#Chrollo was literally the only character I could think of that fit this idea
hisokas-toybox · 2 years
Hello again fellow Hisoka enjoyer! What do you think Hiso likes to do for Christmas? 🎅
Hello :D Sorry this took so long to reply to! I was thinking about this for so long and really struggling to picture Hisoka specifically in a festive setting, then I got an idea that absolutely ran away with me and ended up involving the entire hxh cast in a kind of christmas special episode idea...
So, since we've never seen where Hisoka actually lives, I kind of default to imagining him living at Heaven's Arena. I then wondered, what if the arena held a Christmas event? A battle royale between the top fighters, with a cash prize for the winner and "mystery presents" for anyone to beat certain scores/make certain achievements (not taking any hits etc). All fighters also HAVE to fight in festive costumes and ticket sales for the event go to charity. I pictured there being a lot of generic costumes from the other fighters, lots of lame onesies, and santa suits with little effort. I also pictured the core 4 being in the audience (Gon is dressed as a christmas tree, with lights in his hair, Killua - forced by Gon - is wearing a jumper that says "bah humbug" Kurapika is in a suit with red and white stripes that look like a candy cane, complete with hat, and Leorio is in an inflatable turkey costume (he left it too late to get anything less ridiculous) as well as any other characters I could shoe-horn in (Illumi - dressed as an elf. It's not meant to be a sexy costume, but because of his generally beautiful shape, it's sexy on him and Bisky in a full angel dress with wings). As for Hisoka? Well this man is known for having outlandish outfits. How can he possibly stand out in a sea of generic Christmas costumes?
Slutty. Mrs. Claus.
Like, literally the skimpiest outfit you can imagine. Barely fits because it was designed for a woman to wear, but Hisoka doesn't care about that. Adds to the appeal of it if anything. He's having a great time prancing about, flirting and making everyone uncomfortable, fighting and making it his mission to win every single prize, (he loves all the silly stuff, but especially the festive sweets). He's managed to alter his Bungee gum too, so now it looks sparkly to match the festive theme. Meanwhile, for the purposes of a plot and more festive nonsense, the Phantom Troupe are also in the crowd. As a floor master, technically Chrollo should be participating in the event. But instead, he and the rest of the troupe have decided to just go full Grinch mode and steal the cash prize. They are all dressed in identical reindeer costumes, with Chrollo the only slightly different one, (he's wearing a red nose, because just like Rudolph, he's the leader). Kurapika only came to this event at all because he was trying to catch the troupe. The rest of the episode would mostly be low stakes comedy about the core 4 trying to stop the Phantom Troupe from stealing Christmas whilst all dressed ridiculously. Honestly, the costume thing really got away from me and now I want to draw all of them! Sorry if this wasn't what you had in mind!
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Hey ho it’s me again
This is literally a result of me writing a whole fic based around a single line of dialogue that wouldn’t leave my brain instead of me focusing on the requests sitting in my inbox because I ✨suck✨
Also this is my second official time writing for Chrollo, so pls don’t rip me to shreds. 💛
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Pairing: Chrollo x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1′623
Warnings: Yandere, Implied kidnapping, Noncon touching, Implied somnophilia, Sleep deprivation. Chrollo is a cryptic fuck and Reader lets their exhaustion level get the better of them.
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Falling asleep always felt like a task.
A lot of the time you required some kind of white noise in order to drift off, whether it was in the form of a random podcast, or one of those “10 hour thunderstorm vibes” videos that always seemed to pop up in your recommended section; which more often than not were the most effective.
The pre-recorded sounds would never compare to the real thing, though.
The pattering of rain against the rooftop should’ve been more than enough to lull you to sleep, but these days the white noise was now more akin to tv static in terms of pleasantry. Each drop against the metal tiles seemed louder than the last, making drifting off damn near impossible.
Any sleep you did get felt like a purgatory between the conscious and unconscious worlds. Not quite awake, but not nearly asleep... you could never tell what was real and what was a dream half the time.
It felt like a pit of grasping hands pulling you this way and that - ripping at your clothes and gripping whatever flesh they could, whether it be your arms, your legs, your hips, your breasts…  dragging you into a never ending pit of ink that left you unable to breathe and unable to force yourself awake.
The fragmented recollections left you more tired than you had originally been when you closed your eyes.
The exhaustion escaped you in the form of a defeated sigh as you rolled onto your back and sat up; gritting your teeth to keep your sounds of discontent to yourself.
Your bones ached from the concrete. You would’ve thought you’d get used to sleeping on the floor with only a jacket for padding after the first few days, but the pain in your muscles was proving the opposite. Out of instinct you looked towards the large analogue clock that hung above the main floor of what you could only describe as an abandoned steel mill. The position of the hands hadn’t changed from the last time you looked at it, nor from where they were when Chrollo first brought you to the mill.
