#Bar Stella Abyss
howtodigatrench · 7 days
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abyss people.
(transparent separated versions under the cut)
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
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Official art for the Japanese release of Bar Stella Abyss(x).
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g4zdtechtv · 7 months
Cinematech's Trailer Park - Bar Stella Abyss (PS5/PS4/Switch)
Rum and Coke across the cosmos.
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ixsjolda · 5 months
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barstellaabyss · 3 months
blog intro + tipsy doodle
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Hello!!! I’m Val, and here’s my fun little blog!! please read my strawpage before following :p
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apples-of-apples · 22 days
("reblog for your followers to anonymously tell you what characters you remind them of")
I think I might be influenced by your previous icon and your interest for Digimon but some kind of creature. Like a pokemon or mascot. Yeah. Perhaps like Tipsy from Bar Stella Abyss.
Otherwise for a human character... hm... you lowkey make me think of Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi
Yaay!! I louve bein’ a creature!!! Yay!!
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utterlyinevitable · 2 years
Back to December (2/4)
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Part 1
2. A Night in December
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton x Penelope Featherington Rating: Mature Series / Explicit Chapter Word Count: 6.1k  Warning: Cunnilingus, Porn with Feelings 
Series Summary: A modern AU where they run into one another at a bar a few years after they grew apart.  
Chapter Summary: Colin does it with the lights *ON*. Penelope doesn’t believe this is real. 
a/n: I dedicate this attempt at smut to @mvalentine . Obviously I didn’t know when to shut up and didn’t know which tense to choose, oop. This is the most pivotal part of their story thus far and I hope it comes off that way and not as cringe as I think it is. 
Anyway, thank you for clicking and I hope you enjoy!! <3
They’re painted like a dreamscape. The late December sky colored in strokes of black blended with clouds of smoky gray, dark lamp posts glimmer through the frosty night guiding the path ahead, two lovers stroll hand-in-hand through impressionist brushstrokes. It doesn’t seem real. 
It’s all a haze. 
The late night chill brushes her cheeks pink, yet she doesn’t feel it sting her skin. She’s floating. Floating and following the lead of the force at her fingertips. Her breath catches, trying to regulate from the quick pace of their steps over cobblestone. Leisurely was not in the cards, not when so much time has been hanging on this - the thread of hope of this night and them and a weight of the past finally dropping into the abyss. 
There aren’t any maybe’s anymore. There’s here and now and this is happening. 
There’s a tug on her hand and a whip of her head before cold seeps through the thin clothing at her back. Then there’s warmth. Fierce and insistent warmth of pillowy lips against hers combating the frozen stone of the wall she’s pressed up to. Everything is overshadowed by the glow of his body moving with hers. Golds and whites sparkle behind her eyelids as this boy kisses her with purpose. A promise and a reminder and an impertinence all at once. Everything is Colin. Her body hums as she tugs her fantasy closer, wraps an arm around his neck until there’s no space left between them. 
It’s all a dream.
He pulls away. The most toe-curling smile, roguish and cheeky and familiar all at once, taking over his features and has her all fogged up again. She may be drunk. She may be doing something reckless and borderline stupid. She may be clouded by the hope of it all. Or she may have conjured this moment into manifestation over the years. She doesn’t know. All she knows is she will follow him through the dark and cobbled streets. Through the blissful ignorance. 
Until the blaring orange light of the building brought her back down to earth. 
Penelope had been to the only upscale hotel in town only once before, when Stella’s parents came to visit during First Year and invited the girls back to their room for a nightcap. Once was enough to know that Colin had led her through the back entrance, away from the grandeur and attentive staff of the lobby - away from eyes that could catch them together. He happily tugged her up the two flights of stairs and down the corridor to the very end, all the while still holding tightly onto her hand. Letting it go only to unlock the door with his key fob and usher her in with a humble ‘after you’. 
She’s definitely not drunk now. 
The scent of fresh linen and lingering dredges of cologne fill her every breath as she moves further into his space, touches of sobriety carried on every inhale.  
“Want a drink?” he asks as they step through the door to his hotel room. The thick reinforced wood closes behind him with the faintest of clicks.  
Penelope strolls through the tiny little foyer, past the bathroom and the wet bar, into the modest bedroom. Her eyes take everything in keenly - from the massive bed with white linens and more pillows than necessary, to the window with only the sheer curtain pulled encouraging faint city lights to spill in, the empty desk with a lone chair angled and inviting. To the imposing hardwood dresser with a flat screen television perched on top, and to the half opened hand luggage discarded to the side. Looking everywhere but over at the wet bar where Colin pours two crystal tumblers of whiskey. 
“Making mini bar money now?” she squeaks out a critical joke. 
“Oh you know me,” he smiles and shoots her a wink. 
There’s silence. She stands rooted in the middle of his rented bedroom, watches his shoulders move, his effortless ministrations as he leans and pours and tilts and caps. Everything he does is elegant and enchanting and… and she’s feeling just as bad as she did back then for thinking these lewd things.
Penelope fiddles with the hem of her leather jacket with anxious hands. 
This may be a mistake. Probably is one of the biggest decisions of her life - regret, what if, and want all culminating into this. Years had gone by wondering what it would be like to see him again, to speak to him, to… to rewrite their past in only ways she could ever envisage under the cover of night alone in her bed. 
Colin’s changed, and yet he hasn’t. His clothes and his stance and parts of his shape, but the ease in which he is - his being and how he makes her feel is still the same. Light in her chest and lightning crackling through her veins and on the edge of a cliff about to fall into waters below and anxiously an… - and maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Her eyes are still looking everywhere but at him. Landed on the white trim of the door visible over his shoulder as he takes long strides towards her. 
“Brought my own,” he says as he hands her the cool drink. “I’m on my way back from Scotland.” 
She nods halfway. Her fingertips grazing his at the handoff - there’s that electricity again. The impact of the jolt keeps her from lingering, quickly she brings the liquid to her lips to stop the gasp that’s nearly fallen with reality, here and now.  
“It’s so good to see you again, Pen.” 
There it was. That nickname. She hasn’t been Pen in ages. Barely goes by Penelope these days, either. And just like that she’s a kid again. A kid with a crush and it’s all so overwhelming feeling these things again, so she takes a larger gulp of amber liquid. 
He follows suit and she can feel his gaze on her, unyielding and scorching her cheeks, her wrists, and the tips of her ears down past her chest. She swallows her imminent fear to look him in the eye. 
And oh what a sight it is.
His are clear aquamarine - the sea in sunlight, like the stones they’d find in the sand of his family’s lake way back when. She can tell he’s not drunk, far from it in fact. But there’s a glass in his eye she’s only ever had an inkling of before. He’s in a sweater so unlike the boy she used to know, and his hair perfectly positioned to draw attention to his defined jaw. She remembers when he used to be round and squishy and baby-faced but still handsome as hell. She remembers the way he used to look at her back then and how she’d always have to look away, deflect with a sardonic jab to keep the blush from coating her cheeks. She remembers the rush it brought. The weightless onslaught of butterflies. It’s happening now. He’s looking at her like that now. Like she’s capable of hanging the moon in the sky and summoning snow with a flick of her fingers. And she’s back there - that room they’ve spent their youth in, dim under the glow of the LED screen. For a moment she’s seventeen again.  
“I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too.” 
He’s close. In front of her once more and it's oh so different than the bar. Colin places his barely touched drink on the dresser, then moves towards her intently, brushes tresses of straightened dyed blonde hair behind her shoulder. She doesn’t dare look anywhere but his hand the entire time. Watches as it rests at the base of her neck - skin on skin. Intention hanging in the air. Intention and heat and promise and all without expectation. There’s still time to back out. Before she truly makes a mistake she can’t take back. 
Penelope takes one more sip and places her drink on the side, too. When she looks up at him through long lashes, something’s changed. The air is heavy now - not stifling but weighted; waiting and wanting stirring in the silence. Colin’s eyes are still big and curious and his lips are full and tinged by her lipstick and he’s so close. Handsome, even more so than before. The dim light of the room illuminates them, casting hues laden with lust. His hands move towards her jacket. 
“May I?” The way he dropped his voice low, and the way he looked like a cat about to catch a bird… there was no way she would turn him down; she was wet just thinking about it. About his hands on her and hopefully more. 
She nods. 
Colin slips the jacket off her shoulders. Slowly. His eyes follow every inch of her newly revealed form, anticipation swirling in his irises. A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he artfully threw the jacket onto the lone desk chair. 
The kiss in the bar was another world away. Some time that maybe only exists in a dreamland. Because now they’re in a quiet lily white bedroom and it’s ever so apparent recklessness has been abandoned. There’s something meaningful swirling between them neither cares to acknowledge but can’t help but feel. Pen elongates her body up towards him at the same time Colin moves until there isn’t an ounce of space left between them. 
It’s glorious. 
To feel him. To have his hands trailing her body, tracing more defined curves that were only shadows before. To outline the slope of his shoulders with her fingertips and feel the taut muscle there. To be pulled closer and closer, and twirled to a dance he’s leading. 
Fireworks ran rampant in her gut, every nerve ending on fire. It’s all too slow and too fast at the same time. One of his hands holding her head in place as he slipped his tongue between her awaiting lips. Oh, Penelope moaned softly as his tongue moved with hers. As he kissed her slow and purposefully. As she let herself get lost in the way he tasted like scotch and home - sweet and reassuring, like the lazy days they’d spend bundled in his mother’s drawing room eating sweets and watching films. Domestic and nostalgic, a fantasy she always coveted since. She’s lost to the feeling, putty in his hands as she lets him take control. 
She’s pulled forward, tugged by his teeth at her bottom lip as Colin backs himself up to sit on the bed. Large hands fisting in the light fabric at her waist as he draws her towards him once more, missing the press of their bodies. Pen is helpless to the sensations coursing her body, can’t do anything but lift her legs to straddle him - precariously kneeling at the edge of the mattress to keep her full womanly weight off him. 
But Colin pulls her down harder. Kisses her into delirium until she can’t keep herself up. Wanting - needing every bit of their bodies touching. Penelope’s entire being cedes to this and now. Leaning in, her arms wrapped around his neck and fingers fisted in his chestnut locks, heads tilting together deepening the kiss until there’s no fine point where he ends and she begins. Colin’s fingers run delicately across her pilant body, careful and purposeful and feather-light making her skin tingle, arching and asking for more of everything.   
And he’s handling her with care. God, she doesn’t want to think. Doesn’t want her brain to ruin this and compare it to her fantasies, or worse - think about how she compares to all his past others. So she kisses him, harder. Gives a raspy beg of ‘please’ as her hips roll into his. Colin is all too eager to oblige - to obliterate everything else but here and now. 
Hands move to places unseen. Places friends don’t explore with friends. 
There’s never been anything friendly between them. 
It’s more. More gasps and moans as lips find hidden treasure. More please. More off. More hands everywhere. More clothes on the floor. Hearts beating erratically. 
“You’re beautiful,” he all but whispered in earnest. Soft sage eyes on hers, boring and imploring her to believe him. 
The look of reverence on his face as he uncovered more bits of her body she always kept covered up… - it's so much. 
For the first time Penelope Featherington felt herself bloom under the attention. 
Instead of closing her eyes and letting it happen, she took control. Her hands trailed down his chest to the hem of his undershirt. 
“I want to see you,” she muttered against his lips and her fingers worked to expose the hot skin underneath.  
He raised his arms and she slid off his top. 
A second passed. Then another with only shallow breaths passing between them. Her darkened stare stuck on the dips of his chest, the curves of this man’s body.    
“Touch me.”
So she does. Her filed nails caressing, exploring his pecs and down to the outline of abs that surely weren’t there when they’d known one another. He’s muscular and manly, not soft and boyish. Far from the fantasy she used to have of him - of them together in ways more than just this over years and years. And he has tufts of chest hair now too. Her finger cards through the dark wiry strands that curl around her little pink fingertip. 
Colin watches her, hands on her hips still rooting her there, here. 
He wants to say something, so does she. But what can really be said at a moment like this. Idle conversation couldn’t withstand it. 
When words fail mouths move. 
Colin took one of her bare breasts in his mouth. Shifted her higher up his body to eagerly plop his lips around her. Pen’s fingers twirled and tangled in the hair at the back of his head, holding him in place whilst he flicked his tongue across her nipple, before grazing his teeth and nipping her just enough to elicit a whimper. Without complaint he moved to the other, lavishing her body in the only way he’d know how. 
