#D&039;Urville Martin
deepredradio · 2 years
Black Caesar - Der Pate von Harlem
Black Caesar – Der Pate von Harlem
Story: Tommy Gibbs arbeitet sich skrupellos vom schmutzigen Handlanger zum Vertragskiller der New Yorker Mafia nach oben. Damit hat er sein Ziel noch lange nicht erreicht. Machtbesessen räumt Tommy alle aus dem Weg, bis er zum Paten von Harlem wird. Den Aufstieg muss er hart bezahlen: Seine Geliebte verlässt ihn und verbündet sich mit seinem Erzfeind John McKinney. Ohnmächtig vor Wut kämpft Tommy…
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 years
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
When Joanna Drayton returns home to tell her parents Matt and Christina that she is engaged to Dr John Prentice, their attitudes would be challenged when finding out his is African-American. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading
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badgaymovies · 3 years
The Legend of Black Charley (1972)
The Legend of Black Charley (1972)
MARTIN GOLDMAN Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB Original Title: The Legend of Ni*ger Charley USA, 1972. Eaves Movie Ranch, Paramount Pictures. Story by James Bellah, Screenplay by Martin Goldman, Larry G. Spangler. Cinematography by Peter Eco. Produced by Larry G. Spangler. Music by John Bennings. Production Design by Merrill Sindler. Costume Design by Joseph G. Aulisi. Film Editing by Howard…
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andersonvision · 6 years
FIVE ON THE BLACK HAND SIDE REVIEWED “Five on the Black Hand Side” is a milestone in terms of African-American cinema. While it tackled issues that later films like “Barbershop” and “Soul Food” would touch upon, “Five on the Black Hand Side” got their first. Charlie Russell adapted the script from his play, which served as America’s first real look at the inner-city theater. The cast is about…
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rpsabetto · 7 years
(USA 1975)
Dolemite (Rudy Ray Moore) is his name, and fuckin’ up mutha fuckas is his game!
He’s the baddest pimp around—well, around Los Angeles, anyway—and he looks every bit the part. Dolemite owns a nightclub and whorehouse but he’s doing time on a drug beef. Maybe it’s bogus, maybe not. Maybe some bad cops set him up, maybe it was archenemy Willie Green (D’Urville Martin), who took over the…
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ekatheshallowbird · 7 years
Ini adalah film pertama yang aku download dari Amazon Prime Video. Sebenarnya ini udah didownload sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu tapi belum juga ada niatan untuk kutonton. Gara-garanya aku lagi hobi banget nonton tv series. Selain itu, aku belum bikin ulasan film Passengers dan The Founder. Somehow, aku merasa bersalah kalau harus nonton film lain. Untungnya di Amazon Prime nggak ada batas waktu penyimpanan unduhan jadi nggak perlu repot-repot download lagi, deh. Thank you, Amazon Prime.
Berita bakal adanya film terbaru dari Jennifer Lawrence (salah satu aktris favoritku) adalah alasan utama akhirnya aku nonton film ini. Judulnya Mother! Di Twitter-ku mulai rame berita dan share seputar film tersebut. Begitu official trailernya tayang 8 Agustus lalu (which was so awesome and scary), ada sebuah akun yang bilang kalau dia merasakan nuansa Rosemary’s Baby dari trailernya. Aku agak gak rela gitu kalau film aktris pujaanku seakan dituduh meniru, meski aku tahu bukan itu maksud si pemilik akun tersebut. Karena kan memang nggak ada karya yang benar-benar original. Akhirnya, sepenggal komentar tersebut berhasil bikin aku penasaran setengah mati sama film Rosemary’s Baby. Ketambahan, udah sering juga dengar film ini disebut-sebut. Malah ada seriesnya, yang awalnya kukira adalah remake filmnya.
Pertama-tama, aku nggak tahu film ini ternyata film tahun 1968. Kirain paling nggak tahun 80-an. Terus Metascore-nya juga bagus banget di IMDB: 96, man!  Film ini pasti menyeramkan dan menegangkan banget layaknya The Conjuring. Ketambahan ini film jadul, yang biasanya selalu lebih seram daripada film hantu modern. Biasanya, ya… Secara kualitas gambarnya yang klasik dan tampak “suram” semakin menambah nuansa horornya.
