#But outside of fights and stuff they don't really spend much time interacting
excali8ur · 1 year
It's a shame Raph and April didn't spend more time hanging out in the show tbh. I figure their dynamic would be something like this
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teecupangel · 2 months
So I had the thought of Desmond becoming a MLP: fim changeling queen. Why a changeling? You may ask, because they are very cool.
If you don't know changelings are these horse-like bugs that can shape shift into pretty much anything even inanimate objects (or many that one is an illusion). They use this ability to collect love from other creatures since that's their main source of energy, seems like they need to eat normal stuff but in smaller quantities.
But for the sake of this Au let's say they can feed on the other emotions as well but the closer to love the emotion (example: happiness) the more energy they get. With love giving out the most energy.
So Desmond wakes up at Solomon's temple and sees he is some kind horse-bug and cause he is a queen changeling he is really big. Like draft horse big, even bigger than the Clydesdale. But still thin and spindly cause you know, bug. He wouldn't be like Chrysalis starved hive but also he wouldn't be rainbow colored like Thorax's. I see Desmond being desert colored for camouflage (dark red, brown, pale, black, sand) while having some white and red mixed in for the colours of the brotherhood.
Desmond curses his luck and wanders around trying to get used to his new body until Altaïr and company come for the apple. He discovers that he is completely armored and his carapace is really resistant and though, he is really strong capable of shatter stone with a kick, he is very flexible and can climb on surfaces like Spiderman, he can lift things with telekinesis through his horn (solves the issue of no hands), has this big bug mandibles that can come from his snout, his fleshy tail is very flexible and has a pair of stingers with a paralyzing venom, he has wings under his carapace like a beetle open it and fly, and he is pretty much an omnivore but absolutely loves flower nectar, honey, bee wax, and other insects.
One night while sneaking in a city he complains about not being at least a normal horse to not catch so much attention and then fiuussh he transforms into one of the smaller horses he saw in the stables he passed, smaller size and everything. He practices his new shape shifting ability and even figures out how to change color and become invisible. For now he can only shape shift into other quadrupeds, horses, dogs and even something as small as a cat. And that's how he discovers his new emotion based diet. Now that he can spend more time in the cities he doesn't feel as hungry and when some kids tried to pet him and play with him while disguised as a dog he felt an energy boost from feeding off the affection they were giving him.
So to kick off plot once the general date of the expedition to the temple comes Desmond comes back to the temple and waits. He turns invisible and when the fight for the apple comes he drops the invisibility and everyone sees his him in his big insect glory, they think Desmond is some Demon/guardian of the apple.
He manages to run off the templars, save Malik and Kadar and with his telekinesis gives Altaïr the apple.
From here I must clarify that Desmond can speak human languages perfectly he just chooses not to at the moment. And mainly uses this bug language of clicking, chittering, buzzing, crooning and hissing.
From here Desmond either goes back to being invisible and sneaks to Masyaf or just follows outright along with them outside the cave and transforms into a normal horse in front of them to travel back to Masyaf. With the second it allows for more interactions, Al Muslim gets to see Desmond at the beginning and they think the guardian of the apple is following them around and chose their faction as worthy of the treasure.
Al Muslim tries to order him around but Desmond just gives him the stink eye and follows Altaïr around. Using his shape shifting ability to help sneak around and get information, eventually learning how to transform into non-quadrupeds, humans and even inanimate objects. Every once in a while Desmond speaks like a human in public but everyone thinks he is just a very clever parrot except Altaïr who spends the more time with Desmond whose Desmond speaks more and more to everyday.
After Al Mualim is defeated Desmond makes Masyaf the place to put his hive without knowing, at this point everyone knows Desmond can speak and it's fully sapient.
When things calm down Desmond gets the surprise of his life when he lays his first clutch of eggs, he is not a Changeling Queen for nothing. And when the eggs hatch among the grubs is Clay (once Altaïr dies he will be reborn like this too).
The other changelings (changeling workers/soldiers) are also sapient and can do everything Desmond can but Clay becomes a sub-queen of sorts. Clay is a changeling whose function is to be the main Queen (Desmond) right hand, therefore Sub-Queen (princess). While the workers are regular horse sized Clay as Sub-Queen is somewhere in the middle is bigger than the workers but smaller than Desmond. Also Clay doesn't lay eggs (to Desmond's complains).
So now the brotherhood is composed of humans and changelings, who can infiltrate pretty much everywhere, their venom is widely used by the assassins and they make the templars incredibly paranoid of everything even their own pot plants.
If anyone in the brotherhood dares to even look at any of Desmond's hundred children wrong both Altaïr and Desmond will make their lives miserable.
(Now I see Altaïr with a handful of grubs who crawl all over him)
Masyaf becomes the main changeling hive and Clay goes on to make a second one in the nearest assassin headquarters (then he begins to lay eggs).
When Altaïr dies he is reborn as a grub that becomes another Sub-Queen. A lot of brotherhoods around now have a changeling hive with a Sub-Queen and all respond to Desmond (the main Queen).
Changelings feed on surrounding emotions and when they go infiltrate but they mostly feed on the affection of each other's and their fellow brotherhood members.
So when it's Ezio's turn he is just surrounded
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By this three giant bug-horses and their million children/niblings.
There was a man who visits their home often. He would always be accompanied by a strange bunch. People in hoods and animals of various sizes…
All of them would call him ‘mother’.
Ezio swears the people with hoods and the animals would change at times, even when they had already entered their home.
It was strange.
Sometimes they would visit with one brown dog but leave with no dogs at all but the number of people would rise.
Other times, he would visit with butterflies on his hair and leave with no butterflies at all but cats walking behind him.
He never stays long, talking to Ezio’s father the longest then taking the time to talk to everyone else for a bit.
Ezio liked it when he visited.
He always gave them new toys they had never seen before. Sometimes, he would bring books that sounded interesting and would be read and borrowed between the siblings.
As Ezio grew older, the more he understood who the man he only knew as ‘Desmond’ was.
He was royalty.
The mother queen.
Ezio still didn’t know what that was supposed to mean and why he was called 'mother queen' instead of 'father king'. All he knew was that Desmond was the ruling matriarch of a kingdom they do not know about.
And House Auditore was part of that kingdom.
Ezio always thought they were nobles of Firenze.
But no.
They were spies.
He still remembered the conversation he had unintentionally eavesdropped on while Desmond was visiting them.
“I’ve warned you about being too close to Lorenzo de’ Medici, Giovanni.”
“I am loyal to the Brotherhood.”
“I do not doubt your loyalty. Just as I know that Clay is loyal to me, I also know Clay will do what he believes is right. The same can be said to you.”
“I am honored to be compared to the princess-”
“Clay would tell you that it’s meant to be an insult. But it’s not. I’m just telling you this to make you understand that just because you are loyal to the Brotherhood, it does not mean you are not compromised.”
“I can assure you-”
“If I order you to return to Monteriggioni with your family and to not return to Monteriggioni even if Lorenzo de’ Medici begged you to, would you do it?”
“Ezio Auditore.”
Ezio stepped back from the door and turned to face the unfamiliar voice who called out to him.
He looked a lot like Desmond but with golden eyes.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine.” The golden-eyed man said, “You will hear what Desmond has ordered your father to do later anyway. Walk with me.”
“Uuuhh…” Ezio didn’t really have any reason to say no so he began to follow the strange man.
As they exited the hallway and made their way to the main room, a cat meowed and nuzzled the man’s legs before following after him, glancing at Ezio curiously only once.
By the time they reached the inner courtyard, five cats were following the man.
It took a moment before Ezio realized that the man had introduced himself. He was unsure if he could just call ‘Altaïr’ or if he was a noble of higher standing than them so he just asked, “These cats…”
“My children.” Altaïr answered.
He was one of those people.
“Sef.” Altaïr called out and a white cat with black fur on his legs and paws meowed as he sat in front of Altaïr, “Stay with Desmond and tell him that I’ll be training Ezio Auditore until he’s done with Giovanni Auditore.”
Ezio opened his mouth to speak but the cat’s meow was loud enough to stop him. Ezio watched the cat quietly make his way back inside before he turned to face Altaïr as he asked, “Training?”
A hooded man that Ezio swore was not there before handed Altaïr two blunt swords used for training and Altaïr threw the other sword to Ezio who caught it easily.
“Uh- merda!” Ezio shouted as Altaïr suddenly charged him, easily disarming him with enough force to stagger him off his feet.
“Get up faster. You’d be dead if I had followed up on my first attack. Again.” Altaïr ordered as he took a few steps back.
Ezio growled and stood. As soon as he grabbed the sword, Altaïr charged once more. Ezio managed to keep hold of his sword but fell on his ass when Altaïr smacked his cheek with the back of his hand.
“You’re too focused on my sword. If I had a hidden weapon on my left hand, you’d be dead. Again.”
Ezio growled once more.
This bastardo was asking for it.
Training only ended when a hooded man who looked too much like Desmond and Altaïr that Ezio had to take a doubletake, giving Altaïr an opening to hit him on the side with the pommel of his sword, announced that lunch was ready and Desmond would like Altaïr to eat with him and the rest of the Auditore.
As Ezio wheezed as he held his poor bruised side, Altaïr handed the sword to the hooded man who could have been mistaken as Altaïr and Desmond’s son as he said, “Very well. Check the perimeter before scheduling everyone’s meal time, Sef.”