He kept you with him on the walkways above the main area. The coolness of the guardrail against your forehead did little in terms of pulling you back to the land of the living while you looked down below, but you clung to it nonetheless. The ground was covered in patches of sphagnum moss - a steady stream of water from a hole in the ceiling kept the moisture levels high enough for certain patches to be surprisingly thick. The biggest area was currently enveloped in moonlight and was occupied by one of the four present members of the gang Chrollo engaged himself with.
You weren’t stupid, you knew exactly who they were. Hell, you had to be either living under a rock, or an infant to not know who the Phantom Troupe was, since all you had to do was pass a goddamn newspaper stand to know the basics of the infamous group. But that was all you knew. The basics.
The only details you really knew were the names of your captor and the one member sitting cross-legged among the moss… Machi.
You’d only met her once beforehand, but a part of you still held a special distaste for her. Not simply because of her status as a Troupe member, but because she was the only other woman around. It was sadly ironic since you thought that a feminine presence would’ve somehow… eased the situation you were in, for lack of a better word, but the fact remained that she had yet to even spare you a passing glance.
It made any hope you had in your mind of her helping you down the line vanish into thin air.
When it came to the other three members, it was harder to put a name to a face, but it wasn’t like Chrollo allowed you down to the lower levels to walk around, let alone start a conversation…
“You didn’t sleep long.”
You closed your eyes with a sigh, pressing your face harder against the metal. Speak of the devil.
“I didn’t.”
Chrollo hummed, the noise followed by a soft thud of a book closing and the crunch of debris under his feet.
You peaked a half-open eye at him. “Were you watching me the whole time I was trying to sleep?”
“Not entirely.” He admitted, stopping about a foot from your left.
The ambiguity of the statement overshadowed the relief you should’ve felt, but you didn’t rise to the bait. Instead silence fell between the two of you as it usually did while you rubbed your closed eye with the pads of your fingers - stars appearing behind your eyelid from the pressure. 
“You’ve been sleeping differently.”
You tittered humourlessly, “Can’t say I noticed, maybe it’s because my living arrangements have been inexplicably changed.”
“You had something I desired.”
“Which you now have.” You dropped your hand back down into your lap unceremoniously, tears pooling behind the closed lid from the irritation. “If you still think I’m hiding something more valuable than Tamerlane of all things in the shop that you and your ruffians quite literally tore apart, you’re going to be disappointed.”
“You don’t possess anything else that I want.”
“So then am I free to go, or are you going to kill me?”
A small smile appeared on his face but he didn’t answer.
You huffed, teeth catching your lower lip for a moment. “So you are going to kill me.”
The moment of false bravado was gone nearly as soon as it came when he crouched down so he was eye level with you, and the texture of the jacket’s fur lining became like hay under the grip of your fingers.
He leaned forward and you leaned back.
“Not unless it’s warranted.”
You laughed again, but it came out more as a shaky exhale. “And you’re surprised I’m sleeping differently.”
You repressed the urge to flinch when he brought one of his hands up, relief soothing the adrenaline somewhat when he reached for a corner of the jacket and began to gently pull on it. You took the hint and stood up while eyeing him warily.
“I made the comment because you usually sleep on your back.” He brushed his hand along the back to clear the dust from the St. Peter’s Cross. “You’ve resigned to sleeping on your stomach now.”
You blinked, tears of irritation still dripping from your eye, which you wiped away in annoyance. “What’s your point?”
He stood to his full height and shrugged on the jacket, straightening the lapel and running a hand down one of his arms to brush off the remaining dust. “For someone suffering from poor sleep, being on your stomach is going to increase those problems, not improve them.”
You hummed. “I wasn’t under the impression that you cared about anything other than the objects you obtained.”
“On the contrary, if I cared for them I would not get rid of them once I admired them.”
You paused for a moment, mulling over the information that just made you feel heavier, and you placed a hand on the guardrail for support.
“You tore apart my shop… ripped me from the life I had made simply so you could what? Read the original copy of a book created nearly 200 years ago without paying for it?”
He smiled. “And you placed it right into my hands, so tell me who is more responsible for your position between the two of us?”
“Why am I even here, Chrollo?” You sighed, too tired to stop the words from slipping out. “Whether it’s my own fault or not, whether I am getting sleep or not, what does it matter?! You said so yourself, I have nothing more that you want!”
“I said you don’t possess anything else I want.”
“Then what?!” Your voice was raised enough that it echoed throughout the building. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the heads of Machi and the others turn towards you briefly before going back to their own business and you felt a small amount of heat creep up your cheeks.
You forgot you weren’t alone.
“What else do you want from me?”
Debris crunched softly under his boots as he closed the distance once more, and you only resisted slightly when he brought his left hand underneath your chin.
“What, indeed?” He mused, keeping your face towards his with his index finger while his thumb traced over your chin. “When the value of things is more arbitrary rather than based on an official system...”
