#Chevalier comes from a great family of knights
thewitchofbooks · 4 months
🌹About the Rose Knight (Michel family) of Rhodolite🌹
A few facts about Chevalier's ancestors and the "Rose Knight". From Clavis' story in the "Rhodolite Horror Night" event.
Trigger warnings: War, death, sickness
I'll be putting it under the cut, in case of spoilers:
Clavis and his Mc are about to do a test of courage and they are also about to lift the curse. They find the 150-years-old portrait of a woman, Vivian Michel.
The Michel family took part in the making of Rhodolite, with the production of very strong knights. The portrait might have been 150 years old, but Clavis, just like that, confirmed that the family existed there for a very long time.
And like that, we get to learn about the "Rose Knight". A knight who led every battle in the front lines, as he was the strongest, crowning Rhodolite victorious. Clavis said there was an "anecdote", saying that he once entered the enemy's territory and destroyed it by himself. This information made his Mc think that it did sound like something Chevalier could do too.
Vivian Michel, rumored to be his wife, was wearing on the top of her dress, an insignia of the tiger. The tiger was different from Chevalier's, but it was the same animal (which makes sense on why Chevalier has one too, it wasn't something he just made up). The insignia naturally belonged to the Rose Knight. And in the book Clavis was reading for information, the Knight's wife was rumored to be very sickly.
Sadly, tragedy did strike the Rose Knight. A man who always took a long time to say goodbye and part ways with his wife before every war, was called for a sudden enemy attack. And when he returned to Rhodolite, the news of her passing away left him very saddened. Her funeral was also done a long time ago, before his return. He lost all motivation to fight and left Rhodolite, without anyone knowing where he went.
These are all known from a book Clavis found in the library. He told his fiancée that if she asked Chevalier, he wouldn't know. She thought that he probably wouldn't answer, even if he did.
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caffedrine · 10 months
Rhodolite Horror Night - Clavis drops some Chevalier and Rose Knight LORE
The Michel family dates back to the founding of Rhodolite, and is the ‘knight’ family. They are known for producing stalwart and famous knights. Rhodolite’s legendary Rose Knight supposedly comes from this family, and might be Chevalier’s ancestor (or just a great-great-many more greats-uncle).
Chevalier was given his name because he’s from the great ‘knight’ family of Rhodolite. There is a chance it’s a family name.
The Rose Knight is Rhodolite’s strongest knight ever, he saved the country countless times, and single-handedly rode into an enemy country and destroyed it. He also had a tiger crest, though it is different from Chevalier and Gilbert’s.
The Rose Knight was married to a sickly wife. One day, while he was away at battle, she died, and he came home to her funeral. After that, he left and was never seen again.
Clavis thinks the Rose Knight sounds a lot like our Chevalier.
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celiciaa · 9 months
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translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
trigger warning: mentions of rape, death and violence.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
That day —— I slipped out of Obsidian Castle.
Wearing the black dress gifted to me by Lord Gilbert, with obsidian jewelry on my chest.
No soldiers were blocking my path, and with surprising ease, I met up with the owner and the others who had been staying at the lodging facility.
The signing ceremony is just around the corner.
It is a long-awaited treaty that promises that the great military nation of Obsidian will not commit a military invasion.
Although King Chevalier evaluated it as meaningless,
That is only if Lord Gilbert's plan to destroy the continent is successful.
(I will stop the plan and attend the signing ceremony. That's the best I can do right now.)
From the land of ore to the land of roses.
By the time we passed through the checkpoint and entered the country, I had stopped crying, which had not stopped for a long time recently.
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(I haven't had this feeling in a long time.)
What awaited me when I returned to Rhodolite was a host of hostility sharper than the thorns of a rose.
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All of the princes except King Chevalier and Luke were gathered in the room,
The major bureaucrats, the political aristocracy, the soldiers and knights in high ranks.…
As a commoner, I was never expected to have anything to do with the leadership of Rhodolite.
(I was prepared. I was prepared for it. .…But it still hurts.)
When I was Belle, I was in the lowest seat, but now I am sitting in the honored seat/the highest position.
I was reminded that my position had changed and that I had become a member of an enemy nation.
Bureaucrat: Impossible...this is a farce.
Bureaucrat: A woman who until recently was a daughter from Rhodolite is now the Empress?
Bureaucrat: Who would trust and accept such a crude plot?
Bureaucrat: Obsidian never intended to sign a non-aggression pact to begin with.
Leon: But Emma has the emperor’s power of attorney. Besides…..
I met Leon's gaze and nodded.
Emma: I am now officially welcomed into the royal family by Lord Gilbert.
(….That was a big lie——)
Gilbert: It's good to call yourself whatever you like in Rhodolite. I will match your settings.
Gilbert: But I hate lies. Be responsible for what you say.
Gilbert: You can take your time thinking about it, okay?
(Even if it uses everything available, it still serves the purpose.)
I can think about the future as much as I want later.
Emma: This is something the Emperor has authorized me to do.
Emma: On top of that, I was given the position of Empress on behalf of the Emperor.
The surroundings rumbled, and the air shook.
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Leon: If she's registered with Lord Gilbert, even if she's from Rhodolite.….
Leon: Emma is a member of the Obsidian Imperial Family.…and is considered fully qualified to be appointed as a proxy Empress.
Leon: The signing ceremony is supposed to be attended by the Emperor…..
Leon, who has never smiled since entering the room, pulls a letter from his pocket.
The emblem depicts a strong fortress of Obsidian.
Leon: Earlier this morning, I also received a personal letter from the Emperor of Obsidian.
Leon:…It's a bit of a mystery why he's appointing Emma instead of Lord Gilbert, but…
Leon: This proves that his signature validates Emma's. There can be no doubt about it after all this
(That's...not what I heard.)
(…After you’ve threatened me so much that you wouldn't let me out of the castle…..)
Clenching my fist, unbeknownst to myself, I let go of the emotions that were about to overflow.
Then I turned to the domestic bureaucrats, who were the first to speak up.
Bureaucrat: I'm sorry...may I be excused from the meeting today?
Bureaucrat:….I can’t stand it.
Bureaucrat: No matter what...my wife's face comes to mind.
(…You’re one of those who hate and resent Obsidian, so half-hearted words won't reach you.)
All of those pretty words of the past have bounced back. // Everything that was once beautiful has been repelled.
I open my mouth, carefully choosing the words that come to mind.
Emma: It may be natural to feel neglected.
Emma: But I am here, and I didn't come here lightly.
Emma: To stand here as one who once committed the tragedy of the Bloodstained Rose Day.…
Emma: It's the equivalent of being on the edge of a needle.
(Rhodolite is no longer by my side.)
(That was the price I had to pay to achieve my ideals.)
There is no turning back, even if my heart bleeds.
Emma: I told you before. That I wish for Rhodolite the everlasting peace
Emma: We should approach Obsidian and establish a new relationship...
Emma: That idea hasn't changed. I'm here to fulfill the ideals I had that day.
Bureaucrat:….Do you truly think your ideals can be fulfilled with a treaty that could be violated at any moment?
Emma: No…of course, I don't think this will solve everything. It's just a first step.
Emma: However….
The corners of my mouth lifted up as I remember the gentle smile that Lord Gilbert always had on his face.
Now I am on Obsidian’s side.
Then I wanted to face them with dignity and grace, like Lord Gilbert, who doesn't care about hostility.
Emma: You never know until you try.
Emma: This non-aggression pact could really be a stepping stone to peace.
Emma: I will not let Obsidian invade Rhodolite ever again.
Emma: I believe that is the consensus not only of myself but of everyone present here.
Emma: It's the first and last chance Lord Gilbert has given to a mere girl.…
Emma: I'm going to use this to my advantage and go as far as I can.
(Even if it is a self-righteous one...)
Looking around at the assembled people, I make a proud declaration.
Nokto: Do you understand the cost of "use"?
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Nokoto: If you participate in a signing ceremony that attracts international attention as a proxy Empress, you are no longer a hostage.
Licht:…Obsidian is an evil empire, the whole continent thinks so.
Licht: From now on, just because you are a member of the royal family, you will be accused of something for a crime you did not commit. You will be in that position.
Jin: Even we won't be able to protect you...and at worst, there's a possibility that we'll become your enemies.
Jin: If you want to reconsider, now is your last chance. You still have a path to exile, don’t you?
The Rhodolitian princes seemed genuinely concerned about me.
(….There's no way such kind people would fall to the tyrannical authorities that Lord Gilbert hates.)
So I am confident that I can stop Lord Gilbert's ambition.
Emma:…Thank you very much.
Emma: But it’s okay. I didn't come here because I was forced to.
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Nokoto, Licht, and Jin:…..
Yves, who had remained downcast and silent until then, looks up.
His expression was somewhat angry.
(Come to think of it, Yves was quiet the whole way back to Rhodolite from Obsidian.)
(He looked like he was pondering something.….)
Yves:…Why should you have to carry such a burden?
Yves: This is a matter between countries, not one that involves good, ordinary people like you.
Yves: I have no idea what Prince Gilbert is thinking, but…
Yves: All that you're physically trying to do is...
Yves: It should…have been me, because I have Obsidian and Rhodolite blood in my veins.
(I see….Yves is angry with himself...)
Gilbert: "The only prince who came back to the castle dressed beautifully."
Gilbert: I’ve heard this rumor before, was it true?
Yves:….I was useless on the battlefield anyway.
Gilbert: Wow, that's great. You're at Rhodolite and you're proudly taking Obsidian's side.
(I am sure my ideals and Yves' ideals are the same...)
(Maybe he really wanted to be a bridge between the two countries all along.)
Yves:…I don't want you...to be...sacrificed.
Yves: If only I'd been more...stronger…
Yves looks down at his eyes with a bright red face.
His beautiful ultramarine eyes seemed to be wet with tears.
(Perhaps if it is…sacrifice.)
(…Even if Yves were to take over my ideals...)
(I don't think I would give up this position. .…You might say I don't want to give it up.)
(Is it really for the everlasting peace of Rhodolite?)
Emma: What does it mean to "love"?
Gilbert: It's easy.
Gilbert: Isn't that what you want me to live for?
Emma: You love….me.
(I already know the reason why.)
A self-mocking smile spreads on my lips.
Emma:…What I'm trying to do is not for my country.
Yves: Eh….
(I want everlasting peace. There's no doubt about that.)
(But my motives... are different from before, when I could only say empty words like anyone else would have.)
Emma: Obsidian has a lonely, troublesome beast.
Emma: He's a beast who doesn't trust anyone, doesn't love anyone, and is willing to destroy everything...
Emma:…I think he only loves me.
Emma: If Rhodolite and Obsidian no longer have a reason to be enemies, we can stand by them.
Emma:…I am not a victim.
(Loving Lord Gilbert in this place is unacceptable. that's why…)
Emma: Rather, he's a big, bad with no-excuses villain.
When I revealed my hidden feelings, some thorns became even sharper, and others lost their strength due to bewilderment.
I don't know what each of them is thinking about, though,
The only thing I was sure of was that some of the pitying glances at me had disappeared.
I feel guilty and have a guilty conscience.
(But my heart can't help it.)
A soft laughter echoes through the silent room.
I looked next to me and saw Leon laughing for the first time today.
Leon: Don't think of me as a scoundrel. I just can't help that feeling.
Leon: I hope you are not sacrificing for our country. I was relieved just knowing that.
Leon stood up from his seat and turned his gaze around the assembled crowd.
Leon: Do you all understand the situation regarding Obsidian's attendance at the signing ceremony?
Leon: If anyone has something else to say, say it now. However….
Leon: Only those who have the same resolution as Emma's are allowed to speak.
Leon: Knowing that she will not be welcomed by you, the proxy Empress has come to this country for the sake of peace.
Leon: Which one of you can surpass Emma's determination?
No one opens their mouths at the voice of their leader.
Each of them seemed to swallow the words with a hesitant look on their face.
Leon: Then it's decided. Treat Emma respectfully as a guest of Obsidian.
Leon: And then, Julius.
Julius: Yes. What is it?
Julius, a soldier from the domestic faction who had been waiting in the corner of the room, steps forward.
Leon: You are in charge of protecting Emma during her stay.
(Oh...is he upset?)
Julius: Why me? There are plenty of other people who would be better suited to protect her.….
Leon: You are the most trustworthy. …For Emma right now, okay?
(...The way you said that...)
Gilbert: Thank you.
Julius: No, I'm glad I could help.
(...Ah, so that's what it means...)
Julius: Since when——
Julius is blatantly upset but swallows his words.
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Julius:…No, I understand. I will protect her even if it costs me my life.
(Julius is an Obsidian spy.….)
(…Just as Prince Chevalier said, you were close to him.)
Clavis: Hmm... then Cyril, you too. It's not enough to have only one guard for Obsidian's royal family.
Cyril: Yes, sir.
Leon: Then dismissed. Now, please do your part for the signing ceremony.
Leon's voice made people stand up from their seats as if time had begun to move.
Some looked at me as if they had something to say, while others quickly turned away, not wanting me to be in their sight.
(But I guess I got through the first barrier.)
(I don't expect the relationship to change right now, but I can start earning their trust with my actions.)
(I'll be able to attend the signing ceremony, so that leaves...)
Emma: Hey, Leon...where’s Luke?
Asking in a hushed voice, Leon beckoned Clavis, who was just about to get up.
Clavis: What is it?
Leon: Her Majesty is looking for Luke.
Leon: You know where he is, don't you? I know you were sneaking around with Chevalier last night.
Clavis: Haha. As expected of our leader. You can't be underestimated, can you?
(I don't know what you mean.)
Clavis: I have an idea...but do you really want to see him?
Emma: Yes, I have to see him now.
(I've been keeping my eye on Luke for a long time.)
(I stopped thinking about it too deeply when the owner came in that day, though...)
Gilbert: What kind of answer did you come up with?
Emma:….No, it’s nothing.
Gilbert: Liar.
(——As Lord Gilbert said, that was a lie.)
(I have a pretty good idea...of what Luke is.)
(I should have known when I was friends with Lord Gilbert.)
Clavis looked at me as if he were searching for something, but eventually he shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated manner.
Clavis: Then I'll go with you. If that's what the Empress requested?
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——Clavis prepares a carriage behind the court and sneaks out through the back gate.
Cyril and Julius are riding alongside us on horseback as escorts, but there is no one with them.
(I knew that not being in the court meant...)
Clavis: You noticed that, didn't you?
Emma: The way you said that...So did you, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes. By the way, my brother knows.
Clavis: Today, apart from Luke, Chevalier was the only one you didn't see, right?
Clavis: You're smart enough to know what's going on.
(...No way——)
Gilbert: For example, how do you feel when your loved one has to die for his country?
Gilbert: Is it clear that it can't be helped? Human beings are not so easy.
Gilbert: But he does it without hesitation. That's why he's such a cruel and merciless beast.
Gilbert: He has no hesitation in killing people. As Belle, you have one more insight, haven't you?
(Luke should now be "national harm" for Rhodolite.)
(And King Chevalier has no tolerance for any harm to the country...)
My blood turned so hot that I covered my mouth with my hand.
Clavis: As you can imagine, things are pretty serious.
Clavis: And "they" are also bloodthirsty and don't even have ears to listen to people's stories.
(Clavis also seems to have guessed what I'm trying to do.)
I don't know if he's aware of it, but his usual shady smile disappeared.
That's just how bad the situation is.
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Clavis: Are there any odds?
Emma: Of course there is.
(On the way to Rhodolite, I kept thinking about how to stop Lord Gilbert's plan.)
(But I don't know if it will work.)
What I'm about to do from now on is a direct challenge to Lord Gilbert, who misleads and controls people with his words and deeds.
Emma: Clavis, are you coming with us?
Clavis: As much as I'd like to.…..but Luke would probably overreact if I were there.
Clavis: Therefore, it may be a hindrance to Chevalier.
Emma:…Won't he get mad at you?
Clavis: It happens all the time.
Finally, Clavis smiles.
(It's not easy to get in King Chevalier's way...)
The cruel and merciless beast surely has no mercy for blood relatives.
(But I vaguely guessed that Clavis was "this kind of person.")
He is a prince of humanity.
Otherwise, he would not have ridden alone into enemy territory to save prisoners of war on Bloodstained Rose Day.
(With Clavis, I think...)
(I think he is a great man even though I selected Chevalier as king.)
Emma: Thank you so much, Clavis.
Clavis: What, I just want to harass my brother as usual.
Laughing loudly, Clavis turns his head to the window.
He seems to have finished everything he wanted to talk about.
(…Just at the right opportunity.)
Emma: Clavis….
Clavis: What?
His golden eyes reflect mine again.
Emma: This continent...so rife with the corruption of people with powers that it must be destroyed?
(I haven't seen that much of the corrupt world that Lord Gilbert knows, so I can't sympathize with him.)
(I just wonder how Clavis, who lives in a similar world, sees it.)
Ever since I learned of Lord Gilbert's ambitions at Obsidian, I had secretly wanted to ask him about it.
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Clavis: Well...now Chevalier is a good example.
Clavis: He identified the anti-monarchy as a threat to the country and planned to use force.
Clavis: He does not even consider the path of communication. He thinks that violence is the only way to control the situation in the name of defending the country.
Clavis: And because he is powerful, he is allowed to run rampant. Even if he had to kill them all.
Clavis: The same goes for most other countries. Absolute power through bloodlines can be a catastrophe if used improperly.
Clavis: The "rampant of power" you speak of is everywhere, you're not aware of it, are you?
Emma:…Yes, that’s right….
(I was blessed with my environment….)
(Many people may be saved by what Lord Gilbert is trying to do.)
Clavis: But as long as people are social creatures, power is bound to arise.
Clavis: Even if we kill Chevalier, the next power will come along and rule over.
Clavis: As long as there are people, there is no end to pervasive power.
(...Yes, that's ridiculous.)
(Even if you overthrow the monarchy using anti-monarchy groups, what awaits you is the next person in power...)
(It would have been nice if those people were of good character, but was that part of Lord Gilbert's plan?)
(Lord Gilbert, however, seems to have achieved his goal if the anti-monarchy group caused a riot.)
(Even though the new regime may not be Lord Gilbert's ideal... would he still choose to die at this time?)
Something caught my attention, and I raised my eyebrows, and that's when the carriage shook so much that my body slid off the seat.
Cyril: Are you all right!?
Clavis holds me up, and the tense voice of Cyril, who was running alongside us, follows.
Clavis: Yeah, what happened?
Julius:…It's like they're welcoming us.
(Welcoming us...?)
