#Content Filtering
annwayne · 2 years
Use your block button. Use the filtered tags and content liberally.
And I’m not talking just for things that upset you and trigger you. I’m talking petty shit. Curate the feed that is perfect to your interests.
Stranger things dropped a new season. I dont care for it. So I blocked the tag. A blog keeps popping up in my explore feed and I don’t care for their stuff? Block em.
Blocking does not inherently mean someone wronged you or you are morally against whatever you block. Give yourself a comfy space to retreat to.
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Porn has already returned to my dash! Glorious, bare, uncensored cock and tits have made their way back like vines reclaiming an abandoned cabin in the woods.
This is the best update tumblr has made in literal years.
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blusical · 10 months
PSA: Please for the love of all that is hockey stop censoring the names of teams and players!
No, I'm not being sarcastic. I keep seeing this a lot on a ton of hockey blogs. (for example "d*nn", "p*tr*ck k*ne", "bl*es" or "v*g*s g*ld*n kn*ghts"), and honestly, it's really, really, bugging me, especially as someone who has some team lb tags filtered. I know most of you mean well, but this might not be the best idea. Even if you don't like saying their name. Even if you're censoring it as a joke. Even if you're worried about people you don't like flocking your blog (which, there's a block button for that btw). For one, Tumblr allows you to filter out certain words and tags. And people may already have specific players/filters tagged. If a post contains said filtered word/tag, it'll look like this:
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(Image ID: A screenshot of a tumblr post that is flagged to the viewer due to it containing "#bruins lb". The username and profile picture is covered in red. The person has an option to view the post, via a button that reads simply "View post". End ID). By censoring them, Tumblr won't pick it up, and people will still see the post they don't want to see. Additionally, censoring words, especially l*ke th*s (like this) might not be helpful to visually impaired folks, especially those who use screenreaders.
"So, what should I do instead?" If you're talking about something a player did, here's some tag suggestions I have: If you're talking about a player who has assault or abuse accusations against them, you can use "tw assault", "tw abuse", "tw sa" (if the accusation involves sa), "tw violence" or "violence mention" (if violence is involved), or similar tags! If you're talking about someone who has a history of bigotry, try tagging "racism", "ableism", "homophobia", "tw slur" (if there's a slur involved), or other similar tags! I do see people use "tw (team/player)" as well (ex. "tw hawks", "tw auston matthews", "cw wilson" or "cw boston bruins") as well, however, I also discourage against that, because not every hockeyblr user has those filtered, and from my understanding they also aren't that well known. Again, simply tagging the players' names or the name of the team is enough half the time. (And, as a bonus, if you already have "tw (player/team)" tagged, instead of removing them, you can also simply add the player or team name to the tags!) If you're simply trash talking a player or a team... just say the name. It's not that hard, really. However, you can also tag the post with "trash talk" if you don't want people seeing it. Other good tags/words to use include: "rant" or "vent", which can be especially helpful to folks who dont wanna see huge rants, vents or complaints. "tw injury", which you can use to filter out videos or discussions containing injuries. "tw blood" and similar tags can also be helpful if blood is involved. "hockey fight", which can be used for hockey fights. Can be especially helpful since some fights get bloody and do lead to injury. Simply tagging "fight" can also work! "swearing cw", can be helpful for folks who don't want to see posts with heavy amounts of cursing. I advise only using this if there's excessive swearing involved, and not if there's only one instance of a curse word. "slander", which you can use if you're ranting about a player you don't like. And additionally.. "I don't know how filters work!" or "I don't know how to filter words/tags!" Alright so here's what you do: 1. Go to your user settings. 2. Scroll to "content you see". 3. Add the tag or word you want to filter, like this:
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(Image IDs: Two screenshots of Tumblr settings. In the "Add a filter" bar are the words "tony deangelo" and "keith". End ID) 4. Click "Add" and bam! You're done! You might need to refresh for it to go into affect. Protip: Filtering out words will filter out all words of a specific phrase/name. For example, if you filter out "Tom Wilson", it will filter out all posts containing both words, even if it doesn't talk about the player. I advise using "Filtered Tags" when filtering out specific players, teams and team lbs.