You grimaced, pulling back out of instinct from the hand that was giving you a terrible sensation of deja vu, but he kept you rooted in place.
The way he had trailed off made the silence that followed heavy with something you were undoubtedly missing - the obvious lost to the fog of an exhausted mind. Your grimace deepened when he ran his other hand along the length of your arm and rested it on your shoulder - the callus of his palm against your skin feeling like that of sand, and you braced yourself to be pulled downwards into the inky depths of black you had become so familiar with… but it never came.
One last tear fell from your eye, but even you weren’t sure if it was left over from the irritation, or from something else as your tired mind slid things into place.
“Are you going to get rid of me?” You asked. “Once you’ve admired me?”
He smiled again, but didn’t answer.
And silence was shared once again.
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2022. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
Taglist: @prettycutebunny​, @sai-my-beloved​, @we-are-so-close​, @shorkbrian​, @biby-24k​, @forcefulkitten​, @eleventhdoctorsangel​, @siphite​
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
Heyo! Love your writing 💖 from most to least, who in the adultrio is most touch starved and how do they deal with it in a relationship? 👀👀👀👀
Hi! This is cute and sad at the same time, but I'll make it all better and fluffier ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Thank you for the request and I hope you'll like it! 😄
Warning: very long, a bit sad because of their pasts, some personal analysis based on common HxH knowledge, gut feeling and theories
A/N: literally poured my heart and soul, especially for Chrollo and Hisoka, because I feel really bad for what they had to go through and how twisted they can be, when things could’ve been so different
So the way I see things is as follows:
From the most touch starved to the least (they all are, absolutely, but the explanation will be below for each character):
Chrollo -> Hisoka -> Illumi
Why? Lemme demonstrate.
since he was probably abandoned at birth in Meteor City, he’s already missing the parents’ loving touch
Meteor City seems to be one of the harshest environments in the Hunter x Hunter universe, probably being second only (at least for me) to the Dark Continent, since that one is just nuts
because of where and how he grew up, he probably never felt anything... good, in terms of touching, affection, love etc.
Chrollo loved no one and no one loved him
not truly and not for what he is
but mostly for his looks, his power, the things he could probably acquire for them
the Spiders are the only ones who accept him as a leader and a friend, a mentor, but even so, they don’t seem that close
and he does seem like the type of person who craves it, so badly
especially after hearing about it, seeing other people do it and even reading all those romance books and poems
but he’s terrified of letting anyone that close to him and seeing him for who he is
not even he knows who he is for sure, so he is just really confused
and all those moments where he touched someone and even seemed like he cared were all lies
Chrollo actually doesn’t really get much comfort from doing it because it’s a total stranger and even though he’s the bad guy, maybe they are bad too
now, if he does get into a relationship, it’s going to be tough
he’s always searching for a catch, a lie, an ulterior motive
so you have to be very patient and actually take it easy
always ask him if he’s okay with what you’re going to do
he’ll always appreciate that and make him feel like he doesn’t have to act or lie or feel pressured into doing something he doesn’t want
if he really loves you and cares, he will slowly give in to the temptation and allow you to get closer to him step by step
maybe not immediately, but he’ll definitely start reciprocating and even initiating those affectionate gestures
and it makes Chrollo so happy when you respond positively because he needs some sort of validation that what he’s doing is okay, you’re comfortable around him, you accept him, you love him, you won’t hurt him in any way
if there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell him, because there’s nothing more he hates than hurting someone he actually cares about
overall, in the end, he’ll be pretty affectionate and romantic with you because your affection, touches, intimacy, domesticity and love that you offer him allow Chrollo find a part of himself, a more human one that he most probably thought he didn’t even have
in Hisoka’s case, I’d like to mention the fact that he had his mother
for how long, we don’t know, but he was taught how to do some magic tricks by her
I do think that maybe they weren’t that close, but his mother could be somewhat affectionate at times
which is probably why he remembers the fact that she taught him pretty fondly
remember the fact that Hisoka doesn’t normally care about the past, so this must’ve been something pretty significant to him and still is, since he employs cards and magic tricks into pretty much everything he does
now, about how touch starved he is?