My ears pick up the sound of something exploding with a bang.
(That sound...)
I didn't have the knowledge before I went to Obsidian, but now I do.
(...It's a gunshot.)
Cyril and Julius, who were outside the window, raised their hands.
Cyril: Prince Clavis, we are surrounded by about 10 people.
Cyril: They all seem to have guns.
Clavis: To be spotted from this distance... Haha, my little brother, you're really something else, aren't you?
(If they have guns, then they are anti-monarchy...)
It's a forest outside.
If a gunshot rang out, it would be no impediment.
Clavis: Emma, I'm sorry. ….It looks like I'm going to have to go with you.
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(...This place...)
We were led by a group of armed men with guns pointed at us to the living room of a mansion deep in the woods.
At a glance, many of the faces I had seen before at Clavis' party.
They are no doubt the "anti-monarchy" people who are dissatisfied with the current monarchy and are thinking of starting a revolution.
And in the center of the crowd, there was a young man sitting comfortably on a sofa like a king.
(...To be honest, before I came here, I only thought he might be a member of the anti-monarchy faction...)
Emma: Luke, you are the leader of the anti-monarchy faction.
When I met Luke for the first time in a while, his young leaf-colored eyes were dark and stagnant.
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Luke:…I know you've noticed. I've misspoken a few times in front of you.
Clavis: Luke, don't you think it's a good idea to point a gun at a woman, okay?
Clavis, who was standing next to me with his hands raised, had been standing there blocking the barrel of the gun for some time now.
Cyril and Julius did the same and seemed to be trying to protect me.
(I have to be careful...)
Luke: I'll take that as a no. I don't have anything against Emma either, but if Chevalier's going to come and destroy us, it'll be today, right?
Luke: There's nothing better than being cautious. Emma is on Chevalier's side.
(He sees through it all.)
Luke: What are you guys doing here?
Emma:…I wanted to see you, Luke.
Luke: Did Gilbert tell you anything?
Emma: No. Nothing...but I did hear about your plan.
Emma: Lord Gilbert is trying to bring down the current administration from within by supplying arms to the anti-monarchy factions in each country.
Emma: Until now, the guns in the hands of Luke and his friends have been nothing more than lumps of metal…
Emma: Before the signing ceremony tomorrow, Lord Gilbert will present you all with bullets.
(…After I left Obsidian, Lord Gilbert made his move, too.)
This place was already filled with a bloodthirsty atmosphere, like a battlefield.
People have a fighting spirit in their eyes and may be in a situation where they do not listen to what Clavis says.
Emma: I'm sure there will be many guests of honor at the signing ceremony tomorrow, right?
Emma: The security measures will be so heavy, I don't think it will be easy to drop them…
Emma: If everyone has Obsidian firearms, then you have a good chance of winning.
Emma: This is your chance to hit the royal family. …I thought you guys might make a move tomorrow.
(…And, as expected, they seem to be preparing with a sharp eye.)
Luke: I think not, but you have not come to convince me.
Emma: Yes.
The moment I admit it, I can even feel the deadly atmosphere being thrown off all over the place.
Although not as deadly as Lord Gilbert's murderous intent, my body cowered unconsciously.
Luke: You are indeed being too reckless. Gilbert should have stopped you…
Emma: I don't think I need to stop. He doesn't think I'll be able to stop his plans even if I struggle.
Luke: You're right. You should give it up too.
Emma: I don't want to...Luke, don't do this.
Emma: Were the princes in the Rhodolite court so irredeemable that they had to riot?
Luke's eyebrows, which had never lost their composure, twitched.
Emma: You know. You know that they are good people.
Emma: Nokto and Licht, Leon and Yves, Clavis and King Chevalier...even Jin...
Emma: I…liked the Rhodolitian princes very much. They were all so kind and warm.
Clavis: Except Chevalier.
(…Clavis, are you an ally or an enemy!?)
Luke: I guess so. Maybe you're right, maybe they were good guys.
Luke: But, you know, even the best of them, could you say the same thing if they killed your family?
(…His family was killed?)
Luke: You didn't just ask me about bloodstained rose day 10 years ago, did you?
Luke: That day...my family was killed by Rhodolite royalty.
(…No way...)
Luke: Her head sprang off her neck, right in front of me,
Luke:…Can you still forgive them?
Emma: This must be... some kind of misunderstanding.
Emma: No prince I have ever seen would kill an innocent person.
Luke: But, in fact, she was killed. …For whatever reason, she was killed.
Luke: After all, it was the royal family that caused the bloodstained rose day.
Luke: We lost something important because they made the wrong diplomatic decision.
Luke:…You also know about the former king, right? That bastard asshole.
Gilbert:......Do you know the story of Luke's mother?
Gilbert: His mother was just a maid in the service of the court.
Gilbert: But the king forced himself on her because she looked like the woman he loved.
Gilbert: Heartbroken, she left the court to give birth and raise Luke in secret.
(Luke...only Luke...)
(There is no reason to trust royalty.)
Luke: When I think of that kind of royalty, it makes me want to destroy them.
Luke: I admire Gilbert's ideal of a democratic society—— a country centered on the people, not royalty.
Emma:…So you're going to start a revolt with guns?
Emma: Will you hurt a lot of people…because you are angry, sad, and resentful?
Emma: That weapon you have may take the life of another innocent person.
Emma: Then next time those people might want to kill you and start another uprising.
Emma: I'm sure everyone here, including Luke, remembers the tragedy of bloodstained rose day.
Emma: But you... are you going to stain the roses with blood again?
Emma: In the end, it's a roundabout path. You are just being used by Lord Gilbert to get what he wants…
Emma: You just get weapons and think you're allowed to do whatever you want…
Emma: What's the difference between someone in power who thinks "a person with status can do as he pleases to those with lower status"!?
As I raised my voice, the deadly atmosphere swelled—— some of them were even holding firearms.
(...They all have tools that can easily take lives.)
(They are so tainted with Lord Gilbert's malice that they have no doubt that this is the right thing to do.)
(Oh, why...)
(I wonder if he likes people who can corrupt good people to such an extent, like me.)
Luke: I don't care what you say, I ain't going to stop now.
Luke: I'm not going to listen to you. …You're going to stay in prison until we get to the bottom of this.
Luke signals with his eyes, and an armed, strong man tries to take us somewhere.
(…I'm not done talking about it yet!)
Emma: Listen! Do you really think Lord Gilbert is on your side?
Emma: I don't think so. Even you guys must have disagreed about that...
Emma: Don't be deceived by his sweet talk, look at the reality! Lord Gilbert's purpose is probably not to wipe out those in power!
Luke:…Then, what the hell are you on about?
(I know it's a lot...)
On the long road from Obsidian to Rhodolite, I thought seriously about it.
As a result, there is an answer that I have arrived at.
Emma: Lord Gilbert is a beast that doesn't love people.
Emma: If he doesn't love anyone, he doesn't care what happens to any of you.
Emma:...Pretending to be on the side of the weak, but in truth...
Emma: ——How did you become a beast, Lord Gilbert?
On the last day before I left Obsidian, I once asked Lord Gilbert while in his arms.
It was a forbidden question that the owner told me not to ask.
Gilbert: Oh, you want to know?
I nodded, and Lord Gilbert put his head on my shoulder.
Gilbert: I guess this is our last time...
Emma: It's not the last. There are still many things we don't know about you, Lord Gilbert.
Emma: Don't think that today is the end.
Gilbert:…I don't like it. I feel like I'm about to get stripped.
Emma: I intend to do so. Since Lord Gilbert had obtained information about me from the owner…
Emma: I have a right to know a lot of things, too.
(Please, don't say this is our last time.)
Gilbert: Hehe… I see what you mean.
Lord Gilbert's smile was somewhat happy.
Gilbert:…I told you before. I used to be a stupid kid who loved everything.
Gilbert: I didn't like my father because he was crazy even back then, but...
Gilbert: I loved my mother, my brothers, my friends, my acquaintances, everyone.
Gilbert: Even in a castle full of deceit and corruption, there were times of peace.
(That was probably the kind-hearted childhood that Cyril and the owner were talking about.)
Gilbert: But one day, when the Emperor announced that he would choose a successor, everyone's eyes changed.
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Gilbert: My older brothers, who had been good friends, formed a faction, and they took the servants and nobles under their wing, and the rifts deepened...
Gilbert: Soon, they began to kill each other fiercely.
Gilbert: Kicking someone down to gain power was as common as breathing in our country.
(…I can't imagine it at all, and I can't empathize with him.)
(But that's the world that Lord Gilbert has seen….)
Gilbert: Fortunately, I was born sickly. A fragile prince who can only stay on the bed was put on the back burner.
Gilbert: One by one, I watched the people I loved die.
Gilbert: After about the tenth person died, my heart became numb and I no longer felt anything.
He snuggles up to me like a spoiled tiger, and I embrace Lord Gilbert.
Gilbert: Maybe it was not a good environment for me to be under such a heavy mental load, but one day I got so sick that I thought I was going to die.
Gilbert: Albert and my mother forced me to go to Rhodolite for medical treatment.
Gilbert: For about a year...I took only Walter with me, and secretly recuperated in Rhodolite.
Gilbert: They were so overprotective, they wrote me letters and sent them to me regularly
(Those were the letters that were in the hideout. The proof that he was a "person" that Lord Gilbert still has in his possession...)
Gilbert: But then one day, the letters just stopped arriving.
Gilbert: I had a bad feeling about that, and I went back to my country...what do you think had happened?
Emma:…They were…killed?
Gilbert: Exactly. Their heads were lined up in the halls of the castle.
I was speechless.
Gilbert: Albert and my mother.…were both executed for expressing their opinions to the Emperor to stop the struggle for the succession.
Gilbert: I'm sure they were trying to clean Obsidian by the time I got back.
Gilbert:…They're really stupid. I was more cunning and cruel than any of my brothers, just because I was sickly.
(I can't stand it…..)
(.…I can't stand that kind of thing.)
Gilbert: They died selfishly. While I was shunned and exposed to a corrupt world.
Gilbert: ——Oh, I finally realized how cruel human nature can be.
Gilbert: Once it rots, it falls anywhere. I didn't know that because I loved everything.
Gilbert: First, I killed my brother, who laughed at Albert's death. Second, I killed the power-hungry people around me.
Gilbert: I killed and killed and killed….until I found myself in the good graces of the Emperor and a high position.
Gilbert: I ruled many countries under his command. I did a lot of dirty things that I couldn't tell you.
Gilbert: And so I came to be known as the trampling beast.
Lord Gilbert’s voice holds no emotion in there.
He is simply…laying out the events that have happened.
Events that were once unbearable for a boy with a pure and beautiful heart are now so unbearable that Lord Gilbert can't think anything of them.
(I now know why his red eye don't reflect people.)
When I put strength into my arms, Lord Gilbert suddenly smiled.
Gilbert: You were exposed to a lot of malice, but in the end, you didn't waver.
Gilbert: I continued to believe in the goodness of people to the end, even though I could have mistrusted them. Even now...
Gilbert: I think I can turn the people’s hearts in black back to white without killing them.
Gilbert: Unlike me, you're pure white.
Gilbert: You're not dyed black. …You're dazzlingly white.
Emma: ——Lord Gilbert is testing you.
Emma: He gave you weapons, and see what choices you will make."
Emma: He's the kind of person who declares that there is no love in a human's nature, so I'm sure...
Emma: I'm sure he's been waiting for someone to say "no" to him for a long time.
(Because Lord Gilbert used to believe in love.)
(...I think he was really looking for a way to correct the corruption other than violence.)
Luke:….What the hell.
Emma: You’re right, "What the hell".
Emma: It's too bad I can't just dismiss you as a "troublemaker," but...
Emma: But please...reconsider.
Emma: Don't be fooled by Lord Gilbert's sweet words and lose yourself.
Emma:…I know Luke went through a difficult time with the loss of his precious family.
Emma: But as far as I can tell, all the princes were nice to Luke, weren't they?
Emma: Let's talk before resorting to violence. ...You'll fall into the hands of a beast like Lord Gilbert. Come on.
Emma: You can still turn back now.
(It may be too late for Lord Gilbert, but not for the people here.)
Stepping forward, Luke pulls out a lump of metal from the back pocket of his hoodie.
It was the same as the one I have...the small gun Lord Gilbert called a "prototype".
Luke: I don't give a damn! Whatever Gilbert's intentions are, I don't care.
Luke: I've lived my whole life to avenge her! If you get in my way, I'm ready to kill you too.
When the bullets have been loaded, my view is blocked by a white coat.
Emma:…Clavis, please step aside.
Clavis: No, this is indeed a serious matter.
Emma: I'll be fine.
(…It's okay.)
Gently pushing Clavis away, I step forward.
Then, at Lord Gilbert's command, I carefully took out the gun I had hidden in my thigh and placed it on the floor.
Luke: You, that's...
Emma:…Luke also got that from Lord Gilbert, right?
Emma: I won't use it. I will never use it.
Emma: I cannot resort to violence to carry out my intentions.
Emma: I like Luke because he's always been nice to me.…you know?
The barrel of a gun never deviates from mine.
Luke: I'm...
I continue to believe and keep my eyes on Luke.
It felt like an eternity.
Luke's finger on the trigger—
???: That's enough.
A strong force pulls me in, and Luke disappears from sight.
The scent of roses grazed my nose and took my breath away.
Chevalier: That's enough of that.
Emma: King...Chevalier?
Enclosed in a white cloak, I blink my eyes.
A wave of turmoil and alarm spread, not only among me but also among those around me who did not seem to notice.
Chevalier: I think you've had enough of these talks.
Chevalier: Simpleton...there is nothing more you can do.
Chevalier: His mind is filled with bloodbath, too. He needs time to think.
Luke: Are you alone? I thought you were going to take control.
Chevalier: That was the plan, but the return of the proxy Empress messed up my plans.
Chevalier:…I've made a troubling promise.
(What do you mean by "promise"?)
King Chevalier pulls me roughly and throws me forcefully toward Luke, who is standing there.
If Luke hadn't dropped his gun and caught me on the spur of the moment, I would have been badly bruised.
Luke: You…!
Chevalier: Have you noticed?
Luke looks startled and frozen, and Prince Chevalier takes me away again.
Chevalier: This woman rode into enemy territory like a fool and tried to persuade you.
Chevalier: You have resorted to force and abandoned your thoughts. You have given up everything to the beast.
Chevalier: It's as clear as daylight which side of us is the winner.
Carrying me on his shoulders, King Chevalier walks away, unconcerned about the turmoil around him.
Chevalier: I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
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After leaving the mansion, King Chevalier throws me into the carriage.
I was thrown to the seat and somehow managed to catch myself,
King Chevalier was unconcerned and left Clavis and the others behind as well.
Emma: How did you...?
This is not a muttering against King Chevalier's outlandish behavior.
(How did you…get here…)
Chevalier:…A one-time favor from an old friend.
Sighing uninterestedly, King Chevalier crosses his arms.
Sitting next to him was someone who should not have been there.
Gilbert: Good. You're alive.
Emma: Lord…Gilbert?
Gilbert: Hehe, I told you. I said I'd be there to witness the signing ceremony.
Gilbert: I just wanted to surprise you.
(This is impossible...)
(…He's not supposed to be here.)
Even though I understand it in my head, the person in front of me is Lord Gilbert himself…
However, that red eye reflected a "person".
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The Obsidianite Jewel
A fem!reader x Chevalier Michel Fanfiction
Chapter 17 -> Chapters Masterlist
Words: 4132
Warnings: language, violence, blood
Summary: It all started when your fiancé, Prince Gilbert, brought you to the palace of Rhodolite. He hoped he would find the secrets of the princes. Instead, he lost your heart to the brutal beast. However, Gilbert is not going to let your heart wander away easily
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"Since when do you of all people sigh?", said Prince James.
"Since meeting your sister", Gilbert rubbed the bridge of his nose. He had his head laid back on the large velvet armchair he had claimed, a glass of bourbon in his hand.
James chuckled. "You better get your head straight or you'll lose", he said as he moved another chess piece on the giant board. Only they were not chess pieces; they were war figurines, stolen from some General's cupboard, and the board was a map of the continent.
"Maybe you'll get your chance to win then", said the Young Emperor.
James gave him an innocent smile. He raised his own glass in a toast. "How can I ever win against an Emperor, Your Majesty", he mocked.
"Stop", Gilbert stood. He walked up to James, stealing the small iron knight from his grasp. He took one look at the board in front of them before deciding to place the piece on a great flat plane, where James had left his scouts.
"My my", James said with a smile, "You just obliterated my men"
"It was your fault for leaving them so open to a cavalry attack", Gilbert responded, "Even the most archaic of armies would have torn them apart".
They sat in agreed silence for a while before James broke it with an invitation to a Merchant's birthday celebration.
"I don't think I'll be in the mood", Gilbert scowled.
"Oh come on", James leaned back on the board, "What's got your knickers in a knot?"
Gilbert sat back down, covering his free eye with his hand. His back slouched as he breathed out a heavy sigh.
"You alright mate?", James asked concerned.
Gilbert kept his head down. He took the Queen of Hearts out of the card deck he kept in his pocket and turned it around and around in his hands. "I don't know what to do", he stilled the card, the queen facing him. "I want to kill him", he said, "I truly want to kill him. But that would make me lose her forever"
"Kill who?"
"The King of Rhodolite?", James chuckled, "Why?"
"You don't know?"
"You're the only family who talks to me"
Gilbert held his breath. "He hurt your sister", he chose his words carefully, "and he's still going after her"
James' smile fell off. "What?", he asked.
"You've probably heard about his father", Gilbert turned his head away to hide the smile, his chin resting on his hand, "Do you think the son would be all that different?"
James was casually leaning back on the table that held their game, yet his voice betrayed all the emotions Gilbert hoped to draw out of him. "I heard the brutal beast had a mistress".
"I know for a fact there's a girl named Emma living in the castle"
Gilbert had to keep his back to James as he spoke; his smile stretched his lips too wide, his eyes shone too brightly with wicked victory.
"Bastard", said James, "Why hasn't y/n done anything?"
Gilbert's smile fell. He had to think of something, fast. "She's the future monarch", he said, "Has she ever done anything to give people doubt over her capability for that role?"
"No", James muttered, "As long as it stays a secret she will not act against him".
Gilbert's expression relaxed. It grew joyous once more at the sound of James' next words.
"If he's still a threat then I suppose I could arrange an accident"
Gilbert was practically beaming. Despite his young years, James was especially adept with all the tools required to survive in the world of royal politics; That included eloquence, reason and, most of all, cunning.