Jujur ya, sayangnya apa yang aku harapkan itu nggak seratus persen terwujud. Selama 2 jam 16 menit aku menatap layar, suasana tegang yang kukira akan kudapatkan ternyata cuma sebatas angan-angan. Aku nggak merasa merinding dan tegang seperti halnya waktu aku nonton The Conjuring. Padahal aku nontonnya lewat tengah malam, loh. Sendirian pula! Apa yang salah? Dan ini ratingnya 96! Kritikus film ternama yang ngasih skor sebesar itu sembari menuliskan pujian kalau film ini seram dan menegangkan. Jadi maksudnya mereka penakut, gitu?
Meski ini nggak semenegangkan dan sehoror yang aku harapkan, tetap ada bagian-bagian yang bikin jantung berdebar. Pertama, yaitu ketika dilaksanakan ritual persetubuhan Rosemary oleh iblis. Seriously, ini benar-benar bikin merinding. Para pemuja setan/witch yang sepertinya telanjang bulat berkumpul mengelilingi Rosemary. Kemudian datang si iblis dengan wajah yang amat mengerikan. Rosemary antara sadar dan nggak sadar ketika itu terjadi. Keesokan paginya, ada luka-luka goresan di sekujur tubuhnya.
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Kejadian sebelum persetubuhan itu terjadi, yaitu ketika Rosemary mengalami mimpi aneh pun menjadi salah satu bagian terhoror dalam film ini. Kayak lagi menikmati karya Murakami dalam bentuk film.
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Nah, kalau bagian yang paling menegangkan buatku yaitu ketika Rosemary lagi berusaha menghubungi Dr. Hill di telepon umum. Dan Roman Polanski, sutradara sekaligus penulis skenario film ini, juga Ira Levin, penulis novelnya, benar-benar pintar menempatkan suasana tegang. Begitu berhasil menghubungi Dr. Hill, di belakang Rosemary, di luar bilik telepon umum, udah ada pria tinggi besar berdiri memunggungi Rosemary. Sumpah, aku udah menduga itu Dr. Sapirstein, tapi nggak tahunya dia cuma pria biasa yang lagi nunggu giliran menelepon. Damn! What a genius trick! 
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Bagian waktu Dr. Sapirstein dan Dr Shand mengendap-endap masuk ke apartemen Rosemary pun menjadi salah satu adegan yang menegangkan. Gila aja, padahal apartemen udah terkunci, lalu mereka masuk dari mana, coba? Mungkin Guy punya kunci cadangannya? Waktu Rosemary menunggu Hutch di pinggir jalan lalu Rosemary makan daging yang agak mentah pun masuk ke dalam kategori menegangkan di kamusku. Dipikir-pikir, lumayan banyak juga ya adegan menegangkannya? Lol. 
Mendapati kenyataan bahwa film ini nggak semenegangkan dan semenyeramkan yang aku duga, bikin aku berpikir kenapa para kritikus film itu pada ngasih skor yang gede buat film ini. Bagiku pribadi, hal yang berbau mistis seperti yang diangkat film ini bukanlah hal baru. Udah banyak film Indonesia yang mengusung tema santet, teluh, perdukunan dan sebagainya yang jauh lebih menyeramkan dari film ini. Jadi, akhirnya aku sampai pada titik di mana aku menduga bahwa tema ini adalah sesuatu yang baru dan “original” pada tahun 1960-an di Amerika. Orang Amerika kan terkenal dengan pemikirannya yang modern dan saintifik, sedangkan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan black magic dianggap sebagai pemikiran yang kolot. Jadinya, ketika digambarkan bahwa para orang ternama semacam dokter dan aktor yang semestinya berpikiran modern tapi ternyata pemuja setan adalah sesuatu yang memang mengejutkan.
Selain itu, aku setuju kalau film ini menyeramkan dengan caranya sendiri. Cara yang “lembut” dan dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Bayangkan aja ketika orang tua yang jadi tetangga kita, yang penampilannya sedikit banyak bikin kita kasihan, apalagi mereka nggak punya anak, udah gitu baik banget, ternyata punya maksud tersembunyi di balik semua itu. It could happen to anyone, right? Film ini bikin parno sama orang-orang yang baiknya kebangetan. Jangan-jangan mereka pemuja setan, lol. Musiknya pun serius bikin merinding. Rasanya baru kali ini aku dengar terompet dipakai buat background musik horor dan itu nggak kalah menakutkannya dengan biola. Salut banget!
