#Clementine Morrigan
mafaldaknows · 5 months
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Instagram: clementinemorrigan
“… the memory hurts, but does me no harm …”
Hozier, Abstract (Pyschopomp), Unreal Unearth, 2023
Understanding this distinction is the key to growth and maturity as a functional adult human being.
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theremina · 9 months
Abuser logic is not logical.
White feminist brand-building isn’t feminism.
“Cancel culture” is a classist, racist, misogynist, queerphobic dogwhistle.
Ask me how I know!
Or don’t.
Either way, I won’t be carrying water for the alt right and calling it justice.
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olreid · 2 years
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[ID 1: I am jealous of her desirability, yes, but I am jealous also of their desire. My desire is caught, like a word in my throat, like a bird in a cage, like a shoelace in a bikechainu, it’s bad news. My desire is a mangled mess, a language unspoken for so long its pronunciation feels strange on my tongue. My desire is a dead thing, a rotting corpse, a caged animal, a lost cause. I am so out of touch with my desire. And yes, I am jealous of her for inciting desire in them, but more than that, I am jealous of their ability to desire. I have not allowed myself to be free. I have not allowed myself to spill over and explore and be curious and act. I have been ashamed of my desire. I have punished and hidden my desire. I have been terrified of my desire. I have converted my desire into the tidy need to be desirable.
ID 2: As a child I learned that sex was inherently dangerous, invasive, and out of control. And now, to desire feels dangerous, invasive, and out of control.
ID 3: Living with complex ptsd, having survived intimate partner violence and child abuse, and living with an anxious preoccupied attachment style, means that for me, love usually feels like an emergency. I am used to hyper vigilantly scanning for threat. I am used to being on guard for abandonment or attack. I expect to be hurt and betrayed, even when I don’t expect these things with my rational mind, I expect them with my body. I read and reread into things, looking for signs of danger. I pay close attention to body language, punctuation use, minor fluctuations in attention. I am used to feeling really stressed out by love. 
ID 4: Love without emergency is disorienting. I made my therapist laugh when I told her that if I’m not anxiously preoccupied with my relationship, hypervigilantly scanning for threat, I’m honestly not sure what I will do with all that time and energy. My therapist laughed at this but it’s really true. All that time and energy needs somewhere new to go, and it’s a practice and a process of continually redirecting that energy. end ID]
excerpts from love without emergency by clementine morrigan
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fernstream · 2 years
“Very often, cancel culture (a social phenomenon in which accused people are marked, dehumanized, harassed, and driven from community, and everyone who chooses to remain in their life receives similar consequences), is justified in the name of survivors. If we take abuse seriously we must believe in ‘accountability’ which is really just a nice way to say cancel culture.
[…] If we take abuse seriously and we admit that it’s common, then how on earth do we assume that a system of total domination and social exile with no questions asked will not be used by those who want to dominate and control someone, especially, for example, an ex partner who is moving on with their life.”
— Clementine Morrigan
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aronarchy · 1 year
Ok, longer thread that is a quick and dirty critique of our good friends Clementine Morrigan and Jay “LeSoleil” Manicom’s anti-cancel culture ideology.
To start, a core component of Morrigan and “LeSoleil”/Manicom’s whole shtick is that they are trying to flatten the vast variety of things that can be called “callouts” so as to conflate wildly different things.
Anyone who’s been around social justice/radical left spaces for a hot minute (especially online) has seen a weaponized call out (imo better termed a “context collapse attack”) where a someone, usually someone who doesn’t share any offline community with the target, takes a minor misstep, disagreement, miscommunication or misunderstanding, intentionally strips it of all context, and magnifies it to create a call out, and then uses it to damage the target’s reputation, attempt to ostracize them from an online community, and boost the attacker’s own social capital.
This is absolutely a thing that happens. There 100% are people who use manufactured call outs to build social capital and personal power online. It would be silly to pretend that this isn’t a thing that happens. All that said, this is not what happened to Jay “LeSoleil” Manicom.
Jay was initially called out by members of his local community in Montreal, people who knew him. People who had dated and had sex with him.
