Hardison gets in trouble there is no “well he’ll be fine for a few minutes” and no “well he kinda had it coming.” No, when Hardison is in trouble everything else grinds to a halt and everyone comes running. (See: The Experimental Job, The Grave Danger Job, The Long Goodbye Job.)
So like, yes Nate is in charge. But the king isn’t in charge on a chessboard, the king is just a piece with a very unique role, which Hardison fills much better than Nate does. So, now that we have our real king, who are our other pieces?
Queen: Parker. This has nothing to do with her dating Hardison. The thing about the queen is she can do a little bit of everything -- she can move in any direction, making her the most dangerous piece on the board. Parker’s whole character arc is about learning all the different roles and how to access the whole playing field. She’s the only one who plans and executes an entire episode-length job by herself (okay, with a little help from her girlfriend). Plus, the other cool thing about a queen is she has a built-in transformation story -- a pawn that crosses the board can become a queen, which Parker mimics by initially being dismissed as “the crazy one” and ultimately becoming the mastermind.
Knight: Sophie. I know, I wanted Eliot to be the horsie too, but this makes more sense. The knight’s deal is that it’s sneaky -- it’s the only piece that can turn corners -- and it can jump over obstacles. Sophie’s whole philosophy of grifting is that she shouldn’t need to know about safes or security systems, she should be able to bypass (jump over) all that by insinuating herself with the mark (being sneaky by playing a character to get behind enemy lines)
Rook: Eliot. This is the straightforward one -- it goes in a straight line. It also literally represents the castle walls. It’s also so, so fucking helpful to have around, I fucking hate losing my rooks. It’s your solid right hand man, basically. Is this a little reductive of Eliot? Absolutely, but I’m jamming five complex characters into five predetermined boxes, it’s not all gonna be nuanced. And I think Mr. Punchy would like being seen as the fortress that everybody depends on, and to let all the nuance go under the radar. That’s where he likes it. 
Bishop: Finally, here’s where Nate is hiding. While the rook can only go straight (lol), the bishop can only go diagonally. Nothing can be straightforward for the bishop, he always has to come at things from an angle. Like, you know, constantly looking at all the different angles of a situation and finding the right angle to come at a mark from. Also, the bishops sit right in the middle right next to the king and queen. I don’t know that this is historically accurate, but when my dad taught me to play he told me that was because the bishops were important councilors to the rulers, they were the ones who had important wisdom that would tell them the best plan of attack. So the king here isn’t necessarily the one making the plans -- that’s the bishop. And finally, apparently the bishop is called lots of different things in other languages, but we’re operating in English, which means it makes Nate a priest, and that makes me happy.
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samstatsupremacy · 1 month
My notes from the 92NY Q&A
Someone from Mayfair Witches is in IWTV S2 and Mayfair S2
Ben Daniels sent a thank-you letter to Rollin Jones re: working with such a beautiful cast and lovely project (and called himself Santi-baby in it). Jacob did his best Ben impression and read the email aloud to us.
The two actors Rolin KNEW they wanted from the beginning were Eric and Ben Daniels, before they even started casting
Jacob refused to pit Loumand and Loustat against each other. Said they have different vibes
Sam insists that we won't see "the real Lestat" until S3. We're only seeing everyone else's perception of him (very tongue-in-cheek). In response, Assad said, "Armand has a very good memory. Maybe the most accurate!"
Jacob said filming the Dreamstat scenes with Sam was like slipping on a glove, or an old sock (cue slightly inappropriate giggles from audience)
Delainey said her chemistry read with Jacob felt like everyone else in the room just faded away, and she bonded with him first on set
Lestat plays Harlequin instead of Lelio this season, and the moderator was so affected by Sam's performance that he said "I got pregnant after watching it." Rollin said it was "moves like Jagger" on that theater stage lol. Sam had trouble reconciling this part but he did have fun
Any time Jacob gets complimented, he tries to brush it off. He's so humble!
Delainey said Claudia knows Louis better than he knows himself, and Jacob* thinks he knows her but he doesn't
Eric said that Daniel's impression of Dubai situation is he's just sick of the lies and games from Loumand. He won't be intimidated, and if you push, he pushes back harder. He will not be bullied (much like himself, he added)
Lots of hype for ep5 of this season. Eric said it was the most traumatizing episode he's seen in his life. Everyone else agrees that it gets pretty heavy re: young Daniel's interview
Eric said "working with Jacob is like flying" and Jacob said "the feeling is entirely mutual" - so sweet!
Assad was so preciously nervous bc he admittedly still gets intimidated by the cast. He was struggling to finish his thoughts. He did praise how open and loving the whole cast and crew are. It was cute.
"When Louis meets Armand, Armand is kind of lost but putting on this facade of power that Louis sees through" (Assad's words)
Question: any fun moments off set that still make you laugh? Response: Sam and Jacob look at each other and just burst into laughter. They really struggled to find an answer that they felt was appropriate to share and barely answered it 😅
Q: What series would your character binge?
Everyone answered as their character:
Armand: Buffy
Daniel: Breaking Bad
Claudia: The OA
Lestat: The Real Housewives
Louis: The Real Housewives ("YOU LITERALLY TOOK MY ANSWER" to Sam)
This doesn't even cover the encounters I saw at the stage door. I'll do a separate post for that, maybe
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - Japan is Winning on Kisses & Other Alternate Realities
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
March 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Two Worlds (Thurs IQIYI) ep 3 of 10 - It would be great if we got the alternative romance with dead Kram from Tai’s perspective (JBL style.) Still I like this show. It’s a little bit like I Feel You Linger in the Air only with a love triangle. And while I'm not a fan of triangles as a general rule, I don’t mind it here because the set up is clever. Wayu and  ao are fun sides too. It sure is moving very quickly, which I like. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on. But that’s normal for me with this kind of Thai drama. 
Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 4 of 8 - They are extremely sappy boyfriends. I love that mom has a secret gf. Could we please have more of them? The love triangle sides are ridiculous, but I do like that it’s all out in the open. I also like they are actually addressing the complicated parental dynamics of owning a sex club. Honestly, I think Khem should have to be a host too. Learn him the right way, girl!
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City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - It’s good, I like the fallout and them actually having to deal with crazy fans and past relationships. They’re so good at communicating it’s kind of a pleasure to watch them suffer through external pressures, because I have faith that they can make it through.
To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand grey) ep 6 of 8 - They are such cute puppy dads and so clearly meant to be together, the fact that they aren’t is just frustrating. The fight thing was stupid. And not a whole lot happened... plus singing. I’m getting fatigued with this one. 
1000 Years Old ep 7 of 12 - Did I miss something happening, or did nothing happen? 
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) ep 2 of 6 - It’s so boring, there’s so much guitar playing, and it got weirdly voyeuristic (in a very much not sexy way). I’m totally out. DNF
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (Weds iQIYI) ep 3 of 6 - I can’t tell if this is trying to be a BL Romancing the Stone, or a BL Hangover, or both. The problem with situational comedy is it must be both situational and comedic, not just option one. The problem with calling something BL, is that it must be BL. This show got 1 of 3 claims correct. 33% is not a passing grade. DNF 
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Honestly, it's the HANDS with these two. They do beautiful beautiful things with their hands. If you're one of those hands-obsessed BLabies you should be watching LIBTSTA!
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues Youku YouTube & Viki) ep 6 of 11 - So the worst finally happened. The mountain of pain has fallen down upon us. And now, hopefully in the second half things get better for our boys. But what a rough ride. Normally, this is not my style of BL, but everyone is doing such a gorgeous job with it, I can’t fault it… except that it hurts. The red thread symbolism was elegantly done. I’d like to hope we get a reunion in the next one, but knowing this style of series they’re gonna draw it out. There's gonna be a more pain first.
Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 4 of 6 - Those fuck me puppy dog eyes were perfectly executed. I would not have been able to resist either. Gosh they are so damn cute. This is a great show.
Jazz for Two (Korea Gaga/grey) eps 1-2 of 8 - This comes from the Shoulder to Cry On team so I'm scared, but this one is all actors* not idols so maybe they'll be braver. Boy howdy does it have a fantastic opening sequence. Also the lead is fucking adorable. Mr Broody McBroodypants is cute too. Korea sure loves “pretty but broken.” On the JBL end of the spectrum, is everyone in love with their siblings? That’s weird. The dining room scene was painful. All in all, it's good, I'm intrigued. Let's see how you go little show.
I stand absolutely corrected the lead is a member of NEWKIDD (in my defense I'd never heard of them until Build Up last month). I did recognize him from To My Star because at the time I thought he was too pretty to be only a side character.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 10 fin - Again there was overuse of previous footage and maudlin navel-gazing grief over something we knew was going to happen. So I didn’t really feel much emotional connection to the drama. 7 year time gap.? t was a cute reunion but the moral quandary never really got resolved. I don’t know how to rate this, I’m not sure I will ever watch it again, so that is a big mark against it.
There’s nothing objectively wrong with this BL except how upsetting it is because of the foundational pygmalion story - grown man falls in love with an android who is basically both his slave and, by maturity level, a child. Yet that premise is crystal clear from the get go, so we watch it eyes open. The actors are cute, the romance sweet, the physical chemistry on point (of course, it’s Taiwan) and yet I was left ultimately unsettled by the concept, content, and plot. 7/10 
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - I'm so ready for this to be over, and for Gaga to have something good on. Soon please?
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It's done, ready to binge, but I suck
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps
It's airing but...
Graduation Countdown (Taiwan YouTube) - It's too much to ask me to keep up with 2 minute verticals, I don't have that kind of TikTok endurance training. Waiting to binge.
A Secretly Love (Thai Sat WeTV grey) 10 eps - I watched the first ep but grey is too much work for this inferior of a show. I may pick up and binge if it gets distribution but for now, it gets a DNF from me. KimCop might have held this crap together but Kim without Cop? No thank you.
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
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Tangential to the genre
There has been the occasional discussion on this topic here in this little corner of tumblr so I thought there might be a few intersted in this podcast: AmericanThaiGuy Ron Weaver on the Complicated Issue of Racism in Thailand (The Bangkok Podcast)
Thailand passed its Marriage Equality bill through the lower house. It's expected to pass the high house and get signed by the King, but that hasn't quite happened yet.
And MaxTul dropped a photo shoot.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting Soon
3/31 Only Boo! (Thai GMMTV YouTube) 12 eps - New main couple for GMMTV in an idol romance about a boy who dances good and a food stand vendor. Other side of the tracks grumpy/sunshine pair who fall deeply in love but, of course, baby boy idol can't date. Boyband but from GMMTV? Control your singing and I'm game.
3/31 The Next Prince (Thai ????) 12 eps - trailer. ZeeNew in a fantasy/historical set in a palace where Zee plays a knight and Nu a prince - YES PLEASE. (Apparently this is just the pilot, not the start of the actual show, see comments.)
4/1 Love is like a Cat (Korea ????) 12 eps - This completed filming Aug 2022(!) which means there have been serious problems with post-production. This is another of Silkwood's Korean+Thai colab projects. Mew Suppasit plays a rookie film star, called the Cat Prince (for his cold arrogance) who goes up against a charismatic puppyish animal daycare director (JM of JUST B). There is a side romance (love triangle?) with a veterinarian. Geonu of JUST B is also in the cast. Dual languages.
Hum, trash-watch-a-licious?
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4/3 We Are (Thai GMMTV YouTube iQIYI) 12 eps - University ensemble BL featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawinPoon - basically the good kind of messy gay friendship group (so more My Engineer and less Only Friends). Looks a bit like the Kiss series but everyone is queer. I'm IN!
4/11 Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan ????) 10 eps - Kindly Ryota goes off to uni only to find his new roommate is his childhood bestie, Kazuhito. Kazuhito doesn’t have a girlfriend and Ryota tries to help him figure out why, they fall in love along the way. Same director as Old Fashion Cupcake.
4/11 Gray Shelter AKA Gray Currents (Korea ????) 4 eps - SooHyuk is only just surviving and reunites with YoonDae, an old friend. They end up living together. One of the leads is played by Choco of Choco Milk Shake.
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4/18 At 25:00, in Alaska AKA 25 Ji, Akasaka de (Japan Gaga - may not be global) 10 eps - Yuki lands his first starring role in a BL drama alongside superstar Asami (previously his senior at uni). Said superstar suggests they form a sham relationship until filming concludes. As they actually begin to fall in love, the spotlight begins to burn.
Seriously? You're killing me with these titles, boys.
4/26 My Stand-In (Thai iQIYI) 12 eps - adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KP (not a recommendation IMHO - my biggest criticism of that show was the clashing directing styles). This one looks well complicated, lemme try: Joe is a stuntman for famous actor Tong. Joe falls in love with Ming but Ming sees Joe as nothing more than a Tong-replacement. After learning this horrible truth, Joe dies. Joe then wakes up in the body of another man also named Joe. He manages to rebuild the same life as before—with the same people eventually re-meeting Ming. Ming wants Joe back but Joe doesn't understand why. But Ming seems to know what's going on and wants to give him some kind of explanation.
I'm exhausted just trying to describe the plot.
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous partner) and Best, news here.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
NOTE: It looks like one of my personal favorites of last year Unintentional Love Story is getting a spin off!
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Just these two, in my head, rent free. Thanks Japan!
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are too much work.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy. (With so many tags when does a weekly tumblr post become a newsletter? That is this week's philosophical question...)
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1-800-hwahui · 1 year
match of the season
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member  |  college student radio host!junhui x fem student!reader genre  |  smut, fluff, humor word count  |  ~7,300 warnings  |  virgin!jun, shy clueless jun, fr that man does not know a single thing but it's endearing in a silly way, top!reader bot!jun (but no real dom/sub dynamics, more like reader leads until jun figures out how to take over), unprotected sex, jun big cock agenda, VOICE KINK (listen. you all knew it was coming), so much dirty talk, lots of consent bc it is very sexy, riding, little bit of dry humping?, mentions of an iud/birth control, jun is implied taller than reader (maybe size kink but only if you take it that way), jeonghan cameo and he's a menace, lots of fluff at the end (but also kinda throughout), please lmk if i missed any warnings! notes  |  this is a nsfw sequel to a sfw fic on my main writing blog @junkissed called sounds of the season, which is part of my series of winter-themed fics! if you haven't already, i would highly recommend reading that before reading this, since the stories are pretty closely connected. thanks to @onlymingyus for reading over this for me <3 i hope you all enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the first part. also like i said in part 1 i have no idea how radio works so if it doesn't make sense just roll with it lmao
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you’re just putting the last finishing touches on your final paper when your phone buzzes. you glance down, grinning when you see junhui’s name on the screen.
unable to hide the butterflies in your stomach, you press a button to accept the call. “hi, junnie.”
“oh! hi,” his voice plays through your speaker with a giggle. “hey, i like that. ‘junnie’. do you want a nickname? but your name is so pretty, i don’t wanna change it–”
“whatever you want is fine,” you say, trying to hold back a smile. god, he’s cute.
“okay. i’ll think about it. oh, wait, yeah!” he says suddenly, as if he’s just remembered why he’s calling. “jeonghan left town early this week so it’s just me in the studio today, and it’s our last show of the semester. so anyway, do you wanna come over?” he stops, stumbling over his words. “well, not like, come over come over, i mean, we can just hang out, i–”
“give me half an hour,” you laugh, endeared by his eagerness.
“yay!” he cheers, and you shake your head with a smile.
half an hour later, a text pops up on jun’s phone, alerting him that you’re waiting outside the building. he leaps out of his chair, an excited grin on his face as he flings open the door and dashes downstairs to let you in.
he’s out of breath by the time he reaches the communications lab door, leaning on the push bar to let you in. “sorry, forgot they locked it already,” he pants.
“it’s fine,” you giggle. “so… everyone else is gone?”
he nods. “yeah, mr. choi said as long as i don’t mess with anything he’ll let me close by myself, so they all left early for break.”
you smile and hold out your hand for him to take, and he beams, hastily grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours.
he leads you up the stairs to the sound booth, squeezing your hand the whole way.
it’s your second time being in the school’s recording studio, but the feeling is still new and exciting. you definitely understand now what jun meant when he said being around all the equipment is a lot of fun.
once inside, he shuts the heavy door with a click, locking the door and flipping on the “on air” light. not that anyone could get in anyway, but it’s a habit he doesn’t want to accidentally get out of before he comes back next semester.
he slides in front of the computer for a second, queueing another song so he has more time to grab what he’s designated as “your chair”; the comfiest one in the studio, according to him.
he pulls it over next to his chair and pats the cushion for you to sit. you giggle and plop down on the seat, scooching closer to him once he’s sat in his own chair.
he raises his eyebrows at you with a grin, then clears his throat and moves closer to the microphone as the song ends to do his job.
ever since you accidentally admitted to him that you like the way his voice sounds, he’s teased you about it—or at least, attempted to tease you about it. he's too sweet for his own good, so even when he tries to poke fun at you it comes out like a compliment.
he presses the red button and begins to talk. “that was one of the classics, ‘a holly jolly christmas’ by burl ives. coming up next, another favorite, ‘the christmas song’ by michael bublé, and more great songs on your favorite program: 111.7fm’s sounds of the season.”
he lets go of the button and sits back in his chair, spinning it around to face you as the slow music starts softly playing. “hi,” he says shyly. “did you like that?”
you smile. it’s a little bit of an odd question, but you’ve started to understand his awkwardness; he just needs a little encouragement. “i always like it. you’re really good at this.”
“i like it a lot,” he grins back, bouncing his head in excitement. “can i kiss you now?”
you laugh at his enthusiasm but nod, leaning forward to press your lips to his. he sighs into your mouth, his hands falling naturally to your waist. for supposedly not going out much, jun is really, really good at kissing, you’ve quickly learned over the last few days. how he got so good at it, you may never know, but the feeling of him pressed against you is too perfect to waste time questioning why.
despite being surrounded by the cold, metal recording equipment, the sound of michael bublé’s crooning voice and the gentle warmth of junhui’s lips makes the studio feel like the coziest place on earth.
his hands tug at your waist and you slide easily out of your chair and onto his lap, sitting sideways across his legs, never breaking the kiss.
he pulls away for a second, his cheeks dusted with pink. “let me… put the playlist on,” he says, his voice a little breathier than usual. 
you hum in confusion, attention still focused on the curve of his lips and the little noises he makes when he’s kissing you. “what playlist?”
he laughs. “for the show. so we can keep doing… this, and not have to worry.”
“wait, so you mean, not all of it is live?”
he shakes his head. “almost all of it is, but there’s a backup playlist in case we get busy and can’t sit around pressing buttons for the whole hour. i used it a couple weeks ago when i had to finish my chem paper.”
he spins the chair around, facing you both in front of the computer screen and tapping a few buttons on the keyboard. he turns a dial on the soundboard and the background music in the studio gets lower, so quiet you need to strain to hear it.
he hums, and your attention turns away from the machinery and back to his eager smile.
“can i kiss you again?” he asks softly.
you giggle and put your hands around his neck. “you don’t have to ask every time.”
so he’s pushing his lips on yours again, kissing you like you’re the most delicate thing in the world.
and that’s when you feel it. the butterflies deep in your stomach that make you want to do things no person should be doing in a school building.
he pulls away for a second to catch his breath. “you’re so pretty,” he says dreamily, and you hate the way it immediately sends shivers down your spine, landing directly at your core. 
you hold back a whimper and shift the way you’re sitting, moving so each leg is on either side of his legs, straddling his lap.
he pushes his mouth against yours, hands gently kneading your hips. your fingers dance beneath the bottom of his shirt, fingernails gliding over the warm, soft skin of his stomach and feeling his abs contract at your touch.
“wait,” he whimpers, and you pull back immediately, taking your hands off of him and putting them on your thighs.
“do you want me to stop?” you ask quietly. shit, you hope you haven’t completely ruined this by going too fast.
“no!” he nearly shouts, looking panicked, then clears his throat. “no,” he repeats. “i don’t want you to stop. i’m, just…” he trails off, avoiding your gaze.
“you can tell me, junnie,” you say gingerly, wanting him to be comfortable.
“i know,” he whines. “i’m… embarrassed,” he says, voice small.
“i’m not going to laugh at you,” you say softly.
“i’m not– i haven’t–” he freezes. you give him a small smile that you hope looks encouraging, and it must be, because he sighs and starts again. “i’m a… virgin,” he says, barely above a whisper.
“oh! that’s all?” you ask, taking his hand and threading your fingers in between his. he looks up at you, trying (and failing) to hide the surprise in his expression. “you don’t need to be embarrassed. everybody has a first time.”
you pause, not wanting to force him into doing this if he really isn’t ready. you don’t care, you have plenty of ways of getting yourself off if he wants to wait longer. because you are willing to wait. “we don’t have to now, junnie,” you say. “i’ll wait as long as you want me to.”
“i want to now,” he says quickly, shaking his head. “i just… don’t know what to do,” he mumbles.
“that’s fine,” you whisper, bringing your other hand up to his face and kissing his cheek tenderly. “we’ll go slow, and you tell me what you want.”
he hesitates, then tentatively places his hands on your waist, still holding your hands. “i want to kiss you again.”
you smile. “i can do that.”
and you lean back in, pressing your lips to his. gently at first, until he grips your waist a little harder and starts kissing you a little deeper. you let him get used to it, allowing him to set the pace he wants.
testing the waters, you push down on his lap a little, starting to grind lightly on his crotch. he whimpers and tugs at your hips to help you, beginning to fall into a steady rhythm. 
you stay like this for a while, leisurely making out on his lap, for longer than you normally would with someone else. but this isn’t someone else, this is junhui, and you’re more than content going as slow as he wants. plus, all this is just making you wetter and wetter as time goes on, riling you up the more you think about what’s to come later.
you can feel him getting harder underneath you, and you moan into him, eagerly but patiently waiting for him. his hands climb up your back, hooking around your shoulders and pulling you almost completely flush with his chest.
he pulls away after a minute, lips red and puffy from the contact and breathing hard. “don’t– you need a c-condom, when… so you, don’t get pregnant?” he stutters out, struggling to get the words out and to stop from bucking his hips against you.
“i have an iud, it’s alright,” you say, also panting for breath.
“okay.” he exhales and leans back, letting go of your hips.
you look at him in confusion at his sudden pause. “why…?”
he stares at you. “uh, don’t you have to go put it in? or did you do that before you got here?”
you snort. “my iud? no, it’s in all the time. it doesn’t come out.” 
“oh,” he says, his cheeks flushing pink. “sorry, i didn’t know–”
“it’s okay, junnie. don’t apologize,” you say, trying your hardest to hold back a laugh. poor sweet, oblivious junhui. you’re not laughing at him, you’re laughing at how adorably clueless he is. you find yourself hoping you might be the one to help him understand these things, if he wants you to.
“have you… before?” he asks shyly, avoiding your eyes again.
you pause, knowing he’s already embarrassed and trying to answer him as gently as possible. “yes,” you say finally, and his face droops a little at your response. “but that doesn’t mean anything. it’s my first time with you, too, so we’re learning about each other. that’s all it is. so just… don’t think about it, okay? the only thing i’m thinking about right now is you.”
his cheeks are a deep shade of pink, but he nods. you take his hands carefully and put them at the hem of your shirt, guiding him to pull it up and over your head. you unclasp your bra and turn around to toss it over to your chair.
“now your turn,” you say gently, looking up at his eyes, which are still focused on your boobs.
“ju-un,” you murmur in a sing-song voice, and his eyes snap back to your face. “do you want to keep going?” 
“yeah,” he chokes out. “i mean– yes. yes, please.”
you coo at his manners, moving off of his lap to wiggle your pants down your legs. his eyes are completely transfixed on your body, admiring every inch of you that he can see.
“do you want to now?” you ask, and he nods rapidly. he stands up and throws his shirt off, and his pants are quick to follow until he’s sitting back in his chair in only his boxers. the lines of his stomach seem even more defined in the low light of the studio, and you so desperately want to run your hands up and down his torso, and feel every inch of him, but– one thing at a time.
you slide your panties off and go back to your position straddling his lap. “is this okay?” you ask again.
