kissingagrumpygiant · 2 months
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u get the vision
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jyndor · 2 years
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STAR WARS ANDOR (2022-) | kassa & kerri
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libero-de-mente · 3 months
La Cassiera
Nel supermercato vicino a casa mia, da qualche giorno, è arrivata una nuova ragazza. Credo appena assunta vista la giovane età.
Vedendola è la versione femminile di mio figlio n. 1, stesso colore di capelli (solo che i suoi sono mossi), occhiali da vista su occhi chiari e carnagione bianca. Classica di chi è rossiccio di capelli.
Questa mattina mi sono fermato per un acquisto al volo e quando sono giunto alla cassa eravamo solo io e lei. Nessun altro in fila.
Noto che mi fissa. Cerco di interpretare quello sguardo e riesco a sistemarlo in una scala di valori delle emozioni che va da serenità ad angoscia. La posizione su questa scala è: ansia.
Tra me e me penso: "Ma si, non è abituata. È nuova suvvia. Avrà paura di sbagliare nel battere lo scontrino, poverina, magari si è già dimenticata l'uso corretto del POS o il comando per aprire la cassa".
Passati i miei acquisti sopra il lettore dei codici a barre mi dice il totale.
- Pago con il Bancomat, grazie - le dico.
Sospira con sollievo - Meno male - le esce in maniera impercettibile dalle labbra.
La guardo fissa.
Mi guarda fisso.
- Discalculica? - le mormoro così senza averci pensato e di pancia.
- Sì - risponde con un sorriso grande come una casa.
- Lo sono anche io, benedette le carte per pagare.
- Non me lo dica - risponde quasi come se fosse un sottile miagolio.
Mi si apre il cuore, e darle del tu mi viene spontaneo, potrebbe benissimo essere coetanea di mio figlio.
- Ma t'immagini - le dico a bassa voce - cosa sarebbe successo se tu mi avessi detto quattordici euro e trentacinque centesimi? E io non avessi un bancomat?
- Uh, cosa?
- Panico. Avrei tirato fuori la banconota più alta per non calcolare le monete.
- Mi avrebbe dato venti euro allora?
- Ma anche cinquanta!
- Cinquanta?! Addirittura?
- Si per sicurezza.
- Urca.
- Poi tu avresti cominciato con "Non ha trentacinque centesimi che le do trentasei euro?". Sarei diventato rosso. A quel punto vedendomi così mi avresti detto "Se vuole mi dia un euro e trentacinque centesimi, così io le do trentacinque euro". Sarei diventato viola. Capisci il dramma che abbiamo vissuto prima dell'avvento dei pagamenti digitali?
- ...
- Tutto bene?
- Ehm, si... si. Credo.
- Credi?
- Si, credo di essermi persa.
- Dove?
- Ai trentacinque centesimi per darle trentasei euro.
- Ah, dici che ho sbagliato?
- Aspetti un attimo - mi risponde mentre maneggia con una calcolatrice - no, tutto giusto.
Prendo il sacchetto con la spesa, i raggi del sole che entrano dalla grande vetrata dietro di lei le creano un'aurea surreale di riflesso su capelli. Stessi riflessi e colori di mio figlio, quello che chiamo "Generoso Cuore Solitario". Mi sciolgo. Sono così adorabili coloro che hanno delle DSA e un cuore generoso. Credo che lo abbia anche lei. Un cuore senza centesimi e a prezzo arrotondato.
- Buona giornata - mi dice.
- A te e ricorda... hasta la discalculia siempre.
Ride, si porta la mano sulla bocca come per una cortesia mentre le parte una risata che strozza sul nascere.
Da oggi ho la mia cassiera preferita.
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The Masks We Bare
Doric (D&D: Honor Among Thieves)/Cassa (Original Female Character)
Disclaimer: In my head Cassa isn’t technically an original character, instead she’s the elf girl that Doric rescues in the forest when we’re first introduced to her. I searched the internet and couldn’t find a name for her, but the movie wiki says that Doric had a dark-haired female friend in the Emerald Enclave named Cassa. So I’m using that name.
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Cassa didn’t wake up today planning to die, but the gods were funny like that. She tugged at the ropes binding her hands as she spat in the guard’s face. Neverwinter’s soldiers were encroaching further and further into the Emerald Enclave on Forge’s orders.
He backhanded her harshly, “Elven bitch!”
Cassa bit her cheek to keep from crying out. They’d caught her coming back from a hunt, she was exhausted, her spells were drained. If only she could rest, then perhaps she’d have the strength to cast.