not as much as Chrollo, but certainly not that less either
like I said, he had a parent, his mother, so there was some family bonding and some motherly love (at least a bit), whereas Chrollo had nothing
that doesn’t mean that Hisoka isn’t touch starved
but he doesn’t really pay much attention to that
he probably has a lot of one night stands since he seems to be so... flirty and easily excitable and extroverted
maybe he really is shy, like he said? probably in a relationship and when he is vulnerable, but I’ll get to that in a moment
even with all the one night stands and his personality, Hisoka doesn’t really feel anything, at least not emotionally, when touching or being touched
only physically
and he likes it, but that would be it, he doesn’t feel any emotional connection to anyone
but in a relationship, an actual, real, romantic relationship, things would be different
Hisoka’s going to be flirty, teasing, even mean sometimes
especially when you actually seem to want to know more about him - as a person, his past, his hobbies, anything regarding him, not the persona he has made for himself
but, again, patience and don’t go overboard
it’ll feel like an intrusion
also, yes, touchy, very
but... it doesn’t really feel like anything more than something purely physical and if you tell him to stop, he'll listen and back off
it’s all about pleasure and if you get none, he’ll feel as if he did badly
so he’d rather not have to deal with that
just like Chrollo, he’s protecting himself and his heart
because pretty much no one wanted to be with him, but for the benefits he’d bring them
not that he really let others too close either - whoever did get too close and betrayed him died painfully, I know for sure
but you’d probably start breaking down those walls slowly, in time
he will share things about himself and let you witness it, but not too much and not too often
not really into talking about his past, but again, snippets, not everything
Hisoka’s scared that you’ll use what you find out about him against him
but once he realises that yes, he can trust you and yes, he can be himself?
all bets are off
touchy, flirty, teasing, but in a very... let’s say, lighthearted way, very focused only on the two of you?
the creepy flirting and whatever is reserved for whoever he wants to fight/kill
but with you, it’ll be a lot more romantic and affectionate
will absolutely love having you close physically and touching you constantly
feels recharged and happy when he’s close to you
will definitely be almost like a different person sometimes because he’ll allow himself to be relaxed and comfortable and vulnerable around you
Hisoka likes having someone like you to rely on and be able to talk to about his thoughts and fears (not many, but still), even if it doesn’t really happen that often
but, bottom line is, he trusts you, a lot more than he’s probably trusted anyone in his entire life and will be more honest with you as well
for Illumi, I’ll have to say that it’s his family
yes, they trained him to be an assassin and was pretty much just a test subject for Kikyo and Silva since he is a boy and the oldest
but, still, he had a family that, in a way or another, was there for him, preparing him, helping him and providing him with whatever he needed and maybe even wanted
again, this is only my way of saying that he had some sort of contact with people who were close to him, especially from a genetical point of view, ever since he was a child and had help in case he needed it
because of all the torture and training he went through, Illumi is pretty much emotionless and immune to almost anything
he feels no real joy from being touched by others or touching them, and the only ones even allowed to touch him are his family and Hisoka, mostly because he’s persistent and they’ve known each other for some time
the only way he’s really been taught how to touch others is if he has to kill them, so you can imagine that he doesn’t really know what he’s missing on, compared to, let’s say Alluka or Killua, even Kalluto who were raised a bit more... lovingly
so imagine how it’ll be when he gets into a relationship with someone who’s a lot more touchy
he’d probably be pretty on edge and even appear threatening
but, explaining what you want to do in simple terms and your reasons should make him a bit more open, at least to the idea of thinking about this
of course, Illumi’s seen other people hugging, kissing, holding hands etc.
and he’s probably wondered why he never did that
but at the same time, he’s never really felt like he really needed affection in his life
until you came into it
when you started with small things (holding pinkies was something that lasted for like a month), he couldn’t really say that he saw the big deal
but at the same time, Illumi liked it a lot
when it came to hand holding, he loved the way your smaller hand fit into his and almost seemed like it was made for him and he could just keep you close and safe
other things, like hugging or kissing probably took a bit longer
his favourite thing to do has got to be cuddling because he just likes feeling like he can relax around you and also get his daily dose of touch, love and affection from one of the few people he cares about, even loves, and who he allows to touch him
and yes, he’ll slowly start touching you as well
something as simple as a brief hug before he has to leave just makes him feel giddy and he actually wants and needs more when he comes back to you
he likes feeling all those positive emotions, though he doesn’t really like that feeling of vulnerability, but he guesses that it’s only fair, considering the fact that you’re doing the same
to others, it might not seem like he’s changed much: the same emotionless face and the same ruthlessness as an assassin
but when he’s with you, everything just seems a lot more relaxed for the two of you and he can actually just breathe and know that he’ll have you by his side at the end of the day
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
Hello! I was recently re-reading the Hisoka vs Chrollo fight and i’m left with so many questions e.g why did Chrollo explain all of his new nen abilities to Hisoka at the start of the match, why does Hisoka suddenly change his approach towards the troupe after the fight, etc? Also, how do you think the fight ties into the larger themes of the story. It does take place in heaven’s arena and the audience gets heavily mixed up in it so those might be clues. Sorry if this is too long 😅 thank you
Hello anon!
Sorry for the wait!
Chrollo and Hisoka’s fight tells us multiple things about both characters. I will make some references to these two metas.
What is interesting is that both Chrollo and Hisoka are two characters who objectify both others  and themselves, but their fight shows they do not take it much well when someone else objectifies them.
