#Carl Brutananadilewski
myosotis-secunda · 16 hours
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carl from aquateen as puppy tgirl
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mmoxie · 3 months
anyone else have a shoulder carl
yknow like a shoulder angel/devil, except
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i get misgendered at work and this guy pops up on my shoulder in a burst of cigarette smoke and whitesnake riffs
"you should ask him if he's friggin' stupid or something. what, he's never seen an ugly girl before? heheheh- what about his mama?"
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ribchillz · 2 months
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banda alch me dio bastante weba pintarlo perdónenme zzz
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postteen-a · 22 days
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“give me some friggin candy or something”
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kittiekonfuzed · 11 days
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Number one in the hood G...
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cottondo · 1 month
BUTTERCUP | master shake x reader
— 6. | an ego thing
a/n : I haven’t proof read it enough times yet so I’m sorry I’m advance if there’s errors lmao
  "What you did was irresponsible, rude, and quite frankly, a little immoral!"
"Well, what did you expect me to do! You should've known better than to put me in charge. It's anything, it's your fault for not being home!"
"I didn't! I put y/n in charge of the house, and you messed everything up and pissed off meatwad." Frylock crossed his arms, an eye narrowing on Shake.
Yeesh, you really didn't wanna listen to their arguing at your job.
You cringe inwardly, glancing around the small diner to see the few people's gazes starting to focus on your roommate's argument.
"Kay- can we like, not do this here?" You speak up, a little look of annoyance starting to flood your features. "You're gonna get me fired."
"So what? What's a job good for, anyway! You're workin' for the man, and not yourself." Shake looks back to your pleading face.
"Yeah, well, thats how I get to buy things, and live with a roof over my head." You respond, going back to filling up meatwad's glass of orange juice.
Shake looks away. "Pft. Who needs that?"
"Your sorry ass, when he kicks you out!" You gesture towards frylock, who was glaring at shake.
Shake huffs, crossing his arms. He clearly forgot about the situation at hand. "He can't survive without me there. I'm the one that holds that house together, if you hadn't noticed."
Frylock scoffs, and you place the cup of juice back down on the countertop with a little eye roll.
"Right— the minute you leave, is the day I finally get some peace and quiet." Frylock sighs, dulling his eyes.
"You love havin me around!" Shake argues.
Frylock carefully picks up the steaming mug of coffee, and sips it. "Keep it up, Shake. One more slip up, and I'm not gonna feel sorry when your ass ends up on Carl's lawn."
Frylock's tone sounded so done with shake. And rightfully so.
Meatwad side eyed Shake with a little knowing smirk hidden on his face. He took another bite of the chicken tender from his plate.
The look clearly didn't go unnoticed, and shake glares the boy's way. "The hell are you lookin' at?" He asks, leaning over into Frylock's personal space in order to scare Meatwad with a death glare.
Okay, this was going on for too long now.
From under the counter, you dip your fingers in the melted corner of the ice case, and flick it at Shake's face with a little smirk.
He flinches, shooting upward and looking towards you with a look of, 'what the hell was that'.
"Hey!" Shake starts to retort, but you grab his plate and slide it towards you. Oh, he did not like that.
"Leave him alone, and shut up. Eat your food, before I have to take it away." You push it back, leaving him with wide eyes of amusement at your behavior.
Just as he was about to retort, frylock came to the rescue.
He sighs, wiping his face with a napkin, and gives you a thoughtful expression. After all, they were causing a scene at your job. "Everyone, just- - try to behave. It's rude."
"Whatever." Shake shuts up, and meatwad goes back to eating the rest of his meal in a guilty silence.
  "Y/N, what time do you get off your shift?" Frylock asks through an audibly tired voice. He tries to change the conversation, and honestly, you were kinda grateful for it. There was just only so much you could tolerate in one sitting.
"I just gotta finish up those two tables over there, but it won't take me long at all." You respond, a gentle smile on your face.
"I was thinking maybe we should go shopping for some groceries later. It has been a while.." you saw the embarrassment creasing into Frylock's face, so you nod along with a soft smile of reassurance.
Things happen, and life gets in the way. You totally understand how that goes, and choose to empathize with him.
"Sure, yeah. We can do that." You turn your attention to shake and lean your elbows on the counter. "What do you guys want us to pick up from the store?"
Shake smirks a bit, stealing a slight glance down the front of your uniform shirt. It was within seconds that you noticed. "I know what I want, baby—"
"I bet you do." You play along with a light curl of your lip, now earning frylock and meatwad's attention in shock.
