#Carrot Facial Oil
moonriversn12 · 2 days
Radiant complexion with Moon Rivers Naturals' Carrot Seed Facial Oil
Achieve a radiant complexion with MOON RIVERS NATURALS' Carrot Seed Facial Oil. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, this luxurious oil nourishes and revitalizes your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and promoting a healthy glow. Suitable for all skin types, it deeply hydrates and protects, leaving your skin soft and luminous. Elevate your skincare routine with the natural power of Carrot Seed Facial Oil from MOON RIVERS NATURALS.
Visit - https://medium.com/@moonriversnaturals/radiant-complexion-with-moon-rivers-naturals-carrot-seed-facial-oil-687c4277f961
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larysav123 · 11 months
Let the Packing Begin- Updating From Biggest Ballroom Competition this weekend! 2023 Much Smaller Competition In Utah!
Preparing to pack for the big competition this weekend!  Apparently the biggest one on the East Coast!
 Packing List:   Head to Toe   
Competition portion of the trip
 Healthy Snacks:
VEGGIES Organic Carrots, celery, hummus, salad, peppers, spinach, grape tomatoes, cucumber, snow peas/sugar snap peas,  
FRUIT Bananas, baby bananas are my favorite, berries, grapes, orange/clementine, Apples, applesauce cups,  Dried Fruit-mango, pineapple, apple rings, banana chips, raisins, cranberry, apricot, 
Seeds etc: pumpkin, sunflower, sunflower butter, roasted chickpeas, 
Healthy granola, granola bars, fruit bars
Dark Chocolate
non allergy cacao energy bites
WATER BOTTLE and put your name on it ! When I was at MIT they had those awesome filtered fountains to save disposable water bottles.  Hopefully this is all around campus especially in a gym.... At Massachusetts Institute of TECHNOLOGY.  LOL. 
  Containers and carry:
Suitcase for the hotel
Big bag for the competition: your costume, SHOE bag, anything you need for the day
Small bag WITH NAME ON IT, to keep needed items near you possibly near the dance floor like water/snacks etc
Garment bag, plastic bags, ziplock bags, for misc.....
 Head:   Top Down   
  Hair, brushes, combs, pins, hairspray, anything put in hair like rhinestones, hair ties, clips
MIRROR, Toner/Moisturizer/facial oil, foundation, powder, blush, eyebrows, eye-shadow, eyeliner, mascara, lashes, glue, lipstick, brushes, sponges, bronzer, highlighter, concealer, ..... baby wipes, 
 Body- Clothing etc for Competition:
 Dress, pants, DANCE SHOES, any special undergarments, shorts,
Deodorant, mouthwash, gum/mints, safety pins, any special tape for clothing or shoes or skin protection, band-aids, HEEL CAPS FOR SHOES, shoe bag labeled with your name, foot powder or foot pain relieving options, moleskin, shoe inserts, shoe brush, hand sanitizer/alcohol
Dark socks, belt, shorts, powder, jewelry 
Sewing kit, SAFETY PINS, scissors, extra hairpins, extra undies, dance pants, bras, something to wear for warmth in between,  double stick tape, 
Water Bottle, Snacks    
SHOES, HEEL CAPS, double stick tape, Shoe brush
Ginger to make your stomach calm, no wonder it's a superfood- only thing that takes care of ALL stomach troubles: nervous stomach, illness, morning sickness, motion sickness, ate-the-wrong-food discomfort...
Pain medicine- anti inflammatory, band aids,  Vitamins, especially C being around so many people and being worn out , antibiotic ointment, 
Inhaler, Tums, Saline Solution (eye saline as well as nose saline,)  cough drops, 
Joint braces, ace bandages...anything to fix the feet after they blister or prevent it
 LABEL (Put your name on):
Shoes, Shoe bag, shoe brush, 
Team Jacket, clothing, costume, garment bag
Water Bottle, snacks, main bag, phone?  
Your Charger(s)
 For the Hotel:
Extra Underwear, socks, bras, pajamas: top bottom, slippers, comfortable shoes, bathing suit? 
Toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, bath pouf or loofah, lotion, lip balm, skin moisture....