When it comes to both Hisoka and Chrollo objectifying others, I think this is very well shown through the powers and the tricks used by both characters during their battle.
On one hand Chrollo uses a total of five different powers throughout the battle (excluding the book and the bookmark which are his own abilities). He used Black Voice, The Sun and Moon, Order Stamp, Gallery Fake and Convert Hands.
These powers highlight different aspects of Chrollo’s character.
Convert Hands lets him take someone else’s appearance and change others’ appearances as well. All in all, it is a power Chrollo uses to camouflage himself while in a crowd. The alternatice name of the ability is Transfer Student and it is interesting because it suggests the idea of someone new which wants to fit in. All in all, it is easy to see how such an ability would have been useful to its previous owner for infiltration and for spying others. It could be effective also in hiding and in losing pursuers. In Chrollo’s case, it might be seen as a hint to his frail sense of identity, which I have talked about in the meta about him and Kurapika:
Chrollo says confusely that the reason he is killing is to find himself. This makes sense considering his past: he was born without an identity and his relationship with the outside was one where there was a risk of things getting stolen from him. So in an attempt to interact with the outside he reversed this relationship and made himself being the one stealing from others.
And I have touched the topic in these other two metas as well. In short, Chrollo’s sense of self is frail at best and this is why he tries to compensate by stealing from others:
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Only to get immediately bored by what he stole and to give it away:
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Only to start stealing again and more.
All in all, the ability to change his own appearance by taking another person’s fits with this pattern of behaviour. In a sense, he is just like a transfer student (an outcast) who can not really fit into the world and this is why he tries to find himself in others. However, at the same time, he does not respect others as individuals, but only as things:
In short, both Neon and Chrollo have probably lived an empty life to an extent and this emptiness has led them to see others in an utilitaristic way. This utilitaristic vision is symbolized by Neon and Chrollo’s attempts to gain happiness through them collecting “others”. However, for the both of them this is not how they are supposed to give meaning to their lives. In order to grow they should interact with others and learn from them and they should have started with each other. However, this chance was wasted.
He sees them as sources of other powers and at the same time his pursue of new powers is probably born by his interest in people:
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This utilitaristic approach to people is well expressed through the second power of Convert Hadns which lets him turn others in Hisoka’s targets by making them look like himself.
What is more, Chrollo’s manipulative nature is conveyed also by two other abilities he used in the fight aka Black Voice and Order stamp. These two abilities are compared and contrasted by Chrollo himself:
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Black Voice lets Chrollo give more specific orders, but has the limitation of only working on two people, while Order Stamp doesn’t work on living people, but it does on fakes and can be used to control many subjects at the same time.
So, which kind of manipulator is Chrollo? I would say that he is neither like Shalnark nor like the person who created Order Stamp. In short, he sees others as objects, but what he wants to do with these “objects” is not really to completely control their movements, but rather:
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As stated above, Chrollo is genuinely curious about others, but he is not really able/doesn’t care to forge genuine relationships with them, so he simply steals parts of them, closes them into a book and studies them.
In the battle, he attempts to do the same with Hisoka, not in the sense that he wants to steal his power, but in the sense that he treats Hisoka as a case study rather than an opponent. He closes Hisoka in a specific scenario and sees how he reacts. This is also why he explains the abilities to him:
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He makes clear what abilities he is going to use, so that he can test how much Hisoka will be able to infer from his explanation.
At the same time, Chrollo is basically able to use this explanation to trick Hisoka:
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As a matter of fact he tells Hisoka that The Sun and Moon is an ability whose nen has been made stronger by the death of its creator. Because of this, Hisoka infers that, once Chrollo puts the marks on an object, they will stay active even if the book is closed. However, the true trick used by Chrollo is to use the mark to make so that the copies created by Gallery Fake can remain active even when this power is deactivated thanks to the marks of the sun and the moon put on them.
In short, Chrollo explaining the abilities he is gonna use to Hisoka has a double function.
It has a practical function in the sense that he uses his explanation to confuse Hisoka and to make Hisoka focus on the wrong aspect of his powers, so that he partially misinterprets them.
It has an experimental function since Chrollo wants to see how Hisoka will react to his explanation. He wants to see if he will stil accept the challenge knowing how much at a disadvantage he is and if he will be able to understand the true nature of Chrollo’s abilities.
In other words we can say that the essence of Chrollo’s power is to properly understand how an ability works, its strong points and its weak points and also its hidden aspects. It is by experimenting with each ability that Chrollo becomes able to use every ability he has in new and unconventional ways. In the fight, he has basically challenged Hisoka to keep up with him when it comes to this and oc Hisoka can’t completely keep up because this is Chrollo’s speciality.
In short, Chrollo sets up the fight, so that Hisoka is naturally at a disadvantage. This is also highlighted by Chrollo being the one who chooses the time and place. The whole arena becomes for Chrollo an experimental site he has closed Hisoka in to conduct his studies. At the same time, all the people in the arena become tools for Chrollo to use to his advantage.
