#moon river soap
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Reign down on me - Part 5
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Pairing: Ghost x Hybrid!reader (eventual poly!141)
No use of y/n or mention of gender/race
Summary: Reader is a wolf hybrid in a world that treats them like second class citizens, given a horrible start in life after being thrown into the military with no preparation. After years of struggle, they're finally taken away from their base by Ghost, now a permanent member of taskforce 141 reader struggles to come to terms with the fact that perhaps there's a life there for them - if only they reach out and accept it.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, Angst, abuse mentions, self doubt, violent scenes
You fought back a sneeze, eyes going teary as your body pathetically fought the sand that had risen and invaded the wind. Suddenly you were finding yourself wishing for the ridiculous glasses that Ghost and the rest of the boys had been wearing earlier. Though you recognised that even if you had some of those monstrosities, it’d do you no good by that point. There was barely enough light to see by, the little half moon above was winking down and barely casting much of a glow over the night sky. 
Price had dragged you all into a briefing room earlier that day and gave you all the run down on a new target, Razin, a man suspected of manufacturing bombs for the militia you were after. From there you were shown pictures of him, raising your brows at his scrawny features, and given a little intel about the town you were now stalking through. Even at the time you’d quietly groaned at the mention of the little desert town, you hated having to put up with the sand getting caught in your fur and eyes, not to mention how it made it so much more difficult to scent things as well. 
The only benefit of the place was that the houses were small and usually that meant that there wouldn't be very much to sweep. That is if it weren’t built over a tunnel or extensive secret basement, which Price was heavily theorising could be a possibility. 
From what you’d been shown it was only supposed to be two floors tall, with a roof that allowed for people to be positioned on top of it, set against the backdrop of the rocky hills beyond. It was close to the outskirts of town but still enclosed by other houses, positioned on the side that crept nearest to the small river that snaked nearby before disappearing into the rocky outcrops beyond. It would’ve been a sweet little place if it weren’t owned by the chef boyardee of bombs. 
“Y’good, Pup?” Ghost murmured through the comms.
You looked over at the spot you knew he was positioned at, secreted away on the balcony to the right of you with his rifle, and huffed out a breath. Define ‘good’, you thought. It’d been a while since you’d been so far away from him. Now that you’d been hiding out by the open window for a few hours at least, you’d been blasted with sand and bored to death enough to make you want to cling desperately onto your handler’s leg and beg him to go home. 
“Affirmative,” you whispered back instead.
“Good. We’ve got movement on the road outside of town - you two might be set to move soon, so get ready.”
“Yes, Sir,” you answered. 
You rolled your tired shoulders and looked over at Soap, noting that his dark eyes were still flitting from the target location and to you, watching carefully like a fretful horse. He still looked barely more comfortable left alone with you than when you first arrived. The man had been none too pleased when Ghost explained his plan on arrival, frowning when he was told about your little team up. Couldn’t be helped when Soap was the best equipped to deal with explosives and someone had to play sniper and keep watch.
Of course Soap had continued to train with you in the week leading up to then, slowly getting better at not flinching whenever you got close to him. However he’d never had to be around you without Ghost as a buffer yet. Now that it was just you both in the small room across from the house, he was the most tense that you’d ever seen him. Not that he was trying to be obvious about it, he clearly felt he was being sly with his darting looks and slow sighs. For that you gave him some slack. 
“I’m thinking the window on the right side is the best entry point for me,” you said, looking meaningfully across at him. “I can sweep the first floor while you go around to the side door and I can make sure it's unlocked for you.”
“You wanna go in alone?” Soap questioned, narrowing his eyes at the house.
“It’s what war dogs are for,” you shrugged. “No point waiting for you to come in with me, I can get in and check the place out quietly before you come clomping in.”
“I don’t clomp,” Soap snorted, giving you a withering look. 
“Sure, tell that to all your heavy gear and your big boots. Trust me, if I go in and get a feel for the place then I can tell who or what we need to watch out for before we go sniffing out the target.”
“And you say ‘What’ meaning?” he questioned.
“Other hybrids, bombs, guns…etcetera,” you listed, shifting your sights to the window you’d pointed out.  
“You can tell all that just from going in and getting a whiff of the front room?” he asked dryly. 
“Well I can’t give exact information, but I can give a good guess. It’s just like when we’ve been training, if you let me get ahead of you then I can check the place out first and let you know what you’re up against. That’s how I keep myself useful.” 
“Ghost, you good with that?” Soap asked doubtfully, frowning over at the balcony from the corners of your vision. 
“The house has been quiet enough,” Ghost noted. “If Pup wants to go in first, I trust their judgement.”
“Pup’s way it is then,” Soap grunted, almost absolving himself of anything that might happen. “I’ll wait for you to open the door, furball.”
You nodded your head, forcing down your instinct to growl, keeping your focus on the window instead. You’d show him who was a fucking furball. 
This was it. It wasn’t lost on you that this job would prove to the team that you could be an asset - not just a stupid wolf that ploughed through training exercises. Someone that could be used as an effective tool if given the chance.
This was your chance. You anxiously ran your hands down your vest, breathing in measured lungfuls of air while you took stock of your inventory and grounded yourself. There were three knives held securely in the right side, new ones that Ghost had gotten for you ahead of the mission, and a small first aid kit and canteen stashed in the main pockets on your left. You were wearing your gloves, and your ear protection was on and looped round your ears, the rubber circlets had thankfully stopped feeling as aggravating against your fur now that they’d been on for a few hours. They always pressed up so uncomfortably against your helmet, though it was always better to face a little discomfort than being killed by a shot you might’ve avoided. 
“The car’s approaching the building, this is it.”
The old guard troupe would be coming out and a new one would be entering, however as the intelligence operatives had noted in their previous findings, the 2am group would never get to their posts on time. They'd opt instead to routinely drink and talk shit on the roof, presumably thinking that Eugene wouldn’t know about it, and would stick around for roughly a half hour before sluggishly making their way to where they should be - giving you and Soap time to get in, search for your target and hopefully get out before anyone was any the wiser. 
You heard the engine grumbling through the winding streets long before it reached the other side of the house, but as soon as the headlights illuminated the street over, they cut almost instantly with the noise. Doors slammed and snide voices carried out into the night, mingling together in two distinct groups, one set growly and tired and the others playful and light. It was impossible to make out exactly what they were saying, but you were sure that the group leaving were probably being very obvious about how happy they were to be getting the fuck out. 
“G’on, Pup,” Ghost murmured. “Make me proud.”
You shook your head and paid no more mind to the group on the other side, you were going to move forward out of view of them anyway. With Ghost’s encouragement strengthening your confidence, you were eager to press on. You nodded your head toward Soap as a ‘see you in there’ gesture and jumped out the window, stealing your way through the street and into the next window ahead. It was easy for you to spring up, tilting your tail a little to the left so that it wouldn’t smack against the frame.
As soon as you were inside you spotted the dancing shadows of the men toward the front of the building and found a decent hiding spot behind a side wall to wait in so that the new group of guards could pass by you. Your tail swished idly as you waited for them to come in and your ears twitched, listening out and rotating like little satellites as you took in your surroundings. The livingroom and kitchen were all one room, but there was a hallway to the bottom left that would allow entry into the house and up to the stairs beyond. 
The guard opened the door before long, letting the cool air breathe a sigh into the house, and luckily they trudged up the stairs in short order. Their steps were muffled and soft, attempting to be light so that their boss wouldn’t be alerted. You heard them all the same. Your ears could pick up so much more than any of theirs could, which means you knew the exact moment you were safe to launch yourself to the other side of the room and get the door for Soap. He raised his brows at you when you made a sweeping motion with your hand to welcome him in. 
“Love what you’ve done with the place,” he whispered. “How many guests we got?”
“We got about six men tonight I think. No hybrids - you’ll be glad to know,” you said just as quietly, grinning when you caught his guilty wince. “Can smell the explosives, think Price was right on his basement theory, they don’t seem like they’re upstairs.”
“Y’hear that Ghost?” Soap said, purposefully looking away from you. 
“Copy. I’ll keep an eye on the guards, you two track down that sly bastard,” Ghost answered, growly voice tickling your ears.
“Lead the way the way then, Pup.”
You nodded and lifted your head in the air, getting a good feel for the scent trail then turned toward the hall. The plastics clung at your nose and tugged you toward the stairs, but you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you needed to get below. Every instinct was telling you that you needed to go there, that someone’s steps had passed over them, but they hadn’t ascended. 
A soft growl tore itself from you. You needed to get closer to the source. You knelt down and took a tentative sniff of the floor, the steps creaked lowly like a clearing throat as you shifted your weight onto them. Bingo.
“The fuck are you doin’?” Soap hissed. 
You tilted your head up at him and smiled sweetly. 
“The nose knows,” you shrugged. 
“What’re you on about?”
Soap’s eyes were so wide you thought he might explode. You would’ve giggled if you weren’t conscious of how much noise you’d made already. No, it was important to try to be as quiet as possible in those next few seconds. 
You hooked your fingers onto the first step and pulled up, huffing out a breath as they turned out to be heavier than expected. Though in seconds the first three steps came away and rose up, revealing a concealed stairway below - leading down to the dingy basement. The smell continued through the shadows, air thick with that heavy plastic smell. 
“Fuck me,” Soap breathed. “You can smell secret entrances as well?”
“Oh yeah, they always smell fishy,” you smirked. 
“Jesus. Ghost’s humour is rubbin’ off on you,'' he groaned.
He had a point. Normally you weren’t one for pointless chatter, but you were in your element that day and after training so much with your new team you felt more relaxed than usual. Of course you weren’t operating under the assumption that Soap would be diving in front of bullets for you, but at the very least he had your back. 
“We’re heading underground, Ghost. See ya on the other side,” Soap noted, patting you on the shoulder just like Ghost normally would. 
You felt your tail give a slight swish against the backs of your legs. 
“Copy that, Sergeant,” Ghost confirmed.
Ghost was quiet compared to usual, focused on his targets you figured. It spurred you on to focus too. You quietly slipped forward down the stairway, nose raised in the air as you proceeded. Soap followed at your rear, quietly closing the stairway and bathing you both in almost pitch darkness. There was only a little light to see by, its source hidden round the corner. Things smelled and sounded clear, but nonetheless you braced, ready to duck and dive if you needed to. 
When you turned the corner however, there was no need for any quick exits. There was just another hallway with some candles stuck in hastily hammered in holders, the flames lazily flickering as the stale air kept them standing bolt upright. You frowned and pressed ahead, boots softly pressing into the runner carpets until you almost hit a chain, only just avoiding it as you’d caught the shine of it in the corner of your eye. 
You stuck a hand out to your left and kept Soap behind you, narrowing your eyes so that he’d know to be quiet. He caught on fast, not saying a word as you took another careful sniff around the air. Among the scent of burning wicks and aged dust there was something else, something earthy. There was a low droning sound as well now that you focused, a bassy groan that drifted through the walls.   
Hybrid, you mouthed. Attack dog. 
Soap’s eyes narrowed and he raised the pistol he’d unholstered from his side, the silencer reaching out into the hallway and past your body. You stepped off to the right and allowed him to push forward and round the corner, watching with dull interest as he shot the wolf man that had been resting by the next candle. After a soft pop sounded the man slumped off to the side and left a smear of crimson as he went, eventually thudding to the ground and rattling the chain once he reached the floor. 