It’s too much. 
The circles he was swirling against her sensitive skin mimicked the patterns she was grinding against him, driving her wild - seeking a pressure that wasn’t close enough. Colin’s hand slid between them, thumbing at her center through her jeans, trying to match her place and grant her some release. But it wasn’t enough. 
An annoyed whine passed Pen’s lips. A huff as she pushed his shoulders away. 
“Off,” she declares as soon as his concerned gaze found hers, and Colin drops his hold completely. Concedes so she can get off him, disappointment beginning to creep into his thick brow. 
Penelope steps back, just enough to fully use all her limbs without any impediments. His eyes are still on her and she watches him, too. Stares with a sinister smirk as her thumbs work the buttons of her jeans. Colin catches her eye, as much as the sight of watching her strip could be his undoing, he quirks a brow in askance. 
A simple nod is all he gets in response. 
And no sooner does Colin launch himself in the air to rid himself of his trousers. The speed and fumbling by which he obliges is endearing as ever. Light laughter filling the spaces of this prelude. 
This isn’t weird, or awkward as most first times would go. No, this is a long time coming. They’ve played this scene out many times in the back of her mind. She knows exactly what comes next, now. 
Penelope moves towards him, but Colin keeps her at arms length. His eyes rove her body - curvy and alabaster and every flaw on display with the din of the foyer light spilling in on her like a spotlight. And for a brief moment she recedes into herself - steels herself from the rejection that’s about to come. This was nice, but it’s over now. This isn’t supposed to happen for them. Unrequited love is meant to be just that - fruitless and never real. 
Colin breathes, gravel on his tongue. “You’re beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” what else is she meant to say. 
His hands caress her sides, up and down the swell of her hips, her waist, the sides of her chest. Pads of fingers ghosting her breasts, circling her areolas as he considers her attentively. She waits. And waits for the rejection she knows is coming. 
“B-” there it is, on the tip of his tongue, the but we should stop. 
She knows it’s coming and the strings of her chest are dangling by a frayed thread, waiting to drop. Her lips part, ready to finish the sentence for him, her eyes darting to the side to find the quickest path to her clothes. But
“Before we continue…” he strides over to his rucksack, riddles around for two heartbeats too long, and finds what he’s looking for. The look on his face as he saunters over holding the ream of two condoms is contagious enough to have her smiling back. “Safety first.”
Pen hops on the tips of her toes, practically throws herself to wrap her arms around his neck, kissing him with all the jittery hope she felt at the bar. And Colin laughs into the quick press of their lips. He pulls away only to chuck the condoms up by the pillows. 
And they’re standing there, naked. Completely bare. Bodies on display for the other for the first time, truly. No illicit touches or attempted rendezvous that always ended in a mishap or miscommunication. No give and take and making it halfway before a fakeout. 
Penelope wasn’t anywhere near ready to accept her feelings back then. Couldn’t understand them in the slightest. Denial and naïveté built walls around her heart - the finest of fortresses keeping everything locked and sealed. Looking back, she can see it for what it was: his attempts to scale her walls again and again. Maybe now it’s time to lower the drawbridge, open the gates even if it means letting the Trojan horse of insecurity and past mistakes in.
Colin stood so close, his heated gaze sending a shiver down her spine. Vulnerable as she was, she let him scrutinize her. Let him look at all of her without covering a single portion of her stomach - the rolls of her belly, the sure smudge of her makeup, stretch marks at her hips, and white marks at her heavy breasts. 
The air around them crackled and the light on her turned brighter, washing out everything save for them. 
Colin trailed the tip of his forefinger down her jaw, and around her lips. Pen tilted into his touch, daring goosebumps to prick her skin. She watched intently as his adam’s apple bobbed, swallowed down a small keen as she closed her lips around the tip of his finger and gave it a chaste lick. Before she even had time to think about what she was doing Colin replaced the finger on her mouth with his lips, slipping his tongue against hers while his hands cupped her pretty, round face. There was no hesitation. 
They responded in earnest. Pen closing the small slivers of breadth between them until their bodies were finally skin to skin. And Colin’s hands on her bare ass, cupping, kneading, pulling her hips up and forward, a joined moan slipping as she ground against his ever present erection. His tongue gliding with hers, not desperate but intent. Soft and deliberate and drawn out, the way it feels when you’ve been running for miles and finally stop to take a drink: breathless and hot and perfect against her lips. 
He sucked her bottom between his teeth as he guided her backwards. Towards the bed once again. Sapphire eyes shot open as soon as the cold linen grazed the back of her knees. To watch his face as he sent them into free fall - to feel the grin against her skin and be rewarded with its beauty, accompanied by the lightness of his green eyes. It made her feel like the center of the universe, like she only existed for him. 
How simple life would be if that were true - if they could carry out this unspoken arrangement until both of them were too old to remember who they were, who they used to be and what that meant for them. It was too easy to forget all about the ‘what ifs’ when his lips were on hers. What if they actually dated years ago? What if instead of pushing all Bridgerton’s away, she’d answered his texts? What if she’d been able to voice her true feelings instead of keeping them locked away? Maybe they’d be friends, maybe more. Maybe they would have done this many times before. 
As if he could feel her thoughts, Colin tickled the spot below her upper arm, evoking her giggle and bringing her back into the moment, back to him. Penelope laughed a breathy laugh, dropping her head back against the duvet. Her back arching with her mirth as his fingers continued to work her. 
Sheets rustled, and the bed dipped, and the heat of his body receded. Before Pen could even think, his hands wrapped around her calves and dragged her bum to the edge of the bed. Colin knelt on the carpeted floor and leaned towards her, between her legs. Even in the low lighting she could clearly see his smile, wide enough to show a dimple as his thumb grazes her - she was slick to the touch at the sight.  
Colin parted her legs fully. Ran his palms up and down the soft skin, taking handfuls of her thighs as he worked his way up, like a lion stalking his prey. The look he shot her was truly wicked. Then, when Penelope thought she’d surely perish, he put her out of her imminent misery, lips hot as they mapped their way to her core. Never daring to break eye contact as he dropped his head down. Watching him lavish her was its own kind of erotic. 
Pen’s head thrown back against the mattress, anticipating his mouth where she desires him most. He’s at her knee, a kiss at the underside, and at the other one for good measure. Trails up her thigh. One languid open mouth kiss, then another, and a third and he’s swirling his tongue, grazing his teeth against her flesh, then placing a fourth and then - then he stops? 
She feels him take a deep breath. So she holds hers. 
Colin’s gaze is darker than she’s ever seen, animalistic even. It would be her undoing if he wasn’t so still - wasn’t looking at her face so steadily. A reverence that would make her self conscious if it wasn’t for how intoxicatingly seductive he looks with hooded eyes - if she didn’t feel every drop of infatuation she had harbored for years begin to bubble over.  
A small placating smile was all the signaling he needs. 
Oh Colin Bridgerton does not disappoint. 
His tongue found her in an instant - drawing long strokes through her folds and alternating with quicker movements around her clit. Sucking and running his teeth across it just barely but enough to make her whole body shudder. She couldn’t help but weave her fingers into his locks, pulling him against her, tighter, causing him to moan against her for a whole other level of pleasure.. Oh god she loved him talking like this - loved the way her name sounded when he said it, a deep and afflicted ‘Pen’. That name reserved only for him. Loved the lips that smiled after he told a terrible pun and especially loved the things they could do to her now. 
She was so close. Her whole body thrumming with impatience that she was practically fucking his face with the erratic way her hips were moving to meet him, to ignite more friction, fast. Colin reached up to pinch a nipple making waves shoot down through her body as his teeth grazed her clit. Lord. Pen bit the inside of her lips, stifling a shout. 
“I want to hear you. Don’t hold back, Penelope.” 
She could feel herself losing it, dizzy and unaware of what was happening as he kept licking and sucking and - she’s so close. Knows he can feel it even if she’s having trouble stringing together coherent words. Colin kept going, devoutly. Hungry. As if she were his favorite plate of biscuits, and he’s been starved for years. Groaning, sending mind-blowing vibrations as she gyrated, harder. Faster. Circles and straights and nonsensical chase, going and going and keep going. Until there was pain at his scalp. Until she cried out. 
Colin slowed his tongue, letting her ride out her orgasm as she clamors through, as her walls tightened against the finger she hardly noticed slipped in. Her undoing, surely. Stars glittered behind her lids, angels sung a high-pitched hymn in her ears as her entire body combusted into a supernova. Floating almighty above, and crashing down through the stratosphere until she’s back on earth, on this bed. Here. The fog from all those moments prior clearing completely. 
Slowly, ever so carefully, her heavy eyes opened. Before her, with all the poise and grandeur of a Grecian statue, Colin Bridgerton was knelt between her legs, hands in his lap and illuminated by the soft bedside lighting. Watching. Amorously gazing in her glow as her chest rapidly rose up and down in quick succession, as she delighted in his gratification. 
A thoughtless whine escaped her as she spread her legs wider and let him keep doing whatever he liked to her. Colin chuckled, blithe and delightful - jingling chimes on a blissful spring day.  
“Good?” he asks. 
Doesn’t wait for a nod or a response before he’s moving again. 
He’s hovering. Crawling up to cover her body with his. Slowly. Ever so slowly she aches. Aches at the loss of contact - of his touch - as the rest of her body thrums and comes down from the peak he brought her to seconds before.  
Her heavy eyes watch as he moves up up up. Broad shoulders squared and creeping, hunched like a lion stalking his prey, and his dark stare hungry and tender and never straying from hers. And that simper - that cheeky lopsided tug of the corner of his mouth, highlighting a dimple she never realized she missed more than rain after a drought, and the air he breathes passes through parted lips coating her balmy skin. His presence just as striking as the setting sun.  
Finally, finally, he touched her. Ducked down just enough to kiss her dazed lips. Then her chin. Then her cheek. Then the other. And that was all she needed to truly, decidedly, be recovered from her previous pleasure and on to the next. Insatiable as ever - for him. Only ever for him.
Pen’s arms wrapped around his neck, tugging Colin closer and keeping him in place pressed blissfully against her. Blessed, haughty, skin on skin. 
She ran her tongue up the column of his neck to his ear and nibbled on the soft lobe. Colin’s hot ragged breath brushing her shoulder spurring her on. Enough to keep going - to take the next step. Pen wraps her shorter legs around his thighs, wriggles her hips just enough to have his cock pressed up where it should always be. Just the tip teasing her entrance as she spoke filthy little remarks at the shell of his ear between distractingly sucking and pulling his earlobe between her teeth. And just as Colin thought to shift so he could press into her, Pen moved to close the gap herself. Reached between them, grasped him, jerking him slowly. 
Colin stopped moving, stopped rutting against her and trying to take more than she was ready to give. Penelope’s turn to take the lead. 
She moved her hand, pumped him once, she could hear his gulp. Twice, all the air in his lungs exhaled through his nose, and as she rotated her wrist for a third, he swatted her away. 
“Pen,” he groaned. “Let me feel you.” 
She was about to jest - to comment on how he just spent the last fifteen minutes feeling her, intimately and with his tongue eliciting all sorts of reckless sensations coursing through her veins. 
He felt the comment before she could speak -
“In you. I need to be inside you.” 
Oh there were no greater words spoken. It didn’t matter how wicked their words got or how many different ways he could pull pleasure from her without convention, because those words did it for her. They threw her brain into another tizzy and already she was near humming yes yes yes. 
She lined him up with her and let Colin do the rest. 
She was soaked. An after-effect of Part One mixed with her endless libidinous fascination for him. Colin entered her easily, not a moment needed to adjust. But he gave it to her. Or was it for him? 
The look on the others face as they stayed motionless in the din of his bedroom with them connected in the most evolutionary of ways... its something else. It’s adoration, excitement, years of yearning, and something bigger than them swirling in their irises. The intensity of his stare is enough to turn her cheeks deliciously pink if she wasn’t already flushed beyond belief. The way he looks at her - not scrutinizing like she’s just his kid sister’s friend, nor is it the baseless regard saved for his public persona, but with knowing eyes that sees right through her and into her very core, makes her vulnerable. And just a little scared that something heavier looms over them - that even though they’ve nearly gone all the way (he’s inside her, for fucks sake!), it can all be over just as quickly, if their sensibilities are shaken back into reality.  
So she rolled her hips. And squeezed. 
And he let out a guttural moan.  
And they were back in motion. Moving as they should. 