“Darim is already on it, father.”
Did Altaïr named a cat after his son???
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
How long do you think mikey stayed in dimension X?
(Personality, I think like a week/weeks, cuz no way it was just a few hours and he already knows so much about the demention)
(And, how does he get months and hours confused?)
(I don't personally think he's been there long as 2 years because that would really mess up a person)
(But if I see an angsty fanfic 🤨(suddenly I ignore everything I said, like 'yea he's been there for 73736383years now' ))
im with you on that one actually! i also think he just stayed there for a few weeks. def less than a month. because for someone like mikey, being by his own in an unknown place no matter if he was doing alright, it would still have messed him up of it got too long. he NEEDS interactions with sentient beings that would keep him company and engage with him (looks at mutagen bomb mad max apocalypse mikey). Tho! he would have understood how a lot of things worked around in that dimension just for being there a few hours tbh, taking into consideration that it's a hostile environment for literally anyone who's an outsider. With this i mean, mikey def was forced to be a quick leaner since the first second after stepping trough the portal. ( tho rn im not taking into account mikey being good with kraang tech in general because he just was good with it since the start of the show tbh. i think it has something to do with the brothers actually being related to the kraang because of the milking worm from where the mutagen came from and all but. thats a whole other can of worms to be opened lol)
Plus! the kraang base was not difficult to find at all so mikey probably spend most of his time just checking out the perimeter and a way to get in (this is from where he could have triggered some security stuff and got to fight the kraang that ended up as his skull helmet and limb accessories lmao). It actually even appears as if that's mikey first attempt at getting in to rescue leatherhead.
Also! when they got back for a bit, mikey was actually happy and excited to be back in dimension x! Meaning that he doesn't truly see that place in a bad light MEANING that he doesn't really hold a bad memory of it. MEANING that he didn't stay there by himself long enough for living more traumas in there lmao
About his time confusion, i actually tie that to his adhd because of my own experience with having adhd. The passing of time for me is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO KEEP A GRASP ON. By this i mean that it's really hard to tell hours/minutes have passed even when not hyperfixing on an activity, this also adds to mixing up days and weeks together. its hard man. ADDED TO ALL THIS, the fact that the dimension doesn't have an obvious sign of time passing (like day and night) would make mikey keeping up with it, while also just surviving, something of a nearly impossible task.
in conclusion
i still love when people headcanon mikey as staying there for literal years. i live for that angst. him eating kraang because of how hungry he got??? him getting captured by the kraang and getting tortured for months??? him getting to hate the pink color??? good stuff
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odusseus-xvi · 9 months
Wanted to talk about q!Forever and his presidency seen from the pov of someone who mostly experience it from outside percepctive as I'm incapable of understanding Brazilian. SAYING IT RIGHT NOW I'm not here to say q!Forever is wrong or evil (as I'm convinced he is not, no need to come and tell me), this is not what's it's about, this is about how lost he seems when you are looking from the exterior.
So I know drama is brewing because people are fighting over who's right and who's an evil virus of satan, and I don't care, I'm not interested in this. I want to talk about the characters I love, because I love q!Forever, and his story makes me so sad.
I want to explain to those who wouldn't know, I'm a mostly french viewers, I follow Etoiles, Baghz, Antoine, Aypierre and Phil (mostly, I try to follow everyone's storyline and povs), the last two are not important here as Philza doesn't interact with the president storyline at all and Aypierre's involvement can be resumed to "I don't care who's in power and what they do, I'll be nice to them because I want power". But basically what the Forever Presidency feels like is not evil, or corrupted, it feels WEIRD :
Because obviously he is kindhearted, he has saved the eggs multiple times, he has done a lot for the island, and has said multiple times he wants to help everyone, and I believe that. But then in some of his actions and speeches, there is so much stuff that we are weirded out about. First how he told Baghera how he wanted to make everyone vote etc. That's okay, but like she said herself "Well that was my campaign idea..." And that's true, and that was also a thing Him and Cellbit used as way to descend her campaign, so that felt like a light knife in the back. But that's the least worrying thing.
There was then the whole deal where from what I understood he felt betrayed by Baghera and Bad as they didn't share everything and witheld information. And from Baghz pov that felt like it came out of nowhere because... Well she didn't ! That was simply miscommunication. And ensued the whole deal where he talked about how he felt about the arrival of the new people, and how he didn't trust them and didn't want to help them unless they had an egg. That was a weird thing in itself, he is supposed to be the president of the island and he is the one least willing to welcome new people.
There was also the nerfing armor stuff. At first we thought he said that as a joke you know, he is just not saying no to Quackity because that'd be rude. But who in their right mind would do that right ? Right... ? And then yestedray he asks Etoiles to do a debate with Quackity to discuss it and everyone went "Wait, he's actually considering it ?" And that was weird because... Well Forever spends most of his time in his base. Isolated. And when you watch Etoiles you know that even with the strongest suit of armor in the game you CAN die everyday. Is... Is Forever asking for a death sentence ? Has he been living under a rock ?
The last thing was yesterday, when Etoiles wanted to ask him a few things, he arrived when Forever was having a secret discussion with Cucurucho, and he ordered the construction of a prison he would have access to. And THAT was so WEIRD, everyone in chat and in reaction were like "WHAT !!??? WH... WHY ??", and then followed by "could I have a gun to defend myself ?" and everyone went "Oh. He... He doesn't trust us !!!", Etoiles himself went *raises eyebrow*. There is something REALLY going bad with q!Forever. And then he immediatly follows by taking in consideration Etoiles' request to allow Dark Metal for his fight against the code, so he's not evil, he's not corrupted... And that's where I realised what it felt like, it feels like he is lost.
It seems he want to do good, but takes weird unnecessary decisions after weird unnecessary decisions that in most cases fucks over other islanders more than it helps, and the important thing to remember is that he is not doing that purposefully, again it seems he is lost, it feels like he doesn't know what he is doing, because of that people are more wary of him, and it leads him to become more paranoïd and he makes even more bad decisions, wich leads to more people being wary of him and it creates a vicious feedback loop that constantly raises the tension. (also having the big PRESIDENT sign next to his name creates an epidermic reaction in every french that makes us want a revolution /j) And it's so sad because the only exit I can see is for the tension to be released in an explosion, a revolution, and THAT could be interesting because for once neither side is truly evil per say. They can be misguided, but not outright evil. Like Baghera said herself "I... I don't understand where he is going."
What's terrifying is what we foresaw with the election is happening, the islanders are driving themselves apart and turning against each other. I don't think the Federation wants to avoid a revolution, I'm pretty sure they would be rooting for it.
(HOWEVER next time I see someone saying q!Forever is this perfect little guy that did nothing wrong... PLEASE. The guy was vicious during the election arc. With how much misinformation he spread on Etoiles most notably.)
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Ahora realmente quiero leer la reacción de John a la popularidad de Brozone y que sean algo que la gente estudia y a algunas cosas locas que dicen de ellos.
Ask: Now I really want to read John's reaction to Brozone's popularity and have them be something that people study and some crazy things that they say about them.
This is definitely something I'd like to think about or even write about if I can get back into the I'm Still Here au mindset. I do have aus of aus... in my thoughts and have a mini-series vaguely planned sooooooo maybeeeee something... I'm not sure yet. But I think it would be crazy funny though.
In I'm Still Here, JD has less of the blunt/obnoxiousness that he seems to have in canon (although honestly, I feel like once things calm down, he's slept for a bit and stuff, JD would chill out too because of reasons but idk since he's the butt of the jokes in canon, I doubt they'd go that route) and more of the tired awkwardness a bit? Like, he's got some social interaction in the last few years but before then? A lot of it was just him and Branch. And although he's good with making friends and stuff, he is NOT used to being around so many trolls consistently.
JD kind of expects Pop Trolls to know and even like Brozone - after all they were probably Pop's most popular band. He quickly comes to the realization that other types of trolls don't know Brozone, he may or may not introduce them. He's very proud of his brother's accomplishments and talents in the band, even if things went wrong.
However, I don't think he'd have a super easy time realizing/thinking that other beings outside of trolls know about Brozone, much less listen to them. But he would be happy about it because of course he would. He loves that people love Brozone.
It's the classes that study them that would surprise him. Don't get him wrong, he absolutely thinks Brozone was great and they did a good job with good music, but he would not expect anyone to be studying or even spending so much time discussing and analyzing his work.
JD wrote all of their songs and since it was a boyband, it's kind of impressive. He not only was IN the boyband, but he wrote all the songs, lyrics and parts for each specific brother, who had different skill sets and ranges, something he would have to keep in mind. A lot of work goes into something like that - with parts that can work cohesively together.
So when Floyd tells him his college spent a week talking about and analyzing Brozone songs and performances - JD thinks it's kind of a joke. Not in a haha, don't be mean Floyd kind of way but a LOL that's a good joke Floyd kind of way.
It takes him even longer to believe that these college professors found HIS writing work impressive. I'm Still Here JD writes because that's one of the few things he knows how to do and although he might not innately realize it, it's kind of a way that he expresses his feelings and stuff. It's more so after the band breaks up, obviously, because he's no longer writing for entertainment songs.
