#ln wax bellman
queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
As an avid little nightmares enthusiast, what are your serious beliefs on the often overlooks Wax Bellman? Any theories or headcanons?
Frankly? I don't really have anything.
Don't get me wrong -- I find it very sweet that the fandom has always tried to involve him into the fan content, making him part of the crew of the Maw even though he was cut in the end. Considering how involved he was in the marketing of the game up until 2016 we have good reason to believe that the guy was also beloved by the crew; he must have been a "last second" cut.
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(Pictures from the previously mentioned con.)
His situation is really a sad one because it would have been awesome to have him run around in the game. Would have made the runtime longer.
HOWEVER! His presence is still tangible in the Maw, in spite of him being gone. This is something I will gladly get into: bring little details to light is something I am very fond of doing.
We see him directly in a couple of paintings owned by the Lady, both in the Residence and in her own quarters. She has a habit of keeping pictures of her employees; this is a good indicator that he was on the Maw during her reign. Might be an obvious statement, but you never know with the Maw... In all of these instances, he is found hanging by his neck; considering his jack in the box is also in a room where a Nome is swinging aggressively on a lamp attached to a long wire, the "cord around neck" part is a prominent aspect of this character.
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((This is, most likely, one of the reasons why they ultimately cut him out. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to animate a guy walk around with a cord around his neck all the time. Adding to that, his face looks hard to model and keep consistent, so that's a point against him as well.))
Keeping his profession in mind, one could really call him a dog on a leash. A bellman is a person who helps the guests carry their luggage inside their place of residence and shares information about the establishment and its services. From what we can discern from the first painting, we can also see that this particular Bellman was also the one in charge of the booking and the tickets, so doing check ins and things of the like.
Generally, he'd be the one to look after the Guests more closely, which lines up with the traces of him we are left with...
You see, in the 2016 con, the Wax Bellman was shown hiding behind a two-way mirror. He could only be seen once the light was turned on, on his side of the mirror. Meaning that the two way mirror we see in LN 1 is most likely one of the places he would have resided in.
That in itself is not too obscene considering the other customs of the Maw, but the mirror is in a bathroom. And he has a chair. With toilet paper.
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... Yeah, uh. Very interesting, Tarsier Studios! 😁👍🏻
About Tarsier Studios, actually! This ask reminded me of something they said in regards to the Ferryman and the Wax Bellman. A few years back, LN twitter referred to the Bellman as "Ferryman"; for this reason, it was believed for a while that the two characters were either the same person, or that one replaced the other in the lore. This was confirmed to not be the case!
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(From this awesome interview! I suggest you go listen to it, because this screenshot is hard to read + it reveals a LOT of Maw lore!)
So we can finally put a stone on this lost soul. He is lost to time, but never forgotten. Keep the fan content of him coming!
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keikoyume · 2 months
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My new illustration inspired by the LN comic!
Imitating the artstyle is very fun!
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skullkandiii · 1 year
(For the drawing suggestion)
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This but as Bellhop and Roger idk
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done and done ✨
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the-gt-fairy · 7 months
I wonder what the reason that Noone calls the Ferryman the Candleman is--I know in-universe it's cuz his face is melty--but I've been thinking that it's possible the the Ferryman and the Wax Bellman got combined? Not literally, but like in the character making stage if the Wax Bellman got turned into the Ferryman somehow and that's why he was cut. They seem somewhat similar, with their faces, being mysterious, and the Bellman keeping watch behind mirrors
Maybe the Candleman name is supposed to be a nod to this conceptual shift?
I don't have any solid evidence for this, but it's something I've been thinking about
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umbrarkzoo · 2 years
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ya done messed up six!
latest chapter of the seven year nightmare was great, as always ;D
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kordeliiius · 9 months
ok actual sounds of nightmares "analysis" here we go
i've seen other loose theories already stating that noone is being routinely summoned so some sort of "nightmare world" by a higher power, and tbh im really hoping this isnt some dimension-hopping multiverse bs. to me it feels like noone is instead transported to other parts of the world that have been corrupted after falling asleep, or at least receives a glimpse of them as if she were really there, except she doesn't have much control over what she sees. being able to dream mutually with others or even bilocate doesn't seem that far-fetched compared to the other kids' magical powers. the LN world is already fraught with all sorts of magic and i wanna know more about that specifically.
