#Birth Control Patch
freshinkdaily · 3 months
Navigating Your Options: The Pros and Cons of the Birth Control Patch
Navigating Your Options The Pros and Cons of the Birth Control Patch The birth control patch is a convenient and effective hormonal contraceptive method that sticks to the skin, releasing hormones to prevent pregnancy. As with any medical option, it’s essential to understand both the benefits and the potential drawbacks. This article delves into the proper placement of the patch for maximum…
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kelliaellis · 3 months
Endometriosis Awareness
Yes, I am rehashing from an old post but I’ve added alot more to it. March is Endometriosis Awareness Month March is Endometriosis Awareness Month What is Endometriosis? In layman’s terms, it’s when the cells the are supposed to live in the uterus also live outside the uterus. What does that mean? Well, it means those misplaced cells act like they would it they were in the right place. They…
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Which Type of Long-Term Birth Control is Best for You?
You don’t have to take a pill every day. There are birth control methods that last weeks, months, or even years with little effort on your part – and no surgery. They are safe and effective for most healthy women. Which one is best for you? “The best method of contraception for any woman is the method that she’s going to use correctly and consistently,” says Elizabeth Micks, MD, MPH, an acting…
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arcaneyouth · 4 months
its stupid as hell my body can just be like. hey remember that thing where i bleed excessively every month and its really messy and gross? yeah. so ive decided to also be in excruciating pain. ESPECIALLY when you're supposed to be asleep
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fairiencarnate · 11 months
Y'know #skinneutrality and all that but some days I just really wish my skin didn't hurt, itch, or make others think I don't wash
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twinprime · 9 months
still sunburned still sick AND i think i forgot to put my new birth control patch on this week so im getting cramps. god wants me dead like genuinely
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wheretheeternalare · 1 year
cool how my health problems seem to have largely resolved themselves, at least in the sense that i can eat a normal diet and feel generally average, except that whenever i get my period it nukes me in a way that simply did not happen prior to october 2022
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korinthiakos · 1 year
Fuck-- I might sleep now, ughhhh
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cozycreaturescorner · 2 years
having very specific questions that could very much be influenced by the genetic disorder i probably have but am not diagnosed with yet is fun
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yamneko · 2 months
I really really want the cramps to stop.
This BC doesn't work, my preferred method isn't as effective anymore, and I'm too scared to do an IUD and too unreliable with pills to do those. If covid wasnt an issue, I'd consider depo again, but I don't feel comfortable going into a Dr's office every 3 months for a shot.
Time for early menopause then I guess???
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wigglingtapeworm · 3 months
not skipping my period this week has easily become one of the worst decisions of my life omg if one more huge blood clot comes out of me i will lose my fucking mind
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unknown-limes · 7 months
When I attempted to get my Nexplanon implant the first time, they scheduled my appointment for a week when the only person there certified to put it in was on vacation. They did not tell me that she wasn't there until I was in the appointment, and then they tried to push the IUD on me. I walked out with a Depo shot instead (and that sucked for different reasons) n got my implant three months later. Turns out it works really well for me, gets rid of my period (which caused some dysphoria for me so bonus) and helps control my mood swings. Who'd've thunk!
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blackmoldmp3 · 9 months
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recycled-cotton-knit · 2 months
I think more people on radblr should be talking about sweatshops, especially in the garment industry.
• Around 80% of sweatshop workers are women. Some employers force them to take birth control and pregnancy tests to avoid having to pay for maternity leave. Pregnant women are routinely denied sick leave to visit doctors, terminated from their contracts early, or left without any maternity leave when their short-term contracts are not renewed.
• Women are more likely than men to experience minimum wage violations. According to one study, "30 percent of the women workers in our sample experienced minimum wage violations, compared to 20 percent of the men". [Source: https://www.nelp.org/publication/broken-laws-unprotected-workers-violations-of-employment-and-labor-laws-in-americas-cities/ ]
• Indonesian women employees report that “girls in the factory are harassed by male managers. They come on to the girls, call them into their offices, whisper into their ears, touch them, bribe them with money and threaten them with firing if they don’t have sex with them.” [source: cleanclothes.org]
• "Toilet breaks are monitored, and some workers said they were flat out denied them, even when sick. The same goes for water and lunch breaks, both necessary to stay healthy when working 12+ hour days in a stuffy, overcrowded factory." 20% of women in sweatshops report experiencing sexual violence. [https://iwda.org.au/three-ways-garment-factories-violate-the-rights-of-women-and-how-its-allowed-to-happen/ ]
It's easy not to support this kind of abuse. Do not buy clothes first-hand. Only buy from thrift shops and second-hand apps, or find ethical brands and investigate where and how they make their clothing (hint: if a t-shirt costs $3, it's not ethical). Patch your old clothes. Consider learning basic sewing (it's not as difficult as it seems!)