As Colin fucked her, Pen couldn’t help but wonder how this could feel so new yet so familiar. How all this time could have gone by, and nothing seems to have changed. If Penelope allowed herself to indulge frivolous thoughts of her youth, she’d think they were fated. That she was made for him, and he for her, and no amount of complications or disastrous persons could stand in their way - every odyssey they’d make their way back to one another. But this isn’t a fairytale. She’s old enough to realize that now. No matter what this meant, he was always Eloise’s brother and she was always insipid Penelope Featherington. 
Lost to the feelings, Colin’s groan, more angrily than anything, brought her back. 
Pen stopped, her arms dropping from around him. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m fucking close already.” 
She couldn’t help but giggle - that sing-song giggle she doesn’t know feels like home to him. Pen bit her lip to stop it, but her mind thought of something better, gratifying. Her eyes darkened like a vixen, tongue drags across her plump lips. 
“Come for me, Colin. Come in me. Fill me.”
Whatever chord he was holding himself back with snapped. His thrusts came quicker, deeper. Pen buried her face in his neck, her chest pressed into him so firmly her breasts didn’t move with every motion, holding onto him for dear life. Colin propped himself up by his elbows, forearms cradling her head and his fingers fisting in her wayward strands over the pillowcase. Her nails digging into his back and her legs hiked up around his hips for the deepest most mind-blowing angle. 
The near-punishing pace had her eyes rolling back in her head. She’s consumed by him. His scent - the last notes of cologne lingering with the seductive stickiness of his sweat, the lasting taste of her left on her tongue by his. Colin’s body on her, in her, around her. She is on fire. She’s never felt so alive. 
She buried him to the hilt, and Pen swears he whimpered into her hair. 
But it wasn’t enough. 
Colin kissed his way down her body until she released him enough so he was kneeling at her alter. Holding her hips up, watching her tits bounce, tummy jiggle as he pulled back, fucking her purposely. Quickly. Hard. Every vigorous drive of his hips pushing him further and further to the edge, losing control as he chased his release. 
“Feels- so- good,” she whined with every devoted smack of their sticky bodies.  
“Shit, Pen.” He whispered short of breath and so fucking turned on. 
He rocked into her with fervor, held her knees in his large hands. The way she arched her back into him meeting his every move, ran a hand down her torso and up to pinch her nipples while she rolled her hips was irresistible. The erratic circles she was making with her body gave him shivers. She feels like a goddess before him. Hair fanned out on his pillows, alabaster skin coated in a golden hue under the table light, everything about her soft and pliable and everything. She mewled, and it was Colin’s undoing. 
Colin dove down to capture her lips as he rode out his orgasm. Pen’s teeth biting down softly on his bottom lip as he came deep inside her. Oh, it’s something else. He nearly cries out when he feels her start to tighten on his cock, her form trembling underneath him. The kiss hot and messy, mouths open and wicked want spilling from them. 
When it’s all over, when they’ve caught their breaths and found enough sense, Colin pulled back. Just enough to fully see her face. 
He’s looking at her and she knows she’s a wreck - she feels like a wreck. Her hot ironed hair frizzing and wild, makeup smudged and her lipstick marking his lips, his neck, his shoulder, and unattractive labored breaths. 
And through it all, he grinned.
Bathing In the afterglow, tangled in sheets, both dining silly satisfied smiles, Colin pulls her to him. Penelope’s eyes closed in content, she nuzzles into the space he created for her - under his arm and her head perfectly nestled in the crook of his neck. They lay there for minutes upon minutes, enjoying the feel of their hearts beating and the sound of their breaths. His fingers in her hair twisting strands and her drawing nonsensical patterns along his chest twining the hairs there. It’d be romantic if it was anyone else. It’s domestic and comfortable and… weird. 
“What’re you doing here?” she breaks the silence, asking the question that’s been on her mind all night. 
“The truth?” 
Looking up at him she nods. 
“I was traveling around Scotland with some mates,” he prefaces. “Was going to drive straight back to mum’s but decided to call on some friends - take the long way home.” 
After all these years she could still see right through the bravado.  
“What happened?” 
“How do you know something happened?” 
“That forlorn look on your face is very telling.” 
He grabs a strand of her hair and twirls it around his deft fingers. “Here I thought I was sated and glowing beyond recognition.” 
His lips pinch and he averts his eyes. “My contract was dropped. Months ago. Haven’t had the heart to tell Mother.” 
They’ve only just met one another again, definitely not the time for serious conversation nor prying into the way one handles faux-pas of life. Rather hypocritical to be anything but supportive. 
Colin looks at her, cups her cheek and stares with those big green eyes she thinks she may just be powerless against. Pen does the same; it feels wrong to look so intently at him now that it is all done, so she chooses a spot on his forehead or the beauty mark at the side of his eye. No direct contact. No point in being barer than she already is. 
She lets the moment last a little longer before breaking it and heading to the bathroom. 
When Penelope returns, Colin is reclined back on the bed pouring two glasses of water from a glass bottle no doubt from the mini bar. The lights are on a little brighter, the blackout curtain is pulled, duvet pulled down and inviting, and the used condom she stepped over isn’t on the floor where they left it.  
He notices her, a satisfied smile playing as soon as their eyes meet. Then he’s up, still nude and well endowed, and striding over to her before Penelope can pick up her neglected panty.  
“Stay,” he says, reaching for her fingertips before they catch the fabric.  
“I really sh-” 
It’s a half hearted attempt and they both know it. 
And his kiss seals her fate. 
a/n: ok thanks ily i’m gonna go hide now 🙈
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bilaldemirkr · 4 months
Liste dolu! Şubat 2024’te çıkacak yeni PS oyunları belirli oldu
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/liste-dolu-subat-2024te-cikacak-yeni-ps-oyunlari-belirli-oldu/
Liste dolu! Şubat 2024’te çıkacak yeni PS oyunları belirli oldu
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Sony’nin PlayStation oyun konsolları için yeni oyunlar çıkmaya devam ediyor. Geçtiğimiz ay birçok üretim sunulmuştu. Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek oyunlar da dikkat çekecek üzere görünüyor. İşte Şubat 2024’te çıkacak yeni PlayStation 4/5 oyunları…
Yeni PlayStation 4/5 oyunları (Şubat 2024)
Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek oyunlara baktığımızda en çok Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League göze çarpıyor. 2 Şubat‘ta PlayStation 5 için yayınlanacak oyun, aksiyon-macera çeşidinde bir imal olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.
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Şubat ayında piyasaya sürülecek PlayStation oyunları ortasında Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo, Resident Evil 4: Gold Edition, Skull And Bones, Open Roads ve Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth de yer alıyor. Tüm listeye aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Şubat 2024’te piyasaya sürülecek yeni PlayStation oyunları şu halde sıralandı;
Tarih Oyun Platform 2 Şubat Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash PS5, PS4 2 Şubat Persona 3 Reload PS5, PS4 2 Şubat Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League PS5 6 Şubat Alisa: Developer’s Cut PS5, PS 6 Şubat Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo PS5, PS4 6 Şubat Foamstars PS5, PS4 8 Şubat Helldivers 2 PS5 8 Şubat KONOSUBA – God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Love For These Clothes Of Desire! PS4 9 Şubat Resident Evil 4: Gold Edition PS5, PS4 13 Şubat Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore PS5, PS4 13 Şubat Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden PS5 13 Şubat Ultros PS5 14 Şubat Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft PS5, PS4 15 Şubat Gunvolt Records Cychronicle PS5, PS4 15 Şubat PlateUp! PS5 15 Şubat Spirit Hunter: Death Mark 2 PS5, PS4 16 Şubat The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3 / The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 4 PS5 16 Şubat Skull And Bones PS5 18 Şubat Slave Zero X PS5, PS4 19 Şubat King Arthur: Knight’s Tale PS5 20 Şubat Irem Collection Volume 2 PS5, PS4 20 Şubat qomp2 PS5, PS4 20 Şubat Shadows Over Loathing PS5 20 Şubat Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters PS5 21 Şubat Numazu in the Mirage PS5 22 Şubat Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator PS5, PS4 22 Şubat Open Roads PS5, PS4 22 Şubat Pacific Drive PS5 22 Şubat Yohane the Parhelion – NUMAZU in the MIRAGE – PS5 23 Şubat Promenade PS5, PS4 28 Şubat Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons PS5 28 Şubat Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster PS5, PS4 29 Şubat Bar Stella Abyss PS5, PS4 29 Şubat Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth PS5 29 Şubat Welcome to ParadiZe PS5
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teragames · 7 months
Preparan un nuevo videojuego de la serie "Bar Stella Abyss"
El videojuego de estrategia "Bar Stella Abyss" tendrá un nuevo título que ya prepara @NISAmerica.
NIS ha anunciado un nuevo juego de estrategia roguelike llamado Bar Stella Abyss. Se lanzará el 29 de febrero de 2024 para PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 y Nintendo Switch. Aun no se ha confirmado oficialmente si el juego estará traducido a otros idiomas. Bar Stella Abyss sigue a un misterioso personaje sin rostro ni un brazo llamado Wanderer. Se tropieza con un bar escondido llamado Stella Abyss…
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howtodigatrench · 4 months
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think im gonna explode
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months
Nippon Ichi Software announces roguelike strategy RPG Bar Stella Abyss for PS5, PS4, and Switch
Gematsu Source
[I hit the 30 image limit, so some near the bottom are missing, but you can check the site for them]
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Nippon Ichi Software has announced roguelike strategy RPG Bar Stella Abyss for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch. It will launch on February 29, 2024 in Japan.
Here is the announcement trailer:
Get the first details below.
■ Specifications
Title: Bar Stella Abyss
Genre: Roguelike strategy RPG
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch
Release Date: February 29, 2024 (Japan)
Players: One
Price: 7,200 yen (without tax) / 7,920 yen (with tax)
Publisher: Nippon Ichi Software
Development Manager: Shunsuke Minowa
Planning and Concept / Art Director: Yu Mizokami
Character Design: Mio Katsumata
CERO Rating: Pending
Official Website: nippon1.jp
Official Hashtag: #BARステラアビス
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■ Game Overview
Bar Stella Abyss is a roguelike strategy RPG in which you strengthen your party with the power of the constellations while exploring a dungeon in another world that changes form each time you play. In addition to exploring the other world, the story will unravel as you share drinks with the peculiar patrons of the bar “Stella Abyss.”
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■ Story
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Stella Abyss is a hidden bar tucked away in the corner of the city. The protagonist, tired out by their day to day, is guided there by a flyer floating in the wind and opens its doors. “You seem to be extremely exhausted. Allow me to make you something right away.” Drunk on the cocktail he ordered as recommended by the bartender, the protagonist fell asleep. The hungover protagonist woke up to an unfamiliar voice echoing in their head. Before them was a mysterious creature floating in the air, and a magical scene of flowers in bloom. This is the “Drunken World,” the dream of a drunk person. The protagonist was robbed of their face and arm, and left trapped in this dream world.
■ Characters
Wanderer (voiced by Nanako Mori) A wanderer who lost their face and arm.
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The protagonist, who arrives at the hidden bar Stella Abyss after following a flyer floating in the wind through the city at night. In order to get back the face and arm they lost in the Drunken World, they must go back and forth between the bar and other world.
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Master (voiced by Ayaka Shimizu) Owner of the hidden bar Stella Abyss.
“Welcome to the bar Stella Abyss.”
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A gentle-mannered woman adored by her regulars. She also seems to know about the Drunken World. She offers all sorts of advice to the protagonist, who is taken aback by the sudden events.
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Tipsy (voiced by Michiyo Murase) A servant of the Drunken World’s god.
“Humans really are stupid to drink so much more than they can handle.”
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A creature who saves the protagonist after wandering into the Drunken World and names them “Wanderer.” They do whatever they can to help catch the thief who stole the protagonist’s face and arm.
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■ System
Explore the Drunken World You Reach After Drinking Yourself Unconscious
The Drunken World is said to exist in countless numbers like stars. The protagonist Wanderer travels around this profoundly mysterious world to get back their lost face and arm.
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—Dungeons are scattered with facilities that will aid in your exploration, including an observatory where you can obtain enhanced skills, and shops where you can purchase items. It is up to the player to decide which facilities to progress through.
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—If you encounter any of Stella Abyss’ regulars in the Drunken World, you can add them to your party. With their help, aim to reach the depths of the Drunken World.