"You don't have to do that", he said knowing James was too far gone to back down.
"Hey, I already live in exile", he said, "there's no reason I should not help a friend"
Gilbert's heart clenched. No, he could not back down now. He would not.
"You should know", he told James, "He has a strong threshold for poison, and he's quite skilled with the blade too"
James chuckled. "What a challenge", he said colorfully, "Now I'm actually intrigued to see if I can"
"I'm sure you can", said Gilbert, "You're very capable.
"I'm not sure how that matters anymore"
Gilbert turned to trace him once more. He stood and walked up close enough to rest a hand on the young prince's shoulder.
"There are a lot of changes I plan on making in Obsidian", he said, "Replacing incompetent lords being one of them"
That seemed to peak James' interest.
"You could have the power of a Count as you wait for your father to reinstate you", Gilbert added, "You don't have to just wallow in exile"
James smiled. "You got yourself a deal"
"How long has it been since you two spoke?", Emma asked from the other side of the cramped carriage.
She had insisted on coming with Chevalier when he left for Benitoite because, as she put it, she owed y/n so much. Yves tagged along when he heard Clavis was coming. And so three people ended up sharing Jonathan's carriage, Chevalier and Clavis following in the carriage behind.
"Almost two years, ever since his exile", said Jonathan, "Y/n always kept contact though. You could say he's always been her Clavis. Well...he's not as nice"
"Not as nice?", Yves shrieked, "You're telling me he's worse than Clavis?". His hands clung to the sides of the carriage as he heaved like a frigthened kitten.
"That is not the part we should be worried about"
"There's more!?", Emma rested her hand on Yves' shoulder as he cried.
"I'm afraid so", Jonathan continued, "He's friends with Gilbert"
Emma grasped the hand of a very panicked Yves, her thumb tracing over his knuckles. "How are we going to convince him to help us then?", she asked calmly.
"We don't, but Chevalier must", said Jonathan.
"This plan is already doomed", Yves despaired.
Jonathan rested his cheek on his hand. "I don't know", he said, "I know my brother. He would never do anything to hurt our family".
He fiddled with his gloves. He turned his gaze outside the glass window of the carriage as they entered the capital. A blue streak of ocean peaked between the houses at every alley they passed by on their way to the royal palace.
"In any case we need him", Jonathan said, "Much like you lot have factions you could say we do too. I serve as a connection to the people, while James is a master in the world of nobility". His shoulders slouched, his arms wrapping around his body. "I'm really useless when it comes to politics and etiquette", he said as the carriage came to a halt, "Even though younger, he's always been the better prince"
"We're here your Highnesses, lady", one of the knights knocked on the door.
"You said he was exiled?", Emma asked before Jonathan could reach for the handle.
But the prince never responded.
Chevalier fixed his long white coat. It seemed preposterous to attend a noble's party as the head of a nation, and yet lately he seemed quite prone to do illogical things. Prince James had sent Clavis an invitation the moment they arrived in Benitoite. He must have a pretty good network of spies of his own, he thought. Eyepatch was assumed to be the hand that guided all the shadows in the continent and yet given what Jonathan said about his brother, it would be safe to assume that this title was at the very least shared.
He looked through the mirror at y/n's book he had left on the nightstand. His mind battled his heart every minute since she had left. Up until Jonathan showed up in the garden, his mind was winning; but that was only because his heart assumed y/n would be happier without him. That was the sole reason he had not stopped her. But now that it knew she was miserable, it ached and screamed in his chest, clawing its way to his limps and thoughts, unrelentlessly usurping the crown of control.
Loving someone meant you wanted their happiness more than your own. Chevalier had learnt that the hard way. But hearts do not wait for misery to end; they fight until happiness is within their grasp.
It was a quiet event. Yet even the quietest of events would have been filled with rumours as a foreign King arrived, never mind one so rumoured for his coldness and so gossiped about after his recent and sudden change.
"Your Majesty, Your Highnesses", the nobleman came in uneasy steps to greet them, "It is truly an honour to welcome you to my estate".
"The honour is ours, your Lordship", Clavis gave the man a bright smile.
Chevalier wanted to walk away, find the prince and get away from this event. There was nothing he could say that would justify his presence. He represented his nation, now more than ever. He was the head of state, the crown, he was not supposed to attend informal celebrations. So he had nothing to say when the lord asked him about his presence.
"I decided to experience the Benitonian style of life", Chevalier was glad to had brought Clavis along. His brother flung an arm over his shoulder as he continued, "We're here to strengthen our alliance after all and what better way is there than to better understand the life here?"
"Yes, that is correct", Chevalier shook Clavis' arm off of his shoulder.
"Oh! I see!", the nobleman beamed, "Well you have certainly come to the right place, your Majesty! Here you'll meet the cream of Benitoite, and beyond!"
Chevalier gave the man a nod of agreement which the latter probably considered as animosity, given the nervous tick that overtook him. But that did not matter. Chevalier searched the room as his brother occupied the lord. Jonathan stood next to him, shoulders slouched.
"Do you see him?", Chevalier asked the prince.
"No. Not yet."
"What does he look like? "
"I haven't seen him in two years but...brown hair, dark blue eyes. And he always used to carry a cross mother had given him, before he ran away from the church"
"He was a monk?"
"Father wanted him to be a priest"
Chevalier's brows furrowed. Jonathan said he ran away from that world yet he still carried a part of it with him. He had his worries when he heard he was friends with Gilbert, but perhaps Jonathan was not foolish to believe his attachment to his family still held. He gestured towards the other side of the room. Jonathan nodded. It would be easier to search for James if they split up.
The young King walked with a face of ice among the nobleman's guests. He searched from the orchestra to the buffet, from the dance floor to the corridors hidden behind the arches of the grand ballroom, yet he could not find the prince anywhere. He was supposed to be-
Something heavy fell on top of him as he turned around a dark corner. A woman in a tight dress with a low neckline that complimented her figure was using his arms as a crutch in an effort to stand up. The remnants of a broken heel lay behind her. Her red nails plunged into the fabric of his jacket. Chevalier looked at her with a gaze of stone as her eyes widened in realization of what she had done. Without her heel, she lost her balance and reached for the nape of his jacket. Chevalier took a step forward under the weight. He clenched his teeth, grabbing her arm and pulling her up.
"Thank you Sir", her voice softened, "You really saved my dignity. That was kind of you"
Chevalier did not respond.
"I'm Melody", she curtseyed, her breasts threatening to spill from her corset. When she raised her gaze again, Chevalier was already gone.
How foolish, he thought, was being a Queen so tempting that there were now women greedy and desperate enough to resort to these vile methods of temptation? Would they still approach him if y/n was at his side? He passed by a swarm of girls, leaning over the balcony that looked to the garden.
"If I asked him to steal me away from here do you think he would?"
"Doubt, I heard he has a fiancee"
"Would that still be on? He's in exile isn't he?"
Chevalier stopped. He was always quiet, but he always listened, and he had never been more grateful than at that moment. He turned around. The girls were staring at something in the garden.
"If she's not here it's her loss", one of them said, "If he loved me I would not let him go"
"I don't know I'd be scared", another added, "They say he's the devil"
"Well then call me damned"
They giggled. That was when their silly banter stopped. Their eyes suddenly register Chevalier approaching. They did not know who he was; if they had, they would not be staring at his eyes with such marvel.
"Is it Prince James you speak of?", he said. For some reason his voice had the girls nudging at each other.
"Yes", a blonde one cleared her throat.
"I need to speak to him about an important matter", Chevalier looked at the now empty garden, "Was he in the garden?"
The girls turned their eyes back over the rim of the balcony. They looked at each other confused.
"He was here a second ago"
Chevalier nodded and, before they could ask him anything else, he disappeared into the darkness that covered the staircase which led to the garden. He quickly passed from the point where James was supposed to had been, carefully hiding himself in the shadows so that the girls would not see him. He looked right and left but the prince was nowhere to be seen. As he passed by the door that led to the beach, a dark figure caught his eye. The orange light of a cigarette lifting and dropping along with his hand, a young man in his early twenties stood on the dark beach by himself, his gaze glued to the horizon. It was too dark to make out his eyes, but his hair was sure to be brown, its soft locks elegantly brushed away from the man's face.
"Prince James", Chevalier called.
The man breathed out some smoke before lazily turning his gaze to meet the King's. "Yes, and you are?", he said.
"Let's not pretend you're not already aware of that", he said in his usual cold tone.
The prince chuckled. "The famed brutal beast", he reached in his pocket to fetch another cigarette, "Or should I say infamous?". He chuckled by himself. He offered the cigarette to Chevalier. "It's flowers, just flavour, not smoke", he said as soon as Chevalier denied his offer.
His eyes were dropped. His movements loose. "No", Chevalier said again.
James leaned back on a nearby rock, his posture, not one reflecting his stature. Chevalier was only just noticing the subtle details; his shirt was half unbuttoned, his eyes heavy with dark circles. His dark blue jacket was stained with something, the smell of alcohol emanating overwhelmingly hard from the spot.
"You came here with my brother", he drew his words, "My awesome big brother"
"I did", Chevalier said plainly.
"Did he tell you we haven't met in two years?"
"He said you were mad at him"
"Did he tell you why??", James leaned closer and closer with each sentence, his eyes wide as they interrogated the young King.
Chevalier took a deep breath. "No", he admitted.
"Jonathan got mad that I fixed his screw-up", said James, "He would had married a greedy whore who never gave a dime about his heart and all she wanted was to be a princess"
"BUT HE'S THAT MUCH OF A GULLIBLE IDIOT", James cried, "And when I had her other love affairs published in the papers and had her name ruined he was mad at ME!"
James yelled at Chevalier's face, but his expression did not shift an inch. He took a deep breath before reaching for him. James shoved the hand away. Chevalier frowned. He grabbed the young man by the collar and dragged him along with him as he walked back to the gate. James fought back, as much as the alcohol allowed him.
"The hell are you doing?", he cried, "let me go!". James kicked Chevalier on the leg until he was able to pry himself away, mostly because the young King released him as he rolled his eyes. "Just who do you think you are?", the prince said.
Chevalier did not respond. It was clear that James had now gone on the defensive. Whatever Chevalier said to him, even if it made absolute sense as a logical argument, to the eyes of a drunk and desperate man it would appear to be an attack. He has hoped to at least bring him inside the carriage and have Jonathan take care of him but...
"You're just as pathetic", James mumbled, "I can't believe y/n fell for the same trick"
That drew Chevalier's attention. That was bad, did he think-
"Did you have your fun?", James mocked, "Did you think of Gilbert every time you screwed her? Or was it the money? I know who you are, I've been hearing about you for years. You never do anything without a reason"
That's right; Clavis said they kept tabs. He would had surely complained to this man countless times about his old self. Chevalier never had a blank slate to begin with. He clenched his fists. He lowered his fuming gaze. He had to stay calm. He had been called heartless and ruthless his entire life. So why was it affecting him so much now?
"She wanted to love you and you made her your cock sleeve ", James hissed.
Chevalier had never felt himself snap; yet that was the only thing that could describe the overwhelming feeling that ran through his body, taking control before his mind could think. His hands moved by themselves to grab James and shove him on the rock. His fingers wrapped around the man's throat, his gaze murderous. James gasped for air. That small desperate tune snapped the King back to his senses. He looked back at the prince. His eyes frightened, his fingers clawing at his neck; he was just a kid, almost ten years younger than Chevalier. He let him go, and the prince fell on his knees as he struggled for breath.
Chevalier had ruined his chances.
"Go inside, get water", he said plainly before turning to leave, "I'll find your brother. He'll take you back"
"Gilbert wants you dead", James said.
Chevalier stopped walking. "I know", he said.
"You're not gonna do anything about it?"
"He's not being unreasonable to wish it", Chevalier said coldly, "But going through with it would be irresponsible for someone of his-"
"He ordered me to kill you", James said in a plain tone.
Chevalier straightened his back. "That would be unwise", he responded.
"I know I don't stand a chance", James kept his head low, "Which is why I am not going through with it". Chevalier's face creased from confusion. "Let's talk inside", James waved at him, "I'm getting cold".
The moment Chevalier turned back to the estate he was confronted by four armed soldiers, pointing their blades at his chest. Their clothes were black, blending in with the shadows of the garden, the silver crest of Obsidian embroidered in their capes. Chevalier reached for his sword, quickly unsheathing and taking a defensive pose. Before he could charge at his attackers however, he heard James' quiet yelp from behind. He turned around to find the prince helplessly bound with rope, a short dagger grazing his throat. His eyes shone with desperation underneath the lonely moon, his brows creased with panic.
"Well, well, well, if it is not the Brutal Beast", said one of the soldiers. He kept himself safely behind the protection of his comrades' blades, away from Chevalier's reach. He directed his next words to James, "His Majesty knew you'd back down, you traitorous mongrel".
James thrashed harshly in his attackers' grasp but was only met with a sharp hit on his head with a scabbard. Chevalier's breath caught; Gilbert had really gotten out of control.
"Nothing personal your Majesty, but we would like to execute the traitor now", the man gestured at his followers with his gloved hand
The blade straightened up against James' neck. "Don't", Chevalier said viciously, "You do that, you die"
"We'll die anyway if we don't", said the leader, "Don't worry, your Majesty, we'll have a go at you before the end"
"You will sign your obituary with that but", Chevalier breathed heavily. It was too soon for y/n to lose someone else. Both she and Jonathan had spoken of how y/n and James were the closest in their family. This would surely break her. "Your goal is to kill me", he said calmly, "I will allow it if you let him live"
"The hell is wrong with-"
"A great deal", Chevalier cut James off, "A great deal that would surely only burden your sister in a number of ways"
"And you think sacrificing yourself would make her happy somehow?"
"No. If she loves me half as much as I do her I know it would devastate her", Chevalier said, "But that would still be too little in contrast to how she'd feel if I allow you to be murdered under my watch". He lowered his gaze, his voice broken. "She's known me for a year tops. You are family. I have no delusions of my importance"
The leader nodded. He gestured his followers to release James and they pushed him to the sand. "Now your sword", he said and Chevalier complied.
"Go", The King told James. The prince staggered away in fear. "Tell y/n I-"
Chevalier's eyes fell on one of his attackers' shoes; specifically its broken heel. His mind finally realised what was bugging him since the soldiers arrived. His body finally relaxed.
"James", he called, "Call back your people or else."
James' eyes widened before he exploded into a burst of uncontrollable laughter. "Man", he breathed, "You're good. It took you a while longer than I thought it would though, I'm honoured"
"You're not even drunk are you"
"That is true as well", James wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes as the soldiers threw away their ridiculous attires.
"My, I think it was the heel"
Chevalier turned his gaze to the soldier with the broken heel. Or rather, the woman who had fallen into his arms when he was at the ball. She had pulled back her hair into a tight ponytail, her tight dress replaced by light black armor that covered her entire body.
"It was hardly the only clue darlin", James threw his arm over her shoulder, giving her a small peck on the cheek.
"Let me apologize for the way I spoke to you your Majesty", the man who was portraying the troop leader bent his body in half, "The truth is, he is an ass"
"Melville, shut up", James fixed his suit. He ran his fingers over his slick hair, clearing it away from his face. "I'm surprised Clavis hasn't gotten one on you over the years", he said. Chevalier did not respond. "Ooh scary", James smiled deviously before approaching the young King, "You have my full support. I'll help you in whatever way I can"
Chevalier raised his eyebrow. "Why?"
"Melville, please take the others and fuck off"
"Your Majesty", Melville bowed to Chevalier once again, "If you kill him I won't say a word"
James pretended to be shocked. "Et tu Brutus?", he said theatrically.
Melville shook his shoulders with a smile before gesturing the other soldiers to follow him.
"Melody, honey, you too please", James wrapped his hand around the woman's waist and gave her a short kiss on the lips.
Melody cupped his cheeks, smiling, before turning to Chevalier. "I won't say anything either", she said playfully and kissed James' exaggeratedly shocked mask of a face.
He watched her form with a smile until she disappeared into the depths of the estate.
"I see", said Chevalier.
"Probably not", James sighed, "But you're starting to". He fixed his eyes on Chevalier's. "True love is sacrifice", he said determined, "Gilbert only understands obsession".
He handed over a crumbled letter to the young King, y/n's beautiful signature at its bottom. It was filled with words of love for Chevalier, even though it was addressed to James. Words smudged with tears. It told of her struggle to love Gilbert, or even be around him when her thoughts were occupied by his hated rival. How she cried when the bed was empty and how she only slept with her back on her fiance, to pretend he was someone else. How she hurt to not give back to Gilbert when he tried so hard, but her concern was Chevalier's broken heart as she gazed at it behind his beautiful blue eyes.
"I wish I had never met one of them, for knowing both has broken me. Chevalier taught me love while Gilbert showed me why I can't ever have it", the last sentences read, "If I had not met Chevalier I would live in happy ignorance. If I had not met Gilbert, I would spend my days in ecstatic happiness. What measure of apology would be enough for me to want the latter?"
"If she had never met me..."
"That is not the point", James snatched the letter away, "This letter is simply proof that my sister is a good person. But i'm not. And I sure as hell know you're not either"
Chevalier frowned. What did he mean?
"Is it really that wrong to want happiness?"
Chevalier let out a deep sigh. "For people of our"
"Cut the crap. Of course it's not. You're human. Both of you are". James was frowning. His eyes blazed, drilling deep into Chevalier's as they challenged his ideals. "Let me ask you this", he said, "Why did you come here?"
Chevalier remained silent for a little while. "Because she's not happier without me as I first thought", he finally said.