I don't care how cheap Shein and Temu are. I don't care how much you think you need that specific Zara coat. Buying clothes directly harms women and avoiding it is a very easy way to help.
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arminsumi · 7 months
more jealous sukuna please? and and sukuna smut too? your sukuna has been on my mind like a rotisserie chicken in microwave
“What would you prefer? Gojo spoiling you like a princess, or me spoiling you like a queen?”
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★ Featuring : boss!Sukuna, co-worker!Gojo
★ Synopsis : at a Christmas work party, your jealous boss Sukuna proves that he can treat you better than Gojo ever could.
★ Note : like a rotisserie chicken in a microwave?! 😂 best thing i ever heard
★ Warnings : 🔞 MDNI/18+, jealousy, possessiveness, rivalry between Gojo and Sukuna, reader x Gojo smut memories, bl*wjob + deepthroating, cunnilingus/facesitting, creampies, reader is on birth control, taking condom off (consensual), Gojo catching/listening thru door, +++
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Sukuna steps out of a shower dripping wet.
He wraps a towel around his waist, and it hangs dangerously low on his hips, showing the definition of his V-line and his dark patch of hair. He wipes a clearing on the steamed-up mirror with his hand, then gets ready to shave – lines up all the products that he’s going to use. It’s funny; you wouldn’t expect him to have so many skin care products, yet he does.
Sukuna shaves his cheeks with a precise, beady eye on his reflection in the mirror. The razor makes small, sharp sounds when he drags it across his jawline, which he juts out a bit.
Why is he shaving so precisely? Well, Sukuna overheard you speaking once to a co-worker in the office, and you said something about being turned on by clean-shaven men.
After shaving, he puts on an Italian-branded moisturizer. He also dabs on a pea-sized amount of some special skin care product and using both his middle fingers he smooths it onto his skin in a sweepy pattern.
Apparently, you like it when men have a lingering moisturizer scent on their cheeks.
Sukuna spends a long time getting ready for the Christmas work party that he’s hosting tonight at his own penthouse. The whole office anticipates this end of year party from Sukuna, they’re very lavish.
You better notice his obvious efforts.
He knows you're an intelligent and well-versed woman. He likes that about you. And he likes your look, especially at the end-of-year work parties when you really glam yourself up for the occasion. But he likes your look even when you're scurrying around the office with messy hair and no make-up to conceal your imperfections, he still looks at you with the same lustfulness – like he needs to take you into his office and bend you over his desk for doing a good job.
Your boss distinctly remembers how you looked at the Christmas work party last year; your smile and glittering earrings like a treasured photograph in his mind.
He hopes you'll wear the thin-chained, diamond necklace that he gifted you. Whenever you wear it, he feels a bit delusional — he thinks you belong to him. But you’re just his employee.
Something your boss regrets is hiring a particular employee.
This employee is tall, sorely good-looking and charismatic to the point of making it hard for his co-workers (and Sukuna) catch your eye. Sukuna’s been battling to maintain his pride and not fire the man solely for charming you.
Sometimes you’ve noticed Sukuna clenching his jaw when catching you and this employee flirting by the water-cooler. He usually strides by and grumbles “Get back to work.” to disrupt the two of you.
Sukuna thinks this man has some audacity to get in your pants, considering the whole office knows that Sukuna has eyes on you.
When you first started out at this job, Sukuna was cruel and harsh on you even though you were clearly trying your best as a rookie – and what a cheeky move his employee made when he noticed this; he buttered you up after Sukuna yelled at you so that you’d take more of a liking to him than your boss.
One of the first things Gojo Satoru said to you was;
“Sweets, don’t listen too closely to the boss; you’re doing great for a rookie.”
And from that moment, you were enamoured by him. Your co-worker with white hair, standing at a big 6’3 frame, wearing an intoxicating Giorgio Armani cologne. You and him have a three year age gap, him being older and also a single dad… two things that turn you on.
Sukuna and Gojo may have the funniest boss/employee dynamic you’ve ever seen. They both act like they’re the boss.
