#Constable Crabtree
8trackaxolotl · 4 months
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Murdoch doodles
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benevolenterrancy · 2 years
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i am once again spending my weekend sick and grouchy, so enjoy me combining the low hanging fruit that is murdoch mysteries with cabin pressure
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asteria-sk3tches · 9 months
So I am a fan of Murdoch Mysteries yeah. Like huge fan I have met maybe two other people who knows what this show is. So my parents got me the first ten seasons on DVD as a back-to-school / good luck being an RA present
So as I’m rewatching the first ever episode (Power, S1 E1) there’s a scene where Constable George Crabtree (he is very pookie) had this crush on a lady and was like. Hey uh.. do u wanna hang out or whatever lol. So they do and he gets mildly hurt after falling or smth later on. So he’s in this woman’s house while she cleans his scrapes, stumbling over his words trying to say how he likes her and is sweet on her, and she leans in and kisses his forehead right near a scrape and just.
“Did that hurt?”
“It hurt real nice :”)”
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artsyallouette · 11 months
Evidence Louise Cherry is capable of being loyal to her friends:
Obviously, we know that Miss Cherry has backstabbed most of the people in Station House 4. She's turned on them to get an inside scoop, acknowledged that she's printing what will sell without considering the lives on the other side, and has wholeheartedly endorsed ideas such as Station 4 helping to frame a man for murder to cover up Murdoch's alleged mistake, and full-on printed and supported the theory of Murdoch being a murderer. She talks shit behind everyone's backs, and she generally seems incapable of loyalty.
With two exceptions.
The first is to her ex, George Crabtree. He tells her that he basically wrote the entirety of Julia and Murdoch's investigation handbook since they're both hopeless authors, and she responds by essentially blackmailing them into giving him better credit. I cannot recall if she actually has to resort to blackmail or if they decide on their own, however, it is clear that's her intention after their talk. She does this because even though there is bitterness and tension between her and Crabtree, he's still willing to take her seriously, both as a journalist and a person.
The second, and to me, most important, is to Llewellyn Watts. Watts joined Station 4 after much of the drama which led to the others being unwilling to work with or listen to Miss Cherry, and therefore, despite being curt when he knew better than to give her a quote, he treated her with respect and listened to her theories and concerns, every time she came into the station. She reciprocates this respect and loyalty often, but perhaps most notably is during the escape room episode of season 14. Watts is mourning the loss of his relationship with Jack after his shop was vandalised and he decided to take up the offer of a sham marriage rather than continue his affair with Watts, and Cherry catches onto how heartsick Watts is almost immediately. She clearly notices the way Watts avoids the butcher shop which was just vandalised with homophobic slurs, steals longing, bitter glances at Jack Walker, and when he eventually does tell Cherry the name of the 'lady' who left him, there is an audible pause between 'Jack' and 'Lynn,' as he tries to pass Jack off as a woman named Jaqueline.
All of this would make an exquisite story for her. An exposé on a gay detective in the Toronto Constabulary? Her articles would sell out, she would likely be promoted. All she would have to do is ruin someone's life, and she seems to do this all the time.
But she doesn't. She pieces together all the clues in Watts's story, realises he's talking about the loss of a relationship with another man, and not only resolves not to print it, but never calls him on it once.
Louise Cherry does a lot of bad things to a lot of people we're led to believe are good. But she doesn't sell out the people who are truly in her corner.
Edit: Obviously I know that not outing a gay man in a city-wide newspaper is the bare minimum of respect, but this is the early 1910s when homosexuality is still considered 'gross indecency' and people could be fired just for knowing a coworker was gay and not reporting it. Opinions around homosexuality were vastly different in Canada than they are today, and her not writing the story is not only an act of loyalty in not using his secret to further her career, but also, a show that she accepts and respects this aspect of him, which was not commonly accepted at the time.
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roleplayallday · 2 years
I’m so happy that George finally got married! It’s good to see him canonically happy with someone after years of him being a third wheel of sorts lmao
But my wattstree loving heart is picturing other things lmao. Such as George and Watts secretly getting married, or at least ‘married’ to their group of friends considering there probably wasn’t anyone back then that would actually legally let them.
Howeeeeeever, it’s still a fun concept! I like the idea of George pining for Llewellyn but being too shy to actually say anything. But eventually he gets the courage and one valentines day he secretly sends a little love letter to him at work, asking him to meet his ‘secret admirer’ in the park where they’ll reveal themselves. It’s super cheesy and George almost loses his nerve but Julia practically drags Llewellyn to the park since Llewellyn almost chickens out himself. The idea of the two of them having an awkward confession is so sweet.
If anyone wants to roleplay that, my discord is splodge#6863 so send me a message! Or dm me here!