Toothbrush, toothpaste, tongue scraper, floss
Glasses, contact case, contact solution
Deodorant, perfume, essential oils
Tweezers, nail clippers, shaving items, 
Exfoliator, Face masque,  hair thingies, mouthwash/pre-wash, Q-tips, Toner, cotton, 
Bathrobe, coat/fleece/jacket, shoes, slippers, sneakers, sports bras, extra underwear and socks,   air freshener (the more people sharing the space, the more potential odoriferous molecules), notebook, pens, pencils, highlighters, plastic bags (for dirty laundry)  sunglasses, umbrella, workout wear,  hat, heating pad?  manicure scissors?  Nail Polish and remover?    
LIQUID HAND SOAP (because bar soap from the hotel is a nice wet home for bacteria to breed, fine for body, not fine for washing hands from bathroom germs)
Feminine products
Charger (put your name on it, maybe backup data, photos etc before trip)
Camera and batteries and tripod?    Computer, charger, case, external memory, 
Power Strip for hotel... or even venue
AAA Card
Credit Card
     Notes from Team Captain:  We want you to 
Have a Positive Attitude
Have Fun
Get Better Each Time
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skitzoprincepnw · 1 year
Mixed up some homemade facial tonic..
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Best Stuff Ever!!!
Skip that run to Ulta..
DIY toner is so easy to make and it’s a great way to eliminate toxins from your skincare routine. Homemade witch hazel and aloe vera toner tightens tones and calms skin naturally.
Conventional facial toner is frequently loaded with toxic ingredients, including fragrances, preservatives, synthetic moisturizers (petroleum based, ewww) and high levels of alcohol.
Skip all of those chemicals and opt for a super simple, 3-ingredient toner made with all natural ingredients.
DIY Toner Recipe (only 3 ingredients!)
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4 Tbs Witch Hazel
2 Tbs Aloe Vera Gel
4-6 drops Essential Oil of choice (ideas below)
1 small Spray Bottle (approx 3 oz)
Combine all ingredients in a small spray bottle or container of your choice. Give it a good shake, and you’re done!
This recipe makes about 3 ounces of finished product.
So easy, right?!
Blue Chamomile
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Tea Tree
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Palma Rosa
Carrot Seed
Anti-Aging Blend
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Blue Chamomile
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mhkeiger · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT FORMULAE PRESCOTT TRI-BALM CLEANSER STICK.
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molianno · 1 month
Tips for Getting Rid of Eye Bags
Many modern women are troubled by the problem of eye bags because they really affect their appearance and can make them look older. In fact, it's quite easy to get rid of eye bags. Below, we'll introduce several very effective tips for removing eye bags. Let's get started!
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Tip One: Sleeping at an Incline
Every day, lie down on a slanted wooden board for a few minutes. This posture helps increase blood circulation to the head and face, eliminating drooping or baggy lower eyelids and improving the nutritional status of facial skin.
Tip Two: Vitamin E Eye Mask
Every night before bed, if you can apply the viscous liquid from vitamin E capsules to the skin under your eyes for four weeks, it can effectively eliminate eye bags and reduce signs of aging.
Tip Three: Fruit and Vegetable Eye Masks
Method One:
Before going to bed, apply fig or cucumber slices to the skin under your eyes. Regular use can reduce under-eye bags.
Method Two:
You can also make a tea using papaya and mint soaked in hot water. After cooling, apply it frequently to the skin under your eyes. Papaya tea not only relieves eye fatigue but also reduces under-eye bags.
Tip Four: Plant-Based Eye Masks
Some people abroad often use chamomile, high-quality black tea, or rosehip, or use warmed castor oil or olive oil to moisten the under-eye area for 15 minutes to several hours every day. These substances help alleviate under-eye bags.
Tip Five: Tap the Eye Area
Apply some cream or oil to your face and tap your face with your hands, paying particular attention to lightly tapping the delicate skin around the eyes. Avoid pulling or stretching the lower eyelids randomly. These measures help reduce under-eye bags.
Tip Six: Eye Exercises
As you age, the appearance of eye bags is inevitable. If you can pay attention to health, balance work and rest, avoid staying up late, ensure an adequate amount of sleep, and consciously perform "eye squinting" exercises by closing the upper and lower eyelids (preferably more than 100 times a day), the sensation of contraction and relaxation in the eyelid muscles can delay the formation of eye bags.