“That’ll be the alarm system then,” you whispered. 
“Just him? There’s not anymore?” Soap asked, looking round warily for other signs of life. 
“Not that I can detect,” you said carefully, taking another cautious breath of air. “He’s in pretty bad shape though, probably been kept chained down here a while. Can’t imagine Razin would want the hassle of having to get by more than one hungry mouth on the way in.”
“Aye…probably not,” Soap said, lingering doubt heavy on his voice.
You turned and smiled to yourself, again wondering why the Sergeant was so afraid of your kind. He had a gun, two guns in fact - one strapped to his back. You and yours only had teeth and claws to defend yourself with. Every fight you went into was one that tipped your scales ever closer to death, yet he walked around sometimes like he was standing with the grim reaper himself when he found himself with you. 
There was no point getting caught up over it though. You advanced forward again and rounded another corner, this time greeted by muffled voices and sounds of implements working away. You getting closer. You were overwhelmed by the scent of a new person, baring your teeth at the thick coal like scent. It flooded your system and set your vision alight, peripherals shrinking as your wolf instincts came rushing forward. You were ready to attack, ears pinned back and tail sinking low. 
“Pick somethin’ up?” Soap murmured, voice sounding so loud in your sensitive ears you wanted to snarl at him. 
However, knowing your target was so close by, you silently turned instead and let Soap get a good look at your face. He seemed to visibly pale when his eyes met yours, but quickly remembered himself, raising his gun and holding his position behind you. Had you been more lucid, you’d have congratulated him for not flying off like a scared bird. 
However, you walked forward instead, sticking close to the walls and keeping yourself on high alert. It wasn’t long until you were greeted with the sight of a new entryway and the drowning scent of explosive materials. Your entire head was on fire, every little instinct screamed danger, but you followed your training and ignored the rising need to get away.You peered around instead, widening your eyes as you saw Razin right in front of you. He was working away with his back turned, too distracted by whoever he was speaking to on his tablet to be able to pay any attention to either of you. 
Soap slunk next to you and looked around, mouth set in a grim line as he sized up the target. All around him, littering his workshop were multiple prototypes, tons of different kinds of bombs that Soap would know far more about than you. The only thing you knew for sure was that you’d have to be quiet, take down the target as fast as possible - that was the only way to know none of them would go off. 
Soap gently patted your head to get your attention. Wait, he mouthed. 
You wanted to snap at him, mouth watering in anticipation of a bite, eyes narrowing as his hand drew close to your throat. However you wrenched yourself away from him and breathed out as quietly as you could, anxiously glancing between Soap and Razin as you waited for your ok.
It took every ounce of self control just to stand there. Soap didn’t look like he was in any rush to let you move. He listened to the conversation instead, jaw set and head tilted while he kept you suspended in the shadows, right on the precipice of an attack. You just wanted to go, needed to fly through the room and tear at something. 
The conversation between Razin and the deep voiced stranger on the ipad drew to a close before you lost it, ending with Razin cursing before swatting at the tablet and sending it flying. You followed the movement with your eyes and turned to Soap, almost barking with glee when he tightly nodded and gave you the go ahead to go capture your target. 
You had no clue what curses Razin was shouting when you landed on top of him, but you could hazard a guess that they were some of the worst profanities he could muster. His face scrunched in fury and his whole body flailed as he fought to get you off of him, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t shake you off. 
Your main priority was ensuring his hands couldn’t reach for anything and set something off, so as you secured yourself over him, you bit harshly into one of his arms and growled when he swatted at you with his other hand. Before he could do any real damage Soap came to your aid and wrenched Razin’s free hand behind his back, securing it in a cuff before taking the other arm from you and settling the other cuff round that one. 
“Release,” Soap commanded, voice wavering as he caught your eyes.
Your vision was almost completely darkened, indicating to the last sane shred of you that you’d gone nearly completely feral. Every limb in your body shook and your back felt like a lightning rod as the familiar instinctual tremble worked its way through you. Maddox’s voice rattled in your ear, the ghost of him ever present when you found yourself losing to the wolf. You are an attack dog, you will bite, you will kill, this is the only way to survive. Bite mutt, kill! Do what you’re meant for, dog!
“Pup,” Soap said carefully, trying to maintain eye contact. “You good?”
You growled in response, watching with displeasure as Razin continued to struggle beneath Soap. You wanted to put a stop to it. Not part of the mission, you reminded yourself, internally struggling with the angry beast inside your head. Need this one alive. 
“Pup,” Soap said again, voice a firm roar. 
“Yes,” you snarled, shaking your head and backing off. “M’fine. Lets go.”
Kill, mutt! 
You shook your head again, walking forward and dispersing any last traces of Maddox, fighting to regain control of yourself. Normally you weren’t so prone to falling back so badly on the wolf instincts, as much as you often did use them to get in the right headspace you were usually still in control of yourself.
Now you felt untethered. It felt as though any threat to you and the team had to be treated with the utmost hostility. And Razin was a threat. It had you frowning back at Soap, watching as he struggled to force Razin forward while his feet tried to plant against the floor. You growled when Soap was knocked back by him. 
Protect. Mine. Kill threat. 
You almost stopped in your tracks when the thought hit you. For once it wasn’t Maddox’s voice spurring you and forcing you to do terrible things, this wasn’t any outside voice at all. The low growl that rushed through your head like a chemical injection was your own. Normally your instincts kicked in for self preservation,your body doing whatever it needed to in order to get through a job alive. Now they were directed at Soap, more specifically, towards ending the struggling and kicking from the man he was holding. 
“I’m going on ahead,” you said, voice pitching up as you rushed forward. 
If you spent anymore time looking over at Razin and his flailing feet you were going to kill him. It wasn’t a speculation, it was a certainty. One that had you wide eyed and running terrified down the hall. 
You reached the top of the stairs in record time, pausing at the closed exit to listen out for anyone that might be coming down on the steps above. 
“Ghost, we’ve secured the target. Are we good to exfil?” you rasped, hearing Soap cursing as he manoeuvred the hallways a lot slower than you did.
“The men are finishing the last of their drinks, one of them went down already. You’ll need to take him out and get out of there as fast and quiet as you can,” Ghost supplied, voice level as usual.
“I can manage that. Soap, I’ll go find Razin’s buddy. You good to get him out?” you asked, looking back into the darkness for your answer. 
“I’m almost through the hall, fashioned a little gag for the bastard so I reckon we’ll be good on the staying ‘quiet’ part. Go ahead, Pup, clear to move,” Soap answered, voice echoing through the halls and on your comms. 
“Alright then.”
You were shaking terribly by the time you made it back to transport. Razin was properly secured now, hooded and gagged before being taken away to another section of the hold with an armed guard. He was safely out of view from your stabbing glare. Meanwhile Ghost and Soap ushered you toward the opposite corner, serious looks in both their eyes as they exchanged low whispers. 
Your head was filled with cloying fog. All you wanted to do, for whatever reason, was to get close to Soap, but you feared him retaliating too much to be able to do it. You wanted to make sure he was alright, but even you weren’t sure why you were so obsessed about it. It was Soap afterall, he was a highly trained SAS soldier, he was fine. 
Not to mention, when he’d seen your blood covered face come into view behind him in the safehouse, he’d almost screamed bloody murder. The last thing he needed was you to go barreling up to him. You swore you could hear his heart thumping even when you stood just across from him, it beat so loudly. It hadn’t eased much since then and getting to the plane either.
Mine. Safe? Hurt. 
Your chest held a small flame, body keeping it roaring as you anxiously wanted to check Soap over. You could smell his blood, could smell the copper tang that was corrupting the soft sage of his usual scent. It burned at your nose and caused you to whine when you got close. Ghost’s hand prevented you from getting nearer. 
“Pup,” Ghost said softly. “Pup, can you look at me?”
You tore your eyes away from Soap and dutifully looked up at Ghost. His face was still covered by his balaclava and his eyes were darkened from the black paint. You huffed as you focused on his pupils, taking in the spiced citrus and the sound of his infectiously steady pulse. 
Your panting breaths eased. 
“You did good, Pup. Kept Soap safe and took down Razin and got that guard. You did a very good job,” Ghost rumbled, petting between your ears as he normally did. “Can you come sit down for me?”
You nodded, feeling almost in a trance as you complied with his request. You sat on the solid bench next to your Lieutenant, stopping to anxiously look back at Soap, until Ghost firmly gripped your jaw and tilted your head back to him. You whined. 
“Shh, Pup. Shhh. Just give me your attention for a sec, ok?”
You gave him a little growl, but as soon as the look in his eyes hardened, you hushed up immediately. Have to be good for him, you thought to yourself. You closed your eyes for a second, and continued to work on your breathing, calming down with each evening heartbeat. Ghost watched you the entire time, never letting his gaze wander even for a second. 
“Good, Pup,” Ghost praised after a moment, making sure to pet your back and over your ears. “That’s my good Pup, listening so well. Now…Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
You froze at his question. Biting your lip when you knew he wasn’t going to let you get away with a lie. 
“Soap’s bleeding,” you said simply, finally letting your eyes drop down to the floor. “Want to know he’s ok.”
Ghost tipped your chin back up with his hands. You could see his eyebrows were raised under the mask. You desperately wanted to look away again, but Ghost wouldn’t allow it. Soap snorted from behind your shoulder, he was still standing away from you both. His nervous steps across the metal were like their own heartbeat in your ears.  
“I’m fine. The fucker bashed my nose in while he was strugglin’,” Soap explained. “A wee bit blood is nothing to get so upset over.”
You whined. You already knew logically that he was fine. It wasn’t your logical mind that was worked up though. Otherwise you’d be able to actually explain the problem to Ghost. However, as it was, you had no idea what the problem really was. All you knew was that Soap had been bleeding and you were absolutely beside yourself with worry over it. 
Ghost seemed to have an idea though. He nodded to himself and petted your head for good measure, giving you a reassuring squeeze on your shoulder before he went to his pack. You watched his movements, cataloguing every step he took, trying to work out what he was doing. Sometimes when you got too worked up you’d get sent for a sleep, injected with a cocktail of drugs to force some calm into you.
Was Ghost going to knock you out?
You watched carefully as he pulled what looked like a bottle of water and a cloth from his bag instead. He untwisted the cap and carefully wetted the cloth, not letting too much liquid flood the material before he turned back to you. 
“Stay still for me, darlin’. Keep your mouth closed,” he ordered.
You frowned, not sure what he was about to do until he began wiping at your face, smoothing the cloth over your skin until it turned red with the other men’s blood. He was cleaning you. The realisation had you untensing yourself and for a few moments longer you sat still and let Ghost work his magic until your face felt clean and light. All the grime was gone, your skin felt a little raw, but still it was better than before. 
“Soap, you trust me don’t you?” Ghost said, putting the bottle down and looking over your shoulder.
The pacing behind you stopped. 
“Not when you bring it up like that,” Soap retorted. 
Ghost rolled his eyes.
“Come sit down.”
“Why?” Soap asked suspiciously. 