Sometimes you follow orders from Gojo and say “Yes, sir.” and this makes Sukuna ball his hands into fists on his desk. He keeps a stoic, professional face. Gojo just laughs and usually replies with “Sweets, ‘m not the boss – he is. Right, Sukuna?” to which Sukuna quietly thinks of murder.
If Gojo wasn’t his best employee, you’re sure there would be a fight between them. It’s not the work ethic of Gojo that makes him a good employee, it’s the fact he brings in great business from around the world because he is just so incredibly charming and charismatic.
Sukuna appreciates and respects Gojo’s charm and charisma, yes. Until it’s used on you. Then he seethes.
At Christmas parties, Gojo’s always hot on you. But this year, Sukuna’s determined to make sure to corner you before Mister Blue Eyes does.
— ★
A dim-lit, lavish room big enough to accommodate the whole office of employees is decorated and filled to the brim. Servers sieve through the crowd. A glittering chandelier hangs from the tall ceiling. The work party is somehow even more lavish than last year’s, which you can’t comprehend.
Just like I said; Gojo is always hot on you at these parties. His eyes are on you (and blazing with lust) immediately after you appear. Tonight, you’re wearing a tight, glittery slip dress that you were gifted anonymously. And Gojo makes haste to compliment you as flirtatiously as possible.
“I think the chandelier is jealous.” He goofs, making you smile.
“Hey, Satoru.” You greet him.
Sukuna watches from across the room as you two share a hug – and it’s a hug that tells a whole story.
You and Satoru have been clearly bonding as co-workers… especially this year, after you two went on that business trip together in Okinawa.
Well, now Sukuna regrets allowing you to accompany Gojo on that trip. Clearly the two of you spent the month steaming up the hotel’s shower and ruining the tightly tucked bedsheets.
And he’s right.
You and Satoru practically spent the whole business trip fucking like bunnies in as many positions as you could and in as many places as you could – both in the hotel room and around the resort you stayed at.
There had been a sexual tension between you and Satoru that built up during the work year since January, and it finally snapped during the trip in Okinawa when it was just you and him alone together. The first night? Gojo was so smooth it made you giggle uncontrollably, even while caged between his strong arms. He made sure to fuck your giggles out until they turned into screaming moans.
God he was skilled – really skilled. And you know what’s worse than a man who’s skilled in the bedroom? A man with a big, fat cock. Eight. A bit of a right-tending curve. Pale. Lots of veins – a prominent one running down the shaft. Pink tip. Taut balls, heavy with cum. No condoms as per your request after you saw it the first time. Creampies as per your demand since you had birth control. And be glad you had it, because Satoru’s cum was potent.
All you could babble as he fucked you each time was:
“God, your cock is so fucking big, Satoru!”
And he had a smug reply every time.
“I know, baby. But you love taking it, right?”
Satoru fucked you during that business trip like he was trying to burn the memory of how good he fucks into your mind. He nicknamed you his Sex Bunny because of how readily you hopped on his dick each time he flirted – and when the two of you were in the office again, he shortened it to just Bunny. It was like a little inside joke between the two of you, one that made you instantly giggle and feel hot in the face.
Neither of you counted how many times you two had sex in Okinawa, but tonight at the Christmas party you and Satoru reminisced about all the places you had sex in.
The hotel lobby with a remote-control vibe. The hotel bed. The hotel shower. Against the hotel window. Over a room-service cart. Standing by the hotel door – outside, not inside, at 3 am when no one was around but still it was risky. At the restaurant. At the other restaurant. At the beach. Twice. In the backseat of an expensive, rented car.
“… wish we could have ticked the plane off our list of locations.” Satoru smirks
“What are you two talking about?” your other co-worker, Nanami Kento, joins the conversation.
“Nothin’, just our trip to Okinawa last month. It was pretty fruitful.” Satoru holds back a laugh.
Kento nods, sipping his champagne. The three of you talk business for a while but then Kento leaves to go talk to Suguru who beckoned for him to come over to the other side of the room – introducing work people, you know.
“Satoru, you come here too. There’s someone I want you to meet.” Suguru calls for his best friend.
“Suguru, you’ll have to work harder than that if you want to tear me away from her.” Satoru jokes.
You feel your cheeks warm up. If it wasn’t for the professional setting of a work party, Satoru would be caressing your hips and kissing you as if you’re his to-be wife. Actually, Satoru seriously considers doing both of those things after hearing you laugh but then the two of you are interrupted by a familiar, strong-voiced man.