James smiled again. "Exactly", he told him, "So let's get you back in her arms"
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fatetcrn · 1 year
So I was wondering WHAT IF Felix had a son. No, wait, please listen... he would result of a dalliance / whirlwind affair during his time in Orlais before the Darkspawn attack. And so I started Thinking:
FULL NAME: Julien Chapdelaine later Alexius BIRTH DATE: The 9th day of Ferventes ( Justinian ), 9:33 Dragon. AGE: 11 at the time of the Exalted Council in 9:44 GENDER: Male ( he / him / his ) SPECIES: Human ETHINCITY: Tevinter / Orlesian NATIONALITY: Orlesian BIRTHPLACE:  Orlais HOMETOWN: Wine estate outside Val Chevin. FAMILY: Raised by Lady Margot Rousseau's sister and her husband as their own. His real parentage kept secret. Siblings: Two younger half sisters cousins. RELIGION: Raised as a devout Andrastian LANGUAGES: Primarily Orlesian and Trade Tongue. Later Tevene. AFFILIATION: The White Spire OCCUPATION: Apprentice CLASS: A very promising and powerful mage SPECIALIZATION:  Selected to train as a Knight Enchanter conjuring any number of blades, swords and daggers, though he is not a fighter ( later would develop a strong talent and preference for healing and a desire to be a Spirit Healer instead but ends up training as both ) GENERAL APPEARANCE:
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Looks remarkably like his father which often fueled rumours in certain unremarkable corners of Orlesian society that couldn't be substantiated or denied. HEIGHT: 4"11"( and growing ) WEIGHT: 90lbs BUILD: tall, slight, gangly and a little awkward FACECLAIM: Cody Molko
PERSONALITY: Polite and well-mannered though mischievous and and almost recklessly adventurous ( always pushing boundaries ). Still young and innocent and optimistic in his outlook on life but as he grows up he becomes more guarded and calculating. Shows signs of being ambitious and competitive though he has his fathers compassion and empathy. NOTABLE QUIRKS / TRAITS: terrible at math, magic comes as second nature to him, great with animals, likes to climb things, hide, avid reader VIRTUES: intelligent, curious, gentle, gregarious, determined VICES:  cunning, unforgiving, hasty, quick to judge, layered GENERAL OUTWARD DEMEANER: cheerful, friendly, inquisitive
HISTORY: His mother, Margot Rousseau was a daughter of an Orlesian merchant of lesser nobility with modest influence and considerable wealth. She was a promising artist and writer and a fiery and independent spirit that her parents though they could tame by betrothing her to a Chevalier from a prestigious noble line.
Felix met her in early 9:32 Dagon through her brother who he studied with. Felix and Margit instantly fell in love and their romance, while a discretely kept secret, was wildly passionate, lasting several months. However, it wasn't long before she fell pregnant. When her family found out they were furious and she was forbidden to see Felix ever again. To protect her from scandal, she was sent on a "pilgrimage " but went to stay with her older sister who lived far out in the country on a sprawling wine estate called Chateau Chapdelaine not far from Val Chevin. In the summer of Dragon 9: 33 she gave birth to a boy who is a splitting image of his father. It was decided that he would be raised by Margot's sister as her own as they had never been able to have children themselves. He was named Julien Chapdelaine.
Felix only ever met his new born son once, briefly and in secret. He held Julien for as long as he could, never having loved anyone as much before, then or after. Margot chose to honor her families wishes and was soon to be married. Felix was devastated at this and more so at the prospect of never being able to see his son again. He left his heirloom pendent with the Alexius Crest with Margot. and they never saw or heard from each other again. Margot did get word of the Darkspawn attack and was told Felix had died and she had to grieve in silence. In 9:40, age 7, shortly after he started showing signs of strong magical talent, he is sent to the White Spire to begin his training. ADDITIONAL INFO: Julien adapts well as can be to the Circle and is an exceptional mage who is one of the very few being prepared for his training as a Knight Enchanter of which he shows immense potential. He is quiet and stays out of trouble and mostly out of the Templars scrutiny He looks very much like his father and shares many of his little unconscious mannerisms and habits. He speaks Trade tongue and many other languages almost fluently but often lapses back into Orlesian which he finds easiest to express himself. When Julien is ald enough he will track down the origin of the insignia and discovers who his real father is and what had happened. With the help of a certain Pavus, he finds that his father had left him everything he needs to restore the Alexius name and eventually take his seat on the Magisterium.
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marcusmettalus · 3 years
Adamantium Striders
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House Chevalier, Vassal state to the Kingdom of Midgård. These men and women of Karseilles follow the ancient dogma of their predecessors, known to Ministorium Scholars as the Imperial Truth, a doctrine used during the era of The Great Crusade some 10 millennia ago.
To the field of war, House Chevalier brings ancient and highly trained Knights, bipedal goliaths clad in heavy armor plating and high power tank weaponry short of being classified as Titan weaponry. Though due to old wounds, Chevalier does not sport hundreds of these revered Knights.
Only 35 remain in any operational capacity, most were lost during a time called "The Darkest Decades", when Chevalier and Midgård held against the tide of Tyranids of Hivefleet Moloch. Slowly this wound has begun to heal, as the forges on Karseilles and its moons work stubbornly to rebuild those Knight which would be salvaged,, and make entire new ones from scratch.
Grand Dame Noémie Durand is the current ruler of Karseilles, as well as the head of her House. Though her rise to power was not one she had aimed for, her House was simply the one to inherit the mantle fallen from House Lyonesse who all perished in The Darkest Decades. She had only been training as a Scion of her House, to rule when her time came for her own Dynasty,, not the entire Kingdom of Kareilles. She has much to learn about ruling an entire people, and seeks much wisdom and advice from those in power, she has long talks with High King Surtr Muspelson of Midgård for his rule stretches into the millennia.
But tis not just her Dynasty who take to the field, they cannot afford such a bold tactic anymore. She is joined by many other Dynasties who, although, bear the banner of House Chevalier, are clad in their own Dynasty colors and heraldry.
The Karon Dynasty, the Moreau Dynasty and the de-Galle Dynasty are the other families whom fight alongside Durand when Karseilles goes to war.
Karon and Moreau are also two of the four families who have Monarche pattern Knights in their arsenal, the only other being Durand. de-Galle may not have any such pattern in their hangers, however they are the ones who pilot "Les Montagnes Jumelles" or the "Twin Mountains"; a pair of Acastus Pattern Knights wielding the dreaded Mortcœur cannons, a variant of the Hellhammer weaponry.
The more prominent members of these families are the following;
Marquis Jean Corsica Karon, second eldest son of the Karon Dynasty. The Karon are responsible for maintaining the small fleet that Karseilles owns, mainly used for trading with Midgård or Rogue Traders,. They also have control over the lone Space Port, thus having their fingers in all trades and travel. Jean's older brother André may be the next in line to the family throne, but it was Jean who able to bond with the Monarche pattern Knight, "Endless".
Vicomte Gastonne Henreique Moreau, eldest eligible successor to the Moreau Dynasty. The Moreaus have dominance over the budding agricultural and lumber industry which encompasses the southern continents on Karseilles, which feeds the growing population (and some curious eaters in the Midgård Kingdom). The current head of house, Dame Florence, lost her children during The Darkest Decades, thus her Sister's son will be the one to inherit the throne when the day comes. Gastonne, previously one of the overseers responsible for the second largest Blackwood Oak Orchard, was bonded to a Warden pattern Knight, "Chauchat's Roar"
Duchesse Anne de-Galle, eldest daughter of the de-Galle Dynasty. The de-Galle have always been under suspicion due to their repeated attempts to defame the Durand family, and upset the balance of powers on Karseilles. However, Anne seems to be more amicable and willing to work alongside the other Dynasties. Many suspect that Anne is a direct descendant to the founder of the family, a venerated commander within the Solar Auxilia during the time of The Great Crusade, though no proof has been found as of yet. Anne is bonded to one of the Twins, "Blanc Épée" her sister Yvonne pilots "Arqalod Épée"
(Also,, henlo @rowscara have some folks, bois and gals. I will try and find the ones talking bout the Knights and ping you)
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book-of-my-ocs · 2 years
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"...This is all strange yet unique."
Nicknames: Orca (Floyd), Chevalier des Glace/Knight of Ice (Rook), Big Sister (Manami).
Gender: Agender (Any pronouns)
Age: 18
Birthday: December 27th
Starsign: Capricorn
Height: 180cm (5'9)
Sexuality: AroAce
Homeland: Liyue, Teyvat
Family: Father, Mother, younger brother.
Voice Actor: Ami Koshimizu
Professional Status
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: Third
Class: 3-E No.18
Occupation: Student
Club: Mountain Lovers Club
Best subject: Defense
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Lotus Flower Crisp, hard-boiled eggs.
Least Favorite Food: Coffee
Dislikes: Unpredictable moments
Hobby: Stargazing, collecting
Talents: Martial arts, carrying a claymore.
Xue is the third member of Ramshackle dorm and a cryo user from the world of Teyvat. She appeared in Episode 4-4 between Episode 4-4 and 5. Xue is known to keep her feelings to herself and only says a few words. She's also absent-minded, but her friends will get her attention. Eventually she does open up more and a bit more expressive. Xue has great strength because of her using a claymore to fight. What's strange about her coming to Twisted Wonderland is that she mentioned she found a door to this world.
They aren't familiar with the world being more advanced and modern. Xue apparently come from an ancient time according to Manami because that world has gods being more involved more or less. Instead they have visions as powers. Xue told them they received their cryo vision when they were protecting their little brother from treasure hoarders.
• Xue wanted to join the Mountains Lovers Club because they want to know more about this world.
• Despite having a cryo vision and deem as a magic student. Xue can't use any elements except Cosmic/Null.
• Xue sees the first years including Manami as younger siblings. She mentioned that Jack sort of reminds her of her younger brother.
• Manami mentioned that Xue's skin is so cold to touch. That could be due to her having a cryo vision.
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5lazarus · 3 years
Masterlist of My Stories
My Writing
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, I post a snippet of what I'm currently working on.
On Mondays, I post the last lines of the stories I'm finishing up, as well as lessons learned from the previous week. I post this under the tag #last line monday and #lessons from the week.
On Wednesdays, I throw up a snippet of fanfiction. I post this under the tag #wip wednesday.
On Fridays, I write at least seven lines of my own stories, either poetry, essays, or fiction. I post this under the tag #seven line friday.
On Sundays, I post at least six lines of fanfic. I post this under the tag #six sentence sunday.
For more information about me, check out my About Me page. I don't answer personal questions unless I share an asklist, I don't take prompts unless I share a promptlist, and I don't keep anonymous asks on. I've also made two promptlists--one a writing challenge, the other a list of poetry prompts! Find my work archived and updated under hes5thlazarus on Archive of Our Own.
Below is a catalogue of my stories, broken down by fandom (Dragon Age, Harry Potter, Star Trek):
My Dragon Age Stories
There Is No Ithaca Three moments where Solas loses his home: Solas wrecks his revolution on the altar of Mythal. Solas returns from war to find Ghilan’nain incubating the Blight within their own home. Fen'Harel negotiates the end of the world with the Thaig of the Bastion of the Pure. Answers to various asks from brightoncemore's wonderful promptlist.
Ultramarine Sylaise attempts to trademark the color blue, initiating a civil war. Fen'Harel disapproves. Felassan, at this point, is just along for the ride. Highlights include: Andruil attempts to create biological weapons out of the conquered children of the stone and sell them to absolutely everyone, Mythal may or may not involve, Solas greatly disapproves, and everyone wants to kill Fen'Harel for disapproving. Also an explanation as to why Solas has to think before answering Sera on whether he has ever pissed magic by accident. Sorta a love story, sorta a comedy, sorta a story about political intrigue--but hey, Solas said Arlathan was even worse than Orlais! A big thank you to potatowitch and isomede for talking me through this and getting me to finish it--and for giving me the best ideas for it.
Overheard at the Hanged Man Thirty-one stories written in Nightmare-mode for Beyond the Veil's 2020 Artober Challenge, ranging through the entire series, from Arlathan before the Blight to the Chargers in Serault.
Alistair the Accidental Heretic Alistair gets bored during morning prayer and starts changing the words of the Chant as he sings. Mother Prudence and Knight-Commander Greagoir are less than pleased, and soon he finds himself tripping up over accidental heresy even within the kitchens of Kinloch Hold. It's not easy, being a half-elf templar with a conscience, because even having a sense of humor is heresy.
The Starkhaven Crier A portrait of two future apostates at ten-year-olds: Jowan and Surana are bored, get dragged to the Chantry for the good of their souls, and accidentally make the new girl from Starkhaven cry. Featuring Surana determined to be the one Dalish against letting the Maker come back, the self-hating mage in the Surana/Amell origin as the Starkhaven Crier, and the same Mother Prudence who sent Alistair to bed without supper. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Morrigan at the Crossroads Morrigan reaches her breaking point, confronted with the one person she cannot flee: her six-week-old son, who cannot be soothed back to sleep, struggling in the Crossroads. From a prompt musettta3 sent me.
Shartan's Riddle Surana talks Mahariel through writing Leliana, after Leliana leaves to work for the Divine. Shartan promised them a home, and Mahariel worries Leliana, devout as she is, cannot give it to her. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Winter in Amaranthine The Wardens' companions decide to leave, and Warden-Commander Arana Mahariel cannot find a reason good enough to tell them no. Meanwhile, letters between the Warden and Leliana get lost in translation, and Arana makes it worse. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Palimpsest Velanna and Sigrun fight some darkspawn, talk around the past, and write some letters. Written as a gift for hellbell, for the Sapphic Solstice 2021 Gift Exchange.
Phosphorescence A Despair demon in the Foundry district is clogging up the whole city with a miasma of misery. Justice runs into an old friend of his, during Anders' first few weeks in Kirkwall, and the three set to work. Heavy-handed allegory abounds, but, Justine opines, that’s the Dreamers’ fault. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me.
Labyrinth "Anders made no attempt at escape during the years they were together." This story is meant to explore everything absolutely horrible about that statement. If the core part of Anders' identity is his refusal to submit to imprisonment, then perhaps listening to Karl was a violation of his sense of self. Things get better, and then things get worse.
Kirkwall Thunderstorm Family squabbling as the storm sets in, Hawke flees to face the thunderstorm head on, and laughs, because what's more to life than this, chasing a storm all the way down to the harbor? From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
Debutante Leandra manages Hawke's debut ball, and surprises herself by having a lot of fun. From an OC ask I decided to turn into a prompt.
Dregs Anders baits Varric, or Varric baits Anders, both drunk at the Hanged Man. There's no resolution to an argument when they're both just angry, thinking about dead mages. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
The Scent of Pomegranates Merrill brings a pomegranate to the Hanged Man, to try and capture some of the way her clan celebrated the new year. Fenris is oddly moved. Written for the DA Den's 2020 Holiday Gift Exchange.
Anders in Autumn Anders and Fenris, over the course of one gorgeous autumn in Kirkwall, find common ground, a common goal, and even tenderness, as the city grows cool and vibrant in the changing of the year. Justice returns to the streets of Kirkwall, one way or another, and it is as transformative and loving as justice truly is. An answer to an Artober challenge from cozy-autumn-prompts
Warp & Weft Anders wakes Fenris up in the middle of the night talking, and then not wanting to talk, about weaving. What they remember and what they have forgot climb into the bed with them. A gift for potatowitch.
Landlocked Merrill goes looking for Isabela after a night of drinking at the Hanged Man, and finds her considering the sun rising over the horizon at the docks. They're landlocked and the salt's drained them both dry, but maybe it's not all been a waste. They're shipless, not shipwrecked. Part of a personal challenge to write more femslash, after realizing how little there is in Dragon Age fandom.
Love and Red Ink Varric tries his hand at a more literary Bildungsroman about his youth as a Kirkwall bohemian. Bianca tears it apart, editing for his own good. Sometimes love is in the margins, your almost ex-girlfriend telling you--I wasn't that pretty, when I was that young.
The Most Boring Sex Party in All Orlais Josephine and Leliana both admit the night they met ended with someone's smallclothes pinned to the Chanter's Board--but what happened right before? Josephine says, “I have played the Game before, and understand its cutthroat stakes. But I must admit, I never thought I would witness the opening salvo of a coup at the most boring sex party of all Orlais.”
Catabasis Kirkwall's in ashes and Hawke and their friends are on the run. Varric might have ended the story at the docks, but the conflict continues. The question persists: should they separate? And what brought them together in the first place? From a series of prompts ellie-effie and musetta3 sent me.
The Domestics Alistair runs into an older elven woman on the battlements, watching the children play in the Skyhold courtyard below. They get to talking: isn't it nice that the mages get to keep their children now? Then, in the course of the conversation, Alistair figures it out. Alistair says, “I always wondered. What my life would’ve been like, if she could’ve kept me. I always kinda knew she didn’t have a choice. King’s bastards are the king’s, not whoever carried them. If she were a servant and if I’d end up in the kitchens or, better yet, the dairy. I really like cheese. But if she were a mage, I guess we never had any of that. Unless she ran away.”
The Bane of Red Crossing In the astrarium cave in the Storm Coast with Inquisitor Lavellan, Cole, and Solas, Sera opens a chest and finds a beautiful bow, named the Bane of Red Crossing. But what is the Bane of Red Crossing? According to the codex: "Ser Yves de Chevac used this bow in the Exalted March against the Dales – specifically, in the liberation of Val Royeaux, where the chevalier famously struck down the elven forces' commander with a shot to the throat at two hundred feet." Lavellan is not pleased, but does not know how to communicate effectively with Sera. Cole and Solas make it worse. Sometimes there is no adequate resolution, when you are faced with the instrument of your great-grandparents' destruction. Sometimes there is nothing that disinterested compassion can say.
To the Victor the Spoils In the Skyhold gardens, in Adamant's wake, Solas meets Loghain. A character study of two trickster-kings, speaking a little too honestly. As Loghain himself says, "The past is always with us. It’s in our bones and our blood and we wear it on our skin. You can think otherwise, but you’ll never get far without it."
Dead Man Hiking Solas broods over what has been lost. Dorian interrupts, and Solas dangles hidden knowledge in front of him like a carrot. They both take the bait, because, as irritable and sad Solas can get, "he wants to give wisdom, not orders," and Dorian loves to learn. Written for Beyond the Veil's 2020 Satinalia Gift Exchange.
So Much Lore! So Much Information! Dorian has a wonderful conversation with the Skyhold Librarian about improvements to the library's filing system and the innovations coming out of Minrathous when Vivienne comes by and points out he's just talking to himself. He's been waxing rhapsodic about the Tevinter equivalent of the Dewey decimal system to a spirit--or maybe a demon. So clearly they must investigate.
Dirthara Ma! May You Learn After the Exalted Council, Solas stops for a drink and a sulk in a quiet tavern in Ostwick. He is convinced no one will ever recognize him with a full head of hair and a beard. Then the Inquisitor walks in. The first in a canon-compliant post-Trespasser Solavellan series.
