#Dami scenario
hatsumaki45 · 1 year
First time sleeping with them - Dreamcatcher
Since the previous application was too long, I decided to make this one as Headcanons. Plus I thought it would look cuter that way n.n
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🤍It would be a sleepover, with movies, skincare, popcorn and candy. 🤍She thinks it will be more memorable -and comfortable- for both of them that way. 🤍She would definitely drape an arm over your waist to cuddle all night long. 🤍She fell asleep before the movie was over, so she was a little disappointed that she didn't get to watch you sleep. 🤍She will plan another way to achieve her goal.
🤍At first it was a little strange to see her quiet, but you managed to get used to it over the course of the night. 🤍She has a long bedtime routine and invited you to do it together, hinting that you could also share the shower 🤍Once under the sheets she touched your ass until you resigned yourself to remove her hands from there. 🤍Elephants in the bed take up 50% of the space 🤍Actually she became very sweet when you stopped playing, caressing your head and showering you with goodnight kisses
🤍Just before bedtime they went for snacks, which resulted in a meditative talk in the kitchen. 🤍From a snack they went to coffee and suddenly it was 3 a.m. 🤍By the time they went to bed they were no longer sleepy, so she begged you to watch an Avengers movie. 🤍She let you choose which one. 🤍You don't know when they fell asleep, but they woke up spooning -Siyeon was the small spoon-.
🤍They most likely went to the gym together, so the night would close with each taking a shower. 🤍She would cook something light and they would cuddle on the couch until it's time to sleep 🤍She tries to take it as a matter of course, even though internally she worries about having to share her bed 🤍They take some time together to remove your make-up, she also combs your hair because she thinks it's cute 🤍At first she tries to hug you, but the ice princess will end up turning around and sleeping on her side 🤍You are the last one to sleep and the first one to wake up, now you understand why the members say that waking her up is IMPOSSIBLE.
🤍She raids your bed in the middle of the night saying she's bored. 🤍She cuddles up to you like a koala bear and plays video games 🤍Somehow she looks so cute that you let her stay on your chest even with the occasional curse words 🤍Naturally you bring a hand to her head and by the time you realize the game is over and the puppy is fast asleep 🤍She slowly starts to hog your bed and you end up on the edge about to fall off, but you try to keep going even so 🤍When you finally manage to settle in, she feels so comfortable to cuddle.... Maybe you could get used to that.
🤍 It was so cold that day that the panda sked you to go lie down under ten blankets. 🤍She stayed reading with her head resting on your shoulder while you finished your favorite series 🤍Slowly the eyes of both of you got tired and you decided that sleeping was the best option 🤍She hugs you first and snuggles against your neck 🤍You try not to squeal, but she looks so cute being half asleep that your heart melts 🤍Naturally, she falls asleep first and you just stare at her like a fool until sleep overcomes you
🤍She's happy to sleep with you, but she takes her time with her skincare routine 🤍You have to wait for her outside the bathroom until the maknae decides that's enough 🤍At the end she surprises you with a hug and throws you on the bed, her on top of you laughing at her mischief 🤍Although the idea is to sleep, she'll be a good while surfing the internet and showing you every random thing she finds interesting 🤍A while can be hours 🤍Finally you think she'll leave the cell phone when she thinks of getting into her games, so determined to have her attention, you steal her device and hug her
🤍She will fight for a while for her cell phone, but finally she will give up and the game will culminate in caresses until they fall asleep
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introspectivememories · 5 months
absolutely obsessed with the idea of timbern being super secretive over bear's time in the cult.
on one hand, bear is wildly insecure of his scars from the cult. cause it's not like he fucking got them saving the city or helping someone, he was just stupid enough to get sucked into a cult. (a voice in the back of his head that sounds a lot like his therapist and tim tell him that kids are supposed to be stupid and that his time in the cult is more a reflection of the adults in his life than his own choices) anyway his back and legs are like a mess of scarring and normally he'd just tattoo over them but scars have to be a certain age before they're tattooable. so he now just covers them up.
on the other hand, tim is insanely protective over bear's traumas. like if he got any more protective he'd be like certified deranged. so he just straight up dodges or lies about bear's backstory. anyway all this to say, they're hanging out in the pool at the manor and nobody but them ws supposed to be home. so bear thinks it's safe to take off his shirt. they're both having fun until someone says behind bear, "dude... what happened to your back?" cue tim lunging at them like a rabid dog and bear struggling to hold tim back going "tim, tim, what the fuck, what the fuck????"
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panda-writes-kpop · 26 days
Dreamcatcher - Reaction to Reader Having A Sinus Infection/ Cold (Requested!)
a/n: two posts in less than a week???? who is this more motivated panda??? jk i'm trolling myself but i really wanted to have the two requests done in the same week. also happy jiu day!!! here's to the hope that her fic won't come out three weeks late! :] ❤️
tw: gruesome descriptions of a cold, food mentions, my brain went brrr when it got to Dami's section so hers is longer
related fic: le sserafim's version
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Prompt: You swear you didn’t feel this terrible yesterday. All you had was a bit of congestion and a scratch in your throat. Today, when you woke up, you could barely lift your head off of the pillow due to the congestion in your head. You were sure that you had enough snot to fill a trash can within your two nostrils. All you wanted to do was lay down and rest, but the ding of your phone causes you to lift your head again.
My Love: Do you mind if I come over? I miss you :(
You text her back with what you think is a comprehensible answer, and you rest your head against the pillow.
The next moment you’re awake, your girlfriend is sitting right next to you. So much for self-isolation.
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“Darling, I’m here for you.”
JiU’s voice and gentle touch pulls you out of your slumber. You sniffle for a bit as she starts to rub your arm in a comforting manner.
“I can tell you’re sick,” She frowns for a moment before softly smiling to herself, “and I’m going to try to help you. What do you need from me?”
You cough into your elbow before sitting up in bed.
“You could cuddle with me, if you don’t mind getting sick?” You joke to yourself before seeing JiU move to your side. “I’m joking, please don’t make yourself sick-"
“If it’ll help you feel better, it’s worth the risk.” She wraps her arms around you as you gently pull her into the bed.
“I always feel better when you’re with me, Minji.”
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A stuffed animal to the head isn’t an ideal way to wake up, but it sucks more when you’re sick and your sinus headache flares up immediately.
“You’ve been sick for days, and you didn’t text me earlier?” SuA scoffs as you toss the stuffed animal to the side.
“I would’ve, but I was afraid of that sort of reaction.”
“C’mon, I’m your girlfriend! I can take care of you when you need me. You do the same for me when I need you most.” SuA looks disappointed, and you sigh to yourself.
“Alright, Nurse Bora, you can take care of me. But don’t take it as an excuse to rearrange my whole apartment-” You state as she laughs happily.
“I won’t, I promise! You won’t regret this.” SuA gives you a big hug, which tackles you further into the bed.
“Is this supposed to be healing?” You joke.
“Is it working?”
“Oddly enough, it is.”
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“Babe, wake up.”
You rub your eyes before looking over at Siyeon.
“Siyeon-ah?” You croak out before she shushes you.
“I saw the tissues and the medicine on the counter. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s wrong,” She looks around in her bag for a moment, “but it does take a genius for me to remember my gift for you.”
Siyeon continues to dig in her bag as you grab your water.
“Siyeon, it’s okay, I’m just happy that you’re here with me,” You try to reach out to her with your hand, but she’s preoccupied, “Siyeon?”
Siyeon pauses for a moment, blinks twice, before gently placing her hand on her forehead.
“I forgot your care package at the dorms, I’m so sorry-”
You go to grab Siyeon’s hand, and you successfully do so before tumbling out of bed.
Siyeon laughs as she lays on top of you, apparently you pulled her down with you, and you find yourself doing the same.
“Feel better?” She smiles at you.
“I do.”
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You wake up, alone, and you attempt to reach for your phone, but it’s not there anymore. You fumble in the dark for a few moments before a soft light appears next to you. Handong (who looks absolutely beautiful in the light) sits next to you.
“Sorry, love, your phone was almost dead and I wanted to make sure it was charged for you.” Handong adjusts the light as you cough and sit up in bed. “I wasn’t sure you were in the mood for company.”
“I’d rather have you here.” You weakly say. “Thanks for coming.”
“Good, because if you asked me to leave, I would’ve stayed in your living room until you passed out from exhaustion or fell asleep.”
“Geez, Handong, it’s like you’re obsessed with me or something. What a perv~” You chuckle as she scoffs before lightly smacking you. “Wow, hurt the ill. Way to prove a point.”
“Glad you’re feeling better.” She smiles before rubbing your shoulder. “You deserved that, by the way.”
“I disagree, you’re so mean to me.” You whine before laughing alongside her.
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"Hey Siri!”
You raise your head, checking for Yooh’s phone, before burying your head back into a pillow.
“She’s not here.” You mumble to yourself.
Yoohyeon calls out to her phone, again, before opening the door to your room.
“Have you seen my phone?” She asks as you rise from your bed.
“No, I don’t think you’ve been in here. I would've woken up earlier if you had been.”
“Oh, you’re totally right!” She closes the door for a moment before opening it again. “I bought a few things from the store, and I’m going to order food when I can find my phone. Just stay in bed until you feel better, and I’ll bring you everything, alright?”
“Yooh, it’s okay, I can get out of bed.” You try to pull off the covers, but Yoohyeon’s disapproving glare causes you to stay in bed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you… once I find my phone.” She sighs to herself before facing away from the door. “Hey Siri!”
You’re happy to have Yoohyeon as a caretaker since you know she’ll take good care of you once her affairs are in order, of course.
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Before you rise out of bed, you pull the mysterious, foreign (wet?) object from your face. When you realize that it’s a washcloth, you put it back onto your face. Laying down with that thing on your head feels like the best thing possible, since it helps relieve your headache.
Unfortunately, the drainage from your nose prevents you from completely lying down. You suffice for a half-up, half-down method of lounging before reaching for your phone.
Your hand meets a glass of water before your phone, and you happily drink from it as you are provided with some temporary relief from your sore throat. You wonder who did all of this… you didn’t text anyone, did you?
