#Beau imagine
hotpeoplesimp1 · 3 months
Beau Arlen Imagine
Beau Arlen, sheriff of Big Sky, from Texas, intimidating, tall, strong, dating plus sized, anxious, insecure, ADHD, bookshop/florist/artist/music teacher/baker, gf…. I just think that’d be like the most adorable thing.
Like she’d get all nervous at police parties and banquets, like “do I look good”, “do you think they’ll like me”, and he immediately just assures her. “You’re absolutely gorgeous”, “anyone who doesn’t like you is crazy”.
And she’ll make him cute little crocheted or knitted things, or a painting, or just something from her hyper fixation/hobby. She doesn’t know if he’ll like, maybe he’ll think it’s stupid, but he finds it adorable and puts it in his office immediately.
Or maybe she hyper fixates on like mysteries and history, or dark facts, or just knows that kind of stuff in general because she likes random facts. So he’ll be going over a case with an officer or detective, or deputy, and she drops by to drop off lunch, like she does everyday. And she just overhears and says some dark or weird fact that she probably shouldn’t, and the other person is like “what the fuck”, but Beau doesn’t even flinch, completely used to it. Or says “thanks, darlin” because it could be something useful, and if it’s not, he’ll say “really?” Just so she doesn’t feel like she shouldn’t have said anything or gets uncomfortable. And he’ll just go to her because she’s like a little encyclopedia of random facts. But of course it freaks him out the first couple times cuz here’s this adorable, soft, anxious, hyper, little ladybug (a possible nickname for her), and she just spits out some shit like “if you crunch up glass and put a tbsp in someone’s drink, it’ll kill them within a week or two depending on how big they are, and it won’t leave a trace” because they couldn’t figure out how this guy died and she just spit out a theory to try to be helpful while she was dropping off lunch.
He’ll love cuddling up to her because she’s so soft. Like thick thighs? He’s always got a hand on them, and if you’re lying on the couch or in bed, he’ll rest his body between them and lay his head on her soft stomach, or breasts. Stretch marks? He’ll trace them, either with his fingers ansentmindedly, or with his tongue if it’s spicy time. And he practically purrs when she runs her fingertips through his hair. And she’ll give him shoulder massages after a rough day at work. And of course he rubs her bag and massages her thighs because she gets sore from all that extra “personal pillow”. It takes a bit to get used to just how affectionate and considerate she is, but once he does, he’s just a big teddy bear. And he both loves and hates how affectionate she is, because it’s not just with him. She’ll bake cookies for the whole squad, or do favours, and chats with people she knows, or if they talk to her first. Just smiling brightly all the time and giving them her attention. He thinks it’s adorable how sweet and considerate she is, but he can’t help but get a little jealous if he thinks she’s giving someone too much attention. Or if someone’s flirting with her but she doesn’t realize, he’ll get jealous. Either just glaring at the other person silently, never her because he knows she doesn’t know, and that she’s never do it on purpose, though he didn’t at first and they talked about it. Or he’ll stop what he’s doing and walk over, wrapping an arm around her waist, tugging her into his side, and find someway to integrate himself into the conversation, or make up some excuse and pull her away.
He’d pick up on her anxiety triggers and signs so quickly because of how observant he is. Making sure she has something to fidget with, and if not, he’ll let her play with his fingers, or just hold his hand. And if they’re at a party and it’s too much for her and she’s getting too anxious, he decides they should leave. Even if she insists it’s fine, that she doesn’t want to ruin his fun, he doesn’t let her. He’ll tell her stuff like “I’ll have a lot more fun at home with you”, or “I’m not having that much fun anyway”. He’d tell everyone that they’re gonna go, say something like he’s tired, or he has work early. Never blames her or anything.
And he sticks up for her so, so quickly. Like if he overhears someone calling her “weird” or something, he’s not having it. He’ll glare at them, and if it’s an officer, he’ll bring them aside and scold them. He finds all her little “quirks” or “strangeness” adorable and or hot.
And the sex… He’d be so caring and sweet. Muttering praises, and placing kisses on her stretch marks or slight chub rolls. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart”, “that’s it, baby. Just like that”, “You can do it”, “So hot. Getting me all hot n’bothered without trying”. Loving caresses all over her body. He’s ask her to sit on his face and she’d be really nervous and hesitant because of her weight, just how she was when she first sat on his lap but even more so. And he just assures her that “I’m a strong guy”, “if I need a break, I’ll tap out”, and if she says she’ll smother him he just says “I can not think of a better way to go”. Eventually she gives in and does it, and he’s so fucking happy. Just grinning like an idiot as he holds onto her hips and or thighs tightly, his fingertips digging in. The first time he’s rough is a while after they start dating, after a really tough case, or his ex wife’s getting on his nerves, or he’s just having a bad day, and she notices. Telling him to take it out on her, and she can take it. So he does, but doesn’t go too hard or rough, making sure she’s ok as soon as he gets slightly rougher. And always, always cleans her up and takes care of her. “You ok, darlin’? I didn’t go too hard”, “Imma get you a drink, ok”, “let’s get you cleaned up”, “did so good, baby”.
Someone they don’t know will see them and assume she’s just his friend because no way a guy like that could be with a girl like her. At least not at first glance. And he just states so proudly that she’s his girlfriend, or his girl. Like someone will ask who she is and he just gets a shit eating grin on his face and states with such pride “she’s my girl”. But if they get disrespectful of her, or asks him “really? Her?” He gets pissed. Glaring at them and starting an argument. Disliking them for the rest of, well, ever.
Just a thought. You’re welcome, or not. I don’t know, just can’t get it out of my head. Thought it’s was adorable and cute, like all you lovely people (most).
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
i always end up writing way more than i intend to so im just gonna keep it short. hockey player! bakugou who’s absolutely enamored with lil ole quiet you. squealing. (ps @bkgpackets this is all your fault)
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hockey player! bakugou who’s the star player of his team, who could have anyone he wants yet his eyes always search around in the stands for you so he can flash you that smirk.
hockey player! bakugou who absolutely demands a kiss on the cheek before every game, claims it brings him good luck even tho he really doesn’t need it. “m’not goin’ out there till you give me my kiss, sweetheart”
hockey player! bakugou who despite seeming all cool and casual, gets so incredibly nervous when he has to show any sign of being interested in you. his hands clammy when he brings you your favorite snack from that bakery you liked to go to when you were paired up for the project that sealed his fate. his friends never miss an opportunity to make fun of him for it, but he’d much rather take this than any chances of some random loser asking you out before he does
hockey player! bakugou who despite being the definition of a total hunk, is actually inexperienced as hell. he’s clunky and a little awkward when he asks you out, almost shoving the bouquet of your favorite flowers you’d once mentioned in passing in your face unceremoniously, but that cute little blush on his cheeks is to die for.
hockey player! bakugou who despite being inexperienced is also the most insufferable piece of shit ever. he teases you mercilessly, he tickles and pokes you and sneaks up behind you just to hear you squeal. he traps you between his broad chest and your locker just to see how flustered you get from how public he’s being. (not like he cares anyway) he’ll bite and kiss you randomly and he’ll steal bites of your food to see you pout and to have an excuse to share his lunch with you. “now we’re even so quit whinin’.” he snickers.
hockey player! bakugou who loves when you get all fired up for him. who feels his heart somersault in his chest when you give him your sweet pep talks during intermissions. who loves when you place your hands against his cheeks and can’t count the amount of times his mouth goes dry when you tell him he’s got this. who kisses you square on the mouth before he has to go and strategize with his team, newly reinvigorated resolve because his girl is watching and cheering him on.
hockey player! bakugou who after his team wins and they’re done celebrating, immediately bounds over to you with that dashing smile and picks you up over his shoulder. whooping and laughing meanly at your squeals and giggles while he carried you around like you’re the trophy. who kisses you long and hard before pulling away and grinning so so bright it almost blinds you but you can’t look away “you really are my good luck charm, aren’t ya ?”
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wehadabondingmoment · 2 months
Ok so I finished beau by @buggachat and Adrinette dancing made me think about how at home they must have felt, dancing in their partner's arms asdjkds
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khalliys · 3 months
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I've been deeply art-blocked for a while now, but I really miss Beauyasha. I sketched this after the live show in November and now managed to (somewhat) properly draw it. They're in love your honor, always.
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zepskies · 4 months
Headcanon: Teasing him under the table.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x F. Reader, Beau Arlen x F. Reader, Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
AN: This was requested by this lovely anon:
Could you please write an imagine or something of all three boys (Dean: love the plus-sized one-shots; Ben from BMD: love your interpretation of The Boys; and Beau) - and how would they react to their girlfriends giving them a footsie? 👀
I'm interpreting this as a "playing footsie" moment lol.
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Flirting, innuendo, and some smuttiness. (You know Ben. 🙄)
Headcanon: How Dean, Beau, and Ben would react to you teasing him under the table.
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Dean Winchester
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Because of the request, I had the Espresso-verse version of Dean and the reader in mind, but this can be general Dean x Reader too.
Dean is playful by nature. (AKA: a professional flirt.)
He enjoys working you up, but he enjoys it even more when you're confident enough to tease him back...even if it somehow always surprises him.
But he's been driving you crazy all damn day. Throughout the whole damn hunt.
Flirty smiles, suggestive quips masked as "innocent" remarks, brief touches to your arm, the small of your back, guiding you by your hip, a thumb swiping under your shirt and against your skin, lightly pressing into your curves...
It's all "normal," except for the deeper, suggestively teasing glint in his eyes.
He's in a good mood, and he wants you to know it.
And it's all in front of Sam, who knows the game you two are playing. Sometimes he smiles in both amusement and fondness, and he looks away to allow you guys your moment. Sometimes he rolls his eyes, or just tries to ignore it when he's had enough of you two eye-fucking in plain sight.
Dean knows what his touch does to you, but you know one or two of his weaknesses too...
When the hunt is finally over, the three of you find the closest diner to the motel you're staying at.
Dean orders the greasiest burger you've ever seen. He also teases Sam for already looking for the next case with his laptop at the table.
Dean glances over, his lips starting to curve as he licks a bit of burger juice off his fingers. He looks at you dead in the eyes while he sucks his digits clean.
He's equal parts noisy and disgusting. But damn him, your hand tightens around your glass of water. Your lips press together, and so do your legs. You nudge his foot with your boot and raise your brows. Stop it.
He pouts, and he nudges your foot right back. Make me.
You tilt your head at him. Adopting a certain smile, you slide your foot across the floor, under the table, and graze his calf with the side of your boot.
Dean's lips twitch. Sam is seemingly oblivious as he continues researching on his laptop.
Your foot travels higher up Dean's leg, up the inside of his thigh. You only gasp a little when he suddenly reaches down and grabs your ankle. His resulting smirk is salacious, even as he challenges you with his eyes. What're you gonna do now?
You contemplate exactly that, when his brother's voice startles you.
"Can you guys do me a favor and quit it?" Sam asks. He doesn't even look up from his laptop. "At least wait until we get home."
You bite your lip and blush. Both you and Dean fight harder smiles at being caught.
"No one likes a killjoy, Sammy," Dean remarks. Sam just sends his brother a dry look.
Dean's amusement remains. He taps on your ankle in contemplation, but after a moment, he lets you go. He grabs his phone and texts you under the table.
"Quickie out back?"
You grimace, then you text him back.
"Gross, babe. There are things I promised myself I'd never do in a public bathroom."
"So...meet you in 5? Come on, I'll do that thing you like. 😈"
His stupid grin, his stupid face, his long fingers tapping on the tabletop (somehow, even that is suggestive). It all eventually breaks you down.