Sebagai pemeran Rosemary, aku nggak begitu menikmati akting Mia Farrow. Dia meyakinkan di beberapa bagian, namun di bagian yang lain dia tampak aneh aktingnya. Entah juga sih apa karakter Mia Farrow versi novelnya memang seperti itu. Jadi pengen baca novelnya.
Aku menangkap sosok Rosemary sebagai orang yang jeli, kekanakan, dan mudah berubah pikiran. Yang terakhir ini yang kadang bikin jalan ceritanya aneh. Di satu bagian, Rosemary benci sama Minnie dan Roman, tapi di bagian selanjutnya, dia tampak menerima aja dikasih minuman atau makanan atau apa pun yang diperintahkan mereka. Apa dia kena hipnotis ya makanya jadi plin-plan? Serius deh, waktu gerak-geriknya tampak bingung, Rosemary benar-benar sosok menyebalkan. Ekspresi takutnya bukanlah ekspresi takut orang kebanyakan jadi sisi horor dan menegangkannya malah nggak dapat. Dari nada bicaranya, aku merasa Mia Farrow nggak begitu cocok main film serius dan horor. Cocoknya main film komedi. Baru pas. Mmm, tapi dia cukup menyeramkan waktu tubuhnya sekurus tengkorak.
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Karakter yang sangat melekat dari film ini justru adalah Minnie, yang diperankan oleh Ruth Gordon. Nggak salah juga dia dapat Piala Oscar sebagai pemeran pendukung wanita terbaik. Awalnya, justru aku merasa akting Ruth Gordon itu lebay. Tapi lama-kelamaan aku merasakan itulah karakter Minnie. Sosok yang nyablak, tampak nggak peduli dengan sekitar, tapi sesungguhnya ia sedang meneliti. Sumpah, aku terpukau sama aktingnya. Wajahnya pun menyeramkan layaknya pemuja setan.
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Yang jadi Roman juga sama menyeramkannya. Aku merasa takut sendiri setiap sosok Roman muncul. Seolah tatapan matanya bisa mencekik leher. Begitu juga pemeran Dr. Sapirstein. Udah brewokan, jutek pula. Yang jadi Guy juga bagus aktingnya.
Intinya, banyak misteri dalam film ini yang akan bikin kita berpikir dan kembali ke scene sebelumnya. Efeknya akan lebih mengejutkan ketika kita belum pernah mendengar hal mengenai teluh dan santet. Menyeramkan ketika dipikirkan sedikit lebih dalam. Nggak ada aksi berlebihan atau musik yang sengaja dibuat untuk membuat penonton kaget. Film ini memiliki cara yang lembut untuk menunjukkan sisi horornya. And btw, ternyata ada sekuelnya juga: Look What’s Happened to Rosemary’s Baby. Memang akhir dari Rosemary’s Baby udah bikin pengen nonton kelanjutannya secara bayinya itu kan bayi hasil persetubuhan dengan iblis dan sepertinya mengerikan (nggak diperlihatkan secara gamblang rupa bayinya tapi udah cukup kebayang dari ekspresi Rosemary saat menceritakannya). Lalu Rosemary yang awalnya nggak terima, naluri keibuannya muncul ketika bayi itu menangis. Dia mau meninabobokannya. Menakutkan.  Oh, nama bayinya Adrian, loh. So, jangan pilih nama itu deh kalau punya anak, lol. 
Now back to my first reason to watch this movie. Lalu apa aku pun merasakan nuansa Rosemary’s Baby dalam trailer Mother!? Jawabannya, nggak juga. Paling yang agak sama itu ya “kedatangan” orang asing dalam kehidupan rumah tangga tokoh utama. Itu aja, sih. Very slightly. Dan, aku baru tahu kalau yang memainkan tokoh Terry, yang dibilang Rosemary mirip sama aktris Victoria Vetri, memang diperankan oleh Victoria Vetri sendiri. Selera humornya Roman Polanski, nih, lol. Dan, meskipun film ini nggak semenegangkan yang aku harapkan, ternyata aku suka sama film ini. Banyak scene yang masih nempel di hati dan pikiran.