Sukuna seethes at Gojo’s audacity to stand so close to you. He purses his lips and tenses his abdomen muscles. He gets full-body fits of jealousy; his muscles tensing and lips pursing are common.
“Enjoying yourselves?” Sukuna asks stiffly.
“Of course – and you’re responsible for it.” Gojo cheeks.
There’s an underlying meaning to his response that Sukuna pieces together instantly – his jaw clenches but he maintains his composure.
You’re flitting your attention between the men.
Gojo is severely good-looking. Not just because he won the genetic lottery, but because he maintains his looks with high-end classy fashion and he refines himself to the point of looking ready for a model photoshoot.
Sukuna has a sensual, firm feeling to his looks. Jawline sharp enough to cut, and his voice cuts too – he’s sliced through the tension between you and Gojo. Cleaving Gojo is just something he enjoys doing. He’s a bit sadistic, he delights in Gojo’s downfall. You’re being charmed away by Sukuna with each word he speaks.
So Gojo flirts harder.
Then Sukuna flirts harder.
You feel a bit small with these two big, muscular men in suits clustering close to your tinier body. They’re like peacocks having a feather show-off competition to win you over.
Both men are trying to undress you with their eyes, their pupils peeling back the thin fabric cradling your breasts. Sukuna’s feasted on your cleavage many times when you’ve bent over in the office to pick something up. It irks him that Gojo has had the privilege of playing with your breasts and he hasn’t yet.
He’s pooling with jealousy; it’s spilling through his tone as he continues talking with you and Gojo.
Sukuna notes that you’re wearing the thin-chained, diamond necklace that he hoped you'd wear.
Your dress glitters.
Sukuna gets a little hard right then because he stares at you for too long. The dress hugs the shape of your body so that every kink and curve is unconcealed. It leaves little up to the imagination.
That's what he likes to see. His favorite employee wearing his necklace and his dress at his party.
The men talked business with you for a bit, but not for long.
"She looks like a goddess tonight, doesn’t she, Sukuna? I don't know how any man here is standing upright. Me personally, my knees are buckling."
Your cheeks burn, “Oh, Satoru, you’re laying it on thick, you flirty bastard.” You light-heartedly shove his chest.
Sukuna clenches his jaw.
Not only did your response to Gojo’s flirting irk Sukuna, but also the way you used his first name – you’re that close? And you touching Gojo was just the nail in the coffin.
“You talk a lot as usual, Gojo.” Sukuna’s professional tone slips for a second.
“I know, I know…” Gojo smirks cheekily, knowing he was chipping away at Sukuna. “But don’t you think that dress just fits her form so perfectly?” he emphasizes.
“Yes, it was made for her.” Sukuna replies. Gojo tilts his head in surprise. “I contacted a friend overseas and asked if he could have it made in time for Christmas. Good to see my efforts weren’t for nothing.”
Your cheeks burn as Sukuna reveals that he bought the dress for you. He’d gotten your measurements from your tailor.
"Oh! — oh my god, you really didn't have to do that for me, Sukuna." you reply humbly.
Sukuna smirks smugly after hearing his name from your lips.
"I absolutely had to. You deserved it after working so hard for me this year."
Gojo has goes quiet and purses his lips.
"Your efforts definitely weren't for nothing, Sukuna." Gojo chimes in smoothly.
"Ahah, Satoru you're really overdoing it. Thank you, though. Always nice to hear sweet things from your lips." you flirt a little.
You flirt a little.
Gojo flirts back.
Sukuna is teetering between being a boss of a company and being his old self who used to aspire to be a professional boxer.
Gojo is a man that gets everything he wants – you know, like he’s the chosen one and life was tailored to fit him. An excellent position at an excellent job, screwing his hot co-worker in Okinawa.
Just once, Sukuna wants to take everything away from Gojo.
Now your boss is itching to get alone with you. Gojo yaps, flirts, plays, never shuts up. Then finally, he readies leave.
“Alright, I’ll have to leave for a moment. Suguru has been wanting my attention since I got here and I’m such a bad friend that I’ve ignored him for your company instead.” He joked. “But I promise I’ll come back and spoil ya, ‘princess.”
No you won’t, Sukuna thinks.