"...Ugh, fine," you reply. You slide out of your chair first. But as you walk past him, you let your fingers brush down his neck — in a way that always makes a little shiver run down his spine. You smirk in satisfaction as you walk away.
He might've started it, but you could damn well finish it.
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Beau Arlen
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Oh, my dear cowboy sheriff...
Beau is also a jokester. He takes his work and the people in his life seriously, but he likes to keep things "loose." Perhaps it's a coping mechanism, but it's mostly just his way of going through life.
Tonight, however, is a tense dinner with your parents, Beau, Emily, and his parents that are visiting from Houston.
It's a nice steakhouse, more high scale than you or Beau are used to, but your parents insisted on it. Beau's parents are good-natured and full of southern charm. They're just happy to see their son and granddaughter, let alone meet his girlfriend for the first time.
The night is only tense because, as much as you love your parents, they're not sure about you dating a man with such a dangerous job.
They also have a thing about appearances, and the fact that he's divorced and has a child who isn't yours, and frankly, all the things you don't give a rat's ass about.
Your back is ramrod straight in your chair (there's a tightness in your spine that comes every time your mom taps you on the hand with her fork to remind you not to slouch).
You can't even really taste what you're eating, because you're too focused on making sure your parents don't say anything insulting to Beau and his family.
Then a boot taps against your open-toed heel. You glance over at your boyfriend, and he's already wearing a smile. He gives you a teasing wink as he eats a forkful of mashed potatoes.
Your stress begins to melt, just like that. God, this man.
You smile back at him and take a calming sip of wine. Your mom begins to talk about her upcoming tupperware party. Your smile deepens, but not because of that.
You playfully tap your foot on Beau's without looking at him.
You feel his discreet stare on the side of your face, but you pretend to be invested in your mom's conversation about tupperware. (I mean really, I thought those parties went extinct. Apparently, not in the Midwest.)
Beau's foot nudges yours back. You hook your toes under the hem of his pant leg, inching it up and up...
He retaliates with a hand drifting down your thigh, over the skirt of your dress. He grabs just above your knee and squeezes. Your leg jerks up on reflex, and your knee hits under the table hard enough to rattle the silverware, making you yelp.
The whole table looks over at you in both surprise and concern. (Your mother more in disapproval.)
Beau bites his lip against a deeper smile.
"You okay there, baby?" he asks.
"Sorry, my foot slipped," you lie through a tight smile. When you turn to him, your eyes narrow a fraction, promising retribution. You grab his hand tightly, but he just uses the motion to bring yours up to his lips.
Beau looks forward to whatever you plan to dish out next, as long as you wait until after dessert.
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Soldier Boy (Ben)
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Aw hell, this guy. 😂 I'm imagining BMD-verse Ben for this one...
Ben has a decent sense of humor, but he doesn't often like to be teased.
He'd rather be respected.
But you love to tease him anyway.
You also know his "limits," but it doesn't stop you from figuratively tap dancing all over them when you have the opportunity. You're slowly but surely trying to get him to loosen up.
Sometimes though, it bites you in the ass.
Like tonight, when you've gotten him to come with you to a Broadway show. You two have your own private booth on the second floor balcony. (He likes the privacy, and it's safer for you, as he's argued.)
20 minutes in, and you can already tell he's gotten bored. To be fair, it's a drama that's admittedly a bit dry and slow. You don't want him to walk out before the intermission, so you start to hatch an idea...
Your legs are crossed, and you draw your high-heel slowly against the side of his foot. When he glances over you, you pretend to be invested in the show. Your arms are crossed over your black dress that falls to mid-thigh. Your jacket is draped across your lap.
You brush the thin point of your heel across the top of his shoe, then inch it up under his pant leg, higher and higher.
Until Ben's hand finally grabs hold of your knee. Biting your lip, you turn to him with a smile.
"Do you mind? I'm watching the show," you tell him. He allows you to peel his hand of your leg and place it back in his lap. You cross your legs in the opposite direction.
Ben raises his brows. His lips twitch slightly, but he seems to acquiesce, relaxing back in his seat.
For a while, you actually watch the play. You become invested in the story and the characters by the time it gets halfway through Act 1.
That's when you feel a strong hand slowly slip down your thigh and between your legs, slowly rucking up the skirt of your dress.
You try to stifle a gasp as you look over at Ben. He doesn't meet your hot stare, but his hand is certainly on the move, covered by your jacket. He brushes against your panties.
Against your better judgment, you let him spread your legs wider. A smile finally crosses his face. His fingers hook around your underwear and brush between your folds. You let out a shaky breath and shift in your seat.
You know you should stop him, but you can't help the warm coil of arousal starting pool in your lower belly, and between your legs. Ben feels it with a smirk. His fingers find your clit with ease.
"Ben," you gasp, warning him in a heated whisper.
He leans over and presses a raspy kiss to your neck, thanks to his beard.
"Perks of a private room," he says. His voice is a low rumble in your ear.
You start to shake your head. You know you started this, but you also know him. This has the potential to go off the rails very quickly.
"This isn't a room. We're on a damn balcony," you breathe out, even as his fingers continue to work you over. You bite your lip to stifle a moan. "Anyone could—"
"Who gives a fuck?" Ben says gruffly.
As usual, his raunchy brand of logic (and his talented hands) manage to persuade you to give in.
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AN: lol I had fun with this one. Let me know what you think! 💜
Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Dean, Beau + SB Tag List (Part 1)
@melancholictearz @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup
@jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @beskarfilms @tmb510 @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @lacilou @jackles010378 @waywardxwords @mrsjenniferwinchester
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ddejavvu · 11 months
Touch starved pilots of your choice cuddling their s/o headcanons
characters written: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch
sfw, but cut for length. enjoy!
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell:
depends on what age you're thinking!
if it's young!mav, he's probably just a liiiitle reluctant to let himself relax sometimes
he's sort of got his tough guy persona, and he's not used to dropping it, so when you get him alone he tries messing around at first
whether that's a few too many kisses, or a pinch to your side, he guards himself a bit before letting himself go
but when he does, oh, he's like a little kitten !
he lets you run your hands through his gelled hair (gross)
and it gets all misshapen and spiky
he probably just melts when you pet his hair like that, and he'll be snoozing on your chest in no time
now older!mav is definitely less of a tough nut to crack
he probably initiates the cuddling in the first place, he nudges you over to the bed and lays himself on top of you to crush you
you can push at his chest and splutter all you want, but he's made his choice on where he's going to lay, and it's on you
he likes holding you, but he wants to be face-to-face, so you can brush noses and bump foreheads
he probably tries sooo hard to stay awake so that he can soak in the time you're spending together but peepaw definitely crashes like 10 minutes in
Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw:
he also likes to be face to face!
buuut not for the same sweet reason as mav
he just wants to itch you with his mustache
he likes nipping at you too, he bites your nose to make you laugh
you won't be getting any sleep when you cuddle with goose, he just wants to talk and laugh and hold you the entire time
it's not a period of time to wind down, it's a big laugh-fest
and god FORBID you try to get up to pee
“Nick, I have to go.” / “Sorry, honey. I can’t let go. I think my hand’s stuck.” / “NICK!!”
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
he’s another one who probably has just a bit of trouble letting his guard down
he’ll cuddle with you no doubt, but he’ll probably always keep you in his lap or have some sort of upper hand in the embrace
it takes a while before he’s ready to be held himself
when he does finally give in it's so soft and sweet :')
he's had a really hard day and he comes home with his eyes drooping
you've planned a movie night but he doesn't even look like he could sit through an episode of a tv show
so you lead him to bed instead, and tell him you're sleepy, cause he won't 'ruin' the night by admitting that he is
you ask to play with his hair and he lets you, but he's not sure why 'cause you just said you were tired??
you basically have to trick him into being held but once his head is on your chest and your hands are in his hair he's gone.
he ends up mumbling something all sleepy and groggy like 'mm, that's nice' and his eyes are half shut and he's so endearingly tired :')
he wants you to do it all the time now, I'd say it's about 50/50 whether you fall asleep holding him or he falls asleep holding you
Ron 'Slider' Kerner:
slider's a big boy!!!!!!!
he's big and tall and muscly, the perfect cuddle buddy
he's probably more inclined to hold than be held
but he likes it when you face him so you can wrap your arms around his back :')
he probably likes it when he's able to bury his face in your neck/shoulder/against the top of your head
like he always wants his face snuggled in somewhere warm and nice smelling
and it just so happens his chest is an excellent place to get lost yourself
so you most of the time just nuzzle right into each other and get to snoozin'
i think he'd talk real soft, too, he'd murmur against your ear while you're drifting off, probably boring you to sleep with technical details of his flights but just before you crash for the night he slips in a little 'i love you, honey' and <33333
Leonard 'Wolfman' Wolfe:
he's a loser for his partner it has to be said
almost as teasing as nick is but not quite
he'll let you fall asleep he just wants to talk to you AllTheTime because he LovesYouSoMuch
he's a chatterbox and you'll be lucky if you get to sleep at a decent hour
he really likes it when you lay your head on his chest
'cause he likes playing with your hair and your face :]
sometimes he'll just use you as a little stress toy and squeeze your cheeks and pinch your nose and poke at your forehead
always making silly little jokes and telling you all about his day
down to, like, every comment one of his friends made...
'and then slider said he was gonna kill him but hollywood ran, so then they were just chasing each other around and iceman said-' / 'babe.. can we sleep? please?' / 'oh! right, sorry baby.'
Rick 'Hollywood' Neven
listen there's a reason he and wolfman get along so well
they're BOTH teases!!!
cuddling with hollywood is not really relaxing, because he's always pinching your sides or putting his nasty cold feet all over you, or pretending to knock you out by fake-punching you a bunch
you're just laying there and he's 'punching' your stomach, making fake punch sounds with his mouth, and if you push him away he'll pretend you've absolutely knocked him out, tumbling down onto the mattress with this dramatic thump and closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out of his mouth like he's a dead cartoon character 😭
he's like a dog you have to get his energy out before trying to rest with him or he just Won't Rest
when you DO get him sleepy, though, he's kinda incoherent when he's tired, so you'll be cuddled up together, maybe you're scratching his back, maybe he's playing with your hair, and he's just sort of mumbling nonsense until he finally drifts off to sleep
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson:
will not be held
sorry! not happening
he's just so big and beefy and authoritative that he doesn't much enjoy being coddled
he loves cuddling with you though, he gets very relaxed just laying with you
he's a casual toucher, i think, so you can rest your head on his shoulder at the airport, you can hold his hand at restaurants, whether that be over or under the table, he lets you hang all over him however you want
he's not super into in-your-face PDA, though, so you'll have to be polite and considerate about it
actually in bed though, under the blankets at night?