    “He was in Luther and Nobody Landed in Albatroz. And a lot of television plays and commercials.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
Guy: What are all these things here?  Rosemary: Herbs, mostly. Mmm, mint, basil. Guy: No marijuana?
Hutch: I was tempted to write the management that you were drug addicts and litterbugs. Instead, I decided to lie and tell them you were wonderful tenants.  Rosemary: Ah, you’re great, Hutch.  Hutch: Wish I could talk you out of it, though.  Guy: He’s pulling your legs, Ro, honey.  Hutch: Indeed, I’m not. Guy: Now, that looks great. That is —  Hutch: Are you aware that the Bramford had rather an unpleasant reputation around the the turn of the century? It’s where the Trench sisters conducted their little dietary experiment and Keith Kennedy held his parties. Adrian Marcato lived there, too. So did Pearl Ames.  Rosemary: Who were the Trench sisters?  Hutch: The Trench sisters were two proper Victorian ladies. They cooked and ate several young children, including a niece.  Guy: Oh, lovely.  Hutch: Adrian Marcato practiced witchcraft. He made quite a splash in the nineties by announcing that he’d conjured up the living devil. Apparently, people believed him so they attacked and nearly killed him in the lobby of the Bramford.  Rosemary: You’re joking.  Hutch: Later, the Keith Kennedy business began, and by the twenties the house was half empty.  Guy: I know about Keith Kennedy. I didn’t know that Marcato lived there.  Rosemary: And those sisters.  Hutch: World War II filled the house up again.  Rosemary: Terrific.  Guy: What? The house?  Rosemary: The lamb.  Guy: Oh.  Hutch: They called it Black Bramford.  Rosemary: But, Hutch, awful things happen in every apartment house.  Hutch: Ah, but this house has a high incidence of unpleasant happenings. In ’59, a dead infant was found, wrapped in newspaper in the basement.  Guy: Mmm! You’re really rouse my appetite.  Hutch: Have some more wine.
Rosemary: I’m sorry, I thought you were Victoria Vetri, the actress. I’m sorry.  Terry: That’s all right. A lot of people think I’m Victoria. I don’t see any resemblance.  Rosemary: Do you know her? Terry: No.
Terry: I’m living with the Castevets, seventh floor. I’m their guest, sort of, since June.  Rosemary: Our apartment used to be the back part of yours.  Terry: Oh, for goodness’ sake. You took the old lady’s apartment. Mrs, uh—  Rosemary: Yeah, um, Miss, uh… Gard—Gardenia.  Terry: Gardenia. Yeah. She was a good friend of the Castevets. She used to grow all kinds of herbs and things for her to cook with.  Rosemary: I saw those plants.  Terry: Yeah. Well, now, she grows her own things.  ___  Terry: I have a good luck charm. It might work for both of us.  Rosemary: Oh, that’s beautiful.  Terry: Isn’t it?  Rosemary: Mmm-hmm!  Terry: Mrs. Castevets gave it to me. It’s good luck. Anyway, it’s supposed to be. It’s got some stuff inside. I’m not mad about the smell either. I hope it works.  Rosemary: It’s a beautiful charm, though. I’ve never seen anything like it.  Terry: European. The Castevets are the most wonderful people in the world, bar none. You know, they picked me up off the sidewalk, literally?  Rosemary: You were sick?  Terry: I was starving and on dope and doing a lot of other things. They’re childless, though. I’m like the daughter they never had. At first, I thought they wanted me for some kind of sex thing, but they’ve turned out to be like real grandparents.  Rosemary: It’s nice to know there are people like that when you hear so much about apathy and people who are afraid of getting involved.  Terry: I’ll be dead now if it wasn’t for them. That’s an absolute fact, dead or in jail.  Rosemary: You don’t have any family that could have helped you?  Terry: A brother in the navy.
  “Well, that—that doesn’t mean she killed herself. She was a very happy girl with no reason for self-destruction. She must have been cleaning the windows or something.”