“mhm,” he hums lowly, and you feel it deep in your abdomen, walls clenching around nothing at the sound.
his eyes dart around your face, and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair, tucking it gently behind his ear. “are you ready?” you ask softly.
his eyes widen, and he springs into action, his hands flying to your waist again. “oh! okay, yes, yes, um…”
you try not to giggle at his enthusiasm. you trail your hand carefully down to the waistband of his shorts, slipping the tip of your finger inside the elastic. “you have to take this off, junnie,” you whisper.
“mm, okay,” he whines, and you lift up a little so he can slide them down without standing up. he kicks them off and you sit back down, looking down to see what you’re working with. now that he’s fully hard, you can see that he’s… big, much bigger than you expected from a man this shy.
but who are you to judge, so you adjust on his lap, sitting up to reach below you and take his cock in your hand, positioning it at your entrance. he whimpers at the contact as you slowly drag his tip through your folds, spreading your wetness around. 
“you just sit here and let me do all the work, baby, okay?” you hum, gripping his shoulder with your other hand. “let me make you feel good, hm?”
he lets out a garbled noise in response, barely comprehending your words at how engrossed he is with the way you’re holding his cock so delicately, waiting to push it inside and finally feel you.
“junnie, need you to use your words, honey,” you say gently, moving the hand on his shoulder to lightly cup his jaw, lifting his chin so his gaze lands on your face. “you have to tell me if you don’t like something or you wanna do something different, okay?
“i wanna do you,” he says, staring blankly into your eyes, and that’s when you know he’s already gone.
you giggle. “i know, baby. you’re going to. but you have to talk to me.”
“‘cause you like my voice.”
you resist the urge to cringe, still embarrassed that that’s the thing he remembers about you. “yes, i do, but no, that's not why. you need to tell me if you want to stop, at any time, and we’ll stop, okay?”
hearing your tone get serious, he seems to snap out of it a little. “okay,” he whimpers. “can i…?”
he trails off, and you shake your head. you know he’s shy, but you can’t let him off the hook every single time, or else he’ll never learn. “can you what, honey? use your words.”
by now the tips of his ears have turned red, and he’s beginning to lose control, his hips starting to grind against you involuntarily. “can i… fuck you?” he rasps.
“of course you can,” you coo, slipping your hand behind his neck and kissing him gently. “good job, baby.”
he mewls at the praise, and you finally start to sink down on his cock. it burns at first with how girthy he is, but soon the stretch feels good, and you have to fight to keep yourself upright on his lap, soft whimpers escaping your lips.
he groans, throwing his head back against the back of his chair, his grip on your waist tightening. it takes some time, but you finally sit all the way down on his lap, legs splayed on either side of his hips.
immediately he thrusts up into you hard, and you yelp, pushing on his shoulders to get him to stop. “wait!” you pant, squeezing your eyes shut in pain. “just… wait a second first.”
“s-sorry,” he whines, his adam’s apple bobbing with each labored breath.
“s’okay,” you breathe, beginning to adjust to the feeling of his thick cock throbbing inside you. “you’re… big, gotta– gotta give me a second, oh my god.”
he hums absently, clearly pleased with your response, but he manages to stop moving for a little bit.
you sit still on top of him, your muscles gradually beginning to relax as you get used to the feeling.
he sighs, his hands sliding up your back, caressing your skin beneath his fingertips.  “feels so good, just wanna… fuck, just wanna be inside you forever.”
you would be surprised at the sudden lewdness of his words, if you weren’t so focused on the way the tone of his voice has abruptly dropped an octave. he’s starting to get more comfortable, you can tell, and you won’t lie: it’s dangerous for you.
“can– are you okay now?” he asks, eyes focused back on your face again.
“mhm,” you manage, letting out a short exhale. you start to wind your hips in circles, bouncing slowly on his lap as his hands roam your body, touching every inch of you as if he’s trying to memorize every last curve.
it’s a gentle pace; although much too slow for you, you’re hoping it’s just right for junhui to start out with. you’re not used to being on top, so you’re doing your best to keep up, but your thigh is starting to cramp from the position you’ve been sitting in and having to do the work yourself.
he must notice your discomfort, because his hands fall back down to their place at your waist, kneading your skin as he lifts his hips against you in rhythm.
“can i take over?” he mumbles, voice breathy. “please, let me, please.”
“yes, please,” you sigh, your head falling forward to rest on his chest. his skin is burning hot beneath your cheek, and you exhale, closing your eyes from exhaustion.
as soon as you relax and stop moving your hips, his own start moving immediately, your surprised cry punctuated by hard thrusts up into you, over and over again.
you’re still trying to figure out where the hell he got all this stamina from when he starts murmuring in your ear, sweet, dirty whispers as he pounds into you from below.
“you’re so… beautiful, oh my god,” he says in the low voice you’re still struggling to get used to hearing come out of his mouth. “you’re so good, wanna have you like this forever, please–”
“jun, ke–keep talking, please,” you whimper, squeezing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“you like my voice, but you sound so pretty right now,” he groans. “you should hear yourself. wanna hear you cry and make you feel so good, wanna hear you– god, wanna fuck you like this all day and never stop.”
you let out a moan, his words going straight through you. the rumble in his chest as he speaks reverberates against your head. 
the combination of his brutal pace along with the innocently filthy words from his mouth brings you right up to the edge, and you feel the knot in your abdomen tightening.
you shift a little, moving up so you can wrap your arms around his neck, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
his hips falter for half a second at the contact, but he recovers quickly, wrapping his long arms around you and pressing you flush against his chest, jerking you up and down on his cock with fervor.
“you’re so pretty, you’re so beautiful, you’re so perfect,” he babbles, somehow remembering to keep talking you through everything. “love you so much– fuck, thank you, you’re so amazing, you’re so–”
you almost miss the four-letter word that slips out in between his praises, but it rings through your ears, nestling itself in your heart. you decide to ignore it for now, too focused on chasing your rapidly approaching high, but you promise yourself you’ll talk to him after this is all over and figure out what this is between you two.
you whine, breath catching in your throat as your own words tumble out of you in a constant stream. “keep going, jun, please– keep going, so close, please, junnie please, need you–”
“are you gonna cum? you’re so perfect, please cum for me, please, baby, lemme hear you.”
“fuck, yes!” and with that you’re catapulting over the edge with a sob, clenching around his cock as your orgasm slams into you.
he keeps thrusting into you, not once stuttering as he fucks you through your high, content to keep going and going and going until–
“jun,” you call out weakly, head swirling as you try to sit up. “jun. jun, you can s-slow down.”
his hips begin to stop, slowing down until he’s gently rocking you back and forth on his lap. “did you cum already?” he asks in surprise. like a dork.
you choke out a laugh, head lolling as your arms loosen around his neck. “yeah. yeah, i did.”
if you weren’t so exhausted already, you would burst out laughing. “you’ll figure it out,” you wheeze, hoping it sounds reassuring. 
he starts to move his arms to let go of you, still wrapped around your torso, but you whine and he freezes.
“just… stay here first,” you say, letting your eyes fall shut for a second.
you sigh. “because it’s nice.”
“oh,” he says again. he settles back into the chair, holding you on his lap, arms wrapped around you, just sitting quietly.
after a few more seconds of peace you pull yourself upright, pushing your hands against his chest.
“ …what now?” he asks quietly, eyes finding your face.
“you didn’t cum yet, right?” you say. he hums out a no. “then we keep going.”
he yelps in surprise when you start to lift yourself off his lap, his still-hard cock slipping out of you, now soaked in your juices. “don’t we have to wait for you?”
you fight the urge to slap your hand over your forehead. “i can cum more than once, honey. we don’t need to wait,” you say with the straightest face you can muster.
he nods, taking in this clearly unheard of information.
“do you want me to suck you off?” you ask, bringing his attention back to you.
“wh-what?” he stutters, face turning red, clearly not expecting it.
you take in a deep breath. “where do you want to finish?” you try instead, thinking it might help him decide.
“where will you let me?” he replies, wide eyes searching yours as if it’s a trick question designed to make him fail and you’re hiding the answer somewhere in your tender gaze.
“wherever you want, junnie.”
he pauses, like he’s making sure you aren’t lying to him. “can–” he clears his throat and starts again, more sure of himself. “i have an, um… idea.”
“mhm,” you breathe, watching him expectantly.
“do you think i could, maybe… stand up? and, have– you, over the…” he trails off, gesturing to the empty table beside you and hoping you’ll understand what he’s trying to say.
“you want to bend me over and fuck me on the table?” you translate for him, blinking.
instantly his cheeks flare, the shyness returning. “well, i… i. no, um, uh–”
“you can say yes, junnie. it’s hot.”
“you think so?” he squeaks in shock.
you giggle. “yes. you can do whatever you want to, just ask me first.”
his face breaks out into a wide grin. “okay. will you please, um, follow me?” he asks, holding out his arm like a waiter leading you to a table at a restaurant. if he wasn’t so damn cute you definitely would’ve smacked him by now.
you finally move off of his lap and step away, giving him room to move from his chair. you’d forgotten how big he is until he stands up, towering over you, and it sends an involuntary shiver down your spine. he turns and starts walking away, expecting you to follow him.
you laugh and grab his arm, pulling him back. when he looks at you in curiosity, you take his large hands and place them on your waist, motioning for him to guide you.
his mouth falls into an ‘o’ and he follows your lead, pushing you by your hips over to the table.
he stands behind you, caging you in against the table with his tall frame but otherwise not doing anything. you glance over your shoulder at him, nodding in approval.
his hands leave your waist and ever so gently press on your lower back to tilt you over. you comply, letting him move you how he wants.
“is that good?” he asks softly.
“it’s great,” you say, wiggling your ass playfully. “good job asking.”
he hums, so low it’s more like a growl, and it sends another shiver down your spine. at this angle you can feel his dick pressed against your ass, hard and throbbing.
he grinds against you, dragging his cock up and down your hole. you know he’s not doing it intentionally to tease you—you’re not even sure if he’s capable of that—but it does plenty to rile you up.
“junnie, please?” you gasp out, writhing your hips in search of friction, anything. his grip tightens on you, stilling your movements.
“what do i do?” he whispers.
“put it in,” you whisper back, unable to stop the giggle that slips out. he whines in annoyance, so you stop, giving him real advice this time. “just go slow. you can do it, baby.”
you angle your ass up, hoping to give him better access to your dripping hole. he’s already been inside you once, so surely he can find it again… right?
your expectations are clearly too high, because suddenly you feel his tip pressing in between your ass cheeks, and he’s—
you yelp, and he freezes, his hands flying off of you. you reach behind and stick your index finger into your pussy, using the rest of your fingers to spread your folds apart so he can see. “this one, baby.” at least he was going slow, like you said.
“oh! sorry, i’m so sorry,” he mumbles, and even without looking you already know he’s redder than a tomato. 
“jun. don’t apologize. it’s okay,” you say softly. you move your hand away from your pussy and reach it out to him, craning your neck to see him. you wave your fingers at him, and he takes your hand, automatically twining his fingers with yours. it makes you smile. “just go for it, honey.”
“okay,” he breathes, and he starts slowly pushing into you again (the right one this time).
tiny gasps fall from your lips as you feel him fill you up again, stuffing you with his cock, inch by careful inch. once he bottoms out you exhale, letting out the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding in.
when you don’t feel any more movement, you realize he’s stopped, waiting. you almost whine at how cute and considerate he is, but instead you just squeeze his hand. “baby, you can move.”
“okay,” he says again, and pulls out carefully before slowly pushing back in.
you moan as he starts to increase his pace, rapidly pumping into you as his hips smack against your ass. you arch your back a little, trying to angle him in deeper. each powerful thrust pushes you against the table, your hip bones hitting the edge in a way that’ll definitely leave bruises. but you can’t bring yourself to care when junhui’s thick cock is thrusting into you like his life depends on it. 
still holding onto his hand, you slip your other hand down to run your fingers over your clit, rubbing small circles. you can feel the pressure in your abdomen growing, and—
“fuck, you’re so tight,” jun groans, voice thick with need, and he begins pushing into you even harder than before, something you didn’t even think could be possible. you whine and move your hand from your clit back to the edge of the table to stop yourself from ramming into it.
he notices your elbow bent at an awkward angle to protect yourself, so he lets go of your hand and snakes around your stomach to pull you back so you’re standing upright, both his arms wrapped securely around your body. “feels so good… god, wish i had done this sooner, you’re so amazing, so perfect, for me.”
you whimper at his words, unintentionally clenching around him. “jun,” you cry out softly.
“fuck, baby, say my name again– please, like that, baby, please say it, again,” he begs you, fingers pressing into your skin that you’re sure will leave you covered in little oval-shaped bruises by the time he’s done.
“jun! please, i’m so close, jun,” you moan, repeating his name over and over again like a mantra, getting closer and closer to your release with each syllable.
“i’m cl-close too, baby, please… you’re so good, fuck! you’re so good.”
the constant praise is almost too much, and with one more sharp thrust you’re coming undone on his cock for the second time. your legs wobble as you struggle to stay standing, your hands coming up to hang on to junhui’s strong arms wrapped around you for support.
he whines loudly, and you know he must be getting close, too. “can i– can i cum on your back?” he pants out, still gripping you tightly. as much as he really, really wants to cum inside you, he figures it might be messier than cumming on you. and besides, he doesn’t want to get too greedy; it is only his first, after all.
“yes! yes please, yes, jun,” you manage, still wading through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
a little harder than he intends, he’s shoving you roughly down onto the table again, pulling his dick out of you to jerk himself over you.
“junnie, please,” you whimper out weakly, and the sweet sounding words on your lips have him choking back a sob as he cums, thick spurts of white painting your lower back.
he keeps moving his hand on his cock until he’s completely finished, panting heavily. by the time he’s done you’re both sticky with sweat, breathing like you’ve just run a marathon.
you let out a long sigh, feeling exhausted but satisfied. silence settles over the studio, the music long stopped, but you can’t tell if it’s a good silence or a bad silence.
you realize you’d closed your eyes while jun was cumming, and when you don’t feel his touch anymore, you slowly pry them open again, wondering where he went. 
you prop your head up in your hands and look behind you to see jun hastily pulling on his boxers and jeans. 
your jaw drops in horror. you’d thought, with his inexperience, he wouldn’t be like all the other guys who fuck and then take off, but apparently, you thought wrong.
his head whips around as he pulls his zipper up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“are you seriously gonna just leave?”
his mouth falls open. “no! of course not! i was just putting my pants back on.”
your expression softens. “oh,” you say quietly, face flushing at having jumped to conclusions so quickly. “sorry.”
“why would i wanna leave after this?” he frowns, looking genuinely appalled at the mere idea that someone might do that. “you’re still here.”
“i thought, since–” you start, then pause. discussion for another time. “nevermind, it’s not important. but why were you putting your pants on like you were gonna leave?”
you’re the one feeling embarrassed, but it’s junhui that turns red and starts stuttering. “well, i– um, i didn’t want you to… see…”
you laugh and put your head back in your arms. when you don’t say anything, he calls out your name nervously, and you look back over at him.
“junnie, your dick was just in me. twice. i don’t care what it looks like.”
“okay,” he says shyly, but his fingers still fumble with the button of his jeans.
you sigh once he finishes adjusting his pants. whatever makes him more comfortable, you suppose. “jun, can you… help me clean up now, please?” you ask timidly.
he glances over at you, looking like he’s about to ask why you need help, but then he sees you still bent awkwardly over the table and his cum still covering your back, and his eyes widen. “oh! shit, yeah– yes, i’m so sorry, i will–” he stammers, almost tripping over his backpack in his hurry to go get a tissue from the box by the door.
you sigh, more exhausted than mad, knowing you can’t really fault him. he comes back over a second later, gripping a wadded-up handful of tissues.
he drops them on your back and begins wiping at your skin, gingerly cleaning you off. when he’s satisfied with his work, he balls up the tissues and tosses them into the small can by the door.
“oh!” he says, realizing. “i think we have antibacterial wipes in here too, do you want me to use one of those? er, wait, i don’t know if they’re safe for skin…”
with your back (mostly) clean again, you stand up, wincing at the ache in your hips. “it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i’ll shower when i get home.”
you limp over to your chair, picking up your clothes and sitting down to start getting dressed again.
when jun finishes pulling his shirt over his head and looks over at you he gasps, seeing the bruises across your hips and tummy. “holy shit! did i do that?” he asks, looking horrified, and you look down to check.
“oh. yeah, that and the table,” you shrug, hooking your bra behind your back.
“i’m sorry,” he says, voice quivering, and he genuinely looks like he’s about to cry until you convince him you’re alright and he didn’t do anything wrong.
“it’s not supposed to hurt, though, i thought,” he frowns. “i don’t want to hurt you. i lo– um, like you,” he says, “why would i want to hurt you?” he catches himself quickly, but you heard what he started to say. you decide now isn’t the best moment for you to bring it up, so you leave it alone.
“sometimes people like it when it hurts. sometimes people like it not to hurt. everybody’s different,” you tell him instead.
he nods, thinking. “i… liked this,” he says finally.
you smile, finishing putting the last of your clothes back on. “good, i’m glad. you’re supposed to enjoy it.”
“did… you like it?” he asks tentatively.
“yes, i did like it,” you giggle, and he beams, clearly proud of himself. and he should be. obviously it wasn’t the most perfect of your life, but when is it ever? it was close enough to perfect that it might as well be.
“you live on campus, right? so i don’t need to walk you to your car?” he asks, grabbing his jacket that somehow fell on the floor and tossing it onto his chair as he starts to shut everything down in the studio.
you sigh. damn, you’d forgot about this part. sure, a couple hours ago you could walk just fine to the communications building on the complete opposite side of campus, but you hadn’t planned on getting railed within an inch of your life so you hadn’t exactly thought to bring your car. “yeah, but i… it’s on the south end, and i probably won’t be able to walk very far,” you mumble, avoiding his gaze. “i’ll take the shuttle.”
he frowns. “i’m not gonna let you take the bus. i can give you a ride.”
“you don’t need to, jun.”
“yes, i do,” he says assertively, and it startles you enough to meet his eyes. you haven’t ever heard his voice that firm, and when you look up his expression is as equally determined as his tone. not that you’d ever admit it to him, but it is kind of… hot.
you decide not to argue with him, knowing you won’t be able to change his mind anyway. you nod an ‘okay’, and his face instantly brightens to the awkward, nerdy jun you’re used to, beaming like he did when you first agreed to another date, back in the café what feels like ages ago.
“are you doing anything tonight?” you ask, watching him shut down the equipment and turn all the knobs and dials to an off position.
“no. i mean, i was gonna catch up on my show, but then, i didn’t expect for… this, to happen, so…” he shrugs. “i don’t know.”
“do you wanna come over? i… i mean, not to do anything. just… wanna be with you.” your voice comes out smaller than you intend it to, but jun still hears you loud and clear.
“yeah,” he grins. “yeah, that would be really cool.”
he pauses, looking like he wants to ask you something but not sure if he should. “can i give you a hug?” he says finally.
you smile. only junhui would ask for something as small and sweet as a hug after having sex. “yes, please.”
he crosses the room in two strides, barely giving you time to process before he’s squeezing you in his arms. you sigh and automatically melt into his arms, inhaling the perfumey scent of his cologne lingering on his wrinkled clothes.
it feels… good, being cared about.
he finishes shutting everything down quickly and grabs his things, swinging his backpack over his shoulder as he flips off the lights and closes the door behind you, making sure it’s locked before heading down the stairs.
you hate the way your legs tremble going down the steps, cursing him for being so good at his first time, because who the hell is that good their first time? already at the bottom of the stairs, jun looks back to see where you are and why you aren’t beside him, and, seeing you gripping onto the side railing for support, he dashes back up the steps two at a time to grab your arm and help you.
“you weren’t kidding when you said you couldn’t walk,” he giggles, holding the door open for you, and oh my god you want to hit him. “does that always happen? i thought people always just made that up to sound cool.”
“yes, i wasn’t kidding, and no, it doesn’t always,” you mutter, face heating in embarrassment. “depends on the person and how rough it is.”
his smile widens, the implied meaning of your words sinking in. “so what you’re saying is, my di–”
“junnie, if you finish that sentence, i swear to god i will never have sex with you ever again.”
he giggles, but he shuts his mouth, helping you the rest of the way to his car in silence. this time you know for sure, it’s a good silence.
his car is nicer than you’d expect a man’s car to be: clean and fairly organized, and there’s no half-eaten fast food in the backseat. he swings open the door for you and tries to help you sit down, but you swat his hand away.
he jogs around to the driver side door and slides into the seat, slamming it shut behind him. he buckles up, then grabs a candy cane from the pile in the cupholder and holds it out to you. “candy cane?”
“i’m… good,” you laugh, forcing yourself not to make a joke about having better things to suck on. why does he even have those in his car?
the ride to your apartment complex is pleasant. as expected from the radio man himself, as soon as the key is in the ignition, he turns the radio on, humming along to every song. you find yourself spending most of the drive staring at him, studying the tiny features in his cheeks when he smiles and the way his adam’s apple bobs when he hums.
after a shower, clean pajamas, and a raid of your refrigerator for snacks and something to drink, you’re snuggled up on the couch with jun, catching up on the show he wanted to watch. it’s the middle of some random season and you have no idea what’s going on, but you don’t care. just being here with him is more than enough for you, and you’re glad he’s enjoying being here, too.
“do you have a voice kink?” he asks suddenly at one of the commercials.
you nearly choke on your gatorade. “i– well, i mean… i didn’t used to, but…” you sputter out, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. “where did you even hear that?”
“jeonghan said you might.”
you scoff. you still haven’t met junhui’s broadcasting partner yet, but you already have some choice words in mind for him when you do finally get to have the pleasure of meeting him. “well, tell him to keep his thoughts to himself,” you say, taking another smaller sip and avoiding his grin.
“so is that a yes?”
you roll your eyes and ignore him, which might as well be a yes, but you choose not to admit it. you know you definitely need to talk to him about… everything, but he seems so happy right now, you don’t want to risk ruining the evening.
but luckily for you, he brings it up himself at the next commercial break.
“how long do i have to wait until i can ask you to be my girlfriend?” he says, muting the tv and looking over at you.
you laugh. “were we not… already?” you ask. “we’ve been on, like, four dates. usually that part happens before you have sex.”
he looks a little disappointed, for some reason. not exactly the reaction you’d expect when someone tells you they want to keep seeing you. “oh. um, well…” he starts, scratching at the back of his neck. “i planned it all out, i was gonna do this big thing and ask you. i thought i was supposed to. i meant to do it earlier, but…” he trails off, cheeks turning pink.
your expression softens. “you… can ask me now,” you say, putting your hand on his thigh.
“okay.” he clears his throat, sitting up straighter on the couch. “will you be my girlfriend?”
you try not to laugh at how serious he is, knowing he’s really, really trying. “yes, of course,” you reply, trying to match his seriousness.
“is that okay? that i didn’t do it right?” he asks nervously, fiddling with the hem of the blanket covering your laps.
you smile and bring your hand up to his cheek, pulling him towards you to give him a quick kiss. “you did it perfect, junnie.”
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taglist | @rae-ha-writes @listxn @babebatter @shuatm @yeosayang @noniestars @enhacolor @kimy3na @candidupped @berrryshortcake @tinkerbell460 @haraethx @iheartyeonnnnn @onlymingyus @brrrlamborgini @foxdaisy @wonderfulshinee @mxnghao8
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leclerc-s · 3 months
snow angel - track four
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, mickschumacher and others
rheareynolds the council sending me off for filming.
tagged: lilymhe
view all comments
user1 somehow all three are very grumpy about rhea leaving.
↳ rheareynolds they were. although the boyfriend has no place to be complaining. he's constantly travelling.
user2 the boyfriend is hot.