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—When you use up all your strength in the Drunken World, you will wake up in the bathroom of Stella Abyss. Equipment aside, all items will be lost and your level will return to its initial state.
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Turn-Based Strategy RPG Battles
When you encounter the monsters that roam about the Drunken World, the fight will shift to a tile-based battle map. Combat progresses like a turn-based strategy RPG. Choose your actions while paying attention to the enemy’s weaknesses and placement, as well as terrain effects.
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Strengthen Characters with the Power of Constellations
As you explore, you will obtain “Stella,” which are the powers of the constellations. By setting a Stella to a character’s skill, its performance can be enhanced in ways such as expanded attack range, additional power, or granting additional attributes.
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There are around 130 different Stella that will randomly appear, and up to four can be equipped for a single skill, but all Stella will reset once your run ends. Try out different combinations of Stella for every run.
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For example, by combining the Stella “Double Backstep,” which allows you to move back two tiles, and “High-Speed Firing,” which increases your power the further away you are from an enemy, you can create a skill that deals high damage while also keeping a safe distance from the enemy.
Smooth Conversation and Exploration Through the Power of Alcohol
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By sharing drinks with the other regulars, you can gain effects that will aid you on your journey in the Drunken World. —Stella Abyss has several regulars that come in for a drink. Talk to those that pique your interests and share a table.
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The Patrons of Stella Abyss
The men and women of Stella Abyss. They will also appear in the Drunken World, where only those who “lost something important” are said to reach, and help out the protagonist.
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From left to right, the regular patrons include:
Kaji (voiced by Hiroshi Watanabe)
Baran (voiced by Hiromu Mineta)
Kiruca (voiced by Mikoi Sasaki)
Cass (voiced by Momoyo Koyama)
Leona (voiced by Honoka Kuroki)
Maia (voiced by Riho Sugiyama)
Jinga (voiced by Mutsuki Iwanaka)
Saotome (voiced by Takaki Otomari)
Enjoy Conversation with the Regulars
By sharing a table with the regulars at Stella Abyss, you can enjoy conversation. There are four prompts you can choose from as reactions during a conversation, including “Agree,” “Disagree,” “Laugh,” and “Doubt,” as well as the additional option of “Drink” for a total of five options. Choose the most appropriate reaction to match the other person’s feelings and drive the conversation forward. —If you make a comment that disrupts the flow of the conversation or offends the other person, the conversation will not flourish and your time drinking together will end.
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—If you choose “Drink” too much, your vision will blur and you will be forced into the Drunken World. Be sure to pace yourself when drinking…
The Hidden Effects of Cocktails
The cocktails of Stella Abyss will bestow special effects that will aid you in the Drunken World. There are various effects, from granting additional experience points to increasing the appearance rate of certain Stella. Order cocktails that match your exploration style. —If your conversation flourishes while sharing a table, you can order additional cocktails. Two drinks, three drinks… the effects will accumulate the more you drink, allowing you to explore the dungeon with an advantage. —There are over 300 cocktails. By spending the money you collect in the Drunken World, you can unlock cocktails with more powerful effects.
■ Box Art
■ First-Print Bonus
First-print copies of the physical edition will include a download code for the digital mini soundtrack, which contains eight tracks carefully selected from the game’s background music.
■ Nippon1.jp Shop Limited Edition
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The Nippon1.jp Shop Limited Edition includes:
A copy of the game
Soundtrack CD – Three discs. Includes every background music track from the game.
Visual art book – 44 pages, B6-size. Includes artwork from the game.
Special Box – Can be used to store the soundtrack CD and visual art book.
Acrylic art board – A5 size.
Pre-orders are available here: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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workingclassdan · 6 years
All albums I listened to in 2017
1. David Bowie - No Plan (ep) 2. Ryan Adams - Prisoner 3. Gone is Gone - Echolocation * 4. The xx - I See You 5. The Flaming Lips - Oczy Mldy 6. Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound 7. Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life 8. Foxygen - Hang 9. Ty Segall - Ty Segall 10. Camp Cope / Cayetana - Split EP 11. Cuddle Magic - Ashes/Axis 12. Hand Habits - Wildly Idle 13. Son Volt - Notes of Blue 14. Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light… (notable for shitness) 15. PVT - New Spirit 16. Steve Vai - Modern Primitive 17. Dirty Projectors - ST   (little bubble) 18. Middle Kids - EP 19. Father John Misty - Pure Comedy 20. The Waifs - Ironbark 21. Bruce Springsteen - (Odds & Rarities) 22. Thundercat - Drunk 23. Animal Collective - The Painters EP  (kinda bonkers) 24. Los Campesinos - Sick Scenes 25. Grandaddy - Last Place  (lost machine) 26. Methyl Ethel - Everything is Forgotten 27. Kingswood - After Hours, Close to Dawn 28. Holy Holy - Paint 29. Vagabon - Infinite Worlds 30. Spoon - Hot Thoughts  (do i have to talk you into it 31. Brian Eno - Reflection 32. The Shins - Heartworms 33. Laura Marling - Semper Femina * 34. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - The French Press EP * 35. Temples - Volcano 36. Roy Buchanan - Telemaster Live in 75 37. Real Estate - In Mind 38. Depeche Mode - Spirit * 39. Mastodon - Emperor of Sand * 40. Drake - More Life  (Passionfruit) 41. Ben Wright Smith - The Great Divorce 42. Sleepmakeswaves- Made of Breath Only - (hailstones) 43. Aimee Mann - Mental Illness 44. Jesus and Mary Chain - Damage and Joy 45. Steel Panther - Lower the Bar 46. Evyltyde - Rising 47. Spiral Stairs - Doris and the Daggers 48. Julia Holter - In the Same Room * 49. Boss Hog - Brood X 50. British Sea Power - Let the Dancers Inherit the Party 51. Anjou - Epithymia 52. The Melker Project Remix 53. New Pornographers - Whiteout Conditions 54. Future Islands - The Far Field 55. Craig Finn - We All Want the Same Thing 56. Smith Street Band - More Scared of You Than You Are of Me 57. Cold War Kids - La Divine 58. Clark - Death Peak 59. The Black Angels - Death Song 60. Arca - Arca 61. Luke Howard - ? 62. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 63. Prince - ep 64. Incubus - 8 65. Amy Shark - Night Thinker ep 66. Mew - Visuals 67. Gorillaz - Humanz 68. Ryan Adams (b-sides) - 69. Tim Rogers - An Actor Repairs * 70. Feist - Pleasure 71. Bill Baird - Easy Machines 72. Bill Baird - Baby Blue Abyss 73. Thurston Moore - Rock n Roll Conciousness 74. Colin Stetson - All This I Do For Glory 75. Bob Dylan - Triplicate 76. Pond - The Weather 77. Alice Coltrane - The Ecstatic Music of Alice Coltrane 78. San Cisco - The Water 79. Doug Tuttle - Peace Potato 80. Big Walnuts Yonder 81. Perfume Genius - No Shape 82. Penguin Cafe - 83. Mac Demarco 84. Afghan Whigs - In Spades 85. At the Drive-In - interalia 86. Slowdive - Slowdive - falling ashes 87. Dead Letter Circus - The Endless Mile - Lines 88. Nick Murphy - Missing Link ep 89. Bob’s Burgers - s/t 90. Fleet Foxes - The Crack-Up 91. BNQT - Volume 1 92. Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions 93. The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's 94. Dan Auerbach - Waiting on a Song 95. Ben Ottewell - A Man Apart 96. Bernard Fanning - Brutal Dawn 97. Roger Waters - Is This the Life We Really Want 98. Underground Lovers - Staring at You Staring At Me 99. Elder - Reflections of a Floating World 100. Half Waif - form/a ep 101. The Kills - Echo Home non-electric ep 102. Bleachers - Gone Now 103. Amber Coffman - City of No Reply 104. Marika Hackman - I’m Not Your Man * 105. Husky - Punchbuzz 106. U2 - (some bootleg of latest tour) 107. Alt-J - Relaxer  (3WW) 108. Beach Fossils - Somersault 109. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me 110. London Grammar - Truth is a Beautiful Thing 111. Lindsay Buckingham/Christine McVie - 112. Phoenix - Ti Amo 113. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister - Planetarium 114. Big Thief - Capacity Mythological Beauty 115. Kirin J Callinan - Bravado 116. The Magpie Salute - The Magpie Salute (Live) 117. Portugal. The Man - Woodstock 118. Lorde - Melodrama * 119. Royal Blood - How Did We Get So Dark? 120. Ride - Weather Diaries 121. Cigarettes After Sex - s/t 122. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana 123. Jeff Tweedy - Together at Last 124. Tara Jane O’Neil - s/t 125. Baby Driver soundtrack 126. UNKLE - The Road pt1 127. Silicon Valley soundtrack 128. Haim - Something to Tell You 129. Broken Social Scene - Hug of Thunder 130. Jay-Z - 4:44 131. Tex, Don & Charlie - You Don’t Know Lonely 132. Oh Wonder - Ultralife 133. Radiohead - OKNOTOK 134. Waxahatchee - Out in the Storm 135. U2 (live Vancouver) 136. Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds from Another Planet 137. DJ Shadow - The Mountain Will Fall 138. Vera Blue - Perennial 139. Lana Del Rey - Lust for Life 140. Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence ep * 141. Singles soundtrack deluxe 142. Arcade Fire - Everything Now 143. Boris - Dear 144. Perera Elsewhere - All of This 145. Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile to the Surface 146. The Murlocs - Old Locomotive 147. Dan Sultan - Killer  (fire under foot, kingdom) 148. Fountaineer - Greater City, Greater Love 149. Benjamin Gibbard - Bandwagonesque 150. Juanita Stein - America 151. Saskwatch - Manual Override 152. Kid Koala with Emiliana Torrini - Music to Draw To: Satellite 153. David Rawlings - Poor David’s Almanac 154. Damian Cowell's Disco Machine - Get Yer Dag On! 155. Jen cloher - s/t 156. Queens of the Stone Age - Villains * 157. Paul Kelly - Life is Fine I smell trouble 158. Davey Lane - I’m Gonna Burn Out Bright 159. Mogwai - Every Country’s Sun 160. Alvvays - Antisocialites 161. Ben Frost - The Centre Cannot Hold 162. Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins 163. Iron and Wine - Beast Epic call it dreaming 164. Gang of Youths - Go Farther in Lightness 165. Gold Class - Drum 166. King Gizzard and Mild High Club - Sketches of Brunswick East 167. Steven Wilson - To the Bone 168. The Preatures - Girlhood 169. Filthy Friends - Invitation 170. The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding 171. Chris Forsyth and the Solar Motel - Dreaming in the Non-Dream 172. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 173. Cloud Control - Zone rainbow city 174. Liars - TFCF 175. Neil Finn - Out of Silence 176. Deerhoof - Mountain Moves 177. Jake Bugg - hearts That Strain 178. Gordi - Reservoir 179. Meg Mac - Low Blows 180. The National - Sleep Well Beast 181. Beaches - Second of Spring 182. Chad Vangaalen - Light Information 183. Nothing But Thieves - 184. Foo Fighters - Concrete and Gold 185. Tori Amos - Native Invader 186. The Belligerents - Science Fiction (Sorry to Say) 187. Rostam - Half-Light 188. Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions - Until the Hunter 189. Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson 190. Davey Lane - Back/Here/Forward 191. Lisa Mitchell - When they Play That Song ep 192. Tired Lion - Dumb Days 193. Mastodon - Cold Dark Place ep 194. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers 195. Lee Ronaldo - Electric Trim 196. Neil Young - Hitchhiker 197. The Killers - Wonderful Wonderful 198. Hyla - Osaka 199. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Vietnam War 200. Moses Sumney - Aromanticism 201. British India - Forgetting the Future 202. Matt Cameron - Cavedweller 203. Hammock - Mysterium 204. Ben Frost - Threshold of Faith 205. Philip Selway - Let Me Go 206. Prophets of Rage - s/t 207. Phoebe Bridgers - Starnger in the Alps 208. Pearl Jam - Let’s Play Two 209. Wolf Alice - Visions of a Life 210. Torres - Three Futures 211. Ibeyi - Ash 212. Wolf Parade - Cry Cry Cry 213. Liam Gallagher - As You Were 214. Andrew Bird - Echolocations: River 215. Bladerunner 2049 soundtrack 216. The Horrors - V 217. St Vincent - Masseduction 218. Kurt Vile & Courtney Barnett - A Lotta Sea Lice 219. Beck - Colors 220. Robert Plant - Carry Fire 221. Alex Lahey - I Love You Like a Brother 222. Destroyer - Ken. 223. William Patrick Corgan - wpc 224. Custard - The Common Touch 225. Love Migrate - Somewhere, Over the Mangroves 226. Protomartyr - Relatives in Descent 227. Polish Club - Alright Already 228. Ecca Vandal - s/t 229. Grooms - Infinity Caller 230. Lean Year - s/t 231. Kevin Devine - Instigator 232. King Krule - The Ooz 233. Portico Quartet - Art in the Age of Automation 234. Weezer - Pacific Daydream 235. Hans Zimmer et al (Blue Planet ll soundtrack) 236. Fever Ray - Plunge 237. Julien Baker - Turn Out the Lights 238. Jim Lawrie - Slacker of the Year 239. REM - Automatic for the People (25th Anniversary) 240. Angel Olsen - Phases 241. Stranger Things 2 (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) 242. Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats - Live at Red Rocks 243. Tame Impala - Currents (deluxe) 244. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Polygondwanaland 245. Sharon Jones - Soul of a Woman 246. Bjork - Utopia * 247. Aldous Harding - Party 248. David Gilmour - Live at Pompeii 249. Queen - News of the World (deluxe) 250. Stella Donnelly - Thrush Metal ep 251. U2 - Songs of Experience 252. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Who Built the Moon? 253. Taylor Swift - Reputation 254. Kamasi Washington - Harmony of Difference 255. Wand - Plum 256. Weaves - Wide Open 257. Mavis Staples - If All I Was Was Black 258. Neil Young and Promise of the Real - The Visitor 259. Pony Face - Deja Vu 260. The Orbweavers - Deep Leads
Stray tracks: Hans Zimmer & Radiohead Lisa Hannigan - Oh! You Pretty Things Jarvis Cocker & Chilli Gonzalez Jack Whiter Glen Hansard (2) John Butler Trio Ryan Adams - back in your head Brian Eno & Kevin Shields Tropical Fuck Storm (2)
2016 catchups:
Ryley Walker & Charles Rumback Alex Isenberg Lisa Hannigan Margaret Glaspy Catfish and the Bottlemen Badbadnotgood 1 Mile North Chris Forsyth Peep Tempel Tash Sultana Rogue Wave Damien Jurado Love Migrate - Luke Howard Kaleo
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poeticsandaliens · 7 years
My OctoberFicfest Masterlist
After falling painfully behind about halfway through the month, here’s a Master List of everything I wrote during Fictober. Tagging @today-in-fic.