The guard yanked her forward harshly, not caring as her tired legs stumbled at the sudden movement. Her thoughts strayed to her fellows at the Emerald Enclave, they would come for her surely, but she didn’t know how long it would be before she was missed.
Well, she half-smiled to herself, someone will miss me quickly.
Traveler, protect me. Cassa prayed silently to her god. She heard the distant creak of hinges in return, as though a door were being opened in the middle of the woods.
Finally, the soldiers brought her to a clearing where more soldiers waited. As the soldier moved again to drag her forward she pulled her arms down quickly, successfully connecting the soldier’s head with her knee. The crack of his nose was satisfying, even as another soldier rushed forward to hold her at sword point, the tip of his blade barely pressing into her throat.
She held her breath as he glared at her, sword threatening to dig into her flesh.
A mounted soldier called from across the clearing, “halt, she must be properly executed.”
The soldier didn’t move for a moment, eventually he stepped back, but he didn’t sheath his sword. Instead, he beckoned her forward with the tip pointing her to a large tree in the center of the clearing.
She moved forward slowly, her legs protesting as the burst of adrenaline faded. She could only pray that her god had heard her. One solider fastened her bound hands to the tree, as the one on horse back began to read the charges.
“By association with the Emerald Enclave, you are hereby found guilty of treason and heresy against the Lord of Neverwinter. The punishment for the is execution, how do you plead?”
“The Emerald Enclave will never be silenced, not as long as good people are willing to fight back against Forge’s boot!” Not the most eloquent speech she’d ever delivered, but at least she’d die with her convictions.
The mounted soldier dug his spurs into his horse, and tugged the reins towards Cassa.
Several things happened in quick succession, several strangers appeared from the circle of trees, drawing the attention of several guards, the solider on horse back was thrown violently from the saddle as the horse rippled. Sleek dark muscles expanding and growing feathers.
In seconds, an owlbear roared where the horse had once stood. Cassa smiled as her girlfriend batted the soldiers like flies. Once the soldiers in the immediate vicinity were subdued, Doric turned to her and quickly slashed through her bindings. Cassa sagged against the familiar warmth of the owlbear for a moment before letting her girlfriend run off to deal with the rest of the soldiers.
She an emergency flask from a hidden pouch in her tunic, and sighed as the cold water ran down her throat. She eyed the strangers as they wandered closer, one of the men looked vaguely familiar, but she didn’t spend much time worrying about that.
Once Doric was done playing around with the soldiers, she hopped up on one of the vacant horses transforming back into herself as she did so.
“Glad you’re having fun, babe.” She called as she finished the flask. Doric smiled weakly at her.
“You done sitting around, Cas?”
“Just waiting for you, Red.” Cassa said, as pushed herself to her feet. Doric gently helped her onto the horse. Wrapping her arms around Cassa, Doric grabbed the reins of the horse, and they took off towards the Emerald Enclave headquarters.
——— ———
Cassa wrapped her arms around Doric’s shoulders as her girlfriend sat on the bed. She kissed the side of her neck gently, and Doric leaned back against her with a sigh.
“You’re still wearing your glamour.”
“Oh.” Doric look down at her own hands, as though surprised to find them still human colored. She murmured a word under as she touched the earring that controlled her glamour. The human skin melted away, as her entire body flushed bright red, and her hair turned so dark red it might as well have been black.
“Everything ok, Red?”
Doric took a breath before she responded, “they have a plan to defeat, Forge.”
“That’s what you’ve been wanting ever since he became Lord of Neverwinter.”
“I know.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“The leader of the group is…human.”
“Ahhh.” Cassa spun her girlfriend around gently, putting a hand on her cheek. Doric closed her eyes, gently leaning into her hand. “Doric.” She said her girlfriend’s name softly, trying to put every emotion into the word. “You.” She kissed her forehead. “Are.” She kissed her cheek. “Perfect.” She kissed her lips, drawing the kiss out until they were both breathless.
She tugged Doric forward until they rested forehead to forehead. “Your parents were terrible people.”
Doric opened her mouth, and Cassa put a finger on her lips gently.
“They were, but it wasn’t because they were human. Some humans are terrible, some tieflings are terrible,” she ran a finger along one of Doric’s horns, enjoying the way her girlfriend shivered at the sensation. “Some elves are terrible,” Cassa pointed to her own ears for emphasis.