↳ user3 you can only see his hair and arms?
↳ user2 and?
vancityreynolds stop lying, i bet they're thrilled.
↳ rheareynolds just because blake always throws a party when you leave doesn't mean my friends and boyfriend do.
lilymhe you couldn't have found a better picture of me?
↳ rheareynolds i think you look very cute
↳ alex_albon that's my girlfriend!
↳ rheareynolds what's your point? she's literally my wife
charles_leclerc have fun but not too much fun!
user4 okay but her cat is literally the prettiest cat i've ever seen.
user5 see i personally love that rhea met lily and the other drivers through lando but they still picked her over him
↳ user6 to be fair they are friendly with lando but you can tell it's not the same as it was.
↳ user7 well lando cheated on his girlfriend and not the other way around.
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lilymhe and rheareynolds posted new stories
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breakfast with the prettiest girl ever.
prettiest surprise visit ever.
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charles leclerc rhea come home the children (me and lily) miss you
lily muni he please come back!
max verstappen added two people
logan sargeant bonjour!
logan sargeant i don't speak french
oscar piastri hello?
charles leclerc piastri i swear to seb if you tell nowins about this i will crash into you. alex albon jeez give the kid a chance to breathe sharl
rhea reynolds i wrap filming in may!
rhea reynolds oh hello. oscar piastri and?
logan sargeant i'm logan sargeant, alex's teammate. when will we be getting new music?
yuki tsunoda yes, when can i get new material to further torment norizz?
rhea reynolds july.
lance stroll BOOO!!
rhea reynolds but a single in june
pierre gasly IT'S BARELY APRIL?? THAT'S TWO WHOLE MONTHS AWAY?? mick schumacher sucks to suck charles leclerc YOU LET HIM HEAR IT BEFORE US?? YOUR BEST FRIENDS?? charles leclerc WHAT HAPPENED TO BROS BEFORE HOES?
rhea reynolds talk too much, i hate boston, poison poison, gemini moon, snow angel, so what now, the wedding song, pretty girls, tummy hurts, i wish, willow, 23.
charles leclerc claiming snow angel lily muni he claiming pretty girls max verstappen you two are too much sometimes. but i claim so what now.
rhea reynolds his ass is grass. trust.
oscar piastri trust i will be playing this in my drivers room.
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MAY 2023
rheareynolds posted new stories
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i just woke up why the fuck is everyone blowing up my phone? did my nudes get leaked, not that i have any, or some shit? worse, what the fuck did ryan do now?
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mick schumacher who fucking spilled??
esteban ocon i spilled milk earlier, why are you asking?? and how do you know??
rhea reynolds how the fuck did some spanish paper find out that i was dating mick??
charles leclerc oh no.
max verstappen YOU TOLD CARLOS??
oscar piastri this is bad. so bad.
george russell NO! NO MORE TALKING TO CARLOS!!
charles leclerc HE PROMISED!!
rhea reynolds WHAT THE FUCK CHARLES??
pierre gasly i thought we learned our lesson after last time?
alex albon this is bad. this is so fucking bad.
rhea reynolds yeah no shit alex.
alex albon you didn't read the article did you?
lily muni he i swear to sebastian that i will be castarating both sainz and norris for what's being said. rhea reynolds oh fuck me.
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are you dating mick schumacher?
i know you're seeing these
are you seriously dating mick? my friend?
that's rich coming from the guy who cheated on me with a friend.
and if i am i don't think i owe you an explanation.
i also wasn't aware you guys were friends. you take one picture with a guy and suddenly you're friends.
are you fucking kidding me reynolds?
you're dating him?
him of all people
literally fuck you norris.
tell carlos to pull the fucking article or i'm suing his ass for defamation.
for what? telling the truth?
you and i both fucking know that article is straight bullshit. i never did anything to you. i was committed to our relationship more than you ever fucking were.
either he pulls the article or i swear i'll sue him.
fuck you and i hope you choke.
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taglist: @emilyval @ihateyougunthersteiner @lesliiieeeee @firetruckstuckley @cashtons-wife @landonorizzz @yoremins @nikfigueiredo @badassturtle13 @cataf1 @silentreader128 @taylorsatl @alessioayla @greeneyesandsunshine @wisteriafence @mrscharlesleclerc @sesamepancakes @localwhoore @vettelsebastianvettel @Pinksstrawberry @yourbane @bborra @aandreea2005 @nichmeddar @asparklysoul @landossainz @scarletwidow3000 @cha-hot @ssararuffoni @cherry-piee @vroomvroommuppett @shineforever19 @kissesandmartinis
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i do know that the mick quote in the grill the grid video is in reference to seb, but the opportunity was right there so i had to go with it!! if i had a nickel for everytime i made carlos out to be an asshole i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. I PROMISE I DON'T HATE HIM!! I ACTUALLY LIKE HIM BUT HE'S LIKE BESTIES WITH LANDO AND IT WORKS OUT SO WELL.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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195 notes · View notes
dreamwritesimagines · 11 months
Garden of Secrets [30] - Lunaria
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Thanks so much to @theskytraveler​ for helping me with the chapter!
Summary: After arguments comes sincerity.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of trauma and violence, angst.
Word Count: 5000
Series Masterlist
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 Any married couple would tell you that fights were normal in a marriage.
You knew that, but this whole silence was beginning to feel more and more like the end of the said marriage.
You and Benedict hadn’t talked to each other since the night of the dinner party at Lady Margery’s house, and you and Benedict were getting quite good at sharing the house without even talking about it. You wouldn’t have known he was actually staying in the house if you hadn’t paid attention to the occasional sounds of door closing and the footsteps.
You didn’t know when you had learned to recognize him from his footsteps alone, but apparently it had happened somewhere along the line.
You knew Benedict had left an hour ago because you had seen him pass through the garden from the window of the library. You had been so immersed in your book that you didn’t even notice the familiar carriage pulling in front of the house until you heard Teddy’s voice ringing through the hallway.
You turned your head and put your book down, then rushed out of the library to go downstairs.
“Teddy?” you asked as he ran to you, clutching a couple of flowers in his arms and you let out a laugh, then hugged him.
“Hello there,” you said and smiled at your aunt as you saw her at the end of the hallway. “And hello auntie.”
“Hello my dearest,” she said, coming to kiss your cheek. “We figured we could pay you a quick visit on our way to the pastry shop.”
“I’m glad you did,” you said and took the flowers from Teddy. “These are beautiful Teddy, thank you!”
“They’re from your garden,” he said helpfully and you nodded your head.
“Mm hm, I recognized them,” you said and held his hand so that you all could go to the drawing room. “Pastry shop then?”
“Yes and then we will go to the park,” your aunt said. “So that I can meet my friends and Teddy can play with his friends.”
“The weather is pretty nice,” you mused and turned to your maid. “Paula, could you bring some lemonade and biscuits please? Thank you.”
“Of course ma’am,” she said and left the room, and you hugged Teddy sideways as he sat beside you.
“How is uncle?” you asked your aunt and she heaved a sigh.
“He is alright.”
“Any um…” you trailed off and stole a look at Teddy before clearing your throat. “Any letters?”
“None,” she said with a smile. “I told you, there’s no need to be worried.”
“Seems to be engraved in me by now.”
A maid walked in, carrying a tray and made her way to you to place three glasses of lemonade as well as three plates of biscuits on the coffee table. You thanked her as Teddy grabbed his glass, then took a huge sip.
“Is Benedict home?” he looked up at you and you heaved a sigh, then shook your head.
“No my sweet, he left an hour ago.”
“When can I make more sculptures?” he asked and you tried to smile.
“Whenever you want,” you said. “Is it alright if I help you though?”
“Not Benedict?” he asked, his brows furrowing slightly. “But he knows so much about art.”
You nodded your head.
“Benedict has been working on a new painting lately,” you whispered as if giving him a secret. “He’s a bit busy but we can do it together?”
He thought for a moment, then his head whipped up.
“I could teach you!” he said as if the thought just hit him and you let out a laugh.
“Exactly!” you said, “It would be fun!”
“Benedict is working on a new painting?” your aunt asked and you looked up at her, then nodded your head.
“Yeah,” you said. “He’s been…he’s been busy.”
She raised her brows, her eyes searching your face as if she wanted to see whether you were telling the truth but the gong of the clock on the wall made her turn her head.
“Oh I’m going to be late,” she said and got up from her chair with you following her suit. “We’d better go, come on Teddy.”
“Alright,” Teddy pushed the biscuit into his mouth, making you bite down a smile and he came to hug you.
“I’ll see you later,” you said, pressing a kiss on top of his head before you hugged your aunt. She hugged you back, then pulled back to look at you better.
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
Your stomach did a painful flip but you managed to offer her a small smile.
“Of course,” you assured her. “I’m fine.”
She heaved a sigh and kissed your cheek.
“We’re having tea as soon as possible.”
“Works for me,” you said and watched her and Teddy walk out of the drawing room to make their way downstairs. Your smile dropped and you let out a breath, then sat back down on the sofa again.
“Great,” you muttered to yourself. “Today should be fun.”
 Towards the afternoon, Lottie had sent you a note, asking you to join her for a picnic but you had written back, saying you weren’t feeling your best. It wasn’t a lie at all, you really didn’t want to see anyone, instead all you wanted was just burying yourself into the covers and ignore the outside world.
But apparently you wouldn’t be so lucky.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice the approaching footsteps while you laid on the sofa, your gaze fixed on the fireplace until someone cleared their throat by the door, making your head whip up.
“Josie?” you asked and pushed yourself up off the sofa to stand up. “What are you doing here?”
“Came to see how you were, obviously,” she said and entered the drawing room. “Not well as I can tell.”
You rolled your eyes. “Did auntie talk to you?”
“No, why?” she asked. “Should she have?”
“No, it’s just—” you motioned vaguely at outside. “She came by for a visit today with Teddy.”
“And nothing,” you said. “She seemed worried about me for some reason.”
“Could the reason be that you were staring into nothing like a corpse by any chance?” she asked you and you shot her a look.
“I was just in deep thought, don’t dramatize it.”
She frowned slightly, then shook her head.
“Anyway,” she said and went to the armchair to sit down. “Has there been any other letters sent from hell and its biggest demon?”
“Auntie says no,” you muttered, pressing your palms into your eyes before lowering your hands. “But I don’t know. I’ll have to talk to uncle to make sure.”
Josie hummed.
“What about you?” you asked. “How have you been?”
“I’m fine,” she said without so much as any hesitation and you tilted your head.
“Come on,” you said. “Don’t do that to me at the very least.”
“I really am fine,” she said. “I’m married now, he cannot do anything to me. The days he would threaten to either sell me to a brothel or send me to the madhouse are gone.”
A shiver ran down your spine. “But if they speak to anyone—”
“Andrew is a respected lord who inherited his respectful father’s title and wealth,” she said. “Father is a no one. There’s nothing he could say that the ton would believe over our word.”
You started pacing in the room.
“I suppose,” you said. “But even if they do come here, we’re not telling Teddy.”
Josie shook her head fervently. “Of course not. He will not know or talk to them.”
You could feel the tension coming back to your muscles as the throbbing in your wrist returned, and you rubbed at it, gritting your teeth.
“Why doesn’t he just die?” you spat. “He was coughing like crazy when uncle took me and Teddy in years ago, he spends most of his days drunk, why doesn’t it just get to him already?”
“Trust me, I’m looking forward to that day,” Josie said. “I’ll celebrate it.”
“If he so much as tries to get Teddy like he said in that letter—”
“He’s not going to do that,” Josie said. “None of us will let him.”
You massaged your temples and huffed out a breath.
“What did Benedict say?” she asked you and you turned to look at her, then pursed your lips.
“That’s not important right now.”
Josie sat up straighter.
“What?” she asked. “Wait Y/N you have told him, haven’t you?”
“No because I don’t need to,” you said. “I can handle it if they come here.”
Josie gawked at you in complete silence, then a dry laughter spilled from her lips.
“You’re jesting,” she said. “Surely you are jesting.”
“Why would I tell him?”
“Why would you not tell him?” she hissed at you, jumping on her feet. “What are you going to do if father decides to come here? And the staff hasn’t been told—”
“I’ll tell them.”
“And if he walks up to Benedict on the street?”
“I doubt father even knows I’m married,” you said. “There’s no reason for Benedict to—”
“There’s every reason for him to know!” she said. “If you don’t want to give him the details, fine! But you need to tell him especially if they decide to come here, you know what father is like—”
“I can handle father.”
Josie threw her hands up in exasperation. “Have you gone insane?!”
“I don’t need Benedict’s help,” you said tersely, shrugging your shoulders and Josie heaved an impatient sigh.
“If you’re doing this because you two had a small lover’s spat…”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Josie.”
“You had a fight, is that it?”
“That’s not important.”
“It is important if you’re going to make stupid choices because of it!” she snapped. “If it were any other time, you know I wouldn’t push you to do anything but if mother and father are in fact coming here, you’re going to need all the support you can get.”
You scoffed. “Sure, let me just go and cry to Benedict because what? Father is coming here?”
Josie raised her brows. “How’s your wrist?”
The anger rushed through you so fast that you didn’t even have the chance to remind yourself it wasn’t Josie you were angry at, just the memory itself and how it managed to make you feel helpless every single time.
Not to mention, your and Josie’s fights would always be fiery, ever since you two were little.
“Fuck you, I’m not going to listen to this,” you growled and Josie’s gaze turned into a glare as you walked past her toward the door.
“No?” she asked, making you whirl around on your heels before you got to the door. “If you don’t want people to ask you questions, maybe don’t act like a little girl throwing a tantrum.”
“I’m not!”
“By keeping the one person who you’re actually close to in the dark?” she snapped back. “The one person who can actually protect you as far as the ton and the law are concerned? For God’s sake, you’re married—”
“It’s a sham, Josie!” the words left your lips before you had the chance to stop them. “Wake up, will you? It’s a sham, it’s not real! None of this is!”
That got her to stop talking and if you weren’t so exhausted by the nervousness and anger rushing through you for days now, you would have stopped talking as well but you were nearly hysterical at this point.
“We’re not in love,” you said, breathing fast. “The only reason why we got married is because people saw us together, alright? He knows it, I know it, even goddamn Anthony knows it! And everyone around us is so gullible that they believed we were in love because what? We pretended to be just to spare their feelings? Honestly Josie, I’d expect you of all people to be smarter than that—”
The different voice that reached into the room came from behind you from the door and you turned around to see Lottie staring at you in shock. Your breath got caught in your throat and you swallowed thickly.
“Your butler let me in, I wanted to see if you were alright after your note but—I—” she stammered, tears rushing to her eyes. “You both…you all lied to me? All this time?”
“No,” you said quickly. “No it’s just complicated, I didn’t mean—”
“Excuse me,” she said and turned around to rush downstairs, a curse leaving your lips before you rushed after her.
“Lottie- Charlotte!” you called out as she stepped outside with you following her. “Please, can we just talk?”
“That rumor Lady Whistledown mentioned,” she said, turning to look at you better. “That was true?”
You ran a hand over your face. “It’s not exactly—”
“Y/N,” she insisted and you heaved a sigh.
“Things between me and Benedict are complicated.”
“But you didn’t get married because of love?” she asked. “You got married because someone saw you two together, unchaperoned?”
You paused for a moment and she raised her brows.
“…You could say that,” you admitted after a beat and shook your head. “I know how it sounds, but we didn’t want to upset you—”
“Thank you so much for that,” she said with a sad laugh and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Lottie…” you said, following her as she walked to her carriage. “I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t want you to find out this way.”
She looked at you for a moment, then swallowed thickly.
“I’d say you didn’t want me to find out in any way,” she muttered and got in the carriage before you could say anything else, then the coachman drove away, leaving you there.
You groaned, that heaviness in your heart getting even worse as you watched her carriage disappear into the road and dug your fingernails into your palms before you looked up at the sky and let out a scream, the birds in the nearest tree flying away. You huffed out a breath, then turned around to see Josie leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, and her brows raised.
“I’m glad you got it off your chest I guess,” she said. “Now, want to tell me what the fuck that was about?”
It took you almost an hour to fill her in on the details of everything that had happened. Even if you still felt incredibly bad for how Lottie had found out, -and how you had kept it from Josie- it still felt sort of relieving to actually share it with someone. Josie sat beside you on the stairs that whole time and it was only when you had finished telling her everything that she heaved a deep sigh, leaning back on her elbows.
“Mm hm,” you said. “Sounds about right.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You scoffed a laugh. “Look me in the eye and tell me you would have let me marry him if you knew why that wedding was happening.”
“Of course I wouldn’t have let you!” she said. “That’s exactly why you should have told me!”
“And then?” you asked. “You know how the ton would have been like.”
“Who cares about those idiots?”
“A scandal would have affected uncle and auntie as well, Josie.”
“Scandal or not, I think uncle and auntie would want you to be happy.”
“I am—it’s not…” you massaged your temples for what felt like the hundredth time today. “It’s complicated.”
“It really isn’t,” she said. “If he forced your hand—”
“He didn’t force my hand,” you cut her off. “No more than I forced his hand at least. I wanted to kiss him, he wanted to kiss me…It’s only because people saw us together that it got to this.”
“And you’re sure he didn’t plan this?”
“I know he didn’t,” you said. “Trust me, I’d love to be able to blame someone but Benedict is not to blame.”
“Neither are you.”
You clicked your tongue.
“I don’t know about that,” you said. “I could’ve walked away.”
“So could he,” she said and you heaved a sigh, then shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t know,” you repeated, running a hand over your face. “God, it feels like I haven’t slept in years.”
Josie bit at her lip, deep in thought before she turned to you.
“Technically speaking, this marriage is invalid,” she said. “No consummation.”
“Would he apply for an annulment?”
Your heart dropped to your stomach but you frowned, shaking your head.
“I don’t think so.”
“Would you?”
“I’m not going to apply for annulment,” you brushed her off and she sat up straighter.
“Then we could leave whenever you want, you can come with me and Andrew and Bess—”
“I’m not going to do that Josie,” you said and she scoffed a laugh.
“Why not?” she asked. “If you’re worried about a scandal…”
“That’s not why,” you told her. “Not really.”
“Does it have something to do with the fact that you kissed him?” she asked and you shot her a look.
“Don’t,” you said. “Seriously. It was just desire and I’m pretty sure anything he may have felt for me is long gone after that fight.”
“And yet you want to stay for some reason because you want to make yourself suffer?”
You heaved a sigh.
“No I—I’ll think about it,” you lied to her. “After this whole mess is over.”
“Alright,” she said and stood up. “I’d better go but are you going to be okay?”
“Sure thing,” you said, waving a hand in the air before standing up as well. She pulled you into a hug, then kissed your cheek.
“I’ll kill you if you hide things from me again,” she said, drawing a chuckle out of you before she walked to get in the carriage. You lingered there for a moment as the carriage drove away and you shook your head slightly, then walked back into the house.
You were still so tense that you couldn’t even bring yourself to have dinner even if you would be all by yourself. Benedict was still outside, so even though you knew there was no way you could get a wink of sleep, you still went to your bedroom. The sky was dark already, your room only illuminated by the moonlight and the flames in the fireplace. You took out the pins in your hair, then massaged your scalp and heaved a sigh before putting the flowers Teddy and your aunt had brought you on the windowsill so that you could air dry them, but as soon as you did, the carriage by the stone road caught your attention, making you frown.
That had to be Benedict.
You had just placed all of the flowers when the knock on the door reached you and you looked over your shoulder.
“Come in?”
Benedict opened the door and stepped inside, and you frowned at just how rigid his whole body looked.
“Can we talk?”
“About?” you asked and he took a deep breath as if reminding himself to be calm.
“Did you do it on purpose?”
“You might want to—” you started but then the idea hit you, making you stop for a moment. “Ah. Lottie?”
“Yeah,” he said. “So did you?”
You gawked at him and scoffed a bitter chuckle. “Why would I do it on purpose, exactly?”
“Because you’re angry at me for some reason?”
You could feel the anger rushing through your system so you gritted your teeth.
“Contrary to what you seem to believe, I don’t go behind people’s backs when I’m angry at them.”
He raised his brows, disbelief etched in his features.
“Sure,” he said. “So it was what, a coincidence?”
“Well you seem to have all the answers,” you bit back. “I’m sure you can answer that on your own as well.”
“Why would you tell Charlie that?” he insisted. “She’s angry at me and Anthony because apparently you decided to tell her he knew as well.”
“Oh well that’s devastating,” you deadpanned. “Because I spend all my days trying to make sure everything I do makes Anthony’s life easier—obviously I didn’t know she was here! She’s angry at me too, or has it escaped your notice?”
“Then how did she—”
“Because she was apparently there when I told Josie, but I didn’t know.”
Benedict stared at you. “Wait, Josie knows as well?”
“Lapse in judgement, we were having an argument,” you said and Benedict blinked a couple of times.
“Y/N, I thought we agreed we would keep it to ourselves,” he said. “We told everyone—”
“I have more to lose than you if it gets out, Benedict!” you snapped. “You don’t have to remind me what I already know!”
He took a deep breath as if reminding himself to be calm.
“We’re married,” he said, motioning between you two. “We need to be on the same page on things like these.”
“Oh now you remember we’re married?” you asked with a bitter laugh. “You can act like a bachelor and spend a whole night partying and doing God knows what without so much as letting me know—”
“I did let you know!”
Your voice rose before you had a chance to stop it; “Oh sorry, how nice of you to invite me to the party as a second thought!”
“I already told you nothing happened!”
“That’s not the point!” you snapped back, “The point is that you told me we would talk and we didn’t because you were too busy having fun at a party!”
Benedict shook his head. “You told me it wasn’t important!”
“Because you—” you started but your body automatically flinched back when Benedict’s hand shot up to run it through his hair, a gesture you had seen him do over and over again but in the heat of the argument, it was enough to make the rest of your sentence get lost in your throat.
Benedict’s hand froze in the air as the sudden panic rushed through your veins, the flash of various memories shooting through your head but even through the haze of absolute fear, in some corner of your mind you knew.
That was then, not now.
That was not going to happen again, not with him.
Benedict stared at you before he held up his palms, all the fire of the fight and anger gone from his gaze.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said, his voice so gentle and soothing that your throat tightened. “I promise you.”
You blinked back the tears and nodded. “I know.”
“I would never—”
“Benedict, I know,” you cut him off and let out a bitter chuckle. “I believe in you on that at the very least, trust me. It just used to happen a lot whenever anyone moved too fast around me, it’s involuntary.”
Benedict swallowed thickly, his eyes searching your face before he very slowly lowered his hands as if trying not to make any sudden moves. The panic retrieved from your body like a wave at the shore and you heaved a sigh, then leaned back to the wall before slipping down to sit on the floor.
“I can leave you be if you’d like,” Benedict said softly. “Do you want me to go?”
You scoffed a dry laugh and patted the spot next to you. Benedict lingered there for a moment, then made his way to you to sit down on the floor beside you, leaning his back to the wall while you pulled your knees up to your chest, resting your chin on them.
“But you…” he paused for a moment. “You know I would never, right? Really?”
“Yeah,” you said. “I know. I don’t know how, but I know.”
You stared at the moonlight spilling over both of you through the window before you ran a hand over your face.
“Do you want to get an annulment?”
That made him turn to look at you better, his brows furrowing as you shrugged.
“Technically speaking, this marriage is invalid,” you quoted Josie. “We never consummated, so…We could get an annulment.”
He stared at you. “Do you want to get an annulment?”
“I asked first.”
If it were any other time, it would have made him smile at the very least but not this time.
“No,” he said. “But I won’t force you, I’ll never force you into anything so…Do you want one?”
You shook your head.
“No,” you admitted. “No I don’t.”
A silence fell upon you and he leaned his head back to rest it against the wall before stealing a look at you.
“So this is marriage huh?” he asked and you felt a sad smile curl your lips.
“Yeah,” you said. “A never-ending emotional torture.”
“Well you did warn me, so…” Benedict mused and you nodded your head.