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canadachronicles · 1 year
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Look my realism SUCKS ok but i love these funky detectives so fucking much so it evens out.
I wasnt that much of a fan of cable tv until i got into all of these detective shows which differ so much in tone depending on who you’re watching solve a mystery. My current favourites are Miss Marple, Sergents Morse and Bacchus, of course our favourite constable Crabtree and his detective bros and the smart Dc Julia Ogden.
(Controversial opinion but miss marple would outsmart all of the detectives ive seen until now and still get her crocheting done early)
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53rdcenturyhero · 2 years
Brackenreid: Take Crabtree ( George looks pzzled)
Watts:: I don't need a minder
Brackenreid: I was thinking more of a shield! (George's quiet outrage is edged with surprise and disagreement at being put into the firing line)
Watts has left the room
Crabtree:Inspector¡! ? (Outraged sad face tempered with determination to report to HR & unionise but keeping silent)
Murdoch catalogues the exact depth height and duration of his disapproval tempered with his place on the hierarchical ladder and lack of surprise at the social faux pas resulting in a perfect and absolute blank face to be read any way desired by any observer.
Brackenreid: it's a bloody joke Crabtree.
Crabtree: Ha bloody ha! (We watch him as he pursues Watts.)
S11 ep9 The Talking Dead.
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belongstocaptaindoyle · 3 months
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ha-bloody-ha · 1 year
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Inspector Carbtree
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I’m sorry but George asking Henry if he had started reading was *chefs kiss*
Also, yay! Detective Watts is back!
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8trackaxolotl · 2 years
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Maybe the real murdoch mystery were the friends we made along the way
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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sometimes those hills just jump at your out of nowhere
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frowing them into the river. so they will never return.
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veryrealimagination · 2 years
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Day No: 10 Prompt: Taser Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries Medium: fic Trigger Warnings: none SFW Castle AU!
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Crabtree and Higgins were both joyful at the person that was sent to cover for Murdoch’s short term leave. A broken ankle from trying to keep up with Julia at the gym. She was completely apologetic, and wanted to stay with William herself. However, she was roped into covering for a recovering emergency surgeon. He was lounging at her apartment with Llewellyn acting as an unintended assistant. He grabbed drinks and apparently has helped with a few mechanical endeavors.
Giles led the temporary detective over to the two. George about jumped out of his seat seeing Augustus Jackson walking behind him. Henry had a grin on his face before he barely schooled it down into a smile. “Detectives, Jackson, he’s our coverage until Murdoch gets back to his feet,” he said, “Play nice.”
After the other man left, George tried to figure out a good question. They wanted to know if he remembered their past lives or if he still needed to be (if possible) triggered. Henry jumped over him. “Pitcher or second base?” he asked, pointing at himself.
“Second base, Henry,” Gus said, insulted that Henry thought he was able to throw the pitches, “George was the one that broke the glass.” The two of them internally whooped. Another that remembered Station House Four.
Major catch up of their lives would have to wait for later, as a call out to a possible murder-suicide dragged the little group to work. They did, however alert him to the fact that Murdoch and Ogden remembered their past lives, Julia for years and Murdoch recently. Brackenreid was her father and also remembered. George cut Henry off before the last bit he was about to say, as he thought surprising him with the last tidbit would be funnier in person.
Doctor Hart was already on the scene, dressed and ready to examine the subjects. “Detectives,” she greeted, then stared at the last man.
“Detective Jackson, subbing in for Murdoch,” the man greeted, having a notepad out and ready.
Okay, Higgins and Crabtree were both happy about this guy, so she let it pass. “The first victim, female, was killed with a single bullet to the head, angle indicates that she was on the ground with her killer above her. The other victim, I’m assuming non-binary, had a shot to the temple, set up to look like suicide.”
Jackson stopped writing. “Set up?”
“Yes,” she said, glad that someone caught on her words. She held up the arm of the second victim to show. “Both victims had tape residue on their wrists, ankles and face.”
“The caller said murder-suicide,” Henry mentioned.
“So, the caller was the murderer,” George said, connecting points, “Told us murder-suicide to throw us off or stop us from looking closer.”
“And with no ids on either of the victims,” Jackson said, gaining visual conformation from Violet. “Which means motive’s going to take longer.”
With nothing they could use now, the three went back to the car. Henry was talking to one of the techs into getting the emergency call. George had a list of missing people that he was going through, trying to see if one was identifiable. Jackson ended up distracted by something clattering nearby. Two constables had also been drawn to the strange and walked over. He followed.