Lamplight Dancing — Very NC-17 Stella/Scully ficlet
“Make Love to Me Mulder”  — cancer arc, heady angsty MSR smut
Dancing in a bar — Stella/Scully ficlet with a pretty self-explanatory title
Dry Bones — Short, grim as fuck post-col ficlet
Mulder’s Ring — Shamelessly nostalgic post Season 11 headcanon. MSR and gratuitous feels.
Nostalgic — Fluffy Stella/Scully ficlet tied (loosely) to Dancing in a Bar.
Seeds — Halloween post-Season 11, assuming Mulder and Scully get their happy ending. MSR, William, the whole shabang.
Conspiracy — Another short Stella/Scully ficlet. What conspiracies have come to mean in this day and age.
Rental Car— MSR, with William, driving around the country post-colonization.
If you’re looking for any of my other fics, you can find that Master List here. That includes the novel-length abyss of swashbuckling gay pirates Stella and Scully, which I’ll be working on this month for NaNoWriMo. I don’t expect to hit 50,000 words this month, but I can try.
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years
My Version of FT’s World
Alright this might seem like an odd post, but over the course of my rewrite I’ve introduced a lot of new places and concepts in the world of FT and I thought I would make a full list
Ishgar: The continent where the series of FT takes place. It as a whole is most know is the Magic Council system, which in full you can read here, but to know the basics it was made by 10 countries to make order in the magic world. These 10 nations were: Fiore, Minstrel, Caelum, Midi, Enca, Stella, Seven, Iceberg, Sin, and Bellum.  It has a total of 14 countries: Fiore, Caelum, Minstrel, Midi, Enca, Stella, Sin, Pergrande, Joya, Seven, Bosco, Iceberg, Bellum, and Desierto.
Fiore: A country in Ishgar and where most of the series starts. Its ruler is Toma Fiore who’s family has ruled for almost 300 years. The first king was Aspar Fiore and was given the Eclipse Gate by a band of Celestial Spirit mage immigrants from the western continent Alakitasia. The Gate has been considered the Fiore family treasure. One of the most well known events in Fiore is the Grand Magic Games, a tournament held to prove who’s the best guild in all of Fiore and unify them in the spirit of competition. Many come from all over Ishgar to watch these games.
The massive capital city of the Fiore Kingdom. It was the first settlement of the kingdom after the Fiore family had acquired the land and would become known as “The Flower Blooming Capital” because of the vast array of flowers that adorn the streets and gardens of the city. The capital is also the location of Mercurius, a large castle where the Fiore family lives and is overlooked by the captain of the guard, Arcadios. In the lower levels of Mercurius lies the Eclipse Gate, which has had been targeted by thieves such as the treasure hunting guild NEO Sylph Labyrinth and the Alvarez black ops member Jacob Lessio.
Thanks to the size of Crocus there are many facilities that the city holds, such as it’s numerous inns like the Honey Bone Inn and Moon View Inn where Fairy Tail and Sabertooth had stayed at during the Grand Magic Games. The city is also home to the theme park, Ryuzetsu Land, an extremely well-known and popular summer vacation resort. Restaurants and places like Bar Sun also make for an active downtown scene in the city. However, one of the most famous landmarks of Crocus is Domus Flau, the arena where the Grand Magic Games are held
A moderately large town in the Fiore kingdom. It was founded early on in Fiore’s history, beginning as a town which was a perfect position for trade. It first became famous for being the home of Kardia Cathedral, made by Saint Mikardia. The Cathedral is considered one of the three great churches in the entire kingdom. But the town was taken over in the late x680s by a dark guild known as Blue Skull. The guild was defeated thanks to four wizards: Mavis Vermilion, Precht Gaeblog, Warrod Sequen, and Yuri Dreyar. These four mages would go on to make the guild, Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail has been a well known guild in the kingdom of Fiore and has been a sense of pride for the town of Magnolia, with Fairy Tail’s guildhall sitting in the center of the town like a crown jewel. The guild of Fairy Tail has been portrayed as having a good public relation with the Magnolia townspeople, with Fairy Tail’s Fantasia festival being the height of it. The Fantasia festival is a celebration hosted by Fairy Tail in which they give back to their community and give a display of magic to their town. Fairy Tail however, for a time fell from grace and had lost a lot of the recognition they had once held. In that time another guild, Twilight Ogre, became active. Twilight Ogre did not possess the same relationship with the town of Magnolia as Fairy Tail had, as well as Magnolia not viewing them with as high of a recognition as they used to with Fairy Tail. However, Twilight Ogre for a time was the only guild in Magnolia after the events of Tartaros had led to Fairy Tail disbanding for a year until their return.
Magnolia is home to many attractions from magic stores, toy stores, bakeries, and book stores like Book Land. Thanks to the size of Magnolia it has can contain Magnolia Station, a train station located on eastern part of town. Also on the eastern side of town is the East Forest, which is the home of Natsu, Happy, Porylusica, and for a time the second Fairy Tail Guildhall. It also has the South Gate Park for townspeople who wanna get away for the urban area.
The town has been turned into a battlefield twice: with the first time being Laxus and his Thunder God Tribe take control of it during Fantasia, and the second being Tartaros attacking the town.
Hargeon is a port town in the southern part of Fiore. It has a beautiful marina and is highly prosperous thanks to its fish trade. However, the town is ore focused of fishing than magic, with the only magic shop in the town being Proper Grocer. The town also has many restaurants like Hargeon Diner, where Natsu and Lucy had gotten to know each other, and 8-Island, a restaurant made by former seated council member, Yajima.
The town has been subject to attack by demons, such as when Tempester invaded 8-Island in search of Yajima or the attack on Hargeon led by Bradman and a fleet of demons.
Rosa is a small town up north and is famously the hometown of the Blue Pegasus guild. It’s a very beautiful town with quaint charm.
Hydrangea Village
Hydrangea Village is a small village near Rosa and was established 400 years ago. The village at that time prayed to the Yakuma and were gifted with a stone blessed by the Yakuma. The stone would go on to be the village’s treasure and the people of Hydrangea would honor the gift by holding a festival in its honor. The festival quickly became famous for having vendors from all over meet and sell stuff at this festival.
The current village leader is Mariah and she is in charge of overseeing the blessed stone in the House of  Hydrangea, a temple made to hold the stone. One festival almost led to the stone being stolen by Avatar mage, Erigor, but was stopped by Blue Pegasus mage, Laxus Dreyar.
Balsam Village
This spa town is very flashy and considered a perfect tourist spot. It was where Loke had saved Lucy from a few dark mages
Not much is known about Freesia aside from the town is the home of one the three great churches in all of Fiore. As well as Natsu had apprehended a group of bandits in this town.
A very small town at the foot of a mountain range. This town wwas under the thumb of corrupt politician, Everlue. After Everlue’s fall the town has made a very noticeable effort to try and reform.
Northwest of the town is the Ghoul Spirit dark guild.
This town is best known for its theater, with mages performing in several plays. It it’s a large urban town with many shops and stores. The biggest event that has happened in Onibus aside from its play was a clash between Fairy Tail’s Juvia Lockster and dark mage Goorgocchi Epa in the year x791.
This town is famously known for being the hometown of the Eisenwald guild, though the guild of Eisenwald was located in the forest just outside Oshibana. Their home guild was however disgraced and stripped of legality after it came to light the guild was accepting assassination jobs. Oshibana Station was held hostage in x784 and was defeated by team Natsu with all members of Eisenwald being arrested except Erigor.
A small town known for being the location where the guild master’s of Fiore gather to discuss inside the Fiore Guild Meeting Hall. It was targeted by Eisenwald in x784, but was saved by Fairy Tail.
This town is not visited and little is known other than it is the home of one of the three greatest churches in Fiore.
Oak Town
This castle town is ancient and is home to the Phantom Lord guild. The Phantom Lord guild was made 100 years ago by former Blue Skull guild master, Geoffrey Porla. Even more north is the main guild headquarters of Phantom Lord that oversees activity of all their members and can transform into a “mecha-phantom”.
Tuly Village
This village is only a few miles from Crocus and is be known for the Tuly Clock Tower, an ancient historic clock tower that has been damaged once by Natsu. Tuly is a not all that urban of a town and is home to many facilities such as the Kotoko Inn, where Natsu and Lucy stayed while in Tuly. It also is the current home for former Phantom Lord Element 4 member, Totomaru and his school The Great Conflagration Fire Magic School, which had previously been in Magnolia, but moved after the attack by Tartaros.
Thistle is a small run down looking town that’s only a few miles away from Tuly. It’s very impoverished and murky with most of the residents being very easy to anger. The village does have some facilities like apartments that Macao had lived at during the disbandment of Fairy Tail, and Bar Thistle, the local tavern.
This was also the hometown for Abyss Horn, a dark guild that ruled over the town led by master Cranch. This guild was an ally of Avatar. However they were defeated and arrested in x792 by Natsu, Lucy, and Macao.
This city is large and regal, it also is the second largest city within the kingdom of Fiore. The city is home of the guild Sabertooth, established in x785. The city is awe of the Sabertooth guild with their large guildhall in the center of the city. After the x791 Grand Magic Games and the new Sabertooth guild master, Sting taking control, the guild became more publicly friendly, such as giving full access to the Sabertooth Indoor Pool.
The city is large enough to have many attractions like the Bar Scorpion, for food and drink, the Grand Myosotis Library that contains the largest collection of books in the kingdom, and Myosotis Station. On the edge of town was four FACE bombs, but in x791 they were destroyed. Also, surrounding the city is a forest that was once the home of Sting and Lector.
This town is within walking distance of Magnolia and is known for being a merchant center. Its greatest attraction is the merchant guild Love & Lucky, this guild is also where Jude and Layla Heartfilia had worked until Jude decided to start his own buisness and a daughter on the way. The former businessman returned to Love & Lucky after the loss of his company and spent his remaining days working there.
The Love & Lucky guild was attacked by Naked Mummy mages, but were defeated by Lucy Heartfilia.