“I really did,” you murmured, twisting your wedding ring around your finger. “Jesus I’m exhausted.”
A bitter chuckle climbed up his throat.
“I know the feeling,” he rasped out. “Can you um—can you sleep at night? Because I can’t.”
“Not at all,” you said. “And I can’t really focus on anything. Can you?”
“I need to,” he said. “I need to be focused on something all the time, otherwise…”
“What?” you asked after a beat and Benedict shook his head.
“It’ll catch up to me otherwise.”
He didn’t need to specify what it was, you knew it very well because it was the same thing that had been twisting your heart for the last two weeks.
The wave of pain that was so strong that if it managed to get to you, you weren’t sure you’d be able to stand.
“It’ll turn into hate one day,” you said, your voice determined as you nodded your head to yourself. “It will. It’s a marriage, it has to turn into resentment and one day we will wake up and we’ll hate each other.”
He tilted his head. “Do you really believe that?”
“I want to believe that,” you said. “I hope it does turn into hate, I’m better at it.”
“Dear God, it would be so much easier,” he murmured and you nodded.
“Exactly,” you croaked out as the burning in your eyes came back but you bit at your tongue, fixing your gaze on the wall.
“Can I ask you something?” Benedict asked and you glanced at him.
“I’ve always wondered if you…” he trailed off. “Do you regret it? That night at the gazebo?”
“Do you?”
“I asked first,” he quoted you, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips and you smiled back, then shook your head.
“No,” you said. “Do you?”
“Not a single second of it,” he stated and a nearly hysterical giggle escaped from your lips.
“You know, Lord Easton said something the other night,” you said and sniffled. “And I have a theory about this whole thing.”
“I’m listening.”
“Call it artist and muse, call it desire, whatever it is,” you said. “I’m beginning to think maybe it was fate.”
“You don’t believe in fate,” he said and you thought for a moment, then shook your head.
“Well, I don’t but think about it,” you said, wiping at your nose with the back of your hand, then turned sideways to see him better. “We kept tempting fate even if we knew we weren’t supposed to and—be completely honest with me, can you imagine yourself being married to someone else?”
He grimaced. “Not without a shudder and a nightmare to go with that idea.”
“Exactly,” you insisted. “Even after everything. So we’re—we’re not star-crossed, we’re not each other’s promised but maybe we’re something else completely different than all that.”
“Like what?”
“Maybe we’re just doomed to torment each other.”
He blinked a couple of times as if trying to wrap his mind around it and you sniffled again.
“Does it not make sense?” you asked, sitting up straighter, your eyes locked in his. “Neither of us regret that night even if it would make perfect sense if we did, both of us could walk away right now, a luxury no other couple in the ton has, and yet…”
“Yet here we are.”
“Yeah,” you muttered. “Yet here we are. Doomed to torment each other, in this life and beyond.”
He hummed. “That’s a relieving thought.”
You turned to shoot him a look of disbelief. “The idea of being tormented is relieving?”
“Compared to the idea of not having you?” he asked. “It is. I can take the torment from you, just not…just not your absence.”
A silence fell upon the room and you rubbed at your eyes, then dropped your hands to your lap.
“Well then I shall haunt you,” you managed to say. “Even after death, like in those awful stories. If we are to torment each other, we will not be free of each other. Dead or not, no absence.”
A sad smile crossed Benedict’s lips and he held up his pinky.
“Do you promise?” he asked and a teary laugh climbed up your throat, then you looked up at him.
“Do you promise to haunt me?”
You blinked back the tears before they could blur your vision, then stuck your nose in the air.
“Do you promise to haunt me back?”
Benedict tilted his head. “Do you want me to?”
“I do,” you said without any hesitation and hooked your pinky with his. “Whoever goes first will haunt the other. Deal?”
There was no sign of hesitance in his eyes, only determination as he smiled slightly, making your heart skip a beat.
Chapter 31
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getvalentined · 2 months
Thinking about Vincent's involvement in the Queen's Blood storyline and how it's the perfect explanation for everything going south with the game in fairly recent history even though the game has canonically been around for decades. It's genuinely so clever, I'm in love.
So, for anyone who hasn't done the full questline, Vincent is the highest ranking Queen's Blood player in the entire game prior to facing off against the Shadowblood Queen herself and the completion of the questline. (After this, ranks are adjusted worldwide because of game mechanics; Nanaki is rank 10 in the QB Arena at Gold Saucer.)
A lot of people have poked fun at this, like Vincent apparently learned the game really fast and was just naturally really good at it—but no, actually, Vincent played the game before. He's this good because he was champion level back in the 70s, back when he was human.
We know this to be the case because when you match against Lidrehl, he says "the Emerald Witch sleeps in Nibelheim with a monster of chaos, and that is where it will remain." This means that Vincent already had the card when Hojo killed him. It's not clear how the Emerald Witch came into his possession, but you don't make his rank without being a very active player, so it's clear that he was very prolific in the scene back then!
And back then, it was just a game. No mysterious deaths or disappearances. The myth of the Shadowblood Queen and the Emerald Witch was still there, as Lidrehl developed the game based on the story, but everything was fine.
This is definitely because Vincent was active in the scene, and he had the Emerald Witch. The Rebirth Ultimania implies that the Shadowblood Queen is a piece of Jenova (which I thought was pretty obvious since she calls Cloud a "puppet" and he's also apparently the only one capable of facing her head-on), and the Emerald Witch is the soul of a Cetra that serves as the silent warden to her imprisonment within the game. (Imprisoning monsters in cards is not new to the series, either, since FF8 literally allowed players to turn monsters into cards rather than fighting them.) Vincent being so active in the circuit allowed him to spread the Emerald Witch's influence through the scene and kept the Shadowblood Queen quiet, reminded her to keep her head down, kept her from trying anything at risk of being spiritually shitmixed again.
But then Hojo killed Vincent, and the Cetra warden Emerald Witch was in his deck, and that deck was tucked away with his things in Nibelheim. And so she spent thirty years unable to perform her ongoing duty to assure the safety of the planet. This time allowed Jenova the Shadowblood Queen to regain the power and confidence to manifest and start wreaking havoc again, finally building up enough strength to directly possess her current holder—during the period that Sephiroth is calling for Reunion, which presumably helped to really draw her back to full consciousness.
There's a whole detailed storyline here that makes perfect sense, with Vincent's murder literally being the catalyst leading to the resurrection of the Shadowblood Queen, and Hojo never having a clue what he'd done.
This is super interesting to me not only because it actually showed some of the more far-reaching consequences of Vincent's death, but also because it indicates that Hojo has unwittingly been Jenova's most loyal emissary for decades. He gave her his wife, his son, himself—and the first murder he ever committed served to imprison the only power holding a piece of her thought lost to history at bay, allowing her to manifest decades later with her own will and personality completely intact, something that she can't do through Sephiroth.
As it turns out, Hojo and Vincent have been opposing forces in supporting fate's "chosen ones," the forces around them capable of choosing the final fate of the planet, for much longer than either of them ever thought.
Still not a huge fan of the card game itself, but I adore the way it's been woven into the story, and strengthened it as a result.
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iznsfw · 1 year
Fic idea: Mommy contest eunbi vs irene
Predator & Prey
Part Four of Dulce Periculum | Previous Part | Next Chapter
Red Velvet's Bae Joohyun (Irene) x IZ*ONE's Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader Smut
7,994 words
Categories | principal!Irene x (jealous)girlfriend!Eunbi x student!You, mommy kink, cunnilingus, oral double blowjob, snowballing, cumswap, degradation, female cucking
Surprise, it was a spoiler! Had to move the time to avoid posting in the night lol So... this is dedicated to @subfortwice, who ignites the Dulce Periculum universe, @idevian whose tutor Eunbi ask started it all, to my birthday twin @eunbisrabbit who had the idea of the collarbone thing, and to best boi @sinswithpleasure. I appreciate everything and every one of you guys! And again, sorry for the usual self-indulgent style that the whole Dulce Periculum series is based on XD and the barely edited fic. Eunrene just drive me crazy
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“You little brat.”
That’s the first thing you say the next time you see Eunbi at school. Not even a “hi” or a “how are you,” but when she’s set you up to fuck her teacher and led you into a trap, it’s definitely a nice way to open your little story. This tiny little thing of a story going down, down, down the rabbit hole. 
It’s all her fault. She’s conveniently fended off your questioning of the incident at the Kwon household. Now, however, with her parents nowhere to save her from your schemes, you’ve got your eyes on her. Soon, your hands will be, too. She can’t escape now. 
Eunbi squeals in fear and excitement when you run after her. Alright, so maybe she can escape. That’s fair. You bump through masses of walking students, trying to find her in the crowd. It's impossible to not identify her when her glasses and wavy hair give her away, so your eyes remain locked on her like a sniper. Your hands just itch to get on her. 
Students pass you weird and amused looks. You and Eunbi, after all, are always on some dumb shit. However, you care not for it especially if ignoring them leads you to finally cornering your girlfriend in the backyard school garden. It's a dead end—no windows or doors are here for her to attract help. She's laughing, too, and screaming a little as you pin her to the high school building wall. 
"Mmm, oppa," she giggles between her squirms and struggles, "stop—"
"You think you were slick, Eunbi?" you ask. Your fist keeps her wrists above her head. What a pretty little twist of fate—if she lured you into the trap that's Kim Taeyeon, now you're the one tying her up into your makeshift trap. It's more satisfying than seeing Jo Yuri get scolded. "For whoring me out to that teacher you're so obsessed with?"
She nods mindlessly. "Yesss."
"Brat." Kiss her. She giggles. Of course, that prompts several other kisses. "That's what you are, you know. A little fucking brat." 
Your chest fills with happiness at how she smiles and laughs despite your teasing words. She knows you'd never do anything to hurt her. It's all a little fun play of words. A little skit, to be more truthful. 
Speaking of, there's some factualness to your words, too, and she knows it. Eunbi's crushed on Taeyeon for too long and sees her as an actual mommy that she isn't jealous of your little getaway with her at all. She's probably prouder than you'd assume of her idea. 
But of course, she denies it. Denies it with every inch of her annoyingly gorgeous body.
"Can you please forgive me, oppa?" Eunbi's eyes gleam. "I promise I won't slut you out to mommy again, I pinky promise!"
She's wearing the uniform Taeyeon borrowed, and thinking of how there's still some of your teacher on it, that there's a good amount of your cum embedded into its fabric, makes you more turned on than you should. Eunbi with her arms up in her tiny uniform is an added factor. 
But then there's also a few more classes to attend. You can't fuck her here. You'd love to more than anything, yet Eunbi has her priorities, and you don't want to hold her back.
Release her hands. "One day I'll get back at you," you warn. "You're really gonna get it."
You let her off with a warning. You can be the cop here—you'd cuff her hands with your fingers, tack them to a wall or mattress, teach her a lesson. Tear that cheeky smile off her face and replace it with the lewdest expression. But you're a good cop, or at least, as good as one can get. You know it's what she wants: to be punished incessantly, so you're not giving it to her. It would be putting out fire with fire.
You turn her heel to leave. Like so, you leave her unfulfilled and needy, which is exactly how you want her to be.
"Oppa!" whines Eunbi. She runs after you. "I'm sorry!"
You shut your eyes and laugh. In hindsight, you really shouldn't have. It would have shown you a dash of a shadow mooring and watching, and prepared you for what will happen later on. 
Let's just say later on a letter is written. You and Eunbi don't know it yet, but there is a letter—it's written in rehearsed formality, sent to the principal's office, and given by a person who's got more control than they should have. 
So, again, just for context: there's real parchment sent to her that ties this whole story together. There's a dual meeting, and a whole lot of evidence. Keep that in mind.
It's one giant teenage hell in the classroom.
The boys are gaming on their phones with the Filipino exchange student, who introduced them to League of Legends. The girls have flocked to the bathrooms arm in arm, while the others stay behind to braid some of their classmates’ hair. There’s messy chalked writing on the blackboard, some too explicit to even be allowed (“Wan-pipty for wan subo," courtesy of the Filipino student, of course, and although you don’t understand his language, you have a good idea of what it means), and others promoting their favorite K-pop groups (“stan BLACKPINK, you uncultured fucks!!!!!”, to which someone has replied: “Doesn’t everyone?”).
But what else can you expect from a batch of eighteen-year-olds, especially when it’s vacant time? 
That's right: exactly this.
Either-which-way, it’s a complete mess, is what you’re saying. There's no one around to keep the noisy mess contained, not even Eunbi, who's trying to vent her frustration through doodling on her notebook. She’s already drawn several plotless comics and a rabbit named Bi, but the noise still gets to her. It irks her soul so much that her hands squeeze up and loosen too much of a grasp on her pen.
Click. It bounces back up. You catch it with one swoop of your hand. You could be Spiderman in another life. Watch out, Tom Holland, or whatever. 
“God,” she says, looking up from her notebook with a frustrated, sarcastic smile, “do these people ever shut up?”
You chuckle. You’re an open fan of Eunbi breaking her kind, forgiving character and just growing tired of everyone’s bullshit. It’s an occurrence rarer than thunder coming before lightning, a once-in-a-lifetime show only a select few are allowed to see. She’s too kind, really, that although she's the lead role, she bails out of it often.
Gesture to the messy classroom and say, in a matter-of-fact voice: “Welcome to senior year.”
“Can you tell them to be quiet?” she asks.
“Miss Myoui said only you can.” Quote her: “‘You’re the president, right? You go tell ‘em.’”
Right, Eunbi says to herself. She’s been wrapped up in too many responsibilities—captain of the volleyball team, president of every school club you can think of, plus end-of-the-year valedictorian just to name a few—that she forgets that these positions even hold meaning. It’s the norm for her to be given the highest positions in each category that it’s quite tiring, if she were to be honest. But she has her mother to please, along with herself. She can’t let either of them down.
Sighing, she leans back into her chair. “I just wish everything would, like, stop for a moment.” She closes her eyes, as if to dream of that being possible. Unfortunately, the world goes on with or without the fantasizing. “I wish I could get a break.”
“Hey.” You pat her thigh and caress it above her short school skirt. “Cheer up. You don’t have to be so excellent all the time. You can just,” wring a hand in the air for emphasis, “you know, be okay. Average.”
“But my mom…” 
Sigh. You realize it’s easier said than done. While your parents are lenient and have gotten used to your low grades, your girlfriend’s aren’t that nice. You know that from your visits to the Kwon household. Her mother and father try to be subtle about the pressure, but there’s something in the air that passes and tenses that tells you there’s a lot more to the situation than you think. Whatever it is, it's clear that being a Kwon isn't that fun.
Sometimes you wish you could trade places with Eunbi and withstand her problems for her. You hate seeing her like this. 
“Your mom?” a menacing new voice asks. “Or would you rather say… mommy?”
Eunbi’s eyes open suddenly and enlarge. She recognizes that word, and unfortunately, she remembers using it on someone she shouldn't have been with. So do you, for which you turn your gaze upwards. 
Of course it’s Jo Yuri. She’s your mortal enemy dressed in deceiving innocent school uniform. She’s wearing a knowing smile on her face. It always means bad news, and right now, the main topic of it is you. 
What does she know? Most importantly: why did she say that? 
In your anxiety, you can’t even defend yourself or your girlfriend.
“Y-Yuri—” stammers Eunbi, the look in her eyes being one of a deer caught in headlights. She’s a terrible liar at heart, so even if she were able to finish her sentence, it would have come out oddly. Probably even add up to proof of her guilt.
Yuri smirks proudly. “I know all about your dirty little secret, Eunbi,” she says. “About what you did with professor Kim while everyone was at the Intrams… about what you called her…”
Every step she takes rounding your cluster spells trouble, and you can’t say you didn’t bring it upon yourself. However, you're still scared to death.
“Cut it,” you say. Even for a troublemaker, your voice trembles. Not a good look… er, sound, rather. “We don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Your head races with anxious thoughts and distress. How did Yuri know about that little session you had with Taeyeon? Were you guys that loud? Perhaps she had a source or spy nearby? You've no idea which one it is, and that's what scares you more than the consequences.
Eunbi's silent, refusing to speak. She looks anywhere but Yuri's eyes. Her ears are red and it's impossible to denote anything from the two of you but obvious guilt.
“Oh, is that so?” Yuri pouts mockingly. "Guess you'll have no reason to talk to principal Bae right"—she checks her watch, then smiles widely—"now."
The speaker attached to the wall of your classroom buzzes, catches the attention of everyone and says: "Will miss Kwon from 12-A and her boyfriend please come down to the principal's office?"
Okay, so maybe you are scared of the consequences just as much as you're scared of how Yuri found out.
Everyone's looking at you now. How could you feel so cold yet so hot at the same time? Everybody's eyes are burning holes in your skin, and your spine's undergone several chills that you feel numb already. 
Are you even alive? 
Your breaths are bated and Eunbi's shifting in her seat nervously. You should have seen this happening. Yuri's had a vendetta against the two of you ever since you and Eunbi got together. She's haughty, she's proud, she's rich—and for that, she's got her sources everywhere, can even manipulate official school results through pure influence. You hate yourself for being a terrible boyfriend and letting this happen to Eunbi. 
Yuri smiles as you and Eunbi rise from your seats. She waves goodbye at you coyly, and leaves everyone in the room confused. Each one of them, even the boys gaming at the back, are wondering the same thing word-for-word: what happened?
You don't speak while taking the stairs with her, and neither does she. You don't tell her that you're dizzy from the curving paths and she doesn't say how cold her hands are. However, you both know so, since you're both reluctant and afraid to meet the principal and didn't expect it to reach this point. It's your fault and hers, equally split, the modern day Adam and Eve. Could Yuri be the snake? Would God banish you? 
Probably, but you had it coming.
The steps you take are slow. You're afraid of what might come. But you suppose nobody's more afraid than Eunbi. She's the face of the school for the honors she's achieved. Everything can go wrong with one wrong move, and that's what this is. She put everything on the line, not expecting anything to happen, only for it to be taken all away.
Once you reach the ground floor, Eunbi suddenly grabs your wrist. Her small hand can only wrap around half of it, but her hold is tight. It carries meaning in its tightness, urging you to look at her.
"Oppa, j-just want to say…" She looks down at her school shoes in shame. "I'm sorry for pulling you into this."
You're not mad at her. You can never be. You're just… regretful. If you hadn't let lust propel your actions, maybe there wouldn't be reason for the two of you to be down here. You've been sent to the principal's office countless times, but this is the first time you're actually scared. What more when it's with Eunbi? She's never gotten in trouble before.
"Don't be," is all you say. "Let's just get it over with, okay? Together?" 
Mold your hand to fit hers, and she's smiling again, in spite of what's about to come.
You make the first move to knock. Eunbi nearly cries as she watches your knuckles meet wood. You wrap an arm around her and enter.
Long time, no see. Bae Irene's office is as grand as ever. Seems like this is where the tuition fees go: grand marble floors, a statue of a naked Greek goddess, and a fine desk that sits in the center of the room. Certificates, awards, and medals stack the shelves and walls that put even Eunbi's achievements to shame. Perhaps they're what intimidate her more than the woman standing in front of the desk.
"Good afternoon, miss Bae," you say. 
In certain angles, the principal looks just like Eunbi. Or maybe it's the other way around? The glasses don't help differentiate them. That makes you understand why people have a theory that there's a kind of narcissism in Irene that made her put Eunbi as the face of the school. 
What else can you expect from Irene, anyway? She's older, wiser, and tougher. The last one bears repeating. That by itself should be good enough justification as to why you shouldn't have fucked Taeyeon, why you shouldn't be such a troublemaker. God knows she's tired of seeing your face in here. She’d expect Eunbi would have a good influence on you, but instead, you've turned your poor girlfriend into a nymphomaniac. 
Maybe everything about this is your fault after all.
Irene knows this. "You've turned your girlfriend into one of yours, hm?" she asks. Rhetorical question or not, all three of you know the answer. "First time seeing you here, miss Kwon."
"Miss Bae," says Eunbi timidly. She's trying a diplomatic approach here—it's all she knows in navigating life. Unfortunately, it won’t work here. "We're sorry. It won't happen again."
She smiles condescendingly. "So you know why you're here."
Irene's peaceful yet scary tone is exactly the reason for her English name, derived from the goddess of peace. She looks the part, too. Her pale skin can be the marble used to carve her most holy altar, and her sharp gaze can be replicated in it. She's like an older and more intimidating counterpart of Eunbi. She's smart as well, but not afraid to show it.
"I—I’m sorry," Eunbi says, realizing she's cornered into confession. It's as if all her speaking skills have evaporated in this room. It makes her nervous; you know so because her hand’s almost deathly cold in your touch. "We'll do anything to make it right." 
Irene clicks her tongue. "It doesn't work that way, miss Kwon. You two had sexual relations with a teacher. It isn't something that can be resolved with community service."
How did she know? You think and think, and all your suspicions, though they jump from Taeyeon (she's in the wrong here, too, so why should she be suspected when she's at as much risk in getting trouble?) to Minju (why the angel, out of all people?) to anybody else, all lead to one person: 
Jo Yuri. Of course it was her. But how?
You suppose that doesn't matter now that you're in Irene's office again. What's worse is that you brought Eunbi with you, the one person you swore you wouldn't toss into all your trouble. It feels like betraying her and everything your relationship has promised.
"Look," you say, taking a step forward, "we're sorry. Really. But please just let me take the blame. Suspend me or something. Just please don't hurt professor Kim or Eunbi, miss Bae."
"How touching, Kim Taeyeon's got you head over heels for her. I wonder what made you like her that much."
"Nothing, miss Bae. It was… just a one-time thing."
"I see, so the word 'mommy' doesn’t ring a bell?"
You stiffen. So does Eunbi, suddenly losing grip of your hand and losing her balance a little. In conclusion: yea, that word rings not only a bell, but a whole fucking gong in your mind.
Of course, Irene sees through this and rolls her eyes to heaven, as if she were making fun of you telepathically to an unknown deity. "Oh, so it does, huh?" she says, lifting her hands in the air. It's obvious, really, and she should have expected it. "Of course. One woman treats you like shit during sex and you drool for her. Of-fucking-course."
Your professional principal daring to curse in front of her students catches you off guard. But you know that, despite this, she's right. There are a lot of deeply internalized issues in you and Eunbi that would have reserved the right to be connected to the fling. These issues are the reason you like Taeyeon after all, but justifying the situation using them won't help your case at all. Irene doesn't take kindly to beggars of pity.
She walks over to the two of you. You subconsciously back away. It's instinctive, and you really should have gone through with what your gut tells you when the woman continues.
"I wonder how you ended up with miss Kwon then, if that's your type." Irene approaches her lookalike and laughs a little. "This little girl can't even get on top without begging for your dick five seconds later."
"That's not true," Eunbi stutters. She tenses up when the older woman strokes her shoulders. "I, I take control all the time, miss Bae. You can't just assume…"
If whatever's going on weren't putting your life at stake, you'd let out the biggest laugh to ever be heard by man. It's just insanely untrue. Eunbi's the most passive girl you've had the blessing to be with. It's just not in her to dominate in the bedroom. Debates and civil arguments in school are all things she tops, but when it comes to you, it's just out of the question.
"Then show me," Irene says. Massaging the girl's shoulders, her smirk creates a new punishment for you to abide by. "Show me how you control your bad little boyfriend."
The anxious, whimpering Eunbi has no time to think about how fucked up this is. She grabs your shoulders and pushes you to Irene's desk. She kisses you clumsily, tearing your uniform with shaking hands. 
Her lips create a path downwards your chest. She unbuckles your belt and drops to her knees. You breathe through your teeth when her mouth works itself on your cock. Down, up, down, up, and a sweet little kiss at the tip. Perfect for you, but not for your principal, who has higher standards, apparently.
Irene smirks, shaking her head pitifully. "Darling," she says before she kneels before you, too, "you really don't know how to do this, do you?"
Eunbi shakes her head. The fact that she's ashamed is, unlike her claim earlier, not a lie.