When you get to your phone, you notice multiple missed calls and messages from Dami.
My Love: I’ll be over in a few minutes, I need to grab a few things from the dorm.
Are you alright? You haven’t answered me yet.
One of your work friends texted me that you called out sick, so I’m guessing that you’re resting. If you see this, I’ll be there when you wake up.
“Dami, honey, where are you?” You call out to her before coughing.
“I’m in the living room, darling. Do you want me to come in?” Dami asks from the other side of the door. “I came in earlier to put a washcloth on your face since you were running a fever, and then I grabbed water in case you wanted it.”
“You can come in, if you want.” You set the water down as Dami opens the door. “Thanks for the water and the washcloth.”
“I don’t mind helping you out since it looked like you needed it.” She says before a light smile breaks out onto her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Thanks, Dami,” You sit up fully and readjust the washcloth, “I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully, you weren’t busy before you came over.”
“I wanted to see you, anyway. How are you feeling?”
“Not great, but I’m managing. I get these sinus infections every year.” You shrug to yourself. “They’re terrible, but after a day or two off of work, I’ll be back to myself… mostly.”
She smiles to herself before looking you over again.
“If there’s anything you need, at all, I can get it for you.”
“Thanks, love, I appreciate it.” You say before Dami closes the door and leaves you to get more rest.
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“Why did you text me? I'm right here next to you.” Gahyeon grumbles for a moment before turning to face you. “Listen, I know you're upset with me for getting you sick, but I'll make it up to you-”
“-with hugs and kisses and lots of affection?” You force your cutest expression as she tries to hold back her laughter.
“I was going to offer to pay for dinner, but I can go for the free option if you would like.” She wraps her arms around you after you pull her closer. “I'm really sorry, babe, I didn't mean to get you sick after you took care of me.”
“It was worth it, seeing you so happy. I'd do it all over again for you.” You say before covering your mouth for an incoming cough.
“You're so sweet,” She blushes as she mumbles into your chest, “and I love you so much.”
You hear her sniffle as you chuckle to yourself.
“I love you too, every bit of you. And you don't need to apologize for getting me sick, I was probably infected before I came over to your place.”
You both laugh as your ailment drifts toward the back of your mind, at least until you feel the urge to sneeze.
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awisespirit · 10 months
This was just supposed to be something random but it turned into a reaction??😶
Warning: Smut
Gp Dreamcatcher X fem reader
A/N: I didn't really check for any mistakes before posting so if there any please forgive me 😭
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Being the second youngest member was nice, all of the unnie's pampered you. Even if Gahyeon was still younger than you she pampered you too. With love and affection. There was just one thing that separated the girls from you. They had dicks? You didn't mind this just meant more fun. And you were to become their little toy.
Minji would most likely fuck you after dance practice, when the both of you are sweaty and tired. She pushes against the wall pulling her pants down as her cock springs out from her own sweat pants and into your your cunt.
"ahh baby, your being such a girl for mommy honey. You like fucked by unnie like this don't you baby?"
Sua's way is fucking you early in the morning. I don't know what it is with her and morning sex but she loves it. After waking up she goes to your room. Climbs into your bed and starts eating you out first. When she's hard enough, she fucks you good. It depends on her mood on how she's fucking you. If she's in a good mood then she'll be soft. If she's stressed out then your gonna be sore throughout the day.
"shhh it's alright baby, it's just me, go back to sleep and let unnie finish this."
Siyeon, opposite from Sua just loves to fuck you right before bed. After saying your goodnights to your members you went to bed. Not aware of a little wolf following you. Stroking her cock, and pouting, as if asking permission. How could anyone reject her request?
"y/N look here unnie is really hard, can you do something sweetie? Please~"
Handong, shower sex!!! I REPEAT SHOWER. SEX. She will randomly come into the bathroom while your taking a shower. She will strip herself down then get in with you. Pushes your back against wall and starts fucking you while holding one your legs up.
"ahh my pretty slut, getting fucked in the shower. You know your so cute trying to take me in y/n. Tell me baby, does Dong unnie fuck you good baby?"
For yooh, I think it varies on when she fucks you. And sometimes she doesn't instead she makes you cockwarm her instead. Like when your relaxing on your day off watching TV in the dorm, she comes to you half naked and her cock all hard.
"Babe will cockwarm unnie? Come her and sit on my lap honey."
Studio fucking sessions. When she's stressed out about the songs she's been working on she'll call you into her studio. Would ask you to ride her if she's tired if she still has energy she'll make you lay down on that small sofa and fuck you hard. Probably has wrote about sexual lyrics about you which no one really knows about.
For gahyeon, she'll fuck anywhere in the dorm doesn't matter to her. She mostly fuck you after tiring schedule's. She'd be into massaging your breasts while fucking into you. But just because she's younger doesn't mean that your in control. Your still her little slut.
"look at my precious y/n unnie, love getting fucked like this hmm?"
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flooffybits · 6 months
Dreamcatcher 8th Member Headcannons
the first person you get to meet is Dongie
as trainees, you were quick to get along and you were able to understand each other better when you both find out that neither of you are from Korea
automatic best friend is with you during debut
so she's extremely upset when you're unable to participate for your debut
she hides it well though
Minji had given you a mini heart attack when you first meet her
you're awestruck the first time you meet that she ends up giggling when you stumble over your words, both in embarrassment and insecurity
she's quick to assure you that you didn't have to be afraid around any of them
started the "someone hold y/n's hand when we go out" rule
you're one of her children now so she finds it necessary
you're a baby in her eyes
which brings us to mother #2
despite her energy, Bora is more careful when it comes to you
she's quick to notice your discomfort with her the first day that you meet
you're hiding next to Minji and Dongie so it didn't take rocket science for her to know
she's upset about it at first because she wants you to LOVE her
so she starts toning it down whenever you're around
she sort of blames herself when you're absent for Dreamcatcher's debut because she feels like she contributed in your temporary leave
but when you come back, she subtly stays as close as she possibly can
Siyeon dislikes the tension that you both have so she brings Yoohyeon and Dongie along to try and intervene
but the moment they decide to act, they see the two of you in the waiting room after your performance with Bora tending to your leg
you'd gotten a cramp after the performance and she was quick to help you to the room
which escalated to the two of you talking
and now Bora has you laying on her chest and lulling you to sleep
when she says you're her baby YOU'RE HER BABY
Yoohyeon and Dongie tease her whenever they remember, reminding her of how awkward she was
she doesn't mind though because she loves you a bunch
and then you have Siyeon who is just an overall soft person
she likes to pinch your cheeks when she can
if she passes by, she makes sure to poke you instead
when she sits next to you, she always positions herself so that she's facing you
just so she can squish your cheeks in her hands before pressing a kiss to your nose
then she'll wrap you up in whatever jacket or sweater she brought along
or she'll ask if someone has a blanket when she doesn't have one
which somehow ends with you and Yubin cuddling under one blanket
because you and your roommate both feel comfortable like that
so Siyeon ends up with two sleeping babies
and she'll either watch over you or squeeze herself in between so that she can cuddle you both
Dongie makes sure to take pictures
you know how she likes to make fun of Yoohyeon by randomly taking pictures of her?
a good portion of her phone’s storage is because of you
she likes taking pictures with you
you're her best friend so duh!
sometimes the pictures are to annoy you
but most times she uses them to help boost your confidence
“you look so pretty here, what are you saying?", “i will shove my phone up your face until you realize how good you really look"
she gets more talkative when she sees mean comments about you during lives
she'll be quick to shoot them down with a dirty look on her face
Yoohyeon/Yubin/Minji has to calm her down
she's not the ice princess for nothing
she'll protect you the way she knows you'll always do the same for her
and while Yoohyeon and Yubin do stop her from possibly starting a fight, Yubin makes sure to physically protect you
from Yoohyeon
because Yoohyeon tends to get you in trouble
and her clumsy nature has brought you various bruises
it's not her intention
but god her clumsiness was a talent at this point
Yubin can only shake her head whenever she sees the two of you together
it's like she's been given the responsibility of looking after the two of you despite being younger
Yoohyeon whines about it
because she swears you're just as clumsy as she is
she's worse to be honest and the only reason you clumsily trip or fall is because of her
Minji and Bora both have to scold the two of you
because for some reason you both managed to break the chair you had in your room
they just heard a loud crash
and the moment they open the door, the chair’s in pieces with the two of you sprawled on the floor
“She did it!"
"It wasn't me!”
Yubin only shakes her head every time
Gahyeon just watches from the side
but she's honestly concerned with how people older than her are more chaotic than she is
but even with the chaos, Yoohyeon likes sleeping next to you
she crawls in your bed when Bora’s already asleep
and even when she doesn't need to, she only uses the excuse of not waking the dancer up just to sleep next to you
sometimes she has to fight with Gahyeon
the maknae doesn't back down so easily either
Gahyeon enjoys being babied by you
she relishes in the way you look after her
but she was very awkward the first few months because… 
what if she said something wrong?
what if you didn't understand what she was telling you?
she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of you
which was why you found her adorable
she uses her position as maknae to her advantage sometimes
Yoohyeon is teasing her?
“Y/n unniiie!"
She manages to escape Bora’s scolding a lot
just clinging to you manages to shift the dancer’s attention
because you only give Bora a look and a smile and Gahyeon is off the hook
overall the girls love you terribly
and they'd all do everything for you
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suitkive · 1 year
✩ just swinging by — k.yh
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pairing. yoohyeon (dreamcatcher) x fem reader
summary. ever since the mysterious web-swinging spider-woman first collapsed on your balcony by accident after a long night out fighting crime, she keeps coming back around with thank-you gifts and excuses to see you—and you slowly start to find yourself falling for the clumsy, kindhearted girl behind the mask.
info. college au, yoohyeon as spider-woman
warnings. swearing, blood/injury
word count. 4.6k (oops)
(a/n) insp. this moodboard i made a while ago :D
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of all the things you were expecting to happen to you on a typical sunday night, the sudden appearance of a masked vigilante at your balcony was most certainly not one of them.
alright, rewind a bit. a CRASH jolts you awake in the middle of the night—though really it's morning, according to the glowing red digits on your alarm clock that read 3:49 AM—and you nearly fall out of your bed because that was loud, what the hell?
nerves running high and any remnants of sleep completely shaken out of your body, you get out of bed and slowly open your bedroom door only to be met with a blast of frigid night air. you blink a few times, just to make sure you're not seeing things.