When the band breaks up and he goes into the wilderness with Branch, he actually starts just writing lullabies and funny songs to help teach Branch things or get him to do things. Since he's a baby/child and Trolls are very music-oriented. And then is kind of grows into other feelings and thoughts that JD has. He's SO used to writing, that's kind of how it ends up being expressive for him.
He writes a whole album + of sad songs solely because Clay yelled he was in a sad book club. JD had both very sharp and also very fuzzy memories of the fight. He remembers a lot of words and specific phrases but movements and images are kind of fuzzy to him. This is kind of a side effect of almost dying the first time he left.
If I am ever able to really write down a good scenario of JD finding out about Brozone's popularity - and his esteem - in colleges and stuff, I absolutely will.
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dinoace2 · 2 months
Little Matchmaker
Brief barret x reader fic because my man deserves love and yall are cowards
Post ff7, i...don't think there are any spoilers? Wholesome stuff because I felt like it, ~1.1k words, reader's a she
(A/N: is this how second person works? This is a first attempt)
You joined Cloud and his friends on their journey to save Gaia, and after the fact, it didn't hurt to keep in touch. You helped out at the renovated Seventh Heaven when you could, and, oddly enough, you found yourself drawing closer to the young Marlene.
She was adorable, and so innocent and sweet. Although shy at first, she opened up more and more with each passing day. Nowadays, she practically considered you family.
Each time you came back to the bar, every day that you finished whatever odd job you took on, Marlene was the first to greet you. With a giggle and a smile, the girl would rush to your side, arms out for a hug. As long as you weren't completely exhausted, your standard response was to scoop her up in a big snuggle.
Unseen to you, these interactions always brought a smile to someone's face.
Barret stood leaning against a doorway, arms crossed and a gentle smile on his lips. Seeing his daughter so happy gave him a sense of ease. To him, it meant things were finally turning up. It meant that the idea of a peaceful future was more than just a fantasy. It meant that he might not have to spend his entire life fighting for change.
You were special to him, for more reasons than one.
Of course, he loved that you were a source of support and joy for his little girl, but lately he...began to think about something more.
You had spent so much time together on the road, alongside everyone else of course. Acquaintances, then allies, then friends, and now...
Now he wasn't so sure.
When did it start, that he began to notice the endearing smile on your face whenever you came by? When did he start to see the glimmer in your gorgeous eyes, a hopeful look for a bright future?
When did he realize his heart began to race in your presence?
When did he first notice that, the person he'd been traveling with, fighting alongside, and, frankly, trusting with his life on a regular basis, could perhaps be something more?
In truth, he could probably only mark it up to the fact that Marlene looked so happy when you were around.
He'd never really thought much about love or anything like that. Up til now, there was always some kind of danger or threat or something to fight for, and now that there was peace? It actually left space to think about something else.
He watched his daughter take you by the hand and lead you outside to play, and smiled as he took a seat at the bar. Tifa set a glass in front of him. "Are you ever gonna tell her?"
He looked at her, a confused look on his face as he took his glass. "Whaddaya mean?"
She chuckled. "Come on, I know you aren't totally oblivious. You light up every time she walks in here."
Barret rolled his eyes. "I dont 'light up' for anyone. I mean...'cept for Marlene." He shrugged.
Tifa only smiled. "Alright then. Do you want a refill?"
A while later, when you and Marlene finally came in for a break from your playing, you both sat at the bar, and Tifa presented both of you with a fresh glass of ice-cold lemonade.
You smiled, taking the glass with a sigh. "Thanks, Tifa. This kiddo here can race fast when she wants to...where's all that energy come from, anyway?" You ruffled the girl's hair and she giggled.
You looked at the only other guest in the building, and you waved. "How have you been, Barret?"
He couldn't help but smile at you. "Oh, i- uh. I'm doin' alright. How are you?" Tifa chuckled at his response, and he only glared back at her.
Marlene set her glass down, then walked up to Barret and put her hands on her hips. "Daddy, you need to ask Miss (y/n) on a date!"
You and Barret both choked on your drinks at the same time, attention very quickly shifting to the little girl in front of you.
Barret chuckled nervously. "Um. I. Sweetheart, where'd that even come from?"
"Well all the time you're talking about how nice and amazing and pretty she is!" She crossed her arms.
His eyes went wide. "I-, heh, i...that was supposed to be secret words, princess..." his eyes darted between you and her, almost seeming nervous.
She turned back to you. "And when we play together you always sit on the swings and gush about how great Daddy is!"
You froze. Had you really done it that much? Maybe a couple times here and there, just as a way of finding something you and her could agree on, her dad is pretty incredible after all. Perhaps it slipped your mind how often you brought it up, but...you never talked that much with her about your feelings for him....did you? Your cheeks flushed, your face felt hot. How embarrassing, to have been utterly exposed by a seven-year-old to someone you looked up to so much.
Marlene took you by the hand and walked you over, so that you stood closer to Barret than before. "You like her, and she likes you, and also I like her a lot! I think she'd be a good Mama!"
With every word she said, you were somewhere between melting out of excitement and happiness, and wanting to curl up and shrink away out of embarrassment.
Tifa looked on at the awkward display, and broke the silence with a chuckle. "Well, no arguing with that logic, huh?"
You turned to her with the most 'shut. UP!' glare in your eyes, and she only replied with a shrug and a smile.
Barret sighed and took a long breath, standing up. "Alright...uh. well..." he cleared his throat. "Um. (y/n), uh." He gestured his hand and fidgeted a bit. "Will you....uh. will..." he let out a long sigh. "....willyougoonadatewithme‐"
You paused, shocked for a moment. Barret Wallace, among the strongest men you'd ever met, reduced to nervous mumbles and shaky fidgets. That was never a sight you could have expected, but...it wasn't necessarily something you didn't find amusing.
You smiled. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't quite hear you."
He paused, grumbled under his breath for a moment, then sighed. "I, uh. Would you...like to get dinner with me...sometime soon?"
You couldn't help but giggle, and you reached out to take his hand.
"I'd love to."
Thanks for reading! :]
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dearweirdme · 8 months
I think some people are overstepping their boundaries a little or a lot, tbh. Taehyung and Jimin were the ones who referred to themselves as soulmates so it's nobody else's place to speak over them on that matter. They know their relationship better than any of us and we don't know what time they spend together or how they interact behind closed doors. We always say that just because we don't see Taekook interactions doesn't mean they're not happening so why are people switching up on that now and acting like what we see or don't see on the screen encapsulates and defines their entire relationship? Like, don't be hypocritical.
I think some of the implications are really treading close to calling them both liars and fake and peddling BS to the fans because if it is just a narrative, then they're heavily complicit in pushing it so it's putting them and their integrity in the line of fire and do we really think that's fair to them just because all they did was hang out in public together?
And now people are in the asks speaking for Tae, talking about how he was disappointed that it wasn't JK like they personally know him or his feelings on the matter even when Taehyung said or gave no implication that he was unhappy or disappointed that Jimin was there.
I'm gonna be blunt and say that some of these comments are coming off as bitter, shipper bullshit with people trying to put words in Tae's mouth when what they really mean is that THEY are the ones disappointed that they didn't get their Taekook fix. It's disappointing really because I thought most of us had moved past that level of entitlement and realised that the members aren't obligated to adjust or forgo their other relationships with each other outside of Taekook in order to suit us.
Taehyung and Jimin have made it perfectly clear how much they think of each other, how much they love each and how important their relationship is to them and they've made it perfectly clear to me that their relationship is 100% platonic so why are Taekookers in the threads acting threatened and bitter?
Yes, people do play the maknae line off against each other and their interactions and relationships are weaponised by haters and shippers but why should that lead to people questioning things that Tae and Jimin have specifically said themselves with words out of their own mouths and that the other members have pointedly AND passively reinforced?
I don't know if it's because people automatically romanticise the word 'soulmate' and have no idea what kind of relationship it really refers to but the 'everyone is lying about Vmin's friendship and we know themselves better than them' narrative is kinda nuts since it implicates them directly in the lie. There's no shady BigHit tricks to blame for that one since it's come directly from the horse's mouth.
Imagine seeing vmin together, being happy together, and still managing to find a problem with it.
Hi anon!
To me it looks like there’s different reasons people have for talking the way they do about this. To some it is indeed just to get a Taekook fix. I have seen people very invested in Taekook as a ship, but not so much in BTS as a band. Some are even very deep in the more ‘crazy’ type of narratives, it almost feels as though they are trying to fight a battle here. And while the intentions are probably not bad (they truly think Tae and Jk have to be rescued) it’s not based on reality imo. To those people seeing Jimin there and Jk just having left for a schedule, it looks like Jk is purposefully sent away and Jimin is the point they place some of their anger on.
I don’t personally follow accounts that push narratives that are really out there, but on occasion I get sent stuff from for instance that Taennieisaflop account (apparently they changed their name) and it’s truly so harmful what they do there. They have many followers (hopefully a lot who just follow for the drama and don’t actually buy what is said) who go along with what they say. It actually undermines the members at times.
I do also think that the word ‘soulmate’ carries different connotations for different cultures. In mine for instance, it’s used very much to describe a romantic bond. You’d actually have to clarify that it’s not romantic in nature or people will just assume. But I do think to all actual BTS fans it’s very clear that Tae and Jimin are very much platonic.