Tip Seven: Chewing Method
Chewing foods like carrots, celery, or chewing gum regularly in daily diet helps improve facial skin. Naturally, it also promotes the reduction of eye bags.
Tip Eight: Dietary Adjustment
Pay attention to regularly consuming colloids, high-quality proteins, animal liver, tomatoes, potatoes, and other foods. Maintaining dietary balance can provide necessary nutrition for tissue cell regeneration in this area, which is also beneficial for eliminating under-eye bags. Ignoring dietary nutrition is harmful to the entire body.
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skincare-surveyor · 3 months
A-Z Cheaters Guide to Facial Oils
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Image Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
I put together this quick guide with some basic information on single-source oils used in skincare. This is not a comprehensive list of all oils used in skincare, just a list of those commonly used as single-source oils. Some oils have more abundant information than others.
As a review, single-source facial oils are used to add moisture and restore skin's natural barrier. To use, you can add a few drops to your favorite moisturizer and mix in your hands prior to application or you can use oils on their own. Simply put a few drops in your palm to warm, then apply a thin layer to skin.
Some of these oils are quite common and can be found in your average grocery store. Others might only be available from specialty retailers, health food stores, and the like. Remember to check and make sure whatever you're buying is organic and has no additives.
Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants
Good for aging skin
High in Vitamin E, Zinc, proteins, and potassium
Lighter than olive oil and shea butter
Absorbs easily
Can cause allergic reaction
Soothes dry, irritated skin
Good for regenerating damaged skin cells
Good for dry, acne-prone, and sensitive skin
High in Vitamin E and fatty acids
Absorbed easily
May help soften and calm irritated, itchy skin; good for acne prone skin
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, antiseptic, and antibacterial
Good for dry, dehydrated skin
High in Vitamin A and E, monounsaturated fatty acids
May help with the appearance of wrinkles, fading scars, skin texture, and treating acne
Doesn't clog pores
High in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, and other essential and trace minerals
Good for dry, damaged skin
May increase sebum production
Not recommended for acne-prone skin
Can reduce pore size and remove impurities
Reverse signs of aging
Improve conditions like psoriasis and eczema
Carrot Seed
Antifungal, antibacterial, and anticancer qualities due to flavonoid content
Improves elasticity, tone, and overall appearance
Calms irritated skin; may help with eczema and psoriasis
Slows signs of aging
Strong purging and detoxing properties
May help with acne; increases cell turnover
Can be drying for some skin types due to ricinoleic acid content
Chia Seed
Works well for all skin types including oily and irritated skin; especially beneficial for sensitive, inflamed, dehydrated skin
Rich with omega-3s and -6s and antioxidants
Patients suffering from xerotic eczema who used a simple cream with 4% chia seed oil for eight weeks found significant relief
Decreases transepidermal water loss
Do not use if allergic to chia seeds
Available in two forms: solid or liquid
Do not use refined coconut oil on skin
Absorbs easily
High in Vitamin E and K, fatty acids, and polyphenols
Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties
Not good for those with acne
Stimulates collagen production
Evening Primrose
Good for aging skin
Promotes elasticity, anti-inflammatory, enhances skin's cellular structure
Helps lighten skin and reduce hyperpigmentation
May help with acne and balancing hormones when taken orally; often used in menopausal women
High in Vitamin E, fatty acids
Antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties
Good for oily skin
Reduces redness
Helps heal acne scarring
Tones and tightens skin
Protects against sun damage
Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, and blemishes
Hemp Seed
Good for oily skin
Great for dry, itchy skin, psoriasis, and eczema
Tolerated by both oily and sensitive skin
Can help balance oil production
Reduces redness and inflammation caused by acne
Good for dry, dehydrated skin
Technically a wax, not an oil
Mimics skin's sebum (natural oils)
May help reduce oil-production in oily skin, basically by tricking it into thinking it's produced enough; can make a good acne treatment
Absorbed easily
Doesn't clog pores
Good for dry, dehydrated skin
High in antioxidants
Protects from environmental toxins