“Just come.”
It took a second, but soon Soap complied, coming to rest beside Ghost. Ghost wasn’t someone to argue with, even to other humans. You saw Soap now, pupils dilating so quickly that you could feel your eyes actively adjusting to shut out light. Oh no, not again, you thought. You were losing yourself to instinct, wanting to surge forward and get closer - wrap yourself around him like a scarf. You looked away, trying to lessen his horror (and yours) as he shifted back a bit to get some distance. 
“Soap, you’re not gonna like this…but please trust me,” Ghost said, bringing you close to his armoured chest. “I need to ask you to do something.”
You gratefully wrapped yourself round him, only barely able to get your arms fully round his vest so that you could hug into the man like he was your only source of warmth. It helped. Fully shutting your eyes against Ghost’s black tac gear and trying to distract yourself from the man next to him was the next best thing to whatever your instincts were screaming at you to do. 
“Spit it out,” Soap said through gritted teeth. 
“I need you to take Pup and let them…well essentially give you a hug,” he said awkwardly, clearly unsure of how to ask.
Soap snorted out a dark laugh and you were sure if you looked up you’d see a disgusted expression. 
“I don’t think nows the time for having a fucking laugh, LT.”
“I wouldn’t suggest it if I thought you were in any danger,” Ghost said, voice taking on an edge as his body stiffened under you. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important either, I don’t want to hurt you. You know that.”
“Ghost, look at their fuckin’ eyes, I don’t see why-”
Soap stopped before he could finish, huffing through his sentence like he’d been asked to diffuse a bomb with five seconds on the clock. Your ears flicked as you picked up a new sound filling the space, something soft and forlorn that rattled through you.
Your own sobs, you eventually realised.
You were losing yourself again, you hadn’t even realised you'd started crying. It became more than evident as the hot tears drifted down your cheeks.
“Pup, it’s ok,” Ghost said gently, stroking your ears. “Shh, you’re ok. Why’re you cryin’?”
You shook your head, head feeling dizzier than if you’d spun in an endless circle. Words were too much. They were too human.
“Ey?” Ghost continued, smoothing his hand over your back. “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head again. Your body lurching with a growing dread. 
“If I-” Soap began, freeing on his words as he tried to figure out what to say. “If I take Pup…will it help…this?”
Ghost took a pause, trying to coax you from where you were squishing your face under his chin. 
“I reckon so,” Ghost said. 
Soap sighed, pushing you to cry harder. The only rational part left of you couldn’t be sure of why his reticence was so upsetting to you, but then again you weren’t even sure what had caused any of the upset in the first place. So many men had been hurt while you were with them, and most of the time you couldn't give a shit - the rest of the time you were happy even to watch them bleed or sometimes cry through some of the worst injuries. Now Soap had a bit of a nosebleed and you were practically choking as if you couldn’t take on air anymore. 
You couldn’t make sense of it. 
You especially couldn’t make sense of it when Soap switched places with Ghost and sat at your back, ending your little crying fit when he took you from your handler and held you to his front. Your sobs quietly retreated into your throat and your tears turned off like a tap had been yanked. Instead of breaking down, you focused on burrowing into his chest. Your body completely calming when you picked out the sound of his heartbeat and got closer to the fresh scent of sage, nuzzling your nose just shy of his collarbones. 
“What the hell…?” Soap breathed, body tensing as you finished getting comfortable. 
It took a little moment until he was able to slowly relax his muscles. His arms came first, settling around you, and then his thighs slowly dipped down. His pulse was the last to die down, beating insistently against your ears like a timpani drum before it gently became more of a wing beat.
You sighed contentedly and felt yourself getting very tired, closing your eyes just before your vision fully faded back into focus again. 
“You have no idea how much you’ve just helped,” Ghost said gratefully, voice sounding distant as you continued to float into what felt like a different plane of existence. 
“Are you gonna tell me how I helped?” Soap asked, voice sounding insistent as his heartbeat picked up again. “You tellin’ me that whenever one of us gets hurt that pup’s gonna need a bloody emotional support buddy to get through it?”
Ghost laughed throatily.
“Not likely,” he assured, leaning forward and stroking your back. “Learnt about this way back in training, but I’ve never seen it so strong so quickly - Pup’s pack bonded to us, but its not a secure bond right now. I’m guessing they got upset because they thought you being hurt and keeping your distance was like a rejection. Basically like you saying that they don’t need to be concerned about you getting hurt because you’re not part of the pack.”
“Well how was I supposed to kn-”
“You weren’t,” Ghost soothed, calming Soap down before you could properly stir again.
You hummed against Soap’s chest and frowned at his quickening heartbeat, attempting to slow it with a gentle nuzzle. Though it didn’t do much to calm him, so you soon stopped and found that worked better instead.
It was only when you went still that they resumed talking again.
“So what does pack bonding mean?” Soap asked, sounding unsure as he shifted around you. “Pup doesn’t even know that much about me and now we’re in this- a pack.”
Ghost chuckled at that, the material of his clothing loudly buzzing at your ears as he shook. 
“It’s not like a forced marriage Johnny, you don’t have to sound so frightened, it mostly just means their instincts’ll tell em’ to keep us safe. It’s probably down to all the protection work Price has had them doing while we’ve been in the beginning stages. Pup’s had a rough life, no ones ever cared for em’ like we have, even in the short time that’s been. Even when you’ve been handling Pup like a feinting nun, you’ve probably been nicer than most people they’ve met.” 
“Fuck you, feintin’ nun,” Soap spat, laughing despite himself. “You told me the other day I was doin’ well!”
“You have been doing well. Better than I thought you would,” Ghost said softly, a smile weaving its way through his voice. 
“Well enough to be in a pack apparently,” Soap huffed, absentmindedly running his hand over your back. 
You practically purred in pleasure at that, letting out a low happy sound in your throat. Soap startled, but still held onto you, hand freezing in place however. He clearly didn’t understand that the noise you were making was supposed to be something nice. 
“Why’re they growling at me?” Soap squawked. “What’d I do?”
“Relax! That’s not growling, not per se,” Ghost laughed, “It’s a good growl. Mean’s they’re happy. Untwist your knickers, you don’t wanna work Pup up again.”
“Fuckin hell…pack bonding…happy growls. What’s next? My poor heart could’ve done with a warning before having to hunt a terrorist and deal with all this,” Soap huffed. “And you say all this is because we’re nice? How bad has a life gotta be for a hybrid to wanna hug me? How’s this even helping?”
“It’s not about the hug itself. Being close like that is just letting them hear your heartbeat and get your scent. Pup knows you’re ok because you feel and smell healthy - that’s all they needed. It doesn’t help that the Branhaven arseholes condition them to surrender to their instincts on the field. It’s good when it comes to hunting people down, doesn’t help so much when they get all panicky because one of their own’s been bleeding.” 
“And they don’t train that out?”
“Wouldn’t have had to before. Like I said - we’re the only ones that’ve been nice to em’,” Ghost said, voice quietening when he said the next part. “We’re the only team that’s ever applied for guardianship in the entire time they’ve been working. They got stuck in the military when they were ten and got signed away under a DNN contract. Even though it’s only been a week, we’re all Pup has. It’s only natural for them to feel like this.” 
“What’s a DNN contract?” Soap asked.
“Do not notify,” Ghost said, the words making you whine softly  as you thought back to when it was first explained to you. “Means Pup’s parents didn’t want contact after they dropped them off. No phone calls or letters from them, no contact, no notice if they ever get killed or captured.”
“That’s fuckin’ bullshit,” Soap growled.
“Mhmm,” Ghost hummed, stroking his hand over your back again. “Such a sweet Pup too. Got us to be good to you now. Our good Pup, huh?”
You whined in agreement and settled into Soap fully, happily letting yourself drift off to thoughts of citrus and sage. Theirs, the raspy inner voice whispered - just before you could fully lose the battle to sleep. Mine. Theirs. Mine!
The next day, after the debrief had reached its conclusion, Soap asked Ghost if he could have five minutes with you. You’d bitten your lip, anticipating that he might want to chew you out for you’d acted with him, and sadly nodded when Ghost said he’d be waiting across the corridor in Price’s office for you. 
As soon as the door had clicked closed, you waited for the shouting to begin and wrapped your arms tightly round yourself, as if to keep your heart in your chest. Soap didn’t roar or hit the desk, or make any moves you’d been waiting for, not right away at least you’d figured. No, he gently tugged the seat in front of you out from the table and sat down across from you.
You peered over at him and felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment, still not completely past the fact you’d insisted on curling round him like a little lap dog. Things were a bit foggy from that day still. Ghost had had to explain on the way back to his that you’d succumbed to your instincts and Soap has helped you calm down, but sure enough once he had, you remembered what you’d done and felt deathly self-conscious. No matter how much Ghost had tried to insist that it was ok, you’d gone to bed that night without speaking another word.  
“Look, um…I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” Soap said nervously, arching his body down so that he could speak on your level. 
“You’re sorry?” you repeated, not sure you’d heard right. 
Did he mean to ask for an apology from you instead? You had no idea what he could possibly need to apologise for. As far as you were concerned his behaviour had been completely justified, you had acted like a crazy person. It wasn’t normal to need to sit and sniff people and hug them after they’d suffered a very common injury in the line of work you were in. Yet he still wanted to apologise to you? 
“Yeah,” Soap breathed, pursing his lips before he could explain himself. “I’ve been treating you like a threat when you haven’t deserved it. It’s not acceptable, I’m a grown man and I’ve been acting like a scared kid around you. So I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“Uh…” you trailed, not really sure how to respond. “Thanks?”
It wasn’t often that anyone apologised to you, especially not when they hadn’t even done anything that you deemed bad. For that reason, you were left scrabbling for something to say and unfortunately left wanting, letting the sentiment of gratitude hang in the air instead. Things were even more awkward now. 
“You don’t need to worry about yesterday as well…Ghost said you were feelin’ awkward and I-”
“It won’t happen again,” you assured, swallowing a thick lump in your throat. “I’ll get better control of myself.”
“Well, you weren’t really yourself, so…It’s fine. You had your reasons.”
It wasn’t fine. However you didn’t really want to disagree with him, so instead you nodded tightly and looked away from Soap instead. 
“I know you have your reasons for how you are with me,” you said softly. “Something to do with your scar, right?”
“How’d you…?” Soap trailed off, rubbing his thumb along the cracked keloid on his chin. 
He almost seemed to realise the answer to his own question as he did it. You nodded when his eyes widened. It was almost comical really, he seemed like he was caught doing something awful when it wasn’t even a big deal. You were used to people being distrustful of you, had had your own parents accuse you of being ready to turn into a rogue beast at any moment. Being feared wasn’t anything new.
“It’s fine,” you shrugged. 
“No, look…You should know - I don’t think you’re gonna do anything like this to me and even then that’s not really why I- It’s not- ugh fuck it,” he sighed, body growing heavy as he sat back in his chair. “My little brother was jumped by a hybrid when we were young. He was playin’ football in the street and ended up kicking the ball too far down the road. I was supposed to be watching him and I was too busy chattin’ to my friends and- well all I heard was him screamin’ bloody murder and when I got there he was knocked out and his arm had nearly been chewed clean off. I managed to get the wolf- i mean him off my brother, but then he turned and scratched me- tried to bite- I… well anyway - I got him away and my brother ended up in hospital for a long time and it was a really fuckin’ dark time for my family.”