"But right now, we need to know what you guys wanna eat for meals and stuff."
You think the last thing that shake was expecting, was for you to enable that situation. He prolly figured you'd just get pissed off, and swat him away. But, his attention was starting to grow on you now, so that wasn't necessarily the case anymore. Why not just let this roll?
Frylock clears his throat, awkwardly, seeing the shocked expression on Shake's face.
He was totally noticing what was up now.
A thought came to Shake as you notice the way his smiles stretches. "Lasagna~! Quattro formaggio," shake makes Italian gestures with his hands. Meatwad grins with amusement, looking up at the male beside him.
"Italian food!"
"I've gotta admit, shake can make a really good lasagna dish." Frylock smiles weakly, holding his cheek in his hand with a tired expression.
"Hell yeah, I do." Shake smiles proudly, eyes drifting up to meet yours. With his arms crossed over his chest, you notice the smug little look of pride he had.
"Carl likes it too. Which is half the reason I make it."
Amused, you crack up a little grin. "You make it for Carl?"
That didn't sound like the Shake you knew. He never did anything for anybody.
Frylock shakes his head. "Don't get the wrong idea. Shake likes to mess with Carl's head. He doesn't actually let him eat any of it."
Confused, you turn to shake for answers.
Shake grins, "I just put that shit on a leash, and let him run. Sometimes he breaks his neck, sometimes he lets me swim in his pool." He shrugs innocently, "It's a win win either way!"
Damn, he was really fucked up for that. But how could you not love that about him—?
"That's messed up," you snicker, taking all three of their empty plates and walking them to the dirty buss pan. "But I'm so here for it."
Shake smiles widely at your response; clearly you piqued his interest. Not just anybody would laugh at the cruel pranks he liked to pull. But you did.
You peer over Shake's shoulder, an intensifying grin creeping up on your face, as you noticed the little annoyances you've been causing him.
Shake was making up that lasagna dish; something you could only believe if you saw it with your own eyes.
"Do you mind? I'm trying to put together my masterpiece, here!"
You only smirk in a retort. "Shut up, you love it."
"I am pretty hard to stay away from. That's why they call me the chick magnet." He shrugs you off with a nervous smile, and focuses his eyes back down on the sauce he was using. "Now listen- I know that only I can make this taste good, but I'm gonna let you put the cheese on it." He takes a step back, eyeing you. "Since you wanna be apart of this plan."
Wow, he was letting you help him? How thoughtful.
"Don't mess it up! It's a delicacy," His shouting made your ears ring.
"Okay, I got it, Fuck." You snap back. Of course, this only made him glare harder, but whatever. 
Shake was so dramatic, fuck.
Rolling your eyes was the only other proper bodily response you could give, before bumping him aside to place yourself in front of the half prepared lasagna dish. It did look pretty good..
Reaching your hand into the bag of cheese, you begin to sprinkle it around the pasta.
Then, he hands you the other cheeses to put into the pan. "Okay, good. Not as good as what I'd do, but it'll probably be fine." He mumbles, standing over your shoulder.
Dangerously close, you noted.
You turn your head over your shoulder to deadpan him with a look of annoyance, but you couldn't help that butterfly feeling that kept trying to crawl up your throat. Shit.
You caught the feels.
You inhale a soft breath, and look back down to the pasta dish. Just try to ignore him! That was super easy- - right—?
Even though now his hand was reaching in front of you to grab the other cheese— oh shit, his shoulder is totally bumping into yours because he doesn't know personal space even if it whacked him in the face.
"Kay, now what?" You break the silent tension you felt, looking to him. Shake grabs the dish, and throws some seasoning throughout it. "We bake it, then the fun can happen." The smirk was bright and cheery on his face.
"Cool," you chortle.
Shake tosses the pan in the oven, and sets a timer for it. His eyes then set on you, narrowing a little.
You frown, looking up at him. What was he looking at?
"What," Your tone came out a little sour, and you didn't mean for it to. He didn't seem to mind, though.
His gloved hand reaches out, and soon enough, you feel his thumb brushing at your cheek. "You've got sauce on your face, dumbass."
Welp, that's embarrassing.
You can feel the heat in your face rise as he wipes off your cheek, not so gently, and sticks his tongue out with disgust.
"Gee, thanks." You turn away, brushing your cheek off with the back of your arm.
Then, a thought floods it's way back into your head suddenly.
Weren't you supposed to be doing something..? 