"Ah." In a sudden affectionate and motherly act, Irene rubs the student's thigh. "You're better off being a good little girl, is that it?" 
"Mmm. Yes."
“You’d rather be your oppa’s submissive little doll? Do anything he wants?”
“Y-yes, miss Bae.”
"That won't do here. You have to pay for what you've done, or else it wouldn't be fair."
Eunbi whines. Is it in protest or pleasure? Irene's fingers have crept under her skirt and to regions they're supposed to be restricted from. The cause is probably a mix of both, but you can guess what they're doing when you see Eunbi grinding down on your principal's hidden hand. 
"How about this?" Irene offers to you. "Miss Kwon and I will take turns on you. We test out who can dominate you better, and whoever does gets to do whatever they want to the rest."
"Miss Bae—" 
Irene pulls her fingers out of Eunbi and spanks her. Your girlfriend gasps and her hips flinch. Yeah,  apparently, there's no way to back out of this. "Close the door, slut. Lock it. You, shut the blinds. I don't want to get in trouble for fucking you spoiled brats."
There's truly no resistant bone in Eunbi's body with how quickly she scampers to the door. You can't say you're any better. You and your girlfriend obey the principal's orders like you're her pets, and perhaps that's a little true. Maybe this is the beginning of something new. Something a little screwed up, yeah, but new.
Whatever this is, you hope it'll get you out of getting your life royally fucked over. You used to not give a damn if that ever happened, but when Eunbi's on your side, you become more cautious. 
(If you were in a better state of mind, you’d recognize how having sex with your principal can and will contribute to your cautiousness going to no avail, but you’ve got two gorgeous women kneeling in front of you. What else is better than this?)
"Sit down." Irene pushes you down her swivel chair. "We're gonna have fun with you first. Call this a little," she winks, "practice session."
Your heart almost stops. You're thrust down even more into the cushion, and the foreign feeling of the principal's tongue provides an aching rush of blood to your cock. Meanwhile, Eunbi attends to your heavy balls, licking and sucking at the sensitive flesh. 
Your skin is on fire. The two beautiful women smear their salivas on your erection. Their tongues collide at times, making Eunbi recoil in shock at times, but not for too long that your penis is devoid of attention. Irene doesn’t mind at all. She’s fine with the occasional dab of her tongue on Eunbi’s mouth, and coating the sheen of saliva she’s left with more. No inch is left needy—while Irene teases your base with sharp licks between smirks, the other girl sloppily makes out with your dickhead. 
"Stop. You don't want your boyfriend here to think he can do anything he wants to you.” Irene’s rough fist stiffens the mast of your erection, and although it's pleasurable, it's also painful. Her speed is too much for a start to the show. "You need to put him in his place. Do it because you want to feel good about it, not him."
"I'll show you."
Eunbi departs from your crotch and Irene does… well, nowhere near leaving, that's for sure. It's like your cock was just liquid streaming down her throat with how fast she takes you in. Her mouth is small, but she swallows it all expertly. Her hands tie your thighs down to the chair.
Being in Irene's mouth is a wet dream. Literally. Her slick tongue and cheeks rub your tip. They're just appetizers for the main course: her delectable throat that's thin and tight on you. She's almost forcing you to deal with her relentless blowing, betting her career that you can't withstand it. She doesn't need innocent, Bambi eyes to make it appealing when she has that goddess-like face, yet you have to prove her wrong.
But then she wraps her soft, jutted lips around your base and elegantly slides them up with puckered suction. She's not even fucking your rod with her throat anymore and you automatically say something you shouldn't have:
"Mommy, please."
Irene stops and smiles at Eunbi. "See what I'm saying?" she says with overflowing satisfaction. "It just comes naturally to him, doesn't it? Now it's your turn. Make me proud."
The pupil obeys. When has she ever done anything but that? You aren't complaining, though; her pretty mouth ranks up in their competition. 
The two women are so different in so many different ways. Eunbi's gentle blowing, her eyes glimmering with broken innocence that always dart to your face to see if you're enjoying, is far from Irene's harsh one. She bluntly licks at your tip, sparking precum to drip into her mouth, before she slowly takes it all in. Again, widely different compared to Irene's experienced swallow, but who's keeping note? You sure aren't; you're just glad to have the best of both worlds.
"That's a good girl," Irene says. She gathers Eunbi's hair into a makeshift ponytail to help her out. "Don't be afraid to go a little crazy. If you do a good job I might just play with your cute little pussy."
Eunbi shuts her eyes and moans. Your breath is long gone with how her soft, pleasured sounds vibrate on your cock. If that weren't enough, she's lifting her head up and down with a pace that's a little quicker than before, nudging your cock deep inside her mouth. It's past that, actually; your cockhead slips down the end and bears the overwhelming feeling of her airway blocked by your girth.
"Aw, poor girl's choking," Irene remarks mockingly. "What's the matter, miss Kwon? Can't take it?"
Eunbi tries to surprise her by taking it all down. Unfortunately, it’s too much for her. Instead, she whimpers and chokes. 
While she gags, you moan without shame. "I'm gonna cum, baby," you announce. Your cock feels like it's going to burst with her throat spasming around it. 
Her lips tighten around your tip. It successfully manages to flow your cum directly into her mouth. Irene jacks you off to help out. The younger girl's mouth is soon flooded with the natural waterfall of your cum. It could turn into a natural disaster; Eunbi’s already struggling to save all your load. 
"Don't swallow it. Come here."
Irene forces Eunbi's face to hers and kisses her deeply. Your girlfriend's hands are frozen in the air as they share your cum. The older woman’s hand imprisons her jaw in place so she can greedily collect your cum from the passive mouth. You see the shimmer of your semen as it’s passed from one tongue to another, hear the breathy moan of your girlfriend, feel your cock become more solid.
Irene swallows whatever she's gotten and, as an end to the makeout session, licks the other girl's plump, cumstained lips. "Ah, you’re really delicious," she says. "And your girlfriend's so cute. No wonder professor Kim likes you two so much."
You’re still in shock at the sight, but the mention of your professor gets you to make another comparison with said woman. She and Irene are alike, too, but differ so much as well. They’re both violent, but at least Taeyeon has a nice streak in her; she attended to you after the violent copulation in the classroom. Irene's gentle gestures are done only to please her will. But even with those contrasting traits set in the Venn diagram, you can't choose between the two of them: the dominant principal or the quietly pretty professor? 
Irene pulls Eunbi's hair mercilessly, yanking her head backwards and exposing her beautiful neck. "It's just too bad that she's terrible at being a mommy," she murmurs. Her fingers trace the large tits threatening to burst out of the buttoned fabric. "Such a perfect body for it, but completely useless."
"Oppa, that's not true, right?" asks Eunbi, squirming. "I'm good at being your girl, aren't I?"
"Who was a better mommy, baby boy? Me or her?"
It's not even a question. As much as your heart is biased towards the girl who owns it, it's obviously—
"You, mommy."
"Oppa!" Eunbi protests. She looks genuinely hurt. It's the first time she's ever been second place in anything, and it hits her right where it's already sore.
Irene's grin is smug. It's beautiful, but actually terrifying. It's a sign that everything will only go downhill from here. "What should I do with you two now, hm?" 
"Please,” says Eunbi. Struggling to compose herself now that the principal is playing with her breasts, she fights to say anything without moaning. “Please give me one more chance, mom– miss Bae… please, I'll be good—oh, I'll be so good—"
Your principal drags Eunbi up by her hair. "Stand over there if you're so good, mommy." One swift push sends her stumbling to the edge of her desk. 
Eunbi, sniffling through her tears, awaits her next order. There's something in her face aside from the wet tears; it's a tale of how much she wants to be as good as Irene at using you that competes with her desire to please her. She's been a people-pleaser all her life, and it's hard to break its shackles, especially when Irene orders her to grind herself down the end of her desk, with one rule:
“Don’t cum until I say so.”
The panties slip off her plentiful thighs. She closes her eyes as she settles her nub over the edge of the wooden desk. Slowly, she starts to move.
"F-fuck." Eunbi places a shaking palm over her mouth.
"Exactly what your boyfriend's going to do to me," quips Irene. "See, this is how you put a man in his place." 
She tears her pencil skirt apart with no hesitation. After, she confidently sits on your lap, filling her cunt to the hilt. You tense up; her round ass on your lap is a blessing alone, but when it comes to her cunt, it’s a whole heavenly reward. Although Irene speaks and acts with nothing other than confidence, if not arrogance, her pussy is too tight for your cock to even pulse. When it barely does, her textured velvety walls cease it with a firm clench.
“Holy shit, mommy. You’re so”—between gritted teeth, you groan and rest your hands on Irene’s ant waist—“fucking tight.”
“I know,” says Irene. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
The whole situation is sinful. Watching your girlfriend having nothing to do but touch herself on the inanimate object and helplessly watch the two of you fuck is one thing, but Irene’s perfect ass on your lap is in another world. Galaxy might be more accurate. The melody of their moans causes you to struggle in keeping yourself from cumming too fast, but it’s already a challenge with Irene’s pussy fucking itself on you. She’s as tight as she looks, and probably would have been the ruinable type if she weren’t the way she is.
She leans back into your chest and caresses the side of your face with a surprisingly gentle hand. With timed movements, she lifts herself off and on your erection. Her folds splay apart to welcome you inside, into a whole, slick world. “I guess he’s all mine now, yeah?” she asks Eunbi. “He seems to like mommy better, Eunbi-ya.”
When she’s fingered and forced the girl to sexually stimulate herself on her table, there’s no need for even the polite formalities. There’s not even a chance for it to resurface when Eunbi’s already tearing up. 
“Oppa likes me, too,” she says. The jealousy brewing like a potion cauldron inside her drives her gyrations on the desk to go faster. It’s a fucked up coping mechanism for the sight in front of her. “You still like me best, don’t you, oppa?”
“Of course… fuck”—forget what you’re saying when Irene grinds her hips in circles and bounces her ass cheeks into your lap—“of course I do.”
She certainly knows her way around a dick. Her seductive rounds on your crotch and the measured riding just tell you that she’s had way more than enough experience in this realm, which, in terms of that, places her first. Eunbi’s a sore loser who doesn’t like that fact, but you can’t rig her a place anyway.
“But listen to how he’s moaning, babygirl,” Irene points out. You really don’t intend to moan again in order to avoid hurting Eunbi’s feelings, but Irene keeps a consistent squeeze of her vaginal walls on you and makes all go awry. “He loves my pussy. He loves it when I use him. I presume it’s not the same when it’s with you?”
Try to shut her up by rubbing her clit, but she only murmurs a series of “yes”’s. Besides, the damage, although fired from simple words, is already done; Eunbi’s quivering bottom lip is as clear as day.
“He loves me,” she whines. She squeezes the table tighter, as if the vicinity of the wood can help magick up a proper way to get her to become the mommy she just isn’t. “Hnn. He, he likes me because I’m a good girl.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Irene says, her sarcastically rolled eyes unimpressed. “You’re young. You should know being good is outdated. If he likes it, then he shouldn’t be fucking me right now.”
“Alright, that’s enough,” you say. You stop thrusting upwards into Irene, but she keeps bouncing. The stimulation remains constant. 
You really can’t find your way out of this. Irene’s weight, though light, keeps you on the chair and void of anything to do to break it all up. Your legs already feel weak at her pace. It’s as if she’s completely unaware of how tight and wet she is and therefore subjects you to it, thinking that you can handle it. But of course, she’s an intelligent, self-aware woman—she knows her effect on you, and she isn’t hesitant to exploit it.
Eunbi sobs as she grinds down the edge of the table harder. She can’t take watching you and Irene fuck anymore. "Mommy, please.”
"’Mommy’? Not putting up a fight anymore, are you, pretty little girl?" Irene asks. She pouts mockingly. "Gonna give up?"
Eunbi shakes her head. "No…"
"Alright, if you aren’t, use me. Use your boyfriend. We’ll see what happens."
Your girlfriend bursts into tears. It’s no mere tear sliding down her cheek anymore. It’s a whole fiasco of whiny crying and childish protests. Of course, it’s not in her to fight Irene. She’s remained a diplomatic civil debater, not a physical one. At times she doesn’t even counter an argument, similar to now, when she weakly replies, "B-but I don’t know how.”
“Come on. You’re smart, aren’t you? You can win over me.”
“Mmm, please just let me cum, mommy. Please."
"Do it. I dare you."
"Do it."
"I—I can't!" Eunbi says this in a tone that’s nearly a scream as she struggles to keep herself standing. "Please don't take him away from me, I'm a good girl, I swear, I swear!"
“Oh, look at her, baby.” Irene strengthens the force of her riding. It draws you nearer to an orgasm. “She wants you so bad. She wants to be your mommy so bad.”
Eunbi’s explicit moans and Irene’s soft gasps contribute equally with the silken pussy in draining you. You fill Irene up to the brim. As she stands, white drips down her naked legs.
“You want to be a mommy so bad?” 
Irene slips her fingers inside herself, scooping out white liquid, then walks over to the quaking valedictorian. Under the guise of the skirt, she sticks the cum-stained fingers into the needy little hole.
“Then fucking be one.”
Eunbi screams when Irene stuffs her cunt and fingers her violently. Her legs close together, and suddenly she’s creaming all over the fingers moving unabashedly inside her. Wetness is wrung out repeatedly, and strings of arousal connect and disconnect between the joined fingers.
“Mommy, miss Bae, hnnn…” mumbles Eunbi, mind fogged with pleasure, “mommy—”
“Shhh, that’s a girl, miss Kwon,” Irene says as she offers the nectar-coated fingers to the girl’s mouth. Eunbi gladly accepts. 
To your surprise, Irene seems gentle this time. She pats your girlfriend’s back firmly, even wiping the drool on her lips. Maybe it’s the satisfaction of making both a girl and a boy orgasm. That’s all you can guess.
“You haven’t fucked me like you did mommy,” Eunbi protests. “I want you, too, please?”
“You heard the girl,” Irene says. She’s all for another go. She seems to be the only one not tired between the three of you. Her arrogant smile has not once lost its shine. “She wants to be fucked. Or do you not like her little pussy the same way you love mine?”
That triggers Eunbi to look up with tearful eyes. “Oppa, do you…?”
“Of course not. You can have me all you like.”
“Darlings,” pipes in Irene, “you seem to be forgetting someone here. That isn’t part of the deal.”
Of course. You’re still under the invisible contract she set. As the obvious winner of the battle of wills and domination, she gets to have the nicer end of the deal: to do anything she wants with the two of you. Whatever happens here has to involve her. No one’s going to be left out here.
How should it go?
“I want that mouth on my pussy, miss Kwon,” decides Irene, sitting on her throne (AKA as the swivel chair.) “And I want you to fuck her. Really fuck her. I want to see her break.”
So that’s how it goes, since Eunbi’s too kind to propose another way. She crawls between Irene’s legs, greedily eating the cum out of her, while you pound her from behind. 
Eunbi’s wide hips are just irresistible. They fit right into your hands and serve as anchors to pull you in and out of her. The skirt, instead of infuriating you with how much it blocks your view of her ass and grippy pussy, drives you more insane.
And when you look up, there’s Irene, with her legs spread wide for Eunbi to stay. It’s nice of the deities to create a world where there are so many beautiful women, and for two to be right by your side currently. Maybe you gotta thank the Greek statue that’s privy to the whole thing—you’re pretty sure she’s part of the whole god gang. Whatever. 
Irene’s hands aren’t sedentary. They tug onto the wavy hair for its owner to tongue her core more. The pussy-eating thing is an act of jealousy from Eunbi, really—part of the reason she agreed to eat her out is so she can drink your cum straight from where you deposited it. Safe to say it’s a win-win situation.
“Fuck, you’ve got a good mouth, miss Kwon,” says Irene. She bites her lip, and hisses. “Just like that.”
Even with all she’s done to her, Eunbi mewls in appreciation. Or maybe it’s your cock causing that. Yeah, definitely your cock. You make it a purpose to stretch her out and keep her pretty cunt stuffed. Gently stimulate her bundle of nerves for her skirted ass to reverse back into your crotch.
“Oppa—” Eunbi says, her voice reaching another high pitch due to the pleasure.
“I didn’t say you could stop,” Irene sharply reminds her. “Don’t stop or he won’t fuck you anymore.”
Eunbi gets back to work, moaning after you penetrate her again. You may have fucked Irene, but she still remains in control here. She just solidifies her place in the little contest she and Eunbi had. Your girlfriend, ever the grumpy loser, vents her frustration in eating her principal out, evoking broken gasps from her.
“Aw, don’t be too jealous, Eun,” you say to Eunbi. Her tight pussy is an everyday heaven you, a sinner, are given a free pass to relish in. “You’re still my good girl.”
You can feel her cunt tighten at your words. Eunbi closes her eyes and whimpers while she sucks on Irene’s clit. Her nose presses against the older woman’s flat stomach. 
“She really likes being called that, huh?” chuckles Irene, ruffling Eunbi’s hair. 
“She does.” Thrust into her particularly hard. “She’s a sweet girl.”
Eunbi’s body trembles. Unable to deal with the flood of praises, she tonguefucks Irene’s hole harshly, suppressing her heavy breaths in the pink flesh. 
“Is that what you want to be, miss Kwon?” Irene allows Eunbi to take a breather and lifts her chin up, but renders her breathless anyway with the next set of words. “Mommy and daddy’s sweet little girl?”
The girl’s walls twitch around you, and you hear her whine again. She’s always like that, the poor thing, but now, it’s urgent—it goes on, prolonged with need and desire, that you have to pull her into your lap, cock still lodged inside her, and say: “Use your words, baby.”
She’s a little taken aback, but she’s nodding. Breathing through her mouth in shaky little exhales, Eunbi nods. “Y-yes, please,” she says, as if in a trance. “Mommy. Daddy.”
You and Irene don’t get along too well due to your history of troubles, but you immediately understand each other when you gaze into each other’s eyes. You don’t say a word, but there’s no need for any when her lips are already on Eunbi’s. 
It’s a quick change of positions. You bring her over to the desk again. This time, she’s not merely here to watch, but to indulge in the pleasure of having the two of you at the same time. Buttons fly in the air as Irene rips the school blouse apart. She bares the bouncing tits of any bra then immediately goes to worshiping them. Eunbi’s nipple ends up in her mouth and hardens at the suckles. It was as if she were determined to draw out milk from them. 
“Look at you,” she says. Irene admires the round, full bosom before her, tracing a hand along the flesh. “Walking around with a body like this shouldn’t be allowed.”
“Mommy,” says Eunbi. She shivers when you fill her up. “Daddy, please. I’m yours.”
“Oh, you are.” Irene plays with the perfect collarbone for a while before edging her hand up to her throat. There, she squeezes tight. “Trust me.”
You squeeze Eunbi’s breasts and kiss them. You don’t think there would ever be a time you wouldn’t appreciate her beautiful tits. Irene seems to have discovered their beauty, too, for the two of you start to worship them. Irene takes left, you go right. Each one provides more than a supple amount of softness that with each bite, squeeze and suck makes Eunbi clamp down on your cock more. 
“Baby boy,” Irene whispers. She’s never looked this motherly, yet so seductive. “Remember when I said I wanted you to break her? I still expect you to do it.”
“I’d want nothing more,” you reply.
“Daddy, mommy, w-what are you going to do to me?”
“Bend over, miss Kwon,” instructs Irene, “we’re going to give you what you want.”
Eunbi happily does, and thanks her by slipping her fingers inside her. They immediately set a quick pace to keep her on her toes. 
“God, fuck her,” Irene says. “She’s earned it.”
Your girlfriend’s never been so glad to hear something from the principal. The praise earlier is a close competitor, but when these words are the cause of your cock to begin thrusting again, she still prefers these. 
“Fuck, daddy!”
You match the pace of her fingers in Irene’s pussy. You choose to go brutally, putting her out of her long misery by filling her over and over again. 
“Daddy, daddy, daddy, please!” Her eyes are shut, and her body is still except for the movements driven by your thrusts, but her fingers still fuck Irene’s waiting pussy. She’s a true multi-tasker, this girl. 
How many times has she begged like this today? You don’t know, but it’s the first time that she’s calling you the name. It surprises even yourself that it turns you on. It drives a forbidden feeling deep in your chest that’s exactly what fuels your thrusts. 
She’s finally fulfilled after being kept at the side for practically the whole time, so her screams are also of relief. She squirts so goddamned easily that each thrust is slick and messy. Her folds spare not a second of releasing your cock. No, it holds on, and it’s all too messy. Sinful. Incredibly immoral. 
“That’s it, take my cock, Eunbi,” you groan. The words just come naturally to you, because when she’s absolutely writhing underneath you and her pussy is that tight, you become a philosopher with a way with words. You can write several doctrines about how fucking ruinable she is, how her body’s just fit for your cock, how her thin whines are strung out so deliciously that you could never think of stopping. 
After everything that’s happened, she’s still your girl. She’s still the one you want to take to bed. She’s just that good.
“Daddy, mommy, fuck—me!” she screams. Eunbi’s tears come flowing back. They pour down her pretty face and onto the desk. If there was paperwork getting done on this desk, they’re replaced by Eunbi.
You think she’s gone crazy. Her voice is strained and her fingers almost painfully shove themselves in Irene, like they’re machine-controlled. All different sounds are extracted from her sore throat: moans, screams, and gasps—you think you’ve broken her.
You guess that’s enough payment for Irene.
Irene’s groans and cries are loud; her legs squeeze around Eunbi’s wrist. “D-don’t fucking stop,” she warns. You sense that there’d be more than what punishment is if the girl dares to halt. Eunbi knows better than to, anyway. She continues fingering Irene, exploring the cave of her tight hole and pressing down on her G-spot. 
Eunbi closes her eyes as Irene’s cum sprays her. Now she really looks ruined. She’s already covered in her tears and drool. You guess that soon, she’d be covered in you.
You slip out to flick your cock against her clit. 
“Ahhh, daddy!”
“That’s right. Cum for daddy, baby.”
“Y-yes, yes, yes, fuck, daddy! Keep rubbing my clit like that, it feels so good… it feels so warm, please don’t stop!”
“Cum for me.”
“Daddy!” wails Eunbi. 
Everything is a mess of moans and squirting. Eunbi screams in pleasure, shaking as her folds remain determined to swallow every inch of your cock even after her orgasm, and Irene’s to your left riding her digits, crying out as if she were in a war. And you guess that yea, maybe it is a war—a war of good and evil, a war of the overachievers (that brings a chuckle out of you), a war of sex. 
But in the end, in a feat that no one’s ever seen, everybody wins.
Dear Ms. Jo,
This is regarding your recent concern about Ms. Kwon Eunbi. 
I find that the evidence you provided to me is altered and has been tampered with. After further questioning with teachers and staff, I can conclude that your concern is dismissed and shall only subject you to disciplinary action.
It is strictly prohibited to spread harmful falsehood about your fellow schoolmates. Please see me after class tomorrow.
Principal Bae Irene/Joohyun
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cattimeswithjellie · 1 year
The One With the Tunnel Borer Disaster
I'm about 80% convinced that the whole Grian And Scar's Great Redstone Disaster is a semi-planned bit with Doc in on it ahead of time. Those two are reckless, but this would be a little bit extreme even for them, especially when dealing with someone else's extremely complex redstone. I mean, think about how long the various iterations of the World-Eater hung around without being messed with! And yet Grian randomly suggests going and looking at the tunnel borer as a distraction and Scar agrees immediately, and then the first thing they do when they get there is destroy this very big but generally nonessential machine? And then they let it play out over Twitter instead of begging forgiveness in Discord? Doesn't seem quite right...
But why destroy the tunnel borer like this and right now? There's a couple good reasons. The Mecha-Goat has been siting idle for months now, garaged in a pretty important bit of land.