You watched his impassioned expressions as he told his story and nodded along, wincing as he tried to use the right words to try and explain to you what had happened. He didn’t need to explain it to you, not really. He looked down right pained as he remembered back to what must have been an awful day for him. 
Now you both sat in the heavy silence of the now cavernous room. 
“I’m sorry that happened,” you said awkwardly.
“I didn’t tell you that because I wanted you to feel sorry for me,” he said in a reassuring tone. “I just wanted you to know I have some shit to work on, and I that I am trying to work on it. I don’t want you to feel any less a part of the team because of how I act. You’re just as much a part of the 141 as I am, don’t doubt it for a second.”
Your ears pinned flat to your head and your chest swelled with emotion. The drum inside your chest beat quickly out of time and you struggled for a moment, feeling a light tingling at the back of your neck. Part of you tried to convince yourself that it was all a mean trick, but just one look into his soft blue eyes told you that he was genuine. He really didn’t want you to feel bad.
“Thanks, Soap,” you murmured, fighting the lump in your throat just to speak. “That’s really kind of you.”
“Just the truth,” he grunted, trying to inconspicuously clear the emotion from his voice. “You should probably go get Ghost now, yeah? You’ve probably got some runnin’ around to do.”
You broke at that, nodding and letting your eyes clear of the growing wetness. Soap had only in the past few days started referring to your training as ‘running around’, and it was a fair way to sum it up, but no less insulting. Playfully insulting at least, the kind of thing  teammates would say. 
It made you smile then. 
“Yeah…” you laughed, slowly rising from your chair. “Best get to it.”
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ethereal-night-fairy · 5 months
A Lick and a Promise
Chapter 1
Outlaw!Ghost x Outlaw!Soap x Female Reade
This was inspired by the above art
All bruised and broken up, Soap and Ghost are on the run from the sheriff and his posse. They finally come across a run down shack to rest in. Only to find a pretty little lady sleeping there already.
Warnings: MDNI, slight perving, looking non-consensually, light injuries, a small bit of blood, needle and thread stiching, small bit of fluff, period typical misogyny, maybe some future kidnapping? sorry if I missed any.
A Lick and a Promise Masterlist
Words: 1.8k
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Night had fallen, a blanket of darkness was cloaking their vision. The only solace they had was the full moon guiding their horses. They needed to stop to find shelter and possibly something to eat. Ghost didn't think Johnny could hold out much longer. He was hurt far more severely than him. Dirt roads are dangerous in the dead of night. They needed to find shelter soon.
They were above snakes for now. But no one knew how long that would last.
They come across a beaten down house? It looked more like a shack, small and decrepit. It was on the outskirts of the town they were entering. They needed to lay low just in case the sheriff chasing them had associates here.
They wrap their arms around each other once they get off their horses and tie them to some trees in this sparse forest. It was enough cover to hide them from prying eyes. In case anyone came snooping here.
They walk towards the shack with some difficulty. There's an outhouse and a small patch of ploughed soil where some sad looking veggies are planted. And an old outdoor campfire with an cast iron pot situated on it. It wasn't lit of course. It's a sorry state but it'll have to do for now. They just needed a place to rest and patch up their wounds before moving on. It looks abandoned with the way the roof has holes in it. And the wood looks like it's about to break if you leant on it too long.
But unfortunately for them it wasn't abandoned. They find a little lady all alone laying in bed. This run down shack (it doesn't even deserve to be called a house) was no place for a delicate woman like you. You don't even stir when they walked in, probably in a deep sleep. They should have left and found somewhere else to rest but going out now would prove difficult especially with their injuries. They didn't want to disturb you, they just needed a place to rest for a bit.
You look ethereal as you lay in your white nightgown. The moonlight filtering through the holes in your roof gave your complexion a heavenly glow. They try not to stare too long. It was rude enough they were in your home without permission. Sure they were outlaws but they had morals and reasoning behind what they did. That's why they planned to leave before you arose from your slumber.
You still don't stir as the boys make themselves comfortable in your sparsely furnished home. There's a single chair and table in the corner where Ghost settles Soap as quietly as possible. He immediately goes to look for some water to wash his wound with. Thank God neither of them were shot.
There's a couple of large pots in the corner. It's probably where you store your water. It didn't seem like there was a well near your house. You probably carried it from the river. It was probably a 5 minute horse ride away. A girl like you shouldn't be expected to do such menial labour. Where was your husband? Or your male guardians?
As Ghost takes the lid of the pot it slips and clatters to the ground. The loud noise vibrating through the small shack. You startle awake sitting up in your small straw filled bed that was falling apart. You clutched your thin blanket to your chest as you stared at the two shadows in your home. They both had bandanas on so you were rightly frightened. Probably too shocked to speak.
It was like you three were in a stalemate. Waiting for someone to make the first move. They stand in awkward silence until Soap decides to make the first move to soothe you, which ends up startling you. Despite your fear he continues to move towards the candle on the table causing you to flinch and bring your legs up to your chest as a form of protection. Ghost doesn't move or say anything, afraid he'll startle you more. Soap manages to light the candle with his lighter. The fire bringing a warm glow to the surroundings.
“It's alright lass..”, Soap puts his hands up in surrender showing you he's not a threat. “We're nae here tae hurt ye, just two blokes who are lost and in need of some rest”, you stare at them with dilated pupils still extremely afraid. You shrink back as far as you can go, your body shaking.
“W-what do y-you want f-from me?”, you shiver and shake trying to prevent your tears from falling.
“Just some water and bandages if you can spare them”, it's Ghost who speaks up this time moving towards Soap where you'll get to see him better. You don't know why they thought that would help because it just sent your frightened mind reeling when you saw that these two men were built like a brick house and tall as an oak tree.
They watch you shakily point to your worn down cabinet dresser. “There s-spare rags on t-the second shelf and the water is in those pots in the corner.” You don't say anything else as you shake in the corner watching them.
“Much obliged”, Ghost grunts out. His own injuries getting the best of him.
Ghost moves to the cabinet with some difficulty. He retrieves the rags and grabs the cup beside the pots to gather some water to boil outside. He leaves grabbing Soaps lighter on his way out. Soap continues to try to sooth you with words but eventually gives up seeing that he was just scaring you. You two just sit in silence as he settles back onto the chair with a groan. When he goes to take off his bloody shirt you flinch and panic again but he tells you it's just to treat his wounds nothing else. You eventually settled, sneaking some glances here and there of his toned body. He finds your embarrassed expression funny. Had a pretty little lady like you never seen a man naked before?
But you refuse to say anything else, deciding to sit on bed staying on high alert.
It was bad enough you only noticed they were in the house when Simon made noise and usually he's silent. So they could have entered and left without you ever noticing. You had absolutely no protection here. A pretty thing like you could easily be kidnapped. You needed to be more careful with your safety, Soap thought to himself. At least get a latch for your door. But considering the little items you had. You were probably already struggling to make ends meet. You poor thing. No man to take care of you. All by yourself at the edge of town. Where you couldn't even go to a neighbour for help.
Simon comes back in with the sterilised water and cleaned rags. Soap felt bad that he was making him do all the work but he genuinely couldn't move. The pain in his rips was getting much much worse he hoped he hadn't fractured it. Ghost crouches down in front of Johnny wiping away his blood and making sure everything was clean. He ended up wrapping his ribs with his shirt because the rags weren't long enough. Johnny heaved from the pain but he was grateful nonetheless.
When it was Simon's turn he tried sitting on the table testing his weight to see if it could hold. Surprisingly it didn't break. Johnny tries to help him but couldn't lift his right arm very high due to his ribs. So he could only watch his lover patch himself through his pain. Simon was sweating profusely as he tried for the third time to wrap a cut on his dominant arm, to no avail. It was a deep one too. It needed to be stitched up.
What the two men hadn't noticed was that you had been watching them intensely. Seeing how gentle and kind they were being with one another brought a smile to your face. You watched intently as they took care of their wounds. They didn't notice your expressions soften as pity took over your features as you watched them struggle.
“D-do you n-need help?”, your soft voice rang out. It surprised the two men that you even bothered to speak with them let alone offer more help.
“If ye don't mind…he's struggling tae wrap his arm”, Johnny answers for Ghost because he knew he'd refused. They watch you gingerly get out of bed. Your blanket falling on the straw mattress. They got an eyeful of your thin gown. Very thin for that matter. They averted their gazes. They weren't perverts, they swear they weren't. You must be cold in such thin clothing…yeah they were just looking because they were concerned…mostly…mostly concerned…
They watch you walk over with a needle and thread in your hand. The first thing you do is put the needle to the flame making sure to wipe it clean of soot before threading it. You look at Ghost for permission to approach, still clearly scared of him. He gives you a simple nod making sure not to look at you inappropriately and turning Soap's head away as well when he caught him eyeing your chest. You were quick and efficient in stitching his shoulder before carefully wiping it clean and wrapping it up. He was grateful you had allowed them to stay. Though it was probably out of fear. You offered them water to drink and some hard biscuits you had stored in a tin. They went down with some difficulty but the water helped. At least they had something to eat.
You were still careful not to get too close to them though. Which was understandable. They promised to leave the next morning. You gave them your straw mattress to lay down on for the night even after they refused. You countered they needed it more since they were injured. A true angel you were. They hadn't met someone as kind as you in a long time. Despite being afraid you offered them hospitality. Though that would be a very stupid thing to do if it was anyone else. They really ought to teach you some common sense. How did you manage to survive on your own this long?
They watch you place the mattress on the floor as you retreat back to the safety on your bed frame to wrap the blanket around yourself. Soap didn't know why that disappointed him so much. He swears he's not a pervert…you were just very pretty…they wouldn't dare do anything to you though! Not unless you wanted it. But they needed to be gone by morning if they wanted to escape the sheriff. So it seemed you weren't in their cards of fate unfortunately. They'd think about that another time. For now Soap and Ghost held each other on the floor resting on their good sides trying to get some rest in before they had to bid their pretty angel goodbye.
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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acozysoulwrites · 3 months
Gentle touches and soft whispers | Astarion
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Description: Tav washes Astarion’s hair by the river
| fluff, fem!tav, soft Astarion, gentle tav |
It was a cool summer morning. The sun had only begun to climb its way into the sky, bidding the moon farewell as it rose. Birds sang, soft snores could be heard from tents around camp. They’d be sleeping well into the morning after the battle they’d had yesterday.
Tav and Astarion were by the river. The rising golden light gleamed off the water and reflected onto their faces. Astarion soaked in it’s warmth, letting it course through his body entirely, every inch of him craving the sun’s kiss.
Tav sat behind him with a small bottle of shampoo in her hand. She gently cupped some water from her bucket onto Astarion’s head. It streamed down his neck and onto his bare back.
“I hope it isn’t too cold” She hums, squeezing a few drops of shampoo into her palm, she reaches up and begins to massage it into his hair.
Astarion shakes his head, words found it hard to escape him as he sat beneath her, eyes focused on the rippling lake before them. His mind raced, but his heartbeat calmed. Her touch was gentle and electric all at once, stirring a feeling of sadness and comfort inside his chest.