"Oh!" You rub your cheek, hoping there wasn't any stain still left on your skin. "I was supposed to post you making that," you pout a bit, gesturing to the fact that he was still supposed to be your fake boyfriend. How could you forget?
He looks at you with a questioning expression. "Huh?"
"Y'know- - My boyfriend made me lasagna," you tease, pulling out the phone from your pocket.
Now it came back to him.
He nods slowly, "Riiight. Right!" Shake smirks proudly, opening up the oven door to crack it. "It's not too late." Heat blows out, and you look inside the crack to see the pan sitting there, trying to bake.
You angle your phone camera on it, but you feel your other hand being grabbed.
What was he doing—?
"C'mere," Looking down, shake forces your hand on the oven door handle, and guides you to grab it. He then puts his hand on top of yours, and holds it. "Come on, take the picture already!"
Your cheeks did that weird thing again where they got all hot and clammy. Shit shit shit.
Oh, and now your heart is speeding up a little? What the fuuuuuck.
You take the picture of your hands on the handle, and smile up at him, though it felt pressured now. "Got it,"
He shuts the door, and suddenly his face was flared up, too. Damn, was he sweating?
"Cool, great, good!" He laughs out, but it sounded awkward. "I bet that asshole thinks I'm sexier than him. Like— what were you even thinking? Going for a guy like that," shake laughs at you. Of course, it was just him turning the situation around onto you again, because why wouldn't he be a narcissist?
You let yourself frown slightly.
"You're too good for him, obviously." Shake then adds onto the statement, though his voice grew a bit more honest. There's another smile lingering in his features when he says that.
Your frown turns upward at him slightly. "Yeah . . I know." Your voice is light; not even defensive, because you knew how shitty you let that guy treat you.
"I know you know!" He says, "If there's one thing I know- it's women. And women want me."
Welp, that ruined the moment.
The smirk on his face was enough to make you laugh at him. In all the time that you've known each other, you didn't see a single girl trying to talk to him. Ever.
If anything, you were the first. And that . . Well, that's saying something.
"Yeah?" You ask through a chortle, "Where are they, then."
Shake quickly frowns with annoyance, and crosses his arms. "Well, obviously they can't come around, if they see you next to me." He defends himself poorly. You shrug in response and laugh a little again.
"Riiight. That makes sense," sarcastically, you nod along to tease him. Does he know you're just teasing him? You weren't sure.
"It does! How else can a hot babe come up to me if I already have one next to me? They'd get jealous, obviously!" Shake rolls his eyes. "And, I don't need any more girl drama. Which is why I keep telling them not to come around anymore,"
His voice was so casual when lying, that it was almost kinda insane.
The other thing insane about that story though, was Shake just called you hot.
Not that you didn't know that already.
"I knew I was hot," you tease, looking over at him with a little smirk. "Girl drama is literally ridiculous though. You're better off with just me."
His eyes widen a little at your comment. Obviously he took it in the way you meant it.
"Yeah, I probably would be. But y'know, there's still plenty of me to go around." He points his thumbs towards himself, and gives off a cocky smirk.
"Shut up, cup." You laugh him off with a light shove on the shoulder, letting his nickname slip from your mouth. It was something you've picked up from Carl over the years of hangin' around the boys. It never seemed to bother him too much, but you knew he'd prefer a less demeaning name.
"You gotta make me," Shake's smile is innocently bright, and all you can do is stare back with a challenging grin.
Ooh, that was it- -
To your right on the counter, you notice the bowl of pudding Meatwad had left out. When you and Frylock went shopping earlier, you should've expected the two ding bats to go on a binge fest of junk food, because they totally did. They left food out all over the place.
The evil grin on your face was enough to show Shake that you had tricks up your own sleeve.
Not even bothering to care how sticky and slimy it was on your fingers, you dipped your hand into the bowl and quickly smacked the pudding to his face.
The challenge was so on.
His eyes widen, shock taking over his body as the chocolate pudding smears across his cheek and mouth. That was not at all what he expected from you when he meant for you to shut him up.
"Y/N! What the hell!"
You laugh loudly, crouching down in a defense stance as he wipes the chocolate from his face.
"I'll kill you," Without a second thought, Shake lunges towards your laughing figure, hands grabbing yours playfully, and soon you find yourself backed into and trapped against the counter.
With your backside to the cabinets, you look up at him with a pleading smile, still finding it absolutely hilarious that you caught him off his game like that.
"I'm sorry! Shake— I'm sorry, I swear," you wheeze out through laughter, hands up and still being tightly held by Shake's.