he's so much more cuddly than you'd expect
he wraps his big strong arms around you and tugs you close and lets you melt all over him <33
your favorite place to lay your head is probably his chest 'cause it's so broad and firm and nice <3
he's a good back rubber so cuddles are always soft and cozy and sleepy
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw:
lord he's a cuddler
he's just a touchy guy, because he's probably gone without it for a significant amount of time so now that he's got you he's gonna enjoy it
big big big on pda, doesn't really care who sees
so that means cuddling in public, too
perfectly content to sit by the beach with you in his lap all cuddled back into his chest he doesn't care if anyone teases him
but back in bed he's a sucker for head scratches
if you have long-ish nails, enough to scratch at his scalp, he'll literally melt over you like an ice cream cone
his limbs go all gooey and he flops his head down on your chest, groaning and grunting while you scratch through his hair
he really enjoys sleeping on top of you, whether that be fully chest-to-chest 'you're suffocating me' cuddling or just an arm thrown over your stomach while he lays on his own
he likes being held, too, but probably prefers to hold unless he's having a hard day
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin:
big boy!! surprisingly fond of being held for everything we know about him
that cocky demeanor does not last under the sheets
he adores holding you, of course, he'll wrap his big arms around you and cradle your head to his chest
he probably plays with your hair, looooves it when you tangle your legs up with his own
he prefers if you talk to him rather than him talk to you if you're cuddling
cause he likes the sound of your voice and he loves hearing about your day
he tries to listen so attentively to what you're saying, but if you're taking a little too long telling him about that batty old customer that had visited the shop you work at today, his eyes are going to slowly start to droop and he's gonna let out a big ol yawn that means it's time for him to close his eyes
you always cut yourself off like 'sorry, jake. g'head, go to sleep'
and he insists you continue like 'nooo darlin' i wanna hear! keep going :]' except within two minutes he's dozing against the pillow while you talk about the old lady again
he's a simple man just talk soft and slow to him while snuggled up in his arms and he's gonna sleep no matter what you're telling him
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace:
she really likes laying face-to-face with you!!
she's a fan of spooning, of course, she likes either burying her face in your back or letting you snuggle into hers
but she loves the intimacy that comes from being pretty much nose-to-nose with you
the type to lay there and chat with you mere inches away so that you're leaning in to kiss her all giggly and bashful every four seconds
she uses your cuddle time to tell you all about her teammates, what stupid shit jake said today, how bob almost tripped down the stairs, that fanboy's got a new girlfriend who wants to meet you, etc etc etc
but that means when you see them next you know all of the hot gossip about everyone and you giggle every time jake says something dumb and he's like WHAT.. WHAT IS IT.. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME.. and you give nat this little ;) 'cause you'll definitely be talking shit about him later
she does this thing where she cradles the back of your head in her hand if you're face to face and she throws her leg over your waist and it gives you such intense butterflies that you need to close your eyes sometimes <3333
Robert 'Bob' Floyd:
cuddlebug <3
he loooves cuddling but if you do it face-to-face he's gonna need to be super close to you because he can't see without his glasses 😭
i'm taking like nose-to-nose so close that you have to cross your eyes to see him
otherwise he's pretty chill in what positions he likes
you love it when he reads to you
i think he might not be the most confident reader out loud but he does it anyways 'cause it puts you to sleep
he gets really sleepy really easily so sometimes it's best to refrain from cuddling in public
like you're out on the beach by a firepit and you're all snuggled up together but oops he can't enjoy his smores because he's sleeping on your shoulder
he loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder sm :'))
he wraps his arm around you and tugs you closer <3
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:
prefers holding to being held
probably a little less talkative than the rest, but that doesn't mean you never chat
he just has this insane ability to fall asleep anywhere, i'm talking slumped against the bus window, leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground, piloting his aircraft sorry
he likes staring at you, though, while he falls asleep :')
if you're talking to him he'll listen and nod and hum along and agree when he should, he's a very good listener
but slowly he'll start to fade a bit, and he'll sling his hand over your waist, smush his face into the pillow, and keep listening for as long as he can
slooooowly you start getting less responses from him, he's not reacting as much, but his eyes are always locked onto your face and he's got this lazy little smile on his face while he drifts off to sleep 'cause he gets to look at you the whole time :')
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia:
the most talkative in the whole wide world
cuddling with him is barely even cuddling, it's watching him act out his entire day
'and then payback went like this and- BAM! shot it down.'
and he's up on his knees in the middle of the bed with his arms out demonstrating exactly how they'd worked through their training exercises that day
and he is loud and energetic and you're half-asleep like 'that sounds awesome, babe.'
he isn't one to stay in one place really, he likes tossing and turning a bit before he falls asleep which means that you are also going to be tossed and turned
he's a really shifty sleeper too so you'll wake up with your face in his armpit
if you're really sleepy though, he'll settle down, he'll pull you into his chest and let you fall asleep there
but he'll probably be on his phone for a bit, he strikes me as a crazy night owl
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch:
out in two seconds
there is no conscious cuddling with him
because the second his head hits the pillow he's snoring
you can cuddle up to him but if he's cuddling up to you he's doing it in his sleep
you're actually so jealous of him bc you lay down for the night and he tucks his chin over your head or he snuggles his face into your neck and that's it.
he's out.
he's a clingy sleeper, though, so if you wanna read for a bit or use your phone it might be kind of hard
honestly it really helps your sleep schedule to sleep with him 'cause sometimes he's entirely wrapped around you and you can't move
so there's nothing to do but sleep yourself
he's like a living furnace i KNOW that man runs hot
you probably wake up sweating a bunch if you're all snuggly with him
blanket stealer. he somehow manages to tear them off of the end of the bed where they're tucked in and cocoon himself
and then you wake up freezing cold
when i said he snores i mean it he snores loud
it's sort of comforting eventually? like at first it drives u insane
but over time you come to rely on it as white noise and you can't sleep unless he's all over you snoring right in your ear and drooling on your shoulder
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
Yan Unicorn + Everglades/Nature Lover Darling
"Guys.... Crazy story, but I'm out here standing a feet away from one of the prettiest horses I have ever seen in my life-"
You are aware they could hear you- right? Whilst bitter towards their unique brand of beauty being compared to that of a common creature - Beau had to give you credit where it was due. The emphys in your voice as you declare them one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen makes you a more tolerable presence than previous humans "guests" they've had to deal with, and the brunt of the reason you were still standing to begin with.
"So I'm out here, taking my daily walk in the woods as usual - but I was feeling a little adventurous today and decided to go a little further than usual. Got lost almost instantly, but I'd say it's worth it. You guys won't believe me when I say this is one majestic motherfucker."
Beau recalls hearing a saying that flattery gets you nowhere - clearly the human who came up with that phrase was more foolish than any human that's stumbled upon their land before. As you spoke, your body was perfectly positioned to hide theirs from the camera - revealing little more but the lush foliage around their hooves. A sign of respect, the unicorn assumed paired with your fair distance. A human that understands boundaries.... to a certain extent, and compliments them well. Company like that is rare given their looks and power. Beau would never admit it himself, but it does get quite lonely as the only unicorn in this forest.
"I'd give my kidney to go over there and pet them, but I don't wanna scare them off either."
A tall silhouette casts your smaller figure into darkness. You hardly even notice for a few seconds as you relay your experiences to your phone - head snapping upwards as its snatched straight from your hands.
"It's pretty rude to be hook on technology while in the company of someone else... It may be wise to teach you some manners, but I'm willing to let things slide and return your device if you tell me more about yourself."
"...Sounds like a good deal to me!... Can I ride you?"
"My.... At least ask a person's name before being so bold.. Maybe there is a thing or two I should teach you..."
".... So, is that a maybe?
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morganaahh · 4 days
Y/N's Camera Roll - In Another Universe
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mamsieur · 7 months
Don't mess with the Storm | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary : Sometimes, Cyclone could live up to his call sign. Especially when it concerned you, his youngest daughter, his little Storm.
TW : slight violence, mention of alcohol, family/domestic fluff
Length : 6753 words
AN : You can't make me believe that Beau Simpson isn't a family man with lots of kids. That's what he radiates.
posted on AO3 August 21, 2023
Your mom always said you took after your dad, but if he was a Cyclone, you were a Storm ; smaller and less destructive. Storm has always been your nickname. 
It described you quite well as much in your way of doing things than in your personality. You were passionate about everything you did and you often left a mess after you.
Being a Vice Admiral, Beau managed to control himself for his work but when it came to you and your well being, he could literally destroy everything on his way. Not that your father was in any way abusive or violent, but he sometimes could over react.
You were your parents’ precious little baby.
You were the youngest of four children; you had three older brothers, all in the military. Two of them, Nathan and Jamie, were naval aviators, like your father, and one, Aaron, was a Marine Officer. 
Needless to say, you were well taken care of ; you liked to think that you had a small ‘army’ for yourself.
But as much as they thought of you as their little princess, they never treated you like one, and you never wanted to be. You were tough and very capable of defending yourself. Your father always encouraged you in whatever you wanted to do. 
You wanted to join the soccer team? Let's go. Switch to boxing lessons? Done. A new passion for karting? He had your back. An interest in mechanics ? He bought you your first tool box.
As long as you put your heart and soul into whatever you did, your family would support you.
So when you told them you wanted to work for the Navy after your engineering degree, they were as supportive as they could be.
You were a genius engineer - your mom’s word, not yours - and you loved working on jets, inspecting them, gathering as much data as possible to make them as efficient as they can be. Working at Top Gun was heaven. Since the pilots were supposed to be the best, you loved pushing them and their machines to be better and better.
Of course, the fact that you were working on the same base as your father had raised some eyebrows. But neither of you cared, and he got you no special treatment.
After the uranium mission, you were assigned to check the status of the Dagger Squad's F-18s. Everything seemed to be in good shape, and while your computer analyzed the flight data, you inspected the engines. You liked to work alone when you could, it helped you stay in your bubble of concentration.
The sun was slowly setting as you finished diagnosing the last jet. Being alone in the hangar, you took the opportunity to put on some music. You hummed and swayed a little while you waited for the analysis to finish on your screen and inspected the engine.
Your head was - quite literally - in it when you heard footsteps behind you. They stopped a few feet away from you to let you finish what you were doing.
"I'll just be two minutes," you muttered and then shrugged, getting no response. You finished inspecting the seemingly defective part and stood up. Your face was covered in dust and motor oil, and your hair was starting to fall out of your ponytail.
You sighed and turned to your mysterious guest.
"Oh! Good evening Lieutenant Bradshaw. May I help you?" you smiled a little and wiped your forehead with the back of your hand.
"Good evening Second Lieutenant Simpson, to tell you the truth, yes, you may..." he grinned charmingly, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the plane, "I was wondering if you'd forgotten our date? It's 7:20, and we agreed to meet at 6:30 ?” 
You stopped smiling and looked at the clock. Crap! You hadn't seen the time.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I was servicing the jets and didn't realize what time it was! I should have set an alarm, I'm sorry. Jesus, how could I be so stupid?"
You were starting to mumble excuses as you gathered your things when you felt his hand on your wrist.
"It's okay, I know how you get when you're focused on something. We’ll find another day for that. I'll wait for you at the bar, okay?" he reassured you with a grin.
"Uh yeah, yeah okay! I'll be quick!" you nodded and smiled back at him. He tucked a strand of your wild hair behind your ear, a few inches from you, making you blush slightly. His thumb stroked your cheek. He had that cheeky smile he always had when something was on his mind. He took your hand and kissed your knuckles, his beautiful brown eyes never leaving yours.
" Or , I can also wait for you in the changing-"
" Lieutenant Bradshaw, Second Lieutenant Simpson, what are you two still doing here? "
Your father's stern voice echoed through the hangar, taking you by surprise. Bradley took a quick step back and straightened his posture to greet him.
"I, uh-"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw forgot his keys, sir, he was out. I got carried away with the diagnostics, I'm almost finished here," you replied quickly as Cyclone’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Bradley then at you.
"Hm. You better hurry then, Second Lieutenant, overtime is not allowed. You're free to go Lieutenant Bradshaw."
"Yes sir!" you said in unison and Bradley left as quickly as he could, flashing one last smile in your direction before disappearing down the corridors.
As you started to clean up the mess you'd made, you heard an amused sigh.
"Nothing, nothing. You're still living up to your nickname."