“No It’s... It’s perfect, my sweet” He says quietly, the usual spunk in his voice absent.
Tav continues to lather the soap into his tangly curls, which now hang just above his eyes, damp and heavy. “Talk to me, Star”
He thought for a second, wondering what the matter was. He didn’t truly know, just that he felt a sadness.
“No one’s ever done something like this for me before” He chuckles, realizing how pathetic and inexperienced he must sound. “A soft touch; one full of love and adoration... has never come to me willingly… not without a price” He looks down.
Tav’s eyes soften, she reaches down and dunks the bowl into the bucket. “Chin up” She whispers, her finger falls under his chin gently and Astarion obeys.
“You know…” Tav pauses for a moment, her hand still cupping his chin. She leans around and their eyes meet. Soft sadness mingles with gentle comfort. Astarion’s face looked even more beautiful when his hair was wet and out of the way, she thinks. She presses her lips into his temple, planting a soft kiss from there, to his cheek.
“I wash your hair, I hold your hand, I kiss you...” She holds his face, her thumb gently brushing over his cheekbone. “Simply for the fact that I want to. Not because I expect anything in return” She soothes, leaning back, she pours the water over his head, rinsing the shampoo.
Astarion parts his lips, but no words come out. He thinks that if he hadn’t already cried every tear out of his body a century ago, that some would form right about now.
“Thank you...” He says finally, a softness lacing his voice. “I... I don’t know what to say”
“You don’t need to say anything” Tav says, “Just sit there and be you” She smiles. “It’s all rinsed by the way” She ruffles his wet hair.
Astarion isn’t sure how he got so lucky. He hates to think, had they met in other circumstances, Tav would have been an easy victim to lead to Cazador. He wouldn’t have blinked an eye while handing her over. Yet in this reality, the very thought sickens him. The thought of how terribly Cazador would treat his sweet Tav, how easy her kindness and softness would get her eternally punished. It sent a shudder through him.
“You’re too nice, darling” He turns to face her, their knees touch and he grabs her hands into his. “It will be the death of me”.
Tav smiles, then she shakes her head. “I disagree”
“Why is that, love?”
“Well, when we first met you weren’t exactly... nice to me” She chuckles.
“But with my outstanding persistence and shrouds of kindness… Well, you’ve gotten pretty soft, Astarion” She winks and watches his face contort into a disgusted expression and she laughs. “You know it’s true”
Astarion rolls his eyes, “I’m hardly soft, pet” Astarion tuts, “It’s only for you” He smirks.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way” Tav smiles.
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loviatarsluv · 4 months
hey there! I saw your post about asking for little blurb requests :) what about one where they’re bathing in the river?
hiiii omg okay so since you didn't specify which character, i'll just pick one hehe this is one of my fav "tropes" i guess if you wanna call it that so i was pumped for this one!!
so sorry for the late post, I took my time w this one bc I love romantic soft fluffy gale stuff ♡︎
Gale x AFAB f!tav / AFAB f!reader
rating: mature (fluff and really romantic sweet smut^.^)
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It had been at least a tenday since the last time you or any of your companions had been afforded the luxury of a bath, having been on the road and traveling the road to Baldur's Gate for days and not coming across a single stream or lake somehow.
You’d been craving a thorough bath since the battle with Ketheric Thorm and the rest of the cultists at Moonrise Towers - you swore you’d never be able to get all the blood and grime out of your hair at this rate. It started to affect your functioning and already completely erratic sleep schedule, as all you could think about was the blood under your nails and the layer of grime and dried viscera on your skin.
Not to mention, you’d barely been able to be physically affectionate with Gale without disgusting yourself. That alone was making it nearly impossible to think straight.
He insisted that it was fine and that he didn’t mind, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to want to do anything intimate in this state. This was far beyond just having not bathed for a few days and having a natural musk (which Gale has made very clear that he very much enjoyed) - and you were nearly at your wits end.
So naturally, when Halsin notified the group that he found a river that flowed into a small lake while he was hunting in wild shape, you were the first to claim first turn bathing. The group all groaned in protest - particularly Astarion who’d been just as, if not more perturbed about his begrimed state and stained clothes - everyone else longing to have a moment of reprieve and refresh before whatever awaited you in Baldur’s Gate.
There was a resounding sigh and eyeroll (apart from Halsin) from the group as Gale offered to accompany you, after Halsin suggested bathing in pairs for safety purposes. Your companions had not been exactly quiet about their annoyance toward you and Gale’s blatant displays of affection since your night together under the stars in the Shadow Cursed Lands - you and Gale joked with each other that they were all likely just jealous and pent up, so to speak.
You were the first to slink off toward the river, barely able to contain your excitement towards finally feeling clean again. Gale ran to his tent to grab the lavender soap he found while exploring that he’d been saving for himself (and you) as well as a couple of cloth towels that he washed and asked Astarion to sew up the tatters and tears in.
You essentially stripped yourself almost entirely bare before even getting close to the water’s edge, leaving a trail of garments and belts and boots behind you as you ambled up to the shore.
The air was crisp and the breeze was comfortably cool, the reflection of the moon shone and shimmered across the water surface. It almost felt unreal, like it was a mirage after one too many days without fresh drinking water. The only way you were able to confirm that you weren’t dreaming was by wading into the placid waves and laying back, allowing yourself to float.
You let out a breath that it felt like you’d been holding for days and closed your eyes, your body gently drifting as you lazily moved your arms and legs with no destination in mind. This was the most relaxed you’d been in months (and probably would be for the foreseeable future), and you intended on enjoying every second.
Gale finally approaches the shore, nearly dropping everything in his hands when he catches sight of you peacefully floating on your back, your bare skin pebbling and glistening in the pale moonlight. His gaze trains on your breasts, your nipples peaked from the cool breeze hitting your wet skin. He’d been missing your body and being close to you terribly since the last time the two of you had been intimate, and just the sight of you this way was almost too much for his heart (and loins) to bear.
He wades out into the water to join you, soap in hand. You only notice his presence by the overwhelming scent of lavender filling your senses. Your eyes slowly open, and your jaw nearly drops.
Just as he’d been transfixed by your body, you found yourself sucking in a sharp breath at the sight of his - water up to his waist, hair tied back in a half updo with small strands falling over his face, the blue reflection of the water shining on his chest and skin. He was easily one of the most beautiful people you’d ever seen, and you thanked whatever gods you could every morning that you woke up beside him.
“You are so beautiful,” He smiles, bringing his arms to wrap around your waist and pull you close to his chest. “Even I’m finding it hard to conjure the proper words to describe your beauty.”
You giggle, pressing your face against his chest and listening to his slightly hastened heartbeat.
“To render the great Gale of Waterdeep speechless is a feat not many have accomplished, it's an honor.”
He chuckles lightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He begins to rub gentle circles on your back with the bar of soap, and you feel all the stress you’d been holding on to slowly release, if only just for tonight.
“Yet you manage to make it a regular occurance,” he hums, bringing his free hand up to caress your jaw.
A peaceful and comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you listen to the songs of the night - the sound of the water as it kisses the edge of the shore, the breeze through the trees and surrounding grass, the chirping and singing of whatever nocturnal creatures lurked nearby as they begun their day. You listen to his soft breathing and his heart as it thrums steadily in his chest, and the way he hums and sighs when you pepper delicate kisses around his shoulders, chest, and neck.
He migrates the soap to your arms, cradling your hand in his when he holds them up to thoroughly coat you and massage the dirt and grime from your skin. He takes his time, not a single inch of you left uncared for. He brings his hands to cup your breasts, smoothing bubbles over them and lightly pinching their peaks, eliciting a moan from you and instantly sending heat straight to your core.
To your slight dismay, he moves on, continuing his prior ministrations by rubbing the soap across your belly, then pressing a reassuring kiss to your lips when he notices your smile falter at his attention being directed there. His eyes meet yours, full of nothing but pure adoration - he thinks the world, the moon, and all of the stars of you, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t show you that at every opportunity. He believes he’s found heaven within you, your body being a perfect vessel worthy of pious devotion.
“Doing okay, my love?” He asks, breaking away from the kiss.
You nod, breath hitching as you feel your heart pounding against your ribs. “Okay is an understatement.”
He smiles widely, pleased to know that you were enjoying yourself. He knew that the last few days had been particularly hard on you and all he wanted was to see you finally relax - you deserve nothing less.
“I’ve missed you deeply.” He sighs, leaning his head onto your shoulder and kissing it, the rough texture of his beard tickles you when he does.
“We’ve slept together every night for weeks now, darling,” You giggle. “But I know, I’ve missed you, too. It's nice not to be repulsed by my own skin for a change.”
You reach for his hand that held the soap, only for him to move it away from your grasp. “Ah ah, I’m not quite finished.”
A deep red blush creeps to your cheeks as you quickly catch on to what he’s referring to, the heat that had slowly been coiling in your gut starting to burn ever hotter. You clench your thighs together on pure reflex, your body chasing any sort of friction to soothe the ache that had begun between your legs.
He notices and tenderly pushes his hand between your legs to part your thighs, pressing a longer and more meaningful kiss to your lips while lazily stroking the inside of your thigh with two fingers.
“May I?” He asks, stopping his fingers just at the top of your thigh.
You nod fervently, your eyes full of desperation.
He doesn’t leave you wanting for long, his deft fingers moving to gently massage your folds for just a brief moment before replacing them with the bar of soap. The feeling of the soap versus his fingers is like comparing a pebble to gold.
Gale was a fast learner, and in the few weeks since the two of you had become intimate with each other, he had become a consummate expert when it came to your body. He learned every little maneuver that would have you a moaning and whimpering wreck. You’d never been with a lover that managed to make foreplay nearly as pleasurable, sometimes even more, than actual sex. You’d also never been with a lover quite as generous as Gale - sometimes it even seemed he enjoyed pleasuring you more than anything else, as he’d spend hours with his head between your thighs without a single complaint.
So to only get a brief taste of what you knew was exactly what you needed, was torture.
You whine when he moves his fingers away, jutting out your bottom lip into a pout.
“I know, love. Just be patient a little longer for me,” He coos, caressing your cheek in an attempt to soothe you while he finishes cleaning you.
You contain yourself for the time being - resorting to holding your breath and clutching on to his shoulder for dear life, trying your best to be patient, because you knew that he was well worth the wait.
He finally finishes, brushing against your aching and throbbing sex with the soap one last time for good measure, then hands it to you.
“Thank you,” you breathe, your shoulders sinking as you release the air you’d been holding for a little too long as you’d started to feel lightheaded. “For taking care of me.”
“Thank you for allowing me to.” He says simply. Ever the gentleman.
He pulls you in for a passionate kiss, his hands resting on your lower back at the crest of your ass cheeks, your hands tangling into his chestnut and silver streaked locks. You let one hand rest on the nape of his neck, holding him to you to extend the kiss as long as you can, wishing you could just stay this way for the rest of your life.
When the kiss finally breaks, you motion for him to turn around so that you can lather his back. He slowly turns, seemingly reluctant to take his eyes off of you.