timeline-wise i think we're going even further back in time, even before VLN, which is something i've said i'd like to see! the imagery and layout of the first location is quite similar to the Maw, with furnance connected to a dwelling connected to a prison. not sure if the bath house was a part of it, or if it's somewhere on the mainland. But if it's the former, perhaps we're seeing the Maw under a different governess' reign when it was functionally very different. complete with different subordinates to do her bidding, and a different sort of "shadow" workers that were perhaps born from a similar type of magic. plus the Maw as we know it had a more layered appearance, like it was constantly being built upon over the years. tho the world is so massive that we don't know if there are other similar facilities spread throughout. both seem plausible, but the imagery seems to intentionally invoke something familiar to the audience
speaking of familiar, I also have no doubt in my mind that the man with the impossible face is the Ferryman, and that he's unfathomably old by the time we first saw him. while it's his job to bring kids to the maw, it's not clear yet if he's intentionally showing noone these visions or hunting her down. perhaps something is trying to warn her that he's on her tail. i still think calling him the "candle man" is a bit odd considering we have the wax bellman holding that comparison already
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random-ln-stuff · 9 months
My thoughts and theories on the LN Podcast: Episodes 1 and 2:
Putting all this under a readmore because spoilers for Episode 1 and 2 of The Sounds Of Nightmares:
General Stuff.
The way people talk and the way things sound make me think that the story is talking place in the past, I’d date it to somewhere around the Late 40s or Early 50s, so that’s another point to Little Nightmares taking place in 1948 specifically.
This whole thing is very interesting. The world isn’t corrupted. Children and Adults don’t hate each other. Otto acts like a human being. The corrupted stuff is in Noone’s head, but I don’t think it’s all a dream.
I think the dreams Noone is having, showing the actual world of Little Nightmares, are either visions of another world, or are visions of something that’s going to happen. Either this non-corrupted world is a separate one from Little Nightmares’ world (which I will call Nowhere for now thanks to the Little Nightmares 3 Description) or my personal theory that I will be going with until it’s disproved: The Non-Corrupted world IS Nowhere, but before everything goes to hell. Noone’s dreams are prophetic.
My reasoning for the Prophecy Theory was started because of 3 things, and there’s more evidence to come in specific episodes.
Names for people and places follow a very similar pattern to in The Nowhere. The Place the story takes place in is simply called: The Counties, similar to places like The Nest, The Maw, or the Pale City. Otto (an Adult) is supposed to be referred to as “The Counsellor”, but doesn’t mind being called by his real name, and Noone (pronounced Noon) is mentioned to have chosen her own name, which is implied to be the origin of most child names.
In Little Nightmares, many of the dreams that children have are prophetic, showing events that will eventually happen or vaguely warning of future events. Six has a dream of the Lady the same day she encounters her, Mono dreams of the door before he ever starts seeing it and begins heading towards it, RK has a nightmare related to The Granny and RCG has a nightmare about barricading a shed door with something banging on the other side, which happens later exactly as she dreamt it.
The dreams Noone has are rather symbolic. The first episode is the better example of the two, but both aren’t really real locations in Nowhere. They’re symbolic representations of The Maw and Guests specifically.
Ep 1:
In this, Noone ends up inside a massive stone giant, and encounters the Ferryman for a brief moment. Like literally just the Ferryman. Fully described in the coat, hat and melted face and later referred to as the Ferryman (and the Candleman, a reference to the cut Wax Bellman from LN 1, who was initially cut from the game and then was remade Into The Ferryman and got put back in).
After that she goes deeper inside the giant to find a giant clockwork structure that keeps the giant alive and maskless shadow children working on it, keeping all the gears moving. After that she finds a starved, rotting man chained inside a bedroom and then she encounters A Tall Lady wearing chains with a face that’s been purposefully stretched out to remove any wrinkles or signs of age.
After that is more travelling before Noone and a Child she encounters in her dream find a courtyard where thousands of screams can be heard from other people, chained up and starved in their own rooms like the one Noone saw before. Then the Lady in Chains shows up again, kills the other kid and Noone wakes up.
Like I said before, this dream is heavily symbolic, but it’s obviously about the Maw and The Lady.
First off, the Ferryman is here. No symbolism, no speculation, he’s here and that immediately draws connections to the Lady.
Then there’s the Shadow Children, or the Workers, who I don’t actually think represent Shadow Kids found in the Maw. The workers represent Nomes, who keep the Maw (or in this case the Stone Giant) running. Despite being seen as antagonists, the Workers don’t actually do anything to Noone in the dream. They head towards her when she draws attention to herself, which scares her, but they never actually attempt to harm her. They just want a closer look at Noone in all of their appearances and they immediately back off once Noone’s dress tears and a piece gets stuck in the gears.
