#But uh yeah this exists
floralstorms · 1 year
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Moomins bug/insect etc. au that’s been on my mind for a while
I have a bunch of some ideas and more designs to make Ig but I just wanted to post these designs rn because they’ve been laying around in my files.
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people practice w Them <3
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positivelyadhd · 2 months
i am sending so much love to people that are waiting for or struggling to get access to mental health services.
I promise that even through it can feel like it sometimes, there's people that can support you and that it's not you fault this journey can been so difficult.
there is nothing wrong with needing help. everyone needs help. and I am so sorry if you have ever found it difficult to get it.
it's not your fault that you can't get access to the support that you need when you need it and you deserve so much better.
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the long quiet: so... this is my full potential?
the shifting mound: yes.
the long quiet: so, then it's all downhill from here.
the long quiet: like the narrator.
the shifting mound: i do not know what this narrator is. but they sound disappointing.
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pepperpixel · 11 months
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Betty and magic man art!!!! Cuz!!!! Look me in the eyes and fuckin TELL me these two were not a fucked up / death spiral / make each other worse duo… you CANNOT!!! THEY ARE THE SAME!!! THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER!! IN A WAY NO ONE ELSE POSSIBLY COULD… and! I just rlly wanted to draw them ghghg- cuz! I think there whole thing is interesting! Complicated as hell! Yes! But also interesting! Also made an extra meme thing w em too:
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#adventure time#betty grof#magic man#normal man#king man#at magic man#adventure time magic man#doodles#THIS GUYS FUCKING NAME… bane of my existence…#I wanna like. scour the internet for any old fan content of him but it’s SO DIFFICULT… cuz of his stupid fucking name!!!#but uh. yeah anyway… THESE TWO ARE SO INTERESTING TO ME IM SORRY#cinematic parallels… they are dealing w the same fucking shit.#they can see themselves in each other… but they hate themselves…#it paradoxically makes them both viscous w each other yet also having this solidarity and understanding!!!#and I love that!!!!!#i wanna kno wtf they were doing together when they weren’t on screen!!!! how did they meet!!! what got them to first work together!!!#it’s so interesting!!!! I kno I keep repeating that but it’s cuz it’s true ghfh-#ignore the lil bar at the bottom of the meme image it’s from my phone ghg#I guess they probably first met and stuff cuz of Betty’s research into wizards and stuff actually.. that mystery has been solved ghgh#but STILL… I wanna… I want more of them interacting they like scratch an itch in my brain idek how to describe it ghg#also if… any of the words or tags in this post make no sense… it’s cuz I wrote all this after drawing for like 8 hours straight..#also I refused to turn my music off while trying to write which. didn’t help ghgh-#I stand by the fact that these two have an extremely interesting dynamic that I want to see more ppl talk about tho!#I just. feel there’s a chance I probably didn’t articulate my thoughts on it well on account of my brain being mush ghghg#also n regards to the ‘make each other worse’ thing. I actually think after U Forgot Ur Floaties magic man is actually trying to help Betty#he just fucking sucks at it gHG- but he is trying!#I kinda think betty is trying to be nice to him too honestly… like even tho bringing up trying to save margles is actually SUPER fucked up#I think it IS betty trying to be nice to him.. like ‘ur my friend! I’m gonna save my guy. we can fuckin save ur guy too…’ like!!!#these 2 are both trying to be helpful in there own ways but they both are fucking dog shit at it ghgh-
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satsuha · 4 months
something i've been curious about based on some conversations i've had with friends in the past... i'd appreciate if you would reblog and add where you(r parents) are from!
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braceletofteeth · 5 months
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Strangers From Hell Incorrect Quotes [13/?]
#strangers from hell#seo moonjo#yoon jongwoo#gifset#*#incorrect quotes#//#ok so technically the quote is from IWTV#but what inspired me was this one fic I read yesterday#where Jongwoo tells Moonjo he hates him while they're making out#and the Moonjo there enjoyed that so much. So much you'd think that's dirty talk to him#and. hm. yeah. to me that tracks.#the idea of being able to get under Jongwoo's skin deeper than anyone else#to provoke burning and disorienting reactions with your existence alone#in such a way you just CANNOT be ignored#that sounds. uh. pretty good. very satisfying. from a Moonjo point of view.#but. why did I match this dialogue with this scene you may ask-#well for one I really like the acknowledgement that comes with ''as you should''#no denial. no begging. no bargaining.#if that person hates you that's because you gave them a reason to and you know it#you know you deserve it#you deserve the consequences of your actions. your punishment.#this time. from this one person.#the one person you hold in higher regard than yourself. the only one whose feelings matter more than your own.#if you're in the receiving end of their rage and disgust you should cherish it#that might be all you are ever gonna get from them. all of them that is ever gonna be yours.#their hatred might be the most personal‚ most intimate feeling they will share with you.#... and that's why I picked this scene: the closeness. the intimacy.#Moonjo's surrender. the way he just lays there and wait. watch. the look of reverence in his eyes.#reverence tinted with fondness and pride. with bliss.