You’ve seen Gale naked plenty of times now, but you hadn’t realized how rarely you’d seen his bare back. And seeing it this way - wet and glistening under the silvery light of the moon, flexing as he adjusts so you can reach his shoulders properly - it was mouthwatering. There wasn’t a single part of his body that you hadn’t found yourself in awe of.
Once you lather his back fully, he turns to face you once more, his once content gaze now full of unbridled desire. Your breath catches, but still you try to continue and massage the soap onto his chest, then his stomach, letting your fingertips graze the dark trail of hair as your hand moves down.
His hand travels down to your sex once again, this time, fully intentional with his movements as he presses his fingertips to the sensitive bud. Your body jolts involuntarily in response, a gasp escaping your lips. He hums, slowly massaging along your folds, his finger edging just at your entrance but not dipping in. You try to maintain, rubbing circles of soap into the same spot for too long before you notice and move on to a different area. He grins widely, now seeing this as a game - a game he intended to win.
He leans his face forward to press a wet kiss to your jaw, leaving enough space between your bodies so you can continue to lather him. Your arm stills for a moment, your mind starting to go blank with every swipe against your throbbing cunt and his tongue brushing against your neck.
You’re trying your damnedest to keep strong, determined to ensure that he receives the same amount of care that he’d shown you, but he seems equally as determined to distract you from your efforts.
A loud moan tumbles from your lips as his finger gently pushes into you, your hips bucking against him, causing his palm to rub against your clit. He grunts, his hardened cock pressing into your hip as he lurches forward for a better vantage point to plunge his finger into you deeper and deeper.
Your hand flies to grasp his length, gripping slightly tighter than you normally would as he adds a second finger, your hand clenching tightly onto him in response. He sucks a breath through his teeth, a low rumbling in his chest that almost resembles a growl following it. You pump his cock in tandem with him pistoning his fingers in and out of you, the sound of the water splashing with your movements mixing with each of your moans and heavy panting.
You feel yourself creeping up on the edge, your orgasm imminent if he keeps up this pace. He can tell that you’re close by the way your walls clench around his fingers. You quicken the rhythm you were stroking his cock at, his hips jutting forward into your hand.
“Wait, wait,” he breathes, placing his hand over yours to stop you. “If you keep that up, I won't last much longer.”
You bite your lip, peering up at him through your lashes. “I want to make you come.”
His eyes widen slightly, his chest heaving. “Not like this. I need to have you, my love.”
You feel your walls clench around his fingers again just at his words, now desperately wishing it was his cock instead.
“Please,” you whimper, pulling his body closer so that your chest presses flush against his, his hand still between you, fingers still gently curling and thrusting into you.
“I want you to come first, love. Can you do that for me?” He purrs, his voice barely above a whisper.
His words alone push you right back up to the edge of the peak, your legs start to tremble and your fingers dig into his shoulders for support while you feel your body becoming mush from his touch. You roll your hips into his hand erratically, your hips stuttering as you get closer and closer, your vision turning white.
“That’s it, that’s my girl.”
Your head falls back and you cry his name over and over as you finally reach the peak, tumbling over the edge into free fall. His hand cradles the back of your head, his thumb gently stroking the side of your neck to coax you through your orgasm. You feel your entire body shake as you come down, and you thank the gods that you were waist deep in water otherwise you might’ve collapsed into a puddle on the floor. Not that Gale would let you fall, likely he’d scoop you up in his arms and carry you to bed before you could.
Your head slumps forward once again, resting against his shoulder as you try to catch your breath. You bring your hand up to trace the circular marking of the orb in the center of his chest, fingertips tracing the dark lines that trail out of it, stretching all the way to his eye. His eyes flutter closed at your gentle caresses, and he presses his lips to your forehead, lingering there for a moment before pulling back.
“If I could only live within a single moment for eternity, I think I’d choose this moment with you under the moon’s gaze.”
His brown eyes meet yours, almost seeming to sparkle as he speaks, every single word wrapping around you and enveloping you in a warmth that you thought only the sun could provide.
Gale was the sun. He was the rain after a drought. He was the forgiving breeze on a scorching hot day.
“I love you.” Is all you can manage to say, unable to form the proper words to express to him how truly and utterly besotted you were.
Your lips collide once again, and you hope that the kiss tells him everything you couldn’t with words. This was the kind of kiss that people go to war for, the kind of kiss you’d die to experience just once.
His hands greedily roam your body, claiming each inch of it as his with just a touch of his fingertips. His hands move to cup your ass cheeks, lifting you and wrapping your legs around his waist. You feel his hand reach under you to take hold of his cock, preparing it for you. You snake your arms around his neck, your fingers tangling into the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging slightly so he tilts his head back. Your lips and teeth waste no time finding his sweet spot, surely leaving marks that will be there in the morning. You taste a mixture of the soap, the lake water, and the natural saltiness of his skin. He whimpers slightly when you bite just a little harder, with more intent.
Unable to hold back a second longer, he lines the swollen head of his cock up at your entrance, waves of electricity shooting through you when you feel him slowly start to slip in.
You almost swear it’d hurt less if he just slammed home - the way you were throbbing and aching for him was nearly unbearable.
But Gale has never been hasty. He takes his time, he calculates his every move, he’s deliberate.
You’ve had sex with Gale several times now at this point, but every time your body still has to adjust to him, and he’s aware of that. He moves slowly not only for your comfort, but also so that he’s able to savor every inch of you as he buries himself into your warmth.
“I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this,” he breathes, his grip on your ass tightening as he finally bottoms out, the head hitting just the right spot.
“Gods, I hope not,” is all you’re able to choke out before he begins a torturously slow rhythm with his thrusts, every inch of him stroking your still sensitive walls from your prior orgasm.
Your legs tighten around his waist as you cling onto him for dear life, and the rest of the world fades away. There’s no tadpoles, no Absolute, no cultists — there’s only the two of you wrapped in each other's embrace, and the moment feels infinite.
His hand tangles into your still dripping wet hair, droplets flinging from it onto your back as he fists it, sending goosebumps racing across your flesh. He breathes heavily, murmuring random assortments of curses and your name under his breath as his pace picks up ever so slightly, his conviction to take it slowly, faltering.
You feel yourself approaching the brink again as he speeds up.
“Gale, please, I’m—“
“I know, my love, me too.” He moans, now slamming into you with a reckless abandon, all control he’d had previously now washed away with the tide and your pleading.
He finishes with one last stuttering plunge into you, the warm sensation of his spend flooding you and his cock throbbing sending you over the edge along with him. He stays in you while you both come down, chests heaving and hearts racing.
“I love you, too. With every beat of my heart.” He says after a long and comfortable silence, pushing a loose strand of hair out of your eyes.
You stay there for a few minutes longer, embracing, kissing, joking about pruney fingers and how much shit your companions were going to give you when you returned.
When you both emerge from the water, Gale grabs one of the towels and wraps it around your body first, rubbing your arms to warm you as a shiver passes through you. He presses a kiss to the side of your head, then wraps the other towel around his waist. You gawk at him for a moment, and you think you could easily go for a round two if you weren’t entirely drained from the day prior to your bath… activities.
As you walk back to camp hand in hand with him, a true and genuine smile plastered on your face that you weren’t sure you’d ever smiled before, you feel a sort of selfish gratefulness. You feel as though the cosmos aligned just perfectly to drop him into your life, even amidst absolute mayhem and turmoil. Even if nothing came of the months spent adventuring and battling cultists and searching for cures, you still had this - you had him. And he, you.
And you think to yourself - even if you died tonight, you’d die happily knowing you got to spend a moment under the warmth of his sun.
god I love gale so much
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"Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still know where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with." Full quote below.
Happy Towel Day to all the hitchhikers out there!
"A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Party it has great practical value– you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you– daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit, etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have ‘lost.’ What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still know where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with."
(The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams)
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baggebythesea · 2 months
Favorite cartoons of the She-Ra cast
Adora and Swift Wind: The 1985 She-Ra cartoon. "Adora uses the Sword of Protection to shield her butt from the friction of atmospheric reentry" is peak TV for both of them.
Bow: Steven Universe.
Catra: Thunder Cats!
Glimmer: One of those action filled, heavily sexualized old anime with neon coloured heroines kicking ass (just let Glimmer handle it!)
Mermista: Daria. It's OK, she guess.
Perfuma: She really wants to like something like Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, slow, inteligent and spiritual. But after a long day she puts on the bitchiest soap opera she can find instead.
Frosta: Sailor Moon! She has a carefully currated set of Moon-soonas.
Scorpia: Miraculous Ladybug. She's crying rivers each and every episode.
Sea Hawk: NARUTO!
Spinerella and Netossa: They have a broad taste and binge shows together. If one watches ahead the other gets genuinly hurt.
Angella: Oh, please, she has much too refined taste for children's cartoo… oh, that man Miyazaki is a genius!
Entrapta: The horniest mecha anime you ever saw.
Hordak: Same, but less horny and more about military logistics
Double Trouble: All the classical Disney. They love them a good villain song
Castaspella: Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Micah only dares to catch the smallest peaks over her shoulder before he runs to hide.
Shadow Weaver: Little witch academia. She finds it cheerful
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starl3ght · 1 year
hihi star!
since it’s february now, i was wondering if you could do some sfw valentine’s day headcanons for könig if possible c:
Hi love!!! Yes thank you for this request I love these hcs. I hope I did this well. Little story too. It’s 11 pm and I have a lot of work for my studies tomorrow so I’m sorry if there’s mistakes
❤️König x Reader Valentine’s Day headcannons❤️
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A/N: I’m finishing up some requests which are maybe to be released these next 2 days. Also almost done with Alejandro hcs. Bringing a Soap oneshot very soon with a medic reader hope y’all like that stuff😩
Oh this tall shy man how he loves you
He’s got his own ways of showing you how much he loves you.
He didn’t want you to be alone on the 14th because he was still a soldier and he has a job to do
Fortunately he had his break in the first few weeks of February
You’re shocked when you open the door and you see him standing with a bouquet of flowers, little teddy bear and a heart shaped box with chocolates.
You bring a hand to your mouth as you let out a little laugh
“I’m home my schatz…”
He’ll put your gifts on the side and pick you up with your legs wrapping around his torso
You’ll reach down and pick up his mask and caress his face filled with scars. You’ll kiss every one of them if you can.
He looks at you with his ocean eyes and smiles at you and kisses you
Restaurant dates will not happen on this particular holiday
He does struggle with his anxiety and they do take long to serve in some places. You might order in
It doesn’t matter how. As long as you’re with him, and he’s with you, it’s perfect the way it is
König will take you out to walk along a river very close where city lights are very bright (ooh a rhyme)
It’s beautiful, it’s how the stars are shining and the moon light looks down
There’s trees everywhere but König leads you to a particular one and you notice
There’s white lights wrapped around it. You can see rose pedals on the ground near it. It makes your heart melt
“You did this for me?” Was your question as you turn to look at him
König nods with a gentle face
That’s when it hits you. Tears sting your eyes
König will take your face in his hands and looks at you lovingly
“Oh meine geliebte…everything I do in my job and my life is to protect and cherish you.”