However, Chrollo has made a miscalculation:
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The Heaven Arena where the fight happens is not the “real world” to put it in Hisoka’s terms. The arena is a very specific place with specific rules and even if Chrollo and Hisoka twisted those rules in their death match, it has remained a place with specific limitations. This is why in the end Hisoka tells Machi this:
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It is not about choosing a better time and place, but not to let others choose the time and place. Hisoka is doing what he said he would have done with Gon aka he is taking the battle in the real world. The real world has no limitations like the arena and in the real world there are people Chrollo cares about like the other members of the Spider.
As a matter of fact the death of Shalnark and Kortopi can be seen as retribution to Chrollo’s behaviour. Let’s consider this:
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The old man and Chrollo can be seen as parallels in a sense. The old man used to have an utilitaristic vision of others to the point that he had no exhitation into turning his own comrades into bombs. Chrollo agrees with the old man’s vision of humans and in a sense he too has weaponized his comrades since he asked two of them to lend them their abilities. What is interesting is that Chrollo clearly cares about his friends and he was even ready to give them their abilities back, but his willingness to make use of them and mess with Hisoka is what led to their deaths.
In conclusion, we can say that Chrollo messed with Hisoka and humiliated him. He tried to reduce Hisoka to a funny experiment and now he is facing the consequences of this behaviour by having two of his friends die.
Let’s now focus on Hisoka. He too wants to objectify Chrollo:
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He wants to dominate him as an opponent and to use Chrollo to literally get excited:
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It is not a mystery that Hisoka mixes sexual attraction, love and fighting:
Bungee-Gum is a power which mirrors this specific part of Hisoka’s personality and it’s not by chance that this power’s alternative name is Elastic Love. Hisoka’s elastic and sticky gum is nothing more, but a metaphor for the unhealthy obsession Hisoka shows for whoever is strong enough to challenge him. An obsession which can go to unthinkable lengths, like joining a dangerous criminal group to get the chance to challenge its leader. If Illumi lives his relationships purely in an utilitaristic and manipulative way, Hisoka seems to blur the lines among love, sexual attraction and fighting.
What is more, he mixes fighting, sex attraction and love because he himself is not really able to interact with people in any other way. He is like Chrollo, but while Chrollo sees others like funny beings to study, Hisoka sees them as things he can fight and destroy.
This is made clear in the battle as well:
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Hisoka, like Chrollo, ends up using people as prompts and weapons against his opponent. While Chrollo uses manipulation to subjugate people’s will and the chaos to his advantage, Hisoka literally uses people bodies and severed body parts and launches them against Chrollo.
Chrollo is a child who makes smart experiments with its toys to see what happens, while Hisoka is the child who enjoys breaking his toys.
However, this time Hisoka is not really able to break Chrollo and actually ends up as the one being played with as explained above.
It is pretty interesting that this happens at the Heaven Arena aka the place Hisoka’s nen was revealed to us for the first time and also the place Hisoka showed his true strength.
It is especially interesting because in a sense Chrollo and Hisoka’s fight plays out in the opposite ways the fight between Hisoka and Castro did.
Both times Hisoka faces off against an opponent he has helped in the past for the sake of a future match. As a matter of fact he fougth Castro and awoke his nen without killing or damaging him, so that he could grow stronger and fight him in the future. Similarly, he helped Chrollo find a jonen expert, so that he could have his nen back. In both cases Hisoka obtains what he wants and faces respectively Castro and Chrollo.
What is more, both fights start with his opponent gaining the upper hand, but while he is ultimately able to win against Castro he loses badly to Chrollo. What is more, in both fights the victory is decided by the ability of better understanding the powers involved. As a matter of fact Castro did not really understand his own nen ability, while Chrollo perfectly understands both his and others’ to the point that it doesn’t matter if he tells Hisoka his abilities or not. Tbh, this is another contrast between the two fights. In the one against Castro, Hisoka’s main problem is to figure out Castro’s powers which immediately lose their efficiency once they are discovered. When he fights Chrollo, however, Hisoka is informed by his opponent of the powers he will use before the fight even starts and he still loses.
In short, Hisoka loses in what has basically been his former turf and this makes so that he reacts strongly.
Specifically, he reacts this way:
After his fight with Chrollo Hisoka started to move to make all his few and precarious relationships spiral into chaos. He decided to go actively against Chrollo by targetting what he cares for the most. At the same time he refused Machi’s offer to stitch him up and so changed their usual dynamic. Moreover, he asked Illumi to join the spiders, so that he can fight him as well. So in this short period of time Hisoka went out of his way to make his own equilibrium crumble and to accellerate the progression of his own relationships toward a death fight which is the ending he himself had programmed since the beginning, but that he seemed not to be in a hurry to reach until recently.