White Nights A year after Trespasser, Lavellan takes a new lover to a quiet inn in Val Royeaux. She steps out to the balcony for a quick smoke under the stars, looks over to the balcony adjacent to hers--and who is there but the Dread Wolf himself, slightly disguised, with a glass of wine? Despite themselves they talk, and do not stop talking. “Entertain me,” Solas says. “What ending will Master Tethras write for us? Because I do not know how to leave this gracefully. Though I suppose any ending is better than the last one, when I left with your arm.” The second and most comprehensive in a canon-compliant post-Trespasser Solavellan series. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
Ligaments Briala has loaded her dice when playing the Game. Gaspard throws her in prison, but her message goes out to both the Dread Wolf, keen to better his reputation for catastrophe amongst the elves of Orlais, and the Dalish Inquisitor, who is still reeling from the loss of her arm. “We do not necessarily know he is the enemy,” Leliana says. “And it is exciting, no? To have that rush of danger and destruction between every kiss.” The third in a canon-compliant post-Trespasser Solavellan series. From the six Florence & the Machine prompts that ellie-effie sent me. One of my favorite things I've written in 2020.
Out From Under the Dread Wolf's Eye Briala and Merrill try and steal an eluvian out from under the Dread Wolf's eye. It doesn't quite work, but that doesn't mean the day's a failure, not when there's dinner to be had and a connection to explore. Written as a gift for hellbell, for a prompt they gave for the Sapphic Solstice 2021 Gift Exchange, but not submitted to the collection.
The Domesticities Solas adjust to a new, gentle love that has gripped his heart and will not let him go: a Lavellan who heralds a world he did dream of, and learns how to survive grief and his own betrayal, learns how to surrender the high moral ground and focus on the domesticities. A series of Solas-POV ficlets from my story, Fen'Harel's Teeth, where Lavellan is a mother and leader in her own right, and barely keeping her head above the water of her own deep grief. Not in chronological order!
He Who Hunts Alone Solas will restore the Elvhen People as he knew them, even if this world must die. It is his only purpose as he understands it. But a magical accident leaves him in another world, where a version of himself has made a very different choice. Solas is forced to reckon with a desire he has never let himself explore. Inquisitor Tara Trevelyan, both his friend and adversary, is dragged with him, as they move from their world, to a world where Solas seems to have won it all, to another that seems both their worst nightmare. Inquisitor Tara Trevelyan: the rebel apostate mage, romanced Josephine Inquisitor Imladris Lavellan: the Dalish First, romanced Solas, featured in Fen'Harel's Teeth Inquisitor Brigid Trevelyan: the faithful Andrastian prophet, rogue and noble, Tara's sister, romanced Blackwall and then Cullen Written in tandem with my partner, batsy22-me, and likewise abandoned when we got bored of it.
Fen'Harel's Teeth First Lavellan, Imladris Ashallin, thought that her audience with the Divine against templars' harassment of Dalish mages would be a token protest, and that her people would use it to draw the city elves closer to the Vir Tanadahl. She didn't think her Keeper's calculations would catapult her to the top of the Chantry's leadership, manipulating the powers of Thedas to leave her people be. Meanwhile, Briala foments revolution in Halamshiral, using the eluvian network to sabotage the armies of Orlais. A new movement erupts in the Dales, and elves across Thedas look at this so-called "Herald of Andraste" and see Mythal's vallaslin. Fiona breaks the chains of mages across Thedas, and Fenris starts whispers of a new age in Tevinter--one where the slaves throw down their masters. A new age is coming, and all of Thedas look to Lavellan to usher it in. My baby, my never-ending story, my current work-in-progress.
My Harry Potter Stories
Harry Potter Daydreams Archiving my old Harry Potter headcanons from Tumblr onto AO3. These are not necessarily nice to the characters from canon, and focus what I find interesting--their flaws, and how that could create conflict in their lives.
General Snape Headcanons Archiving my old Harry Potter headcanons from Tumblr onto AO3.
Augury Gang Eileen's mother curses her, and she dies not too long after giving birth to Severus. Tobias, a millworker and a proud union man, does his best.
Snape in the City Instead of dying, Snape moves to New York. A Severus Snape/Narcissa Malfoy and Severus Snape/Regulus Black story.
An Incident at the Mill the millrat AU A series of vignettes on what could’ve happened if Tobias Snape had been badly injured in an accident at the mill, forcing Severus to drop out of Hogwarts before the Prank. Predominantly Lilycentric. Snily shippers, rejoice: most of the vignettes are from Lily’s point of view, featuring her as flawed, passionate, bullheaded, comfortable in her sexuality, quick to curse and quicker to laugh at herself–and with a complicated relationship to alcohol and the Wizarding World. A big thank you to eleniaz and deathdaydungeon for sparking the initial headcanons that became this series.
Saplings 1980 Albus asks Minerva to tend to the "tender new sapling" of a Potions Master. Minerva looks at the manic-triggered recovered Death Eater and thinks they're doomed for failure. Snape thinks she's right. A couple of friendship & mentorship & not-quite hurt/comfort ficlets, where Severus oozes despair and McGonagall fails, completely, utterly, to be of service. There are two pieces of fanart floating around Snapedom, one of Snape oozing, the other a comic eleniaz did years ago. Unfortunately I've lost the links.
Harry Potter and the Summer of the Stepfather In an alternate world where Neville Longbottom is the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter's parents divorce relatively amicably. Eventually, Lily starts dating again, and Harry finds himself actually enjoying the summer Snape stays over.
Last Round at the Hog's Head Thirty-one ficlets written for the 2020 Snapetober challenge.
Your Body's a Revolution Eight stories written for the 2020 Trans Snape Week challenge.
July 1977 Snape stews in teenage melodrama, eating lunch at a cheap fish-and-chips shop in Upper Cokeworth, beset by memories of a wasted ex-girlfriend, who couldn't be Lily Evans--what Bertha Jorkins saw behind the greenhouses, and what came after. Revised from an earlier account, cross-posted from fanfiction.net.
Maleficari's Mutinous Munitions Sprout grew the wrong kind of mandrakes--mandragora, rather than English mandrakes, and no one knew that there actually was an infinitesimal difference--so Severus needs to save the day before Lockhart can. A little of Slytherin cunning, a willingness to embezzle, and a sense of spite wins the day. Prompted by masaotheheckindog.
Honeydukes Horror Remus Lupin genially humiliates Severus Snape as he attempts to order chocolates. Some schoolboy grudges never get better, and nothing Severus can say will let him seem the better man. Prompted by snapescapades.
Weavers Bored before the start of sixth year, Harry goes through Petunia's old family photo albums. He demands some answers, and Dumbledore sends Snape. "He finds a photo of her laughing with a boy who is not his father, who’s got his long black hair and a hand thrown up, too, covering his face. She’s about his age in this photo, or a bit older. Carefully he slides it out of the plastic. There’s writing on the back: 'Weavers, Sev & Lily, 1976. to Baba O’Riley and the rest of our lives!!' The writing is familiar, spidery, almost indecipherable, and he squints because it reminds him of someone, it’s strangely familiar, and then he drops the photo in shock. Because he knows: that’s Severus Snape."
They Call This Closure? Severus comes to consciousness into a dream of Potter reenacting his worst memory-and then Lily Evans comes tearing in at age sixteen, rather than as the more mature adult his subconscious normally designs her. They call this closure? Officially dead, officially incomplete: and I call this closure?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Mark Triple-cross! Mitarashi Anko of the Village Hidden in the Leaves joins Severus Snape as one of Dumbledore's agents, seeking to train the Boy-Who-Lived to understand his mental connection to Lord Voldemort. Snape thinks that they really didn't need to hire a goddamn technicolor ninja to fill the DADA position, but at least it's not one of Fudge's underlings taking charge--wait, he has to put up with her anyway? More seriously, Anko and Severus discover a connection between their cursed marks and the Potter boy's scar, Dumbledore expedites the plot, and Voldemort weaves an insidious plot, inspired by Lord Orochimaru, to take over the Resistance--from the inside. Incomplete and officially dead.
My Star Trek Stories
Raktajino Kira Nerys stews over the history of Terok Nor and the Occupation over a cup of raktajino, soon after she meets Marritza, and Garak just does not know when to leave a bleeding wound alone. Written as a gift for batsy22-me.
Open Mic at Quark's Thirty-one stories written for Trektober 2020, ranging from TOS, the movies, to Lower Decks and Discovery. Includes Keiko joining the Maquis, Spock introducing Amanda to Saavik, Mariner and crew getting lost on a road trip, and more!
Splash Quark takes a dip in a hot spring. Odo follows. It is not, Odo insists, sexy. Regardless, Quark is going to enjoy tormenting him with mutual nudity, since he was the one who interrupted his bath, after all. Prompted by saathiray.
Lore and the Prophets Lore thinks he can sneak off Deep Space Nine and get through the wormhole without anyone noticing. The Prophets have other ideas. Written for the Star Trek 2020 Gift Exchange, for electricsunrise.
Jambalaya Before Worf's wedding plans take over the station, Benjamin Sisko tries to find out what happened during the Founders' occupation of Deep Space Nine, and why Odo won't look him in the eye. Of course he investigates in the guise of inviting everyone to dinner.
Tear of the Prophets Was prompted by saathiray to write about Kira Nerys repatriating an artifact sacred to Bajor from Cardassia, and this is what we got! The Shakaar cell leads a procession after Cardassia returns the Orb of Contemplation to Bajor, to collective joy. Kai Opaka says, "So I say to you my people, the survivors of atrocity and keepers of the wormhole—the Prophets cried for you millennia before you were made. They sent their Tears from their temple as a safeguard as to what was to come. And now that it is safe, now that we have won—their Tears are for all." Featuring Latha having an Orb experience, explaining why he became a vedek.
Jane Austen Book Club Dukat reads Pride and Prejudice to help him understand human relations (and fuck the Sisko). He thinks he’s being Darcy but really, he’s just Mr. Collins…and evil. Garak lends him a copy of Jane Austen and a horrific cravat, and really, it's all downhill from there.
Miscellaneous Stories
Fireworks, a feminist deconstruction of Naruto Sarada takes one look at the Uchiha legacy and decides she wants no part of it. Sakura, who has built herself a life independent of the husband who abandoned them, tries to reckon with how her daughter cannot actually decide the path her life takes. And Hanabi is happy to offer advice and consolation, as Sakura tries to talk her best friends into letting Sarada be a civilian. A feminist deconstruction of Naruto, where everyone is taken seriously and treated with the same love Sakura offers to all her friends. No character-bashing, just contemplating what could have happened if, when Sasuke left Sakura and their baby the second time, Sakura decided to file for divorce rather than wait for him to come back. Of course they still love each other. Of course it's not simple.
Same Time Next Week?, a Babylon 5 fanfic Vir and Lennier meet for their usual drink. A pre-relationship, lightest of touches, beginning of it all story.
Sunrise, Parabellum, a Disco Elysium fanfic Early Wednesday morning, before Harry's woken up and before they've closed the water lock and headed to the fishing village, Kim Kitsuragi gets up and wants a cigarette. He has a cup of coffee instead and contemplates his partner's newfound sobriety. Sunrise, parabellum: he gets up and prepares for war.
Dragon Eyes, an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic On a diplomatic mission to the Fire Nation, Katara leaves the children with Aang to have tea with Zuko and Mai. But the two of them have something they want to talk about. They've lived enough of fathers neglecting one child for the other, and they have seen enough. Katara wishes they had propositioned her, rather than bring this up.
Cages, an Avatar: the Last Airbender fanfic Mai visits Azula. It is not easy.
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 4 years
Come and join arthuriana after watching “Cursed”
You enjoyed “Cursed”?? You want to know more about King Arthur or jump in the King Arthur fandom and books and movies? And yet, the whole arthurian thing sort of looks like a mess because there are a tons of movies and books and THINGS??
Yes, there are a bunch of characters that are all different iteration than some vaguely (more or less vague) shaped character from some old more or less obscure text. Most arthurian books and movies take a lot of inspiration from Thomas Malory’s Morte d’Arthur, which is also based on previous texts. To look at a list of old texts (chronological order) where I put in bold the ones I consider the most engaging... click here on quick old texts downloads! 
Also, for a WHO IS WHO?? here is a good resource.
The feeling of the show
If you enjoyed the feeling of the show I would absolutely recommend the BBC tv show Merlin (and you probably already know about it), and the miniseries The Mists of Avalon (it has the whole religious conflict thing). Other arthurian texts and movies usually don’t have this religious conflict unless inspired by Mists of Avalon, as most old texts have a mix of magic and Christianity which is not seen as conflict-inspiring.
And now for 3 novels/1 movie/ 1 tv shows I loved based on “Cursed”’s main characters:
Nimue’s focused 
Here Lies Arthur (Philip Reeves): historical based, the lady of the lake and Percival are the protagonists (and I’d call them both non binary, but the novel never says it explicitly), evil Arthur. Merlin and Guinevere are also in it.
Avalon High (Meg Cabot): modern au, lady of the lake reincarnated, better than the movie
Mordred (William Campbell):  Mordred and the lady of the lake are the protagonists, Merlin is a secondary character, Play/tragedy.
Movie: Merlin 1998 miniseries
Tv: Sadly, there is not a lot, but the last episode of The Boy Merlin has an interesting Nimue!
Arthur’s focused books
The Road to Avalon (Joan Wolf): historical based, Arthur is the protagonist alongside Morgana, Guinevere and Lancelot. Arthur/Morgana and Lancelot/Guinevere
The Once and Future King (White): this is one of the arthurian modern classics, with Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot as main characters.
Sword at Sunset (Sutcliff):  Historial retellings of Arthur's conquest and ruling of Britain. Arthur and Guinevere are protagonists.  LGBTQ themes (implied queer Arthur)
Movie: Camelot (1967) the musical, has an amazing Arthur (from The Once and Future King) finding ideas and inspiration to create a fair and just kingdom (it has also a great Guinevere and Lancelot)
Tv: Kaamelott, this French tv show starts as a parody, but the last three seasons are all about Arthur’s character development and will end up in a movie soon!
Morgana’s focused books
I am Morgan le Fay (Nancy Springer):  The story of Morgana, her childhood and her path to becoming Arthur's main villain.
Morgana (Michel Rio): in French or Spanish or Italian. This novel has Morgana as a rational and complex enemy of Arthur, plus a bisexual Morgana with her lover Vivian
Idylls of the Queen (Phyllis Ann Karr): while this novel has Kay and Mordred as protagonists, 
Movie: Mists of Avalon 2001 miniseries
Tv: The Legend of King Arthur (BBC), has an amazing Morgana as the sympathetic antagonist. Camelot Starz has also an amazing Morgana.
Lancelot’s focused books
Lancelot (Peter Vansittart):  The story of the Roman Lancelot in a world which is becoming more and more distant from the Roman traditions. Lancelot is the main character, Gawain and Mordred as secondary characters, Welsh inspired, Lgbtq because of Lancelot and Mordred being attracted to each others.
The Once and Future King (White): this is one of the arthurian modern classics, with Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot as main characters.
Lancelot (Gwen Rowley): A Lancelot who is not in love with Guinevere?? 
Movie: Sword of Lancelot
Tv: The Adventures of Sir Lancelot
Gawain’s focused books
Gawain (Gwen Rowley): A fantasy novel based on Ragnelle and Gawain’s love story; Gawain starts as a bit of a jerk, but gets some character development!
Down the Long Wind (Gillian Bradshaw): a trilogy that starts with a first book from Gawain’s pov, mostly about his difficult relationship with his family. The third book is Guinevere’s pov.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (A CLASSIC!)
Movie: Green Knight 2020, this movie is not out so Sire Gauvain et le Chevalier Vert (2004)
Tv: Camelot (Starz) has an interesting Gawain!
Arthurian list of everything (an excel file with all the books, old texts, movies, tv shows, music etc. I know of. Very big! Download it to use filters) - Download links for old texts are in the list
Books I’ve read and tagged by ship, lgbtq, character and theme
Quick old texts downloads
Favorite arthurian tv shows (in order of preference + explanation)
List of arthurian tv shows (with pics)
List of arthurian movies (with pics)
List of lists
The News tag on the blog
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magneticmage · 3 years
Quiz Meme; OC-style
I was tagged by @rozhevisny to take this quiz.
I also ended up doing a number of my OCs. They are under the cut for length.
I am tagging @awellboiledicicle @mikkeneko @changeling-fae @higheverweave @yusukesmomjeans @dalishious and @draxen1123 but don't feel pressured to do so if you don't wanna! It's all for fun.
Paeriel Lavellan="You're choking on how much you have to try". Accurate by the time of Inquisition (specifically around Skyhold) as Paeriel very much embodies the virtue of suledin. She can handle the amount she's dealt with but it is still a burden and she worries about how it will affect others if she slips and drops under the weight. She doesn't want more harm to come to innocents and those who are already struggling under their own burdens (mages, dwarves, elves, even the templars to some degree), and yet it is a fight that continues on and on seeming without end. Just as Solas walks his path to break the systems oppressing people, she tries to work within those same systems to better chances for those who need it.
Armashok Adaar="You were meant to". Accurate prior to his joining the Inquisition. He spent so much of his life struggling to find his place as everyone told him what to be; silent, obediant, a weapon to be protected against. He chafed and struggled to find comfort in it and yet he ultimately realized that he was his own person. No one could tell him who and what he was or was meant to be, not even his wife. So he chose for himself; To be Armashok Adaar.
Ransley Trevelyn="This isn't enough for you" Also accurate for pre-Inquisition Ransley, as he balked against his family expectations. They wanted him to marry a nice noblewoman of status and wealth. He courted them but couldn't quite bite the bullet as something about them just lacked....something. Even when he met his lover, he struggled against the fact that they had to be discreet for her reputation as a Knight-Divine. His family demanded he become a Templar, he decided the Seekers would be a better use of his talents. Always when he was told something, his innate ambition would push him for more and better things. While he can give up things as needed, he dislikes it. That last part is something he struggles with-and notably fails during Trespasser-post-Inquisition. This is a trait that Josephine can understand, though like their lover Cassandra, she tempers it in herself and him with patience.
Naranka Cadash="Because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow" Pfft. Yeah, this is very much her. She seeks redemption just as badly as Paeriel does for Solas, just as badly as Blackwell-her love interest-does.
(Inner Circle)
Kara Adaar="Because you cannot hold freedom". Very true. She's seen what freedom has cost her parents to give her a better life and plans to make the most of hers. That desire to enjoy life is shared with Sera. The desire to understand the world through the lens of ensuring that freedom for others is something she shares with Dagna.
Emilyse Trevelyan="You swallow pain and fold around it" Yikes. This is accurate to her time in the Circle, however. She spent much of her time trying to be a "good" mage, despite a number of abuses by the Templars and the Chantry. It was only when her brother visited her during his training as a recruit that some of those abuses came to light and she was brought to the Circle in Ostwick, closer to home and with the newly added bribes to ensure her safety, she did much better. However, this newfound life did not for too long as the Rebellion broke out and she was left adrift for a time before making her way with some other refugees to the Conclave at Haven. She was nervous about so many Templars, but eventually found solace and peace with Cullen as they each began to heal over their own traumas of their respective sides, and together as they began a family shortly after Trespasser.