And the split second that Gojo joins Suguru’s small group conversation, Sukuna steers you through the crowd and leads you up the stairs – holding your hand like a real gentleman, you thought. But Sukuna’s a gentleman with carnal, primal desires.
He looks at your neck, at the necklace, then his eyes trail down to your cleavage and he admires the dress as it shimmers in the dim light.
He decides that tonight he'll win you over.
Enough of this peacock war between Sukuna and Gojo. He's the boss, right?
— ★
You sit cross-legged on a lush, black sheet bed, giggling at the dirty jokes that your boss, Ryomen Sukuna, is muttering into your ear. He makes you wiggle your foot flirtatiously, your high heel slipping off a bit.
The party is still ongoing downstairs. Gojo Satoru wonders where you are but Geto Suguru is keeping him locked in a business conversation with Nanami Kento and Fushiguro Toji.
You act like Sukuna’s flirting is too hot and heavy for you to handle. A big grin is plastered on your face.
He leans in close to your ear. You catch a whiff of his intoxicating after-shave oil and his cologne; he smells spicy and expensive.
Then he asks you a question that ends the playful flirting and turns the atmosphere into a serious lust.
"What would you prefer? Gojo spoiling you like a princess, or me spoiling you like a queen?"
He sees your eyes light up and your body shift excitedly. His closeness makes your breath hitch.
"I-if I'm being honest? The latter."
“I think you’re lying.” He teases.
“Lying? Why do you think so?” you ask flirtatiously.
Sukuna’s lips graze yours.
“Because you’ve been flirting like a slutty little princess with him all night.”
You swallow. His cologne floods your head. You can’t think straight. You look down and see he’s got a bulge in his tight pants. It takes all your self-restraint not to reach out and squeeze his cock through his pants; it looks so delicious.
“Am I wrong?” he asks after you’ve gone silent for much too long. “Maybe you want both of us.”
“Of course I do.” You admit openly.
“Oh? You’re sluttier than I thought.” He smirks.
“Isn’t that why I’m your favorite employee?” you tease.
“Hmmm… I don’t know if you’re still my favorite employee after admitting you want both me and Gojo.” He replies.
“Aw… well, if I’m not your favorite employee anymore…”
Your fingertips reach out and touch the curve of his cock.
“… can I become your favorite slut?”
Those words go straight to his cock. It’s straining against his pants now. He’s so hard it’s getting jumpy, you can see it visibly twitching in his pants.
Pants unzipped, head tilted back, eyes shut in bliss, Sukuna palms your head up and down on his cock, making your lips slide up and down his cock.
You splutter when he hits the back of your throat, and gag when he starts to slide his big cock down your throat.
“Ghhhn.” You gargle and choke as his thick, bulbous cockhead stretches out your throat.
He tastes so addicting. That’s something Sukuna has in common with Satoru; tasting so damn good. Is it their lifestyles? Their diets? Who knows. You remember sucking Satoru dry in Okinawa because his cum just tasted so good.
Taking as much of your boss’ cock as you can, you let him keep you down on it for a few seconds before hastily pulling off for air.
He groans loudly.
“Fuck, maybe you will become my favorite slut after tonight.” He jokes. “Look how fucking sloppy you’ve made my cock.”
You wipe the saliva from your chin and lips, smiling happily at Sukuna’s slicked cock.
He changes positions. The bedsheets rustle as he lays on it, stretching his long legs out. His cock sways as he moves, you eye it out.
“Come here.” He commands with a beckoning finger.
You crawl over to him and straddle his lap. He rests his hands on your hips and looks at your glittering slip dress – it rises over the curve of your thigh. He squeezes the plush fat there, letting out a groan of satisfaction at the sensation of your flesh moulding to his hand.
“You’ve been a good slut to me, now tell me what you want first; do you want me to treat you like a slut or like my queen?”
“Like your queen.” you reply with sparkly eyes.
“Then come up here and sit on your throne, my queen.” He commands.
You look at him dumbstruck.
During the trip in Okinawa, Gojo wasn’t opposed to eating you out – if you asked him he would do it. But he wasn’t all too good at it, it was just for prep. You didn’t complain because he made up for it by luring multiple orgasms out of your pussy with his cock.
Your hips hover inches above your boss’ tattooed face. His eyes catch on the slick that’s dribbling out your hole and smearing across your inner thigh. He notices you hesitate to sit down on his face.
“Sit.” He commands again.
But before you lower your pussy onto his face, he does it himself – by grabbing your hips and bringing you down.