Reduces signs of aging and sun damage
Soothing for all skin types
Slightly heavier moisturizer
Typically doesn't trigger allergic reactions
Can cause/worsen atopic dermatitis for some
High in Vitamins A (natural retinoid), D, E, and K; fatty acids and plant sterols
Smooths skin texture
Reduces signs of aging, inflammation, and redness
Heals dry skin
Pumpkin Seed
Good for oily skin
Has DHT-blocking properties
Rich in zinc and selenium
Great for fighting acne-causing bacteria
Low chance of clogging pores
Increases firmness
High in Vitamin A (natural retinoid) and C, fatty acids, and other antioxidants
Recommended for sensitive skin, anti-aging
Possible use for eczema
Good for oily, dry, damaged, mature, and irritated skin
May help reverse the effects of sun damage
Improves skin texture
Helps with signs of aging, stretch marks, scars, and hyperpigmentation
High in linoleic acid
Great at treating blackheads and other skin impurities
Sesame Seed
Promotes wound healing
Kills acne-causing bacteria
Has great antibacterial properties
Protects against sun damage
Helps skin texture and overall appearance
Allergen risk
Shea Oil/Butter
Available in two forms: solid or liquid
Excellent moisturizer; highly protective against rough skin during dry, cold months
Reduces inflammation; soothes distressed skin
Sunflower Seed
Absorbed easily
High in Vitamin E
Protects skin barrier
Antimicrobial properties
Doesn't cause/worsen atopic dermatitis
Good for irritated skin
Good for most skin types
Balances, moisturizes, and fights signs of aging
Derived from sugarcane
Good for sensitive skin
Absorbs easily
Comes from a tree in the pine/evergreen family; strong, pine-like scent
Amazing healing properties
Great for acne spot treatment, healing and fading acne scars
Can be used to fade other types of scarring as well
Good for delicate skin
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oriveorganics1 · 4 months
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Vitality Nectar | Anti-Pigmentation Facial Oil
Not just Vitamin C, a boost of multiple vitamins for lasting skin glow 
I am Vitality Nectar Facial Oil, I am the ultimate luxury for your skin. My super ingredients are a power pack of natural Vitamin C, Anti-oxidants, essential nutrients and omega fatty acids. So get that youthful, glowing skin without the harmful effects of chemicals. I contain, Rosehip Oil, a natural source of vitamin C, Carrot Seed and Apricot Oils, rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and vitamin E that protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. 
Choose me, as I will, 
Promote healthy, youthful, and dewy skin
Improve skin texture and complexion
Reduce marks, blemishes, and pigmentation
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tarzantips · 4 months
Top 10 Tips for Healthy and Strong Nails
Healthy and strong nails are not only visually appealing but also a sign of general wellbeing. You need not worry if your nails are weak, brittle, or discolored.
Here are tips for how to keep your nails healthy and strong, easy-to-implement suggestions to help you grow and preserve strong, healthy nails.
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Tips for Healthy and Strong Nails
1. Maintain a Balanced Diet
Your nutritional status is reflected in your nails. Make sure your diet is well-balanced and high in protein, vitamins, and minerals.
To support nail health from the inside out, include foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
2. Stay Hydrated
Your nails are no different from your general health in that they require proper hydration.
To keep your nails hydrated and stop them from getting dry and brittle, drink a lot of water.
3. Trim Regularly
Regular nail trimming will help you maintain a manageable nail length.
To keep your nails from breaking and snagging, shape them with a high-quality nail file and clipper.
4. Protect Your Nails
Your nails can suffer from household tasks and exposure to harsh chemicals.
When performing household tasks, put on gloves to shield your nails from chemicals and long-term exposure to water, both of which can weaken them.
5. Moisturize Your Cuticles
An essential component of healthy nails is the cuticles.
Regularly moisturize your cuticles with a nourishing oil or cream to avoid painful hangnails and to strengthen your nails overall.
6. Choose the Right Nail Products:
Choose nail products that do not include harmful substances like formaldehyde or toluene.
To keep your nails from drying out too much and becoming damaged, use an acetone-free nail polish remover.
7. Give Your Nails a Break
Even though it can be tempting to always have polished nails, it is essential to occasionally give them a break.