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theamphibianmen · 8 months
I hate having to say this so often but looks like it's that time again. Tag your shit!!!!!!!
Tumblr is the single most accessible social media site for people with filtering needs, such as myself. I'm lucky in that I won't literally die if exposed to the wrong content. But there many who will.
If your post has flashing lights and you fail to tag it properly, someone could have a seizure and die. If your post has unreality and you fail to tag it properly someone could have a psychotic episode, which can absolutely be fatal under the right circumstances. If your post has food imagery and you don't tag it properly, someone with an ED could relapse.
There probably many more ways not tagging your posts can lead to the actual fucking death of another person, but I'm honestly too upset to think of any more.
And before you say "well we can't have trigger warning for everything" you have completely missed how content filters work. If someone is triggered by food, they won't just have "tw food" filtered. They will have the general food tag filtered as well. You don't even have to put tw in it. You could just properly tag your fucking posts.
Have heard so many people say "well if they trigger by something that common they shouldn't be on the Internet at all" fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you I hope you explode. Disabled people deserve to use the Internet too we shouldn't have to just rot in institutions. We deserve to use the Internet we deserve to be in public we shouldn't have to hide in our home all day because we mildly inconvenience you.
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hjbender · 10 months
Is anyone else noticing
Users you definitely did not nor would ever follow suddenly on your dash (i.e., you're following them)?
Suddenly seeing content whose tags you KNOW you've blocked and/or filtered?
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girlunionize · 1 month
when a mutual reblogs a post that wasn't tagged properly so you have to see the faces™ you filtered while scrolling furiously
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hydrangea-blues · 9 months
does tumblr have a way to be like "i do not want to see this post specifically?"
occasionally a popular post or meme goes around that i just don't want to see. if it's not tagged as anything specific (the thing i don't want to see is not something common people could reasonably tag for) and there are no specific keywords in the post that i could blacklist without catching a bunch of other non-objectionable posts, is there any other way of just... blocking one post in particular? or do i just have to suck it up that, once every few months, i'll get unpredictably jumpscared for a couple of days until the post stops being reblogged by people whom i follow?
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meyouit · 4 months
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@staff please improve the content filter
It almost never filter what I actully do not want to see.
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dianneking · 1 year
For any of my followers who might not be interested in my ask box shenanigans, I’ll be tagging them with dianneking’s playground, feel free to filter out the tag from your settings, and it will be hidden from sight on your dash and it won’t bother you again.
If you need instructions on how to do it, you can find them here
Here’s to enjoying tumblr together! (and also to me being too lazy to have multiple blogs) 
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i know it's probably been said a million times but please please please stop trigger tagging your posts as some unreadable jumbled mess of letters and numbers and symbols. there is a way to block specific tags on tumblr and many users utilize that system. however, it becomes useless when people try to... censor their trigger tagging? i cannot tell you how many times i have had to see a post i specifically have blocked in tags because somebody came up with bullshit tags. and even with the content filtering system, it tends to be wildly inaccurate and feels as though it's barely functional. therefore, i have to rely on tags.
let's say for example you really hate the mayor from powerpuff girls. seeing his fuckass mustache brings you nothing but rage and agony. but your entire dash seems to be filled with him even after youve blocked the main bloggers of him. so, you go to your beloved tag filtering system and hope to never see that shitty ass mayor again. problem solved, right? no. because theres another mayor-hater in town who hates the mayor SO MUCH they cant even bear to truly spell out his name. so all mayor-related hate posts are tagged with shit like 'm4y0r'. well, easy enough. you dont want to see any mayor content (both malevolent and benign), so you just filter out the 'm4y0r' tag. but what's this?! suddenly the mayors number one fan has begun to 'tag him' for mayor haters thinking that if they censor his name, mayor haters wont be so upset. so now theres hundreds of different combinations of tags. m4yor, may0r, mm44yo0r. all this weird shit you couldnt ever imagine. you try your best to tag all of these influx of mayor posts with tags that try to censor his name, but to no avail. the content settings dont help, because now every post about your favorite character (the mayor from nightmare before christmas) is censored!