Amefurashi Village
Amefurashi is a village near the edge of Fiore and for a time was known as the “Village of Rain” when Juvia Lockster had moved there and drowned in her sorrows there. Juvia eventually left after being told that guild was getting back together.
Margaret is a moderately large town in the the southern part of Fiore and is founded around a river, thus making a huge emphasis on boat  transportation. It is famous for being the hometown of Lamia Scale however, Lamia Scale is not the only guild in Margaret. The other guild in Margaret is Orochi’s Fin which was established in Margaret in x712, the same year as Lamia Scale. However, the Lamia Scale guild was the only one that prospered over time, becoming more and more renowned, with them eventually producing a wizard saint, Jura Neekis.
The Orochi’s Fin guild fell into obscurity, but continued on until x792 when they had added former Grimoire Heart mage, Bluenote Stinger, to their ranks and had aligned themselves with Avatar. Orochi’s Fin attacked Lamia Scale during their Thanksgiving Festival, but had lost the battle and lost their legal status. Many of their mages were ready to be rounded up, but all members of Orochi’s Fin was murdered by Jerome of Avatar.
Speaking of the Lamia Scale Thanks Giving Festival, it is similar to Magnolia’s Fantasia where mages all perform and build trust in their town. The Lamia Scale guild has its own residency for its members, called Lamia Estate. The town has such facilities as Viper Inn for tourists and Margaret Boat Rental, which gives towns people ships to use on the waterway.
Rosemary Village
This village existed until the late x770s when the mebers of a Zeref worshipping cult came an burned it down and enslaved multiple children. The village did possess an orphanage until it was burned down and was the home to Erza, Kagura, and Simon.
This city is big and has a very dense population. Not much about the city is known except that it is near the Mikage Forest, a dense forest and location of Avatar’s main branch. The city was targeted by Avatar due to its population and were going to be sacrificed to Ikusa-Tsunagi
Akane Beach
This beach is an incredibly popular attraction in Fiore. It has many hotels, theme parks, and casino’s to enjoy. It was in Akane that Erza Scarlet was kidnapped and taken back to the Tower of Heaven.
This small rural town has not much going for it other than a few farms and hotel known as Hotel Fern. It was here that Wally, Sho, and Millianna stayed until their decision to join Mermaid Heel.
This town is decently sized, with several quaint facilities and the Lilac Station. It is most known for being the home of Mermaid Heel a guild made in x767. It wasn’t heavily publicized, but it grew over the years and eventually became renowned, particularly for its all female membership. It remanded like that until Sho and Wally joined Mermaid Heel.
Galuna Island
This island is part of Fiore and is entirely inhabited by demons. The tribe is led by Moka and the island is famous for the glow casted by the moon. It’s only main residency is the island’s village and their ancient Forbidden Temple, which was used by Lyon and housed the demon Deiora.
Tenrou Island
Once it’s own small Island city, it had a variety facilities such as the Sirius Star School where Zera attended and the famous Tenrou Temple that housed the Tenrou Jade. Tenrou was famous for its strong guild Red Lizard, but the guild and the population was wiped out by Blue Skull. 
Overtime wildlife grew in, with many flora and fauna appearing. The island was bought by Mavis and the founders of FT. The island has since been the loction for the S-Class promotion trials in Fairy Tail. But most importantly is the fact the Lumen Histoire was buried on this island until x784.
Mt. Hakobe
This large mountain is in central Fiore and is famous for being the home of many vulcan. The icy weather lasts all-year-round. This Mountain was where Natsu and Lucy saved Macao Conbolt.
Mt. Zonia
This mountain is the largest in Fiore and is its northern most mountain. This mountain has been the home of Acnologia over the centuries.
Magic Council Fiore Branch Building
This is the Magic Council’s Fiore headquarters. This is where the mages of Fiore are mainly directed, with filing work, mage applications, job requests etc. all sent here to be legalized. The head of this branch is the kingdom’s magic representative and that has changed hands numerous times over the series. Siegrain was the Fiore magic representative until he was recognized by the council and became and seated member and wizard saint. The position went to Dalton who oversaw everything until Arcadios was made the magic representative.
The has an outlandish appearance to it. Topping the lower structure is a series of smaller structures suspended in the air at various heights, which compose the rest of the headquarters. The lower structure resembling a bowl with ten slightly curved panels meters above it. The panels' sides facing outwards are divided into nine square sections. The inner, curved sides are bare. The final castle-like structure is shown floating above the panels, in correspondence to the center of the capsized dome: sitting on a round platform. Here was where the trial of Erza Scarlet was held until it was interrupted by Natsu.
Cowbane Valley
This very lush and dense forest is crawling with various obstacle and wildlife. This was famously the place where Natsu and Gajeel trained for the Grand Magic Games.
Monster Isle
This small island was discovered by Gildarts and crawls with numerous beasts and has acted as his training ground. Elfman Strauss has used this as a place to get new animal souls as well as train for the GMG.
This small town was the home of Evergreen and was many of its inhabitants lived in fear of her Stone Eyes
Not much is known about this town other than it was the home of the Justine family, until their mansion was unintentionally destroyed by a young Freed Justine.
Heartfilia Konzern
This large estate belonged to the Heartfilia family, but was eventually bought out from under them.
The Worth Woodsea: A massive forest that divides the countries of Fiore and Seven. When the Worth Woodsea was young, the Nirvit people from the country of Seven sealed Nirvana in the Worth Woodsea, they then made a small village in the Worth Woodsea to watch over the sealed Nirvana. Eventually many of the villagers dies off and the Worth Woodsea grew to the point the exact location of Nirvana had been lost.
Eventually the dark guild, Oracion Seis had made their way into the Worth Woodsea and eventually found the old Nirvit village. In x784, the Worth Woodsea became the battle ground between the united alliance and the Oracion Seis. Cobra eventually finds Nirvana and releases it.
Sun Village: This village rests on the border of countries Bosco and Fiore. It was established by Atlas Flame as a home for the giants, creatures who originally were hunted by humans for their meat. Atlas Flame had been inspired by Igneel to find a bigger purpose and he chose to become the guardians of the hunted giant race. The village originally was located in a desert area, but thanks to Warrod Sequen, the village has lush greenery around it.
Flare Corona is originally from this village, but left after becoming a social outcast and eventually joined Raven Tail. In x791, the village was frozen by Silver Fullbuster, but was unfrozen by Gray Fullbuster. However, due to his age and damage suffered over being frozen, Atlas Flame died. Flare also had officially re-joined her village. The inhabitants of Sun Village assisted in the war against Tartaros by helping destroy FACE bombs.
Seven: This Ishgar country is the home country of the Nirvit. Originally there was a city in this country called Nirvana, but the ruler of this city, Roubaul, converted it into a powerful super magic item called Nirvana. The magic of Nirvana can remove the “darkness” of someone, but it eventually became unstable and Roubaul didn’t balance it out by sacrificing people’s “light”. Nirvana was then piloted to Worth Woodsea and sealed. Roubaul returned to Seven and rebuilt the country and made a new city.
Roubaul is the king of Seven and had lived for centuries because the seal he used on Nirvana would keep him alive as long as Nirvana existed. He took in Wendy Marvell, when Mystogan had begged for her to be taken care of and Wendy was watched over by Roubaul. Roubaul died when the Nirvana was destroyed, but said he was happy knowing his sin was gone.
The capital city and only city we see of Seven. It’s very small and suburban, with the only exception being the Royal palace that looks out over the Worth Woodsea. It also is the home of the only guild in Seven, Cait Shelter.
Bosco: The country has a small mage population and is mainly known for being attacked by Jackal in search of Michello. The people of Bosco are very passive and uncaring with the king of Bosco, Woodrow Bosco, caring more on their lumber production and export than magic. The country is best known for its trees that reach high into sky.
This is the only town seen in the series and is the hometown of former seated council member Michello and his granddaughter Michella. The town is small and has few shops. The most known featrures of Pine is that it is right next to a small lake called Donguri and at the edge of town is Mitchello’s mansion.
Pine became the battle ground for Fairy Tail mages, Lucy and Wendy vs Tartaros mage, Jackal.
Magic Council Bosco Branch Building
While not seen, Jackal does mention that he destroyed thinking that Mitchello might be there
Stella: This country is very popular for its unique Stellium crystals that absorb starlight, so that even in the daytime, there’s a glimmering display of stars. The country is controlled by Queen Sonya Stella. She cares much for the position of magic and often congratulates Toma Fiore on the success of the GMG. The kingdom did participate in the battle against Tartaros.
This is the capital city of Stella and where all the Stellium  can be found. It is rather large with the whole city cut off from the rest of the kingdom thanks to a Moat around it. The moat is wide enough to fit a FACE bomb in it. The royal palace, Nova, is where Queen Sonya lives. It also holds many knights of Stella, both normal and magical with it being lead by Doll.
This small town is at the foot of one of Stella’s rocky mountains. This place is mostly open space with few facilities like grocery stores and Koshi Inn. This town is the hometown of the Harpy Wing guild, who we only got a mention of in Tartaros when Sonya was ordering forces to destroy the FACE. There was a FACE bomb located in Pleiades, but after the war with Tartaros, it was destroyed. The Harpy Wing guild is most known for using these lacrima powered hoverboards, to zip around quick. They even took up a job and are not only clearing away FACE bomb rubble, but also helping construct a magic school that was given funding by queen Sonya.
Polaris Forest
The forest is on the edge of Stella and is most known for being where Crawford Seam lived after leaving from his position as chairman of the magic council. This is also where Crawford had drugged Erza.
Iceberg: The coldest country and the most northern in Ishgar. It suffers from “eternal winter”, the farther north you go the colder it gets. It is ruled by Wada Iceberg, a cold and pragmatic man. While he isn’t all that much developed he knows that a lot of Iceberg is very unruly thanks to its climate and always asks for more backup from mages.
Aba city is a large city near the eastern need of Iceberg, not much about the city is known other than both Ur and Lyon come from this city. The only other thing of note is that the city of Aba lies at the base of Aba Mountains, a long mountain range that divides Iceberg and Pergrande. Aba Mountains is also where Ur trained
Gray’s birthplace. This town was destroyed by Deliora and has never been rebuilt since, mainly to serve as a memorial to those who had died. Many of those who died were revived by Keyes.
One of the most northern cities, it was destroyed by Deliora. While never rebuilt, many of the survivors had migrated south and had joined Lyon to revive and kill Deliora.
A moderately sized town that is near the southern end of Iceberg. It’s considerably warmer than most the Iceberg and is where Gray and Lyon trained and lived with Ur.
Hogg’s Home
While former seated member, Hogg lived in Iceberg, he never lived in any town, but rather a lodge built just for him in the middle of Iceberg. However, this home is not to far from the remains of Roka.
Joya: This country is protected by many mountains around its boarders and is famous for all of its mines. The is no shortage of gem that is found in Joya and has given it the title “Crown Jewel Country”. The King of Joya is Mondo Joya, who doesn’t care at all for many of his mages. He doesn’t treat them like second class citizens, he just doesn’t care. His focus is on his jewel export and not magic. However after the near destruction of his kingdom at the hands of Tartaros he began more reforms to boost mage activity in his country.
This capital city is large and expensive. With many towering buildings, the biggest is Joya’s palace, Venus, which is coated in many large diamonds. They city had suffered much damage from a Macro controlled Elfman, but was saved thanks to Cana and Mira. Diamante is also the where Bar Ivory is located, this bar being where Mirajane and Elfman worked during Fairy Tail’s disbandment.
Also former seated council Yuri lived here, but he was killed by Sayla.
Pearl Town
This small town is the birth place of Yukino and Sorano, but was visited by Brain when he was looking for prayers. The town is small, quiet, and contains many domestic homes.
Crystal Falls
This forest area is located near the eastern end of Joya in a deep, but lush forest. This is where Elfman and Mira trained during Fairy Tail’s disbandment and is where Natsu and Elfman fought.
Minstrel: The second largest country in Ishgar and known as the “Country of Order” because is is the home of the Magic Council. It is ruled by Octavius Minstrel, but he even admits that most people think of him a second in comparison to the council. Minstrel has an odd geography, with many canyons in the country and the southern half becoming more and more rocky and less settled the father south you go. But the northern half just gets more and more urbanized and regal as you go north, with at the very north being the home of the magic council. The country of Minstrel survived being invaded by Tartaros however, it was difficult to find the FACE bombs due to the terrain.