The Lady in Chains is very, very, VERY obviously the Lady. They’re a tall woman who is desperately trying to appear younger, stretching their skin to remove wrinkles. The chains that the Lady can seemingly manipulate may also represent her powers, and I’ll get into that in a moment.
Then there’s the chained man and the thousands of others just like them. They may represent Guests or something like that, but I think they represent something else: The souls of both Guests and Children alike that the lady has consumed after countless Maw Feasts.
My logic for this is that both the chained people and the Lady’s representation in the dream specifically involve chains. The Chained People are chained to walls in specific rooms, rotting and starving, and the Lady In Chains is constantly surrounded by chains, with chains literally coming off of her clothing and flowing underneath her dress. The Lady In Chains can also control those chains, manipulating them however she wants to and using them to ensnare a child, pulling them away to kill them. Now if the Lady In Chains is The Lady, then the Lady In Chains’ ability to control chains probably represent the Lady’s own ability to control her unique soul stealing shadow magic. And if chains in this dream represent the Lady’s Soul Stealing Magic, then it makes sense that the rotting, starving, tortured souls all chained up throughout the Giant in the dream are people that the Lady consumed. That’s what the Lady stealing your soul feels like. You are chained up by magic, starved and tortured by the Lady slowly breaking down your consumed soul until you no longer exist.
And the Lady In Chains has THOUSANDS of people chained up. Think about that in relation to the REAL Lady. Horrifying.
Also with the revelation that the Chained up people are souls that the Lady consumed and is slowly digesting/using up, you can make the claim that the Giant in the dream may ALSO be a representation of the Lady. After all, those people are chained up and imprisoned INSIDE the Giant, and Nomes may keep the Maw running, but by doing so they also keep the Lady running just as much.
Ep 2:
Here we hear a tiny bit about Otto’s beloved Cici (Sici? Sissi? It’s pronounced See-See), who could honestly be a lot of things right now. A lost lover, a lost child, a lost friend, a lost family member, but the important part right now is that Cici had similar dreams, or at least encountered the Ferryman in some them. Definitely going to be important later.
This dream is a lot more straightforward. Noone finds themselves in a town with another Child she’s never seen before named Jester. They wander for a short while before Noone sees the Ferryman again, exactly as he was before, and runs, separating from Jester in the process.
Also while in this town, Noone sees “Contraptions that resemble fish carrying large, extremely fat people wearing wooden masks and brown robes towards a Market and Bathhouse” (Seems familiar, right?)
When Noone enters the Bathhouse, she finds dozens of monstrous people washing themselves, and finds one of them using Jester to scrub themselves. When that monster sees her, it immediately forgoes cleaning and goes straight for her, chasing Noone until she accidentally brings a bottle of cleaning chemicals down onto both of them, killing them both and waking Noone up.
If it wasn’t immediately obvious, those are Guests. Extremely fat, Masked people wearing brown robes. The masks are wooden instead of whatever the hell actual Guest masks are made of, but everything else matches. Even the fish shaped contraptions moving the Guests towards the Market and Bathhouse make sense once you realize that the Bathhouse represents the Maw.
In this dream, Guests are brought to the Maw to feast, but some things are slightly off. Instead of food and gluttony, the Guests we see are obsessed with cleaning and cleanliness, but they’re still very clearly guests, endlessly heading towards a place that claims to be able to fulfill their endless needs.
Even their behaviour when seeing Noone matches with real Guests. When a Guest sees Noone it immediately forgets about cleaning itself or the child it’s carrying and goes straight for Noone, just like how real Guests always go for the freshest meat they can see, forgetting about the 5 star meal right in front of them when they can see meat that’s even fresher and harder to come by (a live child).
Prophecy Theory:
But then, why is everything slightly different and more symbolic than any other child dreams we see. Most of them are pretty straightforward? And what’s with the Ferryman? If these are all prophetic dreams, why does the Ferryman seem to be aware of it all?
Well, first I want to point something out.
In all Child Dreams in the games, the most powerful entities seem to have have some sort of awareness or control of some sort over the dream. In Six’s dream, the Lady turns towards her before she wakes up, seemingly aware that Six is looking in her direction, and when Mono dreams of the Door in LN2, the TV next to him turns on, possibly because either the Thin Man or Broadcaster (two separate, yet similar entities) was aware of what Mono was dreaming about.
Now with that in mind, The Ferryman IS as powerful as the North Wind, another extremely powerful entity, so it makes sense that in a prophetic dream, the Ferryman could be still aware of things.