He was called out for longstanding behavioral patterns observed and experienced by multiple people, not a singular mistake.
The things Jay was called out for are also things that are genuine safety concerns for folks who are in offline community with him and that are much more serious than whatever your favorite example of tiny irrelevant bullshit weaponized by online opportunists might be.
The call out of Jay “LeSoleil” Marquis-Manicom has almost nothing in common with a context collapse attack, but Jay and Clementine are working very very hard to conflate the two.
And similarly, call outs of rapists, abusers, snitches, and informants and doxxes of fascists have nothing in common with a context collapse attack. Nor can the havoc they wreak on our communities be solved with love, light, and compassion.
Additionally, in much of her writing Morrigan also conflates the right to exist and have one’s basic human needs met with a right to a platform and an audience.
I can agree with Morrigan that, for example, Rovics or Singal do not deserve to be unhoused or to starve, or to go without healthcare.
However, they are not deserving of or entitled to a platform or an audience. No adult person is entitled to the attention or admiration of others. No one is entitled to a platform or an audience.
And if someone is using a platform that they have to do harm as both Rovics and Singal have, without any shred of remorse, I might add. Then they should lose that platform.
If you can’t drive without hitting pedestrians you shouldn’t drive. If you can’t have sex without violating a partner’s consent you shouldn’t be having sex.
If you can’t use your platform without sharing it with fascists (Rovics) or facilitating the rise of a genocidal anti-trans backlash (Singal), then you shouldn’t have a fucking platform 🤷‍♂️
It’s not rocket science
Clemmy also claims that abuse is caused by lack of resources.
Let me be clear, as a certified domestic violence survivor advocate, abuse is not caused by lack of resources.
Sexual violence is not caused by lack of resources or unmet needs. Abuse stems from an entitlement to power and control. Sexual violence similarly stems from a sense of entitlement to access to other people’s bodies.
We cannot end abuse by ensuring that everyone has their basic needs met. Should everyone have their basic survival needs met?
Yes! We should strive for that anyway.
But we shouldn’t pretend that that will solve domestic violence. Meeting people’s basic needs has the ability to reduce abuse because it reduces people’s vulnerability.
It’s harder to find an angle from which to leverage power over someone who is safely and stably housed and has reliable access to food and income. But it’s not impossible, and this does not eliminate the abuser’s desire for power and control, it simply reduces the vulnerability of others.
Morrigan loves to present this statement, that “abuse is caused by lack of resources/unmet needs” as part of “what we know about abuse” when there is an immense body of research that contradicts her. The entire field of DV advocacy disagrees with her.
Morrigan also often wields her own status as a survivor to legitimize her ideological position, citing the phrase “believe survivors” and claiming that her detractors are hypocrites because we disagree with her and call her an abuse apologist, which she is.
Believe survivors means believing the specific survivor of the specific incident of abuse at hand. Not that all survivors are equally qualified to speak on any incident of abuse, especially ones they did not experience or witness.
“Survivor” is not so much a coherent identity as it is a position in a power relationship. Clementine’s status as a survivor does not make her an authority on other survivors’ experiences. Only her own.
Finally, what Morrigan consistently fails to address in her writing is what happens when an abuser has no remorse, no desire to change, and every intention to continue abusing.
She says again and again that shame, fear, punishment, and isolation do not motivate people to change or provide an environment conducive to change. And I agree.
But what we have long known is that the vast majority of abusers, people with a pattern of intentionally harming others with the intent to gain power and control over them, do not change even when provided with an environment conducive to change and all the opportunities in the world.
Linking in this thread because it includes links to both the zine Betrayal and the book Why Does He Do That?, both of which provide further reading on what I’m saying here
So, given what we actually know about abuse and what we actually know to be best practices when supporting survivors, I do not give a flying fuck if abusers change or if they jump off a bridge. My concern is that survivors are safe.