"Ha ha, very funny Dad," you rolled your eyes and closed your toolbox, "Don't wait for me, I'm going out tonight."
"Mmh. Is Bradshaw involved?" he asked as he helped you carry your stuff to the storage room.
"Yes? I mean the whole Dagger team is, I need to get to know them to understand how they work."
That was only half a lie. You knew they most likely were all at the Hard Deck, you'd met them there a few times. You got along well with them, especially Natasha, Bob and Mickey. And of course, Bradley... But it was different with him.
You'd known him for years and your very first assignment had been with him. Your friendship had evolved over the years into a kind of friends-with-benefits/fuck-buddies relationship until a few weeks ago. Since the uranium mission, he wanted more than that, and so did you. You two tried to keep your relationship secret because you suspected it could jeopardize either of your careers, and mostly because you knew your father would not approve.
He always thought the guys you dated were not good enough for you. And as annoying as it was, he was always right. He scared away some of them and when you thought back about it, it's a good thing he did.
Truth be told, you have been in love with Bradley for so long that sometimes it hurted. 
You had tried to tell him so many times in the past, but you were afraid of losing what little intimacy you had with him. So when he asked you out, first thing after the uranium mission, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. The hope that your feelings would be reciprocated had invaded your heart and mind, and you felt like it was the first time you were in love. It wasn’t of course, but you were all giddy about it.
You didn’t like to lie to your dad, he knew you too much to know everything in just one look. 
But it was worth it, wasn’t it ?
You hoped it was.
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After a well-deserved shower, you changed into clean, comfortable clothes that actually suited you. You put on your helmet and rode to the bar with your motorbike. Your mother hated when you used that ‘death machine’ and your father wasn't really fond of it either. It reminded him of Maverick. He wasn’t fond of Maverick. It always made you laugh watching your dad trying to remain calm in front of the Captain. You’ve never seen a man getting on his nerves that much.
The Hard Deck was already busy when you parked ; a totally normal Friday night , you thought. Looking around, you spotted Natasha’s, Javy’s and Bradley’s cars.
Penny nodded at you with a smile as you entered. The Daggers were in their usual places and Bradley seemed to be winning the pool game against Jake. In a desperate attempt to break his concentration, Jake chuckled, "Your girlfriend's here, Bradshaw”.
The whole team had discovered your relationship, of course, but swore to keep it a secret. You were grateful to them, but Jake being himself, he couldn't resist taking a dig at you. 
You rolled your eyes and took a seat next to Bob, watching the two eternal rivals finish their game. You caught up with Mickey and theorized with him on the last episodes of Kenobi then made your way towards Penny at the bar to buy your round of beers. As you waited for your drinks at the counter, you felt two hands around your waist.
"You're late, Second Lieutenant ."
"Had to fix your teammates’ jets, Lieutenant , tell them to be more careful," you grinned, leaning your back against your boyfriend's torso. You heard him chuckle softly as he whispered that you were an ‘idiot' and kissed the top of your head.
"Sorry about our date, I'll make it up to you."
"You bet your sweet ass you will," Bradley snickered at the squeal you let out as he spanked you a little, “But right now, you owe me a dance to celebrate my victory against Hangman.”
He took your hand as you rolled your eyes but followed him. Your whole body pressed against his, arms around his neck, the room faded away. All you could feel and see was him; one of his hands on the small of your back, the other on your hip, guiding you. The warmth of his body was like a spell that kept you close, not wanting to let go.His hands roamed down your back making you shiver. It felt like you belonged there.
You couldn’t let go of his eyes, hypnotized. He had such beautiful eyes ; those hazel brown orbs were magnetic, so infuriatingly charming. 
One of your hands gently stroked his scarred cheek and he leaned into your touch, smiling like an idiot and humming the song you were slow dancing to. His smile always sent butterflies to your stomach and heat to your cheeks. It was almost annoying how easily you fell for his charms.
The two of you danced until the song ended and you pulled him by the collar to kiss him. You felt his hands slip into the back pockets of your jeans, shamelessly squeezing your ass, and his proud grin against your lips. You bit his as you pulled away from the kiss.
"Okay, lovebirds , get a room," Jake complained and you flipped him off, still in Bradley's arms.
"Don't be jealous Jakey, your time will come," you teased, making your partner chuckle.
"She's right Seresin, just wait till you're a big boy."
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The evening continued quietly, with one beer after another, a few games of darts and pool, and a few songs on the piano for Bradley. 
You watched him from the bar, mesmerized, an affectionate smile on your face. You still wondered how you'd managed to get his attention; this man could have anyone he wanted with his smile combined with a little song, the sweetness with which he spoke, his sarcasms, his eyes so soft and intense at the same time, his stupid, stupid, cocky grin... God, you were definitely and undoubtedly under his spell, mind and heart.
Your eyes never left his form for more than five seconds. You looked at him as if you wanted to learn every aspect of his physique; but to be honest, you already knew him by heart. 
You could locate every beauty mark, every scar - and tell its story - and where his birthmark was. You could describe every shade of brown in his eyes, depending on the light or his emotions. You knew every expression on his face; when he was angry, frustrated, sad, or playful. You knew exactly where and how to touch him to make him putty in your hands, every positively sensitive area and those to avoid.
And yet, every time you looked at him, behind the piano, laughing with his friends, you discovered a new detail that made you love him even more.
The way he cared for all of them - even Jake, his "archenemy" - and knew just what to do to make them feel better and laugh. How he always listened to what they had to share, good or bad, and offered to help. How he'd always protect them as if they were his siblings, his rather hazardous family.
Speaking of hazardous family, it always made you laugh how Bradley could be so like Pete and like your dad. It was sometimes a mixture of arrogance and calm, defiance and seriousness. Part of you was sure that if they tried, your dad and Bradley would get along. But were they willing to ?
As you were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice a man, a little younger than you, sitting next to your stool. He started talking, trying to flirt, but you didn’t really pay attention, still absorbed by your boyfriend’s silliness, until he clicked his fingers in front of your face.
“Hey, ‘m talking to you doll. You should really pay attention when someone is talking to you, got it ?”
You sipped your beer and looked at him out of the corner of your eye. He continued his flirtatious attempts, bragging that he was one of the best in his class at Top Gun. He kept trying to get your attention by snapping his fingers or grabbing your arm. His breath was clearly too close to your face and stinked a mixture of beer and chips. 
It really started to annoy you, so it was your turn to snap your fingers in his face.
"I'm not interested,” you snapped your fingers again, “If a girl ignores you, it's because she doesn't want to talk to you, got it ?"
You got off your stool, ready to join the Daggers by the piano. But a hand gripped your wrist and the man pulled you close to him. You could see a hint of anger and annoyance in his eyes, but it didn’t scare you. You were used to guys like him, thinking they own every woman they see. 
“Listen doll, I was nice until now. Give me your number and I’ll forgive you,” he grinned, his buddies sneering behind him, as if they were proud of him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the scene. What kind of bad joke was that ?
In one swift motion, you released your wrist and pinned his arm behind his back. You bent him violently over the bar and locked him in that position, pressing down just enough to hurt and immobilize him. 
"One false move and I will dislocate your arm," you threatened in his ear as a few glances turned in your direction. "Now listen to me carefully. This is the last time you'll talk to me or any woman like that. Understood?"
He grunted and struggled a little. You pressed harder and repeated, "Understood?"
"Okay! Okay, I understand! Get off me!"
The man growled again and you finally let go. Penny gave you a look that you understood as a warning and you smiled innocently to her. The man and his group walked away with a grunt, giving you one last murderous look. You smiled broadly and made a mocking curtsy. 
Bradley raised an eyebrow as they passed him, muttering that you were a "crazy bitch". You joined him with two beers, one for him and one for you.
"What happened?"
"Nothing to worry about, just some big macho guy. He didn't like that I wasn't paying attention to him. I just put him in his place."
You shrugged with a smile and Bradley shook his head, laughing a little, knowing exactly what you meant. He put his arm around your waist and kissed your temple. 
"I know you can defend yourself, but don't get yourself in trouble, Stormy."
"Don't worry, if I get in trouble, my knight in shining armor will come and rescue me, won't he?" you teased. He chuckled but nodded before taking you on his lap at the piano. He started a new song that had the remaining customers singing and dancing.
The end of the evening was a bit hazy.
You'd had too much to drink to get back on your bike, so it was Bradley who drove you home. You pulled your boyfriend into your small house - he offered no resistance - and kissed him as if your life depended on it, as if that simple contact made your heart beat. His hands roamed your body with hunger, and yours tore his Hawaiian shirt from his back. You thought of nothing but Bradley, his soft lips devouring your jaw and neck, leaving a few marks where he passed, his hands so warm on your skin, his breath making you shiver. 
You wandered back to your room, kicking off your shoes, and your clothes ended up in a pile at the end of your bed. 
You loved doing it with Bradley. He gave you everything you wanted and so much more. You'd never been as fulfilled as you were with him. It was as if he knew everything about how your body worked, that it held no secrets for him. 
Your nightly activities have drained you both of what little energy you had left, and you fell asleep hugging each other, as if afraid the other will evaporate.
The next morning, it was not your massive headache that woke you, but the sound of several cars and children laughing outside your house. What day was it? Was it Saturday? It was Saturday!
You jumped to your feet as Bradley mumbled something unintelligible.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" You shook your boyfriend and wrapped yourself in a blanket as you heard the sound of a key turning in the front door lock.
"Bradley, get up!"
"Mmh, five minutes..." he mumbled, burying his face in the pillow. You heard the door open and small footsteps running toward your room. You panicked and shook him harder.
"We don't have five minutes! Get your ass up!" 
You grabbed the first thing you could get your hands on: panties and Bradley's tank top. You stumbled to your bedroom door to get out before one of your nephews’ innocent eyes discovered their aunt and a man they didn't know naked as worms in her bed. You tried to look as natural as possible as you quickly closed the door behind you. Standing in front of you was Jack, your three-year-old nephew. He was Nathan’s, your oldest brother, son. He laughed as he threw himself on your legs to give you a hug.
"Oh my God, hi sweetie! You're early!"
"Dada said we'd surprise you, Auntie! And Pop-Pop is here too!" the little boy laughed.
"What a nice thought!" you tried not to sound too ironic as you picked him up to give him a kiss and rearrange his wild blond hair. "Auntie needs to get dressed, okay? Go wait with your dad in the living room!"
You gave him one last kiss and made sure he ran to the living room before storming back to your bedroom. How could you forget that your brothers were visiting today? You were so screwed! A million thoughts went through your head and one thing made you snap out of it; Bradley yawning and taking his sweet time getting up. You grumbled and attacked him with a pillow.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"We're in deep shit Bradley! My whole family is here! They weren't supposed to be up this early!"
"What?" he blinked and narrowed his eyes, trying to process what you'd just told him. You started to rattle on about how your brothers got their permission for your mom's birthday, but your brothers were here super early with their wifes, their kids, and your mom and dad. Bradley had trouble following what you were saying because you were talking really fast. 
“Babe,” he tried to interrupt you, but you kept mumbling and pacing next to the bed, “Y/N, baby, calm down!” 
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you to sit in front of him. His free hand cupped your cheek tenderly as he guided you into breathing to calm yourself down.
“Okay… mind explaining slower what is happening here ?”
You sighed and nodded before re-explaining the whole situation to him. “But they weren’t supposed to come here this early ! The surprise lunch for my mom was supposed to be at home, not in my flat ! And my dad is here. My dad ! What are we going to say ?”
You cursed again, rubbing your temples. Bradley took your hands in his to make you look at him and stole a kiss from you. You sighed against his lips, your tension going away slightly. He then pressed his forehead to yours, stroking your cheeks to soothe you.