Samrel Lavellan="because you cannot hold freedom" Interesting. He's actually one of my simplest OCs; a simple life with his clan and husband, First to the Keeper and cousin to Paeriel, is all he wants. Unlike some of my other Dalish OCs, he hasn't faced quite the same level of hardship and loss, and though he does mourn the loss of his clan, he seeks to rebuild it alongside his husband and the few survivors that managed to escape the humans' blades. So perhaps that defiance of the losses inflicted harkens back to the Dale's and the elves' refusal to submit to the Alienages, by simply standing up and saying "No, you cannot silence us" is enough? That could be a type of freedom and there is power in that refusal. Thoughts to consider more later.
Pyrmar Cadash="This isn't enough for you". Oh that's interesting. Pyrmar is one of those characters that seems super simple (ex-surfacer Carta bruiser with a notable penchant for leadership as a Champion) and, for the most part, he is. He likes drink and fun as much as any other mercenary like the Chargers. But, like Dorian, he sometimes feels inadequate in some way. As if he is meant for more; to be and do more. Most notably for basic respect and care, something his upbringing in the cutthroat nature of the Carta was missing. Dorian shows him that he is capable of love and being loved and The Iron Bull gives him the respect and belonging he lacked previously. While he can still fall orey to his baser nature at times, his heart as grown much over the years and so it becomes less common to "want more" as he used to.
(Last Court)
Aurore de Serault="Because you have made mistakes you can't swallow" Ooo. She does carry some lingering guilt and grief over her late husband's death at the hands of the Game. She struggles with the Orlesian court at times, and much prefers solitude and peaceful quiet to gossipy ballrooms and noble Lords and ladies demanding a dance, a bonding point for her and her love interests of The Silent Huntsman and the Elegant Abbess. However, it's not that she's unskilled in the Game; in fact, she's quite good at it. She simply prefers simplicity to more complex machinations. All that said, she does regret the ferocity with which she holds grudges; she had gone on to murder the entire families of those individuals responsible for her husband's death.
Marcel de Serault="You swallow pain and fold around it". Hmmm. Not sure of this one. Marcel divorced his wife to pursue a cloistered and scholarly life in pursuit of knowledge (he was once a Chevalier). Eventually he began to crave the adventure of the Game again, which is how he fell for The Wayward Bard and the Dashing Outlaw. Again, not too sure but it's interesting. Perhaps he simply internalized his losses and pain?
Knight-Commander Jasper Hawke of Kirkwall="because you've made mistakes you can't swallow" Oh cool! Jasper watches his younger siblings-three of his fellow quadrupled and Carver- go off into the Deep Roads expedition. He made the decision to stay behind to protect Bethany and their mother in case things went south. Despite assurances from his departing siblings, things did go south. After being pissed at Batrand, he sighed and went to work for the Templars. Shortly thereafter, despite his best efforts, Bethany was caught by Templars and taken to the Circle. Jasper did what he could to protect and shield his sister from the worst abuses of the Templars under Meredith's command, no matter the personal costs and enmity it earned him from his siblings and companions. It even ended his relationship with Anders around the beginning of Act 2. After Meredith was defeated, he worked with Cullen to try and reform the Templars and rebuild Kirkwall post-Chantry boom. His efforts were strained once red lyrics began to show up and corrupt his fellow templars. Despite narrowly avoiding being swept into the group while infiltrating it to gather intel, he succeeded in driving them out. When Cullen left for the Inquisition, he stepped up to continue reforming the Templars for protecting the mages. While he originally balked at the pro-mage decisions of the Inquisition, he ultimately agreed that the Chantry had abused all of its charges-mages and templars both. He began to reshape the Templars under his command to fit in line with the changing world; a choice to take lyrium, and a recovery and rehabilitation plan set in stone for all members who wished to leave, new rules and regulations in place to protect the rights and dignity of both mages and Templars, slowly making them a secular force beyond the Chantry but under the control of Vivenne's newly reformed Circle of Magi perhaps. He does what he believes to be right and for the best of his family, even if they dislike his decisions. A trait he no doubt picked up from his mother.
Lord Gray Hawke of House Amell="You swallow pain and fold around it" This is fitting for Lord Amell. While Jasper and Violet always held loft goals to pursue and Skye simply wanted to go and see the world for all it was, Gray preferred to remain at home and tend to their family. He is the one most connected to the Amell legacy rather than the Hawke self-made determination. That's not to say it isn't there; he's more than willing to help others and make something of himself, but it comes back to wanting to appease and help his family in whatever ways he could. He pines for Anders for a great deal of time, but doesn't make a move due to either Jasper dating the mage or simply not wanting to be a rebound for his brother. In the end, however, Anders surprises him (perhaps nudged on by Skye and Violet) by initiating a kiss and the two quickly develop into a stable relationship. He is even willing to leave all he'd built to go on the run with Anders and further aid him in his cause. Gray is just a cutie who wants a simple meal and a nice husband. If he gets to watch Anders shoot lightning at fools, well, who is he to laugh?
Viscountess Skye Hawke="Because you cannot hold freedom". Accurate. Skye loves her freedom. While she is certainly ambitious, it often comes down to more power means more freedom. She rules as Viscountess of Kirkwall for a time until abdicating in favor of Varric so she can pursue Tallis across the seas, but also to simply go back to adventuring and exploring. While she does not care for the Qun and its Qunari, she cares about people and her family most of all. It is one of the few tethers she did not choose but it is the one she keeps above all others. After all, even the Sky must touch the earth at some point just as a Hawk must return to its nest to rest and tend its young.
Champion Violet Hawke of Kirkwall="Because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow". Fitting given that Violet is both a blood-mage (also a spirit-healer and force-mage) and extremely pro-mage freedom, and her choices often led her to conflict with Jasper due to their views and lives. She has only ever wanted to be free to live her life as she chooses, with is how she fell for Isabela. She fell for Fenris because she's a bleeding heart who wants to help everyone as much as she can. Kirkwall left its mark on her and she's struggling to do better than what she views as a failure due to her diplomatic nature in the name of mage freedom by the time the Inquisition comes around. While just as driven by the cause for equality as Anders, she often privately struggled with her mother's death among the many other revelations and choices of her family, fearing the loss of all she called dear. Luckily Fenris and Isabela returned to her and they made a pact to live well on the seas after everything had settled down and Champion Hawke was no longer needed.
Senior Warden Dion Caron="This isn't enough for you" Okay. So, Dion joined the Wardens to escape the Templars (p.s. it didn't work) and his adopted sister Victoire-Ainsley was already joining and he had promised to protect her for their parents. He's happily married to Garam and spends much of his time training recruits and fostering camaderie in the ranks of the Wardens. What more could he want? Perhaps it is nothing and the doubt is simply there as is human nature, perhaps he frets about his dwindling time in the world before his Calling, perhaps he does want more. Who can say?
Senior Warden/Warden-Constabke Victoire-Ainsley Caron of Orlais="This isn't enough for you" Pfft. Victoire-Ainsley's ambition to make a name for herself and her family (she came from a long line of Chevaliers) nearly cost her her life and resulted in her father's death. Her mother adopted an orphan boy-Dion-in the hopes it would curb some of her darker tendencies. It partially succeeded. While she did not go as far as she'd once been willing, she still acted ruthlessly and this earned her quite the name in the Game for a time. However, her fall from grace was just as bloody as her rise, and she was only spared by the intervention of the Wardens' Conscription. She lost a great deal and was now forever barred from reclaiming it. She acted out for a time and was surprised when the Wardens allowed-encouraged even-it. However the death of her husband to save them during a nasty skirmish against a powerful broodmother she'd led them against resulted in a mission successful but at a cost she hadn't wanted to pay; only her, Dion, Garam, and I senna made it out alive. Since then, she had been working towards redeeming herself, opening up to the criticism and vulnerability she'd been so afraid of, much like Loghain is when he is sent to Orlais. And so while her pride demands more of her, she focuses instead on what she can provide and tries to bite back the bile this causes. After all, this is for the best and that is enough. Right?
Senior Warden Isenna Andras="You were meant to" Isenna lived first under the Orlesian cruelty in the Alienate and then the Templars' in the Circle. It is no wonder she fights to carve a name for herself in history, to make herself her own, to be what she was never meant to even dream of. She wants to be a hero but struggles against her own inner nature to survive. She is driven by the conflict of selflessness and self-preservation. Perhaps Mhairi's idealism is enough to tip the scales for her.
Senior Warden Garam Kader="Because you have made mistakes you cannot swallow" Accurate. He joined the Wardens after passing off the wrong Carta Boss and then spent years helping Victoire-Ainsley and her brother grow their ambition and then....his unit died beyond the four of them. And all the glamor of the Wardens fell away and he realized just how far some would go and he began to wait for them to step back, hoping they would step back. Victoire-Ainsley and Dion and Isenna did. He did. But the Clarel didn't. He hopes Loughlin will do better as the Warden-Commander of Orlais. He knows he will do better and he knows his husband, Dion, will.
Warden-Commander Lynera Mahariel of Fereldan="You were meant to" Ouch my heart. Lynera lost Tamlen and never quite recovered. She was forced into a Warden and then into leading the party as the Hero of Fereldan and then into the role of Warden-Commander/Arlessa of Amaranthine and she did it. She took all the pain and hurt and losses over the years, the Taint and its horrors and its strength sapping, the politics and hard decisions; she took it all and she did it. She did what was needed, became what a Grey Warden Commander and hero was meant to be. She can't even say she regrets becoming a Warden anymore as its become so central to her identity now, only mourns the things and people she's lost to get there. I think Sten-excuse me-the Arishok understands this. Perhaps that is why they both hope to never meet on a battlefield unless they are on the same side again.
Warden Isemaya Tabris="You swallow pain and fold around it" Okay that's like SUPER interesting. See, Isemaya learned about the injustices elves face early in life. It cost her her mother's life and very nearly her twin brother's as well, after all. She became a warrior to protect them (her family, her community, her home) and she was good at it. But then she saw a glimpse of a different life with Nelaros, one where she might be happy simply letting someone else deal with all the fighting and clawing and exhaustion. She wanted it, she realized, she wanted it very much. But then she lost him and Shianni was hurt and she was hurt and Vaughn was dead and the humans were so angry. She geared up to protect her people again, to be the brave warrior like her mother before her. And then....Duncan Conscripted her. She was forced from her home, alive and angry and proud, and so she expanded her family to her companions. Then Zevran tried to kill them and they let him live and she watched him like a hawk and saw the same longing for a life, for more in the absence of loss, in him. She helped him heal and learn to live again and he helped her set down her weapons and her anger for a time and then the times became more frequent and they grew closer. She told him she loved him in the brisk Haven air and he gave her a golden earring to match the old and blood-stained wedding band she still wore, and she had found peace. She continued with the Wardens, with helping him take down the Crows, with searching for a cure so they could have more time. She took her pain but instead of weaponizing it like Lynera and others did, she learned to let it go and continue on. She learned to live in spite of, not because of, her pain.
Arcane Advisor Catriona Surana of Fereldan= "Because you have made mistakes you cannot swalllow" Oof. This is definitely Catriona during Origins. Her decisions to betray Jowan, to use blood magic at Ostagar and then to continue to practice and study it despite the stigma it holds, the merging with Compassion to save Cale, to give up her dreams of marriage and freedom and let Alistair marry Anora for the good of Fereldan and again when Leliana went on to become the Left Hand of the Divine and then again as the Divine Victoria...she makes a lot of mistakes and the consequences haunt her for a very long time. While she does manage to find some good in them, or at least simply makes peace with them, they still color how she becomes in 2 and Inquisition and beyond.
Warden Cale Amell=
Teryn Fion Cousland of Gwaren=
Paragon Prince Barran Aeducan=
Warden Paragon Tatha Brosca=
First/Keeper Vireth Mahariel=
"Dark Wolf" Elthorn Tabris=
"Stormcaller" Alaros Surana=
Lord Azul Amell=
Lady "Nightshade" Raven Amell=
Lord Carmine Amell=
Lord Reed Amell=
Lady Marigold Amell=
Captain "Highever Spitfire" Aelynne Cousland=
Princess and Orzammar Commander Valda Aeducan=
(Canon Solo Shepard)
Commander and Spectre Annette Shepard=
(The Sibling Shepards Canon)
Spectre Riley Shepard=
Spectre/XO Roscoe "Ros" Shepard=
Spectre/Commander Joanna "Jo" Shepard=
(Shepard Cousins)
Angelus "Angel" Shepard=
Elliot "El" Shepard=
Jaden "Jay" Shepard=
Alexandra "Alex" Shepard=
Kristopher "Kris" Shepard=
Clover "Clove" Shepard=
(Starship Ryders Canon)
Pathfinder Lucas "Luke" Ryder=
Pathfinder Rebecca "Becca" Ryder=
Pathfinder Shiloh "Shy" Ryder=
Pathfinder Evander "Evan" Ryder=
Pathfinder Asher "Ash" Ryder=
(Baldur's Gate)
Cei Gloomdraft=
Faenerys Elendir=
"Sable Shades" Risaeder Rosandoral=
Saga "Muse" Musehart=
Lyr(e/a/an) Lovemoor=
Rune Mistsea=
Lucine Mistsea=
Roan Roarke=
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faimrpg · 3 years
Tumblr media
Name: Adraste Age: 22 Occupation: Chevalier-in-training Suggested Faceclaims: Hunter Schafer Pronouns: She/Her Currently: Taken
Resolve. You have wanted to be a Chevalier for as long as you can remember. You are the descendant of a long line of knights, leading all the way back to their service under Alecandre Valence, Calandre's grandfather. It was determined before you were ever born that you, too, would wield a blade that shimmered with silver. Calandre’s reign has changed things vastly, and your role as a Chevalier was not spared from this cataclysmic shift. You listened, time and time again, to tales from your mother, your grandfather, your great aunt of the way things were under Alecandre and Tristan. Put up against the Empress, you could see the stark differences, but you never let yourself be deterred. You were lucky enough to be selected by Medraut to train underneath them, and their own mentor, Roth. For the last several years you have clinged to their sides and followed in their footsteps. The tasks you are asked to complete by your Empress are not always pleasant, but as of late, the unpleasantness has… grown. Exponentially. Your family never warned you of the cost of protecting an Empire, the pieces of your soul that you are asked to cut out with your own hands. Roth has nothing outside of you and Medraut, and Medraut was raised within the order. You feel like an outsider, unsure of your future as a Chevalier and even more unsure of your future without the thought of that gilded title preceding your name. You are eager to see what awaits you in Val Faim, what fate has in store for you.
Roth & Medraut: It was Medraut who taught you all you know, but Roth has been the well-tempered hand on your shoulder, guiding you along. You are the composite of the two of them, pieces fractured and put back together into one whole. You swing your sword the same as Medraut but speak with the same even tones as Roth. You share Medraut's love for fine art and Roth's affinity for theatre and dance. All three of you are bound by a strict code that comes to an end at Calandre's feet. You know without a doubt you would do anything for the two you've come to see as family. The Empress, on the other hand, has not earned your loyalty in the same way. You've never even met the woman, and therein lies the nebulous question: why should you fight for her? Why should Roth and Medraut?
Cyril Beauchamp: You are not so unfamiliar with yourself to be unable to recognize that you might be a little infatuated. You shared one brief conversation in the halls after the tailor was returning from a sewing session with Calandre, and you, in your usual air of whimsy, spun that up into something it isn’t and probably never will be. Your duties with Roth and Medraut pull you away from the Summer Palace often enough, trawling the streets and making an effort to track down Amelie and figure out just who Henri was, but when Medraut and Roth argue once again over nothing and a lead goes nowhere, you conjure up poems in the back of your head to recite to Cyril.
Vaska of Calais: In Vaska you see what you thought you would become. They are a living legend within Celestine, a mercenary that at one time knew no bounds. They are unbent, unbowed, and unbroken. Even the way they carry themself sets them apart from all others that you’ve encountered in Val Faim’s exciting clutch of characters. That might explain the disappointment that has a vice-like grip around your heart whenever the two of you share the same room. The conversations the two of you have shared, however brief, have always been pleasant, but they perturb you. How can anyone be so at peace with themselves in the way Vaska is? How can anyone do what Vaska has done—what you have done—and live with it?
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mitsunari-sama · 4 years
Ikemen Ouji - Yves Kloss Route Translation
A/N: So I have decided to post Yves’ route that I have translated so far here. I tried to translate to the best of my abilities. Please understand that Japanese is not my language and I am still learning it so if there are any mistranslation in the chapters, please ignore or kindly let me know. Also I am not translating the route word to word, I am just writing the basic gist of the events so the words I have chosen may be different from the other Yves route translation. I will work hard to translate better from now on and post as frequently as possible. However, This was a lot of fun and Cybird has outdone itself again with Ikemen Ouji.
part 1&2
Chapter 3
Yves settles himself and proceeds to introduce the leader of the fraction and the 4th prince. But when they looked over to where Leon was standing previously, he wasn't there. Mc thought how weird that he disappeared when he was just standing there. That's when she feels someone hug her tightly and it is Leon. Leon says he saw how happily both of them were chatting and he couldn't help but come over. Leon also asks Yves if he is introducing them to mc and to introduce Leon to her.  Yves comments that it's weird to introduce a person upfront when they are standing in front of you. He also says to Leon to be nice and tell "belle" about the fraction. Yves points at his knight and says he will go talk to them. 
As mc watches Yves go, Leon laughs and asks mc if she likes Yves alot. Mc replies saying she doesn't know between left and right here and because with Yves' help she is taking care of it. Leon then introduces himself to her properly and says its nice to meet her. Mc asks that unlike Chevalier's fraction, Leon's fraction over looks internal affairs right? Leon says that it is good not to neglect foreign problems but it is more important to protect the smiles of the region. Mc asks what does that mean. Leon says he wants to protect his people and he doesn't want a county that cannot laugh. He will bother with other countries later however his own comes first. Mc is surprised by this because she thought there was a great wall between royal people and commoners but leon does not give that air. Mc also feels strong desire to protect her country and its people. She thinks how these royal people have strong personalities but in reality they are just like her who want to protect people and the country. Mc understands that she should face these people with honestly..that's it. Leon smiles and tells her regarding understanding the court, not to be impatient and she will understand gradually in her own way. 