All Cassa had in warning was a slight smirk before her girlfriend gently tugged on one of her ears. She moaned softly, “stop distracting me.” She managed to breathe out after a moment.
“You started it.”
Cassa smiled. “Shh.” She pecked her lips gently to shut her up. “This human may turn out to be a terrible person, but doesn’t he deserve to be judged on his own merits, just like you do?” She kissed Doric’s earring gently.
Doric smiled as she tugged her into a kiss. “You make a compelling argument.”
“I know,” Cassa breathed as she pulled away for a moment before resuming the kiss. She pulled Doric towards her and spun a bit to push her down onto the bed. “How ‘bout I show you a few more?” She leaned down to kiss her again, unlacing her tunic as she did so.
Doric’s laughter rang through their tent.
End Notes:
Cassa is a Cleric
I couldn’t resist the Mighty Nein reference, so she worships the Traveller (though with less dicks involved, I imagine that he’s also the god of wanderers. His symbol is a door after all, and Cassa is a wanderer, but Doric is her home.)
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nanotide · 2 years
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Just Cassa
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rlstoreonline · 3 months
Scopri l'emozione di cantare con la Cassa Karaoke da 350W, completa di supporto asta da 1,2 metri. Acquista il kit completo per vivere esperienze musicali indimenticabili!
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ocombatenterondonia · 3 months
Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Amazonas cassa mandato do deputado federal Silas Câmara, dono de dois canais de comunicação em Porto Velho
O deputado tem negócios em Porto Velho, na átea de comunicaçao sendo dono da  Radio Boas Novas e da Rema Tv. O Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de Amazonas (TRE-AM) cassou, nesta quarta-feira (31/1), o mandato do deputado federal Silas Câmara (Republicanos-AM). O placar da votação foi de quatro votos favoráveis e dois contrários à cassação. A deliberação foi feita após pedido de vista do juiz Marcelo…
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crypbeast · 3 months
ho cambiato lavoro. tre volte per la precisione. cazzo TRE
allora, dopo che ho smesso di badare ai bambini ho iniziato un lavoro a turni in pizzeria. dietro al bancone. mi ci vedete a me a contatto con i clienti affamati e rotti in culo? naa-naa, nemmeno io
pooooi sono stato assunto in amazon. una tortura cosmica. il piu' delle volte mi saliva l'acido nello stomaco. ti trattano come un numero e se non sgobbi abbastanza in fretta ti lasciano a casa.
io mi sono spaccato la schiena in quel magazzino di merda.
m'hanno lasciato a casa lo stesso. fanculo?
pooooooooi gira che ti rigira sono tornato a contatto col cliente. non e' proprio vendita assistita pero'. cioè okay aiuti gli stronzetti che non sanno trovare le robe in un negozio diviso in reparti, però per lo piu' faccio magazzino e merce. alcune volte cassa.
cazzo quanto mi sta sulle palle stare in cassa.
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claubenaventer · 6 months
Guatemala sede del taller mundial de bambú, que reunió a 200 participantes de todo el mundo
La Organización Mundial de Bambú (WBO, por sus siglas en inglés), CASSA, Wübu e ICDF Taiwán, organizaron el quinto Taller Mundial de Bambú, bajo el lema “Futuros sostenibles: No dejar a nadie atrás”. La sede del evento fue la comunidad de Punta Brava, Los Amates, a orillas del lago de Izabal, con más de 200 participantes de todo el mundo y conferencistas que llegaron desde Brasil, México,…
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shekelesh-z · 6 months
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andazzi · 7 months
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(via Bershka Vittorio Emanuele - Picture gallery 1)
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Colored shiv and cassa + extra yon :)
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nmtkmrnke · 1 year
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SIGEP - AB Tech Expo 2023 🍪🍦 - VIGNOLI | 21 - 25 gennaio | Fiera di Rimini | Pad. B7 - Stand 202
A Sigep AB Tech Expo 2023 Vignoli espone le nuove soluzioni per Selezione, Pesatura, Etichettatura e Tracciabilità Prodotti, oltre ai Sistemi di Cassa e Software progettati per Panifici, Panetterie e Pasticcerie.
Ti aspettiamo a Sigep AB Tech Expo 2023 - 7° Salone Internazionale Delle Tecnologie e Prodotti per la Panificazione, Pasticceria e Dolciario, dal 21 al 25 gennaio 2023 a Rimini, nel padiglione B7, stand 202! https://www.vignoli.com/news.asp?id=10495
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kunalp1234 · 1 year
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nanotide · 2 years
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Some more Hooman references
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