(Minnie Castevet)
Roman: No pope ever visits a city where the newspaper are on strike.  Minnie: I heard he’s going to postpone and wait till it’s over.  Guy: Well, that’s show biz.  Roman: That’s exactly what it is. All the costumes are rituals, all religions.  Minnie: Oh, I think we’re offending Rosemary.  Rosemary: No, no.  Roman: No, you’re not religious, my dear, are you? Rosemary: Well, I-I was brought up a Catholic. Now I don’t know.  Minnie: You look uncomfortable.  Rosemary: Well, he is the pope.  Roman: Now, you don’t need to have respect for him because he pretends that he’s holy.  Guy: Now, that’s a good point.  Minnie: When I think what they spend on robes and jewels! Roman: A good picture of the hypocrisy behind organized religion was given, I thought, in Luther. Did you ever get to play that leading part, Guy?  Guy: Me? No.
  “You know how actors are. They’re all a bit self-centered. I’ll bet even Laurence Olivier is vain and self-centered.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “Isn’t it gorgeous? I hope we have the coldest winter ever.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “You passed out. From now on you get cocktails or wine, not cocktails and wine, hmm?”
(Guy Woodhouse)
  “I dreamed someone was raping me. I don’t know, someone inhuman.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “Please, don’t read books. No pregnancy was ever exactly like the ones described in the books. And don’t listen to your friend, either. No two pregnancies are ever alike.”
(Dr. Sapirstein)
Rosemary: I look awful.  Guy: What are you talking about? You look great. It’s that haircut that looks awful. You want the truth, honey. That’s the worst mistake you ever made.
Rosemary: I was just telling Hutch that it was you and Minnie who sent me to Dr. Sapirstein.  Roman: Oh, so Rosemary has told you the good news.  Hutch: Yes, she has.  Roman: We must see that she gets plenty of rest.  Hutch; I was a bit alarmed by her appearance.  Roman: Well, she has lost some weight, but that’s quite normal for the early months. Later on, she’ll gain, probably far too much.  Hutch: So I gather.  Rosemary: Please sit down. Mrs. Castevet makes a vitamin drink for me every day from fresh herbs she grows.  Roman: Yes, all according to Dr. Sapirstein’s directions, of course. He’s inclined to be suspicious of commercially prepared vitamin pills.  Hutch: Indeed? But surely they’re manufactured under every imaginable safeguard.  Roman: That’s quite true. But commercial pills can sit for months on a druggist’s shelf and lose a great deal of their original potency.  Hutch: I hadn’t thought of that.  Rosemary: I like the idea of having everything fresh and natural. I’ll bet expectant mothers chewed bits of tannis root when nobody’d even heard of vitamin pills.  Hutch: Tannis root?  Rosemary: it’s one of the herbs she puts in the drink. Or is it an herb? Can a root be an herb?  Hutch: You sure you don’t mean anise or orris root? Roman: No, tannis.  Hutch: Hmm.  Rosemary: Look, It’s good luck, too.  Hutch: Ish! Ha. Doesn’t it look like, uh, root matter, more like mold or fungus or some kind. Is it ever called by any other name? Roman: Not to my knowledge, no.  Hutch: Tannis. I must look it up in the encyclopedia. What a pretty holder or charm or whatever it is.  Rosemary: The Castevets gave it to me.  Hutch: You and your wife seems to be taking better care of Rosemary than her own parents.  Roman: We’re very fond of her. And of Guy, too.
Rosemary: I’m going to Dr. Hill. Monday morning. Dr. Sapirstein is either lying or he’s—I don’t know, out of his mind. Pain like this is a warning something’s wrong.  Guy: Rosemary— Rosemary: And I’m not drinking Minnie’s drink anymore. I want vitamin and pills like everyone else. I haven’t drunk it for the last three days. I’ve thrown it away.  Guy: You’ve what?  Rosemary: I’ve made my own drink.  Guy: Is that what those bitches were giving you in there? And is that their hint for today?  Rosemary: They’re my friends—  Guy: They’re a bunch of not very bright bitches who ought to mind their own goddamn business!  Rosemary: All they said was get a second opinion.  Guy: Rosemary, you got the best doctor in New York. You know who Dr. Hill is? He’s a charlie nobody. That’s who he is!  Rosemary: I’m tired of hearing how great Dr. Sapirstein is.