For the sake of to allow your nails time to heal and regenerate, take breaks in between manicures.
8. Avoid Nail Biting
Infections may result from nail biting in addition to harming the nails.
Use anti-nail-biting products or keep your nails polished to help break the habit and make them less enticing to chew on.
9. Massage Your Nails
Gently massage your nails to encourage blood flow. This strengthens the nail bed and encourages the growth of nails.
For extra best way to keep nails strong and healthy, apply a nourishing lotion or oil during the massage.
10. Monitor Nail Health
Keep an eye out for any variations in the strength, color, or texture of your nails.
Seek advice from a physician regarding any unusual observations you make, such as discoloration or persistent weakness, as well as any possible underlying health issues.
Read: Which Facial is Best for Glowing Skin?
Vitamins for strong nails
When you are wondering how to make nails stronger and thicker then how we can neglet vitamins for strong nails, have a look the best vitamin for strong nails.
1. Biotin (Vitamin B7)
Biotin, sometimes referred to as the "nail vitamin," promotes the development and strength of nails. Nuts, whole grains, and eggs are common sources of biotin for nails.
2. Vitamin E
By collecting free radicals, this antioxidant supports stronger, healthier nails. Almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach are some of the sources of vitamins for strong hair and nails.
3. Vitamin A
Growing strong and healthy nails are a result of vitamin A, which is necessary for cell growth and repair. Kale, sweet potatoes, and carrots are excellent sources.
4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C supports the synthesis of collagen and helps to keep nails structurally sound. Bell peppers, strawberries, and citrus fruits are great sources.
5. Vitamin D
Calcium absorption is helped by vitamin D, and this improves general strong and healthy nails. Consume dairy products that have been fortified, fatty fish, or sunshine.
6. Iron
Include foods high in iron, such as spinach, beans, and lean meats, in your diet because weak nails can result from an iron deficiency.
7. Zinc
Zinc is consider as a best vitamins for stronger nails that is present in foods like seeds, nuts, and whole grains and helps in the formation of keratin, an essential amino acid in nails.
8. Omega3 Fatty Acids
These beneficial fats, which are present in flaxseeds and fatty fish, strengthen nails and guard against brittleness.
9. Vitamin B Complex
Taking B vitamins, such as B12 and B6, are best vitamins for nails and hair and at the same time it helps to maintain the general health of nails. Leafy greens, fish, and meat are good sources.
10. Protein
Lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, and beans, are essential for nail growth. Consume these foods to maintain strong, healthy nails.
continue >>>
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beautycare3 · 6 months
Unveiling Beauty: The Potent Ingredients in ZequZ Papaya Facewash
Unveiling Beauty: The Potent Ingredients in ZequZ Papaya Facewash
Embark on a transformative skincare journey with ZequZ Papaya Facewash, a harmonious fusion of natural ingredients that transcends ordinary cleansing. This facial elixir goes beyond the mundane, blending the power of Papaya Fruit Extract, Licorice Extract, Carrot Seed Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, and other carefully chosen elements, creating a symphony of skincare benefits.
Papaya Fruit Extract: The Radiant Revitalizer
Central to the formulation is Papaya Fruit Extract, a radiant revitalizer packed with vitamins A, C, and E. This natural exfoliant works tirelessly to unveil a smoother complexion by gently eliminating dead skin cells. Bid farewell to dullness as papain, a natural enzyme, works its magic to reveal your skin's natural radiance.
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Licorice Extract: Nature's Calming Agent
Introducing Licorice Extract, a natural calming agent that takes the spotlight in ZequZ Papaya Facewash. Renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it soothes irritated skin, minimizes redness, and plays a vital role in reducing blemishes and dark spots.
Carrot Seed Extract: The Youthful Glow Enhancer
Enter the realm of youthful radiance with Carrot Seed Extract. Bursting with beta-carotene, it aids in skin regeneration and collagen production. This natural enhancer imparts a healthy glow, making ZequZ Papaya Facewash your go-to elixir for a vibrant and youthful complexion.