What’s interesting about this is that this development happened after a death-experience Hisoka managed to overcome thanks to his own strength and his nen. This experience happens immediately after Gon’s one has been resolved thanks to Killua and Nanika. However, if Gon’s reaction to his almost-death is to stop temporally and rethink himself and his relationships with others and to realize how much these people mean for him.
Hisoka’s own reaction is to accellerate things and to destroy all of what he built. So maybe it’s not casual that, while Gon can’t currently use his nen, Hisoka has basically become his nen:
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He is alive not because of someone else’s power (like Gon is), but because of his Bunjee-Gum which makes his lungs and heart work and of which his limbs are currently made of. However, Hisoka’s Bunjee-Gum is, as previously said, a representation of his twisted way of interacting with others and so we have Hisoka currently warping his relationships even more than before.
In short Hisoka wanted to make use of Chrollo, but he ended up used and now he wishes to take revenge on Chrollo and this is why he is attacking the spiders. He is even mocking Chrollo in the sense that, just like Chrollo explained him his powers before the fight, he lets Machi alive, so that she can inform Chrollo of Hisoka’s intentions.
I would also like to highlight that Hisoka using post-mortem nen  can be seen as a parallel to Gon’s vow against Pitou. In that battle, Gon was ready to die in order to win, while Hisoka knew he could not win and did everything he could to survive. What is more, Gon losing Kite to Pitou led him into a spiral where he hurt both himself and others. Right now, we can say that losing against Chrollo might have started a similar process in Hisoka. Hisoka felt defeated and he is reacting to this sense of defeat just like Gon reacted to the sense of powerlessness he felt when fighting Pitou the first time. Hisoka keeps confirming himself as a darker mirror of Gon.
Basically, the fight between Hisoka and Chrollo is not over and it has simply changed setting.Moreover, there is what @hamliet said in one of our conversations:
For Chrollo, Hisoka lost because he was alone (Chrollo was using other abilities). Yet, Chrollo's Troupe has now become his weakness (Hisoka's using them to shake Chrollo mentally).
As you can see, they are both hurting each other where it is most painful and they are going at each other’s weak spot. For Hisoka, Chrollo attacks his pride and defeats him in a one vs one match. For Chrollo, Hisoka hurts the people closest to him and who are at the centre of Chrollo’s own self and identity.
These are my thoughts on their fight! Thank you for the ask and sorry for the late reply!
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Oh, no, he’s not that bad. He just gets horny when fighting someone who’s actually strong enough to beat him up (even if said someone is a 12 year old boy) and makes such…interesting…sounds while doing so that you’d have a hard time explaining to your parents that no, you’re not watching anything explicit (at least not in that way), honestly doesn’t care whether you live or die if you aren’t entertaining, might murder you just for the lulz if he’s bored, is best friends with a cold blooded assassin with a lot of issues, would kill a child if the child was powerful enough to put up a fight, has a TYPE when it comes to his murderous creepy crushes (Machi: the cold, focused lady with incredible talent who hates him, Chrollo: the extremely powerful thief with unique abilities who doesn’t particularly care for him as far as I know, (possibly)Illumi: the talented assassin who tolerates him as long as he doesn’t lay a finger on Illumi’s beloved little brother Killua (and if Hisoka ever dares to joke about killing Killua then, well, too bad for him)…yeah, Hisoka really has a type)…
yep, he’s really not THAT bad, people are just too hard on him, don’t you think? Poor guy.
You’re welcome :) I still have the crying Saiko pic tho. I might send it to you someday (lol jk jk I messed up her lips on that pic and I am too ashamed to ever show it to anyone. I might still redraw it and send it though because what else could you expect from the Dwarf in the Flask?)
Ah, that’s true. No nose + No mouth + ‘Squad leader is disappointed' look = Urie’s default face…
Watercolors really are so pretty. I love how you can make them look delicate even when using super bold, bright colors. They’re also perfect for painting angsty stuff.
TYSM, Queen Luna is so nice *hugs*
I guess I’m careful on the internet partly because it really IS dangerous, and partly because I just feel uncomfortable doing anything I know my parents wouldn’t approve of without talking it through with them? Idk, see, I can lie to people I don’t like/don’t know very well and not feel guilty about it as long as I have a good reason to, but when I care about someone I’ll feel terrible about hiding something from them even if it’s honestly not a big deal ^^;;
Luckily though I asked my parents and they don’t have a problem with Steam as long as I’m sure the games I play on there are PG-13 :) so I’ll be trying CP when I have the time! Tysm for the help and the rec <3
OH really? Wow! And yeah, Ascension glitches sometimes for me too…but usually if I try again after a while it works again. The ending is pretty awesome, so I do recommend that you try again sometime ^^
(Ishida is trolling auto-correct as well)
I’m going to college soon and I hope Ishida’s tweet won’t be summing that up too LOL (jk, jk)
Oh sure, I don’t think I’d have trouble getting along with Riza! I meant Roy taking you to meet Riza and you taking Roy to meet me XD
Imagine Evans and Riza teaming up on the Roy/Luna couple though. 