  “Born in Glasgow in 1846, he was soon after brought to New York. He resided for several years in the United St—He was attacked by a mob outside the Bram—Outside, not in the lobby.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “Soon after that, in August, 1886, his son Steven was born.” 1886. Got it? That makes him 79 now. No coincidence.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
Guy: He’s Steven Marcato, all right. Poor old geezer. With a crazy father like that, no wonder he switched his name around.  Rosemary: You don’t think he’s the same? Guy: What do you mean, a witch? Ro, are you kidding? Oh, Ro, honey. Rosemary: His father was a martyr to it. Do you know how he died? Guy: Honey, it’s 1966.  Rosemary; This book was published in 1933. There were covens in Europe. That’s what they’re called—the, um, congregation. Covens in Europe, in America, and in Australia, and they have one right here, that whole bunch. The parties with the singing and the flute and the chanting, those are esbats or Sabbaths or whatever they’re called.  Guy: Honey, don’t get excited.  Rosemary: Read what they do, Guy. They use bloods in their rituals. And the blood that has the most power is baby’s blood. And they don’t just use the blood, they use the flesh, too.  Guy: Rosemary, for God’s sake!
“In some cults it was believed that a personal possession of the victim was necessary and spells cannot be cast without one of the victim’s belongings.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “He lied to you. He said we were going to Hollywood. The worst thing of all, he’s involved with them as well. He sleeps in pajamas now. He never used to before. He’s probably hiding a mark. You know they give you marks when you join – All sorts of ritual. They hold Sabbaths there. You could hear them singing through the wall. Guy, my husband Guy said it was Dr. Shand, one of these people playing a recorder. Now, how did he know it was Dr. Shand unless he was there with them? Um, they’re very clever people. They planned everything right from the beginning. They probably made some sort of deal with Guy. They gave him success, and he promised them our baby to use in their rituals.
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “Now, maybe all of this is coincidence, but one thing is for sure. They have a coven, and they want my baby.”
(Rosemary Woodhouse)
  “I don’t believe in witchcraft, but there are plenty of maniacs and crazy people in this city.”
(Dr. Hill)
  “Um, let’s face it, darling. You had the prepartum crazies. Now you’re going to rest, and you’re going to get over them. I know this is the worst thing that ever happened to you, but from now on, everything’s going to be roses. Paramount’s within an inch of where we want them. And suddenly Universal’s interested, too, and we’re going to blow this town, and we’re going to be in the beautiful hills of Beverly with a pool, a spice garden, the whole schmeer, and the kids, too, Ro. Scout’s honor. You heard what Abe said. Now, I got to run now and get famous.”
(Guy Woodhouse)
  “Satan is his father, not Guy. He came up from hell and begat a son of mortal woman. Satan is his father, and his name is Adrian. He shall overthrow the mighty and lay waste their temples. He shall redeem the despised and wreak vengeance in the name of the burned and the tortured! Hail, Adrian! Hail, Satan!”
(Roman Castevet)
  “He chose you out of all the world. Out of all the women in the whole world, he chose you. He arranged things because he wanted you to be the mother of his only living son.”
(Minnie Castevet)
  “His power is stronger than stronger! His might shall last longer than longer!”
(Roman Castevet)
  “God is dead! Satan lives! The year is one! The year is one and God is done!”
(Roman Castevet)
  “They, uh, promised me you wouldn’t be hurt, and you haven’t been, really. I mean, supposing you had the baby, and you lost it. Wouldn’t that be the same? And we’re getting so much in return, Ro.”
(Guy Woodhouse)
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    Sutradara: Roman Polanski
Penulis Skenario: Roman Polanski
Berdasarkan Novel Karya Ira Levin: “Rosemary’s Baby”
Musik: Krzysztof Komeda
Sinematografer: William A. Fraker
Desain Kostum: Anthea Sylbert
Tayang Perdana: 12 Juni 1968
Durasi: 2 Jam 16 Menit
Nonton di: Amazon Prime Video
Rating: 4 dari 5 Bintang
    Ini adalah film pertama yang aku download dari Amazon Prime Video. Sebenarnya ini udah didownload sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu tapi belum juga ada niatan untuk kutonton.