The most important place in the magic world is Era, home of the magic council headquarters. The place is regal and stretches many acres and is almost a nation onto itself. Near the magic council headquarters is Baroque, the facility for training and housing most Rune Knights. Baroque is massive, almost the size of a small city.
Black Vox
This is the mage prison used by the magic council where all dark mages are sent. It is located in a canyon, but the exact location is unknown, for the only way to access it and knowledge of it’s location is in the hands of seated council members, members of the jail force, and the Rune Knight general/division commanders.
The main structure of the prison is a gargantuan cube, completely black and opaque. It hovers quite some distance off the ground and is tilted a bit about its axis such that it isn't completely parallel to the ground. Although completely solid, a square opening can be created on its surface to allow passage. The inside of it is a simple open space with numerous black cubes floating around. Inside these smaller cubes are all the inmates, while the cells float free of gravity, those inside don’t seem to feel the effect.
The only ones to be released were the Oracion Seis, thanks to council man Yajima. The mage Erigor was able to escape, taking advantage of a cell transfer when he was deemed not worthy of being there. Its warden is Torch Endeavor and its head jailer is Grog Foto.
This harbor town is the home of former seated councilwoman, Belno. The town is small, but has a beautiful view of the ocean and a busy dock area. Belno lived here until Torafuzar attacked and killed her after Gajeel failed to stop him.
Decrescendo Canyon
A large canyon in Minstrel that has numerous FACE bombs in it. It was filled with Torafuzar’s black water and was the location of his and Gajeel’s fight.
Tremolo Plains
A large open space of dry land near Decrescendo Canyon where Saberooth did battle with Tartaros. With the most significant battle being Sting vs Minerva.
Midi: This small country is not explored all that much. Its ruler is king Varnez Midi. This country has a strange magical environment, where everything floats in the air with stuff like floating islands and floating rivers. It alsoas many types of bird creatures. This is confirmed to be the country where Grimoire Heart mage, Zancrow and former rune knight general/chairman of the magic council, Gran Doma came from. At one time Hades had visited this country and discovered Fire God Slaying Magic
The only known place in Midi, Halad is a small town which has many rocky islands floating in midair. There isn’t any forestation, but a lot of fishish done at the river that cuts through town. There are miniature islands floating around the city with rocky mountains on them. There was a guild in this town, Herculean Strength, which used to be perched on its own separate little island not to far from the town. The guild was destroyed by a young Zancrow after they had refused to let him join and Zancrow later acquired Fire God Slaying Magic, testing it on all of the members.
Bureau of Magical Development: This former Magic Council facility was built on the border of Minstrel and Desierto. It was a tall building that looked similar to a futuristic tower of babel. It was controlled by Brain and was where he ran experiments on many subjects, such as Ultear and God Serena. The most known development that came from the Bureau is dragon slaying lacrima, which was discovered in the ruins of Dragnof. Eventually, the Bureau was destroyed by Ultear and the Magic Council had came to the decision that due to the reports of unethical experiments, they decided to not rebuild the Bureau. Brain revolted and the only items saved from the Bureau was Klodoa and Poison Dragon lacrima.
Desierto: An all desert country, Desierto is known for its heat and sand. Its ruler is king Sanpro Desierto and he has a daughter, princess Lead Desierto. Desierto has many mages, but due to its geography a lot of guilds are spread out, so there’s almost no guild interaction. In those wide spaces there are many FACE bombs scattered.
This large city is the capital of Desierto, while it might not have many large building it has many shops, one of which was Arcana Fortune, a fortune-telling shop owned by Cana Alberona when Fairy Tail was disbanded. Its most well known for the massive mountain in the center of the city. The mountain is the source of all water in Sunapolis, with many strong waterfalls coming from the top of it. At the base of the mountain, these falls flow into rivers that uniquely divide the city, though there are several bridges designed to help people cross.
The mountain also has a elegant white staircase that goes up the face of the mountain from base to summit. That the top of the mountain is flat land and a calm serene lake and at its center is the royal palace, Abyad. Also built into the mountain is the Sandstone Prison, considered one of the worse places to be locked away in, mainly because how it’s positioned. The prison is built in the mountain, so the cells are behind the waterfalls and the prisoners are tormented with the sound of the rushing falls and all cell windows are just far enough from the falls to not get a drop of water.
This harbor town is best known for the amount of vendors in it. It isn’t too far from Sunapolis and also used to be home to an Avatar guild branch until is was destroyed by Cobra in x792.
Dried Oasis
This area of Desierto is near the western boarder and is considered inhospitable due to the intensity of the sun, the lack of water, and just how far and wide the area is. It is also home to snake creatures that can grow massive as well as grow wings. There are also some groups of professional bandits who pick off anyone stupid enough to enter the Dried Oasis.
It did possess a FACE bomb in it and was used by people as a halfway marker. This area was also where a fleeing Brain had wound up after his revolt. He had run into a young Erik who was left in the desert and managed to survive after becoming friends with one of the snake creatures.
Bellum: This a country built on the principles of might makes right. However, they do have a belief in order, that with strong authority being the key to peace. Many of Bellum’s citizens can fight like a trained soldier and all of them assisted in the destruction of FACE. The ruler of the country is King Alexander Bellum, a heavily scared man, who believes that all people need to learn how to fight in order to survive. The country also produced wizard saint and god of Ishgar, Wolfheim. 
This small town is at the edge of the Valley of Lost Warriors. It has a very Greco-Roman appearance to it and is often a rest stop for anyone who makes it through the valley.
This city follows the greco-roman theme of the country however, the only real part of it seen is the battle arena, where Hades took a young Azuma to show the power of his Great Tree Arc.
Valley of Lost Warriors
This valley is near the southwestern end of the country and must be crossed to enter the country if you’re entering from Desierto. The valley has a magic anomaly that cause the sky to be constantly thundering, and has a mental effect of those passing through it. With the travelers developing high levels of adrenaline and can see flashes of battles and wars that they’ve been in the stormy sky. When Natsu passed through the Valley he could see flashes of his fight with Mard Geer.
Sin: Not much is known about Sin other than its Queen is Lilitha Sin and is the home of current magic council chairman and god of Ishgar, Draculos Hyberion. Sin is apparently strong as they have never had to deal with an invasion by Pergrande during Faust’s rule.
The only named city in Sin and is the home city of Hyberion. The only structure seen is a dark gothic castle that is Hyberion’s home.
Enca: Considered a very minimalistic, this country is ruled by King Rillin Enca, a slim and sickly looking man. The people of Enca have very little and often believe in only what’s necessary, and will often get rid of “dead weight”. The kingdom is a distinct archipelago made of three islands, with only two inhabited by humans, the other by monsters.
Devil’s Cove
This is an island of lush forest and fruit, but it is most know for having many types of monsters condensed on this island. It is a common practice for family’s that can’t afford to care for more children will leave one on Devil’s cove to be killed by the monsters. Two children that survived this island were Racer and Azuma.
These monsters are popular for trade as Enca makes them an export to Fiore so these monsters can be used in the Grand Magic Games Pandemonium event.
Pergrande: This is the largest country in Fiore and possibly the most imposing. The Pergrande family has had a long historic reign with all members of royal blood having tattoos on their faces. Faust Pergrande was dethroned by Fairy Tail and the revolutionary army, then replaced with current king, Dan Straight. The country is most known for its countless lacrima mines and is the countries main export, with the kingdom running on Lacrima for power and the military integrating it into their armor and weapons.
The lacrima mines are deep, but since Faust’s reign more and more people were forced to go work in these mines. The Pergrande kingdom had conquered the Extalia kingdom and the exceeds were only able to live in comfort by serving as magic detectors for when the magic in the lacrima got low. The kingdom was very classist, with impoverishment growing the farther and farther you get from the royal capital. The army is very loyal to their king and are in love with the perks of serving the military. Many of the people of Pergrande are not able to use high forms of caster magic, so most of the magic used is holder magic. Anyone with high levels of magic were usually detained by the government and drained of their excess magic.
The new kingdom ruled by Dan Straight has tried to make reforms, such as making jobs for the impoverished, paying people to now work in mines, start making vehicles like airships the main export, and start establishing a legal guild system.
This town is closer to the capital, but it is considered a commoner town. The houses of the town are cylindrical and made of bricks. Some of the walls of the houses are beginning to crumble, there is also very few few shops, with the only known shop, Louen Grocer, serving as an underground market providing weapons to the revolutionary army. The town also has a train station.
This small village in one of the more forsaken parts of Pergrande, with many villagers taken to work in nearby mines. The village mainly consists of dilapidated, single story, rectangular buildings.
A port in Pergrande and would be completely broke if not for it’s transportation services offered by their train station and marina. Since Dan’s rue, the place has been completely revitalized, now with shops and restaurants.
The royal city of Pergrande that resembles an amusement park than a regular city. Everywhere, there are varieties of magic powered by Lacrima. Even mundane things such as plaques with the names of streets, or lights are powered by magic. It is built on a circular plane, with the royal palace, Traia, located in the center, decorated with an emblem of the country, with its impressive main tower reaching into the heavens.
The palace also contains a prison where magic can be drained, as well as a hanger for multiple airships. The town is powered by a massive central lacrima that is located just a few miles west of the city border.
Revolutionary Headquarters
This headquarters used to be run by Dan Straight and was used as the base of the revolutionary army. It’s located underground with numerous roots going across the ceiling. Those roots are connected to a tree in the center of the headquarters. This tree has absorbed magic from the countless lacrima mining and it resulted in the tree becoming a form of transportation magic, allowing all members to use the roots to go wherever there is a tree in Pergrande.
St. Forge
This city is made entirely of blacksmiths, with this city also being where most weapons and vehicles in Pergrande are produced. The city has many rounded buildings serving as homes and workshops. The weather conditions are fierce, with scorching heat everyday as well as black ash and soot produced by the Central Smithy.
The central smithy is a large complex that resembles as massive chimenea. inside is where all the intense welding and crafting takes place, with the heat source needed to supply this smithy being a semi active volcano known as Hephaestus‘ Fire. Erza Scarlet had lived in St. Forge for a time when the Fairy Tail guild was disbanded. She had used the Central Smithy to reforge her destroyed armor.
Magic Council Pergrande Branch Building
This is the Magic Council’s Pergrande headquarters. This is where the mages of Fiore are mainly directed, with filing work, mage applications, job requests etc. all sent here to be legalized. The magic representative who watched over this branch was Mystogan, until his return to Fairy Tail.
The building is very rectangular tower, with no curve on it whatsoever. The building has several segments that represent each story of the building, and they look like thin rectangles that jut out over the center body of the building. It also has many windows shaped like small square windows.
Caelum: It’s a tropical kingdom and archipelago that is well known for its beautiful blue sky. It’s ruled by king Reiji Caelum, older brother of former seated council member, Leiji. It has a strong military and is known for being heavily involved in national security.
Stratus Island
One of the islands of the archipelago, off the northwestern coast of the main Caelum island. It has a bridge connecting it to the main Caelum island. The village on Stratus is in two parts with one part resembling a lake town, with homes on docks that are connected to the second part of the village that’s on the land. The full look of the village is unknown as Tempester had flooded and destroyed the village.
The city is on the northwest coast of the main Caelum. It is not seen in the series, but in a report given to king Reiji, it was apparently destroyed by Tempester when he was searching for Leiji. The city also has been a guild called Gargoyle Tongue that tried to stop Tempester, but he defeated them all.
A large city on the northeaster coast of the main Caelum island. The city is large and very modern looking, catering to many tourists with facilities like Cafe Cumulus and Storm Speed Books. It has an outstanding marina that is much larger than Hargeon’s and has several fish market vendors.
This town is also heavily watched over by Caelum knights, with Natsu quickly being arrested after walking through town.
The capital of Caelum located only a train ride away from Cumulus. The capital has many impressive buildings as well as an abundance of palm trees. Overlooking the city is the royal palace, Zephyrus, and is the home of Reiji Caelum.
Overcast Desert
A small desert located in the southeastern part of Caelum. The desert is the housing location of Megaunit, a super survival bunker that was constructed to house any royals in the time of danger. The bunker goes deep into the earth with main facilities to accommodate those being housed there.
The overcast desert is where Natsu and Kagura defeated Tempester.
Magic Council Caelum Branch Building
This is the Magic Council’s Caelum headquarters. It is not shown in the series however, it is most likely in southern part of the main Caelum island. It was reported to have been destroyed by Tempester.