Leon also jokingly adds that mc has such a strong watchdog and mc knew he means Yves. Leon also says that its easy to misunderstand Yves since he says something and means something else but he actually is a nice guy and Leon guarantees that. He adds that Yves is a pretty fun guy. Mc is skeptical about that and asks what does he mean Yves is fun. Before Leon could answer Yves arrives and asks them both what they are both doing whispering and that he heard his name. 
(I don't quite catch what happens here but Leon says something and mc will find about what he means by that later (?))
The next day! Yves comes to wake mc up and takes her with him again. Mc tells Yves that she is grateful that Yves comes to pick her but she wants him to be more gentle. Yves says if he's gentle with her then mc will go back to her dreamland and Yves is avoiding that. Mc says she doesn't trust that. Yves shakes his honey-colored hair, which he had thoroughly maintained since morning, and looks back lightly. He tells her that today he will introduce her to Chevalier's fraction's Luke sama and that Luke was in the courtyard. When they arrived at the courtyard, mc sees something black flop past her and jump at Yves. A great black dog was on Yves who was fallen on the ground rolling. 
Yves yells how a dog came into the palace and to get off him that his clothes are getting dirty. Luke comes over and says he was in the town and this dog followed him. Mc says how cute the dog is. Luke says how he will be scolded by Sariel so he has to go back to town and return it. Yves calls for attention. Mc says how the dog must be lonely and how will Luke know where to return it. Yves calls for attention again. Luke points at the dog's neck and says the dog’s house address is written there. He says mc not to worry and that he will return the dog properly and mc is happy. Yves calls for attention yet again. Luke and mc finally notice poor Yves is on the ground with the dog on him. Luke asks what's up Yves? And Yves yells nothing is up and to get the dog off him! Luke laughs and says that because Yves is small he couldn't be seen under the dog. Luke gently picks up Yves and laughs again. 
Mc notices how big Luke is and as he holds up Yves it looks like he's holding up a child. Yves’ legs didn't reach the ground and mc finds the scene adorable. Yves blushes and tells Luke to put him down. Luke laughs carelessly and tells mc that Yves often gets caught in unlikely situations such as when he leaves the castle and it rains, he slipped on a banana peel or left to eat alone. Mc thinks this just outrageous. Yves shyly glances at mc and assures her that his bad luck doesn't hurt people around him. 
Yves introduces Luke to mc. Luke greets mc and tells him that he just recently arrived in the court after the king's death because the court people were looking for successors of the throne. Mc remembers that they all have different mothers and some of them don't live in the palace. Yves says that he was surprised at first but Luke is one of the people who draws the King’s blood and it is important for royal family blood to become the next king Luke tells mc that he is not interested in being a king and he finds it troublesome. So mc asks why is Luke here if he doesn't want to be a king to Luke just replies "somehow". 
Nokto arrives just then asking Yves if he was introducing the Chevalier fraction to mc then in that case to introduce him to her since isn’t interested in being a king. Yves says he noticed that Nokto has just entered from the main gates of the castle and asks him if he just came back this morning. Nokto agrees saying he was drinking with a duchess and wasn’t able to return to the castle last night. Luke tells Nokto that if he keeps this up he will be backstabbed one day to which nokto replies saying that when such time will come he will be prepared. Mc thinks to herself what a frivolous person Nokto is, keeping his first impression he made on her and despite the warm sunlight of the day  Nokto feels like a nasty night to her. Yves introduces Nokto to mc bitterly saying that as mc can see Nokto is a a frivolous, unobtrusive, frivolous, frivolous, frivolous (yes he said it like that) 7th prince and Licht’s younger twin. Mc wonders how cute Licht’s twin is so different? Yves comments that it is a good thing that Nokto is smart with good negotiation skills. Nokto jokes saying that he thinks Yves’ short height is an advantage to him too. Yves retorts that he is still a growing man and Nokto should shut up. Nokto clearly having fun teasing Yves tells him how sad he feels that Yves is older than him and is still expecting to grow. Luke assures mc that this is how a general greeting goes between these two. 
Mc pulls out her notepad to record this exchange and just then Nokto snatches her notepad from her hands. He says to mc how she is recording them so carefully and seriously. Mc tells Nokto that it a reward she received from Yves and to give it back to her (mc is super unimpressed by nokto at this point) Nokto jokes that this is such a serious answer for such a serious gift, this is like a school! Mc asks Nokto what he means by that. Mc feeks Nokto’s sharp red eyes penetrate her and he says that Mc is noting down everything he is hearing and that she isn’t selling herself short on anything (god knows what he’s trying to say here) And that King-sama is Chevalier right? Nokto then laughs like a fox and throws the notepad back at mc (really dude you are not getting in her skirt with that attitude) Nokto adds something about a rumor and that it smells like blood with the return of the king..Mc is confused..naturally.
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felassan · 5 years
 obscure elven heroes! appreciation. post
The Pale Demon: after Orlais conquered Halamshiral in 2:20 Glory and the Dales fell, one of the Keepers of the diaspora clans became infamous for his vicious attacks on Orlesians. humans came to know him as the Pale Demon, for he set upon soldiers and even unprotected merchants with iceblasts and blizzards from his staff, even in summer. these attacks continued until chevaliers killed the Keeper and then slaughtered his entire clan. the staff he bore was called Yavanalis (it’s curious to me incidentally, that Flemythal named one of her daughters Yavana - any connection? maybe the two words share the same root word in elven).
Wenni di Ladia: a City Elf from Nevarra, she was one of the most famous elven heroes from the Towers Age. directly descended from one of the last Emerald Knights who protected the Dales, she took up her grandfather’s bow, Tenasarin (any relation to the river Tenasir, where shrines to the elven gods stood?), to fight when the Third Blight threatened Thedas. her deeds, skill and beauty inspired entire armies, such that I don’t think it would be a stretch to say Wenni was one of the Heroes of the Third Blight. after the Archdemon was defeated, her name launched revolts and rebellions in the alienages, becoming a rallying cry - mien’harel! human Marcher rulers were angered by this, and Wenni was forced to flee criminal accusations. she vanished into obscurity, not unlike some Wardens in some of the potential epilogue slides, but her legend still lives on in the hearts of City Elves. this is very important, because in the City Elf Origin elven children playing “Heroes and Humans” will tell Tabris that they don’t know any stories about elven heroes. I like to believe that Wenni’s story is one that every elven child knows and takes great pride and solace in, just like Garahel’s is noted to be. 
Rajmael: a great general. the elves of the Dales fought valiantly against the Exalted March, but defeat became obvious. in one last act of defiance, Rajmael threw his dragonbone waraxe, The Veshialle, at the oncoming enemy before committing suicide by jumping from the Forlorn Falls. his weapon is said to rebel against all but elven hands. Rajmael may have been an Emerald Knight. a verse in the Chant of Light insists that he recanted his faith in the Creators, but we all know that’s human bullshit. curiously, his tale bears some similarity to that of Nomaris, one of the last Emerald Knights alive after the Dales were destroyed. he too bore an axe - the Axe of Green Edges. he lodged it in a tree, declaring that it should remain there until his People were free, before flinging himself into a river, presumably to his death.
Iloren: the Keeper of a Dalish clan that wandered the Anderfels during the Second Blight, in a time when Keepers were priests that served as archivists and magical scholars. he was a hunter in his younger days, and as crafty as a wolf. he led his people in their flight from the darkspawn horde, staying always one step ahead by the grace of his wits alone. one night, the darkspawn cornered and ambushed them. but the dark ones fell into Iloren’s trap. he and the other hahrens called upon the old magic, and with lightning set fire to dry grass and kindling that the hunters had strewn around the camp in preparation. the area went up in flames, and not a single creature made it through the blaze to harm his clan. today his tale is preserved in its most cherished form in books.
Willem Trialmont: a City Elf who followed a company of the Legion of the Dead for three days through the Deep Roads, doggedly intent on fighting darkspawn with his family blade - a fine elven sword which would later come to be known as Topsider’s Honor in light of his deeds. he was quiet but insistent; the dwarves, confused at why someone from the surface would care to combat darkspawn underground, initially thought that he wouldn’t last, and threatened to kill him if his actions put them at risk. but he shocked them, for later, they witnessed him fight like a man possessed, with incredibly light, silent strikes and marked precision. they toasted and broke bread with him, and when he died in 7:5 Storm, they extended that which was sacred to them and conveyed him to the Stone as if he’d been born a dwarf. his epitaph reads that he served the Deep Roads better than a native son. many Legionnaires lived to see another day because Willem fought at their side and fell in their place. in death, the dwarves lauded his honor and claimed him as a brother in blood. his story is one of true family beyond kin and taking up arms against darkness.
Alidda of Halamshiral: the most famous elven criminal in all of Orlais. a City Elf, she was arrested in 4:45 Black for killing three knights - a deed which hardly makes sense to pair with the word “crime”, as chevalier initiation practices involve “testing their blades” by entering alienage slums after dark to murder innocent elves who happen to be out after curfew. Divine Clemence I presided over Alidda’s trial, where it came to light that she had actually killed twelve chevaliers, in justified retaliation for the abhorrent graduation ritual. she escaped and killed twenty more chevaliers - two in single combat - before finally being cornered. rather than be captured, she cut her throat with Knightslayer, her own dagger.
Orahn: A Dalish smith known to have created fine weapons such as the Dal’Thanu waraxe that was an heirloom in the possession of Deygan’s family. His grandfather passed it down to him. Family legend holds that it was used to fight in the service of Andraste herself, meaning Orahn may have been a contemporary of Shartan.
Corimae: Presumably a City Elf, she owned a beautiful dagger called the Voice of Velvet. She was an assassin - possibly an Antivan Crow? - and when a nobleman refused to take her as a lover, she used the dagger to open his throat.
Sendis and Iselle: A Dalish archer and blood mage respectively, this brother and sister pair were part of a band of heroes that saved the Free Marcher city of Kaiten, having aided Viscount Ravi in preventing an abomination from destroying the place. Their clan was led by Keeper Tianne. Over time Iselle and Ravi became lovers, and she eventually died bearing their elf-blooded son Eiton. Sendis later saved his clan from blood magic control by calling on Ravi for help.
Embri of Gwaren: A City Elf, she was a mage, though unfortunately one of limited talent. Testament to her brave spirit and selfless desire to help, Embri volunteered of her own volition to be made Tranquil. As a Tranquil she proved to be a skilled enchanter, despite her absent-mindedness. She always kept an array of magical herbs and other ingredients at her belt, and eventually the belt itself came to hold magical properties. Embri died of lyrium poisoning.
Temolai: A skilled craftsman who made The Long Sight, a helm which grants a strange and unnerving acuity. He made one more helm better than it, but that helm allowed him to gaze upon the Black City, and he was lost forever.
Korin: An elven king, from a tall tale Tabris can tell children in the Denerim Alienage.
Tathas: A sneaky elven bandit, from a tall tale Tabris can tell children in the Denerim Alienage.
Blargha: A mighty elven warrior, from a tall tale Tabris can tell children in the Denerim Alienage.
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
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congratulations SARAH! you have been accepted into underworldfm. the role of SAPPHIRE will be portrayed by CHRISTOPHER LE CHEVALIER. SEBASTIAN STAN is now taken. please submit your blog within the next 24 hours & be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in our checklist.
character. Sapphire
occupation. Head Leecher
species. Lycan
faction. Liberation
name. Christopher Le Chevalier
age. 898 (Looks 38)
gender & pronouns. cis man, He/Him
faceclaim. Sebastian Stan
but can’t you see the sanity in my epiphany
Christopher has been a peasant, a lord, a knight, a warrior, and a prisoner. He’s seen unlikely empires rise and fall. He’d outlived great men and monsters. He’d fought beside the winners and the losers. He’d seen Notre Dame built and burned–more than once. He’d seen and lived through too much. The only thing he learned after all those years was that there was one constant: death. Everyone was supposed and everything was supposed to end, and Alexander’s time was coming. It was a matter of time, and what was a few hundred years for someone like Christopher.
It’s strange what the mind chooses to remember after years of life. To Christopher, his memories are fragments tied together with fragile silk thread. A line leading from when he was human to Lycan and then dissolved and distorted in the centuries that followed. A thread soaked in fresh blood; human, vampire and Lycan.
12th Century
– oh power, power. a hero calls. from the bottom of a bottle. watch him fall.
Christopher was born a peasant–that was more fact than memory–destined to work the land until it ate him alive. But destiny had other plans for Christopher. He was young when armored men raised his village to the ground. He must have been no older than ten when his mother carried him out of their home, lungs filled with black smoke. Ten when he watched a knight drive his sword through her heart. Ten when he watched the same fate befall his father and siblings. Ten when that same knight assumed Christopher was dead. He’d been a sickly child, frail and unassuming. Even though life did not want Christopher, he would survive. He crawled his way back to life away from where he lay on the banks of the river Styx.
He lived to adulthood by wanting it more than others, by evading sickness and death. Christopher became what he feared. With puberty came a strength reserved for those who made surviving their vengeance for an unjust world. He stole, he fought and he killed.
But death came for Christopher. He’d died. He was sure he had. He’d finally pissed off the wrong people and his life caught up to him. It had been so cold and wet. He’d felt his soul escape his body and yet, he’d woken up. Christopher found himself in a bed far too luxurious it had to be divine. In a way it was. A Lycan bishop had saved Christopher’s life, turned him.
The bishop had needed warriors, a special unit to protect Richard the First. The church educated Christopher, both in letters and in sword. He understood his role now. And when Queen Eleanor rallied her sons against their father, King Henry II, Christopher took up arms and marched with Richard. Soon, he became the personal guard of the young duke. Despite being blind to the existence of Lycans, they helped Richard earn the reputation as a great fighter and military leader. Christopher was happy to remain in the shadows.
Richard was not a good man and an even worse king. Having a front-row seat to all the debauchery of Richard I did not endear him to Christopher. He was a monster, surrounded by worse monsters. Christopher was assigned to escort Richard’s fiancee, Berengaria, and his sister, Joan, home from Messina, but a shipwreck provided an opportunity to escape for Christopher. He faked his death and disappeared into Cyprus. Years of being a peasant made it so that Christopher knew how to fade into obscurity, to become unassuming. Faking death proved to be a lot easier than surviving it. Christopher’s desertion did not save him from participating in The Crusades. He found himself among the Christian forces. His story with war continued. Christopher was once again fighting not for honor but for survival.
15th Century
– I’ll never forget that you showed me to make art. and I know the love you showed me. came from a pure and noble heart
It’s the Renaissance and Christopher experiences yet another rebirth of his own. His hands dripping with the blood of others, Christopher discovers art and love. Italy was the place to be and Florence bloomed with life. Years of war and conquering left Christopher rich in gold if nothing else, while the rest of Western Europe lay in recession. But in Florence, bankers ruled and gold meant power. Christopher no longer had to hide.
He founded a bank and bought space for himself amongst the Medici family. But Christopher had been alive for far too long to follow the advice of Machiavelli. Christopher learned to be kind, learned to be human for the first time. He became a patron of art and hosted lavish parties. He wanted to capture something that he’d been denied. He understood that the only way to live multiple lives is to reinvent yourself.
17th Century
– whispered words start revolutions. weary souls break constitutions
As the reality of immortality stood, Christopher could not remain in one location for too long. He never married or bore children, knowing that he would never again want to outlive his kin. In 1660, Christopher sailed to the new land, as though land did not exist prior to being colonized. But the world was full of atrocities and Christopher was learning to navigate despite them, learning how to find hope in the fragility of circumstances. He distanced himself from humans, knowing that there lay only heartache. He became more involved in Lycan factions, rising in leadership. He fought when they needed him to fight, protecting his people. Christopher will not bow down to a vampire.
21st Century
– all the children are insane. waiting for the summer rain. there’s danger on the edge of town
A new millennium and Christopher’s age creeps towards the 4 digit mark, yet nothing has changed. War rages between humans, between vampires, and between Lycan. Countless of Lycan are butchered in the name of what? Vampire power. They bathe in Lycan blood, enforcing oppressive law in the name of prejudice, a punishment for actions taken thousands of years ago. Christopher holds the remains of his own faction together. But this is not an end. As long as he is still breathing as long as the moon calls his name and blood runs in his veins, Christopher will not abandon the Lycan cause. It might be what finally ends him, but he will happily lie down his life for a cause he truly believes in.
This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend The end
Pretty face and a mean bite.
People want to see a kindness in Christopher. He has soft eyes and a sweet smile. But those characteristics are more a wish than a reality. Christopher believes in reason and in humanity. Believes that people, human and Lycan– maybe even vampire, deserve a fair shot at existence. But he does not live in a world that allows space for kindness. It’s a fallacy albeit one that Christopher continues to strive toward.
Being alive for so long hasn’t made Christopher any more aware of who he is. The frictions and abrasions of time, war, and death have not shaped him into a beautiful piece of sea-glass, but rather have left him jagged, weary, and cynical. Christopher holds strongly to what remains of his sanity and focuses it on making the world a better place, if not for everyone then for the North American Lycans. Christopher is tired, a tiredness so deep he doesn’t remember a time he has not felt it. He hides it under a gruff exterior and determination. He shows himself as the leader they need him to.
please detail any potential plots you have in mind for your character or, conversely, expand on the connections we provided in the skeleton. What do these connections mean to your character? what can you see coming out of it? use this section as a way of showing us where you are going to take this character and showcase their interactions.
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carelessgraces · 4 years
The cards sing in her hand, and if she listens closely, she can hear them whispering, urging her to listen, listen, there is something we must tell you, there are things that you must know. 
     A reproduction of one of the lost Visconti-Sforza tarot decks — almost complete, absolutely perfect, over two hundred years old, preserved by magic and care in equal measure. They hum with power in her hands and Astoria can feel something responding inside of her, something that drives her forward, something that makes her move.
     Two million pounds she spend on this. The auction had pulled her out of a job in Dresden — one that would have turned a handsome profit, no less. But the deck had been owned by an ancestor on her father’s side: a many-times great grandfather, an academic, an historian, a gift from his wife. When she closes her eyes she can smell the grass in the family’s vineyards in Friuli and she can taste the burst of grapes on her tongue and she can hear the rustle of wind in the vines and she knows it was two million pounds well spent, she knows that the magic answers the singing in her blood.
     It’s a bright day, crisp and clear and surprisingly dry for London. The cards tug in her hands and she follows them; she has a half-charged phone and a bag slung over her shoulder and a jacket folded over her arm and nothing else, not even an idea of where she’s going. But she follows the cards, trust where they guide her. The card at the top of the deck sings the loudest, but it tells her, not yet, not yet, just wait.
