#Baby Toxels
spikemuth-post · 1 year
12 Baby Toxels: Late bloomer
This was sitting in my drafts and I thought it was cute so I decided to finish it and post it for you guys.
"It's alright, little one," Piers mumbled, snuggling up to the irritated little Toxel. Number 11 evolved today, leaving Groose the last baby in the bunch. The proud new owner of a full-grown Toxitricity was ecstatic, jumping up and down as she gave you a hug. "You'll evolve soon... surely."
"Would you like to give him a nickname?" You asked the trainer. She thought about it and quickly gave him one, putting her new Toxitricity in a Pokeball. It was bitter-sweet to lose all the Toxel's but they had to go some time. You weren't equipped to keep all of them forever.
When the trainer left it was you 3 left: You, piers, and little Groose. Piers kept snuggling with him but his mood was unyielding.
"...He ain't happy."
"He's just a little later than the others. I mean, there was always going to be one who evolved last."
"I know but... All his brothers and sisters are gone. He's jealous."
"He'll evolve... I have some candies for him in the drawer. Give him one, see if that helps." You offered. That made the Toxel perk up, squealing happily and gripping Pier's hair. Your boyfriend winced but walked just as calmly as ever to the kitchen drawer.
There were quite a few candies in there, which made the baby's eyes light up. Piers opened one, handing it to the little sticky fingers.
"There you go little one. Me and Mama have something to talk about." He sat the Toxel on the counter and it started munching away at the candy. Piers pulled you to the side, glancing every so often at the baby. "Babe... What if we keep him?"
"We have Toxitricities, Piers-"
"Come on, Babe. He's always been a little bit of a crybaby. He needs us."
"We are going to find him a trainer, Piers. End of discussion."
"Please?" He continued to plead, taking his eye off the baby. The baby looked down at the drawer of candies, his eyes sparkling as he threw himself right in. You continued your argument as the baby chowed down, unaware your collection of rare candies was dwindling. "He loves us. We raised him."
"He'll love his new trainer, too. Piers, that's final."
"Can we raise more?"
"Someone is forgetting how crazy our life has been for the past year." You chuckled, You turned back to the baby but your head was still facing piers as you went to pick him up... but not for long. "You have to let go. They couldn't stay foreve- Holy Shit!" You shrieked, seeing your candy drawer was full of wrappers with a happy Toxel cheering. He began to glow and you just threw your arms up. As you lamented the loss of your candy, Piers was tearing up.
"Look at him."
"I'm looking at an empty drawer."
"Aw, come on. Our little boy is growing up." As the light faded a fully grown toxel was sitting in a drawer, very confused and possibly stuck. He mewed happily and you sighed. "...I'm so proud of him."
"Piers, it took us a long time to accumulate that much Rare candy-"
"We'll figure it out... Why don't we take him out? Spend some quality time with him." Piers continued to beg, taking the Toxitricity's side and hugging him. The pokemon just smiled, still very confused. "Get some dinner, just be a family. THEN we can work on adoptin' him out... Please?"
"....Ugh, Fine." You threw your hands and the boys immediately celebrated. "Piers, I'm worried you're a little too attached to Groose-"
"Race ya to the front door." Piers pat the Toxitricity once and they were in a mad dash out of the room. The pokemon stumbled, falling out of the drawers and smacking his face on the floor. Not that he minded. He ran out anyway.
Shopping. Eating. Battling. It was a full day of fun. It ended at home with Piers strumming his guitar with both his Toxitricity and Groose lounging on the couch. You watched on in the door frame, hurt just from taking in the scene.
"...You can keep him." You relented, surprising your boyfriend. He stopped playing on a dime and his Toxitricity raise it's head when the music stopped, groggy and confused.
"...What brought this on?"
"I think it'll break your heart if we give him to anyone else... so... we can keep him." Piers couldn't help but be excited and though they didn't know what was going on both pokemon were also jazzed. "BUT... You are going to have to replace all the candy by yourself-"
"FUCKIN' DEAL! You hear that boys!?" It was adorable to see the man so excited. You shook your head and left the three of them to their bliss. This was fine.
You came home from an expedition match, calling to your boyfriend as you walked around the flat. Nothing. You raised a brow, eventually finding him in the living room, covering his mouth and staring at the couch. Before you could walk around to see what it was, he addressed you.
"Babe, you're home early."
"...No I'm not?"
"Oh... Musta... lost track of time."
"...Piers, are you okay?" You took one more step forward and Piers walked up, stopping you and trying to walk you out of the room. "What is going on?"
"Babe uh... so... Uh..." He couldn't find the words. He sighed. "...So Groose... was a girl."
"...Wait really? How did we fuck that up?" You asked, earning a shrug in return. "So you don't want him anymore... I mean, her?"
"Uh...No, that's not it...but her..." He lead you back to the front of the couch and finally it was revealed to you. Five Eggs. You were at a loss, no breath left in you. "...Her and my Toxitricity got it on-"
"Oh... fuck-"
"Yeah, that's what they did-"
"Right, Right!" He scratched the back of his head, trying so hard to take in a full breath. "Uh... We're parents again?"
"I want to strangle you right now, Piers, you have no idea." The inconvenience of doing this again was racing through your mind... though more pleasant memories did drown it out. Piers was trying to think of a way out, missing that you had formed a soft smile.
"...Okay... I'll uh... I get to the pokemon center in town and-"
"What do you say, Piers?" Your tone was more optimistic than it was a minute ago, confusing the man. You hugged him, a light blush taking over his face. "...Are you ready to do this again?"
"...We're keeping them?"
"Well... who's better at raising multiple Toxels at once besides us?" He seemed to like that and the two of you looked down at the clutch of eggs. With a deep, nearly synchronized breath, you and Piers joined hands. "...Well... Let's get the crib out of storage."
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n0rtist · 7 months
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Here's some more of him, his name is Tierre:
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toxel-trainer · 1 year
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I like to doodle when the boys eat especially when they all sit so still, that’s Murray in the middle, my bolthund, lad and baby are so lucky he likes to share his food
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thebabycup · 3 months
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A baby up past their bed time..!
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aquadragondavanin · 1 year
Poll 1 linked here: https://www.tumblr.com/aquadragondavanin/716073462095085568/which-baby-pokemon-is-the-most
Remember this isn’t which one is your favorite, but which one is the MOST baby, which may overlap with your favorite.
Have fun and reblog so we can get some results :3
may the best baby win!
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your-fave-is-bi · 2 years
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Does she???
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pokeprint · 1 year
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Baby 'Mon Band
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dailypokemoncrochet · 2 years
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FOTH Toxel
A baby a little baby baby~ 💜
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