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soreelflix-blog · 8 years
Review: Dolemite (Vinegar Syndrome)
Masked Avenger reviews Vinegar Syndrome's Blu-Ray Release of Dolemite. Click here to see what the Ninja thinks of this Blaxploitation film.
Dolemite Amazon Price: $17.99
Starring: Rudy Ray Moore, D’Urville Martin, Lady Reed, Jerry Jones
Directed: D’Urville Martin
Release Date: April 26, 2016
Run Time: 90 Minutes
Format: Blu-Ray Color: Color
Audio: English Subtitles:
Distributor: Vinegar Syndrome
Dolemite (Rudy Ray Moore), the baddest pimp in town, has just been released from…
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gruesomemagazine · 8 years
"Dolemite" (1975): He's A Bad Bad Man...
“Dolemite” (1975): He’s A Bad Bad Man…
Back in the late 60’s and throughout the 70’s there were albums that youngsters weren’t supposed to listen to known as “Party Records“. Recorded by artists like Redd Foxx, Lady Queen Bee, the legendary Blowfly and the one & only Rudy Ray Moore. Featuring covers that usually had nude women in provocative poses front & center, these albums were full of raunchy X rated skits and songs that were…
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vulturehound · 8 years
Nobody puts Sheba, Baby in the corner - Sheba, Baby (Blu-Ray Review)
Nobody puts Sheba, Baby in the corner – Sheba, Baby (Blu-Ray Review)
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thepeoplesmovies · 8 years
Blu-Ray Review - Sheba, Baby (1975)
Blu-Ray Review – Sheba, Baby (1975)
Sheba, Baby was very much an attempt by Pam Grier as a stepping stone from the blaxploitation films which made her a leading lady to more “mainstream” starring roles. Sadly it didn’t quite go that way and with the exception of his leading role in Jackie Brown (which is still Quentin Tarantino’s finest film) she hasn’t had the opportunity for more leading roles. Sheba, Baby also lacks any of the…
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andersonvision · 7 years
HELL UP IN HARLEM REVIEWED “Hell Up in Harlem” is the forced follow-up to “Black Caesar”. When you consider that the first movie ended with Fred Williamson getting gunned down, they had to pull some “Crank” level shenanigans to make a sequel happen. Nope. Titular character Tommy Gibbs just got better. Was it explained how he survived that many gun shots? Not really. The movie brings back a ton of…
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cultfaction · 8 years
Cult Movie Essentials: Dolemite (1974)
Cult Movie Essentials: Dolemite (1974)
Dolemite was the everyday story of a pimp who is serving twenty years in prison after being set up by a rival, Willie Green who planted drugs, stolen furs, and guns in his trunk.
One day, his friend and fellow pimp Queen B helps him get out of jail, and plots with him to get revenge on Green…
Dolemite, known by many as the “baddest”…
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oppaiokudasai · 9 years
Horror Film Review: Rosemary’s Baby (dir by Roman Polanski) "This is no dream!  This is really happening!" -- Rosemary Woodhouse (Mia Farrow) in Rosemary's Baby…
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myshowzip · 10 years
Dolemite: Dolemite is a pimp who was set up by Willie Greene and the cops, who have planted drugs, stolen furs…
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soreelflix-blog · 8 years
Review: Sheba, Baby (Arrow Video)
Masked Avenger Reviews Arrow Video's Blu-Ray release of Sheba. Baby Starring Pam Grier. Click here to see what the Ninja thinks of this Hot Action Film featuring a Chick with a Gun.
Sheba, Baby Amazon Price: $19.99
Starring: Pam Grier, D’Urville Martin, Austin Stoker
Directed: William Girdler
Release Date: February 9, 2016
Run Time: 90 Minutes
Format: Blu-Ray Color: Color
Audio: English Subtitles: English
Distributor: Arrow Video
Fresh off her career defining roles for Jack Hill in…
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andersonvision · 6 years
BOSS (1975)
“Boss” has been having a minor comeback among film nerds. Many hear the claims of older film nerds that state the film was only released by Paramount as Boss. Others like myself have seen prints with the insensitive original title that many claim never exist. All of that infighting glosses over something rather big. Fred Williamson was making amazing movies in the early 70s…
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