"what the fuck," you say out loud.
your balcony door is gone.
no, wait—it's broken. shards of glass are everywhere, and there's a giant gaping hole where the sliding door used to be. and lying crumpled in a heap on the floor in front of it…
you fumble for the light switch, something you probably should've done as soon as you opened the door. the sight that greets you when the light turns on makes you wonder if you're still dreaming, because this can't actually be happening.
there is a superhero on your balcony.
and she's bleeding all over your carpet.
"oh my god—" you hurriedly rush over to get a better look. red-and-blue spandex that's torn in several places, a trail of spiderwebs clinging to her wrists, a large spider symbol printed on the front and back of her suit… it's spider-woman. spider-woman just crashed through your balcony door.
and she's bleeding. on your carpet.
"okay," you mumble, trying to think. at least the fresh night air coming from the massive hole in your balcony door does well to invigorate you. "okay, okay, i need to do something… oh god, my landlord is gonna be so pissed at me—"
the body on the floor lets out a weak groan, and you quickly kneel down next to her. "hello? are—are you okay?"
with great difficulty, the girl struggles to lift up her head. her mask obscures the entirety of her face, so you have a hard time telling whether or not she's fully conscious.
"…ow," she croaks out at last, and then her head falls back to the floor with a thunk. seconds later, her chest begins to slowly rise and fall. a soft snoring sound emits from her mask.
you take a deep breath. okay. you can deal with this.
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so here you are almost three hours later, nursing a cup of much-needed coffee as you stare contemplatively at the now-bandaged but still-snoring superhero laid out on the couch in front of you. you had done your best to clean and treat her wounds with your limited medical knowledge (and the suspiciously well-stocked first aid kit that your weird roommate handong keeps in the cupboard), so now you're just waiting for her to wake up. which is taking way too long.
the clock on the coffee table reads 6:15 AM, and you glumly swish around the cold dregs of your morning coffee. it's almost time for you to leave for your 6:30 chemistry class, but it looks like spider-woman is still completely out of it.
after pacing around the kitchen of your tiny apartment for five more minutes, you impulsively grab a post-it note and scribble down a message for spider-woman to see when she wakes up. thankfully your roommate is literally never home, so there's no chance of anyone coming in here and discovering the superhero conked out on your couch.
you sign your name at the bottom of the note and stick it to spider-woman's forehead, hoping she'll be alright. as for your balcony door… thinking about how much it's going to cost to install a new one gives you a headache, so you just stick a large sheet of cardboard over the opening and resolve to take care of it as soon as you get home.
"this has been a very, very weird morning," you say out loud, because nothing about this feels real.
(then again, the tedious hours you spent cleaning up bits of glass from the floor and picking the webs off of spider-woman's suit definitely felt pretty real.)
you throw one last glance at the sleeping heap on your couch before you leave, only hoping that your life will get back to normal after today.
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yoohyeon wakes up disoriented, aching all over, and with the horrifying realization that she has most definitely slept past all five of her monday morning alarms.
she blinks sleepily, slowly processing her surroundings. she's lying on a couch, someone has bandaged her wounds and swaddled her in blankets, yubin probably, she's an angel and the best guy in the chair yoohyeon could ever ask for and… whoa, wait a minute.
this isn't her apartment.
with that horrifying realization, yoohyeon sits straight up and whips her head around in a panic. her surroundings are entirely unfamiliar, and she's about to call yubin before remembering that yubin is unreachable right now—away on some sort of top-secret mission that's supposed to last, like, three months. yoohyeon groans. why am i actually the worst superhero ever?
then she realizes that there's something stuck to her forehead and reaches up to find a neon green sticky note with some writing on it, which she slowly reads through with a good deal of trepidation.
hey, you crashed into my apartment last night—you were unconscious but i didn't see your face, don't worry! i fixed up your injuries as best i could but now i need to leave for class, so i hope you'll be okay when you wake up. just remember to put the cardboard back over the balcony door so birds won't fly in or anything :)
phew. so yoohyeon's secret identity hasn't been leaked, that's a relief… but she essentially broke into an innocent civilian's apartment, which she doesn't exactly feel great about. i need to make this right.
"oh, wait—" yoohyeon realizes something and jumps to her feet, the blankets falling around her. "shit, i'm late for class!"
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you're dutifully taking notes as the professor drones on about chemical equations, though you're struggling to stay focused—seriously, who decided that 6:30am classes on a monday was a good idea?—when suddenly the doors to the lecture hall burst open and a girl runs in, flushed and panting heavily.
"i am so sorry," she wheezes, bracing her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "i overslept…"
the professor sighs and waves off her apology. "don't let it happen again," he says sternly, then continues his lecture.
you cast the girl a curious glance as she shuffles shamefully to an empty seat and starts unpacking her things. she's tall and lanky, with long two-toned hair tied in a haphazard ponytail and glasses that she has to push back up when they start to slip down her face. you make eye contact for a brief moment, then you resume paying attention to the professor without giving the encounter too much thought.
after classes end, you go back to your apartment to find the place superhero-less. the blankets are folded messily on the couch and there's a small tear in the cardboard that's covering the opening in your balcony, as if someone was in a hurry to leave.
you shrug off your bags with a sigh and go to dial up your landlord.
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almost a week passes without further incident. you get your balcony door replaced so it's like nothing ever happened, and your life is just starting to get back into the usual swing of things when spider-woman shows up at your balcony again.
a thump is what wakes you up prematurely this time—it's literally 5am which is way too early for a saturday morning of all days—and you groggily stumble out of your bedroom, fearing the worst. you know it can't be a burglar since you live on the seventh floor, so there's only one person it could be…
luckily, the glass door is fully intact when you pull back the curtains to check. however, there is currently a superhero lying curled in a ball on your balcony. a very familiar superhero wearing a red-and-blue suit with a spider symbol on it.
"oh… oh, no," groans spider-woman when she hears you slide open the door. she weakly tries to drag herself to her feet, but she slumps back to the ground and you notice, with concern, the bleeding scratches all over her body. "oh man, i did it again… i'm so sorry, i'm gonna leave, just… wow you're so pretty… sorry, i should really leave—"
"no, it's okay!" you rush to reassure her, kneeling down next to her and offering your hand. "you can't go back out there like that, let me help you."
she winces, though whether it's from pain or embarrassment you can't tell. "i am so sorry," she repeats, and something about her voice seems oddly familiar, but you're too preoccupied with getting her inside to dwell on that.
the superhero keeps rambling as you half-drag, half-carry her to the couch. "i didn't mean to come here again, it's just i usually go to my friend's place when i'm injured but she's away and i got lost and mistook your apartment for mine the last time and i'm really sorry about breaking your door, it was just so dark and i had a really long day and i wasn't thinking straight and i probably gave you so much trouble—ow!"
"sorry!" you flinch and let go of her. "is your arm okay? what happened?"
"i… um." spider-woman chuckles nervously. "i kind of swung into a building? i didn't break any windows or anything! i might've broken my arm though."
you can't help but laugh, finding her awkward manner strangely endearing. "let me take a look, it might be dislocated or something."
it turns out it's just bruised, so you get her some ice and busy yourself fixing up her injuries. she repeatedly tries to convince you that she can do it herself in between a steady stream of more apologies, but she looks like she's one step away from passing out, so you insist on helping her.
"how'd you get all these cuts and scratches, anyway?" you ask, opening the bottle of antiseptic and setting out some gauze. "if you don't mind me asking, that is."
"no, it's fine! um…" spider-woman tilts her head, as if trying to remember. "the ones on my ribs are from some muggers with knives, kids really but there were four of them and only one of me so yeah… and the ones on my arms are from the black cat, you know, my nemesis? she was robbing a jewelry store and i managed to stop her but she still escaped and also got me a few times with her claws… oh, and there's this cut on my forehead that i got when i accidentally tripped and hit my head on a wall corner a few hours ago… but i can fix that on my own! you know, cause i'd have to take the mask off for that, and like, i can't reveal my secret identity 'cause dami—that's my guy in the chair—dami would kill me, haha…"
by the time she's done talking, you've finished cleaning and wrapping all of her wounds. there's just the cut on her forehead that's left, which is still bleeding despite her flippant assurances that it doesn't even hurt.
"that looks pretty bad," you note, kneeling down beside the couch and leaning in closer to inspect it. you gently press a paper towel to the bleeding area, using your other hand to brush a stray drop of blood from her cheek. "are you able to swing like that?"
there's a beat of silence. you realize that spider-woman has gone perfectly still, and also that your faces are extremely close together.
"sorry—" you shift away apologetically, worried that you made her uncomfortable. "you probably don't like it when people touch your suit."
"it's okay!" spider-woman's voice comes out as a strangled squawk, and she quickly coughs to clear her throat. "um. i was just. surprised."
"oh… well then." you stand up and glance awkwardly around your apartment, at a loss for what to do next. "so uh… how are you feeling?"
she springs up from the couch, startling you. "a lot better, thank you so much! i've caused you way too much trouble so… i should probably get going now, huh."
"are you okay to swing with your injuries and all?" you ask as she half-walks, half-slides to the balcony in this self-consciously exaggerated way. "they looked really painful when you arrived here."
"this is nothing," she responds with a casual wave of her hand, hoisting herself up onto the balcony railing in a quick graceful movement. "i heal pretty fast, so they barely even hurt anymore."
"that's good, then." you lean against the doorframe, somewhat saddened to see her go. strangely enough, you've actually been enjoying her company despite the fact that she quite literally crashed into your apartment and woke you up in the middle of the night.
spider-woman clears her throat. "uhh—maybe i'll see you around sometime," she says, a hopeful lilt to her voice.
the sun is starting to rise, peeking over the tops of the city skyline and bathing your apartment in soft golden light. spider-woman tilts her head at you, and you're almost completely certain that she's smiling under her mask.