For reading further reading on an actual anarchist, anarcha-feminist, anti-rape and anti-abuse abolitionism please read
More related reading
Some other shit I tweeted a billion years ago that also feels ✨relevant✨
Some of y’all still have extremely liberal and protestant ideas about violence even in your otherwise anarchist analysis and I’m gonna need you to reflect on that
Any way you can spell it out a bit more? (Or link to good resources?)
So the lib position on violence tends to be “using violence makes us just as bad as them” which imo is largely informed by Protestantism in the US context. See: “Turn the other cheek,” etc. That violence has an inherent moral value regardless of context or consequence and that value is always evil or wrong. Imo, as anarchists we should recognize that violence is one of many tactics that exist and are available to us to achieve our goals and that violence has no objective inherent moral value and that its use doesn’t tarnish or soil us unilaterally.
What gives violence its moral value is its context, consequences and application. Violence in pursuit of power or control over others? Wrong. Evil. Violence in self-defense? Violence to save the life of a child? Violence against nazis or rapists? Fine and good actually.
My personal position, (which of course I think is the good and correct anarchist position) is that sometimes violence is necessary. Not a necessary evil. Just necessary. And we should be thoughtful, measured, and judicious in our use of it, conscious of the consequences to both ourselves and those we use it against, but that as long as we are careful and intentional, violence is a value neutral tool that we don’t have to feel dirty for using or fear will slowly poison or tarnish us.
If you, like me, are a prison and police abolitionist, please, please read Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft and the zine Betrayal before you talk out your ass about how accountability and restorative justice are one size fits all solutions.
Both survivors and experts like Bancroft have a lot to say about how these methods are rarely successful in stopping serial abusers and rapists from continuing to perpetrate harm and are not enough to keep survivors safe.
Bancroft spent 20 years working to rehabilitate abusive men. In WDHDT he says that rehabilitation is almost never successful. Part of why he wrote the book was to give people the info they needed to identify and avoid abusers because therapy and rehabilitation are so rarely successful.
Does Bancroft have a proposal aside from prolonged incarceration, when the abuse becomes criminal? It might be applicable in other situations where rehab just isn’t working.
He doesn’t make suggestions one way or another about community responses to abusers in WDHDT. The book is largely about understanding the psychology and recognizing the behavioral patterns of abusers as well as his insight into why therapy and rehabilitation so rarely succeed.
I suggest it as a relevant read wrt prison abolition largely because it is knowledge that anyone attempting to formulate non-carceral community solutions to harm needs to have in order for their work to be effective and survivor centered.
Also in WDHDT, Bancroft also says that a necessary ingredient for abusive behavior is a pretty extreme sense of entitlement (which is why abusers are more likely to be cisgender men). It’s hard to maintain that entitlement when you’re not in a society that enables it.
This is true, and my hope is that as we work towards a society that doesn’t enable such an extreme sense of entitlement towards others we will gradually see less and less need for community self defense against perpetrators because we will have fewer perpetrators
but until that time their entitlement is both why they continue to perpetrate and one of the main sticking points preventing their own rehabilitation
I do genuinely hope that an anarchist society is one in which it just is not possible for kids to grow up to become abusers, but I’m not arrogant enough to assert it as fact when we don’t yet have proof that it is true, but Bancroft’s analysis of his patients does give me hope
When restorative justice fails, transformative justice falls short... one has no choice but to be punitive. Reject carceral approaches, sure. But punishment? That is the equivalent of facing a Nazi without some sort of weapon.
I wouldn’t really categorize community self-defense against rapists and abusers as “punitive” because I tend to think of punishment as a sort of artificially created consequence to one’s actions.
If a rapist or abuser gets doxxed, jumped, run out of town or even shot that’s not so much a punishment imo, as the natural consequence of his own actions. Chickens coming home to roost.
And it’s also not entirely about him, it’s equally about making the community safe again for the survivor and everyone else. To me, punishment is like if you hit your sibling and then your parent steps in and sends you to time out.
The parent is coming in to a situation from the outside and handing down a punishment they have unilaterally decided is appropriate with no input from the injured party. That’s very different than if your sibling hits you back, or decides they don’t want to play with you anymore.