“Oh! Fuck! Mmm!” you gasp.
Sukuna wastes no time working his skilled tongue into your pussy.
At first he runs his tongue up and down the slit, not quite parting it yet. Teasing, light licking up to your clit, he grazes circles around it with his pointed tongue. You squirm your hips, so he holds them more firmly.
“Don’t you fucking squirm. Stay right here, my queen.”
Sukuna’s words and breath go right against your puffy clit. It’s buzzing and sensitive, needy for attention. You gasp loudly when you feel him kiss it. Then he kisses it again – sloppier, and starts making out with your clit as if it’s your lips.
“Oh, fuck! S-sir!” you breathe excitedly.
He hums against your clit, smug that you’re still calling him ‘Sir’.
Now he starts to suckle your clit gently, massaging his tongue into it while he does. His big hands caress up and down your shuddering thighs.
“Mmm!” you whine, pinching your eyes shut and feeling good on your boss’ face.
He pulls his lips away, murmuring “Bet that asshole never made you make these noises, hm?” he says proudly.
Sukuna’s tongue flattens out and swipes upwards, he starts lapping like a thirsty dog. You hear him breathing and lightly groaning. Sukuna’s using all his tricks on your pussy.
You place your hands on the headboard in front of you and gulp, pinching your eyes shut even tighter. He can’t see it, but he just knows your lips are forming that O shape right now. His tongue wiggles into your hole, and he starts tongue-fucking you hard and fast. His lips press against your squishy folds. He can feel your juices start running down his chin as he continues.
“Oh my god!” your moans quiver. Your body trembles a bit. “That’s so fucking good!”
Sukuna smirks into your pussy and keeps fucking you with his tongue. You clench tight.
Sukuna works his tongue against your clit. He builds up your first orgasm of the night. His tongue goes faster and faster against your puffy clit, lips latching on and suckling it. You feel your orgasm nearing and your mind goes fuzzy. You’re dumbing out on Sukuna’s tongue.
It feels too good, you can't help but hump your hips back and forth on Sukuna's face.
"That's it, fuck my face." he groans and switches from thrusting his tongue into your hole to suckling your clit again. He points his tongue at your bud and flicks it rapidly.
"Fuuuck! Oh my god that's so good that's s-so fucking good! Please don't stop! MHM! Oh my god I'm gonna — cummm!!"
You roll your eyes back and feel your orgasm working up in your pussy as Sukuna sucks your clit harder. You zone out on pleasure and focus on cumming.
Sukuna groans into your pussy, feeling you gush all over his face. He’s a mess, his cheek splattered with your watery cum as it dribbles out. He keeps licking you through your orgasm, making you shudder and scream.
Sukuna lets out a naughty, humming laugh that gets muffled onto your pussy. You cum all over his face and shake violently, feeling your pussy convulse and contract.
There's just one thing you have to say to Sukuna for him to toss you off his face.
"Need your cock, please!"
He licks your inner thighs to clean them up.
“Sure, queen.”
— ★
Gojo's still enjoying the party, but now it's been an hour since you disappeared and he wonders where you are until he realizes Sukuna is nowhere to be found, either. Hm,
You've got your legs pushed back as Sukuna eases his cock into your pussy. He slowly stretches you open, savoring the feeling of pushing past your entrance.
Then he groans while he starts to fuck his inches into you one by one. Big hands keep your legs pushed back into a mating press.
You let out quivering moans and roll your eyes back. Sukuna's jaw slacks and he tilts his head off to the side. His fat cockhead prods at your G-spot and that's when you squeal;
"Fuck! Right there!"
"Oh, right here?"
"Mhm! Fuck! Right theeere, Sukuna! Oh my god, S-Sukunaaa!"
"Ooh, you're gettin' loud for your boss’ cock, huh?" he grins as he starts thrusting hard, sweeping thrusts into your G-spot. “I like that. Let everyone hear who’s fucking your cunt so good.”
He stares down at the place where you and him connect. Your pussy feels sticky all over as he fucks your juices out. His cock works in and out of you at a mean pace and you moan louder and louder as he goes faster and faster, totally turning your brain to mush.
"Ooh fuck!" you gasp each time he reaches a new depth with his tip.
Sukuna thumbs skillfully at your clit while pushing his cock as deep as your pussy will let him go.
He doesn't know where to look, because your breasts are sluttily bouncing in your dress and your exposed lower tummy is shuddering with each thrust of his big cock.