"yeah," you respond, smiling back and raising a hand to shade your face from the sun. "i'll see you around sometime, superhero."
spider-woman gives you a jaunty little two-fingered salute, and then she's launching herself backwards off the railing with a carefree whoop. she disappears from your view for a few heart-stopping moments, but then a web shoots up and she's swinging away in between the skyscrapers until she's out of sight.
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the next day, you open the curtains to find a small bouquet of red and blue flowers sitting on your balcony. they look wind-blown and slightly frayed, and the thought of a certain superhero swinging through the city with the little pot tucked carefully under her arm makes you grin despite yourself.
you get the feeling you won't be seeing the last of her any time soon.
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"um, is it okay if i sit here?"
you glance up from the chemical equations on your laptop screen, meeting the eyes of a tall girl who's fidgeting nervously with the ends of her long hair. vaguely, you recognize her as that clumsy student who ran into class late last week.
"oh, sure," you say after a confused beat, shifting over slightly to make more room for her. something about her voice rings a bell, but you're not sure why it sounds so familiar. i've probably just heard her talking to her friends before, you rationalize.
"thanks!" she sits down and starts taking out her stuff, smiling hesitantly at you. "i'm kim yoohyeon, it's nice to meet you."
she has a pretty smile, you note while you introduce yourself. "it's nice to meet you too."
yoohyeon seems shy around you and doesn't talk much, but there's something captivating about her that you can't quite figure out exactly. she pays close attention to the professor during the lecture, though occasionally you'll look over to catch her stealing glances at you—she always blushes and quickly looks away, piquing your curiosity. hmmm.
after an extremely long and boring hour, the class is over and everyone starts packing up and filtering out of the lecture hall. you're packing up as well when your arm brushes against yoohyeon's by accident, and her cheeks flush bright red as she stares at you wide-eyed.
"i—" yoohyeon clears her throat. "bye!" she squeaks, and then she's shooting out the doors before you can even open your mouth to reply.
huh, how strange.
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you're studying at your kitchen table one afternoon, curtains open to let some sun into your apartment, when you hear a tap-tap-tap on your balcony door and look up to see spider-woman crouched outside.
"i hope this isn't creepy," she rushes to say as soon as you slide open the door. "i was just, er, in the area and i thought i'd swing by and say hello… um, i brought you a croissant! as thanks for, y'know, everything."
"wow, thank you," you say in surprise, taking the paper bakery bag that she's hopefully holding out to you. the chocolate croissant inside is a little flattened, but you're warmed by the gesture regardless.
"no problem!" spider-woman jumps back up onto the balcony railing, sitting and swinging her legs like a little kid. "so, uh, yeah. just wanted to do that. i hope it wasn't weird. was it weird?"
you can't help but laugh. "you're cute," you say sincerely, the words slipping out against your will—flustered, you quickly change the subject before she can notice. "um, i'm not really busy right now so… you can come in and hang out for a bit, if you want."
"really?" she tentatively slides off the railing and trots inside after you like a lost puppy. "i feel bad for intruding—ooh, were you doing homework?"
"yeah, just studying for a test," you respond, sitting down and gesturing for her to pull out a chair as well. "do you know anything about chemistry?"
"i love it!" she exclaims, perking up and scooting closer to get a better look at your notes. "i first made my web fluid in my high school chemistry lab actually, it was… well, it was a learning experience. what are you studying?"
"acid-base reactions, most of it went over my head when my professor was lecturing about it…"
before you know it, two hours have gone by in a flash. spider-woman just has this bright and likable aura around her, and as she chatters about chemistry with infectious enthusiasm and tells you funny stories about her experiences as the city's resident superhero, you find that you already feel even more at ease with her than you are with your own roommate.
"we should do this again soon," you tell her when she has to leave, standing on your balcony surrounded by the bustling sounds of the city. "and be careful, alright? don't go swinging into any more buildings."
"i promise!" she assures you with a laugh, giving you a cheerful wave before she jumps from your balcony and swings off.
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after that, spider-woman starts swinging by to see you a lot more often. you can tell she still feels guilty about accidentally breaking into your apartment, because she always comes with gifts of flowers or random pastries from the bakery down the street.
"you really don't need to go to all this trouble for me," you tell her, amused, when she presents you with an entire cake.
"it's no trouble at all!" she insists cheerfully, then gasps. "unless you don't like it. do you not like it?"
"no! i really appreciate it, i promise. it's just, you don't have to get me stuff if you don't want to."
"i want to!"
it's after a few weeks of the dorky superhero swinging by your apartment that you begin to realize you might be developing a bit of a crush on her. which is ridiculous, really, considering you have no idea what she looks like under the mask and you don't know her real name either. you don't know anything about her.
but you do know her, in a way. you know that she likes to pretend she's this cool badass superhero when in reality she's just a science nerd who gets excited about mixing chemicals. you know that she loves rescuing kittens from trees even though she's scared of cats, just because it's worth it to see the relief on its owner's face. you know that she sometimes swings by elementary schools during recess because a wave or a thumbs-up from spider-woman always makes the kids' entire day. you know that she's smart, she's kind, she's clumsy, she loves helping people more than anything.
you know her well enough for your heart to flutter every time you hear her tap on your balcony door, no matter the time or reason. she usually comes by during the day now, just to bring you gifts and hang out, but every once in a while she'll still crash on your balcony in the middle of the night with injuries from fighting crime.
this is one of those nights, apparently. a forceful knock on your front door is what wakes you up at 11pm one sunday night, and you groan as you're violently dragged out of your peaceful sleep.
"coming," you mumble half to yourself, throwing a random hoodie over your pajamas and hauling yourself to the door. "i have class tomorrow, who even—"
it's spider-woman, leaning heavily against the doorframe. "hi," she croaks. the knocking must have tired her out, because she topples into your arms as soon as you open the door.
"what…" you blink groggily for a few seconds, slowly processing the girl draped all over you. your half-asleep brain notes that she's very warm. it's like a nice blanket.
then you realize that your apartment door is still wide open, and the city's most famous superhero is just standing right there in the hall where anyone could see. "what are you doing here?" you yelp, pulling her inside and hurrying to close the door. "you're in your suit and everything! did anyone see you come up?"
"dunno," she mumbles, tucking her face into the crook of your neck. "i hit my head really hard. didn't think swinging was a good idea…"
you maneuver the superhero onto your couch, and she whines when you pull away to go get the medical kit. "hurts."
"looks like there isn't any bleeding," you say, kneeling down next to the couch and examining her head. "do you think it might be a concussion?"
"probably," she rasps, squishing herself further into the couch and looking like a burrito with the blanket you put over her. "should heal in a few hours."
you furrow your brow, still not used to what she calls her spidey-healing. "okay, get some sleep. you can stay here as long as you want, alright?"
"gotta wake up early," she says drowsily. "chemistry lab tomorrow…"
you blink. you… also have a chemistry lab tomorrow. "is that so?"
"yeah." you think her eyes are closed behind her mask, but then she shifts her head slightly and giggles softly to herself. "you're sooo pretty… i was so scared to talk to you in class."
wait, what?
spider-woman keeps rambling as she drifts off to sleep. "wanted to ask you out… but i was too shy without the mask. ran away, so embarrassing…"
wait, what?
"you're really cool," she mumbles. "and nice… and pretty… i like you a lot… want to take care of you like… like you take care of me…"
a pause. "you should go out with me," she says, then falls silent. tiny snores start coming out of her mask.
you slowly stand up, head spinning with all these new revelations.
you decide to go back to sleep.
it's around three in the morning when you wake up again to the sounds of someone shuffling around in the living room. you reluctantly slide out of your nice warm bed, slipping a hoodie on and heading out of your bedroom to find the source of the commotion.
"sorry, did i wake you?" spider-woman hovers uncertainly by the open door, dressed in civilian clothes—a hoodie and sweatpants—though she still has her spider-woman mask on, which looks so ridiculous that you have to smile at the sight.
"yeah… you're leaving already?" you ask, rubbing your eyes and yawning.
"yep," she says, awkwardly shifting her bundled-up superhero suit from hand to hand. "um. you should go back to bed, i know you have an early class tomorrow…" and so do i, she thinks to herself ruefully.
"let me see you off first," you insist through another yawn, covering your mouth with one oversized hoodie sleeve. "be careful on your way down, okay?"
"i will," she mumbles shyly. you can't see it, but she's blushing so hard at the gentleness in your voice and the soft way you're looking at her that she's scared her mask might burn right off her face. i've got to leave before i do anything stupid, she thinks, embarrassed. why is she so nice… and pretty…
the superhero is halfway down the hall when you remember all of last night's events and suddenly get an idea.
"yoohyeon," you call out, leaning against your doorframe.
she stops and turns around. "yeah?"
a pause.
you see the exact moment she realizes. "i—oh fuck—i mean, um—" she flounders, wildly looking around and laughing nervously. "wh-who's yoohyeon? i'm just your friendly neighbourhood spider-kim—i mean—"
you smile teasingly. "next time you ask me on a date, do it when you're not suffering from a concussion."
you don't know what her facial expression is like under her mask, but spider-woman—yoohyeon—looks like she's about to pass out, if the way she's clutching her suit in a death grip is any indication.
your smile softens. "i like you too, just so you know. a lot." you step back inside your apartment, but then you poke your head out again (yoohyeon is still standing there, frozen in shock) and add, "come back and ask me again tomorrow, okay? properly."
you close the door and take a deep breath. you feel as if your heart had stopped beating momentarily, but now it resumes racing excitedly in your chest.
hopefully i didn't just make a huge mistake.
meanwhile, yoohyeon is practically having heart palpitations outside. she spends a while just gaping like a fish at your closed door, but then she comes to her senses and practically breaks her neck sprinting to the elevator.
oh god, i need to look nice tomorrow!
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the next morning, you're sitting at the kitchen table doing some studying before class when you hear the distinct noise of feet landing lightly on your balcony outside. there's the sounds of someone pacing for a while. then a light knock sounds on the glass door, making you turn around.
it's yoohyeon. not spider-woman, but kim yoohyeon from your 6:30am chemistry class. she's wearing jeans and a turtleneck sweater, her long hair falling in soft waves past her shoulders and her dark brown eyes bravely staring into yours. in her hands is a small bouquet of red-and-blue flowers.