“How about we get dressed and just… join them in the living room ?”
“You really want to face my dad ?” you raised one eyebrow, surprised but really relieved that he didn’t propose to just sneak out.
“Yeah ? I mean, the man already has doubts, you’ve said it yourself… and it’s your mother’s birthday, your whole army of men won’t be able to kill me. Not today at least.”
You chuckled at his joking tone and at the silly smile he has on his face. You pecked his lips with a grin. “Okay then Lieutenant , let’s get dressed.”
“Yes ma’am!” 
He gave you one last tender kiss, and when the two of you went to get up, a little giggle made you both freeze.
“Auntie who that ? And why he nakey ?”
Your nephew’s voice asked. He was standing by the door, a playful smile on his chubby face, and his little finger pointing at your embarrassed boyfriend. Bradley quickly covered himself more, lifting the sheet at his chin, and you ran to get little Jack in your arms.
“How did he get here ??” Bradley scream-whispered at you, hiding himself while trying to get dressed.
“I don’t know !” you scream-whispered back before turning your attention back to the toddler who was babbling in your arms, “Jack, honey, why aren’t you with your dad and pop-pop ?”
Before he could answer, your sister in law was by your bedroom, apologizing. She didn’t notice Bradley right away, but when she did, a small cheeky smile curled on her lip.
“Hi there, sorry to have him interrupted you two.”
“Annie, it’s not what it looks like-” you blushed when you understood what she implied but Bradley interrupted you by presenting himself and shaking her hand with a wide smile. They chat while you put on a pair of jeans, keeping on Bradley’s tank top. Never in your life had you been this embarrassed.
Little Jack looked at your boyfriend with wide-eyed wonder. He loved meeting new people, and Bradley seemed fascinating to his young eyes. It was no wonder when every time Annie spoke to you, Bradley would make faces at the little boy and make him giggle. 
Bradley already had him in his pocket, so that was a good thing. Annie seemed to like him too, at least you thought so from the mischievous looks she gave you. 
As you crossed the hallway to join the rest of your family, a wave of nervousness ran through you. You grabbed Bradley by the sleeve of his Hawaiian shirt and turned him toward you. You pulled him into a hug to relax and to give yourself courage.
"Promise you won't hate me?"
"Why would I hate you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"They'll probably try to impress you, my brothers I mean... and my dad... you know how he can be..."
"Oh honey... It takes more than that to scare me. I'll be fine."
He kissed your forehead and you walked into the living room.
You greeted everyone, your father not immediately aware of Bradley's presence. You introduced him to your brothers first, Nathan, Aaron and Jamie, and they didn't do anything strange at first; they were probably waiting for you to introduce him to your father to see what sauce to cook him in.
Beau and Vivian, your mother, were too busy admiring your niece, five-month-old Juliet, to notice Bradley's presence. She was fast asleep in the arms of Jamie's fiancée, Alice. She greeted you with a smile when you waved.
"Awake at last, Stormy?" your father asked before freezing and losing his smile at the sight of your boyfriend, " Lieutenant Bradshaw. ".
His cold, hard tone made you sigh a little as the two men shook hands in greeting. 
“Good morning Vice Admiral Simpson.” 
They were way too formal, it was ridiculous. Your mother had the same reaction as you and introduced herself to Bradley with a warm smile and a hug.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Simpson."
"Oh, please, just call me Viv!" she laughed a little, waving her hand. Then she turned to you, discreetly gave you both thumbs up and winked at you. 
Good. Bradley seemed to have charmed your mother with just a smile.
Still, you could feel your father tense up behind you as Bradley got to know everyone. He remained very polite and smiled, even letting Jack, Oliver and Tommy - Aaron's twin sons - pull him out to play in the little garden. Your father grabbed your arm. "Kitchen. Now. We need to talk." He seemed a little upset, and you could understand; you'd lied to him.
"Care to explain yourself?" He crossed his arms on his chest, a stern look on his face. 
You didn't like that look. He used to have it when he scolded you when you were a teenager, when you would sneak out of the house to go to a party or to meet up with your then-boyfriend. For a moment, you were 16 again, caught in the act.
You sighed at his insistent and questioning look.
"I uh... He’s... we’re... we've been seeing each other for… a few weeks..."
"A few weeks? So you've been lying to me for weeks?"
"I haven't lied! At least not completely..." you mumbled, biting your fingernail.
"Y/N. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Seriously Dad? You've made it pretty clear that you don't really like him, I mean outside of work."
"I never said that."
You widened your eyes, shocked at his bad faith. 
"Are you kidding me? You've made it clear that you don't want me around him because he's too much like Maverick! Every time I mentioned him, you made your… disapproving face. The same one you made every time I mentioned my old boyfriends, or when I wanted to get a motorcycle, or when the boys tried to bleach their hair in high school !"
"I don't have a disapproving face," he grumbled, "and it's not because he’s like Maverick that I don't want you around him, it's because he can be called back on a mission at any time. I don't want that to break your heart."
"Oh ! But it's okay for Nathan, Aaron, and Jamie to break the hearts of their partners? Of their children? It was okay for you to risk breaking Mom's heart and ours? What kind of cardboard argument is that, Dad?" You raised your arms in disbelief as you started to walk out of the kitchen, but you stopped and turned back to face him. "I know you want to protect me, but... you can't do that about things like that. I know you know better than anyone the risks of this job, the sacrifices it requires. But Bradley knows them as well, if not better, than you do. And as much as it scares me, as much as it scares us... we want to try… And even if you don't like it, we'll give it a try. Because I almost lost him once without really being able to be with him..."
Your father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. From the kitchen window you could see Bradley playing with your nephews, under your mother's and in laws’ amused and tender eyes. A small smile crept across your lips as the little ones called you over to help hold Bradley down. You hurried to join them, and your mother joined your father.
"Our boys and the little ones seem to like this Lieutenant…”
“Seems like it…”  
“He reminds me a little of you when we first met..." Vivian chuckled to Beau as she hugged him. 
"Really?" the man wondered, "and how?"
"Well, he has that same sparkle in his eyes... the one that calls for adventure, that gentle and loving look when his eyes land on our Storm... and he's also very good with children," she laughed at his slightly embarrassed expression, "You should give him a chance... our princess looks so relaxed with him... look at her… look at her smile…"
He lifted his head and watched the two of you having fun with the three little boys and sighed. His wife was right. You looked so happy in Bradley's arms, waltzing and laughing with the kids. He'd never seen you look so radiant, as cliché as it sounded. Your brothers also seemed to have accepted the newcomer without too much fuss. So Beau seemed to be the only one who was uncomfortable with the whole situation.
He nodded and kissed his wife on the forehead. "Okay, I'll try... but I'm not promising anything."
Vivian rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. She knew for a fact that your father would quickly accept Bradley as well.
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Lunch went off without a hitch, Beau swallowing his pride not to be as awkward with Bradley as possible, although he did draw a few murderous looks from your father when he put his hand a little too high on your thigh or lower back. After dessert, he helped your brothers put the kids down for a nap and let them share the convertible bed in your little study. Your sisters-in-law and your brother-in-law, Evan - Aaron's husband - helped you with the dishes. They gently teased you that Bradley was a very handsome young man and that you had chosen well. 
"I know I did. Look at you all, we Simpsons always have good taste," you sniped back with a wink and a teasing smile, making them laugh.
"Wait, wait, wait... So he was your regular booty call after your first assignment?" Evan seemed to realize. You shushed him and made sure that your parents didn't hear him say that. Annie laughed a little and grabbed your shoulder, making you look into her eyes. 
"I can see why you qualified him as the best sex of your life after the upper body I saw this morning," she teased you again, making your face completely flush. You practically begged her to stop talking about your sex life, very embarrassed. But the three of them could be little bullies and they loved to tease you sometimes.
"Guys, please stop. If my father hears you-"
"Hear what, Stormy?"
You turned and paled a little under your father's cold gaze and tight smile. Your sister-in-law and brother-in-law took the opportunity to run off like teenagers, and of course Bradley arrived just then, smiling carelessly. 
"The three cataclysms are finally asleep. Is everything okay in here?" he asked as he joined you in front of your father. He immediately wiped the smile off his face when he saw the look on Beau's face.
"You're lucky it's my wife's birthday, Bradshaw," he growled, his eyes staring straight into your souls, "but if I hear one more detail about your... nocturnal activities, I'm going to make sure that the two of you are as far away from each other as possible, even if it means sending one of you to Japan or Korea. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir," Bradley replied promptly, "Clear as day.”
"For God's sake, Dad, aren't you being a little extreme? I'm a responsible adult-"
"I'm warning you, I don't want another grandchild too soon. Keep it in your pants."
Just when you thought you couldn't get any more embarrassed, your dad had the right words. He left the two of you in the kitchen, muttering that he was getting too old for this. 
"Oh my God..." You cursed as you hid your face in your hands and turned towards the sink. Of all the weird things that could happen, you'd really hoped no one would mention your sex life. You felt a little angry, but more than that, you were extremely embarrassed. You let out a shaky breath, your hands gripping the counter as you lowered your head. You felt the warmth of Bradley's body enveloping you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his front against your back and his chin resting on your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Why are you apologizing, babe? I told you it would take more than that to scare me off... Maybe your dad hasn't fallen for the Bradshaw charm yet, but I'm working on it..." he tried to cheer you up, "And now I have an army of kids who love me, I can order them to defend me."
You smiled, amused at his silliness. "You're really good with kids, but I think it's them who will command you..."
"Maybe you're right," he laughed a little and kissed the hollow of your neck, his mustache tickling you, "but your mother has already adopted me. I'm protected."
You laughed with him, your embarrassment and anger disappearing. You leaned against him, enjoying the hug he offered you. These simple gestures were so comforting that it was almost frightening how quickly he could soothe you. You closed your eyes as he hummed and softly danced with you in the kitchen. It was so cliché, right out of a rom-com, but you couldn’t care less.
After a few minutes, you regained enough courage to join the rest of your family in the living room. Your in-laws gave you apologetic looks, and your brothers were a little lost, but didn't dare ask. 
For the rest of the afternoon, Bradley learned every little anecdote your mother had to share; whether it was about your brothers, you, or even your father, she was more than happy to share with him. Jamie and Alice had fallen asleep in the garden, making your mother smile in awe. Nathan laughed a little with Aaron. "We warned them that a newborn was exhausting, but they insisted on coming here their own way...". 
You laughed a little too, it was true they looked exhausted. But little Juliet was so cute that they forgot how tired they were. 
Speaking of her, the baby phone warned everyone that she was waking up. You volunteered to warm her bottle and Bradley went to get her. Alice had put the travel crib in your room so the other three children would not be disturbed if Juliet woke up. 
When the milk was at the right temperature, you joined Bradley in your room. Your cheeks flushed and you felt butterflies in your stomach when you saw him holding the little one. He rocked her gently, stroking her cheek with his index finger. He seemed so natural that it made you fall even more in love with him. 
You shook your head, your father's voice echoing in your head: "No more grandchildren for now.”
You joined him and let him gently place the baby in your arms. You smiled and fed the hungry five-month-old in your arms. Bradley leaned against the doorframe and watched you with a soft smile. You, too, were a natural with children. Juliet seemed so comfortable in your arms and you seemed so relaxed. He found himself daydreaming about the two of you having children together. He blushed as he imagined you pregnant with his baby... and Nathan giggled behind him. "Calm your horses Bradshaw, you're not putting a baby in my sister anytime soon."