The alleyway was annoyingly dark and wet. One of the constables shook their head, unable to find what could have caused the noise. Then, something came out from the shadows and jabbed something in their neck. The other tried to disarm the person and they were dealt the same damage. They then saw the larger man standing at the exit of the alley. “Toronto Police Department, put down the weapon!” Jackson ordered.
Five seconds before it hit him, Jackson saw the body of a Taser before was against his side. Electricity radiated up through his chest and his vision blanked for a few seconds. On instinct, he threw out his arm to throw the perp against the wall. He was disconnected from the weapon and started trying to breath through the spasms.
Then the stupid thing connected with his upper chest and was triggered again.
Jackson still felt it, and it was worse going nearby his heart and lungs. It was losing juice, having been used more times than what he saw. This time, when he threw the perp, he made sure to follow up with a right hook that would make anyone look like they had a glass jaw.
Feeling the pain still, he leaned against the wall before seeing a couple of more constables rush through, along with George and Henry. “Jackson?” George asked, eyeing him warily.
“Twice with a Taser,” he said, wincing as a spasm went through, “The two others got hit in the neck.”
“You got ‘em?” Henry asked a constable. The young woman nodded and called for a couple of the others to help them to the hospital. “Where’d you get hit?”
He sighed instead of groaning in pain. “Left rib area and upper chest.”
Henry winced and nodded. “Take you to get checked out, then.”
“Then take him for snacks and re-meeting Murdoch,” George said, “They would both be angry with us if we didn’t bring Jackson back.”
Jackson wondered if Murdoch was now not going by He/Him, which would be an interesting change from their last life, while they took him to Emergency. They described his injuries when a familiar voice said she would take a look at the detective. “Doctor Ogden,” he greeted, delighted in seeing the woman again. The doctor’s lab coat and clipboard was a perfect picture of what the woman would become after his previous death.
“Cons-, no, Detective Jackson,” she corrected herself, seeing that he wasn’t wearing the simple outfit normally given to constables in the current age. She was ecstatic that he managed to become one in this time. “Come on, there’s a bed vacated three minutes ago. I’ll check your heart and make sure it wasn’t knocked off kilter.”
“How has it been being a doctor?” he inquired, following along.
“Well, since I’m not a full time one, it’s better for me,” she said, waving her hand to have him sit down. “I mainly come in to help out. There was a surgeon that ended up with Pneumonia this time.” He was surprised, as Jackson figured the woman would have loved to fully be in the ER.
He gave over his wrist and followed the instruction to unbutton his dress shirt. She held up a stethoscope before using it. “Not full time?”
“Nope, I have a primary job that pays a little better and leaves me with more time for writing. Several books, since it left me time for...” she said, turning to George and Henry as she was highly suspicious, “You two did tell him about-”
“Not yet,” Henry said.
“We were going to show and not tell.”
There was a grin on George’s face and that made her think they were going to shock the poor man. Better make sure that Taser didn’t do anything massive. Thankfully, the only real issue she saw was the burn holes in his shirt. “All right, nothing’s off kilter now, but, considering what the twins over there are planning,” she mocked, gaining a chuckle from Jackson, “If you feel any unusual beating, come back in.”
“Understood, Doctor Ogden.” The three left and she debated on calling her husband to tell him. Nope, he can deal with what’s about to happen.
Jackson was watched closely until they knew it was safe to leave. Then they directed him to drive to a nice apartment complex that was Doctor Ogden’s home address. They arrive a few minutes after, holding food. Henry held out two bags that was closed for him to carry.
Brackenreid was the one that opened the door. Apparently, tonight was not date night. “Oh, bloody ‘ell,” he muttered. “Jackson.”
“Sir,” he nodded.
Murdoch, who had switched places so he could see the door, peaked up. “Constable Jackson?”
“It’s Detective, now,” he said, “I’m temporarily covering you during your leave.”
“Good, you may be able to control the two of them, but…” He spotted the bags and glanced at George, who was behind Henry and therefore pointed at him. “You were going to surprise them.”
Henry turned around and barely caught the pointing. “It was George’s idea to surprise him.”
“Surprise me?” Jackson asked. Surprise him with what? Someone shuffling behind him, he wondered who else was in the apartment. Turning, he saw a very young version of- “Watts?”
Llewellyn stopped when he heard his former last name coming out of someone familiar. “Jackson?” he asked, smile growing on his face once he saw the man he considered a friend standing in the apartment. He considered hugging him, before he saw the packages in his hand. If he was right, he didn’t want that crushed. He pointed and took one before opening it and instantly ripping off a piece of warm pretzel. After the bite, he informed, “And since Crabtree and Higgins failed to enlighten you, my last name is not Watts. It’s Ogden. I’m Julia’s son.”
The only thing he could think was, was Murdoch the father?
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