i know it's a silly example (honestly) but it's a representation of what i go through almost every single day on this hellsite. i know this was longwinded but. please. for the love of god. just trigger tag your posts normally.
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jenneferofjengaberg · 2 years
So yeah, just to spread the word, Tumblr has added more content filtering features in the form of Community Labels, and they are turned on by default. Not only that, but they reenabled content filtering for the IOS app, so if you had it turned off before it’s back on, I guess? You have to log into your account settings and turn all this off if you want to be able see posts about drug/alcohol addiction, violence (this includes violence in movies or tv shows), and sexual themes (erotic writing or fanart).
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If you want to see any of this stuff (and you’re an adult; it’s not optional if you’re a minor), you have to actually go into your settings and change everything to show:
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You can also set it to blur, and it’ll put an overlay on the post so you can decide on a case by case basis. Note that Tumblr has not changed its content policies; you still can’t post actual porn or naked people or what have you. As such, I really don’t know what this new feature is for, it just seems like tagging but with extra steps. 
It’s also kind of concerning that Tumblr has now apparently decided that even fictional violence, and posts about drug or alcohol addiction (so like a resource post about how to get help for addiction would be included) are not appropriate for anyone under age 18. Seems a little overstepping to me. It’s not illegal for minors to view R rated movie/tv violence or access addiction information, that kind of thing probably should be up to their parents, and it seems pretty strange for Tumblr to just unilaterally decide that for all minors.
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slithymomerath · 1 year
Is there a way to prevent explicit pictures without a community label from appearing on my dash without blocking the account? I have my account set to blur mature content. I’ve clicked “this needs a community label” many times, but the next time the post appears it’s always unblurred again.
Please community label your posts, people. I’ve had to block accounts that I would have likely otherwise enjoyed because I don’t want naked pictures popping up on my phone in public.
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anhometech · 3 days
How to Turn Off Age Restriction on YouTube
Understanding YouTube Restricted Mode YouTube Restricted Mode is a feature designed to provide users with an additional layer of control over the content they access on the platform. This mode is particularly useful in environments where it is crucial to ensure that the content being viewed is appropriate for all audiences, such as in schools, libraries, and homes with young children. The primary…
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jcmarchi · 16 days
OpenAI’s GPT-4o: The Multimodal AI Model Transforming Human-Machine Interaction
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/openais-gpt-4o-the-multimodal-ai-model-transforming-human-machine-interaction/
OpenAI’s GPT-4o: The Multimodal AI Model Transforming Human-Machine Interaction
OpenAI has released its latest and most advanced language model yet – GPT-4o, also known as the “Omni” model. This revolutionary AI system represents a giant leap forward, with capabilities that blur the line between human and artificial intelligence.
At the heart of GPT-4o lies its native multimodal nature, allowing it to seamlessly process and generate content across text, audio, images, and video. This integration of multiple modalities into a single model is a first of its kind, promising to reshape how we interact with AI assistants.
But GPT-4o is much more than just a multimodal system. It boasts a staggering performance improvement over its predecessor, GPT-4, and leaves competing models like Gemini 1.5 Pro, Claude 3, and Llama 3-70B in the dust. Let’s dive deeper into what makes this AI model truly groundbreaking.
Unparalleled Performance and Efficiency
One of the most impressive aspects of GPT-4o is its unprecedented performance capabilities. According to OpenAI’s evaluations, the model has a remarkable 60 Elo point lead over the previous top performer, GPT-4 Turbo. This significant advantage places GPT-4o in a league of its own, outshining even the most advanced AI models currently available.