Bradley's face turned as bright red as yours. "Nathan, shut up!" you yelled-whispered at him, careful not to disturb the eating baby in your arms.
“What? You heard our old man, "No more grandchildren for now!”” Nathan grinned and put his arm around Bradley's shoulders.
"I can't promise that..." Bradley mumbled softly, mesmerized by the sight of you holding Juliet against you as you burped her after she had finished her bottle. Nathan's eyes widened and he tried his best not to burst out laughing. "What did you say, Brad’ ? I think I misheard you?"
You blushed as you realized what your boyfriend had just said.
"I... Nothing!" Bradley defended himself weakly, very embarrassed. Nathan teased him until your mother told him to stop, threatening him with no cake after dinner. He immediately stopped and went to get his son after whispering to Bradley that he wouldn't forget what he had just said. You decided not to talk about it, feeling a little embarrassed as well.
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It wasn't long before dinnertime arrived, and your father was relaxed and talking with Bradley. You even caught them laughing together. This interaction was reassuring for the rest of the evening.
As usual, your mother had cooked for a regiment, and your refrigerator was full of leftovers. She made Bradley promise to stop by the family home and look at the family albums and your childhood bedroom. He laughed a little but agreed. 
You walked everyone back to their cars, helped them with the kids' stuff, and your dad gave you one last hug and said good night. He said goodbye to Bradley with a slight smile and a quick hug. 
When everyone was gone, you collapsed on your sofa, drained of all energy. Bradley joined you with a smile and pulled you right into his arms.
"That didn't go so badly after all..."
You nodded, yawned and put your arms around him. You thought back to the day that had just passed, to that roller coaster of emotions, and laughed a little.
"So... eager to put a baby inside me Lieutenant?"
"Oh my God Y/N!!" Bradley blushed, hiding his face behind his fists in total embarrassment. You laughed and teased him about it. You preferred to take it as a joke because neither of you were anywhere near ready to have children of your own, you both agreed on that. Or did you?
He turned to you, a serious expression on his face.
"And what if I am? Would you... would you be on board to have kids with me? Not right now, of course, but... I... I can't imagine a future without you in it, and I'd like to have kids with you. I know we haven't really been together that long, but we've known each other for a long time... and oh my God, I'm rumbling," he groaned, rubbing his face before looking back at you. "What I mean is that I love you and I don't want to live without you. Maybe it's rushed, maybe you-"
You interrupted him, pulled him by the collar and kissed him. You didn’t know what came over you; maybe it was the fact that he had just admitted his feelings, or the fact that he was already planning a life with you. Maybe both. Certainly both.
"I love you too," you whispered between two kisses, "and I don't want to be without you either... and I would love to start a family with you someday, Lieutenant Bradshaw..."
You smiled, your forehead pressed against his, and he chuckled in relief.
"Today was really like you... a storm..." he sighed, smiling and stroking your cheeks.
"I know... are you sure you can keep up with my family?" you teased, "Now that you've messed with the storm, the cyclone will never be far away."
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Stormy."
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lieutenantfloyd · 8 months
The Little things with Husband! Cyclone ♡
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Husband! Cyclone who puts extra cash and and least one of his credit cards in your bag so you can treat yourself when he's not around
Husband! Cyclone who hates texting but sends you at least 10 "I love you"s a day
Husband! Cyclone who gets emotional every time he remembers that you chose him.
Husband! Cyclone who never forgets a date, anniversary, or social event.
Husband! Cyclone who keeps his work and his personal life completely separate, but has no less than 20 pictures of you scattered around his office.
Husband! Cyclone who keeps a note pinned in his phone of all of your restaurant orders (even though he already has them memorized).
Husband! Cyclone who absolutely hates being in photos but happily lets you take as many selfies together as you want and insists you send him every single one.
Husband! Cyclone who puts extra cologne on his pillow before he leaves because he overheard you mention that the smell is comforting
Husband! Cyclone who keeps a couple extra bottles of that same cologne around just in case they decide to discontinue the scent.
Husband! Cyclone who would lose his head if it wasn't attached, but has never once forgotten his wedding band
Husband! Cyclone who is anti-social media, but has a blank account for the sole purpose of liking and commenting on your posts.
Husband! Cyclone who runs hot but always wears a jacket when you go out together, purely because he knows you're too stubborn to take his advice and bring your own.
Husband! Cyclone who fell first and fell harder.
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
tell me who i run to (if not you) | anthony beauvillier
"The first sip is joy, the second is gladness, the third is serenity, the fourth is madness, the fifth is ecstasy." - Jack Kerouac
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Summary In July of 2023, Evie looked at a list of cities in North America and rolled a die. Just like that, she packed up her life and moved to Chicago, a fresh start. The 2023-24 NHL season started well for Tito; he did not expect the call on November 28th telling him that he was being traded. To the worst team in the league. And just like that. 10 months after being ripped from his home, he had to pack up and move again. To an unfamiliar city, and to unfamiliar faces. Which is why, when Tito and Evie ran into each other, quite literally, on Christmas morning, they both latched on to a familiar face. Over the next few months, they became close friends. They didn’t talk about the nights shared in Chicago clubs.  They didn’t need to. Because they're just friends.  Right?
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This is a completed fic split into episodes for easier reading. It was written for @bqstqnbruin as part of the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston.
Episode 1. Blue Christmas (4.9k) Episode 2. I. Winter (4.4k) Episode 3. Pal-entine's Day (4.8k) Episode 4. Four-leaf Clover (5.5k) Episode 5. Evie's Birthday 🌶️ (5.6k) Episode 6. II. Spring (4.8k) Episode 7. Not Goodbye 🌶️🌶️ (5.4k) Episode 8. III. Summer (4.8k) Episode 9. Tito's Birthday (4.2k)
Read it in full (44.5k)
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Under the cut: author's notes, tropes, warnings & disclaimer, fun tidbits, chapter summaries
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Author's Notes: This fic was written for @bqstqnbruin as part of the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston. It got so out of control long so quickly. I genuinely had so much fun writing this, it's basically my magnum opus; if you look closely, I think you can probably see my soul in there somewhere. I would like to thank @devilssacrament, @wyattjohnston, and @forgottenflowers for being my editors, holding my hand and keeping me sane in this. Also, thanks to @swissboyhisch, and @imperatorrrrr for being a sounding board for ideas . All of your help and support has meant so much to me. You are all just the fucking best, I am sorry this has been my entire personality for the past month, I will probably return to normal soon. Probably...
Tropes: a gut-wrenching mix of angst and fluff with a happy ending, slow burn friends to lover (tbh, idiots to lovers let's be real), alternating POVs
Warnings: alcohol (one instance of alcohol poisoning by side character), mature content bordering on smut (mostly occurring in clubs/public), references to a toxic past relationship. Disclaimer: This series is set in Chicago but does not mention the name of the team based there. Only other Chicago players mentioned by name are: Nick Foligno, Jason Dickinson and Connor Bedard. Other notes: NHL players featured Mat Barzal (a heavily featured supporting character/bestie) and brief mentions of Zach Hyman and Matt Martin. Assume that Tito and Evie are always speaking in French with each other.
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Face claim for Evie (if you want one, but you can imagine whoever you like): Adeline Rudolph
Fun Tidbits: Original Character (she/her) called Genevieve Gignac or Evie (pronounced eh-vee) is the oldest sibling of Tito's juniors teammate and friend Brandon Gignac. Along with their other sibling Wiliam, they grew up in Montreal. Evie had been living in Toronto for six years, before moving to Chicago in the summer before the fic starts. I did way too much research so a lot of the little facts are true. Nicknames: (ma) chouette (shoo-wet): owl (mon) chou/chouchou (shoo): in practice, honey, sugar, baby, sweetheart // by definition, my cabbage or my profiterole/cream puff (depends who you ask) Solours (soul-oars): the Québécois name for the yellow Care Bear with the smiling sun on its belly Solou’ (soul-oo): a diminutive Evie decides to use
Cook, Cook, drink your tea, But save some in the pot for me. We'll watch the tea leaves in our cup When our drink is all sipped up. Happiness or fortune great, What will our future be? -- "Afternoon Tea at Pittock Mansion" by R.Z. Berry
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Episode Synopses:
Blue Christmas Evie and Tito are both starting life anew in Chicago. It's an unfamiliar city with unfamiliar faces. They're both alone on Christmas. Maybe it's fate that brings them together. Jason and Alandra Dickinson are already smelling smoke from this fire.
I. Winter Tito injures his wrist in the first game of 2024, he’s out for 6-8 weeks and then his car breaks down. He thinks maybe he’s cursed. Evie becomes a shoulder to lean on. Barzy gets suspicious.
Pal-entine’s Day Tito returns her kindness by being a shoulder Evie can lean on when she is having a hard time after all-star break. She tells him it’s anxiety about work. He brings her a box of pastries and they cuddle on the couch all day; he doesn’t realize it’s Valentine’s Day. Later, a hook-up goes very wrong.
Four-leaf Clover Tito’s been playing again, and during his first stretch of away games begins to miss home. Well, Evie’s home anyway. When he sees her in the bar, he can’t help but show it. Barzy calls him out on his lies.
Evie’s Birthday Sometimes the music moves you. Sometimes the bass pounding in your chest makes you do things you wouldn’t do. Fuck it, it’s your birthday. That’s what Evie tells herself anyway. There are gifts given, but there are also secrets kept. 
II. Spring Tito tries to tell her— he does— It’s just he needs to find the right time, and something keeps coming up. Evie’s honest with herself. But does that even matter? Mat decides maybe it is his time to intervene.
Not Goodbye Evie realizes that her time is running out. To do what? She doesn’t know. But she has one last night to find out. That is until— Well. It’s too late now. Tito flies home and wonders if that will be the worst mistake of his life.
III. Summer They try to get on with their summers as if nothing is wrong, convincing no one. How long will it take them to realize they can’t keep pretending like everything’s fine? And who will finally take the leap of faith?
Tito’s Birthday Tito receives the best birthday present he has ever gotten: the girl he loves standing at his parent’s front door. It was never destiny or fate; it can only be by choice. And they’ll choose each other every time. Eventually, anyway.
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tropes-and-tales · 4 months
You'd Be Surprised
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For the super-late Winter Prompts (2023 Edition)! The master list can be found here!
This one was requested by the patient @justreblogginfics!
"From Sad Christmas prompts: #9 (being dumped before the holidays) with Beau "Cyclone" Simpson"
CW:  Light angst (talk of infidelity).
Word Count:  1841
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Vice Admiral Beau Simpson is deep in thought, lost in the pile of reports and memos on his desk when a soft knock at his door draws him out of his focus.
“Come in,” he calls out, and the door opens to admit you.
TOPGUN, Beau often says, runs on its support staff—many of them civilians, like you.  Tech support, human resources, finance and accounting…it all keeps the machinery running smoothly so he and his pilots can focus on training, on missions, on testing new tech.
It’s always a balancing act, working with the civilian support corp.  There’s a level of respect, of course, but he can’t quite ask his HR representative to drop and give him a hundred push-ups if his pension paperwork is wrong.  Beau has to walk the fine line of being professional without being a drill sergeant, and sometimes he struggles.
He’s never struggled with you, though.
You’re pretty, but Beau is mostly immune to pretty women, since he’s always put his career above relationships and dating.  You’re funny, but no one would ever accuse Beau of having much of a sense of humor.
No—with you, it was your competence that caught his eye first.  You’re that rare blend of book-smart, experienced, and emotionally apt.  You have an aura of wisdom, a whole cool-and-collected schtick that seems to act on those around you.  You run your department as well as Beau runs TOPGUN, but you manage to inspire your team without the threat of calisthenics. 