"Shoulda thought about that sooner!" His one hand let go of yours, and with one swift movement, snatched the glass of water from the countertop, and splashed it at you with a wild grin.
"Hey!" You squeal out and tense up as the water quickly runs down your cheek and neck.
Game on, bitch.
You push him back as he chuckles under his breath.
"Asshole," There wasn't much time to think it through anymore, so you grab the closest food item to you, and smash it at him. Shake dodged, but it ended up still managing to hit his body anyway.
The two of you now wrestled a bit with each other; hands locked, and push and shoving each other playfully.
Actually, it was probably the most fun you and Shake had together in a long time.
"I swear- - Y/N, if I wasn't letting you win, I'd beat your ass," shake glares up at you from the hold you had on him. You now currently had him pinned down to the floor of the kitchen, food everywhere, sitting on his back. The smirk you had on your face was beaming with amusement as your tilt your head down at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, letting me win? I own your ass right now."
He grunts, dulling his irritated eyes up at you. "I'm only going easy on you because you're a broad!"
"Pfft— yeah, right. You couldn't beat me if you tr—" the wind almost gets knocked out of you when you suddenly find yourself being flipped over with your back to the floor. Shake smirks, and now holds you down by sitting on you.
"Ugh, oh my god, fatass, get off me!" You wheeze out, glaring up at him. His prideful smile was enough to let you know that, okay, maybe he was sorta letting you win earlier.
"It's muscle weight! And don't smack me with pudding, then maybe I would!" He declares, eyes narrowing now as the pressure of his gloved hands holds your arms down to the floor at shoulder height.
"I'm sorry," You pout playfully up at him, wiggling your wrists out of his grasp, but not to much use.
"Not good enough!" He says. "I think it's time you learned not to mess with the master~!" Shake was totally not bluffing anymore, and you knew he was unhinged enough to actually hit you, or throw more food at your face- which you didn't want.
So, you flinch, wincing up at him.
Managing to speak with half of his body weight sitting on top of you was actually so hard to do.
"Wait— Is this the part where I kiss you?" He asks, in the dumbest, most casual way only shake could manage.
"Oh my god," you groan. With some thought behind it, you manage to flip yourself to your side, and kick him off you. Shake lands beside you on the floor, and you remember not to take breathing for granted.
You slowly rise up to a sitting position, and glare look at him. "Lose some weight."
Shake glares up at you, and switches to a sitting position as well. "I can't help that my muscles are too big! You're just too weak to handle the weight." The narcissism rolls off his tongue so smoothly. Shake was always good at turning situations or facts around on other people. It was sort of like a really fucked up gift.
You stand to your feet, brushing off any leftover food that clung to you.
"Want me to pin you to the floor again?" Your threat only made his smile grow, and you could imagine why.
"No, because I'm always on top!" His smile stretched, and you roll your eyes at him. "Haha! Boom! Someone should be writing these down,"
The timer on the oven dings, alerting the both of you.
Whoops, you totally forgot all about the lasagna in the oven during all this play fighting.
"Come on, honey, let's go offer our neighbor some food~" you stand to your feet, and hold out a hand for him. Shake stares at it before locking eyes with you, and smirking.
His hand grabs yours, and stands to his feet.
Pulling you into him, shake wraps an arm around your shoulder and smiles. "A little taste of Italy, right to his door. He should be paying us!"
You lean into his hold and find yourself smiling up at him. "Once we get to use his pool, it'll all be worth it!"
Shake laughs and let you go. "As long as I get to see you in a hot bikini, babe."
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goldenbituin · 21 days
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You get used to them over time
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mochizz · 11 days
C-can you do Carl😢🙏
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GO EASY ON ME ITS MY VERY FIRST TIME DRAWING HIM OKAY ☹️ also thank you very much for asking, I will be trying to draw him more often now ☝️☝️☝️
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bunsqueakz · 6 months
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they chilling
carl and shake
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m4r5c0r3 · 1 year
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canon toki and athf shit
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klester · 2 months
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ATHF so peak
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cattowersjails · 2 months
Number one in the hood! (These would be good keychains ngl)
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I'm going legit crazy for this show, it's all I ever think about..I love all of these silly characters on here..also including Ignignokt and Err! I luv them all! <3
The intro is also really good and catchy!
Plus this good ass banger that gave me motivation to draw this :3
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adultswimshowspoll · 10 months
round 4
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please reblog after voting
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postteen-a · 5 days
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cringe post with a series of tumblr athf gifs i like xp
//flash warning
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