Not to be that person but it’s probably worth noting that Bancroft is very transphobic, and also you’re not wrong that this is a conversation that needs to be had
Apparently an anti-vaxxer as well.
Oof, well that’s a fuckin bummer. Thanks for letting me know
I still stand by the book being required reading because I can’t think of a singular other text that does what it does even half as well, but I’ll def preface my recommendation with that disclaimer from now on
It’s my feeling that Bancroft’s transphobia is kind of a Dawkins problem; expert in one subject area generalizes it into areas he doesn’t actually know shit about. Namely, gendered socialization explains very well what he observes with abusive men, so assumes it Must be immutable
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providencereiki · 1 year
Co-Regulation and Healthy Relationships
Co-Regulation and Healthy Relationships
Co-Regulation is when two people provide support for each other as a means of creating emotional safety, security and connection. We need to connect with other people. It is that simple. There is a lot of information out there that convinces people that the goal is to be “self-sufficient”, as if that is possible even if it were true. There never has been and never will be a time where being…
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neegaadeek · 2 months
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maisoncomique · 6 months
I am a writer and public intellectual with a popular instagram account. Occasionally I will receive dms from men asking me if I have an Onlyfans. The tone of these messages is always friendly and self-assured. I imagine the guy writing it feeling confident that he’s doing nothing wrong, because, after all, he’s pro sex work, and that’s a feminist stance to have. [...] In my opinion, it is absolutely sexist to ask a woman who has not stated that she does sex work if she has an Onlyfans. It speaks to a culture of sexual entitlement to women’s bodies and to the assumption that a woman’s sexuality is as likely to be her work as anything else (even when it’s very obvious what her job is). There is nothing comparable to this in the treatment of men.
From 'What's your Onlyfans?' by Clementine Morrigan, 06/12/23
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barbaragenova · 2 years
Nothing to see here, just me dropping the longest essay ever about Art Cancellations and the blatant power grab at play to be found in several cases, and yes you better believe I’ll keep pushing them out, yup. 
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theremina · 10 months
Extending heartfelt apologies to anyone who happened to see my reposts of Clementine Morrigan's writings over the past few days.
As a messy, traumatized Harpy committed to honoring all peoples' baseline humanity regardless of what they've done --as well as someone whose lifelong CPTSD is sssllloooowwwllllyyy healing as I embrace personal accountability, avoid B&W thinking, and extend grace and compassion to myself and others-- I was taken in by a lot of what Morrigan says about encouraging non-punitive modalities. I reposted her words without learning how she herself is actively complicit in perpetuating ongoing harm to others in leftist and liberal spheres, especially as the popularity of her podcast FUCKING CANCELLED grows.
In retrospect, I see that I was moved by Morrigan's writings primarily because they're a clever, zinger-filled repackaging of more genuine and nuanced essays penned by others. Namely, by queer Black folks and other more sophisticated and culturally rooted voices.
When I posted Morrigan's stuff, I had no idea about her partner Jay Manicom's forceful silencing of several BIPOC peers and partners they'd allegedly abused and made no amends to. I didn't realize that Morrigan was publicly weaponizing abolitionist and twelve-step language in order to defend Manicom's alleged ongoing violence and harm. Said harm includes sending legal threats to several survivors, femme PoC, after they'd repeatedly asked him to join them in a circle to hash things out. When these folks spoke out about their experiences, both Manicom and Morrigan were quick to frighten, shame, and silence them. (Even while simultaneously decrying similar acts perpetrated against credibly alleged serial perpetrators! Try to make it make sense!)
Comparing "cancel culture" to the carceral state by using appropriated language and concepts that Black and Indigenous activists have been cultivating and nurturing for centuries is not an approach I want to lend any credibility to. It's DARVO. White femme DARVO. That's messed up.
When a popular, charismatic young white woman, a self-described "powerhouse" and "controversial public figure", goes so far as to compare survivors' requests for basic accountability and community-wide responsibility to "acting like a cop", there's some straight-up pastel Q-Anon dog whistle "Guru Jagat" horseshit goin' down.
