send-me-a-puffalope · 18 days
It's the silly anon! I made the blog hiii ^_^
Waiting til after my exam to actually post, but I wanted to FINALLY provide you a nessie doodle thru asks because u deserve it for surviving physics 🙏
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I draw her with the vanny mask more because I struggle with faces tbh but I could use the practice.. if you'd like to give me ideas I shall provide! Eventually!
I love the way you draw already holy moly, THE SHAPES !!! THE EYES AND FACE SHAPES TOOK ME BY THE COLLAR AND SLAMMED ME INTO A LOCKER /POS she is so !! !!!
The Vanny mask is genuinely so peak, they went crazy with designing the original mask. I wish the official Vanny head had the same cartoony proportions as the original mask cause the OG mask had so much more whimsy and personality. My mind has been like completely wiped clean of ideas suddenly holy shit, but if anyone who sees this has any ideas i’ll let you know 👀
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strange-wanderings · 1 year
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Beautiful ace pride bee from @tj-crochets !!
It is very soft
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blueflare7 · 29 days
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:D hii!!!!!!!
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simple-persica · 2 years
First impression: oh hi cool person that likes art I just met
Now: haha Hetalia fan
(Jk, now you are the Beloved and I am so fortunate to have gotten to know you and I'm so happy every day we get to just exist together because you are so cool, and kind, and talented, and ily very much. It's been so cool to know you and to see your art grow and hear about what you learn. You're awesome) (also haha Hetalia fan)
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I can not financially recover from this
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pixelatedrose · 2 years
hi ro!! im not sure if you got my birthday ask (unless you did but it’s not actually your birthday which would be very embarrassing ;-;) but i just wanted to say i hope you had an amazing birthday!! you deserve nothing less than the best, big man <3 !
So so sorry this is coming so late!!! I was really busy yesterday and my little brother's birthday was today (yes the day after mine it's great) so I haven't had much energy! So sorry about that, Bee!!
But Yes, I did get your message!!! And I read it like 3 times and screenshotted it and maybe told all my other friends about how sweet you were and how touched I was
Bee I'm so so so proud of you for who you are now and how you got here and I will continue to be proud of who you'll become in the future, I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go well with your family and I can only hope to impart the fact that it will get better eventually- whether they end up coming around in the end or whether you decide to keep yourself a healthy distance away from them- but know I'm at least here and that I love and support you no matter what
You've been here the whole way and you've made me happy and excited about so many things, always been a little beacon of light when it comes to my content- no matter what it was.
And thank you so much for the birthday message!!! You absolutely got it right I'm so so touched you even remembered!!!!
I had a wonderful day yesterday though!!! Me and my best friend hung out in the morning just chit chatting and wandering round the mall, then I went on a hike with my boyfriend and it was muddy and wet and it kinda was raining a little bit but neither of us cared, then me and him ran over to have dinner with my family and then us and some of the older folks all went and did a cthulu themed escape room! We won, though we did end up having to hit snooze on cthulu lmao
Over all it was a fantastic amazing day and I had a fucking blast!! I'm so so glad you messaged me- it was the first thing I woke up to yesterday btw- it made my entire day 💛💛💛💛💛💛
I love you so much Bee, and I'm so glad you're actually still here, you mean the world <3
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tsatsuma69 · 1 month
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konbinii · 1 month
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and this is why baseball is the best sport (see also: these baseball sidequests)
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bugmuncherr · 2 months
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aokozaki · 8 months
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send-me-a-puffalope · 10 days
Idk if I should dm you I'm so so shy kehdihejfksb....... But, not a fnaf thought: I read somewhere that your username is from Hill House and I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THE BOOK IS MY FAV NOVEL EVER I LOVE SHIRLEY JACKSON ^_^
I know the show is quite different but should I give it a watch pls say yes
HFJSJFJSD DW ABOUT IT, tumblr asks are genuinely the solution for that !!! send me a bajillion asks or dm me, trust me i do not mind ❤️
YEAH !! In the Netflix series, there’s a scene where the Crain family are sitting together talking about how Nellie used to send Santa “Puffalopes” (<- word Little Nellie made up that means puffy envelopes) so that the letters she she’d send telling Santa about what her siblings want for Christmas wouldn’t get cold. I was hyperfixed on The Haunting of Bly Manor in 2020 when it came out and consequently The Haunting of Hill House because I needed more of the cast and Mike Flanagan’s directing.
I’m not gonna spoil the masterpiece of a show The Haunting of Hill House is but I also own the Shirley Jackson book !!! And it is fantastic !!! Shoutout to Shirley Jackson and her love of queer subtext. Heads up though, the series adaption adapts it very loosely. In fact, expect the only like connecting tissue to be character names and some references like the cup of stars— all the characters are now a part of a single family (the Crains) so no more queer subtext with Nell and Theodora 💔 (dw Theo is still sapphic in the series) HOWEVER, the family dynamic following the characters are so poignant and impactful and I genuinely bawled my eyes out. I love me shows with symbolism and mystery and Hill House does just that and does it so perfectly. Peak storytelling, I hope you enjoy it !!!
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titsay · 4 months
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kaimaciel · 1 year
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beebundt · 4 months
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow mew meow meow mew meow meow . ok?
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revretch · 23 days
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Maybe it's just miserable
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mysharona1987 · 23 days
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I can’t wait to hear how the bees are also Hamas.
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cuteness--overload · 1 year
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A group of curious preschoolers visits some beehives in Stockholm
Submit your cute pet here | Source: https://bit.ly/3qre7V4
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