I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends #SongZilla #AutismSings ##AttitudeOfGratitude #Oblegatory #TheGoodening #Revolution #JoinTheWretchedMob
I get by, through the grace of God, and with a little help from my precious friends. Thank you. God bless you. I love you ALL! I remember everything. This is for y’all, but also, it is a BLEG post. I truly need a bit of assistance, please. Stuff costs money and I have zero dollars. I really do live a hardscrabble life but I am grateful for every minute of it. I could use a little help though;…
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dattrashprompts · 6 years
Christian liebt es zur Popularmusik aus der Zeit zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zu tanzen. Wie gut sie darin ist, ist ein Thema, über das ein Schleier des Schweigens gelegt werden sollte. Christian ist außerdem ein großer Fan davon, Konstantin verstörende Zeichnungen, die er in weniger anregenden Unterrichtssunden anfertigt, zu schenken. Christian ist weiblich, sie benutzt nur nicht ihren richtigen Namen. 
-Konstantin over and out
Ein Rätsel für sich. Das Einzige, worüber sich alle, einschließlich Konstantin selbst im Klaren sein können ist, dass sie Katzen liebt. Abgöttisch. Über die Jahre hinweg scheint sie selbst zu einem der fellgeblusterten Tierchen mutiert zu sein.   Außerdem arbeitet sie zur Zeit an ihrem dritten Buch, beendet hat sie noch keines davon. Aber es wird besser! Wir beten alle dafür, dass sie ihr derzeitiges Projekt nicht wieder verwirft.  Das wichtigste zum Schluss: She a sister and sister-stans Make-Up
-Christian sagt good bye
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Lib hashtag #KeepCalmVoteDem hijacked; Truth-snarkiness hilarity ensues
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/lib-hashtag-keepcalmvotedem-hijacked-truth-snarkiness-hilarity-ensues/
Lib hashtag #KeepCalmVoteDem hijacked; Truth-snarkiness hilarity ensues
The hashtag #KeepCalmVoteDem is trending on Twitter right now, but that’s probably because it’s been “hijacked” by conservatives who are having quite a bit of fun pointing out reasons why there’s nothing “calm” about Democrats in power.
Here are a few of the latest zingers for your reading pleasure:
America, vote first to defend the innocent unborn. #Vote4Life#keepcalmvotedem #prolife pic.twitter.com/VvqXlpNN5h
— Susan B Anthony List (@SBAList) October 30, 2014
Is #KeepCalmVoteDem really a trend right now? What about the past 2 years has been calm?
— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) October 30, 2014
#KeepCalmVoteDem if you think our closest ally in the Middle East is a Chickensh*t for protecting his people as great leaders do.
— DeniseVB (@blogho) October 30, 2014
#KeepCalmVoteDem if you think LaRaza encouraging illegals to vote is a good thing
— LimeInDaCoconut (@EgoAenigma) October 30, 2014
#KeepCalmVoteDem because we'll let you abort a baby but not use a lightbulb, drink a 64oz Coke, or keep the doctor you liked. You're welcome
— Smooove Caulk (@DoubleChinDaddy) October 30, 2014
Wishing that unicorns are real doesn't make them real. #KeepCalmVoteDem
— ScottInSC (@ScottInSC) October 30, 2014
#KeepCalmVoteDem because Vladimir Putin, ISIS, and China are depending on you.
— David (@unaccounted_4) October 30, 2014
#KeepCalmVoteDem Beep beep! pic.twitter.com/TcNcT1zyWY
— Derp Flannel (@DerpFlannel) October 30, 2014
#KeepCalmVoteDem if you think the IRS is a political hammer against enemies of the admin
— George Haldeman (@GeorgeHaldeman) October 30, 2014
And the mockery is showing now signs of slowing down. You can read all of the #KeepCalmVoteDem truth-snark here.
    Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/30/lib-hashtag-keepcalmvotedem-hijacked-truth-snarkiness-hilarity-ensues/
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The Revolution Will Be BLOGGED #TheGoodening
Life under siege in Appalachia continues for me but I am getting better at navigating it. Thank you to everyone who prays for me and tries to help me out. I truly do love you all and pray for y’all nonstop. Below is the latest update. Please listen & help an OG BlogHo out with pulling off something magnificent and unexpected if you can! Welcome to the FUN and RIGHTEOUS REVOLUTION! I call it The…
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My Live Event Office Down by the Road in the Dirt #GrandOpening AxZilla.com HQ 1345 Route 82 #HopewellJunction #NY #StartUp #LaunchParty #Fundraiser #HelpZilla #VassarHospitalOrBust #SaveMyMom #JoinTheCause #FreeTCOTBloggerz #FreeStacyMcCain! Fortune Favors the Bold @ElonMusk free @RSMcCain
That nice house next door is the neighbor. He’s cool. My house is way back up the hill in the words. I’m the last HillBetty I’m waiting…. Lol OldSkool BlogHo RedNeck Tech Sorceress Last HillyBetty in Hopewell God bless you. May peace be with you all. Also… I NEED HELP PLEASE! My mom is sick and my sister and brother are EVIL. I must get from Dutchess County, NY to Nassau County, NY as…
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We Don’t We Do It In the Road? I’m gonna do it in the DIRT there today! #BlogHo #HelpZilla #MeetZilla AxZilla.com headquarters LIVE today!
Take 5 1345 Route 82 AxZilla.com I will be live blogging live down in the dirt by the road today. Come meet me after 3pm! God bless you. May peace be with you all. Also… I NEED HELP PLEASE! My mom is sick and my sister and ex husband are EVIL. I must get from Dutchess County, NY to Nassau County, NY as quickly as possible and by and means necessary. I have no money and no access to…
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