"did you swing up here?" you ask incredulously, tearing your eyes away from her and looking around. the sun is starting to rise, painting the sky in a soft rosy hue that matches the blush on yoohyeon's face. "did—"
"wait—please don't say anything," she interrupts, eyes squeezed shut. "before i chicken out."
she takes a deep breath and opens her eyes, meeting your gaze. "hi, i'm kim yoohyeon. um, i'm also spider-woman, and i… i'd really like to take you out on a date sometime."
she smiles hopefully at you. you step closer to her, taking the bouquet from her hands and leaning up to press a kiss to her cheek. yoohyeon's blush intensifies, and your heart soars.
"it's nice to meet you, kim yoohyeon," you tell her, matching her smile. "and i'd love to go out with you."
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let-them-read-fics · 1 year
Cloud Nine
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Pairing: Dami x Fem!8thMember!Reader
Warnings / Misc. -- Smut, Public Sex, A Little Fluff
Word Count: 3,218
Summary: With the next leg of tour in full swing and lots of places to be, you’re inevitably faced with a daunting red eye flight. Dami – paired with you for the ride – attempts to make the best out of a bad situation.
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: The NDA cover that Dami did with Yooh... dear god, does it have a hold on me. Anyways 🤠 I hope you enjoy this piece! Let me know what you think, and don’t forget to drink some water today! :)
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The ambience of planes has never once failed to fascinate you. 
So many people, so many stories, mingling and intersecting for a point in time that some would remember forever and others would rather choose to forget. Children, adults; first time flyers, seasoned vets. Some having the best day of their lives while others were experiencing their worst. 
A bunch of shooting stars converging, waiting to pass one another for what was likely the first and last time. 
With so much… humanity… packed into one space, your mind tended to give into the romantics. It made you feel small, in the grand scheme of things, but just as important all the same. Every unique experience being lived around you could come together to share this one, unifying moment. 
Well, perhaps calling it a “moment” would understate the grueling twelve hour journey you were embarking on…
But regardlessly, within that, you found true beauty. 
The thing to break you from your pleasant reverie was the hushed sound of an attendant’s voice over the intercom, providing a time check and announcing that the cart of refreshments would be brought around shortly. 
You peeked out of the window at your side, taking one last look at the velvety night sky before pulling the cover down and turning away. 
Dami’s eyes were shut and her arms were crossed at her chest; she was resting peacefully, just like a majority of the other travelers. The personal lights above everyone’s seats were all dimmed, basking the cabin in comfortable darkness. Some passengers employed the use of the small televisions mounted against the backs of the seats in front of them, and sparse illumination came from others that were on their phones or tablets as well. 
But for the most part, the darkness won out. 
You watched as a few people woke up, some on their own and others prompted by a jab from their friends or family sitting next to them. They wiped the sleep from their eyes and stretched, reaching down to retrieve their wallets from their carry-ons so that they could buy some snacks. 
You pondered for a moment, deciding on whether or not you should wake Dami up. She looked far too comfortable for you to do so and keep a clear conscience, and you knew she needed the rest anyway; the first few stops of the tour had drained her a bit more than she had prepared for. 
So you resolved to buy something for her instead. You already knew the foods that she preferred, after all, and she could eat them whenever she naturally woke up. It was a win-win in your mind.
Upon rifling through your bag and grabbing some of the cash you had stashed away, you took a second to admire her. The curve of her face was visible in the low light, soft and as pretty as always, and a small pout pulled at her lips, making her cheeks puff out slightly. It truly took every ounce of self control you possessed to refrain from poking them; but you prevailed in the end. 
Her chest rose and fell softly, lulled and gentle like waves lapping on a shore. It brought you comfort just seeing her like that, so cozy and peaceful. She deserved every second of it. 
“Miss?” An approaching, hushed voice asked, addressing you. 
You raised your head and were met with a pleasant smile from one of the attendants. The aisle’s sidelights were on at her feet, ensuring that her movements were well guided. 
“Would you like some refreshments?” She pulled the cart into view and pressed a button, turning the lights of it on so that you could see what each tier had to offer. 
You made quick work of choosing and paying, and before long she was quietly thanking you and handing over all of your goodies. Once you successfully got them all and unlocked the small tray attached to the seat in front of you, you pulled it down over your lap and laid everything out to sort. 
A minute or so later, once your work was done, you sat back with a happy sigh and snuck a glance at Dami. 
Although you had failed to notice it in your previously busy state, it became apparent that she had shifted closer to you. She was curled up a little more, and turned on her side, facing you. It awarded you a perfect vantage point for viewing the subtle smile on her lips; clearly whatever she was dreaming about was good, and that made you happy. 
One of her hands had fallen onto the armrest, with her palm upturned towards the ceiling. It peeked out of her sweater paw, tempting you. 
You succumbed to your weakness and reached over, carefully intertwining your fingers with her own. 
She reacted on instinct, still fully asleep; her hand curled into your slightly warmer one, and a quiet noise of contentment left her. She moved closer once again, and before you knew it her head had found its way to your shoulder, nestling there. Her warm breath fanned out across your neck, almost tickling. 
Snacking, you decided, could wait a while. Sleep was creeping up on you, anyway, and moving was no longer an option. 
You eased your head down atop hers and settled a little more in the seat, getting comfortable for the both of you. Your eyes fluttered shut as the smell of her shampoo washed over you, and you gently rubbed your cheek against her soft hair, allowing sleep to begin dragging you under. 
When you awoke a few hours later, things in the cabin were slightly busier than before. A few more people had rejoined the world of the conscious, and glimmers of hazy, early morning sunlight attempted to shine their way in through the plane’s oval windows. 
The tray across your lap had been cleared off and returned to its vertical position, providing room for you to comfortably move around and stretch the tension from your muscles. A blanket was draped over your body as well, courtesy of Dami. 
You blinked the sleep from your eyes and lifted your head from her shoulder, finding that somewhere along the way you had traded positions with her. She looked over at you, and her face neared yours in the process. 
“Sleep well, baby?” She smiled sweetly, pushing her glasses up a little higher on the bridge of her nose. 
You nodded, still not fully alert yet. The fog of sleep weighed heavily on your mind and clouded your senses. Perhaps that explained why when you felt something soft and warm against your thigh, tucked away beneath the blanket, you didn’t immediately register it as her hand. 
You peeked over at her illuminated phone screen and discovered that she was in the middle of reading a book. 
“How long have you been up?” The question came out as a groggy mumble.
Judging by the opened bag of gummies tucked away in her seat pocket, you guessed it had been at least a few minutes. You were glad to know that she liked what you got her.
Her lips pursed in thought. “Not long. Maybe half an hour or so.”
“Good. I know you needed it.”
“Yeah?” She grinned. “You were out like a light, too, you know.” 
Your face twisted into an anticipatory grimace at that. “Did I snore?”
Her head shook lightly as she removed her glasses and put them in her bag, and you visibly relaxed. 
“No, sweetheart. But you did get a little fidgety,” she revealed. “I was afraid you were having a nightmare.”
“What made you think that?”
She shot a quick glance around before moving a little closer to you. “Well, for one, you kept saying my name. And it sounded desperate, too, like something big was about to happen.”
Warmth rushed to your cheeks as her explanation sent realization crashing down onto you. 
“And you squirmed in your seat, too,” she continued, seemingly oblivious to your embarrassment. 
“But when I touched you, you stopped.” She shrugged, and the movement caused her hand to move a little. Her knuckles brushed against your center, just light enough to draw your attention. 
“Dami…” you started, before lowering your voice a bit more to spare your own pride, “...I don’t think that was a nightmare.”
When you pulled away enough to get a good look at her face, you witnessed a sinister change take place. 
“No?” She toyed, using the lilt in her voice to further tease you. “What else could it have been, then?” The innocence in her smile disappeared, opting instead to rebrand itself as arrogance. 
“You already know,” you muttered, blushing a little harder and turning your head away. 
Although things in the cabin were more active than before, concealment and deniability were made available by the relative darkness that still remained. It was a decent remedy for your shyness, and you silently thanked your lucky stars for it. 
And, for what it was worth, Dami was making sure to keep her voice hushed and her movements covered. Her aim wasn’t to make this unenjoyable for you; she just simply lived for teasing you every now and again… and she couldn’t deny that the thought of public play with you did something to her. 
“Mmm,” she hummed, unconvinced. “I don’t think I do, jagi. You’ll have to tell me.”
Her hand worked a little higher on your thigh, caressing the sensitive skin there. Hidden desire guided it, leading her to pull your legs apart a little more and grant herself better access. 
But you stopped her, quickly encircling your fingers around her wrist and preventing her from continuing. 
“Don’t start something that we can’t finish.”
She chuckled to herself at that. 
“Who says we can’t?” She asked, entirely serious, as she brought her face near yours again. Her eyes flitted across your features, taking their time to study them before eventually falling to your lips. Her tongue unconsciously poked out and slid across her own. 
“That bathroom is not big enough for us to fuck in.” You asserted.
“I can make you cum right here, Y/N/N. No need to even get up.” She stated lowly, her deep voice full of husky confidence. You drew in a sharp breath at her forwardness, and she noticed the change. 
When you shied away again, she took the opportunity to lean in and press a kiss to your neck. Her lips were pillowy against your sensitive skin – soft enough to tickle, even, had the stifling tension between you been absent. 
Warmth radiated from her, beaconing you closer. She was right there. She wanted you. She could take you in under five minutes, too, probably, considering how worked up you were already becoming. She could make you feel so good…
Who were you to deny yourself something so perfect?
Your grip on her wrist loosened, slowly but surely, as you handed control back over to her and submitted to whatever fate she had planned. 
She kissed the area just below your jawline while simultaneously spreading your legs apart again. Their innocent trembling was obvious – you were inexperienced with sex in this sort of setting – but it only made her smile and fall for you a little more.