Aloe Vera Extract: The Hydration Hero
Aloe Vera Extract, the hydration hero in this skincare symphony, infuses each application with a surge of moisture. Its soothing properties alleviate dryness and promote healing, leaving your skin supple and revitalized. Prepare to bask in the glow of a hydrated and nourished complexion.
Effective Cleansing Duo: Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate and Coco Amido Propyl Betaine
Working in perfect harmony, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate and Coco Amido Propyl Betaine form an effective cleansing duo. They remove impurities and excess oil without stripping away your skin's natural moisture. Your skin is left thoroughly cleansed, setting the stage for a revitalized and invigorated appearance.
Incorporate ZequZ Papaya Facewash into your daily skincare ritual and witness the transformative power of these ingredients. Let the symphony of Papaya Fruit Extract, Licorice Extract, Carrot Seed Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, and more elevate your skincare experience.
Website : www.zequz.com
Shop Now: https://zequz.com/shop/papaya-face-wash-1000-ml/
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moonriversn12 · 4 days
Coconut Milk for Skin: Moon Rivers Naturals' All-Natural Solution
Welcome to MOON RIVERS NATURALS, where we embrace the power of nature to enhance your beauty and well-being. One of our most cherished ingredients is coconut milk, a luxurious, nutrient-rich element that offers a plethora of benefits for the skin. In this blog, we'll explore how coconut milk can transform your skincare routine and why our Coconut Milk for Skin products are a must-have for natural beauty enthusiasts.
Visit - https://www.slideserve.com/Moonriversn12/coconut-milk-for-skin-moon-rivers-naturals-all-natural-solution
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hopinghouse · 1 year
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What to do with thick pores ❓ Let me teach you how to shrink pores.
The first step in shrinking pores is to control oil. The reason for the coarseness of pores is mainly due to the oily skin. Therefore, improving the coarseness of pores and controlling oil is fundamental. Oil control can be divided into internal adjustment and external skincare products for oil control.
About Internal Control Oil
1. Daily supplementation of trace elements
Selenium, vitamin A, and vitamin B2, zinc gluconate, vitamin C, and calcium tablets, all of which can help us suppress oil secretion internally to a certain extent.
2. Eat foods containing trace elements such as animal liver, carrots, fish oil, eggs, grains, and some fresh leafy vegetables and fruits.
3. Avoid excessive high sugar diets and dairy products
Ensure sufficient and good sleep and a pleasant mood
About skincare oil control
1. According to the personal skin type, acid containing products such as salicylic acid facial mask, acid brushing cotton pad, acid containing moisturizing lotion can be properly used Facial cleansing and some cleaning mud films, as well as controlling oil and powder dispersion, can help us to some extent suppress oil content Bleed and unclog pores. (Excluding sensitive muscles)
2. Simplify skincare, focus on regulating skin oil water balance and moisturizing care
3. Properly clean the skin to avoid excessive cleaning caused by the use of facial cleanser products. According to personal skin type, deep cleansing can be performed every 7-10 days.
4. Do a good job of removing makeup and avoid using too heavy cosmetics to avoid clogging pores.
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Discover the Benefits of Carrot Essential Oil for a Radiant and Glowing Complexion
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Carrot essential oil is a natural and potent ingredient that has been used for centuries for its many health and beauty benefits. This oil is derived from the seeds of the Daucus carota plant and is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of carrot essential oil for the face and how you can use it to achieve a radiant and glowing complexion.
One of the most notable benefits of carrot essential oil is its ability to promote skin cell regeneration. This oil is rich in vitamin A, which stimulates the production of new skin cells and promotes healthy skin turnover. This can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.
Carrot essential oil is also a powerful antioxidant, which means it can help to protect the skin from environmental stressors such as UV rays, pollution, and free radicals. This can help to prevent premature aging and keep the skin looking youthful and healthy.
In addition to its antioxidant properties, carrot essential oil is also a natural moisturizer. It can help to hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and supple. This can be especially beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin.
To use carrot essential oil on the face, simply mix a few drops with your favorite carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil, and apply to the face using gentle circular motions. You can also add a few drops to your daily moisturizer or facial serum for added benefits.