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
can I hear about the mia and ollie similarities whenever you have time...
theyre blonde :( thats it :( okay but ACTUALLY LETS GET INTO IT
They're loud assholes to people who need to be yelled at, but theyre actually hella introverted.
Mia "i think fast i talk fast" Dearden will mouth off at villains and batman, and take the piss out of people she loves. BUT she wasn't exactly shown to have like a friend group at her school (she was shown to be popular. but we only see her specifically interact with one person), and was extremely nervous to join the titans, not because they intimidated her, but because she didnt really...want to be there. She'd rather be with people she knows. She spends most of her time practicing archery, even before she was speedy. The only time we ever saw her go out anywhere was on a date with Dodger. And I will be pretending for the sake of this post that all of this is bc of character stuff and not just bad writing!
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Similarly, Ollie "goateed loudmouth" Queen thrives when he's alone, he prefers it, he rarely spends time with people outside of his family or close close friends. He'll rant and rave at leaguers and cops and capitalists and villains all day long, but he's at his happiest and most content when he's alone, and often when on the move too, this man cannot sit still he is like a fucking shark he will die if he is in the same place too long but thats unrelated to this post.
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As is pretty much a requirement to be in the arrowfam. Neither of them are here to fight the big alien threats you take on while being in the league/titans. They're here to save the little guy and fuck up capitalists. They have both seen the worst of society on the very opposite ends of the spectrum, Ollie with the rich, Mia with those the rich forget or ignore. I don't think I really need to add an example of Ollie here considering thats like his main this if u know anything about him. But look heres mia thinking abt it in her first titans issue.
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Now with coping mechanisms they're a lil different, Mia tends to isolate and stay in one place. Ollie will isolate but fuck off somewhere. Accidentally walk to canada. That sorta thing.
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(pls ignore how terrifying bald ollie is)
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They also both mask their emotions and deflect with humour when around other people, they don't want others to have to deal with their shit, they don't want to burden them (hence the isolation, this also often leads to them imploding in on themselves). Heres my most favourite example of their similarities ever (yes I will continue to post and talk about this specific thing every 3 weeks and no one can stop me) I do owe Hester my life for this
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Now heres the best part. They both did this a lot right. And yknow what that led to? Learning and growing and being there for each other :] Now im going to be honest we dont really see this growth in vol 3 bc judd winick is incapable of writing character development but! Phil Hester is here for us once again with his story in the 80th special and this part specifically <3
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Also once again a whole arrowfam thing- neither of them give two shits about their secret id lmao. I choose to believe Mia is so flippant about hers bc she so easily realised Ollie was GA that she just went like. Yeah sure I won't give a fuck either, it's clearly working for him.
oh and they both like musical theatre, hate batman and are homophobic**. sad. **not actually thats just an in joke in fandom
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the-music-maniac · 11 months
I'm relatively new to ORV, I got into it a while back and then ran out of time to continue (the novel is long AF lol) but as I'm getting back into it, I've realized that ORV is one of the most main character centric fandoms I have ever encountered before.
And tbh I think that's why I've been having so many issues getting invested in ORV fanworks. Specifically shipping ones. It's super rare for me because usually I love reading fanfics.
Before I start talking about my thoughts I just wanna make a disclaimer that I'm not trying to attack anyone. You should interact with media and create stuff however you wish to! Lord knows that I'm not exactly unbiased about my blorbos (I would die for them and you can tell from my posts) but I just kinda wanna talk about this because it's such a unique experience. Never before have I encountered a fandom that is so centered on one character.
Like I hope y'all know what I'm talking about and that I'm not just talking out of my ass. Everything in the ORV fandom is super Kim Dokja centric. On one hand, I really do get it, he's a great character. He's not my favourite character but he's a lil rat bastard and I think he's so fucking neat. And how centred the storyline and moreover the people in the story are on Kim Dokja is to a certain extent, canon. He's their leader and also the person keeping them safe. He's the one who reached out in their darkest moments and pulled them to the light. And he's a traumatized little bitch. Oof. A certain amount of hero worship and protectiveness is valid.
What I can't really wrap my head around though, is the lack of development between other members of the group in a lot of fanworks. This is specifically fandom interpretations of the characters btw, I haven't finished the story fully, so I can't speak on how they are canonically but I have seen people's stories and thoughts. And this isn't always the case of course, I have read fics before where our protagonists all appear to have relations with each other outside of their care for Dokja but it... wasn't as much as I was expecting. Which is weird to me because ORV is super good at writing like. Well written and thought out characters that would be super fun to play with in writing. In developing connections and care for each other - creating a found family. At the beginning they're all tied in by the need for survival and circumstance, they don't even necessarily like each other, and so of course they all gravitate to Dokja, that's to be expected, that's who they're familiar with. But eventually I expect they would learn to care about each other too, y'know? It's difficult to not get to know each other when you're living together daily, fighting alongside each other to survive. I don't believe that they wouldn't develop care for the other members of the group, and people who care about each other don't tend to genuinely threaten each other anytime Dokja gets hurt, especially when it's not anyone's fault - like usually it's in response to one of them "not doing enough to protect him" which makes no sense to me. You don't guilt trip people you care about for things outside their control. Moreover, Dokja is his own person - he will do what he will do and you can try and prevent it because you care about him, sure, but it's also unreasonable for others to expect anyone to be his keeper enough that they get angry when Dokja gets hurt due to his own actions or to situations outside of their control. People in general also don't have their entire character and world centered on loving one person. There are fics I've read where all the characters don't even seem to have any hobbies outside of spending time with Dokja, and I say this because they all literally fight, tooth and nail, over Dokja's time. It feels out of character to me. And yet this characterization is also so common???
I don't usually mind fics that so clearly have a bias towards one character because it's valid to write what you wanna see, but I think it's how saturated the fandom is with those types of works that makes me feel weird. It makes me stop seeing all the characters as individuals in their own right. Having no wants or needs or hobbies outside of Dokja makes it seem like they're just accessories to the story of Dokja's life. The story itself becomes less compelling to me, because it becomes less of a narrative of how Dokja has helped these people and their responses, and more of a world that bends over backwards to worship this one character, using all the other characters as tools to do so. Because if this is meant to convey gratitude and love, its illogical to how it usually works. Specifically in that, you don't lose your own identity or your connections to other people because of it. And I find it hard to interact with this level of saturation of those tropes because at a certain point, I start losing sight of the canonical writing of these individual characters as their own people. I start losing the idea I have in my mind of their canonical personalities. And I don't like that feeling. And because Dokja also isn't my favourite character in this story - I still like him, don't get me wrong - I start feeling indignant on the behalf of all the other characters that are not getting development BC of the concentration on Dokja.
I also don't like it when the banter goes away. Like you can care about people and still enjoy messing with them, I'm not sure why caring about dokja translates to hero worship??? I annoy my friends all the time, and they do it back. It's fun. Like that thing the group does where they can't see Dokja's face and just unanimously decide to tell him he looks bad when he asks about it? That's peak friendship. Peak messing with your sibling energy. As far as I've seen Dokja isn't self conscious about that either (then again I haven't read the entire story yet), so like. What gives? It's canonical that they mess with Dokja - but a lot of fics just get rid of that element.
I also find it especially hard when it comes to shipping, specifically Joonghyuk and Dokja. The reason why I love Joonghyuk and Dokja's dynamic so much in the first place is because they view each other as equals. It would be very easy to place either Joonghyuk or Dokja onto a pedestal - but they don't do that to each other. They know each other pretty damn well and they care about each other even though they're so in denial about it. And you know that thing they do where they act like the other is the worst person in existence and then negates it all by repeatedly devoting themselves to saving them? That's my shit. That whole "you're so fucking annoying but if you died I would kill everything in this room and then myself." The whole "what was that?" "Affection." "Disgusting. Do it again." THAT SHIT. I love that about them. And like the platonic relationships, a lot of shipping works get rid of that type of banter when they shift to a romantic relationship. Like yeah, sweet talk and honesty is important. You should let your partner know you love them. But that's not gonna be all there is. I don't see a need to get rid of the banter because as the story goes on, it's clear that even in canon, eventually the harsh words they say to each other stop being genuine because their actions negate the words. They don't mean them in the first place, so why would that banter change once their care shifts from a platonic to a romantic one? And I could perhaps be okay with that shift from banter to sweet talk if it was MUTUAL, but too often I see a situation where Dokja continues to insult Joonghyuk but he doesn't return it in kind. Joonghyuk is very blunt about his love for Dokja - which is good - but Dokja doesn't do the same back, and for some reason that's fine, and then Joonghyuk also no longer has those very human moments of annoyance when Dokja does some stupid shit. Like I guess I could understand the characterization of Dokja being emotionally constipated cause he's kind of a traumatized control freak and I can see how getting him to talk about his feelings is like trying to get a cat into a bathtub, but it's not like Joonghyuk isn't also like that? It's not really as much of a compelling relationship if one person is telling the other everything, giving care in words of affection and the other person isn't returning it. And you could depict that returned care in other ways, absolutely, but again I don't see it in other ways either, because those stories are still so Dokja centric.