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This is Scar's view on what is going to be Adventureland, and I believe that line of blocks is going to be the river ride. The GOAT Garage is right up on that bit of real estate, and if it sits idle too long, it risks destroying actual built landscape when it is deployed. Plus, it's been a long time since the Mecha-GOAT was build, and it needs to be used! The trouble is, it's such a big and wild thing that it seems like overkill for almost any transgression from the neighbors. Grian and Scar would have to do something _very_ bad to justify that kind of TNT-farting revenge machine! And now... they have!
So that's one reason for why, and for why now. But what else? Quite simply, there's a clear block of time. There's no Life Series going on, Scar has finished his massive castle, the TCG tournament is basically wrapped up. Decked Out 2 is still months away from play. The server could really use a new storyline, and what better than a brand new ALL OUT WAR? Those are fun and prompt new creative builds and interactions. Plus it means Grian doesn't have to finish the back of his build for awhile longer.
Honestly, in the end it doesn't really matter whether it was planned or not. We know that at the end of the day nobody is really super-mad at anybody, and if there are hard feelings they will be worked through off-camera in a grown-up way between colleagues. But I believe that there's a plan at work here, and that it's going to unfold in a way that will be amazingly entertaining to watch. Here's to the Great GOAT War, may the silliest team win!
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auteurdelabre · 6 months
Code Broken (Part 3/5) mean!Joel x f!reader
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rating: explicit, 18+ mdni
summary: "And I wanna give it to you," Joel says huskily. "Wanna give you everything. But no more trying to stop me. No more pretending like you don't want this. 'cuz we both see how much you do."
You only wanted to pull a silly prank on your neighbor, Joel. Who could have seen it ending up like this?
[AU where Joel Miller ends up in Jackson City by himself.]
warnings/tags: ��voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, Extremely dubious consent, unprotected p in v, fingering, coercion (kinda), Joel is bad at feelings, Mean Joel, Dirty Talk, infidelity,  nicknames (pretty eyes)
word count:  9.1k
a/n: Y'all, this whole series is pretty depraved (from my perspective) and much darker than my normal stuff. I wanted it as a challenge and I had a lot of fun doing the series, there's 5 parts so I hope you enjoy it. Comments and the like really make my day. xx
The chill of early December has settled over Jackson city in a way that feels cozy despite the cool temperature. It’s the time of year when colorful lights are strung, homes blanketed in snow looking like something out of an old postcard.
The Tipsy Bison is packed when you arrive. It usually is in the colder months when the days feel more oppressive and darker for longer. It boasts a humble catalogue of booze, dart boards and circular tables to play cards at or just relax.  You shrug off your coat as you join Trish and your new friend Markus at one of the tables
Trish is talking to him about her wedding being moved to August. She's been talking nonstop about it and you don't blame her. In this new world there's so little to be overjoyed about. Markus listens with interest, expressing surprise that she wants to postpone the wedding. 
"I always wanted a summer wedding," she says blushing prettily. "And I figure why rush?" 
Markus is new to the colony. Dark hair and light eyes and the slightest New England accent. He works in the Jackson city stables, a confident rider who used to work on his family's farm. 
He fell into your friend group the same way you had all those years ago: Trish taking you under her wing. You and Markus are both shy, both not quite sure what to say to one another when Trish isn't around. She's the glue that holds your group together. 
Right now she's regaling you both with an amusing story about one of the kids at the school she teaches.  
You dart a glance at Markus, amused to see the affection he's shooting at Trish from behind his beer glass. It's obvious he has a crush on her and you don't blame him. She's funny and sweet and caring. There's a reason you care so deeply for her. 
You should be listening to your friend but instead your eyes are across the crowded room fixed on a figure you've come to recognize as both your punishment and pleasure: Joel Miller. 
Only he isn't alone. Hasn't been for over month now. Now at his side sits a statuesque woman laughing lightly with Tommy who sits opposite she and Joel.  
Her name is Tess. She came to Jackson City a month and a half ago. You'd heard about everything from Trish who had been in the when she walked through the doors of Jackson city. 
She's a beautiful woman in her late forties with wide blue eyes, a kind smile and the kind of rough mannerisms that were to be expected for anyone who'd lived in a QZ long enough. 
She is smiling at something Joel is saying to Tommy, her focus on the drink in front of her. You watch with a twist in your stomach as she squeezes Joel's arm with casual affection. 
Joel doesn't pull away. He actually shoots Tess a shy smile that makes your breath hitch. 
You watch as Tess and Tommy start chatting, Joel's focus not with them. As if he senses your gaze on him Joel's gaze swims in your direction. Your own eyes have sharply darted away, back to the still talking Trish. 
You haven't told anyone what happened with you and Joel. Not even her. Sometimes the guilt of that silence consumes you, but you're able to justify it. It's not like it's a relationship, it's not like it's anything other than two isolated incidents. 
Markus offers to get the drinks and before either of you can stop him he's started loping over to the bar, moving past Joel and Tess. You and Trish watch him move and your friend watches as Tess and Joel exchange a smile. 
"I still can't believe that grumpy bastard has a girlfriend," Trish whispers with a grin in your direction.  
Neither can you. 
Apparently Tess and Joel had known each other back in their old QZ, had travelled together and separated after a raid had gone sour which ended with her wanting to partner with the fireflies and Joel wanting to find Tommy. 
"They look so natural together though," Trish reflects. "It's nice they have each other."
You hate the twisting that starts in your stomach at that. Hate the jealousy that threatens to spill into every part of you. 
Joel isn't yours and you aren't his by any stretch of the imagination. Two clandestine meetings that both ended with you sleeping alone afterwards. The second had made living next to Joel bearable though. 
You no longer hide in your home paranoid he would be outside the same time as you. No longer terrified if you both attended movie night. But that didn't mean you were comfortable with him. It didn't mean anything more than a polite nod if you met eyes in public. 
"Have you spoken with her yet?" Trish asks with a curiosity that's clear across her freckled face. "Tess?" 
You have. 
Quite by accident when she came into the textile room asking if her jeans could be patched. You were the only one there at the time and she had been so unassuming in her green flannel and nervous glance in your direction that you had smiled brightly and assured her you could. 
You took the jeans from her, bringing them over to an open table full of old fabric. She followed you there and asked if she could wait while you fixed up her jeans. 
"Of course."
You'd nodded, your eyes going to the sewing supplies. She was obviously new to the community, still amazed at everything she came upon. 
"You look familiar. You're on Rancher Street, right?" At your nod a small smile spread across her features. "I thought so."
It wasn't until she sat down and introduced herself as "Tess your new neighbor" that the shoe had dropped. 
Suddenly the green plaid she wore seemed more vivid in your mind as you realized: it was Joel's. 
The conversation had grown stilted after that. You weren't sure how to comprehend that you were talking to the woman who captured the heart of the enigma next door. Weren't sure why this ugly jealousy was running through your veins when you had no claim on him yourself. 
She'd been friendly talking about her time in the QZ. She'd mentioned Joel and must have noticed the way you bristled because she'd leaned forward with an earnest look on face.
"I know Joel can be a bit . . . temperamental," she'd offered. "But I promise under all that he's a teddy bear."
You'd had to hold in a scoff at that. She'd left not even five minutes later with the jeans in hand. 
Tess moved into Joel's place next to yours. She tries to invite you over for drinks at least once a week and you come up with feeble excuses every time. 
You don't want to see it. Don't want to witness Joel and this woman who makes him soft and sweet. You don't want to sit in the same house he fucked your mouth and pretend like he's a stranger to you.
He is a stranger of course, but in a different sort of way. 
Sometimes you hear them having sex. Not as often as you would have assumed. It's never obnoxious, never over the top. Just for them, no one else. But if their window is open you can hear it, the low moans and the rhythmic creak of the bed. 
"Here we are."
You gratefully accept the beers pushed towards you and Trish by Markus, your brows rising when Trish shakes her head and looks up at Markus bashfully. 
"I tried to tell you when you went up, only water for me."
There is a pause and then realization hits you, almost knocking the wind from you when Trish flashes you a bright smile. 
"Congrats," you croak before coming around the table to embrace her. "When?"
"June." Trish looks down at her still flat belly. "
You feel as if your world is growing unsteady. Not the Trish wouldn't make the most fantastic parent, and not that her fiancé Cliff wouldn't make an amazing father. It's more the selfish realization that your friend will be a mother. The frightening realization that her focus will be elsewhere, on her new family. 
The thing that it always made you feel close to Trish was the feeling that you were each other's family. Knowing that this one no longer be the case makes your stomach ache. 
You feel left behind as you look around the bar to see happy couples, partners. Joel and Tess are sailing into your view as you make this assessment, their shoulders pressing against one another. 
"I just hope the dress still fits after I give birth," Trish laughs. You grin with a roll of your eyes knowing that even if she didn't you'd fix it for her without question.
Markus is nursing his beer bottle looking unusually down in the mouth. You make a mental note to talk to him about it. You'd assumed how he felt about Trish was a harmless crush. But seeing his face now you wonder how deep his affection lies.
"How about some darts ---" Trish is offering but you're shaking your head and pulling on your jacket.  
"I'm sorry, normally I would but I'm so tired," you lie, trying to sound casual. "How about tomorrow night you guys come to mine and we celebrate properly? Trish, bring Cliff. He needs to be properly congratulated too!"
Trish and Markus are enthusiastic about this plan and you agree that tomorrow evening will be a blast. You move through the crowded bar, your eyes fixed on the door which is starting to wave and warp as tears start flooding your eyes. 
You make it outside, the sound of the bar dimming behind you as the door closes. You move to the far side of the building, leaning against it. You're thankful for the hour and the darkness. The streets are empty and the snowy ground muffles your soft cries. 
The tears arrive, slipping down your face and freezing in the chill of the night. You take a moment to breathe; the crisp air flooding your lungs when you hear the door opening, letting the bar sounds escape before closing again. You quickly wipe at your face, hoping it's not someone you know who's just exited. 
"You okay?"
Joel Miller walks slowly towards you. He's wearing a dark tan jacket with his hands thrust into the pockets. 
He looks good, impossibly good, and for some reason that makes you absolutely furious. You cross your arms over your chest, hoping you don't look as pathetic as you feel. Joel keeps walking towards you, his boots crunching over the snow as he approaches. 
"You looked like you were crying back there," Joel says, nonplussed by your silent vitriol. "Were you?"
"Why pretend like you care? We both know you can barely stand me," you manage to choke out, sniffling loudly and looking at your boots. 
Joel stills and frowns hard at you. "How d'ya figure that?"
You pull your jacket hood up, your breath freezing in the air in front of you.  
"Oh I dunno, just every interaction we've ever had . . . " 
You trail off, your palms raised helplessly. 
He's standing there waiting for you to explain further. His hair is tousled by the wind, making him appear more boyish and less intimidating. You suppose this and your irritation is what prompts your honesty. 
"You know the first time we ever spoke I told you that you played the guitar well. Asked you if it was Fleetwood Mac, remember?" Your eyes angrily search his. "And you've been a bastard to me ever since." 
For the first time since you've met him, Joel Miller looks unsure of himself. His eyes crane away from you a beat before returning.
"I don't like playin' in front of people," Joel finally explains in a quiet rasp. "Didn't know you'd heard me." 
You stare at him in shock because Joel Miller seems embarrassed. For some reason you can't imagine Joel feeling anything other than powerful. Not just because of his broad shoulders and strong legs. But because of that quiet confidence he carries with him like a shadow. 
Embolden by this unexpected show of vulnerability by Joel you continue, taking a step towards him.  
"What about the movies?"
"The movies?"
Joel looks perplexed by your inquiry, his eyes drifting as he recalls the incident and then nodding when he understands your reference motioning back towards the bar. 
"It was packed. You and that friend of yours needed seats together."
His answer is brief and to the point, just like him. But you're not satisfied at all with this explanation, your mind flying back to all those months ago, the night you'd felt so offended. Something is niggling at the back of your mind. 
"But you were so mad," you prod.
He exhales lightly and you wonder if you've offended him. He speaks slowly, evenly, his eyes drifting over your face. 
"Do you remember what you were wearing that night?"
This wasn't the answer you'd expected and your brain staggers to re frame. You frown, trying to think back to that night.
"Dress," Joel states simply. "Yellow with little flowers. You could see your tits through the fabric, hard nipples 'n all."
You think back to that evening and recall it had been a hot summer night. The dress had been one of your favorites, handmade with fabric brought into town. The top was tight and you'd decided a bra was unnecessary. 
But why would Joel be upset by that? You watch as Joel inhales sharply at the memory, the fingers of his right hand twitching at his side. He can see the question in your eyes and continues. 
"You kept bumping into me, your skin all smooth." You watch Joel swallow, his lean neck bobbing. "I couldn't stay there beside you the whole movie. Not when you looked like that. Not when all I could think about was fucking you." 
The words send a stab of pleasurable lightning down your core. Without thinking you let out the softest sigh at the sensation. 
"I was mad at myself for wantin' you so bad. Wanted to punish you for makin’ me want you."
“That’s horrible.”
“I told you that night, I’m not a good man.”
Something in Joel's eyes darkens and he takes a step towards you. You know that if he touches you its game over. 
"I should go," you blurt, moving backwards. Your boots crunch over the snow as you retreat. "Hope you and Tess have a good night."
The energy shifts immediately and Joel's eyes go back to that cool, guarded look that you recognize so well. He gives a sharp nod before moving back to the bar. 
The next morning you decide to see if you can get a few extra supplies for tonight. Just a small jug of wine and perhaps a few slices of meat and cheese for a food platter. 
You're out the door, thinking about what to say to Markus when a husky female voice reaches out to you.
"Hey there, any chance you have any peas? The commissary is out and I really wanna make pea soup."
You pause wrapping the scarf around your neck at the sound of her voice. Tess is at the fence separating your properties wearing jeans and a dark green jacket. 
She looks strangely vulnerable standing there looking expectantly at you. Instinctively you want to ignore her or lie. But you know that's unfair, that she's done nothing wrong. 
"I do, actually. Come inside" 
Hours later in bed you wondered why you had asked her in, been so ready to invite a complete stranger into your home. You think it must be because of Trish and the baby. You know your one true friend will be taken from you, busy with her new life. 
Maybe you'd been hoping to make a new friend, a new relationship. Maybe you feared being lonely. Maybe you wanted some pathetic connection with Joel. 
Whatever the reason had been, Tess gratefully accepts, following you into your house. 
"I have some leeks too," you offer after passing her the can of peas from your cupboard. "Might be nice in the soup." 
Tess watches you carefully, as if she still isn't used to this ready kindness. She extends her hand, plucking the shoots from your outstretched hand.
She raises the bundle to her nose, inhaling deeply, a grin cracking over her face at this.
"Fuck, I used to hate vegetables when I was a kid. Mom had to force me to eat 'em." She gives a serene smile, looking at the green shoots in her hand with affection. "Now? Holding these? Can't remember the last time I've seen something so beautiful."
You nod, thinking back to your first week at Jackson city and knowing exactly what she meant. Shocked at the small luxuries. 
"It's how I felt about the movie nights," you mused. "And the popcorn."
"Almost feels normal," she replies with that same small smile. "Almost."
She leaves with your supplies a few moments later after unsuccessfully trying to convince you to come over to their place for dinner. 
Trish is laughing, tilting her forehead into Cliff's shoulder as she throws her card hand down onto the table. 
"I'm out."
You've been at your place for hours drinking and playing cards. You hope it's enough to make up for your rapid escape the other night.
"I'm never winning a hand," Cliff days, his cheeks are pink from the booze and the laughter. "Y'all are cheats."
Markus is watching you all from behind his glass, frowning slightly when you turn up the cards in the center of the table.
You give a loud crow of excitement as you realize you've won the hand. You fist pump the air. 
"Fuck," Markus spits, throwing down his cards with a scowl. 
You joyfully pull the lentils you're using as currency towards you into a messy little pile.  
Trish tries to hide her yawn behind her wrist but you catch it and raise an amused eyebrow. 
"Not even the second trimester and I'm already exhausted," she says. "Scared to think what the third trimester will bring."
"Time to get you home," Cliff growls into Trish's neck, his hands skimming over Trish's body as she squeals. 
You watch Markus shove his chair back and exit the table, murmuring about the bathroom.  
You and the couple across from you stand, the evening drawing to an obvious close. 
"Thanks for having us," Cliff says with a slur. "Better take advantage. After the baby gets here I don't know if we'll be leaving the house often."
He and Trish exchange warm smiles but you feel like you've swallowed a stone. The couple pulls on their jackets, Cliff swaying drunkenly. 
"I meant to ask, is Tess nice?" Trish's asks, jerking her head in the direction of the house next door. 
"Yeah," you shrug nodding. "A bit shy, maybe."
You don't expand on that, and Trish is so busy making sure Cliff doesn't topple over that she doesn't ask more. 
"See you at the movie," Trish says pressing her lips to your cheek. "I think they're playing a western."
You wave at them as they make their way out your front door into the cold, dark night. 
Curious at the lack of Markus' presence, you go through your home, travelling up to your bedroom when the other spaces prove empty. 
You're surprised when you find Markus in your room, one hand in his jeans pocket, the other trailing over some of your books on the shelves. He turns when he hears the floorboards creak. 
"Sorry I just had to.... I needed some space," Markus explains with a stammer. "I'll go ---"
"its fine," you assure him with a wave of your hand. "You want another beer?"
Markus shakes his head looking miserable. You step further into the bedroom, your eyes following his form as he goes back to your books. 
"You okay?" You venture softly. "You seemed off tonight."
"I just..." Markus shrugs. He doesn't continue and he doesn't have to. You know why he's upset. 
"I know," you finish for him, not wanting to embarrass him, you step towards him. "I have a similar... Issue."
Markus turns, looking at you with surprise. His cheeks are pink with embarrassment. "Really?"
"Yeah." You nod sharply. "And he's with someone too, someone great, so I get it."
"I just ... want her so badly," Markus forces the words from his mouth. You can tell he's both relieved and humiliated at sharing this with you. 
You feel such sympathy for him that you can't help but reach out a tender hand to his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Markus. I know how badly it hurts. Trust me."
His light eyes jump to your face in shock at the contact. Without warning he launches his face towards you. He kisses you needful, his teeth clacking against yours as he moves his mouth to yours. 
You pull back in shock, your eyes blown wide. Markus does the same, regret etched over his features. He swears before throwing himself into the chair in front of your window. He looks absolutely devastated.
"I'm so sorry," he says rubbing at his face. "That was so --"
"It's fine," you insist though you're not quite sure what to do. Markus is perfectly fine and perfectly attractive. But his kisses, his touch mean nothing. 
No, not nothing. They feel like a betrayal. 
As if your thoughts are spoken out loud, a light in the house across from you flicks on, illuminating the narrow upper window. 
Your eyes are on Markus' face, but you can see out of your peripherals that is Joel. He's in the bathroom, looking like he's about to brush his teeth. 
He's not yours. There is no betrayal.
Joel doesn't see you, but just the knowledge that he's there, so close, makes your body tingle. 
"More than fine," you finally murmur from above Markus. 
His light eyes shine up at you. "Really?"
Never breaking eye contact you hook your fingers into your jeans and bring sure m them down your legs. They pool at your feet and you step out of them. 
You secretly hope Joel is watching you as you put in this little show. A vindictive thread is going through you.  
Fuck Joel Miller.
You let you palm slide downwards under the band of your panties until you're cupping your sex. It's perfunctory and quick but that's how you want it. 
You give a sensual smirk in Markus direction. 
At this you slip a finger inside your cunt, not surprised to find you're already soaked. You slide a finger over your aching clit and shudder at the pleasure that goes through you. 
Markus grunts as his fingers hurriedly go to the fly of his jeans. You remove your hand from your panties as Markus pulls down his jeans and boxers. His cock springs out, pulsing and warm when you trace a finger along the tip, coating it with your slick. 
He lets out a small groan as you do this and you smile as he pulls you by the waist towards him. He's impatient, quick and needy. You let him because it feels good, because his desire for you makes you feel less alone. 
Your eyes subtly venture over to Joel's house. You didn't even mean to do it, your gaze is just drawn there. You expect darkness and still in the night. 
You're not prepared to see Joel standing there framed in the narrow window, but he is. He's turned off the light, so he's barely visible. If not for the brightness of the moon you might not have caught him. 
A jolt goes through you at the sight of him facing you, his dark eyes glittering in the shadows. 
The windows in your bedroom are tall, stopping at Markus' waist. You know Joel can see almost everything.
You want him to see everything. 
You don't make any indication you've seen him, but his presence is the sole reason you bend, taking the tip of Markus' cock in your mouth and licking. It's pure spite for all the times you've had to sit there and hear Joel fuck Tess. You hope he's watching another man start to fuck your mouth. You hope it makes him jealous. 
You continue bobbing your head, sucking Markus underwhelming cock until his head jerks back at the sensation and he lets out a small, strangled noise. He's close - very close. You move back to a stand, viewing Markus' slack jaw as he pants up at you. 
"Keep going?" He asks in a beg. 
You hide a smirk and shake your head gently. A flick of your eyes confirms Joel is still there, hidden in the shadows so you urge Markus' hands to the bottom of your shirt.
Markus is a quick learner, moving the fabric up your body and pulling it off you as his cock grinds against your inner thigh. The bra is discarded to the ground along with your panties and you stand there naked in front of two sets of eyes. 
'Fuck, you're pretty," Markus murmurs as his hand goes to cup your breast, the other snaking between your thighs. "And so wet."
Not for you.
A flash of movement catches your eye and without turning your head you realize it's the face of Joel's watch catching the moonlight. You can't see everything, but you recognize the jerky motions of his wrist. 
He's stroking his cock and watching you. 
A new surge of arousal goes through you at that. You go to the table beside your bed and pull out a condom, passing it to Markus. He moves with shaky hands, rolling it over his cock before you quickly clamor onto Markus' lap. 
With a determined look in Joel's direction you sink onto Markus' cock and give a theatrical sigh, your mouth parting.
Markus makes a small whinnying in the back of his throat and you wish you could silence him for the rest of this experience.  
A wave of guilt goes through you at that thought. You're using him. 
The guilt lasts until Markus thrusts up into you causing your body to jolt. You grip his shoulders, looking down at him. His eyes are shut tightly and there's no doubt in your mind that he's using you just as well.
You don't tell him you're doing the same. That when he begins to fuck you in earnest and your eyes fall shut that is Joel Miller your thinking of. 
But when your eyes crack open it's Joel Miller you see, staring out at you. He's moved to be framed in the moonlight and you can see his hand is moving hurriedly over the head of his cock. 
He's getting off to Markus fucking you. 
You know it's wrong to enjoy that, but it doesn't stop the thrill that goes through you as you bounce up and down on Markus lap. 
"Fuck you feel good."
Markus is grunting into your sternum, his hips grinding to a halt. Despite his need he's trying to prolong this. But you don't want that, you want to match Joel's tempo which is fast and getting faster. 
"Faster," you urge, swivelling your hips and Markus immediately acquiesces. His hips jerk up into you, thrusting as his hands move to grip your hips. 
Your own palms balance against the glass pane of your large bedroom window, cool under your touch. You begin bouncing on Markus lap with gusto, your eyes jumping to see Joel moving more into the center of the window.
He wants you to see him. You can see he's breathing raggedly as he pumps himself, one hand balanced on the window frame. He's watching you, unblinking as if he's worried he'll miss something. 
"Faster," you command Markus in a breathy coo as you watch Joel pumping his cock, fucking his hand at a blinding pace. You breasts are bouncing harshly, your thighs trembling. 
"So good," you groan now, but it's to Joel whose lips are parted slowly, his eyes barely open. 
"I'm gonna come," you whimper, your hips grinding down on an enthusiastic Markus cock. You wonder if Joel can read your lips through the glass.
Joel nods in the window at you, his hand pumping his cock. He's murmuring something but you obviously can't hear with the window and distance between your homes. 
"I'm gonna come for you," you wail, you eyes fixed on Joel's face. His eyes are half closed and his mouth is slack. 