In conclusion, carrot essential oil is a powerful ingredient that can help to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Its ability to promote skin cell regeneration, protect against environmental stressors, and moisturize the skin makes it an excellent choice for those looking to achieve a radiant and glowing complexion. So why not add carrot essential oil to your skincare routine today and unlock the benefits for yourself?
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lukewarmblogs · 1 year
Reasons Sunscreen Is Important For The Skin & How To Use It
Sunscreen is incredibly important for maintaining healthy skin. Exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause a range of skin damage, from sunburn and premature aging to skin cancer. Consistent application of sunscreen can aid in protecting the skin from these harmful effects and promote a healthy, youthful complexion. 
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The Ozone Layer is Diminishing : 
As a crucial part of the earth's atmosphere, the ozone layer shields the planet from the sun's harmful UVB rays. However, this protective layer is gradually depleting, leading to an increase in UVB exposure. This makes it crucial for people to use proper SPF to safeguard their skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Sunscreen plays a crucial role in protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, especially in the context of a diminishing ozone layer. As the ozone layer becomes thinner, it allows more UV radiation to reach the Earth's surface, increasing the risk of skin damage and skin cancer. 
Using sunscreen can help protect the skin from these harmful UV rays, which can cause sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Sunscreen works by absorbing or reflecting the UV radiation before it reaches the skin, reducing the amount of damage that can occur. 
It is important to choose a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) and broad-spectrum protection, which means it protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. Additionally, it is recommended to apply sunscreen generously and frequently, especially during peak sun exposure times, such as between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 
Protect all Skin Types and Tones :  
Sunscreen is essential to protect all skin types and tones from the harmful effects of the sun. While it is true that individuals with fair skin and light hair are more susceptible to sunburn and skin damage, people with all skin types and tones are at risk of developing skin cancer and other skin issues caused by UV radiation.  
Lukewarm® Sunscreen is a fantastic choice for protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Being non-comedogenic, it won't clog your pores and is suitable for all skin types. This sunscreen contains carrot seed extract, which is a potent antioxidant that can protect your skin from oxidative stress and aid in cell regeneration. It boosts your skin's immunity and helps heal sunburns and inflammation. It promotes collagen synthesis, improves the appearance of scars and blemishes, and reduces signs of aging. 
It has antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that make it perfect for sensitive and irritated skin. On the other hand, it stimulates cell turnover, regulates your skin's natural oils, and reduces acne breakouts. It also moisturizes your skin without blocking your pores. 
Overall, the Lukewarm® Sunscreen provides a great blend of powerful skincare ingredients that protect and nourish your skin, making it healthier and more beautiful. 
First and foremost, there are many broad-spectrum sunscreens on the market that have SPF 50+ and that block rays from both UVA and UVB with PA++++. This is highly recommended to protect against skin damage and other sun damage-based diagnoses.  
It's essential to keep in mind that even as little as fifteen minutes of UV exposure can cause damage to your skin. Therefore, it's crucial to apply sunscreen as part of your daily morning routine. As sunscreen may wear off with time, it's advisable to reapply it during lunchtime. If you plan to spend time outdoors, engage in physical activities, sweat a lot, or come in contact with water, you'll need to reapply sunscreen more frequently to ensure optimal protection. 
Pro-tip - Always apply your facial care products at 2 more places - Your Neck & the back of your hands, the wrinkles start to show up here the first!  
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hbvitality00 · 1 year
Organic Beauty Products For A Radiant Skin And Better Health
Using commercial brand beauty products can often be counterproductive to your overall skin health. This is because commercial skin care products are known to contain carcinogens harmful to humans, and many other dangerous chemicals. On average, adults use nine skin care products a day, exposing their skin to about 126 chemicals each and every day.
Making matters worse, 89% of the 10,500 ingredients skin care products contain have not been safety evaluated. By using these commercial skin care brands you are effectively exposing your face to more harm than good. If you want to truly protect your skin, then it is important to treat your skin as the organic, natural organ that it is. This is to say that you should only use an organic skin care regimen to treat your skin problems.
Organic beauty products are better for your overall health because they do not contain harmful chemicals that jeopardize your body's well being. Basically, changing to a natural skin care regimen will expose your skin to more vitamins and minerals in a natural way. There are even fresh products from around the kitchen that can change the way you look at beauty products, whether for cleansing or toning your face. Avocados, strawberries, cucumbers, and even apples are great organic solutions to skin care.