     Paddington. She steps up to the ticket window and clears her throat, and she speaks before she knows what she’s going to say.
     “One way to Oxford.”
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She had dreamed of Oxford when she was a girl. She had dreamed of the cobbled stone of Logic Lane and the cathedral at Christ Church and the grass under her feet, and she wonders more than she cares to admit if she might have pursued an education there, had things worked out differently, had she not been drawn into the Carrows’ schemes and suffered for it. 
     Outside the window, the English countryside flies past her, and she keeps the deck in her hands, still refusing to turn the card over. The cards are practically trembling with excitement the closer she comes to the city, and she tells herself to trust in the magic and where it brings her. 
     She wonders sometimes if she would be the same person without that history, that anger, that grief. If she would be softer or kinder, had she been shown gentleness when she was young, or if she would simply be weak. 
     This early in the morning, the train only takes an hour to reach its destination. She steps into the sun, watches for a moment as the world moves around her, everyone in sync with the breath and pulse of the city. She loves cities: they all have an identity. New York wants to devour her, to see if it can stomach her; London wants to leave her be; Dublin and Boston both welcome her with a chaotic and desperate love. Oxford opens its arms to her and waits.
     The cards tug at her again. She steps off the platform, into Oxford’s waiting embrace.
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Down one street, then another, past the cobbled stone of Logic Lane. Astoria follows where the cards lead, follows when they urge her to sneak into one building, to walk past a single office, and to walk back out. 
     Dr. James Pendragon. Curious name. She keeps the cards in one hand and pulls out her phone with the other; the picture on his faculty page won’t load, but a list of publications does. Focus in history and literature — perhaps a member of a center for medieval studies. Does Oxford have a focus in that field? She can’t recall. Emphasis in Arthuriana, and she almost laughs. Did he change his name to fit his field, or did the name prompt the interest in the first place?
     Her phone dims to save battery and she puts it back in her jacket pocket, the messenger bag holding her books and a bottle of water banging against her hip as the cards tug her out of the building and toward another. 
     Through a door. Past a bored-looking administrative assistant who only glances Astoria’s way, takes in the leather jacket and the low heel of her boots and the close fit of her jeans and assumes student and waves her along; past a small gaggle of actual students, huddled together to study for a test about to begin in another room. Up one flight of stairs, then another, then another, and she pulls her scarf off and shoves it into her bag. The cards start to feel warm in her grasp, and if she looks closely, there’s a faint glow to her palm. 
     Fascinating, she thinks, and then she approaches a closed door and the cards fly out of her hand like they’re exploding, smack against the door hard enough to shake it. There’s no one around to see it, and so Astoria simply stands and stares for a moment before crouching down to gather everything back. One card lands face-down, and the glow emanating from it is powerful enough that it almost hurts her eyes.
     She counts them to be sure she has them all, and when she’s certain, she opens the door as quietly as she can, slips into the nearest empty seat. The lecture hall is full and the man at the center has a book open in his hand as he reads aloud. 
     Another time she would notice the brightness of his eyes and the clever curve of his mouth but now all she notices is his voice, the sheer sorrow in each word as he reads. She recognizes the work as Chrétien de Troyes — Lancelot, le Chevalier de la Charette. The students look enraptured, despite the language barrier; she doubts many of them can translate Old French off the cuff, or that they know the texts well enough to be able to catch up to where he is. 
     It’s the only part of Chrétien’s work she knows. The professor looks up from his reading and his eyes meet hers and he smiles. The sorrow vanishes from his expression if only for a moment, and, clearly recognizing that she is an interloper, he asks, “What does Chrétien mean here? Miss — ?”
     She doesn’t provide her name just yet. Names have power. But she speaks all the same, voice soft even though it carries; the gentle lilt of her Dublin accent sounds almost musical in these halls. “Lancelot can fulfill his task despite the difficulty.”
     “And why is that?”
     “The knight has only one heart,” she translates, grinning in spite of herself at the expression of pleased surprise on his face, “and this one is no longer his.”
     Another student raises her hand and the professor looks away from her to answer it. Carefully, so as to avoid drawing attention to herself, Astoria leans forward and sets the deck on the desk in front of her. The glow has settled into something faint and warm, and she takes in a slow breath before she carefully turns the top card from the deck. 
     Death. The pale rider on his pale horse, scythe hanging down at his side. It’s the same model as in the Cary-Yale collection — is Death as a knight a common motif? She doubts it. She covers the card quickly again, closes her eyes for only a moment, and she sees a flash of a landscape she doesn’t recognize, hears the sound of unfamiliar laughter, very nearly chokes on the overwhelming taste of blood in her mouth.
     She opens her eyes, slips the deck safely into her bag, sits back in her seat and waits. He looks back at her and he smiles again. The taste of blood doesn’t fade. 
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marcusmettalus · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Memories of Another.
Noémie Durand: It is an unexpected, but welcome surprise to see you here Lady Haldus.
Ostia Haldus: Was not really my plan either, but I was given not many alternatives. Though I have to say your people are,,, a welcome surprise too.
Noémie: Haha! Karseilles is quite an outsider compared to much of the Imperium, but we're slowly making way in communicating with them.
Ostia: I've heard that you were,, quite new to being a leader. Some even called you the Young Queen, though I could not tell if they were making a jab at you or using a casual title.
Noémie: Aaaah. Well, compared to many previous Grand Dame and Seigneur, I have not ruled for many years, nor has my Family been in major powers for any great period of time. I've ruled only some,, 84 years now, come winter.
Ostia: Wait. Wait wait, you've been Queen for 80+ years? But you are also a Scion, are you not? How long ha-?
Noémie: I have been bonded to Dominion for 104 years, 8 months and 21 days. I,, I am not allowed to forget this. I was training to be a Scion, and to be the next head of my Family. Never did I see the day that the entire Lyonesse Dynasty to die in a short 8 months.
Ostia: That sounds a little,, too exact.
Noémie: Dominion is,, ancient. They hold the memories of hundreds within themselves. And those memories are becoming my own, with time. And when I pass, my own memories will become theirs, for the next Scion to bear. I'm the youngest to pilot themz and the youngest to rule these people.
Ostia: ,,,, all the memories?
Noémie: Not all, I've trained for years to be able to not delve too deep into Dominion when I pilot them,, but some days, I am no longer Noémie. I'm another Scion, maybe from Durand, maybe from another Family. Their victories, their aspirations,, their deaths.
Ostia: May I ask a personal question? How do you,, how do you handle that burden?
Noémie: Burden? Hmmm, I guess I used to think of it as a burden. But that was a long time ago. Now, heh, c'est la vie. But I think what you're actually asking,, is how do you deal with the memories of another, and keep yourself here. My dear Haldus, see these as dreams. Dreams of your past lives, how you made mistakes and learned from them, those you loved and killed. They will hurt, but they are of the past lives, and will not kill you. They will embolden you, protect you from making the same mistake as they once did.
(Ostia Haldus belongs to @rowscara , and Noémie Durand is mine.)
20 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 16:41:53 GMT
Adamantium Striders
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House Chevalier, Vassal state to the Kingdom of Midgård. These men and women of Karseilles follow the ancient dogma of their predecessors, known to Ministorium Scholars as the Imperial Truth, a doctrine used during the era of The Great Crusade some 10 millennia ago.
To the field of war, House Chevalier brings ancient and highly trained Knights, bipedal goliaths clad in heavy armor plating and high power tank weaponry short of being classified as Titan weaponry. Though due to old wounds, Chevalier does not sport hundreds of these revered Knights.
Only 35 remain in any operational capacity, most were lost during a time called "The Darkest Decades", when Chevalier and Midgård held against the tide of Tyranids of Hivefleet Moloch. Slowly this wound has begun to heal, as the forges on Karseilles and its moons work stubbornly to rebuild those Knight which would be salvaged,, and make entire new ones from scratch.
Grand Dame Noémie Durand is the current ruler of Karseilles, as well as the head of her House. Though her rise to power was not one she had aimed for, her House was simply the one to inherit the mantle fallen from House Lyonesse who all perished in The Darkest Decades. She had only been training as a Scion of her House, to rule when her time came for her own Dynasty,, not the entire Kingdom of Kareilles. She has much to learn about ruling an entire people, and seeks much wisdom and advice from those in power, she has long talks with High King Surtr Muspelson of Midgård for his rule stretches into the millennia.
But tis not just her Dynasty who take to the field, they cannot afford such a bold tactic anymore. She is joined by many other Dynasties who, although, bear the banner of House Chevalier, are clad in their own Dynasty colors and heraldry.
The Karon Dynasty, the Moreau Dynasty and the de-Galle Dynasty are the other families whom fight alongside Durand when Karseilles goes to war.
Karon and Moreau are also two of the four families who have Monarche pattern Knights in their arsenal, the only other being Durand. de-Galle may not have any such pattern in their hangers, however they are the ones who pilot "Les Montagnes Jumelles" or the "Twin Mountains"; a pair of Acastus Pattern Knights wielding the dreaded Mortcœur cannons, a variant of the Hellhammer weaponry.
The more prominent members of these families are the following;
Marquis Jean Corsica Karon, second eldest son of the Karon Dynasty. The Karon are responsible for maintaining the small fleet that Karseilles owns, mainly used for trading with Midgård or Rogue Traders,. They also have control over the lone Space Port, thus having their fingers in all trades and travel. Jean's older brother André may be the next in line to the family throne, but it was Jean who able to bond with the Monarche pattern Knight, "Endless".
Vicomte Gastonne Henreique Moreau, eldest eligible successor to the Moreau Dynasty. The Moreaus have dominance over the budding agricultural and lumber industry which encompasses the southern continents on Karseilles, which feeds the growing population (and some curious eaters in the Midgård Kingdom). The current head of house, Dame Florence, lost her children during The Darkest Decades, thus her Sister's son will be the one to inherit the throne when the day comes. Gastonne, previously one of the overseers responsible for the second largest Blackwood Oak Orchard, was bonded to a Warden pattern Knight, "Chauchat's Roar"
Duchesse Anne de-Galle, eldest daughter of the de-Galle Dynasty. The de-Galle have always been under suspicion due to their repeated attempts to defame the Durand family, and upset the balance of powers on Karseilles. However, Anne seems to be more amicable and willing to work alongside the other Dynasties. Many suspect that Anne is a direct descendant to the founder of the family, a venerated commander within the Solar Auxilia during the time of The Great Crusade, though no proof has been found as of yet. Anne is bonded to one of the Twins, "Blanc Épée" her sister Yvonne pilots "Arqalod Épée"
(Also,, henlo @rowscara have some folks, bois and gals. I will try and find the ones talking bout the Knights and ping you)
22 notes • Posted 2021-09-15 17:41:14 GMT
Ghosts in the Machine Spirit
(Tagging @rowscara because muahahaha)
A gripping numbness encased Ostia's body, soaked through her clothes and bodysuit beneath, like hoarfrost clinging to diaglass panes. Groggy unfocused eyes gazed somewhere and nowhere at once, as her mind was slowly coming back to the present.
Where was she? Her bloodshot weary eyes slowly moved, taking in the dreary grayscale place she found herself in. Nothing. Just an infinite emptiness that went into forever, save for the ankle deep icy water the reflected the inky blackness. So cold and tired was Ostia that she barely registered the water soaked into her hair and clothes, but stiffly did she sit up.
"This,,, is a dream? It is,, different." Ostia's throat felt like she swallowed coarse sand paper and cotton wads, clogged up and hoarse. Coughing to try and clear her throat, the Scion looks around once more to try and find something to help snap herself back to reality.
Ostia felt her heart skip a few beats, flailing as she tries to get up on her feet in a scrambling mess of soaked clothes and clawing hands. Whipping her head about, eyes wide as for the briefest moment could have heard her sister's voice. "Wait,, wha, how. No, its a dream, quiet yo-" but her voice catches in her mouth, as Ostia catches a terrifying vision only some meters away.
Lucelle. Her elder sister, who she has not seen in oh so long, clad in her favorite dress she had gotten at the fair. Though,, she appeared like a phantom of pale eerie lights, Ostia able to see through the woman at the darkness behind.
Either Ostia had been dosed with so much chems by some Imperial Medic, Warden truly playing a cruel trick on her sleeping mind, or a combination of the two.
[Oh sister, truly it is a dark day indeed,, if you are afraid of me, Little Tia.]
"Stop. Stop,, talking in her voice. G-Get out of my head Warden!" Ostia clutched at her head, fingers clawing through her matted hair, shaking her head about to try and clear out what she was hearing. Scrunching her eyes closed tight, having some false hope that she would soon wake up inside the cockpit of Warden, and able to yank out every damned cable from the accursed Knight.
[You wear the Haldus colors well,, even though you were never destined for them.]
Ostia can feel tears creeping down her cheeks, the voice and tone of this apparition oh so natural sounding, why does Warden torment her so?
"Stop, stop, stop, Stop!"
[Ostia. Pull yourself together, or I will tell Jorick that it was you who stole those Median Cookies on Honor's Eve!]
Ostia froze suddenly, her eyes snapping open when this ghost uttered that threat. Slowly the Scion looked up and into the Lucelle shaped figure, her teary eyes looking up into those glaring eyes. That memory is only she could ever recall, oh so many years ago, Warden could not be able to see any significance in such a moment in their childhood.
"Lu? It's,, but, you died." the younger sibling rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palms, while the ghost softens her gaze at her sister, hands delicately crossed over her waist.
[I did. What I am,, is what remains of me. That night where Mother took me to the Thrones,, I did not wake up, my body and soul separated for too long. It consumed my very being. But not gone, thanks to you Tia.]
Ostia blinks slowly, trying to process all of this as Lu spoke, some small voice in her mind urging her to hug her Ghost Sister, but her fears of all of this being a fake were still quite real. "Because of me? But,, why did it take so long till now? Its been,, years, almost decades now! If you were here all along ho-"
[Tia, you could not hear me. So much grief and pain you bore for all this time, trying to distance yourself from Haldia and our family. Your heart and soul were closed,, except that one night.]
Ostia's mind flew back, the inky blackness around the duo morphing to show a memory. Blood and iron, steel and shrill screams, her body wracked by such pain that even the loss of her legs could not compare.
"You,, you were alive then? Locked in the Throne all this time?" Ostia can feel her legs giving out, fresh tears welling up once more as she feels her hands reach out instinctively for Lucelle. "Its been so long Lu, if I had known,, but then you stuck here is my fault?"
[What there was, yes. And I felt your pain, your anger,, and your hope. You thought of me, finding some strength in it,, and that helped me remain. It,, how to say, I stopped feeling lost and wayward. And I have tried for so long, to try and help you as you roamed and fought so many years. But these past few months, it has been so much easier, I am not sure what happened on that world,, but I Feel again.]
Lucelle reaches out with a hand and lightly flicks a finger against Ostia's forehead, giving a sharp sting to the teary eyed younger sister. Ostia flinching with a little yelp, rubbing her head where the sudden pain erupted from.
[ And Lu dear,, you are not to blame. I am still here thanks to you, and I can keep looking out for my brash little sister. Well, you are not so little anymore, now are you?]
Lucelle pulls Ostia in, and by the Emperor she is tangible, a tender warmth finally creeping into Ostia's body as her older sister embraces her, melting away this dreadful numbness. Those threatening tears now spill with earnest now while Ostia hugs her sister for the first time in what felt like an eternity, crying into Lucelle's shoulder.
"I'm sorry Lu, I'm sorry,,"
[Shhh Tia, I do not blame you. I, I know about Mother. I cannot fault your fury and pain, and my heart too soft for such things as war and combat. But now,, I will help protect my little Sister. I am not leaving you ever again.]
Ostia nods quietly, having dreaded on many restless night what Lu would have thought or said to her if she were to find out about the death of their Mother and exile from Haldia. Yet Ostia now felt more determined than before, that Warden would not be the tomb of her sister or herself. It will be a beacon, to spite the pain and fury, to prosper.
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22 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 21:07:02 GMT
Some more world building with the world of Karseille, now that we have a bit of basic backstory and dramatis persona, we move onto,,,
And got promptly stuck, as I didn't know what kind of time period I wanted them to be in. Very unlikely to be highly influenced by the Nobilis families from major Imperial Worlds or such, with the whole,, body-suit+furs deal, or dressing like you are at a Military Parade from the Colonial Era.
Then brain finally got back into gear and had a few options. Then dumbed down further,, and found it.
Roaring 20's!
(or well, the period from 1900-1930, which included the Roaring 20's but you get what I mean.)
While the younger more avant-garde / modern Karseillais may wear clothes more linked to the 20's and the like;
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25 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 11:50:20 GMT
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[I will prepare a book] Tez'sara read through the reports she had gotten in from Kraken, not liking at all what her friend had found and witnessed within the Dreaming City. She should be overjoyed to see the return of Mara Sov, but the implications about Osiris and the Witch Queen,,,
[which is a map to a weapon] The Elementalist pushed aside the papers and datapads, rubbing the bridge of her nose with gloved fingers. Horus, her ever vigilant Ghost slowly floats over from the other side of the office space, having kept himself busy with indexing some of the older Vex reports. His golden frame shifted and clicked as he hovers by his Guardian's shoulder. "Hey,,"
[and my vanquishers, will read that book.] "Hey.." Tez spoke wearily, opening her amber gold eyes to look over at her oldest friend she has had. "We can do this. Together. We have allies and friends, you are not alone." The Awoken chuckles with a shake of her head when Horus spoke again.
"I know Horus, I know,,, but this is not like with Oryx, or Crota or any of the other Hive Pantheon. This one is cunning, terrifyingly so, she has manipulated and schemed on such a level no one can see they are caught in her strings til she allows it." [and they will take up my weapon, and use it]
"I haven't said this will be easy Tez, it never has been when we have gone against the Hive. The Broods, the Nests, the Moon, the Dreadnought. They all have tested the Guardians to their limits and then some. But we are ready for whatever that Witch has cooked up." [and armed thus with my past, and my future, and my present]
Tez sighs lightly as she leans back into her seat, letting her head droop back to gaze up at the arched ceiling, the intricate embroidery and filigree crossing across the deep azure fabrics, moonlight peeking through the half closed windows. Tez's eyes glances over to the barely hidden coffer, atop the furthest cabinet, cloaked in shadows and dust, hidden by the fabrics and ornaments.
[they will become me.]
"I hope we are ready Horus,, I hope we are." The Awoken closes her eyes again, resting a forearm across her temple, putting a little pressure on the headache when it appears again, knowing it would come, like an old friend.
[thus I will live forever.]
26 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 11:53:50 GMT
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