And while it's Markus who releases himself within you, it's Joel who you watch spilling himself over his knuckles and groaning silently behind the window. 
It’s a week later when Tess finally corners you, demanding you come over for a drink. You’ve put her off so often, so long that it feels your only answer can be what you give her: a feeble yes.
You follow her into Joel’s home, trying to pretend you don’t recognize the chipped paint or guitar beside the fireplace. That the art on the wall is fascinating and you need to be led to the table. 
There’s noise in the kitchen and you realize with a sinking terror that Joel is home.
"Can you grab an extra glass?" Tess calls over her shoulder as you take a seat at the table. She shoots you a cheerful look followed by a wink. "Finally convinced our neighbor to have a drink with us."
There is the sound of a glass falling and smashing onto the floor from the kitchen and Tess looks towards the noise. Joel steps out with two mismatched tumblers looking stormy. 
"One slipped," he explains passing Tess the glasses. "'S'okay though, I don't really feel like a drink."
"Since when?" Tess says giving his arm a playful bump with her shoulder. He gives her a ghost of a smile. "C'mon Joel. Try n’ be social."
Joel gives a small nod, following her to the table where you sit trying in vain to look anywhere but his face. He takes the seat across from you, his large hands folded on the table as if he's about to interrogate you. This later proves to be ironic as Tess is the one peppering you with questions.
Where did you live originally? Are you with someone? What do you do for work? For fun?
You feel overwhelmed sitting there, your fingers trailing down the side of your whiskey tumbler. 
Chicago. Single. Textiles. Reading. 
Your answers are brief and spoken in a soft mutter. 
"Just you here?" Tess prods. "No family?"
You don't enjoy talking about yourself or the life you had before. You think of the grainy photograph in the album you keep. Your throat feels tight. 
"What do you read?"
This is the first question Joel has asked you, the first thing he's said that doesn't sound dragged from him. Habitually your eyes go to the speaker, moving from Tess ' s face to Joel's. He's studying you, that much is obvious. 
"Anything I can get my hands on," you answer truthfully. "Austen, Steinbeck, Bradbury ---"
"You have some Bradbury don't you, Joel?" Tess interrupts looking at Joel. "I thought I saw some when I was cleaning."
"Yup, Austen too." Joel nods and his dark eyes capture yours once more. "You can borrow 'em if you want."
You shake your head. "I don't want to bother you with -"
"Isn't a bother if I'm offering," Joel says flatly. He talks in a way that makes you feel uncertain of his mood. Is he irritated? Amused? It's hard to tell when you refuse to look in his eyes. Tess brushes a piece of lint from his shoulder and Joel flashes her a ghost of a smile. You wonder what they must have seen in their time together to have Joel of all people so domestic.
"Sure," you nod. "I'd like that."
"Lemme check upstairs," Joel says. "I might have a few packed away."
At this he stands and leaves you and Tess. You wait until the creak of his footsteps is overhead upstairs before you look back at Tess.
"See, he's not an asshole all the time," Tess says smiling over her glass. You smile back shyly. 
"What's his deal?" You try to act unaffected, as if her reply doesn't really matter. "Until you, I don't think I'd ever seen him smile before."
Tess looks uncertain of if she should share. She doesn't know you at all and by the looks of it to her, neither does Joel. 
"Joel's seen a lot," she finally answers. You nod, knowing that's the best you'll get and perhaps that's for the best.
She doesn't tell you more, but you already know. You've seen the photo in Joel's room. You've seen the haunted look in his eyes. But you don't want to ask more because learning more about Joel, caring about him, seems like a bad idea. It makes things harder. 
"It's nice to see him happy," you offer without thinking. You surprise yourself with that. 
You hear your name being called from upstairs. 
"Sounds like he found those books," Tess smiles. "I gotta pop out to grab some stuff for dinner. If you're still here when I get back you should stay and eat with us."
You give a noncommittal noise in reply. She exits just as you go to the staircase, looking up nervously. You know what and who waits for you there. 
Don't be so pathetic.
You're at the top of the stairs within seconds, carried by trembling legs. Joel's in the doorframe of the second bedroom, his shoulders almost as wide as the door.
He glances over at you at your approach, his hands full of paperbacks. A cursory look tells you there are some gems in there. 
"Got those books for you," Joel murmurs. 
You nod, thinking of how strange it feels to actually be having a genuine conversation with him. Your mind draws a blank on what to say to him next. 
"Tess went to get some stuff for dinner," you finally offer, desperate to fill the silence between you.
Joel doesn't reply to this and you wonder if he heard you or is purposefully ignoring what you said. You come towards him with your hand outstretched for the books. 
"Thanks very much," you say, feeling as if your breath is stuck in your chest. "I'll get them back to you soon."
"No rush."
As you reach out your hand your eyes drift over to the bathroom door, your heart skipping a beat. Memories of Joel's frantically stroking hand over his cock assault you.
Joel seems to notice where your gaze has travelled because he straightens his spine, his dark eyes darting to your face. 
You aren't ready for the way his strong body presses you against the wall, pinning you there with his hips. The books fall from your hands and thud onto the wood floor below. Your hands are on his chest, holding him back.
"What are you doing?"
He doesn't reply with words. Instead his hands are fumbling with the buttons of your jeans. 
"No," you say, even as your eyes fall shut. Joel's mouth is trailing open mouthed kisses up your neck. 
You hold in a shuddering moan at his rasping singular word, sharp and huffed hot in your ear. 
You have the passing thought that this is almost the very spot he fucked your mouth. The very spot he changed you. 
But now this is the home he shares with Tess. Tess who has been nothing but kind to you. Tess who makes him smile. 
Your opened jeans are being pushed down and he's pressing his mouth to your neck, his tongue slipping out over your pulse point to taste you.
His wide palm is slipping down under the band of your panties. You know he's working quickly because neither of you know how long until Tess gets back. 
"Joel ---"
You let out a sharp whimper as one of his fingers breaches you, slipping over your clit and curling inside. Your hands go to his shoulders, gripping him there for balance. 
You can feel him watching you, his dark eyes fixed on your face as he feels how wet you already are. 
"We have to stop" you say in a sigh, even as his finger slides in and out of your dripping cunt. Joel moves his mouth to your neck as his fingers tease and slide. His hip is grinding against your thigh. 
He's added a second finger, stretching you. You bite his clothed shoulder, the pleasure making you feel boneless. 
Joel groans, his thumb curving around your clit and you see stars.
Stop it. Stop this.
"Joel," you gasp, your hand going to claw at his wrist. "You need to stop."
But he can't stop; he's so intent, so desperate. His shoulder dips and his fingers are curling, coaxing those desperate moans from you. His thumb taps your clit, circling and tapping again when he sees your quiver after the first. 
"I need to hear it," he repeats, his mouth pressing wet kisses to your jaw. "I need to hear you."
You want to ask him why. Why this crazy frenzy? Why can't he be content to having Tess and leaving you alone? He has everything and you have nothing. Why does he need more? 
You know why he's doing this. The show you put on for him in the window. The way he'd come after watching you get fucked by another man. A man who wasn't Joel. 
"We can't do this," you say, but it's for nothing. 
"You'll let that boy fuck you but not me?" Joel growls. Your entire back is arched and you're riding his hand shamelessly. You're eyes are half open, watching him wet his lower lip with his tongue. 
"We can't do this," you repeat. 
"We are," Joel grunts. 
You whimper as the orgasm slowly starts to approach. Your thighs begun to tremble, trapping his palm there as you ride his hand. 
"Look at me," Joel demands through shallow breaths. Your eyes are trying to focus on his face, on the parted mouth and lust-filled eyes. 
Lust you don't deserve. Lust you've taken.
Guilt overtakes you. You shake your head, trying to extricate yourself from his grip. Your jeans are still around your knees, stopping you from moving from him smoothly. 
"Let me go," you whisper, thinking he's understood as he withdraws his fingers. Instead he's using them to pull your panties down and release himself from his jeans. 
You see his hardened cock spring free, beautiful and sun kissed in color. The tip is rosy and straining towards you. You've seen it before, tasted it, but you know he has no intention of using your mouth right now. Joel looks down at his cock as his hand comes to hold it.
"Look what you do to me." 
You watch as with one wide hand he guides the head of his cock to your entrance, moving the tip to graze along your slit. Your brows knit together in painful pleasure. 
"It's wrong," you insist, slamming your eyes shut as you think of Tess. You shouldn't be allowing Joel to box you in against the wall. Shouldn't tremor in anticipation as he takes his cock in hand again and drags the weeping head against the seam of your cunt. 
"Just the tip," Joel murmurs against your ear. He's so convicting, so sweet as he suggests it. As if he's not asking for much. "Just a little bit. See how it feels."
You shake your head weakly. "We can't."
"Mhmm we can,"' he croons softly. 
Even as you sigh soft words of denial, your cunt leaks at the thought of him sheathing himself within you. His cock is gliding along the lips of your cunt, pressing up slightly. 
"We shouldn't."
"Just a little," Joel assures as the tip of him breaches you, twitching. You inhale sharply, the bulbous head of his cock stopping just barely past your entrance. 
Joel is watching you, moving his face back to see your reaction. When he sees the way your eyes are shuttering he smiles before pulling back out slowly. 
If you stop right now you think there is a chance you can salvage this moment. That you can live with the guilt because you stopped it from progressing too far.
But then Joel shuffles forward, pinning you to the wall tightly. It makes you breathless, tilting your head back in order to catch your breath. 
As you do this Joel is slotting himself between your thighs and you feel the head of his cock breaching you once more. 
"That's enough," you pant, trying to shake him from you. "You said just the t---"
"A little bit more," Joel reasons and you cry out as he slides into your cunt another inch before he stops, his forehead pressed against yours. "F-fuck. So good."
"No more, Joel," you beg in a whisper, even as your hips begin to shift for him. "We can't."
"Just a little longer," Joel tells you as he withdraws. 
Your hands are on his shoulders hoping to push him away, but there's no power in your limbs. Then he's inching himself in further, whispering against your temple when you try to close your legs. 
"Shhh shhh, just a little more. You can't expect me to stop when it feels this fucking good." He lets a soft groan out against your jaw when he pushes into you again. 
He slowly fucks you like this, braced between Joel and the wall in the home he shares with his girlfriend. He groans lowly in his throat each time he pulls out and then with aching slowness inches his way back inside you. He does this over and over until you are both shaking with need.  
You're too weak to stop this pleasured dance, you can't stop taking him inch by inch. You need him to be the one who stops you from yourself. 
“Please,” you beg.
"You can take it," Joel tells you in a soothing tone, brushing the hair out of your eyes.  He watches you grit your teeth, your eyebrows saddling as he drags his cock from your cunt. As you struggle in silence, his hips snap up, jolting you and you let out a sharp cry of pleasure. 
"Fucking knew it," Joel groans against your throat. "Knew you were fucking m-made to take my cock."
You want to stop. 
No, that's not accurate. 
You want to it to stop feeling so fucking good. 
He's pushing himself deeper into you and you scramble to find purchase.
"S-stop, Joel."
He stills inside you and he presses his forehead to yours before he withdraws sharply. 
"You really want me to stop?" he pants, his gaze locked on yours, as he waits for a response. "Tell me, pretty eyes."
Even as he says this he grinds himself in your inner thigh, leaving a smear.
You know he'll stop if you say so. He’ll be furious but he’ll stop.
Your palms are on his chest, but instead of pushing, you're winding your fingers in the flannel and holding because you feel empty, so painfully empty without him inside you. Your eyes meet his, blazing. 
"Don't stop."
A smile blooms over his normally stoic features and with an aching slowness he slips back into your cunt, moving deeply as you cry out, your arms wrapping around his neck and your hips thrusting against his.
"Oh that's my good--- Good fucking girl," Joel slurs slowly, languidly, drunk on your cunt. He bottoms out within you at an achingly slow pace, his forehead pressing against yours. 
My good girl.
His good girl. 
You feel pathetic for preening at the thought. Especially when you know it's not true. 
"That's my good--- girl taking me," Joel whispers against your mouth without actually kissing you. "Mmm -- Fuck. This ain't gonna be a onetime thing, baby. Not when you feel this good." 
You feel your nipples tighten at the acknowledgement that this won't be the last time he fucks you. Thoughts of fucking him all over Jackson city cause your hips to stutter. 
But then the guilt is back, etched in your features.
"Joel," you whisper even as your thighs part to better accommodate his cock. "Joel, we gotta stop."
He shakes his head. He urges your head down until your eyes go to where your bodies join.
"Look how good you are, for me" Joel whispers, forcing your gaze between your bodies. "Just look, baby."
With a small moan you watch him pull himself out of you completely, his thick cock soaked. It twitches eagerly, his lower abdomen taut before slipping back into you. 
"Keep watching," Joel encourages softly groaning when he withdraws again. He does this a few times, murmuring praise and filth as he encourages you to watch him. He pulls out of you gleaming with your slick coating him. 
"You see how much you want it?"
Joel has you clinging to him, your hips already shuffling to him, missing him inside you. He lets you press until the head is inside you, grazing your clit. 
"Uh huh," you whimper. 
"But you need it deeper, don't you?" Joel murmurs, bobbing his tip along the seam of your cunt. "You want me to stretch that pretty pussy wide."
You nod because you no longer have words.
"And I wanna give it to you," Joel says, the tip of his cock still teasing your clit by grazing it. "Wanna give you everything. But no more trying to stop me. No more pretending like you don't want this. 'cuz we both see how much you do."
You nod breathless, your eyes fixed on his. His voice is light but his eyes are intense. His cock is still curving against the lips of your cunt, grinding there. 
"You open your legs for me and you take all of my cock. You come for me," he says this all with the blunt focus of a man who knows exactly what he wants and how he wants it. "Then you get down on your knees and swallow my come while I fuck your mouth. Understood?" 
"Yes, Joel."
There's no hesitation in your voice, only desperate compliance. 
"You're gonna take everything I give you? You're gonna be good for me?"
"Yes, Joel."
It's all he wanted to hear. He smirks sedately widely before he shifts and positions himself at your entrance. He presses your right thigh back against the wall, opening you up lewdly. You're making small begging sounds as he lines himself up. He watches you without blinking before sliding up into your sex, his pelvis slamming into yours as he does. He's bottoming out, and because you're so fucking wet there is no resistance. And now, fully surrendered you relax and welcome him deep.
It's perfection. A blissful fullness that makes you moan long and low as your clit pulses. 
"Better than I imagined," he groans in your hair as he begins to thrust. "H-- fuck. Fuck, I knew it would feel good but .. f- Fuck this cunt is perfect."
You want to cry out that it's his cock that's perfect, but all you can do is feel. He's so thick and he fills you so perfectly. Joel is murmuring in your ear. 
"Fucked that boy in the window to make me jealous. But I know it was me you were thinking of. Wasn't it?" 
You nod, your body bouncing against his. He braces you. 
"He didn't make you wet like I do." 
"Nuh uh," you mumble, unable to sound articulate when Joel is fucking you like this. 
"Because this cunt is mine," Joel tells you plainly. "She was meant for my cock. Only my cock."
Your hips stutter when he says that, your abdomen quivering at his possessiveness. 
"You like that," Joel marvels and his hips increase in tempo. "You like hearing that she's mine."
"Joel," you whine both in need and in embarrassment. 
"It's okay pretty eyes," Joel chuckles. "It's okay."
You can't help but let out a sharp moan, covered in its infancy by Joel's wide hand because at that very moment the door swings open downstairs and Tess's voice reaches you both. 
"Joel, you still home?" 
Fear consumes you and you go to pull away from him but he keeps you still, cock warm and twitching within you. Your heart is clamoring at this, terrified at his reaction, horrified that you'll be caught. 
You consider your next moves. Will he help you escape out the window? Will he pretend he really was just giving you the books? Will you have to walk by Tess knowing her boyfriend was just inside you? 
But Joel doesn't seem as concerned as you. You realize belatedly that Joel doesn't seem to care about this turn of events at all. In fact it's the opposite. His pupils have blown wide and his hips stutter. 
"Be down in a minute," he calls gruffly, but his eyes are on you as he does. "Just finishing something up."
You try to pull away, but that only seems to excite him. He leans forward until his mouth is grazing your earlobe. 
"She's gonna hear you," Joel warns, his lips grazing against your cheek as his hips start to increase in tempo. "Gotta keep quiet."
Is he seriously considering fucking you against the wall when Tess is here? 
"She's right downstairs," you whisper barely audible. 
"Then you better be quiet," Joel orders softly. He's already started thrusting shallowly again. "Show me how quiet you can be, pretty eyes."
"I-- I can't . . ."
Without ceremony Joel thrusts back deeply into you deep, sealing his hand over your mouth. It's a good thing he does because you don't know you'd be able to be quiet. Not when his cock feels so good, not when his free hand slips between your bodies and his fingers find your clit. 
"Shhhh," Joel reminds you as your eyes roll back and the sounds from your throat explode into his palm. 
You're trying to keep calm, but the way he's playing with your clit as he fucks you against the wall is too much. Everything feels too much. 
"Don't pretend you don't love this," Joel whispers against your temple. "You mouth lies but your cunt doesn't." 
You hate the truth in what he says. That fucking Joel while Tess is downstairs oblivious makes you so turned on its hard to see straight. You want the illicit thrill of being caught to sicken you, not turn you on.
He moves his hand from your mouth, sliding it down until his wide palm is gripping your throat to hold you in place while he thrusts. 
"Taking me so ... Mmmm ... so well."
His eyes rove from your face to where you join and back again. The sight of holding you by the throat as he fucks you is turning him on, you can see that in the darkening of his eyes. 
"I'm scared," you reason quietly even as you guide his cock to your center after he withdraws. "What if someone ---"
"Don't care," Joel grunts as he thrusts up in earnest squeezing your throat as he thrusts. "Don't care if someone catches us. Need to fuck you."
You believe him. And yet you both remain as quiet as possible, your ears still straining to hear the sound of Tess cooking downstairs. 
"Come for me," Joel tells you, immune to the concept of fear. "I want you drownin' my cock."
"I can't," you whine so softly you're not sure he heard. "It's too much."
There is a small creak of floorboards underfoot and you stiffen. 
When Joel stills you feel a mixture of relief and overwhelming disappointment. You think this is when you both come to your senses. 
But Joel withdraws just so he can cup your sex possessively with one broad hand, the other still curled around your throat.  
"This is mine," he rasps lowly against the shell of your ear. "She gets wet for me when I say and she comes for me when I tell her to."
Fuck if that didn't go straight to your pussy. His tall frame looms above you, his dark eyes boring into you. He's still dressed above the waist and for some reason that makes him feel so much more intimidating. 
He waits, his brows raised until you manage a weak nod. 
His fingers begin at your clit again, teasing and coaxing. It feels so good you're having trouble remembering to be quiet, so you bite your lower lip to stop yourself. 
"There she is," Joel grins. His cock slides up into you again and it takes everything in your power not to faint against the wall. He feels so fucking good.
"See how good things can be when you just let go?"
You nod, your hands lacing behind his neck. And suddenly you can't stop kissing his cheek, the corner of his mouth. Deep appreciation for the perfect way he fucks you overwhelms you.  
"You never have to worry," Joel assures you in a tone of soft honey, his lips pressing against your cheek. "I'll always make sure you come, pretty eyes."
"I know," you breathe against his jaw. "I wanna come for you, Joel."
"Course you do," Joel muses.
"I wanna make you feel good."
Joel whispers a sigh in your ear. "This perfect pussy makes me feel so fucking good."
"I wanna make you come, Joel."
His dimpled smile flashes at you. "Yeah?"
"Tell me how," you beg in a broken whisper. "I wanna know how to make you come the way you like."
"Fuck," Joel groans lowly, his eyes shuttering. His free hand covers your mouth again because you start whimpering again. 
You think he might remain silent because he starts to pump into you, reddened cock sliding out to graze your clit and then slamming back deeply into you.
"After you come then you're gonna get on your knees for me," Joel is gasping softly against your temple. "Just like that first time... I'm gonna fuck--- gonna fuck that sweet mouth."
"Yes," you whisper under his palm, your eyes glazed with lust. 
"And you're gonna take it," Joel's forehead is dotted with sweat. "You're gonna take it all. Because it's yours.. and when I come down your throat you're gonna thank me for it. You're gonna sit there like a good girl on your knees and thank me."
You're nodding like you're able to listen attentively, even as your brows knit together when his cock slams into you.
"Then you're gonna unlock that bedroom window so I can come and fuck you properly whenever I need to."
When your eyes crack open in surprise at this suggestion you see Joel's face is unguarded, his eyes shut and his head tilted back as he fucks you. It's that sight that causes you to come harshly. 
"Oh perfect -- so fucking good," Joel whispers praises in the shell of your ear as you come. "I can feel that.. So good. My good fucking girl knows whose cock to come on."
He follows immediately, launching his face in the crook of your neck as he releases himself within you. He empties himself into you, pulsing and thick and this shocks you. You give a shuddering breath before pushing him back from you harshly. The motion sends him back a step, his softening cock sliding from you. 
"What have you done?" you choke out in a whisper, horrified.  
It hits Joel belatedly, the realization that not only has he cheated on Tess but that he also didn't use a condom. His dark eyes widen and blink rapidly. 
"Fuck I-."
You don't listen to what he says next. Instead you scramble to pull up your panties and jeans, ignoring the sensation of Joel's seed running down your inner thighs. Terrified tears morph into shameful ones as Joel tucks himself away.
You want to scream, you want to cry, you want to do something that releases this terror and shame from your body. 
What the fuck have you done, the pair of you?
Instead you move to the window, throwing it open and crawling out without a backwards glance at him. You can only pray that Tess is too busy cooking to hear as you bound from Joel's roof to your own. 
You throw the window to your bedroom open, pulling yourself over the sill with a grunt. Feeling dazed you go into the tub and shower, scrubbing at your flesh until it's raw and red. 
Only after you feel your entire body has been scrubbed clean with the antibacterial soap from the commissary do you pull on fresh nightclothes. Despite your thorough washing it's like you can still smell him on your skin. 
You go to the window of your bedroom and see the blinds in Joel's home have been drawn. Before you crawl into bed and collapse into tears you stare at the quiet home across from you.
Then you lock your window. 
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xamiipholia · 4 months
okay y'all seemed to like the last one so here's a few more Horizon 3 thoughts:
Aloy won’t die. It would completely upend the series’ themes and just be really nihilistic.
Since Nemesis is a gestalt entity I think it’s a safe bet that we’ll see Sam Witwer, Carrie-Anne Moss, etc again. I’m curious how they’re going to do it because at least structurally, it’s basically a reaper. Maybe it’ll use different Avatars when communicating like the Leviathan in ME3. 
It's gonna take some work to make a flashback/dream/vision not contrived but I would love to see Varl and Rost again. I think we deserve that.
Minerva is gonna have its work cut out for it blocking access to both the dormant Faro Swarm and the ZD terraforming system. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Nemesis has some sort of corruption function that becomes the equivalent of the corruption in HZD. It would be a really fun tech showcase if GG uses Zenith nanotech for machine corruption and leans into mechanical body horror.
If we’re going to Ban-Ur I really really hope they do the work to make the Banuk less problematic and more fleshed out as a culture. A quasi-Spartan society absolutely would not survive in an extreme environment, *especially* without megafauna to hunt. The Banuk characters are lovely and well-written; they deserve a society as well thought out as the Utaru or Carja. I’m honestly fine if there’s retcons or revamps to the cultural lore because the whole “outsider barges in and becomes chief” is rooted in racist, colonial tropes and we just don’t really need that imo.
The most recent footage of Death Stranding 2 (also running on Decima) has me SO excited for the visuals. GG’s gonna knock it out. The facial rendering and animation that Kojima Productions are doing looks industry-peak and I’m sure GG’s gonna match that. Aloy’s Gay Panic™️ scene on the beach in HBS is already top-tier nonverbal storytelling through animation. Digital Foundry actually just posted a really cool tech breakdown of the current Decima engine. I’m especially excited about the environmental stuff. The ocean simulations in HFW are already incredible and I hope they increase verticality in the world. I can’t wait to see the Sacred Lands in current gen graphics. 