The titled “Pleasure Island”, while not seen it is mentioned by Reiji to be the perfect place to relax and have fun. Turbulence is located on the island Southwest of the main Caelum island.
Dragnof: A kingdom that existed 400 years ago in Ishgar and was famous as the land where humans and dragons lived in peace. The dragons acted of their own accord, but had a leader, the wise Sage Dragon, Belserion. The humans were ruled by queen Irene. The kingdom fell to Acnologia and a horde of western dragons, with Belserion dying.
The capital and only known city of Dragnof. It is large but has many small clumped together houses. It’s royal palace has a beautiful open courtyard right outside it and has a lot of space for humans and dragons to walk freely. It also has massive walls around its boarder.
Mujika: A kingdom that existed 400 years ago in Ishgar and is the native kingdom of Irene’s husband. The kingdom is never seen in full, except for its palace and jail.
Caracole Island: This is a kingdom independent of Ishgar and Alakitasia, but due to its location of being in between both continents, it is accessible to both. But Caracole Island is most known as a tourist spot. The country is ruled by king Blank.
Haparara Beach
The only town seen in Caracole and is beach town where many foreigners vacation. It has many vendors with the most notable being Star Mango Gelato
Trasero Island
A facility off the Northeastern end of Caracole. This facility is used in times of emergencies and was seen used after Gildarts fought Acnologia.
Alakitasia: The Western Continent and is unified under the banner of the Alvarez Empire
Belserion: A small country that is the home to Alvarez’s empress Irene Belserion. The is mainly covered in in regalbuildings with a small water way leading from the southwestern boarder to the capital city.
This is capital city the capital city of the empire. It consists of many tall, skyscraper-like castles surrounding the exterior. Within the city, there two to three story buildings and row homes that barricade the town's streets, along with bridges that connect from one side to another and balconies for viewing. There is a gargantuan castle in the center of the capital with many towers and sections. It towered over the entire city. There is a garden within the castle's grounds filled with numerous plants in a floral scenery. It also contains a prison inside the castle.
Around the exterior of the city is a massively tall fortress known as Niflheim. The fortress is controlled by Invel and has a powerful communication lacrima that allows Invel to get, not only uninterrupted communication with forces all over the country, but also a full view of any battle field an army may be at.
This city is located a few miles from Belserion and is very large. It contains many small residencies and shops, but its most known feature is its coliseum, Abyss. This coliseum is as large as Domus Flau and is where Natsu and God Serena did battle.
Rinania: This country stretches over the southeaster coastline of Alakitasia. It’s also where the majority of the Alvarez-Ishgar war took place.
The hometown of the Ramal family. It is located in the northwestern area of Rinania and is close to the boarder. The town is made up of rough houses, made of stone, with circular holes for doors and windows reminiscent of the style of ancient houses in Cappadocia. The only building that doesn’t resemble the rest of the town is Ajeel’s tall, white, Arabic-style castle.
This is the biggest port area in all of Alvarez and the signature feature of Rinania. Here many battleships or aerial ships, may be launched. It is mainly all dock and beaches, with the only buildings serving as point to check things coming and leaving the country.
Here, Fairy Tail did battle with the Ajeel squad and made an easy landing zone for the Rune Knights. However, the Black Carpet had arrived and engaged the Rune Knights, resulting in the majority of the forces fighting here. With Ishgar eventually pushing the Alvarez forces back
Enten Village: This village existed over 400 years ago and was where Natsu and Zeref were born. The Dragneel brother’s father was chief of the village. This village is located in Salzenya Canyon, with the village homes and residences were crafted into the side of the canyon. The village existed as place to be hidden away from dragons, but eventually they were discovered and burned apart by a group of fire dragons.
While most traces of the village have been burned away, the group of invading Fairy Tail mages had used Salzenya canyon river because it cut through both Belserion and Julia.
Morn: Not much is known about Morn other than it it the northernmost country of Alvarez and has an underground storage space, able to fit many Alvarez citizens
Julia: This nation is basic and is best known for housing 3 powerful cities inside it.
An industrial looking city with many robotic and mechanical parts all over the place. It has many “punk-ish looking”  buildings with tubes and pipeds going throughout them. The city was once the home of the Machina until fellow Machina, Wahl Icht,sided with Irene and killed many machina. SInce then, Wahl has had absolute oversight of this city. It is also worth mentioning that this city is the closest one to Salzenya Canyon.
The city of time. It is under the oversight of DImaria Yesta the holder of Chronos. The city is very similar to a Greek city in design and is very religious. It has many magic facilities, most famous the Mildian Magic Academy. Dimaria did battle with Crime Sociere here and was defeated.
The city was established for the “people of time”, who for 400 years have worshiped the goddess of time, chronos, who protected them from dragons. Zeref Dragneel had attended the magic academy in his youth where he developed the R-System and Eclipse Gate.
Once known as Shiki village, it was where Zeref had brought the recently transformed Irene, and under her guidance, turned the village into a fighting force. With its greatest warrior produced being August. Eventually the village evolved into Shiki City and is famous for the city that houses The Alvarez Magic Archive And Study Center. A gigantic spiral tower that contains every recorded magic in Alvarez
The city is under the control of August and has read every recorded magic inside the study center.
Star Village
Where Anna and the first ever 12 celestial spirit mages come from. The village is not scene in full, but inside the village is a large ziggurat-like structure.
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September Reading Roundup
Will Self, The Book of Dave.
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So after my August of almost exclusively lady books, I've kicked off with a Geezer. Not just a male writer, an actual fucking Geezer. I love Will Self, and would highly recommend The Quantum Theory of Insanity, and The Butt, works of his I've previously enjoyed. I'd have picked this up from the free books box outside of Stella's Voice in North end based on my previous enjoyment alone, but a friend of mine, Tim who was one of my favourite regulars in The Whippet, the first pub I helped manage and therefore always my first love, once recommended it to me on a snowy Sunday, when he and I were the only people in the bar and I was line-cleaning and chomping at the bit for handover so he and I could go drinking.
 I had several friendships in that pub where I'd give out, and receive books in that pub (blame it on the Bloomsbury postcode I guess), and take and give recommendations. Tim, on this Sunday, was waxing absolutely lyrical about this one, and the concept, the idea of a future society finding a book written by a London cab driver and forming a religion and a society surrounding it, really appealed to me.
I wasn't disappointed, but the novel was definitely different to my expectations, as is often the case when you come to a book with preconceptions (I see you Wuthering Heights, I fucking see you). It's part Ridley Walker, part an 'It's all a load of Fackin' Bollocks MAAAATE' yowl into the abyss. It hops between a post-disaster pastoral society with a rigid hierarchy and cockney-rooted chaucerian dialect, and a despicably unlikeable but sympathetic North London pleb of a taxi driver experiencing an inarticulate masculine fury at his distinctly class struggle related breakdown, which he channels through the only set of rules that make sense to him; The Knowledge (for the uninitiated, The Knowledge is the test London cab drivers undergo in order to qualify).
I'm still a sucker for a London novel of any description, but I fall very much in love with those that described the tired, angry thoughts of its underclasses, because reader, I was one. Despite my education and self awareness, I've felt that snarling, visceral 'FFFFUUUUUCK YOUUUU' that can only rise in your gut in a city that thanklessly grinds you down and through it for the benefit of others until you're basically used up. I'm not as exciting a prospect to read as Dave Rudman because university and therapy have made me too irritatingly self-aware, and too keyed into the emotional jargon of our times. I'm dull because I can talk about hierarchies of needs and hegemonic struggle and how they impact my mental health as a member of the working class. I can voice discontent in safe terms that you already know. The beauty of Dave Rudman is he knows his life is bullshit, and he's surrounded by cunts, but he struggles with the articulation of why and how this is unfair. As his psychiatrist puts it:
'For, while many of the patients who shuffled into his consulting room were emotional malingerers - unwilling to turn up for any of life's feelings - this big, raw boned fellow was reeling. He doesn't have either the wit or the imagination to know what's happening.'
There's a beautiful symmetry in the novel. Dave's 'we're fucked and if everyone would just listen to me i'd sort it ahhhht' working class masculinity (my late stepdad was a real one for that, I'm so familiar with it I could cry), contrasted with the society that takes his unlistened-to working class voice as gospel but ultimately is just as unfair, taking his disenfranchisement-born misogyny to drastic conclusions, is powerful, and grabs your gut. We feel bad when nobody is listening to our Dave, but we're simultaneously confronted with the horrific reality of what happens when his rage at women, born of what contemporary life is doing to his masculinity and sense of self, is taken seriously.
It's not a happy book, staring directly into the face of the impossibility of self expression, or at least the lack of access to it that the majority of society has. it directly looks to the ways in which we fuck up and get angry at the wrong things when our core identity is assaulted on every side, and how unfair and misguided that really is if you logically played out the redressings of those imagined balances. The modern world is presented as fragmented and irredeemable, the future a feudal dystopia of racial divide, illiteracy, and poverty.
There's no shred of hope in this book, even in Dave's regret-fuelled about face, and the insurrection it could cause in the future were it listened to. But it definitely has laughs, as all darkness does. And much like the kind of much-maligned working class character Self breathes life beyond trope-dom into, it tells it like it is. This bleak realtalks made me oddly nostalgic; for the peculiarly London form of contempt you can only feel when you've racked up a sixteen hour day for little-to-no-money, and have to look at all the moneyed visitors and suburb-dwellers pumping their cash into tourist bottlenecks. It's a weird sense of superiority and knowledge you cling to to stop yourself feeling like as much of a mug as the people at the other end of the economic scale. In reality, you're all equally mugs, because the city always wins; but you feel like you really belong there and they're just visiting. Likewise, in reality, as we see in Dave's inability to transcend any of his social constraints in anyway, there's no joy in this small victory you give yourself, because if you do really belong there, there's nowhere else to go.
 Shirley Jackson, Dark Tales.
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A present from my friend Zachery, on a visit to Portsmouth on a sunny Monday that feels like forever ago now. Don't you just love it when someone slings you a book to read? Tells you not just about them, but about what they know of, or think of, you, too. I'm totally including this in September's books, as I did start it then, despite finishing it in October. It's been a slow month for reading while I try and figure out a work-life balance, so I'm being kind to myself. It was passed my way because, in an accurate educated guess, it was determined to be my kind of thing.
Oh BOY is it. I love anything creepy and dark, to the point where when people get to know me better, the witch jokes come thick and fast. I'm particularly obsessed with women who are obsessed with death (Lana del Rey, Florence Welch, Sylvia Plath, American Horror Story Coven, I'm looking at you here), and Shirley Jackson is one dark motherfucker. I particularly love a good slab of American gothic, and having read all these stories I'd undoubtedly say that these are Jackson's strength. There were stories in there about getting lost in the woods, and ghosts and so on, but I could decidedly have taken or left them, particularly as I find ghost stories inevitably have the same quasi-Victorian conclusions.
Her strongest efforts, if you ask me, are the ones about malcontent simmering under the surface of classically American tropes, small-town life, country summer idylls, young marrieds in the big city, that kind of thing. The lapsed literature student in me wants to point out that these stories could be used as fantastic allegorical examples of the rotten core lurking within the American dream, which let's face it, is a fair shout, but more simply put, that workaday surface is a fundamental part of what makes the stories so deeply disconcerting. In the same way that the workaday rhythms and relatability of a Bruce Springsteen song or a Raymond Carver short are so emotionally powerful because their narratives could be and are, playing themselves out time after time in towns across America, so Jackson's are terrifying because we, the readers think to ourselves, probably so are hers.
We tell ourselves 'it's just a story', but it's harder to do when the characters are so intricately and cleverly made real by their intentional stock quality. And we're so fascinated with her characters for the same reason we're still fascinated with Ted Bundy; because he was innocuous and unnoticeable enough to have gotten away with it for so long. It's far less scary to have our demons look like demons that to imagine them buying milk from the same grocers as us.
I usually treat short stories as small dose thought-provokers to read over a morning coffee, consuming them in tandem with whatever else I have on the go, but a combination of me having less attention to pay, and these commanding it so strongly meant that wasn't really the case this time, and I'd highly recommend getting these under your belt. I wouldn't say I could think of another writer who has made me feel genuinely disconcerted in a long time, and given that horror is a genre in which most of the tropes have been played out in every which way they figuratively can, Jackson still manages to generate a sense of the unexpected in her tales that I haven't encountered elsewhere in a long time.
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