As for why these dreams are so symbolic and hard to understand when most prophetic dreams are pictures and images of what’s to come, it’s because these events are VERY far away from happening. The Lady doesn’t appear as THE LADY despite possibly having awareness because The Lady doesn’t exist yet. The world hasn’t fallen under the influence of the Eye, and we KNOW that the Lady and the Maw only start everything they do AFTER things like the Signal Tower are built, which happens presumably AFTER or RIGHT AS the world goes to shit.
Noone’s dreams are all symbolic because her dreams don’t even know how to process or comprehend what’s coming. It can’t show the Lady or the Maw because Noone’s dreams can’t look that far and that accurately into the future, so they create the Lady In Chains, The Stone Giant, The Workers, and a dozen other representations of what’s coming because it can’t say for certain what things are going to look like. Only a rough guess at the eldritch horror that’s coming. Vague representations of The Lady and The Maw and the Nomes that keep it running. Somewhat accurate but still slightly off depictions of Guests heading towards the Maw in droves, etc.
But the thing is, the Ferryman is there. And the Ferryman is unchanged. And the Ferryman is aware that Noone is dreaming. That means that Noone’s prophetic child dreams are depicting the actual Ferryman.
And that means that the Ferryman actually exists somewhere out there in either Noone’s world or whatever dark corner of the universe that the Eye resides in.
We know next to nothing about the Ferryman besides the fact that he’s as powerful as the North Wind and chooses to work for the Lady (mean that the Lady is probably just as powerful). And now we know one more thing about him: He’s existed longer than any of the other monsters besides maybe the North Wind. Probably created by the Eye itself.
And keep in mind, in the actual games, There’s evidence that a world was here before us. Viewers couldn’t exactly have built the Pale City after all. And in those buildings, all over the place, you can find evidence that the Eye has been here for a VERY long time, it’s symbol found on many things from before the world presumably went to shit. The Eye has always been here, it’s just that relatively recently it went from “passive influence of various types” to “Plunge the world in chaos and darkness”. So the Eye definitely exists at the time that the podcast takes place, and so does the Ferryman and presumably the North Wind.
Also: The Ferryman has apparently been in ALL of Noone’s recent nightmares, and he wants her to “give in to this world”. Does he want Noone to give in so he can drag her further into it and probably claim her soul for the Eye, or does he want her to give in so he can escape THROUGH her, possibly bringing the Eye out along with him?
Anyways that’s my somewhat coherent rambling. Enjoy.
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bana-ki-art · 10 months
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Good time of day, my wonderful and amazing, today I will please you with another monster from LN, which unfortunately was cut out of the main game, but it seems to have remained in the universe itself. It's the Bellman and him... whether it is made of wax or whether it has such a strange face, I do not know. Almost nothing is known about him, but he is also a character that I like.
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vinehasnohopeleft · 3 years
Highschool au, I guess.
-the Lady and the Thin man are the popular kids in school, the Teacher makes everyone fear her one way are another, the Doctor gives everyone mixed emotions, and the hunter is that one kid that has a troubling home life.
- The Lady and Thin man are competitive over things that help their reputation.
-one might assume that the Teacher and Doctor are dating due to how well their friendship is, nice and steady.
- Teacher and Doctor have basically adopted Hunter into their group, which to the Doctor, was a good thing to do because thanks to the Hunter's home life, he at least has some people to talk to or just to hang out with.
- the Thin man and the Hunter do not have the best of relationship, the Thin man picked on hunter a lot and the Hunter was fed up with it and ended up causing a fight leading to both of them being suspended for a while.
- the Hunter would have bruises and scars littered on his face but they are covered with his hair (which is a mess and the teacher is about to cut it) and a mask. He does have a black eye under his hair.
-the teacher and the Lady like to joke around, playing pranks on each other or even their friends. They would sit down at a table and talk for hours about beauty tips or gossip, you know, what girls normally do (and try to summon the forbidden eye monster-).
-(I am just missing a whole bunch-) the janitor is too friendly for anyone to hurt and they would be damned to hell If they did, and he has a service dog since he is blind. The twin chefs know a lot about cooking and take part of making lunch (and breakfast sometimes) along side the lunch lady. The wax bellman just helps the Lady, some say due to his dying love her while others say it is because he is scared of her and does it to keep his life. The butler is a teacher's pet. The craftsman is stuck in a wheel chair and is very good friends with the butler. The ferryman is a kid that a lot of people know about and have their own little stories about him.
- the Doctor has tried and failed at trying to get the hunter to stop smoking, but the Hunter is way to stubborn. The Doctor his so close to smacking him.