Recently, I observed Morrigan on a panel with several other speakers, all healers from various lineages whom I admire and trust. I enjoyed their talks a lot. But in spite of my initial enthusiasm for Morrigan's breezy social media writings, as soon as she launched into her very polished, practiced lip service to radical compassion and acceptance, red flags started popping up for me. BIG Russell Brand energy. (And most of you already know how I feel about THAT righteous broheim. I've been roasting him years.)
Observing Morrigan's onscreen presentation, my curiosity died almost instantly. I won't say I was shocked by her performativity. I did experience rolling waves of nausea. Whether it's a fair assessment or not, I parsed her almost instantly as yet another cult-of-personality cultivator who is using hierarchical tactics to center the comfort and safety of active, unapologetic abusers ahead of everyone else. Not okay. She may have the best intentions in the world, but NO THANK YOU.
Morrigan's particular approach to justice is not what I'm about. If it were, I'd still be hanging out with a whole lot of sketchy af people I met in various green rooms over the years and making a whole lot more money while we all dance together around similar cognitive dissonance in our professional lives as celebrities, pundits, and "righteous" preachers. Again, no thank you.
I wanted to fast-forward through Morrigan's portion of the presentation, but gritted my teeth through it out of respect for the panel's curator. The wild thing is, on paper, I agree with *so much of what she says*! Still, something felt very, very off. So I went and read up further, and finally understood why my heart was sinking, my stomach, churning.
I wholeheartedly respect that the healers who invited Morrigan onto this panel have a different, more generous perception of her. I'm not making this post to demonize or dehumanize Morrigan, her partner, her friends, her listenership, or anyone else who leans into ye olde "hurt people hurt people" tenets in order to make sense of various horrors committed by them or to them.
However, the FUCKING CANCELLED fan club is most assuredly not something I want to give my time, energy, or trust to any more than I would Amanda Palmer's, or Rosie O'Donnell's, or Rose McGowan's, or Lena Dunham's, or Asia Argento's, etc.
My casual shares of Morrigan's work were a mistake. Consider this post a personal retraction. If there are further reparations I should consider, please let me know. Especially if you're a transformative justice buddy who has been quietly observing my promotions of her and feelin' barfy because of it!
Please, please know that I wouldn't have boosted her bandwidth so blithely, had I dug a bit deeper. I hope no one was too hurt or freaked out by my ignorant shares.
My apologies and my love. In solidarity. May all beings be free from suffering. Ashe.
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Whenever I talk about abuse being something specific (behaviour that is physically or sexually violent, dominating, controlling, degrading, humiliating, or violating) people always say “What about emotional abuse?” And I have to ask these people to be more specific, and many of them get angry that I ask them to be more specific. Not all abuse is physical, that’s true. But that doesn’t mean that anything that hurts you or doesn’t meet your needs is abuse. When my ex partner told me I’m a disgusting slut who no one will ever love, that’s emotional abuse. When my ex partner stole my keys and my phone, that’s emotional abuse. When my ex partner insisted I keep the house spotless and exploded at me when I didn’t, that’s emotional abuse. But I had another partner at another time in my life who I was very unhappy with, who scrolled their phone while we were at dinner and flirted with other people online when we were monogamous and largely left me feeling sad and unwanted, and that, as much as it sucks, is not emotional abuse or abuse of any kind.
I am tired of tiptoeing around this and so I’m just going to come out and say it: the conversation on abuse prevention and supporting survivors is being dominated by people who are not survivors because the situations they are alluding to are not abusive. I have read entire ‘call outs’ that loudly proclaim a person is an ‘abuser’ who must be outed for community ‘safety’ and then go on to list things which are clearly conflicts, mismatched needs, and hurt feelings. I have watched people be humiliated, slandered, isolated, controlled, and robbed of everything meaningful in their life when what they are being accused of is not abuse, and what is happening to them is.