You’re the sharpest person Beau has ever met, and if he’s mostly immune to pretty women, he’s an absolute goner around smart ones.  He’s been in love with you since the day he sat in one of your meetings and watched you corral a bunch of egomaniac, hot-headed career military men without breaking a sweat.
The only issue?  You’re engaged.
You’ve been engaged for as long as Beau has known you.  Engaged to a grunt in the Coast Guard, the mediocre sort of man that Beau has seen a thousand times in the military:  enlisted because of some vague, Hollywood-fed misplaced notion of bad-assery, does the bare minimum, barely managed to rise to the rank of petty officer.  For all your amazing traits, your relationship seems to be a blind spot to you, because no matter what angle Beau examines it from, he can’t for the life of him see why you bother.
He tried to draw you out, just the once.  The two of you had been holding a working dinner in his office, and the conversation had drifted into the personal over dim sum.  Beau had pointed his chopsticks in the direction of your left hand, made a mild joke about the Coast Guard not paying your fiance enough to afford a bigger diamond.
He felt like shit immediately afterwards, the way your face fell at the comment, the way you tucked your hand away on your lap and replied with something slightly defensive.  But then you added, almost to yourself, that at least you’d gotten a ring, finally, so Beau guessed that there was an entire roiling ocean beneath your calm façade.
Still, he apologized that night, then again the next day, and then again at least three more times before you had smiled at him and told him not to worry about it.
The two of you have been on firm footing ever since, like Beau’s fumbling joke never happened—and he loves that about you too, how you move past things, how you don’t hold a grudge.
But now, as you enter his office, he can immediately tell that something is off.  You look just the same, but that calming aura of yours feels off.  It’s like big spiky thorns of some emotion (Anger? Frustration?) are threaded through, and it follows you like a storm cloud as you set a sheaf of paperwork in front of him.
Beau arches his eyebrows at you, but you miss the gesture.  A beat later, he asks, “everything alright?”
“Fine, sir.”  It comes out terse, bitten-off, like you’re clenching your jaw.
“You sure?”
Beau watches you for a beat longer, but you only stare back at him, impassive, so he turns to the paperwork.  That’s when he notices it, and he’s not sure how he didn’t notice it immediately because it’s been the proverbial stone in his craw since he fell for you.
Your left ring finger is bare.  The cheap-looking metal band, the paltry diamond—it’s missing.  There’s nothing there but the faintest line, a stripe of skin slightly paler than your usual skin tone.
You notice when he notices.  He glances up and meets your gaze, and it’s no longer impassive.  There’s an entire novel written in your expression:  pain and anger and sadness, and a hint of challenge to see how he might react or what he may say.
If you’re expecting him to make another joke in poor taste, he disappoints you.  He gestures at the chair across from him and offers for you to sit, and then he asks again, far softer, “is everything alright?”
You sit down, but you don’t answer him other than offering a faint shake of your head.
“You want to talk about it?”
Another shake of the head.  “No, sir, but thank you.”
“You sure?”
That makes you smile, even for a brief second.  “I don’t think relationship woes fall under the purview of a vice admiral.”
Beau smiles back at you.  “You’d be surprised.”
You shake your head again, but you lift your hands in a helpless gesture before they fall back into your lap.  “Nothing much to say, really.  He was cheating, and he had been for a long time.  I have no idea how I never noticed it.”
If anyone would have ever questioned the selflessness of Beau’s love for you, this would prove it to them.  At your news, he doesn’t feel relief for you to be single finally, and he doesn’t feel vindication that his bad impression of your fiancé was proven right.  He only feels a low-burning fury at the man for hurting you.  Beau, at his core, wants you to be happy…even if it isn’t with him.
But he’d love to be the one to make you happy, all the same.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you, earnest.  “You didn’t deserve that.”
You shrug but don’t add more, and Beau can guess at part of your angst.  The holidays are mere weeks away, and you are an unabashed Christmas-lover.  You love nothing more than all the cliched stuff:  baking and decorating and wearing ugly sweaters and drinking spiced wine while Bing Crosby croons in the background.  It’s your time of the year, but now?  Now you’re facing it single and devastated by being cheated on.
Beau hates to see you looking so sad now, so he adds, “want me to pull some strings and get him posted somewhere terrible?”
It does the trick:  it makes you smile again.  “He loves the ocean.  Hence the Coast Guard.  Nowhere is terrible for him.”
“Atlantic Area has Station Chicago.  As far from an ocean as a guy can get in the States.”
Your smile widens.  “He does hate the Midwest.”
“Say the word and I’ll make a call.”
“How fast can you get him there?  I’d really love to see his Christmas fucked up, y’know?  Since he fucked up mine.”
It startles a laugh out of Beau.  He’s never heard you swear before, and he’s never heard you express any emotion even in the vicinity of vengeance.  Despite the circumstances, he finds he likes it.  There’s a bit of fire to you, and he never would have guessed at it before.
“Don’t let him fuck up your holiday season,” he says.  “Not to sound like some best friend in a Hallmark movie, but he’s not worth it.”
That startles a laugh out of you.  “And how do you know about the tropes of a Hallmark movie, exactly?”
“You’d be surprised.”
The smile on your face turns soft.  “I suppose I can skip the dramatic post-breakup haircut and rally for the sake of Yuletide cheer.”
“That’s my girl,” he says, and the nickname slides out of his mouth so easily that he doesn’t even notice until the words hit you.  He sees your eyes widen the barest fraction, your smile turning a fraction uncertain around the edges, but you don’t say anything so the moment passes and you turn to the business at hand.
You walk him through the preliminary budget reports you and your team pulled together.  Beau makes up for the awkward moment by asking more questions than usual, asking about certain earmarks and program details.  You answer each question with your usual cool competence, but when he chances a look at you, you have the same soft, slightly uncertain smile on your face.
You noted the nickname.  Beau knows you won’t forget it anytime soon.  A lesser man might despair at showing his cards right out of the gate, but Beau didn’t become a vice admiral by waffling about what he wants. 
He wants you.  He’s wanted you since he first started working with you.  No sense in pretending otherwise.  Coy games of cat-and-mouse are for Hallmark movies and children.  He’s a grown man, and you’re a grown woman, and he will respect your need to recover from your disappointing engagement ending, but he won’t pretend that he isn’t interested, once you’re ready.
Once the reports are reviewed, signed, and rubber-stamped, he hands them back to you.  You take them, stand up, and you start to turn towards the door, but he stops you by asking, “are you still planning on going to Warlock’s holiday party?”
That same soft smile with a hint of hesitation before you shrug, then nod.
“I thought I might skip it.  Stay home with a tub of ice cream, you know?  But maybe I’m rallying faster than I thought I would,” you tell him.
“I’m glad to hear it.  I hope you can make it.”
Another nod and you turn to leave, but when you lay your hand on the doorknob, you pause and turn back to face him.
“Thank you, sir.  I…appreciate it.”
“Beau.”  He says it softly, like if he barks it out as an order, he might scare you away.  It isn’t mandatory that you call him “sir” like you do—you’ve always just extended that level of respect—but the two of you have just shared a moment, and he’s loathed to let you feel like you’re on uneven footing.
When you’re ready, and when Beau makes his move, he wants to make sure you’re absolutely clear on this point:  you’re equals, and he’s not a vice admiral but just a man, and you’re not a member of staff but just a woman.
“You can call me Beau,” he adds, and then you do—you nod, and you say his name, and it makes that soft smile on your face bloom into something brighter.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
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katsuki bakugou hates a lot of things
he hates people who walk slow, he hates people who chew loudly or people who talk loud in places they know damn well they shouldn’t.
he hates when people walk on the back of his shoe and he hates idiots like kaminari who talk during movies.
but most of all, katsuki bakugou hates seeing you cry.
it sparks something in him, something red, hot and so angry when he finds you in your dorm. tears running down your cheeks that show no sign of stopping. he hates it even more when you make eye contact and you curl into yourself even more from where you’re sitting on the floor.
katsuki immediately decides this is the thing he hates the most.
he’s on you in seconds, kneeling in front of you, searching around to get a peek of your face hidden in your knees. he places his hands on top of yours where they’re wrapped around your legs and his chest tightens when you flinch a little.
“ who was it ? who did this to you ?” he can’t recognize his own voice, his words come out so fast he barely registers what he’s saying.
you try to speak but nothing but more broken sobs and shaky breaths come out as you desperately try to catch your breath and katsuki realizes that you talking isn’t a priority right now.
his eyebrows are furrowed and he almost looks angry but he’s so, so worried. if anything, he’s angry at himself for being so helpless, for not being able to help you in a time where you clearly need it.
he grabs your shoulder softly and the weight his chest lightens slightly when you lean a little closer to him, before letting him pull you tightly into his arms
“breathe for me.” he utters softly, voice gruff and gravelly. he never actually talks this softly unless he’s around you, the difference is so stark it surprises him a little bit but he’s got more important things to think about. praise spills from him occasionally, muttering a “you got it. i got you” into your ear before pressing a kiss to your temple.
katsuki’s never really had to comfort anyone, he’s never felt the need to, but you’re not just anyone. your different, you’re his. his love his everything and he’ll be damned if he didn’t try his hardest for you.
you’ve calmed down a little bit, he noticed. you’re breathings calmed down a little and your sobs have been reduced to snivels. the tightness in his lungs is still there, but it’s less now.
“what’s goin’ on with you, hm ?” you’re grip tightens on his arm and you shove your head deeper into his chest. he moves his head away from your shoulder so he can place two small kisses on the top of your head
“talk to me, baby. needa know what’s up with you.” he pleads into the crown of your head. you sigh before speaking up.
“ i don’t know what’s up with me i just- it’s nothing bad i’m—” you’re desperately searching for the right words to use so what you’re about to say makes sense. “i just don’t—feel like myself today. i don’t know why, i just feel really bad today.” you let out a humorless chuckle and your voice dies out when you finish “m’sorry if i worried you” you sniffle.
he shushes you, his grip on you tightens when he hears you whimper “don’t..don’t fuckin’ apologize to me, got no reason to.” he spits. he sounds angry, and he is, why should you ever feel the need to apologize for feeling some type of way around him ?
“s’okay for you to feel that way..i do too, sometimes, you know ?” he knows you do. he knows you do because there are times where he comes to your room in tears, shaking and panicked. completely and utterly lost from the nightmares that had plagued him minutes before but knowing he had to come see you. you were there for him every time, gently soothing him and assuring him that he’d be okay. he owed it to you to do the same for you.
“s’okay to feel like shit sometimes, happens to the best of us.” he whispers “ but you can always come to me when you do, can deal with it together. an’ don’t go thinkin’ yer ‘bothering’ me either.” he says, parroting what you had just told him. “we’re together for a reason, dummy.” he’s soft spoken and his voice is so mellow despite his harsh little nickname for you, you could’ve missed it if he wasn’t sitting so close to you, it makes you a little dizzy and a little weaker in you’re already mushy knees.
he grabs your shoulders gently to get your eyes on him. they’re still a little glossy but they’re a little less dull when he looks at you “ we’re in this together, always have been, always will be, got it ? “ he asserts, waiting for your response. and then you smile at him, it’s faint but it’s there and katsuki feels like he can breathe again. he smiles back softly at you when you respond with a soft “okay.”
you suddenly grab onto him and pull him into you tightly, locking him in a tight embrace and squeezing like you’re pressing a lemon. it throws him off for a second before he’s squeezing you just as hard, pressing your body against his.