Another factor is that I find that I can't really like a ship in a work where one of the characters is elevated to a point where they can't do anything wrong. Where their own needs are always at the forefront and their partner is always catering to it. Like a relationship is a give and take. We focus a lot on Dokja's trauma - which I love, that man needs sO MUCH THERAPY and it's an interesting topic to explore - but we don't focus on the amount of shit Joonghyuk has had to go through. I very rarely see a shipping fic where Dokja tries to address Joonghyuk's trauma or his hurt. Physical hurt sure, maybe, but that other shit that Joonghyuk bottles up?? Never talked about. My man has had to keep living lives over and over again. Has had to see people he love die, make hard choices. There is no way he's not traumatized to shit, and I'd like that to be a focus some of the time, y'know? Moreover, of all people, Dokja would be the one to understand him the most? One, he's the only one who really knows the whole truth about Joonghyuk, or as much of it as you can, and two, they both have taken on very burdensome leadership roles in a situation where few would be able to understand their position - it makes sense for them to lean on each other mutually, and so far there's a very prominent skew, only an exploration on one side.
And I pretty much haven't seen a shipping fic with Dokja and Joonghyuk where Joonghyuk has recieved any form of platonic comfort from the other characters. I've seen plenty for Dokja. Where he gets comforted/helped by both Joonghyuk and all the other characters. But not for Joonghyuk. If y'all have any recs where Joonghyuk has that, PLEASE recommend it because I need. And sure, it can be argued that Joonghyuk is a hard man to know considering his prickliness but regardless, he DOES have canonical platonic relationships. People who care for him. Who would be protective over him if he were to get hurt. That is not something only Dokja has, and yet it's something I only ever see written for Dokja. Y'all need to remember that technically Dokja doesn't act like any less of an asshole sometimes than Joonghyuk. He's more outwardly approachable sure, but he's not necessarily sweet 100% of the time - he has grit and he's a rat bastard and that's my FAVOURITE FUCKING PART ABOUT HIM. The fact that he's a rat bastard and the fact that not everyone likes him. His interactions in a world where he does have to make hard choices or say things that put people at odds, or hurts others when he didn't mean to. I love that about Joonghyuk too. They suck and they both have so much capacity to be kind despite all the shit they've gone through, but they're not able to see that in themselves and they do bad things because they have to, and I think they're so fascinating.
Y'know out of all of this, I think what cracks me up is, knowing Dokja's character, he would be absolutely appalled at how centred all of it is on him only. Like. Like that's literally the opposite of what he wants 🤣🤣. Like I get that makes people want to do it more because he deserves it and whatnot which is valid but like. He would be quite disgruntled 🤣🤣🤣
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azems-familiar · 5 months
Ok but then you obv have to do Cal, so…
My first impression
honestly i don't really remember my first impression at this point. i played jfo back when it came out, i got it as a christmas gift, and most of what i remember from back then was being annoyed we couldn't choose to join Trilla and thinking i'd be way more invested in Cal if he was a woman. the curse of lesbianism i guess /shrug
My impression now
baby boy. baby. give any Jedi a corruption arc and mental illness and i will be on top of that shit like a fly. i spend way too much time thinking about him. and writing about him. he's kind of murderous and deeply flawed and i love him so much actually
Favorite thing about that character
hmm. his determination, i think. it's definitely a double-edged sword, which is most of what Survivor was about, but even when he's almost completely lost hope he keeps going forward and doesn't let go anyway. that's not exactly always a healthy quality - i've struggled with it before myself and can confirm - but it makes him a really interesting character, and very fun to put into Situations:tm:
Least favorite thing
hm. not sure i have a least favorite thing? characters have flaws, that's what makes them good, and to take them away would be to minimize the character. i could sure have some Least Favorite Fandom Takes, but i won't go into that here, lol. and i think you know those already
Favorite line/scene
oh this is a hard one. probably my favorite bit from him in JFO is when he faces Ninth Sister on Kashyyyk - the evolution from "trash, just approved trash" to "how about a Jedi?" is really good for him starting to come into his own, and let's be real, that whole sequence is very badass. (my favorite scene in JFO doesn't really involve Cal at all, though, honestly.) for survivor.... it's harder. probably the scene where Cal confronts Denvik for the first time on Nova Garon, because it was sooo fun watching him succumb to his rage and be an absolutely cold-hearted bastard when he yanked Denvik's blaster away. also Denvik's a bitch and i was cheering.
Favorite interaction that character has with another
i really love, honestly, his whole interaction with Rayvis on the Shattered Moon when we do that boss fight and kill Rayvis in Survivor - Rayvis has some great lines and is a fascinating character and overall it's a really great way of showcasing Cal's slide down, especially the bit where he talks to BD on the way back from it, asking how he's actually any different from Dagan. really good stuff. i also love....honestly all of his interactions with Cere in JFO
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
the low-hanging fruit is Bode tbh because i just wanted to spend more time with Bode casually, outside big plot events, but honestly? i wanted to see more of him with Cere and especially Cordova in Survivor. i know Cal wasn't really in a great place to be getting mentorship from them, but it would've made Cordova's death hit harder, and i just love Cal and Cere's relationship, so of course i want to see more one-on-one scenes with them.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
....one of my OCs from a different era of star wars, honestly. uhhh, totally different fandom, let's see... okay i wouldn't entirely say reminds me of but when i made the playlist for him and Bode i pulled a bunch of songs off my Revan playlist and my Wei Wuxian playlist, so i think. thematic similarities between both.
A headcanon about that character
i think i've probably talked about all of my headcanons for this man already, especially in my fics, but the low-hanging fruit is that he feels like fire. and the chronic pain headcanons - beyond general joint problems i have him have gone through a really bad accident on Bracca when he was 14, where he saved Prauf's life but in doing so his right ankle was shattered in multiple places and broke the skin. because he couldn't afford to get medical care, he had to splint it and wrap it on his own and then just let it heal, which means his ankle is alllll fucked up. the game, ironically, supports this headcanon, by making one of his idle animations rolling out that ankle. no i did not remember that when i gave him the injury.
A song that reminds of that character
i have an entire long spyscrapper playlist with some great songs on it but here's one of my favorites:
(if you want the playlist link itself, just send me an ask, people-who-aren't-senket, i'm happy to share it!)
An unpopular opinion about that character
hmmm. i don't like merrical and don't think they work well together romantically? that's not really about Cal though, let me see. OH! he was not ready to be knighted when he was in jfo; Cere absolutely shouldn't have done it, and didn't really have the right or authority to do it, and it's harmed him. i also don't think he actually should've gotten a kyber crystal on Ilum - the way it was portrayed in the game, he didn't have to go through an actual trial to get it, he didn't overcome his fear of failure or his survivor's guilt or any of that, he wasn't ready and it shouldn't have happened.
narratively, for the game's story as a video game, i understand why both scenes happened, and i actually like them and i think it's fun to explore the ramifications, especially of the premature knighting, but yeah. that's how i feel
Favorite picture
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i like this edit i made a lot because he looks like Anakin and it felt, uh, appropriate hahaha
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I saw you on Twitter ask why Hexside was part of the story, and I remember that the school element was something forced on Dana by Disney that she had to work with, which is why it loses relevance come S2.
I'm going to be blunt: I mean Gus, Willow and Amity when I say Hexide isn't a part of the story. After all, a setting is mostly a tool to a writer and frankly I think TOH uses its school setting pretty well. It understands how incredibly useful a school setting is for introducing its characters, enabling easy explanations for characters of a certain age to come together and the sorts of events that are made possible by a school setting, such as clubs, dances, sports, etc. But none of that explicitly had to stop it from being plot relevant. Eda actually gets part of her backstory filled technically the one time she goes to Hexide as an adult. We then get that made redundant by Them's the Breaks Kid. King has a good B plot about stage fright during Grom, though it's contradicted by his one other appearance at Hexide where he immediately takes over a classroom. Still, it was proven that the two could do something with Hexide. Here's the problem: King has two B plots with Gus, one meaningful conversation with Willow and one adventure with Amity where Amity ignores him for the majority of it and he's there mostly for comic relief. Eda has one B plot with Gus, shared with King, zero real conversations with Willow and serves the same role as King in Eclipse Lake with Amity so gets no meaningful interactions with her either. The Hexide Squad (and frankly this includes Hunter too) and Eda/King are NOT ALLOWED TO INTERACT. Eda spends more meaningful time with EDRIC than she does with AMITY. And one of those Luz's girlfriend. And remember that Found Family, especially Found Family with King, is theoretically the most important part of the series as it literally revives Luz and allows them to win. And yet more than half the cast isn't allowed to even interact with the Found Family. Well what about Hunter? Hunter is at least plot relevant, right? Well... Yes. But if you cut out Labyrinth Runners then Hunter can go to the Titan Hunters with Luz and we can spend some time actually dealing with what just happened to him. Willow's role with Hunter in S2 bare minimum is to have a point of connection through "Don't judge a book by it's cover" and "I've struggled with magic too" which... *gestures at the magicless, bullied human* It's really not that different from Hunting Palisman frankly. Amity gets a Hunter moment too but the larger point of Eclipse Lake isn't anything Amity says but the fight forcing Hunter to use/bond with Flapjack which would have been done by Harpy Eda had she not been busy off screen. These are moments that are either wholly unnecessary outside of shipping or just easily replaced by Luz so that Hunter gets a real connection with anyone instead of four half formed ones by the time he's redeemed. And of those three moments, only Amity's holds real character weight for the Hexide character in question. After all, Willow's problems with magic didn't last long, SKARA is one of those 'don't judge a book by their cover' characters for some fucking reason, and Sport in a Storm is generally agreed to be about Hunter much more than Willow while Amity's character stuff in Eclipse Lake is actually relevant to both Hunter and her. It's also, as I want to point out, actually new since Willow's stuff is mostly a retread of Hunting Palisman.