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marclef · 7 months
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no i will not be taking questions
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stormte · 11 months
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Follow ur leader
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linus posting part two
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bat-under-a-bridge · 1 month
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machineghoul · 3 months
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this ones for all the old man sexualizers in the crowd
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tavina-writes · 10 months
Hey, about the gui dao stuff. Is WWX, like, ruining all those corpses chances at reincarnating when he raises them from the dead?? Because that would in fact uh. be very bad.
Like, the autonomy re: dead people is already skeevy but if he’s also ruining their chances at a next life…
Well! Traditionally, the philosophy is that you can't reincarnate and will be doomed to wander the world as a hungry ghost never to enter the afterlife if you don't die and are buried with a "whole corpse."
This is why traditionally it's hard to get people to go for organ donation btw, it means you uhhhh you're giving up your ability to enter the afterlife. Since your organs are wandering around in someone else's body after you die, you will never be able to journey to the afterlife and onto the next and will end up a hungry resentful ghost etc etc.
(fun fact: imperial eunuchs kept their bits in a jar so they could be buried with those so they could reincarnate. This was so important to them because it concerned their next lives. That's how important this whole corpse thing was, and in some parts, still is!)
I assume that uh, if you know your corpse gets raised in necromancy and then you lose a hand in the war as a corpse etc you also uhhh do not get to go to the afterlife unless WWX came back to bury all those corpses and sort out whose limbs are whose. Which. Well I kinda doubt he was doing that and unless we get scenes or lines about him respectfully re-burying the bodies he raised uh, yeah those people are shit out of luck re: afterlife and the next life lmao.
(This is also why chopping up NMJ's fierce corpse was kinda bad btw.)
This is especially bad in a world where ghosts physically manifest and exist! Which! They do in MDZS!
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zzompi-nerddxd · 16 hours
I got my cat today :DDD
(pics of her under cut)
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her name is frost and she's so cute like <333
eeee :DDD ive been waiting for this for so long
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queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
As an avid little nightmares enthusiast, what are your serious beliefs on the often overlooks Wax Bellman? Any theories or headcanons?
Frankly? I don't really have anything.
Don't get me wrong -- I find it very sweet that the fandom has always tried to involve him into the fan content, making him part of the crew of the Maw even though he was cut in the end. Considering how involved he was in the marketing of the game up until 2016 we have good reason to believe that the guy was also beloved by the crew; he must have been a "last second" cut.
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(Pictures from the previously mentioned con.)
His situation is really a sad one because it would have been awesome to have him run around in the game. Would have made the runtime longer.
HOWEVER! His presence is still tangible in the Maw, in spite of him being gone. This is something I will gladly get into: bring little details to light is something I am very fond of doing.
We see him directly in a couple of paintings owned by the Lady, both in the Residence and in her own quarters. She has a habit of keeping pictures of her employees; this is a good indicator that he was on the Maw during her reign. Might be an obvious statement, but you never know with the Maw... In all of these instances, he is found hanging by his neck; considering his jack in the box is also in a room where a Nome is swinging aggressively on a lamp attached to a long wire, the "cord around neck" part is a prominent aspect of this character.
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((This is, most likely, one of the reasons why they ultimately cut him out. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to animate a guy walk around with a cord around his neck all the time. Adding to that, his face looks hard to model and keep consistent, so that's a point against him as well.))
Keeping his profession in mind, one could really call him a dog on a leash. A bellman is a person who helps the guests carry their luggage inside their place of residence and shares information about the establishment and its services. From what we can discern from the first painting, we can also see that this particular Bellman was also the one in charge of the booking and the tickets, so doing check ins and things of the like.
Generally, he'd be the one to look after the Guests more closely, which lines up with the traces of him we are left with...
You see, in the 2016 con, the Wax Bellman was shown hiding behind a two-way mirror. He could only be seen once the light was turned on, on his side of the mirror. Meaning that the two way mirror we see in LN 1 is most likely one of the places he would have resided in.
That in itself is not too obscene considering the other customs of the Maw, but the mirror is in a bathroom. And he has a chair. With toilet paper.
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... Yeah, uh. Very interesting, Tarsier Studios! 😁👍🏻
About Tarsier Studios, actually! This ask reminded me of something they said in regards to the Ferryman and the Wax Bellman. A few years back, LN twitter referred to the Bellman as "Ferryman"; for this reason, it was believed for a while that the two characters were either the same person, or that one replaced the other in the lore. This was confirmed to not be the case!
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(From this awesome interview! I suggest you go listen to it, because this screenshot is hard to read + it reveals a LOT of Maw lore!)
So we can finally put a stone on this lost soul. He is lost to time, but never forgotten. Keep the fan content of him coming!
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the-acid-pear · 29 days
Something that I adore is when something is only Half a metaphor. Like the classic "yes the monster is a representation of grief but it's also real and it's coming for you". I think DSaF does that a lot with its body horror. Like lately I've been thinking of that line Harry says in fiery (flamey? I never get it right) ending about how every circuit of his board was SCREAMING at him to keep Bear alive but thing is, like... Yes, it'd do that, because he knows that if this bear goes down he will likely just be scrapped. You know what I'm saying? The "monster" (the reprogramming) is real but so is the metaphor (he's anxious about an untimely end)
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