“thank you, katsuki. you’re the best” you hum. he presses a long lingering kiss to your temple as response, before squeezing around your waist “ course i am.” he gloats. the smirk on his lips grows when you snort in response “what’re you laughing about, hah? don’t think so? don’t think i’m the best ?” he jests, using this as an opportunity to tickle you mercilessly. you kick and squirm but it’s no use, katsuki doesn’t stop until you’re a heaving , giggling mess. tears in your eyes as you plead and beg for him to stop but he doesn’t let up even when you’re laying on the ground with him on top of you.
“ i ain’t hearing what i wanna hear, you know what i want from you, baby.” he chuckles at the way you desperately gasp for breath, choking on your own spit in the process.
“y-you’re the ! the best, ‘suki ! the b-bestest of the best !” you gasp out, pushing blindly at his face to get him away from you and he finally let’s you go. “felt nice enough to let you off with a warning, won’t end well for ya if you try me again.” is what he says, playfully warning you and waving his finger around in your face. you’re completely out of breath, there are tears in your eyes again but they’re happy tears this time and you still can’t stop smiling and giggling as you try to bite at his finger and katsuki is more than happy with this.
because katsuki’s favorite thing is your smile.
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nobody7102 · 11 months
The 4th
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Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, Fireworks, Loud sounds
A/N: I told you I was running off of a big bong hit and lavender ices coffee, lol
As Beau stands in the kitchen, his hands hard at work covering ribs in marinade and dry rub for later on in the day, Y/N opens the front door, waddling her way into the kitchen with grocery backs and a package. 
Looking over his shoulder Beau smiles as Y/N enter’s the kitchen with her left arm carrying the package and her right holding the groceries. Hoisting the package and groceries onto the counter Beau starts to clean off his hands.
“Did the store have everything?”
Y/N nods and her hands move to start to take the groceries out of the bags. “We should have decided to have a baby sooner” she jokes “When I walked in, as soon as anyone saw the bump they let me grab whatever I needed” as soon as everything’s unpacking she turns to Beau placing a hand over her bump. “They had everything for the potatoes and the steaks”
“Well thank you for going all the way to the store for me Baby… you really didn’t have to” Walking over to Y/N he leans down and places a kiss upon her lips as his hands rest over her bump as well. “I after I get the ribs on the grill I should be able to get started on the steaks”
Y/N smiles as Beau runs his hands along her bump “Then I’ll probably do the potatoes when you start on the steaks” her hands rise up to push some of Beau’s hair out of his face “Ohh… by the way…” the corner of her mouth turns upward into a slight smirk “I got you a present… but you have to open it later” 
Beau raises his brow with a slightly surprised smirk upon his face “A present?... Baby you know you always scare me a little bit when you say that right?” He jokes.
Shaking her head, Y/N chuckles “No no no, I promise… its not a bad present like the paint color for the nursery” Her smile grows wider as she remember’s Beau’s surprise to see they were painting the nursery a sage green color. But to be fair Beau said that she could do whatever she wanted with it and he would be there to help.
As the morning passes into the afternoon, Beau stands at the grill. Cooking away as Y/N relaxes in a chair on the patio watching Beau grill, every once and a while getting up to check on the potatoes as they cook inside the kitchen. 
As Y/N watches Beau, she can’t help but frown a bit at every firework people in their neighborhood decide to set off early, hating how Beau subtly jumps and gets startled every time a firework goes off. Acting as if it doesn't bother him in the slightest, but Y/N sees how he goes far off for a few seconds every time. 
Not long after the food is done and Beau and Y/N set the patio table for themselves, laying out paper plates and the food. Ribs, steaks, mashed potatoes, grilled veggies and garlic bread (as per Baby Simpsons request). 
They take their time as they eat, enjoying the weather, the food, and each other’s company and after a while Y/N notices how the sun starts to set and gets up.
Taking her and Beau’s plates as she stands. Beau starts to get up to help her, Y/N raises her finger. “Tsk Tsk Tsk, sit down” she hums and points to his chair.
Letting out a chuckle, Beau listens’ knowing better than to argue. 
Waddling her way back into the house, Y/N disposes of the paper plates and puts their utensils in the sink before grabbing a pair of scissors and the package from earlier and bringing them back outside with her.
She sets the box and scissors down in front of Beau before taking a seat back in her chair. “Tada!” she hums.
Beau raises his brow at the box before taking the scissors and opening it. Taking out the packaging on the inside, his brow furrows in slight confusion as he pulls out a box for wireless headphones. “Baby… what is this?” Letting out a sigh, Y/N’s eye’s soften as she gazes at Beau. “Do you remember how we were talking last year… about how you wanna watch the fireworks but you know you shouldn’t” she reaches her hands out and pushes back some of Beau’s hair.
“When you were talking earlier this month about how you can’t wait for Peanut to be here and how you think Peanut would love to watch the fireworks… it got me thinking about how you said you used to love watching fireworks before you enlisted… and so I went online… and I got you some soundproof wireless headphones” she gives a soft smile “You can download this app that pairs with the headphones and you can control how noise canceling they are… and since they’re wireless you could play music if you wanted to or watch something…. But i figured… now you could just watch the fireworks again and now worry”
As Y/N explains how the headphones work and why she got them, tears start to form in Beau’s eyes at how Y/N thought about him
“And if they don’t work then that’s totally fine but I figured you could try it out and if it works then great and if no-” Before Y/N has the chance to finish her sentence Beau gets up from his chair and leans down to Y/N as she sits and presses a kiss to her hips before pulling her into a hug, burying his face into her neck.
“Thank you baby…. Thank you so much..” he mumbles against her skin.
As the sun finally sets. Y/N and Beau sit in their driveway, looking out on the water. 
When they were looking at houses, the real estate agent talked about how you could see the city beach fireworks perfectly from the house and they were right. Every year they could watch the city fireworks from their living room window as Beau and Y/N snuggled on the couch with the music cranked loud enough to drown out the echoing booms from outside.
Holding Beau’s phone in her hand, Y/N connects the headphones and adjusts the soundproof to fully drown out any noise. Looking at the time Y/N looks over to Beau as he holds the headphones. “Two minutes till they start… Do you wanna put them on now?”
Beau nods and places the headphones on, before reaching out and taking Y/N’s hand in his, looking out at the water in the area where the fireworks will be. As they wait for the fireworks to start, Beau squeezes Y/N’s hand every few seconds. Anxious to see if the headphones will actually work.
And after a minute, Beau squeezes Y/N’s hand tightly as the first firework of the night goes up into the air, and Y/N’s attention focuses on Beau’s face. Ready to take him into the house and resume their usual Fourth of July night activities if her plan fails.
And just like that the loud BOOM of the fireworks goes off and Beau watches in awe as the green and blue fills the sky before he turns to Y/N with the most giddy smile on his face ever as it dawns on him that he can’t hear a thing.
Y/N smile grows as she leans over to Beau and plants a kiss on his cheek before both of them turn their attention back to the fireworks.
Tagging: @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @bobfloyds @auroralightsthesky @fanboygarcia @beachbabey @sarahsmi13s @writercole @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @lewmagoo @sailorscuttle @shawnsthighs @ohtobeleah @sweetlittlegingy @t-nd-rfoot @mothdruid
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khalliys · 2 years
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Healing Light
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jackles010378 · 5 months
Saturday night special
(Jensen Ackles x you)
When Jensen over hears you singing, he works out a way to get to sing with you in front of a live crowd......
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Y/n stood amidst the chaos that was the aftermath of yet another supernatural convention. As always, she found herself tasked with the duty of cleaning up the mess left behind by the boisterous crowd. Armed with a trash bag and a broom, she went about her work. But this time, something was different.
Lost in her own world of melodies, Y/n had her trusty headphones on, with her favorite tunes blasting through them. She was singing along to the music, oblivious to the world around her. Her voice resonated through the empty halls as she danced, completely absorbed in the joy of the music.
Unbeknownst to her, Jensen Ackles her favourite actor had returned to the convention center to retrieve his wallet he had absentmindedly left in the green room. As he approached the door to the green room, he heard a voice that captivated him. He followed the sound, drawn to the angelic tones that filled the air.
Peeking through the slightly ajar door, Jensen was stunned to find Y/n there, sweeping the floor while pouring her heart into the lyrics. Unable to tear his gaze away, he marveled at the raw emotion in her voice. It was a moment of vulnerability that struck a chord in his own heart. She was singing one of his band's songs, "Ain't no tellin" if he could hear it right. He stood there, continuing to watch through the gap in the door as she finished the song,
Knowin' you see me
When I'm 'round the way
Just remember
It'll be alright
And if it's only
Stealing another day
Well then find another time along the way
And ask yourself
Who are you holding onto now?
Oh, who are you holding onto now?
Tell me, who are you holding onto now?
Oh, who are you holding onto now?
Oh, who are you holding onto now?
(There ain't no tellin' no)
Oh, who are you holding onto now?
(There ain't no tellin' no)
Oh, who are you holding onto now?
(There ain't no tellin' no)
Who are you holding onto now?
Ohh yeah
There ain't no tellin' no
Far away
Every night and every day.....
Jensen let the door close slowly and softly so you wouldn't hear it and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Dialling a number as he walked away the person the other end answered "hey Cliff, I'm gonna need you to do some detective work for me" he said with the biggest smile on his face.
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The following night, during the highly anticipated Saturday night concert, Jensen whispered to his co-star and friend, Rob Benedict. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he shared his desire to sing with Y/n. Rob's eyes twinkled with excitement as he agreed to help set up the surprise performance.
As the concert reached its peak, Rob made an announcement to the crowd, his voice filled with anticipation. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you tonight. Our very own Jensen Ackles will be gracing the stage with a special guest!"
Y/n, who had been enjoying the concert from the sidelines, felt a mixture of surprise and nervousness as she realized all eyes were on her. Y/n was never usually allowed to watch the concerts, with her just being a cleaner she never had the same perks as the other staff that were around to help, but tonight her manager asked for her to be present in the main hall just in case of any mishaps. She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and turned to find Rob smiling mischievously, pointing towards Jensen who stood on stage, microphone in hand.
Her heart raced in her chest as Jensen extended his hand, his eyes filled with a glimmer of hope. A shy smile adorned Y/n's face as she mustered the courage to take his hand. With a mix of elation and trepidation, she found herself walking towards the stage, feeling the weight of the crowd's anticipation.
As the lights dimmed and the spotlight shone upon them, Y/n and Jensen shared a moment. The beginning chords of Shallow echoed throughout the room as y/n recognised the song. As small smile graced her lips as this was a favourite of hers. She stood in awe, watching as Jensen sang.
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Realising it was her turn she took a deep breath. The crowd went silent as her voice filled the room, bouncing off the walls. The entire room fell silent as she sang, Jensen standing by her side listening to her as if it was the first time he had heard her. Thinking back to the moment he stumbled upon her first time round. He thanked himself for leaving his wallet in the green room that night.
The chemistry between them was electric, their voices resonating through the venue, captivating the hearts of everyone present.
In that enchanting moment, Y/n's shyness melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy. She realized that sometimes, it's in the moments of vulnerability that our true talents shine brightest. The crowd erupted in applause, their voices melding with Y/n and Jensen's, creating an atmosphere of pure magic.
From that night on, Y/n embraced her musical talents with newfound confidence. Her collaboration with Jensen became the stuff of legends, their duets continuing to captivate supernatural conventions for years to come. Jensen would always see if she was available to sing with him when he returned and she'd always say yes.
As she stepped off that stage that night, she knew that sometimes, the most extraordinary moments in life happen when we let go of your fears and take a leap of faith.
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @nescavaneck
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