The only other thing that can be argued is the importance of the Abomatons and... really? If that's your argument, it's pretty weak. The Abomatons never are portrayed as a proper threat to the heroes, to the point where they had to make an ULTIMATE MECH SUIT for Kikimora in order to try and say that THAT thing was a real threat. You easily swap out Abomaton for Emperor's Coven Captain and nothing changes except you don't add literal robots to your fantasy setting. And no, I don't count them as golems because the circuitry and metal is what's made out to make them powerful rather than the magic or the magical material. And the final aspect to talk about is themes. I've talked before that either Gus or Willow needed to be cut because they are such natural savants capable of only one form of magic, doomed to never be able to perform others correctly (this is explicitly Willow's issue) that they actually make it look like Belos is straight correct with the coven system. Bare minimum, they both come off as chosen ones in their own field. Amity at least can claim to have studied and trained to get to her position of power. Self expression is very loosely explored with Willow being better at plant magic at least. It's theoretically a large part of what Amity is about but her defiance against the old pressures that made her conform and be bad is so weak and limp that really, how much does it feel like any sort of struggle? This actually becomes worse as the feeling that she does everything for Luz becomes stronger and stronger. Rather than "This is the real Amity!" it starts coming off as "Amity swapped her mom with Luz for who she was modeling her life after." And the final point on this portion I want to make is that Dana claims that from a very early point, they knew they wanted a queer romance. Amity is that romance. The school isn't to blame for Amity never interacting with Eda and King. It's not to blame for how much time Amity's arc took because I do agree with people when they say the romance isn't rushed. It's given SO MUCH TIME as to feel decently natural if we ignore the ease in which Amity discards her past. If the school was forced upon the show... It used it for the part that frankly should never have been a part of the show anyways. Because The Owl House is a comedy adventure with major themes of found family and fantasy versus reality. The romance with Amity is explicitly even framed in the show as part of Luz's fantasy, through multiple lines from Luz, and she is not a part of the found family. Amity has no business here. But Amity is also why the show was more popular than Amphibia, at least on social media.
Let's talk about the Catch 22 that is the Hexide Squad. All of them minus Gus really. Shipping is a very powerful thing after all. Amity is also what allows Luz to be openly Bi in a way she wouldn't be able to otherwise. A way that is more definitive. Amity being explicitly a lesbian was a HUGE marketing point for the show to the fandom, especially as part of why The Owl House is more special than other cartoons. These are also the characters who are most popular in the fandom. They reflect the age demographic (Hunter included) and are pretty well written teenagers so it's easy to see why people latch onto them. This actually got so bad between S1 and 2 that some people who hadn't properly watched the show, only having been exposed to the shipping art, that they though AMITY was the main character. Which I don't wholly blame them for. S1 Amity has really strong protagonist hair.
Without the Hexide Squad, you don't have shipping and LGBTQIA as such forefront elements of the show. It's frankly the exact problem that theoretically Amphibia S1 faced. Lots of people apparently skipped S1 (and I really need to do a blog on how incredibly well written the first couple episodes of S2 are to even allow that) of Amphibia because they didn't like Anne. They didn't connect with the frogs. They needed more of the trio instead because people who look human are much easier to connect with from an audience perspective. Also from an art perspective, they're going to be a lot easier to draw because you have more references and more experience drawing humans. Amphibia knew what it was though. It was a story about friendship, relationships, Found Family, the complexity of relationships and how they're grown, challenged, etc. and S1 of Amphibia is CRUCIAL to that. Frankly, the decision to make Anne unlikable (in a really entertaining way to me and she normally gets genuinely punished in some way for being a bitch) and to keep S1 almost exclusively with the frogs is a braver creative choice to me than probably ANYTHING The Owl House does. Especially if we're not talking about societal contexts, because Amity is frankly, imo, the only brave thing about TOH and her arc of getting with Luz isn't brave or new or different at all from straight romances that have done that dynamic. She's only 'brave' because it's LGBTQIA+ which by the time Owl House would have been greenlit, that ball was already moving for them. Korra for Nickelodeon existed. Steven Universe for multiple reasons for Cartoon Network. The writing was probably on the wall by then for Adora and Catra for She-Ra as far Netflix representation goes. At that point... Disney was being pressured by their competitors to either start including representation in their televised stuff or getting lots of attention on why they aren't including representation while their main competitors are. And no corporation wants that sort of attention. It actually gets worse btw if you don't count SPoP because then it becomes even clearer about them wanting to get ahead of their competition with the first LGBTQIA+ main character and they failed even at that. But that gets into a lot of themes for why every July EVERY corporation, regardless of politics (Minus Chick Fil A because holy shit that company is religious and fuck Chick Fil A), gets covered in rainbows in someway. In fact, to the point where Skittles lost their Rainbow last year to give it to the LGBTQIA+. That's not a joke. That actually happened. But to get back on topic: You also don't get straight shipping with Huntlow. You don't have Gusthollomewl as your mlm representation. Hexide is ALL about the shipping. Literally. Every episode needs to feature a ship being pushed forward. That's why two of Gus' three episodes feature Matt and then his third has that atrocious moment where Hunter is able to identify Willow better than her BEST FRIEND. Hell, let's take this one step further: Them's the Breaks Kid's main function, as one of our very few real glimpses into the past, is to show Raeda. Just make you sure all adore Raeda. Understand that these two are soulmates and if you don't understand that, what the fuck is wrong with you?
BUUUUUUT Them's the Breaks Kid is also arguably the best episode of S2B. It's easily the most fun, possibly more fun and just entertaining than any other episode than S2 as a whole. It's an episode that embodies how much of a waste of time Hexide is, even when using a main character like Eda, while also showing that the show clearly knows how to have way more fun with a school setting than its own fantasy setting. So if Disney forced them to include a school setting... It sounds like Disney knew the strengths of the writers better than the writers did and knew what the real draws to the show were better than the writers. =========
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bythenineshards · 2 years
I just saw a post that said that in acosf Nesta shouldn't be having a hard time going Downstairs cause well gravity shud be doing most of the work 😭😭😭😭😭🖐🏼
It immediately made me think of you and how u wud slander the shit out of it 😭
Also there was something about Nesta's alcoholism and how Nesta would have been stronger if she was actually shown fighting the temptation to have a drink and not a drink simply because she wasn't able to.
But idk I don't feel like Nesta's Alcoholism was that severe ? Anyways what are ur thoughts??
Hey! I hope you're doing splentastic! Sorry for the delay. Work decided I had to suffer.
First, let me start with a controversial opinion. Stairs are the devil. I will not be taking questions on this matter.
So I don't really see what they're saying as wrong in a realistic sorta way. It is easier to go down stairs than it is going up. At least, that's my experience. My Crossfit days can attest to that. However I will say I think the stairs are a botched metaphor for her "progress". Nesta sees the stairs as an impossible feat to get to the world outside. She frequently has issues getting down but it's rarely an issue getting back up. I could be wrong though, I haven't read Acosf since it was released and don't really plan on doing a reread. Honestly, I could be giving her too much credit for the metaphor. It's just as likely that she forgot going back upstairs would be more effort.
I do think Nesta's problems with alcohol should've been more pronounced. The lack of withdrawal leads me to see her time in the HoW as a punishment for not wanting to do things with Feyre and spending money she has earned. I don't care what the Stans say, she was maimed in service of the NC. She earned that money. Rhys should shut his trap about it too. I've seen Stans say that Nesta being wild makes them look bad as rulers but like... when has that been an issue? They acted like children at the HL meeting. They robbed another Court. Rhys was literally the right hand of a dictator for nearly fifty years. Mor sleeps around and drinks all the time. The Bat Boys were known for acting like Frat boys. Nesta ain't doing anything to their reputation. Also... side tangent....
This is gonna be a bit more personal but I think it should be mentioned. In my personal perspective, Feyre and Co. are really shitty friends and family to Nesta. I've suffered with severe depression since about eleven years old. Do you know what doesn't help? Being asked to do something you don't wanna do. Like not, something you like and have just lost the zeal for but full on have no interest. Them pestering her to come to the Starfall party or come help Feyre pick stuff for her house is the equivalent to asking me to go hiking or camping. Why the fuck couldn't Feyre, Elain and Cassian try to reach Nesta on her level? Like why couldn't Feyre use her newfound love for reading to get Nesta books and maybe write letters to her about what happened in them? When I've slipped into my depression it's things like my husband getting me my favorite breakfast, or taking me to a bookstore or popping in one of my favorite movies. It's not being around a bunch of people who treat me like shit or helping my sister-in-law with her kids. I hope that makes sense. I guess it really follows Feyre's character though. Only interacting with Nesta when she wants something from her.
Anyway... I agree that there should've been withdrawal symptoms and an actual struggle with that. However Maas doesn't want to deal with those ugly withdrawal symptoms. Remember? Only pretty trauma is acceptable in her books. The gritty reality of alcohol addiction makes it hard for her to write overly graphic male gaze smut.
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mstrickster · 7 months
What is each of the ducks love language?