"You're precious, jagi," she complimented. "I've got you; don't worry. Just let me help," she coaxed, kissing you again between the words. She switched hands in order to offer a better angle, and you sighed helplessly at the feeling of her fingers fully rubbing up and down your clothed center. 
“Go slow,” you pleaded, briefly peering over her shoulder. 
Relaxed movements would be easier to cover up if you got caught. 
The upturn of her lips against your neck was obvious. “Remember this moment when you’re begging me to speed up,” she teased. 
“Just shut up and fuck me.”
She tutted, “You know, maybe you need another nap–”
“Yubin.” Your voice was sharp, full of warning. The two of you truly bickered like a married couple sometimes. 
“Alright, Y/N/N,” she giggled a little against your skin, and you felt a small smile growing on your face, too, in time with the roll of your eyes. 
Her hand finally slid into your panties, putting distance between your wet skin and the ruined material. When her fingertips parted your folds, she felt just how much arousal awaited her; a quiet, surprised groan slipped out of her mouth at the sensation, and you blushed a little harder in response. She tended to be the quiet type during sex, so even the most subtle of her sounds made your heart pump a bit faster. 
“I knew you’d be wet, but this much?” She whispered breathlessly, sounding amazed as she collected more of your slick and circled your clit with her thumb. She toyed with you, fully enjoying the way your body responded so easily to her. 
“All your fault.” You struggled out. 
Without any further warning, two of her fingers slid into your entrance. 
Your walls fluttered in response, enveloping them in their warmth in an attempt to coax them in further. One of your hands instinctively reached out and tangled in the front of her shirt, pulling her in, and the other grasped helplessly at the armrest that it laid across. 
“Still so tight, Y/N,” she sighed at how soft you were – how smooth. Her fingers pulled out almost completely, curling on their way, before she eased them back in. She wanted so badly to see you spread out, dripping for her; but she settled, opting instead to focus on every little movement and sound you made as her mind filled itself with images.
A slow grind took control of your hips, aiming to lessen the ache. The motion brought her palm into contact with your swollen clit, and when she noticed, she decided to help. She rubbed it, applying a delicious kind of pressure that made your legs shake a little. 
Her free hand grabbed your chin and turned your head, forcing you to look at her. Through the dark, she watched your brows knit together in pleasure. Before you had the chance to bite your lip, you felt hers sliding across it, trapping it between her own. 
She kissed you passionately, greedily swallowing up the moan that you let out into her mouth and adding the smallest bit of speed to her movements. 
The seat made a squeak beneath you – a product of your grinding growing sloppy. Your fingers weakly tightened in her shirt as you fought your inhibitions; it felt too good to stop or slow down, but you ran the risk of selling yourselves out at this rate. 
She bit your lip and pulled away, allowing you a moment to breathe. 
Her name cut off abruptly in your throat when her fingers went even deeper, brushing up against your most sensitive spot in the process. Your thighs clamped around her hand in a desperate attempt to keep her in place and prevent her from slipping away.
“Fuck,” she cursed harshly. “You’re doing so well, baby.”
You pulsed around her at that, and both of you felt it. Sensuality ruled her every move, commanding them just as she commanded your body; but beyond it – beyond that languid, brewing passion – a real sense of need reigned supreme. She was just as desperate to get you to your high as you were to reach it. 
Nothing was capable of turning her on as much as watching you come undone for her. The idea alone added a certain, sudden roughness to her movements that had your stomach flipping in excitement. 
A kind of turbulence that you never wanted to end. 
“Just a–” you sighed, biting back another moan, “...a little more. I’m getting close.”
She took your plea as an order, not stopping for a second. It was hard to restrain herself, but she fought against her more primal urge to pound into you. The tenderness was a nice change, she supposed, as you turned your head further to the side and the warm, flushed skin of your cheek pressed to hers. Your every subsequent whimper and whine traveled right to her ear – the most alluring kind of music.
How could you be so perfect?
“Come on, pretty girl. Make a mess for me.” She commanded lowly, feeling you teeter on the edge of ecstasy. The blanket barely covered her wanton ministrations now. 
Somewhere ahead, further up the aisle, a man stood up from his seat. You could see it through the tiny gaps in between the chairs – small flashes of motion that indicated he was turning your way. 
It sent an icy streak of panic through you, but, oddly, your body couldn’t stop. Though your mind was pleading to wait – to still Dami’s hand until the potential crisis was averted – your desire overruled it. You grabbed her wrist again, encouraging her to quicken her pace. 
She raised a brow, looking between you and the approaching man. He was on his way to the restroom that resided a few rows behind you, she deduced. 
“Just keep going,” you whined, trembling. 
She nodded and obediently followed your instructions. 
Though being caught wasn’t something you necessarily wanted, the thrill of it brought on an undeniably arousing kind of shame. 
Dami’s red cheeks would sell you out immediately, despite the futile excuse her kiss-bitten lips would still attempt to make. Your flushed skin and mussed clothes would further incriminate you, only worsened by her hand in your pants. 
Truly, the risky environment excited you far more than you cared to admit. To know that she wanted you so badly in that moment that she didn’t care who knew – who saw – pushed you further and further towards the edge. 
The passenger grew increasingly closer – now just a matter of a two or three rows away as he tiredly shuffled his way down the narrow walkway. He greeted a stray few people all the while, bidding them hello. 
Dami leaned into you, pressing her lips to your neck. She kissed and sucked at the skin just below your pulsepoint, leaving a mark for you to admire later. She sped up her movements inside of you and eagerly rubbed your aching clit.
“Yubin, I’m–” you struggled out, tightly shutting your eyes. 
“Cum, baby,” she directed. 
Unable to hold out any longer, you let yourself go, falling into paradise. You sunk your teeth into her shoulder to muffle your whines, and she herself moaned at the sensation. 
The man passed by mere seconds after, obliviously nodding in your direction as his eyes sought yours in the dark. 
Your body was still tingling as it recovered from the high of your orgasm.
“Morning, ladies,” he said. 
“Morning,” you both responded in unison, sounding so out of breath it made you laugh together afterward. 
Once he had officially disappeared, you kissed the bite mark on Dami's shoulder as a silent way of apologizing. She smiled as she eased her fingers out of you, making more of a mess in your panties on the way. 
“Told you I could get you off,” she whispered through a grin, and kissed your cheek. 
You’d never been quite so grateful for the dark. 
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kit-kat-katie · 10 months
A/N: I wanted to write something in the spirit of back-to-school season since I will be heading back next week. :( If you've already started or if you're starting soon, best of luck with your semester!
TW: Reader is gossiped about
Pairing: Dami x Reader (platonic to implied romantic)
Summary: Your life in college has been nothing but empty rumors and failed promises. The introduction of a new seat mate changes how you view the people around you, and how they view you in return.
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Sugarcoat, I cast off
Whatever you say about me
Being reserved made you mysterious, and mystery caused rumors to cloud around your everyday movement and activities. Your dating life tended to be the worst of them all as classmates and co-workers alike would often pin you to be a player or completely uninterested in everything. You simply wished to sit next to someone and not see them lean over to talk to someone else.
So, you kept in your shell and kept to yourself. People didn’t need to know anything more about you then you would tell-
“Can I sit here?” 
A warm, deep voice snaps you out of your thoughts. 
You gently observe the brown-haired woman who sits next to you. Intro to Philosophy, a social studies credit for your major, would prove to be more interesting than you thought. You notice that she pulls out a laptop that is well-endowed with stickers on the back.
“I like the stickers on your laptop.” You quietly say as your professor enters the classroom.
“Thanks. They’re just from different shows and musicians that I like.” She pauses for a moment as you continue to observe the different logos and characters on them. “Would you be interested in a tour?”
A light smile appears on your face - a rarity in class, especially by another person.
“I’d like that.”
Just move, as I want
Dancing for myself
“You take dance classes?” You ask you spot her daily schedule as the background on the computer. “Sorry, that was invasive and weird-“
“It’s just once a week with a close group of friends.” Dami explains before opening a browser to prepare materials for today’s class. “What about you? Any remarkable interests?”
“Nothing that you haven’t heard from others before, I’m sure-“
“I’d much rather make my observations in-person rather than by rumors.”
“I-“ You pause as a slight bout of embarrassment crosses your features. “I think that’s the first time someone’s spoken to me instead of about me.”
“It’s a shame, really,” Dami glances at you before the professor starts class, “they’re missing out on a great person.”
Another first happens within two weeks - someone manages to make your heartbeat quicken.
Don’t sugarcoat me, baby
Complex is over-rated
You like to simplify the world around you - it makes your life so much simpler. The grass is green, the sky is blue, and you most definitely have feelings for the mysterious yet kind girl who goes out of her way to always sit next to you or save you a seat whenever you have class.
You think that she’s caught on to your feelings as her hand lingers on yours when she’s looking at your computer or how her eyes catch yours when the professor goes off-topic every class period.
“You’re strange,” You comment as your professor talks about their dog again, “but I don’t mind.”
“Me?” Dami chuckles softly. “I think that’s the first time someone’s said that to my face.”
A light smile plays on your features as you notice your classmates aren’t paying you any mind - it’s so relaxing  to know that you’re not under the microscope of your peers.
“I like that you’re strange, you’re like me,” You pause to still your beating heart, “but I was wondering if you’d like to get lunch sometime?”
“With you?” A warm, inviting smile stays on her face. “Absolutely.”
The transparent moonlight
Pours out, more freely
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belongtodeukae · 1 year
can you do 69 and 73 with dami please? love your writing <3
“Good girl… Just like that” & “Bet you can’t come without making a sound.”
[11:13 pm] “you’re awfully quiet”, yubin commented in a voice from which you could sense a hint of boredom as you moved your hips against her, taking her strap excruciatingly slowly. she was growing frustrated with each passing second and you only shot a smile in return, keeping your eyes closed as you enjoyed the stretch. the strap she decided to use was bigger than usual, and the slow pace felt so good as you could feel every nerve of your walls practically jumping with the stretch. you didn’t feel a need to force out any sounds and simply enjoyed the feeling.
“it just... feels really good like this...” you sighed in pleasure, feeling yubin’s toned abs under your palms as you rested some of your weight on her stomach.