He’ll pull out a little box from his pocket and places it gently in your hands as he leans down to kiss your forehead
As you open the box you see a golden heart pendant necklace with both your initials imprinted
You smile and your tears of joy roll down your cheeks
König will quickly wipe them away with his hands and presses his lips against yours
You pulled back after a few seconds and you wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you to him
“I love you König…”
He’ll put on your necklace and look at you deeply into those eyes of yours he sees when he wakes up every morning
“I love you (Y/N), happy Valentinstag my love…”
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kabra-malvada · 2 years
MER! Sun/Moon but they koi fish!
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Now that I have this image out of my head here are some notes:
They were originally two normal koi fish (or so you thought) when Y/N bought them from a fishy looking man while on vacation near a river.
Y/N should have known better since koi fish were not native from the region they got these from, but a las, Y/Nitis kicked in and they didn't question it too much.
Y/N put them on a pond on their garden but one day when they cameback from work and went to take a shower they found them on their bathtub cuddling on their humanoid state, and then they woke up they were relieved and surprised to see Y/N.
They're really greatful for being "saved" by Y/N and so try their best to do as they ask, failing most of the time.
Sun is his usual sunny and optimistic self but tends to bite his tail fin harshly when stressed. Also tends to eat things he shouldn't (toys, crayons, soap, shoes, etc.)
Moon is a lot more mellow, kind of lazy, the only thing that gets him to move is his brother and/or Y/N. He loves to collect shiny things and hoard them to sleep on them. Hates when others touch his bad tail fin but will allow Y/N and Sun to do so ocasionally.
Y/N eventually decides their bathtub is to small for the boys and sells their house to move to a small cabin right next to a lake where the boys can be more comfortable.
And that's it! (For now).
Just gonna put these bois with the other "future fics and stuff to work on I guess" pile. I should really stop creating these I got a whole collection of AUs... but that definetly won't stop me.
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moonriversn12 · 4 days
Coconut Milk for Skin: Moon Rivers Naturals' All-Natural Solution
Welcome to MOON RIVERS NATURALS, where we embrace the power of nature to enhance your beauty and well-being. One of our most cherished ingredients is coconut milk, a luxurious, nutrient-rich element that offers a plethora of benefits for the skin. In this blog, we'll explore how coconut milk can transform your skincare routine and why our Coconut Milk for Skin products are a must-have for natural beauty enthusiasts.
Visit - https://www.slideserve.com/Moonriversn12/coconut-milk-for-skin-moon-rivers-naturals-all-natural-solution
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zoesblogsposts · 4 months
o 625 words to know in your target language o
There is a really interesting blog called "Fluent Forever" that aids foreign language learners in tricks, tips and techniques to guide them to achieving fluency "quickly" and efficiently. One of the tricks is to learn these 625 vocab words in your target language, that way you have a basis to start delving into grammar with ease as you can understand a lot of vocab right off the bat. Plus this list of words are common across the world and will aid you in whatever language you are learning. Here is the list in thematic order
• Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animal
• Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportation
• Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA,
France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, location
• Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothing
• Color: red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, color
• People: son, daughter, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby, man, woman, brother, sister, family, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, king, queen, president, neighbor, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl), adult (= man/woman), human (# animal), friend (Add a friend's name), victim, player, fan, crowd, person
• Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, job
• Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage, wedding, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God
• Art. band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie, art
• Beverages: coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk, beverage
• Food: egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef, apple, banana orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed, knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle, food
• Home: table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note, wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone, garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool
• Electronics: clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer), laptop, screen, camera, television, radio
• Body: head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth, lip, nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe, finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood, brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin, body
• Nature: sea, ocean, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon, world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth, flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air, sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat, nature
• Materials: glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver, material
• Math/Measurements: meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half, circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner
• Misc Nouns: map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain, injury, hole, image, pattern, noun, verb, adjective
• Directions: top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down, left, right, straight, north, south, east, west, direction
• Seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, season
• Numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, million, billion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, number
• Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
• Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, morning, afternoon, evening, night, time
• Verbs: work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, go, stop, follow, think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry, buy, pay, sell, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear (a sound), listen (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn, melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down, dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose, mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn, build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall, push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift
• Adjectives: long, short (long), tall, short (vs tall), wide, narrow, big/large, small/little, slow, fast, hot, cold, warm, cool, new, old (new), young, old (young), weak, dead, alive, heavy, light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
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For you pookie😋
Silly Billy mini thoughts but moons in tarot are associated with secrets and ghost lives a rather secretive life soap is untamable like a River you can enjoy it but you cannot control it price as the forest bc although life may appear overbearing at times there’s always a little light peaking through, Gaz’s reminds of sunflower by post Malone which I’ve always interpreted as the flower being a person/ life/ soul to cherish and protect and gaz is the sunflower who wants to change the world and bring ppl justice but needs protection(price) from his corrupt surroundings
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
Reflection | Minthara - Gale
[Smut, angst, drama, fluff, cheating, nb!reader]
[Reader cheats on Gale with Minthara, both know.]
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It should bother you, shouldn't it?
Unfaithfulness wasn't something to pride yourself on. But you've never tasted anything sweeter before. It was so inviting to indulge in. How could you ever resist your wandering eyes.
The subtle curl of her lips when she sees you, the lingering scent of her body soap whenever the two of you happen to bathe at the same time after a day full of ruthless battles.
The longing look she gives you when you offer to help wash her hair, those sighs of pleasure escaping her lips as she leans into your skilful fingers, messaging at her scalp.
How soft her hair is, white strands with grey undertones smoothly gliding through your fingers.
Her offer to help you with your back afterwards, the way you hide your lower body inside the river of water from her wandering gaze. Thighs rubbing together underneath the stream as you feel her hands on your bare skin.
But it doesn't bother you, not in the slightest. 
Maybe that's what's eating you up at night, how bothered you are by your lack of care towards it.
You like Gale, you really do, he is a very sweet and nice guy. You were the one who convinced him to stay after all, at that same camp celebration long ago.
You could come up with excuses, an endless list of justifications for your sudden change of heart.
He is too power-hungry, or he talks about Mystra too much. Maybe it's the fact he still wore her matching earring or the fact he still spoke of her with great reverence and admiration despite her heartless demand for his life in exchange for her forgiveness.
Or maybe the fact that despite his words, you can see how rushed he is to commit to this relationship.
As if you can even call it a relationship, a courtship might be the best term to describe it. Even with Gale's added requirement of complete monogamy during your said courtship.
Your companions respected that, some begrudgingly with snide comments about what's the point of a courtship if you're going to be exclusive from the start, others with more heartfelt comments that wished you the best on your road onward.
It reminded you too much of the comments strangers would tell a newly wed couple.
To say it was suffocating would be an understatement. You didn't realise just how much Gale expected of you when you agreed to this.
Whenever you'd tell him that, sugarcoating your worries the best you could at how fast he was rushing the both of you into a fully committed relationship, he'd simply brush your concerns off.
You barely knew the guy, and he was acting as if the two of you were to be wed the second you stepped foot into Baldur's Gate.
Well, at least someone in camp did share your thoughts. Completely understanding your point of view.
"The wizard's ego blinds him to reality, very typical of his kind." Minthara would tell you as you seeked comfort in her company, too fed up with Gale after another attempt at getting him to lay off a bit.
"He says he loves me, but I'm not sure what is there for him to love when he barely knows me." It tasted sour in your mouth to admit out loud, as if you should be grateful for getting love in the first place.
"What I want to know is why are you so keen on entertaining his delusions?" Her raspy voice resonated with you, for such a voice with a dangerous edge, it never failed to put you in a trance of peace.
You looked up at the night sky, the real night sky with all of its flaws and endless darkness. Very unlike the beautiful magical stars filled skies Gale could make appear with a snap of his fingers, the illusions he so effortlessly covered every blemish of nature with.
"What else do you suggest?" When you lowered your gaze, you were met with her eyes. She was admiring you as you admired the moon.
"If the wizard is inadequate at satisfying you, then you should seek your own fulfilment with another." Minthara's fingers gripped your chin, turning your face fully towards her.
"As if Gale would allow such-"
"He's a male. You do not ask for an allowance from such creatures." She interrupted you with a firm tone, frowning with disapproval "If anything he should be grovelling at your feet for failing at his only purpose, I've seen mistresses behead their husbands for much less offences."
You sigh, "this isn't the underdark, Minthara."
"Yes." There's clear disappointment in her tone, a hint of longing. "Things would have been very different if it was." Her fingers slowly move from your face, lower and lower as they graze your neck. Fingertips pressing at the left side, right where her own tattoo is.
Those words echoed through your brain for the next few days, the promise of how different things would be, still could be.
On the surface, Gale and you grew more and more closer to each other. Dinner dates with home cooked meals, stargazing and his seemingly endless source of love poems. 
But on the inside, your hearts couldn't have been further apart. You felt unheard, your needs and preference ignored for the sake of living the true classical romantic dream he so longed for.
The mortal exclusive romantic things you couldn't do with a goddess.
Sometimes you even felt like this was a downgrade from your previous friendship before, at least then he saw you as a whole capable person and shared his own magic theories to you, seeking your wisdom or knowledge. Even if you weren't versed in magic, he'd still appreciate the perspective from an outsider.
Yet these days, you're only his partner. Not the person he confides and jokes with, not the person he has light-hearted conversations with. But just a romantic partner that he gets to live a romantic fantasy with. 
Who is he trying to impress? It certainly wasn't you. Was he just trying to prove something to himself? To prove that he is still capable of something long gone? To prove to the universe that he still knows how to love. 
That his decision to stay after sneering at you about how much of a bad influence you are to him at that celebration was a good choice because he ended up with true love. Love justifies all reasons.
And just like he used you as a shield to take the blame from his own conscience that celebration night, telling you it was your fault for the actions that he himself did on his own will, he is using your love as an excuse to justify the horrors he might commit later on.
He's been talking about the crown of karsus a lot. Not to you of course, not anymore. But to Wyll, Shadowheart, even Astarion. 
When his newfound habits started to bleed outside of the camp and into your battles, that's when you had enough.
"I told you not to attack them, Gale. What were you thinking?" Venom filled your voice, you had set a very clear plan for Astarion to always initiate the fights, that way you could take 2 or 3 of them down before they'd realise you were even there.
Too busy tending to their wounds, your other companions left you and Gale to bicker it out.
It was infuriating, he was infuriating. 
That day ended sourly, Shadowheart's healing could only stretch so far before everyone had to retreat to camp. 
"Just give me a moment." Gale interrupted you at camp that night, "I am fully aware of how reckless my earlier actions were."
You didn't want to look at his face. You couldn't stomach it. With a sigh, you crossed your arms as you finally faced him.
"You're usually smarter than that." He was one of the last people you'd ever expect this behaviour from. 
"I admit, and I'm willing to apologise for my mistake." Sitting down next to you near the campfire, with shame in his voice, he said, "...i was trying to prove myself...to you."
The campfire flame danced against the shadows, its inviting warmth like a blanket over the two of you. 
He continued, "I've wanted to show that I'm still a very capable wizard…but my magic failed and backfired on me when I needed it the most."
You didn't know what to say. Only staring into his deep brown eyes, attempting to peer into his soul through them, and read his intentions as if it was possible to do. 
