#Chrona Aquila
8bit-mau5 · 9 months
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Wanted to do a quick little thing of my oldest ship on the blog as a pick-me-up :'3
Marcel - @constellation-trolls
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whorechatatas · 2 years
👀 🌈 😝 👗 🛏️ u know who. gimme crow?
What do they look for in a sexual partner?
UMMM someone versatile and who isn't Too shy or reluctant to give up control. He's a top that prefers to take control of the situation and wholly pamper the person he's with- he's a SERVICE TOP okay he needs his partner to be comfortable and willing to trust him. I think that's most important than anything to him. He's a Slut so aside from that he's not too picky.
Sexual fantasies?
He hs too much frequent sex to really have much in the means of fantasies like he's always getting them. FULFILLED JNHSBGDGF
But one thing of his would be to have a lavish vacation away with a lover and spend the whole weekend sexing it up just so. so spoiled with the best food and best views and pastimes to get back to the room to nd have a Time. Yknow. He likes to spoil his partners so this shouldn't come to a surprise
Are they loud/vocal, or do they stay quiet?
He's on the quieter side! He doesn't moan much but he does sigh and grunt/growl a bit. Sometimes he'll be generous with praise if he knows his partner is into it.
Clothes off or on during sex?
OFF. Always off. He pays too much good money for his clothes and if you ruin them with your cum he will wring your neck out like a wet towel. It's so funny to me.
Do they like having sex outside of the bedroom? If yes, where?
Yes <3 He prefers some semblance of privacy of course, but one of his favorites is ummm sneaky sex on the clock. Sucking his partner's off under their work desk or break room. Fucking them in a closet. Fucking his partners in HIS OWN office/etc or getting handsy in the changing room (where he chooses what You wear for him). He also loves picnic sex, it's cute
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azucar-arts · 2 months
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seraphic-arts · 2 years
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Chrona Aquila for @8bit-mau5
A wonderful character, had a lot of fun drawing him!
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huahualania · 2 years
41, 47, 56 4 anneke :)
41: What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
She’s picked up a few goofier exclamations like “dangnabit” and “son of a gun” from Bailey Ezmeya.
47: Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
A large amount of people from her old life (friends/ex-quads, and foes alike) she’s entirely left behind for the purpose of keeping her new life separate from her old one.
56: If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Her first choice would be her fiancé, Geniva Yutiko. Her second choice would be Chrona Aquila because she kind of assumes that he has an answer for everything.
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stressedsaint · 5 years
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A gift @8bit-mau5
happy birthday! (late)
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8bit-mau5 · 6 months
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Some little fanart doodles and perspective practice with Crow I did last month to break in the new sketchbook :teeheescutely:
Tisina - (they/he) @oculusillusion Vialae - (she/they) @banishedquasiroyal Crytum - (he/him) @silentneptune
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8bit-mau5 · 11 months
Crow why are your boobs so big
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8bit-mau5 · 4 months
I need more Written In The Stars immediately or i will explode /lhj
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(WIP of a belated birthday gift for @inkwally / @constellation-trolls of our red polycule, Crow x Marcel x Sammy 💙) It's been so long since I've drawn ship stuff but I'm still really proud of how this base sketch has come out so far :'3
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8bit-mau5 · 2 months
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"Truth be told I haven't given it much though, not really. I'm taking the night off from work, but that's all I have planned for now. I take it some of my quads are scheming, though. Marcel tends to do something for me, possibly a nice dinner out."
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"Diesel says I should be turning to dust right about now."
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8bit-mau5 · 2 months
Chrona what have I got to do to be one of those nasty little cigarettes you've always got
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"I beg your pardon?"
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8bit-mau5 · 11 months
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returns from the dead. woe Younger crow be upon you (slaps this at you like sliced cheese)
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8bit-mau5 · 3 months
hey crow, happy pi day!
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"Happy belated pi-day to you as well."
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8bit-mau5 · 4 months
you have two shifter husbands of course you like dogs 🙄
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"Something I was made aware of only after being in a relationship with them."
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8bit-mau5 · 4 months
So Crow you like theoretical dogs? Are those similar to Schrodinger's cat?
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"I do believe the inverse of a Shrodinger's cat would be the theoretical dog, in this essay I will-"
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8bit-mau5 · 4 months
are you a cat or a dog person, crow? asking for noooo reason at all 🥸
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"Contrary to popular belief, I prefer dogs."
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"In.. theory."
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