“yes, but...” she trailed off, holding your hips with both hands once they hit that highest peak in the air when only the tip of the strap was inside of you, and slammed her own hips upwards to connect them to your skin. the sound you let out resembled a scream more than a moan, your body almost paralyzed as you stayed in the same position due to the sudden movement. she repeated it one more time before letting her hips rest on the bed again and pulling your own down on the strap with the same force she used before, “...isn’t this better?”
broken moans and curses were spilling from your mouth as you picked up the pace to match the one yubin set, her hips occasionally thrusting to meet yours so you could feel the strap deeper and deeper, hands flying to the headboard above yubin to steady yourself against it, “good girl... just like that”, she praised you, one of her hand sneaking up your chest to rest against your neck, gripping it lightly.
yubin felt the slight stuttering of your hips, looking down at where your centers were meeting, a smirk gracing her lips along with a slight mock frown on her face, “are you gonna come for me, princess?” her voice was obscene, as if she was mocking you, “i bet you can’t come without making a sound”, one light slap across your ass was enough to send you crashing towards pleasure, unable to try and care about keeping it down as your vocal chords started burning with all of the screams and moans passing through them.
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spectral-honey · 2 years
I was watching teen titans and thinking about how Slades obsessed with making Dick his apprentice and Tim has Ras whose similar and I was like wow Batman just trains assassin magnets ig
And then I thought hey what if it was reversed like Ras and Slade already had the robins as their apprentices before they met Batman and then were like "hey Batman will you train my apprentice for me" and Batman was like sure.
& then as soon as he got handed the children he went hmm. Well actually I think I am going to make them my sons. obvs they're like "hey give them back" but Bruce goes "I already introduced them to Alfred so no <3"
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My Valentine
| Dreamcatcher Dami x GN! s/o
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| Genre: fluff, tiny angst, also a quickly written story
| 1k words ~
A/n: for Katie :) @panda-writes-kpop
Being separated from your lover on this day wasn’t anything new. With both your lives came immense responsibilities that none could escape.
Stuck at school, you impatiently waited for the day to be over. You dreamed of coming back home to her, to feel her warm embrace and the endless comfort and love she provided you.
On the other side, Dami was patiently waiting for her day at the studio to be done with. She knew great things took time, and if doing her job right meant she’d see you earlier, then she was more than willing to be patient.
Luckily for her, unlike you, her day was cut short.
Dami had prepared for this day. Although she hates to admit it, she’s been thinking about it for months, trying to find the perfect way to make this day perfect for you.
Would she prefer going out? Staying at home? Dami decided on the first option, seeing as though you'd be coming back from a long day out at school.
Staying at home didn’t mean she was gonna let it get boring though. She had a very special list with her, which she had written months prior without ever letting you know.
As she got out of work, she took her special list out to start her journey to what she hoped would be the perfect valentine's day for you.
She had wanted you both to stay home today, but seeing how important your studies are to you, she let you follow your heart. Resulting in you going to study at school and working hard like you always do.
But before she could let you go. She pulled you back into her embrace, leaving another lingering kiss on your lips. Letting her hands gently caress your hips before hugging you close.
Dami wanted to cherish every moment with you, forever trying to remind you how much she loved you.
You truly were a miracle to her, a source of light in this sometime dark world. Someone that reminded her why life was so worth it and how amazing it could be.
She kept thinking about you every second of the day. And now, as she was making her way to your favorite coffee shop, she couldn't stop herself from smiling as images of you were replaying in her mind.
Although this was a coffee shop, Dami would be getting your favorite milkshake here.
After getting the largest size possible, she made her way to a nearby bakery to get some of your favorite treats.
Next was the flower stand near your shared apartment. Dami picked many different colored roses to make a bouquet that reminded her of you.
Now that all her errands were done, she made her way up to your apartment, unlocking the door before placing all her gifts on the table.
She decorated the apartment with a few red colored decorations before ordering takeout from your favorite place.
After giving out the address, a knock was heard on the door.
She quickly looked at herself in the mirror, trying to tend to her appearance quickly before opening the door.
Calmly, she greeted you with a charming smile. ‘’Welcome home my love’’ she offered her hand to you, making you follow her to the living room, where her gifts were spread out in the shape of a heart.
You gasped at the sight, immediately kissing her soft lips to thank her before kneeling before the table.
Dami watched in admiration as you excitedly tasted every treat and smelled all the flowers.
When you turned around to thank her once again though, she had yet another surprise.
She sat beside you before pulling from behind her two panda plushies. The both of them were adorably stuck to each other, holding a heart together.
‘’It’s us’’ she smiled.
You cooed at her before jumping to her, making her fall from your hug. She giggled while rubbing your back as you laid on top of her.
‘’You really are a simp’’ you teased her, making her ears turn red.
‘’Only for you’’ she replied before muffling your laugh with her lips.
Before she could tease you back at how she successfully stopped you from laughing, a knock was heard yet again, meaning your dinner was here.
She grabbed her wallet before opening the door to pay. Now placing the food before you on the small living room table.
She put on your favorite comfort tv show and brought you a glass of water to help with the food.
About an hour later, you were both full and comfortably laying on the sofa
Dami had even applied a clay mask to your face to help you relax, taking it off gently with a warm towel while your head was laying in her lap. She then massaged your temples before leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Although you felt sleepy, dami had one last surprise for you.
Carefully getting up from the sofa, she grabbed her phone to play one of your favorite songs. When you realized what she was planning, you couldn't help the smile spreading on your face.
Dami slightly bowed before offering her hand to you. ‘’Would you allow me this dance miss?’’she grinned
You stood up to join her, both your bodies quickly colliding in a warm embrace. As she swayed you within her strong grip, you let your head lay on her chest.
Although Dami wasn’t one to express her feelings with words, she gave you the words you had been waiting for all day.
‘’I love you so much’’ dami said through a slightly blurry vision, feeling forever grateful to have you
‘’I love you too baby’’ you replied before cupping her face to give her a kiss the both of you wouldn't be pulling out of for a while.
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hatsumaki45 · 1 year
First time kissing them - Dreamcatcher Pt 5
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DamiShe had proposed a couple of weeks ago and they had been dating ever since, getting closer and closer. Today's date was something they planned to do separately, but decided to coordinate and make it a romantic outing. He had finally collected his paycheck and about 50% of it was meant to be spent on books and comics. And maybe have a coffee later if they didn't forget because they were between pages.As Dami searched for the One Piece tome she wanted you stood admiring how beautiful she was, her short hair dancing on her shoulders as she walked, the glasses on the bridge of her nose as a look of pure concentration decorated her pretty profile.And her cheeks, they looked so plump you were about to raise a hand and pinch them, but you came up with something better, more daring.Your lips approached her profile with every intention of testing the unspoken boundaries between you, but how lucky you were that she turned and her lips pinked. Her eyes widened with obvious surprise, and then you feared the worst: she was going to slap you for not asking her permission. You snapped, thinking that everything had gone down the drain, and began frantically apologizing, trying to explain the situation to her.She looked at you in amusement, she loved that you were like a tomato when it made no sense, you were dating What was wrong with what had just happened?Her free hand took it upon itself to grab the collar of your sweater and pull you in her direction, receiving you with a soft kiss that managed to shut you up and completely remove the fears inside you. The magic of the moment remained floating in the air, because even after separating you seemed to have changed completely...God, Dami liked you more and more every day.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
why is literally everyone on my sonic tomodachi life island in love with shadow as if theres not other people to choose from and hes not gonna reject them every time . stop creating a love spiderweb with some guy whos not even interested in you
#at one point i kept ending up in scenarios where one mii would try to confess and a bunch of others would show up to interrupt#and they would all get rejected lmao .. most have moved on by now though after getting rejected so many times or finding someone else#but ill still occasionally get an ''im in love with shadow !!! '' even though. hes already taken#silver is the one who managed to win him over btw if anyone is curious .#list of people who have tried to date shadow off the top of my head: silver espio blaze amy#and sticks just told me shes in love with him too NO YOURE NOT . STOP#even knuckles got in on it once. and hes literally already dating sonic ??#i mean knuckles has two hands but polyamory isnt a thing in this game sooo#amy and blaze and espio were particularly desperate...#i made it a rule for myself to try to avoid forcing any particular couples#and to just let any ships happen as long as they dont have weird age gaps or otherwise make me uncomfortable#(which is how i ended up with shadilver even though im not really into that pairing)#but i made a mii of tekno JUST to give amy a decent romantic option. because she wouldnt stop asking about shadow#and i kept ignoring her or telling her not to get with shadow and she wouldnt give it up#and it was getting on my nerves because sha/damy is one of those ships on my ''not going to let these happen no matter what'' list#well shes with tekno now and she also stopped asking about shadow so much once he got with silver so. its fine#and blaze ended up finding someone else too. not espio though hes still single. but thats fine#i dont need every single mii paired off idgaf about that#tomodachiposting
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panda-writes-kpop · 5 months
bang it on me, shatter (fem! reader, vampire au)
a/n: happy yooh day! this is a 2yoo fic but shush it's fine :) this one's especially for my girls and gays - y'know who you are <3 fun fact: I rewrote this fic three times, which means I have plenty of material if people are interested in a sequel.
tw: fem!reader (gay vampires rule!!!), vampires, blood, alcohol, drunk!reader, like one suggestive comment, reader has a hangover, implied death and gore. (can you tell I watched wwdits before I wrote this)
summary: gay vampires, that's the plot. you have your share of dirty little secrets, the biggest being that your two lovers are murderous vampires. luckily for them, you don't give a shit!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Quiet. Calm. Serene. Peaceful.
You preferred your nights to be all of those things. Although living with vampires could get chaotic, most nights were spent cuddled between your two lovers. Yoohyeon would wrap an arm around your waist while attempting to organize matters for the next few days. Dami, on the other hand, would place a hand on your thigh while reading a book or going through some records.
Tonight, however, would not be one of those nights.
You couldn’t even make it into the library before Dami’s familiar, Kazuha, storms into your room.
“Ma’am, your presence is requested in the front foyer. We have guests.” She plays with her hair for a moment before you rise from your armchair.