But raw performance isn’t the only area where GPT-4o shines. The model also boasts impressive efficiency, operating at twice the speed of GPT-4 Turbo while costing only half as much to run. This combination of superior performance and cost-effectiveness makes GPT-4o an extremely attractive proposition for developers and businesses looking to integrate cutting-edge AI capabilities into their applications.
Multimodal Capabilities: Blending Text, Audio, and Vision
Perhaps the most groundbreaking aspect of GPT-4o is its native multimodal nature, which allows it to seamlessly process and generate content across multiple modalities, including text, audio, and vision. This integration of multiple modalities into a single model is a first of its kind, and it promises to revolutionize how we interact with AI assistants.
With GPT-4o, users can engage in natural, real-time conversations using speech, with the model instantly recognizing and responding to audio inputs. But the capabilities don’t stop there – GPT-4o can also interpret and generate visual content, opening up a world of possibilities for applications ranging from image analysis and generation to video understanding and creation.
One of the most impressive demonstrations of GPT-4o’s multimodal capabilities is its ability to analyze a scene or image in real-time, accurately describing and interpreting the visual elements it perceives. This feature has profound implications for applications such as assistive technologies for the visually impaired, as well as in fields like security, surveillance, and automation.
But GPT-4o’s multimodal capabilities extend beyond just understanding and generating content across different modalities. The model can also seamlessly blend these modalities, creating truly immersive and engaging experiences. For example, during OpenAI’s live demo, GPT-4o was able to generate a song based on input conditions, blending its understanding of language, music theory, and audio generation into a cohesive and impressive output.
Using GPT0 using Python
import openai # Replace with your actual API key OPENAI_API_KEY = "your_openai_api_key_here" # Function to extract the response content def get_response_content(response_dict, exclude_tokens=None): if exclude_tokens is None: exclude_tokens = [] if response_dict and response_dict.get("choices") and len(response_dict["choices"]) > 0: content = response_dict["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].strip() if content: for token in exclude_tokens: content = content.replace(token, '') return content raise ValueError(f"Unable to resolve response: response_dict") # Asynchronous function to send a request to the OpenAI chat API async def send_openai_chat_request(prompt, model_name, temperature=0.0): openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY message = "role": "user", "content": prompt response = await openai.ChatCompletion.acreate( model=model_name, messages=[message], temperature=temperature, ) return get_response_content(response) # Example usage async def main(): prompt = "Hello!" model_name = "gpt-4o-2024-05-13" response = await send_openai_chat_request(prompt, model_name) print(response) if __name__ == "__main__": import asyncio asyncio.run(main())
I have:
Imported the openai module directly instead of using a custom class.
Renamed the openai_chat_resolve function to get_response_content and made some minor changes to its implementation.
Replaced the AsyncOpenAI class with the openai.ChatCompletion.acreate function, which is the official asynchronous method provided by the OpenAI Python library.
Added an example main function that demonstrates how to use the send_openai_chat_request function.
Please note that you need to replace “your_openai_api_key_here” with your actual OpenAI API key for the code to work correctly.
_*]:min-w-0″ readability=”121.96583184258″>
Emotional Intelligence and Natural Interaction
Another groundbreaking aspect of GPT-4o is its ability to interpret and generate emotional responses, a capability that has long eluded AI systems. During the live demo, OpenAI engineers showcased how GPT-4o could accurately detect and respond to the emotional state of the user, adjusting its tone and responses accordingly.
In one particularly striking example, an engineer pretended to hyperventilate, and GPT-4o immediately recognized the signs of distress in their voice and breathing patterns. The model then calmly guided the engineer through a series of breathing exercises, modulating its tone to a soothing and reassuring manner until the simulated distress had subsided.