So, in general I feel like the whole group uses teasing as a love language. However, i assume you're talking about more traditional love languages. So, let's cover those!
Dwayne: I'm starting with our sunshine boy! Dwayne strikes me as the type of person to have the love language of acts of service. I wanted to say he was physical touch, but he doesn't really do a lot of touching in the movies. However, if you see how he talks to people he likes. Plus, the way he helps Connie in D2. I feel like he always tries to show people he loves them by doing stuff for them.
Adam: I want to say Adam is quality time. He does do things for people he cares about. However, for him, he really values just the time he gets to spend with people he cares about. I feel like this is because Adam, a lot of his life, and this is just my opinion, was valued for what he could do for other people. So he naturally falls into the act of service role, but he would much rather spend time with people he loves over anything else.
Dean: Dean's love language, I think, is physical touch. I say that because of how he interacts with Fulton. In D1, Fulton didn't really seem to touch other people. However, with Dean, they're always doing their handshakes and their chest bumps, etc. So I feel like that's more his thing. I could also see him with Acts of Service because he's always willing to defend his friends.
Fulton: Now, well, I do believe Fulton is okay with physical touch because of Dean. I don't think that's his love language. I think his love language is acts of service. I said that because in D1. His contributions before he joins the team is helping the team. He gets the Hawks to leave the Ducks alone. At Han's shop, he helps Charlie get the stick that's on display. When Tammy gets knocked down, he goes after McGill. He only fights or defends when he has to and only for his friends.
Charlie: Charlie's love language for me seems to be words of affirmation. He's always ready with a kind word or some kind of encouragement. He is like the ultimate cheerleader for everyone he loves. That's why I think Charlie's love language fits with words of affirmation the most. Also given that he wears his heart on his sleeve that seems to be the obvious one for somebody like that. Because he will tell you that he cares about you cuz that's just who he is.
Luis: Luis strikes me as somebody who has the love language of gift giving. I feel like he doesn't really understand how to express his emotions that well. However, he is really good at finding the perfect item for a certain person. He is such a good gift giver because he knows the person deeper than he realizes he does.
Guy: Guy is 100% quality time. Although he is really good at creating a romantic atmosphere. That is not as important to him as having the time set aside for the person he wants to spend it with. He really values his friends and his girlfriend. So he feels like the type of person that would want to show them that anytime they're together. Plus, Guy strikes me as a person who can kind of be effortlessly romantic. However, that is only because he sees the value in someone's time and wants them to know he sees that.
Jesse: I feel like Jesse has the love language of Acts of Service just because he knows words are cheap. Like for Jesse, he knows how easy it is for somebody to kind of fake sincerity. However, it is much harder to fake, showing you care about somebody. For him, the actions are so much more important than anything else.
Kenny: For Kenny, I feel like his love language is quality time. I say this because a lot of the times, Kenny is kind of sidelined. Like I love him, but a lot of times, he appears to play a background character. So I feel like he would really appreciate somebody who takes the time to notice him and takes the time to value him outside of his skills as a figure skater. So that's why I chose quality time.
Goldberg: Goldberg, I feel like has one of two. He's either words of affirmation because he really enjoys being praised. Or he's quality time because he obviously isn't much of a skater. However, he stays on the team because he wants to spend time with his friends. Which fits very much in the quality time love language. So it could go either way.
Connie: Connie is a tough one because I feel like she can fit into a couple of different categories. However, I'm going to settle on words of affirmation. Connie and Charlie are generally the same when it comes to like really bringing up their friends. Especially with the other girls Connie is always on their side. However, like Jesse, I could see her also falling into acts of service because of the same reason. She knows words can be deceiving, so you have to show her that you mean what you say.
Averman: For better or worse, Averman has a way with words. Therefore, I think that his love language is words of affirmation. But in a different way, he likes it when people show their love in a snarky sort of way. Like, I feel like he would swoon if someone said I love you, but you're also a pain in the ass. Just words of affirmation but a little bit skewed.
Julie: The last two are the hardest, in my opinion. Julie, I had to think about for a second, and I think I want to put her in gift giving. Outside of Connie, she doesn't really do much physical touch. And the only time I've seen her do anything like words of affirmation was when Scooter was like "good game." Though I hardly think that counts. She could be acts of service and quality time. However I settled on gift giving because of a headcanon that I have. My headcanon is Julie like her actress is a really good baker. So, she shows her love to people by giving them treats. I think it's a really sweet way for somebody who's a little bit harder at expressing themselves to show you that they love you.
Russ: Russ seems to thrive on gentle ribbing as an act of endearment. Like in D3, where you knew he was happy that Charlie was back but he also had to give him a little shit. So, this might fit into words of affirmation. However, it could also fit in quality time. However, I honestly think his love language is just quip-giving. He is very good at it.
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curestardust · 9 months
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Dust Watched: RWBY: Ice Queendom
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Female Protagonists // 12 episodes
As usual, I'll try to stay objective but I don't promise that this review will make complete sense for people who haven't seen the original RWBY. That is because I actually started following it when the "White Trailer" was released in 2013. While I haven't been following the show that closely for the past few years (but I'm caught up on it), I'm sure there will be some things my brain doesn't even realise needs an explanation for new people just because of how ingrained some of it is. But I'll try.
✧  story  ✧
First off, despite the first 3 episodes adapting the beginning of the original show somewhat accurately (except better), this actually isn't a full adaptation of it but rather a sort of "extra arc" that could've happened in the original show as it doesn't disturb any canonical events.
For people who don't know about RWBY, this anime probably feels rushed yet slow at the same time. The worldbuilding speedruns through the first 3 episodes but then we enter a Samsara that's main focus is the character building of Team RWBY. Obviously, for me this wasn't a bad thing. In fact, it was fantastic! RWBY (orig) is notoriously bad at good character arcs or interactions so for ME this was something to fill that hole. But for those who don't know the universe, they might be disappointed that they don't really get to see or explore this world further than what we're given. Oh but don't worry if you don't understand this Aura, Semblance, Silver Eyes stuff. The writers don't either! :)
Sidenotes: I really like these Nightmare Grimm. I was mad pissed that they didn't animate the Sun/Penny vs Roman and co. fight but after I relaized that these characters don't have much of a role, I wasn't bothered by it... as much. Give me anime Penny fight scene!!!
✧  characters  ✧
Now, listen, for new people, these characters might seem a bit underdeveloped. They meet, become buddy-buddy besties in a few days, enough to risk their lives for each other? To be honest, the show did have some blunders. Weiss spends a lot of time being racist (Faunus-phobic?) towards Blake and before we enter the Nightmare arc, they don't actually make up. Then, even in the dream, Blake is outcast by Weiss. All in all, Blake would've absolutely no reason to put as much trust in Weiss as she does in the anime nor put herself in so much risk. However...
In the original show, Weiss and Blake have spoken like 3 damn sentences to each other. And here comes my salt. Because I don't write reviews of non-anime I've never really gotten to complain to anyone about how much I HATE the character writing in RWBY (orig).
Here's the thing: the writers don't like Team RWBY. Or they don't understand them. Either way, they can't write these four to save their goddamn lives. Despite Volume 9 coming out after this anime and having a very similar concept and goal it's soooooooo much worse. Even if you hated "Ice Queendom", was the friendship between Team RWBY realistic? Earned? Like they actually became friends? Because in RWBY (orig) they STILL feel like they're just mere acquintances instead of a close group of friends who have been through hell. So listen... even if this anime just by itself isn't particularly good, I didn't realize how much I've been starving for some actual good Team RWBY interaction. I gobbled this UP, okay?!
Whew... now that that's out of the way, some sidenotes: really liked Shion's character, design, powers, presentation *chef kiss*. Team JNPR were just extra fodder, they felt pretty meh. LOVED that despite them shoehorning Jaune into the story (again) he actually didn't take away screentime or agency from Team RWBY and just had his own mini character arc instead of becoming the deus ex machina pseudo MC *cough Volume 9 cough*.
✧  art  ✧
Oof, boy. There are a few, and I mean I could count them on one hand, really beautifully animated fight scenes but outside of that, the anime looks not... very good. The rest of the fight scenes look downright comical, very frequent off-model shots throughout, minimal movement, numerous animation mistakes (minor but still), and smudged backgrounds in the last few episodes especially are prevalent. The only thing stopping it from being downright ugly is the close-up shots which they focused the most on after the figh scenes. All in all, it feels rushed? Unfortunate, as RWBY's signature has always been its fight choreographies. But! Those like 5-6 fight scenes they actually put work into? Go so fucking hard.
Oh, and the winter outfits are really cute!
✧  sound ✧
OP/ED's are fantastic, I especially loved how they got something for the OP that sounded so close to Jeff and Casey's style. The classical renditions of the iconic RWBY tracks were also a nice touch.
Also the characters being voices by people with actual experience in VA work?? An incredible experience. (Yes, the bar is this low, I'm just glad I didn't cringe multiple times while watching the anime as opposed to the show.)
✧  overview ✧
All in all, if we don't take RWBY (orig) into consideration, this isn't a particularly good anime. And it's not even guaranteed that people who have watched the show will like this anime. I don't think there are any winners here besides maybe Monty who I'm sure would've been ecstatic to see his brainchild in anime form, regardless of its shortcomings. Rest in Peace, my man.