- he doesn't smoke nor drink on the school grounds, but at home or anywhere else he does. Surprisingly, he can withstand a couple of drinks so he wouldn't become drunk after have a straight up beer or two. (I'm looking at you, Doc).
- the Thin man does smoke too, just not as often as hunter does. I feel like the only time they got to chat was Thin man was looking for his cigarettes but couldn't find them and hunter just offered him one. Don't know why though.
- every guy in school (minus a few) had fallen for the Lady and are willing to follow her rules. While, every girl (minus a few, again) fell for the Thin man. The Doctor, Teacher, Hunter, Butler, and a few more of the main cast doesn't seem to fall for anyone and even if they did, they are quiet about it.
- the craftsman and the Butler have their own group as well and also just straight up adopted the hunter into the group, but it was more of the hunter walking into their group and BAM, part of their group.
- the craftsman and the Hunter get sick the easiest, that's why the craftsman wears a mask while the hunter just stays away from people.
-the Twins, janitor, wax bellman, and the ferryman also have their own group. The lady comes and goes as she please, but other than that, it is just them.
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redrumrose · 3 years
ive always wounder what the other residents of the maw are thinkin ever since the thin man showed up, since theres this tall skinny man who is responsible for the curroption suddeny showed up and becomes friend with the lady
Aaaah my dude, you read my mind!  I was just thinking about this the other day xDD  I think at first they all thought he was a new Maw employee, but later learned who he was by word of mouth or rumor from the other employees.  Knowing the Lady, she probably wouldn't bother to tell them who Thin Man was except for 'He's special, so no hurting, maiming, killing, or eating him.' and they don't dare disobey her orders.
The Wax Bellman, who checks in all the guests, would probably be the one with the most info and tell all the other employees what he knows about Thin Man.  "He calls himself, 'The Broadcaster' and apparently him and the Lady have known each other for a VERY long time.  He's quiet handsome and very well dressed!  I have special orders to always escort him to the Lady's Residence when he arrives.  When I pass by the rooms upstairs, I always hear them talking and laughing!  In all my years here, I've NEVER heard the Lady laugh!  He must be very special to do that."
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The guests pay no mind when they see their Lady walking around with him, but Thin Man’s really nervous around them.
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The Chef's I feel like would be indifferent to him.  They're too busy cooking and washing dishes to be bothered by the new guy.  Even if they do run into him, they don't start conversation.
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The Ferryman probably wouldn’t care too much as well, but he's probably chatted with Thin Man in passing on and off the Maw.  Small conversations like, "Oh you’re from the Pale City, ey?  I used to go fishing with this man on the main land who lived near there.  But I found him with a bullet through his gut one day.  Don't go fishin' no more."
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The Granny just feels a new presence on the Maw when Thin Man arrives and she feels a deep sadness.
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ROGER on the other hand, out of all the employees, I feel like would care the most about this new man suddenly always showing up and asking for The Lady xDD  He's VERY jealous of Thin Man.  I like to think The Lady originally took Roger in, so he's VERY grateful/protective of her and he's always trying his best to impress her.  Even when Thin Man tries to talk with him, Roger's very stand-offish (like a cranky and suspicious old man).  "You AGAIN?  Don't you get TIRED of ALWAYS coming here??!"
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And the Nomes, they gravitate toward Thin Man.  They love him, and he doesn't really know why that is.  Anytime he's in the lower levels on the Maw (that's where I like to think his room is when he can't go through the TV to get back to the main land, cause there too far out at sea xDD), he'll find them following behind him all the time, or even hiding in his luggage.
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(Gaaaah sorry if this was super long ^^;;;;  But that’s what I like to think of the other employees xDD)
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jemimabobs · 3 years
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Hello! Here are the drawings I did on my insta stream today! The first is an LN OC redesign from 2017, and the second is some random requests I got. It was really fun and I’ll definitely do it again sometime!
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rickety-house · 2 months
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attempted to make some sort of fake screenshot of like the LN universe but it’s a cartoon from the 60’s and it kinda worked but also didn’t
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here was my practice sheet. Drawing in a 60s esc style is kinda fun tbh
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keikoyume · 2 years
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Don’t worry, Ferryman is aware of the fact the Maw cooks children, he just forgot to connect two points... Or he just wanted to be right.
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skullkandiii · 1 year
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just a quick lil thang cause i just wanted to make myself a pfp on discord
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frolickingman · 3 years
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
You can find it immediately after you exit the elevator, in the room before you effectively enter the Lady's quarters, first picture on the right.
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There he is!
You can also find him with in the Painting Puzzle room, among all the other employees! And Bellhop as well!!
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Look at his smiley face🥺💖
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