There are several different ways to use these foods to your advantage to create a great organic skin care regimen. For instance, you can create a facial cleanser with an egg, half a cup of milk, and a ripe peeled avocado. This is a very effective solution for ridding pollution from your pores caused by commercial facial cleansers. There are also many other different types of facial moisturizers and cleansers that you can make from the aforementioned foods.
In addition to utilizing a proper skin routine, one should also make sure that what they put inside their bodies is just as healthy as what they put on it. In other words, consuming healthy organic products is essential to improving your skin from the inside out. For instance, a natural product such as Viridian Ultimate Beauty Oil is a great source of fatty acids essential for creating a radiant skin.
This natural beauty product contains organic golden flaxseed oil, organic hemp seed oil, organic avocado oil, organic evening primrose oil, and organic pumpkin seed oil. Putting a few drops of Viridian oil on your food will not only help to upgrade the quality of your skin, but also your well being.
Foods containing omega 3 oils, Vitamins A and C, zinc, and selenium play important roles in improving skin health. Omega 3s are not naturally occurring in the body, so in order to get your dose of the skin revitalizing omegas you must include fish, such as sustainably caught salmon, in your diet. Or as an alternative to eating fish, adding some flax seed oil in your meals would work wonders.
A lack of vitamin A can cause dry skin outbreaks very similar to acne. In order to get your fix of vitamin A, look to sweet potatoes, organic carrots, spinach, milk, and egg yolks. Vitamin C is important to keep your skin rich in antioxidants that fight skin aging free radicals. Foods that contain the C vitamin are citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Zinc's importance is in creating collagen in the body to ward off sagging skin. Foods such as cheeses, whole grains, and beans are the body's main source for zinc. Lastly, selenium is effective in aiding elasticity in the skin. Organic Brazil nuts, oysters, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds are all high in selenium.
Getting off the commercial brand skin routine is the first step in fortifying a healthier approach to skin care. By switching your skin routine to a more organic approach on the inside and out, you will find your overall health to increase. For all your skin does to protect your body, the least we can do to show our appreciation is by keeping it in good health with an organic skin care regimen.
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mhkeiger · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT FORMULAE PRESCOTT TRI-BALM CLEANSER STICK.
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molianno · 11 months
To stay youthful, it's important to understand these anti-aging ingredients
When it comes to the anti-aging capabilities of natural products, EOPE (Enhanced Oxygen Power Extract) is one of the highly acclaimed ingredients. EOPE is a plant-based extract obtained through active oxygen extraction technology from oxygen-resistant plant species. It has remarkable effects on enhancing skin's oxygen absorption and combating skin aging.
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In addition to EOPE, here are some other natural products that have anti-aging properties:
1. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize the activity of free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and promote collagen synthesis for firm and elastic skin. Citrus fruits, vegetables, and rose hips are rich sources of vitamin C.
2. Tea Polyphenols: Tea polyphenols are antioxidant compounds found in tea leaves and known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. Green tea, white tea, and black tea contain tea polyphenols, which can be enjoyed through drinking tea or using skincare products with tea leaf extracts.
3. Moringa Seed Oil: Moringa seed oil is a natural plant oil extracted from the seeds of the Moringa tree. It is rich in antioxidants and various nutrients such as vitamin E, flavonoids, and polyphenolic compounds. It has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties, making it suitable for facial care and body nourishment.
4. Retinol (Vitamin A): Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A widely used in anti-aging products. It helps promote cell regeneration and collagen production, improving skin elasticity and texture. Retinol can be found in many natural foods such as carrots, pumpkins, and spinach.
5. Grape Seed Extract: Grape seed extract is rich in potent antioxidants such as proanthocyanidins and flavonoids. It helps reduce damage caused by free radicals, protects the skin from environmental aggressors, and promotes collagen synthesis. Grape seed extract can be used as an oral supplement or added to skincare products.
These natural products have been extensively studied and applied in the field of anti-aging. However, everyone's skin is different, and the response to anti-aging products may vary. It is advisable to choose mild and effective products that suit individual skin needs.
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