This ability to interpret and respond to emotional cues is a significant step towards truly natural and human-like interactions with AI systems. By understanding the emotional context of a conversation, GPT-4o can tailor its responses in a way that feels more natural and empathetic, ultimately leading to a more engaging and satisfying user experience.
OpenAI has made the decision to offer GPT-4o’s capabilities to all users, free of charge. This pricing model sets a new standard, where competitors typically charge substantial subscription fees for access to their models.
While OpenAI will still offer a paid “ChatGPT Plus” tier with benefits such as higher usage limits and priority access, the core capabilities of GPT-4o will be available to everyone at no cost.
Real-World Applications and Future Developments
The implications of GPT-4o’s capabilities are vast and far-reaching, with potential applications spanning numerous industries and domains. In the realm of customer service and support, for instance, GPT-4o could revolutionize how businesses interact with their customers, providing natural, real-time assistance across multiple modalities, including voice, text, and visual aids.
In the field of education, GPT-4o could be leveraged to create immersive and personalized learning experiences, with the model adapting its teaching style and content delivery to suit each individual student’s needs and preferences. Imagine a virtual tutor that can not only explain complex concepts through natural language but also generate visual aids and interactive simulations on the fly.
The entertainment industry is another area where GPT-4o’s multimodal capabilities could shine. From generating dynamic and engaging narratives for video games and movies to composing original music and soundtracks, the possibilities are endless.
Looking ahead, OpenAI has ambitious plans to continue expanding the capabilities of its models, with a focus on enhancing reasoning abilities and further integrating personalized data. One tantalizing prospect is the integration of GPT-4o with large language models trained on specific domains, such as medical or legal knowledge bases. This could pave the way for highly specialized AI assistants capable of providing expert-level advice and support in their respective fields.
Another exciting avenue for future development is the integration of GPT-4o with other AI models and systems, enabling seamless collaboration and knowledge sharing across different domains and modalities. Imagine a scenario where GPT-4o could leverage the capabilities of cutting-edge computer vision models to analyze and interpret complex visual data, or collaborate with robotic systems to provide real-time guidance and support in physical tasks.
Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI
As with any powerful technology, the development and deployment of GPT-4o and similar AI models raise important ethical considerations. OpenAI has been vocal about its commitment to responsible AI development, implementing various safeguards and measures to mitigate potential risks and misuse.
One key concern is the potential for AI models like GPT-4o to perpetuate or amplify existing biases and harmful stereotypes present in the training data. To address this, OpenAI has implemented rigorous debiasing techniques and filters to minimize the propagation of such biases in the model’s outputs.
Another critical issue is the potential misuse of GPT-4o’s capabilities for malicious purposes, such as generating deepfakes, spreading misinformation, or engaging in other forms of digital manipulation. OpenAI has implemented robust content filtering and moderation systems to detect and prevent the misuse of its models for harmful or illegal activities.
Furthermore, the company has emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in AI development, regularly publishing research papers and technical details about its models and methodologies. This commitment to openness and scrutiny from the broader scientific community is crucial in fostering trust and ensuring the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies like GPT-4o.
OpenAI’s GPT-4o represents a true paradigm shift in the field of artificial intelligence, ushering in a new era of multimodal, emotionally intelligent, and natural human-machine interaction. With its unparalleled performance, seamless integration of text, audio, and vision, and disruptive pricing model, GPT-4o promises to democratize access to cutting-edge AI capabilities and transform how we interact with technology on a fundamental level.
While the implications and potential applications of this groundbreaking model are vast and exciting, it is crucial that its development and deployment are guided by a firm commitment to ethical principles and responsible AI practices.
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expertsolution-es · 2 months
Based on the key features of SentryPC, here are some tags:
monitoring software
parental control
employee monitoring
computer monitoring
mobile device monitoring
activity monitoring
content filtering
time management
remote access
stealth mode
To get click sentrypc
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