Well, the parasite did make it more than possible to do. You felt it move in the back of your brain, pulsing and itching at the chance to connect to its sister.
A frown looked very unfamiliar on Gale's face, one you got so used to seeing brimming with happiness. The subtlest of blush that used to adorn it now lacking in colour, the purplish orb veins seemed even more prominent than before.
Rejecting the call of authority, you let Gale's lips speak their own truth instead.
"You should've still told me, at least." Anger faded from your voice, "we are a team. We are supposed to fight together."
"Within reason, yes that would've been the best solution." Gale smiled, a sour pained smile that didn't reach his eyes. "But that's not what you're attracted to, is it?"
For a second, you were frozen, unexpectedly put on the spot. You thought about denying it, his claims. But you knew it'd only be an insult to both your intelligence at this point.
"What makes you think that?" You played it safe, digging for more information before admitting to anything vindictive.
His hand caressed yours, slowly moving over to hold it.
"I know you." He spoke confidentially, "even better than you know yourself." 
Your mind raced. He couldn't possibly have known all along.
"I see how you look at her" his fingers intertwined with yours, your own hand sweaty and limp against his firm grasp. "It makes me green with envy how you openly lust after another while in my embrace."
As if you were suddenly pulled from the warmth of the campfire and drenched into freezing cold water. 
"I can be powerful too." Gale whispered against your ear with tenderness, "even if I'm not a knight in shining armour, say the world and I'll conjure a never ending storm of fire hurricanes for you."
He is choosing to stay despite knowing the truth. Each day, he woke up and chose you, to get stronger for you.
Guilt seeped through the cracked walls you've built around your heart.
"It's not your fault, I don't blame you one bit." His words just made the needles at your throat twist deeper, "These…sinister urges inside you are to blame, they attract you to her power like a moth to the flame."
He has the same look on his face, the same sneer he directed towards you that night at the celebration. The same burning hatred and disgust, except this time it's not at you directed at you, but an imaginary parasite controlling your brain.
You've been quiet for a while now, letting him speak. Feeling his touches getting bolder and bolder as he got even closer to you.
"I can show the correct path, the right way." His lips were so close to yours, yet you couldn't take your eyes off of his. The flames of fire reflect off of them and shadow the previous lovely brown. "I can make sure there never is a repeat of the horror that happened at the grove."
With his body so close to yours, you could feel the subtle gravitational pull of the orb in his chest. Checking you for any traces of magic that it could seep into its endless abyss, only to be silenced immediately but Gale's own weave.
Gale's eyes locked into your lips, he swallowed. "Don't you want to be fixed?"
You pulled back from the kiss before it could even happen. Forcing his attention back to you.
As he looked at you, it wasn't your own image that reflected on his deep brown eyes. It wasn't your own self that his soul was mirroring. As if the current you was a mere stepping stone between him and the perfectly sculpted version of you that awaited in the future.
Confusion was clear on his face, like a sad puppy not sure of what it had done wrong. You closed off yourself again and pulled away from his embrace.
You didn't look back at him. You walked away.
Reaching your own tent, you parted the curtains only to be greeted with a flowery scent. There laid on your bedroll a careful and delicate arrangement of various flowers in bloom, traces of enchantment sparkled against the soft petals.
Picking up the bouquet, a card fell from against your feet.
' Your beloved - G.D. '
They have been here for a long while, their smell overwhelmed everything else in your tent, and even your own bed wasn't spared from the all-consuming enchantment. Leaving the flowers outside did nothing to lessen the smell. If anything, it somehow made it spread even further.
Your stomach twisted. It's chokingly sweet.
With the bouquet in hand, you abandoned your own tent. You kept walking until you reached the edge of the camp. Far in a secluded corner where luminescent mushrooms and plants faded away the darkness.
A familiar earthly scent washed over you. 
Minthara looked pleased to see you, "you're here." She said as a matter of fact, as if she was expecting your arrival. "Good."
She didn't ask about the flowers, she barely acknowledged them as she took your hands into her own. 
She let you in her tent. You didn't even have to ask. The way she parted the curtains and waited for you to go inside, a silent order. Obey her.
And of course you did, ever since that time you tasted her, when she also tasted you, you couldn't even dream of disobeying her commands.
Sometimes you wonder how different things might have been if she had just stayed. How a lot of the current mess could've been avoided, if she had just joined you instead of marching onto moonrise towers alone.
Another part of you dreads what could've happened if you had arrived there far too late, her fate sealed before you could even step a foot inside the tower.
You feel her heat behind your back, her body pressing close into yours. She is warm and brimming with life, not the dead cold corpse laying on the cell's floor that you see in your nightmares.
Her arms wrap around your waist, her nose pressing against the pulse point on your neck. She is listening to your heartbeat.
Does she also think about the night you shared together? Does she remember your moans mixing with hers through the quiet silence of the night. The moonlight illuminating your naked figures above the broken stone altar. 
"Give yourself to me," She whispers, voice full of promises untold, "what we share is much more than anything that anyone else could offer you." 
Her hands grip your thighs, the same way she gripped them that night. A shiver runs up your spine at the memory of her hot mouth on you, heat pooling between your legs.
You make your decision as she lays you down on the bed. The sheer hunger in her eyes made you feel the more helpless in her web, each possessive touch and lasting bite made you melt more into her grasp.
She wanted you to depend on her for pleasure. On her touches and her mouth, on the way she lifts your thighs above her shoulders and places you in a very vulnerable position. 
She liked to feel in control, and you obediently gave up all of your control to her. 
Even as her own wetness dripped down her thighs, her sole focus remained on you and your pleasure. As if the view of you slowly losing yourself to lust was enough to get her off. 
It's not like you could reach over and give her release, not with your hands bound above your head. The small piece of fabric restricting your movement seemed to give Minthara a rush of power and pride, evident in various marks she adorned your neck and chest with.
Thighs and hips, too. She made her ownership known over your body. As if it didn't already belong to her from the way she managed to push you over the edge twice already, while she barely grinded herself against you.
It was almost as if she was worshipping you. Her admiration was clear behind the various veils of lust and power.
Admiration for you, the whole of you as you are. Your reflection in her eyes was purely your own.
You moaned her name like a prayer throughout the night, without shame or regard for who might hear. It drove her wild, her own release coursing through her wave after wave as sweat glistened against her skin. You couldn't look away, couldn't tear your eyes away from the glorious sight of Minthara at the peak of her orgasm. 
At that moment, you could only think about how you've  never seen anything more beautiful in your life.
In the aftermath, when the sun rays filtered through the outside of the tent, you held each other closely. 
Her head on your chest, rising and falling rhythmically with your breathing. Minthara's arms wrapping around your waist and anchoring herself to you.
Your fingers weaved through her hair, parting the silvery strands to place the flowers. The bouquet laid on the ground, half empty next to the bed.
Minthara didn't seem to mind. She indulged you as you crowned her hair with soft, colourful petals. Although the flowers kept slipping off and pooling around her pointy ears.
Maybe you should braid it into her hair instead, use the leftover flowers from the bouquet in the morning.
You don't remember when you fell asleep, only the comforting darkness that you invited when you closed your eyes for a second.
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dogicrimsonofficial · 13 days
Does your character's friends/family have any embarrassing stories about their life they like to tell other people? What was the story, why does your character think they like it so much and do they care if it's told? If not, what's the most embarrassing thing your character has ever done they're glad no one knows about?
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"Embarrassing stories from my past... Only one who could tell those right now would be Lyra, and she's not in the habit of telling them unless we're riffing on each other, and even then she tends to hold back. Not that there is that many, the temple didn't leave me much time for tomfoolery, strict bastards..."
He then chuckles, shaking his head. "Though there is the story of the chili milk... But that is embarrassing for me and Lyra both. There is also the time when I uh... let out a cuss so strong I think I made the whole clergy present gasp in horror. I became well acquainted with soap after that. Lyra will toss me into the nearest river if I repeat it now, too."
A moment of consideration - Lyra wasn't only one who had seen him do dumb things; the past few moons of adventuring certainly had it's fair share of idiocy from the bard.
"Uria might have some stories from our adventures before we really started to work with Scions in full, he certainly has no trouble referencing some instances to put me in my place if I show any signs of growing an ego. Kind of stopped being embarrassed by anything thanks to that - I'm more ashamed of some things, if anything."
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altocat · 2 months
alto, PLEASE elaborate on the new moon rising au where sephiroth and genesis get married during the river of lights ceremony. that's so sweet, omg.
In the EXTREMELY far future I do want to make a New Moon Rising sequel covering them finally tying the knot. Rebirth just offered me a prime opportunity considering how Seph and Gen now live in Cosmo Canyon.
So yeah. Some shameless fluff of two morons surrounded by pretty lights. Honestly I'd draw it if I could. They're my cringe soap opera babies ❤️
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Welcome to my miscellaneous art/dump blog ↓
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Name: ttpoi/Caspian
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Just Some Guy • Schizoid
What I do: Draw things I like. I also talk a lot about games and media. Frequent nonsensical ramblings.
Language: CN/ENG
DNI Criteria: Please do not interact with my posts and blog if you are a TERF or a transphobe.
Blog Tag Navigation Guide:
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For OC art, you can also go to @library-mother because some works are archived there.
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Here's some other stuff I'm interested in, but otherwise, have a good day (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;)))
Maretu — Girl Eraser, Namida, Magical Doctor, New Darling, The Taste of Cockroach, Brain Revolution Girl, aishiteitanoni, Packet Hero, Miseenen, Dokuhaku, Koukatsu, Last Day
Masa Works Design — Rondon Slag Pathy HI, God of Marie, Soap Lagoon, Paris Green, Himitsuno kingyo
Itimatu Suzuka — Yes I am, yumenokeloid, hana-arashi
Mitski — Stay Soft, Francis Forever, A Pearl, Me and My Husband, Washing Machine Heart, This is a Life, Should Have Been Me, Your Best American Girl
Steampianist — The Singing Tumor, Candle Boy, Dream Eating Machine, Hero of the Abyss, Black Hole, Ang Cariñosa
Cosmo Sheldrake — The Fly, Tardigrade Song, Piloscene, The Moss, Linger Longer, Come Along, Pelicans We
Yatoimtop — GREENER GRASS AWAITS, Liminal Ranger, Pearl Grabber, Tropic Jim’s Sweet Island Adventure
Yames — Discover My Body, Water Womb World, Via Negativa, Discover Our Bodies
Taylor Swietanski — THAT NIGHT STEEPED BY BLOOD RIVER, Spirits Mirror: Digital Possessed, Caged Bird Don’t Fly
Modus Interactive — Iketsuki, Beneath a Withering Moon, Groaning Steel
Bread and All Variations of the Aforementioned, The Dummy's Dummy, Cursed Princess Club, Shoujo Jiten, Apocalyptic Horseplay, Curse of the Three Sisters, Berserk, Blade of the Immortal, Uratarou
Misc. items of joy:
Breton hats, stickers, keychains, music boxes, aquariums, puppets, vintage dolls, ventriloquist dummies, wooden toys, angel statues, paper stars, cats, old animated fairytale movies, nutcrackers, traditional clothing, the Christmas atmosphere, seashells
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