I really love Kotallo’s DIY arm and it’s so so important to his development but Beta and Gaia now have access to Zenith nanotech, maybe give your buddy a sick upgrade hmm?
Speaking of, I can’t wait to see Beta come into her own. She’s one of the best parts of HFW and Aloy’s character absolutely shines in a sibling dynamic. 
I wouldn’t get your hopes up for a romance mechanic. Everyone’s feelings on that aside, it would be really odd from a game development perspective to just overhaul part of how the narrative develops Aloy’s character in the last act of the story. Yeah, there are flashpoints but I would argue that the presence of choice in Horizon is smoke and mirrors- cosmetic at best. Kentucky Route Zero (which you should play) does something similar where the player is given a certain amount of control over the substance of individual conversations and scenarios and it does absolutely nothing to alter the plot, by design. I think it’s the same here - this isn’t really a choice-based RPG, the flashpoints don’t really affect anything plot-wise or for Aloy’s character development. Olin is still out of the story, Nil lives, Regalla still dies one way or another. Aloy’s character development is pretty firmly on rails (think Jin Sakai, not Shepard - you get to guide some momentary character reactions but that’s it). I don’t think HBS is a testing ground either - If they were gonna introduce a romance mechanic I think they’d just do it, and not spend two years making a direct continuation of HFW’s main quest and establishing a specific romance hard-baked into the plot, complete with multiple leitmotifs for the character relationship (which is something they haven’t done before afaik) just to introduce a side quest mechanic coming in 5 years. I genuinely can’t think of any game or dev that has beta tested a major alteration to upcoming game mechanics that way - it doesn’t really make any sense in terms of developer resources, and these games are extremely time-consuming to make. I know this is a thing a bunch of people want and I can totally empathize with that! I just think it’s probably not on the table. 
I would bet money the series will bookend itself and the epilogue will involve a) the naming of Zo and Varl’s kid and b) Lis’ pendant. 
Mostly I'm just looking forward to being surprised. One of my favorite things that Horizon does is use carefully established elements in the world to pull the plot in unexpected directions and keeping the world grounded while they lean into speculative science fiction. I can't wait to see what Guerrilla is cooking up
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koyoriin · 6 months
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So I have once again chosen to obtain this Series Pass reward through Frontlines, and I have some more thoughts on the matter!
tl;dr: The issues that existed before have only been made worse this time around, largely due to huge groups of players that game the system and openly mock others for not doing it.
I have some thoughts on “precons” and a postmortem on the whole situation, and will talk more about it through the cut!
Just as a disclaimer, I’m also vividly aware that Frontlines (FL) is one of the most side pieces of side content imaginable in this game; even I only really engage in PvP for FOMO rewards (which bothers me, but that’s a whole other thing), but my main focus is generally the story and raiding. So all of this primarily bothers me as a community issue as well as a game design issue.
Anyhow! So this pass contains the third armour set glamour since the PvP overhaul, Crystalline Conflict (CC), and Series Pass launched. I’ve once again avoided doing CC for it because of my poor experiences with it in the past (see previous post if you’re curious!), but I only do the Series Pass if there’s an armour or emote reward.
Since last time, here are the changes:
The Pros:
- A daily Series XP boost means that it’s now more feasible to get through it with FL only, and not having to grind CC if you’re not in a rush
The Cons:
- Pretty much everything else
So one big “phenomenon” this time that people have brought up elsewhere, are “precons”; groups of people who queue together, both within the 4 person per party limit…and then some. They coordinate in a linkshell or Discord, queue with enough people to fill multiple full parties (up to a full faction at times), and they have set roles of the most frustrating combos that SQEX hasn’t patched out yet (DRK + DRG + SMN are their bread and butter).
This was always a thing since the PvP overhaul and has never been addressed, but it’s only gotten worse. A single “precon”? Well, usually it’s feasible to deal with; I’ve seen them try very hard but still lose. The current trend of “precons” where it means multiple parties of people queuing at the same time, enough for a whole faction or at least close? Well…throw in more than one precon into a faction and it becomes exponentially more difficult to deal with for each one.
As of the last season pass, I noticed a large group of people gathering to run FL together, and I saw them queue back to back all day, daily or at least on Seal Rock days. I assumed this was to get the Seal Rock coat glamour, and I assumed correctly as a large number of them did obtain it after that and left. The fact that Seal Rock has a notoriously difficult 100 win requirement, and SQEX gave people the opportunity to play in the most irritating and broken way possible pretty much goes hand in hand.
In part, I would also blame SQEX for not altering the achievement in some way or even changing the reward structure as it not only incentivizes but rewards this kind of behaviour. In any case, I didn’t play much of last pass so I paid them little mind, and I consider the Seal Rock coat out of my means to obtain anyhow.
However, as of this pass, the “precons” are still running daily, and are now present in every format other than Seal Rock too. The idea is pretty simple; get a group of people together in a community who can coordinate their DRK/DRG/SMN (and AST/RPR/DNC if you want to get fancy) LBs and movements, and you can easily steamroll the other factions, get an easy win. Everyone (cough) has fun, you get the maximum payout of XP/points/whatever. It sounds pretty innocuous and everyone moves on with their day, for better or for worse. Right?
Well, it’s unfortunately grown a bit beyond that at this point. Even if it began as a group of people who gathered together to make getting the Seal Rock coat "easy", it’s become a group of people who exploit the system and then openly mock the people who complain about them; an exercise in punching down on people who aren’t in the clique and sabotaging people who aren’t in on it. Making people miserable has grown beyond just steamrolling them in FL, and occasionally include arguments and mockery.
Essentially, what goes on is:
- The group gathers on a specific DC; locals, Wanderers, and even Travellers, and they queue at the same time. I’ve seen up to 24 and beyond queuing at the same time, enough for a full faction and then some
- They gather in multiple parties of 4 (the current maximum per party) and queue at the same time to get matched in the same game
- If they don’t get into the main group/faction, they intentionally feed the biggest one; I’ve witnessed multiple cases of people just running into combat and not hitting a single skill, repeatedly, just to feed kills and Battle High for an entire match
- The group with the most people will follow one of the group’s shot callers and use their DRK/DRG/SMN LB exploit, with multiple of each back to back to make it impossible to shut them down effectively, since control abilities don’t work that way and are easily cancelled out
- They steamroll the other factions and win with a huge lead because no one else has nearly two dozen people coordinated in that manner, and are just in randomly assigned groups and playing other classes
- Then they gather and queue again; and if they’re called out on it, they begin to mock and argue with the people who called them out, quoting inane things like the “spirit of the solo queue” to imitate people who aren’t in their group, while ridiculing people for losing or not playing DRK/DRG/SMN like they do.
It’s awful. I don’t care about PvP as I only really do it out of FOMO on the rewards so my engagement is not for personal enjoyment—but it’s beyond a chore when a large group of people have fostered a community that’s actively gaming a system SQEX has failed to balance and then openly encouraging unmitigated contempt within their group towards people who aren’t in with them. I love this game, so it especially hurts to see it happen, when the rest of the community has been great.
> Can anything be done about this? Well, probably not unless matchmaking is adjusted, or instances are intentionally staggered for people who queue in the same window, or SQEX finally decides to adjust FL separately from CC. The only times I had matches that were at least somewhat more fair, was when I queued intentionally when these people were not around.
A similar issue existed years ago when PvP used to be based on your Grand Company; Maelstrom was the go-to for PvP, and if you were not in Maelstrom you would essentially expect to lose. Then they made the Freelancer system (joining a random faction when queuing) and it almost dissolved that aspect of it. But even back then, there weren’t unbalanced combos that exist now where you can annihilate an entire faction with your light party in 4 seconds. In addition, the group I witnessed doing it is a mix of people from other data centres. Freedom to queue for PvP wherever you’re visiting has also enabled this kind of behaviour.
The most baffling thing is; there are no leaderboards. It’s not a competitive thing where you get ranked (unlike CC), and by now they have cleared the Series Pass and then some—so I can only assume the group does it for their ego and the joy of ridiculing others, and it’s really so disappointing to see and experience.
Unlike last time when I wrote about the Series Pass, I have no solutions to propose beyond the typical “DRK/DRG/SMN/AST need to be re-balanced”, and FL as a whole needs to be re-balanced separately from competitive CC. “Precons” in general make the experience awful for everyone who isn’t in one, and the even larger ones are just miserable.
And if you’re reading this and my description of that large group sounds like you, I’m sorry you’ve become this way and that this is somehow a point of pride for you. I hope you can find some other way to be have fun that doesn’t involve ruining others’ experiences.
tl;dr: FOMO continues to make people feel like they need to do PvP, and extra large "precons" are ruining the experience for everyone due to a drastic imbalance in specific class combos such as DRK/DRG/SMN/AST, some even going as far as mocking people in public chats.
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undead-supernova · 1 month
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Masterlist / 18+
pairings: modern!boyfriend!Eddie x bisexual!fem!reader
plot: you and Eddie are very excited to spend 4/20 together. aka just two idiots getting baked and having fun
important note: this is a silly little unserious one-off of my High Tolerance series, dedicated to the best day of the year (other than Halloween)! This could be read as a stand alone but I think my series as a whole is pretty cool and it makes me squeal and kick my feet
warnings: W E E D, just as much fluff as you'd expect, actual smutty behavior, and YES in this one they're a COUPLE now !!!!
wc: 2k
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It began the moment you woke up.
At the first indication of your eyelids opening, Eddie was putting an unlit joint in your mouth and carefully sitting a party hat on your head.
“Happy 4-20, Weirdo,” he whispered before presenting you with a cup of coffee. The mug was one of those ridiculous ones from Spencer’s, with a bowl carved in for the sole purpose of smoking while drinking coffee. 
And he packed the bowl. Packed. It.
Taking the joint from your mouth, you said, “Good morning.” It was all groggy and soft, resulting in a quick yawn and your hand lazily reaching for the lighter left on the bedside table. 
“We have a full day ahead of us,” Eddie said as you smoked. “Just you and me engaged in a state of bliss.”
“That’s what she said,” you murmured, smoke escaping your nostrils.
“God, I love you,” he said with a chuckle before taking the mug from your hands. As you got out of bed, he added, “Have I said that?”
“Not today.” 
“Well, I love you,” he said again, following you as you padded through the hallway and into your living room. 
But you stopped in your tracks when you saw a shitty banner strung up on the wall. Just a string holding green balloons with blaze it written out. Oh, and one with a shitty drawing of a weed leaf.
“Okay, I can explain that,” Eddie said, stepping in front of it.
“Yeah, so there were literally no banners at Walmart, so I made this myself.” He lifted his hands and gestures towards it as if he was presenting it at an art gallery. “Look at that impeccable handwriting.”
“I know, I can actually tell that’s an e,” you agreed, nodding.
Eddie grinned. “You flatter me.” 
“Also, I think I love you more,” you finally said. “Just saying.”
“Uh, that’s false,” he argued, quietly skipping into the kitchen to grab a bag. “Not when you see your present.”
“You got me a present? When?” you asked. The two of you had a rare moment of having both days off together. You’d spent that time in bed watching TV and fucking. A normal day for you now, to be quite honest.
Eddie ran back over. “Jailbait Hemp had an early morning Wake N’ Bake sale,” he explained, presenting you with the bag. “Ballsy move to get me out of bed by eight, but I did it.”
“The bravest soldier,” you said with fake sincerity, putting a hand over your heart and bowing. “I owe you my life, my lord.”
“If you keep talking like that, we may have to play maiden in a tower again.” Eddie took a step forward, one hand on your waist as he put his other over yours. Cleared his throat before dramatically tossing his hair over his shoulder. “It is I, good maiden, that has come to rescue you. To guide you to freedom.”
Matching his straightened posture, you let out an exaggerated sigh. “Oh, dear prince, you have gone to war for me. How can I show you my appreciation and gratitude?”
“Oh, I can think of a few ways,” he murmured with a smirk, leaning in to kiss you gently. You couldn’t help but return the smile, your palm grazing his stubble as you caressed his cheek. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the plate of cookies you’d left on the counter the night before mostly eaten. A glass sat next to it, the milk gone but a white film left behind.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you nearly moved away. But Eddie wouldn’t let you go that easily.
“Where’d the cookies and milk go, Eddie?” you asked.
“Oh, that?” he said, guilt written all over his face. “Babe, I told you Snoop Dogg would come and eat them.”
“Saw him with my own eyes,” he continued. “He told me to thank you for making them. He even left you two.”
“Two. Out of the ten that were left over.”
His cheeks tinged with pink as he tried not to laugh. “Snoop Dogg got up to pee, right? And then he saw all those cookies you left out and was like ‘Oh, wow, those look really good for a four-a-m snack. Thanks, bro.’”
But Eddie clearly knew he wasn’t getting out of it that easily. “And he was like, ‘Damn, your girlfriend is just so hot. Sooo sexy. Give her a kiss for me.’”
“Snoop Dogg said that?” you questioned, fighting a smile as you went to wrap your hands around his waist. 
You nodded, pulling him closer. “Every word of that, right?”
“Totally. And I told him to back off ‘cause I spent three years trying to date you.”
“Yeah, it ruined my five-year plan, actually,” you said with a smirk, lifting your hands to trace his collarbone. Eddie laughed, but he shivered at your touch. “Could you imagine still being just friends still? Today of all days?”
Eddie shook his head. “Considering I got painfully hard whenever I was around you—still do, obviously.” His eyes flickered down to the growing bulge in his pajama pants. “But I would not have been able to keep my hands off you. You, my dear, are the most outrageously beautiful being to walk this land.”
“Smooth,” you complimented, trying to slow your racing heart. “I may just forgive you for eating my cookies.”
“Remember when we decided to stop smoking?’ You nodded. “And we had an argument in the kitchen?” You nodded again. “I don’t know why, but I wanted to bend you over the counter so bad it was killing me.”
You couldn’t help your goofy grin despite the aching wetness pooling in your underwear. “That’s funny, ‘cause I was thinking the same thing.”
“Really?” he asked, surprised.
“We were eye-fucking each other,” you whispered, letting your hand move up to caress his face again, placing your thumb against his bottom lip. Watched as he opened his mouth willingly for you. 
Eddie’s breathing became staggered, slithering his hands down to cup your ass. “You can’t tell me that wasn’t hot, though.”
“Edging each other for, what, two of those years?”
Pressing you back against the wall dividing the living room and the kitchen, Eddie slotted his thigh between your legs. Lifted one of your thighs to sit at his hip, grinding himself against you. 
Being teased was so much more intense within the haze of your high. Every movement was another wave of pleasure, tipping you further into insanity. And you could tell Eddie felt the same from the way he swallowed, clearly trying to keep his composure.
“I do have you all to myself now, you know.”
He ground against you again, pulling a louder moan out of you. You couldn’t help but push your thumb past his lips, watching his eyes roll back as he sucked on it. Swirled his tongue around the digit..
You two were a dangerous pair.
“Eddie, if you don’t bend me over right now, I think I’ll fucking die.”
You didn’t have to tell Eddie twice.
It was almost impossible how quickly he had you pressed against the wall with his cock out and your underwear shoved down your thighs. You let out a sound of impatience, turning your head to watch him pull a condom from his pocket and roll it on.
Your eyebrows pulled tight in confusion when he pulled out another small packet, this time being lube. He messily pumped it along his length. And, before you could ask any questions, he was lining himself up at your entrance and pushing in. 
And, as he bottomed out, you gasped. 
“Oh fuck,” you whined, head falling back, feeling his wild hair against your face. “Did you have a condom and lube in your pocket the entire time?”
Eddie finally thrusted into you, a high-pitched sound leaving his mouth. “Jesus, sweetheart.” He sighed. “Considering we fuck like rabbits? Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“Happy 4-20,” you teased, pushing back on his cock and reveling in the squelching sound and the way his cock buried even deeper inside you.
He gasped, tightening his grip on your hips. “Happy 4-20, baby.”
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It took you and Eddie about two more hours to come down from desire, the intimacy too alluring in this state. It had only been six months since you started dating, having nothing but time to make up for. And you’d tried to stop after the first round…and the second. Popped some pizza rolls in the oven and tried to put a movie on. Ended up riding him until the timer was up.
And you would never admit to immediately forgetting they were still in the oven. Though, that was Eddie’s fault for not letting you go until you finished. Always a gentleman, that one.
You ended up in a tank top and a new pair of underwear while he threw on some boxers and one of your cropped t-shirts. Cracked open your windows to air out the joint he bought this morning. Let him crank up the music on his phone as you shimmied your way around the apartment, passing the joint back and forth. It was easy to forget to pace yourselves when he was pulling you close and putting it between your lips.
And it was an easy kind of love, the kind you’d always shared. Everything felt just the same as it had, only needing to remove the tension to fully embrace it. Eddie was always touching you now, no matter where you were. Always doting on you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
Steve and Robin always complained that you were lovesick idiots—and they were right, of course. Eddie was always blabbering about your shared future, all the plans that were practically set in stone now. There was no room for doubt or questions. 
“I’m gonna marry you, you know,” he murmured, kissing your forehead, one hand on your exposed hip as you swayed. “Just you fucking wait.”
“Mm,” you hummed, your content smile widening. “I’d like that.”
You laughed. “Eddie, you’ve told me that, like, a million times since we became official. You already know I wanna marry you, too.”
“Well, I won’t stop,” he promised. “And we’ll have joints at the reception and everyone will dance and we’ll do karaoke and do that cake shoving thing and I’ll have the sickest vows and it’ll be ridiculously cheesy.”
“You’re gonna cry more than me,” you teased. “A big ole baby.”
He giggled. Eddie fucking giggled. It was the cutest goddamn sound you’d ever heard, knowing that he was as elated by your love as you were. Two goddamn smitten idiots. 
“It’s gonna be fucking amazing,” he said, putting the last of the joint up to your lips. Watched as you took a puff. “And we’re gonna slow dance to the Lord of the Rings theme song.”
That made you laugh which then made you cough, stepping away from him and clutching your stomach. 
“Fuck!” he exclaimed, obviously trying not to laugh. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, rushing over to chug the last of your glass of water. Just so you could exclaim, “We are not slow dancing to that.”
“Why not?” he asked, scoffing as he put his unoccupied hand on his hip. “It matches our theme.”
“Our theme?”
“Yeah, like, you’re gonna dress up like Arwen and I’ll be decked out in Aragorn’s sick outfit. It's perfect. What about that don’t you get?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, and let me guess. You think we’re gonna get replicas of that fucking ring.”
Eddie couldn’t help his goofy laughter, tossing the burnt filter onto the counter before taking your hands in his. “Was that not already established?”
“You’re the absolute worst boyfriend to exist,” you teased, moving to brush his nose with yours. Breathing him in, all hazy and at ease.
“Yeah, but I’m a great husband,” he whispered before kissing you once more.
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another thanks to the lovely @strangergraphics for helping me with the dividers and the editing. you're the best I love you mwuah
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angelsanarchy · 2 months
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What It Cost: Samuel Lafferty x Y/N Mini Series PRT 01
Tagging: @ithinkitstimetonap @kappasbbgirl @chainsawgvtsfvck @luzclarita57 @miniisunshine @madamemaximoff06 @romanroyapoligist @thirtyratsinasuit @ethical-cain-vinnel @blueberrypancakesworld @dumbbitchdelrey @loljustignoreth4t @tvgirlsbluehair @s0ulfulll @dukesofsp00ks @mommymilkers0526 @vomiting-blood @lustkillers @s-0lar @hisemoslut @roryculkinsgf @ultrakissed @tempt-ress
Samuel moved around his parents land with his brothers, doing the last of the chores for the day before they had an early supper. They were supposed to meet some new members of the church today and according to his mother, a few new members were women looking for godly men. Samuel was already happily married to Sarah but that didn't mean he couldn't check out fresh meat that one of his brother's might bring into the family.
Samuel had always been a faithful man but he often let his eyes wander. Most of his confessionals were to repent for his fantasies he had outside of his marriage. He was reassured that his thoughts, while impure, were that of a holy man looking to bring more love and light to the community.
The moment his eyes found Y/n running around with his children, he knew he was in trouble. She was a bit younger than his wife but old enough to have already been married once and birthed a child of her own. Samuel had kept his eyes on her most of the day and listened to her story being told from his mother's mouth. She had married a Mormon man but he had died while on a mission trip leaving behind her and their 8 year old little girl.
It had been over a year since her husband had passed so she appeared to be ready for remarriage and according to his father, she would be a great addition to the Lafferty family based on her involvement in her last church.
No one had ever made such an impression on his parents before and something about the way she kept herself quiet and composed like a lady but still manage to seem like a fun-loving outsider intrigued him. He watched the way her hips moved in her dress, her bare feet running through the grass after the kids, catching them and spinning them around. Her ample breasts bounced in her top but she kept all the buttons securely fastened, not allowing him even the slightest peak.
At one point, she runs directly into him and he catches her from hitting the ground.
"I'm so sorry! I clearly wasn't watching where I was running." She apologized and he smiled.
"My kids are quite atheletic. They can run you all day long if you let them." He joked.
"I've got a pretty high stamina so I think I'll be okay." She laughed. Samuel tried not to think about all the ways he could test her stamina if he just had some alone time with her.
"I'm sure Sarah appreciates the help, as well as the other little ladies." Samuel watched her tuck her hair behind her ear and lick her lips. What he wouldn't give to just get a taste of them.
"She's amazing all on her own. I'm just happy to be around such a big, loving family. I've certainly missed this." She watched the kids playing with a smile.
"Well you're always welcome here. I know if you're looking for a herd of chaotic kids to spend time with, we have that at our place all the time." Samuel offered hoping she would take him up on the offer.
"Sarah actually said she was going to check with you about my daughter and I staying a few days until our house has been cleaned and blessed. I never like to bring my baby into a home that hasn't been properly blessed." Y/n reached out and touched Samuel's arm and it gave him chills.
"Absolutely. We would love to have you both." Samuel got a sudden burst of excitement thinking about her being under the same roof as him.
He went the whole day talking to her and playing with his children as his wife and family welcomed them into the fold. Once they had gotten home, Y/n and Sarah started to put the children to bed. He passed by the laundry room and noticed his wife was bent over the dryer, trying to retrieve something, her skirt had risen up, exposing the red panties she was wearing. He walked up behind her, gripping her hips roughly and rutting his hard cock against her ass.
She yelped and stood up straight revealing it wasn't Sarah at all. Samuel let go of her hips and stepped back.
"Y/n! I'm so sorry! I thought you were Sarah!" Samuel was sure she would slap him or yell but she chuckled, pushing her hair off her face.
"Sarah let me borrow a skirt. I got my dress wet washing the kids up." She was blushing and Samuel nodded.
"Truly, I do apologize for my actions." Samuel was still rock hard and tried to hide it with his hands.
"No need to apologize. Having a healthy sex life with your wife is a beautiful thing. All those children didn't just show up." She teased. She turned back to the dryer and Samuel noticed her skirt was tucked into her panties.
"Um...you're alittle...do you mind?" He held his hands out to her waist and she glanced at her hip. She watched his hands untuck her dress and smooth it out against her panties.
"How mortifying." She covered her face and he laughed.
"Don't be silly. We can both be slightly embarrassed tonight." She looked at his face and noticed how when he smiled with his mouth, his eyes smiled too.
"Trust me Samuel, nothing about that is embarrassing...impressive but not embarrassing." She glanced down at the front of him and he bit his lip realizing she was talking about his cock. He grinned, moving his hands from her hips and pushing some of her hair out of her face.
"Red is a good color on you." He said touching her cheek just where the blush rose.
"It's my favorite color." She replied, Samuel making a mental note.
"I think it's mine now too." He teased.
Samuel had a feeling his dreams were going to be quite interesting tonight with the thought of fucking Y/n on the dryer will she screamed his name.
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