Riza: “Are you going out on a date? Colonel, please button up your shirt.”
Roy: Riza u trying to ruin my swag  “but-”
Riza: “No buts, it looks much too sloppy.”
Evans: “Luna, I found your phone. Take it with you, ok? Call me if something happens and don’t stay out too late, you need your sleep-”
Luna: “You do realize I’m older than you?”
Evans: “…”
Luna: “…nothing, of course I’ll take my phone!”
Evans: ^^
Riza: *sigh* Kids these days.
Evans: Yeah…
Scar and Evans are both in denial so they’ll keep going round and round in circles until Queen Luna decides to be her awesome self and fix it all up.
(‘Great, because I’m not! Have fun’ seriously you are QUEEN)
I’m sure the queen is absolutely gorgeous <3
I’m sorta like that too- with most people physical contact is a huge NO I hate it, but with people I’m REALLY close with (my mom, my little sister) I love to cuddle. Idk, I’m weird lol
I ship it too. Ugh why do I ship everything except the canon ships
I’m gonna forget it later if I don’t write it now:  I’ve watched Zankyou no Terror and I’m pretty sure you’d like it! It’s about terrorists and has plenty of suffering and ridiculous english. Right down your alley XD
…wow. Just. I have no idea what to say other than ‘this is why I always wear headphones when watching anime’. I mean. Nope, I’ll be quiet.  The pic’s still really good, tho!
Yeah, poor guy, I wonder why people give him shit. It’s a mystery.
Aw, I wanted to see it… well, if you’re not comfortable sharing it, then it’s no problem ^^ If you ever do redraw it though…. I actually want to get my feels destroyed for once. 
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I literally clicked on a random chapter. He has his nose and lips tho. Speaking of Urie, oh god the new chapter. I cry.
One time in elementary school, we did this thing with watercolours that I really loved, even though my art turned out like shit: You draw a tree trunk with brown colours normally, then take pink colours (or whichever you want), dip in a toothbrush or normal brush and try to like… spray the paper? Splatter the paint? I honestly don’t know how to describe it in english XD  But it looks pretty cool when done ^^
Well, as long as you don’t give out personal info and go to weird sites that could give viruses, it’s not that bad. You can never be carful enough, tho, so it’s nice that you’re cautious ^^ And it’s nice that you tell your parents. Mine don’t even know I have a tumblr XD I don’t think they care, though. Mostly because they trust me not to do stupid shit on the internet.
Oh, sweet! I’m pretty sure that CP is pg-13, There’s no cussing as far as I remember and no gore either ^^  Just a bucketful of angst. Tell me when you start playing! And which route you choose as your first one :D My recommendation is either Karma or Rod. Well, Fritz and Waltz are locked until you’ve done 2 routes, but Rumpel (the 3rd unlocked character) has quite a few spoilers in his route, so I’d recommend doing him 3rd.
It’s been at least a year since I’ve played Ascension. It still glitches RIP. It seems the game hates me XD
Ishida is the troll king. We need to make him a crown or something.
I think I’d get along with Riza just fine XD We’d sigh over Roy and paperwork together :P What do you think you’d be like if you’d meet Mustang?
Riza always ruins his fun XD I think there was that theatre video in which she’s like ‘don’t forget to brush your teeth and floss, sleep at least 8 hours a day’ etc. She’s really his mom (and yet I ship them like titanic (minus the catastrophic sinking))
Yes mom, thanks for remembering my phone, I would’ve forgotten it myself XD I’ll call you if I need someone to pick me up :P
At first it’s cute how you two are shy about it, but then at one point I get fed up and just set you up so you can finally hold hands and be happy. I don’t even try to be subtle anymore. I’ve had enough of that XD
Nah, that’s not weird at all. It makes perfect sense ^^ A lot of people I know are like that! One of my friends doesn’t accept hugs/touching from anyone, including family and very close friends.
It’s a rule of the universe. If you ship it, it’s not gonna be canon. 
THE NEW CHAP. DAMN THE NEW CHAP. I’m mostly (only) emotional over Urie, though. I’ve stopped caring about the others a long time ago ^^;;;
Whoah, that’s pretty interesting! I’ve never played the game or seen any playthroughs, but still.  The Oggai are not to blame for what they’re doing. If I was abducted when I was that young, I’d probably be an obedient puppet as well.., 
One thing I can say about the designs: they’re suffering. Other than that, the sketches are a tiny bit messy, but they do seem to fit their personalities well ^^
And thank you <3 I change my icon quite often, so don’t be surprised if you find a new one often :P
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