“Guests or guests?” You softly ask before brushing past Kazuha to grab an outfit for the night.
You pause before grabbing your second most formal outfit.
I’m less attached to this one if blood gets on it.
“Tell Ms. Lee and Ms. Kim I’ll be down after I get dressed.” You wave off Kazuha, who bows before leaving. 
“Make sure to have formal wear arranged for you and the rest of the staff. It’s going to be a special night.”
You lightly play with your hair as you quickly descend the stairs. It’s been a while since you’ve had guests - the girls usually went out and hunted when they were hungry. You could guess that they’d either gotten lazy or lucky with their food.
Given the surprise of the five women in front of you when you came to greet them, you went with luck.
“Good evening, ladies,” You pause before bowing, “what brings you to our humble estate?”
One of the ladies, a taller girl with black hair, answers.
“We needed shelter for the night. A bad storm rolled through and left us stranded.”
Definitely lucky.
“I welcome weary travelers. I can lead you to some spare bedrooms so you can change before dinner.” You calmly say before turning on your heel and heading to your left.
You hear five sets of feet follow behind as you point out some of the rooms.
“If you need anything before you get called for dinner, there are servants floating around to help.” You direct a few nearby servants to usher the girls into their rooms.
The servants are well-trained as sneaky hands find papers and treasures before five doors slam in harmony. 
You quickly collect the important documents and grab a few jewels for the familiars before you head to the study.
“Kazuha, Yunjin,” You call out to the two women in front of the study, “take these and put them on your outfits tonight.”
“We can’t-“ Kazuha says before Yunjin snatches half of the jewels for herself.
“Speak for yourself, Zuha, and thank you.” Yunjin stuffs the jewels in her pocket, “they’re waiting inside for you.”
“Thank you.” Kazuha mumbles before gently grabbing her half of the treasure from you.
They both step aside as the doors in front of you open to reveal the study with the two occupants you were expecting.
Yoohyeon smiles as she spots you first.
“Did you find anything important, my dear?” She asks before you hand her two sets of papers. 
“Only the best for my favorite people.” You press a soft kiss to her face before she pulls you in for a quick kiss on the lips.
“A seamstress and a musician… it seems we do have a crew of merry fellows.” Yoohyeon says as she skims the paper.
“No hunters?” Dami asks before you sit next to her and hand her one of the papers.
“One, but she doesn’t have any notable achievements or accolades. Could be a front since the other two don’t have any listed occupations or skills.” You toss the papers aside before grabbing Dami’s arm. 
“Anything interesting?”
“Same story as the rest - family history in vampiric hunting, traveling with weapons, but you’re right, darling, everything else is spotless.” Dami grabs her book with one hand before setting aside the other paper.
You tidy up the desk in front of you before Dami grabs your hand.
“You look nice,” She quickly eyes you before going back to your book, “but hopefully you won’t mind that outfit getting a bit messy.”
The servants are in a flurry to finish the final preparations for dinner - dinner for one human and two vampires was easy enough, but six humans and two vampires? That’d be enough to drive any chef mad, especially on a couple hours’ notice.
You had to keep up appearances, for now, so eight meals would have to do.
That way, everyone had leftovers for a few days.
You take a seat on the small, simple chair that sits in-between the two grandest chairs that always were in the dining room as five more sit on the other side of the long table. A beautiful, silky red tablecloth sits on the grand table as dishes appear on the table as servants rush to and from the kitchen. 
After the feast is set out, everyone scampers away except for Kazuha and Yunjin. Yunjin is holding a bottle of red wine, dressed in her finest, as Kazuha holds a bottle of “red wine” in a beautiful black dress with the new addition of a shiny golden necklace. Both girls sit on the short end of the table, far away from the door on the other side.
The first people through the grand mahogany doors are the guests, all five of them at once. You’re able to profile each of the girls - their travel documents were enough to go off of. JiU, the taller, black-hair seamstress, takes a seat at the leftmost section of the table. Next to her was SuA - one of the two girls who didn’t have any occupational description, but her light-brown hair sits gently on her shoulders in radiant curls. The girl in the middle - Handong, the hunter - sits confidently in the middle. Her eyes challenge yours as you, as innocently as possible, toss the paperwork towards her.
“They fell out of your coats when you were rushed into your rooms,” is the bare bones excuse you give.
“It’s alright.” The red-haired girl, Siyeon, offers you a smooth smile before grabbing the papers and redistributing them. The Songbird, the girl whose voice could calm anyone from a mile away.
The last girl is completely silent, but the pink-hair shines bright in the dark, moody room. Gahyeon, the second girl with so little information with her name, doesn’t sit until SuA sends her a pointed glare. Gahyeon immediately falls into her chair with a sharp thud.
Their eyes follow you up and down, like an animal hunting their prey. They’re trained killers, but not better killers than the two women you live with. These five girls have killed with knives or guns or poison, but they haven’t ripped apart another human with their bare hands. Safe to say, it would be a bloody, violent night.
Dinner was quiet and much less brutal than you were expecting. The five girls had a brilliant spread in front of them, enough to momentarily distract them from their goal. A meal is a way to anyone’s heart, but it also pushes their mind into a state of comfort.
Enough for them to not notice the extra liquid that was mixed with the wine. Not anything that would kill them, but enough to disarm them for a while.
You had plenty of wine - the less you remembered about tonight, the better. You weren��t black-out drink, but there was a noticeable flush on your face.
“Dear, I think it’s best if you rest for a while, hm?” Yoohyeon’s gentle hand on your right shoulder makes you look into her eyes.
“Wine’s good.” You mumble into your glass that Dami snatches from your hand. “You’re don't know how to have fun.”
“We can have fun later-“ Yoohyeon teases as you giggle.
“Yoohyeon, you flirt~” You try to smack her shoulder, but you miss it completely.
“We’ll talk in the morning, love, you need rest.” Dami sets your glass aside before helping you out of the chair. “You don’t need to remember what’s about to happen, but just in case, you should be far away. Yunjin, Kazuha!”
“Miss Lee,” Kazuha answers as she and Yunjin approach, “How can we help?”
“Take her upstairs, but not to the bedroom. You should be able to get her to the farther rooms in the east wing... preferably the one that’s the least dusty, if possible.”
“Got it.” Yunjin says as she places one of your arms on her shoulder.
Kazuha does the same with your other arm, and with one drunken foot in front of the other, you make your way to the east wing in order to rest.
The next time you regain consciousness, it’s completely dark outside. You’re sober, but the killer headache tells you that you had a bit too much fun last night. Luckily, a gentle hand combs through your hair as someone else places a glass of water and some acetaminophen next to your night stand.
“How do you feel?” Dami calmly asks as Yoohyeon cuddles into your side.
“ ‘m tired.” You mumble into your pillow - perhaps suffocating yourself would be more pleasurable than this headache?
Dami pulls the pillow back a few centimeters for your comfort (and safety, but she doesn’t know that).
Yoohyeon lightly grabs your sides before trying to erase the nonexistent space between you two.
“Yes, Yooh?”
“I love you~” She sings into your ear as you roll around and look her in the eyes.
“Is the kitchen a mess?” You deadpan as she nervously laughs.
“Would you be mad if I said yes?” Yoohyeon gives you a guilty smile before looking at Dami for help.
“We’re cleaning it up because we gave the servants a few days off. They put in a lot of last minute work that they deserve to be respected and paid for.” Dami explains as you lightly hit Yoohyeon’s shoulder.
“Ow.” She grumbles as you flick her shoulder again. “Can’t believe I let you disrespect me.”
“Move over, I want Dami to sit next to me.” You ask with as much sweetness you can muster as Yoohyeon reluctantly scoots over.
You move as well, but not before taking the medicine and a healthy sip of water.
You lightly pat the blanket as Dami takes a seat next to you. She gently grabs your hand while continuing to comb through your hair with the other.
Somehow, you managed to find your slice of heaven among beasts, the worst of the worst, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Not when they’d live and die for you and for your honor.
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awisespirit · 3 months
Deukae seeing you wearing their boxers at home 🫣
G!P Dreamcatcher reaction to you wearing their boxers.
A/N: I actually wrote this in a span of 15 minutes 💀
G!P Dreamcatcher X Fem reader
Warnings: slightly suggestive for a few members.
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Loves it, will coo at you and pinch your cheeks saying you look so comfy and cute in them.
Will let you borrow as many as you want.
"aww look at my little girl, so cute in my boxers yeah?"
Will never get why you keep stealing her boxers but secretly thinks it's hot. When she sees you in them would go up behind you and give you a nice smack and playfully accuse you of trying to turn her on.
"yah are you trying to get me hard babe? Your that desperate for my cock hmm?"
Shy shy baby~ she likes it when you wear anything of hers but when she sees you in her boxers she gets all giddy and shy. Would also purposely leave them unfolded in the laundry basket giving you a chance to take them.
"w-wow they look great on you- no no I meant you look great in them?"
This is just gonna be a huge ass ego booster for Dongie. Is gonna brag about it to the other members. Is a little curious on why do you like wearing her boxers tho.
"yeah I know my girl always steals my boxer, she always needs me you know."
Yooh would be mostly likely be turned on the first time she saw you in her boxers. Thinks you look hot. Wants to pull you on her lap and let you grind on her, as you wet the the pair of boxers. Then she would punish you for ruining them?
"y/n your such a bad girl, look at how you ruined my boxers honey~"
There's 2 sides to Yubin, like Sua is confused. Like why would you wear her boxers? After you had explained how comfortable they are she would admit how hot your ass looked. I could see her getting the both of you a matching pair. Ouh and Miss Lee might or might not have gotten a few pics of your ass in her boxers, a little something when she's away for.
"ahh so their comfortable huh? I see... Well if I'm being honest, they actually look good on you baby~ want matching one's?"
Gah basically doesn't care about it. You guys always share everything so it wasn't a big deal for her. Will playfully comment on you when you walk around the house in them.
"Aye pretty lady, something looks thight! Hahahah~"
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
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idol s.o has tattoos
someone flirts with their s.o
all members
chase me
trust me
warm up
full moon
trust me
sleep walking
cuddles and kisses
mayday (part one)
mayday (part two)
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