EDIT: Oh, right, I almost forgot. Watch the original 4 teasers!!! They STILL hold up today!
My Rating: 6/10
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covecornerarchive · 1 year
lonelyghostwriter asked:
What are your headcannons for Janice?
- Personality wise, while she can be a bit of a shy, awkward, and pretty odd kid, she's also very friendly, energetic, and adventurous (at least in the beginning of the series). She's shown to be creative, brave during the show, but also very naive.
- She's always been interested in scary stuff. She enjoys drawing and a lot of her pictures are that of monster designs she comes up with (many resembling monsters in Candle Cove). She also liked watching certain horror movies if she managed to sneak a vhs tape of one.
- Before she came to Candle Cove she dealt with a lot of loneliness due to having trouble interacting with other kids her age and her home life not being the best.
- (tw for child neglect and abuse) After their mom died, Janice and Melrose's dad could never bring himself to give Janice much regard, putting the responsible of taking care of her onto Melrose. This and the fact their mom died due to the birth was what lead to Melrose's resentment towards Janice, and her mistreatment of her as she was the only outlet Mel had to take things out on.
- Due to this Janice deals with a lot of self loathing and isolation, issues that became more and more prominent as the show got darker.
- Janice immediately got attached to Poppy after meeting just because he was the first person she really met in Candle Cove and was so nice to her.
- Janice and Percy actually didn't get along at first. He regarded her as a nuisance for the most part, and didn't think a child should've been a part of the crew. Too bad for Percy though because someone has to end up as this child's surrogate older brother and it's him.
- She learns to use a slingshot as her main weapon, though Milo did teach her some sword fighting skills before he started to lose it.
- Looking people in the eyes for too long makes her very uncomfy.
- Give her a chance to talk about something she like, such as birds or, again, monsters, and she will go on for as long as she's allowed. The crew likes listening to her even if they have 0 idea what she's talking about. She's initially embarrassed by it due to how people regarded her back home but Percy is a good source of reassurance.
- Has time goes on she feels worse and worse about not being to help the crew as much as she wants, and eventually starts blaming herself for the grief Skin-taker and the Rubber Fishes bring them since she argues Skin-taker wouldn't have been summoned if she herself never showed up.
- The patches of skin that changed when she started to turn into an abyssal thing during her time in the Abyssal Kingdom are now a lighter shade compared to the rest of her after healing in the Glittering Islands.
- While creeped out by many beings in Candle Cove, Janice is shown to actually try and make friends before running or starting a fight. Doesn't matter how odd you look, this child will try to be your friend as long as you don't want to kill her (the bar is low ok?)
- She's also shown to be pretty clever with an ability to think outside of the box. She often helps the crew out with puzzles during the show.
- She fast. Child go zoom.
- She spends about two years in Candle Cove during the show, from when shes 9 to when shes 11.
- She's a spring baby and was born in March.
(November 1, 2021)
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A friend of mine who grew up with my ex husband called me tonight. She told me he was always narcissistic, even way back in their teens. And she, matter-of-factly was like "well, you have borderline, of course, because you stayed with him for so long, why else would you?"
I present below, the symptoms of borderline, per helpguide.org, and my commentary on the applicability of same:
The 9 symptoms of BPD
Fear of abandonment. People with BPD are often terrified of being abandoned or left alone. Even something as innocuous as a loved one arriving home late from work or going away for the weekend may trigger intense fear. This can prompt frantic efforts to keep the other person close. You may beg, cling, start fights, track your loved one's movements, or even physically block the person from leaving. Unfortunately, this behavior tends to have the opposite effect—driving others away.
In the past, sure, on the outside it probably looked like a fear of being alone. I have had it very much drilled into me that i am incapable by my well meaning but entirely too anxious mother. During my marriage he would purposely start things, aka drama, when he was feeling bored, including planting seeds of doubt in my head as to his monogamy. So i would freak out and cry and be entertaining (apparently). He was also very hot and cold.
Unstable relationships. People with BPD tend to have relationships that are intense and short-lived. You may fall in love quickly, believing that each new person is the one who will make you feel whole, only to be quickly disappointed. Your relationships either seem perfect or horrible, without any middle ground. Your lovers, friends, or family members may feel like they have emotional whiplash as a result of your rapid swings from idealization to devaluation, anger, and hate.
I don't hate anyone. Even now. I feel pity and sorrow for those who are so deluded as to allow themselves to hate. I don't get to that level anymore. I won't allow it. Someone used to trigger me into deep self loathing for fun but i don't let people do that to me anymore. Now I look at myself like a little baby child, trying her best, after having a lot of really terrible stuff happen to her and being cautious about anything like that possibly happening again.
Unclear or shifting self-image. When you have BPD, your sense of self is typically unstable. Sometimes you may feel good about yourself, but other times you hate yourself, or even view yourself as evil. You probably don't have a clear idea of who you are or what you want in life. As a result, you may frequently change jobs, friends, lovers, religion, values, goals, or even sexual identity.
I used to be a mom. Now I'm not. I never made anything else of myself and he took that one thing away from me. Of course my self image is unstable. I never got the opportunity to build one in the first place, independent of my role as a parent. I've spent my whole life having a whole heap of people who don't actually know me tell me they know me better than i know me and then explaining me to me, near universally incorrectly, and refusing to accept the ego injury of being told they're wrong. As someone who tries to see the wisdom in the words of every fool this gets very tiresome as there are a great many fools in the world. Fools that insist their egos be stroked and their insecurities placated in every interaction.
Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors. If you have BPD, you may engage in harmful, sensation-seeking behaviors, especially when you're upset. You may impulsively spend money you can't afford, binge eat, drive recklessly, shoplift, engage in risky sex, or overdo it with drugs or alcohol. These risky behaviors may help you feel better in the moment, but they hurt you and those around you over the long-term.
This one is a kinda. But I'm looking at nicotine, delta vapes, and yarn as impulsive and self destructive, even though i can theoretically sell what i make with the yarn, i can't really afford it.
Self-harm. Suicidal behavior and deliberate self-harm is common in people with BPD. Suicidal behavior includes thinking about suicide, making suicidal gestures or threats, or actually carrying out a suicide attempt. Self-harm encompasses all other attempts to hurt yourself without suicidal intent. Common forms of self-harm include cutting and burning.
Does nicotine count as self harm? I feel like it should. Not eating on the regular is another problem that could be considered self harm if you're looking at it from that angle. I haven't wanted to die at all since i determined i couldn't leave my kids to only have him as their parent, and them as their only family. I just need to get clean stable housing of my own, and while that *feels* impossible at times, i know it's not impossible. And it's only when all hope is lost that i could/ would even consider it, and there's *always* hope. As long as there is air in my lungs and in theirs. And once they have passed on, if I remain, I will find another purpose. So, really, this one is not a worry at all.
Extreme emotional swings. Unstable emotions and moods are common with BPD. One moment, you may feel happy, and the next, despondent. Little things that other people brush off can send you into an emotional tailspin. These mood swings are intense, but they tend to pass fairly quickly (unlike the emotional swings of depression or bipolar disorder), usually lasting just a few minutes or hours.
I don't have this. At all. I have emotions, but I'm not big or scary with them. I don't yell or throw things or carry on like a lunatic. I don't try to keep fights going. I try to resolve them, to determine their root cause and attack the cause so we can avoid future fights. I emote but I don't get riled up with anger unless I'm pushed, repeatedly, and with force. I get scared easily and simply need reassurance that I'm safe and we're all going to remain safe when other's moods are bad, but eventually that passes as I learn to trust the words because the actions line up.
Chronic feelings of emptiness. People with BPD often talk about feeling empty, as if there's a hole or a void inside them. At the extreme, you may feel as if you're “nothing” or “nobody.” This feeling is uncomfortable, so you may try to fill the void with things like drugs, food, or sex. But nothing feels truly satisfying.
All I ever was was a mother. That's all i was ever good at, and he destroyed that, in me, and then with them. I feel like now that that has been taken from me, i *am* empty. But it's perfectly reasonable and rational for me to feel that way. And I'm working to refill my insides with things that can't be stolen from me. So I had a void...
Explosive anger. If you have BPD, you may struggle with intense anger and a short temper. You may also have trouble controlling yourself once the fuse is lit—yelling, throwing things, or becoming completely consumed by rage. It's important to note that this anger isn't always directed outwards. You may spend a lot of time feeling angry at yourself.
I don't have this one either. I simply get a bit frustrated when someone who doesn't know me supposes to tell me about myself and misconstrues me, my intentions, my mindset, and my morals and then tells me i am lying when i attempt to correct them. Or when they keep interrupting me over and over to sidetrack or just not listen. These individuals are near universally male in my experience.
Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality. People with BPD often struggle with paranoia or suspicious thoughts about others' motives. When under stress, you may even lose touch with reality—an experience known as dissociation. You may feel foggy, spaced out, or as if you're outside your own body.
I have very good reasons, grounded solidly in facts, for my distrust of others, especially those in positions of power or authority. I don't lose touch with reality. I am firmly and keenly aware of the here and now. I lose time in social media and books and crochet and tv (when i watch it, which is rare), but that's different. I do have a hard time reading faces, or I have a hard time trusting my interpretations of faces, and thus my instincts. But im working on all of that.
What do you think? I don't think this is me.
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