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freakdeerr · 5 hours
I guess the library stopped charging late fees which is great because I was incredibly pissed off about potentially paying $10 for a Gabor Mate book i barely read and kept forgetting to return
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six-improbable-things · 2 months
Had another fucking WILD DnD session... not for my character this time, but still wild as hell. Our rogue put on a very cursed hat and literally got fucking Davy Jones'd into captaining a ghost ship for years just like in Pirates of the Caribbean. So now we might have to do a HUGE fight with just 3 of us... Or we could choose not to do it... The DM did give a "DM's warning" for "this could possibly be a campaign-ender if things go poorly", so who knows what will happen.
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Alright, I’m debating very strongly and I can’t make up my mind, so I’ll leave it up to you guys: which new OC should I make an intro post for first?
We have my OC for The Hobbit, Morrigan Ravenroth, a love interest in a poly relationship with Bilbo and Thorin:
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Clementine Caulder, a The Addams Family OC who’s a love interest for Wednesday:
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José “Doc” Estrada, an OC for The Magnificent Seven (2016) who’s in a poly relationship with Goody and Billy:
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Or Cassiopeia Jinn, a Star Wars OC who’s a love interest for Luke Skywalker.
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I leave it up to you guys! Tell me which one you want to meet first!! 🖤🖤🖤
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the-institute-rpg · 11 months
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The following characters are on activity warning for two weeks or more of inactivity! If you need a hiatus or any help, please come talk to us! You have until the next activity check (July 9) to become active again or you will be dropped and your face claim reopened.
CLEMENTINE ASTORIA- @clementineastoria LESLIE STEDEMAN- @lesliestedeman BELLADONNA IVY- @dcadlynightshadc KYLIE DANVERS- @kyliedcnvers ELIJAH SCOTT- @elijahxxwilson HUNTER MORRIGAN/CAMILLA D’AMICO- @dontfeartheshrinker TESSA FUCHS- @tessa-fox WAT FLETCHER- @watfletcher WINTER DUBOIS- @winters-lust GENEVIEVE WRANMYER- @genevieve-wranmyer LEO WEATHERINGTON- @leoweatherington KATELL BRIGHTWOOD- @brightwood-duchess URIEL ZERIAH- @urielscorruption KANE WHELAN- @kanewhelan AVERY FELLHAVEN- @slaveavery GULANA ALIM- @gulana-alim CLARA WOODHOUSE- @clarawoodhouse MAGNUS KUSIHAMAR- @berserkermagnus EDMUND ELOFSEN- @edmund-elofsen QUINTEN SAWYER- @quinten-sawyer SABRINA CHRISTIANSEN- @sabrina-christiansen JODY LINNEL- @jodylinnel DHANI LYMAN- @dhanilyman AVA MONTGOMERY- @ava-montgomery SKYLER CAMPBELL- @skyler-campbell JASON SHAW- @professor-shaw
Just a reminder that posting photos/interest/desires, posting completed Skype/Chatzy or text threads only, and answering memes/anons does not count as activity!
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drdemonprince · 5 months
your hate of clementine morrigan is kind of funny to me tbh because you seem like your politics overlap more than not
she has no politics.
I get what you're saying, on the surface level there is a veneer of leftism with compassion for people's flaws and an interest in wide coalition-building, but she doesn't actually live up to any of that semblance. I've listened to her podcast and read her writing extensively and there's no there there.
She didn't even know what Marxism or Leninism WERE until earlier this year, and from how she speaks about them she still pretty much doesn't. She says she's an abolitionist but she and her partner actively encourage & have taken part in suing people for defamation if they make remarks either of them don't like. She has said she wants to create rooms where TERFs and trans women are both equally welcome and capable of "dialogue" and doesn't see how that would actively make the trans women in the equation unsafe.
She's not even a radical, as she and her partner regularly advocate for the most bland, reformist social democratic policies and against the very basic tenets of either marxist or anarchist movement building.
she's larping as someone like me -- or like the many of far more dedicated and accomplished anarchist organizers that I look up to and take my lessons from.
clementine morrigan is, to borrow parlance from a bygone era, a poser, and it used to be very important for various counter-cultural and subversive political movements to root out and decry our ops and posers. and im happy to be one of the ones do it because i have the evil kind of autism an anger problem
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