His breathing gets ragged, and he grunts, positioning himself at a better angle so he can reach deeper.
At this angle his cock has you seeing stars. Your mouth makes an O shape and you go silent, unable to moan because of how good it feels. How funny, he thinks. He's fucked you so good you can’t even moan, your voice is gone.
But then it comes back louder than ever.
"S'kuna!! Fuckfuckfuck moreright there please FUCK ahhhh god fuck I loveyousomuch pleasedon'tstopfuckingme!!"
His ego inflates after catching that ‘I love you so much’.
"That’s it, love me – never him, understand?" he growls seriously, and suddenly stills inside you. “Say it. You love me and not him.”
You gasp, feeling his tip pressing against your cervix.
"Yes! I love you, not him!”
Sukuna grunts and keeps pressuring your cervix with his cock. He roughly squeezes your hips, your stomach, your breasts like a primal lover.
"Tell me I fuck you better than Gojo Satoru. Scream it.”
His rough, animalist thrusts start up again and your eyes roll back, mouth hung open and teeth bearing when it feels too good.
"Y-you fuck me better than Gojo Satoru!" you scream.
Sukuna keeps making you scream this over and over.
"Keep fucking saying it, I'm getting so close." he groans.
Then a feeling comes over him, like someone's outside the door. He smirks and gives a glance behind him at the closed door.
"Say it again." Sukuna commands you, eyes still on the door. He's pure evil.
"You fuck me so good, S'kuna!" you babble, "You fuck me better than Gojo!"
"That's a good fuckin' girl.” He growls nastily, “Now keep telling me how much better I am than him while you take this fucking cock." he growls and starts thrusting into you harder and faster until his sticky balls slap into you loudly.
Sukuna keeps fucking you until your body jiggles at the force of his thrusts. You shift up the bed and cling to the headboard, Sukuna sees your tiny hand grab it and he puts his hand over yours.
Hands off your body, he fucks you full of his cock and makes sure it's as loud as possible.
"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum! Nnnh don't stop!" you gasp, feeling a G-spot stimulated orgasm building up in your pussy.
"Yeah, cum. Cum for me and only me." Sukuna growls and pounds into you.
"Fuck, S'kunaaa 'm cumming on your b-big cock!" you scream, unable to keep quiet at all with how his cock is fucking you.
You shake from head to toe and feel your pussy constrict tightly around his big cock. He watches your eyes roll back and your body tense up as you cum long and hard. Sukuna groans and feels your milking contractions and it gets him close to his own orgasm.
"Hear that?" he talks, but not to you. "This pussy’s all mine now. I’m gonna fuckin’ claim it.”
He leans down and asks you clearly; "Baby, do you want me to take the condom off and cum inside?" he asks.
"Yes! Yes please! Fuck me raw, cum inside!" you cry, feeling his cock continue to pound into you after your orgasm.
"Good girl. Taking my fucking dick so good." he slides out and pulls the condom off his cock with a little difficulty, his fingers slipping. He gets a grip on the end and peels it off his cock and tosses the condom onto the pillow next to your head.
Sukuna enters you again and gets right back to the same pace he was fucking you with earlier.
"Fuck!" you gasp, thrashing your legs around. "Fuck, oh my god!"
"I'm close..." he closes his eyes and tilts his head back.
You look behind you to see him, eyes catching on his tattoos and flexing muscles. He's sweating and grunting, pounding into you like he's proving a point. Because he is.
"Fuck. I'm cumming, take it all." he growls and holds your body almost suffocatingly tightly.
You roll your eyes back when you feel him push himself as deep as he can go. Hot ropes of his sticky cum spurt out of his cock, filling you up so much that you can really feel it. Your pussy milks him through his orgasm and he moans brokenly.
"Fuck..." he slaps your ass hard, and thrusts a little bit more inside you just so that sloppy sound fills the room.
"Listen to that creampied pussy. Sounds like it's all mine now, huh Gojo?"
You blink dumbly.
Gojo smirks behind the closed door and walks away, shaking his head, muttering curses under his breath at his boss.
Well, how unfortunate, Sukuna fucked his jealousy out into your pussy, but now Gojo is throbbing with jealousy as he walks away from the door, defined jaw clenching tight and cock rock hard in his tight pants.
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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cauldroncreations · 1 year
why does the patch have to be so ITCHYYYYYYYYY
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